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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
SUMMONS, MfitBCiitfuir Cobmt o J static uv OumioK run Lun County. Department No, a , , , Jobo A HjuIIi, plaintiff v Maria M ?'';ve', .WUIUm N Uaypool. Ko.a K Lm ,f,.Ju,i,Kan?'H,' K,r,,d Oe.othrre, hll,nbth CVothors, Nancy K Ulll, and Matthew 0 Ulll, her bu.und, Joi.U r owed, and Ltllie Uowell. hi. wife, Mary 1 Uk ami J vV Uola. her Luabaud, Usrid I llowei, Manlu J jobuaon, and Jaauo Johnson, dor husband, (Jeori-e W Howell, Jhiiim Oraa, James lli.nry Cram, Ureuvil kudet, ,on Kades.tiuy Ktule, Lena Kadt tJamuulM Howell, William I'araer, Weah. lnton W Howell, and Da) ton K Howell, defendant, To FroJ A Cnrolber, KliatWlb Oar other, John F Howell. Lillle Howell, David I Howell, Martha J Jolmaon, l.ruu John wo, Ueortf W lllell,Jami Crena.Jauiea loury trait. Wa.iiiouion W llowull, and Duyton fc Howell, uUovfl ua,,u'd dufund fanU: In the name of the tt0 c( Orgoo, you and inch of you am l.reby teiitiired lo at pear and answer th.-, umplalM Hied miainat you la the above emuied ,it willim u wooka from the IUt publication of Ibis aunimona, towit, on or I. u tore tl Hill day ot July, WJ, And If y.-u fall to to appear an answer, for nni iit.rror, I hi plaintiff will apply to th court ,or tiie rell I prayed for In Mid complaint, towil s A decree d. clnrlnir ud aij.itl..itV ibat neither tha said defendant, i...r any of them.aave any right, etata or i..tvrw.t In or to tha .i. lowinu described ril pmperty, towit : Hctfinnluirata ikiiii' bib i N Ktt srrea 40 minutes ft V Hi cnaina frcm 0 N W corner oft h ) ,ution Und of David and Nancj'. iaypool, Notifl.a'lon ho 110, Cmhu tlu 4H. in Ip It S It 1 Vv of the Willamati Meridian, Urei(on, thenc N H d.S niin K 11.64 main, to an any le in ih North Una of laid donation land 1 claim, ttence 8 Cd dm 2H nun K on tha N I. of aaid donation land claim 45.JO chain to lha N corner of tb land aet apart lo ri.muel It Clay pool by order of tha t oimly Court of Liuo county, Orruon, wade t (ha lUember t.;rm thereof, lt)J. thence 8 60 ckain loth li boundary hnx of (d donation land claim, the ore N M di-a'. 15 rain W on Mid roulb boundary Una to a pMi.t doehouib of lha pliue of lw Kinnlnii, Ibrnra North to the placa of 1 1 jrtnniotj, coutainiotf ?0J acroa mora or Itaa. in Linn county, ime o .rgon, and that tha plaintiff baa a irood and valid foe aim pi tttlo to lha aatd premie and to every pail thereof d lor a dvcrw that the da fnndanta, and enc1! of them, b forvreic J int and barred from aawUngany claim whatever In tr to aaid preiui mlrrraa to the plaintiff, and for aucb further raliaf at totiieourt iur aoem juat and eiaitabla. Tbla aummona it arvcd upon ou by publication tberaot in Tim Trt ;i(ionTa laM HAr, by an ordar of tba Uoo. O-o. K iiarton, county jidaa of lann county, Orvinn. AU it hlmm 'li lutn I .1 o( lha Brat publication brreol ia I una. 2nd, Hewitt i fox. Attoroaya lor plaintiff CITATION !M TMK Col'STT Cot'KT OfTHt StUK Of Uaauoii roR Linn UotiKtv. latbcnattarof tha ratal of Andnw KaMon, oecaaned. To Netttt lUl.ton. M.J. Ralaton. Jennia Rrton, John Kal.u.n, Marta A. Htawart, 8. M. Kalaton. Itobert llaltton.J. H. KU ton, W. R, lUUtoo, and all otnara In tended in ln abova nam.d taUia, yrvt lk THE NAME Of TIIE 8I"ATK OF Oreon, you ara hereby curd and required to appear in th County Court of tba alata of Oregon, for tba coonly of I.'nn at the court room icernor, at Albany, to iai county, ob Saturday tba 8th dar of July WW, at One o'clock in tba afternoon of thai day, than aad (bare lo ibow eaate If any you or either of you have wby an order sboulo not be made autborixing and em powering the adminiitratni of aald