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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1900)
:V mn..i...-w.,1iB mmrMmmm, .....j,,,,, ,-,, Motif Of ill AntitlHtiH . w ' .v. ur n Hiivu !! I'MtVIM. application no a, United Btatea Land ORlca, Oregon City, Or,, Nov. 4, im. Notice. In hereby given that In inirmi uuue ot oluipier s of title 32, of tho Revised Statutes of the United States, W. JB. l.awlur, whose postooice address to Al bany, I.lnn county, Oregon, claiming SSS.KI8 acres of iluoer ground, containing Hold, lying unci belli situated within the Ljnuituvlllu mining district, No. 3. county of l.lnn and mule of Oregon, liaa made twpllcntloii to tho United Btatea for a patent for the Lawlur Consolidated Placer .Mining Claim, consisting of thu tied iux-k nlaeor claim, ooniprltlliiK llt.nw acres; the 1 .nwlnr pinner eluiin, comprising 11.27s acres, mid Couihu gold placer claim, compi'lalng lui.MU acres, which said claims aro more fully described as to niten unci bounds by the nfllclHl plat herewith pouted, and by the Held notes of survey thereof, now llled In the olllco of tho register of the United States land oflloe at Oregon City, which field notes of urvey descrlho the luiundnrles uiul extent of said claims on the mirl'neo with magnetic variation at ID to 22 deg. 20 mln. ., as follows, to wit: Fled Iloek l'lncvr. Tloglniiliuc at corner No. 1, a hewed hemlock post 4x1 Inches by 4 feet long, set 1H Inches In the ground, with mound of smiles scrllwu i-:iaij whence u. S. M. M. No. 1 beurn H. 87 deg. IM mln. W. 1S40.3 feet. A hemlock tree biased and scribed 1-32.S HT, ebout M Inches In dliiui elor, bears N. 211 il if. 46 mln. W. nil. 2 feet, mid a hemlock tri e 12 InclteM In diameter, binned and scribed 1 ill HT. beurs H. Hi lieu. IS. 15.7 feet; thence N. 10 deg. 1 mln. W vnrlmlim ill deg. 50 mln. B IMH feet to corner No. 2. a hewed hemlock pom 4X4 Inches by 4 feet long, Bet IK inches In the ground, with a mound of stone scribed 2 :a; whence a hemlock tree 6 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed a ass HT. bears H. 7 deg. 30 mln. V. 13.4 feet, ami a hemlock tree 20 Inches In diameter, binned and scribed 2 ;i28 HT, beam N. 27 deg. 40 mill. V. 18.7 feet; thence N. 74 cIck 43 mln. K., variation 19 deg. 60 mln. K.. 02.3 feet to corner No. 3. A hewed hemlock post 4x1 Inches by 4 feet long, set la Inches In the ground, with mound of stoiieM rlbed 8 328: whence ft hemlock tree .le IncheH in dlumeter. blnxed and serlher! "I 328 HT, bcarH N. 3 dug. so mm. W. 7 1 fee t, and u hemlock tree 12 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 8-328 HT. bears 8. 63 deg, 35 mill. W. Hi.l feet; theme N. 38 deg. 33 mill. W vuriatlon 10 deg. 60 mln. K., 244 feet to comer No. 4. A hemlock tree cut off 3H feet above the ground, hewed 6 Inches siitiare, with mound of atones scribed 4-328; whence a hemlock tree 18 Inches In diameter, blused and scribed 4328 HT, bclir N. 11 deg. 10 mln. W. 20.4 feet, and a fir tree 30 IncheH lii diameter, biased and scribed 4328 HT, bears 8. 40 deg. W. 6.4 feet; thence, N. ill deg. 60 mln. K., variation 10 deg. 60 mln. K, 160 feet. Wagon road running easterly and west erly 380 feet; drv Klllt'll running westerly 480.4 feet o corner No. 6, a hewed cednr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of scribed 5 328; whence a llr tree 4 feet In diameter, blaxed and scribed 5 3i!8 HT, bears H. 26 deg, 30 mln. W. 17.4 feet, and a hemlek tree 14 Inches In diameter, binned and . Tilled ft 328 HT. bears N. 811 deg. 25 mln. K. 10,(1 feet: thence S. 74 deg. .08 mill. W., variation 10 deg. 60 mln. K, 674.0 feel tocorner No. II, a hewed hem lock post, set 18 Inches in the ground, wllti mound of stones scribed 6328; whence a hemlock tree 14 inches In di ameter, blasted and scribed 6 328 HT. bears 8, 88 licit. i mln. W. 15.4 feet, and a llr tree 30 luetic in dlameler, blazed and scribed 6-328 HT. bears N. 84 deg. 10. 