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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
VOL xxxiv ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 30.1899 Baler at tk Pout at Albany, wr. end-ClaBa Malleti XVTTMC a Slither aad PrprleW 47 r5 V i 'M" -"""""" ' I MA33gX.Jmllfy I j I .Ase tahie Preparation lor As similating theTootlandRetfula-' ting smimifiw nny wrath cc. Bron)tesT5Igeslion.ChrerfuI TeMM5cst.Contains neither OptucCMorphine nor fioeral. Not Narcotic. SmJ AwrftttBemedv forCnn:iin. 6oh.SourStoiMch.DiarrhDca. warms .Convulsions Jeverish tktss and LOSS OF SLEEP. YAcSiinus Signature of NEW "VOHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. FLOOR COVERINGS. FULLY DOUBLE th amouct ever liefore shown by n, consistl.qr ol Carpets, Art Square-, Co'tage Art U new and attrtctive goods) Mat tings, L'Doleura sod Oil Cloth . ; We are also well applied with Lace Curtain, Portiere, Shade and kindred goods." Piece goodsln Cortiin material ami covering!". ALBANY FURNITURE CO. .Tlasonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or SO Years in Bu sin' s i THOMAS BRINK U ?Met Fornitnre Dealer in the city and be keep a com plow line ol Furniture and Bedding and if von want good goods cheap give bim a cml. Ha doesn't intend to be nnder told. ALBANY COLLEGH : ,. . ; OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy and ?irl tbat bas the ambition to attain one. Tbe course is complete, and embrareg the languages; sciences, mathematics, history, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Nornal Coorre leads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the . -- - , Commercial Course has now become a Business College Equal to anything io tbe State Now illustrated catalog. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. For particulars, write Albany , Oregon. $40 cash $40 For the Best. -Wheel, Ever. Buiftt Fitted With Special Heavy Tread li. & J. TIRES. Next to tbe Rambler in quality and prce is the Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. , " mt 107, 109, 111 Sixth St., Portland, irs. Branches : Ohling Spokane, - Tacoma, Seattle. 111 w 11 v 1 f fJT m 1 '1 I TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from OisipAtion, self abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In use over 60 years. Brings buck your Maoliood, cures depleted worn out men, makes rich blood and tissoe. Cures westings and all astitingiy strong, cures impotesiev. lost power, emissions, Armory. bad dreams, shrunken ie and constipation, auue ;usrr velios. Mskes me woin living,. P'S PILLS strengthens and r by day or night. Don't delay. cure. Price s.J'.'l 6 for JUU KEMGUI Ul)., San FranOKO.Cal. r sale or Fos- Lay A Masor., Albany ALBANY CIOARI FACTORY -J.Joseph, ; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years i ill tut enmu phot WALLACE HOWE LEE, President 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. $r lulhui't, 1 iiltjany, Ore, 1 I V uritans; dsnendacy, sleeplessness, to the eyes, stops siervoua twltcbinge A booa te vounr or old. JHORUO stores smsH . weak ercant. Stops all Price wiebin tia reaoti ofaJo Uuaran 2.63 by nail. Send for free circular. Proprietor THURSDAY SIMPSONS GREAT POEM. SamSitnpson's lest peew known WThe Beautiful, W illamette,.'!! was written es pecially for the Dkmucbat and was pul liahea the first time on A rril 13, 1883 un der the titlo "Ad Wlllamettem. aa may be seen from the file of. the F.kmocbat The poem was set up by CUib H. Stew art, then the devil of the otlice, and he kept the original for several years but finally lost it. The 1kmocrat said: "The orminal poetry under the brad of "Ad Wiiliauiettaui0 to be found else where in todays Dbmoihat, signed by S. L. 6.. we consider very prett. ; and we trust the author will not -let ti is be the last time he will favor us with his pro ductions." lie did not, for on January 14, 1870, the Democbat published under his signature a beautiful poem on "Hood." It consisted of twelve verses of sis lines each. The first verse is key so the poem : White despot of the w il J Cascades t I greet thee as the twilight shade ttsHtot the disheveled, broken wall While sheaves of sunlight burning yet Oa frosty tower and minaret Portray thee reigning over all. Thb N. N. C or M. The Statesman gives a column writeup of the commence-1 mentof I'rof. inrvin s Aortnwesi or. nia.1 College of music with a picture of the Doctor. lie has assjeisted with bim Mrs. J. K. Brown principal of the art and W. A. Ginn teacher nl vocal music and will have other associates at differ ent points in the vallev. Thecoraiutnce- aent program was iven yesterday after noon and evening. The Statesman men tions the Albany pe formers as follows: The -ttiDooel Polka," by Kox Bros., rasa gem. Miss Online sang "111 Fol low Thee" rerr well. The fanUsie '"The Palms." by Miss Schitlier, was well ntavei. Mr. Vomn aani; the aria from the'Creation "In .Native Worth" in good ftyle. "Overture Ier Freischnta" was rerv admirably executed by Misses Mw Um, &hirlier and Howard, and John C. Fox. The instrumental work by Miss Eana Mae Howard and Miss Adaiene Sthitfler, provoked much applaus. "MulMimmir Nioht a Ureajn bv Almes Howard, Schiffier. Maston, and Fox, was hrely executed. The sou s oj miss un ling and Mr.Morgan wese also good. Atbbmft atScicwb. Mr. J. H. Jewetti a former teacher in the Harriaburg pub lic school, became somewhat demented by drink and misfortune, made an at tempt at suicide Monday morning by taking laudanum. He bad written a note telling bis intention. But medical aid was summoned and be was relieved of the poison Eugene Guard. Jewett run for