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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1876)
II ' I l IT Tj V; V4-) , J IT JV1 -J i. " ' ' 1 .. 4 : r ' - , ,. . i T mrn 1- r-TT--M--.--. tirn.-Tirr. ,. - -- .. ..- - Jrl .11 !:'i ESTABLISHED FOR THE M'SSEimUM'O DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, 1 TO EARS AS HONEST LIVING BT TIB SWEAT OF OUR ..T .'i J VOL. 1X.-NO. 26. o;KtfGENE fclTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 0,1876. : $2.50 per year ADYAKCt ,n, ..'J BttUW OURONWf ". I ........ RATES OS' 'ADVERTISING, aa.rtl.ement hueKed u follow. : hKjaare, 10 Ttaes 0 lws, OAS tneertlon 3; each li1b-,unio'TiiW, V-b require in advance TimeedvertiWwiUbecliarg4 at th. tollowine ' ;- aUmmtlis.,J h on. rr., i 00 Tmutont notion fa local column, M cent, per Unt lar each iiuertlon. Advertising! bUli Will be rendered quarterly. All ob wo fcmusib. riDcmoil DELrvnY. POSTOFFiCB. , oflo. Hmirt-fwm a. m.'to p.m. Sunday. ftoml:loaipm,'; . , ', " Kail arriTM from the aouth and leaTea iroinff norbk Mil n. . Arrire. from tlie north and wn roiuj r Jth at 1SJ T. m. for 8iuila-, Franklin and Lonj I ... r, n .1. 1 Tl.4mM.VtlU at 1 U. letter, -ill be rea-ly for aeli rery half as hour after 'a 'rival of trains. LAciuraiuouiu vo uu .u uu 'Uebourbeior. 'frl, - xr cniucuts B.rrn CinrwJ. B.'d.1)Tenport1 paator. Bunoay at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at I p. in. Prayer meeting every Friday . renin;. .... . . - , :iL X. CmJBCii A. O. Faircliild, Faitor. Bervice. at 10-.Ma-m.aad7.J0p.rn. . ' ;aiinii-0. M. Whitney, Faator. Bervice. by cuu announoeiuoo.. SOCIETIES. Tknw'Kn if A V and A. M VeeU Brut and third Welneeday. in each month. ci 'BrtHCitn Btrrra TjnAx rTo. 9 I. O. , f O. F, . Jteetaevery Xueaday evening. 'WHvf Wiuawhala 'EwCAM-Mwrr No. 6, laieeU on the Jd and 4th Wedneadaye in each month. GEO. B. HORRIS, -iTteT ' IND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, oAc-pp Willltmette treet, Eugtne City.'. ' G. A. MILLER, DEilTAL ROOMS IN DUNN'8 : : i BUlLtHNO. F.nKpnn Oitv. Or.. trrofn'iei 'HTlSTM 4ND ORAL SURGERY PR, 'JOHN .HERRBOLD, SURGICAL AND MECnAXICTL DENTIST, ITJoderwood' Brick Buildinir, Up Stairs, Rcspectlully offers hi servlfp-V. .the citizeneor this place and vicln I itv. in all the branches of bis pro- Mtkw i i' ', , ' 'The Lateat ImpioremenU in Plate Work faeuuted la a aatisfactory manner. BTOCK IS CASH, and All Work Must be Paid ;r oo Delivery. '' , DENTAL. D R, F. WELSH has opened Dental Rooms man iVw In Underwoiid's 'baildinir, Encene City . and Yen'pectfully Mllolts a ghure of the pub- Veferesce by prmision,'Dr.J.R. Cardwell, Portland, Oregon. A.- W. PATTERSON, TlciAN AND 1 SURGEON, Offle on Ninth Street, oppoalte the St. Cbarlee Hotel, and at Uealdeoce, 'KaGrEjNE CITY; OREGON. ,cOR. GEO. W. ODELL tffice Up Stain first North of Astor llous), EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Tor eoh'venlenee of eW and patron, all kjolimJ eeontwill be left in chnnre of tt. M. COOPER, q., oowwito the itone ntnre. who fully anthor ieotoeuUeottbe aame. It u lully axpecUd that all aoeounta for eervice. will lie preaented for pay Vent in flirty day, and collected in aixty. , Kugeae City, April 4th, 10)5. ; - (o:'Cha8..:M. Horn, PRACTICAL & UrtsMtTB. -DEAlCT IN GTJKH. . iWFLES, fand Material.. Ueparlrinff done in the neatest rtr'e aod Warranti-d. Hewing iuncniuc, tliuns loaned aad ammunition furnished. ( UWillDf b,u - -1 I' Shop on Ninth Street. opponite SUr Bnfcery. JEWELRY KSTABLISMENT. J. S..LUCKEY, jgQ tlocks; Watches, Chains, Jewelry,' etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. All Work Warra'nted.3 - ' J.H LUOKKV. ' I' i S , POBTOFFIOBBCIXCITJO, ' WDIa-iette i. Eighth bta., Eugene City. Jgbr Sale. t'VELLlNO HOUSED " Wbieh are aicelylocat! and will be aold at at I - fw . Vbhh. aTtirdaflal nttlCC abar- gua. Tenaaay Eaqaire at expreaa orSK. BoantSlataij Store. P08t'0PFICB tiCILDrSG.'ErjGESECri'f ,1 bar. on band and am eonsUntly receiving aa aMtntmeot at the IHt 8ebool and Milin book.. BUttonery. Blaa Book., Portfolii. Card. Walleta. Blank.. Partmoonaee, etc.. e. All or en.prwBiity Billed. A. 8. PTTt.R3oX. v ...OPPOSITION 13 THE LIFE OF TRADE! SLOAN BROTHERS . ; TTTTLL DO WOES CHXAFEE thaa any other If bopiatowa. . 