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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
New Registration Law. Oregon now lins a registration law and very vuter In tho stats, boforo bolnt? ngioio lo sxorclmi his right of the fran. hise, mint register with the clork of hit utility between the flrnt Monday In Jan- lay of May. of each year tn which a gen ial state election Is hold, i ino mw provide that every elector must register, either by spinmrlng in tho wiiro 01 iiia county cierk, or ty nppour- n uiur n jU.MUO 01 1110 pOIICO Or 110 .tiiry pubiia. I under tliia law roghitrallonB will be piiado free to the county by the clork but n iii Qomi it, imiu apiece whete made iioforo a Justice. Tho chirk, of Marlon Bounty, ant a good rximplona follow td'ordliitf to tho Mlali-miiun I County Clerk W. W. Hull, In speaking 6f the new law yesterday, ald that be n until iiiiiko an e fort tn ru .l... f W?tvr, '.' .Mrlo' county, in his odlto, In Lft.d of having them appear before tho in mo pence ami notaries public throughout the country, which latter course wouia in each cam Involve an ox FTI?0 . , cen,t the county. Mr. wall clninia that nearly every voter auuee to lint couutv seat once every nix months, ami he la satisfied he can handle the work in bla olllue, tbue reducing the cent of tho oration of the new law" The P. 0. Robbers. TIh-m were probably three of then., "u.utl moil who bail boon hanging around Albany for several daya. After leaving Albany Kuiulav lllflFlllllif liana. a..aa. Olllh. Att'o(lnio (irovo tlinv liwi.l . mil up ami kmnked him down and aiiied on without being captured. At tow-bum they tried to noli .'welry answering thedencrlplionof that ...v... . 'uaiuiuioyiuay no nead- I Oil luiloro ftllltchlntr that tail. L I ...... hew are tlm preemt Indication. ,...,.r.i- .ftrUtCllm'''1 ruiMur,nu' rp.ri on the Mead Sawed Off. Special to the Deuotatr: EifiixnK, October 20. Rudoiidi Wen here, aVr, a workman in theaaw mill mot with a Mithtfuld an acciuent lotho carriaiia throw 1.1... upon thoeaw cutting hi. head complete ly off. lie ie about fifty jcara of age who ana aevrn children in uvmuio circumeuncet. Hop Growers. . aMMM. $rW1AI.T0lXMitHAT: r.coana. Oct. SO. 1809. In raa-w,.. to tbe cel. for a meeting of hop groaers "iuio tueir own interests large number wore present today, repre f ntlng lour thousand bale. Tuey de tiueu 10 uoiu lor Higher prlcei. Tua Ciui k Talk.-Ad enferUloment ilHfaling both to eye and ear. An UltutraUd lecture, the illuttraiiooa be log aelftly executed before tlm . ,1 Ae audiencce and"accompnleJ," ar the ...u..ri.irji, Vy ft running fire of h n moron comnient and apt hap- The Chalk Talker -Mr. Koeecrane, waa lormeriv firtonn ( u.. n,.,..: loumal and ii a frtujuont contrlpotor to tot h the iterary and pictorial coiumoaof men nerioaicaia ae uie, Trutli and oth t. lie ii regarded by diacriminating m 1 1? t" eMt M on iho clevcroat i. T'V ,!,ur" public enteiUinora on At tho college next flalurday evening, dmiaaion only 23 coot a. Changee are gradually being arrangml ln a . .. . . . ,. .11 . . . I I jw. , ..uiih ii uiiiwra. mo inaane aay mm, to follow the acoaaion of Ur. J. F. CalbrcaUi to tbe poeiilon of eaperenten dent to eucceed Ur. I). A. Pain. th. . I ent Incumbent. it. u. Alien, of Sllvertoo a former dep- in hid uiiico 01 uio ciera '01 Marlon county, will aurceed J. V. Holand at bookkoRper to take efloct on January 1. 