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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
Around th. World. Blrmiagham, Ala., has a co-opetative clothing mill. t , Germany ba. tw.nty-tbrw boat, t 17,000 tool capacity. hatha, Germany, ia to construct an underground railway, costing 23,000, 000. Ia Austria coaraa cloth of good quality and cheap paper ia mad. from peat fi Ut. Daring 1890 Brockton, Mass., shipped 5-9,277 caul vt aboaa, a gain of 37.303 case, oyer 1899. TLa black jaguar of Central America will attack any man by night or day whom b nodi tying down, - The peat r-og of Sweden, many of them eight to tea yard, deep, cover an area of about 8,048,000 acres. German experts estimate net import of gold into that country between Oct. 1 and Deo. IS at $7,500,000, It Is a Christmas custom in Atlanta to release all prisoners cliargad with of fenaea againat city ordinances. Nearly 85,000,000 wara taken in at one of the .even railway stations at Berlin in 1S93 and nearly 84,000,000 at another. Th. highest masts of sailing vessels are from 160 feat to ISO feet high, and pread from 60,000 to 100,000 square feet ofcaovM, KhartOom may now be reached from Cairo by boat and rail, and a hotel with room for sixty guests baa jutt been com. pletei at Khartaum. An editor in a Tennessee town, who a'ated in hie paper that the new centuiy would begin Jan, 1, 1901, was ridden out of the town on a rail. The Italian ratlwaya have promised the pope a 70 par cent, redaction in rail way fsres for the jubilee year if tbey are auured of 250,000 vsitora. Tba womas'a branch of the Church of England Temperance society will provide a reformatory, available for all Englaod far women inebriat-e, to coat S50.0CO. A jereeyite baa wccesefuly sued the Now Jen., Central and recovered 825 for atreet and keeping him twenty-five minutes in a pouring rain. A minister of A .bury Park.N. J., cel ebrated bie golden wedding, the fiftieth anniversary of bia ordination and hie eventy-ninth birthday, all on tba aame dlv . . . A woman inventor of Bradford, Eng. his designed an I apparatus to remove wool from skies, employing an elect! ie fliabing knife, wblcb injurea neither the wodI nor the pelt. In German cities, merchants are not allowed to put op "eelling out" signs un less they are honest. In Mayence a fine of 500 marks ia Inflicted for every trans grassion of tbia law. A good thing for Oregon. In aauit to recover the price of a bi cycle aold on tbe Installment plan, an Albany, N. Y., court bas decided that a bicycle ia not a neceetity to a girl nudei aze working out as a domestic. Niagara power wae need so long ago aa 1725, when the French erected a eaw mill near the a:te of tbe present, factory of the Pittsburg deduction Co. It was used for tbe purpose of supplying eawed lumber for Fort Niagara. At tbe last meeting of the Society for Ethical Culture in Munich a plan was discussed to 'establish public aid reading rooms, taaiog ihoaa ica and England as models. ' Awkward Attltudeu" ' Aalu. Aa weofedicted to an editorial on "Awkward attltudee" some daye ago weaooa of .defense which the Oregonian could reply upon waa abuse at the Dmocat. Itlaatwaye aaie io i.. i. k.t -han that nantr caila! in- other I Matte mt AaplleatUw. ! W. . Lam. tor tor tlt4 etalea .(,.. APPLICATION HO. 4. set 11 Inches In the nouna with m.ue.4 fter, W- m o( volume 4. of Mining Ilsoords of eaM of .rSi..wm i "r hemlock lie. 1 Inches In dletm United Bute Land filco, Nolle U hereby alven that la uureu. M de. In mm, ' . - .11.. ' . -1, , . 