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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
,fi J' 's K jiriii a 1 4 I i XXXV. ALBANY, GC1EGON FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1899 NO 12 11 I i VOL .a 71 I Mb I TELEGRAPHIC. Jul New In Short Form. Why let V-r neign&ors know UP L And why f,lve them chance to gueti you eresven five or ten yeers mow? Better Rive them ood muDi lor tuetiint too other war. It is very y, far nolllins Kile OI K av quickly gy bir. n MHO I It youtb-renever. ti hi.te the see under luxurtsnt growth ol bsirlbe color ol youth. It never tan to re color to trey hair, it win lop the bair from coming out alto. 4 , ... It leedt the heir bulb. Thin hair become thick hir, and ebon nalr becomes long tistr. . It cleanse tne eceipj re move! all dandruff, and prevent It formation. W have book on the Hair which wo will gladly tend you. ,. ... . ii ; owi en im lAT. rii II d-' " ' (IS 6 A Ilattle. 1axwb, Oct. 14. An Edinburgh pa tter, i ho Scotsman, una morning assort that a battle has taken ulace between kieneral Hlr Ueorae Stewart White, com manding the forces in Nstiu, nou me liners, who entered natal v war ol van Ueenan's raas. ueoerui wniie, me 8ootmn says. Is very sanguine ol the Isueceas ol the British movement. Soma) Mood SheJ. Cam Town, Oct. 13. I -.40 P. M. An I armored train from sfafcklng escorting I two seven-pounder guns seni from heio to Malekins was attacked last n'ght at Kraal pan. The train led the track, and tbejltoors fired into it with artillery lor halt an hour and captured It. I" idem were killed. WIlKtlltftiat Wasuinuton. Oct. 13 At the request ol Oovernor Ueer, Secretary Root, today cabled General Otis to ship to Balem one captured tfpanisL cannon from Manila to bo mailo up Into medals and presented lo the uivinUrrs ol tha fceeond Oregon regiment by the stale Jov, Ueer was ausious to secure fly other guns, but the secretary aald according to the trms ol the peace ueaty ail 01 we ttpsnian I guns ere (Hpaiu i)n Our War. Manila. Oct. 2S.M1 :15 P. M-Major Chveihsui. with a scoutinii party, while proceeding along the west sitoro oi me take rtsterday, tncounteied a force ol I rebels strongly entrenched at Muntin lupa. Lajur Cheatham reporta that he drove the retels from their ponition and I unit in the engdgttiieiit three Americans turio killul and two wounJeU. Ilcki Up. CitirAuo. Oct. H. Tim Xorthwe tern limited train, leavina Chlcafto a, 10-.30 I mat nlitht. was held utt not lar from lo- I kaib and robbetl. The ho'd-up oamrred lar tower W. throe miles from I'ark, at about niUJuiglit. It I vol known whether he robU-rs securid any Igreat amount of booty. Decidedly l-'ttt. liwof KTOW. Mass.. Oct. 13. Kddie Mc Dullie broke all National Cycling Aaso-1 .latiou ncords lor from three to 13 miles Lebanon. 'romthE. A.: 3. M. Setllo sold his splendid gray team Tuesday lo Fred Joti, ol Oregon O.ty, lor 240. J. 0, Booth leaves in tha morning for Unn lranciftco to resume his medical studies. Mrs. Kearns will recompany blm as far a Albany, Miss Jsssla Ctrleton left this mornleg forHhelton, Wash., to Uke charge ol ilit Ab me fry's school. L, M. Dssbor went fo Portland yester day, where he gos to seek employment. II successful be will move bis family to the city.' At the meeting of the council Tuesday avening, Grant Llndlav wae elected eouncilojan to aucced 0. 