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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
F WB8 O Do you get up with Q A headache? JE Y li iliero bid taste In w A your mouth? X ' V Then you have a poor O A appetils nd a weak dlges- A V Hon. You are frequently V l Airjv. ilunva ( tt nil ana T droway. You have cold y sf hiinN and feet, You get A IJL hut littlo Icricflt from your jrf O food. You have; no ambition Q A to wo-k and lha sharp palna X V ' titurilgla dsrt tlirough O A your body. X V What fa the cause of alt th's trouble? I Constipated bowels, y I 11 I I H I 5 Iwlll give you prompt relief Y and certain cure. ffMa Yotr Blo4 rW A If you have neglected your y cite a long time, you bad A better take T Aqcr's sirsipirllla v slsn. It will remove all V impuritlea that have been O accumulatlnit in your blood X and wilt Krcatly strengthen O your nerves. A MMtrw 0rw. Y 1km tnp t uilbln( (brat Tmr fun ! ri qulta ttftrf-f- 17 l.n.l. Writ' ! dill lr-ll i him Lew r unna- V will ,l.Wlr r-l. lb Mat JkuilxhlM. AitdrnM, JL IT IW.J.i; Aj.r. U-w.ll. 4. f Scio. From the Newt : II . L. Khelion left Tueadav wltli hla lainlly for !rata, Douglas county where he baa aecured employment (or the eum lie maJe the trip by team. Thomas l-erf-e. of f.lnu county. farmer, Tuesday fll.ed a petition la baoaruptcy In the United states dlelrlrt court at 1'orlUnd. Ilia liabilities amount to $.1411, and hla assets are valued at IVUS of which fH) worth areexeotpt from ex ecution. l'rof. Wm, Miller, who haa been teach ing at Mayvtlle, In eastern Oregon, re turned home the (Wet of tha week, (its school rl'Med. He wae arcomp ieil br It. A MuCullr. who bad beuo teaching at Condon. Thev came home i.y team havin drove to The Dal'ea and came to Cortland on the boat, and troru Cortland they drove home In a little over a day. J. V. Urabtree thie week received a letter from Mrs. Crabtree'a alater, Mra Wm. Tumldge, who with her husband, went to the Athne ininliiK district in the early eprinit. Mra. Turoidite relate the many hardahipa she waa compelled to undergo in making tne trip, nui :a con tl.loot that they will aucrerd In gettimr a good paying mine. They have located one mine anJ are now engaging in devel oping it. The Eugene's rVogram. The steamboat City of F.ugcne Is doing a large freight biuii eia and la saving the people In the Willamette valley thous and a of dollars. The company now needs two lioata and must secnure another one this fall to handle the business. Hro it not in the "combine," nud will atay out of it, carrying freight at reasonable ratea. Tuna far she has nia.le eleven tiipato Ktigene. When the water ia too low to come to Kugnne, ahe will run to Harris burg and haul the goods from that point here. Then if the water it too low at Harrlabnri ahe will drop dawn to Mon roe landing and then In tu. n toCorvallin. I nil uie r.ugene gootie win ite ueuverea i by teams right along; just the same, vt e are confident the boat can run every day in the year to Jorvnllis and prubaidv to Harriabnrg, which lias never heretofore been done. (iuard. Two Sentences. Judge Hii'nett came up from Salem this noon an-' passed sentence in two cases eel lor li o'clock. In the case of the state apa cat Henry Williama convicted of simple assault he'Hiled a One ol $150 and cost. The tine haa been na.d. In the case of Samuel Mi la, convicted of rape, he gave tne lowest sentence, three verra In the nenitentlarv. the cir cumstances jtittifyiug it, aa well aa Mills weak mind. To Cure Cuuatlimtlun lorefer. Take Oiacnrota C'ruuly Cuthnrtle. 10o or 0. It C. O. C. fall to euro, druggists refund nioiiBj. Headache la often a warning that the liver la torpid or Inactive. More serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, etllclent cure of Headache and all liver troubles, take Hood'G PHiQ While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels. they do not rtIjmj or pain, do not I Irritate or Inflame the Internal orgnna, but have a positive tonic effect. 