1 11 M( ance ot cimoier eix ui nil tniny-iwa ui i tno kviu matuies or in unitea Bute, V. li. Lritwlcr. whose Doatuflloe addieaa la Albany, Or., claiming linn) linear fact on eaeu or the roiiowi'm-iianisa veins, iouea feet to c ?; JIXI .Kealn the around, wlih mound r etottts 4 Inches. by. 4 feet long 'n,";,iJS wrlWd wheiuii a bint lira 1 .i.. r..niiii witn muunu oi -r i......... .n.,...,.. i.i...i .. ...i ..n..,i OSS ..VMn TO .!? diameter, vuuntyi JbuV lluoar U iiIhIih;I aluna SJ 4 the vln, which Is well dolln.u, Tha pre. Henoi al vuiirav or uunuiiun vi aralll with tha alda llnva ut td as aliuwn uuun the lilat iiostoa hi. bi,unatHi- w la uuthvMMtarly. About IMS fvt la ulalinnu on I ha loilo iuu(tU'iilily (iuiii tha point ul diatioviiry ami about M (hi norlllwastarly sorlbod rront the tiulnt of Ulscuvary, The mtia oiniin is uuunui'u on in umnuv unaurveyod igovrniniit luiul, on the outhwtmt by (ha Uoltl l alllinn lititn trlulin: ha irwuna wltn muunu !J5uaj whnee a nr tree TjZ.ZV... i.iaed and aurlhod iniiiv.-., ,i w 18.4 fliat. aiiu anu puis vvw m ..ivti.-a in iii..wv., . ...... ih.i it hit na ftthH or mineral uvttoaiu. bearina void, to- I wara ..---;;.,.., hii.,,l anil iiihhi anu wnuw o a ura i ..nslive. tender place. It charge, the . b-Tte "Zt' &U&&tF& DtocaiT with -having been now for lthfc AjX """"" 'e ttVlLrtalm Is of rrjl In the expansion, now aotl-eapaneion, now for tVr cnoiUnn.mM WKfrv?y "t " l mThiii Uw,, , ft,? gold, now lor .liver, no. for fre. trad. , lV SeSJ-h.toJtf Ll!r ftl.Wffn.S etc. It torfcOte that tbeae are .the very Uwup , i,, M(nln culra fcnd Mu lut ieVLih "mound Tattma. aoribed V, mil . R. f,! ,,uh,u," t u v im with in. dHin's of charge, that were brought to the door of --.t & Sl X lA.W'' 'SwShW then Oregonian and,, ha. not lood to deny their troth. ItCOOtended 0( ,h. t'r,ltd Slate, tend office ot Ore- No. I bers SlnVhea In dlnmeur. ZfA feet. Ulacuvary W'lnt ijJh ijSJt stonUv for free trade In 18S3 and then in fon UWOregon. wh ch fl, d not, of sur- f;et. A w wT bears 8. t , m feel to n!L,!?Btoii. ?"''"". y. the UoM t.u ami . OolJ , ; " "..m. ,M.r.. -- - -w (..i anu a v"t Willi cornar rmi'ii lotio I'ininia; on tna anuinwaai ny 1SS4 when tbe Industrial condition, of the country bad not changed in any par- licular it contended for a protective tar iff. Whythi. .udden change? There are many people in Oregon who suspect they knew tbe reason wby. l'be Ore goniao has never confided any sufficient reason to tbe publlo for the charge. Tben with great aeal it bas supported it. party lu ta.teniog upon the people of the country tbe greatest tru.t producing and trust protecting scheme ever consum mated the Dlngley tariff law. And yet it bemoans the sad fate of one who should be charged with ;"lnconisten cy ." It supported Dclph, the gold man, and Binger, the silver man, both in one editorial breath, and now eante abont its being an "independent" paper. There is not a more aerviie republican organ in tha country. That parer may content itself when it aceuees the Demo crat editor with being ignorant. Ii this be true, it is no defense againat one charge that the paper.baa changed it. views the third time on the tariff ques tion since 1380, tbat in fes. than a week It changed its petition on tbe qne.tio; holding tbe Philippine islands of each of said plaliua on tha aurfaoa, Avg. W "T rtilmeter bld and acrlbjd ,urvy. I u line t- of Ooltt rowri , ,,, ,,,,,. on UlB rtn. with maKnetlo varlatlone at II desr. US mln. H W1,?