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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1899)
.MONDAY. Teachers Elected. The board of school directors met last Saturday evening and elected teachera for tlio ensuing year as follows : Prof. J . M. Martimlale superintendent, Misses J G. Hulse, Nettie Whitney, Maud Crosby, Mamie Allen, Annie Fortmiller, l?elle Chance, Ida Ward, Ethel Kedtield, I Ida Elkios, ' Eva Simpson, Minos Wil liams, Thrall and Hammer of the old corps, and Misses Grace Stafford, Olive Baltimore, Carrie Salunarsh and Loretta Stewart, new. Those retiring are Misses Ina McCullough, Mary VV illiams, Hattiv Warner and Bennett. The old teachers have give.i satisfaction and the new ones are popular and experienced teachera. The Mercury's Retraction. The item published in The Sunday Mercury of May Cth, which reflected on the personal and business cha actcr of W. A. Cummins, purser of J, p t due W. M. Hoagg, appear after iuvos igation to have been inspired by persons who held ill will tcwardi him. M-. Cum mine ia popular among rivor men and is held in high esteem bv the man igemint of the Corvallia & Eastern railiwd nd enjoys the entire cnnbdence of Mr. Ed. Stone, the general manager. The re ports concerning Mr Cummins are fouud oa investigation to befalseand malicious and The Mercury was imposed on by certain designing persons. It is not the intention of The Mercury to willfully wrong any person in the least and find ing that we have been led into the error of doing injustice to Mr. Cummins we take this opportunity to state that what was published concerning him waa false in every particular. Mr. Stone is a well known railroad and steamboat man, and is popular all along the line, and his emplo.ts are all first-class Mercury of June 4. Albany or Salem. Kearl the necessary number of names have been secured for a National Guard Company in Albany. C. A. Sears. Fred isioom, J. L. lomhnsen and Joe Ralsto of the old company having done excell ent work in getting names. Tte Tele gram says : There is likely to be a rare between Salem and Albany as to which wi 1 be represented in the National linnnl. According to the plan of organization, there is only room in the brigade for one more com pany south of Portland. Sa lem has been at work on a company, but for some reason the work has lagge I. Now Albany cornea to the front and ear that she can haven company read v to be mustered in within a week. The military board is anxious that there should be a company at Salem, and some time will be allowed the Salem company to get ready to enter the ser vice. If a company is not ready at the . capital in a reasonable length of time, Albany will probably get in, and Salem will beleft out. Mr. E. L. Thorn Dson can-a nn -mm 1 T) l i i - r . tonuinu on a Business trip. Mrs. Lot Pearce and Mrs. S. L. lnatcner were in Albany to attend the tne luneral ol Airs. Deckard. Journal. J. M. Minnard, of Greenville. Mich., who baa been looking about Salem for a location, rait Kr Atoany last evening. Miss Lida Galbraith. Miss Flora Ma son and Miss Lora Vance - have been the guest of Mrs. August Lange during the past week. Portland Oregonian. Mr. John Tway. the conductor, arriv ed in Albany this morning from South ern California, on a sixty days leave of absence. He continues to run out of Needles. Attorney C. H. Dalrymple of Gold Hill has been in Ashland a few days this week. He leaves soon Lir Idaho to look after mining interests there. Ashland Tidings. J. E. Adcox's little boys left this morning for Albany to spend the sum mer vacation The Dalles T. M. Mr. Adcox is now a resident of Tbe Dalles, -working in a jewelry store there. C. H. Burggraf, the architect, left Sat urday far Moro, Sherman county, where today bids were to be opened for the construction of a court house. The plans for which were prepared by Mr. Burggraf. Mr. and 'Mis. J. E. Kershaw were passengers for Albany last evening on their way to Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Ker baw will probably make their home in Newberg in the near future. Salem Journal. Rev. Shangle and family are to leave Corvallia next week. Mrs. . Shangle 's physician hai ordered a chance, and the family residence will, for the summer be transferred to the country. A small place has been secured near the Lake Creek church, six miles northwest of Harrisbarg, and the summer months will be spent there. It is expected that the M. E. church. South, parsonage will be occupied during the summer by a minister to arrive from the East. The Shacgles will return to Corvallis next Autumn. Corvallis Times. Org. H. E. and O. K. Beers left this morning for Wasco, where they will re aide and practice, takiDg with them tbe good will and best wishes rt our citizens generally. During their five yean resi dence in Albany they have built npa splendid reputation not only as phys ci as, bat as well as surgeons, in the lat ter department of the profession having performed a good many difficult opera-1 linnl anwAaafiill v V . n i n m i ra 1 hnai.aal ! BAND TOURNAMENT. Eleven Bands Represented. A Splendid Start Made in Organization. Oregon's first state band tournament is being held in Albany. " The success of the organization is assured. Eleven bands are represented, of which the five Wash ington county bands are consolidated for street work, excepting HilUboro, which win aieo piay atone. The McMinnvillu band arrived last night, the Pacific Oar Shop band of Port land, Washington county bands and Jel- leison, on the overturn! last night, the Corvallia band on this morning's train and the Monmouth baud by teams dur ing the day, all in uniforms but the Jef ferson band. At 8:30 o'clock the bands met in the W. C. T. U. hall for the organisation With ft tiitr.llundatiMi Ol,rl...aV Viut editor of the Pacific Musical Times of Portland, wa elected president, A. C. Shute of Hillsbo'O, secretary and treas urer and D. W. Feeley, of McMinnville, vice-president. The "plan outlined by me president was to rail the organua tion The Oreiron State Band Association Object, to study good composition, and mutual improvement. Motto: In Har mony United. . The following bands registered, with the name of the leaders: Southern PacincCarShone.J.R.Toinlin- srn leaner. 