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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1899)
Kill i ir ggy 1 ' VOL XXXIV ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY. 31AY 26.1899 Enter at tk Post at Mbaay. as eenClasa Mall Malleri ftO 42 -a ) I " ' I'- - 1 '" ' I ! r JSttfelablc?reparatioiiIbr As similating tteTood and Regula ting Hw Strnnnrh and RawpW ( &omoteslXlg&Gon.Cheetful TtessandHstContains ndUw OpninOlorphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. A perfect Eemedv for Cons IImk- tiou. SourStoiMCh.Diarrhoca, Worms Juonvulsioris.Feverish oess nd Loss OP SLZXR Tac Sural Signature of -as- II v I EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEB. BaasaaaawaaOBBBttsStessJ J-" 'vT ti I mmJd- I IT'S JUST! LIKE T1JIS We have machine in eiock as lot $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. 'V- Stfcwart & Sox for Machines that "SEW" " I i is' i 7S- r 30SU Jf A widow alxty-lght ran old. lirlna la New Yark City, I wmM muuulii troubled with ualnt on ber right aide, whir llrar. Up laat Junm tUac had been treatod by a. ku cmLarrb of Lb. mVammrlt ; ummmCUm tat It waa ordinary d yapepala, ftDoChw proooanead It bllUry cal.-uliia, or Rail Mmet, for whicb bo ll lwl aa uodIm wilAoal monA raaalta. At tlmrs-tlia pain, of morphia, wen flirted to. 'Ilia patient weiirbert 140 poaada; was completely mn dowa. and bad .err little appetite. Parlr iu June a After vrtn tbra two mil th. nain. and DMnx town two wael t ratiraly dleappeared. ID nailed bad bd aauiad alsraa pound, and could eat baked Wilms r-A mmt f bad With aM i r wis a. M linoi auM. IU bar I. ALBANY COLLEGE . OFFERS A. THOROUGH High-Grade College Education! To every boy the ambition The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Normal- Courts li-ads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Cours has new become a Business College Equal to anything in the State Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Student Club at actual cost price. Far particulars write Albans, Oregon. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Patronise home HOT in For Infants and Children. The Kind You: Have Always Bought Bears the .... . Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years II till A good article ii wortn more a poor one. EVER! ONE KNOWS THAT.... ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE ill outwear a dozen cheap on is, therefore cheaper 10 the end. te I a Dumber of paraidaa. ana of w were so sgrera Ibat brpooarnaa neinubor Indanad h to m Ml bio. Una of lb Momaeb aaoha DracucaUr raoorwad br HMdnkv liLk. Kb beana, among otbat tlltrtr. Ilboul ID aal k lodt MC OCWTMMI MM1NV, WTO at beta aad atuf r wiaa Dd ltaUumk ... -,11,77 .. .. ... 1 rt nat i aMaaaiaa and girl that has to attain one. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President. Proprietor. industry THURSDAY Real Estate Sales. Hiram Wooden to Abra mm Odvn, 160 acres 500 Ella B Stuart to Eily Stuart, 3 lots H'a4thad Thea J ISeard to Margert t Heard, piece land 12 W S ." Wm Ulrich to Atex Cunningliain, 2 lots bl 16 K A lLwiny Flora Canningbam to Win Ulrioli, same J K Wyatt to J A fcliaw, 4 lota 11 lOSH'sad Albanv J P Wilson to J H Cornwall. 4 lots Soda vi lie Wm Phillips to Alonao Phillips, 52 acres D Swann to Alonto Phillip?, 6 acrs A M Wilton to Tliog Reedy, 7t4 ,' 1 750 2000 400 iJOO 25 acres 1700 John Petty to Peter Riley. 1I.!0 acres. 10 W . fl50 fciia Kovce to Nellie O llaker, lot 3 bl 15 H's 2nd ad Allianv 900 G W Colbert to K P Cv.lhert, 3S0 acres 300 Dr. Koehne. Beverly audiences are not as a rule alarmingly demonstrative, but the one gathered at the Dane Street Church last night by turns laughed and applauded, all the while being swept slonir en a current of tremendous sweep and depth. Beverly (Mass ) Press. A scholarly and eloquent defender of the Bible and Christianity. Cleveland (O.) Leader. A magnificent exhibition of eloquence. He was listened to with profound atten tion by the great audience. St. Paul (Minn.) Cll. At the U. P. church Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday nigbta of next week. A Tie. The contest between the two sides of the Oegree of Honor w as decid ed last evening at the meeting, by the judges, who by some very ingenious figuring made a tie of the contest, which alter all was an excellent war for it to end. It resulted in a biif increase to membershipand everybody is happy. Mias Barker's side 10 beneficiary members 18 social member) .1000 points. . ISO " 2 night attendance 20 frogram and lunches 3275 Total Mrs. Iloeue 'a side ...4475 ' 12 beneficiary members. 21 social members 7 nights attendance Program and lunches ToUl ...VAX) points. ... -10 ... 70 " ...2995 " .4475 Thus making a tie to the great surprise ,-r l IF.. I i i. . v w. waiui a biuo m u' uavvj ueen claiming the victory from the first of the contest, airs, llogue lost 100 points by toe I'uure to nave one beneficiary mem ber initiated tiefore the contest closed though she bad been examined and passed. She was initiated last evening Tbk Odo Frtxows. The grand lodge of Odd Fellow a convened in ba'em yes terday upon the adjournment of the camp. Hon. J. K. w eatherford, of this i ..jt viwivu ucpuiv vrrnuu uiaeier u I nil the neuirr etniwl lir th miani. tion of Mr. Wehrung, after a spirited contest. This means that Mr. Weather ford will be elected Brand matter before the adjournment of the lodge, the two highest offices in the camD and grand lodge thus coming to Albany. The price contest for the medal donat ed by Miss Kline, of the