0. Peterson, re signed. Grant Nictterson is daily expected here from Teias to psr a visit to his father, 8. A. Ntcketeon, who Is suffering with paralysis. Mr. Mekersoo Is superin tendent of ft railroad lo the Ijos ftar tata. Mis Dot Ifairi returned yesterday from Portland, after an absence ol ft fo weeks. Sb will attain clerk for Vr. Lambersoo. and will also stucy book keeping ana typewriting, at the acad emy, .,.,' Mr. McLeM and family, who arrived here a few weesa ago from the East, left Brownsville. MisaCundifTft Chios AJdrca. From the Times: A drama entitled "The Milkmaids Convention," will be held in tbe opera house, Brownsville, Baturdar evening, October 14tb, 18W. Mr. D. B. N. Blackburn returned to Salem Thursday, bar mother. Mrs Louise Foust, having about recovered from ber recent severe illness. Kale Standiab. Wo. Law and W. O. Sperry took tbeir departure Monday fur the Blue Kiver mines, tbe former gentle man to remain ana look alter hie Inter est in tha Lacay Bor, sod tbs latter gentlemen on prospecting trip. Clyde Boyington, of Portland, who has boon visitinr In this city for tbe oast two months with bis fatber and other rela tives, left yeeierdsy morning for Port land. Mr. Boyington baa aerved eight year in in army, hit last service being as s member of tbe (second Oregon in tne Philippines, and former service in tne regular army. Sylvester Cochran returned Tuesday, after an absence of about two vears is the Alaskan gold held, a greaUr portion of which time be baa spent at Dawson City. Mr. Osbran will not return to tbe northern gold fields, bat will remain in s more eonaenial clime. We are ioformed that while be did not "atrike it ticb" be succeeded In brluirloe back ft small amount of gold dust. James Abrams, of Miss Blood, superintendent of the Co tumble School of Oratory of Chicago, re cently made a special request for a copy of the class address made by Miss Mary Condiff of this city, who recently died in Mississippi, at tbe graduating exer cises of the class of '09, and to cany otbsrs have desired to have it, that tbe DsMoour la glad to publish li. Following is the address in fall : Into Chicago, the growing eenter ol culture in the weit, Columbia bas drawn bar own from many states. Like the magnet of truib sLs is, her Influence is not limited by distance, for Uom afar as well as near she bas brongbt as. From Texas, with ber magnificent dis tances, from tbe iaony, brilliant plaina of Oklahoma, from Wisconsin's cool shady forests, we come. From New Hampat Ire's granite bills and historic towns, from California's fragrant vine yards aod olive slopes, from Oregon's a 1 pines and snowy peaks, from Kansas W;rk7 Wha&dacation will be of greater value than that which enables us to de velop body and soot toward perfection. Uow selfish would we be and we , wooui thwart tbe life purpose of our tsacbsre were we to ose tbs power we bars gained here only to attain larger salary or personal aggandixsmenfe, Bat Jet tie bring to all those with whom we com to contact as reader or teaebers tn spirit of Colombia, a trians spirit. The spirit of btlpfalnsse, the spirit of love, tbe spirit of sincerity. Then to wo many people w go from the land that throws wide tbs gatea of morning, to tbe land that closes tbe portals of night up on a continent, from tbe blue lakes to tbe bluer gulf, oar Influence wlil not ojty be for tbs bettering of mankind, but we will be laying up precious gems of good deeds in tbe strata of our char act r. . Let ua as teachers sacredly consider that we deal not like the painter, with material, a fading colors and perishable) eanvasr, or sculptor, with cold, onfetl. t ig marble or bronxe, nor like tbe mnst- D to remain the property of country well enough, but Mrs. less purchssed iu ti month. I gut so noun-sick be couldn't last evening for Kansas. They liked tbe J Orawfordsvitte.wbo went to Alaska with McLane stay any longer O'Neill Bros. & Callahan, tbe paper mill firm, ere preparing to commence work on tbe pulp mill wT.'.ch they intend t bave erecteJ at Niagara, on the Nortn BaoUam. They have sent ft force of men there to get out the timbers end lumber, and a'so to build dam acroai tbe atream. Mr, Cochran, wnl remain there indef initely being interested in a promising ciaim. Shedd. 