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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1900)
CLtxaKaO KaTS. Weekly UKSOCBAT Hid Examiner sa.ov ana i nnce-a-waee: Wotid $2.00; and Kepumic ana fWmnian S2.25 and ban Francisco Weekly Call 2.0u;and Salem Weekly Journal 3.00 J D Biidras. Elitor "Deaiocrat." Ln 1 ter, N U, sy, ''Om Minute Cough Cmr is the best reinsay far croup 1 mi nsed." Immediately relieves nod cares goughs, coMs, coup, asthma, pneumonia, - bronchitis, aripoe ana an turun: au inuj roublai . It prevents consumption, tor alt by Foshay & Mason. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years anu nerer found permanent renat tin used Rodol Dyspepsia Oars. Now 1 am well like a new man. writes S J Hamming. Murray, Neb. It it the best diratait known. Caret ail forms of in- ,) lotion. Pbvsicians everywhere pre - scribe it. For sle by Foshay & Mason- ' LaOripps with its alter effects, annually detroys thousands of people It may be aoicky cured by One Minute Cough Cure, theonlv remedy that produces immediate resultain coughs, colds, cmip, broncuitis, pneumouia and throat and lung troubles, t will prevent consumption. For sale by - Foshay Mason. If you suiisr from tendaraess or fullness n the right side, pains under shoolder- lade, consripation, ouousness, sica- eadache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy nr liver is toroid and omcested. le w;k. f ,hi F.irlv Risers will cure you . promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing toe confresimu im ' oile ducts to open and flow aaturally. ThT ARiOOOD FUJA. i he without De W itt's Witch ' Basel S.ilvo far any consideration." writes R RhndMi. CeoterfieM. O . Infallible . ...... hum and skin diteaaea Hawawot counterfeits, t or sale by os- hayft Uason. You never knew form of blood poi son will follow constipation. Keep the lTver"n by usina DeWitfs Little Early Risers aud you will avoid troubles. Thev are famous pills for constipation and liver and bowel trouble. For-ca'e by ioshay TERMS. ali,T Daar.BAT, S5aents per mouth 43.00 per yeiu ,in advanon, SOo permon th not in ail van oe. By carrier, 100 pel week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months. bingie copies on. Waair.T, il.85 In advance; 1.6U at eno f Mar, SI.7.SrVir aanond Tear: t'lM tOI Jiinl ud nreceeding rears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers at $5.00. Change of Time. Bsglnnlnfc Deo. lat, the O. R. & N. will run their SPOK.AKK (bitii via Wallula and the 8. R. V. R.B.: Train No. 4. will leave Portland at s nop. m., arriving at Spokane at 7 tli. a. m. Train lt. ;t w leave Soutane at i :ou v. u ...j - - .i Pnriiind at 8:00 a. m. In connecUon with the above trains, iha o. U. & N. will put on a paswc- ger Uain, leaving Deyion ai p. m. Walla walla at iukw p. m. -- Wallula with No. 4, from roruanu U :20 p. m and with No. 3, from bpok- aneat 12:05 a. m.; lewmr v 19-in.. m.. and arriving at Walla Walla at 1 J20 a. m. and Dayton 3:00 a. in. Young Mothers. CrouD is the terror of thoueaoas oi young mothers because lie mtbrek isso ,.; .H Crnjintl v fatal. Shiloh'e CASTOR 1 A tat Infanta and Children. Be Kind Yea Have Always Boagh t fu.antlv iatal Ooush aud Consumption Cure acta Uke mairic m oaawi u viwk w aeen known to fail. The worst cases re- iaml linmadiatelv. l'ricoa So cts,. and 60 eta. and 1.00. rcv sale by Foshay 4 Mason. KVlt llandhCliea. The curse of overworked wotuanklnd.are quickly and aurely cured by Karl's Clover Rnnt T tlm irmat blood DUritlS? and tissue builder. Money refunded U not eauafaclorv. Trice, Zo cts. ana ov c. For sale by Foshay & Mason. CATARRH OF . THE STOMACH is a Cttrook) dlsaaaa. Thsr la an tnoamsse, I Mooot Ui InnsreoaUnt the Stomach. A thlek, ropy moras forau and this eauses Ihs mors pronounoad srmittaBsi. II remains in th swmaek and dsossiBeses. Than, of eenrsa, dlgastlon eaa net haproparly parteriu. ad. The gnat vafstabls leaady BDOTAa navar falls to etfaot a ur. BVDTANaaa b had el all dratjlats (or too. po. naokan. Itndv voui tTmptnnioanfully from thlsehan. Kachnum- aar npresanu a symptom or trenp f sysap lom. Yon have th 17m ptosis. Vat BUD. a An and they will disappear. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: f:1 ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH ; High-Qrade College Education To every boy and girl that has the ambition to attain one. The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES3 o The Normal Courts leads up to STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Course has now become Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now Illustrated catalogue. Boardattbe Btudents Club at actual cost price. For particulars write TICKETS. To all Kir (s East via Grei t Northern Railway. For rates, fi idem and full inforxmation tail o r add -ess H. F. Mbrrill, Agent Albanv Beantr 1 Ulood Deep. Plpnn blond mm nil a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy livei- and driving all ira punttea trom the booy. liegin to-uay to banian pimples, boils, olotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takiiig Cascarets. beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Bean the Hgnature of I (ia Noltnl, Rxkland, O I Wlltj uau jiiivjo iui v; jean SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland South Bound , 7:00 p m ii: Aib.nv:.:::: '?:pm r:: Albanv 10:ny pm Arrives San Francisco... says. My DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve cured ber. It is the best salve in Amelia " it hls every thing and cures all diseases. For sale by Foihay & Mason. a Important Difference. To oiiVe it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not af flicted with any diseise, but that the sys tem simply needs cleansing, is to bring ' comfort hone to their hearts, aa a costive .condition is easily cured by using byrup joff'igi. -afda tfatared by Iho Ujlifcrnia Fig Syrup Co. only, and. sold by all drug- I. BILIOUS HKADAOHB. This la tors pronounced In th morning HUD- T AN will reuav in aeadaeh. t-. BHD AND VATSBT ZTllB. NUOYAN will eaas th ndmss to dlaa appear and aaaka th ys aastua (hair aw sal, healthy appsarane. e COATED TONOUS AND TOIL TID BREATH AND BAD TA8TE XK THE MOUTH. HUOYAN will clear th tonfue, niaas th breath pur and swt ana sans u sad last to dlaappaar. B. PAIIT AND TKNDKBNB3B IN THX STOMACH. This Is do to indige. Uon. MUD Y AN will eaus th food to be- een psnectly dlgasted and th pain aad OTuavrneu win aisappaar. a. EHLAKOEMEKI OV TBI iilVAiU. HUOYAN will hvuen thaooniu. nan ana reauos u enlarged Uvr to Its nor saal all. HUDYAN will rsliav you of th abort symptoma and make yon wU. Do not delay. Oe to year draefUt at one and procure a paekag f HCDYAN (or too. or for U0. If your dnunlst does not keep tt, ainddtract to th DCOYAN BIKCDr COMPANY. an Francisco, Cal and thy will send tt u you. Von can eoniull th great BtTDYAN DOCTORS FKliK, Do not lorrai that. Call and as thorn 11 you wish.. Yon may sail and see them, or writ, aa you datlra. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. BtMktM, Meriral aad EIHe Suu, aa Freaeiaee, Cat. FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUQOISTS AND BOOKSELLFL ALBANY. OBKOON Pure Drugs and the tineat and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books n the Market. Albany, Oregon. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President fi. W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC ASD ART. ! M. PARTIS. Mas. Doc. mrector. MR, J. N. BROWN Prlncinal of Apt AtsOoUtfl PUn. LiUst MtUhn la. Full n.,:imft trlvnn In tt.A Prinnsnal Rf.nn..AB iuusiiu uu an 'vBsssantansHtntaaV' jarfsnBBBeasaBsnnwsweaw Bait Lake, Denvor, rt ast Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail as Oity, ft Louis, 6:40 p m Ohtcago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Bpok- Bnokan Fiver ana. Minneapolis, Bt F'ye J :10 pm Paul, Duluth, Mil- B: weuatra, uuiwii East. OOEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For San Francisco Bail every five days ggn COLUMBIA Ml Yr.ri ipn if,bn.l. KTEAMEKn. Jsxsunnn Saturday To Astoria and Way- lOpm utruiuva. 6am WILL Kit amy. t rap ExSun. Oregat Ulty, wewoer., r,x ouu balem n y-uuu r Fast Mall 8pm 6p m m WILLAMETTE AND Vnesday. YAMHILL Blv . .1 Oregon City, Dayton, and Sat. and Way-Mum. 8:30p .Mnmla Wed. and Bat 4 :30 p a In Mrarc: Harmon Plan, Organ, Voloe, Italian Hinging, Violin, Hand Instruments, armony, Oounterpoint, Fugue and higher Huaioal Composition, etc. Music lesasna in llarmnllv an! CinntMrnnint viwan hv fWrunAn.lAnu Method ol Normal Training in taaohiuir Piano. Youno lullliliAhUininnai U,..i...l ... r- waMiHcua sj. IHAVAlll A4UUlklUU New wort to 8: 15 p m 8:05 p m 5 36 a m 5:43 a m 9:15 a m North Bound. .Leaves 8an Francisco Arrives Aloany ilaves Albany Arrives Portland California Eiprees-Sonth BounJ. LeresP-llnd wooSS r.v:::::::::: Jfrives Ban Francisco 7 K p m Oregon Express North Bound. Leaves Ban Franeiseo ItS lm Sfrives Albany l-io ttave Albany.. 1-00 Arrive; PortUnd 7-w Pm lebanon Btanch-Dailey (Ex. Sunday) Leave Albany lor Lebanon Arrive at Albany Jave Albany Arrive Airanv.... Albany Market. Wheat 42 -enta. OaU27 Eggs 27 oonta. Better II to 17 cents. Potatoes 30 cents. Hams 15 rents. 8ides 10 cents. Shoulders 8 cent. to I Direct connections at San F ranjco v Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. . 8:10 a mi TeMlflclnllTiliirMtxt.hAfrwvaanA-Ma 10:30 a m s,ign In atrenirthMin? and rerauh P m 1 M-ructingthe ezhauBted diffestlve or rani ltlsthelateetdlscovereddureafc. 8ua tonic ao other preparation approach it in efficiency. It t- vw"-.v--,: -u .,-.! jaDan, 'can approach it in efficiency, it in ,Uh stesmsh "a',tr,Ti ' I etently relieves and permaDentlr enret China, The Phil ppines ana Austrs lis. J ,nd, Heartburn. A IU. i W c.H.MARKHAM, BKESSr: G-FPor?laPndbr. allother results of imperfect digestion. rrpgra ov e. c vwi;. a ce coicaae. For sale by Foshay tc Mason. NORTHERN PACIFICJLB OREGON VI AVI COJIPAiNY Cer. Morrison 4 Park Bts. LEWIS BUILDING. Hortlund - Oregon SIX PER CENT LOANS.-I have a limited amount of money to loac. on oral-class farm security or improved business properly in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call on or address. U. F. Merrill, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. L,.aSf.' , f. k 1 1 VTOflCE IS HtREBY GIVEN THAT I 11 the uoderr.;gned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of Lion county, Creiron, as the administrator of the estate of H A Davis, deceased. Any and a'l persons hav aa claims avainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at Hatrisburg, Oregon, within sii months from the date hereof . Datei tbisgthdarof Noremoer, 1890. F. E Davis. Ohac Ash Davis, Administrators. WBATHKl.prihO A Wtatt, Atty'ntir Adiur's. awMvanrvii rears 01a. linacta faw Tark Ollr, had AaaAw Aar aaa 1 Baa waa ranuanUr IronDM with naJnaon kvhlu. -(.k-k .- aha had catarrh of ih atomKh: aaolbar alaud that If waaltna dmasahTaal Jtr?""1. " Wry esk-ulns, or sail awuaa. far wfatehh? SXS3J1. "!""" r.,u""" . an;u. At th. nalas mr aa am that :.- f marpoin. w.r.. raauru.1 to. Th Mtlcnt wrlehnl I0S pooarta; Jai eamalSraa eawl! Afiar aatast tboni Swo aks th palaa aail btuaUuaaf lb iumoh ikT!Z!v3 tZTZZZTiZZril VZ.irZVUZZ''T -" ay bar I1A. aa auaautmi a a law. tw,.at Vm. i a pin ud ia - in.i.i I niTT ' " " aa. liiann li u aiUlu umi. mml,r4 a SUlil RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on the Albam Street ltni. will connect prompty with all trains to u from the depot, day and jitht. Special trips will be roade at sped rate. R. MoCHk,. ( (l.f tit baaab 1 t r n "a aa man"" ailii k mil 1 a aaaMM ana. oaaaaaantat aaHia.aa aty 1 aalaW! 