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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1899)
JT r 1 1 mj i Li" J" r n ' MEN AT WORK OR ON PLEASURE BENT are always subject to soma p Afinn aii O I . JAuUUd OIL FLOOR COVERINGS. FULLY DOUBLE the amount ever before shown by n, consisting of Carpets, Art Square. Cottage Art (a new and attnctive goods) Mat tings, L!noleum and Oil Cloth . We are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades and kindred goods. Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple BldgM Albany, Or k V3f I TRY MORMON BISHOP'S rnrtiainatinn. self -abuse, excesses or oisarette smoking, in use F mm r i over ov years. cringa iwk out men. makes rich blood NEW losses, makes you lastitingly strong, cures impotency, lost power, emissions, loss ot memory, bad dreams, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessness, varioceele and constipation, adds lustre to the eyes, stop nervous twitchWfte of the evelios. Makea life worth living. A boon to young or old. MORMOJJ BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs Stops all losses by day or night. Don't delay. Price within the reach ofall. Uusran teed to cure. Price y.e a box 6 for $2.59 by mail. Send for tree circular. Address BISBOP Kill REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal. For sale by Foe- ES3 Lay & Mason, Albany. ALBANY CIGAR! FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor Patronise homendustryj J Sw2s A wUn atxtr-alvtlt old. llrtn la gne was eoastantlT troubled wil b pains on ner It troubled wti n naina on ner Up la tett Juimb tbe had been treated be aha bad eatarrb of lb another Ma another vrononnred It nnth Mnnmimri it. 14II&TV eak'alaa. or monlba without rood naolta. At twee um nt mArmhinA wrw i ti 1 1 r ri to. Tba valient and had Terr little appetite. Farlr in a Alter ueing them two weeu lite paws ana aauaea entirely dawopaarea. I no panent naa h-d gained eleraa poonda, and could au baked WiTHCI-A mm 1 bad baaBa tbaa wrp-A S-S M st.w. mmw Yorfc. lor la mm mma A I (Mia mJ M Mfl u. mu l - mrm muf ORTHERN llU PAOIFIG R. H. ii f O Pullman Sleeping tJars, Elegant Ding Cars, Touris Sleeping Carp otPaul Minneapolis Dalntb Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helens and Butt; TIROUGH TICKE. ' TO hicago rVashingtou Philadelphia Mew York Sostonandal. Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan aid Oh na. n Tacomaand Nortbern Pacioc steambi Co., an American linev For information, time cards maps ant tickets call on or write O O Br.rkhart agent, Albany, Or. A I) Charlton. Aat Gen Faa n Portland O LSD S00 PACIFIC LINE. To Ail Point! East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luiu ious dining can, elegant day coaches, niairnificent tourist cars rnd free colonial sleepers from the l'a cific to the Atlantic without cbnnge. COST.DIRBCT ahd cqbapkst Rotrra r Kootcnay Mining District 1 HAKOHr, HEW DKVKR, sloc a n err-. HRLMOS, CAt. TRAIL. BOS8LA5D AKO All points in the Okantgan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full ieacriptiot of this wonderful country. Ask the agent for a copy of the mining laws tf Hrim-h Columbia. Lowes rates o and from EUROPiiJ Atlantic ateamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. (Jo 's .Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan OAWADtAir AUSTRALIAN STRAMKU II V, HONOLULU, FIJI AWD AUSTRALIA, The shortest lioe to tne Colonies . riiw steamers carry an experienced rti'dws man, and a stewardess on eveiy voyage for time tables., pamphlets, or vy in 0 mi t'.on, cati on or address. . Al i rl e J i r , ; and. Or GEO Mof. tl Oi. BROWN, D P. A Vancouver AFE WANTED. Second hand, small O or medium size. Address K, Box 4iS. City ACCIDENTAL HURT OR PHYSICAL STRAIN. is a good friend In such times of nee4s it cures surely. PILLS for all diseases arising from l 1 Ja..lAAf1 wnvn. juui .uauuumi, vuia ufiurcv. wv. and tis9oe. Cures waaiings and all New Terfc City, i boon dcatog tar nfaa I mis, ermed to ba Mid by Ua ik-iana, on ot wbana slilmid ngnt ewe. wni right aMe, tk-h a number of pbysiriai 14 that it wna ordinary drspanua. till rail Mount, for which tr f q net iioderaia ti pajne wmnmoi tna orpweraa injocsMaa wvicbert Ism dooi ada; was completely ran daws. nrichbor Indnead her to try Rlpaae Tabula. nioauna or tna awirnara aoa couo pmeticauy lecoTorou or 01 beaaa.aafBgetbat dtihaa, wnl ao fJERVITA VrTALtTY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mailSOc per box; G boxes for i-30; with a written giiaran vee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Linton Jackson sts, CHICAGO, IU. For sile'bFrel D Jirt, Drn;is Albiay, Ofii. Fast Sa) Lase, Denver, Ft ast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail 8 pm sas City, Bt Louis, 0 Mop re Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane Flyer arte, Minneapolis. St F'ye" 2-JOpm Paul, Duiuth, Mil- 8. A n waukee.Cticago, A Esau 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For San h rancitco Sail every five days 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4pn ExSanday 8TEAMEIIS. Eifiunrta Saturday To Astoria and Way lOpm landings. 6am WILLAMETTE EIV. 4 :30 p ExSun. Oregon Citv, Newberg, Ex Sun" Sslem & W iy-Laod 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30p Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monds Thurs., Oregon City, Dayton, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 pat Toeeday Portland to Corvallis luec lis Tbur., and Wsy-Lsnd.ngs. Tbur , and Sat. and Sa Lv Riparia Lv Lewistoa 2:30am SNAKE RIYER 12;00 r Daily Riparia to Leariston Daily V7.H. IIURLBDRT, Gen. Pass. Agent, C. O. R A WLINGS, Portland, Cr. Agent Albany. Oliver Plows-Hew rirc St. ihX'e., Agent. AiJuy, lire ov '. e voi'a trie chil'id 9 A. C I . jwor u.oaey 0 1 .Vir .' of America than ny otner implement ev-r pro-iv- . Genuine Oliver chilled sre the Itest earth. The Oliver is a promoter of ni'i nnss on tbe farm, and the n tMr wh utknows be is handling the bent, Ct lot immltatiois and tu ;h n ifhuirf li r he genuioe trondi, mile cnty by niiri Chilled plow work 4. South (lend, (i t. I SA. OREGON VIA VI COMPANY Cor. Morrison it Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland - Oregon FOR SALE. A horse, singlegentle and buggy and harness. Call at tbe stable of Strainey A Mitche'l. j r rZ &r'? .S fi f VJ wMheotlflssssrssi M. IiriltMlMlaaMH JoJJUo llJo TEK MS. Jawy Dkmochat. 