1U. J. L. HILL! rbjsWlan and Surgeon, Hill Block - - - Albany, Of . LitUer & littler . DMIIsti Broadftlbln St., Albany. Or. , linrliiKive, here tonight In a 25-mile race with Ucu Munrotj, ol Mempias, lain riding 13 mile in 21.11. New Goons. P. Cohen's large nd well sclet-teJ stock of new goods lias ar rived. It embrace late up-to-date which will be aold at prices In I reach ol all. Give btm a call before buy ,ng. Fresh Orstera athlelier's, Albany's LsaJirg.Ke.iaur- ant. . Two Albany Men's Doings. From tbe Jonrnal : The Balem iron works had a rather oarro escape from Ore last night, and young Inebriate ir ru sufTocation cr worse. . Officer Smith saw a light In the Iron works ofllce about' 1 o'clock, rinding tbe door unlocked, be went in and fuoJ a young man sitting in one of tbe office chaire aa!rp. A lighted cind'.e was sit iin on Ilia dsak unilnr a r.'k anon which some books and papers were piled. These bad taken tie and t.e room was full of smoke. Tbe young man coald give no clear ac count of himself, and was taken to tbe cooler where be sint tbe nigbt. in tne morninr It transpired mat Walter Scott of Albany, who, In compt any witrt rred nckerman, also ot Aia Msrried, at tbe home of tne bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Spreoger, near Sbedds, Oct. 4, at 8 p. m , Mr. Chaa, A. Pugn to Miss Lena Spreoger. rue ceremony was impressively per-. formed by Kev. W.B. Moore of the M E. church, in tbe pretence of a few rel atives and Inenda of tbe bride and groom. The ptrlore were tastily decor ated with cut Mowers aod evergreens and tne ceremony penormea o nltr a beauti ful wedding bell of cut flowers. Alter congratulations and wishes lor a long and happy life had been showered io abandanee on tbe newly wedded pair, delicious refreshments were served to the ssfeembled guets. Thome present were . Mr and Mra 11 B Sprenger, Mr John Pugh, father of tha groom, Bev W B Moore, Mr and Mrs Wm Powers, Mr and Mrs Tbos B sprenger, Mr and Mm N B Sprenger, Albany; Mr and Mra C Got- well, Albany; Mr and Mra Geo Pugh, Mr and Mra W J Usher, Mr and Mra H K Bochwell, Mr and Mra G M Power. Sa'em; Misses Edith Pugh. Lnra Pagli, Zaida Snreuger, Mabele Sprinewr, Mr David unesoe. Mr. Morean Walker1. ft id from otber states lying is tbe broad an do we play upon lostrnmenta oi bom of tbe Mississippi valley we come, wood, strings or brase, but opon tne g - uouuiess many ot us began our course mat oi a naman som . a. m with the single ambit'on to become bring forth only tbe aweeieer. parris giaduaUt in onrcbosenart. We hopel notes, knowing that eacb will play Hi to become good readers and teachers. P't the dilne bftrmooy tnai wiu Tn .womnli.h thin a hr n,k.t sound Sod's praise through circling faithfully and io harmony. Many haye bad a strong pull sgsinst preconceived ideas of our art, habits or weakness., but our trairers bave been patient and hope ful, aoJ oow we near our graduation day. We have attained In a measure, our aims, aod onr ambitions to graduate are about to be fulfilled. But bow dif feiently we view onr art now. Its hori zon ha widened and we see Its possibil ities wide as human nstore, deep as hu man needs. W have seen onr classmates under tbe wise, thoughtful guidance of our teach era nnfold like tbe petals of a . btautiful flower. With Columbia 'a method based opn penological and acientifie facte, barsb, nnsrmpatbetij voices bave been developed into aweat, harmonious ones bad phyekal defects corrected and bod ies trained to move with ease and grace and through the expreasion of high, els vating thoughts we bave been lifted out of onr baser self to a Lister plane of tiv mg. Uaa this been worth while T 0 bat value will th'ia be to a in onr lite When tbe question of war between England and tbe Trans'aal Is considered by tbe Oregonlan that paper it"Engllsn joa know." Tbia ia just wbafc might bave been expected. That paper la dit- tinctiyely an Imperialist organ and no one is surprised to see it stand with the strong against the weak whether right or wrong. The close observer knowe that Great Britain bas but one real mo ve for forcing the war on tte