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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1899)
tmm&i MONDAY. The Next Shojv. Oakville. Norris Bros' Dig Trained Animal Sbow will exhibit in this city, Thursday after noon and night May llth, under their enormous waterproof tents which will be located near the court house. Tnis com pany played in this city last season, and Irorn the high moral and instructive na ture of the entertainment given, have endeared themselves to amusement lovers, of this city. The performance consists of trained uops, monkeys, goats, Shetland ponies, aebras and elephants. The main features this season being the animal lire department, iu which dogs and monkeys act as liiemen, and tne act is said to be very realistic and exi-it- " cuarioi races, li e wieilliug pony, the educated lebra, tiiu oiilv one in the world and "Fargo." the smallest iraineu eiepiiant in existence. A grand free street parade will be eiven at 11a. ortJi atwn'cn the entire company of over -vv n mini Actum win ue reen. Mr. Hammond's Steamers. Tie pro posed line of steamers between Portland and San Francisco being arrang-d nomin ally by Mr. A. B. Hammond ha caused a great deal o' talk in Portland, pirticulsr iy uy ineiuisoi llie U. K. as ll.e now sieamers are to be put 01 in op position to that company. It is said that the S. P. I'o.are backing Mr. Ham mond, and that in connection with it the water fronts at Yaquina and New port have been bonded, the plan being as soon aa the harbor has been improv ed for the steamers to stop regularly at laquina on thejr trips between fort land and San Francisco. If true it means that the improvements at the Bay will have the support of Mr. Hunting ton. . . The trip of the S. P. officials to the isay yesterday adds weight to the report. It is never possible though to get at the bottom of such reports, for railroad men are close-nio-thed, and they have to be taken with allowance. A Mill Chanoks Hands. Ai tides in corporating the Curtis Lumber Co , were -o .unupiiicu, una late Saturday after noon, with V. W. Curtis, of Portland, J, K. Vk eatherford and J. K. Wyatt as in corporators. Capital stock $100,000. ims new company is supposed to repre- nii nome capital and suc- joua mo c-auuam Lumber Co. of AMI City. It is possible the company will tart mill in Albanv in connection with their Mill City mill. After tub Mills. Capitalists are after the saw mills red hot, indicating a big shortage of lumber somewhere in the world. The Booth-Kelly Co. are gob bling up everything in Lane couutv. Last Saturday thev leased the big J. C. Goodale mill at Cobur. with the option of purchasing it, and will enlarge nnd increase the business. Mr. J. R. Moses, of the "Crackerjack" was in our town last Thursday. Mr. M. is a very clever gentleman and ia always ready to say a kind word to the child ren. While here be treated the school. and last but not least h took two of our handsome young ladies home with him. Mr. Millhollen is talking creamery to the people and we wish him success for we would like to have our people make an tney can out oi their cows. The orchard i8 1 a are cultivating their prune orchards now as crop is iu pros pect. We wish them succ. as. N e notice that some people object to a saloon in the depot. Mow we don't fee why there should be an objection to it there. Don't the traveling svjblic have a right to drink as well aa other people? And our railroads don't run through the business part of cities and a traveling man needs his rum aa well as me man in the ctty. .Does not the ma jority ruler If so we of the minority have r.o rights." We agree with the man who said : "Whiskey is good in its piace ana hell is the place lor it. good citizen should protest against the saloon not only at the depot ous everywhere. Dr. G. W. Gray visited his farm near here last Friday. m. Morgan jr., was making calls amonr dm friends last week. How is it Billy? Married or not. We are anxious to attend a Dicnic but will wait till spring. Too cold vet. but let us know the date McK and we will get there. Three new wheels in our town anJ'the sound of the small bell ia heard at all hours night ai.d day. Lrrrn Rose Bcc. ,.T ESDAY. If You Have Never Seen Crook County. Pearl Rebekah lodge, of Lebanon, has incorporated. The grand lodge of Odd fellows will meet iu Salem next week. George Weston, an inmate of the state insane ajylum for thutv-ix rears, died last week. After the death of J. D. Sher er of this county, he became the oldest resident of the asylum. Eight