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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1899)
1 V'U, XXXIV Eater C tke Foot at Mbaay. e)r. at eeattaas Mall Mallei! ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 19.1899 StTTIVfc abllihar aaa rr.arlel.r 110 41 .AYeee fable Prep aratioiv for As slmilaifng foe Food atid Reg uia-i bug theSkmaciksaDdBavs'els of Eromotesl3rsHon.ClEeTruI nessand BCst.Contains neither Cmn;Morphine nor Mineral. 1ot Narcotic. atgnaanr A perfect Remedy for Cons lioa- tion.Sour5tDTnacb.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish. ras and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of , NTSW YORK, EXACT COFK OF WRAPPER. FL00R5C0VERINGS. f L'LLY DOUBLE tbe amoutt ever before shown by us, consisting of Carpel. Art Square-. Co'tage Art ( new and attrtctive goods) Mat tings, L'nolenm and Oil Cloth. ' We are alto well supplied with Lace Curtains, Porliers, Shades and kindred good. Piece good id Cartain material and coverings. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. iriasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or. CLOSING OUT SALE, n rj '',, I bas just returned from l'orlid villi NEW I J. WUJI and HANDSOME goods, and He latest style and baa deci jeJ to iloe out her entire clock of good. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Now if voa want a HANDSOME and PRICE you ever purchased for the Millinery 'tear" is the place lo IT'S JUST LIKK'TlfIS We lave machines in s ock as low as.. $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that "SEW" SO Years in A the Oldest Furniture Dealer in the city and be keeps a complete hoe of nrnitnre and Bedding and if yon want good goods cheap give him a call. Ha doesn't intend to be under sold. irti aiutvjiu.x BieuoP'8 FILLS for all diseases arising from vi-'"vwUUf loii-.xunT, over oo years, r.rings tiack your Manhood, cures depleted worn out men, makes rich blood and tissoe. Core, waatinira and all i-ise, mattes you lasuungiy strong, loss ol memory. rao ureams, snrnnken organs, despondency, sleepless vanoceele and c -netrpasion, adds lusir to the eyes, stops nervous twltcbftisk ol the evelios. Makes life living. A boon to vouns or old. MORMOS lilHUOf'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops sj I ssrej by day or nignt. Don't delay. Price within tbe reach ofall. Guarafc ieea to eure. frice Address BISHOP For sale by Fos- I S box O lor ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph. Proprietor, Patronise home ndustry ft! Ml Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 3TYI.KH hat for the LOWEST find it. A good article is worto mote a poor one - EVER ONE KNOWS THAT.. - ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE will outwear a d-wn cheap on therefore cheaper in the end. Business a) AW tiA Use jr For Over Thirty Years MRS BRINK eiceoi - es or cigarette smoking, in ose cures lm potency, lost power, emiasi 12.50 by mail. Bend for free circular. REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal. bay A Mason, Albany THURSDAY The Chicken Ordinance. An Ordinance to declare uny person guilty ot a misdemeanor who shall suffer anv poultry to run at large within the limits of the city of Albany and to pro vide a punishment for such ortence, and lo define what shall be deemed a run ning at large of poultry within sitid city. Tns Paori.s or tub City or Albany ik Obdain as Follows : Ssxtion 1. Hereafter if any person who the owner, .or who has the coin nil or possession or any poultry, shall suffer such pou try to run at large within the city of Albany, such perrons shall be d earned guilty nf misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Recorder' court shall be fined in a sum not le g than $5.00 nor mure than f'JO.OO or be imprisoned in the city jail not less than two days nor more than ten days. Sbcmox.2. Any poultry, ai'auy tima hereafter, found running on any prem ises ia- the city of Albany, lo which premises the owner, or peisnniu pos- . easion or conuol. at at nuitml. a r ri.A i,niii i I .nf h ' poultry, has no righl ol possession or permission orautnonty ii.m the ne' er mnuu iu pwimiuu or cuoirui in inch premises, allowing such poultry to run thereon ahall tor the purpse of this ordinance be deemed running at lrge in the city of Albany. Sbctios 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after live days from ita approval bv the Mavor. , raaseu the council March 3Utli. ISl'I. Approved 1891. bv the Mavor April 3'd, t A Soldier's .Narration. A Corvallis boy writing home says Birt Clark was killed on tbe 2"ih. ii. was nrst wounded n tbe arm and was taken behind a big mahogany tree whee he waa eliot iu the back and died altnuet inttantly. George Snyder was tbe first one abot in the shoulder. We bad not advanced 50 feet when he gut it. He will get along all right. Poor bttle Frank Thon neon the best friend I ever had waa shot next. A Mauser bullet went through his noae and right eya Lie waa laugh'ng about it, and wanted to come on, but Uiey would not lett hira. He will lose bis eye. est w as W ill Uo- german ; shot nigh in tbe thigh and fell in a marsh; I saw bim fall. Birt was the" last one shot on tbe 25th. Yesterday, Grace (recruit) waa shot through the neck and shoulder while detailed with a ' Uotchkisa gun. All will get well. Com panies A and L. bad the hardest hgbt. being under a right and left flank fire and the fire in front of ua in tbe trenches. beaton (our general) when he saw us charge, said : "Who in b ia that?" A man told him it waa the eblooters. tie replied: "For God's sake look at them go. Jt would not do to give those fel lows Krag-Jorgensona. for they would sure go to h it taey do iue that when