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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
Wool Blankets. 6 lb ft 7 ' it 6 " Whit.... $ft 00 Whii..,,. 4 00 Hcarlet 0 00 Gray 8 76 Gray 8 25 Gray 8 00 Varlou Wrlitbta and ouallll.a of Or eng., Maroon and Vicuna blanket at equaiiy ciuae price. Sec East Show Window. S. E. Youiv&Son. At the Bazaar. For Christmas fancy Work stamped Embroider Linen, and the tllki, hoop and thread. Battenburg Work tltn Pattarne, Braid., Button id Thread, Crochet and Knitting Yarns Fancy Canvas, Down Cushions, New Cushion Cords, Pin Cushions. A variety of ART CUSHION COV EU8. Handkerchief Llaen and Lecca. Plain llnao bemetlched, an broldared and Batten burg and Kenafetance lara, dolli.e and centerpieces ready mad. L.E.& II. J. HAMILTON. HOLIDAY EXCURSION A Special Excursion will be run on saving Albany December 26, 1899 at 11 p. m. Fare for round trip $17. See potter. For tick.i. or information call on C. B. Winn or address Dr. 0. W. Barr, Leb anon, Oi. Ticket, must be aecured two daya before the excursion. "IV To (be cltiaena of Albany and vicinity vte Invite you to call and fea.t voor eyee on Ibe many beautiful thlnca we have on die nlav lor the Chrlatmaa F. M. FfeilCh .ThC. Our line of Diamonds, Watches, Kioka,Obalna, Jewelry. 6llverware and Silver novelties la larger then at any time during the 20 yaats of our bualneaa in Albany. Our Specials. Good for stock on hand. We have a Speulst High Grade Coffee tbat cupa aa well aa many 0j gradea. Our ipecial price 26o lb. Try it. Cur Vinegar cannot be equaled, and w etlli bold ihe price 15o niton, We will give you.S.'pk. Extra Chi ics Mush for only 25c We bave a lall.llna of GrocerU t,aod Troviaionat reaaonable prlcer. Call and cxaminelour good,. k bag Albany Trading Co. Vance Building, Second St. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, feaked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Cotton Comforts. Full iIm, 72x78, and full weight. ft lb., Hllkellne cover. .$1 60 " ttetlne cover 2 10 4 M " 26 i " Bilkailne cover. . . 2 00 2 " Hlikeline with ilk mill. J 28 Theieaoodi bav. uiatarlaliv advanced and we cannot rvulece them to aril at above prlcai. COUNTY BUSINESS. In tti recorder, offlca: I)e-d, Wat KchuelJar to J 11 Schneider, 10 acre $ 1600 LMHMl.KiMrl k Brown to H Ilaikell Wither. 168.40 acre Deed, Edward B Keeni to Auitoa I'aw, 00 acre 0 H patent to Ohaa W Tbotnae, 160 acrea. 10 K 6 U b patent to Clifford Uard, 100 acre. 10 E J Deed, Laura Crabtree to II Bry- anM8.40 acrea II w 2.... Mori ana for... Aaelgnment mortgage for Cbatel mortgage for ... , , Deed, ElUabetn Warner to Joee- pblne Cerl.on, all Interval In es- tata of John Nelaon, deceased... Release of mortgage for. ........ . 600 1410 600 8100 20 160 666 Jo probate court: I.. L. Hwann araa appointed guardian of J.J, llamrner, an iomata of tba a.y lutu. See F M French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. Sugar Mr. GraJwobl Inform, oa that be fa eellln 17 pound of granulated su gar for $1.00. Now la the time to boy a It la liable to to up at toy time. Tula la net caen propoatttoo. All good a delivered free of charge.! See FM French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. TO SUN FRANCISCO. Ibe Soutntra Paclflo to San Praacleco, Haliifava. New Year 1UOO WEDNESDAY. SOCIAL ANDJERS0NAI. - mm li UWVM 1VI tier home In Seattle. , Llcenra