10.3 feet; thenctt . W (leg. mln. K.. variation 19 deg. 60 mill. K,, 40 feet to corner No. 7. a hewed hemlock poet 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, Vlth mound of stones scribed 7 328; whence a llr tree 30 inches In diam eter, biased and scribed 7 32S HT, bears H. deg. So mln. V. 17.4 feet, and a heniloek tree 24 Inches In dlameler, biased ami scribed 7- 328 HT. beurs H. 66 deg. 16 mill. K. 8 feet; thence N. SO deg. 28 mln. W., variation 19 deg. 60 mln. 10., 758.2 feet, to corner No. 8. a hewed pine ptmt 4x1 inehes by 4 feet long, set 18 inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 8328; whence a hemlock tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed anil scribed 8328 HT. beats N. 40 deg. 45 mln. VV. 72 feet, and a llr tree 24 Ineheti in diameter, blazed and serllied -,T28 HT. bears N. 10 deg. 20 mln. W. 7.6 feet; thence 8, 70 (leg. ;li, mln. W., variation 2t deg. 10 mln. K., 481.7 feet to corner No. 9. a hewed hem lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, sot 18 Indict in tlie ground, with mutual of stones scribed f 328; whence a hemlock tree 42 Inches in diameter, blazed and scribed 0 328 HT, bears N. 63 deg. 40 mln. W. 21 feet, and a hemlock true 12 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed a328 HT. bears 8. 20 tleg. 4U lulu. 10. 13.8 feet; Ihence N. 13 deg. 50 mln. W., varia tion l deg. 10 mill 10.. 2WI feet. Uulch runs southwesterly 1480 feet to corner No. 10, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 inches by 4 teet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 10 328; whence a yew tree 7 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 10-328 HT. boars 8. 3D tleg. 10 mln. W. 10.9 feet, and a hem luck tree 18 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 10-328 HT. bears N. 17 tleg. V. 32.5 feet: thence 8 76 deg. .06 mln. V., variation deg. 10 mill. 10., 67 foot. Gulch runs southerly 297 feet to corner No. 11, ft hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, net 18 indies in too ground, witn nutuml of RtoncH Bcrlhed 11 32H: whnc u llr treo 26 Inctipft in (HnmeltT, l)ncd uml orlbiMl II m HT, Yumrn B. U 1K. K, ftM't. hiuI n tlr live 12 tiu hH In dlnm t'tur, hlnml iuh. crlbi.'d 11-;I2S HT. b'furs H. 74 lt mln. AV. 4.6 fM; llirnco S. h ilfp. mln. W., vuriatlon 20 dop. K, 7rt fM)t: pummlt of ridK" runnlnpr northorly and snutht-rlv Ml ft to curnor No. 12. a li.-w.-d lir post 4x4 iiictnR hy 4 U'ul UiK. set 1 liiuhva in tho Bround, with mound of HtciieH KorllH-d whenrv n lir trop H hn'h'H iii OlatiK'ter. lThiii. il and sorlhcd la 3M HT, beura H. ii duK. ir mln. K, 11.2 Mt, nnd n hemlock trt.? 2J Iih'Iu'h In UinmetiT, btast'd and ftcrlbt d 12 :i2S BT, hoars 8, 4;t 1ik. If mitt. W. 12.ii fwt: tht-nee H. "f d'K. 38 mln. V vuriatlon 20 deK. Id., IM fwt; Sih'Imk BuU-h runs Mouttit'rlv ftt to cornfr No. 1. liowed tiemlork pout 4x4 liu'hl hy 4 ft loni?, sot IX Inches in the ground, wllh mound of stones rlbed Kl 3SS; whence a himilock trt-o 42 iuchow In dlnmntcr, lilnxed and scribed 13-33K HT. bears S. Jl dnK. 10 mln. W. 10.4 fi'i't, and a llr tree 4 ft't-t In dltmioti'r, blusid and w.-t Ibd i:t HT. iK-tira N. 4i dir. 3ti mln. W. 10 fwt; thent-p S. Ill tl'ff. ly mln. K.. varia tion Jft) dK- K., 7S f't to torncr No. 14, a howi'd hemlock pout 4x4 Inches by 4 fce-t Ioiik. 't IS Indies In th Krounn. wtth mound of ulnm-B ncrtlM'd 14 32s; whonco a tlr tn-e 4'i ft in dlametor, blitacd nnd scrlti.-d 14S:H HT. la-arH N. 4 ib'ft. 2Ti mln. 10, 10.3 foi't. nnd a hemlock hemlock tree .10 inches In dlumolor, blael and scribed 15-32S HT. beurH . 8 dcK. M mln. W. llt.l feet, and ft hemlock tree II Innhpw In diameter, l)laz'd and scribed IS 32S HT. heart R Rfi deff. 2n Inches K. S.4 feot; thence N. IS dt-K- 32 min. W., variation 20 deir. K.. 2&S fee'., to corner No. in, a hewed hemlock pnat 4x4 inches hy 4 feet Ions, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scr lived Hi whence h tlr tree 4' feet In dtamoter. blazed and scribed 1SS2S HT, tcary S, 2 dep-. ftt mln. K. 4.6 feet, and a tlr tree 24 Inches In diameter, bhttsed and scribed iCr-ZW HT, bears 8. 10 deg. 10 mln. W. 11.7 feet; thence S. 70 deg. 47 mln. V.. variation 20 deg. K. 1404.5 feet to corner No. 17, a hewed hemlock pout 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set IN Inches tn the ground, with mound of stones scribed 172-32; whence n hemlock tree 12 Inches In diam eter, binned nnd scribed 17 2 328 HT, bears 8. 