1900. Frank E. l'oat, of thia citv. la booked for the poeition to aucored W. II. ciimn mo proaent tncumbant. A real dent of McMinnvillo, it ia reported .will wcure the rmeltlon of eed W. T. Kakin. the nreaent aunorvia. 1 . Stateeman. i 'heat la 47 centa. It nimbi tn M it ..lU.and would bo bat for tho exorbitant mnnage, now 42 ah nea. hem m la .ood price. Albany Democrat. auu iromni win alwav im hicii nnin a . ii. . . ' ... vesaela can come here loaded with gooda j ...... .1.1 . . 1 . ... arvuia aiuu lor 1110 people OI till COUD- ry. At they can now carry freight but ne way, they ar com pel led to charge uwrly donble their former nrlctu. H? -naieni inuopeouunt. I he XJkmotrat haa an opportunity of .tiling ricn oy uxing atock in a liueton kie hoiiae ia tiavmunt tor adveatlalnn taothiir achnme to get eouie advertiaiug !ol nothing. On every hand the newa- per man ia ocaet with tempUtiona, .n3 it takea echonilng to keep ahead of ie pnopte who wouiu iiko to get ahead I the uewapaper. The largoat purchaacs of hops at Sa in thia year wete made the Intt three rtiy Jarka. Oarmichaol A. Co.. vim ought 1000 bale for lOWlO conta per 3UN.I. uniy a ww iota nave 10 lar been aulod to Saiom. The Ore boll ii already in the tower of j court home where it will be placed use When Potet Ruetner eeta hnlH Ihilij It baa to move. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. HI HU. Ill lit Uia HIK Uk Uatawi -"7 imninaMa m 3,SB. IM aaaal w OUR OFFER: ul hl. ad oul.n4 mmi aampla wf ttia .IMI .had. wanfed, and cut It out a. naar tlia root a. pout bla, Inoloaa nr .aMlal rl. aaatod aad I aaaU tllra to Pr poataae, and w will a.k. la. awHak la ai.i.a .. ...., and aand to tou hr tfiall,, and If tou ar. not parfactly raU'lod, rvturn It ana w will Inunadlaul i rci your nioDpy, ' Win. lonir, lonf item, OSOt thorl atm. 0O t-oa. in. lon, ahori etm, l.afti J3-o. tt-ln. lotiflr, abort atam, ti.501 ?-lu. lonff.ahnrtitera, 12.851 !oi. M-tn. Uarki bYcUIUafrrrtoa a. Ml.wii t-oi. (witch iloniT, abort titoin. ia.2S. Kl OLAlLatiThl . dll M Oar ll at at ol.. V. . . I. ..4 l- v aaaf mnrkat. Ilaaaa al atiaa ad .t aa.u .u.l "K l pritM. ar Mtrprj rriraiti 11 jmt mrm 'ei. n nM i-iir ra vauuoaua oc ARS, ROEBUCK CO.dne.) Chleagi . Ut trt tkaraat mtf wll.tH, !,) i I!5 lot U. Ml mmt .-. M. til. 1.11, m4 MUmo. ... mmih f mm mmmrmn frfft HNS lr L a4 It ciMllr mm nrmnlnl. IM imjnki . m m. .4 tar bMr Him. .iwm. 4mlM4 lr it iBr mim, hiU. hUukt hiittfi, wlilali . anil ravml illrv.! friiiiilH)tfrftt yttaiiBA I'lrrn im IiIim yf IMlHwutllul i)-im, M4a rrHiMll4 rlp M,w4 Ml. r rll.y Malr4. fear .Mi. InU m.m.1 k..... "T" ,""":f ", "7 " M"TllIi. IIIKI'AIIM) lltllB hlfli.. U lllltllM ll.ln...f K'tllMUM, 'IMIH. HWIAVIt., 1 .llMlMflJuWl -W.ah a-hl. ('., (mm, H.ul ua.i... tr-H.Il.r. I Unm !. .l. .f llrak. OnMllr I -l.f It fan Ckarabajl. H.IIIUal I.IhU H.., a at.pMM -... i tut .r ri...i.i MivLffc 1 TM Or.bMlr.1 Tnm4 KMMMlln f ! H.lll. IU..., .lf Nl.. TUB HlDLnil MU ii.. .tnr nf.nii .., wnu-iiarw only yiuwl In lit till tul nMl liMlnimauui llllwl Willi tator. . - 1 J . .... . i tiro trfaa Mal mp4 I Mtl fl MMtra.. pUMuffirEEP ?B VER8. Trill"?. eiritMftl)l 0iift.1tl(ll ufwltllH H it ewtr beiii irlvMotil w afUtirftMle, h lb rMir h n r Mum, Try ll nn m..niri ami win rwiurui rvur mnttey ir von in not irnrfiviiv iMtinm, Of I ,ero Will l ft MBo0Oe OUUiN AT UK( tC. IMIVT v.l.4V. OUR HELIABIUTY 18 ESTABLISHED ' : (("i(h tie Mat yoiiriiwi.iNr.iMi u,Au$ I Um .ui-luli-r ot ilil ir air Mc(ruiM,iiua Haviill. ur Corn Pnl, (lanbi, 'f t liMHiel', or Oornwn fcthefittej iitlt, hw yrl( , ur mf I rMrtMMl or ipree)ii tnm,ttr in Chifwirw. w f MeftMtMlf r tUH.WM.0, (twuv nllr k on- ut ill Ure tmi'iMMw fclKb la ritiowo.' V no vmiJivj nearly ow fMN.piat in our tn PniiMg, wei eiMk WMURB AT Pl.