oatate to U to followlna deacribed real oroD erty belonalng to aaid eetate aa prayed for in tne pel it on of M J, Ualaton on fi'e berein, towit: Ueginntng at the Nor lb went comer el the doutbeaat qoarter of aectioa 20 Tp 13 aootb of range 1 aat Wlihroatto meridian and runnlog South 21 rod to a county road, thence Kait 14 rod, thence North 84 roda, thence Wet 14 rode to the place of beginning containing two acrea more or lea in Inn county, Oregon. Alio tbe N K V of Beo. SO, Tp 13 South of rai-ge Ooa Kmt in Linn county, Oregon, containing 1 60 acre more or I- aa, Auo Heo. '26 ia Tp 13 South range 1 Kai. ooutainlog 640 acre eicepting 40 acre aoldto A, L Uuntufaon, Vol. 53, pace 400, alio 123 acre eotd to 0. A. Peck, Vol. 63, page 411 and ait u Med and lying in Linn county, alio a atip of land 30 ft wide for right of way runi.ip througo J. Sneas land and roinmenve at tba South wait corner of tbe Northeaat J4' of r.c, 28. thence Nortbweet 10 rod, thanoe Wet 21 rod, theece Wt 18 rode to a county road, all in Tp 13 8 range, I Eaat. Idnn county, Oregon, aave an I eicepting (i'J cre aold to Andrew O iUfon. Witnoaa, tbe Hon. Geo D Iiarton, Judo of the County Court of the State of Oregon i (L. S ) for tbe County cf Una, with the Seal of aaid Court affixed, thia 1st day of June, A. l) 1891). Attett: Frank Ciubtbib, Clerk, ly K. 1J. Montaove, Depvty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREdY GIVEN THAT tha underpinned baa been, by the County Court of Linn couoty, Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator of tbe eetati of J. W. Amlerwn, Lite of Linn county, Oregon, dv'cea-eJ. All poraona buying clainra againac aaid eatate are hereby reoulred to preaont the aame properly verified to tha underiigned at Albant, Oregon, with in aix monlha from thia date. Tbti the 10th dar of June. J. if, WlATIIKRFORD. Adnt'DWtrator. t , WhatisShlloli? ; A grand old remedy forCo.igb, Cold and Consumption ; uaod through th world for half a century, hits cured in numerable case of incipient coneump tion and relieved many in advanced atagee. If you are not aatUtied with the result we will refund your money. Price 20 ct., oocie. ana ai.uu. For (ale by Foabay & Mason, SchiHings Best Jpptn 'Ceyjon EngUh Drcakfnst Oolong Ideal Blend John Foster Dead. Word reached U.I city that on the 22d the bu ly of John Fouler waa found lo a decomposed condition on Dear creek near hi home, It came to til death bv natural cauae. II wai near 80 vtar of Bite and at oue time til one of th leading buiiiii-a men of Albany, Ore lion. In late year had teen a yreat ''eal of trouble both financial and doiuettic I'rlneville HevWw, Mr. Foater at one time waa among A'bany'a moat promin ent bi'iinea men leing worth fi0,0H)or :J,(K'(). U wa a brother-lo-law of Mr. Nonroi. If .en ii .!. til'iKi mma them. No il e iin.l'frfDHi bi-rriblenMrationathat atmitiy removu lha reatilu of tbe dim without .,t.,r.,n.p lha lianuil llanlf. I'lure TOUT einftdence In DeWit:' Vitch ItajnlMalva It liia never failed to cureoniKiia; it win not fail to cure joj. Foahay it Maaon. Mi'Mir M'aa Munrv.l nil rfu Mat el eauher of piano or organ. Hyaiem-tbi WaeoP ICIU'I' amieuiinniue. nnimacr ifil it. w fpoait U Pchntcb. il vo.i aiiir ir from ao luroeaa or fullneaa onthiriKhi i-te, pina uodr aboulder bladx, cnnarlpatijn, bllouaneaa, klta headiu ha, and fel dull, heavy and a'vepv yo ir liver ia torpid and emgeated. De- Witt'a lilttle hArly maura win cure you nromntlv. oleaaantly aad permanenaly bj removing the contention and c.iuainK tbe tile dm.u to opm and tit. n,urel!y. Thy Auaoo'in riuji. . Imperial Limited. TlieOinilim Paulflj ttr g no mak Ing lha f .eieH tint i aoria th eontl nant roeir aarvice l ot UH in