tbey have the bpriognelds. , tie was heard to Bay later: "Where is the that says volunteers can't 6ght?" He is the man who wanted nothing bat regulars in his brigade ; but the regulars are not in ir ; tbey dropped like sheep from exhanstion. The Ore- gons threw awar their packs, blankets, tents, and everything but th ir canteen. gun and ammunition. e had a bard nghtand all tbe boys can 1 more than rood ol tnair woaod. Birt was killed in a tenible cross fire and died a hero. The Show. Norris Brothers big deg and animal show arrived in Albany this morning and pitched their tents in front of Uie court house. A fine parade was given at 11 o'clock,nd a performance waa in pro gress Ibis afternoan. One exchange tayt ibe management is entitle; to credit for doing lust what tbey advertise, and that mean a nrst class exhibition A big rowd was present. A teoood peaform- ance waa given tonight. II. X. Cockerline, of Engcne, is in tbe city. Miss Edna Alien is viaiting with Port land friends. . C. F. Burggraf came op from Salem this noon. Cliff Abrams, of CrawforJsv lle. bas been in the citr. Charles Dailey, the Salem fruit grower. has been in tbe city. Miss Jeanette Halton.ol Salem, is in tbe city the guest of ber sister. Steve Riley is down the river buying hide for the Albany tannery. Dr. Cuslck, physician at the peniten tiary, waa in the city today. B. L. Wimer and family have returned from Cottage Grove and will hereafter reside in Albany. Miss Elma Pa'ker bas gone to Browns ville to accept tbe position of milliner in the store there. T. S. Anderson, a prominent resident of Harris burg for many yeai I, baa mov ed to W eiser, Idaho, to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams left vester day for Portland where Mr. Williams will work for tbe Suburban Railway Co, m uaa bohj uia Aaiiman iarm. Harrisbnrg teachers for the next vear have been selected as follows: Mr. Gor- gan principal, Miss Grimes, Miss Soren- sen and Miss i-rans assistants. J. Gallagher, the Albany nurserviran. is down to plant a lot of shrubbery at tbe St. Joseph parsonage and St. Mary's academy grounds. eaiem Journal. Mr. Ed Power, a former Albany young man ot balem, ana JUiss .thel A. Man del, of the capital city, were united in marriage Jast evening, ihey have tbe best wisltes of many Linn county people. Mrs. D. Carlile, after 27 years residence in this city, left Sunday morning to join ber husband and son in Portland, where the family will hereafter reside. Cor vaiiis limes. W. W. Haines, an Orecon cioneer. ol Linn county, accompanied by bia wife, is at the St. Charles today. Tbey are on their way to Indiana, te visit relatives. Telegram. The Eugene tannery man The Degree of Honor contest closed laat evening witn an excellent program by Miss Barker's side, including a cake walk won by Tom Shea and Millie Got- neb. Ibe eutertaisments have been a great success, accomplishing what tbey were for. tbe securing ot a Urge number of new members,23benellciary and neat ly 50 social, about evenly divided be tween the sides. Miss Barker's side is said to be ahead on points several hun dred, though tbe judges will not render their decision for several days yet. Tub Santtam Sale. The Statesman gives the following record of the sale of I the Santiam Lumber Co. to Curtis Co. : The Santiam Lumbering Co., to the Curtis Lumbering Co , 100 acres also in T9s,r4e; 160 acres also in T 9 s, r 3 e, a certain right of way; another tract of 25 acres in T 9 s, r 3 e ; and ot'ier small tracts in T 9s, r 3 e ; and certain land in this city, located on Fourteenth street in trepot addition, sio.uuuu. During tbe parade of the Norris show the pony being driven by the son of 8. E. Mo, of this city. rn away, being! frightened by the motor. Mr. Moe bap-1 pened near by, and fearlessly rushed for- ward, grabbed the linea and saved the boy. It was a thrilling scene. Tub Toubsamkat. The time for the band tournament bas been changed to I Monday and Tuesday, June 5th and 6th. I ine raiiroaus win pruut very low excur sion rates, anu a uig crowa is certain. Remember the meeting tor tbe organi zation of a game club at the council chambers tomorrow night at 7 :30. BURNED TO DEATH. The four year old. daughter of Mr. Janus Sylvester, of I.ocorab, in this county, was burned to death last Tueit day. About ten o'clock in tl.e foreooou several children wont out into tlio lot about forty yards from the house and set tire to a very pitchy fir Iree. It blazed up and out eat -liitiif in the cotton dress o the four ? ; r old ifirl. Tue other children, l : est of whom was only eleven, t . o put the fire out, but were unl..' to do so, and tied to the bouse to inform their mother. When Mr. Sylvester reached the acene the child's clothes were burned entirely off, and the body scorched so that the little sufferer lived until the evening, w hen she died from the eft. cts of the burn. Is it True. Some time since there appeared an ar tide in ono of the city papers that the bakc of Uie city bad not forced a trust. '"' cvmei iiy mouKUl SO lor m uuiuoer 01 me grocers wete in - umuu ana itr .uay i, im no - "--"u w lur Kruwn, I fm iwo we. us ate? me grocers er informed that bread would be sold at 30 j loave- lor one dollar and that they could j have it at the tame r ue, thus 'orcing ' 1 em if they ileoire l to handle it to do so at iht-ii u in it wrs claimed that the price waaihe same and that toea .-ig;..a as mi'cu as m Old bir t cmu -i iruxt. Sow the pe pie c-n.iin y " t ink differently n t o- ly do Hie . . iu - lie -ak-r he.ring that 2 loaves weie le u. ld ..r a nick s ak- ed a delivery man lo my on ol tlie loaves and w ien it wa-ha i,-1 ! intii e ex amined .1 HII'I pr .ll.Hl O- 1 11 g '-J fl weighing it raid it m ,.Uui 2 t -uott. auil a-Ihf t.uie h - wis -. i j bread hougu, . t i i-. , lk. iy noi o,, hour ,.rcvi. .i , ,. wi.rn biead as celling at 'hiavr!. i.,f t .iO t,eV claim ed thai tlieie a . not tr.f ,n It and II auob as t.