Rebekahs, was won Dy nisi Cecil Kampy, of llams burg, a popular your lad well-known in Albany, where she is a frequent visit or. To-night toere will be a big entertain ment in honor of the pau Itead officers and representatives. Gov, Oeer will (de liver one of the addresses. Mr. Weather ford another. In the program Mrs. Win nard of this city is down for two solos. A Blaze. A fire caught in the roof of the old building formerly used as a bottling works next to the Magnolia laundry, at 5 o'rlock yesterday after noon, and burned a big hole in the roof. Lineman Coffin n distinguished himself by climbing through the hole made bv the fire in the face of the flame and ex tinguishing the flames with an old blan ket and water. He was ablr assisted bv Tom Riley. The fire deoarment was called out bat was not needed. Monmouth asd Albas v. It is proper that everybody in Albany should gu to the oratorical contest at the college next Friday evening. It will be one worth witnessing and the first in Albany ol the kind. The next day there w ill be a game of ball on the college campus between Albany and Monmouth and this should be remembered. Will Move to pEXDi.rroN.The E. O. says: E A. Shlfller, from Albany, Ore eon. has purchased the tailor business of John Siebert and will take charge of the business within a lew days. Mr. Shiftier is an experienced tailor, his father hav ing been in the business before him in Watertown, Wisconsin. Blow Yora Hons. The Haydn Ora torio Society, composed of 50 voices, have promised to sing during the band tourn ament. Everything is progressing nice ly and a big success is assured. Head Counsul F. A. ' Faulkenbnrg. Woodman of the World, will be in kOre gon the last ol this month. Geo. F. Lash,' former city treasurer of Pendleton, who embezzled considerable money, has received a full pardon. Judge II. II. Hewitt went to McMinn Ville today to attend an adjourned ses sion of the circuit court under Judge tKiise. Fred Fisher, son of Mrs. E. T. T. Fish er of this city, a member of F. Co., who enlisud at rortland yesterday was grant ed a discharun Dy the department at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kaunz of Freenort 111., who are the ituesU of C. Knecht and wife of Albany, stopped over today to at tend the Odd Fellows grand Lodge. Sa lem Journal. Clifton Butler left last niiiht on his trip to West Point. Albany puopi have confidence that be will do credit as ail the Oregon boys have to their native state. F. H. Pfeiffer and Cbas. Sm'th have bought the stock farm of Jen lsom near Lower Soda. The O. ri. ti. will hold its annual en campment this year at Salem beginning July 10, using the state lair grounds. Hon. Ben Hayden: "Crops aie all right. As to the Philippines, we've got into it and we've got to hang onto them." Salem Journal. A chanee to he made at the depot will be the removal of the oflice of the agent Mr. Fronk to an improved office at the freight depot, while Harry Connoway will have charge oi me ticket omce. In the editorial souvenir Albany will have a mm writeup and a picture of a pair ol Mongolian pneasania painted Dy Miss Ida Uutcbins. which may be seen at J. G. Crawford's. It is entirely prop er that this county should have the bene fit of the Celestial bird, the greatest game bird sn the woria. Ben A. Cbilders. sentenced from Mult nomah county for forgery, to serve ix years In the penitentiary from February 19. 1896. was today pardoned uiwn rec ommendation of the prosecuting attorney and juJre,on the grounds that be has been sufficiently punished. Journal. Women's Christian Temper ' ance Union Conference. A Conference of Temperance Workers, presided over by Mrs. Narciasa White Kinney State president of the Oregon W. C. T. U., will be held in Eugene May 27th and 28th. This xonfereuce prom ises to be the best ever held in Oregon and is intended for central counties of the Willamette valley. Mrs. L.M. X. Ptevens.president of the National W. C. T. U. and Mias Anna Uo don, vice-president at large, will be present. It will be remembered, that Mis. Gordon was, for many years, toe private secretary and confidential fri-nJ .Miss Willard. The program for Sat urday, May 27th, is as follows: 10 a. m. Devotional service. 10:S0 " How can We Make Our Local Unions more Effective'? Cather ine li. Melton. 11 a.m. 1). P. T. of L. T. L., lu Needs and Hindrance Henrietta Brown. 11:30a. u. I a Campaign for Total Altinance Neeued iu Oregon? Louisa A. Nnvli. ll:4o a.m. Devotion. 1 :$) p. m. What part shall the W. C. T. V. Uk in the coming Suffrage Gam- paisn Marearet L. liilveu. 2 p. m How can we Belter Enlist tlie Churches in Temperance Work? Sarah Pierson Adams. 2::50 p. m. Question box Mrs. L. M X. Stevens. 3:30 p.m. Cuildrens meetiug Miss Anna Gordon. 4:30 p. m. Scientific Temperancs in our School Ida M. Swan. DisuFsion will follow the opening paper on each topic. Mre. Stevens and Miss Gordon will aJdre?s a uiaaa uit-eting in the C.-irisii.iu church ou lite evening of May 2Mb.