2Sc I at all drugglsta or by mall of I C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mast. I Homely Proverb. From tlia Academy, ,. . riusplcloo hat a try that flta eysry lock.. .' v Don't pull the houie down because the ohlmney smokes, If vou give me a knife, i(lv ma a fork, too. ' Ulva ine to drl.r, hut drench ma not. hole u tli utte, end the cupboard j WOIIS, Tlia fuller tlit ham , the l.anlrr to hold . Stroke the dog, hut beware ol hli hlle. 1 1 Heap on tl. roalr, l.utlputout the fire. sjjhe fool kpt thethtil.Jei.d thftw way tha kainal, If he boars another. lu COines the flilil'rijand out fort the money. C Th slmiler the wit the loiter tie wotd, ffw tiiV mil ll at yUl rs silting on. If you birak ) uur In I vi Oj nun t lore yvur broth . iKm't o!t till it Is dark Wlore yoo 111,1 tl temp.' Every till must ilry lu ill oau K I If you shoot one hlrd you ff-are the whole (lock. . Itaaara if pride, aya the pi acock. YoT7i7nst"ihut yourVjes If Thu ilut bWs In your face. fdliitcd I'arngrnr"- ltt cf family trees bear m'ghty poor fruit. Ouly lusanlly can deprive the memory of past pteaaurea. He isn't elweye happiest who werrt the happiest look. The cook, aa well aa the dretsmaksr, shows her taste in drestmaking. The only man who la aatlsfled with at bitratlun It the arbitrator. Hoo't msaturs your Insustry by the tblnge you are going to do tomorrow. Many a eelf made maa would have fared better had be et tbe contract to somebody site. A still tongue makst a wise head, but It 'a different with the product of a whla ay Hill. Tbe roan who tbipka funny things without exnresslne tbem le the woret kind of pwsalmltt.j The child of today It the critic of to morrow, bat unfortunately paieote never reallxe the fact until tomorrow. Chica go Newt. t he Information it tent oat from f enr aylvaniw that iqueenlng a glrl'a hand ie not the unalloyed pleasure It le general ly tuppoeed to be. Id that State a young lady haa aued a young man for $ 18.000 daraaget becauat he tqueexeJ her hand with an ardency more pronounced than pleaiant. In her complaint the alleges that he aelied the plaintiff's hand "with great force anJ 7lolence and for a long apace ultima tqueexlng and mashing them, w her; by and in consequent whereof both handt were coutue'd, bra teed, uiaebed and ctushed and perma neatly injured, ao that "bar right hand will have to be amputated and the other will be permanently Injured " Kx. There tie eome Republicans who raiae their handt in holy horror and moan nod howl In anguish because of the fact that the truati have throttled the people and are running things to tuit their own eel Qsli enda. The queation la, eo these tame Republicans ponder the fact that their party, andita support and advocacy of a klgb protective tariff la wbolely and solely' responsible for tbe organiaatloD and asgreralvenett of trustt Had it not been tor tbe high protective tariff Irsltlation of the Rpublican party tucb a thing aa a trubt would have been au impossibility. The Republican party aowed the wind of protection, and the people are now reaping the whirlwind o the trusts. Kx. The biggest, and yet the moat unpro fitable trnet, aaya contemporary, it the county newspaper. It trusts almost everybody and for that reason the people like It. It ia the only trutt on earth that la worked to the limit and the only trust where the proprietor! get the amallect thereof the dividends. Kvety city in the elate haa a branch' office in thla trutt and tbe truttiug aoul who goea down In hla pocket for the dust to keep thie trutt going It abused like a pirate if he even hints that bit paper neede tome thing besides air to keep hit trutt loflat ed. Free frees. The nmperor r rancit Joaeph of Aut trla hat just directed tbe administrator of hla private fortune to purchase a plot of ground In Bndapeet and erect