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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
Y --'WI"K:1t'wiwK..w wV t No Eye Me W Master's Eye." Yoa are master of "yoar health, , and if yoa do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is oat of order, Hoofs Sar sapatilla will purify it. It Is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Kidney-" Mr kldne?a troubled me, nd on advice took Hood's Saraaparllla which pare prompt relief, better appetite. My steep la refreshing. It cured my. wife xlao." Michael BotLC, 8473 IKuny Street, rutaburg-. Pa. 8crOfulOU8 Humor-" Iwaa In terrible condition (rum tUe itching and burning of acrofuloua humor. Grew worse under treatment of several doctor. Took Hood'a EareaparUla and Hood'a Pills. These cured me thoroughly ." J. J. Little, Fulton, N. Y. Weed SaUafmXh ml r Hood i Will curs llrrllli: thoajrriUllnir ut .sty csihsrtl to tek with Hood's SsrispsrilUu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Grad wohl will now be found in bis own store at the above location, better prepared then ever before to serve the public with a fi sc class stock of crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. The lichest place 5n Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwohl has always done the square thing with his customers and will continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rat class companies. WOOD WANTED. Between now and the last of Jnly sixty cords of wood at the brick yard olJ. S Morgan in the eastern part of the city. Call on Mr. Morgan for particulars. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to weave carpets and nigs. Can make beautiful rngs from worn out ingrain carpets. Do not hesitate to ai ve the new weaver,, trial order. Yon will be pleased. Fifteen years experience. Prices reasonable. Place of business, east end of 8th 8t. T- 8. Ax-kXAXDn. A Pioneer t 1845. , , Obituary. A. t?. Knox, was bora In Lycoalom count, state of Pennsylvania, on the 11th day of December, 1825, and resided in that atata until 1836. when hie father moved to the then territory of Iowa and found a home in Dn Moines county Here the subject of this sketch obtained a rood common school education, the beat the schools of that period afforded. In 1845 the father conceived the idea of seeking a home "Where rolls the Ore? gon," and with him, to conceive was lo execute, and in the early, part of that year we eee the family facing the est with the fixed pur note of building a home in the beautiful Willamette valley. The journey was successfully made; and in the (all of 1815, we find Mr. Knox, Sr., with his young Ismily engaged in build' ing a home at the toot ol one of the moat picturetqae and solitary mountains or baltes in Oregon, situated some four miles from the city of Albany, sines then known as Knox Butte. Iu 1S30, A. 8. Knox was married to Mary A. S. Marion county, Oregon, and soon thereafter located up on and made his home o i a dona tion land clkim situa'ed ou the Satiaitn tiver some ten roiles east of Albany ; here the bestpatt of bis life was spaut. In 1870 oaioglo impaired health he moved to San Jose. California, and made that his boms until his death, which occurred June 1, 1899, at the age of 74 years. II left surviving him his wife and adopted daughter, (uochildern having been born to him to bless and sooth bis declining yeais) Mr. Knox was ah enterprising, ener eetic citizen and assisted materially in developing and building up the grand country we now occupy, lie was fro areetive in bis ideas, libeial with his means and generous to a fault, many weary and hungry emigrant eujjyed bis and his excellent wile's hospitality. Ha leaves a record more durable than grac- ite, writtenon the tablets of memory ol his acquaintances and friends, of being s kind neighbor; generous friend, an boneet cltiaen and