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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
Fl. MJTTING Ed amIProp. :gor-aaeouu olate mull matter.! Mr. J. P. Hahn. Justice Lebanon, yeeterdav afternoon upon J.P.Hahn waiving ex amination held biia for the next circuit court under t;00 bad, on the charge ot assault with a dangerous weapon. The bail wai furnished and the defendant left lor home. As near at ran be learneJ the sentiment at 8wt Home ii Mine what againtt the defendant, who it is re ported will interpose the plea of sell de fence. Sheriff Mnnkers and Deputy District Attorney Whitney will go to Sweet Home tomorrow to ioveetlsate the mat ter and take the statement ol the injur ed man, whom latest reports state can not live. ONLY S2.75 END NO ONE V. cut tbit eu. out, and Mttt tit, tt vvur wtarM mm r4. eln aunt Wr of iiu-bt ajvuiui W4 at Ini rmi art ami t wttt wfnd thtt UHTIFCl rf)ITB1MMC0ICAV(9 You . examine ami try it o t,i m.tA it ttMitA nM4Wslw aiUfa.?. . I rwe rfwwM aata ttoaaaat wroMitfai ism er mw W heart f pay the eren ffcr rlre$2.75f . ai v.avwe. arg. i trvA nharirel vul averaura 40 to ffu cii(a lor earn l.w mile. THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE cnp PALLand ksny U wt ttafterWer rwMti ( Am km tUIMTFB, maul veer lath. tT tnchett lour, wr fuU "6 "J'1? ran f lira i uiu a in w w' - - fullV trimmed with Hark UI ?P"r triintned with thrre row?, atnl eMk-r n r - Mkatr fcraMt doth button omafflfnla. Tte eaa to aw. hii bm Uirawawat and eoui to eait that a ore than dmiMe the pHoe. Uriw fr fwC wk r SEARS, ROEBUCK A COm CHICAGO NEW7" DVEKT1 SE MENTIS FOOT BALL, fn lis College Pampas, Saturday, Oct. 28 at 2 o. m. Willamette ys Albany There will be a live fait, game. Eretj body should go. ADMISSION 23 CENTS. FOR SALE A No. 1 sheherd dog, a ' good healer. Will Bell cheap. Call upon Ii. B. Davidson, Albany Or. WANTED. Several persona for district Ofli:e Managers in this state to repre sent me in their own and aurrounding counties Willing to pay yearly 1600, payable weekly. L'eairable employ meat with oual opportunities. References lexcbawted Enclose., self - srfdrecd Stamped envelope, S. A. Park, 300 Cax ton Build'ng, Chicago. WHO WILL BUY? Now ia your chance to get vour winters supply of po tatoea delivered at twenty-five cents per bushel, just as they come from the field, big and little, or if you want them sorted you had better see me, or drop me a note id P. O., for lurtber information. Alvix J. Cabothirs. In Season At J. K. Davis's New Market, on First street, west of Ferry. Fresh fieb, poultry and tame for the local market. Will also buy chick ens and eggs for shipment. Everything eat and clean That Tooth needs attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without paiu bT DR. ADAMS. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Grad wohl will now be found i l:. ts..A at 4li at-mva 1ntfttinn. better prepared then ever before to serve the puDUC wiia a arat ciaes w vi crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. The lighest place In Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwobt bas always done the square thing with his cust men and will .vHfintla 4a Af ats Also writes insurance m rat thus ompanles HEnUITAS'sE Cure Im potency, Night Emissions and . 