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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
lenciial'RIwhes olSerktors tfhauncev M. Derew (Rep.). New : Tork. Mrtonal wealth. $2,000,000. William Andreae Clark (Dem,), Mon ana, in.oe owner, banker and manufao arer, f50.000.OoO. Unreal Alonso Hanne (Rep.), Ohio, cealand Iron "mine owner and manufac iursr, railroad and steamship lines and . banker, $12,000,000 Stephen Benton Elkina (Rep), West Virginia, coat and iron wines and rail roads, 17.000,000. John Perclvel Jones (Silvsr), Nevada, Cold and diver mines, $10,000,000. j Bedfield Proctor (Rep.) V ermont, law yer.M.WO.OGO. John Kean (Rep.). New Jersey, lawyer ud banker. 13.000,000. Thomas Collier Piatt (Bep.), New Vrk nnrtu company, banker and eommerclal interests, $5,000,000. George Peabody Wetmore (Rp.), Rhode Island hanker, lawyer and capl- - 4aliet, 5,000,000. Nathan B. Scott (Rep.), West Virgin ' is. capitalist, $2,000,000. William Morris Stewart (Silver), Ne ula. lawver and told and silver mine owner. $2,000,000. Ntlaon W. Aldrich (Rep ). Rhode Is land, atreet-railway magnate. $1,000,000. Addison J. Foster (Rep.), Washington, -lumber, coal and abipping,.$3,500,000. jauea McMillan (Rep.), Michigan, lumber, $5,000,000. Edward Oliver Wolcott (Rep .), Color-.-. ado, lawyer and mining, $2,000,000. Henry Cabot Lodge (Rep.), Massacho ,aette, literature, t .000,000. Charles Warren i Fairbanks (Rep.), riisdiana, lawyer. $2,000,000 Joseph BeDson Foraker (Rep.), Ohio, lawyer, $1,000,000. William J. Sewell (Rep.), New Jeisey . railroads and banking, $2,00O,C0O. .r.oeeph V. Q'Urlea iRrp.), Wisconsin, and lumber, $1,500,000. r- Boies Penrose (Kep.), Fennsylvaa ia, - iyr, $t)0Q,000. Francis E . Warren (R -p .), Womia, taacbmaUj f 1,500,600. Eogene Bale (Rep.), Maine, la wycr 1,000,000. GrtoigiC. Perkins (Rip.), steamship! ..nd banking, $o,CO0,000. - George Sboup (Kep,), Idaho, sheep -and mine owner, $1,000,000. Joeepb Simon (Rep.), Oregon, lawyer 31,009,000. Y. World. The hop grower! at their meeting in alem took the following action : All boos to bs turned over abaolutely Co (be Association lar sale; X cent per oand commission. -Tbeee bops to be placed in tbe hands the banks of Ladd & Bush, Salem; tadd 4 niton, Portland, and the Lon tos & California Bank, of San Francisco, . a trustee. . fisle to be in tbe bands of a committee . eouewung of tbe president of the asso ciation, and anotber member to be ap "feinted by abive named trustees; these select a ihird if necessary. Ad expenses, storage, Insurance, grad xtg, etc., to be paid out of tba cent oammission. Surplas if any to go to -Association. Proceeds to be prorated among ail growers contributing hope, according to de of eacb lot. So advances to bs ma 1 1. R seipt is eaed wbicb would be ue otiab!e. Any grower who desirea could place bia hops with the association at a price fexf d r him. II you n not think tbe trust! are geV ting in their work, just read this state ment nf K. u. Cfosbv. a leading mr- - chant of Topeka, Kas.: "In August toairfat 'Blackswne,' brand of muslin, fotttcta. a yard. In September I paid h cts. for tha same goods. Lonsdala -cambric bourbt in August for h cents And in September for 1 ceaU. Wool- di have advanced fully 10 per cent, aad lace 25 per cent, while table Jothi aad linoleums have advanced 15 per cent. Furniture is going clear out of aigbt. .And this applies specially to liron beds. , All kinds of carpets, except Brussels " have gone up in price. It is all foolisb . taees to pretend tbat this increase in ... orice is due to an increased demand. Tba mmbinations among tba manufac v-tarere are the potent factors." "In bia concurring opinion in the legal -lender cases, Mr. Justice Bradley of tbe 17. 