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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
MONDAY.. SWEET HOME TRAGEDY. J. 1', llniiit BUbbed Albert Weddle 1'ernnpa l'utnlly. . A tragedy wa! enacted at Bweot Homo fcnt Saturday evening that may result In murder trial for Linn county. The fount received livra of the affair U that J. P. llulin Mid Albert Weddlo were dis puting about ft M account which llihti wa trying to make Waddle take out of hi account from llahn on eacount of bill nf a brother ol Weddle. when hot word followed fttid Itahn drawing hie knlle attacked Weddle In eavngo man nor iliuihiug hi face and then hi abdo men to severely thet the entrail came out. Weddle we ttowerlesa to resist Iiahn's ouelftUKht. lie lifanld to beflnto a critical condition end Dr. latiiberi'in said he would not live. II aim le on hi way to Albany to give himeulf iij to the aherifT. lie la n merchant at Sweet Homo and ie well known in the city. The Reason. From the Hnlcui Journal. The new Oregon express that takes the lure of the itrwoburg local hat been from a half hour lo an hour late reach ing Salem from Portland every day. Thia le explained by Hie railroad people lre ae due to the In uvy local Iralllo be tween litre and Portland, and the large number ol freight train. Hume ol the engine crewe eay ttie engine are not heavy enough to make time and burn wood. The loae ol time fall on the rail road a well at on the paenger! and lerohi em ployed who wait on the train atPalam. The Oregoa Express that goes north aeeuia to be on time oitcner. Death of J. F. Hyde. J. V, Hyde, a prominent cltitcn of I.elalTun, died thie mining after a lingering illness. IU wa a member ol the O A It. AO V W. Maccabeee and on or two other aoclelle. I'ox at Lvox. Word la brought to Staylon, aay the Mall, by ft resident of the Upper Sanliam that two caaus of smallpox are under quarantine at Lyons, a village nine wiles rati 01 here. A newcomer named Farmer and a young mn in fie Able household are the reported victims. Farmer came to Lyon alout ten daya ago, being ill when lie arrived. The upper country If much alarmed and physicians are doing a land ollioe buitne In oeuUtitig tlmul eople with vaccine matter. Whole famiUea are comimi into hlaytuu from that vici nity lor vaccination, a a preventive against a poMible tprond ol the disease. In P. 0. ROBBED. aWverel Hundred Dollar Beurel from the Vnult by Industrious Ourglara When the vault of the Poit Office, at tlili city, wai oponod yesterday morning It wni observed at once that there had been burglary of considerable impor tance, a hole In tho floor of the vault, tool, etc., testifying to the fact. Be tween :too and 100 In each , aome regis tered package!, whose vitluo li not fully learned, eome Jawelrr belonging to Mr. Trnin'e family, consiNtlngof ring, Ma otiiccharrn,eta and a low other thing wi re gone. On the Hour were tome cliUela, alodge and other hammer, ft brace and bit and few other tool, sev cral of them bearing the mark of 0 P. A mlenon. tho blacksmith, whero they had been loft after the lob had Iwen com iileted, It wa toen that tho burglar had gone under the building at Mitt Hall, tore through a brick w all and then gone to work on the brick foundation of tho vnult. Tho tool wero stolen fruin the shopof Mr, Anderson, on Saturday night Octob.r 14, and tho job probable began right afterward from circumstan ce! now remembered, Shortly alter that time Mr. Prochnow, who hat thop J Mat coat ot Hie pottoiiicv and who tloep in the rear ol It about a o clock in the morning heard ft noiae at if tome one wat etnalng something with ft hammer. The next duy he notified part in inter- eled. Mr. Van Winkle In tho poet ofllce alto remember hearing a nolao at if the Moor was settling ntobab y from the brick wall being torn through. A t.lght investigation wat made, nut it at thought that there wat nothing serious and the matter wat dropped. These thing Indicate that two or three men were a week getting Into the vault. M't. UAU 1. 