(eW Ml ! MU,maM.iMMinll,iaMlvu, lAWt, WOK1UCK fc CO. fliw.). FMltoa. - - - - - - - -" New Patents. John I). Atkinaon. Seattle. Waal,. dlahwaiihlng macblne; Oliver K. 5un Jiam, J'luue, Waah., holder or buckle for'atirrun-itmna! Jm i I Walla Walla, Wah., gra n-hea.ler; Will im L. McCabe. Tacoma. Wah., porla lilo conveyor j William Turner, VVonat cboe., U current- motor; Klmer Wal'lrip, Aaotin., copy-bolderi . Chance, I'ortlaud, Oreg., atooi f0lii1T'.K' Mul? ''o"1""'. ieg ela.t- iU flllik-g (jr WOod l)AVl'ln.lila I)r. Juvne. of Kln.ld . in .1.. ..1... today. ' ' ' " V,VT Lulher A. Wilee t-lll I.JI. .l...t llamllion creek. ' at Mr. J. Lav ton. ii.. " . in P. M. French, the Jowolor, waa in Fu- gmie ycatcrday on clock boaineaa. F. W. Fuller went to Albanv todav ...w v.7 tut.njr on puiineaa, a . a waaii V (IJUIV. Journal. ' W. F. Moilt waa in th bia way to Joaeph, io eaatern Oregon SSttV ' b" w,u Thomaa Montoith. of thia city, ha ac Ponwhh F.L. Miller at Corvallla. Ho i a good aaletman. tulr2M .J07m,n trial term of the V . 8. diatrict court to meet in I'oi t- . ,S Nov' ,3'! ,rom i-lnn county. " vi uaiaej, rdwaa received yeatenJay of the i In Canada o! Mra. John Tiereey, I lilVartnja.1 at I rut a " om waa doath mother at the advanced age of 00 yaara. v. ii. Mt, diatrict manager of tho blnger towing machine company left for Albany today. He aay a tho valley ia ettling up rapidly, ani that moet of the new comera are Oermane.-fialent Jour nai, ........ A lady vi.ltlng Albany relative, t few ?"3rf,so0b?.r f her acddeotallv iJiii.:- I ., " .T"' .,uo con venation all tig In the line of Oregon. Mra. lUileaer bad boon In a boopital for over a year.but waa better, and ber two child ren were fine looking little followa. Rev. Poling, paitor of tbe Congrega tion church of tbe Dallea, for aeveral n the city. Ho had atarteiT for Kugone toottendthe .late convention oO a church out the delaya ol the train made t Impracticable to continue the trip and he atooned off at Aii-n. - i. . .' 1 I ..... i . . : : "jt "n-i. uii aiuva mrv kiiu to aee him, and BO ii.. ... ... . foot bait at Portlani next SaturdaV Multnomah .III k. . uruay. 'iiviiiawa anti Ainiinnm.i. .m i mw iiiutan. mis year. The Drevfna trial .. . . fair for Dreyfua. Th. ..tun dim aggregated lt.000. Karl, : . " . -w-il-u .... i"iino loeunod aga ntt him bad to be d. Id til no inr 5. '",!' "!? and all by poor Dreyta.;-. " The Berkley (UnivAraiio A( r.n foot ball team will rUv 1 rX"" it.nm .... . ' r".'.""""7l i , oi toot hall on Sat urday, November 18th, , San Franciaco. maderr,nK"menU hT 'lredJ' Uen able. Willari buZVJr1' The COminlttno Inr IV.. .i... . .howareout with their" Zthi guaranty fund. Ijt -na.'i.... faiii i.i V "ijiocwu to do tbe result this year. f Li?i.?"p' F?,1'"' pleating that it is !e yet dolivored in Oregon on tbe . anifji nut, inn iiiuatratioua are fine Auinmaion oo centa. Seat on liurkhart fc Lee's. Ia at Mr. Smith of nm Hawaii. IV .... 