- A cordial tnvita:ion is extended to members of unions, and olhere in terested, te attend tnis conference, and entertainment will be furnished. Those eprcticg to I prvsent will send name to .Mr. Anna li. TodU, Luene, Oregon. Lebanon. "Doc" Barker, of Albany, spent Mon day r;i;:!it in this citv with'tne fatnilv of his aister, Mrs. ti. T. Cotton. Ben Kirk, one of Albany's best bar- 11 s, came out this n oroing to see how the Leosnon boys are making it. Mis Mattie Nixon, formerly of this city, now has a position in one of the large department stores of Sukane, t ssh., where she is making good wages and enjoying tine health. Mis Dot Harris is keeping books and doing typewriting for Dr. Lamberson. The doctor's spare time from his prac tice is all taken up with tiie buying of chtttem bark. Herbert Looburrow, who was a mem ber of tt-e regular armv, has returned to his parents at Tallmair, his time of ser vice having expired the iilli of last month. Prof. W. S. Max-berry will leave this evening for the Walla Wails country fie will go via Moro and Pendleton. As be has been engaged to teach the Crow foot school tins next year.he wiil be gone only for the summer. E. L. Power recently sold a set cf har neas to a Harney county man, the buyer saying that he could buy cheaper here than any place he had seen U-twe?o this (.lace and Uarney county. Mr. Morris. father of Ex-county Treas urer 1. ti. Morris, was in this citv the first of the week circulating a petition asking the county court to omp'omise the matter of the shortage of the ex- county treasurer. Mr. Adams, the man who recently came here from Republic county, Kan sas. has purchased the 2U-acre farm of N. strobalir. situated two miles southeast of this place. Thos. Ready, who recently sold his place to Mi . Cunain, has purcnaseu a. Si. Wilson's farm near Tillman. Mr. Wilson went to Albary yesterday to com plete the deal. Decoration Day. Mes. Westbrook, Brown and Hast ings, the U. A. k. committee on the ot servance cf decoration day are preparing a good program for the annua; memorial services. Tbeeetmon will be delive-ed in the Methodist church ty Kev. Parker of the Congregational ennrcb. The customary parade and proceetion to the cemetery will be made, with the usoal decorations. Arrangements r being made for a profusion of rhododen drons. Ti.e address will ba delivered in the af ternoon probably at the armory. sod wili be a novelty, beiur preeentxl by a wo man, the talented Mil. R. E. Kands of Sslem The regular order will be istu.d in a few dart. 3,000 pounds of wool were sold at Ger- vais yesterday at 13 and 1 4 cents, being ol this vears clip. Your heart best over one hun dred thousand times each dsy. One hundred thoussnd supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. Which is it? If bad, irrpurc blood, then your brain schei. You are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve Eower. Your food does you but ttle food. Stimulants, tonics, headache! powders, cannot cure you ; but will. It makes the liver, kidneys. kin and bowels perform their proper work. It removes all Im purities from the blood-. And it makes the blood rich In its life giving properties. To Hasten Rooovory You will be mere rspldly cured If you will take laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thua cure biliousness. FRIDAY The Nazarene. Sunday evening Hie fin t of the Nazar ene Leitures by Rv. J. B. Koehne will be delivered l' Al'iaoy. Most of the churcher of the city unite at this even ing lecture in place of hoMing the urtial evning service. Last week the Portland papers runs with tribute to I'r. Kneline'j eloquence, vivid description and ma-ein of fctn. Next week Albany has the rare privilege of listening to this sanif course. No tickets are to.d and no a!iniion Svhsrg.d. The ieclurr are not, how ever, free lecturer. An olTerinu is taken at the clone of each lecture and all are asked to give in doner, according to their arility. The subject of the lecture., in the or der given, are as follow-: 1 The Posi tive Movement : Tha World's Prrparal ion for through Judaism! 2 The Negative Msvemenr: The pre paration thl'nli the Uentile World-Oie Orient and Occident '. 3 Christianity:' From Augustus to Con tantinr! 4.- Christianiit : . From Cnnetautine to Modern Time! The NazrDe and Modern Skepti !-m 6. -The New Aria tvriev. or, Kie of the Common People ! Mr. and Mrs. tiio. E..Fisli left venter dsy for their rfcw home at Portland. Mrs. E. li. Hutton, w ho has U-. n ill for soire time is reported wore and that her condition is critical. Fred Goulel f Junction, a former AI tmny saloon keeper, has purchased the saloon of A. E. Dareny cf Salem. Mr. Ed. Niles, the Seattle lUiuii t't'.n agent, a son-in-law of Dr. G. W . tirey came up this noon on a short visit. Mrs. Kate Marinan, has returned from Monmouth, where she has just complet ed a special course in the noraiai dej rt ment. Mrs. Walker, ot Weston, is In the i i: nn her way to ist berannt Mie. Jacob Kees nen Lebanon. Mrs. Walser haa been attending the grand lodi-e ol Odd fellows st Salem . Prof. Wann one of the acoomptt.litd and popular teacheis in the stale rm al School at Monmouth, aid Hon. N. L. butler accompanied the debaters t Al bany today to attend the contest tuuigtL W. E. Simonton lias accepted a pceit- lon w nn a I'ortland nrm and will leave for that cty June 1. Hopkins It res. will loose a gool look keeper and Albanv a unit claw musician and a good ntuen. Frank Davev, of Salem, is a promin ent for the povition of super visor oi the tor this difiict. ar.d it is said with good chances of sv-cunng the appointment. Mrs A. Morrison left TtursJav for Al . .. . . ... oooy. vregun, w tier she w as caiirri on account of her mother's exiuca! illness We trust the ill new will not prove fata! and that Mrs. Morrion may toon return tooienJive. ftar. Mr. Abigail Scott Dar.aiaay, of Port land, a former Albany miliorr. has j ii re-oroe-j irom :ii meeiiVg : wonieo iffragits at Grand Rapids, Mich hl.e there she deiiver-i an a-l-lret on "How to Win the tiailot," wbico the Grand Rapids Demrrat aaid was rco- rded to be one of the most