26 cents dt month 3.00 per year, in advance, 30c pel month not in advance. By" carrier. lOo nei week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single coDiee 5c. t naaiJi, vi.u iu uuvitnce: ill rtD f year; SI. 75 for second year: 2.00 for ihird and Drcceedinir eara. whan not rni id' in advance. uiut-of five tw t 5.0(). i - x - r subscribers th nneral Funston. Now, the key to the character of Fred erick Funston, recently appointed brigadier-general of volunteers for gallant conduct, is the tact that in the 33 years of bis romantic, adventurous and event ful lifo be has ner er passed the period when he thought the second time about the dirt on his clothts He wandered into the fringe of civilisation in the years of his adolescence, and all ot bis life it has been of more importance to him to accomplish his end than ii has been to keep his cuffs clean. Many a heroic deed in this world has been left undone because it would soil a shirt; but with Funston the deed, not the shirt, has been of primary importance, at it U with every boy. Funston ie still a boy a devil may-care, earnest, honest, patriot ic bov. who will not be imoreail w-ili his gold braid and star tco deeply. H has lived all his tile out ot doors, iu Ui.. s of danger and amid slai n.s The visions that boys see have come true in Funston 's dsi'y life, and) he tias never awakened from bis dream to Boa bU feet chained to a desk and hie mind the slave of a column ol capricious fig ures which will not obey 'lie reasonable requiiements of a balance. Ilia mind has grown with experience and with cul ture that come from wide reading. He has the keen intelligence of a scholar snd a gentleman, ana writee as well as be fights, having contributed to Harper's Weekly, to Scribner's Magazine and to St. Nicholas. But his body is a boy's body, that does not nor Utter at hardships, and hi ) met boy's eyi s. They eee expedients which reason and sags logic woold hoot at. It was a boy who swam the Ragbag; a boy who ebarged the Filipinos from a raft. For a man would have thought ot fever germs and rheumatism, and wonld have been a a cautious colonel. But the boy in Fan ton put the star on his shoulder, and he boy in the beait ol all the world rouses to 11 row np its hat at these spleo did achievements William Allen White n Harper's Weekly. According te the census vi lS'JO, the hole number of persons in the United Sutee, including far mere and ethers, hoes homes were mortgageb was l,6i , &. Ihe aggregate ot all the mortgagee oo the homes of tbe people ot the United Sta'ee was 2,132,W9,5C8. Bv tharedoc tion.ol the value of (arm products, by the reduction ot prices of labor, and the actual lots of labor by lack ot employ ment, twice tbe amount of term brooocU and twice the labor forces are repaired to pay tbe above large aggregation o heme mortgage indebtedness as was re quired in IS73, which Las been tquivilent to making tbe ag rebate ol bomsmortgsge indebtedness in lbs United Slates at this present tims tbe enormous snos ot ft,- 2,S93.128. No wonder tor tstun is wrenched and shasen toils very founda tion. Hundreds of tboutanda of moit gaged homes bae been lost to ihe owners aa the result ot United Stales laws appreciating the value ot mooy and derretiaticg the value ol property. Dallas News: Legislation against trusis should be general, and growe dan rerous as soon as it becomes special. Tbe b st of all legislation on this line wlil be found in the end in acta repealing laws now in existence out of which the trusts have grown and without which they cannot tbriveor live. To cure the trust remove the cause. It is more free dom and not more restraint which tbe people need in order to enable tbem to defend and sustain themselves. Washington Timee: Merritt has eeen fit to declare that Algsr is Ibe greatest secretary of war the world has ever seen. Yet thirty-five years ago be recommend ed tbe dishonorable discharge of Alger from tbe army lor aoeence without leave. Gen. Custer's recommeodatioo that Col - Alger be summarily dismissed with out trial was signed by Merritt. And now lis is not only loud in his praise to tbe great man. but, indirectly, at least, he is stabbing in tbs bsck bis immediate superior, t r im each conduct common, everj-day ye pie will draw their own conclusions. Toe ''great protective principle" has passed out of American politics as con trolling element. Toere will never again be a general eampaigo with that aa the maid istne. If tbe old tight ie returned the protectionist will not hoist tbe falee colors of American industry and Ameri can labor and a borne market. 