juvenile boys of this citv last Saturday played nine biigrer boys at Leb anon and were beaten 12 to7." The Al bany boys were ahead until the last half ot the last inning when Jthe Leban on boys bad some fireworks. There ia talk of an opera bou e at the corner of Broadalhin and Third streets, but nothing has yet been done, and it will depend on our business men whether there will be or not An opera house is needed in this gem city of the val'ey. Sadie Burse, who is now carrving the mail for her father b tween this place and Lacomb, is, we believe, the young est mail carrier in the stale, and maybe in the whole United States. She is "12 years old and carries t he mail on horse back, leaving here at 10 a. m. and re turning at 4 p. m , daily. The round trip is a distance of twenty miles. Leb anon E. A. W. A. Templeton yesterJay stopped and camped at Fulton. He is on his way from Brownsville, Linn county, by wagon, to Huntington, Eastern Oregon. He says that everything up the valley is late, by reason of the continued cold rains, ana that a great deal of winter wheat that waa sown on a level is de stroyed by water standing upon it. Tel egram. Which is not a fact. The dam age in the way suggested is nominal. College Notes. Miss Flinn baa been unable to hear her class on account of sickness. Mr. T. J. Stites, of this city, has pre sented the college with several valuable historical works, which will form a part of the library. Mr. Stites' gift is greatly appreciated. Miss Ella McCoy, class of '98, waa a visitor at chapel V ednesday morning. The English History clasa and the class in European history were examined May S. Money is being ra.eed among the stud ents to send a delegate to the Y. M. C. A. conference to be held this summer at J'acific Grove, Cal. The program at the meeting of the A. C. L. t. Saturday evening consisted of declamations by S. L. Acheson and W. I Marks, a reading by J. E Tyree and ttie debate. The subject lebated was "Resolved that a lie is sometimes justifi able." The at&rmative won the debate. Affirmative, R. F. Smick, Chas. Stern berg and Owen Beam, negative, J. H. Ralston,M. H. Acheson and G. D. Byers. Tinkle & Daweou for Photos. The Albany singers will give their last rehearsal at the college tonight in Crea tion, before leaving for Eugene, where they will participate in the grand musi cal festival to take place this week. The concert will be given Friday night in which the Albanv Deolpe will participate. but it is desired to have three rehearsals betore hand with the other singer i. From the Journal : J. H. Gray has old his eutire farm.ait. uated on Comb's flat, to R. W. 4reem one of Crook County's substantial stock raisers. The consideration ia not made public but ia known to be a rood fi.tim and both parties seem to be well tileaaed over the transaction. The report that the recent inor mtrtrm killed all the fruit in Crook county waa probably started br those havin? hut slight knowledge of the facta. The cold was not severe and budding waa not far enough advanced to be susceptible to ight frosts. A Warm Spring squaw paraded our streets last Sunday clothed in an old tur key red table cloth and a few other non descript articlcles of household furniture, reminding one I hit "Solomon in all his glory waa not arrayed like one of these." Ex-sheriff Driver , of The Dalles spent several days in town during the week, trying to induce our people to oppose th plan to change The Dalles a no Prioe ville mail route so that it shall run be tween Prineville and Moro. Without regarding the interests of any locality the line should be run on the ronta that affords the quickest and best mail facu lties. If this can be arcomnlished bv making Mom the term i nun it onuh to hn done at once. The Norris Bros' Big Trained Animal Show, do not fail to avail youtselt of (he Opportunity of so doing, when the com pany exhibit in this city next Thursday, and if yon have seen the show, you will want to see ;t again, a it ia io twice the size of last season and many new and novel features have been acded, makimi this the 'ariteat. best and most successful enterprise ot the kind in tne world. A grand liee street p-raue win be given at 11 a. m. at which time the entire company of ovi r 200 animal act ors will bb seen Among the prominent feat oris this season are the animal fire department, the chariot racef , the leap ing greyhounds, the pony dii'l, the fa. mousMctiiptv family of monkeys, the great monkey jocky, "Jim Robinson," the educated Alriean aebra, and the smallest elephaat