3fi deg. v. 1S.3 feet, nnd a hem lock tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed find scribed 172328 HT. hears N. 7 deg. Ofi mln. W, feet: thence S. 13 deg. 47 mln. P.. variation 1ft deg. E.. 313 feet: wntfon road runninsr easterly and wester ly Ri0 feet; dry milch runs westerly 1lfl.lfl feet to corner No. 1R. a hewed hemlock tree 12 inches In diameter, biased nnd scribed 14 S2S HT, hen'- 8. 27 deg. 40 mln. TJ. 24 3 feet: thence 7 deg. 19 mln. W.. variation 20 deg. R. AOS 3 feet to corner1 No. ir n hewed h' tnlock imi 4x4 inches bv 4 fcot long, set 18 inches In the pmuiul. with f"oned of stones ccrlbed 15 A nnut 4x4 hi hes hv 4 fict lone, s-'t IS Inches In t'' rnoiml. vlth momd of tones serjbed l-3?r whence n b'-inlocV tre ?( Inehe In diameter. bb7"l and pcrlhed 1J5 1 :!JN HT. bcniH N. P devr. 21 ndn W. 33 fpet, nnd n Hr tr.-o 3t5 incb-s In dlumeter hinged nnd scribed IS lW HT. bears 8, R deL'. K. Cfi feet; thence N 7 dee- 31 mln. K.. vnrlntlon IP dec- B0 mln. K . 1O0S feet to corner No. 1ft. iden with corner No, 3 of survey No. S25. Clold Onlch lode, fl lifwed hemlock nivit 4v4 Indies ltv 4 feet lonff. set 1 Inches in the ground, wit" mounu crunches In dianict art IM atotioa wrlbtd li-3: . 1 erih.?i fll5h,.'!,eta 3'nwUir, blazed and 7.i m .,r? wears , st aeg. 85 2o'Bae'g KA P "varliuori weste?ivs8tl . .t: u,oh runB """. westetiy 634.g foet, to corner No 20 lilnn- tlcal with corner No. 4 of survey io ho , ,O,,"0h 10lB' 4 'orner No.y6 ofRfi poh 'iz?' ,mS!f."U,rv,J' f hev"!h h?mlook post 4X4 Inches by 4 feet ng sot 18 Inches In the ground, wit. mound of tlTVuJf-'i whm'i" " """.lock sc??beO !aiS.,.,n,ll',,,"ntu1'' ,j1uS"!1 "d in dieoo'v"".", a hemlock tree 42 Inches in' l, 1.1' i;l"?',a " ticrllwd 20-328 IU, hears N. 85 dun. 45 mln "W 22 7 feet- , N to. & mln"":. varlatloneili No T l' e'l V.', C.r,""r N- 6 0t "H-VSy. a.?' . fled "i1 imit- enwea r post the ground, with mound of stones scribed -l-.k8; whence tho center of a shaft 4x7 r, e ,1, -.. Wl .S1 ",Gt- Tne worly co". M o? t10 ,"" eb"lldliig of J.awler Gold ."" limited, bears N. 64 fleg. 23 mln. I'j. 113.G feet: a hem ,.tr ut..... j w i j T32? Bc- uun N- 7 O'W- 10 mln, iiw:i,,d' t-feo' ,ttnd a humlouk tree 10 " ? d,nme''-. lilnzed and scribed -t 328 HT. bears H. 21 n,.e- mi n,in v a HulMort!,-0,-1 ""y NaT 325, Hed Hull lode, a hewed llr post 4x4 IncheH by wmr'n1,','?,""'. ,S.",oh th" ground! with mound of slones scribed 22-2-328 A hemlock tree 20 Inches In diameter blazed and scribe,! 59 sitw u-n . '. 22 deg. 26 mill. W. 14.5 feet distant and a hemlock slump 30 Inches In rbemnV ?-V bt ,'"K"' i'1"!1"! ""d bribed 22 2 .128 BT, bears S. 48 deg. 40 mln. E 13 feet; thence N. 70 deg. 26 mln. B varla- wea erly 822 feet; gulch runs northwester- .ei3 .'. . i""t: ,w"Kon ro"d nB nnrtheasjt erly and southwesterly 1242 feet: month of r " "-Hind, running southeasterly 12 feet iV, j?1' ?. "'"' hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In tho Vrn im? UlCheS by A loiirr uot II l,,-l. ,i J?4 X.S. The mouth of Hulllon tunnel run ning southwesterly, bears N. 70 dee 50 mln TO. 101.5 feet: n hemlock "ire" 8 nches In dlumeter hi,ed and scribed 24-328 l?A ,mn ? ,7fi ""It- ' mln. 10. 15 feet and a hemlock tree 24 Inches In dlam etor blazed and scrllHd 2I328 m S;"" "-f- 30 mln- W. 12.2 feet- thence H H "": variation lltfK' i.i'i """"'V gulch, a stream 2 feet wide. Hows northerly 503 feet, t, corner No. 1 of place ot beginning. I.nnler I'lnccr. coniSf"NoB i T"vr J- Wehtlcal with B. 61 thence N 2 di V. 10 mil, - e "J- variation k .. ., . , icec t tnence N. 70 dec 25 nT in i" ",''K,e' 211 deg. JO 616 4 feet - E" .v,lriatl" line of tied H,,eu '''!"""' No' 3' on vev. a hewed hen,,' i'lwr, this aur by 4 feet C St 71 oh '"'f 4x4 "lel with mound of t , ,ht''! ,nth e"und, mln. E.. vsrlaS'a 1 d?nt 1 ? i hewed henilot n(;'' 4S". , f1"1'1? lung, set mcfes b, ",1 LU'h''" by 4 f"'t mound f ,oeJ'ePr 1 ed ""J'!'- wllh llr tree 22 Inches in ZwL . wll,nce n scrllwd .. diLlm.V,".r.' 