interesting. eirr)tient, logical and conTinctcgaddre es of the convention, and relerred to Mrs. Itanniwav as the Satan B Anthony of the Pacific coast- . Wis a picture of SCi Cecil Ktmpr, ot Harrvburg, the Orerlan say : Mis Cecil Rarnpy, who won th medal in the contest for the best delivery of it e charge an i unwritten workiflf.e I t bekabs, is one of the toontre t trirn. lr of the order. There wre 12 ronirtunu, and earh occupied 20 to 30 minute time. Memory and elorut'on were con sidered in judging. Mis Kampy lives at Mamshurg , and it the daughter of li. A. Rampy. A Corvallis man writing from AI.ka says the AUin district is all nght. That Captain Sperry, formerly oi Krownsville, Linn county, took 1,MJ out of a beach c'aim in tree weeas lat fall, and earned his dirt 200 yards in sacks to wash it. Brady Burnett writis frcm Manila un der date of April 11, that he is still ie the buepital acd improving s!o!y. He sayt so tar there ba ben nrarly a thoui aod Americans woooded and 195 have been killed or died of their wonnds. There are now 435 wounded in the hos pital. Corvallis Union. The grand lodce of Odd Fellows yester day , as anticipated, elected Hon. J K. W eatherford pf this citv crand maer. J. W. Welch grand warden. E. I Mill er grand treasurer, E. E. t-haron grand secretary. T E. Wells grand n preect- stive, 1 be Kebekahs ejected Mrs. barah Clevenger president, Mrs. Holman vice president, Mrs. Ora Coiper secretary, Mrs. tiustin grand warden, Mrs. C'ara Boyle treasurer. The. Oregonian publishes a pictare of the new grand ma.terot ths Odd FeDo and says: J. K. We. t her ford bas been a jiember for 25 years. He was one of the first members initialed by Caiapooia lodge, of KrowosvillH, Or. He is now a member of the Albany lodge. He is 4S yesra olJ, and is au attorney by profes sion. He has takrn all the degrees of the order, and bas filled all the othces of the subordinate lodge. He has been . mem ber cf the grand lodge for 15 years, but hat never held so oflice in the grand (jdgb until he was elected deputy grand tnsster yesterday. He is the first grand master i;i Orron to be elected from tbi floor of the grand lodge. Debate To-Night. Lend us our ears: Co to the college to-night and her the debate btwcen Monmouth and Albany on Resolved that the United Stales should enter ioto a defensive alliance a ih Urea'. Britain. The debate promises to be a lively one, bright young men in both cnliegea bat ing been selected for the tight. An admission fee of ten rents w ill be charged to defiay expenses. Everybody go. List of Patents. Grant. d to Northwest inventors ibis week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co. Patent Attorneys. Wamiington, D. C. T Bootsman. Artie. Wash , raiUr-hox V Clark. Drvsd, Wash., N.ilei-clearer; w li tirav. Ashland, lire., plow; Kfc Phillips, Portland, Ore., curtain-fixture For copy of any of the above patents tendlOcenU in postsye stamps with date of this psper to C. A. Snow A. Co Washington, 1. AN Opposition Boat. The Eugene Guard gels a good deal of consolation in the following: Frank L. Chambers has received the good news of the establishment of the Merchant a Line oi Dieamsnips oeiweea San rraocisco anu romaou, uiiaries Conklln & Co., (km Market street, agent, an independent line. Hie letter an nnunces that the steamship "Grace Dol lar," will sail on ber first trip Irom Ban Francisco for Ponlsnd, May 2iat, nd averv two weee tberealter. the will make througn rates witu me tugene Transfer Co., and ship all goods by the local line fur the w.uameite valley. This is good news, that the 8. I. H. R and the combine boats will not be pleas- eu to learn. Notice Three horses taken up by city poundmaster of Albany, cne a dark brown, one mouse color 6d, the other a aorrel mare For further description call on poundmaster. E. B. Davidson The U. S. grand jury for the circui j urt which will convene in Portland une 5 has been drawn with th follow ing from this county : A. B. Stone, Oak ville ; John C. Davis. Shedd : N. Crume. Bhedd. REV. HARRIS AGAIN. Mrs Lear Again After Her Daughter. Fiom the Vancouver B. C. World of May 16: The troubles cf the Lear family .land of the ex-preacher, Mr. Harris, are appar ently not st an end. according to inform ation receive l this morning by the Culcb. : r. isr, the mutner ol the girl with wli'-m Harris wat traveling, after he de fer ml his family from Albany, Ore., w ot north at the asme time as the run a uy couple, but she went to 8ksgwy bie they uot on at Tort Eottngton There Harris left behind bis broadcloth coat and ministerial smi'e, and went to wort clara ng in a store for C. Hoffman the liner. He got on very well lor month or tao and wit living with Miss l-ear, but Mrs. Lear has come back from Mtaguav and was just going up to teul accounts with young Mr. Harris when the Cutch left Port Essington for th south. She said she would demand that her daughter leave Harris and go baik io live with tier at home, but what oc "sash wi! bare In stukiug arrange ments to this end remains to be tod t nether tune M.etnade no secret of ber intentious wbila on board the Cotcb. Scio. Froji tt.e Newa: Imlk-e iyuneao. of Albanv. naaaed through Scio Monday, on his wsy to hi arm near l.araoou. C. C. Lee will shortly leave for East ern Oregon where he will collect a band oi about 100 draft and saddle horses which he will bring back and offer for saie. T. J. Claiton has been awarded the conrsf l t ,t building the tew wareboaeg ior j on d con x rbiliipe. I be batlding win ) ationt the tame size as the old one, but wil. be