in th world, 'Fargo," who waltses, walks a tight r pe, plays a baud organ, and performs a number of feats that seem in- rediiable. Professor Nortis will drive the educated aebra in the street parade. Fargo wil". alo I seen. Two performances will be given, one at 3 and one at 8 p. m. Schillings Best WEDNESDAY. HOME AND ABROAD. money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers Up in Arms. Congregational Meeting. The South Willamette Araociatioii of Congregational churches of Oregon met yesterday afternoon in this cif. The Aisociation bv vote concluded to ioin the East Willamette Association. Those elected delegates from the Albany church to attend the Third Annual Meeting of the East Willamette Association of Congregational churches which conven es on Mar Vth and 10th at Elliott Prairie Oregon, were: Messrs Ke F W Parker, A B Woodin. G W Wrhtht. C C Hoaue ana waiter M farter and Meodame. K E Payne and a Johnson and Miss Clara Brownell. Tbos attending the local association here yeaieadav from abroad as delegates were: Mrs Judge John Burnett. Mrs Clark. MraOhanon. Mr Cooper and Mr. Chas. Purno, from Cor- vallis, and Rev. Brooks from Eugen. An eloquert sermon was deliveied last evening in the Congregational church in to is city by Kev. Brooks. Turn Verein Coming. Under the head, The Biggest Excur sion Yet Given, the following advertise ment appears in the Oregonlan : "The Portland Turn Verein baa just completed arrangements for a big rail road excursion to Albany, to take place Sunday, May 28. This will be the big gest excursion that ever left Portland, and at least 30 cars will be reserved for the occasion. Tne Turners have an es tablished reputation for successfully car rying ont affiis of this kind, and as the local committi-e will be assisted by a similar one at Albanv, a glorious time is expected. Particulars will be given later." Chaplain Gilbert AH Right. A Salem boy, writing of Chaplain Wm S. Gilbert, of the Second Oregon, tells of his work during recent battle. The writer states that the chaplain carried water to our boys in the trenches, and waa constantly exposed to the burning sun and the bullets of the insurgents. At one Urns when it seemed impossible to secure wai er he found an old well. and going to the bottom stood in water waist deep for several hours, handing up the refreshing liquid by nse of buckets and a long pole." He ia the favorite of the entire regiment. Will Close. Cbjution". The Albanv musicians last evening gave their last rehearsal of the choruses in Haydn's masterpiece. "Creation," before a number of invited friends, previous to going to Eugene, where they will unite with the Eugene and Portland sincere in three rehearsals and present the oratoiio on Friday even ing, probably before the biggest audience ever congregated in Eugene, as it is be ing niada the musical event of the uni versity citv. The rehearsal displayed a splendid chorus of voices and the excell ent training under Prof. Wertx. This noon a live party of about thirtv left for Eugene, or will go: Prof.and Mrs. Wer tx, President and Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Lang don, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff, Misses Hattie Warner. Edna Breckenridge, Ethel Redneld, Lib Irvine, Bertha Ellis, th Miace Stafford, Mrs. P.A.Young, Mrs. . J. Henton, Mrs. T. Wandel, Mrs. Dr. Erskine, Wm. Fort miller, Go. Achison, C. E, Sox. S. a'. Steel, and Pres. B. Marshall aa the chor us and Mrs. Frank Ketch um. rrofJRerh- ter and J. C. Irvine aa accompanists. Tbe Guard says : Among the promin ent people musically in the state the fol low lag will appear at the Festival con certs: Mr Reginald Ridden, Mrs Hid den, Ferdinand Conrad, Mr Bently, Mr Koyer.all of Portland; Prof Francisco Seely, Mi Ethel Raymond of Salem. Prof Fecbter, Lt Lee and Mr Irwin, oi Albahy. Mr and Mrs Hidden are vio'in tolouia. Mr Conrad plays thv violin cello. Mr Bently the vi0a, Prof Fecbter and Lt Lee. violin, Mr Irwin the flat. Mr Boyer is tenor soloist for ' Creation." Nor Falls Tnaorcn. The Demobs at has beon shown a letter which shoe tbat the Monroe colon, h.s not been given np.and basnot fallen through as stated by the Oegonirn. hut that it will be pushed under the management of Mr. Jones, a busioeca man, under the cooperative plan. In connection with the business of the new steamer, the Eugene, the Eugene Guard attacks the Corvallit and Eastern Railrnad in a fierce manner calling it a "traitor company" becaube it refuses to allow it to ure ti e company's docks in Albany, and