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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1900)
v: m 1 Ik ili'lfV1 TV 1 x J rffl;1l at sr --'-!'. ' ALB AN Y. (ONTFltlDrOjtiBKU ary 2. ,900 .'.7-7 ! Illf r . tin. . . . i iwi aw aa rtvi a mb mm m m m mm. " 1 1 1 1 .-I . -MMBBmBBBBBnaniiBai sitmi, nnu ADftUAU. I - A ;H f . - - 1 'V zi.-" - ; every cough makes your throat more raw and Irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and Eive them chance to eal. You will need some help to do this, and you wUlflndltia I 1 ( r I ft BRITISH DEFEAT. Lordoo. J .n 27,Keport ! that Brit Uh have to 1 17 gtiot. 00 killed. 1800 wouded in i'ugela. Duller', flank move intnt wet a complete failure. The forces are tea fered and the army It retreat log. Mafeklnii it reporttd re haved. Hod rTnttianlir Lonikin, Jn. 27. 8tven dayt of fight ing hare loft the 1111 in Hoar tnaiti..n in. tact, and General Butler 70U I accordiuiMo the olllclal catualtv liata. which te.-mlnulr do not includa ti. OPIOHKOP UMf. aa t IOfl luit InrwanlaH I do not muuton Oenral Woodgate'a wuuuiua England la poaseaeed by a eanoe of failure, tliouufi not a wont in ,kim.. of ber generals and aoldlera I uttered. not much riiort la made to plre a hai py conatnmtion upon Uenertl Uullcr'a 18 worde. tellina of tli rutlramn. (mm Hplonkop, and there ii an uiitmy im preion abroad that wort nowt la yet to cottie. . Our War. Manila, Jan. 29. A dinnatcli from BoraoKen, dated January 25, eayi hrte- 1 auiur-vienerai xot'M'a3nxnitil it inn t... upiea Boreogen, wiinaet. IJulan, Le I From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling In the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Aycrt Cherry Pec toral Plaster shouU be over the lnnfs of every per son troubled with a couch. Write fo the Doctor. fc fij all iIm MnwiilM In T.ll d mhmt lour nomt llh pnt R.rrr Variant- (i ill ni a untnui npr , vllliuai iMr,tKt.cArrn. Ml mananlUM u1 Umt If all Ida MtllruUl. In .. m.. ! II. oli.l .oar Dtnra K. gaapl and Vlrao on Carttaoduanee lwlaod. The lied Crown Mill., of Albany, thie wk eent Rtr.AI Hernn a barrel of their fine flour at a prcaont. Independence) J-'iitvrpr ee. 4New patenteare: A. Baoer, Boyd, Ore-. tltiog-Jack; W, T. flatten, Can yon Ulty. Ore.. Wraunh W n. Jnfmann nieacuaoirer. The democratic aute convention hat been called to meet In Portland on f"7 deleicate', ol wl.l. l, Unn coanty wilt le entitled to 14. Turn !! ha ..k. i.rnou mi iuii m aionuay a democrat. Tha mw o'ficera of Fairmont Grange acroia the river are: M. V. Leeper, ..1 , u, ! oiuea overaeer: Js.Lert. or. ateward; Mra. JJ. M. hhannon, lect- uir mrr. DiiodrrcK, chaplain;) A A !ii WyKent, aecretary W Ubhennon. (ra'e-keetr; Mr. M 0 Wyifont, Nora; Miee L Thorp, l'omona; Mre. h i l'ulllip,Oree. Mra.l, lieete ana t atewa'd. The preeent term of achool cloeee with an enrollment of 747. a eood altawipr. All children who will bvtlx yeara of age by the fir t of May ar reqaeeted to n ler on Monday or withio two weeka to aa tottartwitbtheclaeeeff. . Major Oorgo F Telfrr. tuperviarr for thoatcond dimrtct of Ongon, of the rentuaof 1000. la antw.t.,ii t ir xt Iwacathia eecreiary. The latter will liave Charire of ail Imalnvaa aa It ral.taa dlrec ly to the public. Hie olDce will MISFITS. Tha Tongue of a long article on Ya- qmna 10 today'f Oregontan can be plain. 