8. Supreme Court, speaking of tbe .Aower of the U. S. government to Icsue its own currency (greenbacks), said : No doubt foreign powers would rejoice if we should deny tbe power. No doubt forego creditors would rejoice. Tbey faave from tbe first taken a deep interest in this question. But no true friend to .our governmect and to its stability and -ita power to sustain itself nnder all -vitfiseitudes can be indifferent to tbe .great wrong which it would sustain by a denial of t ie power in quettion . Hew cat nts here have been issued as jtnWaw: D. M. Ellsworth, Camas. Warn., fruit evaporator; O 8. Farrow, Ore., nail: H. E. Hutchison. ..Mount Vernon, Wash., dieplay cabinet. The oil eomblne baa adTanoed Uit price ol coal oil 85 per cenLnd the price of gasoline S3li per cent. Broome, buckets, tuba, clothes, batk eta. churns, we-hboaraa ana rope, an trust products, have advanced la cost 25 percent. x , " Whoever control! tha volume of mon- r ol any country la absolutely master i all induatrr and commsrve.' Jes. A. Garfield. . - -' Tha match trust has notified dealers that there will be an advance in the price nfmnhM on tha first of the year of 30 percent. The Colordo Democrat ri ws to remark tbat the worst entmle ol tba Banna ad ministration wilt not claim that it ever betrayed a trust. Marion (Ohio) Mirror: When the nrocess ol unloading Banna really be- sins his nartv will at the same time be unloaded. Tbey are hitched op together ith airolden link. If you dowa one you down the other. The forest Grove Times suggests Agule na!do as a suitable running mate for Bry an, to which the Billsboro Argna, ot f t same coun'y, responds: "Brother Eddy, we accept the nomination orovide you will pat np the Saltan of Sola as the running mat! of your illrstrioas man from Canton ." Omaha World-Berald. Before Rome was an empire Kome was loved, trustea and respected. As an empire Rome wax ed great and mighty, rich and degenerate). As a republic Rome flourished and devel oprd great names and civil virtorn. As ait empire Rome planted cokniea and "assim'lated" raaoy people-and ther col lapsed and become a memory. Daboque Herald : The difference be tween tbe sultan and Congressman Rob erts, matrimonially, is that tba aultan baa four times as many wives. He re ceives a salary of $12,000 a year, $4,000 more than a cabinet officer and $7,000 more than a member of congress. Your Uncle Sam foots ths bill for tbe support of the barem, while Roberts fools his own.' Bowling Gieen (Ohio) Democrat: If you are a farmer you will find tbat on Oct. i3, 1898, you could buy 100 poinds of nails with two and two-thirds bushels of wheat. Today, or just one year later, it requires five and ons-foirtb bushels of wheat. Ltst year you eao, d bay 100 pounds of wire fencing for three bushels ol what. Today you moss orwj bushels to get your wire fencing. six St. Louis Post-Dispat:h : Gov. Brad ley is reorganising tho militia of Ktn tucky in order to maka it Republican Here is a hint for the national adminis tiation If the politic! of a state's mili tia force must be republican, it ia just a a necesaaiy tbat the politic! of tbe stand in at my should be republican. Tba navy also should be overhauled ana its politics provided for - lUtonfN. Yl Gazutte. lo 1896 only two New York dailies supported Brjaa- tbe Journal and tbe Daily Newa. Jtexi year, according to tbe well-inrormea Verdict, te will be supported oyitne ner ald, World, Evening Post, Times, Joor- nal, News, Brooklyn Ele and urooa lyn Citisen. Tba only newspapers which ill be strongly against mm win oe he San, Press, Commerciai-Aavrniser and Mail and Express. Tbe opposition tot Whitelaw Raid's Tribune wi 1, it is ssid, be lokewarm. Tbe Dner Post sxpresres