1 1 1 f . . t , I A! . ,inrt"th." by.itfi. DAVENPORT'S PHEASANTS meu cui periectiy rounu noie suouv two feet in diameter through the halt inch teol bottom doing ecientiflo lob, showing considerable experience. Ol the amount taken about 100 be longrd to Mr. Train personally, the re- mainuer to tue government. Mr. Clement, the inspector, wae noli fled and Immediately came to Albany with ft government detective, who have the matter In charge, and it it to be hoped will be able to got the light par- tie. Judge Burnett coven ed elrcult court at 9 o'clock prom, el this morning with twenty earn before him. He run through the docket the first time in twelve inlnutat, heard demurer, set 1 o'clock for the trial of Meinert agt Kober and adjourned until 1 o'clock, all in twenty-two mlnnU time, breaking the Linn county record. The following bus- I hum watditKMd of: II Bryant agt 0 L Beach, recovery money. Continued. Mrs ij Klrkpalrick agt II Bamciet al, recovery money; attachment. Judg ment against II ISurnee and wife. Con tinued at to othirs. 8 redor agt W K Main, rec money, at tachment. Judgment by dciault. L Jacobl at W ft lilain. rcc money. attachment Judgment by default. The caiMi of Oregon out ltobert Foren will be dismissed on account of tnu death of the defundant by railroad accident in r-aiicrn urcgon. The two remaining cano agt tho Farm er and Merchant! In. Co, were reported about settled, and it it probab e the docket will lo rid of thm cuaca for the flmt time in many year. Tun damage suit auainat P. U. Morrit and bondsmen will I tried after the Meinert tune, pml the criminal cases against him will not be be tried until next term Otherwise I here is no buiinen in stent without the district attorney filet tome information. W. 11. Warner and A. 11. Woodln were appointed bailiff. So grand jury wat called, the district attorney under the new law attending to the limine. Afier the emtanellinir of the iurv in the Meinert case the remainder of the jury were dinmisned for the term, after being In court les then half an hour. 1 EdDAY... School l ibraries. W. F. Urock, the Oregouian man is the city. ('. It. Montague returned Unlay from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Iluttard, of Oregon City, has been In the city on a visit with hi brother of the Farmer'! iheds. Mrs. Cooper Turner went to Portland yesterday morning called there oy the sarioua illnese of a nephew. Miaa Clara Sternberg left yesterday on yean visit and lour of the oartern states. Mot of the lime will bo spent -wiiit reiativee. Willis K. McKIroy, a former Oorvallls young man, a son ol Prof. McKIroy, isa musical comtKMwr in Chicago, and ob taining tome distinction. A B Heal, formeily of Albany hat quit black and wining oo the coast, at which be anticipated lortune, and hat return ed to tue gripsack business, tie Is trav eling fora Ban Francisco baking powder. Julius L. Haas, of Pan Francisco, Cal and his couslna, the Miaaea Fannie and Ulllan Jirooner, ol Albany, Or., are registered at tho Hotel Imperial.--Ore gonlan. V. (). Kawllngs, who has been purser on one of the O. It. A N. iteamsri for several months, baa returned to Albany and will have charge of tho Company's Albany business uunug me winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Barber returned yesterday noon from a several months visit In the east, mostly spent in Michig an, where Air. naruer mother resides, now ft feeble old lady. They were In low awhile. Kev. W. E. Copeland went to Albany today, where he occupies the Unitarian church Sunday morninga. He lint taken that deserted and abandoned chapel ol tbe Liberal faith and is gradually filling it with tho lot sheep of Israel from tho highways and byways, who as a rule are intelligent sheep. baiem Journal. K. L. Thompson, for a number of years special agsnt of tbe No'llt British A Meroantile Insurance Company, has aMociateb himself with J. L. Hartman and (I. L, Powers, under the firm name of liartman,Thompson A Powers, as res ident agents for tho North British Mer cantie Inauance connetion with surety bonds, real estate and loan Office 8. Chamber of Com meres Ure-goniau- A Portland paper says that Ex-Gov-em or Lord ha been appointed minister to the Argentine Kepublie. Ho will -probably accept thia commition. Ore gon