23 pieces. Mc.Uiuville, D. . Feeley, leader, 15 pieces. Jefferson, A.J. ShumnW, leader, 13 piecee. O. A. C. of Corvallis, II. Beard leader, 18 pieces. Monmouth, Frank Lucas leader, 20 pieces. Albany, II. Connoway leader ,20 piece. Forest Grove, S. G. Hughes leader. Hillsboro W. J. Wall leader. Verbort, J. P. Peeroboom leader. Farmington, John Wilkina leader. Bethany, J. V. Toelle leader, 41 pieces. Grand total, 150. S. N. Steele, as chairman of the Alb any committee addressed the meeting before adjournment, welcoming the nanus and telling them to help them selves. Mr. Steele with the remainder of the committee have worked hard to mate the tournament a tooting success. Tbe meeting adjourned until tomorrow morning, when further businees will be attended to President York'an old musician hasbeen the moving spirit in the organization and is entitled to great credit lor the harm onious manner inwhich it has eiarted off and the assurance of succss. In Memoriam. Died In this citv at 8 -.10 o'clock p. m. April 29, 1899, Mrs. Emma J. Littler, aged 34 years, 7 months and 22 days. It is with doep sorrow tnat we chron icle the the severing of another link in our fraternal chain by the Grand Master of the Universe, who again ha entered our beloved circle and has seen tit to le move from our midst one who has en deared herself to us by her generous, un selfish, and sunny nature, who carried forth into her daily life the teaching of our order, for all who knew her can but say that unselfishness, which is the un derlying principle of our order, was also the keynote of her life. Like Huth of old whose character is ensnriiied in the pastoral record that bears her name, and lias handed down to us her fortitude, her affection and her piety ,she was ever true and faithful to those near and dear to her. Like Ruth, she proved herself an example of piety and virtue, illustrating in her life history the truth of thn say ing "That the eyes of the Lord is upon the righteous." Even her sufferings borne with fortitude and meekness and when the final summons came, "She sank to rest like the sun beneath the bil lows." We as members ol this I dge shall ever revere the memory of our dear sister, and we deeply sympathize with all who enjoyed her personal friendship, and extend to the family our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement, and beseech the Und of our mends to com fort them in their loneliness ami guide as each through a life as devoted as jem -neauiuui toiler, my worn is done, Beautiful soul into iflorv irone. Beautiful life with thy crown all won Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Tennessee Gatherings. Tkmnihskc, June 3, 1899. END OP THE TOURNAMENT One o' the most successful and satis Sunday school is forging along nicelv. I factory gatherings of people tver in A I. Rev. A, O. Hood superintended last Sun- ban? euded last evening. The two days Schillings Best IN HARMONY UNITED. The First Oregon Band Tour nament a High C. Success. At 11 o'clock the bends formed a trust, and headed by a carriage containing .Mayor Burkhart, Judge H. H. Hewitt, S. N Steele and President York marched through the principal strts, plaving aa consol dated band. At the public 'square the vi-itors were formally welcomed by Jude Hewitt in some well chosen words. At 2 o'clock tbe bicycle races were run. First for boys under 17. Entries Hoyd Kamp, Harry Jones and Fred Au brey. Won with ease hv Ramn Jnn.. second. 8 cond for Albanv nien. E trioa Don Boss, Roy Hulbnrt, Cbaa. Weils and Beu Wallace. Won with hands up by Ross. a. proa uu mere was a ban, con - cenin progress on the public square, the individual bands playing in turn, furnishing tbe large crowd some excel lent band music. Prof. Ear!aton's balloon asceneion is to take place at 4 :30 o'clock, and at 8 o' clock there will be a concert at the pa villion, with presentation of selections from the Creation by the Haydn Ora Society The program for tomorrow wil b : meeting of the state association at 8:3) a. m., parade by consolidated bands at 10 a. m., fire enim contest at 1 p. iu., birycle races at 1 :S0, including fifteen mile road race, concert at pavilion at 2:30 p.m. Base bail between Albanv and Corval lis at tbe College campus at 2:30, admis siod locentf, balloo-ni ascension at 4:30 bv Prof. Etrlcrton. trades disnlav nn hi. cycles at 7:15, conct-rt bv bands and Hadyn Oratorio soc ety at 8 o'clock, fol lowed by ball at Vance building. Bad Runaway. C. T. Knowlton and C. H. Gardner two well-known Portland drummer, met with an exciting experience in a runaway across tbe river this morning. Tbey left awhile after 7 o'clock tor Cor vallis after one of Strainey & Mitchell's livest teams. As soon aa they crossed the river the team became fractious snd tw ice attempted to run but were held back. At the bridge about a mile from Albnv they became nnmanaireable and ran awav at full speed. Tbe place is a rough one, and the result waa that the buggy was tipped over and the men thrown violently to the ground. The horses ran into some hushes which stop ped them. Tbe men. badly bruised and stunned, secured a farmer to bring tbem back to the Revere House, where Dr. Davis attended them. Gardner's left arm was broken, and he was otherwise braised, and Knowlton waa considerably bruised but fortunately no loes were broken. God giveth the rest. Clara L. Gari IciLLlA M. SKAKa, Ann'ettk Wkatiiwtoro, Committee. Beulah Rebekah Lodge.No. 35, L O. O. 5", .TUESDAY Erickson in Jail. Several weeks ago there was a good deal of excitement over a ih Kiting affair at Sweet Home, in which a young UJy was accidentally shot by a young niao named Erickson. who afterwards on account of tbe feeling prevailing left this part oi tne state. 