man among men. ' The ranks of the smalt army ol pio neers, men who la'd the lounaauon oi our social and governmental fabric are rapid'y crossing that mer from whence no traveller ever returns. Let ns emu late their virtues and. revere their mem Already on the Island of Cuba thai have been 9,000 saloons established by Americans. This Is one ot the tnlngs the United States does to build up a country It gets under control before anything else almost It Alls it with saloons, and other things come lagging on. And yet tb?re are people who wish to annex some ot tbt.s pagan Mauds aiound the world justso we can eouvrt the heathens. The; need itceitainiy, but it ie notlcable that the devil Is Just about the first to land with his rum and dues more injury tn a year than can be owroouie lutwtn'y. A mors eft. etive way tniiiht be to convert Brtt and annex afterwards. The report la that there Is a secret effort being "iade in Cuba to establiah a monarchy t litre Is Iudeed a starring oue. Securing freedom for the Cuban that he might ha 76 a monarchy would be rattier bard for this great :eputlio to consent to. The probability is that thsre is nothing serious in it. It may be juat a poetical scheme to keep the island under the con trot ol the United States as long as post- ible .4&.Jkv.9t)t)w) SATURDAY, JULY 8TIL, Will be the ast day for the sale of the remainder of the very finest , BOOTS AND SHOES Of It is new divulged that the rampalgn fund ol the republicans in 1? was si moat $3,000,000. It will need to be an re the coming compslgn and piohahly will be. FOB SALE. A- binder, mower and hay rake. For particulars call rn Frank 1 iWetCuuni at me uuruumuv u.uw shop. cry. .-,,... May his sleep be soft and sweet end bis awakening be one of joy . and glad- Bcwnie ot Oint jicnts ior Ctitarrli that Contain .Mercury, j . . as ueicurj will surely otrrv the neoce cf ; smell and coaip'etely derange the whole I system when eulerina it hroutth I be mu-l oou surface. Mich uncle should never. tie used exwpton preemption Iroui rep utable pbvxiciiirs. a the dum te they will do ia ten fold to the good ou can poeaibly derive fnm them Mill's Catarrh Cure, raanuUctured by F. J. Cheuey Jt Co., To l do, O , contains no mercury, ao-t is taken H'ernal, acting directly upon the blood ami mucous surface ot tb syntein. In ouying ri all's Catarrh Cu:e nature you got the genuine I.'italen interna'ly, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by K.J. Chine & to. testimonials free. Sold by druggist, price (5c er bottle Hall'e Ftmily Pilla are the bert. The Boston Shoe Company A still rster sa-'ri6ce will be medo for we never carrv any ."hoes awsy. They must te sold. Remember we a manufaotnrers and ran sell Hliocs rlieai er than any retailer ran buy them, so you better cuius now and get them. Men's French Calf Shoes (1.50 Worth fl Mens" Fine Oalf Sliooe $1.00; Worth 2.60. Boys' Seh'Md 8li"es 75e; 1.50 Chlnl Iren's S.-bool Shres V j Worth 11.24. Ladies' French Kid Shore Dulton (I W; Worth It Ladies' Fine Kid Button Shoes.... l.ftO: Worth 11 Lsdits Fiench KidTie 60;; Win ut (I S3 Misses' Soliool Shors 75e: worth 1.60. Seat Tebaece 8 it aaa HaMMkt loar Aay. To quit tobaeoo eaaily and torafer. be mac Belie, full of Ufa. nana and viiror. uka Na.t Bae, the wooder- worker, that makM weak men ! iroof. All drugg-lau, Kle or SI. Curacuarao- leca Bookies and aampte frao. Addrna Bterliog Kamedy Oa, Chicago or New York, To Cure Cold In One ay Tate Laxative Bro-no Quinine Tablets All druggist refund the money if it tails to cure. 2K The genome has L. B. Q Remember this sale will close Saturday, July. 8th. r-Afo-rii mi nr nA Wb I Ull 5I1UL UU. - - Our headquarters are on First St., next to the Revere. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. 