built more substantial We printed a qaantiiy of poelera thi- ek l-r Meer Wilson A S -elloo, whe are arranging t start out with a "Span- ito American vt ar" entertainment. A Ijdo of the Kbrn.iao Fraternal As- frociauon w.a organized in this city last week with 15 charter members Dr. A. j. I rill has been appointed medical ex miner. All Scio needs now t mak it tie beat twn In the valev is teller fiiv pro-eet- no. cleaner s. reels and al'evaand mtoA roads leading into to an. We van have all if we pat oar shoulJer lo Ibe wheel piih. Mr. D.T. PiU-l.for.l die J st Comstock Doag as county, Tharsdsy.May 11. IS1, aged aboat 55 tears. Mrs Pilch lord has: been a retideot of linn connty for th paai nnen years, and waa one whom ii was a pleasure to know. She raited a family of x cl-i'dren. all bat two of hom sregruwo. Besides the children sue leave an aged lo moo re her death. The W. C. T. U. XlaS CABTCB COWINC It is said of Mis Carrie Lee Carter, o M :ocn, Natioo! Organizer of the W C.T. IT. that last year she travelled tOOQ miles by rail acd 540 miles in backs and wagons and convyencef of ever; description, add retard 205 meetiogs, ad ded 21-6 members and 155 Lonorsriee to the rank and secured 460 signatures to the total abstinence pledge. In addition to W.C.T. U. meetings she tpoke tefore many reboots, college, etchers' institutes and &abtalh acbeols, at fashionable receptions and at woo defful and cations nettings in the back- aonai. Mitt Carter is spending a little time in Ur.jton, her eogagrmenta are such that she co l'd only be secured for an ad rtrees in Albany tomorrow afteroooo. Sie wiil speak to the s'odents in the W C T L" ball at 3 o'clock. Strn'tntt of the High School asd citizens gener ally are cordially invited to be present. n account of Mita Carter's addrss at Co' ege Chapel, Sat. st 3 p. m, the meet ting ol the Modern Travelers is post poned on weea. There ie a strong proten aea'ntt the desecration ot the Sabbath involved in th Tu-ner xurtion coming here on the 2S:b. lr. Fluno. a Christian scienLst of Oak land, Calif., has been lecturing in Salem. Captain Ormsbv of Salem hasansoint- ed forty five forest rangers for the com- irss summer monlha They will have drputy I". S. Marshal powers. The poor farm house caught on fire yesterday afternoon, from defective kitchen flue. Considerable of the roof was burned. Mr. Drummond and Mr. Hollicli extinguished the llmnes by hard work. Pigeon Shooting is very brisk, with p'enty of birds in sight. The hunters are taking advantage of their presence and are making some good kills. Yester day John Warner shot sixty. Today sev eral left fcr Binton county where thev roost. Chris Germansoo. of this city, has pur- chated the Franklin House of Herman Buehlow of Albany, and bas tskn pos- testion witb the intention ot making that place bis future home. Corvallis Union. The Wasro News says: Drt. H. E. and Olive K. Beers have now decided to return to Wasco. Mrs. Dr. Beers has contracted asthma and it bas become so severe that the bas been forced to make re prated visits to this iart cf Oregon, a here the climate is so much dryer that she soon recovers from it, as they have recided to locate here permanent!. fliey need uo!tu traduction to the people of Sherman county, fur tbeirskill is well known here. Coining to Wasco in the summer of 1890. they practiced t nc cess- lull y until the wnterol 112 and 3.wben i hey went east and took post-graduate courses in the Medic al College of Buffalo, N. Y., t.d the Polyclinic of New York City. In 18'J4 thsy located at Albany, Oregon, where thty built np ao excel lent practice, which they regret very mucn to leave. Their social qualities have won far them a host of f riendj w ho are sorry to lore tbem. But again the old adage will apply." What is one s ios la another s gain, and the people ol Sherman county consider themselves fortunste in securing their relocation here and are glad to welcome thtm again to their midtt. They expect to be here by June 1st. The Band committee are distributing envelopes free ever the city, on which the following appears: "Return in five days to , Albany, Ore. State Band t . ... . .ii....... n.. 1 .... A i;i. lourumiiviii, , aiuniitv-iv.t .una v... and btli. Don't miss it. Big Band of 200 men in parade and concert. Balloon as cension and bicycle races. Sport, contests etc." The Oregon inn correspondent writing from Manila devotes a letter to the Ore gon hospital corps, in which they are paid a high compliment. Tbey.wt riirbt uo with the procession ami in much danger practically as those firing. For th best harness call on A. E. Ketcbum, Bror dlbin street, Albar y." All persons aie here by warned against nailing up tin aient advertising matter upon buildings in the citv of Albany without permission from tho oner under penalty of proeecntion, ti. O. Leg, Chief of i'olice. Tho graduating exercises of tbe La Grande public schools will be held on May 20. Among tbe features will br Howell's "The Elevator." a cantata "I 1 Birdland," and 'The revel of tho No di." SA UKDAY. ALBANY WON.; Ths debate n the College chapU lad evening between Monmouth and Albany was a very interesting and entertaining event, greatlv enjoyed by a good sized audience, including about twenty-five students from Monmouth, who had come totiiecity in hacks, arriving just in time for the program. The exeicises were begun promptly nt 3: 10, with the six debaters on either side of the p'atforin, and Piesidebt Lee in cnarge of tne program. A duet was heard from Mitue .Sot and Baumgart, 'Resolved that