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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1899)
WE WILL HAVE PEACE, NEURALGIA Will have peace from PAIN and a Ladies of Call and investigate prices and styles of Cuf,s eiegant Trimmed hats before purchasing elsewhere, Prices reduced. , A.t the Millinery Cat. 5-. 100 Per In a reoant batrhlne; contest In which there hatch waa loo per cent, in lie. PETAllF.lA fool . JNCUBATORS. This machine haa been demonstrated to he aa near as- idiiui rjerfection as can be attained. air and moisture have been proven perfect, bee our new csrr tray and other Improvements. We saj treigat Cats wows Free. For Bale tor c n- baTKS, Albany. Or. Oregon Poultry. Farm Samples can be seen at F. a. - ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl tbat has the ambition to attain one. The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Normal Course leads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Course haa new become a ' Business College Equal to anything in tbe Stat. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. Far particulars write Albany, Oregon. ALBANY CIGAR r FACTORY , J. Joseph. Proprietor, Patronise home ndustry 130 Cords of Wood Wanted Notice is hereby siren (hat sealed bide wilt be received oy 8-bool District No. 5, Linn County. Oregot, op to tne 15th day f May, 1899, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m for contract far furnishing 120 ejrds of seasoned grub oak wood, and 10 cords body Cr, otk wood to be not less than 4 inches la diameter at smallest end, 4 feet long. atraigbt,and free from limbs, fir to be split from large trees, tree from knots and hark. All wood to be delivered ax school buildings in slid district as may he directed on or before August 15th, 1899, closely corded. Hi da will be teemed for all of the wood, or in lo's of not less than 20 cords 1). led tbis 23rd day of March. 1899. ViBon. Pahs an, School Cter niQRTHERN PACIFIC R. K Pmlman Sleeping o'ars. Elegant Dintag Gars, Tourist Sleeping Garr St Paul Minneapolis Dulutb Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg - Helena and Bntt THROUGH TICKE. TO Ubieago IVasbingtou Philadelphia Sow Kork Soston and al. Points East and South Through tickdta to Japan and Ch' na, rt. Tacoma and Northern Pacific staamshif Uo., an American una For informationi time cards maps anf ticrete call on or write v u Bora-hart agent, Albany, Or. A D Charlton. aMt Gen Fan as Portland O S00 PACIFIC LINE. To AU Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxu'ious dining can, elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist can ind free colonist sleepers from the Pa cifks to the Atlantic without change. COST.OIBECT AHO CHEAPEST ROUTE T Kootenay ill is. hig: District HAXusr, new dikykr, rlocax err-, . HSLSOS. KAIajO. TBAIL, ROMLAUD An O All points in the Okanagan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full leacriptior. of this wonderful country. Ask tbe agent for a copy of tbe mining laws of British Columbia. Lowes rafpso and from EUROPE Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Do's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAHADIAJf AUSTRALIA! STKAhTKB LIS HONOLCLP, mi AD AUSTRALIA. The shortest lioe to tne Colonies. Tbwe steamers carry an experienced mdicai man, and a stewardess on every voyage For time tables, pamphlets, or any ic ormatlon, call on or address. 8rf -iC'iaS t Z0. Irii'. . t . EJOITl., Ar t, UJ Th rl I and. Or. GEO McL. BROWN, 0 P. A Vancouver nd those sorely amicteo wttn I CURE by using Albany: Cent. Matched. orer 400 trials the with The regulation of heat. 1 ....4,' " Powers' Poultry D'pot. Albany. HISTORY WALLACE HOWE LEE, President. Erst South SHATA:ROUl f OF THE outhern Pacific Oo. Oals-rnln Cxsree Trains lam Peruana ImUj Kon Ar I S SO a' Ar ) SB a LS0 ( OSr.. L. ! L llii a I Ar A! bee Sea rYeoetaca Above trains stop at stations be ween Portland and Salem Tai aer. Marioo, Jeffcrsoa Albant I an gent, Sbedd, Halsey Eager Cottage Grove, Drn'r, Oaklaad and i' stations frou Roeeb igsjoth to and In "Jading Ashland. 4tsJ t , - LcSkra Lr for. ad Am . Sue AT' 4 S'f a t ItH'i I i ana iui Laac lht y tor IcbuKm t-'Oli Arrlr Aiysar from Lebanon 10SO Last V a t (or Lebanon i4o r Arrii at A a. 7 tree Lebanon 7f-6 I a PUUUAH BUFFET SLEEPER). AKD Dininsr Cart on Ogdtn Routt' SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CA 3 AtttMkeel le all Tkresk Trains ff.M Ste nHTlalea. ttlTUIS 1I tost at tin n HUT Exeepttaaae aosncse mui,tn,t Waa I Lv rortland Corrailla Millar Lt l-tor Exprem Train Dailj (rxeepi nndar rail Portland McMinnTtUe Inoeeeadenee r Waa I v t a TSOrai At BSOra Ar Lt I 4 60 a R'btte tickets on eIe between P.trt!u4. Saers- ByiwinlUn PriiiM. Naieal7 flrst clear andsll eeaoad .tecladinx leeper E. EOEHLEB . C H HARKBAV IManeger Oen FAPt PortleaS Ore(ee Portia I Ratee and ttckrv. to eetrn notnta and Knrone toJAPAH. CUI.1 A. HONULULO an 1 AUaTKv LI A can be ehulnrd from C at FKSla. Atttt AJbanjr or C e WINK OUR CAPACITY . la Unequaled In the Valley. OUK WORK Is UnsurpHAicu- In Oregon. o have the best stock u suluct. from and our pricet o always the lowest, quality C'MiKMiered SMILEY, y. The PrUter XHNT aATIOsTaVt. BARF, or am awt, oansroi President . LPLINh I E.TOUHO W. LAJIODOH Pies President . OjhU- THABSACTS A OsMCaLbMlrlPalboelBam ACOOUNTS KEPT snhlsct to .bark. IO IT EXCHANOE aed telesrsnhla Iranalsr. ol a K York Ssa.rruotsoo.Ohleoend P nUse tif tTIOaS S ADC on fstorable term BtaSltOM 8 I Tons' E w Lawcos Aoeswi. (,. ruan C S. fuss. A Big Offer. Subscribers paying np and one year in advance, to tbe Democrat, will, upon re quest, receive tbe Wckkly Democat for oue yesr. and V f Farm Journal of Phil adelphia, for FIVE years, for the price of 1 1 he Dbnocb at alone. 