1 be following letter waa received by Sheriff Munkere yester day, and is a sequel to the affair: Laekviiw, Junel, 1899. Dear Sirs: I have under arrett and confined in the county jail for burglarv a young man by tbe name of O. H. Erickson, wbom I understand is a fugitive from L no county. As I understand the case he hot a young lady at Foster, Linn conn ty, about tbe last of April or tbe first of May Please write me the particulars sod whether or not you have a warrant for him. He has on one ncr aai.m sine. incarcerated here attempted to I reek jil A. J. Neilso, Sheriff. Stole a Dog. Obituary. tions successfully, their surgical business rapidly increasing. Tne people in and around Wasco are fortunate in having them among them again. Some hobos stole the lunches of Ed x and Al Marshall todav out of their baskets, including their utensils, which accounts for their hungry look this after noon. The attrndanoe at tbe tournament is good, more than anticip ited the first day, many being here from adjoining towns and tbe country. Two hearts can make a love affair, but it takes three, at least, to make a borne, and one of them must be that of a baby. The young married couples that start out in life with the idea that children are nuisances, and that they do not want and will not have them, are the kind that you read about every day in the newspaper in the divorce column. A home without children : . hnm IUA and Nature never in tended that there should be a place called home that did not resound with the patter of childish footstep. n,.r. mrr trna of thousands of homes that are childless because of the ill-health ,t,. .if. and would-be mother. There .... nrthnundi of other homes child' less because the little ones have died al- -, ther were born. In both cases Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is CMTf.lli. ...H. , It acts directly on f",T'r..i ,'mnortant organs that .:r.ui .t,A motherhood ooswble, It makes them well, strong, v gi ''"If. and elastic. It doe away with the danger, of maternity. It banishes the usual dis- make baby's advent easy and almost pain im it h little new comer's health and an amnle SUDolT of nourish ment The prospective mother prepares Umrrmr fnr K tulcinS the F&- vorite Prescription" and give her child a fair start in life by giving it a stiotig and well developed body. Thousand of home that were childless, to-dav echo with babies' laughter, and bless this great medl cine. Thousands of women who were .CU till IUU., UDUVUUU. to-day happy, healthy wives and mothers because of this medicine. Medicine deal era sell it .. ., ... ., Constipation kills slowly but it kill. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pallets cure n. Alfred Argabright waj born in Ohio May 1, 1822 and crossed tbe pla ns California in 1852 and in 1863 he came to Oregon. He was married to Mrs. Lurana Tyler Feb. 7, 1871. He served in the Mexican war. He died near Hal- sey May 17. 1899. He leaves an ased i widow to mourn nis lose. Walter L. Mains' trcc ring circus is also to be in Oregon. Out of 37 applicant for admiss on to lha 1J- H. irmr at th reeraitinaatation in Portland onlv 12 nassed. 1 Frank Elkins has opened a general blacksmithing establishment in Prine ville on his own account. The cantata "Golden Leeend" is to be presented in Salem next Thursday evening, with Miss Raymond in tbe star part. Edna, the 14 months old daughter of , W. Lipke, died in this city Saturday I evening, and the remains were buried yesterday aiternoon, Kev. w ire, omciat- ng. The Maznolia mill boilJinz is to be raked to a level with the grade of the street, the contract having been let to G. w. lay or tor tbe purpose. A big ob. The monuments of D. B. Monteith and A. Boenicke, erected by the Woodmen of the World were formally nnveiled last evening by tne woodmen witft music by tie McMinnville band. a. s,uc, w uv imagines tuab us la policeman and several other things, was fined $5 and costs, and Saturday evening $10 by Justice Freerksen for carrying concealed weapons. The old gentleman wanders around sometimes all night. Besides the reelection of Prof. D. V. 8. Reid aa President of tbe normal school at Weston G. E. Peebles of Salem was chosen to the chair of science, Herbert Kittrioge ol La, urande, formerly ol Benton county, mathematics, and 11. W. Monicai oi Indiana, and Miss Van fleet of La Grande, assistants. Several weeks ago a valuable Irish setter was stolen torn a prominent Eu gene man. A horee trader named Tar- pin was snsnerted. an 1 veatardav C.hii oi roliee Lee found the dog ia the pos session of Tarpiu at tnis tity and notifi ed the Euicene parties. An offer wai made Turpin to drop tbe matter upon the return of the dog. Tbe dog was sent to Enaene jeeterday noon, when it wss oncd that tbe animal tail bad been cut on. 1 b.s was too much and Chief Lee was directed to ai rest Turpin which be did and this noon Nightwatch Geo. Cro ner, who wiwosn tbi morning look him back to Eugene. T. Z. Praia, the Gate merchant, has been in the city on bosine. Jas. Karsbav, of Salem, bas fallen beir to 200 pounds sterling. Dr. R. H. Curl and family bare noved to Portland, and may reside ttie. Mr. J. K. Weatherfo-d is in Portland to attend the grand chapter of toe Ea -ern Star. Mr. M. E. Howard hai rvtnrned from a weeks visit with her fnerd Mrs Chad wick of Salem. Hermann Burrell. who baa been io Al bany a good many times hunting died in Portland last night. Miss Anna Crain. of tha SmiiI. nKi; school, has been in tbe citv on ber way to J dec tion to spend the summer. Will Davidson, a former Albany boy, who baj been in Anscoada n. ..'