1 1 rw M .nlf I abuse, or excess ana inui cretioa Anervetonlcand hlnnd bnilder. Brines tne ' ntntr crlnir to nab cheeks and restores tne lire oi youiu. t n v mail KOe oer box : O boxes rB - . r au -.nt with a written sruaran- tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson StVCHICACO, IU. For sale by Fred Iwbob, Druggie t Albany, uregon ' ttmu wit tw wnth wj LU'STV'JV omw Um dMlr. tor loktm, "WJ tias, parUlM th. blo4, i More ion utM To. troBf '.old, Vor A C! Croat ea. b iur , ".7 ... rutm box. SI. B.U.U7 earMi 6 rwulM to enr, or w. m wa -'7-SMrW mi to.. tM . BtmlntU S loifc " t . ..Ok Opinions of Otis. The Iowa soldiers who have just ar tved hsvi soma very mphatio opinions i bout Geo. Oils. Here are a few: Private A. B. Evacs, Company I-Oar tro.fS are ood fUMers, and when a chance they whip the .l.pino. uou,ercltnlly. LtwUn has hemmea in larye bodies of hoitile natives ssv.ra .! tim when be was about ilium, .v. " to attack them from all sides and capture or kill their whole army n reoeiveu - ders fioui Otis ti retreat. Tlat s tte lind of macageuient the troops in we stands have to contend aainst . Otis Is iocoaipeunt. but that Is not his greatest fault. He doesn't want iouu . -v Hon. Fdvate It. Kopp, Compaay I -We have enough men in the Philippines to v,; ih times the number of n.tiva that Aquinaldo tas under his standard. The FiliDinoa flee like sheep before the charges of the American troops. When ever our men bavs ben atiowea to ngn. t 1 A til. h.VB aCCOmPllSDCU tuuwiui.. Ueneral Otis is the one man reepenst ble lor our lonii and costly, but fruitless t i. i whn eouinelled our CaiU(ii;u. . ... f.ll Wk when thev naa toe eu i ..,or,- Tt items that uns iotntioa of ending hostilltes lie is a combination ol all the qualities .ksm. .honld not be toind in a soldier Feeling is so high against him now that he is afraid to leave his palace rwnoral F. G. Bassett, Company I A year's fighting ia the Philippines has ... .h.nlntelv ucttiius- We have captured town after town, fort after fart, nni. ia evacuate them and recapture .h. N'n wonder the troops in the it l I lnmlnir dlSCOUraKSd: 1 DS mismanagement in the Philippine cam r,.;n criminal. Many brave sol Ai.r lira in a Philippine grave, because Ui VUB. J ' w r.: LiumniiMCf and cross mis- management. I can not understand hv he has ben allowed to hold bis poa- imn .hen he has proven so manifestly that be is unable to quell tne iusurrec- tion. II Otis would oniy aiiuw iu. .... commanders in the Ulsnds a free rein the ..nMn't lasts month, fle nof only won't do anything himself, but he won't allow anybody else to accompu.u mj- hicg. Conditions are going vu toworce. The Filipinos are growm mnfident daily as they believe tLat the United States are nnable to conquer them. I am certain that Otis win never endthewai. It is against his interests to do so, and Otis never works agamat his personal interests. Miles is tne man k mn.t .end to end the wart with out any more waste of lives and time. ot v FlBmins-. Company I I am clad to be in sight ol land not controlled u- . hivnted esotlsl BS wu. DV sUCu a umuko i He and he alone must answer for our la- n uu in . 1 condition in the Philippines n has too W a iob on his nanos. ue bas not the brains to cope with the sit uation. Miles, Ltwton or Wheeler contd have ended the war long ago. nnmnr.1 A. J.Frey.CompanT H-Old "eil-in-band" Otis bas almost come to the end of his tether, I bear. Well, I am glad of it, and yon will find that the sen timent of every soldier who ever wrv.u under bim. Some Generals not over burdened with ability have obtained the confidence and respect of their men. Otis has neither the confidence nor re spect of bis men ; ta men" lioncd with an oath. The men bate him worse than they da the mupinoe.j For the honor of eor army I hope tbat be will be removed at once. Prl.ate J.C. Wrlsht. Company F Most of the boys over in Manila want to see General Miles sent there. The best we got from Otis was lots of biking ana bard wore that bore no fruit, for tbe Minn that when we could have demol ished tbe Filipinos orders came from the commanding general to hold back. We were not at Malabon, but t be reKimems that were there say that it wonld have been an aasv matter to surround the en amy and etriks