- cue hoa muc'i is tht-re in it l 51) loaves I r one do'lar or doe it ay i-tter io Inr - Mr, t, artier to haul it out ol low n than it does to sell iu Now they say they want lo live and let live and ure the people to patronise home industry, how can grocer, men patronise home industry if we cannot bnv it and tell it aain without loss, great prtpost- uon un "live ana let live. Farmks Joxes. The Orocerrman. Teachers Examination. The following are being examined this weekat IheColIege for certificates: For First crade FlovCumrainis. San- tiam; Maud Kelley, tcin. tor Second grade Klhel Miller, an tiam; Emma Wadtli. ."-weet Home: Sarah Nash. Habey; J.tirace Brewster, Letonon; Nettie M. Buck, Sweet Home. lor Third grade B. r. Lonuloltoin. Albany; Deli Ilealy, Coburg; M. J. Blacklaw, Llanon; Stella Fronk, Ieb- anon; Maud Cioe. Coburg; Lena Ack- erman, Miedd ; I.. B. Gibson, Thomas; Kaiph B. Miller. Haleey. fctate Jos. fc. i Tree, tlla Mct.:ov. Mrs. W. J. Stee'e. Albany: Ida Smith. IudenenUence; Mrs Bigbee.Swevt Home : O. f. Bigbee, sweet Home: T. L. Bice, Foster; Annie Liacklaw, Itanon. It is probab'.n that the bnsineas men mil hire an inside nigbtwatchman by popular ul ri lioa. Corvallis ii also econouiLrin,; and re cently cut tff a third of ita electric ex- pene. The company dd not see it that ar though, and put in ita bill as usual. Tbe result is a Sight. Bev. E. P. Hi'!t the Presbyterian church next Monday evening in a lectors with stereop st. vieaa taken by Mr H:li on bis European trip. The lecture i is a very entertaining, up-to-date affair and no one should miss it. G. W. Taylor baa returned from Jef ferson, where be moved tbe institute bui.ding in order to make room for the new school house tb.tis to be erected on the The building moved was erect ed forty three years ago, and Mr. Taylor says the timbers weee in ss good condi tion as when put in the building. The last city council of Corvallis pawed a chicken ordinance, and one would think to lead the local paper that chick en would no Jocgcr be seen on the streets and on other people's lots ; but of U ordinances tbe chicken ordinance is soonest forgotten and in six months Cor vallis w ill not know that it bas a chicken ordinance. A'popular way of advancing tbe inter ests of the w . C. T. L . is by means o! medal contests. Usually a class of seven or eight young people are tin contest ants, a medal being awarded to the one who renders the best reciiauon or oee- aination. More recently a feature whici proves very attractive ia to have a "Sil- :. :....,. U.lmn'annnlMll ' In ver Grav" or a "Matron s Contest." in the first named all '.he contecunu must nav, BiLained btsv bair in order to se cure admission to the class, in the latter all are matrons but not necessarily the possessor ot that above distinction. We understand that Albany W. C. C. T. I". will bold a Matron s contest .May .t'.n in thsir ha 1. Your heart bcr over one hun dred thousand times each day. One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. Vhich is it? If bad. impure blood, then your brain ache. lou are trouoieo with drowsiness vet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve power. Youc food does you but unie gooa. si Stimulants, tonics, tJeadacbell powders, cannot cure you ; but will. It makes the liver, kidneys, skin and bowela perform their proper work. It removes all Im purities from the blood. And It makes the blood rich In Its life giving properties. To Hasten Rooovory, You will be more rapidly cured If you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the aluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. Wrttm to our Osoron. W. W. th. axelailT. an-rtM of am at t ,. mo. I amlnant phyilelan. to th Cnlt.4 StaM. WrlMfrMlr all lb. BaiUculai In your.m 1nriU) ft I i FJUDAY The;0regon Boys. Mr. Poiodeiter in writing lo the Ore g mian amoni other thinics eays : Heturning from q expedition after in a irtfxnl . pa-ed buneredsof flecks of chickens tnnuintf wild, nd in B comp- nr nearly every man enjoyed that niijlit a ehieken rapper. I company, having 'ecoue rather tired of "hicken, brought back mainly eggs. We reached camp atiout i o ciock. coDsiUeiablv littiuued. t avini; niareueu altogether aiio'it 17 m n, I n ii imea urn 01 ine wounoed men I rent in none had tteen so etlirieutly etre tor ny urn urKon an.l iheir as I oisiaot- in tbe Cel. I astbnse twlongloc to .the Oregon regiment Jse foam is complimented by Nth Major Ellis ami l at tain liroma- lor the tiiaelr kill he di played In liandaicinir the complicated w.mnd o' a n an Uo a in darger of b'eed ng t dentil From Ur- h vrf un II the tali of Malo j lo ilj ir Jillia need a brigade ur l:-r iri,l r.A nna m.,h un- , til the maur.ent capital had ben taken j0r Ellia still act as hr nade atircnun According to an Ollicl g to an olticul atitemenl In ii -i, 'LeOifi, n rreiment in the bai- lec of l.irh 'jil- t on.tito ed only one nini t ie (ones rntia.fed, our casual iti- DiO'ii.t. d to one-lourtbof the total. List of Patents. i .'oi d io North et inventors ibis .rk, U, .itd by C A Snow A Co., t'atem An.irneys Mfanington, li C: ti " if il cue Tacoma. Waft, .lil. ti r tt t y.-hicies; E L le, 4 m O eg vanor eemne; J H Mi likin. '"'ii' . Ore, l-velin-rol ; I' A Rands, K -r - tit.. r Oi,, tlireshin oiarhioe r - r e ot anv ( the altove i-alrnla f. ...i pi.