- s VSe. t& mln. V. fu(lw ,hl. suiveyi thence N. 43 dra. W Wc, b ,e ,,, ,,, ,, HvA to i s dc. W mln. east, as follows, to- i-SSJ rVh dtocovery point of the lode , ' w variation d. W h..n clnlma. and on the mirth-sat by tha wtt: S8.& feet. TJie dUcov ory p x mm. of main rldaf f"""'" White Hull Iml rlalm. 0 III . r of yal.l , """v.1.?', .. ..v lwar 8i aIL M mtn. K . var atloo ."uthweatet ly and tiorthpwatjrly JUI f t , , , rm,rtr, wllh ,, Whlla lluti Beainnlnc at corner No. I. Identical with ,hence f ,3 t"e" Silver CreeK. to" orner No. I, Identical wl rrier No. , , , , WhM- , cMm h?v. corner 'No. 3. Oold Hacli lode, this eurvey, 1 de. W nun. . w B , J409 feet to J" o"lden Crown lod. this survey! thi"je hrr,fra been patniJ. and twlna H.8. M. M. No. 1, bears 8. 18 dea. 43 mln. j f.t w de. -.T.-lil wrt loTMt N. M IT dew. M "! W- varlatlt n d a. , hy appll.'anl. There ara no K. 1127.4 feet. A corner of the location, Icorner ,u' Ai ihta aurvey: th"pt? Wmln C M feet. Uulch runnlna nojtli- cnltlctli elalma to the knowlede which a a cedar trea, U Inches In diarae- 4, Oold H"K ,1oJ?5, 1 a,tatlon dea. ?rlv iwLl feel to corner No. 4, on line 41. f j,.,.,)!,.,,,,,, tor marked thus (X on two aide, bears S, a,.. mln. .VJ'V wide. Howa fioKt leiafl M. thla survey, a hewed I Tho l U "n Bnale claim la of record In a M dew. mln. k Tl.S teet d latant; Ml fe.-t. "VJ' ,l .corner No. 1 a hewed ,V Vt Pt 44 In. hea by 4 tha orhce of tha county clerk of ald thenca B. 83 den. M mln. W.. variation il motherly V h.a by 4 'eet lona. set it ,t UiiTproJectlna toaae of J Jj county of 14nn. atala of nrra.ui. at para degr. 10 mln. K, 14. feet to corner No. flr , 4x4 Jj. with mound of 5,throi ,nd of atone; 4-3a; whenc- a vfltlB 4i of Mlnlnjr of aal.t 1 identical with corner No. I of Oold i ls Inches In tlrr"!,uwh np, nr ,ree 41 w"Vree 43 Inchea In diameter. lad ami y l6W wwr fwr la nlnlmert almi Back lo.i, this survey, and corner No. 4 '.tones scribed l-.J.V.a and aorlhed nr .tree T bBnr de. W. ( h h , w , dnned. Tha pre- of U. 8. lot No. 17. , White Wull lode: ;,ch tn dlam'Wr. blaaju a w jorlbea m-"h,,nil,m.H tre. lnc "-s In ;',,me ,Vneral coure or direction of aald ihnr 8. SI de. Rl m n. W.. variation tl) HT. beare N. h m . dliim- "..".M."n,., ,. acr bed 4-l-M r. ,.rnl wlih tha aids lines of de 10 mint K." 9.I feet to corner No. I STftt. ? BJbrf beare Vd lS ml". B. .l hZ, and dlcovery point of lode on summit of Jw. Waatrf and crld f?fthenc N. Vmin" II. variation de. rldK6 runnlna northwesterly and south-. g. t dea. 15 mln. f'jo de. K . tluU h rijnnlna northerly W easterly on line 4-S of U. 8. lot No. 37. ,5 ,,.. t mln. W.. van a hewd nr K. 1 Hummtt of rldaa runnlna '0Jr White Bull lode, a hewed fir post. Inches gsj.s et to c"r"7fee ;Wn set Is tnchea feet m , .oulhaaalerly wl 10 by 4x4 feet Ion, set 18 Inches In the r.,., u nches by 4 e " cf stones ;,'"n'K" Identical with corner N. ground wUh mound of stone, scribed .GTih. around, 'a n" tree IJInehg W,, aurvey. ano em The post stands axalnst the south- ,orlld fJuTed and acrlbed rT i of Oold Uulch lode. I hl "T eaotPrly ahle of a hemlock tree 18 Inches . diameter, Wnae o ami fi 5 S feet. 'B w a.-. mln. R.. "rl""0" i fn diameter, which im a corner of the loca--'jV besr K. fn'Jumeter. ,aP. K . 