publifi.ei a letter from Mr. Stone, to W. W. Haines on the subject. It eats that for tears the people ot Eu gene stood by the Yaquina road, and "ae now notice the returns for all this." It cbarnes the C & E. to be an S P. concern, citing the fact that Mr. Hunt ington has been in the state four day, considerable of the time in Albanv. It calls upon the farmers to hold meetings anu pledge their support to the bugene, as the boat is boycotted, and floret tragically: "The fight is on. May the common people triumph." i lias is a wood deal of smoke certalulv. The i!. A K. have secured their dock at a big cost, end i-rruiuly it Is not huei ne to deli t-rate'y give up their bust nee to a competing institution, lt is weh for people of the central WillamMte valley to remember that the Yaquina railroad has raised the price ol wheat five or six cents, and na proven a great factor in the develoDment of thia nart ol the state. The Eugene people are very loouan to start in on a ngbt agaiosi Call at the Sugar Bowl for free .rl t The bakers today are giving 50 loaves of bread for 1. There is a hot bread war going on in Albany. Bakers vs. grocern. Mr. W, R. Graham, Albany' pioneer tailor, has opened a merchant tailoring department in the eloie of W. R. Main. It is reported thin contracts have been made for the sale of Heveral ItiOucre lum ber tracts up the Santiam at $2,400 each. The Telegram complain that local dealers in Portland are buv'mg creamery butter for JI7 tents and eelling it for 50 (rents a roll . George tlugler, while attending to Ins iiunchKrata horse tins morning whh kick eii in the lace, resulting in a bad cut, the loss ola tocth etc. Mr. Chas. P'eifftt of the Revcro house has built an imposing bridge from the hotel to the second tory of the ware house across the alley The great musical festival nt Knnrne will be held at Villard hall, which seats at leant o::e thousand people, and it it believed every seat wll bo taken. The city council laid evening grau'ed G. W. lirey permission to move his res idence near the Congregational church tl bis lot at the corner of Kerry and Sev enth etreet, leaving his fifth street lot vacant for a new rrideuco proposed. Collm P. H'intinglon U interested it the collection of batter (liee, and, it l jeid. ill contribute a larif sum to the l nivereity of Call lorn a for that pur pose. Cleveland Plaindea er. tjulie a contrast between roilerting railrotds and butler tlies. Geo E. Fish has sold his hardware and plumbing outfit to OhlingA Hul bert, Ralph Ohling and Riley Hulhert having formed a parlneraliin. and hnn ai-ecpieu a poeuion with the t rain City Council. Tuesday evening, May 0, 1S90. Present Mayor, recorder, Chief of Police, street superintendent, chief engi neer and councilman Uannais, Benders, Richards and Graham. Absent Gal bralth and Pfeiffer. The following hill were oidered paid : B K Purdom 12 bO, N J Her ton 117.00, Cunt bills 17.10. Bill of Telephone Company for 12.01 not allowed, lnt recommended that it be collected at Seattle. tur;her time was grsnted commit te! on investigation of the accounts of city ollicen. Petition of F C fUnnala for sidewalk, granted. Matter of improving touih end of Ella worth street was dropped. The report of the rlreet (uperiuten dent showed work done from April 7 to May tf on itrrets amounting to $106.60. The veto message of the Mayor was read whn the tame was unanimously sustained. All member present voting yes. Pet;l 'on of G W Grey akrd for latter al sew-; bctweeu 7lh and 8lh strreli n Ferry. Referrel. 1 K situation of J. i. Galbrailh from ti e 1st ward was read, giving reasons for the Mine, the . main one being the veto of the I ice Due tax law, enlarging upon his view upon tbe subject of taxa tion. L'pon motion the resignation was accepted. hollowing Is tha resignation I Th matter of a bridge across the ditch at 0th etreet was presented by Munciiman Richards. o action. Kidewalks heretofore ordered were of oered built by city after ten days if not attended tc by the property owners be fore then . G W Taylor was granted fermiesion to move warenoune on r.llsworth street e- tween 5th and 0th streets to 7th street. The matter of the electric light con tract was discussed and the contract rad. It provides for at leant fifteen lights until Oct. 15. WfJ. Councilman Graham moved that the servlcesof the inside nightwatebman be dispensed after June 1st. Carried. 