Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
if i i ? I 1 I 1 I ! i i i I a IF . . t i: t t i p a 0 If U i ! s u I 4 1 J 1 i ej M Wl eltc gjtnorat. C5 Tt "i y 4 .0 Rrdxii re ;e ved draft for 42,000 for Mm. J.uies V. Taylor, at Mc Coy, Oregon. Mr. Ty".or was a member ot the Modern Woodmen of America in which order he carried a p tlioy for $2, COO The family were not in the bet of circumstances, tiavintt come from Kan to Oregon and hid tome bad luck. Mr. Taylor leit a wile nod uve children who iil, ai U an be provi ed for tern- torariiy.Slem Journal. irons ons In speaking about Scott's Emulsion for children, you should not forget that it con tains lime and soda, just what the child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have an easily digested fat. Just think how much of it there b In milk, as cream. Scon's Emulsion b even more easily digested than cream. It's surprising how chil dren thrive when given it Don't keep the children living on . the edge of sickness all the time. Make them strong and rugged, plump and hearty. Scott's Emul sion of Cod-liver Oil and the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda will do this for them. " At all dmtrri'ti ; wc tA Si m. SCOTT & bOrt .VlUxmca. New York. In Season At J. K. Davis's New Market, on First street, west of Ferry. Frer. fish, poultiv and trame for the local market. Will also buy chick- ai at atd cean. j M . a) At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found in his own store at tho above location, better prpFred then ever before to serve the public with a first class mock oi crockery end glass ware, and standard groceries. ' The ligheet place in Albany. Every- thing in eight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwohi has alwr.ya done the " . . . i j :u square iuing wivu ii tuoi uicm nuu wm m. i rat class Also writes insurance ompsnie T!l"riIfl,Tfl b witalitv TtVT.rkJTJ' 1 J tCIl If 1 I M and MANHOOD I V(wre m mt mmtrn m si ai se . - . Cures Impotency, Kight Emissions and wastin? diseases, all effects of self- I abuse, or excesa ana inuis- cretioa Anen c tonic auu blood buil'Ier. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks ana restores the fire of youth, .RmallBOcoerbox:6boxe8 for $230i with a written poamn- tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Sinton A Jackson Stau CHICAGO, IUL Pr,r aalfl h Fred b aw boh. Drnq;gist Albany, Oregon . - ONLY S2.75 oar wriw u kriirkt. ro num ber of iikM. Kora "7 " I hat i oom . , o( money MU wlu gold. b0 needs attention j , . ..f.,nt with the Remember it can be filled ean any one who ii conversant w tu tne or extracted without paiu ,Dility which the Oregonian usully cue b lr,lm. ! plays in its editorial make up believe for DR. ADAMS. a moment that ita editor is la lo" ' in regard to iilver T Who ever said that . ' aaVi.n need to be redeemed? Tbe lilll .1.(1 wt Will mi. Dre ana u losna paisimssj HitailMI. euarelt cm rf- isWrfBl ntksM r amer aw sWatHta. srnt mmr celg4 frerfrieS2.75a g4 ctprwsBi eAanre. wiUarmiMr w to ft t JU mil. THIft CAPS IS LA TEST STVLC SAFOR F ALJU no S" untJTaTaf. niautei A from n ir 4 full, wmhi witti hm m - "-r hjrri a trtanml wtta thw row. and o' "'"J seAW8. aotv mi, mi" i llrwtf wtta ytm whether yo S'J,P,Ve" naoni the delre tor tolweco, ' oat unoui ouuw., .pi. tlaa, oarlflw ta blood, i InheaJt A.B al T! fro! box, fti. -Mmgviljr cimM; S bfrtM, C IsaiilyCw., ClaiPi slatii w4 ACHIM.STEATDH'S HOUSE. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap- T)MI lintea dj we MY", ..7 Count tr Oregon, lumiaiiu ,uun v. w ll n i? M JaMMard. All tenons rate OI w - having claims against .aid I esta e are tateo hereby notineo. io prowcj - i fi od as by law required, Io the under Sat Alba-y? Oregon, with.n six months from tbe date bewof '. Dated tbis 16th day of Jber899' Administrator. 