1 at .ift STT ' o' 'urnTps, nearly" all cf which were more than ii .i...l... -- ---- lw IBCI, u . .ii "neioit at the Dkmo mi vuiuv wa. xf lncuea ence. in circumfer County SUDOrlntnna.r.1 t.r.r i t i begun proceeding,-Vgin.r the Toun """P1 ae cou" to furniah him U'-H" uu pia oi the boundaries ol tho districts, claiming that he l as asked for them and been wlSJed. Kelly For tbe threa 30th the Bte.nW n ."f'" M trip, through thekst Oregon Oity! i n 7X I . tuo.Be,iKor8, i none, and h;inf?.t.Kn80,Ve8ht- la th0 fWh ? t6!8 ahe carpi mon than any of the Gua?d P S UiroUKh th8 ,ock8- Sheriff Munlc ura nnA naHi. rf.a.i.a Attorney WhUn.. tnta morninir to n n atk... ut. i.ii. the victim ol J. P. HaK'T'tTmpy .od LfV" '80 o tach the property of Mr. Hahn on complaint of K. LVSabin represeniing tha Memhanta Protective Association of Portland. CI ilw l.n.l rnlitwrnliiih, i iilr imlinwa k and mut I r 'r.V",..'. .!.'": tM" Aetpe oiM i.fri.h.i M llh Hull Iwlwlulat Vi-iu h liil.r..r, III. . Blat-l 1 1 Wll rrauiM, and a.arr lluxlam lnlirviMn(, If At Salem Yeaterday the coroner lurv ound fiat the killing 'ol Ted IVtrri j,6 f.rm Wberty, fou? miloTof 8 bi j. a. nuiani. hia .. n UK Malul.a H I) M t - . - . , ,. ."y OhpUIimn aa4 Warmaa IU.. CHICAGO, ILL. Lebanon. W. F. Moiat and family left thia morn ing for Jo.eph, Wallowa county, where they will epend the winter. Jake Boilr returned 10 thia place from eaatero Oregon lat week, lie baa been running a barber ihop in that country for tbe paat year. 0 N. McKnlxht. who ha been mailing in the Inlereati of lie Modern Woodmen In eaatern Oregon for the paat two month returned home Monday. N.L. Btowe, who baa bken In Leba non for a few day, viiiting O. II, Young and otbvr Minueaota frienda, lo't Mon day morning tor Clllornla, a here he will miat hia family and return to Leba non to make bi future borne. aV? ."th. iD,nU1 conven,ion of "' Sabbath echoola of Oregon met in the l'",yt'lfln church at 2 o'clock thia af- ternoon.end waa opened with devotional by Itov. tturlevant of the liup tiat church ol thia city. The convention waa opened by the Preoideni I'rof. Ixse of the college, with a fair attendance of delegatee, about fity being preeetit from outaide of Albany, with more expected on train that will arrive, but not to many aa haa been ea timatod. The addreaa of welcome waa dclivered with a reaponae by Mra. Kdwarda, fol'owed by tbe Prealdent'a addreaa. Following thia roporta will be made by the oiiicera. Tonight tbe meeting will be a popular one at the Me. K. church, when a large attendance la anticipated. Following ia tbe program : Devotional exerciaea, Rev . M. C. Wire. Addreaa "Sunday School Work in Mountain and Valley," Key. R. A. Row- "What IntereU haa tbe Sunday Schoola la MleeioniT" Kev. W. 8. Gil bert. A ppoiotment of committee. JJiulneea will be conducted tomorrow according to the program t beginning at 9 O'clock in the forenoon and 1 :'J0 in the aiternoon. Ohroox School. The report of periotendent Ackerman ahowa the to fol lowing: During the laat achool year tbe aver age length of time the echoola wore open In thia elate was . months. During uio nreceuing year mo average over the whole atate was 6&t month. In 1898 there were 2013 school in the state; in 1MW there were 3061, or an in creaae of 38. As the reports show that 66 were built during the year, It is to be presumed that 28 were abandoned or deetroyed. There are now 79 los school houeee, 1056 frame, IS brick and one .tone. The number of persons in toe aute between 4 and 20 years oi age in 18U8 wa 130,750; in 18i, 132,408. Of thete, 32,024 were not attending any achool in 1808, and in 1800 the number waa increased to 33,552. In 1808 the tbe total number of teachera employed waa3t(03;inl800the number waa di re iahed to 3U75. Fireman's Notice. During tbe next few days while the fire bell la being removed from tbe tower to the court house, tbe boll in the First rroabvterian church will be uaed in caaa of an alarm. Firemen and others will please take notice. 