'laaed nnd biased ..I,,.".,. r;bedZU"5h;TTlnh ''in'"l"r' KlnnliiK. tlle I'luce of be- or.. ciold Plncr,. survey, u. B. a I'litcer, this b mln. jj um S'uli' y"rlu""' M deB. Kjumlcul with cornS No i7L'.l;f,';')r JNi'- I'lueer, this survey" then,-. vf Sed Hock mln. W.. varltitl,.n 'in "ee,.N- 61 deg. 42 '"'dies by 4 feel 1,? ' "l;kh P" 4 Kroiiud, with mound . f .,l"ctal tile .--328; whence T h mlo dc .V '"?8 l;r';d n dlumeter, Willed S,-,1,! 4 '"i-'ies beors N. 78 d" JW mln v"'?dJ73iil! BT tllllt 1111,1 . 14,4 feet rtlI !'nd llr tree a :.'.J,'.."'5; E- . V'HMd nnd serllied wati dlaD'"r. deB. 20 biIb i ?.V bears 8 ss N 4S dc2:"s2 m.n1'".."1?"'"': thence tulti. k,. I43i fi,'; '""""on W deg. bowed hei luck oosf 4vj 1 r,'"'r Nu- a Inn, set "" lm her if, th'"'""3 l'y '' m,,,in,l ..V : ' the Klonod ttln. westerly SOU f,,t 1 """but south- ra M tl'i feet lo Virner No .""h"" 3 l'"Ht 4x4 Inehes bv 4 rS'.,' how, d heniloek In the Kro id wllh J OI,Kuset Klnelies wrlhert f- whp, i "l;!',ll.d t stones " nun. v. VH. "t-" - "ler. Ii,i,e,1 ,,.1 'l?r?'J !'"'. hi Ulnn 8- 1U ieK. a) mln w 1,77.,?, bears Iree 42 Inehes In Si ! !' I,,u' 14 nr serlbcl 7 S2M BT 1 """"kV H1"' ml... JV. 4.,! .te " ?! known ns the K,- , r tv hntIM C'"rtl,i? .....I serlhed UT" l"".1'''' bhiaed K llllll W tot i . . 411 (llK. Ii.ohln'ninmee" i. "i". Aro? ;leK. 411 mln. W. I1..1 feel: them" S 5- nee 1 L. . ' .''i ,"l,"'-r N- M- H hewed h.-rn look !ost 4x4 Inehes hv 4 feet lo ir ' 't , InebeB In the pr.11111,1. .tU ,,;,, ' f llee :t Inehes It. iliemeter. tied -r".!.',1 l'3-S "T- "" l .lee. pn ,i,!n . nun i. . .oi ler i(m,,i.,..l- ,..... n, Khiaeil nnd Bel'll 1'--32 HT. b,-.-.r V "51 "I." 50' 'Hip lit -g ni.un : i...i witn mounu of stones scribed 23-32S-iu 1.1 A X 1 ,l,"t' "'"1 tt hemlock tree :i i' rcr n,,,m''?r, blazed nnd scribed rrr . "r'. '"'"rs n. 24 deg. 40 mm. w 114 feet; thence R. 15 deg 39 mln tr ' variation 10 ,i,.g. 511 mln re. fflaw corner Nn 54 n n ''SlitlS letntr post 4x4 Incline I,,, j "" "'"new eil l Inches In the k Z,, iSl''1 lo" -Mirth serl.e:ir:lLV LZHh ni,,,u"d ot !-W,lyB?ft .nXtueier RSr i1; .V. meiekW.Hf'T'J,,:..?."r: Iti h.v fet't Krf S f pout 4x4 inehes feet ! lien 8 2B "i: W- .Ion 22 .letr. minf j? Sirt in dlumeter. i,i,h k... .' p, ,r4 '.'' ? corner No. 11. a hnwH haminAir a-a Inches by 4 eet Ion, sot IS Inchei In bears a '40 deg. If " mln. ir.i i feet ?n!Jr tr?e 1 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 11-328 BT, beam N. 88 tS. g) .ln. W. 2ti.ll feet; 'thence S. 48 del 66 inln. E., variation 20 deg. B 1164 feet- NtwTn.tT;. k r. ."f81 nemiock post m4 t 'eT'TenS4 ""Lift.? inches HfHix.A iV ' t u"u or b tones cntiod 128 whence a lir tree 30 Inchpa V&teN. f,'. rmln-H Sf t de M n,i ZS 'XT?. "rs ft. mi: ;vBv.au7.;20tXa: oi, oegtuning. n. . , Arcs. Total area nt Tjo,i t... acres. lmt piacer, uv.ooti Total trea of nV" V??T- . acres. wiu piucer, T;;e"'nre!!; "f cl,alm' -8 acres. In the office ,1? K c r Clalm ' foord "untv or 1 in ",,!.cou.nty o'efk of ald 322 7 ..V'""'.".1' f Oregon, at page said countv if i- Tl "fining itecordg of nuto county. It Is bounded nn thd .Aih. taVI '!y,..t.h.e..c.oar"P Gold placer claim: on the Re 1 ii7,,i L',"8 Va.w,er Pacer 'a'ni rtulch iortruil.,odo c,,alm an" fUe Gold urwVn2d c,alm' and otherwise by tin- plleiiiit. lu " Knowledge of ap- In the n.L"nrpl,"cer c,alm ' record Lntir?, the county clerk of said east bv th ciij tne soutn- ths n..h.. V 'oqe claim; on the''orrVe0earne, Ld ri?"" ' of. "Mfo in rafWlflerebUU"S"rVenaT ih2noTwde,rpprafln'f'lnB cia,ms t0 tn-n2.ion'1 a" Iwr8h claiming adversely normnn'?nrB.und a"a Premtees orTny duly filed a. according to Taw and ?ne Vi,. tt """"I witn tne register JnhtXJn'A:d .SJttt09 ,!a"d offlw at Ore' , v si "Jf e narrea in vir tue of the provl)ona of said tatutP. CHARLES B. MOORRS, Kegrister. Death of Mrs. Cochran. Mrs. Nellie, nifeof nni,M (lied at the liome of her husband in this city, on tl ird street during it ni,.i,t .1 lie age of sixty three years, of jintu monia, alter a short illness. Hie deceased was an accomniiahetl tro rtjan who leaves many to mourn her death. Mr. Cochran was her