7brv will have to run np the black flag of pi racy, and the battle will b waged di rectly between the forces ot monopoly and tbe masses of tbe people. Boston Poet. Strict I v buHincsa French tbe jeweler. Crescent Uieycle, Hopkins Brothers, agenta. Beat Bicycle for tue mouey . Will It Jtark, jewe'ers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers tor only (u, 3U, 3d and goO. O R Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be sure and see tbe aoti rot tinware at Bopkin Bio, will las. a lifetime. Go to Miss Lones for liizh priced rho tographs, and do not .'orvet to take alone toe money. The "coi." Dlices for sew In machine at Z U Will's music stoe sr for 20 days oniy. uo not delay to get yoo a new ma chine and you will do your friends a fa. yor if you will Ml tnem of the special tale; they may not see this notice. By allowing the accumulations in tbe boweis in remain. the entire svnteoi Is poia md. DeWitt's Little Ksrlv Risers regnl ate the bowel . Try them and ou will alwaji Que I hem. PoUay A Mason. J. I Urido, e litor ami proprietor of lbs Dein'icrat, Lanceater. N. ti., says: "I wou'd not be without Oie Minute Cough C 're for my bov, when fruubled w'tti a c Minn '.rcold. (t is the best rem edy fr croup I ever ued Fothuy A ! Ma CASTOR I A For Infaats and Children. Hia Kind Yen Have Always Bought Signature of Cpi BORN. FRY. On Msy 30. 1899, to Mr, and Mrs. J. D. rVy, near Albany, a girl. Perhaps we have hid iome ralo inOrr. goo this winter, but our weather seems tame enough after reading the aocounts ot eastern weather with the cyclones and s'.ormt. A cow kicked over a lamp and caused Chicago fire, and so little things sometimes cause a great aesi oi irouote internationally. Just now ao island ca lad Samoa somewhere in the) world, inhabited by a let of pagans, is crsating dissension between several big nations, and there is enough talk about it to erect a Cheops of Egypt if the energy were di rected in that line. When the peace congress gets throngb with their labor, mountainous In appear ance, there won't be any more disarma ment than now. Instead all nations will continue to arm heavier tnan ever, both in their navies and armies. Not withstanding this peace congrees and the nice talk indulged in nations are suspicious tf each other, and current events make it almost imperative tor big nations to keep several guns loaded. The Idea of nations c isarming is a splen did one, but it will not play much ot a part in the history of the world before the milleoiom comes. S ime one now is koir g to have a big o.ooy formed in the Philippine islands by volnotcere there, and it ie reported there are foar thooseod who wish to do so. When the truth is known it may be predicted that there ate not one tbso send who will be willing to remain ttere and locate. All the reliable reports from the country indicate that it is not a desirable place lor a borne lor one brought np In the United States, end that it takes only a fw years for one to dry np almost. Most of those who have come home e-ive the situation In reference to this very plainly. Wbeo a man has no argomsnt and is weak in the upper story he goes to call log people names ho disagree with him This is being seen displayed some in the uewspsper literature of the day, partlcu arly among lucte deeiiing to influence people politically legardless of tacts. Taks this matter of expansion. Ihe person who diebelievce io expansion in its preeent form ie as loyal ae the man who believee in it. Logically he is more to. Practically tbera may be no difler ence. (or the troth i, when all prejudice and political rot is east aside, tbe spirit ot loyalty to tba United Slates is a uni versal one auong men of all parties, but not perbejM among a foreign element that is proving Isageroos to oar welfare wherever it is loond. Lit ns not be demagogues. With the Nicaragua canal iottead of thire being 31 cents difference between the nrlee of wheat at Alhenv and Chicas tit is very doobtfal if tbe difference' would be more tbsn 13 or 20 cents and wbere we aregettiog 44 cents we woold be getting 60 or 6M eeota. 11 it sere not for tbe fact that big railroads poor their corrnptiM Innd into the coders of congressmen and " senators the canal would he built with a rush, tboe doing a service for ao impo Uot section of the country ot inestimable value. "How did this happen T' asked the rjorgeoo as be drcsned the woood in the cheek and applied a eootbios pool! ice to tbe damaged eye. "Got bit wits a floor.'- replied the pa tient. "Who threw it?"' "My my wife," waalbe reloctact ao swer.; "Ham! It's tbs tint time I've beard of a woman hitting anything she aimed a,' matured Ibe eorgeon. "Six was throwing at tbe neishbor's hens," exalalbed the sufferer. "I wss behind bar." Boston Horn. Journal. Utay Clergymen oosrJays are teach ing that war is necessary and desirable and a part of the divine plan. Tbs writer alwa5 a sapposvd that war was a part ot the devils plso, which God per mita for the same noscrnlable reasons tbat be permits any other murder to be committed. Tbe fact seems to be tbat maa was created a tree moral agent ; and wbea be abused his power by com n tiling all manner of wtckedoess it seems scarce ly correct to call bis act divine Peop les Press. The President iotlmstee very plainly that General (hie with the resolars has plenty of soldiers to handle tbe Filipinoe effectively and be Is undoubt edly right. There are people ho are au very patriotic in their minds thai they wonld have tbe volunteers remain there ana tight whether tt.s are needed or not. This and That. Wheat 46 cents. Stamp photos at Tinkle A Dawson's. SFineet aria to enameled photos only fl.bO per dosssi at Tinkle A Dawson's. Viereck'e Sugar Bowl Parlors for tea cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars aoa tooacco. A large and fine stock of clears snd to bacco at Conn A Huston's. St-e the die play. When you want a choice steak a nhe roaster meat oi any kind, call on Henry iroders. He keeos tbe best. Go to Verick's shaving and hair cnt ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every mer. He best meats ofsll kinds aad good treatment at tbe Albao Dreaaed Beef Company's market, )ut diwo Second treet. Good weight and pr-Hupt al!nd ion. It makes no difference how bad tbe wound if you nsa Hewitt's Witch fisxel Salve; it will quickl heal and leare no scar. Fosbay Mason. Some of t be reau'ts of neglected J) 8 pep tic conditions of the toncb are cancer, consamptioo. beart diaease and epilepsy. ivkioi I'yspepsiatJiire preveots ail this Or effecting q-iias cn-e in aU cases of dys pepia. Fosbay ft Mason. Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cored by Karl's Clover Root Tea, tho great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satis factory. Price, 25 cU. and 60 cts. For sale by Fosbay A Mason. tltiy a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath byits action on the bowels, etc.. as noth- else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. ro sale by Fosbay ft Mason. TICKETS ' To all polr t East via G et t Northern Railway. Forlrates. f tders and full information sail on or add "ess H. F. Mirbill, Agent Albany . No-To-Bae toe Firty Casta Guaranteed tobaeeo habit cure, makvs weak men strolls', blood purs. too. tl. All drug-gists. Mosic Miss Mildrea Burmester eacher of piaao or organ. System th m sson toiicn and teenntqae. Keeldsncs fifth eft ot,cpposiU U P church. SATURDAY MIGHT THOUGHTS The ways of the Filipioos under Aqalnaldo continue as mysterious as ever. They have been at their old bush whacking tricks just as they were the week before, and ditto. It is all they know. They are the same brutes this week ss last week. The v are bu It that way. They are as tieacln rous as ever. That it the plan of their physical ron atructiou. Treating with'.them for any thing is a good deal like treating with an untamed libra. Tors it has been, thus It will be. The Filipino will always be a source ot trouble, even after this distur bance is settled. He will always demand ly. pay every time a fly lights on bis nose. Ibe irsMocKAr has a very poor opinion ot the Filipino, based an facts, and can't aaa wby any ons wants to edu cate him inta a fellow cltiren. The truth is we have too many undesirable citixans faow, some of l on are a dangerous sir msnt and our policy should be to abridge he bad element raiher than eocourage It. The very pretty and appropriate cn tom of decora. ins; the r raves ot departe eoldiers and friends and lelativts, hss been observed daring i he eetk. Thar is the past linked wilh the present, six those who have tone, kept fretb in l e hearts of those who have uot yon, but will poaomelime. Ttis ruoi fragaat add beautiful Bowers that can be secured are none too good to straw above the renting places of those who' have gn e ahead. The custom should make a depr icu preeeion ot the certsioity ot death and ol the Importance of living in preparation tor it, nut wit! a pessimistic lace, but with the radiance of hope in heller thing. Since our last issue Albany has had a Sunday excursion that has caused a great deal of comment. Taken al to gether it bas not raised tbs Sundsy ex cursion in tbe eyes of tbs people, regard leas of their religions convictions. It has demonstrated that while there are orde lv and well behaved people who participate, it alsj loviies the attention ol a rough element that bricge discredi1 upoo it. and as weil desecrates a day that should be frea from business eud sport. a During the week the:e l it I ren in our midst a sLoM'ng sff'ay, much to he re gretted. It waa!n a saloon. Tr.e parti cipants had been drinking and it wou.d never bave happened bat lor the fact. Make toe beat ol ;t. whiskey is a danger ons thiog to handle, just from a pra ti cal. everyday business ttsadpoiot, wit! -oot aey platform figuree, and tbe yooo maa makes a mistake who begins wrest ling with it, lor it is a stayer, aod thou, b be may bet it for s while tbe time wi; be pretty sure lo come when it will come oot on top. a a The closing exercises of tbe ynLlic schools Is sa eveat fall of interest, for the public schools sod people ere closer together than the scales on a fish . The people msy not visit the schoo's. bat tbey are dead in earnest io their purpose to bave tbe best that can be secured, we I coodecrd and jadiciootly managed. Woe to tbe person who pots a straw in front of the progress of tbe schools of tbe people A!baey is very fortooale in having Schools her people raa stand by, a credit Ij the gem town ol tbe val'ey . Republic Him. Peiheia if Collia P. HaaUngton bad been made the victim tt overe-iacatioo be might not tare bad ao much lime to divert tiimrelt with bis favorite came ol grsb. A Santiago newspaper Mere to Presi dent WcKimey al "a miserable conspira tor.'" Easy, easy, trier sach talk may go among kiafolss, bat yoa're t ot in the family yet, Saoty. SamJooea sot the Mayor cfToedo scared a Kentucky woman into hyster ics by his talk on sod Jen death. It is probabls tbat tbe r van f el el was trylog to frighten some ot the Kentucky Colon els and tbat his brimstone o-ation mist ed its mark and wouudrd a lady. I he trusts, the logical outcome of class letislelioB, represent a fareigo and malig aant growth upon tbe bt(y ct tnde, a poisoning of blood that should flow healthily aad tqnitab'.y io every vein ot tbe country's commercial and iodestrial being Their removal, aed tbe purifica tion of the chaooels cortnptidsy their development, mean iovigorauon and re gained soundness of coostitollon. Under wise and moderate leadership, keen ol vision and temperate ot method. Democ racy's warfare npon tbe trusts wil. be as beneficent as it is imperative. About June 15. That is when Mr. Julius Grsdwobl will move into his new briok, oo Second and Ferry streets, where he prpoeee to do business io the icterest of the buying pubic. In the meantime be will gie bargains in crockery, hard a are, grocer ies, oil and paints and other things ke,t by him, as be will afterwards. Cation him for crockery, sroceries. o:ls. paints, etc. Mr. Grsdwobl also writee insur ance in some first class companies. Do not do bueioete without calling on bim. Clo3io Kates. Weekly Dkmocvat and Kxaminer $2.50 aud Thrice-a-week World (2.00; and Republic 1.6: and Oregonian (2.25; and San Francieoo Weekly Call 3.tW;and .aiem Weekly Journal 2.00 Y.Ming Mothers. Croup is the terror of thoueanda ol roauK mothers because its outbreak is so stniairr and freouently fatal. Shiloh's Oonh and Consumption Cure acta like tnagio in caaoa of Croup. It has never seen known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices 25 cts,. and 60 rta. find $ 1.00. or sale by roihay a mason. Standeid of the worm 1 1 The Prel um a Incubator. C. 0. Bates sgent, Alt any, Ore. ' Notice. Pay your '98 City Tax and save costs. 