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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1900)
Ml.' ' r VOL, XXXV A W A a v a. - - . TT 7 ' AiiQAa i, iJtftiiui, FRIDAY. MMMin 19, SCO 7 What docs It do? It causes the oil elands In the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely at nature Intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. - It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. It Prevents safl ft ceres Bsiaess Ayer'8 Hair Vigor will ) surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there Is any life remain ing in the hair fulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. If you on nnt obtain Alt ttie benefit, you ..neeled from the u.o of tin, Vigor AaaroM. int. J. a v Kit. LOIVdll, HilL i)R. J. L. HILL Physician And S pe n Hill Hlook - - - Alhuny, Or. Littler & Littler f J DENTMi VIJmtDCy Broadalbln St., """ Albany, Or. TELEGRAPHIC I Probably Capitulated. , HOME AND ABROAD. Mostly Speculation. Lon don, Jan. IS. 4 A. M. General Bull, r's 28 words, announcing his lor warn movement Thursday, a interpret ed B8 meaning tnat he bag paaaed around nio nenuirn una 01 me Boer lines at uo lenso and ia now aeveral miles tiehind them and within 14 milea of General White's outpoata at Ladysmith. Agulnst Portland. WABniNOTON. Jan. 12. The director nf the mint, to whom will be referred all 1)1 1 1 a tor establishing assay offices and mints, aaya he will reoort advaranlv nn all such measures that are aent to bira recommendation. The director aaya that he ia convinced that thAra urn enough mint and essay olicoa. Looks Warlike. FiuNKTOHT. Kv.. Jan. 12. The finehel landers lute tonight claim to bane tele graphic advices from the counties in the oitHtorn part of the B'ate that military compama in that section are being equipped to route to Frankfort next week. Tha republican leadur. inaint. nn their claim that the contestants for state of. ncea must receive a majority in each branch of the legislature. Cot. nge Grovt C .se. Cottage Giiovk. Jan. 12. Frnnk Har. vey, a brakeman on the Southern Pacific Might ruiiDine between Junction! Citv and Uoseburg, was arrested here today on the charge of being associated with the crime of rnpe committod on MiBS Thorn, Hunday night, between Latham aim uoBcDurg. ilarvev tells a Btraiglit story in his own liehalf and yet says nothing tnat would throw on his associates. A brnkemau bv the name of Patterson on the auine train, ia reported to have deBortetl hiB train Inst Wednesday at Comstock and no trace of him has yet been reported. A llardjiib. New Yokk. Jan. 12. M.-rw emt. the deciHiou over Joe Choyneki in a bout which lasted three rounds at the Broad way Athletic Club tonight. Chovnaki would have had the light in the second round, were it not for an accident ns to timekeeping, lie hud floor at the Kid four times, but the timekeeper pulled the hell iib McUoy was counted for the "limit el iO seconds, and .this Baved the Kid Iroin absolute defeat. Brdisels, Jan. 13. The result ol Sat day, a battle at Pretoria is hourly expect ed with report of the capitulation ol Ladyemi'h. At London. Londoji, Jan. 13. The Presj it abus ing the British Generals, and assarts Bu'.ler inaane. Parliraent will ask twen. ty million pounda fur war npon awenV bling. MISFITS. Tn state of Otegonia trying to keeai np wttn tbegoernment in it high tax. Pefer Maker has been arrested in Port'and for vagrancy. A man knock' ed out is soon down. A country editor was robbed of $262 in Chicago the other dav, which an ex' change says setths the prosperity qnes' tiou. One witness swears that be was offer ed 1 1 5,000 to vot for Clark, bnt his price was $20,000 and he wouldn't do it. Good Opening the heavy door to the Albany post office is abont as difficult a task a' opening the door to China, The Journal boasts that Salem leads all the valley t iwns in retail prices because sugar Belts there 20 pounds for a do.lur. Uuy your spectacles and 6je glasses at French's Jewelry Store. for good clean work Viereck'sTonsor a rlor lne P;ace 10 Ket ecctmmod- Old DSDera ten (lent. l.nnHrorl at tha uimockat office. i"w la ine tim. tn out on irnmniy board or clothes rack, manufactured by tf. B. Davidton, under patent. Fine tilings fry one. Leave orders at Hop' kins lire. Max Miller, a well-known