on it a large block of flatt tuitable for well-to do mlddle'clast persons. He expressed the opinion that he cou'd not find a batter Investment for bis money. The Blleta Indiana will have a regular war whoop of a time on tbe 4th of July giving a feather dance, for which tbey are tnld to be well equipped. Congress man Tongue thould attend. Albany may he a little alow la grttlng tarted to make preparation fpr receiving the volunteers, but when the time cornea oar Ity will be in the front ranke with a proper reception. Tha (Iruiiiriiere who whooped up Mc Kinlsy in ord to n-cure prosperity are now reulisif tkj . proaperlty wae ii'jt for them Uu .or thw truata wbcb are ciowrinig them out of jibi at a terrU flu rati-. I'he HhIbiii fltaieriitan olniiuly ia)t that thet4ie fair la a atati iiietltuilou. A rrat many peopla will rfj'iice to Irarn thie. haa at Uaat readied out aa fr aa 8c. o. We admit that ipuch. After t li t hf en cold aoap are never qinte aa vaic In thla countty aa Iht-y aie in mo. c p'acee. i k at our rce-a, , lur inalani r . J lie jr.l t.I Aliary are alive llli hia iHcn of 11 iwera, aid a few iiiuiithi ago Home one wae (eying that they wi-ie luii.ed We will have ; aotno and p'unee and plum and par i . iikewla ir"" ti r in '"a Central Africa he'll llrard from among the owera the Congo Kiee rtiate wauta W buy the Cauariee, and tfTera Kpalu live million peata fjr thetn. The pride cf the Don ie being wounded on every han-l, uno he may be expected to ntnew aouia of the oail a Cervera swore if money it continually thrust at hlin ao lavishly Ha has not been used to it for a long time. A New Kcglaud acii'olteacher re ceived the following note of cautioa from the aoxloua mother of one ot her pupils: 'Hear Mies: I'lease d i u'.t push Johnny too hard, for ao much ol hit brains it io intelleck that he ought to be held back a good deal, or b: will tun to iutelleck in tirely, an I do not desire It. Bo plase hold him back so as to kecc tne intelleck tram getting bigger thao Ins bUy, ao' lojooring blm for life. Neat cornea from Cairo that the khe- dive Intenda visiting Koglaod nest mouth. Although his highness wat edu cated principally in Aus.ria.eeveral of bit near relafioca have bevn to English schools. Two of bla firat cousins were at Harrow and another cousin Prince Ada H assah waa attached for eome time to (be Blxteeuln Lancera when the7 were ttationtd at Lncknow. Herman Burrali who died In Port end left property valued at $135,000. He died at a t me and ege when be thould have been able to appreciate tbe value of aanug fortune, bat thie it one of the fortunes of life. Recently a Portland young lady went to Germany to perfect her musical education. After four years of bard study, at a time when ahe waa obtaining a name for beretlf and wat being commended for ber talent, the died, and her work wat gone. But waa It 7 Whether fortune or talent we thould labor for eteraltr. Erery once in a while aome one arises and saya Harvey Scott ia a candidal! for U. 8. aenator, at if that would be an awful cataatropbe. Aa a matter of (act Scott would be head and tbouldert above either McDride or Simon at a senator, i and aa mucb at aome very disagreeable way a of tba great editor he would come nearer representing the northwest than moat any man in tbe state in the repub lican pirty. Mr. Scott though will never Ik ". S. aenator, for he is to Inde pendent and frequently lams hit own paity with both fists. The papers are ' full about tbe man to a man 'and witb different tilings from ta hoe psn. A mighty good theme about it "Tbe Man Who Pays lira Debts,' the poet witb a big vocabulary .bad bet ter fire into the subject. He will be backed by the newspapers of the country part'cularly bv those doing a credit bus iness. Tbe man who pay a hla debta de serves to be lauded aod placed on a front teat. Speaking ot every day religion this it a migbty good feature for