15knj. Ulklan, tliiel Engineer, Chaplain Wm. 8. Gildert. of the Sec ond Oregon resiment. waa both aurpriaed A ml nleaaiwl ti Miviva hv avnpM thia nrorninga puree containing $35 in gold. aoa a cara on wnicu wa inacnoea "Uhaplatn uilbert,coinplimenisoIcnmp pany tv, lam Minnesota voiunteera, The Minnesota boys were aa proud ot Oregon'a chaplain as the Webloot boys were. uuaru. Stand in wtthlthe State Poultry! Show to be in Albany next January, The laat one cackled well for thia city and we were all proud of the .bowing. This one will eclipse it. Albany ia the fowl center of the state and we't lose a scratch. F. W. Hitchcock, ths judge who will be here from Denver, la said to be a first class pointer. It'aeaay to haul a biff , loaa tip ai big hill if , tou t?reasa ' the wagoa wheels with llZk Axil Ertast Oat a box and laam whr lti tha lieat vraaaa arnr nut on an axla. Bold tvarjrwhani, Matla by STANDARD Oil. CO. ; ' I'M, ur at i 1 G , air'. ' Weddle Better. Bberlff Munkera and Danniv aiin.n..' Whitney returned la.t night from Sweet uome. vr. J. A. Umberaon reported that Alien Wet'dle, alabbed by J.P. Hahn, wa fmptoving, and while bla r. " IT. me poeiil il- I'y of hi recovery. Tue wound, not a mny a hid been reported, there being only two In tbe a Women about an mch In length and notveiy deep and the other f n tte leg, none In the face aa elated, tho in n.. .k. domen lieen bandaged at once aa It annum ultra lieen the lnlalin.a -l,l not have proliu'ed and the wound wnnl,l on, ii. vo oeen to dangeron. Among tbote i who helped attend Weddle before uYr. Ueo. Kolfe wbo w with tho Lo.pilal corpa at Manila. The particular. of n. .rr.i. ... filling and lomewhat mixed. Five or aix oin were In Hal.nV ainr. i.. Weddle went in with i.ia i.hi n. wai oehlnij the eonntar mil vv..mi. i. front. When Jiahn inalatl An Ilia. i account of Weddle'a brother being taken one oi the bill live quarrel en.ued with namecalllDff. Habn ordnrarl Hf.dll...! pf the atore two orithree time. Not go ing he went aioond tbe counter at toe end toward, the door and atrock bim m tue face. Wbon- Weddle got bla breath he began fighting and it waa kept up till t?util0im.'? were ouHlde oftbedoor with Weddle'a arm arounJ fiahn'eneck. Then H rai i that Hahn got hi. knife out ?i ,Ti P061 opened it and .tabbed Weddle twee. It waa aaid that tbe men oretent made no effort to atop the con- F. L. Kenton and family went to Potb land today oa a few daya Juctico Lovdee of Lebanon baa again been appointed tailor at the reform achool. Mr Loui SUmpaon arrived from.Wh.t comb tlii. week and will probably locate here, at leant if tio can eell bU What com b property. Mr. gweeter and family recently ar rived from Iowa and will locate here. He la alao an old friend of Mr. etenhen t-reerkten. W !to,Jen' - c CMn, Mr. Dor fan and Mr. McAlphine left tbia morn or their ranchee on tbe Crabtree, where tbey will do aome carpenter work. Mri. E. W. Langcon and daughter Grace returned tbia noon from their aix montha with eaatern relative and Irienda, aud report pleaiant time. .ii:5Wt!elherford' Prominent pbli ticlao oftbe free-ailver faith, with hi wife, I. reentered at the Imperial from Albany. Portland Telegram. Mra. Sine Cummloa and Miaa Mamie Montgomery arrived hut night from Albany and are guest of Mra C. F. btephena- The Dallea Chronicle. Miaeee Kidder and Brown, of tbe O. A. O., came to Albany yeaterday to attend theatale 8.8. c nvenUoo, ioa ekiff, floating down tbe river ia three boara. A