17 teen , r A Manila dltoatcb aaa that ii,. pmi j It fa n.Wmr " Vf f . BOt tr0nl . IK lal tint. Aaiaia a u f a . eaptarid --iuinaiao oat not been were 1 45 dead and IS wound.l k'l'll.tlnna .... .1-1 "!""- I IWUtlUOU, Th Proper Thlon. WAarilWOTO!. Jan. 20. Tha l.miM cuuimittee on interstate end forelgh com luerce today reconnidered the Nicaragua cannl bill, which had boen reprtitd w ilh an appropriation tf SI40.00O.0OO, aud (.uanjcmi ma nriproprtation atction to aa to make 110.000 000 available, with au. thority to contract for the entire exca vation and completion of tha canal at . total coat Dot excelling (H0,0O0,UXl. Object to Diinniwey. WAeuiNu-roN. Jan. 2(i.l,rll,l i.. aelection of a tucraaor to Colleclor Ivey wilt be held up fur eoveral da.. Ti.fa appointment to receive conaldera aula attention from the preaid.nt. If a hat received a call from Senator Mc Hrldo and llepreaentative Tongue, who protveted against the arlectlon of Dun I way. DK.J. L. HILL1 rkialclanaedl gftn, t , If ill Hlook - - . Albany, Or. ! A Sciloua Matter. Ki. Fao. Tex.. Jan. 20 Tha night from Gusymae, Konora, Mexico, bring the new that m report ia rui-rant there that aix Americana, David Ouaick, John Kldridge. lieorge Lunt, Charlea IluruaJon Uter and Henry Wti.iamt w ere ehot lst week near the fwt of tha liacati ta mountain, eaat a', timrn... I by order of General Torrra. The W.B.O. inaUiled the fnllnmin. nt. ,.,7.rMrd,y vninir: l'reidnt.Mn. A U oodin ; vlre-pr aidant, Mre. K J Phil lil;ecreUry, Mr. W W Kowell 5 treae urer. Mr J li CnularA , t - , WUUHVW(IJII V., B; f"Unt condoctor.Mr J II Howard 'chaplain, Mre. YVm.Meyer : Knaru.wr. ueo. wtiiUf aeeiitant gard, viej a-fj 1 us Brownsville. From the Timet : Logan Calloway and wile biva been in Albany during lb week, vi.iting Wra ilogaa and wile. - Sniping in Sooth Africa I very ter Hm thing. It eon.utt In picking a man man! 1ZTP. there ar. nun among tha Boera. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL . Prof Lather A Wiley it In tha city to- ' Twelve or fifteen prominent cltfxene of vwUBTU tlimi IDWII tn ilhanv la. tnnin. ' " Don't forget the Uegree of Honor en. tertainment at tha a. n tt w 1,-11 Bight. " - The Engtlth people who we-e to jubi L' 31" tb of Bplookop had to eier wait for mora definite. waa loKatbing LifcflLililer , , mmn Broadalbln St., Albany, Or. tieo. Collin O D 8 A.Jack Hodget DDg COLLINS & HODGES -Dentists. M Fel.o 'a Temple, Atbany, O.. Oliver Plows-new p ,ti0fIClN8 iKC'6.. Ageotf, It'VkMM I j 1 pm "Oliver save the worlj th chilled plow And it ban aaved more won) to the farmer of America auyatnir imldninl err produced. laeUllrv xl.lhd are taa beit on . rm U.ivr it a profntter ol hati on tn) U 'tn. aal the dMler who isll wi hi 1. 