-rui. in poaire stamfs with a i.l Ihl- it -o C. A Snow A t'o , V-!l. gs-.i,. I. . ITcparaJ n for Examinations. Special preparation for state and ioim t xamioations will be eireo at the summer term of the Slate Normal School at Monmouth, begionicg Tuesday, June SSib. Kegu'ar work ny No'tnal facoity. UraCe credited toward gradnaiion. Ex penf, from ii to (40 oer ten wek. Foil information tent on application to t'.e secre'ary of '.he Kacoity 'Normal School, Moomoatti. Mr. J. F Troatman ha parcbaaed tbe residence of Mr Geiaeo.lorfer at the (orer of the duch and street and will move into it in about a week. Mr George Borkhart. who has ben ocenpyiog it. bas soved into ibe residence recently vacated by Henry Taylor. W. H. Lee, not tbe President of A! bany College, with ooly lo cents in his pocket .struck a pocketon Monot Ster ling. Jotephine county, and in two days look out t:;uo. E. E. A IJricli, of Lebanon, was in th city today. G. A. Weatgata ret a reed last eight from a trip to Sao Francisco. Born, at Kiddles, Or , on May 8, to Mr. sod Mm j. E. Love, a son. P. W. Qainn, of Halsey, waa attend. ng to Ihuiiwm io Albany yewterday. Ex-Secietary of state Kincaid, of Eu gene returned borne this noon irom a :rip I itoa n tbe road. i Mr. Arch F.lackborn (Mr. JodiT ir.ackboro to ber home at 8tm vesterdav oo a vsiii. F. II. Pfeiffer, connciiman from tKe middle ward, has letoroed from a trip ol ' lo M ' Mrs. Amanda Keater went lo Moo- mouth this morning cnlbaKuthon a aevetal weekr visit witn fnend. Tne Talegram eats that Man ircott and J B. Co'sett, two live nock dealer, were in the cily Tbev are nor ooly live dealer but dea!er in s'.ock that is alive. 'Tbe Eugene R-gister give a personal in this peculiar way : C. Irvin U Albany was among tbe visitors from Sa lew Temlerday." 8:a e Game Warden L. P. W. Quimby was in the city ibis lorsro n while oo j bia way to Portland from Southern Ore-! gon. j Sheriff Mnnkera went to Eugene lsst evening to see Branton banged. Tbe berif! is liable to have a banging of hi on sometime in tbe future. Stanley thwart, Frank Wire sod Lee Payne left Albany early tbi morniog for tugen. to attend the musical lesuvai tonight, returning b tee tomorrow. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Welch celebrated their golden wedding at Salem yrsier- day. They were marrie at Knoxville, Iowa, May 11. 1S4. Sheriff William Blakely. of Umatilla coonty, a son ol James Blakely of Brownsville, passed through Albany )eterday noon for Eugene to see Bran tin banged. Gowraor Geer, Superintendent Arkr man aod Secretary Dunbar went to Drain ;eteii)ay ncou lo organize tbe board ol regent for tb so-called normal school of Drain. H. L. Walden, of tho C. A E. left ihia noon on a several week trip to Alaska, for an outing. He expects logo into the Atnn mines beiore returning, pect be has the gold fever. We sus- H. R. Htdesod family, who have been living io tbe Slraban residence lor several years.have moved into the Simp- Mi residence recently vacated uy lv ir Cnsick. who now occupies bis oa n resi dence purchased of George Humphrey A meeting of the presidents of the four state normal scnools, by virtue of the authority vested in them by the state legislature were holding a eeMu ia H'ep this alternoon wnu otaie r-u-nerintendent Ackermao. Tbey are Prof. CamnbelLof Monmouth, Piof. Ander son, ol Drain, Prof. Keid, of Weston and Frol. Van Scoy, ol Aan'anu. George Thatcher, of Portland, ia iu the tv runt mir lor toe iciepoone company The company now has Ktt members of the Albany exenange. none nuiiureu members are Fecured in all an all night service will be instituted here. The bus- inwa of the olli-ie has been steadily in creasing, the local as wen as ine long distance service. The south side public tchoel of Browns ville. Prolessor Law.principal, had grad uating exercises luesasy nunt ai ine Presbyterian church. The graduates were: Mary Calvin lempieton, tee Alice Powell, Millard L. Hweanngen, Brussie L. Smith and Oscar A. rouol. Here is another excursion adv in the Oreironian: "Hello, Aloanyl The Turners will arrive at your beautifnl city ith a double excursion IrMn oi M cars of Portland people Sunday, May 28. Our tiains will leave early so as to ar rive at 10:30, and we win spend the day. Round trip tickets win only be i. Committee headquarters, Kercber A Harro, Turn Halle, fourth and lambtu streets. Tnotnss Gninean has sold the furnitu re, tix tu res, goou-wiii anu lease oi tuo Imjierial Hotel to Phil Metschan, ex state treasurer, who will take charge of the caravansary May 20. A lease from A. is. bieinDacil anu iurn. r ens, joint . . . ... . t r 2..:. owners of the building, lor a long term of years has been secured. Charles W. Knowies, one oi mo oiuesi anu pest- known hotel men in Urcgon, win be aa- sociased with Mr. Metschan in the man agement ot the enterprise. Oregonian. When the drop fell that launched Claud Branton into eternity twenty seven Albany people were on Skinner's butte, just above singing "America," and their voice acould be beard at the place. BRANTON HANGED. r r . . . viau'i iranion, wno.uiuruered 'John Linn in to foot hills ol Lane county, about a year ago, cna of tbe most brutal murders reported was lit aged at Eugene this forenoon. Itrsnton letired laitnigbtat 11 o'clock In go xi spirits, sleeping well and arising at his uxual hf.ur, but refuting to take breakfast. Uevs. Handsaker and Pat terson called early and remained with pirn until hi death. His mother anal netei were Lermitied to see bim for a mom. n tat 10:30. At 10:45 he bade bis ie:ioa pri-onera good bye and was taken by bheriff Withers and bia deputiei to iue Kaiiowa, wnere about sixty men we-e awaiting il.e execution. Io response to iub usuai question ii ha bad anytbing to e aaiu veiy lltlle.biddiog hislnendt good bte and advising all to lead Christ, isn