8n becri tiers to tbe Daily csn have the privilege by paying six months in advance. Tbis is limited, to one hundred sub scribers. First come, first served. Tbe Farm Journal is a 24 psge paper, sometimes larger, foil of live farm newt. A copy may be seen at tbis office. Through Their Agents. A news Item say : "The Rothschild are nrgntiating to purchase about 4a 000 acr a of land in the Mariposa grant in laMomia for 000,000. h it thought they wl.l operate bonansa farm through their agents." The Rothchilds bav fonad that tbey can successfully operate anything fi nancial, political or industrial through their agents. Thry dictate the policy of the United Statee government it roub their agenti. I htough tbeir agents liiey defeat the income tax ana cour.fl us to meet war expenses through starriD taxes on ever' thing through the eaiecf bonds. Tte Rothschilds increased the total vote in 181)6 in si douMful states to hgure that could be accounted for only on the hypothesis of miracles or of an paralleled human rascality through tbslr agenta. Toe Rothschilds are planning to have tbeir agents do same more of the earns kind oi voting and counting f n tbe doubt iui states next year, mere are tome greenbacks to be retired, sotae bonds to be made payable in gold alone, tbe power to print paper credit money and reap tbe profit thereon to be given to tbe banks, tbe single gold standard to be fastened upon tbe nation through treaty with foreign powers, a large standing army to be boilt op all of which tbe Rothschilds look to thtir agents to ac complish, and next yeai's elections will tell the story. In the meantime the Rothschilds' bead agent on this continent, 3. Pier pent Morgan, is organ ting trusts to con trol ah branches of production, and tbns getting matteia in this country in better shape for his princpals to squeeze out large profits. Tbe American voters haven few rods in picile with which they will soon give the Roteschi'di adrrscr 1 two, through their agents, who are v , .i..a reach, while tbe Rothschilds dirU their villainy from across the water. Denver Post: According to the Stand ard Oil company's sworn statement in the hands of ths aiU.'uey; general of Ohio, a barrel of oil coats tbat concern jost 20 cents, or two-nubs of a cents a gallon. In tbatccst u Included raw material, treatment and the expense of refining the oil. From tbis it would ap pear that some one is making an outrag eous profit by charging the coniomer 20 cent a gallon lor an article which costs but two-filths oi a cent to manufacturer. A'ub each gallon tbe cooeumeis pays for tbe rnannfactoring of a barrel. The oil could be produced and delivered at 2 con is a ga'lon in any part oi tbe United States, and if sold at 5 cents a gallon would bring an immense profit. An eccentric wedding took place re cently at St. Peter's cborcb. New York, when anartiliery officer named Lailoway was married to a lady named Martha Washington. Tbe happy pair, the bride maidr, tl.e belt man, tne pastor, Mr. Roche, and twelve brother officers of lae oridegroom, wno wre present, were all over six feet higb in order to pre serve in e record us completeness on other were admitted to the ceremony. Strlcttv tmftinesa French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best liiryvle for U moify . Will A Jt ark, jew e'er. A great reduction in evey line ol goods lor w days at f . Cohen a 12 dozen ladies shirt waists from 40 cen upwards, at P. Cohen's. 2.000 yards of shirt waist silks, Islest styles, st redoced rates st P. Cohen's Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother forooly 120, (30. 35 and o0. C B Winn, cut ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be tore and see the anti rut tinware at Sopkin Bros, will Us. a lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho Log raphe, and do not forget to take along ine money. For a quick remedy and one that la per fectly safe for children let ns recommend One Minute Cough Core. It is excellent for croup honreeness.tickling in tbe throat and conghs. i oahay x Hason. Do Not Be Fcoltid With the idea tbat any preparation yf or druggist may ut op and try to sell you will purify your blood like Hood's Sar aril la. Ibis medicice ba a reputa tion it bas earned it record . It is prepared nuder the personal supnvis lon of educated pharmacists wbo know tbe nature, quality mod medicinal ef fect of all the ingredients ued. Hood's Karsaparilla. absolutey cores all forms of b'ood d when other medicines fail to do aoy good. It is tbe Worlds' great Spring Medicine and the One True Blood Puno"r. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. Zc. rbe genuine bas L.. U. U oneacn tablet TICKETS To all poir t East via Gre t Northern Railway. Fortrates, U Idera and full information sail on or add -ess H. F. Mirriix, Agent A 1 ban v. Yeung Mothers. Croap is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shuohdi Cough and Consumption Cure acta lik mngic ia cases oi iroup. Jt nas never Aeon known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices 25 eta., and chi eta. and fl.uu. Get the best fiour. Tbe MaKnolla four grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Flour Alauv a lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tbe breath byits action on the bowels, etc., as noth elee will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 60 ets. Staudaid of tbe world!! The Petal am Incubator. O, D. Bates sgent, Alb any, Ore. To Cnro Constipation KoreTor. Take Cuscareta Candy Cathartic. 