11 M. umTH ilfhwea.eriy tlon being- marked thus (X) on the south- lul . nr tree 0' wrs N. J'J- '" e,norh""r,v , h.ce of easterly side, and ls also marked -S;Bml nerlbed tf.t- thence N. W fiii f.t to onr , le V " HT. A fir tree 18 Inchea In diameter. m,n. y. i.i.n 19 deeT W mln. a... tiSinning. . . biased and scribed S-S B. T. bears 18. 1 mm. '., variation J J'g,. rir Pt lH-,ltmit.B. l.od. h de. 90 mln.. W. I feet. The center of (,.0t to Corner No. . t , nrhea .wlnnin, ,t corner No. 1. Wr""01. JSiv the Red Bull shaft bears N. 44 deg. W JTmphes by 4 feet I on. w t , l''"'1 Hull ld. ," ,,""7?: mln. V. 70.T feet distant. Thence B. 64 , lh ground, wllh " f 0oM nut corner ro. . Un,r o.l. thla aur og. 3S mln. W. variation de 10 mln r,b5f, n ", nm tree J on line No, 1. hears B. de. K. S0H 9S to corner No. 4. on line 3-4 ; JJ, thia survey : whence a .rbrd y,lJ; ,2991 feel; thence B. " ' "Jf ; Red Balr lode, this survey, a hewed hem- I diameter. X1 & min. )'- " m variation H dea. W JJ lock post 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet Ion, set 1 UT. bears N. "'it Inches In .m?;,V hulch runnlnsr n"r.",V' j Inchei In the Broun.l. wllh mound of JrJ t and a pine tree Vi.M- rtT. ' T.,'.-J.rv nolnt of toil In !!"',.'! ..1.1 .iti. uluwi ucsn tha nl 14 1 boat ed herewith, and la about northwesterly lo aoiitheaalerty. IMo feet la claimed on lha lol northwenlerly from tha plnt of dlacoverv. The aald claim U imunded on tha southeast by the Onlden frown loda claim: on lha aoiithweat and on lha north weat by unaurveyed ovrnmenl (land, and nn the norlheaat by the Oold Oulch and - ,1 i.... iin nuini. t'hers are no conflicting claims io the knowledge of Th Oolden Crown claim la of record In the omca of tha county clerk of eaM county of Mnn. atate of Wn. at P US. volume 4. of Mlnlne- Ihwda f "M county. iw linear '"TV" i... ,.re. lha vein, wh ch la Well defined. Th I'rf- iifflMl eneral couraa or direction or sai.j vein la parallel wllh the side lines or said atones, acrlbed 41 In diameter, biased BT. bears N. 9 do. IS A flr tree 4 feel STer. WarS.TeVtT 111 hTtTiRKl nnrt iK-rji --i--vio i"ari, g. is ar. y viHtttin l TV ltitir and UU IU dc. mtn. .r. '- , Noa ami i Bummli J" J.'H? mm- K . lilil Me and HH w. " in a weea a fir tree su incnea in oiameier. " min. k.. i ,.;. .un ole ann Br.,ateriy ami : InuWWV.- Wner NA rSV-a hewed IJj wJi no -. ...heaaterl aieriy an.. . . rllh eorn-r -" n. 41. tlolden survey: thrnra rl T, 1 line t 1 1 '.. "ow". j".hrr:..:7-. of iherewiin, ami i" b' " ..-- ,: aoutheaaterly. tf-no feet la claimed on the of rld.e ; wutheaaler rrar . n- r-". - K JSrS.h.Srt Vndon the aouihwe., hy """'l'"' rr - thus rXXXX). whlcn IS a comer 01 uw - - .7. , a hewea i" 1. """,'y. W..H of this Oregonian could bear the criticism. Oi location, beara B. X 1 der mln ts. ai pealnnln ft corner .--,)0n. set ia Vr dVM M m,n- W ' h'- aurv ey on repu8blic.n.forlt.d.eertlonof ,h. pro- J-K $ J a vl,, WSj Maiden -corW teTtiv. tarifflaw it would think th. 5,?. S&ilS5? S?- Vfi' "?S ViS tate wa. full Of men wLo are both "in earth and stonea. scribed S-4-33. A hem- NO- 1 comer ' 'B S d'l. . "'"i J i,Ln. slonea scribed "..v!? dnt and dsn..." There i. on. line of 1" iThT.-V. V cI.t" conduct, however, horn which the Ore- w 14, f eet crS V&iS1 gonian baa never awerved and tbat ia bt, bears N. S3 dej;. is mtn. w. diameter. t''Bri iTin b. sl 'ii'i Mwh. S S S' fhat it iaalway. found oo tbe .id. of ItoJT lh..trong,., VWAV0" ft V f I'Sl nhwe.,fr of capital and against the laborer, on the ; rSin"" rffiati-Te. i m.n lmafoJf V0-v' f'Vh.s '.'