theopiu'ou of Intelligent observers throughout the country when it ssy! tbat, while me country is sadly in need of relief from overtaxation, those who expect relief from the congress about to meet wilt be aadly disappointed. There will be n tariff retorm and none 01 me props o" which tbe trust superstructure rests will be knocked out. Tbere will be no re Anrhnn in taxation, and none of tbe war taxes will be removed, for tbe ex penses of the government have grown to nrh an extant nnder tbe policy of ex pansion and imperialism all tte income derived tioui internal taxation is needed and more too. It is idle to look for re- n.f frnm the Dartv now in poeer. r to bops for a reduction of taxes nnder system which mutt be necessarily ab sorb every dollar which can be raised . atth miwtLiDir .01 the people! part? Mntral committee yesterday afternoon r . . r . H. M. Palmer was elected cnairroan an E. C. Neal secretary. Eureka Harness (Ml Is tbe best preMrratlT of new leather and tbe beat renovator of old leather. It olla, softens, black ens and protect. Use Eureka Oil imrnncc da n four beat Iwm, your old bar. M, wid 700T arrUctop, and tbe? will ut onljr look bctwr bat wear lonr. Bold erefrwhercla eana all mum from hair pint to St cation. jua. t? siaiaABa eu c. An Astoria paper says tt ii not oppos ad to a thirty foot channel to Portland per at, and then proceed! to oppose It, Albany pays over $15 a day interest money on ita debts. That sounds big but it aiuka into sinallneea boeiuea Port- land'! $1,000 a day interest, : la civil service examinations the max imum rato of speed on a type writer that secures a mafkirg ot iuu is w worm a minute. There are experts who over one hundred, but it takes r o can do rustlim: nevertheless to actually do itxty live. Try it. It would tie money in the pocket of the owners of property on First street if they would pave the street from Lyon to Washington, four blocks. A elance at the present mod is a good argument in tavorof (avement. Yesterday two Kansas politician! nils ook a bottle of disinfectant tor whiskey ad drank it. They will die. Another warning against the drink habit. The tumble ottbe English in South Africa made stocks tumble in Wall street. Wall street fluctuates wi ll the world. Where ii congress. The Oregon delegation wilt be asked to secure a big appropriation to enlarge the Portland post office and will probably secure it. And yet they couldn't secure an appropriation for 1 equina mat would ocneut the entire norm west. Ths new city council will have an ad ditional $,000 to face in the intricate problem of aettine lie city out ot debt. Nowadays though it is Aery fashionable lor cities to be in aeot over ineir neaus. It alro suits the big money loaners to see the bonds piling up. But it makes the dear people squirm. There is a current report ot an Albany man having been oroppea irom nil chnrch'a rail, bv order of U10 session, on account of immoral conduct. By all means keep the record clean. The other day Judge Boise was com' plimented by being told tbat he had as much sense on the bench aa off the bench, supposed to be a rare thing in judges, who frequently act aa if they thought they were tbe whole shooting match iust as soon as they get hold of the Judicial gavel. At noon Saturday the steamer Eugene entered the mouth of the Long Tom and started to Monroe. A delegation of Mon roe citizens had met ber. Half a mile up the boat, after encountering drifts and other obstructions, gave up the trip and steamed back down tbe river. This is the river for which an appropriation waa made through the colsssai efforts of our congressmen who could not secure .one for tho completion 01 tne 1 equina im provement. L, E. Brookfldld, a Sterling, III., man