erhool superintendent in this county on the republican ticket several years ago. He is a bright man, but whiskey has done bim up, a it will any one ruled by it. ' . - t a A Fatal Accident. Martin Gengre bretson residing near Harriaburg was chopping a tree down a few days ao when it fell lodging is another tree, in prying it off Mr. Gengreuon was struck on the bead by the tree which fell dif ferently from what be expected. He was killed almost instantly. The de ceased came here a lew year ago from Minnesota, which stats be lecentlv visit ed, lie leaves a wife an! nve children, and was 69 years of sge. A Xxw Encaxpxext I. 0. O. F., wa organixed at Lebanon last evt-ning by High Priest Fowertox of this city assist ed by several others from this city, who report a nne time, ana one oi iue f banquets at the St. Charles in that city ever sat down to. Th jse attending from here were Noble Grand J. K. Weather- ford. Hiirh Priest SSoweraox, ti. C. Jor dan, K. L. Borkiiart, E. J. Set ley, Matt Scott, W. E. Uilleu. llewy Brodere, F. . Burkbart, J. V. Bark hart, frank. Rice. Henrr Kirscb. t. M. Mitchell, Georse Harder and P. C. A nderaon, and J. M. Zoosman. A. A. Tussmi and Jas. ttAodish from Brownsville. Cisxtit Cocar. The toliowing new have been begun : Sena E Buckner and John Buckne fftifann and Wilired Hardman, partition. In estate of D Monteitb, deceased, Tbe Farmers and Merchants Ins Oo, peti tionersfaayd appellants sgt Ima Monteitb as executrix. Appeal from Probate court. Thotr as Monteith appellant agt Xettie Monteitb. Appeal from Justice court. BkFCBtic oa EnriBA. This is the oacneef the new book recently publish- A h!-J ia Teen attracting so mncb attentlos) ou account of tbe men wbo ham eontriboted to It. among IDS lead- lox ones being W. J. Bryan, Andrew Cmmmm. Senator Hiar. J G. Cailisle, Seaator Edmnnds, Carl Scburi, rreei' deot Jordan. C. A. Towns and Henry o. Johnson. It Is elegantly gotten np and coven the field fully. Wbr let your neighbors know HP And why give them a chance to guess you are even nve or fen vesrs more r Better - give tbem good season lor guessing toe other way. It is very essy: SOT noioiug tens 01 age au 4HMiy a gray cair. ftW an? la youth-renewer. It hides the sge under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It sever -falls to restore color V Pf btr. It will Atop the Tutr from coming OUt Also. , . ,t It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, end Abort bAir becomes long tiaie. It cleanses tne acaip, re moves all aanurun, auu ents its rormanon. We have a book on tee air which we viu cuaiy ;rnd you. at worn 4 no oittela H ! hmn SiV ram aiMauS tiom tba bm of u v Sri, writ the doctor about it. Ir(MMr Ifc'r. U torn diflWalt. -..T -Am KAMr&l ifiiftra which HOl HWIH. J, U Arer. Lwsu, buss. y si' The Alumni Reunion. The most enjoyable of all the college entertainments of the commencement season, to those privileged to attend, is the reunion of the members of the alumni. The annual reunion was held last evert, ing at the coliewe, and was one of the finest in the history of this institution dear to the hearts of all loyal Albanians, as well aa the graduates. . After an hour of sociability the members aiid guests re paired iQf the commercial department room where an elegant banquet was seved bv tue ladies of tue Presbyterian church,as tastily arranged and well pre pared as it is ever ones privilege to sit down to.. At tlie close &.r. J. U. Irvine, the wrinkle browed and venerable pres ident of the alumni foriaally greeted the new uienvbtrs of the august bodyin a wry witty speech, responded to by Miss Mary Stewart, who met him blade for blade. " t'arleton E. Sox then took charge as toatit master and did credit to the unpoiUttt position. The reerxmses were anionic the bwwutea e-rsr rujara in any alumni patbrriujr. not excepting those in whit-It Chauncey M. XMpew is heanl. They were: Hero W orship, by S. E. Irvine, who recently graduated from Monmouth, HI., college. Oo to Oregon, by one of her fairest daughters. Miss Etbel Redfield. Trusts, bv Arthur W. Foshav. who succeeded in finding some good in some kinds of trusts. Nothing, by Edgar Stewart, who has a nappy faculty 01 waking A gooa aeai out of O and a medley out of everything. Our Absent Mrs. L. E. Ham ilton, who brought up bright memories to the members as well as sad new. re ferring in her remarks to Joseph Torbet and Marius Mareellua row on tbe ocean homeward hound iroin Manila, Lawyer Luther Elkins At Uie golden gate, Rich, mond Wheeler And hi' wife at Palo Alto, IT. Monrovia Alexander At San Jose, Mips LiUie lUbertson At SokAne,JAS. J. Chariton a prosperous lawyer st Denver, loa U Robertson, who recently came in to considerable of a fortune at Cnicafo, Mrs. Oapt. Powell, the alumoi s prettiest member, of Pittsburg. Pa., Mrs. Mary S La 1100 and little daughter of Washing ton. Mrs, Bates of Coldwater, Arix , Mise Mary Cundiff who bu accepted An important position as teacber at I'on liac. III., C. P. Davis of Pendleton. Dr. John Geisendorfer of The Dalles, Collins Elkins of Lvie. Wash., Walter Peaccck and wife of Seattle, Mr. James Failing, Mrs. Dr. Temple tun and Dr. J. T. I vale of Portland. Mia. Chief Justice Wolver ton and Lawyer Frank Power of Salem, 1'rol. Helen Urawlord ot tne U. A. L. Rev. Louis Lee of Cincinnati and Rev. Alfred M. WiRiams of Viaalia, Calif. Rev. E. X. Good it, for sixteen years pre identof tbeoollese and Prof. W. IL Lee. tbe present president, were called upon and spoke with much feeling creating great enthusiasm for the alma mater, which has hut closed its most prosper ous year. - it was nearly; 1 o clock and the hahpy company adjourned witn warm feelings for Albany college, of which they have reason to 00 proud. L ebanon. From the Criterion. Mrs. J. H. Irvine anJ daughter Mamie were called home from Ohio on account of sickness in the family. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Meranda, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cocbell and Mrs. G. W. Cro- son Are Attending tbe G. A. R. conven tion At Independence this week. At the residence U the bride's parents atSantiam, June Iltb. Mr. William A. Catkins and Mis Carrie Bland. Rev. Arnold, of Sweet Home, officiating. Webb Wight returned borne Friday from Albany, wbere be has been attend ing college. Dr. C. W. Barr will conduct an ex cursion from here to San Francisco And return some time io Aurost. We un derstand that tne rate will be f IT for the round trip, and that 30 darr will be al lowed Xn make tbe triav Mrs. D. U. Monroe and family arriv ed here Sunday from Michigan. Mr. Mourue stopped in the Hood river coun try, but will be here in a few dsys,wnen they will probably locate permanently. Mrs. at on roe is a daughter ?l Lmuei Wiley. Matron's Contest. A fine literary and musical program will be given Friday evening in tbe C P church. Duett, Tbe Inebriate's Lament, John G Goff Misses Grace Livingstone and Bertha Worrell. Recitation, lour Boy or My Boy Mrs Mark. Recitation, Temperance Headboard Mrs Fox. Solo, My Boy is Out Alone Tonight Mr Nutting. Recitation, Old Soapv Mrs trktne. Duett. The Earthen Vessel, Hopkins- Mr and Mrs A Hammer. Recitation, Bible Politics Mr Mor- KP- - Recitation, riedge With Wine Mrs Hammer. Solo. Shivering iu the Cold S E Irvine. Recitation Is it Worth the Sacrifice? Mrs Smiik. OuTtet, selected Mrs Nutting, Mr and Mrs Hammer and Mr 8 E Irvine. Admission 5 cents. The Albany Iron w-rks t' day sent a thirty-five foot lintel toUukland,Or. Mrs. Frank Churchill, ot Roseburg, returned borne today after a visit with ber parents, Rev. and Mis. Smick. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Powers.of Shedd. have been in the city after an extended trip over northern Oregon. Woang Bill Harris returned last even from an extensive skunk bunting exped ition across the river. He killed seven . Miss- Lottie Elder, wbo has been io San Francisco several years is in the city tbe guest of ber mother Mrs. C. W. Rogers. P. M. Abbey has erected a new hotel at Newyortand will be in the field Icr business this year as Jor many in the past. He was in Albany this week. Tbe Telegram says that Dr. M. J. Den- ney, formerly U. S. surgeon At Vancou ver, lias opened an omen fn Marauam Dr. Denney is a son of Mr. Denny of this city. Miss Annie 'Flinn who recently ersd- uatea iroin ntantora university, Arrived nome in is morning, cne has tee a visit ing since commencement with Mrs Parton And family at San Jose and vi cinity. John B. Blakemore. of Portland, waa in the city today. Mr. Blackmore la an old Iowa friend of Dr. And A. D. Barker and Prof. Mattindale.of this city, whom . . ne uau not seen lor a great many years, this being bis first visit to Albany. Be easily picked out the auburn haired baggnge man, but had to show his own credentials. Mr. Blakeuiora is one ef the thousands of drummers wbo lost job by the big tobacco trust. He im mediately secured a place with A Louis ville anti-trust house and is pushing tilings. lis is a son of ex-congressman Blakemore, of Iowa, and like him be longs to the anti-trust party. Tbe Mascot Rod and Gun Club will give a blue rock end pigeon shoot tomor row 1 eginning At 10 a. m. A member of the club informs the Dkmocbat that the club will not give up its name and join with any other club, but will retain its individuality. i The A.O.U.W. plcbic yesterday wss A success, was a big one. - , at Jefferson The crow See tne prog am for Matron's Contest elsewhere, s A good maov Albany reoplewent the A. O. U. W. picnic At Jefferson to to- day. .The weather has been ideal for a picnic, , - , The Goodale Lumber Co.. lis been in corporsred with 3. C. Goodale,T. A. King and Jefforeon Mpers as incorporators. Salem as headquarters and 50,000 as tbe capital s octc. Mrs. William Kriesl, of Harriaburg. recently fell trout the loft oi a barn and broke three ribs, which Dr.-Mackey set. It is also feared that she was injured in ternally. . :l. The G. A, R. enca moment at McMinn- vilie bas been a great success. Officers were elected yesterday, H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro. being elected rammander. and his wife department presideutot tne W. it. c . , . . . , Speaking of Dr. Parvin'S Tuesday eve nings concert the Sleu Jeurnal sajs: Professor Parvio's pupils showed great talent and conscientious training, and surprised and drligbted the Audience by tils excellence .1. Vir performance. . AU So thai iienry .trgau soured a success. Lebancn's celebration is attracting at tention for forty miles in atl direction. Beii g the only one in Linn county, the crowd will simply be immense, while the cash prizes will make it A day of sports onsurpassed by anything ever held in the valley. Com early and be prepared to enjoy yourself. Fit 1 1) AY Gave Himself Up. About two year ago the section boose of the Japanese laborers on th 8.1. at Ilaltey wss robbed. Twj young men were accused snd one of them wss es atnined end acquitted. Tbe other. Clsr eree Uorcaa, was indicted. H fled snd rem .i jed sy until yesterday, when be Arrived in Alnany And gave bimsetf op to Sheriff Muoker aod wa placed la it await trial at the coming court. Aa tbe Japs have alt gone Morgan's chances of being acquitted a e gool. The state millitary encampment baa been given