1' E0ESIS SHOD TOR l 50, hbaw material, all renal. lewrHInf ol aboa I C onta. in .rr.ta t a lve? ll. (f ? Biop caElglitli tU opposite Eaa- BEN.; F.;D0RRIST! ."" ! DEALER IN ' " ' Stoves and Ranges, ; Tin Ware, PLAIN, FANCY 4 JAPANNED Shovels and Tongs, ' , fenders & Fire Dogs, Cauldron . Wash Kettles. Hollow, Iron and Copper Ware, ' PORCELAIN, TINNED & BRAS3 PRESER YING KETTLES, Driven Well & Force Pumps, Lead and Iron Pipes, Hoea Mpes and Bbe IN FACT, Everything belonging to -my bull new, all of which I will Mil at the . . XOWEST CASH PRICES. v . ii JOB WORK , Of all Vlndi done promptly and In a satisfaction raamer. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY AND ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. "By attention to bu.lmmi and honorable dealin hope to merit a share q( your patronage, . ja6 , . , TJEN. F. DOURIS. 11 peuons knowitie themselves in- (iotted to roe wi'l pfdasecull and . BETTLB WITHOUT PBf.AT. ' 3. F. DORRIS. HAVENER MARKET 2 BECKER & BOYO, PrcpKetcrs. Keeps const axtlt oh hand, . 7 BEEF, " ' , TEAL, ' ' ::..,:! rORTt AND ' " MUTTON. Dried Meats of Ml klnls. Trd, Tullow'eto.' Will aell Beef in chunk, from S to J centa. GEO. 8. WALTON. AARON LYNCH. V FIRM AND NEW GOODS, , la Dorris' Brick Building. Walton 8l Lynch Have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on a general Grocery and Provision Business, and aril, keep on 'band a general as sor'meutof . Groceries. Provisions, . , Tobacco, . Cigars, Nuts, Candles, ' Soaps, Candles, Orockery, Notion Wood and Willow Ware, ' Green and Dried Fruits, Cured Meats, ' Eto., Etc. ' Tbey propose to do business on a CASH BASIS, , Which means that , Low Prices are Established Goods delivered -without charge to Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For Which WE WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Eugene City Brewery; MATllIAS MKLLEIt, Pro'p. I. now prerured to SU .11 orders for ' LAGER BEER OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY , Come and ae for yonraeU. A good article need. reeommenriatioB. ASTOR HOUSE, B, C, PENNINGTON, - Proprietor; THI8WEI.L-KN0WN T.5DI.OTtD bu wain Ultea rharr f the AM TOR HOL ME, nl ha. re-fitted and re-fornwhM the ww, nd will keep it wound to no boon in the Sta'a. You need not fir to irive him a eall. fur hi. UWe will be supplied with the Iwat tbe country afford.. Charge reawjoablc Come one, some au. Real Estate For sale: 6 EVEN 08 EIGHT HUNDRED ACEE9 OF Farm; and Crazing Lands ,; : For Sale on Easy Terms.' Abo, IIOCSE AND LOTS ia Eugma.' i . Inquire of GEO. II. TniHSTON. Carding and Spinning. x i Vivr. PCHf BASED the MacMnry awned H bv C. Coodtild. I am now prepared sua eS kind of .YARN, CATTS, Ac, For eostomert Atthe'Loiiresi Living Rates. T7M TRVIFG. . 'WASniNCTON oossir. ' Washington, April 17, 187(3. One of; the gravest questions ever raised in this country i now upon us. It is about Halloa .Ivilbourn. He you will remember wbs imprisoned by the order ot the House for refusing to answer questions put to him by committee of 'that body. lie has been in iail for about a month and has sued out a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Carter, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of tile District of Columbia. On Wednesday Judge Carter granted the writ making it, re turnable 'cm Saturday. TheSeargent at Arms of the House, in whose cus tody Kilbourn i, on Tl.ursclay ad dressed a letter to the Speaker, stat ing that the writ had been served up on hi in and asking instructions. The Speaker laid tbe letter before the House and the question was referred to the Judiciary committee with di rections to report by Saturday what action the House should take. The Judiciary cdmmfttee decided and have so reported that the House should hold Kilbourn and not obey the writ. The House bp I -Write is discussing that report. Should they adopt it, as there is no doubt they will do, there is direot oonflict between 1 two of the co-ordinate branches ot the govern- nieut. Judgo Carter is required by law to issue the writ ot habeas corpus, for