who was recently in the N. W., among other thing! said : "Our next stop wis Salem, the capital ot Oregon. We were much disappointed in the place, tt is 'not in 11 witn ster ling. 1 supposed tbe capital 01 a nust ling Western state like Oregon would make a hotter ehow. "We were soon satisfied there was notbinz to amoae us there." Ths 6Utman very properly resents this. Really what right has one to look for much at a capital city except the state buildings and tbeir inmates. The question of who Anti-Pop-Demo crat is, baa become aa humorous as the old one of who struck Billy Patterson, and ia not much more important though creating considerable interest like the early career and later one. It haying Inrmir ATlfnr ai tun 1kmock AT ftu . u been stated that the autnnr wan u editor of this pper the three men in we city who bad filled the position were immediately suspected. Each haying denied it, and tbey are truthful men, it leaves tue antnorsnip una v -- of Santa Rosa, Calif., Judge Bellinger, of Portland, and Hon. George E. cnamoer lain, whose solemn denial ia now In or der. Aa a whole the article instead of stirring up strife in anticipation of next year's election has limply been a diver sion enjoyed by the public who like a uttie spice witn ine serious mugs ui That Anti-Pop Letter. EpitobDmocbat: Tbat "Antl Pop . Letter" with tbe charges and denials which folio sed, bas been both amusing and inslracttea, uoc Hill's little joke about bis having been tbs editor of the 8ta tt Right Democrat brought a look of surpr'se to every old timer, as not one 01 tneaa wno reau iue paper regularly since we Beginning: 01 the sheet had ever heard of ths Dr'a having been at any time the editor. Tbia waa both amusing and mairuciive. doi whather ha waa tbe editor or not it cuts no figure la arriving at conclusions aoout tbe matter as uoc witn an air m luuig- ..itnn. HnniM havinor neen the autnor 01 tha "Anti-Poo Letter." The Herald aaid tha article was written oy a lormer editor of tbe DanocaATand an the iorm - . .1 . M er edltora baying denied the charge aa to eacb of them, tbe conclusion comas irre aifltablv tbat tbe letter was preparea in the Hareld office, and tbat it was pre pared with a deep design in view tbat waa the creation ot antagonisms between thnaa whom the Herald Is very desirous should not be f r ends. Tbe wbole tbing bas proven to te a veritable 'boomerang to tbe Herald. Qi.d Tim ib. The Rath went down stream ihis morninz in 21 teet of water, with a good passeneer list. Toeta waa ao much water I tbe (iocs could not be need. Tne goods in the warehouse of the u.R.&a. Co., bad to be moved during the night and morning to keep tbem from tbe water. APHIC Iu tha Philippine. ' Manila, Deo 13, 7 :30 P. M Colonel Smith, with a detachment of tha Beven .. .Vnfrkiirrtiuii(leil and captured in a village ner Malesmil a party of guerrillas, who had made their head quarters there. Tha party Included tha the bands which assassinated aoven ol l clals at MUso,ul tor irlondllnoss to tho Aniericsns. , , . , tnf.trmatlnn lilt- Men WOOIVSU SI IU'U- quarters that 000 Spanish prliouers have shipped from Vigao to Manila, and i that low otiiors uv un eiav.i.i ... Vigao, including uenerei rena At WiwhlnRtou. Wabiitvotom. Doc 13. Senator Mo Bride todav reintroduced his bill to ap ttrnnrlata tt!U.00o toenlanre tha Port (and public building. He says it will be Impracticable now to secure a change in the buildinir material, but that another aturv can be added to afford the extra luun. This bill was favorably roporled without Mine-uimout bv .Senator Bimon lastjyear, and both aeuator! expect to so run. ita nanaaoA thia BOKslon. Senator Foster introduced a bill today appropriating $200,000 for a public build ing at Walla Wa alia. The annate today confirmed Oeorite F. Teller, of Portland, and Curtis u. inn, of Albanv. as aunervlsors of the census tor Oregon. A Had Bill. Austin, Tex., Ihn. 13 In an interview today W l Bryan exnrea ed Itimseii up on the financial bill bo .ore the bouse. 