np. It would cost too much. Ths Lidiis or thi G. a. R. at Me Mionviile ibis week eleojed tbe follow ing officers: Mis Amy Li vingstone.of Al bany, trceident: Mr. Eiisabeah Wand. of Salem, senior vtc-president : Mr.' Jennie Brown, of A !!, jonior vice- president; Mrs. E. r. Chapman, of Ea red, treasurer; Mr. Addi Ueustie, of Sounyside, chaplain; Mis KWenc Qoimby, ot Albany, secretary ; Mrs. tie M. Woooin. of I'ortiad. natiooal preaecerrespoudent. Mrs. Woudio was elected delegate to tbe national conven tion st Philadelphia. September I, 1SC0. A Doo Cask. Fred Seaders and Ben Cielao went to Saleu tbia morniDg on tbe boat to attend a dog trial there at S clock tms afternoon. Senders gave lbs ise as follow Three mtntbs sgo be loaned bis pointer which be bad bad for our year to lxois an ortwick the barber ,a former resident of A.haov. Vao Nortwkk.afier keeping it ahile,ild it. Seeders bad him arrtt'ed for larceny and be sras arrtsled in Portland yester day. Ben Cielao knew tbe dog and wa subpoenaed a a witne. We do not now an ortick s side of tbs matter. Tub .ca Co. Frtm tbe Salem Jour. bam Tbe growing popuiantof ttw x- cellaot organiiatioa is aUasld nightly bv th increased attendance, aod their Sucre is due to merit stone. Tbe largest eodienc of tbe week wit nessed lb performance of "Low aod Law" last mint and. irocn tiie nearly Kpreia ol approval, it coutd readily be seen that tbvy were well pleased wttb their evening's' euterUlomenl. Tbe plat ws well la red end Hie different characters portrayed Uitbfuliy. Stimox asd tub Calt. great de otsmuseo-eot was caused at the depot this noon oy 60. Stimsoo. of tbe W . F. Co , tipping over A crate with a yearling call wbicb be was shipping south. Tbe calf got out, aod tbe amies of Stlmson o caccbiag tbe animal caused excru.iat- iog muemeet, but be Qcceeded and crated bim safely. Paaiss Sea vies.-The W "men's Mis sionary society of the First Presbyterian cbuteb will bold a praise service in tbe churcb at quarter before eight o'clock. Mrs. t. r jBossmsn. (A rorusoa. win deliver au address on Borne Miesioo Work. There will also be a abort music- al program. Every ooe I invited l be present. PorTLAB Platibb. Tbe Sam Shaw company is playing at the Reed to large and well pleased audiences.' The com pany is a strong ooe, presenting plays ibat are new to tbe majority ol Saiem theatergoer. Tbeir presentations are Il strong snd it is not surprising that each succeeding night fitds the number spectators greatly increased, lneir eopberb band and orchestra are strong features tbst contribute to tbe popularity of tbe company Sentinel. At Albany next week, beginning Mooday.Jone o. Vas Nobtwitk Wos. Tbeceas against Lew Van Sort w irk, cbaiged by Fred Senders, of Aloany. with the larceny of a dog, wa dismissed Alter a tiial before ostice lohnsnn. Thedefen wss tnai the dog had been given to Vn Nortwick by Senders J jurnal. I. O. O.F. Atibxtiox. All members of OrgesnA EnrAmpment should not m iss the meeting this eve as there ill be work in the R. P. or third degr e Dibo. Of quick coesoBiptlon, in Tue- mr a Ann ST Sw son. Ariaons. jons 11. iowu. mr. 1. . Hendrick. a sister ol the late airs, jodd Cbiswell snd dsughter of Mr. snd Mrs. H. C. Dollarhide, ol uuusmuir, vaiit. I."(t'Be any other flour, except U MRnoHa MARRIED. WILLIAMS fcDWARDS. On Wed nesday evening, June zi, ltsw, m ai tiany at the residence of J. F. Trout ni.n i. ltv. M. C. Wire. Mr. How- ra Williams and Miss Bertha Ed- winii. Bister of Mrs. Troutman. They are two excellent young people. Thev will locate near Walla Walla and will lake with them there the best wish es of many friends in tuts county. RRRTflWAllE 8TRAHLE In Al l,.n nn WedoeSdSV evening, wunn il - - - . , m luno t 1 ha residence ot and by Ray, m n Wire. Mr. Ed. Ferthwaiie And Mrs. E. Blrahle, both ot Aloany. HAY'S K HAIL. In Portland, on Wdneeay,June21,1899, by Rev O -R Ki.a.inn. of Albany. Mr. U. U u.rn. ant Miaa Rhoda Hail, both fnrn.rl of Albany, wbere they Jiavs many friends wbo will pn in best ' wishss lor tbeir deierved pros. erlty end bsppiness. ti... 1.0 Wwinasdav evening for Ft Bi.u.n whara they will reside dorlng the continuance of ths govsrnmeot work there; ' DIED. 08TERH0UDT. At Long Beech. CaU June 11. 1809. ol tumor. Mlrs LI 77 Is only daughtsr ol Mrs. Luclndn Ostsr bouJt, At th Age of 17 years; was buried at Pomona tbe 18t.V Scio. From the News: Walter Bilysu bss been employed by T. W. Dillev, of Oorvallis, sod will move to that city in a snort time. Geo. Davie, therfoot-rseer, of S'eyton, was in scio Tuesday. A rare between bim and young Pitchlord has been made. and will be run in a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore, who now tesii'e in Sherman county near Wasco oostofucs. are vinitiFB In this vicinity this-week. Mr. Moore waa on of the early settlers of tuis county, b uavitig coins Dire in 1819. T. L. Dogger ba brought soil arainst several of tne residents of this section to collect money due bim, for subscription to bis isper, and the suits were brougrt in the justi eeocrtof Albany. - Tbe race between PatMurahv and Bell Flynit Miter known aa Butter Creek Maid a a rao at Salem Sat ur Jay teat and resulted in favor o' fat Morpiiy, the judge deciding that be woo by lour feet daylijht. Last Sunday a little son ol Ur. and Mrs. O. D. Com Dloo.who live near Prov idence churcb, met with quite a serinus secideut. Mr. Compton nad bis faml'y in a wagon and was driviog a spirited horse, when in some manner tbe little boy, wbo is ont four year of age, felt out of tbe we,ton and ooe wheel run over hi. bead, almost severing ooe ear, and badly bruising bis face. The bo.oe