1 HCRSESFOB SALE. Five bead of, Myi S. Senator J. B. roraker of Ohio, ; nrk horaes. for cash or time with enrity. Call on L. O. Balaton, Albany, Or. . Notice to the Ladies. Mrs. Francis Roger, desires to thank We seem to Lave a harder job on onr bands in the Philippines than we sn'ici patad. I don't believe tl e newspapers are getting all tlie news received at the War department, bnt I know nothing of it personally . ' If mors) men and money ih ladies of Albeav for their kind and -ere wanted, Congress will; provide liberal patronage.and wishes to announce means that she wiu continue w aonvi once a month for the California Perfume Co. The flavoring extra.ta nave proven tn bea biah crade ot goods, likewise the The war is not popular, though. A crow, that had been the . mas; of the volunteer companies in the Spanish perfume, and Toilet artictee.sll of which j , m few d,yi ,0 mW ome of the canned beef brought borne from Honolulu- Its days of crowing od mascotting are over. Ex. db earn tamot. , ! : K . ' . : ' . S i STATE NORMAL 4 1 ... OreiQQ. fralnlne School 'or Teachers, new de partments, ungraded counuy schoil work. (jrtduatee iscure food poelllons. j Strong courses. Welt equipped Trsin inr department.- "... Normal course, quickest end best way to Bute Certificate. Epeose for year (rsm ISO to 100. on board 12.60 lo $3 CO per weefc. tuition, anil on their merit. Respectfully Mrs- Francis Rookbs. Agent California Perfume Co, He praysth best who lovetb best All things both great and am a I . For the dear God who lovetb us, Hs made and lovetb all. Samuel T. Coleridge PEARLY TEETH, ' t so highly and justly prized, are assured) by the nee ol our ALLEN S TOOTH POWDER, which prevente all accretions under the Cental surfaces and keeps them clear, cleas, and natural in color. With ( regular spplicauoos ol this powder the ;il nnt .l,.. ,rA tha animiiliM i .i u.i. .Mnrt in ih.TMuirninliliiii. Is at Parker Bros tiatrv is avoided. Keen voor teeth as ' where their place is lens ss nature will permit. Using our The 4th of July is a great dsy and we should never even think cl giving it np, but it takes a strong man not lo be tbtr oughly tired out by night. n . r -. . noaru a. For catalogue, iHrtHr. . 25 per term of ten weeke. resident Or v.. i ( g ajj PLACE roBfjy Vour Groceries and Baked Goods Evervbody knows Ther keep a Iresh stock of erocerine. produce and baked- at r pvs TnnTH pnwriER will enable roods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable ac mumi' " a - . , . . yoa to do this. box. Price onlv 15 cents per J.A.CUMMING. Comilis & EasM. EailroaJ. TIME CARD. , 2 For Yequinn : Train leaves AlKany...... 12:50 p. m. ' arrives Yaquina.... 5:00 p. m.j 1 Returning: Leaves Ysquina ...... 7:00 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:25 p. m. j S For Detroit: ! Ieaves Albany 7:40 a. m.( Arrives Detroit 11:55 a. m. 4 Returning: '.'''' Leaves Detroit 12:25 p. in. Arrives Albany 6:35 p. m. 6Lesves Albany 6:05 p. m. Arrives Corvallis.. 6.65 p. m. 5Leaves Corvallis..... 6:40 a. m. Arrives Albany 7:25 a. m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to aud from New port and adjacent beacbea. . No. 6 runs fro ji Albsny to Corvsllis on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays Ko. 5 runis IromCorvallis'to Albany on TuesdaysThursdays and Saturdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Do troit at noon, giving ample time to reach campirg groutds on the Breitenbusb and Santiam rivers the same day. Edwir Stosi, H. L. Walusk, taansger. T. F. & P. A. J. Tcbseb, Agent, Albany. Hood's Pills are non-irritating and ih cly pills to take with Huod's Sarsapari lla prices and treat their customers well, all like. You may regret soms step yon take n life bnt none taken into tun store sf Parker Bros. ' It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much bnt yon want it well made. TrvParkwr Bros Change on Stamp Photon. ' After July 4, we will make stamp pho tos