11 laid; Following in the line of the president's message., congress is at present uousiuvr ing a bill that ban extiemely bad meas ure. I refer to the financial 0111 now in diacnaaiun in the house. This bill is very bad one, iudeed. It is a part ot the gold-standard people's plan, and 1 nope that it will be defeated. No Fait 6 -r Ncwa. London. Dec. 1 . i : 0 A. M.No fur ther news has been r: U d to remove the mvsterv overhanui.iu tl'iieral Uat acre's retreat from StorwLr . lie has not yet forwarded the pronn.uU addition al meestge, and toe e-usorehip . pre vented the correspondents irou eaj.Uio- ing the matter. In the Philippine. Manila. Dec. 12. 8:30 A. M.-General Lawton. with the Tblrty-Bfth infantry and tour troops of the Fou-lli cavalry, bss occupied San Miguel without a fight, Tha inaunmnt commander. General 1 10 del Pilar, who hits made hie headquar ters there, with supposedly me largest force of insurgents north ot Manila, ia believed to haven divided his aaen into scattered band. The inhabitant have petitioned for a strong garrtsoa. AppcaMor Sympathy. WiRnmrro. Doc. II. An appeal by Maw a for an expression of syaapathyor tha Transvaal republic in ms war wuu Great Britain was the fekture of the son- ate oroceedinss today. It was the first formal address delivered in Other senate this session, and waa listened to with thoughtful attention by both members and by a large gallery of auditors. Looks Suspicions. New Toax. Dec. 11. A special to th TTanlil tmm Washington aavar "Gov Urn or of Cuba" twill be the ollloai deeig nation of the o nice to wntcu Aiejpr-uen-erl Leonard Wood will be assigned ear ly in the new year, as the successor to Major-General Brooke, the present mlU tarv sovernor of the island. By omitting the word -miliUry" the president hopea to impress upon the uuoens tuat unuer th r. Mtrima "civil soveroment. aa far as poeeible under military etiicersaisd men, will obtain. ('.deration of Labor. Dsmorr. Mich., Eec 11. Nearly SCO deleiratea. repreeentlttK all brancbee ol trades olooism, with an estimated total membership of nearly 800,000, were pros ent at Harmonie hall today when the 10th annual conference of the American Federation of Labor waa called to order. A Big Game TURk-m-er. Cal.. Dec. 11. It haa been decided that the football team of tha uni .. . 1 - f I - M, I verstiy Ol vauiornia.wHi piy v"" lisle Indians Christmas day, ia Francisco. Car- San B idly Wlilpicd. Losnos, Dec 11, 4:60 A. M. It is hardly too much to regard General Gat acre's repulse, near Stormberg, as ths most serious defeat British J srms have yet sustained in tbe ..whole campaign. Already the olliciais advices show that Iwa man wtrtr killed, nine officers and 17 men were winded, and nine ofucers and 6U6 men ar missing, wut it ia evi dent tbat the worst is not yet known. The engagement pegan at 4:15 a. m. At 7 a. m., after a sharp artil ery duel, the Lritieh retired. They are now marching toward Moteno. Our War. Mahila, Dec. 10, 4:50 P. aT. An ex pedition headed by the battle-ship Ore gon left Manila for Subig last night. It is reported that the Filipino com mander, General Alejandrmo, and his staff have surrendered to General Mac Arthur. ... . Major Spence, with ajcompany 01 toe Thirtby-second regiment, captured a new insnrgent camp anu onvompremi stronghold in Taaasn district. From an Explosion. C A BROW APE. Wash.. Dec. 10. Stunned by the suddeness of the mine horror, tbe people here aeem too dazed