Boere expansion. And thia motive is s meient to enlist the hearty approval and sop- port of tbe Oregonian. Fboaghlfol men are alarmed at this grasping at ;t no ter ritory of the weak by the ttrong. It is the old alory of tbe might against the rgbr. muj ww. rif. KUHTiu.u, vi -1 i7,tiu . uiPMW morgan 'aiar any, bad been seeing tte elephant, awt I The wedding presence were both beauli If you have a Job of printing ymi inn hurry for Uke It to BMII.BT, llie I rimer. are - jMk Hodge D D 81 COLLINS & ilODGES Dentlsta. , Odd FeUoe'e Temple, Albaoy, Or. OREGON Iadastrial Expcsiilon OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 bad achieved an extensive jsgr 6e-o'A had been admitted to tbe iron works of fio by one of the employee thereof, who wsa also In an Irresponsible state. Kscorder Jodan imposed a aoeon eacn ol tbe young men, but they may be re- ml'ted upon luitber lnvestigstion. This atadi That. McMlnnville will be in the oara for three week on account of a broken dynamo. No otber reason ft the city own tbe plant. A man was In the city todiy Uk'ng wViarta wbire yen wait, all tor ten cent ifut and uaeiul and an abundance of thm. . Mr and Mrs Pugh will make t'ueir home for the o esent on the farm of Mr. John Pogb near Sbedds. P. Tin and Granite ware at OHUira & BvLBcat'e. ACTS GENTLY ON THE BOlMliralaii Apilto! Kidneys, Liver and Bowels e i r aNSES THE 'YSTEM r,EFFECTUALLM mDPASJlVi FLORENZTROIJPE uT" T1&PAT.0N at, direct frm tb Empire lue- I UMb , PERMANENTLY Producu of Oregon, Waabington knd Idaho in great variety anu pro luaioo than evr before. Bennett's Renowned Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Greatest Lady Qornet tloloUt The nneqnalled A huge and fine slock of cigars end U baoco at Conn St ii us ton's. : ttoe the dis plT. . .. ... . i . When yon want a choice cteak a alee mast or meat of any kind, cell on Henry 3roders, lie keens the best. Goto Verlck' having and hair cut ting parlors for first ciaa work. Hot and cold bath. Clean towel to every ; tner. - , . . ,. . It make no difference bow lt tb wound if vou nse OeWitt's Witch Baser , aalvs- it wtu quietly neat ana wave no tear. Fosnay A Mason. -.-i Tbe beat meat of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Heel Company's market, just djwn Becontl treet. Good weight and prompt attend yon, . . , ... a gome of I he reunite of eeglected dyspep tic condition of tbe stomtch are cancer, comuroDtioa. heitrt disease snd eoilensyi Kodol Dyspepsia Uore prevents an inn or i Ifeotinsr qiiok cure In a I easea of dys-3 peptia. rosbay mason -1 Yellow Crawford penchee can now t lound at . . n BnowLi. a, sn-J bt. Btlacat Toav JloweU With Casrarvta. ; Candy Cihrilc. eu con-nlpailou torever, c. Sks. It C. C C. full, aroRfclsl reur moaey-i Ripe Tomatoes, I 'ear and Apple at O. E. Brownell'. altrra. AOt mmm An TMrKMHftl HuMTC.Chie(oar M. t I)r. HobW DMram Pllla mm all SMmt 111. S. Id. BWtlUW mm wrtf h iaeple mm fcr Mee, but ah bis ban talclnc CASCABKTS sad tbey hara aU disappeared- I bad boea troubled trim eoaatlpatioa (or aonia tine, but altsr tali ta U ftrat Caaoarot 1 baa bad ao trooble lib this aiunent. Wa obik aiwab too blb to of raaearata." Fmio Wartmji. raws German town Are.. PbUadalpbla, Fa. Stmtiv business : Freucb the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, liopkisa Brotkrst agents. Beat BicyUe for toe money. Will k Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers tot only 120, 30, $35 and fca. . O B Winn, cite ticket agent. Ticket to ail points ia the east. . Be sore and tee the anti rvt tinware at Bopkia Bros, will larta tiletinte. . Go to Mies Long for bigh priced pho tographa, and do not forget to take along tbe money. By ftllowiaar the accumulations in tbe bowels to remain. tbe entire system is pois oned. DeWitt's Little Karly Kiser regul ate the bowel. Try thesa and yon will always nee them. Poabay At Mason. - CANOV -' tfjy CATHARTIC a