wu I Mllwul iAAmm I. tat !.. a...... rlageol Cbarlea Neal and Cora Oreeno. Mrs. John U'flrlen returned yesterday altsrnoon from a viait with hi r uarenta i fciigene, Mi, f.nlfa film Franrlaco, where aha will ipend the win ter the gueat of her aunt. Mr. Jeiininir. tha Hiiu. ,t.i. ...... . we in the city today. Mr. Jen n log 1 lld toreaenible Oota Paul Kruger. Mr. A. J. Fox, who recently bad a Ifg broken, waa I net evening taken to the county Id Urinary tor care and eupport. Allan Btellmecher baa gone to Lebe non to drrk in the drug .lore of IIon.M. ""' uurmg in auaence in the eaat. Dlatrlct Attorn if.v.Un i .i... city llil noon on hi way home from Uallaa, where he h.a been attending court. A fUrnrl.H mrl. ..!...... n.i. '. yri Mon(1y evening in honor of hi b rthday. A very rdeaaant time waa naij. At JerTurenn Um.I.. u- r n cii . " mr. H eumond. ttf nrv.ia .n. ui.. t a.c, of Jtffron. were united in m.rri. age. Mil LolU Clark, fnrmarln Af it. I. .li lt recently married in Walla Walla "to a weahby and prominent gentleman of that city. Edward Emtnonnnn ,.f .t....t 'f. . aalu(i a ""ge to Mitt rialtie Warner tomorrow evening, la a former itudent of the atets anlverahy. G. F. M.nn . tra .. t.. f. c.ted In Logene tw month ago wa married to uia Myrtle M. Barter of tbat city a few day ago. E. R. Brvaan he. Kun deDDtV dl.lrlrt triAr... I... ii . county, and baa therefore reiigned a juiuco oi tue peace. A. B. Seal, the well-known and po: u lar commercial tr.veler, baa accepted a inryuvu mm luapagerOI (lie U.rUID.r Mill Co B. merchandtaa mlnrm corder. Frank Thope, n. of Baowneville. ia here on a ia ii wnr.sHa. i er friend. Frank waa the Co. who bad bia right eya ehot out at the Tranacript. O. P. Jaater, formerly of Albany, wbo baa been chief clerk in tba Km! Portland oiuceottbe8.P.forfiveyei.reha ben uj-u- vn. at Uraoi'e Para. E. K. Montgomery will be day operator under ..1?V r"!M v, the popular MilUnt to the WeTe Fargo offlcV,mucb "rf,,u;d biapoeliion on account of poor health aod thia morning left for a a. lln. I. Bill ' VL "v"r"i Vp. 1TU llpe la ailing the petition. Mr.. t . j I Uil Boniii. (A Ill II f.M la Alh.n I... .i.. it d - - ' J .I.I.UIHlUI v.jr. UB i.rgw ana pieaMi audience. (""""uu oi vuo worx among id. Colored nannlaAith wiuprvumuTe. mre. innrman ia a una apeaker and a collured woman. Mre. Mary CheadleGrannon wri'ee the Dimocrat from London, Ont., where ahe uvwimuw. one report enow ana Ola weather. Un. Knmm. t, - - .bmmmwm mmm iiimmu tenant, ami ia L.i.i k... ... her property. Her many Albany frienda " mwiwwu id oer weiiare. Dr. L. A. Port .tart. inJ.a In n to Porto Rico. He wiU atop on b la way at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and at Port Arthur, Texaa, aod will alao viait In the Indian Territory. The Doctor baa been In Cuba, but he baa never via- ltad I'nrtn Rlivi .! ift t. . i. ,t- - invettlgatetbemeritaof tbi new poe aeaalon of Uncle 8am, Srlem SUtea man. Fun, Pure, Undulterated. The "Night Owla-JPridar niebt.a olav tbat will not offend any one. The moat faatIdlnn.nar.An nan ahIaw thl. ml... talnmeot. Sa Trilby, S"eog.!!,"Soger" uw mig m many war, "itate" cDy e-i-epbant and many other freaka, prlcea 28, S5,and 60 cent. No extra charge for re .erred aeata. LaDixa of thbG. A. R. At their meeting laat night th Ladira of the G. A. R. elected the following officer for tbeentalng year: Mra. a. B. weatbrook, preaideot. Julia Barber, 8. V. B. AnnF. Worrell, J.V.P. Jennie Brown, chaplain. Myrta Uiatt, treaaurer. Pearl Liviogttooe, conductor. Ethel Bray, guard. Stop at Will i Stark's For Holiday Goods. They bave a large and elegant line o jewelry, aiiverware. watcbee. clock and many noveltiea, anitable for Cbrialmaa remembrance. Bee tbeir aouvenlr apoona . See their dlamonda. See their beautiful ring. See their many allver noveltiea. See their pretty chain.. Bee their cut gleee. See their gold and allver watcbea. See tbeir canea. And many other choice llnea of sooda v. .ujpnur ijuaiuj ai reaeonaoie prlcea See FM French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. New List. Hickory Nut, Home made Mince Meat, Black Fig., White Fig, Popcorn, Maple Syrup, Sweet Pickle, Bulk Olive, Biiver Prune, Fresh Hominy, Stuer Kraut, Oecry. A tO, E BaowMaxt'e. MISFITS. A partial ecllbee of the mron in tak. p lc? ntxt 8,tard'y 'gbt, viiible acme what bare, A nuttier excuse for the young men to take a walk witb th-ir b. at xtrl. At tha alanlrla half -...i i .l w. v.,vV l.ll IUI I1JV darkey performer in giving a comparl.on likened aomathlnv tn. it., fi. ii-i... parity about wblcb w hear ao much and aee eo little. JoaHlmon. r...nii placed amonir the milllonafr. TheOregonlanaayahl wealihdoea not axwed 26,000. Tbat' a very poor guete. ana mat ia about all a good deal ot it amount, to. Capt. Laogfit. euKinerln cl l.iira of the Long Tom improvement, baa notified the county ronrt of Benton county to re more tha brlilvaa that ... nt ......... I navigation oa that public thoroughfare. I m l!gM w,,) Proby to go. All " uii.u ui.inuu. urea. 1 hs Werther Tonleht and Tlitimla ATaeiait.rT ail . nearly, atationary Umtieratare. 21.2 feet, falling F. M. FaxKcu Diiplavman A man named Ha.ln m aii,.i recently anlirlilnir inr ni.Pi k.b Alter remaining a werk at the St.Chir lea Hotel be (kipped out with out liqui dating (or bia hoard, and hi where waul uddoi m le.rneu. ne bougbt a tlckft from here to Jefferson. Freah nifftrlait Miru. nii-klo.1 nl,n l.uil r ...vf ft..n olivea and many other delicacie at Par kerUros. Annual Oregonian. The annual number of tbe Orvgonian which wilt be Iwucd on January lat will t urpaaa even the great number of but vaar. it wiU contain over five hundred llluatrationa. printed on tbe rlneat book barter. Tbe viewa will embrace mint lion county ecenea. Price 10 cent a per copy. Leave order, at Rosa Broa., or at rrencn a jewelry atore. It 1 a elngular taate that cann ot b aulted in the varied and large .election ot Jewelry at Will & Stark'a. The beat good and reaaonable price. Miae Long make npto-date picture in uie Digoeai aiyie oi id. are oi paoio grapoy. See F 11 French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. It makee ao differenca bow tt tbe wound tl youuae Ueiu'e Witch Haael Salve; it will quickly heal and leave ao acar. Foabay ft Mate a. MARRIED. GREEN WYLIE.-In Sdo, on Dec 12, J899, at tne nome oi .ne onoe a jmw mother, Mr. Harmon Green, ol Al bany, and Mwa Grace Wylie ofHcK Pka In PArilanrI m thslr bnda trip and will retnrn to Albany to reide j bey nave me oe.i wi.oe. mauj irienua. See E M French, the jeweler, for Holiday Goods. New Goods in All Lines. THI LABtlOPTMg WARANTgg CkOTHIHO) At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Preveni, Ibe mayor, recorder, mar.h.l. atreet aoperlntaodent and Councilman Whitney, Dannala, Pfelffar, Richard and Graham. Tha follnainv Kill. ...i . j ..u . . 