third hui band, having been married to him a few years ago. She was first married ia the east to a Mr. n4,m,i.. ...i. r. died. In early aavs she em n,.n and at one time was a prominent teach! or at McMmnville. In 1865 she was married to Hon. Henry Warren, a lead ing eluzen of Yamhill county, he being sheriff seven years, a member of lue ot?, et'l6, a'ure,a,nd receiver o' e 'and f"' "reK0,,9"y. recorder and may. or of McVlui.iville and state senator, be sides having run lor congress against Lane by whom ho was defeated. He died several years ago. Mrs. Coch ran leaves two children, Mrs. Judste Alagers, by her first hasbsud. and Mr. td Warren by her second hUBliand, who resides at .McMmnville and with her last husband survive her. She was ac estim able woman possessed of many Bplendid iriends8 beared he? to her i'uuer.l services will te held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence near the rorner ul Broadalbiu and Third streets, to which a'l fr eLds of the de c;ased re inTiled. A New Church Building. Albany is to have a new churjh build ini!. The Christian church has been planning for some time to erect a suit able and com mod ious house of worship and in accord with a previous announce ment on yesterday morning a call fo' pledges was made by the pastor and over 2000.00 was secured in a few min utes. The hearty response to the call insures the erection of a building of which the people of Albany will be proud. As announced by the pastor the sue oi the building is to be determined by the amount of mouey raised as they intend to build only such a structure as h,y u. ueuicuieu iree irotn debt. It will probably though have a seating cnuauiiy m tne main octangular auditor lum of 600 and of over 800 altogether. Oldest Oreuon Editok. With this issue the Oregon State Journal begins its Ihirty-teventh year and volume, having been all that time owned, con trolled and managed by the same person, who wnsits nripiiml r,.nnriu- v.. ,i.uv pttper in Oregon and but few in the vuiueiit:H uauBucu a record. Manv changes Iiova tnlren :n rt . ' ...... iu vi tut. 111 poiuilation, wealth, methods of travel f.nuruttuuoii, customs and Habits, during that time, and most of those who resided hnreSK vm a... i n..a .,aDoa.-i away and their places are filled hy new ri"c' 4ut"'e sMiue Journal. The receints fr.,m tl, cuia Ciu.nD stamped envelopes and postal cm d, at the I'lrtleM.l,.tr,a t.. . 1 . . ....u j.uoH,iuw ,ui uie yvni vuu- ing December 31, 1899, amounled to tio,..w m, ueing a-i increate ol Ifla -580 79 over the vear KSHS. G. It. Clirifln.'in b.,1.1 l....H,.p .-w hid iiitricct in the Klleeiie IVal .r n......... f... 000 to T U. Hendricks, F L. 'Ohambei'a uu uo.-rge miugiey, eacli taking one third of l he total amount. The receipts of 'the countv clerk f.r I'ecenibtr were J158.70, ol liie recorder The safes of F. B. Sackctt and the flour nulls were blown upon at Jefferson Ninthly night, but very liuie secured. I he bnrirl irs utrnek the wrong i-liife. HORN. SUTLTZ. On Monday morning. Jan. 8. I'.'OO, ill Altmny, to Mr. and Mis. Fred SliuMz, twins, both g rls. All doing well. MONDAY. Recorder's office: Deed, Oregon to G D Smith, tO acres, lSw 1 $ i(o Deed, John W Zumaltto Mrs Cor delia Smith, 160 acres 6000 Patent, UStoJW Zumalt, 160 acres Bond for deed A OGuver to A S Anler ct al. about 140 aerou iunn Ohatel mortgage for . 1 687 N. R. Cornilme, of Helena Mon., has been in the city. Miss Bessie Merrill returned this noon from a two weeks visit in Portland. Hon. J. K. Weather fori and Ec'win btone were in Portland yesterday. Mr. David Link, a prominent shoe dealer Of tun-enc h ln ,-n . 1... .... O , ..