it. There ta lott of religion in it though it may be a fact that eome meu pay their debta who ate'not religious. It ia a lact that tome haven't much ute for tbe religion of a man bo dcea not pay bla debtt taking the run of every day exper ience! and allowing lor a few exceptions. From the Atlanta Constitution. The d-ath of Hop. Richard Parkt Bland removet from tbe worlJ of politics figure In many respect! unique. It la not alone bit record of twenty four yeara ot service In tbe lower house of Oongress tbat hat given bim distinction, although that ot ittelf it a distinction many a man haa craved; It is rather that lo those twenty-four years he bat ever proved absolutely true to every trust; tbat he baa ever been tbe unfaltering friend of tbe people and the never-failing advocate of their rights ; that he has alwayt been true to himself and no man ever doubted bia absolute honesty. There U something in a record like that. It meant aomething to the man who makes it and it meant a great deal to bit posterity. No man ever enjoyed the absolute confidence of the people who ere associated with him more thorough ly than did Bland of Missouri. Trv our bread at two loaves for a nlckle. McFeron & Tomlinson. " The Modern Tra vclera. " ' The literary eoclety known aa the Modern Travelers will v.alt Franre nut aearon, nt In propla peraona bat by re aearch. The fallowing program haa beeoprejarfd and ! now pnhlihed that the member, prrnt-iil proa,.-c-tive, may in their anmmor'e make a note r.f auytMny tiiey meet a hich would he lllutrailve or helpful Members ar- fl ted ea active or aeao elate, Ac' Iv mi ml era prepare papers or take any . tlr part aligned them by the executive ir.mriiitie. Aeociate roroibera lead ii, the "Coiiveraatione," "Swlect IUa.liiiKs," etc. Character ketches rimy he either oral or written, not to exceed live minutes In length. Applications for ('sl.ip may be made a ar y liu.u to the executive com- mitt Aim. fMiuii Vhhs Adams. Mm A. H. Hakt. Committee. Pit I.IIIS K Vlllf.H Tkavci.khh. HtllTKMIIKH, tl udiuin's ruddy glow, On woodlaod'e doth a richir tint be stow." Sept. !), Reception to members and friemli. fiepl, Ti. Character iketcb Joan cf Arc. Medieval trance, papr. The Huuee if itjurbon, Conveisatir n. (XlOlltK. ' Toy fiillage l ei omen a royal crown, Decking nature wiili mingled Hues f green aod brown." Oct. 7. Pretinders to the Thrine, convereation. The ronqueetof Holland, paper. Current eventa Oct. 21. The Huguenots aod their emigration to Ameiira, paper. Q lebec and tbe French Canadians Select read? log, "Battle of Waterloo." Novels Haa. "How still the lacilarape aod how gray tbe tky ; TL e dead leaves on tbe patba ayt scat tered lie ; 7 be chill breexe atira the rushes witb a sigh." Nov.i. Current events. Tbe Settle ments and Miseioni at Mackinac, conver" aalion. Tbe Expulsion of the Arcad aDt from New France. Select reading from Evangeline. Nov. 18. Character sketch, Madam Roland. Tbe Creoles, paper. Lyon a and the Silk Weavers, paper. Dxcr.MBB. "Greet . ng we eend to ail afar or near, To whom witbftatheringr, glf'.a and goodly cbeer, Tbe gotd old Christmas time ia dear." Die. 2, Carrent event. Louie XIV Louie XV, and their courts, paper, tbe Bastile. Conversation. Dec. 16, Select leading from Victor Hugo. "flobesplerre.Dantcn and Ma rat." Louie XVI and Marie Antooette, peper, tbe Revolution. Conyereatlon. Jakuakv. Jaout am I, oldest of poteotatee, for ward I look, and backward, and below I count, at God ot avenue t aad gates, tbe yeart that through mylpottalt come and go. .Jan. C, Current evtntt, lh Reign o Terror, conversation. Corsica and the 'ly f Nepolecn. paper, music Jan. 20, Character sketch, Charlotte Corday, BonepaMe in Kgypt and Italy, conversation. Tbe First Empire, paper. f EBKIAKT. February makes a bridge snd March breaks it. Feb. 3 The restoration, convereatien. Tne Second Kupire, paper, current events. Feb. 17 