the Unfed Stales should onu-r into a dr lenitive with Great Britain," was the question debated, with Monmouth for the allirmative. -W, II. (viofcerv,F. G. Meindl and A.G. Thonip .o spoke for the Normal eciioot. borne -f the arguments were: Ibe curamercisi in erests of the Un ted States demand it. Hince becoming great exporting nation an al.iance ie -e ded. The economic center u tesding est ward. Earopeaa coaiuiont calls tor such an al'ianceoa oar part. CurcDm mon lang isge an 1 intertefs justify it. Ao outlet for our trade will ue neceesary with the coalutoua agair.i-t it. The C. . cannot naud loue commercially. The words of Washington agaimt entangling alliance were correct for his time, bnt not now with different policies. Hiall we sit down or shall ae arm and arm with England move on. It is the duty of the Anglo eaxon race to conquer the world, not with arms, bat nnder God's policy. vitu a defensive alliance the U.h. and England would heinvinc-b.e It would give us roaang stations sll ever the world. A uetmeire alliance would not impede our free action. Our people want the al.iaoce.quutiog the Oregonian, ludge vvi.liaxs and Attorney Genera Biackburn. An alliance would bring About the peace of tl e wor d Tte young men bad previ.ueipde'uated ce question twice, on both tides, win ning both debatei againtt Nes berg and rorretGrcve, and displayed their train ing. tor Albany College J. ti. Swsnn.C. C. Bryant and Jo? lyree tpoke well, and to the point. aon-e of their arguments were: Oar trJe is steadily increasing regard i oi foreign coalition and it greater itli other conntne than witb Eng. and A defentiv aliliance means according to ibe nooks ao alilaoce ic case of war, net referred to by the ainrmative. Uar psv- irtousm demsods that we stand a'one. There is no coalition afca.nt Ue United Mate, ibe American people are not m lavor of aa alliance. England wants ti.e Jliaoee, she wants oar power, she need a backing, wants us to help stand her expenses, commercially the .!eire is oa th trt of Etgiaod. An a:!-.ancei con trary to oar potcy as sbown in the fare- eil address ot abngoo snd in the opinions of many since. W'f want p-ar aod fr iend.y relauons not a 'Uoce. A de fensive alliance mean a or cliuoed poucv. nd take the r ghttof the peopk amsy. It woo id deeiroy our eeif reHanre and mdividnality. It woild involve ns in aars It would impede oar tree ac ion. We mut be in a toti:icn to throw oar infloeoceon the side of crace aad right regard. of En. and. Ia our Ala-it d tpuU Eng'an i wact everything. We have calted br to a hait teverai times and may hare u aain . A Cefenti ve a r tiaoce conld not be maintained, on a raant of oar political tmtm. aed oar diversified people. Alliance have never oeen maiotatoe-d. togiand is always at war and that vonld tnvoiv at. Interspersed were a psano solo bv Pro!. irt, a cornet o'.o by Prof. Siinootor and a song Dy the high echno! J he jndge. t'restdent ja'.ch ol the O. . C. Hon. N L. Butler of Monmouth and Jodge U. U . He iu ot Albany, af- i ter com pan eg cote rend ;rei their de cision in lavor of the ne-.-a'.ive, which i was greeted by the load Albaar College yell. Both aide conier.e-1 credit on their Outlege. RELIGIOUS. United rretbvterian chorch: Morn tng wr-rthip at 10:30, subject of eermon. IbeUt ol tbrrtua science. tao- bath school at 11 :45. Janior Endeavor at 30, Sen'or Endeavor al 6iIX) in Jh Preabyteriao chorch. The evening ser vice at 7 :45 when I'r Koehne will deliver bis brst lecture of the coarse . All are cordially invited lo tbe services. Fresbvteriaa church: Morning wor ship at 10 iO. (object cf sermon ' Chiitt lan Dependence and Christian Indrpend ence." Sabbath school at II :45, Junior Endeavor at 3:30. Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Regular quarterly mee'.iog of t. e Loral anion of the Endeavor societies. Tbe evening ferric will be a anion ser vice in the United Pr?byterian chnrch. Tbe first of the Nsaarene lertrvs by Rev. i. B. Koehne. Services at Baptist church as usual.ex- cept in the evening when the members will unite in tbe nnioa services at the U. P. church. The Local Union ol Christian Endeav or will meet in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 6:30. Mr. E. T. Al len, of Portland, and others will address tbe meeting. Matter ol interest will be considered. All Endeavorers aie urged to attend. Lebanon. From tbe E. A. At the meeting of the city council Tueedav evening it was decided tbat the tax levy tor this year shall be six mills. A. H. Drum.a y.-ungbarber of Albany, speut several days in Lebanon this week witb friends. e have heard it remark ed that he iattinkinz ot learning the photograph business in the Lebanon art gallery. The f lllowing was haaded ia with the request tbat the same be published : There was a very small attendance at the lecture on education last Vouday evening. A large crowd greeted tne aog sbow on Thursday evening. tiro. Finlev, formerly of Crawfords- ville. but now in the real estate bueinees in Portland, is in Lebanon today. Mr. nley is here for the purpose of listing tome property on which to locate some ol the numerous immigrants that are beaded for Oregon . Misa Una Baker, who leaves Lebanon in a few days tor the summer, was given a farewell party at tbe hoi of Mr. and Mrs. t. in rower on luesiiay evening. lbs time passed swiftly with games and music, after which a delicious lunch was served : but the most heart-rending number on the program wa a vocal solo oy Air. tvwer. We buy, sell and store gram. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ, lurv,: The Magnolia Mills. Tinkle & Dawson, the leading photo raphers of Albany are now making the fines; up to date enameled cabinet pho to for $1-50 per dozen, opposite P. O. Call and see samples. Do you Eat Ice UrearuT Never do so until you have tried r , H. Pfeiffer's, for it is t'e bett. CASTOR I A For In&ati and Children. Tba Kind Yoa Haia Always Bongtit Bears tho Egaattirw of (.lakes the food more SOCIAL AND PERSONA L E. A. SchifHer will leave on Wednrs da of next week for Pendleton to locate. r . L. Snt-li of San Francisco ia in the city, attending to his Cloverdalc property . J. G. Crawford went to the Bay today to lay in a rioca oi scene ot tbat pictor etqae country. G. C. Moon left last night for Kent ( alii., where his father is lying dang- tarcmsiy ui. Mr. Thos. Heffron, who recently went to Idaho, bas been beard from at the Buffalo Bump mine. . ' R- L. Weatherford it prominent atPr ney of Albany is registered at the Im perial. Portland Telegram. Roy Hrdburt, of Albany, is a regular Sunday visiter in Brownsville. ways stop at the Arlington. -Br wns vilte Times. Mrs. Dr. N. L. Lee left on yeaterday't local for Albany, where she goes to visi her father, who ia in very poor health" Junction Time. James Swsnk and wife went to Port land today to t in attendance at the Star Grange which convene tber next Taetday. Mr. Swank is an officer in the Grange. Superintendent Martingale beaded a crowd of teachers and yoang people who went to Lebanon last evening to attend j the graduating exercise of the public school of that city. They report a fine I time. j O. H. Blount, who baa bean at Boise City, Idaho, left Seattle Monday to join' CrttToimao at Dawson City oo tb Kl' ndike. He will go over the rasa and down the river when 'he the drat hnat V in the spring. Mr. B.oon: will have charge ol the stores of the Alaska Com mercial Co Ashland Record. A form er Albany yoang mtn. brother of Fred mount. rrank Kitcteo, of M Co. TJ. S. engV return ei to A I Deny tbi noon irom Hawaii, where be hat been v months awaiting development. He waa Qisctiarjed witb tte rest ol tbe eors- psov at ban Franctaco this week. v. K ib-hen i so delighted witb th climate ana country that be declare that be w ill ret am there to reside io about three month. Hi friends inspect that be bas lett a girl behind. H looks tanned and bealthy and as genial as ever. State Superintendent Ackerman in the city to lay on his way borne from Lebanon. He reported a meerina- tA the state board about Jane 15 He is pre- i-ai.ttc a r-.aie course cl oly tt-at will be ready ahoot Auk. 1. After today no crniucate can be iteoed withoel an examtcatton on all bra ache, errent where tbe application were made pre. nous Jo May 20. Superintendent ArJr- erman earneaily orge all who can to at tend tbe national relocation al meeting at im 3Djf, joiy ii io 14. xae rate iil be very low. Webfoot Good Enough. From th Lebanon E A. Mr. Ed holm and son Victor have re turned from Umatilla county. Mr. Ed holm report that there it poor prospect for a crop in tha: section. The fall crop was n-ostiy frozen oat, spring graia looks very poor, a.-d everything- is dry and sandy. Mr. Ed holm went op there witb tbe intention of locating, bat ecoa cot enough of that country, so after a abort ay with bis Ineor-, A. P. ewquiv. be "d hi boy struck oat lor tbe "loval Webfoot country." After driving 146 me, lor four days facing a ni and ind storm (part of tbe time the cas. firing to thick that they were unable to ere their team), they reached The Dal les, w here they took passage on a steam boat for Portland. Mr. Ed holm ted the following: While on the way borne, in Umatilla county, he s:opped at a farm bouse witb the intention of getting' din ner, but wss surprised to find the nlace aeserteu. ne was unable to bod anv water on tbe place, so both he and bis horses bad to take a dry meal. Over the door of the booee be foood a notice which read aa follows: "1 have been here two years and have got ricb; bat don't wast to stay here anv looter, be cause I had to go 100 miles for wood, 100 miles lor water, aod six tnchea to hell. So good by, sa -d hill covntry." Strictlv business French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkin Brothers, agents. bet BiryUe for toe money. Will & .Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only CM, 130, $35 and 60. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all point in the east. Be rare and see the aati ru$t tinware at Hopkin Bros will las', a lifetime, tie to Misa Long for hiuh priced rho tographs, and do not target to take along the money. The "rut" prices tor sewing machine at E U Wili'a music store ant for 20 day only. Do not delay to get yon a ew ma chine and voo will do voor friend a la yer if you will tell tnem of the special tale ; they may not tee this notice. By allowing- tbe accumulations in tbe bowels t reuiain.tb entire svstem U pois oned . De W itt's Little Karl j Rissrs regel ate the boweK Try them aad sou will always use them. Posbay it Mason. Hppy Thoughts. To please, attract and give people someth ng lo talk about, is an art writing a prosaic advertisement. Hood, o! Sartaparilla fame, ii the originator in an extensive sense of the idea of using proverbs and wise saws a i a pretax to a pleasant introduction of the well-known virtues of America's Greatest Medicine These quaint quotations often fit the news of the dav with startling directness and the morales easily drawn, with nat ural good to Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you want a Rood and cleat uoke buy cigars made by our AD baity cigar tactorv Get the best fiour. The Magnolia Do you - lCat Oranges? Then call at F. H. Pfeiffer'. He al ways hat them as well as other fruits in season. A nice line ol whips, dusters and robes all new styles, just received at A. E. Ketchtim's, Broadalbin street, between 2d and 3d. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen, s foet ease.a powder for tbe feet ; It cures painful, sw.tllea, snr!in, nerv ous foot, and itisUntly takes sting out of corns and bunion. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. AUea.s foot-ease makes tight or new sheet feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating' callous and hot tired,aching feet Try it to day. Sold by drusguU and shoe-store. By tor 26c-io stamps. Trial packsge FREE. Addrsts, Atlea S. Olmttsd, L Roy, 21 T deKtfous and wholesome Tax Sal. On our fourth page-wp be found the city tax sale on account ot . delinquency to the city, for the years 1896 and 17. The list fr 18!$ will be published next week. If these taxoa were 1 paid it would be of great assist anee to the city at this time when the money is r badly needed. Why not make an extra effort to liquidate. Wocxb Nor Accept. Mr. John Clelan whose name has been mentioned for councilman in the second ward desirea the Dkkockat to state that he will net accept th positicn if elected under any ei ream stance. Tbi and That. Wheat 46 cent. SUmppbotoa at Tinkle & Dawson'. Finest aril to enameled photos only 1.50 per doz-o at Tinkle A Dawson's. Viereck's Sajrar Bowl Parlor for ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigar aod tobacco. A large and fine stock of cigar and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dia play. When yon want a choice steak a nice foaator aaeaiof any kind, callow Henry 3niert. - He keen tbe beet. Go to Verick's shavine- and hair eas ting parlor for first claas work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to everv mer. Tbe best meat of all kinds aad good treatment at tne Albanv Dressed Uetd Company's market, just dwa Second treet. Good weight aod prompt . attend ion. It makes no d. fferrnce tow bad the wound ii yon me De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal and lea re ao scar. Fosbay k Mason. Some of I b remit of neg-lected djsptp tie conditions of the etoturcb are caacer. caotamptioe. heart disease sad epilepsy. h-odol Dyspepsia Cure preveat ail this by netting- quick care in a I cases of dvs- pepia Eotbay Matoc. No "are. No Pay. 1 bat it the war all the drnzsuia sell Grove's Tastees Chili Tonic for Chills, Malaria and Billioaaiest. It it as pleas ant to take as lemoa syrap, 50.-. WhatlsShiloh? A grand old remedy for Coas-h. Cold and Consumption: used throozh th world for half a centary, has cored in numerable cases of incipient con samp uon and relieved, many in advanced stage. Ii yon are not satisfied with the result we wiU refund voor money. Price 23 eta., 50 ct. and 11.00. For sale by Fochay & Mason. NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT Aad each day aad night donee: this week yon can get at aey droari'a Kemp's Bal for tbe J hroat aad Loners, arsrsoww sdgd to be the most raccef al remedy ev r ' sold fcr Cosfbs, Crosp, Bronchitis. Alr aia and Contsmptioa . Get a kettle to day aad keep it aiwars in the boose, to on can coeck your eotd at oote. Price 5c and 50c Sample bottle tree. m An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Stki'P or Figs, manufactured by the CaxiFOKXiA Fis SrRrr Co.. ill citrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing-to the taste and acceptable to the svstem. It is the one perfect streturthenuuF laxa tive, cleansing- the srsletn effectually, dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling' one to overcome naouoai constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and it acting oo the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakenings or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the Drocess of manufacture g- figs are used, aa tivey are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Stbcp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tbe Company printed oa the front of every packapi. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN mABCxaco. CAX. xrrtsvixxx. bit. riw to, r. w. t. Far sale bv ail Dransiaa. Price Sic per battle STOCKHOLDERS MEETIKC Notice is hereby given that there will be a meetingjot the stockholder of the Albany Street Railway Company on A edneeday May 24th, 1SS9 at the hoar of eight o'clock p. m. at tbe oce of the secretary of said company the earn be ing at the Real Estate omce ot C- G. Burkhart, on First street in Albany, Or. For the'purpoe of voting on the ques-. eion and proposition of selling alt prop erty, rictus and franchise ot said corporation, and for the purpose ol wind- sag op the business ot said corporation. and tbe dissolving of the same. April 14, lsa. E.F. Sox. President U. G. Bl'RKHART Secretary. LINN C3 ABSTRACT COMPANt Albany '.Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstract of Linn County. Complete tet -f maps and plata. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park Sts. LEWIS BCILDIXG. Portland Oregon MUST HI &T10.1AL BMP, or ar-aawT , ouso rratMaat . natrratklwl. irLisa .. 8 a,voiN , w. LAliotrOtl TSAll SACTS a Q SN a aa U baa kUit SnttaM ACOOVSTS aPT ii ),-ct la tck. tOBTKlcaANOK ('graphic Waaattr, tol.t a Mtw York Saa rrvnclaoo.Coloars ud fUt ISOTIOKS SAOCaa (avorabl I afaeovoaa K Ten K Ltaaios f fiaaawia, l. Fuaa C. . ruaa.