ol Mr. aod Mrs. J. A Bii reu waa the scene of a very p easant so cial gathering 00 Saturday evening of last eek,l e occasion being in honor of tbeir dtagbter. Miss Maud, aod ber cousin. voss. Dttyeo, 01 Aioany. wbo were over on a v.siu After an boor pleasantly pent io songs and instrumental u.uic all repaired to tbe lawn, where each did justice to a bountiful supply of ice cream and cake. Bond-holders Beaten. A Nee York dUpatcb state tbat Judge Wallace, ie the United Slate eircuil court bas hsnded down a decision a as- taioing three out of five demurrers filed b counsel tor the Farmers Loan A Trust Company, ia a suit broutfbt bv certain bond bolder of tbe Oregon Pact- ne Kaiiroad tympany lor aa scrountiBg by the defendant, as trustee of ike rail ' road eompADy, of $15,000,000 of ooe Is. Tbe delendaat Interposed five demur rer : That no cause of action was main-, Uiaed ; tbat triers were deject as to tbe defendants; tbat there were defects a 10 tbe complainants; that action wss barred by the statute of limitation, and It-a 1 tbere were laches 00 tbe part of tie complainants. "Judgment is ordered stutaining tbe 'bird, fourth atd llb demurrers, aod overruling the others, aod dismissing lb bill oole tbe comp'ainaols see fit, by ameo ijg tb bill, to obrste lb ob jections assigned." Frank Wood jr, is ih with rncumoniA. Mrs.Tho. Ceofield, of Salem, bas been visiting Albany frieoda. Mrs. Ciistlce Ram ford came np from Portland oa fast ajght' boau Prof. Scott, of tbe college, left this morning for Sod rill for his annual out ing. Miss Edith TLosapcoo went to Junc tion yesterday noon to visit with ber sitter. Mr. Perry, of TambQ county Jias been In lb oty. A brother ot Hon. J. H. Pewry. Prof. Decdren, wbo bas done, good work for tbe college several weeks as supply lelt this esornicg for tbe east. Editor Hale, of tbe Free Pre, will lecture in tbe Saotiam Graag Hall to morrow evening oa "Cooperation." Winnifred C Campbell arrived ia Partlani from Cuba, aod will be in Alb any tonight on tbe overland. Ms tier 'rude O'Brien i looceom. Her friend Mies Aoten. after a visit with ber of sever si dsrs retoraed ibis noon to ber boms st Junction. County Clerk Crabtree and bia deputy R. B. Mooragce have returned from somewber w here tbey have beear for an outing, witb indications of A good time. Robert Brown went to McMinaville Monday 00 Lis bicycle, leaving here at 6:S0p m., and arriving tbere at 11:45, returning lart aignt in Ie time. The distance is 52 miles. Miss Vid Maston of Albany, wbo as sisted in the graduating exercises of tbe Northwest College of Music at the Unity church Wednesday evening, is tbe guest of Miss Edna Price for a lew days, Statesman. Several former A'tany people have been reemployed la tbe Purl land schools: O. F. llowtsn, E. A. Milocr. Mn. Nel lie Brush, Mise Abbie Wright end Mrs. Nellie Lsmbron. Mr. D. Ber and fsmity, wbo hsv been here several week on a visit the guests of Steven Fieerssen. returned to tbst state ibis morning They may con.e nere to locale, Dot have not decided tbat. Mrs. Frank Craw, of Albany, is vtsi t ing at tbe borne of Geo. Craw in this city. Senator Percy R Kellv and R A B eal. of Albany, spent last ntfcht in En- gene. Eugene Guard. . airs. rJamoiea. tne deputy suoreme oracie 01 tne Korai Aetgnoor ol America suxilliary to the Modern W oodmen, to n the city for tbe purpose of organising the Ladles department and a meeting nas oeen arranged lor next w eduesdsy evening at 8 p. m. at tbe U. A. R. ball. Rev. W. E. Copeland. of Salem, will deliver a lecture At tbe I'earco Memorial bu cb on the evening ol July 1. on the Man w:tb tbe Hoe. Mr. Copeland has been thanked by the author ot the poem tor niatrue conception 01 tbe poem. License has been issned for tbe ma fri ge of Mr. Dan Brack, a popular em ployee ot the Albany Iron Works, and Uisa Ada rlicklcger, oue ot Albany's most estimable young ladies, the cere mony to take place next Sunday, and Willis Richsrdson snl Miss Josie Mills. of uesr LAcomb. Miss Marguerite Hopkins yesterday afternoon gave a very pleasant lea party to tbe members ot the clams tf 96-'99, entertaining from b o'clock It wa a de lightful affair. TLos present were Misses Crosby. Redfield. Alien. Morris. Pegs, McCoy and Stewart, with Miss Grace Teller, of Portland, as a guest. Frsnk Kitchen acd J. R. Wilson re turned Iset nigbt from Portland where tbey hsd been to attend He wedding of "Uncle." Frank Kite ben and Mrs. Ber tha Kitchen, which occurred on Wed nesday svening. The happy couple wbo will reside at ru Stevens, win nave toe btst wishes ol many friends of the groom in Albany, wbere be is known tor many genial qualities. Mits Maud Crosby ot tbe public schools went to Portland this noon, wbere she will remain uotil About the 6th ot July w hen she wilt start tor tbe meeting of tne national teachers association at Los An geles She will be accompanied Irom Al bany by Superintendent and Mrs. Mar tindale. Miss Hulse, Miss Eva Simpson, Miss Ward, Miss Uhsnce, Miss bikins, Miss Redfield and Mrs. ft. V. Baltimore. Born. Sunday June 18. in this city, to the wife of Rev. Anderson, a son. And yet -Rev. Anderson told us a few dsys sgo that be was opposed to aunuay pto nics. Jsfferson Review. ' A young man eame to the Band tour nament with a handkerchief around his arm for Identification. The marriage is to take place next week in eastern Ore gon and Albany will lose a young ltdy. We buy, tell and store grain, We make MagnollA Flour, Also whole wheat, Patent And germ, our The Maguolla Mills. OUR SENATORS. Tje Saiem Journal gives tbe vole of state senators in tbe recent legislature on several important