10c or Be. If C. C. C. full to cure, drugglxw refund money". MARRIED. MITCHELL CUNNINGHAM. At the St. Charles hotel in Albany, on Wed nesday evening, May 3, lbOfl, by Rev. Curtis R. Stevenso"", Prof. F. M. - Mitchell of the Weston public schools and Mies Harriet Cunningham of liar aisburg. The groom it a former well known and popular Linn l ounty teacher, and the bride is a daughter of Hon. Marion Cun ningham and a most estimable lady. They have the best wishes ot many friend. " , SELLS HALL. On Thursday, May 4, 1899, in Albany, by County Judge Geo. D. Barton, Mr. Robert Hells, of Harney county, and Miss Millie M. Hall, of Linn county. Mr. Bryan will be nominated by ac rlamstlon, and the next campaign nnder him will be irreaistable. foitland has made a bid tbrouab Mrs. Dunniway far tbe National Woman's Suffrage convention in 1903. The new archbishop who will lucceed Bishop Gross, accrrding to ha picture looks very much like Mr. Bryan, with tbe same set month and seen eyes. The farmer may expect to pay coosid arable more for his plow, a big trnst having been formed with a capital of $65,000,000. These trusts are plowing into every avenue, leaving nothing no turosd In their efforts to rob tbe people. There is talk of a steel trnst that will cast Into darkness all other trusts. It U to have a capital of over five hundred million dollars. Change the spelling of the name from ee to ea and It will be very appropriate. Tbe detailed accounts of tbe fighting done in the Pb Hi pi nee shows that tbe bravery of tbe Oregon boys has not been o estimated. Tbsy have proven themselves of tbe stuff warriors are made uf. the aind of man that made up tbe fa n.oas six buodrsd. Mr. Hsnna will again be made chair man of tbe national republican commit tee. Where tbe policy is tbe end justi fies the means he Is eminently tbe pro per man for the place. Being a financier be is able to manipulate large sums of mooev as few patty managers have ever been able to do. It looks ve-y much sometimes as if elections were boy and ell affairs. Supt. Exra O. Wlntor of lbs Cbelsea (Maia.)postofflce is to receive an import ant position In the qostoffice department at Washington. Some time ago he dev ised and introduced at tbe Cheisea office a system of postofnee accoaota which won tbe appi?ral cf superior officers, and be was called to Washington a few days ago to explain this system to tte department ofSica's. It is understood tbat Mr. Winsor will be aede a post office inspector for tbe purpose of super intending the introduction of to is system tbrosgbont tbe country. What Jefferson believed in may be seen in tbe following: The people the only source of legiti mate power. The absolute and lasting severance ol cborcb and state. The freedom, sovereignity and iuc deodence of tbe res pec tire stales. The constitution ot bs Union, a spec ial written grant of powers limited and definite. Tbe civil paramour t to the military power. The representative to obvy the in struction of bis constituents Elections free and soffrags universal. No hereditary ofte nor order nor title. No taxation beyond tne public wants. No national debt if possible. No costly splendor ol admioiatratica No proscription of c pinion, nor of pot- tic discussion. No unnecessary interference witb in dividual eoodact, property or speech. No favored classes and no monopolies. No public mossy expended, except by warrant of special appropriation. No mysteries of government inaccess ible to toe public eye. Public compeoealioo for public ser vice; salaries moderate and pervading economy. Mr Edward Atkinson, of Eostoo, who sent red hot aoli-expsnsion document to tbe soldiers ia tbs Philippines, is ao xlemeet, wbo need a neJanr wbel He bas a perfect right lo oppo- expansion, for expansion ie a f weiso and ucassricsn idea, but be haa no right daring a war to take a coarse for the purpose cf causing revolt among lb soldiers in tbe Philippines whirs the war to on, and as great a white elephant as tbe whole Philippines eooclry Is on our bands, it is tbe doty of loyal cilisans lo stand by the government In ita fight against the Filipinos, a people more treacherous and untrustworthv than the Spaniards themselvss. When we bare thoroughly whipped the insurgent and bare gotten all onr men away it would be a good thing if the islands eou'd jost drop out of tight, at tbty are ao on desirable acq usi tion to onr territory. "There goes tbe most remarkable man in town." "What's remarkable about him?" "He's lbs only tucceasfol mer chant we have wbo doesn't claim to be a Self-mad man. He says La got rich through tbe faithfulness of tie men that work for bio." A Good Thing Well Done. New and pleasing ideal in advertising always interest. Nothing bas appeared for years which is to attractive aa the Hood's Sartnparilla advertisements, ut ilizing proverbs and wise taviriga as headingt,each followed by a little homily cleverly connecting the proverb with tbe subject. Betides this, the qnaint Jensen italic iype lor me preliminary sentences, finishing with a script slogan, "Hood's Sarsaparilla Never Disappoints," adds to the effectiveness. All this work it run ning in over 7000 papers. Happy is tne man or womn wbo can eat a good hearty meal without suffering after wards, if yon cannot do it, take ifodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wbat yon eat and cores alt forms of dvsosnsia and indigestion, r'otbay t Mason. If you have a cough, thoart irritation weak ling, pain in the chett. difficult breathing, croup or boarseness, let us sug gest One Minute Cough Cure. Alwava reliable and safe. Foshay k Mason Bsfore the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers! were great! dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Fosbay A Mason. "Give ma a liver regulator and I can regulate tbe world.' said a genius. The drus gist b.nded him a bottle of DeWitt's Utile Early Risers, the famous little pill. Fotbay k Mason. J. Sheer. Sedalia, M conductor on etrio streetcar line, writes that bis little u gbt tr was very low with croup, and her ea arrer an pnysician bad failed using On Minute Cough Curt, a Mason F nr 80c per sack. Try it. Tbe Maenolia. What la Shiluh? A grand old remedy forCoigli, Cold and Consumption; used through tb world for half a century, hat -cured in numerable cass of incipient con sump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we wi'l refund vour money. Price 20 cts., 60 cts. and 11.00. The Universal'olter makes good flour The Magnolia. Tha Effects of the Grip are overcome by Hood's Sarsaparllia which purifies the blood, tones the stomach, strengthens tht nerves, and makes the wbo'e system vigor orons and healthy. SATURDAY MIGHT THOUGHTS A cat has nine lives according to tradi tion, and tbe Filipinos seem to be built on the eat order, without as much sense. They continue to fight when there is nothing in it for them to (ilit longer. There was no use of tbeir fighting in the' nrt place. Had they displayed a lick of judgment tbey could have set led matters ia a much better shape, for them without resorting to arms. The Demo , cbat bas always been satisfied that tbsy were hired by some ontsids government to make things disagreeable for the United States, and they 'certainlv have dons it. tbev are a white elr pbsnt. e Daring the week there has oeen more trust news than naoal, and ol a big or der, so colossal as to ttagger oue. Mil lions are mentioned as care'essly as a bey mentions buyirg a cents worth ot candy. Tbe octopus la growirg at a terrific rate. U ia bulging out Into corpulen that won'.d make F-ilstaff look tbio, and Us cheek is so great tbat Marks, tbe lawyer in Uncle Tom's Cabin, in its presence would Lido in chagrin. Borne day it will btret. and there w'll be a Johnstown locd of slims, and the roadside will be strswn witb finrnciai wrecks. A number of letters have been re esived during tbe week from our boys al Manila, private in tbeir character, but showing what the young men have been tbroogb, and .demonstrating tbeir brav ery to be of tbe highest orJer. not scli peed by any of the storrs of danog before ant:sgo. Al! this is very grati fying. ee A big strike in Idaho has attracted na tional attention, on account of its war like character, strikes of the malicious order sboold be set down on by the gov ernment with all its weight. Men may cease work at will, tbat is tbetr right, but when they attempt to prevent others from working tbey ate taking tbe law in theii hands and become anarchist and there should never be a minutes da isy ia democstrating tbe power of the government and the rights of individ aala. The anarchist tendency tbat is seen in plana where the foreign elemeo prevails is ol a character that forebodes danger onless quelcbrd qulrkl . Every proposition teodiig towards the securing of a nsw opera boose for Alba ny sboold be eagerly endorsed by onr citizens. Albany needs a place in keep ing witb the importance of the city fo pnblic gathering jost as quickly a it can bo built. Tbe repa'ation of the i ity i s at stake Sometimes it seems as if it never w ill atop raining, and we get almost d.econ- ragsd, svsn we witb web on out feet, , but alter alt when we have figured the total rainfall it is not so very moch.j The trooble ie that it come at a time ' nbn we would like to he potting in cor 1 wheat. If we con Id regulate it aud lamp ' it off just 41 we wanted It w by then there ' emM hi ns rraelixt. Bnt that is rot! tbe order and it ts a good thing, for we coo id never agree. bea l.s harvest is . over it assy be oo icrd tbat in Oregon we always have a pretty gcod cop, and more aoJ insr a divers-fied on. A brother ediur turns it op at follows "The editor rieetb op bat lb day may asd knowelb not bring forth. If be leltrlb the sS be runneth a great rick ol baring a tin ear poloo htm.aaJif be telk-ih nolthe oewt ll a tAWnlaW atea arf .a isl n. s s.trl iKaiA ls fm joy in it. Tbe crafty asancaj!eb him l.e-u Into giving him a fill, -cent poff for five-cent ciyar. and ail tool mother frown on him ll he fail to tbeir Ireckledfad br -1. Ao l all hi. wa.a are wsys ol woe, and h d fall of sorrow. The tomrnic man lletb tne for him. andos !' oh I he hath a deore of a lime. A New York dispatch says tUat for the llrsl time lo two years, riiver is enjoying (a boom. Tbe p ice of ibe mital bat advanced here and in the Ltodon market in tbe last few day, and 1,000,000 ooncet were taken for export to Earops on a rising market. Bar I Iver sold at 29', pence ao ounce in I.oo- doa andJtoocbedCtV, cent intLis mai ket. Concerning the causes o' this movement very little ie known, except tbst thete is or has Ik en a good de mand for river for export to China and to Russia, and that Spain ha absorbed respectable qtisntities. Tnsrs is a Method it t mioUter in New York wbo declares that he does not "jelicvs that we are commanded to go into all the world and shoot tbe gospel into every creator " Umaba Morid-rJersld: 11 we can compete with "pauper-made"' good io the coon trie having tbs "rauper labor'1 why sboold we be straid ol the com pet tion of the "pauper-made" goods right here at borne? If we can pay the freight for 6 000 tnik-s and undersell tbs "pau per-mads" goods, bow can tht, "paupr mads" goods travel 6,000 milss and on dersell ns? Can two bodies o! eqtial