- has returned to Portland to reside. M. F. Wood of CorvaHi and M!. fli. i xa Scott of Tangent, were united in mar riage in Tangent on Sunday. An ac- Mrs. Ella Royal Williams and Miss La Blanche xlelle graduated from tbe W llamette school of oratory . Saiem last evening. Poundmaater Davidson Laa t.k.n n six horses, perhaps belons-ina'tn Rtmin Tbe owner bad better move lively and claim them. Mrs. Carey Martin, of Salem, a of tbe celebratsd Homer Davenport, who has been studying sculpture in New I or, nas returned heme. Jce Lane Camp No. 16 ha been or f anise J at Roeeburg with R. 8. Sheridan as rre.ident. O. P. Cosbow formerly of this citj, is marshal. Herbert W. Bevele, a son of Charles Hegele of Portland, wbo bss rotative in Albany, bas just graduated from Rush collece Chicago, witb high bonors. A way Oregon boys have. Don. J. W. Coo j wa reported Satur day aa cot being so well as previously. He isstil 1st Albany and b.s condition was et nridered critical, we are sorry to learn. Roeeburg Roview Mc Minvilie Kemrter t IT L. Board man during bis absence in Cal ifornia the past week preached the bac calaureate sermon for President Brown son of California college at Oakland. Guard. The band tournatneut is proving a sue cess beyond the expectations of those who have labored to hard for its success. It is all right. The attendance is biz, made up of la good class of people from all direction. The weather has been fine. The closing exercises of the first day were ol an en.ertaining order. Prof. Eatlaton made a very successful ascen eion and parachute jump in a stiff breeze, somewhat delayed by an accident to the ba:ioou- Tbe paracbu'e opened nicely after a fall of about one hundred feet.and the ground was touched near the or phans borne, the Dkmocbat man and a crowd of other boys on Mcyclss being close behind. The concert in tbe evening at tbe pav ilion by tbe lauds and the Hadyn L ra society waa listened to by a big crowd. The stretts were crowded at an early hour tbis morning by people from the country and all over tbe vail y, alaige splendidly behaved lot of people. At 10 o'clock the Oregon ttate Band Association met in the W. C. T U. hall, with President Yoi k n tbe chair wiin a Stove hook for a givel. J. K. Tomlineon of th Southern Pa cific. Band waa appointed sergeant at arms and afterwards permanent .ser geant. It was decided to charge n ad aption lee to bands hereafter toinina of 5. Th following resolutions were passed : 1. To Albany's msror.coninion council and citizens. The Oregon State San4 Association tenders their thanis for the m ei cordial and bearty reception thatl has been extenjrd to the visiting band laa fcteele, chairman ol the ex- ecutive committee, tbe Bute Band As-1 social ion recownizes that he and hi able assistant, Mr. fmiley, the enevese of the convention in their untiring efforts In entertainment of the bands, and the complete arrangements attending uih gatheriog.the aso:istiob uoanamimoos ly extend our siceere thanks. We a'ao recognize the cordial srpport extended by the piesa of Altaoy. McMinnvilleand Washington countr and Telegram of Por land, Oregon. 1 be Pacific Musical Times of Portland a made tbe otticial paper of the asso ciation, and Mr. Mall spjke enthusiast ically in its favor. b. n. Steele cave the announcement for tho day. Tbe executive committee of the oflicsrt wil! ma. e tbe rule aod arrange for tbe tournament of 1900, whkb wil. piobably be held.'at Astoria. Tbe association ad jjornej with three cheers lor Chairman SleJe and for tbe : Oregon Band Atsocistioo. I day. Tennessee favored the German picnic with an outpour of a lew of our youug people in attendance, Miss Monna Fronk ia sojoiirniog in lailman Will Ross was in Albany on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. (Urve Walker were vis iting this week with Mrs. Wa ker's brother, Moss Wallace an J family. Only about two acre of potatoes have been planted end io many cases the ground has not been been p'owed. This summer Terntt-ee sill, (at e understand at the present writing) for tbe nrst time In seven years, dnart from her time hnno'ed custom of celebrating the successful close of lha spring term of school with an "annual picnic," to be held for the purpose of socially epj yiog the evident benefits rf the past, under tbe shade of the beautiful groves which none but Tennessee can produce: to once mure breathe together tne pure balmy air of an acceptable climate, re newing confidence through an annual re union of the peaceful inhabitants of a great neighborhood . We, bound to getber bv the ties of mutual love in a great cause to tbe w nderment and ad miration of the world, which evidently is a blessing divine. Instead of the annual picnic there will be an ice cream social for the purpos of purchasing a school house bell, with lha tunds, which is nteded about as nad aa your ro respond ent heeds life insnrance Everybody come and bting a "V." Next! McK. A pair of w hile tbiMrm's milt is at the DiMot bat office awaiting an owner. Tbe A. O. IT. W. is making arrange ments for a big fourth oi July excursion to Jdanha. This means a big time, for their excursiors are always a succet a. Now is the time to have your photo lazen cabinet ttze.besl Ansto Bnlsh, only $1.00 dozen lor the next 30 dsvs at Mis Long's. The Oregon boys wili leae forlhome this week. This means that tbey will not reach Portland in time for aov 4th of July celebration, but they wil! reach here in time to receive the biggest reception tendered any home comer. WEDNESDAY band tournament will be remembered as one of Albany's best celebrations, a suc cess far beyond tbe expectations of our eiticsne. At 4 o clock a game ol base ball was played between Albany and Corvallis, resulting in a victory for Albany 16 to 0. Albany's battery. J ode Galbraith and Snyder did excellent work, and Beeton at first and Ramp at second were par ticularly good. Ti e batloon ascension by Prof. Earls ton, was a splendid The balloon rote tiigu in a light b'etze. the para chute jiitopwbt perfect and the alighting In the Monteitn Held was an easy one. Prof. Eatlston bas made four ascensions in Albany doing ;ut as be promised, giving an exfibition worm comieg cones '. to see without any other attraction. At 7:30 o'cook a line trade parade was made by bicyclists with nesrly two hun dred in line, forming a continuous pro cession through tho principal streets, under tl e captaincy of L. L.Uofl, who is eol't led to credit for its success. An xcellent band and vocal concert waa givi n at the pavillion, and tbe two days c lelnatioo clotei'. Uh a big ba'l at "the Vance brick. Come again. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL has A Tangent Wedding. HOME AND ABROAD. Wbeat 46 cents Call at tbe Sugar Bowl tor fresa fruit Dave ynor photo taken at Mia Ixing'i lor cash II 00 doseo, cabinet tie. Wanted, to bay prepared carpet rag, by T. 8 Alexander, east end of Eigbtt straw. First class rib Del photos. Aristo fioi.h, for tbe next 33 days, only 11.00 doarn at Mi Long's. Portland's celebration tbis year will be lbs biggest in iu history. A train of Canad an editors will be in Portland June 10. D. P. Thompson propeses to present the city of Portland with a $20,000 fount ain. Tbe big it tereollegiate field day meet will occur at Sa em next Saturday special train will run from Corval i ia tbe morning. Miss Mary Reiiand, of Lebanon, been visiting Albany friends. Moo. (Jeo.E. Chamberlain will deliver ICe 4tll of Jnlv nralinn sf fj-l.tanrin UOOO. In tne last Phllinmne en2?enien among those woonded, was Maj. Ellis, in (c augur. Co-:il II.Baetierand MUsRom; P.locli the famous singer, were married in Port land lust event, g. B. F. Harding of Cottage Grove, Greg- on s oldest living ex-Lr. S. senator, ih ly- me point ol death. J. A. Heaver left tbis noon for Jrownsville tolxikaf'er bis branch store uuiiugiue picnic season. A. 0. Shute, the genial secretary of the -"egoii State Band Association, ih rash. lerol theShuto A foot Bank of Hillsboro. Will McGee has returned from the Mnlo Park, Calif., Catholic Seiuijary, with live first prizes. The Orta-on bnva continue to be on top. Miss ftessie Butler, the versatile t'e plrne young lady, returned this morning to ber borne at Independence after a visit of several days in Albany. Among those injured at Mani'a rwnl ly was John J. Charlton of Co. H.Wah jnKton. He is a nephew of ex-eheriff Chariton of this county. .- mi aiciuiiongti tor eeveral "ears n Jhcient teacher in the public schools . omvuv, ieu mis noon tor llsltey to rprnu ina summer. i- ova J'uncan arrived in Albany this morning iom ean Kafaei, Calif., where he has been attending school the pset jesr, and will spend his vacation here. K- If. Feebler, of Iowa arrived in Alb any this uoon and is the giit":of his e.jusin -Mrs. j. w . cusick. lie wiil visit here atid at Lebanon for -veral months an-i spend next wmttr in California. i.wiu.ra aim, formerly ol iu:t my wa recently elected rrincipal of the school ol the ri'v t.l k'ir-. ,..,. jCa'if., at a salary of S'jOa month. He J will soon be in to spend t'ie : summer. Who Puts the Prices Down ? Until MAY 1 1 will sell goods at On June 4ih, 1S'J9, at the residence of the bride's parenta, Hon. and Mrs. J. II. Scott, 4 miles south east ol Tangent, Mr. Marion F. Wood of Benton county, an J Kt'z T. hiotl were married, the Rev. U. C. h perry of Brownsville otficialirg. Tbe re alive and invited gueat as sembled in the parlor and a. 12 o'clock noon the bridal party were ushered into tbe presence of t be assembly. The bride wore a beautiful dress of crtam cashmere. Immediately alter the ceremony thej match wa resumed to the 'awn carpeted : witb green grass and shaded by tbe over- j banging boughs of nature where two i table, spread with the finest cf refresh ments, were awaiting tbe happy throng. The groom i anexeinplary youog mao, a graduate of tne O. A. C. and at ores- ant boids tbe position of assistant lore- i The bride ia an estimable christian 1 urt 1,lca convenes in Albany June youug lady born and raised io Lina 23- coiiniy and highly esteemed by her o.aiy AlbanT F H Pleiffer.Henrv Snesens friend and acquaintances who wisb !-picer Wm Loofboro, r rank Smith. 'utm s pp7 iau pi'aptnnn int. ner: ijirwood Jas Craft. presence in tbe community will be greatly missed. I iir. and Mrs Wood will make their' h m. In (w vaI1! m Kr lt. A n i i-m ! 1 t - 'f n -; -- , .. " m t-f wan, lay lor fcvacg. resiueoce lately purchased by tbe groom . Ed Rellenberer. Mr. J. U. Craw lord was preMot and j Miedd M Aclin, W A Thrlf obuipedanexceilentv;ewoltbeless. io j CraLtree H A Hecker fcO Watson watting, a'sa a view ol the bridal party! OakviHe John Vinevard. Walter and tboee preaeot. l Smith. lboee i, resent with gif: from cch j Tangent J II Fcott. were as foiioat : ; Sweet Home 6 U Ruts-5L raoM exjrtoa cocstT. Halv M II Bateman Wm u.,l.ln,, Jury List. Follow ing is the jury list for tLe'Cirtuit Harriaburg IVrrv Hvde. Brownsville A L Kirk, J D Arthaa. i-yon t, fotter, C" E Able, Mr and Mr U W Cooper Waler -t. A M Reeve. n' r-:i i-i. t..i- . June 9th. Tbe firm of Tinkle A Dawson have mutual consent- F. B. consoiidita-ed into one. for thebeneai of tbe people as we I as themselves, unlike other trusts After marching through the principal streets a concert was given at the pavilion. A live series of contests took place'.lhis afternoon. A contest between No. 1' and 2 s for first water from their etigin bou, starting without steam, was won easily by No. l's, whose preparation had kbeen thorough and complete. A alow race bad t'ree er tries, Wesley Wire, Floyd Kamp aod Hary Jones. Wire kept bis balance aod won. the others falling by the wayside. Tbe bteen mile road rere created a great deal of interest. The coarse was from first street, out Montgomery past the depot, lu the Oak Creek road aod borne by tbe fair ground, ecding on Broadatbin street near tbe Dkmockat of fice. John King of Jefferson, Roy Hal bo rt, Cbarie Btlyea and Clyde Klom of Albany started. Ring won, be says witb ease, in fifty minute. Hulbnrt second and Bilrea nearly abreast. A eolisiou between Klum and Bilyea