i (jDenai u am arlpil'in All o'aaae of ptaener ar carrte on l'n "I HPJCItl tL" train Vou may trvl anrwhereby the Qanad ian r-acido Ky. and 8oo Line four grocer keepe It. The M-agnolin Flour t '1.1. KATaa. Weekly Ukmocrai and Ksaiulner 2.50 and Thrlcwa-aeek World 12.00: and Republic 11.75: and Oregonlan $2.25 1 and Ban Jrranctaco Wevklv -'.uu;ana naieni neeaiy Journal 2.00 Freeh bread every dav. Two loave or a McFeron A Tomllnaoo. WAmr.mtm Th, tlMala Wllk faMkNta. Candy Caihartle. eur eonalUoa forever. WK, DC. U U U. V. Wlh unaw miiw hvw. SUliUOHS. lit TBCiBct)iT,Co3iTbr th or Ubuon roa Lin CoVaTr. IVturLuiiiBt No. 2. A Miravn, plaintiff ve. U 0 Uurkbait and Clara A borkbart. lua wife; a be Linn County National bank, a corporation: L Flian, i li U irkbart. J W Cue ck and E O Cuiick, paitnera doing boalueea ander the firm name of J W Cuaick Co, i P Wallace, Tbomaa Jobni, h f 11 Marlay, defendunte. To P il rfarlay and J H Butk-art, above named defendant: In tb oatne of the atate of Oregon, you are herebv reoulred to appear and an a wet tbe complaint filed againai you in tb above MUUedlu it wiuiia ix weeia iroiu lb Aral publication ol tbi rummona, to wit, on or before tbe 14ih day of July, 181)8. And if you fail ao to aprear and answer, for want thereof, tb plaintiff w.ll apply to tbe co rt for tbe relief prayed for lo aaid complaint, town: ror a juuirmeni agaioat tbe defendant O O liuikbart and Oiara A burkbart in the auui of $1235 .00, with interaat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from tbe 3rd day of May, nua, tn tn runner aum si fiou.uu, as lornev'a fee, and for hi COM and dia burtetuenie herein; for a decree that the mortgage set out in plaintiff's complaint be rorectoaea; ana mat ins iouuinjf ao ;nbed premiaes, to wit; beginning at a colnt4S 37 chains weat and 16.38 cnaina North f tbe Isoutheaat corner of tbe do nation Land Claim ot John Hurkbirt and wire, Notification No. 6n8, Claim No. 01. in Townabip 11 South. Kange 3 West ol the Williaaiette Meridian, iu Linn County. Oregon, and running thence vVeat 21 60 chain, thence Njrtb 9.31 chain. bence Eat 21.50 chain, thence South 9.31 ehaina to tbe place of beginning, containing 20 acre, more or lei; alto, blocks No 4h and 60 in Ooltraa park addition tome city of Albmy. Linn county, Oregon, be aold tn tbe manner preset ibed by law, and the proceed applied: First, to tbe pay ment of tbe coats and disbursement ot tbi suit and the expenses of the said sale; Second, to tbe payment of tb judgment re covered by the plaintiff herein; Third, the ovtrplu'. if any, to be applied as the court mar be advised and may direct, and for ucb o bar and further relief aa o the court mat stem jut and equitable. - This summons is served upon you b publication, in Tub Statm Riant Dbmo cbat, by An order of tbe Hon. Geo D Barton, county judge of Lint eonnty, Ore gon, dated May 31, 1890, ana the date ol tbe Brat publication hereof ia lane 2, 1899. Hewitt A 8ox. Attorneys for plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tbe u lder signed has been by tbe county court ol I.inn county, Or-, appointed administra tor of the estate of Ludlow Mxwell de oeawd. All persons havlmi clalnit against aaid person and estate are requir ed ti present them to ibe undeiaisned at Albany, 0., it'oin six niontha from th uate hereof. wit the voucher thereof. Albany, May 19, 1899. ..J. WwaTNXY 0. A. AatCHIBALD. Att'y for adiu'r, Adminis n to . Will Steele on Crater Lake. Ortter lake It but a ttrlklog memento ol dread paat. Imaglo a van mount ain tlx by aeveti mile through, at bo elevation of 8000 ftel, with the top re moved and th ((.side hollowed out, then fllltd with the dearrtt. water in tbe world to within 