1 l e resignation of Councilman henders oi me 2nd ward waa read and accepted The Oregon Boys. Copies of Freedom of Manila, of late a April B, were received this morn iog. Malolos had been captured. Tti only mention of the Oregon boys are tbe following: After the gallant work of Saturday iwar. me uregon regiment took a po sition on the extreme left of the Urine line and plunged into the insurgent territory. The bovs came un to the enemy s intienchments at Polo and raptured them as a matter of course, 1 hen older came to tall back to the church, and Monday the regiment was detailed fortbeimportsnt work of guard- . ing the railroad t the front. Compan iiesLandD ate at. Malabon, A and M are at taioocsn, one hall ol I. m ukui wfiinvt ibv !.- . , company because they cannot bave the! 1 ,uu,u,n8 -. t vnia-id where he will use oi their docks. m at jtmm I hereby most respectfully tender my I and one half in Tondo. Cant. Case ha resignation, as Councilman from tne first bit company near Melinto, and Col war.), in the citv of Albany, Oregon, to 1 Summers with five companies is at Me- iae eiiect at once. I nder the circum- : lii".. eunces, i aeero it doe to myself, to give; l oe thanks of this journal are dne to uiy reasons for takjng this action at the j I t. Col. Yoran and Ma jor Elba of tbe present time. Second Oregon for favors extended to i was p.aeed on the flcket at the elect-; our representative, ion in 1W7 without my consent, or with- , out even be:ng consulted on the subject, i and I was elected without any eoliotat- j Probate RCCOfd. ST la the olden time it waa no uncommon occurrence fot entitive, delicate women to ne.oe- headed for trivial or imaginary of fence. In thia re spect the world ha made great strides. Neverthele, wom en still suffer death in a slower and more torturesome form, and for no offence whatever, ave a little ignor ance, or pos sibly, a little neglect. The woman who suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organs, whether he realize it or not, i being slowly but surely tortured to death. She uffer almost con tinually with ick headache. She ha pain in the back, what he call "rtitche" in the side and ahooting pain everywhere. She experience burning and dragging down sensation. She become weak, nervou and despondent. She neglect her home, and U petulant with her husband. If she consult the average physician there is not one chance in ten that he will hit upon the real cause of her trouble. He will attribute her bad feelings to stomach, liver, heart or nervous trouble. A woman in this condt ticm should consult some eminent and skill ful specialist who ha had a wide expen ence Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty year chkf consulting .I7icUn tbe Inealtd' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. IV , i". Msistance of a staff of able physicians, pre:ribed for f"you lj. vim has invented a won derful medicine for ailing women, known Brownell, an accomplished as Dr. Pierce' Favorite nwniw has stood tbe test for thirty year. It act directly oa the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood, making them strong and well. It allay inflammation, heal ulceration, soothes pain and tone and build up tbe nerves. It transform weak, nervous wom en into healthy, happy wive and mothers. t was so Invalid for orer year with change of life." writes Mrs. C. Bmtth, of Orr. Cascade Co., Mont. " Had pains across the pit of my stomach and such extreme weakness I could hardly walk. I iook one dohk o ur. ricnr m An order goes into effect over tbe en tire Southern Pacific system, June 1st, clo-ing barrooms located at station! oa projierty owned by the company and conducted under lease from them. The order will close the barroom in tbe De pot Hotel at Albany. Eugene Guard. W. F. Brock, the Qregonian man, ia 'he city. Mrs. L, Peu.ltrs returned this neon from Portland, Lawyer A. A. Tuiaing, of Brownsville, haa been in tbe city today on business. Mr. Sam May, of Harriaburg, haa been in the city on a visit with Albany friends. Mrs. A. A. Morrison, of Glendive, Mon., is in tbe city tbe guest of her ister Mrs. Dr. Adams. - Mr. J. K. Haigbt will leave tomorrow mcrnine for Wenatchee. Wash., to trav el for the Kpalding carriage Co. during tne coming summer, C. A. Hamilton ia soliciting in Albany for tbe Otvgonian, which ia pushing its business in all lines. Mre.