s ts occapy tbessm space T In the boose of commons at Montreal tbe other day Premier Laurier stated that tbe lease of the Plains of Abraham, Que bee, wonld ixpirt on tbe 1st of May, l90l,and the property wonld revert to the ladies of tbe Ursline convent. The government hewever, waa willing, if tbs property could be acquired at a reon able figure, to uke into coosidertion the question of Its purchase Fonr hundred dollars a square f jot or 50,000 per running foot, bas bseo offered fir the corner lot on Broadway at the southerly sidt of Wall street, Nsw Yore la other words, 11,200.000 wss offered for the premises and lot. No. 86 Broadway, twentyfour feet wide. Ibli it tbs highest price aver offered per square foot for land in Nottb America. Tbe offer was refused Benjamin D. Stillman, the owner did not wish to tell, and ba thouht that if be did the property was worth 1500 a square foot. Kdncnte Tone Bowels With r a caret. .Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forerer. ioc, 8oc. C.O.C. fall, drugglau refund money. Tinkle k Dswsou for Photos. Hcadacho It often a warning that the liver It torpid or Inactive. More serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, efficient cur of Headache and all liver troubles, take iiaod'o PHIa While they rouse tbe liver, restore full, regular action ot the bowels, tbey do not gripe or pain, do not Irritate ot Inflame tbe internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect, tfo. at all druggists or by wail of C. i. Hood A Lowell, Mast. MISFITS. An exchange bas noticed tbat the Ore gonian has quit going for tho trusts since the new daiiy paper was given up. At the meeting of the city co incil of Iebanon, the committee on ordinances was instructed to drew up and introduce an ordinance placing a special tax on the business houses of tbe city. Better not. A'.bany business men generally will commend Mayor (or vetoing the tax ordinance. Mis rearons are to tbe point. In all probability this the tax ordinance con est. From the Journal : Tbe Albany yeung lady delegates to the Y. W. C. A. convention went down on tte Ruth this morni ng singing : Bsomelaka, Booinelaka, Bow! wow wow ! Boooielala, Boumrlskj, Chow, thow, chow. Itoomelaka, Roomelaka, who are we We sre the girls Irom Altsnie. Acquinaldo bobs up from somewhere .nd aaya be baa nothing to do with this lce negotiation business. As Acouin- aldo ia the octopus that needs destroying a peace negotiation without him in it will be decidedly like the play of Hamlet without a Hamlet. Another almost sure cure for consump tion has been discovered, this time by a man in Koine. Out of twenty-six con sumptives only two have d.ed, and the rest are cored cr in a fair way to be cured. That reads remarkatlv well on paper. General W beaioo says he is proud of the Oregon boys. Tbey were perfectly fearless in tbe sight of danger. Ex. Governor Pennoyercontiouea to be odd. He endorsed Secretary Alger and says be was just the man to l at the head of tbe war department. The Salem Jourral aavs that the Ya iquina improvement will not be mvV until tbe Vanderbilta and Hunting- ! say so. The DauoiaAT lielieves th i . - sent board of engineers ia a com; rut one and will do the right thing. C. N. Young of Scio, haa con ,HeJ the "Maccabee March and Two-icp,''wbcb is highly spoten of. Tbe rY.venon band has tried it with a pleasing result. I: is in Atvtv lrr ilk... I r.l 1 n .Knar ; appreciation of Oregon talent by giving it a toot. We will soon be able to sav : "Hello, there Privevilie." Within two month ' that city which bas always been cot off ; from tbe outside world in nearly every ; thing will be within speakiogdiataoce of I tbe rest of tbe world. Tbis is of particular lotervsl to L.tnn coonty people lot Urooa coaoty ia fall ol former residents of tbis county. I $tWF I ir,ll)ILSON! IS I : 5 ft lOOd ITitdicine for the w I I ll .1 I. II J M. jg fMUy TJUX IS UUn VKI iXl V j W -sjj otjrbherJ gOVfJ fof tht S X. ntt,.- .k. ;rk Ave S a-fvKA. milk S riot nourish the baby. W-S BB V J boV Of filrf who U thin and J jg pore miu irux wui iwuiwku g V by thdr foods abo for the S SsimMn eTASm 1 AAfaTaaf-S Baa SJa, A t - a - or I COIUUmptlve V ( V ... . V iVaddt that bAlosintf tksh V W . . .r. r - 9 g.5? n .... ( V In fact, IOT all COIKlltlOnS V y of Wlstin, it tS thft food , V mtdidne that Will nourish -J unrf rm h hrvru nnrl ! S and haud tm fhs Ivvfv and 2. w srve new uic ana energy v S when all other means fait S 5 SbcwM Ukea la tammtr as J 5 , are mm wlmter. w yx. wd (i jo. all irmgpta. w y SCOTT A BOWKE, CheBtna, Sew York. C. E. BrownelFs.e SPECIAL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon 25 3 ImsK m.r.kil . Artnonrs Deviled Ham 5 Gallon jug of ketchup TS Tea SifUcgs, fine flavor 2? Starch, per lb (M Minced Clsms, (large cans) 20 Bostcn Baked Beaoe 12 16 ot. cans Good Baking Powder.. 14. Scans Mustard SarUinss 25 S cant S agar Corn 24 These are all first class goods guarantee satisfaction. and w C. E. BK0WNELL" SECOND sr. - - - - ALBANY Norris Bros.' Big Trained Animal Show Coming Next Thursday. Thursdsy, May 11, tne Norris Bros. Big Trained Animal Show will exhibit in this city and will give to perform ances under their enormous waterproo tent. A grind free street parade will be given at n a. m. at wtich time tbe en tire company of over 200 animal actors will be seen. Tbe company consists of trained dog, monkeys, goals, Shetland ponies, elephants and sebras. Professor Norris will drive "A jax." the only edu cated xebra in the world, in the street parade. "Fargo." the smallest elephant in the worlr, will also be teen. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given tbat there will be a meetinglot the stockholders of the Albany Street Railway Company on vi einesday May 24th, 1899 at the hour of tight e'clock p. m. at the office of the secretary of said company the same be ing t the Real Estate office oi C G. Burkhart, on First street in Albany. Or. For the'Duroose of votintr on th mien. tion and proposition of selling all Dron- trty, rights and franchise of said corporation, ana for the purpose of wind ing up wie business ui said corporation, and the dissolving of the same. Apt 11 14, E. F. Sox, President. C. G. BfRKHART Secretary. K. O. T. Ma very Saturday evening at X. O. T. all Visiting Knight invilcd. M M Newpcrt,Oommander. For Bargains In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and City Property, call on or write S. si, Bii..JL TJU. Albany, Oregon TELEGRAPHIC. Late News In Short Form. In the Fight. Manila, May 5. The Second Oregon, tinder Col. Hummers, raptured Maanin, near 8an Miguel, and Lantoii, with his main body o? troops, inhere new. Thecapture of fan Fernando was irwlc by the Fifty-firHt Iowa "a gallant charge, led by Gen. Hale. Will Surrender. Wawhnotom, May 5. Aquinaldo's en voys to the American Philippine com ends ' mixKion have formally aI mi tied tbe sov 1 ereignity of the United Ktates over the Philippine inlands and the surrender of Aqvinsldo is believed to becloteathand President richorman of the American Philippine commission cabled today to the president the beliei of the commis sion that Afjuinalilo ia ready to snrren der. At Wardner. Warkser, May 5 Ten companies of U. 8. troops, numbering between 600 and but) men, are now stationed in Shoshone co., guarding mining ami other property. Three companies are held at ardner to guard prisoners and the other 7 compan ies are stationed at Mullan, Burke and Gem. Tbe number of prisoners here is con stantly being increased and diminished. Suspects are being brought in from vari ous directions and these found to be in nocent are released immediately . Fatal Accident. Dallas, Ma 5. Mrs. Mary Steals, wife af II E Slaats. of Louisville. Polk co,, wss killed this afternoon, while rid ing m a crt alone on tbe road, it is supposed that the horse ran away and collided with a baro wire fence. Mrs. KUat ear war cut off and the s:alp I badly torn. Mrs. J. K. Htylcy DcaJ. Newport, May .. Mrs. Elizabeth Bayley, wife of Dr. S. R. Bayley, one of the oldest pioneers of Yaquina bay, did at tiie family residence this evening l be cause ol death was neuralgia ol toe heart Iteath was sadden and unci pecte.1 Probably Ahead. V-ikila, May 5. In spite of the peace i overtures of their com mission era, the r.ipinos resisted the advance of General MacArthur's division from A pa! it toward rernando, fighting desperately at long i autre and running from trench to trench when driven out by the American artillery. 1 he Orcion Ccnsu. Wasuisotos. May 4. Director Mer rirm has notified the Oregon delegation to make recommendations for supervisors of the two census distr.cts of that state. It is expected the appointments will be made at an early date. lathe western district, Tongue will make the recom meodatioo, but the man selected must be satis tar lory to the senators. In the eastern district Moody will make tbe re commendation, wbicb most also be ap proved by tbe senator. Our Hoy After Them. Masus, May 4. CoL Summers, with 6 teittn ioc, including tho Second Ore gon proceeded north this morning to M AAain, where tbey crossed I he river and charged the enemy in strong ictrench- tnente, driving them northward and in licting considerable lose. Strikers Fleeing. allocs;. Idaho, Msy 4. Trcer A and C, Fourth cavalrv from WaJla Mails and Boise, arrived this evening. After a shorty halt here to switch and change en gine, they went to Gem and Bcrke. It ia locally known that the majority of tbe men.a anted bate a ready nova. An Extra Session Washisotox. Mav 4. McKinlev bas talked with some his of cocgreeeional victors about the adrusautbtv ot calling aa extra eeaion in October t j consider tbe disposition of the currency measure, so tbat it may not interfere with legisia which wilt come later tor the govern men: of the new colonies. A Pacific Coast Trmt. TatXTos, N. J., Mav 4. Tbe I'Aciac Coast Btcnit Company, with an author- ueu capital ot fi.uw.uuu. was incorpor ated today at lite oti-.oe ot tbe secrwtary of state. Fighting Again. M aml . May 4. The Second Oregon volunteer? with tbe res; of Ol. Summers' brigade are advancing northward uadrr bi leadership in the direction of Maasicl. Ibe Americans under Oen. II a.e ca p iune.1 aii i nomas tolay alter desperate fighting on the part of the rebel. The Americans entered the town after it had been fired by theinargenE. Bryan the Man. Washixgtos. May 3. Sen. IVttigrew returned) Washington after a tour of the Sooth and West an I sr that no power on esrt:. c n etopthe nomination of Bryan. The i-jf. :" win bold a con vention first and nomine ic him and the democrats will indorse the nomination, and tbe silver republicans will fall into line and support Bryan as tbev did io 1S6. Biggest Yet. New York, Msy 3. A financial news bureau reiterates today the repo'ts that the larpe steel combination will probablv be formed on a basis of 525,t'X000 capi talization, to take in the Carmine Steei Co., tne Rockefeller Mesaba iron inter ests, the Federal Steel Co., the American Meel A W ire lo.. the National Meel Co., and the American tin-plate Co. N. V. Improvement. WAsmsaToN.April 29. Car. W. W. Harts, one of the engineers in charge of the river and harbor improvements in Oregon haa submitted and had approved by the chief of