livea Sheriff Withers touched the trap at 10:50 and the condemned man fell Uve (eel bis neck breaking, lie was taken down in Ifteen minutes and bis hody turned oyer to bis mother, lucre were rumcra of IMti'i in kill the sheriff if ha carried out the execu tion, but there was ootbiog serious in it. Scio. From the News: rroi. and Mr.. J. W. Crawford, of aiem. were in Scio Huoday.havioc bceo ueu i.ere to attend the mneral .! Mr. A.T Poaell. Ho me A St Clair's ReAoad Minstrel i'i giteooe of their popular exbibuior-i me ciy nan in tbta city, Wednesday evenioa: si ay 17. Lat Saturday Mr. Holnb purchased at executot sale, io Albany, tbe entire properly, located soato of tbi city sod comprising 320 acre, paying therefor i,100. Tbe a.le a lor rasb in hand. H. l Landoo, of lbs dim of Bnoo A Lao. Ion of Salem, waa in Scio. Tue day. I !e gentlemen own a small mill near Jordan, and Mr Landon had been ip to start things tome Tbey intend cJ tlnga larse n i.ntil. nUamk., tt.. ru.-tilUg season. Mrs. Eraline fTa-rvl u,. dajguter ol Carrali aod Anna Terry. ai.e was born near lhi ril nn I I'-tn.K-.- 20. I&i.and paesed away at 10:50. p. m.. Mar , 1S99, makinif ber 43 year aix montns and 16 days o d. She was tb xad of 13 children, ooly five uf whom survive ber. She was marred to A. r. Powell July 20. 1879, anl in uoioo proved a most devoted and bappy one. Ttere aie Z36 saloon ia Portland. A. O. Beam I bailding a bake oven of bis own. Pet Abby fdl inlo i!ie Bay at New port a few day ago. He got out. There are 222 newspaper in Oregoo.of a Inch one has aa much ngbt as another. Tb residence of Mrs. William Cyrus as recently burned at A decision ia tb McGrath ni order caae is looked for about next Monday. AlUnd the meeting at tbe city council chamber tonight for tbe organisation ol a rod and gun dob. II 18.000 oct of fl 1O.8OO have been col lecied ou ibe lt&S tax roll of Lane conn Tb ossified Baa who was io Albany several mootbs ago, baa been n Pe&die toa tbi week Eight big horse pure based by Sheriff Fraiier. ol Portland, were Uken to that city tbia morning oo tbe Rath. A traveliLg yeast man waa fined f5 in Corvallis tbia week for distributing bill. a r glit enjoyed only bra man having a license. Nathan W.Goocb died at Sbelbarn on IXt, 6 at tbe age of 75 year. He cam to Oregon in l.v7 froa Michigan, not waa born in Maine. Tbe delinquent tax sale for tbecity of Albany will appear in lbe Dbmocsut be ginning Saturday of next week. A pa menl before band will keep one nam out Work bas been begun on tbe new A. O. V. V W. nail, by putting tb Srt floor (tore ia good coaditioo. When complete J tbi will be a fine looking buiidiag, aod a transformation from its rrtseot appearance. Tb Roaebnrg and Coo Bay radioed is having a familiar experience, going a few mile at a time, witn annual rumors Ibat it I to be DUfhei. Eventually il will reach Hour burg, aod w It Oe a food thiog hr tbe town, a railivad ar whether big or little. Tbe Telegram ssvs a comnanv to man- ofactur spring beda will be organised at aioaoy. rrooabiy not. already have a first-class company that tills the Celd well. A go.d strike is claimed to have been made at Point Nome, Al.ska, United Slate of America, twice a big as that ol tbe Klondike. Tbi may cautt another tampede. A workman at the mart hoiiM ii that tbe reason one ol the men failed to appear tbe other mornug waa becau be want cat ficbing tbe nigbt before and wallowed a cat fish bead and all. He is on duty now thougV The enteilainmenla a-iven bv Norria Brother yesterday afternoon and even ing were attended by larire andience and were all that waa represented. Their dog, ponies, monkeys and oiephant give an exhibition of a very pleasing character. J. B. Savior, of Echo. Umatilla coun ty, Oiegoe, recently aold to' William Ku- io. .3 brad of beef cnllle at 14.75 per cwi. ine cattle average I 1574 pounds eacn which trade tlie average price per head i 4 57. The cattle are lor Ibe Alas ka trade The Com i no Tree nam est. Every- thing is going smoothly in ccnncetion with the band tournament on Jane 5 and 6. Cheap rate promie to bring a big crowd. From Portland tbe rate will be only'.! lor the round trip If aix'.y ticket are taken, and the regular rat will be one and a third fare, tteaidee the band music there will be other at tractions, such as bicycle racing, balloon ascension, etc. It will a be harmor ious success, a high C affair. Foa a Bicycls A meeting ot b.cyc'.e riders will be held at lbe armory next Tussday evening for tbe porpne ot orgaoiziog a bicycle club, in connection with the building of paths, and tbe in terests of wheelmen generally. A Refreshing Stylo. The art of quotation requires delicacy io practice. An already lamous firm hss originated and developed Into very prom ising advertising a mass of old, quaint proverbs. we reier to Messrs u. 1. tfood t Co., ot Sarsaparilla fame, who are using not only our colums, but those of thousand ol our contemporaries, In adapting wise saw to their rvice by cleve and practical turns. It Is refresh ing to see something new and bright in this line. Clean cut argument is better than big display type. A Bin Oi. Hopkins "Brothers today received one of tbe biggest car loads ol wagons ever brought to tbe valley. It is a foity took car and was loaded down with stougbton wagons, irom stouguton, Wis., a fine vehicle. Farmers are in vited to call and see it. A special meeting ot Beolah Rebekah Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. ., will tie held in tbetr bail ba'urtlay evening, May is, 1899, at 8 o'clock, for tbe transact! n ol important business, A fnll aiteudance is requested. By order of tbe N. O. Edaoat Tour Uow.l. With Casearet. Candy Cathartic, cure