lor any dem rativa exnreesion of kVrief. Thirtv-two is the number oiaesa. as h a miracle two men were rescued at a o'clock thia mornins after Buffering an awful night entombed in tbe cavernous chambers ot horror. ninhwaymen Captured. T0.1 Dalim, Dec. 10 Brown and Wil son, the East' Portland uignwaymen, were captured on tbe Caynon City road this Deputy Sheriff flowell, of Wasco county. Whson bas a gunshot wound in ths back, w lich was probably Detective Cordano'a work. There men. with another named bim- mnna. were convicted two years ago of robbing an Indian camp just east 01 ine . . . ... . . mi Dalies, ano nave just compiemy mw year'a sentence in the penitentiary. St Paul Choseu. T . mii'TAif T)aK 19 Tlia Trutlve committee ol the National League of Ite- ... . l.AVA it. a M..nnei of deciding upon a city for holding the next convention of the league. Presi- dent George Stone, of Ban Francisci, presidan t. Taylor -luaugurated. FHANxroRT, Doc. 12. William 8. Tay lor. was inauaurated as snvernor today Tha crowd waa much smaller than In the past years, due to a December bit ltotlrliiB Uovernor ttradlev. In his si.aevu said that he hoped that tha Uoobel elec tion law. which nas brought so mucu turmoil to tha stale, would bo wiped from the statute books. Jefferson. , From the Review t The Review Is sorry to announce the very scrlcus Illness of "Uncle Jimmy" Anderaon. one of our most honored pion eer cltlaens, at his horns In this city. As he bai reaohed the advanced age of 87 years, grave doubts ate entertained aa to bia recovery. New city otilcerai 8 T.Johnson, may or: J W Parrish. recorder: W 11 Moon, marshal: F B. Sackelt. treasurer. The oitv dada fir tha commit year are J W m .... MBB ttl I.. ... M. 1 lrfionev. Kd LiVoes, I iu vrmen, a v Miller, Jas A lludleaonand U U Holt New otlloers ot the Native Sons are Past president, W I, Jooea. President, 8 V Johnson. 1st vice president, W J Looney. 2nd vice president, Kil Meeker 8rd vice president, A A Miller. Ueoordliifc secretary, F I) Walter. Financial secretary, r B Wesu Tressursr, A O Miller, Marshal. Thoa Hale. Trustees. J T Jones. D II Looney and 4 LStelwer. Nothing In It. Aliiakv, Or., Dec. 9. 1890. EoiToa DaMoraat: In the "Morning Herald" of Dec. 8- 1809. 1 find an ankle entitled "A Dis gusted Democrat" aad signed "Anti-pop IXtmocraf" Most ol the twaddle 01 this infamous liar who eine himself "Antl pop Democrat" ia beweath the notice o' . ... ... . ..... .1... I..ll..u'lni. any good citiscni ui """ -r pears a little too peraonal at least to me: r'A demand waa made on the party to nominate some popu'iate. and one or more of them went into- the democratic primarlce as candidates, Al should have been dene they were turned down hard." Etc., etc. It is a fact I allowed some ot my friends to us my name- ru the demo cratic primariea. but it laise wnn "Anti-pop Iem" eayi mat ueinamis were made lor the Domination of a po;- nli.t It la a ao la se that ll0 pnpniMis even asked for a nomination ami it is a willful and malicious latseiioou 01 -abii-1" whn he awva that theee very populists went 00 the- streets and made a vigurous fight for the republican ticket. Come out from your hidiiw pj Mr- "Anti-Pop Itomocrat" aw aiun yoor name to your article auu f. venture the aatertion tnat --omcw seeker" and all such slush as was uewu in the mlnda ol the voters of tlw city look aono'iunoy. Oakvilici i - eaaawawaaa , The side walk on Bute street fa pro- gresaing oicely. Messrs. tmUh, sow vx 1- key are doing tue wm ukpii.. -t,"-and Tharp ptace the luber aad.Hr. Pugh is spike driver. England and our proa growers can sympathise with each other. They both have to ngnt me ioor ' - cause (tbelove ol rld, boyeeer, the prns tree Borer is not ma-rt. pi a