it is a writ of right. When any one holding a prisoner refuses to obey the writ, it is his duty to call upon the executive the Piobideut to en force the writ and to bring the pris oner before him. It is also the duty of the House to call upon the Presi dent for aid whenever their privilages or rights are invaded. I suppose there is little doubt that Judge Car ter w ill iuaist that the body of Kil bourn be brought into his court for him to determine whether he is on justly held as he claims that te is. The point in Kilburu's case is that he declines to auswer the questions put to him, because (he subject upon which he was questioned is ono for judicial, not legislative inquiry, and he is sustained in his,posiiion by some of the best lawyers of tho country. The House refuses to allow the courts to settle this question. Tbe whole theory of our government is that the courts must Buttle just such question j and I fear the House has committed a grave error. It 'is not however a party one, for Mr. Hoar of Massachu setts was one of the sub-committee of tbe Judiciary who reported in favor of holding the prisoner and refusing to obey the writ. Speculation is rife in the city as to what President Grant will do in tbe event he is called on by Judge Carter tor assistance to take the body of Kilbourn from the cus tody of the House. ' The general opinion hYlhat should Carter call for aid that it will be given. It is unfor tunate that in such a juncture the President and the House should be long id different political parties, as the collision between them, should there be one, will be ascribed ' to that reason when the probabilities are that ft wonld occur in any event The whole subject U cue of great magni tude and it is to be hoped will be treated with the due coooi Jerat'ion' it deserves. On Friday the 14th, the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination, the statue made by the yolantary contributions 61 the negroes was unvailed with ap propriate ceremonies at Lincoln Park,' Tbe statue is of bronze and represents' Lincoln standing near a monolith on which is & bust of Washington in has rdUf. Lincoln Lolas the emancipa tion proclamation in bis right band and has fib left extended over a slave who has just busied his manacles and is riling from the ground. An lm mense number of people were a- aemWed in the Park. IWident Grant pulled the cord which removed the coverings of the statue aad Fred: rick Doagla dtliverel the address. No new developments of any im portance have Lena mad More the cofuOjiUees except those of Whitely, the Ex Chief Detective, who swears positirtly that' IUWooV'pot op" the saf burglary job. His testimony u C3-5rraed by that of ethers until there seems bat little doubt that lbs President's 'most trusted and -'confidential adviser was engaged in an ef fort to blacken tbe character of inno cent citizens and send ' them to ' the penitentiarjrto protect blmself and his associate's from the exposure of their crimes. The transfer of the Indian Bureau from the Interior to the 'War Depart ment is being fully discussed. Wil shire of Arkansas has introduced i bill to create a new department with a Cabinet officer who shall have sole charge of the Indians. This bill seems to meet with great favor, and will probably pass the House, what Its late will be in tho Senate do one can tell. The Legislative, Exeoutive and Judicial appropriation bill is -still being disoussed. The Republicans are opposing the reductions at every step! The bill appropriating $10,000 fcr the Mississippi committee passed the House and Boutwell will soon depart on his outrage hunt. He is merely seeking materials for the "bloody shirt" campaign, bbt Bayard and McDonald who are on the com mittee will prepire the autidote for his bane. The friends of the Texas and Pacific bill speak very confidently of tho passage of their bill. They say that numbers of Congressmen have received letters from their con stituents urging the passage of the bill upon the grounds given by your correspondent, that It wonld do much to relieve the financial difficulties of the country. Tbe aspirants for presi dential 'honors are hard at