thus gels snother plum- Governor Lord will till the position as well aa any one.. By the way cai a reader ol the Democrat name single man who has bien ft minister to Argentine. It ia on! way to be banlabed. From Oregon Teachers' Monthly. Superintendent McDonald, of Linn county, ie doing great work tar hi county In the way of school libraries He has adopted plan, which his earn eatnese and enthusiasm will succefully carry out, to provide libraries for twenty or more districts. The plan is this hach district subscribes ii which is to be used for the purchase of books and, if twenty districts enter tho association, ttiey will expend XW for the r libraries They will provide 21 casea.each ol which will hold about SW volume. Twenty caw s will be sent out, one to ouch dis trict, aud one will remain at the super intendent'a office : and when dietrict ha flninloxl its case of books it brings It to the olllce aud exchangee It for the one there. Alter the eround cose has been read, It Is likewise returned and another taken In ita place. In this way each of Hie twenty districts sets to use l-rtv worth of book! while only investing twenty-five dollara. This plan lor a cir culating library ie in successful opera tion tn nany of the Kastern state and it ia with much vatiafaction that we tot itt-iken up in Oregon. From the New York Journal : Homer Davenport, the Journal's car toonitt stood on the Red Star pier yet- terday aiternoon and anxious'y watched the operation of several tugs that were pushing the steamer Southwick Into the dock. 1 vo could down to meet twenty-six passenger," he said. "The) 're not peo ple. Something better; they're pheas ants. When I get tbem out to my home in Jersey I shall own the biggest and finest collections of pheasants in this country S. S. CONVENTION. j The Mth Annual State S, 8. Conven tion will be held in Albany brgtnnlog Thursday aiternoon at 1 :30 o'clock- and lasting until Saturday neon. Thexay session! will be bold in tho Pretbteritn church, the Thursday night in the M. E. church and tho Friday night tetaion in the U. P. cburcb. Following is tho pro gram, morning sessions beginning al 9 o'clock, aiternoon at 1 :30 and evening sessions at 1:30 1 Tnt'WID Y ArTRKNOON. Devotion exercises, Kev, A, J. Hturle- vant. Opening of Convention by Preldnl w. li. l-ee, Address of Welcome. Kev. J. B. uoime. Response, Mrs. M. 2 K. Edwsrds. President's Address. President W. If. Lee. He ports ot County Associations, dis cussion. Iteport of Lxecutlve Committee. Itev O. W. Oue, I). U. Report of Treasurer, I. II. Amos. iteport Ol Hecretarv, A A. Morse . Hunday School Tidincs. Manavera: uitcustion. Business, Til 0SO AT CVXXIMM. Devotional Ft jrcieet.Rev. M.C.Wiro Addrees-"tluodsv School Work in Mountains and Valley," Kev. K. A. Rowley. "What Interest has the Panda School! in Missions?" Key. W. S. Gil- Deri. Appointment of committee!. IKIDAV MOKKIKO. Devotional Exercises. Kev. II. L. Reed. Departments Reports-Primary. Mr. Martha L. Bardon; normal, Kev. C. 0.1 ronng; Dome; uouce to bouse. Key. 8 A. Starr. Address -Primary and Kindergarten Work," Mrs. Martha L. Bardon: dis cussion. Address "Normal DeDsrtment." Mra. u. in. tiiggins; discussions. Address "Home Department " Prof. u. a. uregory. uusiness. F Hi DAT AFTEBSOOJI. Devotional Exercises, Rev.U. K Stev- ensou. Address "How to Secure Ktnlv o! Lessen by Schclar." A. F. Fleeel : du eossioo . Address "How? to Get Parents into tbe School," Samuel Roome; diacuision. Address "Are the International the BretT" and "The Bible vs Leaflet." Kev. jm -, r The Kind You Ilave Alway Bought, and which ha hem f la two for over 30 years, has born tho signature of , and has been made turner nis per- i; f sonal suprvlsIon since its Infancy. ' w Allow no one to deceive you i All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- perlmcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. J CASTORIA Ctria la a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Peverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wlndj Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation! and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORlATALWAYS 1 Bean the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc ecimuia aomwmr. rr o.t trwrf. The tall and quaint Oregonian was cer-1 J. F. Gbormlev ; discussion . ...... I .. . . ...I "R.llw !. ' I? f. Rn... Oakvllle. James Morgan and Hilton Millh lien returned liom the east last Tustdsy eve oing. Wo tried lo interview Jim as bo was returning but be was too bnngry and glad to get back lo a land or red apples and (at chicken atd be knee that the failed cai( was awaiting him. at hie fath er's. And now tbe "llaisclub" wi'l meet. Mr. Dillev will repreteut us in the cir cuit court tbii week. Department No. 2, ot tbe Oakvllle school rommeaeei this week. Miss I Jel la McBrids is teacher. Mr. Dan Wbyto ha put up Irespans notices all over his farm but some hunt ere bate no respect for notices nor the property of others. !,si Saturday while Mr. W, was away from home some one rhot one of hii calvea with a ahot gun Mr. Whyteiaa gentleman and has no enemies that be knowa of but 11 be can find oat the prpetra'or of thia crime he will make him pay dearly for it. The mnch needed aide-walk will be laid next Saturday. It w'll connect Ibe (new bridge with Smith's store. The chang! of lime oa the 8. P. is do good for this part of the world as it makes tho weekly DkuocaiT oue day later. The rainfall of last week bas wet the earth derp enough for the farmers to plow and now If we can net a few weeks ol nice weather a large crop of grain w ill bo SOTO. Lima Bobs Bi d. At the K ol P. mooting tonight there, will be work in the thira hank. All mem ben are requested to be.nresont, lly or derof theC. C. The Monthly School Journal, publish ed at Salem by George W. end Charles II. Jones is out for October. It contains about nixty nnges snd is a well gotten np Journal, full ol valuable matter for teach ors. Ono ol the articles is School Man agement by I'rof. W. J. Crawford of the Salom schools, formerly of tbe Albany school L. I,. Welch has returned from Salem where he had been on account of tbe serious illness of his father, whom he 'ft nearly recovered. At Salem last Saturday (ho Chema ws! defeated tbe Willamette's at foot ball 2d to 0, indicating that the college teams of Oregon w ill have their bands full with tho Indians this year. The Willamette! And Albanles will play at thia city next Saturday, and the result will be a good indication of the way the foot ball wind is blowing. The Senafor reached San' Francisco yesterday with tho 61et Iowa, on which was Capt. Keating in whom great inter est nas ueen uuen Dy Ainany people. It weathered tho typhoon all right. There were at leant three answers to so sdvetitement in Saturday evening's Dinners at, oca before the raber wae off and several alnce Saturday evening. tainl the happiest man who boarded the veel to meet friends. He chased down a compauionway and as if by In slinct found the route to the birds and satisfied himself that they wero all right, "1.00 at mat lerntnlchs trairopans, the cartooniat cried enthusiastically, pointing to a gorgeous uheosant that looked amiably at his new master. 'Iook at that whlcu?" asxed a friend "Oh." said Mr. Davcnnort. ! auDoose to vou it's iust a nheasant.but to uie it's a Ternmlcha 'rapopan. and the only ono in mis country, tnat other mrd in the same crate ia 'Mrs. T. T.' Thoae birds live en the snow line of the Himalayas and drink ice water. ou'll always lind them where tbe anow melts. I shall put an be water tank in their nen. bnt I am ... T i. t. i i. .1.. same as India to tuem. All thcee birds 1 secured from tbe Zoological Hociety at Antwerp, and they ooet me a laive number of bounds sterl ing and nine shl line and eleven pence throe farthings. I now bava twenty-live varieties of pheasants. My biggest ar rival is the I'hilspelpbia Zoo, which baa live. Those brautiful birds In tbat other crate are tbe A reus cheaaanta. They come from the southern jungles ot Asia. -ine Argus pheasant ia a D-cneior bird. He Ala up for himself a sort of stage where he doea a kind of cake walk every day of the year for the benefit of the other birds. lie bai wines that work in a kiwi ol socket, and now and egain bia cake walk change! to