vnimir maa of Salem, died at Colfax yesterday. '1 be Linn County Christian Endeavor Convention ia in aesdon in Brownsville. Delicious clam bonllion at tha Suirar Bol 2nd street. Have you tried our Italian Naagat, Vierecks Sugar Bawl, 2nd street. The osntury difcussion may be nchesnut, but the Sugar BuWl nas real chesnuts. In a recent game of bare ball at Craw fordevilla the pitcher quit playing to trade horses. In a recent debate in Crawfordeville on the Boer question Cliff and Fay Abrama won with flying colors. Mr. Cbas. Pfeiffer has bought the Lu ther Flktns farm near Waterloo. It con sists of 641 acres, and is a lino place for stock raising. The Guard says that 8 M Titus, father of Mis. O'Brien of this city, will erect a brick block in Eugene next spring, to bs 40x75 feet. It is reported that the English zenaral Met hen defeated by the Boers, has gone j "imuc. ,uiuri.uiiaiie niaa VJ totse uis mind in such an unjust caise. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. These Saturday Night Thoughts are in tended as a short review of the doings of the week.with somethoughts in connection with events, beginniog with tbe most im portant of the affairs of the world. Ibis may make the Boer war somewhat of a chesnut, but it continnet at the front. Tbe closing week sees little progressed yet no doubt tne preparations that have been going on for a big battle will mean a good daal in tbe contest of bullets. Tbe Boers remain in the lead. Will another week seethe same reanlt? Our bushwhacking war continues In tatu quo,;wilh little apparent gain or prospect of gain soon. It ia to be hoped there is a surp lse ia store for us and that tbe war ends with all its misman agement and agony. V Oiegomaoa have learned this week bow much they will nave to tav for the sun- port of the state goverumtnt, a tax of 6 3 1 j People contfnus to differ on tbe cent ury subject, and will continue to do to just simply because they can nsver agrte upon the starting point. Hence a dis cussion of it Is practically fruitless. One might as well try to get music out of a braes kettle or keep a baby'a tongue still as to secure an agreement between disa grees on such topics. When the Dkmccbat man came though California lor Oregon many years ago he was told that it rained thirteen months in tbe year here, not a down pour, but a steady mist. O: course this was a big California lis, but this week we have teen getting aoms of tbe straight stuff in the way of mist, a gen uine drizzle. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Arch Goin is ill with the appendi citia. Jndfra Wnlvertnn rhiAf iii.tinn nf .. , . . . , , . .1 O- ui viio uiiio in Ruuuiuu iu iicri uiuer tinea- supreme court,canie up trom Salem thia Candidly tnia is uigner than a state tax should be, and a lower assessment ia not a sufficient excuse, for the figures show that the amount this county will contrib ute in dollars teward it is considerably more than last year. People all over the world from time immemorial have kicked about taxes and probably always will, for it is a fact that the public servants are generally poor ones, and care very lit The officers of the Brownsville bank tie what a thintr costs, so that there i M H t T .. , . IT I ' " -' 11 i.iBi num. urveiueot. T . (ito, Collins DDS A. Jack Hodge DDS COLLINS & HODGES Dentists v'lld Fel.ojv's Temple, Albany, O:. Oliver Plows--?i8w p HOPKtNH 3-U r-.. Agents AlJAiiy, tin f or, "Oliver gave the worhl th chilled plow And it Inn aavid more nionej to the fanner of America aiiyotuir un.ilamunt eviir produced, uino Oliver jlilled are the heat h. Tin O ivttr ia a promoter of nuppi nn tti j fa-m. and the dtlor who sM ows he .o titndllng the best. Look or imaiitatioui .tni touch nothing hut genuine gmH, inula only by Oli-er led plowwjrkt. SjntH Uiind, Iitd.. COUNTY BUSINESS. Deed, F.l'a Baker tt J J Baker.aev eral 1. ta and p ecea of land in and around Harrishurg. . $ 100 Deed, I J Baker to 11 Baker, 1 acre, Uarrishurg 100 Deed, Arthur Chance to D Great house, II lots, Bvownsviile 2:0 Pr of assessment work by J K Monro, bantiaui mines SOC0 Deed, J F feebler to J P Wallace, 1 lot, Lebanon 600 In circuit court . New suit, II M Payne set buaan Bates et al. To quit title. Watson i. Swann attorneys for plaintiff. Tits Chkamiky. At the