work, building up strength. Tilden's friendi have established a bureau of corres pondence from which they furnish let tors tree of charge to the Democratic papers. Of course, these letters only talk lor Tildcn. Hendricks, Bayard, Thurman and Davis all have friends at work for them. Broadhead's friends olaim that he will b3'the compromise omiduinle. -Ulaine is still ahead of bis competitors, the Virginia convention having expressed a preference for him, although the editor of tbe administra tion paper went from hero to Lynch burg to work lor. Conklmg. South Carolina will probably make Blaine a second choice, Bristow being 'he first. The troubles on the Mexican fcorder have quieted down, the adherents ot Diaz biing in possession ot the entire frontier on the Rio Grande. NlMO. , Gen. Sauta Inua 111 bla Old Age. t . .J '' ' ' Corrapondcace if tin Cincinnati Enquirer. . II lives in the Citv of Mexico, in a third-rate house of two stories, with courts not more than twenty feet square, tho pavements out of repair, the whole tetynir, the story of pover ty, lie was seated upon a mucn worn sofa, attended by a Bmart-ap-ncariiKT Mexican of middle ttcre. and rose with some difficulty in receiving r r 1! .J :jfcV.! i ns. i me coiiipiuiueu uuiiBnit-inuijr ui his wooden leg, and also of blindness. He is an old man of eighty Years, very decrepit, yet in full command of his faculties; bas a good bead and face, hot unlike the pictures of Hum boldt in old age, with broad temples and an abrupt, square nose, and, at one time, crood eves. Ho had little , a rf to say, but appeared pleased at our visit; and as we told bun ot trie lour or five general ofTcers of the Mexican war still living, he listened with in terest, but showed no special recogni tion until the namo of Pillow was mentioned, whom he remembered perfectly. Over the sofa where Santa Anna sat was Ihe picturo of a beautiful woman in her tulmessoi youm ana loveliness.' This was bis wife when bulb led the fortunes of Mexico. .As we passed out the court our attention was called the figure of a woman of f fty in the window opposite, in plain dr;as, and devoid of any interesting attribute. This was she whose pio- a ST A1 tare had so interested us, Airs, ueuer al Sauta Annal The clock for Memorial Hall, which has been' building aThoro81011. is completed. ,It bas l.ltH) pit-ces, the estimated weight of ill being six tons. Tbe rnsin wheels are four feet in diameter. The Dendulrtoi ball and ch. rpetiectivelr. 70O and 800 ponn-la, the rod being 14 feet long and eonni't ted with tiieclockwprit oy what is known as gravity scape n.pnf. and miLi two-second beats. Tbe rod is ot steel, and to compensate tor contraction and expansions ea pje4 in two evlinders. one cf irno and on? of ateef. wMch I t tb'fr rela tive expansion upward ,. maintain a uniform center of oscillation, Sew Iliven Hey inter. , ThM Male Case. i , .And now it, appears tjiat the Jndi oiary Committee, in looking up evi dence on which to ground. new art! cle of impeachment against, Aiplknap, baye thrown an ugly side-light u,pon Bristow's connection with that.mnle case. Tho claim was barred bv the intuit; oi iiimiieuons, ana .prislow, wnen Assistant JUtorney-Ueneral in lo t A Bsked Eelknan if he should plead it, and, received in answer the request to, waive that plea, Siibso- buonllv tho rii'ht of aniwul from aeoision of the Court of Claims was waived by order of tho same gentle man. Here, then, remarks the Ifevf York Worlde have. Bristol. aa a public officer acluiff in this mule case on behalf qf the; GoveVtmeht, resign ing and prosecuting the claim against tho Oovernmdht on a contingent feu and succeeding through the collusion of his former associates, Suproso hi in guiltless in this whole transaction- was his conduct in 'changing sides and enlisting for a share ot the plun der professional? Tbe Wotld de clares it has no desire to blacken Mr. Drisow's character for integrity, which it has repeatedly upheld as ono of tho few virtuous points reliev ing tbe vilest Administration that was ever known to our annals; but the truth is, this whole affair has an ugly ' look. . It is certainly a bad feature of the business