111 na a saaS. lTT 1 afT HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. WI IIHJL HlBlS HUM BH IT t list to !(, Mir ..ip u ftw r)ti t 93, as. ttw 1 wUattoa Utl rwtiit ( f-W) to B.OO. OUR OFFER: mi oatuti ih1 Aiufila or lb. .wiBlMMto wavoH-1, anrl out II oalw ntMr tlie rooto tu pui bl, (nr 1m mr fMlral Btit BJsytosl guesj 1 tMaia nlwm to PT poBla(e. ctiui U1 ik nlMk to H.lali ysmr Mr itMt, tutd gtcntl to you ljr rJl, pBipui,vnd ir you r nil pwrfodlv twU.-lod, rt,urn 1 1 tuid w will '-irirnlltlf lr r. yoor monor. Oarfesratlal alaTar Kriaa a tWllaveai 1 ara4y.k tola, lotuf, long trn, OSo hort utera, OOot -o.3 1u,lriiir, liortiiii. 91.291 la-ox. IS-lD.lona,bort ttrm. 91.50) Jn aaa. uii,sivitnrni,al2g, a-- Ol. aW-in. lotur hirt Htotn, (3.29. JI tAJUHTU r j v ituu ui avittitott (rnwto on bm ,m Bio 'cet, Or4r al m as4 gtl Usm ettlBl "" I)r gaeeiey r4arvtl If gr aa a V Writ for it9 CAUtiOatlM C - Mods. Adrlrvw. ' SEAKS. ROEBUCK A CO fliw.) ChleatM. tfim, Miitoni a.U. tow itaraaaaajy aaJUM,, atmmtj OV! Vlinii m. Second St n3ir Ltji strjjt, Albany. Sells Chi n n I : 1 1 i ii i n i rici, Chinese Hill I n it nil. K. O. T. M, j very Saturday evening ai E. O. I. ai all visiting Knttrbta inviieU. U.W UOFrOomuiandr. Puilman Sloepiug Oars Elegant Din'tg Oars, Tourist Sleeping Carp- St Paul Minneapolis Dnlntb e"argo, fO Brand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Heleaaand Butt TIRO'JGH TlCKE't TO bleago aeahtngton hiladelphia ffewHork atai and a.. ?ointe bast eno douvU . . 0 nave the best stock u xSnK t7XJ TJ .t'sbi; select from and our price Oo .anAmerican line. 8T0 always the lowest, qualitv JTJTcT aTrBSf consitlered crA... en rsas a, SMILEY, aetiand 0- AU'inf. The Printer OUR CAPACITY 1 I'acqualed In the Valley. OE WORK la Unsurpaaitio In Oregon. HIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed aud Beautifully Illustrated, . By JACp3 UIQQLE No. 1-BKIOLE tlORSE BOOK Allahont HonN-a Cuintuon-M-iie Trestiar. with over 74 illttstrativaa ; a tlauUurU airk. trice. y,Ccnta. No. 3 BIQOCE XiiKRY BOOK AUabont arnaiu. Small r'ruila read .ufl learn how : cootaiiia 41 coloicu ue-like irproductlon.ol all IrKUing varlctica auu 110 otiter lHu.ltatiuuM. iiicv, No. a-Bldai.E POULTRY BOOK All about Foiiltry ; th best I'oultry Book la eslRtrnce ; tclswcwrytliin ; withij colorcrt life like reproduction ofU Ue prttitnsl brccti; witi. u oihxr iliutltmiivu. Prkc 5" Cent. No a BIO OLE COW BOOK All about Cows aad tbe Vuiry Buiincas : hfiHajr tmit Hlei contains I colore! life-like reproduction! of each breed, with 13a other illustrations, trice, 50 Cents. NO.&-BIOOLB SWINE BOOK just out. All about Hoga Breeding, FeMioff, Batfh cry, Iiseajrii, etc. Contains over 80 beautiiul balf tooea and other cneTavinsa. Irke, 50 Ccuta. TbeBlUOLB BOOKS are unique.orf Rlnal.tMeful you never aawanythinff like tbem ao practical, poaeiisible. 'they re having an enormous sale Eatt. Wet, North and houth. fcvery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, tfo or Chicken, or grow ttmall Fruits, ought to send right away J the tSIUULE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL la votrr oTeT. niarde tor ymi and not a nliflt, It fa at years Old; it lathe great boiled-down, fait-tbe-nail-on-the-beail, quit-after-yoo-bave-aaid-it, Farm and llouaeliold pn(er in the world the birsjeat paper of its tiie In the United btalea 1 is made tor ymi and not a nliflt, It fa at years ciAjaexkGMiiMvuiauts a mUUoa aan a-haUrcguiar readers. Any ONE of tbe HIGGLE BOOKS, and tie FARK JOURNAL YEARS (remainder of 1890. w, 1901, 190s and 190J) will be scat by mail to any .JJrt.. uv A DOLLAR BILL. aampla oi F ARM JOUKN AL aad circular describing BIQOLE BOOKS free. Address, VAMM JOUHMAL fuiLaiiaxraia wii.ii a a ATxrasoir, cuaa. v. jiufaiaa. Coirallis TIME CARD. No. 2 For Taqaina: Train leaves Allany 12:45 p, ni. ' ' (Jorvallis 1 :6S p. m. " arrives Yaquina.... 