1 be list is now being pre pared for pnblicat.on. C. O. Las, City Msrsbal. THE HOM LIES r M AN I N ALBANY As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on anr drugit and get FREK a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam lor tbe Throat and Lunas, a rera nly tbat la guaranred to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acuie Coughs, Astbnit, Bronchitis Contut.ption. Price 25c. and 50 1. 5 Ono Doso l Tells the story. When your head .aches, and you feel bilious, constl- ' pa ted, and out or tune, wltn your I stomach sour and no appetite. Just I buy ajwekage ol a PHIa I And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills, , You will be surprised at how easily ' tbey will do ttielr work, cure your ' headache and biliousness, rouse the i liver and make you feel happy again. 6 2i cents.- Hold by all medicine dealers. A VsVVws MISFITS. Wheat it 85 cents iu New York, 80 cents la Chisago and only about half as much, 46 in Albany. That is nearly as big an outrage as some ot the Filipino outrages, The trouble lies in the extor tionate trsnspo'ation charges, principal E. 0. FmitU has an order for 400 bahs ol bopa ot the coming crop, lie will con tract for 12 cents per pound and advance Ave cents for plckingaod drying. Frank Page baa au ordar (or 300 bales at like prices. Growers should never contract. Eugene (Juard. By all means do your own rpecjuiat ng. Mrs Jane Stanford has given all her property to the University named in honor of her son. A monument that will last for ages to the credit of the name of Stanlord. She is referred to as penniless. Nevertheless sLe has an an noal income to meet her need the rest of her lffe. Eugene can boast of the worst brute outside of the Philippine islands. After allowing bis wife to support him, and after they had separated, be secretly dag up the remains ot their child which had been buried and hid it elsewhere. The mother recently decorated an empty grave. Then the man, w ho had sk'pped out, this week wrote the fo'mer wife boasting of the act and an investigation proved it true. The hru e's name is King and it may be said that be is the king of brutes. ' Rev. I. D. Driver recently remarked that the iomatee of the Oregon state pen itentiary are let criminal than the mem bers ol the state legislature who voted pay for tbe bild-np legislature, and tbat it will take Oregon 26 years to regain iu prestige in nstional affairs. lie also eaid according to the Salem Journal, that the acquisition ol the Philippines wonld pre seut a bloody revolution in our country Free land le gone. I here was no place for the people to move to Cuba and the Philippines wilt take our Coxey srmie. At present tbie n tbe bardeet conn try in tbe word to live in. t e are recnvio tbe surplus population ol Europe sort have nj place lortt.ein. 1 tiey are bllm our asylums and penitentiar:e and t., rest of the peop'e are tsxed to des'li o tske care ol them. The fo'luwing fea-lee item ftm the Astoria Fionish newspsper s.J directly to tbe point: "Ureooin wa'lion s in- laistoimskon la oo juari ouut kosssA waiuon psa kooopougisfa Salemisa ,'ofa waluoo komerooiri ja laatia kakookfeeo knoi ottu kaofa'aifemme tohton Beckman owat ol.eel faapuwula, Kuleo Inaijam- me mu-eiaoewat an odotuun lafayntnwa stirtolaifaas S.ams-a ollat cibeeoa ta- man bekooukfen pitamifeee. Tbe Dcxocbat makes a practice of publishing whatever is said about Al bany, tnoagh it has had its hands full since the Portland ezenrsioa. Here is soae funny paragraphs from tbe Browns ville Times: It is estimate J conservatively that the verage amount ol beer consumed by eacn persoo was nve Dot ties, ui coarse many did not drink aoy hi oca aooe of tbe )olly oeee carried or AttempteJ to carry all tbe way from 10 to 20. the at tempts ia many cssee being utter fail nree. The city of Albany (just to show its hospitality) threw open, or ailowed the keepers to throw open t he duore of sal ooos for tba eolire da. It waa sip posed that the city exebtqier would re quire eome te) ln J sruood it to bold the revenue derived from the fines doe, bat as r. none have been paid and tbe city coffers rsaemble a balloon froa which the gas bas-ecap-d. A number cl fistic eocoooters eosaed.tbe parucipanis being men, women ata childien, and a very notices b. feamre was thst tie pug ilists bsd no reepect forthecounteoancee or clotiee nf their opponents. About 4 o'clock a runaway relieved the above moootoooos rootioe and diverted the miod of tLc more eeriocaly inc ined tor a time. Scio. Fom the Seas: Dr. Uill. of Albany, was called to Jor dan Monday, to eee Mrs. Mike Bilyea, wbo has been ill for some lime past. Tbe horse race, bet wen Bell and Pai Murphy wss Saturday, but as it was not run se -ordist to the mice screed upoo ia joagea declared tt no race. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Warner were visit ing ftiende and relative in Albany tbe ret ot tbe week J. L. Miller died in this city Tuesday morning at toe advanced ace of bo years. For the past two years ne bad made his borne at the Scio hotel, and daring that lime it was necessary to keep a noise with him constantly. Me came to Scio in 1S63, and since msde hie home here. Hie wife died in 1877. He leavea three sons and on daughter, besides a aster, wbo lives tn loooty, to mourn his death. Pianos Organs. If ou admire a good piano step into E. V. WiK'e Music store attd see bis as sortment; there yoo will see piaooe for the artist and likewise for tbe man of s jiall means. You will be surprised bow little money will boy, a fine, targe piano, and oo such easy terms. Do yon snow that 1190 will buy a good piano? Call and and see toe a boat it We have tbe famous "Kimball" piaooe and organs, that are su lo please. No pit no bouse will sell eoeaper than we do, as many of my past customers will testify. Not more tbsn one town in a bundled the aiseot Aibaoy uss such s Urge aud com plete mosic store, and your pride aud good good will for Albany ought to in duce you to make your purchases frOut this bouse it nothing else does. Salts faction guaranteed lo all. E. U Witx. What USrtiluli? Agrsnd old reniedr tor (.' ijjli, Cold and Consumption; uaxyt through th world for halt a century, has cured in numerable caas of incipient con sump tioa and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satis tied with the results we wi'l refund your money. Price 25 eta., 60 cu. and 1 1.00. For sals by Fosbay A Mason. if fi surr from teoderne or fu''ness ottniritfhi ai'le, cio under sboulder- Ulaie, comripaiion. bilouaoeas, sict beid tchi, aad fel dull, heavy and sleepy wiir ltvir is torpid and on sea ted. De- Witt a utile iuxriy Misers will cure you promptly, pleaaaatly aad permanently by removing the congestion aod causing tfae tile ducta to open and How naturally. Thit ana ooo riu. Don't think yoi can curs int slight at tack of Dys,.ep.ia by dieting, or tbat it will c ire iueil. tfolol Dyspepsia Cure will curs it; it '-ditreats what you eat" and res' ores tbe digestive organs lo health Fosbay A Mason. If you'hace piles ccrb them. No use unilergoinr bcrribleoperationstbat simniy remove die results of the dieae without disturbing the riiacae itself. Place your PonGdenoein DeVVit; s ltch haselSalre. It bis never failed to cureoTaKKs: it will not fail to cure jou. tosliay A Mason. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, rou p and wbooptng-cougb readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Ue this remedy . in time snd stve a doc'or's bill or the un Uertsker'a. Foshay A Mason. There Is no ice cream in Albany se PfeiQer. Saa our new rockers and c lairr, Th finestjever seen in the city. W e close at p.m. .Albany FuRNrrvna Co. . Your grooorlkeeps It. Tho Magnolia Flour TELEGRAPHIC. Lute News in Short Form. One Way. Manila, June 2. Tbe Philippine com mission last night gave one of tbe most brilliant balls Manila has ever seen. It was one of a series of entertainment in tended to foster friendship between the Americans and natives. The com mission has the handsomest residence in Manila, overlooking the harbor. Tbe grounds surrounding it were illuminated, while tbe house itself was decorated with tbe American colore. No More Volunteers. Washington, June 2. The cabinet at its meeting today decided three was no present necessity (or the enlistment of more volunteers. The situatiou was gone over very fuliy before this conclu- km was reached. Chio Republican. j Coixmbcs, June 2. The republican stste convention today nominated Geo. K. Nash, the favorite of Senator ltanna, for governor, and ex-congressman John A. Caldwell, the favo-ite of George B Cox, for lieutenant-governor, with the other 5 nominations distributed among thoee of less distinct party affiliations. Iloptin's Choice. Chicago, June 2. Conerefstnan Hop kins his afternoon withdrew from the national speakership contest in favor of Col Henderson of Iowa. Nine ot the 14 conirressni n in the Illi nois delegation were pr.wn'. at the gen eral round-op meeting held in'the Grand racinc hotel this afternoon. Germany's Madrid, June 2. In a speech from tbe throne at he cones today, it was an nounced the Marianne, Caroline and Pe lew islands were ceded to Germany by late cabinet. Speaker Henderson. Wabiunotox, June 2. Tbe almost on iveraal opinion here is that Henderson will be the next speaker, and little hope is sustained by the Sherman rupporters. Fighting Yet. Ma ml, Jane 1 Tbe insurgents rser San Fernando this morning attacked the out -sts of the Fifty-first Iowa infantry ei' .ilv wounding two men. lo1. French took the remainder of the Taenty-second infantry to Candaba yea .erday, the insurgents having appeared hi lorce mere. Insurneots Puiiiahc I. Maxixa, June 1. Smith reports from egroa uii ae naa panisuel the losar gnu wbo murdered Capt. zTdlev ; that tbe eastern coast of an iUnd is now un der the American Mac. and the inhabi tanu ask protectioo from robber bands. l tie bands pursued into the mountains by lbs L . h. acd native troops were se verely puoianeo. OUs. A Political Matter. gw oac, June 1. A Wseh nton specia. aays: President McKinlev and his cabinet wtll determine at toeir reguhtr session tomorrow wbet w or not to issue a cl! for volunteers. It it is ixMible to do so, the president will avoid tho issuance of such a call. He believes the po itical ef feet woold be bad. Gomez Sick. Havajca, June L Gen. Gomez had second severe attack of asthma this af lerpoon. xi is doctors consider bis con dition seriocs and recommend his imme diate removal from (Jointa to an elevated resort nearer tbe eeaabore. It is no thought he has a complication of dUeas- es. Held Retained. pESOLgTojc, Jane 1. Last evening the regents of the Eastern Orrfon state nor mal school at Weston returned from that tewn to Pecdietoo. The result of their election ot a President Keid was retained and every other member of the faculty was diemiised. Cracker frtLst Broken. Sg trn-B, June I. The Post-Ictedien-r sarr that negotiations for the forma tion ol the Pacific Coast erakcer trust are off. The syndicate back of the deal has