8fJ'eVIW"f"" ! brawn effrontery on" tbe part o the Ore lfeisT, gonian to eay that our mooey io ai ver au vour nearrH BXDre$fel Of- l . e aa MfAmlUOrf DOie? A s . b. . wnH IISSSIST aW'iSl w lllll ar BOH1 In health. aarlJ U lt?r: ul.pecae-dSI 1 aw-J2J t H 1 1. LiwiaiarSa idolatroue Zeal u.i.i.An l which the Oiegon , it.... in it. effoita to promote IKU UIPIIM"" . .. i ih. o?d etandard leads tna p-h - " . t hftai miftn . I 111 nun. aie nde.Ut,.r.nt. .hat, Jn effect, alleged , U redeemable la gold. Some time ago, being called to account for such an absurd view, i - - ha.fhvatted wa, ''"VZ .. . t it too eh aeal haa uut now, . . plunged tt. tditor Into the of b- jiard inaccuracy. Joh "A U.i lea wrote i r-t . ... " n. following questions: (l, Are slim doUar. J' ' " nwouutt (2) f or wo "'""";- , tion.l .'silver coinage legal wn.r. i . , ... . u nr.linnrv wear and 13) 10 WUB r tear, and consequent loss of weight, al lowable, bdore silver come eeate to be legal tender. To which that papr anawereJ aa lol- lowe: 1. Ye. , i, . 2. Half-dollars, $10; quarter dollatt. 3. Abrated silver coins, if not muti lated, are exchanged by the government at face value. Our silver coins are not mony. subject to treatment as euoi liae gold coins, but promissory notes printed on metal instead of paper. One would search in vain for o much and ioolotd stupidity a is shown by tbe Oregonian when it says .i..t xiiiiraitvor coins are not money, f sobject to treatment aa such, like gold coins, but promissory notes printed on metal instead of paper." Tbe most ob scure newspaper In th state hae a larger dgrte of intelligence than that exhiblt !ed by the Oregonian In the extract. j j Tbe constituvion of the United States 'reccgniasB silver as money without the Ueceistty of redtmption. The leglsla 1 tion of ths congress of the United States ! ! since 1792 to the present time, (except .i..i....i.iiM crime of 1873) baa urn- tormly recognized silver dollars as the .i i .11 raanrcta of Bold. The silver , dollars ot tooay, v"u $500,000,000 of Item) are a legal tender j ( , jeb(B (except under special con- j o( money) d gIl dem,nds 1 1 l. .ummni with alt the attrl- UU IU. 'government of tbe Unite Btaiea , ; never said so . U one glrea bts neigb- I a, i ilnht ht bor Lie note tn payment i - , mmi com. some time after and take op . uh leilgli money. But It one I ,hW inn lilv-r dollars in Pit ----- that la payment of a debt which be owes tbie 1 the completion of the matter and the . t reqaired to come and re eWor dolUrt wjth gold . deem the silver dollars who .. h. rtraffnmaii to make I jud cuuh - logeuviiw iu. - t .;i. mnt ba redeemed in appear iu ' ... . J . . ,u..,MMfl,i follies of the .0Ulluu.....-r I day. Under the laws , a;, ' vu" - - , t... - . .. i n...nn ailaAf and States ana me eww - I t a . ut eanal footing. If guiu c w - - - ! ... . am in thia aUte he may pay , ujbju vw- - lt ,Uher in gold or ailvei f j"?" " may ehooee, nnless at the time be ereai- 'e( the debt be enterea ium eontractto pay in a particular ama , h..n eMM be must par in -"nXtt kind o mooey. U be that panicu " then be ! agreed to pay m silver dollars wen must pay in that kind or money . ' gold will not pay if refused by the ereou- l tt i.. to nav ia gold then eu- !r,m n07Pa, tbe deW. If the debtor ?er nM ' a tndzment i him. the lodgment en- ; YiA anAll Ml I1CU m Waaew - j . the nrt ioBrnal.will specify the I a AUa inilrt -t ... h. mtut tav tbe udg ment in, and it will always be the k'nd of money provided for in the contract. .. u.f. ..