'ma iling tb bet. Lwk r im ntutwni tu t j nothing but e mint vti, mtls oaiy by OUrer d pl ttt. S.h IhaJ , Ind rong ons In speaklntf about St-nit' Emulsion for children, you nouia not forget mat it con tains umo and soda, ust what (he child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing, bodies must have an easily digested fat. mini f i ww- tiia anwar much of it there Is In milk, as cream. , scoirs mmm b even more easily digested than cream. It's surprising how chil dren thrive when given IL Don't keep the children livine- nn the edge of sickness all the time. Make them strong and rugged, plump and hearty. Scott's mu. km of Cod-liver Oil and the fiypo phosphita of Ume and Soda will do this for them. Mew York. Oeo. Ftnley. of Crawfordivlile, who hat been up lo the Sound coantry. re tdrnwi to tbi. cltr the flret of the weec fie report evervtbins in 'hat nnr'inn nr the count"1 proeperou. Jot. Rankin, of Hamntar. In tl.a lt. the gaeet of Mr. tod Mrt. A. W . Staod Itb. lie report time good at' Saropter, iciiiiiui are aiao a man a chancre lor death, Pneumonia fa to bad that on an average one perton a day oc cumbt to the dread diteaee. Aa ptr prevlon aanaoacameat a Urge onmherot eltixena of Browotville and 1 vicinity mt 10 in opera bouae on Tue day evrniog for the purpoee of contlder ing way and mean of building a wagon mad to the Calapoo a k Bloe river mine. Alter the matter had been thorooghly diecur'ed a committee, wae appointed to go to tha n.lae over the ridua and ntnrn oyer the Calapooia trail for tba purpoee of Miniating aa nearly at powibie the I comparative aoat of huilding to road. 1 bom interested in the recant cbeaaa 1 K0rt.m ,r PPrPrlty he cheete "j . uarnei, 01 pan rranciaco) um. mt tun upsra nouae ineeaay atter noon to mate arrangement for the do ing rip or the buatnet. Mr. Child aiaiea me exact condition of affair and noweu tnoe prejent ho he nid been aefrauced by tbi thark. A committee wa to tettie the arfair of tha factory and then ee what arrannamanr. Mn'il h. bm a .J I . . . t. . ..til 1 . uiu w,- ii anauiianiueot Ol a creamery uere. A perton la excuaable for being a cro aiter looking at tha o.p..yoibirdaatthe tbow. Itiawfell t,,M heo barn yam don't look tbewaytber do after oeing wathed, combed aod perfumed. The Dsmockat man Lai read "When KnlghUiood Wat in Flower .hih t. one ol the popular novel of the day. llh"LUl'i ,Btb' titoo of Henry Vlil. There la a iwt .1 1 r eom.blood.bed aod a plot. The atorV Zl?l bot rhen eoPred wit? tfe2 ivf m U.,ik0 DitcbK pott betide 'bo Washington monument. Mr. Will Bdrkhart laft .n... on trip to Portland and Aatorla, to be gone a week. , Prof. I. O. MrPnl!. an,1 tr. .1 a' , , - - j w.iv, vi Dual. ville, are vit tine- with tt.. f.4,.w. enta arnt - , v iwi ,,w uaji. Hot eeffee and dougbnute tonight at tba new A. O. U. W MaiinHT- SI : aod a farce and muaie and aorgi. Admmion 10 cent. , ' Bam Dagger, who hue been in tba city fveralday., left for Albany on t hi ltarMl 7 tveaiDg'm dependence a .u,v. ii , wiuar iot xamhiii nna . count, h. i..a k..i ' j . Beiideri. . . ."" wo ! Strictlv biMiueaa Freuch (be jeweler. Oreacent Bicycle, llopkin. Brother, agsaU. Bt Bicycle for tue money. Will a 3tark, jewe 'era. ,T?VJlW" L "Pk Brother. ""-7 fov, too ana too. ' O R Winn, citv ticket agent. Ticket U all polnta in the eaat. Be jure and aee tba aoti rut tinware at Hopkio Bioa, will a,. lifoUme. Kev. and Mra. II. Wallace of Salem went to Hhedd today, where Mr. Wallace two wl k! evangeliatic eervice lor Miaa Minnie Ser.dera, who waa In the city yesterday noon, continued ber jour- i?L?a f"rncico will via- it for aome time. , , Mitt Badie Cleveoger, the Oranla Faat mtlltner, and Miea Lilly Buckoer, of A ban?, were