a decisive blow. What is wanted meet in the roinppinesis vigorous man in charge. Sergsant Jame Carroll, Company G What, Otis! Don't mention tbe name of that man to any free-born soldier. There Is not a man in bis regiment who would serve under bim, if be coma ao anything else; Private Charles Myers, uompany u. On several occasions If wa bad had the right man in the right place there wonld have been nodoubt as to tbe result. Ws could have gone right op against tbe nig gers and made tbem quit for evermore. Tbe trouble was that Gen. Otla wonld not let ns do this. He wouldn't let as fight. General Wheeler would have been a good man to lead ns; ao would bars General Lawtoo ; bat we never bad a chance to display oar merit ander either General. We just bad to stand at arms under Otis and take every intuit tbat was offered to ns. Call in and see onr no-to date line of Airtight Heater.. & Yellow Crawford peaches can now le found at Bbow&kll's, Smiley's Clean;Printing. Tin and Granite ware at Ohli.xo & Hclbdst's. Boar In Tow KMun I ' Dr. Hobtw'Sparanu Pill. eara all fcldMrlll. Banv pla frea. Add. eiarUof Kemodr Co Coicaao or M. T- n...M nf three wjmen-the ons who does not love children, the one who doss not love Rowers, and she who openly ds clares shedoee not Hks otner women. there Is something want'ng in such, and in all probability IU place is supplied by some unlovtly trail. Men may smile and Jt a itttts ovtr tk. lavUhsd 03 a baby: but after all, the prattle ever womanly wotn n hroik into at the sight of the tiny be tngs is very sweet to masculine ears. It was the first language they evtrinew and. in snlle of the lest or smite, the sweete.t on wife or sweetheart's Hps. Th ta ittimh. tto. at the little gard en tools, which Bttsni like playthings U their sfensth' but in their hearts tusy associate, nd rightly, purity of character and life with the pursuit of gardening. As for the woman who does not care tor her own sex. and boldly avoea she is a coquette pure and slmel. Th famous extinct voloauo ot Topocat- nt. Mexico, has lust been Knight by an American syndicate, of which Senator Clark, ot Montana, is one ot the leading sDlrits. The prioe paid for the mountain was $300,000 in gold. The new company will at once construct a cowwbetl rail road t j the summit and begin workinj the sulphur mine depots ou a large scale. General Gasper Sanchei, the tor mer owner, has mined the sulphur by primative methods for the last twenty five years. There i more Catarrh in this tec: Ion of the country tban ait other iliasAses put to- i . i . . . 4 . . . getner, ana uoui tne iu it'w jp;ir wa supposed to be incurable. For a rl nanv years dtctors pronounced it a local discus, uud preset ihed local retuedies.and by constantly failing to cure with local treatuient.prooounced it incurable- Scitnce hue wtBVWakn rirnirsn rrt iim ia, nnnaiitiiiitinui difeao, and therefore r?qair connuta- iiAHil trf ma fr etl'a I 'tttbtrrh Pur. I1WWM NviiMuve?' aBos'i " - " s mannrltlira.l ill' I? J . OH An At? Jt f?A.. Tol etlo, Ohio, it ibdonly coQ-titulioofti cur ou tbe majf kot . It is taken internal ly in A . am fevtiit 1 C ilsvr lis sb tAiaanfannf ill . It UVWVV IIVUI a V v v a-"- wv mm wio-f-vHwiHi- acts directly on tbe blood and mucous sur faces of the sveteiu. Tbey offer one hun dred dollars tor any cae it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad drees. . F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, u. S)ld by drugiti. 