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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1899)
(o-kr I ii mniiiHiiMilf I'j'T IF F I VOL XXXV. ALBANY, (KtbOON K.UI)A DECEMBER 8. 1899 NO !.M ."1 St Jit . 1 II 7 r if 41 Do not tt lnk for single moment that consumption will ver trlke yc-J sudden blow, ll doet not coirio that wy. It creep Its way long. First, you tl ink It Is lilt cold; nothing but Utile heck Int cough; then s little lo In weight; then a harder cough J then the fever md the night sweats. The suddenness comes when you have hemorrhage. Better stop tho tll.csss while It I yet creeling. You can qj ii who TELliORAPIIIC. But Cuptiu-ov : Manila. Pee. 2. 0 :20 A. M icn. ral Comm surrendered MOO c llliwr wild men wliu rllles, leveraE aaserhans and 70 iilah lirisuners and the imrrlaim nt I a omboiig, province of Nueva Viaccya, t-i l.uiuten.iit .unrou. with 60 uiuti ol liu Fourth cavalry, Mnrk lUnnii. Oi, Pec. I. Conreriiiiiit the report wit cb have I nun in clrcia etion fur neveral wet ka pant to the efft-ct Unit Srnator lfnniiM would not succeed him aall as chairman of the national republf. can eoiiimlitee, it can he stated o i the authority of Jfaniia'i most intimate Iriemis that lie lias no desire to tiiaiiaue another campaign and tlint utile very strorg pressure I brought to Dear upon him, he will, in all probability, decline to do to. You first notice that you cough leas. The pressure on the cheat Is lifted. That feeling of suffocation is removed. A cure is hastened by placlngone of Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. A Book F09 It Is on the Dlsesses of the Throat and Lungs. WmMm mm frmmlvm lt Tin ha. f enmeiaiM wnmiwrwr a ad iaal,. IM keel medical '" i MB aaaalM rare!', writ in. Wf I m UtL .. tt A, Uell, Mm. DIU.LMLIA riijsicUaeaal fx HtllHIok - - 3 A'hor.'ir Ltlller & Little DUSIIsTJ BrosJalbliiSt., Albany, Or. HOME AND ABROAD. war office has not received 1,01 Men thtien' casualty Hut. Tho public and the press, h! liter to natlont. are brain ing to liilirniilf nt Ilia iit&rnitv nul. lews delay which keeps many families in if 'ii ;i n 11 i i : Mr. Koherts rill he left oul by a hie aialority. The Am-rlcan neon'a h.v. spoken. ... " 0ig o the -pfOvailinK financial tr D(ienoy the ereat Harper Broibera have failed (.r over SA OCn Aral ' ri,.i Uoeeu'l nd like tome of the ocumeot. - Kwboita. WAaiiiNOTo. Uee. IThe tide u,iliiht UuUrta i overwhvliiiinif Tim demand upon uieuihors olcongrcm to rirevent Ins retaining a arm in tno iioua- tide irrwn to enormous proportions, and is swelling day by day. I'romlnent men fu every congressional dialrict are writing letters to ineir memiMrr in suuli t-rma ami numheri as to mnke thm feel Unit un lets they vole Koberts out theyjiimy not be elected next year. More MtfKlnlcy itni. tuicAoo. Dee. 1 llie ow isivi tc- day s ' A tniei Is In contempla tion. There i every roret t that the American Buifar Ki-tlo in it c;omi.nv. and all ao called iiidependeni snar refiner- lea, will be conaolldated. II. O. Have. meyer, of tho siitfar combine Las, it la understood, secured options on the Ar buckle eiicar Combino, the livelier conrern, and outside i.lnnts in Boston and ew Uileans. nirt stoi in. Hoci.i'oirr. Tex.. IVc. I. IteiwrU from (minis on the gulf in tlm tk ction show that tliediuuBjiii to proixrty ami lone of life by the recent storm were much greater then first reported. A number nt ol email riching craft are mLsinif, to ember with their crews, Tna bodies of James Han Jar. and two other men not yet identified have wen found in the main bot. Charles bay. Ahv.Iutc Silence. Ijosw. IVc. 2. Alwolute sibnee has fallen over affairs in Booth Africa. The A dispute!! says that the