asiollov.: 1 ' From new negatives II fx 25 cents oo less nam! er made on first order. Duplicate order 14 for 15 cents. Haknish, The Photographer. So rare. No Pay. hat is the way all the druggists sell veV.Taitelisxs Chili Tonic for Cniils, aria and tiillioutness. It is as pi eas . take at l aa syrap,' 5)j. It never Dissapooints. : This is one of the peculiarities ot Hood's banaparilla. It cures scrofula, salt rneum, humors, stomach and kidney troubles, nervousness, Hood.s Pills care all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, sure. 25c. Wkt Baby's 111. When the little loved one ia aick, when Ita brow ia fcrered, its pulae rapid, iu feature pinched with pain and there are great blue circles under iu eye, the mother bovera about the bedside, and with anxious eyes tries to read the meaning of every ex pression upon the physician's lace. A woman may aave herself aimoat all of this worriment about her children if abe will but take proper care of her womanlv health dnrinfr the period of gestation. A child bora of a mother who is thoroughly healthy in a womanly way will aln"t unfailingly be healthy and robust Pierce's Favorite Prescription acta direc. y on the delicate and important organs that bear the burdena of maternity. It makes them well, strong and vigorous. It beala all internal ulceration and inflammation. It stops debilitating drains. It fits for motherhood and insures a healthy child. Thousands of happy mothers have testified to its merits. No honest dealer will urge yon to take an inferior anbstitute for the little added profit it may afford him. "A lady told me that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was grod lo take when with child," writes Mrs. Annie Mmpson, of No. ij Chelms ford Street, Lawrence, Mass. t " I was suffering terrible pains, and wss unable to get about the house without being in misery. I began taking Dr. Pierce's PsTorile Prescription and the first bottle greatly relieved me. I took three bottles before my baby was born, at which time I suf fered very Utile. The baby hss been healthy since birth, and is now three mouth old and weighs fifteen pounds. When my older child was born I suffered terribly. 1 duo I know bow to thank Dr. Pierce enough." They don't simply give temporary relief, but are a permanent cure Dr. fierce' Pleasant Pellets for constipation. They never gripe. One littla Pellet " ia a gentle laxative and lo a mild ratbaric. President Faculty term bavins Sept. llHu. Bummer term, June 27-Sept. 1. Farm to Rent. 160 acres, OS acres nnder cultivation, at Arehard. BSfdenS, etc. T.rma. nnavthird of grain and JO psid i .k f.,m. In connection wi the rent of the farm, there are horses, harness, cows, wood and farm ; In'Plf; ments, in f-cl everything ready toto to fsrmins. Also 60 acres summer fallow. Ah for salts cheap or ' Ad lrets, Bob M . Miller, tlalsey, Ore. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES allen.s fMt pJr for the feet. It cure painful. wolln, s narilng, nerv ees foot, and ifWantlv taWs sting out of corn, and bur.ionj. It' ih reaf st com. fortdivery of ihe age. Al en.s foct-raa makes tight or new shces fee easy. It is a certain cure for sweating callous aid hot tired,achiUg feef Try it lo drujgWs snd sbojr stores. 1 25cii stamps. Trial PJfJ ' Addresr, Allen 8. U nited, Le Roy, . . ' -N .a. - . ; -y- ;s ' fl . lk,- J? r C.E. Browneir SPECIAL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon 25 3 " fresh nisckersl 2) Armonrs Deviled llsm.. ......... 6 Oalloojugof ketchup V Tea Blftlngs, fine flavor Ti Starch, per lb..... 08 Minced, (large cans) 20 tiostro Baked Beans 13 16 os. cans Good Eaklog Powder. . 14 8 caps Muslard Sardines.. 