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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves . lake g( od Christmas gift. We hsvs lott o( Handker chief f bad (htm Imported tpeclslly for ui let iuiutnr. Ws have them it 2io each end lor 2.00 sacb ud at about twenty price between J Wa liAVa Initial Handkerchief, all llro, at 25 end at 80o Embroidered ilandkarchlefe by tba hundred. - lot', 20a, 20r,8Uo and vary uneembroidird,bmlltoljed Handkerchief atlJOo. Ilanokerchlefa ol sheer linen with luce trim at 60nj look Ilka they would coet more, With better laca at il.OO, 91.70 and fZ.UO each, j Co ir e to the front tbla time of year and wa are ready for trade. Wa have nearly one hundred doeen ol the new rlaio glove. We have them at $1.00, at 11.25 and at $1,50 per pair, Aim on any erade, any tire. Then we have a better line at fl.79 In color;nd 12 00 In blrck. They are all tight. ; Younff & Son. gB.,g!,y. THE BAZAAR. 1900 JANUARY SPECIALS 1900 What's more welcome than a timely bargain Undcrmtulln talea are Jut now biddng eway In larger eentera of trad. And wa wake timely offering of theee gooda to the ladle of Aloany. J out placed on our countere la an aieortment of Nkjiit Rcaita, Oiiamua, Cobbbt Covsas, oaAwaaaand Hxibt received direct from manufacturer. Each arllo'e la choke, a bargain, and election made now leave you time and money free for later purchase. Art Gooda M nob fine neeole work la done at tbla reaaoo. All Interested ehould take advantage ot tba tot price on Btahfkd Limm, Batybbbi-so FartSBBe ami ail Abt Uoom. Winter WnUts avoOotimq Flammbi. Oowna at prlcee that will surely plests those wanting tbeee a ton able articles. L.E.& II. J. HAMILTON. WEDNESDAY. MISFITS. The Boera teem to be having plenty of ammunition left when It li needed. The Salem piper are in danger, T be Pilgrim Drothera of that cltv are about to dlicun the "Moral ERectof ti e Frees: Let the cowa look out. Poondnaster Harkneea will be after there, but be will endeavor n treat toe public courteously A Salem man advartlaca under tbla heed i "Closing out my Duiineia to Qntt," In view of the number who dote out their builneia to cell I heir gooda pre t Ion. to laying in a new Hock, quite eignincent. The Oregonlao call aome one mal Icloii luokhead." Aa lunkhead ia not la the dictionary it la query aa to what I meant, ibougn ttie word dors wave a suggestive weaning. With Geo. O. Brownell, Judge Hew Itt, Claud Gatch, John D. Daly, Robert G. Stall b.Bpeaker Uarter.and A C Wood. cock In tba field for congreaamao, it rnigbt look aa II Mr, Tongue wou'dn bave a chance to wiggle. But the Dano cbay continues to predict tint be will get the nomination, Just almply becauae it net eo ociti decreed by tbe bosses. The proportion made by. tbe city council avenlng la one it a to be hoped le accepted and followed with contract. Let u have Ihrht. Thar -.n be no kick by aoy one if the cite ( iiiuuui inn luioniai terra. Mu nicipal ownership I the proper thine theoretically, but tbe city ie now la no condition lor more Mode to aecuro a piani. Our Specials. Good for stock on hand. We bave a Spe'olat High Grade Coffee tba eopa a well aa many 4k grade. Our apodal price 25o lb. Try it. Cor Vinegar eaonot be equaled, and we atlli bold the price 15c aralloo We will give you 8 pki. Eitra Choice Moah for only 25c. We bave full line of Giocerita and Provision! at reaaonable price. Call tod examine our gooda. Albany Trading Co. Vance Building, Second St. Tr y P arker Bros. THE BEST 0NFS. Tba Inlereat In tbe poultry thow eon tluea. Tbe aplendld exhibit are Justly attracting ttention. Beeldee tbe fowl! there are aome elegant dleplaya of tggi, L. W, Uoa ha a pyramid of White Plymouth Hock egge that le very beau tl'ul anair ana iiuiburt oro. nave i bvramid of tarioua egg an artiatio ar rangemant. lieiidee ttieie are sges en tered foi the nonteit, among the display being a plot 01 wiiite nymoutu hock egg by C. O. Rawlings a doaen of which weigt two pound. Judge Hitchcock ia dlapoiing of the fowle at a very rapid rate. The following awarda have been completed and tbe card are upi BAUnaO PLYMOUTH MOCK. , Pen L. V. Mulkey, lit; F. B. Writ, 2nd J J. W, Ilouck, S'd. Cockerel L. I). Mulkey, lti Robin aon llro..2odj L. D. Mulkey, 8rd. Cock-i. W. Uouck, 2ud; A. W Blackburn. Srd. Ilea-F. H. Weei, 1st; Coshow & Keener. 