ra (roads are laimlnn tlint I her are not n.riininmlni. in the general pro.iM-rite and alll In- ereaee their rates. How d that strike you as a sample of tali. Ihe tele, bone system is snreadina out- une can now dear the cackling of the '"I J,f "te" ','TOm, 'he fa'r groan J uu ni wopiung oi me trs at the At bsny ursries. Hmo. Collins D D 8 A. Jack Hods DD8 COLLINS & HODGES Dentiati. JJd Fel.o's Temple, Albany, Or. Oliver Plows Hew p ;n0lKiN8 iKOs., Aifota. Alny, (irrKir. "Oliver ffAve the worll th chilled pliw And it hm saved more mono) to the farmer of A merle ityotur aliii)nt vr p-l!ed. uio. U.U'r jU.lle l are tn hdit vu h. Tiu O Ivr l a promoter of hnppi s on thi farm, and the daiiir wuo vitte niwa he is handling the boil. L"ok t it laiaiiirttioni atii touch nntinna !ut venttin mide only by Ulcer llel plow workt. Siuth (lend, led . ACTS GENTLV ON THE Kidneys. Liver and Bowels manses the System r. EFFECTUALLY hARlxllA1NSTPATON ,w"- PERMANENTLY Buy tmb 4CHUINI MaH'f'O fy (AUI?l?NU7GfSYRVP(S roa su s tu Miiii a e na aunt. W. crry Mock ol f oodi slued at ii.wa.aoo.oo W. rcl Irom 10.000 10 S6.U00 leittra every d.y Ii ..5231 F. MISFITS. Have your stoves polUhad Ht'LBl'KT, Oood aroeer ee and nnui IIP f V. Fenton'a. Firet tt. Hill Isiock. The txiet bay, oata and mill feed in tno ci.y at K. F. Fenton'a Hill block. I Old oaoers ten cent. dim lrl at il,' HAT Ofllct. I Ktaiinr Kuib V r IVrt!nnl and landinga on Mondays, Wednesdaya and r 'May k 1 7. a. in.. Almond, walnnta. rrn filharta. BratnUn nuts, nine mm. bitkorvnute nJ clonals at Viereck'e 8ar Bowl. Souvenir paper cutters, cream and tooth jwde jars, ink stands, spoons, beautifully enravei and very cheap at French's jewelry store. W nod boxes have arrived . Thu Siisrur Bowl Iias butter. Dee'a.oranifet. iemons. bananas, api.ln. flit., dutei. eocoaonta and homemade mince meat. Clnti.l aaliurn..,lnn - .1.1 .1 every purchase at Will A (Stark's. del-; era in goou were, silver, gold, glass and uonee. A sample ofttie ttitlibillty ol some people is told by an Independence pape Aetraogergot six buseis adveriiro meot at f 1 apivce on some cards, which era orioted bv aclirlob nrlmr f. IJ.23. in half a day the man made 13 75 ami an m aiivcrl cer got was ao adver lisemeot on 75 csrds. Sensible nnslness men will sometime iet u into tbeir heada that the newapaoer is the proper jrernain meaium, ana tno money !) uume. ifon i ue biicea so often Lebanon. by Onuna -. t l Alt 9W eASIhnf tit f ti i .4 1 turn, i i,u ru n .ifv j j r. ..r ' i frtf lMt1mt,KtttS eta- rf r jr o htn9. a.n-5 w if i f stern - u ett f ,'fal fstJrwii '.rf 14 (XI. fll.OO, i'J.CM.4s;N A,i f ;y k').lMi llikgkf, b itflK,'! : tl ' th srrft. ealaaft flf-vrr'f 1 r rr .-. tseaaM.f4, Hef'tttwr-a-fHr ; J.lftj, I, The Sunset flyer will be ruiumtd on the Southern l atiflc beginning Dec. 15 ronnina from an irancia, anath. it! going tins route yon get auurbine, flow ere and orang) adoring the entire win ter. Atxirownsvillaon Thaokseivina ilar (be bovs of that city aefea'xl Crswfords vii e at football &0 to 0. McFarland and Snyder were among the Brownsville player, tbsir experience in Albany tell. iok materially in the game. Soyder made the enational ran of the game The following- Jted waa filed in the Manoa county clerke's office y.sterdsy : auiaia i. nroooin ana wile toll. e. Mar ner, ttie east liaU of ths oortbeast quar- tr of section 21, and the west half of the nortnweetqoeiter section 22. in T 9 8. K 4 E. 180 acres. W I) Consideration. THE BUkPIUK j B -T.T !r-M -it-, ill W ! sw - era Etxa I 4 m 'J .r,- -T- mmmu s4.a , 'w nft( k i.t, . i JI) 9 ?v" Wait m.f f A-r... ,.-t. -'w V IS."