- incontrovertible facts of thTcaae, it must require a great deal of aouars ia "w - too absurd for decent eoneioerswuu. K.t.t, in this section of the SLta Than l : diasas pot to g'rther aontUtbe last ;fe JJ fnpposed to beiucubte. For a reaj by ccn.Uu.Uy hngre with local axd tberdore reqoire.con.tita tiona' treat meat. Mall Oaterrh tore, rtnTiafbV a9Mf &iifl to core. ! area aoiuua ws u 7 - . sTd for circulars and testimonials. Ad- drees. . . n-, n F. J. CUKOK aw., . Hail a amnj t" "w j : i e ii as aa . r ,t;f : T7f?iCrewtord.The Photoftt t.y fhe Haa refitted hia 8tudio elegantly, with many new back grounds especially .t.nii tnr ehildrenTa nhotos, and sev- eral new wcesaoriee. Hi. work always takes the leaa. ua his elegant rooms. His line of views are all new and freeh, tbe finest In the city. He doee more to advertiee Oregon than any one else through bia fine lines oi views. Edaeat Tone Bowels With CaaearaU. rand Cathartic, cure eonatipatlon forever. aX ae. II C.C. C. taiU orne(.Ut retund money. All Sorts. An English electf io organ has 64,500 miles ot wire. There were 11,607 ferolgnera settled In China In lSt7. Montevideo's harbor Improvements will rot $13,000,000.; The water buffalo Is the JPhilpplute beast ot burden. ii,ii-kinohtmliin. Euiilaiitl. report a plague ot frogs. Paris is to have an International con gress of deaf mutes. Coeducation says the Puritan, tends to discourage sentiment. A London millionaire was polioaed by striped bass at "Frieco. Birmiugham, Ala. ptohiHted street preaching by Mormons. The French government has added two ships to the instruction fleet in order to save the wear and tear of battleships for mre instruction purpwe. TwoBtltinh metubare of parliamei t, accompanied fc two English veterinary aurgeone, have been eent to Moscow to rtsin the n reseat Couditiou of the o,,nlitlnn nf the VXDOrt of RrS-' iviv..I. r , sian cattle dtsttned for the English mar kets. All the exterior of tbe great Sacre Coeur church, in Montmartre, has been coiufleted, and the scaffoldings which ave marked the hill for so many years will be soon taken down. So far the church has cost about $0,500,000 and aa much more will be r erded befoie the dec oration is fioiihed. About People. A. W. Koowles vice president of tbe Bank of Topeka, was quartermaster on Farragut's ablp and made the flag that has been given to Dewey. O. J. Hamlin ot Buffalo baa prejenled East Aurora, near that city, laud costing ever 17,800, to be used f.T a public pars and athletic field. William Bonny, tbe hospital steward who was the last survivor ot Stauley's white compsn'ons loathe Emln relief ex pedition, le dead in tbe guards' hospital in London. Smiley's Clean Printing. In novelties Will & SUrk lead. Open till 12 o'clock p. m.atSietter'r. Freeh fruitat Viereck's Sugar Bowl par lors. T. J. H. Krskine is now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. j Oysters cooked any way yoo wisli at Stetter't. ,..,,., - Leave your orders for Fresh Oysters atStetter'a. Oysters opened esb every day at the Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart & Lee's. For sale, gor-d carpeting, S3 cent! per yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east end ot St h street. - -.- . There is e widespread and taue im- preasion that a man, fa order to nff HiiTrHmSmIB t004 tI A 111 I phyaiciao. ntut be f Mi I fW mre or leas heart. V 1 1 F-JUIL leas. People mia- for nerve. The two. term are far from .wm a n wn-nM a. A man may have a nerve of steel and a heart as tender as a mother's. . ' Of all tbe specialists In the worM, there probably are not two that have aa wide an experience in the treatment of women' diseaaea as Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult- , ing- physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. With the assistance of bis staff of able physi dans, he has prescribed, in the past thirty Jears, for many thousands of women. Dr. ierce is pre-eminently a sympathetic phy sician. Perhaps more than any other man in the profession he realizes the hardships of woman's work, and tbe disadvantages tinder which she labors because of the weak, delicate and susceptible structure of the feminine