questions, snd we give tbe record of Senstors Clem and Kelly as follows : Resolution to investigate penitentiary uu employ clerk. Ulem no, Kelly jew. Resolution fot members to carry off rjiu acode. Both no. Resolutinn In a,wm mmnr lnYlO mmm aT inaun war hiatoriea. Cotli vea Bill appropriating 16.000 for Omaha es position. Both no. Bill abolisbiuir office uf atate food earn. miseioner. Both ses. n Bill abolishing eqoalizatioa beard. Both ye. Bill fixing orooerir Qualification of ra. J' acuool election Clem absent, Memorial for election of U. B. seoators by popular vote. Both yes. Bill roumn doors of nubile baffflines to open outwsrds. Both ye. Bill I't optional pilotage. Clem no, nviiry TfM, Bill irtving preference to resident con tractor and Oregon material in public work. Both no. Resolution to abolish the office of state printer. Clem no, Kelly yes Bill making display of flaj on school boose compulsory. Both ye. Bill protecting hotel keepers from eH viem Absent. Kelly ye. Motion referring normal ebol bill back. Both ves. Bill reducing salaries of Marion county uiuciais. Dotu yes. (ieueral appropriation bill. Om no, tvniey re ia tbe opinion of tb Journal Clem voteu right It time and wrong 7. Ab entS. Kelly right 14 times, wrong 6 1 . l "nr M wrw0 according w u. journal opinion waa 5. the bottom bas dropped out of tbe wrrj marset. Tbe team of T. O. yesterday fteraooa. Sbsver raa away somewhat maah- og wings op. Conn & Huston, of tb White agency, have sold to J. M. Ralston, of this -it. one of the popular Frank lit pianos mads "7 wa r iscoer uompany. Del Norte, tbe fa moo paer ie now ia Salem, where be will give aa exbib.ttoo. Hr. J. W. Bforran 'nl MmJH h.. . w of ibis great horse wbicb gives evidence ol being ss bne an animal as his father. Congressman Psyce, of New Tork. Congressman DelBeii, oi Pennsylvania Congressman Steele, of Indiana. CW greasmaa hull, of Iowa and Convre. maa tieatiow. of Uinni. .. Portland 1 eslerday 00 tbeir way to Alas ka, oa a oleaaara irin nnM..i These pore and simple pleaaor trip of puMuciaa ar ottea funny affairs. It has been reported tbst if Alban people boy tbe eeveoty-ftve scree edjota !" he CurtiA Lumber Co. it will be tbe second time, tbey hsvefdone .. ui. wmnot an enterprise k 41 bny. This ia a mistake Th Am ;. lbre was a subacripf ion for it 00 coodi uoo that the old O. P. w.i. ... ehiae sbeps here, which they never did. ty iwegui aao paid loe ibe property tbemseivea, and never caiUd for tbe sub scriptions. -SATURDAY...- RELIGIOUS. Service SS USl) At the Conwtmlinal roar eh. Subject of sermon At It Am, 5tb Chapter of 1st Peter. Subject of ser- moa at 8 p m. Tbe Lost Christ. 8 S at 12:13 All not atwadiaa- elaewkeew cordial'y invited to the Above service. Presbyterian church r Marain- n ship st 10:30, sublet of sermon, Saeri. nee tbe Heal test of Failb. 8 S at II :45. Sr Endeavor at 6 :45, evening worship at 1 j w evening service is toe Annual Praise Service ol tbe Woman's Mission. ary Society. Mr E P Moasmaa, of Port land, will is II of tb work of toe Wo. man's Board. A musical program has been provided snd a very cordial invitat ion i extended to ell to be prevent. Lotted FreebvteriAa church: Vorw. ing worship at 10 :3d, subject ot serctoo, "Visdom' Coameocsmeat." S S At 11 :4&. Jr Endeavor At 3 JO. Sr Endaavo t:45, evening worship at 7:45. subject ol sermon, "Tbe Power of Influence." All Are cordially invited to attend these service. The Matron's Again. There was pleased audience at the . P'. church ia the third ward last eve- Biof, at tb second entertainment of the matron. Beside tbe recitation by Mrs. Marks, Mrs. Fex, Mrs. Erskioe. Mrs. Morgan. Mrs Hammer aod Mra. Sa kk tbere wss a well rendered duet bv His Grace Livingttone and Mies Bertha Wfirrell, A vocal solo by Mrs. Nutting, a pleasing uet by Mr. aod Mrs. Hammer, a splendidly sung baritone solo by Mr. 8 E. Irvine recently aeusical director of tbe Monmouth 111., college glee dob. a quartet by Mr. and Mrs, Hammer, Mr. Inrise and Mrs. Nutting and by SDecial request a recitation by Mr. Floyd Doms, - . -ww u .... w kW, Vj LUUUI . IU1I was particularly a rare treat. Mr. Dor ri at reader for tbe Monmouth t;ie Club made a great hit ia tbeir tour through tbe mkidle west, and ha law equal anywhere. The Dbbocbat con sider Mm tbe equal if not uoetlor of Alba Heywo d who bas been so popular with Albany audiences. A Fbisbv Whebl.-I a Howaid jes. terday afternoon borrowed Recorder Neal'a wheel to ride borne to supper with. Howard says tb wbeei had got ten so need to wabblwg under Neat tbat it wa all he could do to rid on it at alL At the citcb it made a lunge for the wa ter and it wa with difficulty tbat he saved lumrelf from A bath in tbe canal. Us got the machine bark to Its owner as fast a possible. That is as near as he came to aiy ralGi-h. The editors o! the national association as neaily as can be learned will be in Al nany July 8. leaving Portland in the morning of that day on tbe wettaide, coming to Corvalles and crossing ovor on me lidfc, remaining here about aa h ur and getting tbeir lunch here and dinner at Roseburg, tbe next morning getting ineir breaaiaet at cugeoo anl lunch Al Salem. rnt PLACE rOBUY Your Groceries and Baked Is at Parker Br-s. Everybody Goods knows here their place is. Thev keen a fresh stock of grocerUa, produce and baked- gooua, ot All kinds, sell At reasooAtxe prices and treat their customers well, all Alike. You may regret aomeatecsyou take n life but nooe taken into toe store t Parker Bros. It is a great toing to be well fed. Pat ter Bros keep good groceries. A toai 01 oread 1 not much but you want 11 we.l made. Try Parker Bros For the next 30 dsys ws will make the nest caoinet photos lor 11.00 dosen, btudio in iromsn block . Fresh bread every day." Two loave or a Mereron .Tomliason. Don't think you can cor tbat slight at tack of Dyspepsia by dieting, "or that it will cure itself. Kodot Dyspepsia Cur wru. curs it; it 'digests what you eat" and restores th digestive organs to health Fothay Masoa. Makes the food more SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. And Mrs.W.C. Twedal retnemvl toss noon from a trip to the bay. Mrs. Judge Wolverton is 000 of the trustees of tbe Nstive Daughter of Ore. gun recently organized la PortJaad. Mie Dor P: lrSr(5TWr man tum. !