broke tbe former's bicjele throwing' bim oat of the rare. Earieton wiil tnak another balloon ascension at 5 o'clock, there will h a concert at 8 o'clock and the very success- lui tournameot will end witb a ballet tbe Vance building. A class of twenty six was examined at feaiem yesterday lor admission to the oar. Among tbem waa C. (i. Nivon nf tbis city, L. H. McMahan. the editor and orator of Sa.em, Miss Pf under, J. B. and uiram uverton ot Portland formerly of Brownsville, and R. S. Sheridan of Roeeburg. K. or P. OrriciRs The Kolgbts of Pythias last tveniog e'.ecleJ tbe follow ing officers: E A Front, O O. I R Borunj, V O. R W Coon. Prl. K B Anderson, M of W. A McKillop, M at A. G C Turner, 1 U. N D Conn, 1 u. nenry L-i.auwicg died at Colfax, Wash yroieiuay morning, lie waa a t..r.u... of the late ex-Governor Cbadwick He opened the Baldwin hotel in Ban Fran cisco and was at one time proprietor ot tne Hoffman House io New York. His remains will be buried in Salem. Licenses have been issued for the marriage of . Woods and Mary Ogles- bee and n. wood, ot Uorvallis, and Edza J. fcco t daughter of Hon. J. H. ticott of Tangent. 'A Fait Outside Is a Poor Substitute For inward Worth0 DIED. Good health, inwardly, of the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come if Hood's Sar saparilla is promptly used This secures a fair outside, and a consequent vigor in tbe frame, with the glow of health on tbe. cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. Catarrh " I nave had no return of the catarrh which troubled me for years, since Hood's Sarsaparllla cored me." Mas. Joe Masto?, Washington St., Ogdenaburg, N. Y. Dypepla-U Complicated witb liver and kidney trouble, I suffered (or years wuq ayspepsia, wiin severe pains. Hood's NEEDHAM. On Sunday, June 4, 1899, near Tangent, Mr. hi las JSeedham. He was born in Indiana, April 12, 1838 from which place he came with his fath er across the plains with ox teams, and ! Hood's Sarsaparllla cared me." settled near Tangent Linn county In 1851. He was married in 1867, and leaves a wife and eightcbildren tomonrn bis death. He was converted at the age of 23, uniting with tbe M. E which be has been a faithful member. For the last eight years he was greatly affected, but patiently waited until the end came. The funeral service will be held at the M. E. Church at Tangent at 9 o'clock Tuesday, after which the rem ains will be buried in tbe Albany ceme tery, j inly cathsrtls to tsks with Hood's SarsspsriiGu rbwiogsnd seeding continue to be delayed. There has been no seeding on tbe low lant. Wheat and oats sown after June lt seldom make good crops. A few sections report signs of rust on grain. Fall sown wheat bss commen red to bead. tSpriog grain sown before May l.t is as promia ng as the fall-uwn. Unless adverse coodmon prevail, t'ie grain crop wil! be excellent , though re dace 1 in acreage. 1 There is no change in the frnit condi tion. Italian prunes are practically a fainre; other varieties will have a lair yield, but far from an average. Tbe peach, pear, apple and cherry crop are good in tbe southern counties, Douglas, Josephine and lackson, but are not up to normal conditions in the cos si acd Willamette valley counties. Thrre will be more than enough fruit for local use, but there will b littU for export. Cherries are showing color in tbe south ern counties. Strawberries aie ripening slowly; a frw days of warm, clear weath er wiil hasten them. Grass baa made excellent growth. Tne hay crop will be much heavier :ban usual. B. S. Pace, Section Director. Yesterday was penM in d.iy, i tie bakers all ruo cut of bread J e terday. , Among those killed in the engagement near Manila Saturdsy wis L. kelsay. of Corvallis. It is reported that tl e Curtis Lumber Co.. ave bought tbe saw mill of Down ing & Barlow at Berry. Three young men came from Oakville ibis morning in forty minutes. Their cyclometers show eleven miles. The stock of Dry Goods Economist store is being shipped to Seattle, where Mr. Peacock is preparingfor the opening of a store there. A Eugene man in Salem last evening reported a serious stabbing affray occur- ed in one ot tbe saloons ot that city be tween a hotel clerk and a marble cuttar. Old pocket knives were ustd, one of the combatants received 30 wound jand the other 24. One of the men is thought to be fatally wounded. Guard. It ia generally understood that Super intendent Kesul-r, of the Eugene public schools, will resign in a few Jays for the purpose of entering upon studies in Eur opean colleges. The patrons of the pub lic schools win general! regret such act ions. Guard. . Chief o Police Lee yesterday afternoon received a dispatch from the sheriff at Marshtield to bold 1. A. Dretie, under arrest here for carrying concealed weap ons, until caned lor, and arrived today. A few weess ago there was a burglary there in which among other things some valuable ore was stolen. It transpires that-JJreue was one of tbe burglars, and perhaps the other two hotio recently placed in jail. The menjwill lie given a chance to prove au alibi. dissolved Ibv iuiie retiring irotu me Duainee. Tbe Child Culture Circle vill meet at the residence of Ir. Erskine Thursday, at 2 :'JO p. m. Invitation is general. The radiators for tbe improved court house arrived tbis morning Tie build ing is to be heated by bot water in modern style. Members of the Haydn Oratorio oci etv reBiemU-r the special rehearsal to night at tbe col for commencement. Be prompt at eight o'clock. Mr. Arnold, the merry-go-round mill leave tbis evening for BrososviHe, where be will run bis popular machine for enjoyment during the picnic Salem's street lighting contract expire tonight at midnight, and the council at the meeting Uut.nigbt refused to renew it. Will the capital city be io darknew. J. R. Moore, of New Yora, said to be the greatest angler in tbe world, i io Oregon oa atrip He bas b-n here before and says the Williamson river in tooth