Character, sketch, Victor Hugo, Marseilles, Cainnes, Mchy, con versation, tbe republic, paper. M taci . "StormylMarch ia come at aet, with wind and cloud and changing sky." March 2 Current events, the French in their homes, homes, conversation, life at Nice, Monte Carlo and Monaco, paper. Mar. 1 ft Character, sketch, Josephine, Pails and the exposition, paper, French art aud artists, paper.. April. "Spring haa come again the bright sweet Spring, To every heart a wakening rail to bring. When buda are opening and tbe wood birds sing." Apr. 6 Character, sketch Ferdin and DeLeteept, French musicians, con vereation, the Fraoce of today, paper, curi in t events. From the Ariaona Kicker. James Blakely, coroner, returned home yesterday alter an absence of two weeks at Tucson and was warmly welcomed by his many friends. While in Tucsou be attended two inquests and be aays that be soo Id have held six and buried the victims besides during the time taken op by tbe two. He further announces thet no saloon ia Tucson knows the rudiments of mixing a cocktail or shooting a fly off a bartender's ear. Ex-Judge Truefoot saya that in coming lack from Hop Hollow the other day he was held up by a read agent and robbed of $17 end a gun. There le one thine the judge can never be robbed of in this tin- ful world and that ia his reputation as a tar. Me never caruea a sun ana nasn t bad $17 all at once In tbe last five yeart. ' MISFITS. A Portland paper givee picture of a woman entitled "Queen of deaotie." "Queen of Hags" would be more appro prlate. A few days ego in Racine, Wis., a clerk receittd a silver dollar In payment foigoodr. It wm discovered tbat the date was 1804, anil ll.e dollar waa fold for fUKJO, another example in tlie law of supply and demand. This strawberry business is a peculiar affair thla year. 1 hough reported about ail gone a week ago (bey continue to come lnnd drop in price until roil tan get six boxet for a quarter. They teem to have expanded assisted bv some ex emplary strawberry wea'ber. There i a clast of people who do not( hemate to denounce th- newspapert lor not jumping upon this or that and "ehowlng it op.-' The men who accuse the bewspapers of cowardice, when a ed to write out their "roast" and sign them for publication w ith their own true names refuse on tne eronnd j hat "it might hurt their bnineS Ex. Or.e USD In the Williais case was ob jected to as a juryman because hes'ated, without being asked, that he was opposed to the saloon business, whereat there were several others on the jury at mucb il nut more opposed to tbe saloon busi ness only ttiey weren't asked the ques tion in the tame way. As a matter of Uct Leing opposed to the saloon wou'd not make any difference with an honest juryman. One of the beet aiguinenti in sdvertir ing other than newepap-rs ie contained in the following excerpt: A local mer chant asked tbe other day, ''Have you noticed ti e tJie adverti-ement I have on the fence out west of town?" "No," re plied the customer, "but if you will send the fence aroui.d to my house some day 1 will read it over and see what you are dealing in. Fact is, I'm leaJing news papers and Han't get much time to etudy fencjology." A Salem man says tbat if tbe Curtia Co. will make the mill proposition to tbat el'y it wiil raise the 12,000 in three days. Yes. Yeara ago it faced a 112. 