organism. His immense prac tice in diseases peculiar to women forced upon hia recognition the fact that women would neeer -take the proper care of their health, a long as that care required the repugnant " examinations ' and "local treatments" insisted upon by nearly all physicians. After years of study be i invent id a remedy now known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription that ia an absolute and unfailing care for the most complicated and obstinate cases disease peculiar to women. This wonderful medicine cares la the privacy of the home, and does away with the necessity for obnoxious local treatment" It imparts health, strength, vigor and elasticity to the organs distinctly feminine and fits for wifehood and mother hood. In papercovers, ai one-cent stamps; cloth binding, 10 cents extra. Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr. It V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. EXECUTORS NOTICE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undesigned executor of the last will and testament and estateof Henry O McBride, deceased, bas filed with tbe clerk of tbe county court for Linn county, Oregon, bis final account in (aid estate and the court bas 6xed Saturday the llth ay of November, 1899, at One o'clock p. . Io hear objections to said account and r the teltlement of said estate ' This tbe 3rd day of October, 1899. E. Badokr, Executor of last will and estate of Henry E McBride, deceased. . Wbathebfobd & Wtatt, Atty's for Ex. IH aaawaggr-th ""ytf wwwwaawawaa-BBai t atm-.m tm r- a t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . . ...11 n tniti rnod crh i. woou or : " . Wakeueiu. a iuriv Shuno. 3rd ward, Albauy. WANTPI) Several persons for district conntiee wuung io vy wvu e weekly. UeaimWe tmpfoyment wifh o'ual oUtuDttlcs. Ho orunce. Mchuoiied. Enclose wl11 SXiVelo,, 8. A . Park ,800 Cax ton Uuildtng, Chicago. nitir ntTMV.i la tour chance to get vour whiten supply of po Sa delivered at wenty-flve cents per bushel, Just ae they coma from the field, b g ni little, or U you want them sorted . . ' 4t n . it ma a note you tiau owner m, t' in 1". O., for further inlormation. in ..v., ....... t iniintani. N3TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT i, I lie unueramura .....- the estate of of tiu va 8. Maj-ton . .. i- .. uniirtaf Liun coun- ty. Oregon his final awunt in said estate, wd that Mond.y.Nov, . i... i .., t. .u i.l rnnrt AS the I "! for hnarinir ohjc'ions to said report, anu for tho , jttlement thereof. IIbnky LroJia, Adm r. J J. Wuirsey At'ry Adm'r. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce TRY MORMON BISBOP'8 r 60 years. Brioge rc XilX I'i' meo, makea rich blocxi osfakeaTou Bja ass ot memory. bMf.mjd io,!,, m. wiimilU.Mi'iLJ.myng' Iff -' M i "Wk I i irtiii ai ii ALBANY OIQAB FACTORY - ? Tnnh. Proprietor. I The Real Test Of good floor is abown by the demand for It-Tand there ia a demand tor Magnolia Flour nou-e. '--' r Jsfo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed AyihYWHCOlTEB, anquets on abort notice. t ar TJ AT.RTQN. Tbree door, east of th bought. Collections made. rufc in- CITY TREASURERS KOTICE i. i...i.w ivan that funda are a Nos. 867 to on hand to pay f ,T,e8 inter 3t0 inclusive of tbe issue of 1898. ier est on said warrants will cease with toe date of thia notice. IN8TJBAN0E.