oenatlpatloa forever, 10e,te. UC. 0.0. fan, drugstaiarelundBMasy. SA UKDAY RELIGIOUS. fceryices at St. Peter church Eniaco pal bundiy rvemng Bishop B. Wistar morns assisUd by Vr. O. 11. Murphy. . united Presbyterian church : Morn- Qir worsnipat IU:, subject of (ermon, uv juioeriaiiffm ni i :riririAnir " k.k. oatn scbool at II :4o: Junior Kndeavm t 3:30, Senior Endeavor at 6:.'6, even ing worship at 7 ::i0. subject of sermon. A Christian Trust." All are cordiall) i uu io aitena inese services Services as nanal at lh Pari rmtm1 iin- I church. Subject for morning sermon i enspter oi lit reter." JSubjecf i. yen,ng sermon "lbe Uoor ol Hope.' jzrid All not attending e!ie wbere are cordially invited to the above aervicta. K. PaaaEa. pator I reaching at the Baptist church by Ihe Key. John Barr. Other service as usual. The Musical Festival. In iu writeop of tbe popular concer l horsday evening, at Engene, the Guard mentions Albany performers as follows: Tb next number was a chorus "Day Break," aang by the Albany Oratorio Society, under skilHnl leadership of ProL Geo. A. Wlnx. Tbeirwetl trained yokes Harmonized perlecdy.ihe parts being re markably well balanced. The next number was a pleating ao'o nean venKbt-' by Uilchrct, tang by Mrs. Oeo A. WirUof Albany. She de lighted the audience by a clear full voice oi great carrying power, The singicg of the Albany ladies oo I tie waa tigbiv appreciated especially io I tette th sinking of Welcome Pretty Primrose. The audience insisted on a repetition of tueir aecooo aong, tsy Vit Sea. Tne well blended voices ol Mrs. II. A Seleoo and Mrs. S. E. Conrad of Al bany delighted toe audience in their aging of Go Pretty Rose by Marxtala. Mrs. E. W . Laogdna'e Iream solo by Bartiett wa a pleasing effort well r. cetveu Dy ber bearers. Tbe excellence ot Mr. Langdon s ruoicai work in Ore- on is loo welt known to extend ed comment. Among the other participants was MiM Elbel RtymonJ, a daughter ot P. H. ttaymood, o ie of Albany's former post master. A dispaich, in tbe Salem Jour nal aays: "No one wa more warm'., re ceived thao Mi Etnel Raymond, of Saieui In fact she waa the e racial among ine vcfaiis:a. wm. ning great applause and an tnthasiastic recall. Mm Rayiaood saog "My Re deemer ana siy Lord, "by Liodley Back.' tne uaard says: "Miss Libel Kav csood' solo My Redeemer aod . y Lord by Dodley Beck we't deterred the ap- piauae n rsceivec. tier iresh soprano voice gave palpable evidence of tne ex cellent training sne ha bad under Mr. Fradeo Seiey of Salem. Her tone placement aa 1 tbe ease wrh which she sang show tfcai mnch may he expected f ber in tbe musical iue of Oregon." ireauon was j:en;ej last night to a ire andirnre and w-i a great eacceei A Game Club. Pursuant to tbe call of the chairman, Mr. Stone, there was a good attendance at the council chambers lart evening for the organization of a game club for the protection of game io this part of Ibe state. Permanent officers were elected as toTows: EJain Stone president, "has. Pfeiffer vice president. And-rson M Cannon tecreury and treasurer. Directors, the ofice-s and Frank Fro man, I. F. Coon snd Fred Rei. A. 5ra:nev waa elected deputy game warden for Lion and Benton counties. and will act under authority from tbe state game warden a an officer ot the state. Hi cempenaaticn wa left to tbe director. Mr. Strainey waa added to the soliciting committee, the other mem ber heretofore appointed being M essrs F toman, Vandraa, I'fe.Ger and Reia. Remark were mar snowing the de termination of the member ot the club tnee that the game law are enforced hers and that hunting be done in a de cent and portsmanlike manner. The organisation deserve the hearty support of the people of tbe valley gen erally. Lebanon. From the E. A.: Rev. J . W. Wbite and family remove to Salem, their lormer borne, today. A lodge of Knights of Pythias will be organised in tbia place soon. Tbis is a popular fraternal order. D. L Fry leave next Monday for Provldencs, Rhode Island, where be will devot bia lime to tbe practice of hyp notism and divine healing, which art be bas learnei from J. Uiricli Worster. N. Strnbbar bas so'd bis iarm two miles south of town to Mr Adams, who recentiy cajae here from Kansas. Mr. Strnbbar and family will remove to Clackamas county in a touple of weeks. Tbe wheelmen ot Lebanon aud Soda- viJie s.y they will do their part toward the construction ol tbe Waterloo path. Thre are about 200 rider at these two place. Peter Kilev. of Albany, and Mr. Rosa, of Seattle were ic tbi vicinity yewer. day, Mr. Riley looking for work bones and air. Kosa buying milcn cowa to snip lo Seattle. Mr. Roes i ss been buying cowsio tb' county for about a mnntb. R. A. Robinson, voo arrived here s tew davs ago from Bates county, Mis souri, hss contracted tor tbe Camming and Caldwell ranches, two miles east ot Wa'erloo. lbe nlaces siiioio. and M'. Robinson intends to use them as s cattle ranch. He w ill soon send for or go after his family. Mr. Robinson came here through correspondence with J. B. Wirt. Brownsville. It la probable that those who attend the pioneer's picnic here on the 7, 8 and 9 of June, will have the pleasure ot list ening lo Hon. M. C. George, Governor T. T. Geer and Hon. John U. Leisure, a very popular men. The editor received a letter from R. II Chaplin Ill's week containing the inform ation that Will Tycer's foot was nearly sell, although be wou.d be lame upon it for sometime to come. Mr. Chapnnsays that while the boys of the Second Oregon are ready to come home at any time.tney do not desirs to do so as Long as Uncle Sam needs their services in putting down the rebels, li'ave boys ot the Second Oregon ! Times. Tinkle A Dawson, the leading photog