.Th.nJV r . ...,. B.. 801.M feet to corner No. . A sawed I w;. 7 of ,4 ,,. W. io.. this UJ,. n-. rn'n. "v. '.r er No. t. tne p. - ... flr' post jrt mches by 4 feci ion, set is '"JV.-iiuU lode. 'V:". ul.t feet, coj" min. r... in. .1.. I." -J." .w. wlih mound of V nlte f"' -nrner NO- "."'.Vi. aurvey iwn I feet a- 1 .tin 111' v ' m .- a 1 IIHTU u . . . S anfrUT 1 " . K I al . on ii"" oo ier i. - , on una, fiesmnina ; ,.oia finch :'i:J.hW . rt?U .'.ey. 'corner N-. ' of the stump location cor . ... lx nr 7., min. ,v . m . . ' The! easterly' corner of a )-i"tami mill against tbe maeeea. It standi w imperialism of British gold and greed Which wae identified to roe es ainit the only republic in South Afri- lrZ. m'ln!" ca. On these last line, it wavera not. gardiog tbe right of tba n.asws of the common people as the "baselesa fabric of a vlaion." U aaya tha Democrat foi-inu-a ita own oartv whether right cr wrona.nevenheleta when the Wilwn ls Babe. billwa. pendiog Deiora congreaa h e in . . . . - .j .i... " - . . jjuiocKAr irenuenuy ioiww , e. 11.7 feet, reduction, were not nearly so large a. ttey should be, but the bill wai .0 much fairer to all aections tban any bill tbe republicana could or would par. that the Dkmicsat accepted it aa much tbe les. of two evil.. Tha standard oil company bank, in New York city control 41 36 per tent of tbe total bank in thatcity, and 39.90 per cent of total ontstand'ng loans. Tbe power of snch a combination of capital over the volume of credit and of currency in circulation is such that at any time half a drzan men conld, as tbi y did ooly a few days avo, force a finan cial panic and ruin tbousanda for their ovn profit. imia. ' hol.t 111" u No 1. hi . , .1 innrn ' . . . on,' aurvrr. it h. i. t of " . .-a inehea or .V" ...l ...... ihli surve'r. Tn in diameter and 4 feet h!h. Waaed and SB I f-JV nd scrtbed J-J henc N. nt Oolden Cro" ' rhM w 4 .'rLle.d N. 3S de. 40 mln. etej. in, w. n de. hew" "'vSTi- the arounn. w"" , Vrea tump 41 Inchea 8. W.. v" u of rtdae run- , ts Inches ",n2j2S- whnca a flr J"? hlrh. "biased and dr. WJ"1,. Si' ortheasterlj of .,,, 'TMaaed an N..74 de. W m n. jmln. hire,terly and - ,n. ,- (nrh,. In dlany w w. 4 JTL' Tnence o. to. to rnni".:; .rvy. "" . a l"'"" "L- n 14 K.. variation J oe. r;.. iif i iv i',nld Oulcn v.. 4 feel tona. -V . ana rihed - 'V V. henee Beirlnnln at corner No. i on line 1-J Inche. In , -&- Jji and ewlhjd 4, 6 j"J ' n corner -,nV Gold I Bus- "ode, this survey. A hewed fir stones cri dlsm(Wr. o,.na"f. .05 mln. W; M . J,J ,rhra by 4 fee I ' fl bribed flaa iy. 8 M. M. No! iTWrs n:,11 fV5 "ed and -cr.t'nce N. ft. 71 de SlmTnTw. ml fe.t distant The eter tdJdn , .,rV-a discovery shaft bears N. I de. 7 mln. K. i B. ml". ,2tn northwesterly Htd ;d a flr r.1.t-Jra 26.feet. A fir tree 18 Inches In diameter. J,oultH pu o s min v.. w."d and r!7.i Ml' bUied and scribed 1-325 B. T.. bears 1 N. J tjet. c"rner No. 4 B' j, l" nl"m' o. ""Tv rtatton 1 6 de. 40 mln. W. .l feet, and a flr tree .V?. 1 0d ""it to corner N". pT bee a. " w , vJVji"-?V. Identical with comer No. 4 of U. 8. lot .biased an w "'Viaied and scrllen prrlb Ht feet and a "r.dTj is29 TT. No. 17. White Bull lode. A hewed hem- ! d' ' "diameter. blaea mln. K. mln. vf. "..'bUaed 1 and acrlrd (. lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet ton eet : JncW l(,sr, N. 5 g. lot No. J. , dlarter. Weo r'J.r0nnV IS Inches In the around with moundrf BT. No. I de. "1B' nears N. J "'jc Bv"'1" ,""tl- and scrtbedt B T" bear. NT5 de. jK. Ifjo de. ",,,,n- P 1 loFNo. 