-'1. .U bllR lyivy lJ- Mr. Fred Dawfon is at his placeof bus iness again alter an illees of several weeks. Mr. Louis Stimpson, G. K. of R. and S. of the K. P. was in Albany this after noon lor two or three hours. Mr. El McClannahan, of Eugene, is in the citv on a trin thmiurh ih. ..oiin,, ; the interest of the Rambler bicycle. j utigejwagers and family and Mr. EI Warten and family of McMinnville are in the CitV to attend the Innanl nl tin Wm. Cochran, Mr. Jode Galbraith loll, thia tnnrn;n for Acme, Wash., where he will worn in a saw mill. His brother Frank resides there, and is working on a farm. Br. hat Red path, of Olymphia, who has been at Lebanon on a visit with hi mother. Mis. C. B. Montastue. ia in tlm city the guest of R B. Montague. Mrs. Al ce Dodd has lieon n,mni.J tn the pnncipalship of the Central Salem school at a salary of $55. Sire wiU con tinue her class work the same as before. Rev. Ross the popular evangelist o ( the Pacific North West beiran evangel istic services at Jefferson Sundav with a ! crowdod house, quite a number going Irom here. Mrs. Frank O'Bi 'ien entertained a number of friends at the St Charles last oaiuraay evening. The time was spent in sociality, games, music and the par taking of some tasty lefreshments. Mr. Ed Hayes, of Spokane, is in the city on a short visit. He is a former Alb bany young man, a biother of Miilard, Henry and Logan Hayes. It is twelve years since he was here, and he notes a good many changes since theD. A special communication of Barzillsi Chapter No 16 0. E . S. will be held in the Masonic Hall Tuesday evening, Jan. 9, 1900 at 8 o'clock for the purpose of in stallini! tflicers. A joint installation of the tmcers of the Bailey Chapter So. 8 n ti. in. ana 01 tsam'iai Chapter will be held. The Telegram: The Misses May, of Harnsburg, have gone to Ellensburg, H aeb. .after a few day's visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. St. John, of Albany, have been enjoying the holidays in Port- iana uie gueBts n their daughter. They are on their way to dan Jose, Cal., where they will bertafier reside. Messers Collins & Cox of Rockville Ind. and Mr. Frank Doughton, spent their holiday vacation here winning many friends and renewing old acquaint ances. The above mentioned gentlemen have traveled during the last year togeth er over Washington, Idaho and Montana introducing and selling a new musica instrument, "The Harpolute." ' Themany friends of Judge W.C. Hale in Albany will be glad to see him ge, the Alaska judgeship. He has made an ex cellent reputation as a lawyer and judge, and besides the peonle of this countv have a personal interest in him He roiint v Mil , f ?, n eied m th. thts cltV, i-tllS on?he m ! circuit court thu side of Jefferson, then nothing but a i ,u tue o!d court ll0Ufe Previous to that wilderness alprost, and built a cabin and he used to hold court n the round court went to farming, petting a start which house or almost any old place. At one has resulted in Mrj Hale beoming one ! time he remembers eourt being held nn 1 1 est 01 L'nn countv men. 1 der an oak tree, the jury sitting on a log. Judife Hale wai born there 48 years sgo, I Before being circuit judge Mr. Boie was and afterwards i-ecured his education in district attorney and was thus present at . uuuutT. rormanv years lie prac ticed law in Southern Oregon, where ae was elected judge. A vear or two gr h? 1 moved to Eugene to reside. Central W. C. T.U. win meet at Or Erskines tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 David Link has taken pos?essioti of the job plaui of C. W. Watts and will sell it as soon as possible. "Hen'' Owen, famous under the name of the Swamp Angel, died at Eu-1 gene yesterday at the age of 77 years, G. B Milloy has filed a petition in bankruptcy with liabilities amounting to about lfl00 and assets consisting of a Small stockjof groceries worth about $500. Rev. 0. B. Streyfeller has been hold ing services at Oik (irove, across the river, and reports great interest there. Planshave been drawn bv C. II ggraf for a cottage for S)r. Littler Bur- to be erected rn his lot next to L. K Blain, that will be one of the prettiest in the city. It will cost about $1500. The Corvallis Times teils of a potato whose aggregate pronga make six leet, and it ia therefore called a six f jot po tato. But it only weighs a little over four pounds. As the weight is all that counts tlie potato is nothing remarkable. The Fredrick Warde compmy passed through Albany Saturday. They would have played in Albany if'we bad an op era house of sufficient dimensions for such a large com pan y, n., , . , . .... iie uest lnaoor base ball team in ,Fort- . ........ ..,. me ttio is a tun ti tieitar one than the Lauon, formerly of Albany, is the pitch- i V of C. Thatopinion was freely ex pref er for the club and is said toll a rattler nl in , t .i..: iTrt . , ... , in the b-.x. The club will play the ha - lem Y. M. C. A. club next Saturday UlgUb. During the three months ending Dec. 31 there were 425 trips through the locks at Oregon City and 47-17 passengers carried, also 7684 tons of freight and nearlv 200,000 leet of logs towed through. The Ruth made 03 trips and canied 043 pas8iDgeis through, the F;.iene made 20 trips and carried only 55 passerge.s. The I'omona lead with 7S trips and 1013 passengers. A letter from K. H. I!hr, a former Albany man, from Manila, is nublished in the Eutrene Register. He refers to Aqqinaldo as the biggest humbug of the j oin- teei'tn century and r lers to t lie ni ipitio8 a? the dirtiest, loi:sK'.-t, biest, lz:e;it beings tn beeallel liuinan, illfip :ible of self-Kovernnieiit. He says they had n lou. Ii of onl tunes on the nans port, tha1 at one lime rm-rr than ninety per cent of li:s co.tipani were s.ek t'-oui eating "embalmed (relrig-rated) beet. WMMih JSNfegefeblePropararionror As similating iiiFoouatu1Regulaj ting the Slomfldis find Bawelacf Promoteg'DtgesIion.CjSecrfiil liess afidrfest.Contains ndther Optumlorphine nor Mineral. Mot Narcotic. A perfect Remedy forConstipa- UOU.DUUi iiuiiia.a,uiaiiiJi Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrish tttSS andLOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Surule Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPEB, TUESDAY. Abany's Beauties. Under the head "'Northern Beauties" the San Ftancisco Call of latt Sunday gives a full page picture of young ladies from Eugene.Medford, Junction acd Al bany, principally from Albany. From this c.ty full length pictures ate given of Miss Lillian Crawford and Miss Orah Harkne.-s, and faces of Mi-sea. Olga Hew itt, Bertha Ellis, Edith Rowell, Lottie Ketclium, Marguerite Hopkins, and Elma Parker; Irom Eugenn Misses lielie Brown, Lottie Waller, Theresa Friendly, Atldie Bangs, and Carrie Matlock, from Junction Miss Anna Oglesby, the opera tor, and Miss Kyrtle bushneli. and from Medford Misses Carrie E .George, Mamie Nicholson and Virginia Woodford. The pictures ere excellent ones, and Albany need not be ashamed of the showing And there are others TtlE Fikst Cocri. Jurtge Boise this afternoon hel l the first term of circuit He was i court in the new court bouse. court as early as 1S54. He has many early pleasant reminiscences to tell of ours, Basket Ball. Tomorrow evening at me armory at 8 o'clock there will be a game of basset ball between the Orange ud the Black clubs, preparatory to the big name at Corvallis with the O A. C. team, '1 b's promises to be an inlerest- ' Ailini.!in is ivm. ii game, one uiai i.l will wish lo Bee. ; New paten's are: J G Evans, Waits 1 1 urg, Wasii , combined header aud , thresher; W M and E G Hodson, K e burg, O-e , railway tie: W H Fa.lin. B atile, Wa.b.. and E M'U-ylman, He- I Kin, in , p:o ; i, v rarrolt, I'ortlam', ' Ore., earhiiretr-r ; C P Tutro and G i' I ins, Seattle, Wash., electrolytic app.r ""Uii ,or exira iling precious metale; C 1 p Ts,ro aud G Delius, Sealll-, Wash., pureeing precious metals ; K A liirner and B i. Mi'ler, Seattle, Wash., s.eam ste-rin gear. Mrs Welhered will be in tne city lien! wees to organize a Native Daughters Society. On the --venijg of .lun. Hi the Native Son and Daughters will hold a social at the .Maccabee bal . The Cheerful Liar Company Here giv en another large las. evening. The company dida fine business in Al- . bany, our citizeussppreeiatii gibe talent oi uie memoers ol the company T ,TTr.fnma m..i. i . i - v. v, mics viuu navD lei ui neu to Eugene. The general opit ion is that I iihijiiiik 1IUUI 1UD l Ul y : club o former years.the club of this year not uetiij; uere. Tne bill ol II. C. Wattoti lor f'iOO as his atto-uey's fee in the waitr case, viae referred to the linam-e couimitteH, as t. e oomifil meeting Monday