paaeengera on today 'a local tor Albany. Boeeburg Review. Jack O'Sett, the well known O. R AN. traveling paaaenger agent, baa returned to Oregon from tba Philippinea, where he bad been in the interest of the Como any. - v Horace Mann, formerly editor of the vvmhjo rwTo Mwaengtr and BUyton iT. , . "JU,ou k Meaiora, Where be wui take charge of the Southern Oregon SATURDAY MIGHT THOUGHTS. The Boer war the paat week baa been, oeof romort, with indication that there baa been torn of tha fltrcett fight Ing experienced In tha world for man yeara. There fa enoncrh anna tn aha Uitt tba Boer are boldinz their own im very empbatie manner ilthavara nna ltting the beat of the Encliih Tha. Pn of the Engii.b ft to fight aa much at clow qaart-r.a poible, believing that toeh a eoorte will be to their ad- Vintage. Perhapa but the Boera teem to be on hand in a vary lively manner even then. The whole world la watch. ing the eontett with interne interest, and it it safe to tay with a aympatby (or the Boertmong nine out often not CiUzent of England. It ftnot political matter at a I. But one of right agalctt wrong. About tba only thing aettled by Con greta the paat week wa tba ref naal to ita Roberta, tba man with three wivea from ' Utah. Thia waa expected, and waa the proper thing to do. Congrtee bat tat a good example, and it ia a pity that white they are at it they do not put out several of their membera with about aa Unsavory a record in their private Uvea aa Roberta. let the polygamlste and lib ertine go. .JPUKT!?"0' Wade Mtlone uu a veroon ol Alsea have btssht tickeu to Cane Sam. I v. viaha- i near CorralJia whila in that w,i ft AVDIiini. 1 1 J . . - . -- j . 7 ,mu uu" ewire, ana aiterward in going home waa thrown headforemost out of the front of the taggT onhiaborse'e beela resulting in iiu. uvujh uroxen ana me bead tWnV d Ci ChicVgChM rirKR . -- vscauivnci apvCl always eat them? - f oafcay m Huom. Lebanon. tram 10,000 M S4.UU0 leu.ri vcijr day mm 0 0 ft Wtarra atl Mock ofaoodl 1 FTP ji.'t 'I' III) ' '" tat Mum mm ij )'rom the E A: ueo. fticu argue, of Brownsville, tiient Wednesday night In Lebanon. Mr Mc- tiargue is a candidate for sheriff. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Moist have re turned home, after soendinff e f months in Eastern Oregon and Washing- uiu. aubj rnjuyeu uieir visit ana Tn turn improved in beal'b . Mrt. B. r, Bimont left Monday for Kosalla, wash., to join her husbaud, who went there a couple of months ago to take the foremnship of a large wheat farm, tier brother, J. D. Fronk, ao oompanied ber, and may locate in that section. A new poatofTlce named Berlin 1 aa been established at J. W. Run-all', nlar on Hamilton creek where Mr. Loofbor ongh'a store Is located, with Mr. Loof borough as noatmaster. Tl.a niHra . n receive mail twice a week, from the . rv . na'erioo omce. i The macb nery of the excelsior iaclory I It being loaded On Cr. urenaratnr. tn Deiog taxen to tngeue. It ia expected that all the machinery will be loaded by tomorrow evening. This is quite a loss to our little city. Three ot the employee of tba company Frank Tivey, Chat Blodnett aadJ. Noteholder will re move to Eugene. Mr. JS'effxgar will re turn to Oregon City. Bf allowing ina,,l.i;... i .l . altv anrl ha mmvm ha k.... i i , - , - .oiuiiimiviii in i iio . j. Hv .HV. vi yuu. a a T - DOWel tl r!T&1It I ha nntiiv. ....I 1 . I Where that Mn maka'ank . .v. : ' oned. DeWitfs Little Farly Ri.ersreCTl-'! 