7:M p. tu. No. 1 Ketui aiaR : Leaves Vaquina 0:00 a. m. 11 Corvallis 11:0 a. 111. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. ni. No. 8 Forltioit: leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrives jJetroit 11:30 a. in. No. 4 HaturninK: Laaves Untroit 12:20 p. in. Arrive Albany 6:46 p. m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis witii Bout hern l'acillc trains, giving direct service to aud from New port and adjacent ueaci.e. Trains for tus mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample lime to reach camping groutda on the Ureltenbush and bautiam rivers the same day. Edwin tiuNi, II. I.. Waldun, A'annger. T. F. 4 P. A. J. Tdiinkb, Aeut, Albany. wn.r iiirr 'H kiv. Tuesday Portland to Corvallis r'w. Thur., and Way-Und.ngs. lhur.. and Bat. I a Rmarla l IwistO 2:307m BNiKEBIVEK 12;00 r Daily Uiparia to Lewiston Dally W.H.HCBLBURT, Un. Pass. Agent, RAWL1NGS, Portlaud.Or. Agent Albany. km S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct rnuto to anil fn all Eida. points and Kuropfl SIimuu 1 llteUK A tt EsTSCKMCKY in America. Through Hrst claa sleoping and tojrist sin (row coust to PAUL T0K0NT0, ' MONTREAL BOSTON Without Change. Royal Mail StBisMi! liies CHIHl. JAFiN and ATISTALIi rule For full information regarding etc. apply to. II. ABBOTT, " Albany, Ore. Asont Portland, Ore. E.J.0OYLE. . A. U. r(Ai antuuvur, u. v u. LEGAL DIRECTOR NEW WORLD Thricr-n-Week atidiliou 18 Pngea a VVtek . . .' . . . 150 Papers a Ytsai For One Dollar ablshedevrr HeraaleDajafaplSaad TheThrice-a.Wnek Edition of Tin N an Iobk WobldIs first among all "weekly' papers in sum, frequency 01 pUDiica'.ion and tbe fresbr.sss, accuracy and variety ol lUcoi.t-nis. It has all the merila of meat $U daily at be price of a doll a weekly. Its political oewsis prompt, com DESIGNS YRaufc. MARKS AND C0PTRIGHTS . ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice In " inventive Aice " book "How toobtain fatents' PATEHTSr 9 OBlAiPlbU i FREE Ohargt moderate. Nn fee till natnt is secured. E. 0. SiaaERS, Pliant Lawyer. Washlnnlon, O.C. j A limn v W B Bllveu, Foshay A Mason block, U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, POUlock, J N Duncan, P O Mock. T P Hackleman, Pearne oiock Judge U H Hewitt, P O bin. N h Humphroy. Kelly A Curl, bank building, L H Montanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. O E Sox, P O block. L L hwann, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. Wenlhertord A. Wyatt, Bank bnildtug Whitney A Newport, Ousick block, U W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. P M Garland. BrowiiHVillc A A Tussing. IClO. TJ Wilson Mlimr NATIONAL HANI1, or Ai.aaBT,OB.eoJ ireldant . ... fie PraiUlant . aalar.. ..irUNN .- . I YJUNO W. LANUliOH TAANmauTB A usMKHALlNuiklDlbaslaaai AIJCOUNTS KCfT .uhjactlo lbs k lu:ir i:ii;UAN(1K ut.iajripaic ir aalar, ta a Naa Vc-k ban KrnolKO,Obloa ana Pillaa LtOTIONS 4AOV. nn U,rt.,M Hal staamasW aavaj) 8 t Tooaa" ( a u.-mj P 4 Oouwia' L. fun I 0 S. Plus. Uoliattin uairauiiaof a nifirtnirilrsil nr Invent I vu mlml dirioatrlptoth rnrU KpoilUoua wltHguxl Itaiarv Rudexiw-nii'Hpavld. sltuuld write 1'ATKNT KBCOKU. BiUMmftra. M. i0aT&.UaT)(.Trft.o frtiobtaiiMndftll I't luiaJiitMitruiiilucLod for Motlcrcta Fee. bnil motif t, d raw I it or photo. WoivdriM f( itnUWflfr-ooi; churrrn On rf not dun till1 inaUnitipmerTTiiH 'l. A Pamphlet 'ilow to Ob ; uia r.tnti," Milh cot vt naiAie ir too u. miX toititiix oouukriea autnt froo. idOrtMS i a A. SNOW & CO. 0s. PATENT 0FICvt WHiMaT, D. C.J -vVfVw'Vfc