gentleman friend ateereJ for them. Mr. G. II. Bi uce ia diapoaing of hia in-' euraace oaaineea Here and will leave lor the eaKt in a fe w day. lo atudy law In a achool and per ban. locate. RoyTSatt marah will have charge of the insurance buaineaa. At preeent writing T.Henneu of Gates la not expected to hve. A telegram being sent to Albany tor a doctor, in tbe ab sence of Dr. W. H. Hughes the resident physician. Thia ia most unfortunate lor Mr. Henneea, from tbe fact that hia wife is at present in the Portland hospit al. Stayton Tinea. Capt. Wells arrived thia noon from Port'end and tonight will deliver bie Philippine eddret. He ia a very pleas ant gentleman aa well aa a competent officer, and those who hear bim will be given a treat. . Nothing more realistic ia ever given, the scenes presented being lrosh lrom tbe scenes of war. . Yesterdsv wa tbe 1st anniversary of nr ana sua. Uh.rie. Medin. Their nr.t yar ol married life was remem DorOtl In tha atran n. nk m I K wnicn aeveral honra voro tmni In a Ha. iikpiiui manner. A una lunch waa II .... I " . aerved. Thoee Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Clelan nd children, tbe Misses KOOinger. all.. Lo t Palmer. Ur. anri Mrs. 8. 0. Caldwell. Mr. and Mra. Jnhn Jonoe, Miaa Emma Jones, Mr. Geo. Van- oraoo, Mr. joe lorev. Mr. Claude,and Mr. Cbaa. Caldwell. RELIGIOUS. M.fc. church: At 10:30 a. m. the pastor wilt presch oo "The Beauty of vitu Age. Bonuav acnooi aiii:4aa. m. Junior League at 3:80 p. m.; Gpworth and Intermediate Leaguee at 6:30 p. ct Epworth League Rally at 7:30 p. m aJ dretaed by Mr. T. 8. McDanial of Port land. Mr. McDaniel ia tbe nieaidant of mairict iaeua and ia a r n a. l i t-v t . . . w . vutcrtaiomg opeaaer. Bap'ist church: Subiect for momlnir service, "The Need o! the Church to maae nor fcllioent." Evening service, 'Shaw In," being the second oi the eer ie, ot sermons on the Flood. Kabhath school at close of tho morning service. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 P. M. Mid-week prayer service Thursday even ing at 7:30. All are invited to attend these. Strangers visiting in our City will receive a cordial welcome. Conaresattonal Church PraaMiino- at 11 a. m.bvKev. O. W. NeUnn ol the Congregational ohurch at Ashland. Ore , Sunoay achool at 12.15, preaching at 7 :30 p. m.. aubjoct "Th Greatest Hin deronce to a Chrl.tian Lite. All not at tending elsewhere are cordially invited to theabove aervicea. United Preabvterian : urnmlnv wor ship at 10:30, subject of sermon, 'The Promised Heart Kevival" communion at me morning service. Sabbath achool at 11 :45, Junior Endevor at 3 :S0, Senior Endevor at 6:30. Evening Worship at 7: SO. Subject. "The Wages of Idleness." All are invited to these servioea The Line Up The Albantes line up in tbe tarns of foot ball tomorrow aiternoon againBt tbe Willamette as follows: L. E., Hart- sock ; L, H., Morrison : L T., Stellmach er; L. G.,Gaee; Center, Powell ; K.G., Dickinson: R. T.. Powell. F. : R. H Howard; R. E., Beeson, capt.; F. B., ' Smick; F. B.t Snyder. Sobs., Belches, Sallmarsb, Rupert, Morrieon, ar DID. Oooley. u ud Baking Powder is considerable. Royal is economical, because it possesses more leavening power and goes further. Royal saves also because it always makes fine, light, sweet food; never wastes good flour; butter and eggs. More im portant still is the saving in health. Royal Baking Pow der adds anti dyspeptic qualities to the food. owal baking fowDen Tbe M. E. church was filled last eve ning on the occasion of the popular meet