not made the bnai payments. Just a Report. New Yoas, May SI. A special from Manila sets: Informatioo has beea re ceived here that satisfactory results hsve attended the movement among members ot the Tolonteer regiments io Manila for the establishment of a large American colony in the Philippines. Foar thoaaaod of the volunteers now in tbe island arc reported to have signed a petitkn to tbe president aad secre ary ol wwr. praying that they Dlr rvceiv their duKharges in Manila. A Nebraska Cyclore. Lixcouc. May SI. A tornado pused over this city this morning It trare ed trt m trie soolu west, covering a territory 150 yards wido and 10 mi;es long. It dropped at IwnHale, a rmsli town 10 miles north. l..f Chicago A Alton depot was lifted irocu its lun;ation and car ried several yards. terersl store ba.U ingf were an roofed and maor residences were badly damaged. Large forest trees were torn op by tbe roots. The Straight of It. WiSBitcToe. May SI. The president today declared to a congrecaiooal caller that there was not now any contempla tion of largely increasing Gen. Otis' for ces in the Philippines. He slid nothing has been received from Gen. Otis which indicated a necessity for more troops, beyond the regulars who are to be sent to relieve returning volunteer. Opposition to RckI. Penmjttox, May SI. The board of re gents the Eastern Oregon state normal school have been in eession and went to day to Weston to hold the annual meeting- Balloting waa had on the election ol a prtstdent to succeed D. V. S. lieid, the incumbent, aud no decision was reached. Violent opposition to Mr. Keid developing, and as a result '.of the pre liminary oaiioung nere, which was in the nature ol a caucus, it was state t by the regents before leaving that the prob abiiit es were that not only a new presi dent would be selected, but every mem ber of the faculty would be supp'anted. Dswson Output. SatTrt-S. May SI. The latest advices from Dawson, brought bv L. H. Grav, are dated April 29. Atltliat t me evi dences of tbe most wonderful output yet recorded were to be ewn on every band. Five thousand men are eaid to be waiting at D-on te take the first boats up tbe river. Half of them are miners, who have from $RV0 to 50,000 each in dim. j A vegetable tVbarttc tbat can be relied up m to do ita work tnorougbly ctood's fills. ! - 1 Consumption js robbed of its teiTOrS bv . . . , . z $ me taci inai ine Desi mca- f ica! authorities state that it S is a curable disease t and f one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You Know there are ail sorts of secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make absurd claims.' We only say that if tikcrv in time and the laws of health arc t property observed, ' (I SCOTT'S EfJULCIOn will heal the Irtfkinmation of the throat and kino and nourish and strengthen the body so that it can throw ofl the disease. We have thousands of test. monials where people claim they 2 have been pentunentiy and of 5 this malady. , toe. and St.oo, til drusglttt. ii v nt, UMouia. nm York. a SCO Beauty and Purity is found in Cuticura Soap Tbe asaa effsctlve akla sairrrytatT ea4 beautifying mi la tlw world, aa wait aa pareet and sweetest tar toUat, Sat a, aad nursery. St4 OiTsorhaat Om wwta. ha, Dc fvrna D. ead ranfjtfcaSkia.-B.aMiM. r. ' rr 1 Y Long Photo Jo.. In Froman Brick. The leading gallery of Aloany. Ihe only-up-to-date first class studio in town. All work to o'esjH!. 31 A K IE LONG Porp M CAPACITY In the Valley. OUK WORK 1; Unaarra-ca In Oregon. have the best stock it select irom and our pricei grc alwavs the lowest, quality cn'lered SMILEY, A iu in y. The Printer HEW Vol1" WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk Edilicn 13 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar raa lit Mr r " -.-- Tbe Th rice-s- fVk Edition of Ta a aw Toax Would is first aa.g ait "weeklyll papers in aiae. freqoeocy -A pc.biica.jOB aad the fretht.. a ceo racy and variety ol tUeot tmrs. It bit ad the roenta of s treat $6 daily at the price of a dUa weekly. Its politic! ais ocomr'.coai K. O. T. M. virrg S.turJay ereiia ai O. T. ll al Visiting Kau-hi ieviied. V If LCTICE OF FIKAL SETTLEHENr Vyi otlCK IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT 1 tbe uadersigeed a lite AdtninUlra trJtor of the wate of Mary E Crawford, deceased, fca SVed bis Seal acoooot in said estate with the Coonty Clerk of Line cooDty. Oregon and thai tbe Connt Coort hss &xd MoaCay. June 5th. ItsSS. at the boor of Oae o'clock p m of said day. for tbe bearing of said aoooont aad tte final etlJemen; of aid rviate Aor aad all pev oo tjirm r cl j -c? ioa thereto are bereby ,.o:;.d to be prevat at tbe t'oanty Coort room at (aid time and prwsuit the came. Dated this 4 lb day of May, 1S. C H. rcwasrr. AdaataiM rater. KATHSkFOItO A W TATT. A ujs for Adtrr SREBIFFSALE Bv virtus ot aa eiecutioa and order of sale issued oat of the euvoit court of the state ol Oregon, for th con try of Lisa, to me dalv dtreced, le'iv j r.t ai aa'ed arc lUi A. D . ta a r.n 0it, ia aaid court, wherein C. Rodgera waa plainbff aad Jane oodr. R. B. Woudy iter huibaad, J bB C Cider. Eatsna B. Cider, kis wife. James Elder aad Ida Elder his wife, Lottie A. Elder, E. A Elder aad Harpoon Elder his srife we, e de endanta, ia which said rait th ead C RodgeS retovervd a jaigment oo the 3rd day of April. I S3-, aaini tbe taH de rendsn's for the ram of f SST.iO and t-e farther earn if 40.00 attaints f es with and for tbe i rat and disgorgements taxe at cl7 51, rdering. adjudging aod dectee ing tht tbe rel pruertr Vscrtbed in plaintiff-t ruor"e and complaint, tnwit: AU the nndiriiied in e-est of R. L. Elder ia acd to all tbat rart of the Donation Land Claim nf KoVit Elder and wife be inir claim No. 61, that lie Weft of the Oali;ria crewk. i.itatd :o Township 13, Soa ti Ransr 3 Wet