FlaaMBt. Falatabla. FoMwt. at . vo oa. Narar Sickan. Waakaii. ot Griiw. kn. o.m. ... CURE COM8TIPATIOM. ... iwHHi.tMw.wwi"'"' a ., m KO-TO-BAC 8t,M and rnsrantwM bf all giwa ucl'aa 'robaseo UaDU. No rUre.NoPay. That is the way all the druggists sell Grove'e Tastefcws Chili Ionic for CbL'Is, malaria and Bttliouanf ss. It m as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c. aWt Tabatc Salt aa Katakt I tar Ufc Away. To unit tobaoee eaaily and (orerer. be mag nolle, full of lite, aer and vif or, tak No-To- Bac. the wonder worker, tbat makes wean mea tror.f. All druggists, MW or ti. wmiraiwr teed. Booklet ana sample irec- Bterllng Remedy Co., Cbloago or rise Tore. Pivrrso Cnsisa.tTnritrMS fob Salk. I a ciiutce snivel ion rnciuUin? ever r i .ties W&A West. tsr;t. p41 ' . - eotbemuniaall potted and in line grow ing condition. Which I now offer for sale. Call at residence or addres. Mae. B. A. MVKPHY. Cor. 7th and B.U. Eta. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietov of the Democrat, Uuseestar. . ti., says: I would not be without One Minute Cough Core for my boy, when troubled wHb a outre or eold. It is the best rem edy for croup 1 ever used.' foahay ft Mftsoa. ' i v Mcstc. Miaa ' Mifcsrea Barnteetev eecberof piana or organ. 8ytm tbe Mason touch and technioae. Residence riftb ctreet-eppoeite U P ehnicb. Mies Joyce Biowoell will take np ber piano da durinaj vacation tbrouRh tbe winter. Tbe beet German and Eeetern methods. Leave word with W. i'. Bead Oysters by tbe piutor Leading Restaurant. quart at the If you have pile cone them. No use undergoin horrible operations tbat imnty remove the rxsolta of the dteae without disturbing the disease itself . Place jour confidence in DeWitte Vitch hasel Salve, t bis n)ver ftiled tJ etrnoranB: it wil I ot fil to cure yo t- FoVtty Mason. Our Offerin nt AnrnbatS atre, Lond on ; their first appear' no in America. ; A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM We carry a stock of good, , valued at i.soo.oua.00 , ICIAl V BUT TM8 4CNVINI M M r O OJr 3GREAT SISTERS M ACARTE gGjg m , W receive from 10.000 to S,UU0 lettcra exry day ,nnaurpasaed their thrilling AND OTHER UREaT ATTRACTIONS A Seaton of Orest Rnrprlses ana AstoundinaFea's. limU d Rates on All Transporlation Line- ADMISSION, 2- CENTS nni drss vsnsB 12 vkahs, 10 cents OONT MISS IT! rtFSIANS vnane. MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS i AOVICH S TO PATENTSBILITY CflCC I PATErJTSi mumir. No fre till patent I sarureu. , lilt Ktrictly coofldentlaj. Addreas, . r. 6. SIGGER8, Palenl tawyer. Wsshlnqtoa. P. C.J rot au u ast o rstu. Wiw Plows New P ;aOf?lN8 BROS., Asmnts, Aloany, drrgor. ' Oliver cave the worM lh chillcil plow Anil i' ha saved more monfj lo tbe farmer of A mcrlca Wv my otner implement evr produced. Onnuitie Oliver chilled are the beat rn earth. The Oliver is a promoter of bappi Do. on the farm, and lie dealer who ll it knows he is handling the best. Look out for immitaUons and touch notbintr but equine good", made cnly by Oltrer Chilled plow worki. South Bend, Ii.. h 0 v VJ ' in , a5-.' ... . . .i,. ,.r. -ilc buiiiNn - l:i the v-crt ever customers. Suttta minarci c. r . aif (.s.isia.i... engased fltllng ufof-towa ot Jera. .. . OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE ia the book of the Wholesale Price, to Everybody, ha. over . o pajas. 60.00a deacriptiona of article, with prices, it cost3 T3 cents ta pn-.t and maU ch copy. We want you to have ,e. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and rninrfnw. our i ruff and art qsuare ines are very strong this ssason. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or 20 YEARS IN KUSINESS. w MONTGOMERY WARD & CO Michigan . and Maditon Street A 0MH8 BRINK - - I 1 na m an avi i k 1 f 1 1 CS ,.. .i, ni.w. Fnmiinre Dealer in tl e city ana i o e ' line if FnrVitnre and BeJdin. and ii yon wjnt gooa gooa, eu.F him a ca t If doean't intend to be under sold.