000 proposition from the Oregon uu road ana couldn't raise it in ao many years, and since then baa slipped down on eev erai occasions. It ie, eaey enough to boast when you are outside. No citv in Oregon haa come to tbe front more gen eroujly on subsidy propositions than Albany, and it will do ao again. A Cuban Play. There waa a big crow d at tbe armory last evening on tbe occacioo of the ben efit to tbe editorial committee (or tbe re ception to tbe National Editorial Asso ciation. "Ibe Last Stroke." a thiiiling Cuban play suggested by the recent war witb Spain was presented witb fine effect, creating much enthusiasm. T-e etage effect regardless of tbe crampe. room waa excellent. Sam rtnawaelbe bero of tbe plar, excelled aa Richard Vance and the entire support waa first cars, pre aenting the very lively diama in a man ner Inat pleased all. Tbe company have made many friends in Albany not onlv on account of their excel e-t performances but as well on account of tbe manner lu Lich tsey have conducted themselves. A vaudeville matinee was given this afternoon, and tonight tbe aoccessful week's engagement wiil close with one of tbe best plays in tbe company's re pertoire, The 'Wetener. fbey deserve a big bouse on tbeir closing; night. The Man With the Hoe. Rev. W. E. Copeland of Salem will lecture on the above subject in Pierce Memorial church at 8 o'clock p. m., Sat unlay July 1st. Mr. Copeland delivered this lecture in Salem recently, and re ceiveu lrom the autbor a letter from which the following is an extract: "I write to thank you for your able defense of the truth of humanity, which I try to express. You see clearly where others do not see at all. Do I believe in using the hoe? Indeed I do. But I do not believe in making a man a mere slave ol tne hoe. Sir. Copeland will also preach at tbe same place Sunday at 1 1 o'clock a. tu. on "The New Religion for the New Century," and at 8 p. m. on "The Hidden Christ Revealed." Miss Helen Copeland, with Miss Eva Hudson as accompanist, will sing a solo at each of these services. Saturuav even ing she will sing Jas. G. Clark's "Star of mv fcroul;" buniiav moraine:, "The Lord is Mindful of His Own," from Mendelsohn's oratorio of St. Paul; Sunday evning," "He was Despised and Rejected," from Manners oratorio ot The Messiah . A cocdiul invitation is extended ta all. S. Stoltx, at Geo. Fish's old stand, does plumbing ana tinning, promptly ana skiututiy at txiuom prices, rry him Next the Revere. Here vou can buy Ladies' French K Button Shoes for 2, worth S4. Boston Shoe Company. MARRIED. McKILLOP CRITCHLOW. In Al bany on Wednesday evening, June 28, 18i9, at the residence of Mr. Arch Mosier, bv Rev. C R. Stevenson, Mr. Abe Mclvillop, the popular lunch counter man, and Misa Stella Critch liw, au excellent young lady. They have the best wishes of many friends here and elsewhere. BORN. rOWELL.-On June 2?, 1899. near San Bernardino, Cal.. to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Powell, a son, weight 11 pounds. TELEGRAPHIC. , l ale News) in Short Form. Getting Ready. Mahiia, July 1. A collision between the two armiea at Han Fernando aeean inevitable soon. The insurgents are act ive all around the town andean he sees in the trenches to strengthen their posi tion. Iay and night forces are at work.. Lawlessnean. M RriiYHiioHO, Jnne 30 -At 9 o'clock v. this morning, Conductor Bryan's traias. on the Johnson City branch of the Illi nois Central bearing 47 negro- miner frrm I'ana waa shot into by a crown of miners at Lawder, in Williamson ootrn ty. One negro woman was kill, d by bullet through her heart. BcaU y. Astoria, June 30. Billy Martin, as driver for the II. F. I'racl Transfer ( Jo. shot three times this evening at Phil. I?) lor, the dealer in aatud poker game at the Kutinyeide saloon. Martin hadt trouble with Taylor earlier in the even ing over a game and Taylor slarped hiav . lace. Took Nerve kw "i ork, June 30.-Charies Murphy of the Kincs Connty Wheelmen, rode mile paced by a locomotive in 57 4-5 sec onds today. Hi course was a two-m il uoarcl track on a siding of tbe Long Js lan'ljrailway. Murphy followed an enginw and a day coach tbe latter being provided with a hood, which acted as a shield for tbe rider. Drej fua in France. July 1. Cantain .Drevfus ar rived here. He was landed at Cluidoron. . and was conveyed by train to Brus. There he entered a landau, accompanied by the thief of the detectives and preftek ot the department and waa driven to- - uenncs. 