a caiisthenic akirt dance, to the great delight of his feathered friend on the bleachers who are Ukina it all in. At certain time of the year he ia baldheaded and has a blue cap' " then," continued Mr. Davenport, "there ie the oeacock nheasant of which I have a pair, the only onea in the Un law Diaies. i ne nen lays two egga sou ur r chicks ioiiow ner in single mo, shel tering themselves under her parasol tail specially designed by nature to protect them from tbe sun. When she strike a worm or anything for them to eat abe puts it on the ground and makes four (leys forward. Being a good judge of distance s' e calculates U so that when she stop the worm is exactly under the parasol tail and she standstill until her babiea have eaten it. "That crate there contains a pair of vunure guinea lowis from Matabeieianu that have faces like Mark Uanna, and I II bet they know a lot about the Doer situation if they could only tell it. There are also a couplo of spiciferR, or wild peacock, a pair ol malnoti from Japan and many others. "Those peacock pheasants live in the low canyons. of Asia, in a sort of steam beat. I have just ordered twenty tons of coal to keep my bird! warm this winter." Rally Day." E. C. Brooaugh. Why Snouid We Have a State Sunday ncnooi Association?" Mrs. ol. IS. K. hd wards; discussion. "State Association and Chautauqua," i. it. Amos: aiscucsion. iiusineee. raiDAv svftima. Devotional Exercises.Kev. J Donoin. Temperance Heeding Matltr. W. (Jrannis. "Temperance in the Sunday Kev. H. Fergusoo ; discussion. SATCDT XOKNIira. Devotional L'xeicises. Rev. W. J. Fen- ton. . wbat Constitutes Successful San day School T" J. U. Malone, diacussion. uitcues'ioa Ust. T. B. McDaniel: die cussion. Business. Adjournment A. Long' Bev. G. School," 1899 ASSESSMENT. Following are tbe footings for tbia year as Just completed by Asresior Etaf. ford: Acres of tillable land 205.645, value 2.20E,9fk Non-tillable 613,549, value.... 1,365,065 Improvement -t's,s Town and city Iota 448,50 Improvement! 693,70 improvements on lanu not deeaaa jj.c.u Miles railroad bed 125, value.. S30.550 Railroad roilingstock. ....... . 38,519 Miles teleeraDb and telephone lines 170. value s v.iav Merchandise 314.715 Farm im piemen ta 146,040 Stationary engines 67,065 Money izo.oiu Notos 511.880 Shares ol stock 70S 23,2: Household goods, etc 169,370 Horses. 7,177 173.840 Cattle, 15.870 178 bio Sheep and goats, 29,253 43,895 Sw no. 5.190 11.43a Water dttcb and etreei railroad Z3,ua Everybody'a Magaaine just received givea pictuiesol several college pres idents, among others that of President Hawley of Willameite University. Be low itare the words, "attendance 4,500. Isn'n tf.t ta'.rtv or forty times too much' The mi 1,1 .c will learn with great regret and apprehension of work being toppd on the Long iom on account oi me re cent high water. e win waicn anxious ly lor the water lo lower. N 31 ICE OF FINAL SETTLEMEKT N- wilCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the ufderaigotd Administrator of the eela'e of of Gova S Mayton deceased, bas filed in tl e county court of Lina coun ty . Oregon bis 6 oat account ia said estate, and tbat Motd -y, Nov. 6, 1899, at 10 a. w.. has been set by said court aa tbe tims for bearioir objitinoa to said report, and for ibe Midi ment thereof. Hbkrt Ltok. Adm'r. J J. WniTKET At'ry Adm'r. Mausers and Springfields. Cornelius, a Montana cattle buyer, to day ahipned 000 head of cattle from Al bany lathered up through the valley. Lee Brown, the Etavton mill man, has been in tho city Miss Clara Blain has returned from a visit with frien Ji at Lebanon and Soda-ville. The Manser rifle need by the Boers against tbe English is the same weapon the Filipino insurgent! nsed against tbe American volunteer!. It is one of tbe best magaaine rifles made, and bas even a smaller caliber than tbe Krsg-Jorgen sen cseu oy onr regular army. Tbe am' munition is tbe best quality of German smokeless powder. Against this onr volunteer! were fitted with tbe old-fash ioned, single-nre. large-caliber Spring- field, with only about naif tbe range of tbe Mauser, and with black poader am munition, which made