75c, Hall's Family Pill are the best. J.G. Crawford, Tha Ph tojiaprhs Has refitted hie Studio elegantly, with many new back grounds especially adapted for children's photos, snd sev eral new accessories. H i work always takee tbe lead. Uall and lo-k through his elegant rooms. His lioe of views are all new and fresh, tbe finest in the city. He doee more to advertise uregon man any one else through his fine lines of views. fnat Fccllug - . -- With the exhilarating sense o renewed hlh nrt Kn(Hh anil Internal elaanll- health and strength and internal cleanli ness, wnicn follows tne ate 01 ayiap o' Fur, is unkoowu to tbe few eho have not pro;rresd beyond the ola-time medicines and the cneap substitutes sometime offered hnt nm.r ariDOtnA l lh wll-informAd . CaJifornU Fig Svrcp Co. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p. m. at 8 letter's. Fresh fruit at Viereck'e Sugar Bowl par lors. r?r. J. II. Krakine ia now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. Ovsters cooked anv war vou wisa at Stetter't. Leave vour orders for Fresh Oysters at Stetter's. flvatttra nnened eshevervdav St the Leading Restaurant. . French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engaeement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodaviue soda-water a beaithtui summer drink, at Burkbart A Lee's. For sale, good carpeting, 33 cents per yard, bv T. 8. Alexander, east end oloth street. A What woman ta all the wide world would not be glad to be a tandem foe two hnnnw health prattling babies? wnea isamre whispers the .sweet assurance ia a woman's .ear that soon a little stranger will come to .caress with w aitu swear baby finrera her cheek and neck, she makes the fondest preparations for iu arrival. Everything that a woman's dainty taste can imagine is provided for the new-comer's wardrobe. Nothing is overlooked save one thing, and that one thing is tbe moat important. Too many mothers forget that baby's strength and health, its ability to withstand the usual ailments of childhood, and its vigor and welfare, as a man or woman, are de pendent upon her own health and physical condition during the period of prospective maternity. If, dnring that critical time, be is weak, sickly, nervous and despond ent, because of tronbles peculiar to her ex. these conditions are bound to have .1 i.- jMAM. mwm. tr KaViw'a tlMtth. .U.ll .HUM WVM ..... y . Neglect of these conditions invariably nana that babv will be weak, onnv and peevish. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la an unfailing care for all troubles of this nature, and it will reinforce a woman's bodily and nerve atrengtn so max sne can safely undergo the trials of maternity. It rives health, strength, vigor, elasticity and endurance to the organs specially con cerned in motherhood. It fires bodily and nervous hardihood to the child. " After using- fifteen battle of roar ' Favorite Prescription and a few rial of your Pleaaant Pellrta," I am entirely cured of Merine trouble. I had auflered for nearly three yean," write Mr. V. W. Pogel, of 173 Highland At., Newark, N. J. " I had auch terrible bearing: down pain that I could hardly walk. My back and head ached, had terrible cramp In my leg, wa very nerrou at times, and felt miserable. With my first child I had to be chloroformed and the child was delivered with instruments. 1 tonic the 'FsTorite Prescription ' with my second Child, and instead of suffering for two days, I wa in labor only an hour and a beautiful child wa born. I wa able to leave my bed the fifth day. I commenced your medicine about foul month before confinement. My baby is three months old now, snd is a fine, big, fat baby. I am in very good health ; have no more pains or aches. ' I would be pleased to advise sny woman who suffers ai I did to use your medicine.'' X 11 ? 