'I he Volunteers. Washington. Juee 29. Th rW vnl teers to be raised for services ia the Phil ippines will be those for the skeleton . regiments now being informed bv Uea. Otis. It is not believed there will h i, least difficulty in obtaining these men. Is is probable that ii,. .;u . elapse before the troops of Uie provision al m my are sent lo Manna, but, mesa while, they will be drilled and - taught . markmanship in camp. Nine Drowned. CiEVELAxn, June 29 In a heavy gale last night, the steam barge Margaret Os will, laden with stone from Kefley'a ia- land for Cleveland, foundered in Laker - Erie, off Loraine. Nine-peraona were drowned. Four members' of the crew -have been picked up by passing stear--era and trougbt into port. Not Givew Up. -WasMsoTox, June 29. Sen. Warren.- -of Wyoming, called npon the president today with reference to his western trip. . Che president condradicted the publish-'. idea of going west this summer. Roosevelt Not a Candidate. Axbakt, Ny,Jnne29. Gov. I'.oose relt, who stopped off ia this city today for a few minutes on his way to New . l ork city from the West, declared that he is not a cendidate for the republican nomination for president in 1900, and -that he ia in favor ol renominating Pre- ideatAIcKinley,- Harvard Great -Victory. Niw London, Conn., June 29. liar- -vard won all the boat races today, three -vie ones over Yale in three hours, and tbe western sky glowed crimson thia evening when the Harvard 'varsity Jerew pulled .over the finish line 64 ienght -ahead of Yale. After eight years of da ' feat the students of Cambridge 'are tast ing the sweets of success-. - Worlds Fastest Rider. . " New Bedford, Mass., June29.-Eddi-McDuffie made a new world's record for a mile at the Button wood cycle track this afternoon. . His time was 1 :31 2-5 for thw distance, beating "Major" Taylor' prey iousj-ecord by two-fifths of a second. Race War. Bikmisgrav, Ala., June 28. The dep- - unco uave me ntuaiion in nana at Car- -diff and Blossburg, where tbe bloody ? race riots occured yesterday afternoon, although the negro miners refuse to work and continue to crry arms, Sher iff O'Brien says he has no "right to dis arm them, and with few exceptions tbey are prepared for any sort of trouble. Is He Innocent? Dallas, June 28. W. E. Magers, who ia undrr sentence to be banged July 21. forithe murder of Ray Sink, fsays he i innocent, and that if he is put to death his blood will be on the ; jury. He eats and sleeps well, and is enjoying the best of health. He is tbsolutely unconcern ed as to his fate. Getting Ready. Lomdox, June 29. The Johannesburg correspondent of the Standard says: - Presideut Kruger, it is understood here persiets in his demand for arbitration as an sssential condition of any settlement. In the meantime, the Transvaal contin ues buying provisions and war material, , Dewey's Homeward Trip. Colombo, Ceylon, June 28. The U. S. ' cruiser Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, sailed from here for Port Said at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The admiral has been living quietly here and his health has improved. The Best Yet. Xkw London, Conn., June 28. In a 10-mile beat to windward today, the new yacht Columbia beat tie old cup cham pion Defender 8 minutes besides giving the old champion a 2-minute handicap. Yachtsmen from New York and here arsr-. very jubilant. Poisoned Flour. EroKNE, June 28. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. . Schleef had a very narrow escane from eeath by poisoning today. Arsenic had - i een spreaa on a plate to poison rats. .' Mrs. Schieef's sister who has been stav ing at tbe house a couple o! days though! . it Mas flour and emptied it into the flour bin. From this flour bread wos made- and eaten. Mr. and Mrs. Schleef are recovering. A vegetable catnartic that can be relied- upon to do its work tnorougbly flood's Pills. i