ia Litn county, t ire troo. and containing Stl acres, be sold aad the procels appiia to the satisfactioa of said judgment Therefore notice is ben -br given that I will on Saturday, 17th day of June, 1S99, at the hour of One o'clock p. m. of said ivy at the front door of the court huc, io the eity of Albany, Lino couotv. Ore frca. offer for sale, at pontic aucttra to th biire-t tuddar. for cash in hacd. sa'iject to re-lemp-io accordiee o law, all the right title aad interest to R L K dr had ia and to tbe adore described premise to satisfy aaid judgment end cot.. Dated this 16th dty of Mar. 1899. I. A. MrUKKBS, Sheriff f Line eounty. Oregon. YAQUINA ROUTE CORVALLIS & EASTM" RAILROAD Uonujctingat TAQCISA wt h th A"J JIM V fJ STiAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar and Nayarro First-class in every respect. One ot the above steamers is due to sail from Yaqaina about ever five days. Shortest route between valley poioti i Ban Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to ' Kan Francisco Cabin .....10 00 Round trip , 17 00 For sailing days apple tt Edwin Stokc, Li Waidss, Manager. a.F.&P. A. St . 'causa, Airont Albany, Or. East South -IA- SHASTA ROUTE or THE 8 ju thorn Pacific Oo CaUUmia txpreas Tislas laave ranlaaa bally oath 7 vw . a. i i. IIMasj L 7 ia ( Ar Hon ar ' S'Sa u Ar :1S a b i 7.m r AibMiy S Jk fraMtesa Above trains s'op at ' low be tween Portland and S it-ra Tai- r, Marloe, Jetfrano Albanr Vsnirent, Sbedd. HaUev Eater e Cottage Grove, Drain, Oskircd and ail stations from Boaebarg io'b t ' and io clrdiog Ashland. t 4ifa , tf sera 'I J S B lt:5rB I L A IS mtM I' ft uouscw .asca vh r m At Lm a ny fcr Le am mire ilbaiy lion La ioa 8:19 a IMS a Lav alanv for Lshanaa Anin Albany tram LW aoa Itwrs 71 m. .a ....av M .a r r 1 af f f rs4 fPaa I AJSD Dininfcr Cars n Ogitn RouU Econa-cuss mint cm AUaekaw ta all Tbrwe vraias v SVeaS ac SWvlat. srrsvsoai rwsrriA as ! an, re uai taoyituai assaawas sunanr .Maa laiaaa II! gxpraasTraia Daily (rxeapt waday Ptrttaad HVJIiaariiw a, . i- a LtB TKra Ax tltra ar .tliii Ci-ii- . 1"ir arat m4S11 mxo .todwttng mtfm E. aoi"i-afc c a a ntaaasar 3rfA rarva Oraga. Wutrmmi ErtM ai aeic- ta won iwiau aiiS lorwpe VIAPA. Catti. H JOL.rTLU aat ACSTa UA eaa he eMai-4 treat C St rawstk. Agra rC.WUl LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany W R Klvea. Fosbay A Maaon blocs U Bryant. P O block Anderson Cannon, PO '.lock 1 N Doneu. P O blot t T P Hackteman, Pearce ." lock. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Uamphrey. Kelly A Curl, oank bnilding L H Monunve, Pearce block J C Powell. P O block. C E Sox, PO block. L L twaon. Bank bnildiog. H J Wateoo, bank banding. Weatherford A Wyatt. Bauk bnildiag Whitney A Newport, Cowtck block. G .V H right, PO block. I.banen. 6 M GarlavL. Brownsville. A A Tossing. cio. T J ilsoo Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what yoo eat. It artificially digests the food ana wUm yture m streDgihening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or g&ns. It is the latest discovered digesV aot sod tool: 2o other preparatioa can approach It tn efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently eons Dyspepsia, Icdtgestion, Heartbnra, Flatalecce, Soar Stomach, auaea. Sick H eadacbe, GasU algiks CrampaTana mil otner rem its or tmperrect atgestioo. ' - uawm m Co. coicaow. KQT1S CF FIXAL SEiTUISEHi. VTOTICE IS HEKEET GIVES THAT i. the nodersie-aed AdmiaUtratov of the etate cf Deborah E. Ewiag, decease 1. has filed his final accocat ia the abovj estate, ia the clerk office, ia aad for Libs cooBtT. Oretroe. ar-d tbe court has fixed, Jaae Sth. 1S9X at One e'docc of said bay for the heariag ot nhjecticBs to said acccunt May 4, 153. Taonas H. htcGaxa, Admr. of the es ate of Debonh E- Ew wing, deceased. FIRST HAT102AL BAIF, op AUSAjrr, oaor rra ... uonra K.TOCKO .a, v. LaJtODOat ftasPrsskaaa. nasaacn a aaxaaALSaatk aCCOCkTS SKPT aaataca t ioht ascBAsaa u.a m a Xev Tark Saa rrmlaiis.Clisafra ibS rUaa .SUrtOSS eaOCaa Savanbla taraie S K fwse rtSMnit, t. n C 4 LiEGS SUBS TO 111 Ca Undivided Interests on estates, ftt al estate oo Probate. Rc.Tsrsionarv and Liielntereataon Real ad Vrsonal Propertjr. couitieeaod LeMciee. Ot will porchaa oarrient it -J'"e Insarance Policies Boogbt or Loaned on Patents artd on favorah e and capital procured to devel op and perteet meritorious inventions ideas. V Amounts from $io,ooo to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgage I Revenue Producing Secarities For terms and particulars ad. trees R. GOULD. Mswrmanry S".. Sao Francises Co Pnr0pEntjiiilaiAliiJatHarTEst ar wtl atth ta thoa h OCR TESTED SEKtxf. Sad suwal lor ear lltnKraud .- J ant aars Man, hj pansaaiaa: troaa Um tr t CIFIC SEED COMPANY Wh.4caaM aa4 liotad liwlr T'lMMJu Mwafata,rtl. u .43 4 ll at tovwal prKiM. AtwWu U'lml 41 muii but XOiOSwll oa as HCTICECF riXALSETTUUEKT NoriCE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the uoderiired aa administrator r!e Utnux t n wi;h the will asnexed of th ee aie o ti F rrawrVrd. deceaw.1, has filed hi ti j kccount ia raid estate with U.a ' nnt Cl rk ol Linn cut. Oregon, aad ha.i ;t-e CiHintr Court hae 6xed llonday.- une 5 h. 1S99. at One o'clock p m of niJ a iv . r th hiMtrieir of said accoat t n the rtnalsettieiuestof utults'a'e Asy Hiid all t) rxoos havint objectioas thereto aie her-h nuifii to be present at the t'onetv Vwr room at said tiu aad pr ent the .'me. Dated fis 4th dav e Mav. 1S99. C.H.Stwabt. Admr. le donus Not. 4TST rao Wt-tt, At 1 for Admr. . tafsjawaa'aaaaaa TF ScavtwtsaBlTrada UartaebtaiMd and all rasS iant baalnfaacoBdarted tor Moderrte Fee, f r Sradmoai.firaiosorpasiK waadvtaaKf t-utallalreaorcBar!r OnrfaaaoSdaatiUe (pMatlaaaeaie4. A Paaspklet Hew toCb-J (torsigBentwuMasaatneab 4iurasv c a. snow & co. Oea. fmwmr Owa, WlSNlseirs, D. C-J