2,000 feet of th top, then place s round Island in on 845 feet high, then dig a circular ho! tapering to the center like a funnel 100 feet deep and 475 feet In dlaweter, end you have a per feet representation cf Crater lake. Crater lake la on ol th greateit point of Intereaton eaith. Here all tb Inge unity tf nature teeina to have been ixert eu to tb fulleat capacity to build on grand, aweir,apiring temple within winch to live and from which to gar. upon the turrounding world andsav; "ileie would I dell and li.e fortver, litre would I make my h' me from choice; the uuiverae i my kingdom, and I hi my throne." Ihriti t probably not a poim of Inter- eat in America that ao completely over coin a the ordinary Indian with far a Crater lake, From time immemorial no power ha ben atrong enough to Induce liia to approach within tight ol it. Fur a paltry sum I e ail engage to guide you thither, but, before you reach tt monntaiu lop, will leave you lo proceed alone. To tbe avge mind It it clothed with a deep veil o. myttery, and it the abode ol all manner of demon? and oo ttiapely monster. Once inhab.ved by the 3real Bplilt, it ha now become the a'leol of inoteru timet, and it certain deaih for any proud tavage to behold it. Tbi fvaiing ba to a certain extent in sidled Htelf into the inindt of tucb bite aa have made it their Mecca ontil every etray log that float opoo tbe wa ter ia Imagined to potse life and possi bly bea monster. Exaggerated acconnt of different pjiiit hart been given and implicit ly believed without a question or rt 0 ction. " it ha been claimed that 'he crater a eight hundred feet deep, while by actual innauretuent we found it lo be scarcely a hundred. Tbe island it said lo be 1 .500 feet Mub, but an accu r at meeurtueit placed it at jist W3 ft Herman 3aling rocen'ly bad a narrow eecape from drowning -In aoake, river. Frank, KJ and Herman Sating are look ing after tbeSaling bortet on the ranget of fcinaae river, aad tbe other day it be came lUrman'a duty to twim a band aero tbi iwlftjaud treacberou ttieam.lla plunged in with bla own mount wbicb, burdened with tl weight of It rider be gan lo fail In atrengtb and waa twept rapidly) downward with tb current. Herman taw that hie only cbanc of al vation w to leave tbe horse, which L did. Hsmanaged to reach a rock in mid- aiream. and to thia heclnogdeeperately oiitll, be bennmbed by the water and weakened in atreangtb, he waa on th p-'i it of losing bold -od being awept awav lo hi death, Fo'tonaielv a ewlui' ailng hoiae happened to paia tbe reck and tbe yuona man clutched it tail and wet dragged through tbe water to terra A. ma and safety. Ill aaddle hors wa drowned, and. tbi woold have been Herman' owo fate had he remained in Iu back. Weeton Leader. Tb'fdtwiaa 1 1 c t frio t'i,3i lem 6atewtau:l ' ' ' - The taloon ia th moat concrete and abeolute diabolism ever known. The church wa bodnd by Chtlst to deliver th world from am and Borrow. Never the Use the taloon could not live a day bnt for the negligence of the 20,000,000 of Christians who make np tha . church In this country. It look a If tbe church wanted th saloon, .or, ' if not actually wanting it, lacked the moral couraae to rte and drive it out of exist ence. Rev. D. J. Borrell, Pretbyterian, Sew York City. , ,' , T'je S. O Eve. published at Medforo, say: ''The Fourth 'of July tLla year ill b- c-'teb.a'ed wiih more than ordi nary nthDitn by the people of tlutse great United State united by the enm- ming'ed bl'iod of our' young , beron of the North and South ou many a bat le fltld during th paat year, a here tbey lell beioie il e d-adly Are ol a common eiitmv, were ahronded beneath the star ry fold? cf 'oid glory' beloved alike