annual meet ing ot the Albany Creainety the follow ing directors wore elected : Tims. Fro man, Straudor Froman, U. L. Kees, H. B. tiprenger and Geo. Cochran. The old officers were reelected : 8 . Froman, presides,'; G. L. Keee, vice president; K. .1. tSee'ey, secretary and E. W. Lang don, treasurer. The company has done a hue husinese.selling over $18,C00 worth of butter last year. It will continue to increase its business by buildings citim n lug station at Tangent. It has been fortunate from the Mart in being in splend d hands. hied CBABTREE. In Lebanon, on Saturday tfjinornii K. Jn- H. I"110, of consump tion, Miai Anna Ciabtree, lit the age of 21 years. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. M.irinn Crahtree and was horn in this ! county. She graduated from the Nor mal department of Albany college last var. was a nonular teteher, and was as well behoved by all knowing for mnnv excellent tllialities. The funeral will take place at Orablree tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. her Everything begins at 0, the binds on the cloca, the mercury in tbe thermom eter, an empty pocket book, measuring distance and as well the counting of time. That is all ttiere is to the century question. EJitor Finch, of the Herald, former editor of the Bell and Silver Imprint.hits ttie jjkmocbat man tbusly : "Awkward Attitudea" gave tbe Ore- gouian a chance to devote nearly a col umn to Brother Nutting's criticisms of that papers "inconsistency" on tbe tar iff. It will bear reading several limes. iour Brownsville boys were fined for throwing mud at a boy in a door and in default were placed in tbe calaboose. Probably served tbem right, but aucn things between boys are generally set tled in a different inanuer and ornnerlv. else city jails would be filltd. When a boy Uie Dkuocbat in in never had any trouble in seeing tnat the proper t unisb uient was indicted a i'.hout itoingto town authorities. One Albany man ia refasing to regietlr because the Democsat has been publish ing the list ot those registering, evident ly not wanting his age and naiivity known. Not wishing to place a straw in anyone's track decease Hie tublication in fuh, perhaps ocuaaionallv referring to odd casoa. . A man iu Sam's valley, Southern Ore gon while reading the Examiner got worked no over the Bo9r war so com pletely that when a surprise party arriv ed in hie front yard he slammed the door in their face and yelled: "The Boera, the Boera, God knows I am not Eng lish." He was soon subdued and the Hour cleared for dancing. Attempted Suicide. Eugene Beeoian, the boy preacher of Lebauou, a tempted to commit suicide this week by taking chloroform. Going to a barn he drauk from a bottle but spilled some of il. On account of the open condition of tbe barn he did not die. Dr. Booth was secured and brought biui too. The cause ia said to have been that a young lady went back on him. Kirk vie president. J. H. Glass cashier and Geo. Coebow assistant cashier. A Bodaville correrpondeat of ihe E. A. says : There are some ecallawags in town mat prowl about tbe spnng-houee st night, defacing the building, filling tbe often occasion for kick. And yet some times there are kicks that are not called for. This ia probably not one of them. . It is not often that there is more in- lamp witu water, tearioa down not ces dignation expressed tbao there has been and paper receivers, and doing some in the cass of tbe young girl outraged by nrfLt' S.h0U'd DOt Dame'' ,or P?!" the railroad men, who kept her in a box Jication in the newspapers. Our city . ... authorities arejuetly indignant. , car on tha road to Koseburg. Such cases Dr. Tryon, the electric belt man, held !c,ltor a 'orm of indignation. It is the boadds here several nights during time that tbe people anite in tbeirmight tho patt week and a ranker fake never against lawlessness of thia character if ; entered the city. He gave free entei- th ..,. trn( , . ' itainmems and as usual lares crowds ",. flocked to hear bim. He gulled a large lbs time to rise is before it reacbes Hub number of our peop e and ekipped out on stage. the overland Wednesday evening. Over ...'' ia Brownsville he was rotten-egged. In ' evwy country and in every clime lhre Isteongtess there has baa several are,nhna-aw are willing to be hum- fpeeebeson finance and expansion and bjd -Juition Times. one man made somewhat of a reputation u.u..B ...cuuo ujr cmyiug WUBl BUlieO Tbe Ladies of the Maccabees last night ., . . a . IsveMrs. 