eastern Oregon is tbe best fishing stream on tte coast. fr trout. Bob. Jobhson, the Corra'.lis prune rxan.ex-postmatter and newspaper man. wasiatbecttt jeeierday. lie be thinks the big proo orchard witb which be is connected wdl yield about 4,0J busne's of prune this year, about a fourth of a crop perhaps, but certainly not a fail a re. Tbe ldy recently sent to the asylam from Albany, wa Mr. Harris, and not! ; Mr. Do'.ao, a reported to and by the uaaoratT. air. Hem is a lister oi Mr Dolao. Mr. Dolan wss In the city yeeterday cn bis way to bis borne at BrousvilIe. from Salem where be bad been with bis sister-in-law. Tbe Southern Pacific has two big suits on band in Douglas county, one by a a rammer lor lll.UDJ damages aod the other h a womau. Mrs. McKinner, for 110.500, both from dsmsges received wbile riding in a caboose on March 27, wben the ca boo-e was stopped so sud denly as te throw tbe parties; vio'eotiy forward. Mrs. McKinoey having two ribs broken and ber spinal jolamo wrenched. Mim Jennie ewton and Messrs. l.o-i ery aod Alva Newton Stiver butt r Vll.a I.. . r.l t;ityn tl'.itLll'.l.p ! set. Mis M'otiie Cooper Set eaoce dishes. Mr. Mary Spalding It aod pepper shake. Mr. and Mr. Abraham Wood Fair pillow slip. Mr Herbert E.Jiot Sdver napkin ring. VKOM UM tU XTT. Mr aod Mr. J. u. N.oil-20 jdi. car pet and Jersey cow. Mr. aod Mrs. W. A. Sharp Frnit dish. Mr. and Mr. S. C. Sharif Silver salt and pepper shake. Mr. and Mis. V. M- Sharp Berry bowl. Mr. and Mrs. O vnbey St silver tea spoon aod cake stand. Mr. aad Mrs L. B. Lnpet Set silver ' tea spoor.. Mr. and Mrs. R, I- Gilson Stand f iaap Mi AdJ Scio Frank Irvine. Shelburn H Hill. Millers J J SptUngtr. Peoria J S Bell. Plainview Moees ?arkc-r, J B Robert. Gates E S Chase. Who!esale prices plus io per cent. i will not charge a profit of over 10 per cent for any goods in my,' stock. It is larire and as stylish, as elegant, as desirable, as hiirh grade as one need ask, 'and is offered at the small profit of 10 PER GENT. WHY pay 25 to 100 t.r more per cent profit, when lOJper ctnt wiil ray it; or for example WHVZpiy I3.) to 115.00 for auit I1.00 will buy. WHY waste money. My cost mark is: Howand Rice. 12 3 A 5 C" 7 8 9 0 Who puts the prices down ? W. R, BLAIN. He puts the prices down." SPECIAL CUT PRICES on cn's, Ladies and Childrens -1QE 9000 At H. F. Mcllwain's Cash Store. Io not 'si', ro see the toe sold by us for $1 00. It equals shoes sold bv other lor tl.59 to f. .75 for men acd ladies at this price. bho !rcm 75c to 4 CO. After Burglars. Sheriff Gage, of Coo cottcty. who came to Albany after T. A. Drene, the Ban wanted at MarthfielJ, went ;o Portland thi noon, leaving Ureae btre until hi ret era. A bile a;o a boose a rob be-1 at or near Marshbeld of "Af) in cash aod a box oi relics, including eix I'M piec-,n- Ere fine gold nufgrts. Dreae on hi a rival l Albany pioceed ed logive away tLe (.u;?e! aad bad tae I'i30 pieces chansed at Mr. U-j i.zr;s by bnving a g'.as ot Ikjuor and prerit- inff Ih. r. Al nl i hM. .u Huston acd Mr. U rant recovered exceol cne nn?;et r... i... Sictio; Siaod lamp. Miae Bie Jordan Bread plate. Miss Cora Scott FroU dish. Mr. Frank " Cake stand. Mies Eunice Laper Cake stand. Mia Lixxte Cbettney, Salem Cream and sugar t.. Mr. i. W. Fishei. " C K.Cwper. " K. C. .rchibald. " V. W . Merrick. ' Lindsev, Sharp. L.C.L. A Lebanon Case. When ycu take a PARTICULAR PRESCRIPTION To a particular ''rug store yon do so became roa have confidence in that ior. You believe that thedrue ate pare and freb, the methods right, tbe skill the beet and the prices fair and reason-at-'e VVe conduct our prescription deoart on the pritriple that THERE IS 0rHf"i TOO GOOD FOR THE SICK. Tbis wa ter' besine is the biggest in tbe history of tbe store. Tbis sbows cocndrcce. BURKHART & LEE. j poswesaion o! a man near Tanetnt j There were probacy taomen itr.p:i-atrJ iwitbD.euein the robberv, aad it m to get them if prit.!e that SneritT Gae j went to Portland. TI.ey prob!.;y have i liie I or wLat is ielt oi it. Indian War Veterans. Yesterday afternoon a meeting of Indian War Veteran of Camp Xo. the 17. Captain Jao t wa held io this city. Wheeler, presiding. C. II. rt alker was unxntniou!y elctc.I ! orderly sergeant to succeed L. T. T. Fisher, deceased. The following delepate at re eiecS-d hi 1 attend tbe annual meeting of the Orand . camp that meets iu Portland the 11 it:$t: I'.jbert F'oren bas been arrested at Lebaan for robbing George Gumm. It is a mixed matter. Gumm says be and Foren were goirsg home after drinkinc considerably, wbeo the latter who wa Joeepb Yatee. S. F"ow!er, Cannon walking behind attacked him and rob Ashor Pierce, C. Patterson. V. M. Vet- ! bed bim ol $18 Foren save they wet j fall, Jason Whetler and C. II. IVaiker. ' both attacked by three men. Tl.e o-xt ! j day after tbe robbery tinmen's pur) Photo but tens at Tinkle & Drwion's : was found in the road with a tea duilarj . i gree&baek lying beside it. Form will ! For tbe next 30 da;s we wiil make the ' be held for tbe grand jury. A there beet cabinet f holes for (1.00 down.! were no wiUitases it will be a (oestioo Studio in Fromsn block. oi oeuevicg iwn iniox'ra e men, alter CllflOI ILPRIil Is th molt Of tvpeatad sent attacks. Th Um and Un ar princlpatlv adecled. Ther act aa storehouse for ths snaiarlal poison and th blood takes It Irora them. Ths poison mast i,.,h j Darsauaruia mao roe siroDK anu nearly." CllUrcn, 01 J B fiM-.To- Main StrMtL Anhnm M Hood's PUU ear. Mtst Ills j ths aoa-nrttattn; and 2-2 3 5 Have Your Eyes Tested PROF. VSTARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARK. You wi:i rective boneet and cooscientieos EYE and GLAS? eervice. $40 cash $40 For the Best -Wheel Ever Built 1899 RAMBLER Kaw Wohkmicm Orficms. The A. 0, TJ, W. lsst eveBing eUcted officer to serve for the ensuinn term : F O Dannals, M V. O 8 Hsrnish, foreman W M Wondetlich, ovtrrseer. John Id Uoms, guide. E J Dannals, I W, Wm Myers. 