from one end of thia broad land to the other. T ie Ji kini!le Time rav: the Quaker Medicine Co., 'tbe most ti ronecionabl eet of 'akirt that ever in 'eatfd te P-c'fio roast, are now holding firth, a' Yreka, tjallf. Anybody who would tiVea'O'k in the representations ot (life in isv qiackt ia not entitled to any sympathy. fSgjL It'a eByTy r-AiJJE,lr haul a big Krvl load up a W&xW&ty bi hil1 if 'SfrS. you. grease I the wagon I I wheels w ith I I KICA xti Crusa I )t a tax and learn why It'a tha gnM vr puloii an uln, .1 f Bold evcrywbara. Mad by J STANDARD OIK, CO. TELEGRAPHIC. I 1M4 X " Hhort Form. Just Talk. Wabiiixotok, July 4 -The prevailing opinion in Washington It to the effect that the meeting of the democratic na tional committee, in Chicago, on the :;! it called to learn the aentiment ot tbe rank and fil-of tli democracy toward in .li . r """"y P'ominent and inlluentlttldemocrata, hiding high poei lout iu the party who think Lryan'ire notriinatlon would Ik unwiae, because 111 RtlrnmA ailua. - ...... .v. rtvwa. I The 4th at Manila. I Maxila, Ju'yThere wee a great J celebration of the4th here with firework, bnda, apeechet aid decoratione every- f where, all nationalitiea participating. I Tb foreign ahipt and conHiilatus, inclod-1 ing the Hpaniah, rained their colort in! conjunction with the Ktare and Btripe. 1 Big Texas Flood. j JTorwroi-, July 4. The flood ailnation w J improved everywhere kxlay exwpt ' n V i allor county. The vilh.gcof Dewey ' lias ln-en wiuIimI ! ..j , H.,v. uioii j t tlicreabonte are in Aauanr nf i...... " ivj t ,ruui jr'CKBinre aaya is per (On have been ilrnirnxl l many more may toon be. Mile Orated. lAJHriBi.o O.. Jul 4.Cen. 'Neleot .tinea, who arrived here yeeterday a e truest of lion. Jnlm Kt.rn..n . bom tue general ia related by marriage 1 a tha i-n. ,i'. i, i 'Jii of the 4th of July at fcherman Park, the ex-eecreUfy u. unable to rartii l. pate on account of bis iiealth. At Manila. MasH.A. Jlllv 2. I'm!.. Bin T li Cl.aaw. ""n. of the U. W.adviaory commiaaion for the 'Philippines, returned to Manila toflav from bis three weeks' trip in tbe southern ia.amla. The intelligent and substantial citizens deairee an American protectorate. The maesea are awaiting tne settlement o! the war in the island of uuzon ueiore declring t lemsclves. Mjetcrfona Case. Oxtabio. Or.. Jute 9. ti.o i. a !ertiient ol ,.ia . mybrious occurrence iaeftiight. About Ck .jtui,B Uu mfl -Bar i . " . fttrOUt 45 Ve&nt Of if v.-am t.MtnA 0 " aa v va uwu bcioub in a pasture in the edge of town, wi.j uruiK. um net aead and lace, u If tbe had been .t.n ui,k .Ink a vearlinir steer, with ita th hMl i,t An. I in 111, BnnliL. Al .lu.l. - , ' ... ,, was lying near " cuae is a mystery. Will Have the Men. .. T, .0Klt' Jul.3. Aapecial to the Herald from Washington aays: Having heard from (;nprl i ,Ko (. ni. w.s v uv vu a 63J8 men to fill up the regular regiment and about 2000 men for tbe 2 volunteers regiment lie was authorized to enlist, orders will Iw iaann.! ,nr.w.. n i. . en hutment of 13,000 men. The will act ually give utis about 44,000 men. Spanish Riots. ' VAi EsciA.July 2. Very serions dis turbances are in progress here. Under order of the captain-general of Valencia General Monto, tbe troops occupied the streets yesterday morning and now hold all the strategic points. A Cuban Monarchy. IIavasa, July 2. La Lucba will to morrow publish a sutemeut regarding matter wbicb it conductors ; say. they have i een investigating and carefully guarding for several weeks. It provides for a Cuban monaachy. Nearlng the End. The sale of boots 'and shoes by the Boston hoe Company, which ha been on in Albany for the past few weeks, will close on Saturday July 