ui'ht. Cor vallis Times. Mr. French has set the new towe. clock to riinnin. in the rear room of his jeweiery store and is kepi busy showing people how the bell strikes. Tne c'ot k is running in flue thape, perfect in i s adjus'ments. Siifcda .' morninu there we.ell ree hold lips in Tin' Dalles, ind ciini; a lest ro-Wh in that ei.? ' I holdups. Untie, Mon , is reported to have fifty ca-es of small pox. Probably not over 1 GASTOi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMK eCHTAUII COMUNV. NEW TOUR CITY. Benj. McBee has leen in Eugene. W. T. Jeffries of Portland, baa been in the city, Fred Senders is attending to business matters in Eugene. Judge Hewitt went to McMinnville this noon on legal business. H. E. Lounsbury, the S.;i freight man, U doing the c ty today. Mrs. Oley Woodworth went to Port land' this afternoon to visit wiih friends. Wes Maple of Toledo, faas gone to Vancouver to superintend a creamery. Judge Boise came up lrcm Salem this noon to try .he case of Schlosser agt. Beemcr. Mr. Pete Ruet.ier is the heaviest res ident of Albany, his weight being 285 pounds. Mr. Al Savior, the genial drayman, has bern conCned to his home several days w ith neuralgia of the stomacb. H. M. Cockerlice, the Eugene insur ance man, is in the city the g.'est of his father-in-law Hon. O. T.Porter. Judge C. B. Bellinger and wife passed through Albany this noon for Los Angel es, whera they will spend several weeks. Mr. Link has moved the C. W. Watts job plant to the former post office build ing.where he will store it temporarily until disposed of. Miss Mary Nolan has retu.ned lo her home in Corvallis after a week's visit with Albany :riends. Mies Mary is a native of Albany. MieB Besie Irvin, of Corvallie, a daughter of Mr. Jesse Irvine, has been in tue city ou a visit r lie guest of Hon. R. A. Irvine and Mr. A. T. McCully. This is tbe week of i rayer. It is being observed generally bv the churches. List night tne tubject was "Prayerful Cjnivssi'.T,'1 TonU't t'.e topic will be "Nations and their Rulers." Mr. V. F. King has purchased an in teresting in C. M. Elkins grocery, hard ware and blacksmith business, taking effect Jan 1. The new firm will be strong er than ever and deserve a libetal trade. Priueville Journal. P. P. Mason, of this city.atten. led i lie funeral of Hon. tiobert Clow held at Ku- ne. It was very largely attended. The b irial ceremony wa in charge of the .Masons.Urafidumster Holson .iliciating in person Mrs. C. K. Fronk writes from liiver- ld, where she and her two sons are nVely located in a pleasant collage be longing to a lady who had gore east to spend'the winter. Mrs Fronk was great ly improved in health and Kenneth was gradually melting to a respectable size. K P Hunan, of Spokane, passed through Albany yestenla.. lor Los An geles, wl eie some of the members of his family are on account of i lues. Mr. riogan will be remembered as the man who a filled D. B. Mooteilh i.. captur ing S v . Saunders over on the Aluea. Rev. K. B. Hunsaker, a former resi dent of Albany, for many years a of Mc tiiinville, and Rev. C. O. Sperry of Brownsville are in the city, having come here to conduet the funeral of Mrs. William Cohrane, which was held this afternoon at tho leaidence on Third street. Mr. Fred Homy and of Inde pendent e were in the citv today on their way to San Franc seo, where they will spend a month or two, when they will return to Independence, where Mr. Douty, who recently sold his Mi iness to his partner, will open a new store. Mrs. D mty is a daughter of Mr. 0. O. Lee of this citv. The Portlai d Telegram siy? gnn'er.era around that citv reooit " travi I eiries ptcbably ruined there. Mr l'eae. ck, of C oitrdale, says that Is r.ot the cate here, thai the indications are goid 'or an excellent crop, ai d that there will prob ably be as tot d a crop as around e itUi d, as the effect of the e .h liosts is nut unihr.-toLd thi-re. At Marshhei t in th-v at, mere were I.Si days on wlrch r in, snow or i.i.l fell ; 14 days on w h:h oiow or hail el!: 2-1 mornings on 'hth there was ro?t; Hi e'ear days; 53 cloudy days. AW M 4 9 M ft IV w CASTORIA J