-Gilson and daughter will leave for bkagway this week to join Mr. Gil son, who ia working in a tarbcr shop there. Mr. Ab. Umpbrey of Lebanon, left this noon for the Atlin mines. It la pos sible that he may go into the Klondike mines uetore returning. Mr. Charles Bamford, whe has been in tbe soldiers borne, at Los Angeles, Calif., tbe mat vear. will leave it in a lew days tojrelurn to the Willamette val ley to reside. Misa Sarah Francis, for several years a prominent member of tbe Salvation Army ot this city, has returned to ner fathers home in Eugene, taking with her the best wishes of many Albany friends. Mrs Stevens, President of tbe Nation al W. C. T. U. and Miss Anna Gbrdan for many years Mia Willards private secretary, will be in Orecon the last of this month, and it ia said the only places they will stop at are Ashland, Eugene and Portland. Tbe Albany W. C. T. U. should secure a conierenc lor Albany, M as Gordan was here fn 1883 with Miss Willard, and has never been forgotten by those wbo saw and beard her then. Prof. F. M. Mitchell left last Saturday for Albany, Oregon, after making such an excellent record aa principal of tbe Weston public school tbat patrons hope to see him in charge again for the next vear. Just before his departure. Mr. Mitchell was presented dv miss uertruue Preston and Mies Etta DeGraw with a bandeome copy of Milton's works. bound in morocco, a gift which he great ly appreciates. weston leader. The fcueene uuard in writing up a Junior entertainment of the University says: "Mibs Dora rage played a piano solo, "Miepnera an and Maidens fair,' E Kevin. Tbe number showed a deli cate touch and inherent artistic inter- pretation that promises much lor this pupil of W Gifford Nash, of the conser vatory inn was tne iirst public ap pearance el Aia rage. Miss Joyce P. pupil of the Money is U-ing raided to build the Linn county part ol the bicycle path that will run through the valley from Portland to Eugene One week from tonight three wbo at tend the lecture given by It. E P. Hill at the First Preabvterian church will en joy a rare treat. Dr. Hill on his cycling tour through England was able to 'get a snap with bis kodak at Gladstone.and at tbe Emperor of Germany .and was almost arrested by one of the Qoeensdetectives while arranging to photos rah her maj esty, tells experiences and many others aa interesting Dr. Hill will tell of in bis own charming manetic style. Tbe committee bave raised tbe nec- cesaary amount to insure the success of tne band tourramenttobe neld here the th and 8th of June. It promises to be the biggest muacal event in the state this year. The supreme court will probably finish it work in Pendleton on Wednesday of this week. MARRIED. WOOD-WILEY On May 7, 1899, at tbeietidence of Mr. Major Johnsoa, in Albany, by Rev. S.N. Wood, Mr. Geo. Waod and MUs to? a L. Wiley, ootn oi L.inn county. Tbey bave the Left wishes of majy, A School Entertainment. School .closed May the 5th in ck-liool OiL No 35, with Miss Mande Beard, of Tangent, as teacher. The school gave a very interesting entertainment Friday afternon of the abore date. The follow ing program waa exhibited to the Inter est and enjoyment of all present: A Song, "tjbe Come" by the sebool Recitation, "When Pane's Sick" El bert Warlord. Song," Ibe Snoemaker" Vlirta Looney Sone, "We Reap aa We Sow" Miate Floy McGhee, Rosa and OrdeU McFar land and Maude Beard. Recitation, "Naming the Baby" Ethel butchns. Instrumental so'.c Lena Karsten. Recitation, "Tne Whistler" Rhode Smith. Flower reception by six girls. Song, "Giandpa's only Sweetheart" Lirxie McGhee. Recitation, "The Smack in School" Ruth Hotchict. Song, "This Way and That Way" Fanay McDaoiel. Recitation Mirole Looney. Recitation, 'Hannb B.a!ey" Ivan Smith. Song, "Your Motber'a Apron Strings" Kova McKarland. Flag ol Many Lands by a c'.wsi of seven. Recitation. "The Gobbling 'ill Gel You" Maude Kelly. Song, "Won't You be My Little Girl" Lena Karsten. Wreath drill by six girls. Recitation, "Mise Edith UeitlTbieg Along" OrdellMcFarland. ! Duet, Kirs the Little Uoe For Me" I Maude Beard and Kova McFar'and. j Eecilatioo, " ashing Dishes" Dot'ie Large. Vacation arcrottica by eight pupil. Recitation, "How .laivstor Won" Cnie Hutch iot. Recitation, "Rogor and 1" Ina Smub. Song, "Goodbye," by the scboo'. The pupils were trained for about two weeks, their leson not being neglected. The success of this entertainment was chiefly due to Mi-e Beard. She is an excellen. teacher, i highly esteemed by those knowing her, and the pa rora of tbe school are greatly pleated with her. rhere was the largest crowd that has Deea known lor many years. S with tne teacher and scholar one and all a pleasant vacation. A nfrasine: feature was tbe peeence of Mr. Willard Lr. Davis, oce of our Albany boys who ha jus. airistd home froiu Manila ' j soon go to reside. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. John O'Brien and daughter went to Eugene thia noon. Mrs. Wm. Staiger, of Salem, is in the city the guest of her sister. Mrs. Ie. William Fraxier, the Portland horse buyer is in tLecity after big animals. Tbe youtg delegates to the state con vention of the college Y. W. C A. re turned last niglft on the Ruth w ith their college yell, after a pleasant eiperience. Prof. Hendson. of Kentucky, an expe rienced teacher, has been engaged by Al bany college and will have charge of the department of science. Temporarily l e will have charge of Miss I linn's cl she being ill. William B. Bond, eon of Albert Bond, of Knox's Buttewith the regular armv. who went to Manila on the last expedi tion, baa been ill at Corregidor isiand, with pneumonia, at one time given up. He expect to be home in time to eat straw le rries. Mr. Ker. E. N. (onoitl and son Har old, of Walia Walla. Wash , arrived in Albany this noon and are the gueel of Mr. 1. B. Monteith. w bile on their wavl to Ashland to visit Mr. Clark and Ms Lulu. The Degree of Honor contest will end tonight with an entertainment by Mis Barker's ide. the twelve 'enter tainment of tbe season, each side giving six. In this contest quantity has count ed, hence it is known about' what the score i. and Misa Barter propu to hold all night if necessary in order win. In estate of E T T lisher widow grant- ion on try part. After being elected Is acrepted the position for the simple rea- sons, that the office beinir a very thank- ! Iea one, but eoe that ha to ba filled by ed allowance sime one, I deemed it to be my doty to : w of A V Men admittel to probate. irr my pn oi tne ourdena thns placed j d,u account used in estate of L upon the citizen of the rity. Hoock. l have endeavored durog tbe time I Administrator .ppclnted in estate of uave oceupied the position to discharge;1' Maxwell. lueauues incumbent on me. I eter uither appointed administrator ine indebtedness of the city has been : iu estate of John Batemen. the cans of much concern to the mem Report of sale of wheat and oats in es hers of the city council, and Las been re j Ut oi Deborah Lwiog. Final account aibert teired to by the Mayor in all hi me sag to the council since I bav been a member thereol . So much stress was laid on the subject, that after tbe new co jncil were sworn in tnis year, the sub ject discussed informally, and at the tirn oseeiingin February the matter was referred to lh com mi It mi nn and mean to devise aome plan ol raisin 1 Clyde Snyder, mf re reveooe to meet the demand of 1 Final accouot filed in the ii r. i U Allen. Aliei duly coosideriot the matter the! Inventory and appraisement committee on ways an J mens filed a 1 estate of J una Kendall, J M report on the Jth ot I'pbam petition for tiled In estate of advancement. In estate of John Martial! real estate ordered sold. r iol accoontt filed in ettale of G F and l K Urawford Real pr.- perty ordered sold in estate of is 'ate of Mary Real Estate Sales. DIED. HESSEMAN. On Tuesdsy morning May 9, 1899 in Albany. Mr. E B. Hesseman, at the age of about nine teen years, of a cm plication of dis eases. Several weeks ago in jumping from a train near Berry young tleeseman was thrown against a tie, receiving serious injarie. He wss bronebt to this city and an operation performed upon him. There waa some blood poisoning. Pneu monia followed, and just previous to tbe accident be bad had the measles. Tbe remains were taken this noon to Turner for buiial besides thoe of bis mother. He was the son of W. H. Heeeemsn, now now a resident of Mioto. Anderson M. Cannon in on his way to Chicago by the Great Northern, having letl 1'ortl.inl yesterday. Capl. Heath, of McMinnvllle. former ly editor ol the Telephone Register, was wounded in the leg bunday. Mr Henrietta Brown returned this noon from a .eral weeks viaii with Portland friend. Mr. and Mrs E. C. M Knight will leave tins week for Colorado Citv. in or der to secure a dryer climate Mr. Mc- Knighl has a brother r?siding there. L. H.Starr ard wife, of Altaoy, ar riued in Ah and this week and expect to remain for a year at least They are here for tbe benefit of Mrs. Starr's health. Ashland Town Talk. Mr. E. L. Power, of Lebanon, waa in the city this forenoon on her way to Sal em, w here she will tomorrow attend the wedding of her brother-in-law, Ed. Pow er, and a popular Salem young lady. The ladies of tbe Baptist church will give a social at the parsonage on Friday eveuos, Hay 19 to which ad are invitee. A nice lunch will be served, 10 cents ad mission will be charged. A good time is expected. Ni'-k Galloway, the genial 8. P. line man and expert bowler, haa returned from a trip to Missouri, where he ha visited tevera! weeks with his parent and friends. He intends to give up hi position this fall and return to Missouri U reside with his psrentr, now quite old. Rbrcca BPevg to Henry Yaoseg- gen, 31 acre Jeremiah CocheM to SojaQcah Shwilefard. ISO acre W w Riehardeon to A L Richard son. 62 cre i Elisabeth l.iljeu to ti L Souther land. 39 acres, near Scio Ed Ooios to Tbos Reading, $ lot. Scio J S Straiten to 11 Bryant, iS.r0 acres, 0 w 3 Riley W Swink lo Add P.nsot, 100 acre. 13 E 1 '. 