8. There has been a still further reduction in all lines as the company do not care to resbipany goods and will sell : Ladies French Bid button shoe worth $4. reduced to $1.50; men' French calf ahces worth t4. re duced U, a $1.50. Children need not go barefooted when they can get tuch (bar gains in loot wear as Uiese: Misses school shoe worth $1 50. sold for (50 cents; boy's school shoes worth $2, old for 75 cents; childrens school shoe at almost any price. There it aiso an ex cellent line of goods that can be bought at bed rock figures, like ladies' fine kid button or lace ahoes, worth $2.50, for $1. There is also a tine line of elippers for house wear, worth $1.50 which are offered for 50 cents, and why, not ba easy on your feet in the house T No time should be lost. Change of Time. Eff ttiveJaue 18th, trains 5 and 6 on tbeC. A K. R. K., commonly Bnown aa l rout tralus" will on y m. lte three round trip per week between Albany and Corvaliis, leaving Albany on Moi.dava, Wednesday a and Kndaya at :05 p m. ; returning leave Ooival.ia on Tuesdays, TburaJaya aud Saturday, at 0:4U a. in. TICKETS. To all polr t East via Grci t Northern Railway. For rates, f tdera and full information jallt radi eta H. F. Merrill, Agent Albane Sick Headaches, ' The curse of overworkexi quicklv ana surety curea dv iwan vwvn ftoot Tea, th9 great blood purifier and tieeue builder. Money refunded il not satisfactory. Price, 25 eta and 50 cts. For tale by Foshay & Mttoo. No-To-Bae for Fifty Cent Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure. maks weak aoen atroua, blood pure. SOc tl. All drugtista. The Univena,'Jtolter makes gooa flour The AlagnoIU. Albany Market. . Wheat 8 .vnts. Out 34 Ktrora 15 rents. Hutter lOtoli cent. P.itHtoea 60 cents. Hume 10 put. Side 8 cents. Shoulder 6 cent. ALBANY -OFFERS A High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that ba th ambition to attain on. . ' - : ' o ;- !' :'t " Tbe courae it complete, and embrace the . LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES O ' The Normal Coarre lead np to a STATE DIPLOMA, and tbe " , Commercial Course ha now become Business riual to anything in tbe State Now illustrated catalogue. Board at tbe Students Club at actual coet price. For particular write Albany, Oregon. $40 cash $40 For the Best Wheel Ever Built Fitted With Special Heavy Tread O. & J. TIRES. Nest to.the Bambler in quality and price is tbe IDEAL "-. With G.i J. Tires Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. 105, Blanches: Ohling Spokane I acorn. Seattle. tfOa'p? oid ii Mtii rTiti qoilxftgr-yo-otv' Itic world- In . .t - , , - I I I I , . .. . r XftAytt - - t . Ko r, '' 1 v "s ; . t " "' vrv-. i in- . . . i r ..' l'afi . f : . - - ' - ."' Oj . 1 Tbt'-U'ii -i -k .r- in -r ii ; i.. ' - P'V Ml.... T Any ONE of the BIGGLE BC0CS. and th Vk j s ... L Jl YEARS (remainder ol 1899, tooa k ivo im -w.., i" 1 o any addrrsa for A DOLLAR BlLi- baispteofFARM JUCRNALuM circular deactibing BSOol.t. L:( r.S tree. rtLataa aTKinsow caaa r. jBKKuia IT'S JUST- LIKE THIS We have machines in stock ss low as.. , $1000 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart Stewart & Sox "SEW"" COLLEGE THOEOCGH - College WALLACE HOWE LEE, President 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. 107, 109, 111 Sixth St., Portland, Ore. .Jfulbui't, Albany, Uife. BBawrtc ''ti HLKl Uv4 M ir..$-fl-m'n nu t f i ,v mn -it litrin rrc1 H r. in wi. - t-i :i-JtJ addrcaa. FARJU jntlMNAL l'un.AP.i.i'Uia A good article ia worm more a poor one. EVER t ONE KNOWS THAT..... ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE....... will outwear a docen cheap onw, therefore cheaper in tbe end. & Sox Co. for Machines that .7 1' 1