engineers two new pro jects, one for continuing the improve ment of Upper Coquilie river and the other for continuibg the work on the I'p- . ,.!.. I x , - lr vmuiuuia auu caaae river?. Arresting Dynamiters. Wardsxr, Mav 3. A compny of the Fourth cavalry, from Walla Walla, ar rived at noon. 35 dynamiters weiv. ar rested in one group, ami others are now being picked np. An inquest on the dead men has been begun. Twelve bus iness men have been selected las jurors. Samoa n Trouble. Art. April 27. Mataafa, the rebel cheiftain has accepted an armistice. The Germans, however, declined to sign the proclamation. Julius Gradwohl I :-Dealer in-:- Hardware, Cnxkort, Glass ware, Groceries and all goods kept ts country stores. : WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH : As Low as Anybody. st Countrv produce and eggt taken in exchange for goooda. E B nmiumiuiuiuuiiuiUiiiiui H. F. nerrill T NSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. X oilecti'ins promplly attended to, cor respondence solicited. Office in Dsao cbat building. KOR SALE. Two thoroughbred Lewel lyn tetter pups, for cash or Ira io. Call on t. ll. rieiuer. A SOLID SORE Knew to Instep. Wild with Pain. CURED BY CUTCURA. I wasaSIeted with tack a terrible aora leg, tt was thought It wonld hare to be amputated. I eoald hardly stand tbe pain, and had to s akf with a crated. I tried all kinds of medl. etnes without socsesa, getUnf worn nnttl H be. came a solid sore from knee to Instep. Almost wild with pain, I save ap la despair. I heard of Ct-ricru remedies and tried them. Theirs ap plication of CvncvKA f ointment), after traaUssj with warm water and Ctmccaa Soar, save ns so mash reHef that I was able to alerp oeer half of the night, and In eight wseks I was eared. T.C.BlUoUOK,lS0 W.ncurl,Allaate,Oe. Cmcmi Rssoirtn erta fat Mood sad ebca Istlac taM at Hcaoe Onn, sad thes nmi ese em. vMis worn kuh7kk Cmnu avwr.aas MU eaateoaso sk Ceneva m.m.oK, trims el ism I nest kl est, tlwm tatsMssse ssMseteresn) east nln, sllsy kulux. esrsUf s4 lalawSs, sad ae(lH4liiaiiM lansrtac Stalceriaf see) ef ch skla, teste, see Wees, whs as si bse wnen rorM. rrrrnD. esse. Cost. Ue to Cpr AS ttsesMS, free Sol ii in .Mouse, BABY HUIS0R8 Cstkssa Suss. URGE SUMS TO LID On Undivided Interests on estates. lieal estate on Probate. Reversionary and Lite Interests on Real and Prrtonal Property. Annnitiessnd Legacies. Or will porch as outright if so de red. Life Insurance Policies Bongbt or Loaned on Patents sold on favorab e terji and capita! procured to rtevel op and perfect meritorious inventions ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgage t Revenue Producing Securities. For terms and particular a l !r R.GOULD. M'nt20mery S'.. Sn Franr iao Co Oliver Plows-iii fta J.'? , Agent. iJay, (wecon vriivei gare tbe v-j, u toe chil'd p And it"Daear ui'irv ooe7 to tne faroKT of Amencat tha:t tay other iin,-lenienl ever procjet Genuine U!1tt ch.l'ed are toe beet e mrth. The Oliver t a promoter of nafpt or- on tbe farm, and the dealer wbo eil ntkoow he 1 handling tbe beat. Loo' Ct for immttatiof aud touch not bin g ba be genuine ford, made caly by Oiiv. Chilled plow work. South Bend. It d f S A. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEafEN NOTICKI3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe inderaigoed as tne Adminutra tnior of tbe estate of. Mary E Cram ford, deceased, baa 6 led his fical account io aaid estate witb lbs Coonty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon aad that tbe Co-tat Court bas xd Monday. Jane Mb. 1&9, at tbe boor of Oae o'clock p n of said day, for 'be bearing of said accoont aad the final etUemea: of eaid estate Any aad all per sons baring objection tnereto are bereb notified to be prevent at the ojn'j Coon room at raid time aad preweet tbe same. Dated tbis 4tb day of May, 1j9 C H. Srawaa-, AdmiAistratcr. WEATHEarORD Jki Wtatt. 1 r j S f sW Adrrr - CF FINAL SETTLFUEki IV1 JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TQAT tbe nadersigiied Administrator of the e-tate cf Deborah i Ewiag, deoeaie 1. ba &ied bis final accooat ia tbe abo estate, ia tbe cWas office, ia aad for Lma eccoty. Oregon, ar.d tbe coart has fixed. Jars 5th. lrt'J. at One r'docs of said way for tbe bearing of orijtcticiu to fa id account . May 4, l. TabXAS H. McGst-a. Admr. of the e ate of Deborah L. Ew aiog. dexeaBed. NOTICE CF riXALSETTLEUEIT NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe Buderrigced a atminisintjr c"t bonus bib with tbe will aanexed of thr ec tate of G F Oawford, deceeaed, baa filed bis final accoont ia aaid estate wita tbe Coonty Clirkol Linn county. Oregon, sad tbat the Count v Court hat fixed Monday June 5th. IS99. at One o'djes p m of said aj fee the hearing of said aecout t and tbe final cetltemvot of said 1 s'a'e Anv sad all persons baring objection tner4o are hereby notiSed to be preeat at tbe Coonty Court room at said time aad pr ent the fame Iated fn 4tb da; of Mar. 19. C. H. Stkwabt. Admr. De rioaa Noa. VVnTatRFvSD it Wt-tt, Attr for Admr. CITATION Cocstt Coctst or rat Srxr js Obkiox, roa Lnct Coi nt. In tbe matter of the estate of James Mc MaboB. To William H. VcMaho. Mary Drink ard. James Steaart McMahoa. James Dnnkard. George L'riBkard, Clara Dn at ari, Lena Dnnkard. William McMahoa. Catherine McMaho aad all other perrot in-en-tea ia saia estate, gre'ing. IN IMF NAMS uF TUh cftTEOF Oregon, are hereby cited aad r 4 tire to appear ia the Count v Court of tbe atate of Ureaon, for the county of Linn at the court rocm thereof, at Albaav. ia aaid county, on the 1st day of May, 199. at one o'clock in tbe after noon of tbat day, tbea and there to show cau-e if anv ran or either of j oa may bare w by an order ccoaid not te made, directing, aatnonung and requiriag Miliiam h. McMahon to dis tribute tbe monev in hi band a, execa'or i of tbe last will and testament rt eaid Oe ceaed, arcordiog 10 tbe residcary clause in aid will beae-n tbe a. id William H. . Msboa and Marr D.