-, ieji 111 is noon lor her home at Oak land. After a uleaeant visit her of a oays. Cbarle Chamberlain imimnini1 r red Weatherford bom from Pothntd last evemog and will visit hmi iMml OAJg. Tbe fair ladies of Fair Oaks Circle will accept the Dbhocbat's thanks lor aa el egant oouqust of roses, as fine aa assorv- ment as on ever see. Mr. Hayne, wife and daugi ter return ed this noon from Portland where they had been to Attend tbe wedding of their son aua.Drouier.aiMi Miss Kfaoda 11 all. N. Braoden berry and N. H. Wbeei er, of Corvtlis, are tbe new proprietor of the Santiam Lumber yards at this city, which tbey will rua. Hon. Perry Kelly wa ever from Al bany WedoeKlay. kming hi eagle-eye fast upon our beautiful landscape bete about. drownville Times, , Lf Ie Speer leaves Monday tor his bom) at tbe Warmrprirga.wberw be will spend tne summer.' returning in the fail to be gin the work ot hie senior year. Rev. Jas. Ttinmnann naae m. (mate of the Albany college, having been elect ed to tbat responsible poeilx-o last foea day, for a term, of three yean. Browns ville Tiaiee. Tbe Crawfotdtville school board hsv secured tbe servks of Mr. Oscar B Lone of Philomath, aa priacipal, and - Mise fan nie Hamilton, of HoUey.aa aasistanU iotre were thirteen sppUcants. a party 01 snout twewty ore yoaag people went 10 Corvallis last evening ad report a pleasant trip by 'moonlight, spending boot time ia tbat ctty before returning- Tbe path ia ia excellent condition beyond Granger. Mr. P. A. Young yesterday- afternoon rrom a to a, gave a iecepfow for ni friend Mia Campbell, ot Sea Fiaacieco, enjyed by a Bumber of Albany ladies. The appointments were tksty and tbe service excel ant. Mr. aod Mrs. Geo. L. Frtsby, Cartage, Sooth Dakota, have beea ia the city. Tbey sre looking over tbe coaaty with a view to locating. Tbey will g? from here aouta oa a trip through Cuoenia. ' Mr, and Mr. Frisby are former eetgbners of r. m. Browa of tb Drowaevilie Time. David Starr Jordoa, the broad minded prestdeot ot Stanford University, n ia rortlaad. Mr. lordaa ia aiuwctiog socn attenuoa by bu earnest opposition to expansion as now being promulgated, auk a practiced by osr forefather. Albany was particularly heaored at McMinaville by the Ladies of tbe GAR. Tbey displayed exes Heal judgment fas choaisr Mrs. Liviogstoo a tbeir presi dent. Mra. Browa ss their junior Tie meaident ana Mrs.Qaib as their 1 retary. A! eathueiBetie and indomitable worker for their society. Mum Belle Chaac returned Wedoer- dsy eveoiog from a rait ia Portland, and will spend her vacation at her par ents' borne aear Cawfordevilie. Mi Chance wa hooor by the Albany pub lic board by being promoted to the poei uoa of priacipal ef ooe of the seh'ots of Uiat city. lime. Mb Helen Crawford, of tbe O A C, is ia tfce city oa a visit pretiooa to keying next Tuesday for Chicago, wbere she will take a special coarse ia the Colunt bs school of Oratory. She will be ac companied by MraTboa Callahan, who will take a special coarse ia tbe Chicago university, and Prof t'ord'-ey wbo will take a special coarse at Ana Arbor. Heery Com visited his brother. Boa. J. W.Oooa, at Albany a few efaya ago, sad reports bim gradually iwcovariag from tbe effects of tbe serious operation to which he was subjected ia that city. Ha ,1 IIM-lB HIM tA VlA ,hU ftA UBII HllS tklB imirMr ta Eastara Oreeoa. And haa! booa tbat la doe time Lia beaith will be! better than tor years pest. ttoreoorgi Review. Lebanon. From the E. A.: 1 A. I. Pickard.of Eogeoe, was hare that week and bought about 6O0 head of cat tle (yearlings) in tbis vicinity, paying tioa a 15 to 17 per head. Miss IlJa Elkins attended th com mencement exercise of Albany col '.eg this week. A friend. Mia Oda flaight. came bom with her for a visit. Th city . council, at their meeting Tuesday evening, passed an ordinance placing license oi 125 per day oa merry-go-rounds snd nigger baby outfits; also license ol tne same amount tor any per son eeuing gooa on tne atresia ot iu city. Rev. A. Mel vin Williams, pastor of th C P. churc'j at Viaalia. Cai. ia taking a three months' vacation for the purpose ot attending g neral Assembly at Denver ano relatives in tne east. a.m. Wight, another LebAoon boy. is Biting bu pulpit daring bis Absence. Lnamoaa, u, u. .. was instituted tn tbis city Wednes day evening by A. W'Bowereox, grand COiet paviarca, tM aimjawiKu uj . . r ilk... . J k. th Albany team. U nicer were chosen a follow: Chief patriarch, G tf. Bland; senior warden. John Bland ; junior war den. J. Elkins: grand scribe, J. M. Set tle; treasurer. t. A. aicsersou; nign priest, C r. Pobu. - Lee Dobson, son rt Wm. Do neon, liv ing on mile sooth of town, had the tbomb and two fingers ot his leit han't taken 08 by a percussion cap, yesterday. The rap was given to bim by another dot, aud he waa trying to una out wnai it was bv picking it out with a match. when tbe match was etruca and tne cap exploded, with the above result. H had nicked out most 01 tn ex