56 3 cans Sugar Corn 24 These are all first class goods and w guarantee satisfaction, C. E. BROWNELV SECOND sr. - - - - AIJ1ANV If you want a gooa andcleai .uoke buy cigars made by our Al bjny cigar factor v IWusa any other flour, except the Magnolia If yoa wish to take the leal, ride a Cleveland. For sile by McFeron & Tom-nson. For Sale. Ponr trscts cf Isnd in Santiam bottom Each has boose, barn and orchard. In quire of H. Bbtsht, Miller & Stewart, bicycIHpairihg, FORGING AND JIACH1NE 0EK ; O - ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ' Removal Notice , XV a irs now established In our new quarters, First St. near tyontiomery one door below iron woras. m wim. with onr steam t lent we shall maintain a band dep't. Frne silks, woolen, and hr d.iicate fabric, will be waabed In- ltllirenilvb band. Telephone or poe- I i hrinoa our waeous to your door. aim ia to please you. ; ' asagnou "unu j 1 0 SiMrsos & Son, Props Telephone 81. Our FOSHAY 4 MASON -Wholesale k Ketall DRUGGISTS ABD BOOKSEUn- SLBAKT, OBEOOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market, Special Rates. For the sdmmer season we will make special rate, on family washing. Why have work and worry at home when you can get it done at a reasonable price at the laundry. Call or telephone for DliceS. MAGNOLIA Phone 814 J M RALSTON, . Three doors east of the Dbmocbat office has money to loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Also small loans made n personal security , Oityi county and school warrants bought. ' -' Collections made. : - - Rents collected. .Pif In surance written in the following large and reliable companies J HOME ihb. O., of New York, PHOENIX IN8.CO., Hsrtlord, Conn., LIVERPOOL. LON- ON, end GLOBE 1N8. CO. of England Long Photo Jo... In J-union Hi irk. The loi dirt gallery of Aloany. The only-up-to-date first cluss studio in town. All work to olcaso. MAKIE LONG POrp TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be shsken Into the shoes. At Ibis season your feet feel swollen.ner vonsand bot.and gst tired easily. ,11 you have smarting leet or tight shoes, try Al len. Foot-Ease. It cjol the leet end makes walking essy. Cures swollen and swesting feet, blisters and callous spots, Relieve, corn, and bunions of sil pain sod gives rest nd comfort. Try ittoday. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 j. Trial psckegefre. ' Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.S. i , CITY TREASURERS NOTICE . Notice is hereby given that fund. at. on hand to pay city wairaot. oa. Jio to 270 incluitve of the Issue of 18U8. iuier eat on ssid warrants will cesse with the date of this notice. , Albany, Or.. June 28, law. e! A. Pasaaa, City Treasurer. ' Tua BaaaiaaToa new improved air pressure wssber for wsshing all kinds of clothing from a cuff to a large carpet, feslber beds end pillows. It weighs lour pounds. It wilt be on exbibitisn st the Pioneer llouse. I will give any party $10 if tuey can find any tao crank or lever machines that can do the work of one of the Harrington washer. Come tnd see it. R. 8. Uahjuhcton, of Corvsllis, Ore The Albany Insurance Agency Represents lbs leading Fire ant' Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers-in Wheat, OaU m, and Wood. Corretpjndence solicited. M.SENDF.KS&tX) For Bargains In Farm Lands,' Timber Lands and City Proiierty, call on or write V , B.N. STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon H. F.Tlerrill TN80RANOE AND LOAN AQENT.- Office in Dkmo- 1 Lollectlon. promptly attended to, cor respondence soilcitej. cast building. S1VEH PER CENT . LOANS . I have an unlimited amount of moot r to losn on Farm Security, or on business property In Albsny, at SEVEN PEB CENT INTEREST, the Interest pay abli, but once a year. For information sat. blank epplications call on or address ! O. O. Bi'Bkhart, Albany, O JTREET RAILWAY N( Tda motor on toe Aloan Mreet ttmlwat will connect promptj with all trains to ar from the depot, dsy and .light.; Speoisl ,rps will be nude at spec' rutei., R. Moork ,. Crnductoi i