-J. V.Talt, agent for the Qoeen Ina. Co., of Ambrica,a flrstlass company. Fire insurance promptly at tended to. Office in tbe Pearce block. Special Sale. SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES Goggles MAGNIFYING ffi&a EYES TESTED FREE. Call and get prices before buying else- Spemaclea and Eyo Olass from too ur. Goggles, 10c, J. A. Cummings. We are Turning Out best laundry otk m Auierlca-the on y kind good enwh for you. 1 hen If sou an.thina or tronPtiies, you'll like . . .... iV'. iiniii'tiial our oeiivery syii". -- as i cloc work-only faster, fat your onnnies ... MAOMOMA 8TBAM LAUMK . Telepiioue 31 . t 1 1 l m 1M.T I will sell 1HV farmoirtnt it to a cash customer or . . n niiar a town or village. The farm is near l.llwrty rhttrdi itS, utiles from Crabtroostalbii. l allou Sstuucl lUick for pnriitniiara. m . reasonable. and Fruits. TILLS foe ell d f ,Dtn 1 S -aatbae end all r-- . ,mlaalooe, jjflfiXSl 0 the eye. stope oervoua twitchiofs The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Jo.e X .A tudlolntown. All work to please. H ABIE LONG Prop .. . " ahe reaching Ban VncW Botl. eningrBiflmans and tonrlst sleepers atandard n,Tnis new train Is in HI K. attached. QKaala wi v" . ..aeni I iw p. m. addition to tbe S.o p,itenger. overland, ana wt'i is n roatt ids ,, . it hout loss ui tiiu.,-"- sun "".KU hoor. at a w""" JZ KOTIWe, tbe tinder notuy au Diuucu. yj, croeecuieu mw this notice will M ipron fullest extent of the Job WaBa,2 L1NH CO- ABSTRXCUCQMPANT AJbanT'-Oreeoo- rSfficef Bang ot Oregon UuUdlog.' Sc orUact. of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plate. For Sale. Pour tracts of land in Bantiam . u ? Each baa bouse, barn and orchO a nlreof iC, H. Bar To the Music LovingPublic. . .i.l-.. n Lha Those eontemP eliM vaa . .tudy of niuslo Wl 1 find 1 to I j branchi'sare taught! voice, r 1 1 ANO. ono ah, (,, VIOI.IWl VI II i i COnN!nA'MONY, ,ol) and HiyTOUY 01? MUBI0, Mr Wirta. Musical Director, l Jf!. sic. and bus studied U1 1f,,cl1 '"i, " bcHHk..l.-glrUH.Km,l .KrkUr, oori, Ituff, and ''J'rirVofot men are ,a t r t ,rld- ivuloarune a" widtt fatiie. . . , ...i i,.uli . ytmrs in lAtitdon. Aiine CwlU'ge r The melliod. used lit A "J w f Coitacrvalory are the 7"?, olourfstiicn?rrvaU.r a. Tuition rvnsont rait term uii' -- ., . i ior further 'information cM on or ad. dres Piessident Wallaco Howe Lee. M. Senders & Co. 3 esventi and Hallroad Btreets. . . . .. t. m .tniraffl We are prepared io ia . 1.... .mir oats In an balea nay, quanity at top maiket price. 8ACKB lUltXISUfcD. n.t. Itouaht in car lota at any sbip plngpoiot. nrnc . rn insurance, If ay, Oraln and Wool. Stanley Stewart, BICYCLE BEPAIRIHG, FORGING AND HiCHlKKIOBK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. For Bargains l Farm Lands, Timber . Lands and Cty Property, . Albany, Orcgotv 1 toiieciwnsprou'i'" ,. respondent solicited. Ofllce la Ueno- BaTDUliumi. SUMMONS latnaCimcm Cocbt oftm statb or .!,. t.laint ff. vs Charles Augus- tus 7-hn, defenant To unaries , - named defndant oraTR OS Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, Bled against you fa the above entitled cauve. on or be fore the 27 tt day ol October.lSW.salddata Sili iriart diy of the time piescribtd U t?e order of pohlloaUon of ibis som monsf and tf yon7atl to so apoearand ane w ti"coropUint, the platnUff wtll ap plr to tbeabove entitled court for the rs Mef craved ior in said complaint, towlt: Kor.SecTee diaaolvlng a.W.o m blmon now existing between plaint II anddefendants for plaTntiff-a cosUand diaj borWmenU herein an i for the care and "?T- A th. child mentioned ia Ue WWeVUI for six conMCutive weeks inTus SrAis Riobts Democrat, a oewspaper published in Llna Uoudiy,uregon,u culationin said county, pursnat 0 an or der of Hen. Geo. D. Bsrton .Countv Jodg . . f rtuMw and dated DV him on the 12th day of W'JWl The date ot tbe first Pbrtetion o f t his summons is Friday tbe 1Mb day of Sep tember, 1899. Dim iQoa Dated Albany, Orison, Sept., 15, ie?. W, R. BlLVfcT, Attorney for riaiiniff. 1TREET RAILWAY K0T1CF. The motor on tbe Albanj Street Kill will connect prumpty with all trains to from the depot, day and .debt. Special Mps will bo mads at sped f'' R. Moobb,, fredutt Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They Rozico tho Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per boy'