4'bany lor its stockholders. It wwBit. irv them and rnn .ill " spienaimy manaeed bv Hr.KMln anrf ..a i . . "' ""'' la aa .tl 1 .1 . ' . . " aua reuier or a aplandld Mr. William Cochran went to Row land today, where he wiU reaide for some time. While in the office before going the in ereatinz fact to tha nartiaa concerned was tbat on their last birth daye, which were one day apart, Mr. joenran was exactly twice the age of u.iiw,iiAira,ii, air. uoenran waa uoroiu Kentucky ov. 20, 1813 and area tn aa stm sraviAM a,ftK aaa. a. . i m .m tinn K..M...I. .. -- 1VU -u mn in 10, .v.v. liuiuiugBcaaon tuket. i e aa me reapect and esteem of all tuurauay me attendance waa a little i0W'D" mm- more. Today it will be the.laraest of tha aiL1 t?tf' iUnd,DC9 or the week Tte display THE LAST CACKLE The Btate Poultry ahow will close to night after a very saccessfol week. The attendance hat been gojd. Yeaterday uu area uunurea vitiled the exhibt Uteboat2m people. of Ashland Tidinim ; H A. Katan Albany, waa an Ashland viator yesterday Hon. 6. A. Dawson, of Albanv. kjmi. of bird bat RivenViera! ,,ti8r.ct,or,7 1 0r L'nn connty, is in Ashland to and ia one worth going Vlonr , fo ' ,ce".Miller,of Albany, in the eee. In fact there have bwr? 'eYtor. l' vuut.m 'r!en-, ,r. and Mra. J.A. fan Jim, . . T. ."wu. IvOrS GrUt9 Mtllrna l.l,l.n.l I -. 1.1 1 Gross returned to Ashland.from Oakland' .vau, Testeraay. Airs, uross has com I flotely recovered from the effect of the recent accident the met with in fallina- outhe railroa4 track at the Oakland mom. from distant narta of tha aa,. i. j to keep in touch wih tha IUn)tPtt atl.: a. of the day. . r " Amonc the exhibita that r . good one thougn not very larje. Mr. Aldea Hoi burl carrlat nft tha ceivlng the first premium for the biseeet and best display, first premlun for the Z" h.t eggs, first for the best ii,! iJ?.Tn Dl fim ,or beet twelve white ecru. , BnM. t ' n 'rT'v " t0T lh ""BlvedPck e'ggs. O. U. .(awlinesenterad a nlaia 7- . - . . . . - r vn.i juf ki iiuun. A IJ thefVihi?. rll-i-i ' . 1 b' cc dt orlthepnlpit will be supplied both morning weighed 21 ounces and I Till. Sabbath school at elose Baptist church: Services at the uao oi uouii. in inesosence ol the pattor thaft thara ' UT ' " f'P" win u sappueu do in morning If! h .rfu.T., 3rl9vr.on th P'te.Jnd evening by A. L. Black, of McMinn Huiburt'a taelve we.gbed 21 i in. Rahhrn. .h.i .iL ing service. Mid-week prayer service inursday at 7 :W p. m. Ail are invited. a traction. The association will mat inn;t.i j elect officers and ebose a place for m act ing next year, ,ur.ila Sna, la. aars, -I think Kodo! Urananria I'm. a ...l-JtS medicine. 1 prescribe it. and my coafid Once in tt arrow with nnH..j - i. oiges s what yon eat and quickly cure dvspepti and indieatinn. P .ol. k. Foebay A Maoa. 