ing of tbe day. President L?e was in tbe chair. Rev. M. C. Wire conducted tbe de votional part of tbe program. Rev. A.Rowley gave some thrilling incidents ol tnnday school organising in tbe back parte of tbe aute among the hills, where he met people as old aa twenty years wbo had never eeen a min uter and had never been in a Sunday school. During the past year be organ ixod forty six schools and delivered over one hundred eighty addresses. Rev. Gilbert down on the program waa not present. Instead the audience aero given a fine talk by Miss Carrie Mills pangb, of Portland.on tie Sunday school and mi. iocs. The Hopkins orchestra furci.bed tome fine rou.ic during the evening, their rendition ot the "Holy City" particularly being very pleaBieg. An Interesting and profitable session was held this forenoon. It waa opened by devotional exercises lead by Rev. Reed. Among the excellent prpers were two written by Mrs. Martha L. Barden, of Portland, and read by Mra. Watson, on primary and kindergarten work, one being a report, in which some splendid tbougbis were advanced, and remarks I y Revs. O. C Poling, Amos, Reed and ctbere, on home, normal and hones to homework. Tbe afternoon session was opened with devotional exercises led by Rev. Holmes. A long program on importart Sabbath School topics waa being carried out with life and vim. Tbongh some ol the regu lar .peak era were absent, there were others prompt to take tbeir places and there was no lagging. Tbe attendance waa good at both sessions. Tonight the program will be as follows at the U. P. church: Devotional ExercUee.Rev. 1. A. Long bottom. Temperance Reading Matter, Rev. G. W. Grannls. "Temperance in tbe Sunday School," Rev. H. Ferguson : dieenssiop. Tho convention will doss tomorrow noon. Following Is tbe enrollment of dele s-ate. as ahown bv the clerks :eaister Portland I. H. Amos.Lanra Howard, Mra W G Smith. 8 S Gilleenie. J Ba de max. Mra Petel. H Plummer. Edna Hawley, Mra V K Watson, Rev Uhorm loy, Theresa Clarke, Mra K E Cooper, Mrs W B Lee, Grace Kerop, Mrs 8 W Lawrence, Heory Crochett, J A Camp bell, J. S. Scott, Edith Gowanloske, Mra A Berry, Carrie Millapangh, Geo W Og den. Mra Keller, Mra Sichel, Kev Tboa Soyd, Geo E Whorton.M Murdoch, Rev Rowley, J R Ewing, A M Smith, Mra C M Kiggins, A F Flagel, Roy McLean, Mra F. Ball. W H Morrow. Geo O Tag- gart, E 0 Bronough, Amelia Merrill. Albany W II Lee, Elisabeth Irvine, Clara McCoy, Mrs E T Wood, Elizabeth Swann, Caroline Saltmarsb, Flora Ma son, Benj llartman, Mra W H Lee, Helen K Lee, Mrs w A smica, vyrue n Walker. Dora Allermatt.Mra L B Payne, Mr and Mis S E QoB, A J Slnrterant. A i. McFadden. C 0 Bryant,Mra Amy Tur- ... .. . . , j 1 1 pin. f lora Keicnnm, emma orownou, c F Box, Rev Holmes, J A Longbottom, W J Fenton, Marguerite Hopkins, O R Stevenson, Bessie Merrill, Mrs b Jb, Young. . V ... a m aa. -V at Koeeburg Mark Aiacson,L.yuta ainn- son. Helix LE Penland. Corvallis Mary Wood, Chai Ternot, Alice Kidder, Lnlu Biown. Halsey Rev Long. Sodaville J F Vernon, Rev Moras, Mra Moras. Lebanon Rev Gould. Brownsville Peter Hume. Silem-C J Atwood.R W Hers, Inez Field. Rev Winaoa. McMinnville Minnie Schenk. Dalit. Mrs W A Wash. Sherwood J M Barber, Dora Barber. Setwood E O Miller. Shedd Kate'McCormick, Lena Mc Cormick, Rev Hood. Irving Cora J Bond. How Ar "a Mr KMaaya Dr. Hobba' Stvanurai PH1 cure all Sidney 111. San. Ie lr. Add. SlerUu. Kumetlj Cx,Clucaco or M. . He by the use of Roval Thcro la no baking powder so economical In practical use, no matter Iww