plosive ma terial before it went off,otherwia the re- ult might have beea more eerioa. A good apgetite . Is essential to good health. Hoot' 'a Sarsa par ilia creates aa Appetite, tones and Strengthens the stomach. And builds uo the wools system. It relieves that tired feeling, and V purifymv end enriching the blood, it promptly And permanently cures all scrofula emotions, boils, pimples And sores; trengthen the nerves, and gives sweet, refreshing sleep. No other med icine has taken such hold upon the con fidence of the people as Hood's Sarsap- arilla. And its record ot great cores is lin en ml led bv anv other preparation, . Yon may take Hood's Saisaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. . TBE HOMUESr MAN IN ALBANY As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call oa anv drugitt aad get FREK A trial bottle cf hmp lijJfam lor the Throat and tanks, a remedy that , guarantied to curs and relieve All Chronle And Acuta Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis Consumption. Price 25c. and 50c , Forth best harness call on A. E. Ketch um, Btoadnlbln street, Alhajcy. dsfsdous end wfiolesome 1 VL.jn eo. ,tApw wwl HOME AND ABROAD. . -. . . - , . Refrigerator, . Ice cream f reesers, -" , At Stewart k Sox Hardware Co's. Wueat 43 ctnt. CaUat the logar Bowl for tresa fedt Have your photo Ukea At Mis Long'g for cash f 1.00 dozen, cabinet aze. Freh fruit at Viereck's Sugar Bowl pat tors. Genfs' French Calf Shoe, 2, wortll H. Next Revere House. For tile, BOCd earriet in. 32 mil rard. by I. 8. Alexaador, east ead ot 8th street. First elsas eahin4 nhntM A for the next 3Q days, only s'l.OO doxea at Mies Long's. A sunarinteodeflt of the ibmu mlnn. Will be aoooiated next month alan m. school land clerk. Game Warden Onimbv baa teat Ant m eat And eell indexed copy of th ram And forestry ltws of Oregon, very cca veaieat for quick reference. A contract waa made ia Aurora tbl eek for 20,000 pooada of bona at 1?'Z cents. Hon raisers shonlrf Aa iluir - - speculsUng. All deeiring tickeU for the 4th of Jnlr excursion to the front sbouJd order early ' aa the number eotd will h lim t. .-.) only 00 many to a car. For gale at Jnb in joeept,,. The Southern Pacific it ia aaLI k. mA lArge tracu of Had la the big lumber syndicate operating ia tb st&ie hum others 14700 acres to tbe Booth-Kel ley Company. . A bicyclist was rtpbrted to have dial m this city last ertlin tram rinkiiue old water, bat tbere was nothing in it. ooeaa one evidently had sore wbesl in weirneads. A grand frsterral nieaie. uadr the aaa- piee of the I O O F. D of R, W of W. Women of ood-nft. A O 17 W and T of H, Lodge ot Ilaleey. is sdvertieed to pwee ta ro ell's grove aear Hilary nm naoaetoay. A.B, Coaler, the. Wdkbe Eins-. r seeded this yAr a eaia!! tract of TOGO sere in gram. Ia the meantime there are 2100 acre of this farm nnder sum mer tallow and tbe remaiader is ia bay 'Bod Mr. Cooley reports that tbe wheat crop never preeeateo a better showinr tnan at tbe present time. La Graade Cbroaicle. This aa4 That. Wheat 4S ceo ta. Sump photos At Tinkle it Dawson's. Finest aristo eBBmeed nhotoB IL50 par doaa at Tiaklw A Davaoa'a. - Tiareck's Sugar Bowl Parior for iea cream, confecttooery, soda water, cigars aad tohacco. A Urge And fine stock of cirara and bacco at Coon A Hnstoa'a. See the din piav. . - - -- whea yea want a choice steak a oka roast or meat of any kind, calloa Henry xoderB. lis teeos the beat. Go to Verick's staving and hair cub- ting; parlor for Cm class work. Hot And cold baths. Clean towels to every Tbe best meats of all kiada aad good ataksat at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwa Second treet- Good weight aad prompt attend ion. It make bo differenca bow bad th wound if yon net Deitt'a Witch Hazel Salve; it will qoickiy heal aad lea re no scar. Foahay At Matoa. Some of I he reaaJtA ef aealected dvSDSa- tie conditions of tbe rosnea are cancer. eoBsnmpooa. neatt rtisnass aad epilepsy. Kodot Dyspepsia Care nreveau all this hr eff acting n quick cure ia all case of dys pepsia, rosnay At Masoa Mease Miaa MUorca Barmeatar - 0 PAao ar organ. System the .mane. Knaideaee fifth tt-ust,cp3QBita D P chnrch. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. STOtrr or Flos, manufactured by the Cautorxu. Flo Strcp Co., illustrate the value of obtaining tbe liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting ihem in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing- tbe system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevera gently yet promptly ana enacting- ooe to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Iu perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating- them, make it the ideal laxative. Ia the process of manufacturing figs -e nsed. as thev are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAXironinA Fie Srtn Co. only. In order to get its beneficial eaecta and to avota tmitauons, piease remember the full name of the Company printed on the front or every paottage. CAJJFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. us runwu eu IHTTWVITXa. XT. WWW TOsVT. AT. T. For sale by all Drnxgist. Price 59c per bottle swr.usiae lu.acne iuw. ,iv . aoaana teTO-BACSoa I! Mwh IWm Ttvlu U Wltfe IttLlUlMW.MnlMMlllOM hk. SI. mmUj nm; 3 toi St M4 wi w rai The New Hardwire Firm OIL. E. OhUng And R, E. Hulburt, Eirtner under firm name of Oh ling A nlbnrt deure the public to know that they keep coottaotly on hand, At all time, a full assortment of . Hardware, Stoves and Tinware...;:.. aaatra gw-T aa a. arej. wrsvave m .m. M-MnM rrillltaiewl 1 L-rvBs a vm v L ji ni Ti in niii niiin sinni tiilni t i June 23, 1399