7' with corner r4o . ;. M mln. m a B.ffeelra'nda hemlock fry 14liwhi lyaiijtton ' BU' def this "V 'dV ! & - "nohl In diameter, biased and scribed J-pBT. jl"''! lode. S 11M fjf vaHntln de". r No 4. V.,'1rt,,l, w.. ttSK. NM fi am?na?Ul3,.o,rJo ff1Bf ffiS vwJVfJC'??: fM'.'tn'reef.yrner asuv - vj i ...imiL ira .a. a ait asri v i'" 1. aura ' ' . sin nar. r- a-r 10 mln. EL. feci 10 corner -un"- - nfri"r"" tni r - virlli"" ". , A hewed hem post 4x4 inches by 4 westerly "lit Oold Bo th, place place of "5li-K ib. -rr.ur.rl. with tersect line.!.- corntr NO. . l". t1 Bull elall rrouiAuuiuaniujar. im w '"' miT -i,.n i... IW-l ,v . ' ' .ha eourty . . -nsi net nr ail nnra. aaii iurva ot - ' : .-ma w a a aa . a hmnai ia . m nra ar firt . ja m librarie.' We SCO it .Uted tbat Vice-rresident i ,Vrei lnche. In diameter, bled and of w,n .ia VoV t. W'TO of I.t"-no. of H,B.Bfe5ahed ofAmer- Hobart really lost hi. hf. by being com JffrW1!1" Vndhenk tt Belnnln "J0? At .fSfi&& it a?WI & k'.T polled to attend about six .urioo. din- KeaTn -iaW"!!?. Soften Cr'own "hJS?. g .JoSjtf - - n.r.r-ery week. It ia. Ur.ible Plty "'rk Sinfr tbat wm. of tbe money spent on luanr- ii"J?yW "trfv W S Waebington in th. la. SSwTaWlS , .Tt..u Ion set 18 Inchea In the round, with .line a - westerly jj0i s, Oow claimed on v??.Inr and about 4' year ana osu couia pwi imu avu monA 0f ,tonei S'hw , Toy lb. Oolden Ka.t. Me fle'm Srconmct.nV'rlaim. to the knowtad.e of "m Villi rlatmlaaf o'd In , the offlca of tha count v clerk of aajd twrnty nTi of Mln in BeVord." of a-M coim-" ITSa ' linear flS5 I- claimed '".Sm.? ii n. which - well d-flned L The t"'T?,,n; neral courae or direction of SHI vein iV narallVd wllh lha aide llnea of aald LIST .OT a5 hwerir t. Trverv The aald el-lm t. hounded on f-ann-n ''""". j ri-M. Knale loda elnlms: on tha northwest by the ( ow" nVilch lod claim, and on th r'"r'w-"' k thl lied nlr I'vde e aim. There ara no rm'l.n eUlms to the knowleda. of sp- rL'ordlnth. e''ro..."NV.'. About People. Mr. and lira Richard Harding Davil re going to South Africa. Mr. Davis has seen advice a. war eorrespioleot in Cuba and io G eece, but tbi. lime be wiil have tbe company of lira. DjtIs in all bl. travsla. Olson H. Sskurai. a Japanese, who bas come coodi aaya tbe Japsni aive ae rector Tokio, SEflP US ONE DOLLAR tmm. 9m m4 mm to m mMM aaS wSl HU at IM. I TaraOTBa ruMS waa mj m w . v.. mmmtm m vmbbn. Umm. T aaaaraatlasltatyaar aiaeaat IV.Iafct aos.t, aa If aa la. It cxaaUr aa reaeaatalaS, tke aataiahtt aw a 1 MtfcrWtaMinamiMliilHalinajiil aiinj.ayatra SMat OUK WRIm l39.tU, wwmwmmm, m .. wmm A.KS tWJUl aVTT TVRaVsw gMgrejsMajgai rew r ra-aai law iX4WuruoaB to the starving men. women and cbi.d- hem.kncn m ?e BUUaviiirv---e .--I '" act a In M KL TT1I"' 14 ff TTla.lSS - -a ..IV S3 S J . - - . ,w ll UWW. . Vlfe tQUl rr.l-Zr lo "SSri an i.'.d h.m-ta"'""V.'lr Ma cU.m... . i, scribed 4 wnence a 'easier -- w 4 wun J""-; thence n--- i ,h. point "7. h, point " "-,h, J. ?ir?n5ri.b'a l W&vE riSte LuTn'Vl de. northlt.t-r'SSmt ren cf Cuba. U feet, and a hemlock tree U Inches As the British army ia now using J1-, s. ' dite .belle" (a .ingle one of which mat t?mu T noAhwesterly and ..aoutheaalarhr U ! Incne- - acrlW-o. m,, M W to tbe destroy a whole company of cavalry boraei and men), other nation, will of courae, be compelled to adopt tbe same weapon (and we with the re t) onle.s something- .till mora destructive can be i.d.TH minTw. 