-, jf r i, iivbfsttf 1 , 1 V-J- ijiiiT I it now 1 SHU 1 i-Ai-Ll Mill IC iT j f - o . tti orrttf, kf ad la DiarW f off pmm rmtc on four ruMM hMea larn Hlark hrl a t-:brc tin thattl.uwtn.sni4 ttt orrt. ncniiMdli bamfr. rau-4 maaj rWttaMl si4 te itftitrf 'va.oajtrvcaiatmB, e esal erejrufcW 4 aavPty XjmK 1st farsiUlMel nd otir FfM Ilb- rv.lT. r:rbaf uj;. t'J, .irt-ijaa; I fc)-ke.tiai:su . s; - A ! W T " l fj Sloal of Un-y s..k. --T..i.- iJiit. tA.44-M'n i 1 mt vlth rery mkIUu. ,. 1 f r ' , r vma, a a u. vi a.. u fcftrj thffl ff ton fit.! tin '.u - t '. V.SA. Vnis a.m.t th tklH t CO. !ncJ ChicagOt !'! From the E. At r. t 1 . . . . .' uHuwiiiu a ourciicaei 01 rhiiitm t . . t : . t liars onriog uie past season amount lo tons ana uu pounde. U. C Wstson and farr.ilv. r.f Alhan are visiting 8. M. Usrland and family for Mrs. Foren. wife of "Dotdb" Fo-en. cot off the fore flnirer of her left hand with a hatchet while sptittlng kindling Vt edneaday. A Woodbnrn man was be:e a few days ago looking over the Held wi:h a view to oprnlog another dry goods store in this place. ' Mr. Hcroggin, our new banker, arrived here Wednesday from tinerldan. He will soon novo bis family to ibis place. Hon. M. A. Miller has retijnel'ae drputy besd consul of the Mod ra Wood men, and Mr. Simmons, of Portland, re cently of Kansas, has been appointed bie suucrinr. Mr. .Mille- reeijoed on ac count of not hav ng sufficient time to de vote to the woik. Mrs. Smith, wife or Cbas. Smith, died at her home in this city Wednesday, of arop'exy, aged about 70 years. Her deem Mas sudden sod unexpected, tli laioting and passiog away in a short ime. t lie waa a sister of Mrs. ). B. raniih.of Sodaville and an aunt of Mrs. I'. K. Keed, of this city. In our laat issue we slated that Mr. Weddle, the victim nl tho Sweet Howe tabuing affray, was getting along very poorly. Hie attending phyaician, Dr. Lambetson, informs us that be is getting along very wellitbet his setback was 00)7 of a temporary character, eaueed by overrating. - Stnctlv fetuuneaa French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Beat Bicycle for tue money. Will t 3tark, jeweler. Crescent bicycles at Hopkine Brother for only 120, S30, $35 sad toO. G B Winn, city ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. 1 Be sure and see the anti rnt tinware at ' Bopktit Bios, will Uai a lifetime. t Go to Miss Lonsa for bieh priced rho vogrmpne, ana ao nos iorgei vo iaxe along tue money. By allowirg the accumulations in the bowels tn remain. the entire syitem U pois onea. uevtiit uttle tarl Ki8ersreKOl ate the bo well. Try them and you will always nse tnem. roanay Mason . Jodga F. A. Chebowith died at b:a home at Kirnta Valley on Wednesday, at the age of eighty years. He wae one of the pioneer lawyers of toe stato, end at one time did a large practice in Benton county. Beside lie was prominent in politic. Judge Gbenowitij waa well knwn in Albany. For several tears bis bas tieeo very poor aod bis mind weak-! ' " . w Goods. P. Coben'a large and ts eva Crocker died in the hospital well selected stock of new goods has ar. voaiem yeeieroay evening irom tbej rived. It embraces late up-to-date effect of an operation for the appendici- jgoode, which will be sold at pricea in ,,. ,nr v..w, mam iM-iKimg aioany ( reacti ot an. uive biro a call before buy- wi.awwM i.tvu uuvd who lie oia ing. wmwn. ran wtui 10 iue noma 01 ner aunt In Turner and thence 10 the hospital. Her parents were in California and have been aent for. 1 0 We own and occupy th. Ulloft mercantile hr.lUMn In the wortit. We hav over ,000,000 cuatomcr. Sixteen hundreJ clerk nre conataiitly . engaged flllhig out-of-town ordeia. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE I the book of the people It quote Wholesale Prlcea to Everybody, ha over 1,000 page, 16,000 llluatratlon, and (o.coo description of article with price. It coat 71 cent to print and mail eachcopy. We want you to hav one. BEND FIFTEEN CENTS to how your rood faith, and we'll aend you a copy FREE, with all charge prepaid. .MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Michigan Avt.and Midlion Ureal CHIOASO This and That. Smiley 'a Clean, Printing. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter'e. Dr. J. II. Kraklne is now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. Oysters cooked any way yon wish at Blotter's. Leave your orders for Fresh Oysters atStetter'a. Oysters opened esh every day at the Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Uurkhart A Leo's. For sale, gwd carpeting, 33 cents per yard, by I. 8. Alexander, east end ototb street. When you want a choice steak a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Sroders. He keens the best. Go to Verlck'e shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every t raer. It makes no difference bow bad the wound if you use UeWitt's Witch llatel Salve- it will quicklv beat and leave no .... ' u i 2L 11. ovHr. ruauuj cs luumin. The beat meat of all kinds and grcod treatment at the Albany Dressed lietf Company ' market, just djwn Second trot Gt.ul weight and prompt attml ion. Secretary of Stale Dunbar, fn accord auc with section 6& of Hill's annotated laws of Oiegoo, baa made a, complete toaipiiation of the election laws of tbe state, including the registration law and rtapi or ionment bil.'s passed last winter, . run upi iiiinru t no manuscript over 10 the elate printer for preparation in pam phlet form. Tbe time allowed for for warding the election ) and euppliea lo county clerks will expire January 1st Tnere sre 792 election precincts in tbe state, to each of which three copies of tbe election laws must be furnished. ro Cor CotMtlpatto) Forever. Take Ouirarcta Caoilr Cathartic toe or So, il UUU Ittti to cure. lytugvthLm rciuod mooey. (low Arm Immr KI4ev TV Hobba'Scmraini PI Harare all kidney Ilia. an ptvireo. Aiu eKiuw iutiitii7W.tlucMOOtI. X No rure. No Pay. . That is the war all tbe droeeiet sell Grove's Tastele Cbih Tonic lor Chiila, malaria and Billioutnrss. It is aa pleaa ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c. Or H H Haden. Sam Ait. la. tar. "I think Kodol Dyspepsia. Care a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence In it grows with con tinned use." It riigetts wnat yon eat and quickly cares dyipepsia and indigestion. For rale by roanay e aiaon. . Mcbic Miss Muorea Bnrmeater eacher of piano or organ. System the Mason foiich tJkd technique. Residence Fiftfc ctrset,cp3oeite D P chtucb. Miss Joyce Biowoell will take up her piano elate daring vacation through tbe winter. Tbe best German and Eastern methods. Leave word with W, t . Read Oeters by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at tbe You never knew what form of Wood poi on will follow constipation. " Keep the liver clean by nsiae DeWHt's Litii Karly titer sod yoa will avoid troubles. I hey are faiooui pills for constipation and liver and bowel trouble.. For:a.'e by Foabay A Mason. Our Offerin In CARPETS and other kindred C Xtl t d. . J J.Q.Cr-Wtord,ThePhotoM.r.l.t-,gUUU5 ill C UI IIIC IUICSI UULlCni UIIU colorings, our rug and art qsuare Unes are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. Has refitted his Studio ekgan:ly, with many new back grounds especially adapted for ciiildren'a photos, and rev eral new acceeeories. H!a w rk alwsys takes tbe lead, tiall and lock through his elegant rooms. Hia line of views are all new and fresh, the finest in the city. He does more to advertite Oregon than any one else through his fin- lines of views Tin snd Granite ware at Oh lino & HcLBCBT'a. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. WAeVSiViiVJ Small .Annoyances fret and worry f one. Sourmlik J rui.f nlwht nn W milkrrcn In tha morning ; no cream for the coffee; no milk for the baby. r 1 W A 018 BRINK Is tbe Oldest Furniture Dealer in the city and be keeps a complete line of Furniture and Beiibg and if yoa want good goods cheap give bima ca'I He doesn't intend to be under sold. SEND US OFJE DOLLAR a wlk !., art Mil Ikla k C JT? . MAS, kj IMckt CO. B., aaVH. Mraaata I ' 4 1 li ' t ,' At,..:-". "A : A't; i r? : i t,r,-ri i i i'Wtl'. (Hili M" ' ts 'M II V.' t tU tr.i your mon. . n'naft ts, nrtd hlr-h w svll frtr flilu vm-... SEA !IS( ROEBUCK A Co. CHICAGO CCNDCJSED HILK b always available. Mas stood first for forty years. Cca J for Book on Babies." ESSDCN'5 CDCNSU) MT.S C&, R. Y. . THK PARLOS! CCM 1Jon,ttol l M K.wril bto. whlrh ai only lined In lb Hrh- Ml .rail, luatrsnwatai Bttd with Buum. " aa Eureka Harness Oil Is the best preservative of new leather and the) best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use - Eureka name on your beat harness, your old bar. neas, and your carriage top, and Ihey IU not only look belter but wear lonaer. Sold everywhere In cans all sua, from half pints to live gallons. Ma. J STAMMKD OIL CO. rut l.l. mA. Ml ul waa ts raraoo raiuoa eaaviuaa, co. a., . aub. I " IM. YaraaexMlMlt.tyei,r Brareatfrrlckt art..a Iff ym S4 H eiMtl) mm npw.Ui Ua nlaa a m uaarMtvttMNliMtfiMMlum.aMtalM;, a, Ik. fr.lj.1 ' mi oust pricb; M3.a,0. J n , .....u, ar a-.Nrktra.ri. THS PSLO CtM a a. ai nuui as SUSarasT tOK tMnaonmfaMK From UM IlluuraUn. n whM.hl.NurrarMl dlnul f rum a uhotoaraDl, Ton ca form aoiMldMOf iMbeauUrul a;.peraoc. Made, (raaiaoll ea.rter H..d eak mr watoat Svred. avAraIra a7 Mr, rail paaM Ml, kwattlkl BapnaMrr ti, aa atarr lJ" thaa rT...: -..iTTTT LTnav UTLtTinLl. 1UKPAKLUK tiE latM hlRh,t tucbea lonc.SS InchM wldeaud wriijba 3o0 KUDda. I ontaln. a oesavaa. 11 atopa, miiiuom: iw, . ' u... iMu. blau. Cmmu. BaatCaalar. TrrU.Cal.r. ' Muaa rrla aal Tai Haaaa.l S OMaw Craatara, 1 TM "U I ttraa Orraa M, rU at Orehavtnl TU K.naalar; ria. JaalHy aapaa, 1 CM as a. rara wm a.ima a...., . on, Hrllaaat IXaMa Karfa. 1 Set af Blea a.U HMtt Blaaaaaa lUt. 1 Srt ar rmiM wn aMMa ni la twu, also bent DoIk. W'l li-Mnara, etc, bellvara of th. beat rabber doth, pij Baliowa nioca anu nnm. leatharloTiUaa. THE PArtLOd CEM larurnl.hed with . lal bawled plat. ranch nilrrur, nl.'kal plated pedal Iramea, and a.ery modern Improvement. a iaraUk Ira. a kaaeauae aefaa abwl aa laa feat ema laatraa. US)1 aMSkt WBInBf'aW GUARANTEED 2S YEARS. SaSTSfa?!1-! luaua a written oinuiuy a jwiwin -ternil and eoadttlona ot which U any part glea out wa j It IM at eaarae. TrT It on. aionth and wa will . refund your money If you aot perteetly amtlstlcd. of tbe.e organ. .lilt ald at S39.SO. tbllaJt AT OSt't. lMtN'T DKLAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED dtilt with u aA yimr neUrhbur about ua, writ, th. pnbli.her of tlila patwr or Metriipolitaa riatlonalUnlt.oOornIat.Bana,ol L'hieatro) J r Uertnan Kichans. Bank, Hew York; or any j ; -railroad or .xpreaa coniiany la Chicago. Wa f. haw a aarltal at am i,twe.e. occupy antlr. t an. of tli. lrg bu.tne. kiin ka la Chioano, V and mtdoy' nearly !. pauple In our own Si,.1L"-.,rL"J t, ..rr,.;,-hi rrmtcallnrtmmw.t. a lowert wholeaal. prlcea. Write for rrwrnaelil OTan7pianoandmukaulntmantoaalogTifc Addraa, tSaata. Maabaak a lie. era Itireaskly atlhHa, litllaai j 8 EARS, ROEBUCK A CO. One). Fultaa. Desplalnes and rYsynaa St., CHICAGO, ILL. I Hr rvruoi i: rf.a!esw-irftia:i(!