a cloud ol smoke easily seen by tbe enemy, and which ob cured tbe vuion of our own men. In bii lecture at tbe Armory naxt Friday night Captain Wella will ibow pictures oi volunteer! nigiiiing witb this interior weapon, and yet routing tbe superior armed enemy and driving tbem Irom heavy intrenebments. - Tbe admission will be 50 cents, with out extra charge lor reserved seats. Exempt Total Uxab.e. Po.le Taxable property, 1898 7,308,930 582,830 6,726,100 2.184 6,831,960 Tbe last heard from Sweet Home, Al bert Weddle, tbe man stabbed by J. P. Uahn, was yet alive with prospects against bin. Du Lamberson arrived from there this af'ernoon at 2:15 o'clock and reports Weddle alive, but with no chances ot recovery. His temperature was 10jd'. Hahn accompanied him to Lebanon and stated that he would give himself up and appear bafore a justice there. Col. Eddy, the imparialistic editor oi the Forest Grove Times ceti down on the republican form ol government in tbe following manner : " The result will be the poht ical death of t w o republics tbe Transvaal and the Free State but the unfolding of another chapter ot the mightv plan for theralvatiou of the na tions." Two'tramps wero arrested nt Eugene on suspicion of being the me. w ho aa faulted Hiram Shook at Coinstovk. They were taken before Shook who failed to identify them. Alter disposing ot some minor matters thaconrt tbis morning took np the cases of Linn county against P G Morris, brougnt against bim and bia bondsmen on account of a shortage of about $3,800 In bis accounts for tbe four year be was treasurer ot Linn county. The attorney tor the defendant asaed tbat tbe prose cution of the caje be discontinued on tbe ground mat the court was not convened In the place designates by law, which W'as promptly overruled, ai was alio a motion lo try tbe caee for the second term first. Tbe trial of the drat ease was begun witb a large array of record books on ibe counter, with Watson and Whit oey for the county and Hewitt & Sax for the defendant!. : John Meinert agt J J Kober, recovery personal properly. . ". Jury trial, verdict for the plaintiff. Damages. Sugar Pine Co agt J B Gibbeard, re covery money. Dismissed. W H Condra et al gt Elix Lewie, re covery money; attachment. Dismissed. "D A Terhune agt JohnTweedie, ree of mone; attachment. Continued. T M Zooeman agt F L Reis, recovery ot money ; attachment. Settled. Tbos Monteith agt Nettie Monteltb, to. retax cost. Tken under advisement. N '-iMurry, of i he O & E office, bas returned from his Cslifornia trip, a iter a pleasant time around tbe u old en uate. A stated communication of Barzillai Chanter No. 16 O. E. S. will be held in the Maronic Hall, Tuesday evening, Oct. 24, at 7:30 oclook. John Talt went to Portland tbia morn ing lo lake tome special lee6ons in ath letic previous to beginning work wiib the college at hletx club, ot srhich he has been elected miner. Miss Bessie Bnrkbart bas gone to Pomeroy, Wash., where she will spend several months on a visit with an uncle and aunt and other relatives. Bev. Parker. Mmeo Martin, Woodio and Dpham and Misa Reiner went to Eugene tot ay to attend tbe state con vention ol Congregational churches. - Mrs. E. F. Sox went to Portland yes- terday to join Mr. Sox, win bad just ar rived from bis eaatern tiip, and they will visit awhil! before retorting to Al bany. . . Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of Edward E. Traek and Sarah Maud White, Ira McCormick and Alice Richards, Walter Grovo and. Martha Jane Lompton. Mr. and Mrs. Geisendorfttr, father and mother of Dr. J. A. Geist-ndurffer, wbo have spent a week in the city, re- luiucu illuming u invir iiuujc iu Albany. The Dalles T. M. Mrs. McFeron, of Brownsville, Mra. Hartford, of Miteouri and Mrs. I'lummer ot Pomeroy, Wash., are in the city the guests ol their son and brother I. A. McFeron. J. A. Button, ol Jordan, was in (lie city today. Mr. Bunon is raiding An gola goats, aud is getting a good start in the business. The demand lor these goats is steady and reliable. C. W. Richardson, of Jordan, was in the city this morning ou bis way to rear Quiocey, III., on a visit to bis aged