0W A II Martin, recorder. Drs Davis aoel Trimble examining physicians. , If yott want a goou and eleal ,olte buy ctgara uiadj by our Al bsny cigar factor , bo 4xia out ot Itassrsum. BCD- TAN wlU destroy th action ot th poison aad erent. nally drive out th last particle ol it from ths system. In addition to this, IVDltM will nstor th lost sppstlta. It will build op th woakenad srstem. BCD VAN will mak new blood and new flesh. Th pains in in oones win disappear. HCDT AN has euraa owrs ana It will cure ou. W dssertb th srmptoma Study Ihem carefully. They ar yours. Do not delay longer, bat tak HCDTAN now and you will b cured. HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BBAJN. Tsks HUDYAN nd your boadachs will disappear. 8-8. PALE OK TEULOWISH COM PLEXION. HUDYAN will establish a tree circulation ot pur blood and cans the checks to assume thsir natural color. 8. LOSS OF APPETITE AND ON AW INO IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN will restore th appetlt aad th dlgssUoa of luod will bscom perfect. 4. FEELING OP WEIOHT OVEB THE LIVES.. This is d us to th enlargement ol the ltrer. It Is filled with th poison ot ma laria. Hl'DYAN will drlv out th poison and eauae th organ to aasum it natural alto. 6. HEAVINESS IN THE BECKON OF THE SPLEEN. Th spleen bsoomos rreatlr enlarxed. HUDYAN will lessen th congsatloa and eauae th heaviness to dlaap. 9"' . . . - Yon are MSsnnc rrnra cnronis sauna nu rurvlst Io ni, nukin. or a osssffes lor SrugV 1 ifoe not keep It. send direct to tit HtiDVAN KKMSD Y coartni, asn rran. Cisco, Callforola. Hemember thai jna o eonaolt th MDDTAN UOITOKM Call and see th doctors. Yoa nay call and ss theia, or wrllo, M you deslrs. Addres HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. StseHss, Markst d Ellis . ta f ssasless, CsU weighing the circumstances. The rioxiEis Tte pioter picnic opened in lirowosville thisnioroieg with as fine weather a could be dtsired. Tbe program is a varied and interesting cne. Today the speaking was to be bv local lights. Tomorrow Hon. hi. O. George wtU deliver tne annual addres. at p ni.on Friday forenoon Hon. J. C. Leas- are tne address to native fosi aod daughters, bile inteip-rrd (iurieg ihe day .ill be band u.usic. vocal music. recitations, etc. A FtrMgCoMraxr. -The Detroit Flume A Transportation Uo , bas been incor po.ated, backed by tbe Detroit Lumber Co., Hoover Brotneis, 6 V Hall and Smith & Smith, with a capital stock oi $60,000, oi which $30,000 ha. been sub scribed. The eb-ect is to bni.d a flume from Detroit to Salem. It will be about 54 mites long. It is intended to ship lum ber doa nit It is asserted that this is done on account of the increased freight rate on lumber. Orio Judd is president and Frank 1'erkett secretary of tuo comp any. Ttienecessary number have been se cured for a National Guard Company for Albany and General Tuttle has been no tified. The Albany base ball c'ati will go to Brownsville tomorrow to play with the Brownsville club for tbe picnic. llevrare of Cheap Photos. XIacoabcx Pii-sic At Jt-Serson, S?at- j utday, June 10. Addresses for K. O. T. I M. bv Dep.S. P. Commander iherwcol, ' for the I- O. T. M. by Mrs. Iciilia M. -Scars. liicvcSe parader bicycle races, j foot races," tug tf war, etc Let every body prepare to go. ! Tinkle A Dawson wiil mate for one mootb only, the iinet Enamel cabinet photo for $1.00 per doa. Cabinet platino j lor 1 50 per don. stamp six 2S lor iV. prior to their leaving lor Montana in : July. Call and see samples. Bicycles. Fitted With Special Heavy Tread G. Jt J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler in quality and price ia the With G.& J. Tires DEAL $:o $23 $30 Aa a matter ot businees ard projection to the people, I would respectiully cau tion tbem against getting cheap cabinet size photographs. It lakes just so much money and work to make a goou perma nent picture, lie cartful, don't getl'" on "cheap" cabinet photos I am here to stay, and my prices are reasonable lor the quality of the work. llAKNieit, me pnoiog-apner. Removal Notice. Tiukle A Dawson, the photographers. will move their Photo studio to Helena. Montana, iu July. Until the end of June Ihey will make the Unest Knarael j cabinet pbotcs for $1.00 per dos,n. Cal inet platino, beet unlsli, l per uos 8uch ledicclous price were never heard of before. Oome at once and have your picture taken before tbey leave Albanv. Rump sie photos 28 for 25 cents at Tinkle A Dawson's opposite Post Oilice. Call ami see them. We have a fine as sortment of photo jewelry, gold buttons and brooch pins at greatly reduced prices. Get one for your friend before we close them out. Letter Lisi. Following is th list of letters rtmaiuing ; in the PcwHtfic at Albany, Linn county. ; Oregon, June 6. ISW, Peroos calling ( for theee letters mt five the dale on whicn j advertised : Atkinson. James II Siavens, Charier ( Batnev, Oria SUite. Mr Thomas ! Douglas, Miss Grace Strohecker. M r A I '. tellatly, Mis May Steele. Mis Myrtle Kilmer, C I Worcester, Mr i Lee, Mr L E Rtnehart, Mrs Cora S. S Tbxix. P M. her Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. 105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth Su, Ponland, Ore. Ohling Hulburt, Albany, Oi'e. Spo ku Tacoma. SeaUle. ALBANY CIGARa FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor Patronise home ndustry vou eaa be cured. BVDTAN wul rellve your ere symptom and mak vou wall. Hl'D. ram osn m eoiaiusa oi aiiiiiui w. ai your VAN osn It vou wish to take the lead, ride a Cleveland. For sale by McFeron & Tom linson. Fresh bread every day. Two loaves or a nickle at McFeron ATomlinson. The UniveralDolter makes good flour IheuagnollM. BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS at the BLAIN CLOTHING GO'S. CLOTHING for men, youths ana boys. A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Slylish HATS and CAPS formen and boy Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality and low prices