raphers ot Albany are now making the lines; up to date eoameled cab net pbo tos for 1 SO per dozen, opposite f. O Ca l and see samples. For frost bites, burns, indolent sore, ec- tenia, kin disease and especially p- lea, De W ttt s Itch Hanoi Salve stands nrst and best. look out lor dishonest people who try lo imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good artiole. Worthless goods are ant iruitnted. Get De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Foshay & Mason. F'' ar 80a jmt sack. Try it. The Macr.olia. CASTOR I A For Iufasla and Children. nt Kin Yoa Hars Always Ecsgbt Betas the EjjMtpjsef 0. Makes the food more wt ttrma HOME AND ABROAD. Dr. Hill Monday evening. Lawn mvwer and garden hose at OhlingA Hnlbort's, r ir.i di. , next to Albany For. Co's. .sn at me ougar Bowl for ffei. frait Frsck Itobiaon waa fin A t& at R' oo tor riding tif horse on lbe sidewalk. vr. uiii, oi foilland. lecture ami Kenec, at me rresbytenan church Man. nay evening;. J. W. Bentlev has bran -iboe lien. See it and if vnur ih. tii n mm anu let bim doctor te in. lie anows bow. Tbe Ladies of the MYt - pleasant entertainment and social last evening after tbe regular meeting. A good program waa nrrsent&l ami . T,.ni. served. Mr. Herman Buelow baa anld hi. ei nu 'i1 hi hone " Cor'" men, , 'ra cnarge or me earn. Mr. ''uelow will move his ranch in ih c... tiam. An exclianze sava that bacco drummers who had their head. Quarters in Portland have been lairl nff " remit of the tofacco trust, recenUy n?1ixed. The trust is discharging ail aiso raised tbe price of tobacco. The Albany line's returned ihi. nnn and morning from Engene, where tbey conferred credit on their vocal powers in t wo concert given. Thy report .a flee time aod splendid t eatment by ibe En gene people. At the college last evenins a rewntinn waa tendered bv tbe student tn tk.ip fellow student, Clifton Butler, previous l c ,,e ' omi, wnere ue to epeno the next lew years aa cadet. lie will ejo with bright Sheriff Mankera returned ttiia mrw. ing from Engene, where be saw Brae ton banged. Tbe man displayed marvelous nerve being a boat tbe cooieet person at the banging, materially agisting sheriff " iioers, even oenjiog bis neck to tbe knot thai hi neck would La be broken. Mr. Mnnkera had a taia ith bim 10 tbe marninr- Rrantnn asked a boot McGrath 'a ease, aeemin. mncb intererted io it. -- stranger rode throng b tbe valley in an ingejious manner. He would hire a livery team, drive it to an adjoining town, JeCtrson for instance, telephone I the owner where it was, tet another 'earn st soother sub' it to Salem, telephone again aod h off wiib a team from lima ether stable, makie the jump from Salem io Portland, ttns get ting through the valley free. College Notes. The Jaoior oration thi rear will he riven Jane 19. Tbe oration to de livered are: "Voder Forced Draft" bv I IT i ' L un ... - a. r . rmici. iieiutiT 1 K. , sneer ' by J. and "Civil aod Keligiooa Liberty' H. Ralston. Tbe Y. K. and Y. W. C. A. will cold a joint prayermeeting Sunday afternoon. Rev. Reed beard the recital iona at tha Cicero and Cx-ar clatees Tnarscay dar ing rroi. ijee s aoeeace. Tbe ACL. S. rave a farewell recen'. ion Friday renins: lo Clifton M. But er, who leave next Wednesday for West roiot. a abort, but enjoyable, program was rendered. L. B, Spear, as chairman of the evening, made a few introductory remarks. Mtase Barmester and Sox were heard in a piano doet. Farewell addressee lo Mr. Bailor were made on behalf of tbe faculty by ProL Torbet and byJ.G Swan for ihe stacenta. which were responded to by Mr. Butler. Miss Morpby played a mandolin solo. The remainder of tbe evening was given op to games which were greatly enjored. 11. H Hewitt has been (elected for one of the jodges for the debate to take place May 19. The other judges bare not been selected. The Fruit Crop. H. B. Miller preeiJent and Henry E. Dotch secretary of tbe state board of oorucuiture, nave iseneo a tetter to tne j I ii ii in th. .1.1. 1. a . T. 1. " , - .. U. V U . U V LIB . .J 1 . UWI.IUJ. stsndieg the report ot the U S weather boreao that little damage bad been done to fruit, ad vicee received by them are oi a different nature, tad the damage done is becoming more and more apparent. They ad vis trait men not to be discoarm sged, hat lo give tbeir tree extra car, by pruntcg off injured limbs, epravisg and moit thorough cultivation of the soil. By to doing considerable frait may yet be saved. Tbe np to-date frait grower will give hi best thoughts, care aod attention to his trees at such a time as tbis and he will be sore to win in the end. Tbe above is confirmed so far aa the condition of trait ia concerned by re porta at tbis city. This and That. See Locals on every page. Wheat 47 cents. f Stamp photos at Tinkle & Dawson's. Finest aristo enameled nhotoa only li.ou per doteo at tinkle x Dawson a. YIereck's Sogar Bowl Parlors for ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. A large and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at conn Huston s. see the uia plav. n bea yoa want a choice steak, a nite roast or meat ot any kind, call on Henry jrodere. tie keen the nest. Go to erick s shaving and hair cn ticg parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every . i mer. The best meats ofall kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just down Second treet. Good weight aod prompt attend ion. At tbe season of tbe year wben pneu monia, la grippe.aore throat, coug bt.col is catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "i a finesub- stitnte," will "answer the purpose. or is "nut as good"aOne Minute Cough Cure Tnat is the one infallible remedy for all ng, throat of bronchial troubles. Insist grovlv upon hiving it if "something i o I rJ yo'i. r jitity Miioa No retire, No Pay. 1 hat ia the way all the druggists sn Groves Tastelews Cnilt Tonic for Chi: Malaria and uiiiiousnrss. It i as plei ant to take at lemon syrup, 00c Get the beat fiour. Th Magnolia What is Sbtloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption; used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable casts of incipient con sumo Ition and relieved man v in advanced stages. If vou are not satisfied with Uie results we wiU refund vour money. Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and ll.oo. The Effects of the Grip are overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies the blood, tones tha stomach, strengthens the awes, and makes tbe whole system vigor orous and healtty. ' i?0VDfEI defoious and wholesome - .tnco.. mm yitrnx. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu of Sc:o is in the city en a visit. E. A. ShifHer bas been in Portland on business. The Corvallis bicycle path baa been bnilt to Bowers bridge. . f E- T- T Fisber and dacghter are vuiting in Sodaville. - Hoa. Wallis Kssb left this week in response to a dispatch, for Baltimore. Md. Mrs. E. L. Power and children.of Leb anon, are in tha air nn thi .... from Salem. Mrs. Pollock left tbis noon tor Jnnet- lon, to join ber bacuand who went there several days ago to locate. - Dr. C. A. Stoart. a mdn.t ! ti medical department of Willamette Uni Tersity, baa located at Bnena. Vista. F. A. Hackleman will leave tomnrrnv moraine tcrPrvm nnr.V ann.. i ie win attend to bis ranch. ..." swuut.. wuertj Mr. and Mrs. Clodfelter of Indenend- ence are in tbe city on a visit with tf, Latter" parent l'rof and Mrs. Torbet, lodge "ol vert on came nn (mm this noon. He recently return twl (mm . session of tbe snprenwe cou.t at Pendle ton. Rev. E. P. Hill of Portland mrHI Albany Monday wben in the evening oar citizens will have the rmvilege ot hearing bim in a popular lex-tare on bis trip throagfa Europe. W.B. Lewler. wi' 'an,t eh rht oat from the mines this week for the first time for several months. After a visit in the vally they will return to tbe mines. . Virgil Carter, of Benton coonty, waa ia tne city today laying ia a big sopIy of bottles, Meiim food, we, for tbe twice at bis boose, which are doing remarka bly well. 1 BT17 . . v ..... n. uony, no leu tor tne iaHaio Hnmn mines, relarned last esmina- greatly improved in health. He sent aa far a LewieUa, bet did not care to stage it through ten or fifteen Let of taow for a hundred miles or no. He believes tbe reports about the riehnm rf th mines are greatly exsgeraied. Bteaatr Clean blood i Ia Bio Deep. ns a eaean akin. No beauty witaont it. Cascareta. Caiuiv CatKaiv tie cieaa yowr blood and keen it clean, hr stirring op the lazy liver and drrrmg all ixa- f"ni iron xne oocy. se3B to-day to banaa ptmpiea, boila, Wottnea, K!nf4 and that aacdv btbo mnnimM twt.tin- CaaeareH. beauty for tea cents. All drcx pat. nta-facboo gaarsiueed. luc, 2jc, 5oc Be sure and read the special sewins machine advertisement in another eol uxu ; never ia the history oi Albany was was there roth a chance to get the bt machine at sneh low prices. Sex oar new rockers and chairs. The finest ever seen in the city. We dose at S p-m. A lb Ajnr Frsrrrmx Co. Do you Eat Oranges? Then ca:i at F. H. Pfeiffer'e. He al ways baa them as well aa other traits in season. Tbe "cat" prices for sewing machines at E C Wilt's music store are for 0 dsys only. Do not delay to get von a sew ma chine and yoa will do yoar friends a fa vor it yoa will tell tnem of tbe special sale; they may ant see thi notice. aWt Tit am Sit a4 Itiaii I r lift- away. To Jit tobacco eaajy and forever, be aug aeuc fall ot hie. aerre and vigor, take Xo-To-Bac tte waadev-work-er. taa makes weak aaea atrnng All dmrrrra. SOc or Si. Cntnani teeA Booklet and smaple tree. Address SterUkc Beawdy Co . Clucac or Kew York. We bay, sell and store cram. We make Magnolia Fioar, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ, Iur The MaguoUa Mill. If you want a good and cleat uoke buy cigars tua4e by our Al bany cigar tactorv four grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Flour Do yoa Eat ce Cream? Never do so until yoa have tried t . H. Pfeiffer's, for it is the best. Au Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Stri p or Flos, manufactured by the Caufoksia Fie Syrup Co.. illnstrate the value of obtaininp the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form must re freshing totiie taste and acceptable to tbe system. It is tbe one perfect strengthening- laxa tive, cleansing; the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and snb- Ktance, ana us acung un iue aiuueva, liver and bowels, -without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manr.Iacturine ngs are nsed, as thev are pleasant to the taste, but tlie medicinal qualities of tbe remedy are obtained from senna ana other aromatic -plants, by a me mod known to the CALiroRSiA no fcvncp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effect and to avoid imitations, please remember tbe full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. san rnawejaoo. oax. uiimviLLX it. mw to t W. T. For sale by U Drocsiata Price 50c. perbotUa URST NATIOSAI. BABfr., or ai.sawT,oaaeosi rflStel.. .. . LTU! B.TOCNO .k. W. LANG DOS riot rrwkiMii . hl- TSAW8ACTS kOKJiSkAl SAL baaWnffMalaan? ACCOl'NTS HI PT lbUc to wa, iriHT atr-n.vnc uJ tJarDbl. trmol.r. wM . Sam Tork 8aa r-Ua (.S7T10NI SAOEoa hiarabl Uraa staaonaa) S Toe.' W LAawo - e Goo. re. L. twaa C. . fu. - FOR SALE. Two thoroughbred Lewel Vyh setter pups, for cash or trade. Call on F. H, Pleiffer. . , iter: