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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1899)
SUMMONS Is ths Circuit Court ok tub btatk OF Oukoon for Linn County. Department No. 2. John A South, plaintiff vs Maria M CI n v poo i, William N Chtypool. Rosa ft l.effler, J B Kennedy, Fred A Carothers, Klizabeih Carothers, Ntncy E Gill, and Matthew G Gill, ber husband, John F Howell, and Lillie Howell, bis wife, Mary T Cole, and j W Cole, ber husband, David P Howell, Martha J Jobuson, and Isaac Johnson, ber husband, George W Howell, Tames Craas, James Henry Grans, Granvil Kades, Zona KaJtB.Uuy Eades, Lena Hades, Samuel M Howell, William Parker, Wash ington W Howell, and Dayton K Howell, defendants. To Frei A Carothers, Elisabeth Car others, John F Howell, Lillie Howell, David P Howell, Martha J Johnson, lstao John ton, George V Howell,James Crans.Janies Henry Crans, Washington W Howell, and Dayton K Howell, above named dsfend fants: In the name of (be state of Oregon, you and tach of you are hereby required to ap near and answer theconiDlaint tiled afainst you in the above entitled suit within six. week trom the tirat publication ot this summons, towit, on or before the 14th day of July, 1S93. And if yon fail to to appear an 1 answer, for want thereof, tbe plaintiff win apply to the court lor tbe relief prayed for in said complaint.towit: A decree d? daring and adjudging that neither the said defendant, nor any of them, save any right, estate or interest in or to the fol lowing described real property, towit: Beginning at a point which is N 89 de crees 4S minutes E 2S.4tcnaina frcm the N W corner of the Donation Land Claim of David and Nancy Claypool, Notification Ko lltfO, Uiaim .No. 48, in inn a K 1 w of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, thence N 89 degiS min K 11.54 chains to an angle in tbe Psorth line of said donation land claim, tl ence S 63 deg 28 min E on the N line of said donation land claim 45.26 chains to the N w corner of tbe land set apart to Samuel R Claypool by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, mane at tbe December term thereof, lebs. thence S 50 ctains to the S boundary una of said donation land cl aim, thence N 63 dev. 15 min W on said South boundary! line to a print due South of the place of be ginning, thence North to the place of be ginning, containing ?t5 acres more or lees, in Linn county, state of Cregon, and that tbe plaintiff has a good and valid fee sim pie title to the said premises and to every part thereof- and tor a decree that the de fendants, and each of them, be forever en joined and barred from asserting any claim whatever in cr to aaid premise adverse to the plaintiff, and for such further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served upon oa by publication thereof in Tbb State 'Rights Democrat, by an order of the Hon. Geo. Barton, comity judge of Linn county, Oregon, dated Siay 31. 1899. and toe due of the first publication hereof is June 2nd, 1SVJ. Hewitt & Sox. A'tcrn6ys for plaintiff SUMMONS. Is the Cmcurr Cocrt of thb state of Orkgox fob Li nx Cot sty. Department No. 2. A J riirscn, plaintiff vs. C G Burkhart and Clara A burkhart, his wife; "i he Linn County National Hank,- a corporation; L Flint, J H Barkhart. J W Cus'ck and K D Cusick, paitners doing business nnder the firm name of J W Cusick & Co, J P Wallace, Thomas Johns, and P H Mar lay, defendants. To P H rtariay and J 11 Burkhart, above named defendant : In tbe name of the stale of Oregon, you are hereby requirec to appear and answer toe complaint filed against vou in the above entitled suit wiibin six weeks from ihe first publication of this rummon, to wit, on or before the 14th day ot July, 1899. And if job fail m to appear and answer, fur want thereof, tbe plaintiff will apply to the co rt for the relief prayed for in said complaint.towit: For a judgment against the defendants C G Buikbart and Clara A burkhart in the turn of $1235.00. witu interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum irom the 3rd day ot May, 1S95, in tbe further sum of $I50.C0. as at torney's fees, and for his coU and dis bursement herein; for a decree that the mortgage set out in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed; and that ths following ao s-iibed premises, to wit: beginning at a coint 45 37 chains west and 16.38 teams Nor'h of the Southeast corner of tbe do nation Land Claim of John Bzrkhart and wife, Notification No. t8, Claim No. 51, in township 11 South. Range 3 West of the Williamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, and ronnirg i hence Mr est 21.50 chains, thence North 9.31 chains, thence Eat 21.50 chains, thence Sonth 9.31chains to tbe place cf beginning, containing 20 acre, mere or lets; alio, Llrcka Nos 48 and 50 in Goltra's para addition to th city ot Albany. Linn cocnty, Oregon, be sold is the manner presented by law, and tbe proceeds applied: First, to tbe pay ment of the costs and disbursements ot ibis suit and the expenses of the said sale; Sexonri, to.the payment cf ttejodsment re covered by the plaintiff herein; Third, the overplus, if any, to be applied as the court may be advised and may direct, and for fcucn o ber and further relief as o the court may stem lust and equitable. I bis summons is served a pun vou by publication U 1HI STATES KlaHT JlMO rat. bv an order of tbe lion. Geo D Barton, coat ty judge of Lini county, Ore- g n, aa'ea May di. issw, ana tbe date of the firt publication hcrecr is Jane 2, 1899. Hewitt & Sox. At'orneys fur plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Tyrant;!: is hereby given that 111 the Oiunty Court of Linn county, Oregon, ha appointed the node rsimed a miniBtratrir ot the estate ot Miranda L. W illiams, deceased. A'l rwsona having c aims against tbe estate of tid deceased are hereby required to p'tsnt the aarae to tbe undersigned at tte office of Kelley & Curl, in Albany, with the prottr vouchers therefor within six months from the date of tbe toblication of this notice. Dated May 11, 1899. Mi.BT L. Wiluams. Kelly ft Curl, Administratrix. Atlys for Administratrix . SHERIFF SALE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by viilue of an execution at d crder of sale issued on of tbe Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Lion county to me directed and delivered, dated May 9. 1899, upon a judgment an'' riwree rendered by said court, April 6, 1899, in favor of R Davit and aitainet . R. Pound, C Aioswortb and Mary E. Ainnworth for tlf2.35 and the further rum uf 39 60, costs, I will on June 10th, 1999 at one o'clock, p. m., of said day t tbe court Lou. lour in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at pub ic auction for cash in band lotbi blithest bidder, tbe real estate therein mentioned and dt scribed as follows towit: Lot 3 in block 4 in the town of Soda v'JIe, Linn county, Oregon To satisfy said judgment and all costs. I. i. M us Kins. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that the nod. r signed bat tren by the county court of Linn county. Or., apoointed administra tor of tbe mtateof Ludlow Maxwell de ceased. All perrcne having claims against said person and estate ae r quir ed to present Ilieru to the urdeipigned at Albany, O ., witbin six niOLtl.s from tbe oate hereof, with the vouchers thereof. Albany, May 19, 1899. .J. Whitney 0. A. ncnis-Aio, Att'y for adm'r. Administrator. Farm for Sale. Notice is hereby given that the furm known as the C. I . Knighten place about one mile eouth of Tangent, will be sold at administratrix ea'e June 17th, 11-99, at 1 o clock p rn. at the court bouse, in Albany, Oregon. FuakcVs E. Kmciiitk" Admrx. Th vVeather. Toniih' and Thur-day, fair and warm er. River 7.7 feet. F. M. Fbrnch, Displavman. th' TERMS. iuai. '.'F. rpnts n( t won tt.CO per advance. 30c per month not in advance. By mr, lOopei week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies be. Webklt. 1.25 In advance; l f) at e. ;hird and proceeding years, when not pi in advance. Club, of five t outwent' aid jers at f 5.00. Some Railroad Decisions. A Denaltv for fa lure ol a railroad com pany to lurnish car to a shipper is en forced in Houston East & W. T. U . Co v. Campbell (Trx.) 43 L. R A. 225, and it is held that that there as no necee sity of a contract for the- cars to make the canler liable far refusil to furnish them. A note to this case re,iw iu anthoritiea on the duty to furnish cat9 toihippersr The right of a passenger to take amau package of merchandise wiih bim wbicl do not constitute baggage, although not cornmon-law right, it held, in Runyan Central R. Co. (X. J.) 43 L. R. A. 284 to belong to a passenget after the carrier tai for a long time acquleeced and made provision lor the carriage of ruch pack age, until due notice of rescission ot the permission. A passenger who leave his teat in a car on a dummy railroad, and goes down on the lower ttep ot the back plaftorm a the train elow up for a street crossing where he intend to etop, while it i passing over the etreet at the speed cf about 3 niilee an hour, it held, in Wat i kin v. Birmingham R. & E. Co. (Ala.) 43 L. R A. 293, to be not godtv of neg thence, a a matter ol law, wt.U-h will preclude hi recovery for ioj ir:ea caused by sodden jers of the car, ahicb throws him to the ground. Mere standing place on the maide of (a car is held, in Graham v. McNeill (V ash. J3L.R bs iosufruUnt ac commodation to charge a passenger with negligence in standing on a car platform. A passenger carried bcyend destination and placed ty the conductor in a hotel to awaitareturu fain on the following ray, ia held, in Central of Georgia R. Co. v. Price (Ga.) 43 L. R. A. 0t, to t.av no right of action against tbe railroad company for damage sustained at the Hotel in consequence of it proprieter't negligerc. unless the eondudtor tad x press authority tt constitute him the carrier' agent in caring for lha passen ger. A mistake in a bill of lading by etat ing rales lee than those scheduled for interstate transportation is held, io Southern R. Co. . Harrison (Ala.) 43 L. R. A. 3S3 (overruling a prior decision and following a decision of the United Statr e tupreme couM), to be inffrciual to pre vent the carrier from recovering" the fi.ll schedule rate r condition of delivering the goods. A state ata'ute rrq-iirin 1.00 J mile i ticket to he eo'd b railroad companies forties than ordinary rates cf fre. good for nee by tne pnrchaer and bis wife and children, if named on ihetictet. and valid for two year after date ot purchase i held iii Ltk Siore M S. R Co. v. Smith, TJ. S. Advance Sheets, 6J0. to be unconstitutional as ad 'uial to thr rail road companies ol due proctss of law and equal protection of tbe laws. W. F. Lawler of qnartzville tbe Li mining man of tbe 3antiam gold mining district, was in Salem yes'eiday to look after some bnai nest matter. Be cams down fsom Qnartxville about ten dayp ago and on account of the ha7 ia"l o snow last winter, great quantitiee oi which are etill lying in the moumainr. Mr. Lawler, acroinqanied by Mr Lawie and a email party, was compelled to make a wide detonr in coming out, going around by tbe way ol the eootb; fork of tbe Santiam, a dittance of sixty mile. Geeayt the mow it etill very deep in tbe mountains and it will taka soaie time be fore it goes out. Tbe Laaler mine are not being oper- atedjat tbe present time, at tbe machin ery on hand cannot be need in low grade or profitably, but the comiacy back of Mr. Lawler may decide to secure rew machinery and resume tbe operation of the work at Quartzvtlle in which cae the tamp will again be a moat bnty one. air. i-aaier rays mere are a lew pros pector in the district inrroondicg Qirizvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Lawler spent tbe winter in the camp, and expect to retain therein tbecoureor a fsw seeks During the winter month they were en tirely isolated anJ ntoff from civilization and for w ek at s lime were without mail ur otter newt from the outside world. A irog, a nrck, a lami and a po ecat started for t'jet ircus. Wben they arriv ed all were atle to pay their admiteion fee except the polecat, he w at thus com pelled to crawl nnder the can va. Tbit is how it wss : Tie firg la a ciein back, the duck bad a bill, and tbe lamb bad four quarters, but the poor .polecat bad only a rctit ird list mil bad one. miss Liong's is tiie place to have your photos taken. Erst cabinet finish only s I fl.UUUUXUD, CITATION Isi thbCocntt Court of ths Stvi or Obeoo.v fob Lh Couktv. In tbe.matter of tbe e.tate of Andrew Ralston, oeceaaed. To Nettie Ralston, M. J. Ralston, Jennie Rlstcn, John Ralston, Marta A. Stewart, S M. Ralston, Robert Halston.J. B. Rajs ton, W. K. Ral.ton, and a'l otnrrs in tended in I be above nam.d (state, greet ing. IN TBE NAME OK THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby cited end required to appear in tbe County Court of tbe state of Oregon, for the county of Inn at tbe court room thereof, at Albany, in taid county, on Saturday the 8th day of July, le-Jir, at one o ciocs iu tne afternoon of that dhy, tbeu and tt.ere to show CHute if any )ou or either of you have why an order tboulo not be made autuorizinir and em powering theadminUtratrix of taid eatate to sed tne following described real prop erty belonging to smd estate as prayed for in tbe ptit on of M J. Hilat jn on ti e hereia. loit: Beginning at tbe Northwest corner of tbe Boutbeiifit quarter of section 26 Tp 13 outb of range 1 Eaat U'ilhu.ette meridian and running South 21 rods to a county road, ibftice Ktut 14 roda, tbence North 24 roda, tbence Wett 14 rods to the place ot beginning conhiiiiing two term more or lea in h'nn county, Oregon, Also tbe N k of Sec 20. 1 p 13 tfouth of rai g tnc K st iu Linn county, Oregon, containing 1 tO acres more or I aa A Uo Sec. 25 in Tp 13 South ranse 1 Eat containing J40 acren eicepting 40 acres sold to A. L Guatafson, Vol. 53, page 409, as Y2'.i acret sold to V. K. Peck, Vol 3, paire 411 and situated and lying in Linn cianty, i.o a strip of land 30 ft wide fir right ot way runniog Ihrongo J Snes land nd roiiinienuea at tbe South wett cr rner of tbe Nonbeasr i f c, VQ. thence Northwest 10 rln, there Wet-t 21 rods, tlierce West 16 rods to u county rond, a I in I p 13 S range, I K'st. I.inn county, Oregon, save an 1 excepting 09 5U acret sold to Andrew G.iKtafon. Witness, tbe Hen. Geo D Barton, Indite of the County Court of Ihe Sta'e of Oregon; for the County rf I.inn, with tbe Seal of said Court affixed, th't lt Hay of June, A D., 1899. (L S) At'eit: Frank Ckabtri m, Clerk, iy K. B. Mohtaovb, Deputy, The Oregon boys are doing some figh ing before coming home. When it comet to fighting they are strloily in it. No regulars a e tbeir superiors. Albany;ia the place where the state band tournament was first held. And tbe 6 ret state band association was held here. And it wae a great success. Let the bands play. The Albany business men have done themselves credit in the manner in which . t i ... tney nave supported the band tournae ment. It will be remembered in th futtua. Come or, Mr. Dewey. The arm of the people are open a they were never open before for one of their sou. Be fore leaching here tLooiili Mr. Dewey should stop in Australia aud trade stom achs with one of tbe ostriches. David B. Henderson, of Iowa, will succeed Thoe. Rted a speaker. That is cut and dried. It is to be hoped that Henderson ia nut a cxar, and it ctrtaiuly ia a pleasing fact that be ia a western man, i( only jutt patt way west. Pei hapa he will bave eoni sympathy with the Pacific coast and be willing to roc cede something to ua. A great many mortgage are being re leased in older to take out other at a less -ate cf interest. Six per cent inter est instead uf ten at a few yeartV ago meant a good deal to Ihe farmer, though as a matter of fact the farmer can more easily pay ten with heat at a dollar than six with it at fifty cents. A Cincinnati dispatch rays: Albert Meyer came here from New Yoik last week ti marry Utftrode Meyert of Cov ington, Ky., whom he had met In New York with an excursion party three years ago. Upon meeting her m made in vestigations, which rtv .1 dibe fact they tre orother and aieijr. The brother and lister were taken fiom an orphan asylum at a very tender age and broogot up in different families. That was a remarkably happy tbovgbt by Bryan at St . Louis, remaked an ex change, wben be told the story of an ac tor who visited Nebraska and who when he leamed that cenfidence bad bten re stored, remarke j that he had examined Webst -r's dictionary to learn what con S fence meant and foaad confidence de fined at "trust,' and then te understood that confidence had been really restored. Cottage U rove Leader: Toetday even ing considerable excitement wae raised in town by a cougar coming into Ihe edge cf town. He was first observed by the o d ge.tteman Bake, crofting tbe road near hit house, and it jumped over the !tn:e into Mr. J. U. Perkins' barn lot and ecntinaed his peaceful jnnmey uorth thruogb Mr. Perkins premises witbin a lew minute after the report came down town there were dentitt iraKgist. irerchant, Kaateodere, black- smiths, barbers, lawyers, preacher, land ordt, undertaken, and everybody e.t who bad a gun and con!d persuade a dos to follow them out in pursuit cf tbe ani ma'. To mae a long banting story hort, however, the entire party returned in an Lour or so having; kil'ed nothing bit tim. The three chief fact aboot Pre f Haw ley, tbe new Pretidiat cf Yale Univer ity, T.-iat he is only forty-three year old ; That be is oot a elertyman.tbe lint ex ception to tbe supposedly ironclad ml a to the qualification of a President of Ya!e. That be it not s profettorot Greek or Latn or philo ophy or any of the to called "u'ture" branches of education, but of political science of government in it broad tense, which includet all kind of public action. Tbot one of the greatest and most eon servitiveof America's old universities hss at 'ne stroke broken from those lima -honored tradition. Tbe selection of a bead for tucb an in stitution of enlightmeot a Yale it an event of widespread intrest ana Impott ance. From tbe World. ftVettVtVtttto fiiake Flo Mistake in buying Con densed Milk. Take no sub stitute for tho order? ran CONDENSED MILIC There arc cheaper and In ferior bmr.ds tD tha Eac. but none that equal It It has stood f'.rct for forty years. Scad fr Eec:pt Book. Botccrs tvaasLO mu co, k y. tJVttVVttVtVSV( The Qabhikotos new improved air prefsure wither frvr washine all kinds ol clothing from a cuff to a large carpet. feather beds anc pillows. It weight lour pounds. It will be on exbibitisn at the Pioneer House. I will give any party $10 if tney can find any too crank or lever machines that can do the work of one of the Harringion washer. Come and see it. R. 8. U tFaisGToN. of Corvallie, Ore. 200 CORDS WOOD wanted at bhTe. Call on II. C Chamberlain at the court house. Good house to rent. Icquire of Hop- kin's Brothers. We put up onr cwn garden eeedt They aie all NcitLern grown tied They tie atiolute'y ttue to rame f bey aie fretfc all grown in 1898, The package are lull weight, Price, two pspi rt for a' nickel, aleo bsve tbem In bulk. f HE CRACKER JACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Jpponlie Masonic ' Full line of standard grMCgl country produce No single leader, but ') eader at bottom price. Wagon run in the country selling gro ceries and collecting produce. Money saved by trading at the Crack-Mack. ii Gail B Eagle B SEKDS From Everywhere. The Armstrong County Repnblican tell ot a Westmoreland young woman ho advertised for a husband and e curt done. lie enlisted s a soldier and was killed in the Philippines. Hi lite wai insured for $3,000 to her benefit and he also applied for a widow' pentlon. In Vienna the typhoid rate ot 12.5 deatb per 10,000 lubabitanta fell to 1.1 after a pare water tupply wat obtained. In Danzig it 111 from 10 per 10,000 to 1 .5 In Munich alter tbe introduction of good water supply and proper lewerage the rate fell from 21 per 10,000 to 6 3, and in Boston from 17.4 to 6 .6 . A Swim physician, Dr. Oito Kngeli, declare! that the belt way to overcome insomnia ie to imitate the breathing of a man who it asleep, and to make the head undergo the varloue movement to one aide and the otber which one uncon sciously make while tailing atieep in a ittiog posture. Evidently the Chicago Record duet not approve of tbe practice on Ihe part of leading educator of soliciting endow ment for tbei respective institutions of learniog. It urc The Vine of New Ytrk beggar It said to De worth 1100,' OK) but we are not told cf wt leb college life it preiodent. The newly formed froit trust ha been broken op by tbe withdrawal from tt of three large companies. The acceding companies tett that tbe combine nnder tbe pretense of purchasing thtir proper ties, eccuired a knowledge of the charac acter and extent of the'r butioett by in- veitigating tbeir booke and then dropped the option. It it not generally known that potatoes are imported into thi country in large quantities from Scotland and Oermaov. For tbe past five year however, the Scotch vield ha been to small at to pre clude tbe exportation of any part of it; but tbe tea too the crop was large, and one tblp alone brought 190,000 eacta. Tbe orgaottm of hailstones have been inveetigated on two occasion by E. C. Harris in, a'.Canadiao, bo baa fonnd nn merou bacteria and mold including a bacilin and a coccos hitherto uodeecrib ed. Tbe character of tbe genua cocfirmt Bujwid' theory that turf ace water it car ried op by trormt and frozen, producing hail. A ttoy it told of a woman ,n England who unexpectedly came into a fortune and promptly homed up a country hoes where she played the role of cbaUla'ue t the manor born according to ber own idea of tbe part. One day come of ber old time friendt came to eee ber, and be condescended to how them all ove. tbe place. "What beautiful chickens'." txclaim ed tbe visitor wben they came to tbe poultry yard. "Yet, all pru birJa," haughtily ex plained the boeteee. "Do they lay every ay V "On. they coo Id, of cocrw ; but" (grandilrqaentl)) "in oar p. si-iao it itn't oecetsa.-y for then to do to." Bwaie of Oint jicnts for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, at irercorj will sorely destroy tbe aence rf smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it tbroab tbe mo oont surface. iuch article, should never be used except on pmcriptiont from rep otatle pfayaictaos, as tbe damage they will do ia tea fold to tne pood yoa can poaaibly derive frvm tbem Hail's I'atarrb Cure, manufactured by F. J . Cbejey A Co , To U do, O , contains ao mercury, and is takes i3ernall), acting directly upon tbe blood aud mocoos surfaces ot the tyatem. In ootid? Hall's CaUrrn Core be snreyon get tbe a-raoioe Itittakeo interna'ly, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by f. J. Cheney Co. Testisieotals free. Sold by drnggiat. price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pill arc tbe bett. Xo "ure. No Pay. bat it the way all tne druggist trtl ve't Taateieaa Chili Ionic for Cai.'i ana sod Billiooanss. It it aa pleas to take at lemon syrup, W v Sweet. Kerreshiog sieep ia given by Boo J 'a Karsapan:ta which tSrenglhena tte errea, tone, tbe stomach a no Overcome all dyspeptic symtnms. Yon should try it. Mood's Pills are prompt and efficient. ay to take, easy to operate 25 cent. We bay, sell and store grain. We mae Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat. Patent and gerrc. The Magnolia Mil'a To 1 1 ii t r V ii 1 1 1 j ' Tate Laxative Crono Qaioioe faMeta All druggist, refaod tbe mooey if It isitt to cure. zk Tne genome has U. B. Q on each tablet. F"' nr 80c per sack. Try it. H e Macr I- X-ray are not in witu our m w ys em. Iona- photo Co". RKiiovat. Notice. J. ti. Norman baa moved his boot and shop from Second street to Ellsworth street, just back of n orley s grocery store, where he will be found ready to serve those wanting work done in his line. A nice line ot whips. dottert aLd robe all new styles, lust received at A. E Ketcbnm's. BroaJalbin ttreet. between 2d and 3d. Notice. Pay your D8 City Tax and save costs. 1 he Met ia now being pre pared for pubi it at on. C. O. Lav, City Mtr.hal. DR. J. L. HILL Physician and Surgeon, Hill Block - - -n- Albany, Or. II. E. BEERS, M. D. Physicisn and Surgeon Phone 66. Potlottice Block. Albany, Oregon DR, OLIVE K. REEKS. Dlseaie of Women and Children. Phone 66. PoatofTlce Block -Alhaav.Oi N. E. WINXARI) M. S. M. D. Graduate of Ixnox College 1885, Oi.i cago Homeopathic Medical College 1890 Rush Medical College 1802. Twcedale Block, Albany, O. Resilience on 3rd street.touth aide be tween Broadalbin end Ellaworth. j. c. umm Ground Flou. Dental Ottlt I, Broadalbin, St Albany, V Yard Littler. Aaslstantr Geo. Collins D D 8 . A. Jack Hodge DDE COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.ow's Temple, Albany, Or. JIKUI KAILWAT NOTICE. The motor on the Albany Street Railway will connect prompty with all train to ap from tbe depot, day and jigbt.: Special rip will be made at tped tutet. R. Moons,, Conductor. TELEGRAPHIC. I-ate News in Short Form. Oregon' First. Manila, June 7. The Second Oregon volunteer regiment ha returned to the narracka in Manila and I preparing to return to the United States. The orders to Bail in a few days will shortly be is sued. The Firtt Califotnia reiriinent will bo relieved by a regiment of regulars at an early date, and will follow tho. Oregon'. Another Battla. Ciibyknne. Wvo.. June 6. The second battle with the dynamiters of the Union Pacific express train has been fought in the mountains, 40 miles from Caxper, hv the sheriff's posse, which has been in pvrauit since Sunday morn in it. and. as a result one man. Sheriff Hazen. and trol- ablymore lie dead. Hot in New Yorl;. New York, June 6. The record of the hottest June day since the establishment of the weather bureau was reached to day. From early morning when the thereroometer stood around 78, until late in the afternoon, the mercury went up steadily. At 3 o'clock it reached the limit, t8. Henderson for Certain. Nxw York. June 6. A conference of republican congressmen of New York, to decide upon a cancicate for the speaker ship of the bouse of representatives, wss neia at the iltb-aveaue hotel toeay, and resulted in a decision to support David It. Henderson of low a. Drcyhu Bound for Home. Paris, June 5. A dUpatcn from Cay enne, the capital of French Guiana, says uiat i-Teytus was today tranelcrred to the military authorities. He will stay, on tho Isle Koyal until Thursday when he will embark on the French cruiser Sfax in the roads of Isle Koyal. E.O. Style. Long Crksk, June 5. Persons arriv ing in this city last night brought the nea s that a band of trail sheep belonging to Robert Fotor were shot into, near the head of Slide Creek, last Mondv. The shooting resulted in the loss of 2U0 head of sheep. A Mushroom Town. SiagwaT, June 1. The First ISank of Skagway c'.os"d its doors, and J U Price has beea appointed receiver. The Habit- l ies of the bank are estimated at 116.- 000; astots, 113,000. At Manila. Manila, June 6. The Second Oregon is being brought back to Manila to pre pare to embark on the transports for tbe journey borne. The regiment is expect ed to leave tbe last of this weck.ann will go direct to Portland, where it will be muttered out. Hall' march was a very d flicult and there were many crees ot prostration of American soldiers by the hest. The bri gade arrived in Moron p at 11 o'clock yes terday and found that Col. Wholly with the first Washington, and bad cajitured the town killing 123 natives. Wants Recognition. Washpsotos, JuneS. Preahlent Mc K in lev is aware, through official and un official channels that Aqoiualdo ia bhg giag European and Asiatic powers to rec ognize the beligereccv of the Filipino. The president was sdrited by Prtifessur Schnrtnan and General Hit that Aouin- a'.do hat no tubt:antial bo; e of forvign truer lerence. Drive c Ever j w here Maxiu. Jane i. Gen. Hall's coisism, in the movement on the Morons penin sula, completed the circle of 30 mi!e over a rough and mountainous country, hav ing two engagements with the insurgents one of them severe, and keeping up a constant tire aaintt teat teres. 1 bands of relie for nearly 24 hours, frcm o'clock Saturday morning, when tbe cmumn left the jumpii.g station. The Hhpino were driven ia evt-ry di rection. After the Filipino. MiMU.Juat 5 The position of the American troop tonight indicates that they will tomorrow sweep the peninsula of Moroog, the land projecting eouth in to Lagnna de Ray, where tbe insurgents are vuppoaed to have a large furce near Morocg, as well as the battery on the western shore of the penintnLaJwhich re cently smashed the propeller o! the gun boat Napidan. Henderson the Man. Cincsoo. Jnne 4. The Ileonrd tomor row will say : Representative D. P.. Henderron ol Iowa, today received enough pledges bv telegraph ant mail lo give bim 102 vt lea in rhe republican caucus when it meets in Washington. V3 votes constitute a majority. Will he Reduced. Washisgtiix, Jane 4. Tbe adminis tration baa derided to reduce the Anu-r-ickn armies o" occupation in Cut and Porto Rio in order to rend additional troop to Gen. Otis in tbe Philippines. Orders hsTe been sent to Geo. Ivie, the military governor of Porto Rico, in structing bim to begin recruiting natives for nse in tbe arm v. The Photographer Now makes the Largest and Smallest Photo2raphs in town with all the popular styles and sizna between them. mall t-ize Photo for 50, 25 and 15 cts. per dozen. First quality Gloss aad Platino oabinets at regular price s. Nest door to Poetofiice Albsnr. PEARLY TEETH, so highly and justly prised, are assured hv the nte ol our ALLEN 9 TOOTH POWDEK, which prevent sll secretion under tbe Ceotsl surfaces snd keeps them olear, clean, and natural In color. With regular applications ot tbit powder the teeth will not decay and tbe annoyance of an early retort to tbe resources of den tistry is avoided. Keep your teeth aa long ss natnre will permit. Using our aLLEN'8 TOOTH POWDER will enable ton to do this. Price only 15 cents per Sox. J.A.CUMMIKG. It s eatyW pMUJa EHI haul a big wwy bift hiu if I SSSlC yougreaae f T3 the wagon I 1 wheels with I I KICAAxIi 6rutt 1 OMatnxaoSbarawhTnUi ,?''' put n an ,s 'S rwribm, M bf 1 STAXDARD Oil. CO. MISFITS. $320 has been raised in Portland for a sword for General Rummers. Give it to bim. He deserves it. The Democrat bat received a copy of a Fiper called Tbe Oatling Oun, pnb lithed at Cleveland, O. The shot are faat aud furious. The climax has been reached by one of the boy at Manila sending home, at Saletn, the hand of a Filipino. Shsriff Withers, of Eugene, who re cently hanged a man without flinching yesterday bad to lake chloroform to have tome teeth extracted, but there were eventeen of them. Bill Anderson, the famous Salem sa loon keeper has formally offered the city 8,000 for an exclusive license for that city, per year, for a term of ten years. That is one way to advertise one'i buni ness. An Albany boy writit g Irom Manila its that tbe longer a man stay there tbe worse off he is financially, phrtfal ly, mentally and morally. Thi un doubtedly givts tbe honest .itoation there regard lets ol tbe rot that it go'.ng around about a great maoy of the young men talking aboot stayirg there and growing np with tbe country. A Pennsylvania man hat jutt pasted through Portland for Daasun with a newspaper plant for a daily paper there. He it 'confident of tbe fuiu'e of Dawson. He is welcome tit his confidence. Ore goo grub is good enough (or nt, even 11 not seasoned with gold due'. The baud tournsment is, no', a boal ing success, but a barmoniout success, very gratifying te tbose who bare work ed ao hard to make it go. People bave been here from all part of the valley, and tbe entertainment hat been excel lent. . Mayor Storey, of Portland, is a verv versatile gentleman. He recently deliv ered an address before the W. C. T. V . and in a few days will deliver anot! i -before tbe Liquor Dealers Atsociatun. i Attorney General Blackburn cnit.uue to bave a level head. He bat j .ft given it as his opinion that ex-auperiutendent Irwin is not entitled tof 10 be claims on certificate fees. Under this Rer. Irwin has several thousand dollars he is not entitled to. He should be made u j ar it back nnder this opinion. The Weston Leader is ted hot over the election of D. V. S. Rt-ii as president of the Normal school a, that city and nays: But no. Tbe Leader chaws that J. ! H. lUiey. J. W. hen ber, J. W. Morrow j and W. G. Lynn, men of prominence and ability although the three former may be , considered, were false to their trust as normal school regents. They were xot seeking to promote the bett interests of the school. People who are familiar with tbe facts know this to be true. Tbe i regents know it themselves in tbeir in mart hearts. It wat a "job." of tbe kind that politicians love, but infinitely worse tbau tbe usual stripe. It was a job againt the school system. The four regents re-els -ted to the pres idency of the normal school, fur which there were numerous itera!.p.icnte, a man who is ucsatiafactory to tiie patrons ol the school. almot wiiIkmii txevption. The school und-.-r his management bad been a failure. Thry gave b:m full con trol, almost e(jal lo the absolutism of the Russian cur, and tie was reponsi b'eifor us failure; yet they re-elected tiiai. They reUmtod tbe president, against whom there were numerous well grounded complaints, but dismissed the j otber members of the faculty, wik were doing conscientious, saUslactory work. Albany Market. bl 8 vela. Oat M Fggs 15vnt&. Better 10 to li cent. Potatoes 60 oeut. liatia 10 rtiL Sides 9 cetts. Shoulder 6 rests THEBA Z J j Infants and Childrens neadwear.. i HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS TockeslanJ birred h Lawn mot Ribbon trim; st. Wstb halt. oimtd bats, Straw crown ban. Lawn. Dimity and Pecay bonnet! ished in lac, embroidery or tuck. -fin- triet, Organdiet and Moll Poke bonnets, a kkI to pn leel little laces from the sun ami yet dainty and pretty. Infant Jspsuese snd French Csps. Any of lhee attractive goods at nor lar price. See our Novelties in Parasols.. L K.& H..I. HAMILTON. Notice. tl On and alter this date wood sawing in Albany will be for the following prices, ail four foot wood, 2 cut, 60 cents; four foot wood, 3 cut, 60 cents; four foot wood, ne cat, 40 cents; pole wood per cord, 75 cents. By the hour $1. J. M . and R. E. 0i t, N. A. BlODUSTT. W'm. Nkbly. W. A. OtasoN. O. 0. Clbxax. J M RALSTON, Three doors esstof the DsxocsATofBce has mooey to loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Alto email loan mden personal ecuritv. City, county and school wsrrsntt bought. Collection made. Rents collected. Fir. - surance written in the following large and reliable companies: H04M E INS. O., of New York, PHOKNIX INss.CO., Harilord, Conn., LIVERPOOL. LON DON, snd GLOBE INS. CO. of England SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen. t foet eae,a powdor for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv eus foot, and illntanttv takrs sting out of rotes aod bunion. It' the meat est com fort discovery of the age. Al'ea.t foot- aae makes tight or new sbces feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating callout and hot tired.achiug feef Try it to-day. bold by drutgittt and shoe-stores. By mail tor 26o-ii stan pa. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. rsJ43 ' I sH w if a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' THE FAIR I WILL ON THE 20TH MOVE TO MY PERMANENT QUARTERS 2 DOORS EAST OF P. O. Retperlfolly, 3 I J. A. WEAVER. HJuiiUMJlUlUllilUiUUJiiK Miller & Stewart, BIOYGLE repairing, FOBGIKG AND MACHINE WGBK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. The New Hardware Firm i OlUt. Ohliog and R. E. Holbnrt. j partner nnder fcrcn name of Obling A Huibnrt deiire the public to know that tbey keep eonttantly on band, at all timet, a toll assortment of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware FOR SALE. A boggy bono, renUe and a tine driver. Cail on Chas Eralow at theBlain Clothing Co s tailor tug department. nHt CNDERSIGNED is prepared to 1 "eve carpi aod rugs. Can make beautiful rcg from worn out ingrain earpcte. Do not betlat lo an ve the new weaver a trial order. Yon will be pleased. Fifteen years expeiieece. rVirea reasonable. Place of tmticese, ast eo-l ol Slh St, T. S. Alsxancex. Special Rates. For tbe umtner pea ton we will make special rates on family washing. Why have work and worry at home wben you can get it done at a reasonable price at tbe laundry. Call or lelepLcre fur SWICTfJ. NiGXOUl UrMWT Phone 314 Notice is bereb given that sealed bid artfl be received oy 8:bor-l t istnct No. 5, Liea Cooaty. Oregoc. np to tee 15:b dav ef itee, ISS9. at tie boor of I c'ort p Iai lor contract for tomuhiBB 1 c ird of Masoned grub oak wood, and lOcord body Sr. eta wood io oe not le tcaa 4 ieclea io diameter at rmlv.t ert. 4 ! t ivrg l l'i(bt,an4 liw i"ni limh. Sr 'o be aplit ! from large trees. Ire tr m knots aud s.rk AU Xxl to be delivered at .h x4 bcildic I ia said district aa mar be oirecird .a r before August 15!h. 1S99. clcselv corded. Hide will be leosited for ail of tbe wood, orin lo of not lew than 20 coris Dt ted tuia SStd day of Marcb, 199. ViRott Pars sa. School Clers. TO NIGHT AM) TO. MGIIT MORROW Aad each day aod night daring Hi werk you can g't at say druggixt't Kem( IUI sent for the Ibroat snd Lurgt. acknow. edged to be ins most suocef jI n-medy ev, r old fcr Coughs. Croup, Bronchitis, Attb- caaod lontompUoo. Oet a little b- day and keep it alat in the booe. on caa ruaca joint coui u oa-x. t rut ; anl 50- Siaip'etmitle free. THE.LATEST. Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. Is now ready to feed tbe bungrv si their elegant new quarters at the same price SO cents a meal. Our public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted np in metropolitan ale. Opposite Stewart & Sox. MKS.M.G. StETmr ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the County Ccurt of Linn county, Oregon, has appointed the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Julia A. Kendall. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the tame to the undersigned at tte office of Kelly & Curl, ia Albany, Oregon, with the proper vouchers therefor, within six months trom tbe aait of the poblica tirn of tbe notice. Dated May 11, 1809 Mary L Wiu i y, KkU.KT A CCRI, Ad.miita rairix. Attyifor Admrx. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN THAT the undersigned faat been duly appointed by the County Couit of Linn county. Oie gon. as the administrator wiib the will annexed of the estate of John II. Rate man and Phoebe Bateiuan, deceased. Any and all persons haviry claims against said estate are t ere by notified .o riemot the ssme du. verified as by law required to me, or to my attorney, Wealherford & Wyat. at their office at Albany. Oreptn, within six months from the dab hereof. Dated tfali 8tb day cf May. 1899. Prtsr bmiiR. Adin'r with the will annexed. WKATllKSrMl) iC WVAIT, Atty's ror Adm'r. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Countv Court of Linu Co, Oregon, has appoln ed the undersigned administratrix of the estate of lames M Williams, deceased. All persons having claims against the rt tate of said deceased are hereby required to present the tame to the undersigned at the officj of Keliy & Curl, in Albany. Oregon, with the proper vouchers therefor within aix months from the date of the publica tion of thia notice. Dated May II, 1S89 Maby L. Wujjams, Ksllt k Ccri, Admiaistratrix. Attyt for Adui'ix. and On all R A G Corset and lerria Wants- When a mummer In nrt rtrfotlv aalia.i fied a new pair given in exchange for the old one. It is our aim to p'eate and satisfy every peison who purchases and wear our It & ( Cortet or r erris waist. We call rpecial attention lo onr 50c and to onr 85c corset which wethina will compare favorably with any f 1.00 corset in tbit market. Received today another line of those topolarunderakir's for ladies. New ramheanx Switt Lace Curtains and dotted twits and art good tor -tatb cortaib i. S. E. Young & Son. Pianos Organ. If ton admire a aood piano step into E. V. H i.;"a Music ttoe aud tee bis as sortment; there you will tee piano lor the artist aod likeie for the man of t ijtll means- Yon will be surprised bow little mocey will buy, a fine, large piano, and on such eaey terms. Do you soow liiattivu will buv a good ptanoT Call and aud eee me ataut it We bave tbe famous Kimball" pianos and organs, that are sor to please. No pi too house will te I coesper than we do, as many of my past customers will testify. Not more titan one town in a hundred tbe size of Albany baa such a large and com plete music store, and your pride ai.d good good will for Albany ooght tn in duce yoa to make your puro.awe from this house il nothing elre doe. Pat'.e faction guaranteed to all. E. V Wua. C. E. Browneli's. SPECIAL LIST.J 3 cant choice salmon 23 2 " fresh roerkfral f Armonrs Deviled Ham J Gallon jug of ketchup h Tea Sifting, fine flavor. 23 Starch, per lb 06 afinccd Clsms. (large cans) SO Bosun Raked Beans 12 16 os. rsns Good fating Povder.. 