fighter and iseaaily captured. Wedoot want to tight either. There will be a Basket social at Hul borts school house on. rurday evening Tx-. o-i Tha nrnMwda will b Used in tli'tu: bauae. Come and! I.HMI 4 bring your cash. Mr. Glen Junkin, ol Moro, is visum friends here. Ws took a stroll oa ths cameos I the academy one day laa week, an J found the ssme old games betag performed as was when we were you, the same kids 1 were playing "dare base" and tbe older Jobn iS; wfre playing balL As nhmM visited the intern ot a bcl roomlor a long time, we made some regird t the modes of punishment and Kr surprise tbe same old style of flog ging exists. We would rather be a atl Snt spert d.ita nee than to be one ol ttie actors. "We have tried it and know," We expect a warm time at me scnooi meeting aext Saturday as there are . ev- tral camiiuates lor airecwr. in,tira, Barton called on ua laat weea. f, Wm Mornan Jr., waa Tisitlng friends bore on AylTTLB iua uvm Farmers' Institute Owlno to the fact that Froleseore Irom ii.. A.ricnltr.ral Colleiewlll not be down Irom Corvallla ontll the noon train, the daywil bi a nW p. m.l? pl.c. of 10 am j win r . ml raom be- O C OCK. nvm"i j . ,n , ni ha arnntd and warmed by 10 o'- . . a .iiuwuii And ins la more c"?:i."."C r; .lnnch Tnstesd cf convenient w - ----- dinner at home, win una - apent In n regular farmera "live fsast.' i-- tha inumniDK iiuiv v The Populist central cemmlttee met this alernoon at ths offlcs ol A. . L. Mo. Fsddsn for ths purposs ol considering different things. Mr. Bert Westbrook bss resumed bis old position of driver and collector lor the Hagaolia l-aunary. I NOTICE OF FlNAL'SmLtMtlU I fV uTICKW HEREBY GIVEN THAT the eutute ol J. C, Lyons, deceased, las at. A itk tl, rniniil, flork of Linn COUDI7. 1 1 h. nnnaraionea Aaminiairawit wt 1 r. 1.;. Rnl rtiin as inch adminUtra- i. I. aetata and the court has DXto, Saturday. January o, iiw, bv u n, . in har ohiecliona to s.ut sect ont ana V. Ax in .l.b . j ' IL. ultlenifinl thereof. 1 a' a Iao-s. adtnr . J. J. Wumrr, attorney for adm r. Tennessee Gathering Dee. 12,1800. jit a .'lis dsy of all the days of ths year. Best wishes "Little Rois Dud." Edwin L. Umnhrsy ot thia vicinity and Miss Llonls M. Baltimore wers nu lled iu marriage recently. Manv frlsoda join in the chorous ot beat wishes. Will II. Rosa visited in Eugene during Thanksgiving. W. W. Frank hasrsturnsd Irom Wash ington. A Nsw Ysar'a entertainment will be given at the school house on Saturday evening Dec, 80. No "school house bell fund" to be raised Ireet All are cord ially invited. P. L. Wallace ooutlou-a to be danger ously ill. Frsslsr Wallace and family huvs moved to thia vicinity. W, O. Bartley who haa been alck for some time, bas materially Improved. Ths following potato sales bavs been made recently : To F. K. Wall ol Jer ront James Fox, one car, J, Q. Halok, two cara, T. P. McKulghl, one ear, J. Q., three cars. To II. Bryant of Albany, (leo. Dsvls two ers, Fronk Bros, one car, To W. B. Donaoa ot l.eb snon, J.K. Burrell one car, Taylor v ans, two ears, M. MjOorraack one car. Total, 14 cars. Ths Modern Woodmen, of Lebanon, elsJted O D. McKnight ol tils vicinity as Worthy Adviser ol Kaatiam Camp laet Friday owning at their regular an nual election. The elevation to the ecoud blgheet olllce within the gilt ol the local iaeeltntlon is a juat recognition ol the valuable services ol Ne)ghlor Mo Knlsht. end bis colleagues frosa this lo cality, doriag a period ol uotsjialed so llvlty and advancement ol the samp at Lebanon. McK. Mr. J. M. Ralston has rented the otllce In the Cusltfc block lormerly occupied by Dr. Adameand will! move intelt In a lew weeks, Dr. Lowell Jooea and several oilier live voumr lbanonltna were In the city