-inkard. 1 rtitnew, the Hsa. Oeo. it s I D. barton, judge of the - 1,. County Court of the state cf - Oregon, for tha County ct Lion, with toe eeal of said couatv affixed, this 4th day of March. A. D., 1:399. Attest: Frask CaaBTata, Clerk. By K. B. Moxtaoux, Deputy. YAQUINA ROUTE bWALUS & EASTS8 RAILROAD Coniwcting at YAQUINA with tha AQUINA BAY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollarand Navarro First-class 'n every respect. One of tbe above steamers ia due to sail from Yaquina about ever live days. Shortest route between , San Francisco. valley poinU Fsre: Albany and points weet to San Francisco Cabin ....$10 00 .... 1? 00 Round trip tor sailing days applv tj Ed wis Stonb H. L. Waus. Manaaer. T. F. A P. A. J, Turnir, Aont Albany, Or. TTOfi SALE. A200 gal. cedar" tank 1 and a 0 ft first claw, enameled batb tub for sale cheap. Inquire at Yereiek's earner snop. CaTeatasjidTrads atarkaoetalned and all FU J est biimncM cvnduetc J for Modsrrta Fee. 6at ruodct.drswinieorpboto. Wes.'rl!! natenteblerreeo(eaAs OnrfeenetdnetjliS (Mtentiesoouretl. A Pansphret llo to Co-' un ratents. vita eui or stave in toe sad foreign eoun trice sect free, idaresf. & a. snow & co. ejeejsysjejjjBBjsjs IrflMZKfllSII 73 i ( 5 A . V - ! X - .. Hi - SmBB-MBn Long Photo .Jo.. In From an Brick. The leading gallery of Alneny. Tbe onlv-np-to-date first class studio in town. All work to tfease. M AK1E LONG Porp, THE HOMLI LS T 31 AN IN A LBANY As well as the baadfornesf, and others art invi'ed to call on anv drugit aad get FRKK a trial bottle cf Kemp's BaUara for tbe Throat and Lout, a remedy tbat it gnaran'red to core and relieve ail Cbroaie and Acuta I'oogbs. Asthma, Broacbirit Cooenrwption. Prv 25c and 60 fiEBVITA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Lm poteocy, Ni gtt Em I:ons and iaHr diseases, all efTects of aelf ' aase or excess and India I vsl cretion- AucrvctonicaXMl 1 ,Jn blood baildeT. Bring the ' efirT pink: glow to pale cheeks and rv' rebtorfs the fire of yontn. I'LllN By mail Gc per box: 6 boxes tor $5 JX; with a written guaran ee to cure or refrnul tlte money. NERVITA wLZ.CAL CO. -es-4on t Jadtso- Cts CVJCACO, BJU For sle brjl Oi vo. Drnpt Vlbtiy, G-?' 1. HEW WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk EditiD IS Pages a Week . . ." ... 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar aSKSsavrarvery AISr-rmntarrxrer4aa S The Thrice-a- Week Editine of Th a s is Toaat Wous is first antona ail "weekly! paper in iae. freqoeacy r4 poblieatioa asd tbe fresii !. acentacy nod wietj oi itacott'-ars It hi ail the n-nrs of a Treat $6 daiiy at the price of a doiia weekly. ItsrMlidcalnevsUpeofart.eods Fact Sal .ace, Denver, Ft f set Mail Worth, Omaha. Kan- Mad 8pm eae Crty, St Looia, t :5 p Chicago and East, Spokane Walla Walla. Spok- Spoaao Fiver ate, Minneapolis. St Pve 1:10 pm Panl. Doiuth, Mil- 6 JO a wankee. Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For Sen rraacifxo Sail every fire date. pm COLUMBIA RIVER lpa Exonday tTEAMEKS. Ex5ont Saturday To Astotia and War- iO pm Sam Landings, WILLAMETTE RIY. 4:S0p Exnn. Oregon t itv, Newbe-g, Ex San eaiem Jt n ty-Laod 7am WILLAMETTE ASD SJOp Toesday, YaMBILLRIY Moaoa Than., Otegon City, Day It a, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat 6am WILLAMETTE SIT. 4 pat Tuesday Portland to Cor Tallin rocavtaj lb nr., aad Way-Land.ags. Tbov , and Sat. and Sar Lv Riparia L Lewie! or 2:30am SNAKE RIVER liM r Daily Rtparia to Lewistoa Daily W. H. HCRLBURT, Gea. Paae Agent, C.G.BAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Ageat A-bany. ffi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food ants Jda F attire m Btrengthening and rtjooa Jtrocting tbe eibaastl dUrestiva or gans. Itisthelatestd Isco vered di3V aat and tonic Ko other preparaUon can approach It in efficiency. It ia ttantiy relicea and permanently cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sjck;Hfax:he,GaaIg1v(amp8.and U other results of Imperfect digesttoa. srsvaid fes- E. c. Deaf itt a Co- Cicoao. " SHEET RAjlffA! NOTICE. The motor oa tbe Albany Street Railwav will connect prompty with all train to af front tbe depot, dy and jigbt. Special "ips will be nadc at spet rate-. R .Moobk,. Cia4c(or. LECAL DIRECTORY Albanv W R BUyeo, Fcahay A Mason block U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan. P O block T P Hackieman, Pearr block. Judge H U Hew itt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L H Moitanve, Pearce block J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, PO block. L L fwann, Bank building. H J Wateon, bank building. Weatherford A Wyatt. Bank building Whitney A Newport, Cuaick block. G W Wright, PO block, Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brovrnsvill?. A A Tossing. Scio. TJ Wilson. itepenlyafllMAliiaEtHarTEst are eeured enlr e these wse sow OVK TCSTgD SKKUa Seed poeul tor our Itrustreted Ca aUifii ami ear nwaej br rarraseiBjc front the PACIFIC SEED COMPANY Wholesale and ketail Dsaier riaart4s. aaevnaaeniev ral. uLSKKOStd at tosTset prices. Ajrsnts Wan Lttwrsl abcouat. but NOSKE1WJ sold oa et cumulation. RTGWTIAVI company " Cor. Morrison A Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregon CBBMBlJMlsl iyjoiXUoLlo eAwaBBBBSBBSBBnaBa- mmmmmmmm mm Oee. T Ofn. WseMineTCM, D. C es.evse- 'W. " ve