1. J. S.itea, tbe lidy them lo a flowery noon. Clerk Parker thia forenoon was dis tributing $955 among the teachers and janitors of district 5. Mr. George Blake of Rock f!rRlr. v.. Or., and William Blake of Benton county are in the city on a visit with their feis- ters airs. Ben. Kirk and Mrs. A.J.Hod ges. Postal Clerk O. C. Riches has been transferred to the Portland-Ashland run on the Southern Pacific and will move to Portland with his family to resside. They have made a host of friends in tbis city who will regret seeing them goto new quarters. Mr. Ira Campbell, editor of the Eu gene Guard, came down to Albany on the overland this morning all alone, to attend a sheriff's sale in which he was interested. Tbe Desiocbat ruan.'received some pointers from his heavy friend and rustler. Misa Maggie Barker, grand chief of honor of ihe of Honor, A.O. U. V has been in the valley this week looking after the interests of the order. Accompanied by Mrs. H. Klippel ana Miss A. lie Kliurel. the lnrlv t Gold Bill last week and organized a De gree ol Honor lodge in that place. The Medford lodge has seemingly lost soue of its old-lime vigor and sprighthnese and while in tbe val.ey Miss Barker is uaing her beat efforts to instill new life. There is really no good reason why Med ford should not maintain a flourishing ljdga of tbis order.-Mail. gave Mrs. 1. J. Stitea, tbe retiring lady . an togeioer commander a very pleasant reception. s week in congress has little to show They expressed their appreciation of her f r Ihe time spent, as a commander in the presentation ot a token of their regards. A flee lunch " ' - - was served and k aood time generally bad. It makes no difference now lad th wound if you uss Delia's Witch Ha;e Salvsj it will quickly heal and leave no scar, roshay & ilaeOD. It Was a Cat. Late last nijbt in passing the poet of fice Mr. Fincn, tbe vigilant city editor of tbe Herald, heard a suspicious noise in the office, that savored of burglars. He secured the n'ghtwatch, who guard ed tne rear door while Mr. Finch noti fied PoHrnaster Train by telephone and kept guard at ihe front door. Mr. Train came and opened the office when a frisky cat was found iLside makin cone'der able ol a noire. 1 hat was all. Mnotlv business French the jeweler. Orescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best Uieyile fortue money. Will k Jtark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only $20, $30, $35 and $50. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the anti rust tinware at Hopkin Bios, will las', a lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tographs, and do not lorget to take along By allowiog the accumulations in the A Few Point irs. Tne recent statistics of fbe number of deaths, show that the large majority die with consumptioti. Tbis disease may commence wuh an apparently harmless cough which can be cured instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, which ia guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases, 'rice 25c. a. d 50c, For sale by all druggists No fure. No Pay. That is the way all tbe druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chili Ionic for Chills, malaria and Hilliousntss. It is aa nla.a ant to take as lemon syrup, 50c. the boat. bowels tn remain tha .n tim anatAM i, n; The steamer Eugene got off the Salem oned. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers bare8terdaj and.will continue to run. ate the bowel. Try them and iou will The engineer Isaac Grjy came down on always use them. Poshay & Mason the train yeetreday afternoon to meet I I he Excitement Not Over. I Tbe rush at tbe drugstore Btill contin ues and daily scores of Deonle call for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and Lungs tor the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp a Balsam, the standard fainil) re medy, is sold on a guarantee and neter fails to triveentir9 satisfaction. P. ice 25c. and 50c. To the Music LovingPublic. M (' rH)'J V.5;3 We wry mk We receive SSTteaJl'S Jj I VThf9icN St Mlucd.t I 8t,000 letter. tfifXi r?A: iSftMl ifV We own and occupy the tallest mercantile buildln. In the world. We have Ur ST1 "er ..eto,ooI. c...tome,.. S.x.een hundred clerk, are con.t.ntlv ft engaged ftllins out-of-town order.. ) T m VT OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quote. 1 . Lfyj Wholesale Price, to Everybody, ha. over 1,000 page., 16,000 illustration., and U J I WTi Co 000 de.-rii.tion. of article, with price.. 11 co.t. 71 cent, to print and mail Ti I Alj c"on : We want you to have one. SKND FIFTEEN CtNTS to .how f f 11 ' yur Hood fnith. and we ll .end you a copy FREE, with all charge, prepa.d. 1,1 Those contemplating tak'ng up fa A Dot'BLE Dkf&at. Tbe Albany boys study of music will find it to their inter- Sugar Mr. Graiwohl inform, us that he Is eellintr 17 pounds of granulated su gar for $1,00 Now is the time to buy as it is naoie to up at any time, luis ib All goods delivered free of charge. ' Sulefinn. High rated fa )lory appoints on uncovered irround. free samp es Several earr, lo $25 wetkly. Some wit'i , us twenty yeirs. Ujrporation, P.O.U7I JNew 1 ork. That Tooth neede attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without uaiu DR. ADAMS. a AAll'BLE UKFKiT. IDC AlUaiiy OOJ Study Ol mUSIC Will nnu H to umi ,IHW' , ne, C18i, propOBltioO and girls were slaughtered at Corvall.a ' eat to inveatigate the advantages ' fered, devereJ , last night in a live manner. At basket ; oy Aiuuy viiw. - ball the Corvallis girla won 47 to 2. The , branches are taught: Albany girla couldn't do a thing on their 1 VOICE, TIANO, ORGAN, slippery ttoor, and were not faet enough VIOLIN, GUITAR, MANDOLIM for tl .,111 l.n.i.taa In tlm indoor Laae flORNKT. HARMONY. ball game Corvallis won 17 to 8. There I COUNTERPOINT. COMPOSITION were about one hundred on tbe exeur- and HISTORY OF MUSIC. sion, aid a tine time was had. jrr- wirts, Musical Director, isa grad I uate of the Chicago Conservatory 01 Mu-1 n( Ceattt Some fine B UlwiiTapples, in boxes, at , c, and has studied with such a.tists as ( 0narun",d,;",0 hlbit cJre.makva weak Parker Bros. Older at once, aa good , oeeooei-K. .g.:mv, ...,..6, i men strong, blood pure, sue, si. A'l armreisEa, 1 wooo, nuii, nun vnc irii. w .v . i In.. . 1 lhese men are niaewr. iu men iveiwv.. ive departments and musicians of world w ide fame. Mrs. Wirtz, instructor in vocal musit, is a pup 1 of t.T. William Nl6on Burritt who is knou to be one of the beat voics tAn.i,u in . M.u-i.-a t.ulnv. Mr. n!iSirMinl",,,J,w',:: In CARPETS and other kindred The methods nsed in Aioany vourge Conservatory are ttie latest ana ruoei Droved. Icing 111c comuiucu Ur H H llaili'n. Summit. A In. think Kodol Dvspepaia Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my c.i n ence in it grows with contiuued use." It Mgea s what you eat and quickly cures uvpepsiu and indigent! n. For sale by fosbay .Ma-on Music Mis Miiorra tturmestei faclier oi ii i' ir oru. System tbe Vepip (....'l. d tei'hniiine. " Ruaiitanca fiiii c'. oJ,( ct Msite U P chinch. flow Art, lour Kldneya I lr Tlt)l)i.' Mimrnirns PI l)u 1 1 blrfn 111. (9 pie tree. Add. sturlina llmuedy Co., Cbicaao or M. V. applrs are tare. mm m To Cur: a Cold iu One Day rake 1 AXATlVtt Fbixo Ql'INISK Tn All dreggists "etcnt the mjney if t tails tocure K NV . t Kovs'ssignature i on e,.ch b x. 15.'. Dr. "V. Wixin, Italy Hill, N V. sae "I heartily recommend One Minute L'ouiih Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief in suit ittng aithmii." I'leasunt to ike. Never fails to q iii kly cure all coughs, colds, throat and luag troubles Kor ,ale bv Foshay & Mason. Ilou't Tobacco Spit anil MuoLe Vnur I, lie In.y. To quit tobacco easily mid forever. te nunr nettc. lull o( lilo, tn-'cve and vit;or. tuue No I'o B;ic. the wonder worker. Unit niiikes weali uht tro:-p. AH driiRtfists, iliV or il. Cure tiuiirun teed Hooklel mill sumpie free. Aililress Slewing t-'o . Cliicavo or .'.'ew Voia. ....Our Offerings. superior instruction received .experience, and the acquaintance with the method of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable. Pupils may entci at anv time. Fall term opens spt. is, for further information call o dress Piessideut Wallacs Hawe Lee. Jlgoods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug ana an qsuare Mnes are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. or ad-