'A Thousand and One on a espree" it In Albany there bas been a gathering of Ibe finest flock of fowl avtr gotten, together in tbe tfate, almoet anything to be mentioned from a eanart b!M m tr keyt and pea fowl, with enough cml oitia among them to add seat to tbe d'P'y, shaggy imie angora guinea, pigt, dominique fighting fowls, erota between a cbineae pheasant and a ben, etei One man who waa accused of dc rotlog bit time to raialng game birda In (tead of ntefal Plymouth Rockt, etc. claimed that be waa the man ahead of the timea and that the others were be hind time because waan't thia a fiahtla.- ge, and hadn't the United State Just conquered tbe greatest game bi.d coon. ..j . .uo.wonu, me a-nuippinelslande, where tbe nativee are ao much attaeharf to tbe game birda that they will allow me enemy o march orn them rath.r ttan leave a live pir.and are often mm upon wi(h the tteelgaftt opon the birda. It ia a rare thing tbat there !a a... anything like a cyclone in Oreson ' n. er in this valley, but during the week near Weston, um., tha ... . uiuuuiMUS, inera was enoa.b of one to taar tha on a oarn and treea were twisted and torn down. And thia in Oregon. But what a tame affair to a Nebraska ey elone. We of the valley wash our hande entirely ef the unwelcome visitors. . v --.; While we bare botfaing of the kind we have tome cold weather. The merenry actnally.'went below freexlnv mfnt .. frost could be easily aeen on tha 'rrnRn in tbe morning and there were around.' - Thm achool children in the aM; Bjhoole tbia week bave been wteetling in very liveiy manner with examinationa very important affaire in tbeir livee, aa they are stepping stonea along the path way of education . As they go from nn. loom to another it ia well for them eee to it teat they are also nroar.aain. aud boildiog op tbeir ebaractera aa wall as their intellects. Mr. William Waidotf Astc-7 raised the in fat rw at II 1. : XT -ww . 25 0. Wa owa an4 oeeupy th. m.rcantll building In tha world. W bava over 1,000,000 cuatomtrs. Blataan hundred clerk ara conatanttv "(fed fllllnt out-of-town ordara. - Wh ff ""A' CATALOOUB la tha book ofth. p.oPl.-lt ouot..' Wholoaaia Price to Evarybody. ha, 0var 1,000 patea, 16,000 llluatratlona. and 60,000 dearrlptlona of articlaa with prieaa. It coata 7a c.nta to print and mall each copy. Wa want you taav one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to ihow your ood faith, and we'll nd you a copy FREE, with all chargaa prepaid. JuNTeOMERY WARD & C0.M,(h,M S&Eg"" 8TFB3H BOWELS oa haven't a raantar, kealttar morement or tba bow. ..err rtajr. Tou re alefc. or will be hein ,uur bo-eli open, and be well. Foroa. IntbeibaieSf JiVi'l'i p!"ml. t "" roln. 1. daigiroui; Tha r- ,T , Mfiioc way 01 a " ' www. w ait To Cure a Cold ia On Day Take Laxitivb Broxo Qut'itu Tab txw Alldrcggi.tarefanlthe miney if It mtkos no difffrfriu 1....' t!4sl,?.uu,?i,,, Y'" vVtcba Hie . wU1 uuitdw neai and ia a oaivej 11 win qnicklr he car. Fosfaay & Maeon, aeultur Uie rZYi CANDY', l( KmJS CATHARTIC H laMN eseavrtaeo lgpf Pleaiant, Palatable, Fotent.Tmitaanori rmnnnA i , sicken Weaken, oi .rl, Sw?WUa t rree .ampW ana booklet orbMltbriddree. SWrlta, Saw., fm-r. Ckbata, a-ul, BtaTMa KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN vBIva"" XuiBfJ Mllllf a3.. . eacher of piano or orgir Sym-th. viijw.iw u rcnaieo, Dr. 'V w;.i. i.i. itmii , "I heartily recomniflnd One Minute Cough ,r wua imnedia a relief inmffuilini...ti.. 1. 1 , 1 c 1 k? -Minna, c-iemant to take I'ckly core , "JJK cold, throat and luag tronble... 