uio'.ber, whom he left loriy-six yeais ago, when hecioseed the plains lor Uie goo, and whom be bas not seen tince. : Agent r'ronk bas a terrific time out at tbe depot saving anything to eat when contributed to his support by admiring friend, ivery thing ibat la let down for only a moment d.sappeara the next Last . week it wss four fine Cbineae pheasants. This week a fine ham ol venison skipped rapidly and but for a friend also remembered he would have been venisonless. A special watch o au is needed. Nick Galluway, at one time a line-man in Oregon for the Western Union tele- graph company, is now in Missouri, ne r (ial owav. having gone mere eeveiai months ago to lake charge of his par ents' farm. The "old lolks" are now too far along in tears to do actite work on the farm and have turned tho place over to Nick, wbo will manage it in future. Rtcently, Nick received wmt Mongolian pheasants from Elmer Ho' singer, of the Western Union i ffice In this city, and be proposes to breid this kind of game bird to quite an txt-nt- Nick ia well-known in Salem and the citirsot western Oregon, and his friends wish him all of the success ooeilile in his new home. Statesmr r. Ditto in Albany SUMMONS Is tbs Cncvrr U.ckt or rur State ob Obeqoh fob Lifts Courtt. Department No .2. Thomas Allison, plaintiff, v. John B Hall and Grace Hall, bia w.fe, defendants. To John B Hall and Grace Hail, tbe abovs nam'd defendant. IN THE NAME OF J'HK STATE OF Oregon, jou are berby notified and required to be and ap. ear in the above entitled court in said suit, acd answer the com plaint of tbe above earned plaintiff in said cau?e now oa file therein, on or before tbe 17th day of November, 1899, and yon are hereby further notified tbat if yon fail to appear and aasrer said complaint aa aforesaid, for want therefore tbe plaintiff will take a decree against ytu for te re lief prayed for ia said ermpUiot, towit: For a decree of said court forecloses; tbe mortgage described ia laid a .faint herein, and forever barring yon ml ach of jou and all persona claiming by.-Lr. ugh or under jou or either. of jco. ir taid Simpcon Peaisoa, since the date of raid mortgage described ie said con.pla:nt, of alt right, t:tle, iulerert or equity of re demption in or to tbe said piciuifes de scribed in said comp'aint acd mortgage therein described: said rremitesbeinir de scribed as fellows, towit: Ida isortn bill ot toe SoohLtast Quarter. Southeast quarter of Southeast Quarter of Section teventeen.and the Norileact quar ter of tbe Northeast quarter of Section twenty in Township 10, routh of Rane 6 Msi or me u uiamette Meridian, contain ing 160 acre of land according to tbe gov ernment survey thereof ; and ain-ctirg that said ianii dj sold by tbe therm cf Linn county, Oregon, and tee proceeds thereof app.ied, brat to tbe payment of Ibe costs ftn.l rhlruM nf mabii o cii.-t, .-'a a . LK B rubM mm V HliU lUV coats ana disbursement o' said snit, sec- ' ond. to tbe payment of $80 CO aa a reas onable attorney's Tee for irs'ituting said suit; intra, 10 in i a) ment to raid plain tiff of tbe sum of 600.C0 ia U. 8. cold coin, together with .n'erest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 0th day of March, 1896, until paid, and for a judtmtnt against you and each of ou for tbe costs and dis bursements herein and for cuch other ani further relief as may be m et to equity. This summons is served upon you by publication for six consecutive weeks prior to tbe 18th day of November, 1899, ia tbe States Rights Dbmocbat, weekly newa -pn per of general circulation tbroogbont slid county and slate, printed and pub lished at tbe city of Albany in Linn coun ty, Oregon, by orr'er of Hon Oto D Barton, Uounty Jnrige of Linn Oeuntv, Oregop, wbich ordr bears date Cct. 2nd. 1899, ind fl at the saiJ Hon Geo D Bartor, i'jdire cf said connty, in said order for tbo pcblicati n of said mm trior i npnn vou baa p d the 17th d.y of Ncvember, 18if9. aa tne time on or bp'ore wtich you shall appear and an.wer laid ccrr plaint in laid suit Tbe date cf the fint i ublicaticn of tbis nrnm n in sid nev sparer is Octoter Cth, 1890. W. R.BiLTrtr. AU ; si y for Plaintiff .