11.1 feet duv nin" ""'.rrorner No.a . : "J ,on. " l.u by the Ooia nee 8. 6 de. W mm. ... v.n- iiahi -, ... ncne r - ,.w mun 4h. nonnw - -re r25 Summit of rldse lock post. ,T0Und, , .hence a toe" . on tn, ri "rel.lma TlUre 'Jo'tbihnowleda. KidgTUnlnanoVtherTyVn tree; w Sf'applleant. c,a,m U of feel? Gulch runnln northerly 1476 feet, and "cn 1 1 feet, ana 4 aorlo'o Oold Baca m t clwrk oi s Ma n rtdgerJnnln en-terly and westerly , , fliameter. MaaaJ ,y. I Ta , , oooj y ,t p., S feet to corner No. I. A hewed I flr , inches n N. 7; M mln. B-j .,, of Wnn. sta R ecorda ol , "a goe feet to corner Na I. A hewea nr incnea bears N. . " (g min- COUnty 01 .1 Mlntna B,r along post 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet '""'.set II Inches iJt; thence N. W 4f W-4 t 1. olu linear f 'VSLd' ThJ p"" " the around, with mound oi r atonea. ..4 feet. V"JSS n ??un. hlch ' a 'well "nd,ionTof .t'! aald ...I.!. I., atnrl. It,, I . . ... I' Buuu..7a tarentMi to take tneir mice, wa eee scnoea , ".:tiv - i, i no. set ..iw tne -.i eours or lines oi inof Ame'rlcao working women, ,,.. Me,iMl Pr lnat thee -bell. aW. A0li it is ooly a question of time when will kill men and horae. at a di.tanee of other flr tre cfces In dto ,r0M aS'lf'"'?. SSe women wUlbe. prpgr ! .' aTtnlR those of tti. country. He i. di- S " "."ri- " , !"!? "JS" ."Td"' Bu "ldeT' thfi . Eg BT, bear. tr,a bT. en ,Bd ?VSrWovery. Th. of th. lie.! ;i3&taa.lo.ry: to tnhah.?.: OT;"lWt rif.'r " ff'iff'SSi J Wn ..:.v . v. . 'troops in South Africa. I1 SV Bl-d?. lr? Airii.e.J ft IhoUl Pateh .m isof reeordjn lof l!!.of fw.ti.;; WT volume 4 of Minin. f,.V..iv ISO linear feel la claimed alnn vain t. . bar-llel n " J'"-.,? '.h. Oolden Fart- d- claim and i n- eurveved f lrnm.nt wea hy ina neo '.--a ru cTalm"" TeV. arano eo-e.c.ln, claim. The "old aneon r..i , aoulhea.lerly '. ..-o - " nol.f on tha iooa p "'"-' y reet no"h- iv nnnatenterl rrftiino. "n n . . h uemieveyed invtmairri r ,w. aai O" . "-rhea.t hv the O-fl lra ."'-..TlT-.edln to la- hv dare Votn Ihe date hereof, with neeroi ahew valcblsaateaTae alrae from, paatomak yoaeea Coras ii ail Iflu T f" -r- aH,ma,uu aaw4 aak ar walaat as aeMiaa, amnua Snilift. I HH I -aja t"" mUmtMjtl tnaihUaalM,, a n.iann. aala H Mw TEBI UIMI KIJJL TMCFAKLOM DM 1. 1 (eat kick, taeaM loaesi ueaet vMeana wtKiu Bounds. CBatiu . oecavea, u aiopa. iouew: ainpMiw, I f ililfi. CiliM., Ciwii.i, laiCaaa, T-i. r SmT wm aa. 4 sm. irtartiii.ii.iiii! rip iLm aJaZ I arte? SI r . tan Bri tt ifc 1 Ut mS it jz. . . . .... . . .a. , w, . i 1 M ar nmiis mm Li 1 1 J W 1 1 I s BMk THK MIUM C(M aeOoaeoartortha til mi ImB lea, wiuca are enly astd I. tka kik- Vm S haM DoUre felts, letan, etc, bellows e tha heal rabbar cloth, Tplr bellows loek aa4 Sneet with a Will wanted plats t raocS aUrror, alefcel SlateS aa4 erary wuxlara uaproreaMnt. wo I nai am mil aat - btat nsia bawwj aadal traawa, bwWiSrwiaka GUARaaJTEED 28 YER8. 5 TTeVSt. -f" lwa a wrlttaa bindiac t-rear naraatea, tT.tS -tarnaaaS eoodJMoaa at wkleb fiaay par ''rt J repair M aw af akww. Try M aaa ajoatk aadwa wlU . roiaad roar aaoaer U y aa are aot p artcrtly "UiaVd. K" ' ot these organ AT SUCK. IX OUR RELIABILITY JMnfhe. hTCeef ft it lS ! m. EUtdji Pand IfJffWffl fn thT irroUnd. .wlth mounuoi atone. i IreatVii.'survey. " V; t0 corner 8rthweat -claim, -"".rnment bribed l-2a. whence nr tree I I"lnnortheriy . SnrrTbU'&T0 af'wf m'it ?. hVffiwVW h min v. . 