14 5 csps Mustard Sardines 23 S cans Sugar Corn 24 These are all first class goods and .wc cusractee satisfaction. C. F. BK0WXELL" SECOND sr. - ALBANY CONSERVATORY OF MISIC ALBANY C0LLFGF Facnhy Wallace Howe Lee J U President. Geo. A. Wirti, Director. Cora A. Wirtx, Voice a specialty. Tuition Very reasonable, ranging from 1 to 2I per term. The hifhert grade of instruction is of fered to both primary and advanced pupilsin the following branches : Piano Organ, Vioin.Guitar, ilandolin. Cornet, Voice, Harmony, Counterpoint, Cora poeition and HiMory of Music Vocal classes are "organiied at the be ginning of each term. Children's class each Saturday at 10 a. m. Pupilt may register for work in tbe Corserva tory at any time. For further in!orn5iUon call on or a I dress Geosoe A. Wisrrx, Director. v Albany, Oregon. The Albany Insurance Agency, Represent the uding Fire an J " Inruraace Compasies. Wholesale dealers in Wcet. Oa... vj asd Wotvt Corrnpodence wrlictted .M. SENDERS A :c H. F. Herrill T NSCRANCE AND LOiN AGENT. 1 o'lecti-ins prompliy attended to. cor respondence solicited. OtBce in Dai- CT U'lildlDg. AlBiliY LMCH CIDSTSP, .Master h AUKlllop, Proprietors o- Prt nipt meals at all hoars. Fiesh oys- ters i t styles desired. Serve lanci es tv , banqoetson short notice Removal Notice. We are cow established ino-y ne quarters. First Si. near Mootgomeryone door below Iron Works. Ia connection with our leam tant we shall maintain a hand dep'U Fine s:tk. woolen and otter dedicate fabric will be washed in lelliteoilv by band. Telephone or tl brings our wagons to yourdoor. poe- Our J aim is to piea you Hgoolia Laundrv C Siarsos A Sos, Prop. Telephone Jl. SAFE WANTED. Second hand.small or medium site. Address K, Box MS. Utty - ror ma jrr was a vrtrtlas af yw pep 1 In Its or form. 1 cvukl ewt boUuoc out mua nui, ana at umesmiratuaiacawuatd Dot retain and digest eren tbaL Last March I rxvaa aklic CASCAKETS aad sine then 1 nave, steaauy iniproewi, onul 1 asa as well as I ever was ia mj uie." David E. Mcbpbt. Kewark. a pftavnt. pMhttftbttx rpsjtjtfU. TstSte GXsl IX OooO. Norir icnM. VVsjtaAis'tv ir Grtt. KV. SjC. itJC- ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... KO-TO-BAC anrt cirranUYi1 by ait 0to tUu W CV UK loOaevv iLibiu IIONU AI Itl.Vti Ct'.t Second St near Lyon street, Albany. 5ells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice,; Chinese tea and nut oil.; Sas our new rockers and chairs. The nneet'evcreecn in the city. We close at p. m. 'Albany Fmvm itK Co. n7ii r Ohvaata and Trads Mark obtained and al 1 Fat ! ent buln conducted for Stodcrrta Fcea. i Head moi!.'l. drawl nirorDnoto. .:i TantblBfrt-attchir-k 0r foenotdneUUe atitiaaecuret. A Panoblet -iiow VoOb-J J tain Patent. vittt coat or aaaie la tM"' 4idtarancottnuteaaestm. a a A. SNOW & CO. Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices ffP CANDY SPECIAL SALE -of- Sewing AlaGhines. In order to make room for nearly a Car load oi Pianos On tne way We will make spetrial prices on our machines For the Next Twenty DaysJ Machine that sel' in otber towns for 160.00 we will oCer k ' :.ZQ; "Drop bead" machine for $32 50. Tbeee machines are the hiabest grade on tbe market, comprising, The World's standard and light running mw no m, BTbe old relisbla DOMESTIC i j and other machines. Now is tbe time to get tbe biggest bar I gains ever offered in . Albany. Every machine we teu isinity warrant a The New Home Machine is acknowledged by all impartial sewing machine men to Wr b" best family tea chine on the maket for ovvr ten years. Ii yoa need a machine now is year op portunity to bny cbaap at EU Will's Music Store. For Bargains la Farm Lands, Timber Land and City Property, call on or write S. N. STEELE & CO. Albany, Oregon FOSHAi & HASOK Wholesale Js Retail DEUBBISIUIDEOQOIUn- txaAjrr. oessos Pare Drags and the finest and i ' gtock of Stauotisry and BooAa a tbe Market. "nainlees, model 1S99 75 00 CbsinJece, model IS Ctiin, rroicl 1S99 Aaif, model 1$$? Rsnr, model 13&g Hartford, Pattern ISS9 Sartford, Pattern IgSei 'edette, Pattern 1S99 65 CO 50 OO 45 OO to OO 35 OO 30 OO 25 OO i or 22 years the Columbia line of owycie have been the heat, aad now. laving been repriced so low ia price, Aaa't be satisfied wiib something "just good." bot come around aad get the gtouine srtkla. WANTED Several good second-hand teycies in trade for Co! urn bias. STEWAKT&SOX IIHW.CO. Fine Safe for Sale. Fire snd bnrviar proof tteel eheet, weigbjng4X) ponnds. Just tba thing for some merchant in a town where there is no bank. "Will sell for half frice. Good as new. Address J O Lie. -t . Albany, Ore. mamwtum I have an unlimited amount of tncay to loan on Farm Security, or on basinets property in Albany, at &EYES PER CENT INTEREST, the interest pwyabi but once a year.- For information aad blank application call on or address C. ti. BrsKHAKT, Albany, O- LIEGE Mi TO LEU - Oa Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate. Reversionary and Li.'e Interests on Real tld Personal Property. Annnities and Legacies. Or will purchas oatright It si de tired. Julia Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned oa Patents sold on favorab e -terjte and capital procured to devel op and perfect meritorious inventions ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $560,006 ' Available for investment on mortgage at Revenue Producing Securities . For terms and particulars addreea R.GOULD. Montgomery St.. Sao Fraoeiscv Co PimpBritj aal aa ArjaaiaEt fiar? est arc urd entv to thoaa who sow OtTK TtSSTEO SKK1W 8od postal (or our Illustrated Ca' SiOirtH and aav, aanna by porckaaiaa' Irom Ua PACIFIC SEED COMPANY W aolnaal and axail Uaalara . - Tl tarra As. R,reacal. Cl. i l li'k-S .J alluwaatpruM. Air-BtaWau Liboral dlouau. nut NOSLAua aula oy euuaiMaioB. Hewta Hknxi a0r yoa toilatie I ara timna looatco aa Ml. w w -" raatovaa ta deairv ear toJaceo, - tiaa, aartaas th Mood. I Mor loat aaaMM, asaaaa Toa iakcJtb.M andpocaaV SIX I'EKCEST limited amount nrst-citst tarta tecu business property in six per cent lor pj address. ti. F. MlKRI EBSlf ' "iaTlIf -r-sjFaikr w lll.lll "rS a. 11,. afs i 'klBjaao-T Ill im awt t ly Oa, . fl. loa! Of