2nd! L. B. Mulkey. 3rd. Pullet F. B. Went, let s L. V. Mul key, 2ud; E.J. Lad J, 3rd. WHIT PLYMOUTH MOCKS. Pen-LW Ross let, O G Rawllngi Sod, Auiln lioiburt aro. Cockerel-L W Rose lit and Srd, O P & S Co 2nd. Cock-OU Rawllog lit, J W Ilouck 2nd. lien OG Rawiioga lit, Wallace Hul- burt 2nd anj 3rd. Pullet-L W Roea let, O G Rawlings 2nd. On pen Mr. Roee' teore waa 188 16, Mr. Kawlioge 187 4-0, and Mr. Hulburte MX. C U. Itawllnga received a anecial pre uilum of a life tuetnberthlp In the Amer ican While Plymouth Rock Club for the biggeet exhibit ol I'lymoutb Kocaa. tvrr pLYMotrru bock. Ilea J W Brown 2nd. Cockerel Mre J W Brown 2nd. Pullet J W Brown Srd. Where there 1 no let or 2nd it Indicat- ee that tbe ecore ie too lo to secure it. Judgment in tbe other cleatei ta pro greeting. wbitb wyabdottbs. Pen GeoChrieman lit, Frank Hul burt 2nd, O W Vunk Srd. Cbriman' cor wu 187 2-5 and Hulburt mil. Cock frank Hulburt lat and 3rd, Geo Cbriiman 2nd. Cockerel 'JcoCbrisnman lit, Frank Hulburt 2nd. Hfn-0 W Vonk, lat and Srd, Frank uoiDunznd. Pullet B Im Feget let, Prank Hul burt2od,QeoCbriaman8rd. . . For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. 4-POUHP CATALOGUE FREE " "VinilBift rTil AAllC aaailMlBki lllKwJ - i tx!8xl lnebflal a i-wejer tt' i r? ""w w" ' la geM, oooidUu OYr 100,00a quufuona. m.MMrf. NAMII THI llWltTW.KOlU.AltCHICAQ "'CUB IVEIYTlfiNI wciumttf v.i7VMiiif in wr-mnM. -tj-w KiZ iSTiV tMZ u t. a-u. I qii py ror iMwin. von H I k. Mfkwft F P fefff mxtik MinU In nulN to Kip t iE. nu sx-tw, rriT'LV..iJtS MSiaSrClStW Tl?..-. x. of work WlitiHrtli Wtloi!i1 TrtbOBfc J 1 . -' ItL J 'iirHo.uiek a Co. U of IM Urgtrt aIL 8KAR8, R0K3UCK OO. (I no J, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. U. t. A. To-Night. There la no better or more pleaaorabU evidence of tbe evolution of mlnt relay tban la aeon In Richard A Pringle'a Famooa Georgia Minetrela a mammoth mioetrel abow that will appear at tba Armory to-night. From a mere band of atrolllug per former of twenty-eeven yeara ago trav eling over a wagon route from to town. tbia modeet mlnetrel venture baa become today commercially, aa well aa plraeur ably, one of tbe greatest and itrongpet enfrprltee la tbe amuiement world. Half hundred of tbe burbeataalaried per- lormera travel from citv to cltv in their own pec ill train of Pullman care, ea- pecialiy comtructed for tbeir own trane Donation and tbe advent ol tbie mam motn aggregation meani a Jolly good time to tbe I jvere of bright, crisp, whole- ome amuiement, ire from toe leaat relereoce to impropriety or vulgarity and Intended to pleaee tba beet patronage. children aa well ae their eldere. In a Hurry. Mr. T. C. Anderson, aged 8d who wu granted a divorce from bia aeoond wife about five week ago, applied for a licence to day to marry Mre. Mary Brackett, aged C6, and waa refused, aa the requie tie biz monttis bad not paeeed. tie eaid he would wait five montba and then call for it. At the Dairy Center. Tba SUte Dairy Aeaoclatlon will meet In Albany February 12 and IS. in the new court nouae in Albany, rue meet log of two yeara ago will be more tban doubled In attendance. Peoole aroujd Tangent, Oikville, Lebanon ;and Crab tree are particularly reaueeted to be preaent, other parte ot tbe oountv abould a well be represented. , A Bbotmibly Act The family of the late William Burbee, drowned last week at Junction, will receive a neat aum from the A. O. U. W. order, for their future malntenanoe.and thereby hang a touch ing awry, u or Dee waa very poor, tie waa a bard working man, but there were several little children in tbe family, and it took all of hi scanty earning to pro vide for them. A few week before hie death Mr. Burbee' duoa in the lodge of which ha waa a member, fell in arreare. A friend noted the fact, and made it known to teverml ol the member. Among them they contributed tbe amouut neceeeaiy to place their brother in good aUnding. Scarcely had thia charitable work been done when Burbee rod Into the awollen alough from which Mi body waa eubeeanentlv recovired. The huibaad and father wai gone: the band that had been the innnort of the wife and ohUdren, waa nervefeea. nut ma iraternai aptrit 01 tbe A. U. u. W. baa done ita work. Time. The Aahland Tldingajhaa jut issued one of the neiteet souvenir edition ever gotten out in Oregon. It ia artistic, the pictures being presented entirely in the interest of the city and surrounding country in an arrangement that ia decide , ly ptetty. j "Self Preservation I the Srtt law o Nature," and to take Hood' Sanapar illa on the 6nt appearance of impure blood ia an Important atep toward eelf pretervfttion. It make rich, red blood 1 and insure good health. ! flood's Pllla are non-lrriU'ing, mild, effective. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tueiday evening. Jan. 23. Present Mayor Ourl. Recorder Yan Winkle, Marshal Coatee, Treaturar Parker, Street Superintendent Weatfall and uounciimen uannaia, rietner, Kicb ard, llalaton and Beeley. The mayor presented his menage. which appeara elaewhere. The following Litis were ordnrnI paid : Hopklna Broe I 35 J.Gradwhol 8 25 B.F.Thayer : 2 78 P.J. Km I ley 1180 V. W. Bplnka 16 27 B. M. ffuun tt Co 121 J. 8. Van Winkle 12 20 Dobraille Harneea Co 3 36 Continued bill of M. II. Ellis, $25; E. B. Davideon, $13.30; Mre. Moon, I'JO. . The health police committee re ported calling on William Buielda who promieed to remo7e hie cow nuiaance at bis place, which he has not done; but that tne cattle are not etarving a re ported. Mo action. Tbe electric light committee reported the cost of an electric light plant tilla ble for tbe city aa about $10,000, and Ue cot i to tbe city ol about $ 0 lor each 2XX caodle power light if need lot the city alone, II aleo for commercial pur poses there could be a net profit of $1,000 ano zu light tor nothing, wbicb added o the old coet $1700 a year, would make Z7UV to be added to tbe city a income, that municipal ownership wa saining favor, and declared in favor of purchas ing aucn a piaot. Adopted and ordered placed on file. The atreet superinlendentent reported street work laat year done to the amount of of $2142.63; S$M load of gravel were placid on tbe atreet ; $'103.27 were ex- r ended for lumber.$219.17 lor gravel and 188.60 for labor outside of the regular street work. Total, $3084 29 Mr. Ralaion called tbe atteotion of the Council to tbe need of atreet light and etated that he believed satisfactory ar raosements could be made for about $1000 a year. Mr Dannale wai in favor of lights. Mr. Richard wanted lights, but wanted everybody treated alike. Mr. Pfei&er moved that tbe council offer tbe Electric Light Works $882 for dghte until midnight in all month except June 16 to Aug. 15, when there eball be no lights, snd tbst during Nov., Dec., end Jsn. there shall be light from 6 to 7 a. m. carried osaolmouaiy. Upon mo tion, after much diicuiaion, reecnaid ered. Mr. Baliton moved that tbe city offer tbe Electrio Light Co. $1000 for 15 2000 candle power ligbte all nigbt five montba in tbe year, November to March Inclusive and the teat of tbe year on the moonlight schedule, and tbe preaent in- eondescent lights used. Carried. Aye, Lannals,Pfeiner, Baiatos ; no, Richard, Beeley. The matter of Mrs. Moona' bills was discussed. Tbe mayor spoke earnestly for tbs bills Continued. Councilman Dannala favored the elec tion of a piuodmeeter. Application of H.C. Harkneei lor tbe omce waa read and be was elected unanimously. Aftsreonalderablediseaiiioa tbs sal ary of Nlghtwatcn McUlain waa raise J to wnmootn. Judge Duncan spoke In the interest of W. C. Morgan and other in reference to tbs overflow of water fr n the ditch, )n sod near bis place. Referred. Contract for city printing was award ed tbs Democrat. Matter of poster con tinned. For meala for prisoner to Mrs. M. J. Stetter st 14 cents. Bid lor gravel waa continued. License to sell liquor was granted W. W. Rowell. I. O. O. F- There will be work tliis evening in tbs first and third Degree. A. full attendance ia deeired. II. Barnes, Secty. COUNTY BUSINESS. Recorder nfflcej Deed, O M Leth to J II Swick, 60 acre....... I 3fft Deed, J P jtoyee to M G Royae, 49.14 aeree, 13 w2.. 