13S.S feet, interseci iino lM mm- 'A:.:mit oi w'..i.rlr ra L,a "J .T3 V-I l.r ar TXnsllm Bllll lOOS. foet. BUi" i.iltnw'- -.rt UOK1 e-e or u. o. .""v.;,Vt ermeor:ir.JVheasteriy an",d Cannon--. fA4t will M sold at Saa.OU. aa y MT DKLAV. f J. IS ESTABLISHED Jo- tfey naaak jouraelithborabout ua, wrtta I iitM I f ar af this paper ar Metropolitan f f UHliSN , arCoraa4.Baik,ot Chloavoi ri .-1' r ?, It, ft dealt with the Babllah' Rational Bank. ar Uenmaa Kxebanv Bank, aw Torki or anr railroad or eipraM eoropany la Chtomeo. We haw a aaeHal at war, occupy enttr. on. of the lanraat baruuaa blok ia Chleairo, and employ Beany pwit i. . bullrllnc. WB SklA aak.BS it and apl itN. 64 de. 24 mln. W. 49.15 feet from ear. nit 140.4 fet. Intersect line 4-1. Red Balr lode, tnis survey, .r-1-." "ne.5-1 pi u. B. wt. ---- : No-.. -"J, A ""Jorn'er NO. fav-fS!1 Bick lode, thla VSrVey. tn line M feet to .ij. I Srner "no. I on Uns-l ot Oold Back hewed flr lode, thla -ujey. A hewed flr nojt Kt tekW er 4 1 fait' Ion aet 11 Inchea In the rround, with mound of stones, scribed II KS, whence a flr tree 14 tnchea In diam eter, blazed and, scribed I-32S BT, benrj 25 der. SO mln. K. feet, and a atones 10 lncn"j ?i5"utheaaeTlr from t . S? mant1he"t "of 'rt "'r, 1i2m hV bounded owtt-5; The said claim fc onaurveyea a of aaia ciami ,,,.4 m tna ';'. Balr claim. iT.'of which this la notify for oatent of wmcn conflict ATO of iio c ,.7 ,a . with the W White Bun -be,n(r ow ownen u "lr:'LT.ra none other con...- White Bull lode '.ay"" n0W owned by been pa n ni, n tow ,,.u. WH) t,. baeeed. in virtue oi id. - ,on. of -aid X'irM . . jxi-no-, Jan. 18.-Aniiety tor aafoty of Poller troop, b hoorly increaHnf. Bar FaAh-aaoo, Jan. 18.-Mayor rbel an la eomtemplatlng an Oregon Wo. Dvkvw, Jan. entered a aaloon and kiliedtl.. pro prietor. , , ., EooaaB, Jan. 10.-A aearclitng party of Un men found th. body of Augu.t Fisher, who dl.appe-red i v. aan tnda v. at Boulh cait end olSpencer1. Butte, three and ooe half mlleVfrom home, 10 o'clock tbi. morn- '"Fisher wa. .hot nnd.r ,',,' b" coming oui top of bead. It boogbl to be wleide. ' Coroner wai noliB. ed wd left bar. tbi. afternoon to bold an in. q Tformar aeaichbg prty were altbln liiteen feet of the body. London, Jan. 19. -Ann neon firmed ru. mor i. tb.tLadyimitb ha. been relleveil.. It ii rep wted tbat General Warren wai killed by tb. Boers. Scooting pa'ty waiattaca by tbe Boon losing several men. -xs " V " flr tree W 13?"r,T bears r. riH' m v . hi mm- Al I been pavoii-.. otner ora"",- trie. JJ jnche- in diameter. Waaafl de. w ..riaW MP"- , applicant '1 n. r- "kBOwtedga of anpn- lrdlatVntrt rl ul"7Sn.VUtherlyWfeet. Bum- hewed ,nrhe. rnTt of rlde runnln northeasterly and 4 feet ton, net ,ton., SnthweJrtSrly 710 feet! Oulch runs aouth- wit,l mmmfl H Kr 1 westerlir 14rtt.l feet to corner M. . A wrhe.r !" . . s.. a PAnArfl fn ' H1,,tl. "J,r. ief Vlnrh C.ft.m i - ; M A lot belonging w Adella Macey in eree's ne una siwrvj' - -don l' r $300fter a spirited bidding. The Dmootat ii Informed that the 1.-, ... aiolatai continually In the 5.Tir Under the pretexted .hooting Tbli ihould b. ilopped. Dr J. 0. Littler returned from Port land thla noon accompanied by hia broth er and family, who have come out here to locate. 'ii'"l J ial ' Wl If 1 II I iUlf I" " f6 1 .i