'For Ve by Fohay A Mason. w ?a, Mist Long makes gmphy. n-V-wjwM.aa. a . In the highest Sfc iYJHIZ J- GotoVerick'a ahavingand hair cut ting parlors for f.t 5i.. " iV1? iiuf k..i.. not : - wamo, viean towels to t mar. ., every FO Clr. fn.... u '"("nun orTer. a2SJ?S. tbe special meeting at tbe Salvation rent" "n hit New York property tbe . u, on we that , w by the increa.ed aasessmant. What part hu w cent generosity U, eqoip. pmg a fall rapidfire battery for thecam against tue Boers may have had in compelling this levy upon bia American; u.u, ne aian t explain or perhapa an increate In th income tax which ha baa lo Py in England, but ha helped to beak in tbe Uuitrd Stales, may be involved. . 1 The Next Convention. Mr. J. W. Bailey, th, state food com mlaeioner, waa in the city today i (h. interest of the atale dairymen'a conven! !2.;d0l?e;1,,,AJbn, 00 Feb4 and 13. It ia nmniu..i .. . ti le!rned bM reified fVri is the key to tuccesa in this atat. .f bis means tne pushing of the dWv U'h! "min bines. of the vlaV wiuei inemenDM, a! 11,. n . Army Hall this Saturcay evening. An indoor camp-meeting wilt soon beein to emtinuetome time. Unite Presbyterian church: Morn ing worship at 10:30, subject ot sermon, "Bearing; Wit noes of Christ." Rahhaih school at 11 :45, Junior Endeavor at 3:30, Senior Endeavor at 6 :30, evenina wor ship at 7 :30, subject of sermon, "The Limit of the Watchman's ResponsibiU I ty." Ah art invited to attend these er- Preabvterian church: Morhiu.wr.r- ampai iu:ou, evening morenip at 7:30, oauuaiu ecnoci at 11:43, Junior a- aeayor at 3. 30, Senior Endeavor at 6:3C Buojecioi morning aermon, "Baptism,' evening, 'The Third Temptation." A cordal invitatiou to attend all the ser vices is extended to all not worahiDDinv -i i i r ' " trieowiirrw, Coreregational church: Morning wor- snip at it a. id., subject of aermon "Will it Par." Sunday scooI at 1J:15. Junior O. E. at 3:30, evening eervi"e at 7:30 p. ro. All not attending elsewhere are cordially invited o attend these ser vices, . The Excitement Not Over. - Tee rash at tbe drag store etui contin ues and daily scores of people call for a bottle of Kemn'aBaUam for tb'a Throat and Lunga for the care of Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Broochiu and Coaiumotion. Keuio Balsam, the atandarj- famih re medy, is told en a guarantee and never fail t a-We entire satisfaction. Price 25c. and5Ji. - Sonar Mr. Graiwohl inform ut that he Is selling 17 pounds of granolatsd su gar for $1.00. Kow ia the time to buy as it is liable to ko up at any time. This is a net cash proposition. All goods deltvered free of charge. at rVlrvatli. ... peak on the ilTmSJtlTJ' ter, .exeral from Portland on the i mercial side. Mr. Markh.m r..e. 5.- on the transportation of tue product. A the business, tha ,nn.-l " .', ' stimui.tu the iudu.,7f gfv B" -.T,'' to assistance p saible in lowratea f ? . tb farmer, ot $Zlt$th lh A Colorado Lyuchintr. Dxsvta. Jan. I-Vl , . Ne? from C.nn CilV, 'tSg? Thomas Rtwani.ia .": with three others escad fmm th. ho I't"""-', alter murdering S'f- . William Kooney, wat teaptured 1. near Florence and bruught to toe lht place in a wagon, where he w1 A er from the otht-e rs bv a mr,K . . "ken to a telegraph pole. . " . D""' the