little others may cost, as tho Royal Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. co., new vo. Oakville Rey Henderson. Ktayton Roy King. Franklin O Bennett. Moro H L Lanpbear. Monteville Maud DeYaney, Mabe) York. Total 104. S. S. CONVENTION. A large audience listened to an inter eating program at the U. P. cbnrcb Inst evening. Devotional exercises were lead by Bey. Longbottom. Tbe addresi of the evening, an able and eloquent effort waa delivered by Rev. H.H. Ferguson o' Portland. Tbe following officers were elected d arm ing the day for tbe eoHuior year: A. A. Morse, president. t - i. ii. a moo, treasurer. A. M. Smith, secretary. G. F. Billings of Aahland, end F. E. Penland of Helix, vice presidents. Mra C M VI.Dm, n.lmar. .ta. tendent Mra. WaUon. eurerintendenl. T. 8. McDaniel, normal Bnnerintend ent. X. 8- McDaniel, nouee-to bonae work W. H. Morrow, G. 8. Mann, J. G. Ma lone, A. H. Averill, E. C. Bronauch and. a c IT, 1 - -. . . A. r . c tiaBi eanruKtTV mmmitiee. Thia forenoon thai cloeing seesion waa a very spirited affair, several important subjects being discussed and it waa voted unanimoualy to continue tha association and its developing. Resolutions were adopted showing ap preciation of and thanking: all tbe officers- of the association. alao for the fine enter-- talnment by Albany people, on intern pe ranee with ita evlie declaring ia favor -of showing sentiment by voice and vote, againat Sabbath desecration end a mem orial to coogreaa asking that Congress man Koberta be unsealed. The convention adjourned with the new president in the chair, to meet next year at a place to be elected by the ex ecutive committee. AMONG THE FILIPINOS. A fair sized audience of Albany people laat night were given as near the reality ol a fight with tbe Filipinos aa it ia po- sible to ex. erience, without crossing the PaciAc The lecture of Capt. H. L. Welle, of Portland, with nearly two hun dred fine views presented tbe war with tbe Spaniardewbom our roldiers crossed tbe ocean to "fight and (ben with the Fit ipinoaJTaa experienced by tbe 2nd reg iment ol Oregon, in a very life-like man ner. Tbe Contain ia a cood off-hand talker and bia viewaare remarkable tor tbe actiona they present, many of them having been taken by a camera fiend right in tbe fight, the man stopping, tak ing a snsp with nis camera ana teen with bis gun. For instance one of the viewe giveo them aa they had crossed the rice held at Malabon and were driving the Filipinos from the trenches, and many others showed them on the firioz tin. la .jilna I K.tlla. In., mm an. k. HOT .U VV..U... ja.ll. aav vua.nyi. V.T the csmera. Tbe Filipino with all hia sneaking proclivities and . cowardice stood out in boldreliel and as bis char acter was developed by tbe letturer to tfae DsjfocaAT man he presented a mighty big pill to-swallow as a fellow American citizen. In connection with a picture of the business house of Manila, tbe statement waa made that 90 per cent of the business of the island is done by Chinese, the very people whom for yeaia we have been trying to -exclude lrom tnese Pacific coast stales. -. - tw . .... . J a A LJO auu ret a auu now. mvra uu. vnr- drawn, for they were facta, aod they cer tainly presented tbe Oregon regiment in the light we know they deserve, a splen did body ot brave, well disciplined sold diers, who did their dutv towards put ting down these treacherous psgans. mm Car C.'ouatiuatlun ?oreTr Take Cascansta Candv Catbartloi lOoortKo. UCG.C fall lo euro, druggUta retuna moo.JN.