7 i - ".i. viurrctj uaiu, wmico incioaee me amaii pox billa re lated by the connty : V L Hnlm. taiinn. a iir u .o aa. iob5 Clie.ny, $1.26; O A Curran, - - -- . , T . v . vv , u , . nvii. m w oay;or, a.70; 1 Henton, .00; Woodward. Clark A do. M.tX): P Cohen, $1.66; Albany Dreexd Beef jo, $s.Z7: B W Reece, $7.86; W N Bay. ii, .o.o; joDnuatiin, $o.(W; Mr. Jd. vmv, rarxer wroa, fi.ou; Juagea and clerk election, $30.00; Fire "l OlCtlKJD, f O.W, ne atreet auperlntendant reported worx dona innuiniin. i. i:n ion loaia of gravel aere h.u'ed. in i election return were read, ihow g the majorltlee aa reported except tbat of E. A. Parker for treaanrer wblcb waa 110, an increaaeof ten in the third ward. The bjndt of tbe marabal were placed at $3,000 and of tbe treaaurer at $7,000 tbe COffilns rear. Bill of W. H. Davl;$100,account mall i pauema at Mre. Moon, waa conttn oed. T r iu uurrarmer rrienus THE FAIR a extonda you a hearty welcome to viait our manmolb .lock ot HOLIDAY GOODS. We alao bave a large aeoortment oi DRY GOODS and SHOES and price o accordance a ith 40c wheat. WE CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Reapectfully, J. A. WEAVER. r. S. Egga taken in extbange for good. HOLIDAY GOODS To Please Everyone. Webavejoat received a nice selected line ot Holiday Good, that we conaider atrictly up-to-date, and .hould - ?leaae almoet everyone. Our line n compoaed ol Albume, oileta Caere, Collar and Cuff Boxea, Necktie, Hand kerchief and Glove Boxea, Comb, Brnab and Tray Seta, Medallion., Bonbon Boxea, Jewel Ca.ea. a fine line of Ia dies Puree. aui tbe oioet complete line of new Perfumery ever brought to Albany. We gnarantee every thing we sell. Call and look our line over, jcu den't bave to hvj. We want yon to aee tbe good. Burkhar t & &eer WlatisiasfitlDiia W oraOook or a 8 to re or Utenall or Groceries or Diahes M a Stove TJteniila -Groceriee " Diabea " Spoocs or 8poona " Ksivea and Forks Let na budoIv all except the Cook, any good Kdstlu can get a ec.k. F. E. Allen & Co. X Jr'f), j$fW J?l I ( f. FAMOUS The Modern Mother , Hat found that hrr Htt'a Aha. . rm m. Iproved more by tbe pleasant Byrnp of tig .w bee in need of the laiatiie UTrct ot gentle remedy, tban by any other. Child anil It li.iita ik.. n. true remedy, Strop of Fig., i rr.rmf.ct - iorea oy me vaitivrnia a ojrop co oaiy C.LI. Aoxkct. Iiavina accented tha. agency for the San Francleco Call, I will be pieaaed to deliver the Dally inclndiaa; a 82 na.a lllnatratad Mnmla nanaa Ia 66c per month anywhere within tbe citw nrnu. uwmg to me new train aervtcw tbe Call la delivered one day earlier tbaav herctnfora) liv. nnr n.H.i at ln.ka Cigar .tore opposite tbe poet nfiite. iu ttwiy van oniy liayear, , M. 0. PiiiLura, Call in and ae. our r Twit rfala Una aV Airtight Heater. UHUSO A IICIBTBT Hth arxl Thmilna Hla alhanv 1 .im.. order at Frencb 'a jr welry atore. CAR OF BAY. We bave jnet received - a carioaa or nice ciover nay wnicn WW--offer at $9 00 per ton at ear. M. Sasnxaa A Co. -r . ft eW a3""0 !J lWe1 ' 1w- jWw ra - . .. .. 1 l)ougi)tful Careful dotlilng buyers never consider quality alone, or price alone. Its the happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home to our consciousness like a hullet from a rifle. You know this make I 1 UUvUrU.vUi.vUUvli