4 1 vr a, r- hvi ' j - .a xCJi '' NO USE TRYIMVa I can't take plain cod-liver J oil. Doctor tays, try it. lie J mkht as well tell me to melt lard or butter and try to taKe J them. It Is too rich ana a will upset the stomach But vou can take milk or cream so you can take Scott's Emulsion:; It Is like cream i but w!iln feed and nourish when cream' will not Babies and chil-0 dren will thrive and grown fat on It when their ordinary J food does not nourish them. , , Persons have been known lo Jain i a pound a day when taUnj an ounce of Scott's Emulilon. It jets the diiesllvt rhachinery in working r ut that the ordinary food Is . I properly digested and assimilated. i-rtTT A HuWNh. i" K.w Yolk. Try Parker Bros, For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, Fresh Produce TRY MORMON BlSUOr'B Xiar out rneo. 'c" LL rZancv kit power, emissions. .... laititlnalv strong, enree impotencv, wn i... ; Jf memory bad varlcceela and con. Ipation, adds JZAl xi ,oZ or old. MORMON losses by day or ntgbt. Don t delay, For sale br Foe- EE3 Lay A Masoo. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor- The Real Test Of good flour Is shown by the demand for it sod there is a demand for Magnolia Floar flours. It is always made from JTo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed ALBihY LUNCH COOHTEB, McKllloi burkhfcrt, Proprietor Prtmpt ratals ' all boars. Fc-ye-ers in styles desired. Berre lanebes fof snqoets on short notice. J M RALSTON, Tbree doors east of the Dxocbt office bas money to loan oa farm aecority el low rate of interest. Also small loans made npereonal security. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. . , Rents collected. .F,r,.I surance written in tba following large and reliable compan es: HOME ; INK. CO., of New York. PHOEllNSm. Hartford, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LOS DON AND GLOBE IN8. CO. of Eng CITY TREASURERS KOTteE w..i.. t. (....h .1.M that funds are .ud to pay SSSt S . n ..I.I warranU will csase with the date of this notice. a . ta. IA 1 "IBI AiDanyavr.. vw. i w. t. A. Pabkeb, City Treasurer. INSURANCE. J. V. Talt, agent for the Queen Ins. Co., of Amtrica.a first-class company. Fire insurance promptly at tended to. Office in tbe Pearce block. ; Special Sale. SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES Goggles EYES TESTED FREE. Call .tid gt prices before bu) log else 'b'tMtarh srtl Eje Clan fit m Wo up. Goggles, 10c. J. A. Cummings. Wc are Turning 0ut The whitest, chant at, best laundry wn k tn "'"'"Ti'T,0" J kind good enoiivl. for you. Then If Ju care anythlnc lor prouPtnfs,you II like our delivery system. e're.S( pom-tua as cloca wotk-only faster. l.t your bundles come, prop postal and sgon iii f i; MAGNOLIA HTKAM l.AUM'K . Telvphons Ul . TO llt:NTE8.-Ko l.ui.tirtfill U al lowed on the farm t.f Mrs. M. ,,x i......t k-Itnttn.tivanv onr). Tresspai'scrs will beprwseouted. 1'Uwso IUKO WWllt-W tatHI mm v v .v"'e sbw and and Fruits. TILLS for all diseases 1 j J"'1 n gnd fof lreo circular. Albany. The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Co., InFromaoBrlf.k. The levimg g i7 . The onlf-up-tOHlate first class etudio In town. All wora w MAKIE LONG Prop Uoublc Train Service) to San Fran cisco. I., la Iha offlrj tbt rouowiuB' double train service b...i. ,wrwrTa lOn Oa..5" TRFSPASSNOTlUvtWi -- .. air. il.n sittrtona gttoiicAwlU "Jj. Prosaooted to the fullest exum - .--on Wrights ah, Joint Wixbs,, E. F. Wilis, W.T. Wais. LINN CO- ABSTRACftCOMPAM AlbanT'.Orsgoii Officer: Sank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Oomp'.ete ol maps and plats. For Sale. Four tracts of land in Santiam Y . .. tt. 1... k..,, harn snl orchk". I ' u ulrsof H.nv :;:r;TwKDNKSDAY HOME AND ABROAD. Fun at the Chalk Tslk, Art, wit snd wlrt'om at iheChslk Talk. Bee the Misting Lit k at the Chalk Talk. rlee Ihe shalk talk snd hear the t'halk talker ta.k attlisthalk talk. tlooil profcrlcs snd prndiiro at K. F. Frnloit's. Fust H. Hill lUt k. 