last evening fcr the purpose ol lcsioing some new tltsnus In the K. of P. The Buurerse Court yesterdsy denied the motiou lor a rehearing Iu the case ol W.JU. Maiiers convicted ol murderwig tavmond Hlnli and alnklos his botrV In the river opposite nslem, and he will be hanged sect Ibursday. The Combination Barber (shop la the only six chair shoo In the state out side ot Portland. Htrictly first dene beside the beat shinor and porter tbat Ima ever been in towa. Coma and see. You are next. The fifth dividend bss been declared in favor of tha Da I Irs National Bank. which suspended lo 180.1 at the ssme time of the L'ot county National Bank, which paid out several years ago. tN percent In all baa bren paid tbs exposit ors of tbe Dallee bank. The Wlllsmsltesand Multnomah wlM play football In.Porilani 00 Chrhtroas day. As Muttrttimab detested the In dians 19 to 0 and Kalem 10 to 0, It e capi tal city boys believe they have a show ol doing something. Kasum games tble year have proven that this klad ot reas oning la veryvre&aetoua. Mre.Tbormanln charge ot the work among the colored people lor the W, C I'. V., who isoa her way borne eftr be ing at the national convention at BeatUe, spoke last night al the M. K church lo an appreciative audience. Khe Is an ale quant speaker and educated lady who holds the closest attention ol her audi ence. Mrs. Thermae has been in tba ork lor tweoty-slx years and haa done effective service lor the cause ol temeer ancr. Toalghs abe will speak at the U. P. church oa educational work among the Ireedroen. el the sontb. To wdtlsu svery bodyie Invited. Crook County. From the Joorasl: Mrs. Ml. A. Moore returned Motday Irom a trip In Grant and Wheels coun ties during which she or.aolied. Ire D. ol U.IkHtgse. Die Prinevil le Fire Company will give a Masquerade Ball on New Year's night, at Olaas's ball. Ths commit tee, consist ing ol Frank Elkins, M. It. Biggs. J. L. Huston, w. 11. uyrus and v. a. vrooss, are naaktog arrangements los a grsnd, good time. Mr. A. Morrow, one ol ous saost auc- oeeslul farmers and stock meo, has rent ed the Clerk rsncb on Willow Creek coo- slating ol lift) acres ol larna aad gtaslng Is ad lor five years at en. annual crsh rsntal ol f 1000. REPORT OF THK COMDITIOM or THW FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALB AN V, 1M Till STATl Of ORKOOM Al the of boalaaM, Da, S, isse. Loan ami aiaooanai.. M. Oranlraltaaamrad anl irn url. s.snl.M .. to.mio.iM . ,eto.C II. S. Bond lo awmra elnmlaUua I'. S. Bund on haaS.. Premium on V a wmh:s ,HH7.tU lo.uti sa 16.00U.UU Slack, aaeuriUia,! Barking boo, Sarnltaia, and Stur i.... Otoar real Mat aaa mot WW! owii. Dua Irani NaU al Hankw noi nieti W it mas On troa HUM Sauk ami bankanw 1S.K4.M Ihiafrrwi airovd rirv anU..u MAIM Check aad oilMr aaih turn... . ,n NuUtot other Ntllmal Bik..... auUOO Fractional paper currnmy, nickel awlwals tS.Sa LAWrVh Mossv Ruikti u Bins, vis: Spade . 1,94 U begai wnoar ouij .... AV RedeaipUHi fond wlUi U. Treaaarar (Sre per oeni ol arvtuauou.) VOO.og Total., M.f1,4.U UabllUtes 1 Capital (tnck paid ln........ SM.ono.M Sarnlu land - . 1S.0UO 00 UndlvUled pruSla, lee npineH and Ulea paid .. . S lll il HaUoual Bank nous oulatandlnf U,Si.0,0U b to other NaUonal bank Ou In Hlate Bank and banker.. .. Individual derxieiM niujer to eketk Demand pertlDualeiol depilt , f .StTM .... su.tie.u HIHM. s,e Mt TuUJ.. ..... .SM!,:,lt Stat or Oaaorii, Coumr or Uw,m I I, B W Larodoi, Cah!r of the abort named bank do ao:mn!jr aweer tliat Uie ebor tutemenl la trtw Ut tin bt of my knowledg ami belief. E W LAMODOX, Caehlar. 8abcribd and iworn l liefer b Oil llih day ef Deo, limo. DALE 8 II I LA (u a.) a Mutarr Publlo f. Oregon, Ooaaacr AtUet i UK VOVSO trnrMtor. t A QOOUW12I )