that tho Gbv- eminent was cheated by its own ser vants and that the claim tor winch the Secretary of the Treasury appear ed as advocate was utterly woi tblyos. The mere statement ot ,it 'exhibits it as a matter of 'ridicule.' ' A firm which had 'been scHinz mules to the Government 'claim that at the close of the war they had 870 mules ready to deli ver to tho order' ot a subordi nate officer illegally given, ' and that because tho Government tailed to purchase these mules the dealers were entitled to collect from the Govern ment the loss which they underwent in disposing; of the mules at private sale. Whether they ever had any such mules or ever lost any money on them is a very doubtful question, but if so tho claim on the Government was merely preposterous. Because the war, in which' tho poot'mulds wero stretched along tbo road behind the armies thicker than the dead along tbo line of battle, had ceased and therefore a profitable market tor mule traders was closed, thu people were called upon to make good to the uttermost farthing tho profits which Thompson and company ex pected to clear in tnese speculations on the .continuance qf the public, ca lamity! This, was a .case of cqnse. qiiprrtial damages jtyfth a vengeance. Th'e .jTrorW very hiuch fears jtfca,t in the event of Mr, Bristow's nomina tion for the. Presidency nothing can. prevent the mule from becoming a prominent figure jn the next canvass. He will be' celebrated in ' campaign son ir sud stutnn speech, and will be displayed Rampant upon JhoiiBands.of party Banners. . j,ncre wiu pe some thiiiir in such sudden notoriety, to compensate for past obscurity that sinple least; which Senator Nesmitb so loucliifigly eulogized aa'flhe pa tient animal witnout the pride ot an cestry or the hope of posterity." Among the interesting relics to be exhibited at the Centennial Expo sition, is th- printing press at which Beni&min franklin worked in Lon don when a journeyman there in, Xbo London iUlienseum says that the press at that time bo longed to Mr. i Watts, Wild street, Lincoln Inn i lelds, in whose orlice Franklin was employed. It subse quently came into the possession of Mestrr, W y man x sons (men Uox Wyman) of Great Queen street, Lin coln's inn, wheuco it passed to Messrs. Ilarrild k bons, printers' en gineers,' f Farringtord street, who exhibited it at their works in 1841. American ytsitors took great interest in it, and efforts wero made to bay it. The IIarnds declined to name a price tor it,, but consented finally that the press should be forwarded to Philadelphia, and that a sum , ot money by way of acknowledgment should be banded over to tne mn ters Pension , Corporation for the purpose of forjnding the franklin Pension" for tri Aged printer. The press was sent to Liverpool tor sbti: inent.'and held ',here awaiting the stipulated contribution from America, . T... 1 L-i.r. wmcn never came. . pui- vj exmoiv in? the press and the efforts of chari table gentlemen, the. sum needed tq found the "Franklin Pension" was raised in' England. , The press bas remained in England all these years, and will' be exhibited jit Franklin's native country for ' the Erst time during the coming summer. . Mrs. Jackson, widow of.Slooewall Jack- too, is now Jiiing MSX'baflotte. N' C in comfort, surrounded by kef neighbors and S large cireie or adminoc frieoJa. Mr. Samoel Ileooah will succeed Mr. Itarvfj Scott, as Collector of Cos tool, oo tbe first of next moo to. Senator Bayaref aa . DrAtrraile CaA tfidate for Presldcal r , , ,. . Froas the Herald. ( jjei atof i navafdv baa fiflvfe rnada a political mistake or miscalculation in relation to any important subjeet. On, the, Currency Question t he atanda . almost alono in never having exhibit ed tb slightest symptom.of weakness or vacillation either in te 'Senate or on the stump, llo , did '.not J wait to conBiiltwith friend before .deciding whether hoj-jBroUld-ipjepiytjie back pay; but spurned and. .Infused it at once. Ho. is a gcntltjtiian 'of such high honor and robuatj iplrgrity-that he is duite incapaWo ct iiositatioa ia any point of conduct ..which . has a moral sde. , A man who'shote na ture thnj recoils tVom trirdmlnbr exboi diencies commands the! respect of bis political nrrybrsnrics. -Ilis cnaracter is a shield which blunts the weapons of partisan attack' and bis chanocs of election would bo decidedly better than those uf any other Democratto candidate. , .'i,,, "It 'T Death or "'De era Sire. .V '! 