60 240 Deed, B F bklllman lo W H Kirk, 80 acre, is w 2..:;.t.;..t.,..: Deed. U 8 to B F Skillman. 80 acres. 13 w 2. . . . . Patent urei, ebatei mortgages for' $200, $160 and $165.. Buy your r- Hardware ail fmm aiJ Gra M n tbe clerks offlcs there bsvs been 450 registrslicns, less tbsn one-tentb. uurry up and renlster with tbe clerk. i! iui vHvniut run vnnrn a. sdjourned yesterday afternoon to meet in Scio on Feb. 2, when arrangements will be made to manufacture and sell the chrrn for which tbs company bave se cured the Lion county ritrht. Tbe fol lowing officers were elected s Ben Irvine J president, Henry Cyrus, secretary, 8.R. Claypool treasurer, Abe; Powell and Ira xuraer, trustees. of;' Ohliiig & Hulburt. Thomas Brint Has tbe oldest established Furniture Home in tbe city. He keeps ths flneit etor.k of Furniture in tbe val ley. Give him a csll and look over hia fine gooda and get hla prices be fore yon buy. One of tbe most eo lovable aeielona of tbe Home Forum Lodge was held last night. It waa tbe initailation of officers1 after which a eocial waa given. One of tbs festures waa a cake-walk. Tbe cake waa won by Mrs. Ben Kirk after an ex- citing contest. Tbe refreshments were delicious snd were served nnder the successful management of Mre. A. O. Beam, T. Q. Hopkins, and Mrs. Conrad Meyer. Boeecbee were numerous end original and ebowed a degree of talent surprising. Tbs lodge thinks of publish ing some of them in tbs near future. oh.GrdT Mia ail nal! Lounges, Couches, Bedroom anita, coarte and fins Rockera, Baby Carriages, Go carts, Bidding, Spring mattresses. Matting, Side board, fine extension tables, ste. You don't have to run, yon can atroli, walk or saunter into our store wltbyour prescription where it will receive our moet careful attention. We maie it a rule never to ass anything that is not up to tbe standard. Our Syrups, Tincturee snd Extracts are alwaya fresb, being made from tbs purest druga obtainable. When you are aick yon need tbe beat and yon can get the best from ua. "We never substitute." Burkhart & Lee. Editor Campbell of the Eugene Guard ia now a dads. hi firat experience aa such . Tbs newcomer, born on Sunday ia a boy. Ynrlr TnnMii and A . f Pftrinnn STft said to be candidates for prosecuti ng at- THE FAIR Our apselsl Chins Sale i unloading great quantities of goods better investigate yon may never bave another such chance. Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. Don't Use Big Words....... In promulgating yonr esoteric coeiutione.or articulating superficial aen timentslitiea snd philosophical psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. It yonr conversations possess a clarified eon conciseness, eonprehenalbleneat, coaleacent consistency and a concaten ated cogency. Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jujens babblement snd aeainuins sSeetion. Let your extemporaneooe descsntlngs snd unpremeditated expfctiationa have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast. 8edolouely avoid polysyl labic profundity, pompons prolixity, ventriloqnial verbosity and vanilo qutnt vapidity. In other words. Go to F. E Allen A Go's store snd get the beet Java and Mocha coffee to be procured, in other words, yon will be treated right on any thing yon bny of them. F. E. ALLEN & GO. New Goods in All Lines, How Ar Tar KMuji f Tr. Robbi' Bpanurna Pill, onr U kidney lilt. Sam. pit tr. Add. bttrUus KwbkU Cv UUomo otX.T. ; tmb uiv er thk famou i)ougDirui Careful clothing buyers never consider quality aIone or price alone .. Its ths happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home to our consciousness Hke a bullet from a rifle. . , You know this make I IwMvUM'twwwwuwWwwtfwl VABAHTKK CUmift At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's