'I'li liliat lial'. OUtS 11 lul mill feed In tllO cliy at K. K l eiituna Hill block, The must novel ami eniyauin en ph, trttalmii. uts. What? Tits chala tiltt- Tl famous Ciaia ltarlu will Is st the Oregon Chautauqua nest year. The passenget rale between Poitlsnd ami Astoria bss dropped toS6 Cents. The Uathbone Ulsters will give a Hal InweVn Kocial at Ihe K, of 1. hall ou Tuesday evening Oct. 31. Cavalry horses have arrive.! at Van couver by the carload, a number being received from Albany. I'ouieruy and Ar lington, l i s government has now about all tits horses It requires at present lor ths service, anil has learotfd the fart that no better cavalry horses can be found anywhere than fu this section. The ladles of Ihe Christian cburWi will serve ice cream snd caks and colli at the residence of Mr. r red Veal, on Srd street heiwern .taker and Montgomery nest Saturday evening. There aillbea spider weo to untangle and other smut undi is. All will he welcome. An eastern pater tays: Mr, ( K. Homecrafts fairly rat.tUteU his audlenre with his Chalk-Talk last night at tho 1 . M. I). A. Almost every numtier was en thusiastically applauded. Ills crayon woik wits very clever and his kwn snite of wit and humor, pleasant voice and essy plat lor in manners place him lt shove the average as ait entertainer. At the College ibapel next taturdsy nlghl. Lebanon. From tho K. A. : J. J. Hammer "the Amfrean novollsl" ha lilt U l'nnuii. lie wilt stop awhlto lit Alhauv. and will dcvoW part ot his lime to wrl'iiii'. Three hu ml rxxt dollars worth ofgotnls onlemi from Kansas City r V. C. 1'ar- . ..ii.. I. ..h Im ..iL Ser Ol tllW I'laco rruuniiij' - roail wreck on the Uuloit l'ai ids a short time since. I., if. lUalior arrivetl homo ypsterday morning Irom Portland. Ho left this morning for Baglnaw, Lane county, where he will enter the employ of tho IJootli-Kcliy lumiMir company as line man. I. P. Hhaw arrived home yesterday Irom Fish take, where he haw I wen serv ing a forest ranger during the past four n...mi.a. llxMimnl In flxtliiimisulnir two lorcst tlrve during the season. t an.l Mrs f Mi a Mr K nlulit rot urn- e-1 yestenlsy from Umatilla county, a(lr a few weeks' alwenco. Ttie upper coun try dldn.t agreu with Mrs. Mcknight's health, ana tney roturnou on ac count. Mr. McKnight may g- back there before long. College Notes. Lark Gate, of Mitchell. CroA county entered college last week. The A C L 8 met last Saturday even- lug. Tk. nwnW niimher ot the Collcce Student has been Issued. It is a greet Improvement over is year e paper maa the editors say it will be Improved more In the lutute. f.r.l Krhinltt a.serts tbat the airlS bate taken bis waste paper basket lo nse lo their twsKei-Dati games. John Thompson has resigned as li brarian snd Oeo. Pratt bas been spe pointed. The following program will be render al a; tbe meeting of the Krodelphlao Boctetv Oct M : Mnsic, Thereee Uaum gart. Addle Chamberlain; reading. Gladys Newell: tecltstion, Mnma Roa; Imprompto, Maud Morrison, nsma Newell, ttmsls Merrill; dialogue, Ore Himpeoo and Frances French : vocal duet, Kmma iSreuner and Nina Clint. M. Senders & Co, Rand Oat Warehouses' Seventh and Railroad Streets, We are prepared to take on storsgi baled bay, will buy yoor oats In anv qnsnlty at top market pries. SACKB FURNISHED. Oats bought In car lots at any ship ping point. M. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woe I. Stanley Stewart, IM REPAIRING, FORGING AM MINE I0BK o ALL WORK GUARANTEED. For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and Oitv Property, call on or write uuyxrop 71 jj STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon. JTREET RAILWAY KOTICf. Toe motor on tbe Albanj Street Knli will connect prompty with all trains toat from tbe depot, day and jlgbt. Special trips will be made at e4 rates, R. Mocbx,. CriOuft