11 ".)! New Yoik Sun. ,, "' Rysdyk's world-rc'b owned stallion? "Ilambletonian," died, i Chester, Orange county, 'recently ' . The horse was about thirty years' of age. . lie was the siro of Mr. Bonner'B kin of the turf, ' "Dexter," 1 and- of . many 6ther noted trotting hordes ' of 'the country. ,lbe inoomo from U amble tonian" was over 810.000 a year. iTb isBtated that at oud time i: 1100,009 was offered, , fox tho horse, JJid waa bought about teoty-Bevan jr.oars.ago for' $150, from tie Sjoelcy familyi at Sugar 1 Loaf, Orange,'couht : Before Mr. Rydyk'. death, be sheeted 'i Elace where the old. horse, was to bo uricd in a fenced in lot with appro-, priato head stone. Jle lot . a clause in bis will; that niid'cr po circum Stances should the.hprse's rernalnfl hi mutllfttod aaer1 death. ' ffiwjj offeri have been ruade.'ouo of $50.0, and xrne. of $1,000, for,,,,JIambletoni!wVhidpi for the purpoaoN6f frecrying .the horse in bis. natural shape;, but 'the offers' were refused by tho 'Ujfsilylc fa,mily. tT&o grave was dug, and the famous horse buried .with honors. . A Cheap War Secretary, . ' ' .'"' BJUnur.8u'n. ' ':. ' 'V. J Mr. ' W. S. v Campbell, bt Weld; qounty,. Colorado, sends us a oomma. nioalion,, addressed .to i-Presidont; Grantj in .which, having heardiheBays of Secretary Belknap's disgrace and of the consequent jacancy of .his office; be presentshimsalfaa a candidate for the office of Soctotay. pt Wat.t-j lie proposes to,do.tko work for ,tbor9ai sonabjd wages of $isQ a.roonUi.'anJ says he,', Will turn ,oyei:.'to. the ; Prefll- aent ne rest oi tne salary, a i9 says that for the office of poet-trader aS Fort $ill, Indian Territory, ha has so- , lected Mr, A J. Moore, who ha,s,Vepa on, tho frontier tor some 'ears, andl nas. iraaea arouna consiuoraoiy, ana whoj.he knows, will.;bo prompti int making the payments.' Mr. CAmpbolL has l,earpod by tli'w time that ho has boon noiicipatcd, iu tbo.,, War, Departs mentby the. appojntment.of judge Taft, bnt a.gcntlernArl of such evident oo'olness ftid compotrare must be ble. to boar bia disappointment with forti " The Post-Trader Bualne-e. ' 5 The San Francisco Bulletin Bays;- Only .one pbasejbf, tho PoaUrader business has so far boen considered the phase which relates to th J bribery of Government officials. .No doubt that is large and absorbing .enough liut. there, is another ot. equal impor-. fiance: Where does all the money come irora tuai is iaia to secretaries ana' ladies who. have political influodoett Why are these 1 ost-traderships ,so--valuable? , Because they are moqppo-, lies of the most grinding character.- Tbo thousands of dollars given, away come out of the pockets xtf.tba poor soldiers.,' A post-tradpcsbip "ia , a, li cense to prey upon this i class, oil per- sons. ,It Allows the.Jocky bolder of, the uQenso. to. charge pretty mudi, what he .plpases. To hint the soldier must go or do witbpul the nocessaries, of life. It is th o money to be pickedi up in this way jthat sends the favored jobber, flitting abojit the. irohtier,; When the small pay, whicq. the boI-. dier receives is, taken unto considera-j tion,., the , post-tradersbip'; business -doc. seem to be the most hqartless; that was ever devised. .It is, one of, tho mysteries of our. method of ad-'' ministration that the supplying .' of, soJier,at distant pqintstiM not been'', thrown,cpcn to the public, so that , these, eryants .of tho ; Government., might have, thp benefit ,of competi-, tion.' Jt oughtpot to be impossible , to lay down such rules and regula-4 tions for - .the; transactions . of such,; matters that dtscipliao would not bo. endangered or be morale qtj.tho; troops lessened. '; , , r i,l ' ' , : i Tba nafc nfTa annmnriattnn kaa ben t . y " r , Isirraed udob. Tha amount U tbirtj-vhrr-e. snilliofit about three and a half millioua Io 1 Uso last year. EUGENE CITY, 0 KEG ON purcya ciaoie.