'as t ibalka to W Duda.9u acre T J Stites to J A Zimmerman !-. 6,bl9H2ndd A L Rirbardton to Tho Reading, CI acres Wm Raislon to Lebnon,oio k tut highway 11 Wadlle lo A T Tbompeon, 1 lot, Foier O II Mined to A T Thompson, 3 lots, I'oeter The Sanlism Lumber Co to Curtis Limber Co. T-5 acre, right of way near Mill City and lots 1. 2, Sand 4 I Is aa Albany O P Coebow to Martha Jack, 2 k,ts, Brcwosvill Oregon to W S Pond, 40 acre rebrsarr. recom mending tbe paae cf a license law, a a mean lor raising more revenue. This report was on moot-on referred to the committee on ordinance, with in-s'.rccti'-fcs tc report an ordinance in ac cordance with the recommendations of it.e committee on way and mean. The committee on ordinance, ol which I was chairman, took the matter onder consideration nnd after much la bor prepared an ordinance which was subnitlel to a foil meeting of all the member of the council, and tbe advice ol the Cuy Attorney atked by th ' committee a to the power of the council to I at any oruinaore at ad oo the sob- jeel; and the particular ordioaoce that j & prepared by the cm mi tie, and which wst reported to the council and 1 parted was submitted to him, and hi, opinion ask d a the legality of tbe ao.e j and "he power of the city authorities to j eoforre it, and he rave it a hi noqoali- 5ed o&ioion that we had tha rurht to pas i'jfh an ordinance, and tbat tbe i particular ordinance prepared by a wss ' I in all recpeets legal and was 3ppjrtd ' I2ii ; bT !i ,h If', or bt legal authorities I J that he had consulted on tie sab-ect. I j The council are alt aware ct the epe jtaktointLe paseage ol the ordinance) j ' im n tm not worth my while w repeat j them here. Suffice it to ey the ordin KkQ hce was passed. It would be prefomp j lion cn the part ot the committee to say :C0 i ordinance wa perfect, or that it j woo id give tis'ialadion to those en whom . 'it imposed a lax. No ux law that was i ever parsed was per!ect,or gv entire filed in William Mry L to V.-bQ TOO U 30 i 150 4 Try our bread at two loaves nickl McFeion k Tomlinson. Fresh fruit at Viereck's Sugar Boi lors. for '1 par BORN. CARTER In Benton county on May 8ch, to tbe wife of Virgil H. Carter, twins, a boy and girl. 44 A Fair Outside Is a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth' For the best harness call on A E Ketchuin, Broadalbin street, Albaty. A nice line of whfDB. dusters and robes all new styles, just received at A. E. Ketchum's, Broadalbin street, between 2d and 3d. This forenoon Dr. Wallace assisted bv Dr. Davis performed an onration unon Senders, resulting in the removal of a very large stone lroiu the bladder. He is doing well. Grant's Pass will witness a buildine boom this summer. Two 2-ttorv brick buildings. 25x100 and 50x100. a Masonic temple, an additional wing to the school house, and a nnmber of dwellings are already planned. Parents should urge their children to attend the lecture at the Preshi terlan church nexi Monday evening bv Dr. E. r. mu. bur n a lecture will be ol grest benefit to them, giving them an Impulse in tbe study of history and biography. ror tins reasou a special price of 15c ha been placed on clnldrens tickets. t:hilH. ren of a larger growth may find the same oeneni, neeiue a great deal of pleasure in bearing Dr. Hid. Lebanon. Frem the E A.: J. W. Bur k hart and C. F. Moitt bave bees appointed administrator of the es tate of the late Jonathan Waesom. Fred Klum and 'stnilr lef: SalortiaT evening for Central a. Wash., where they w.ll probably lor a e. Mts. Klura's parents live a: that place. John Carroll will soon have a nice, new stage coach for nse on the Lebanon -Foster mail route. It will be a covered coacb, with three seats, and lour horse wid be used on it. Wm. Ketberford on Monday received a letter tellinp him of the death of both hi parents, at Stillwater. ' Oklahoma. His father died April 7th. seed 71 vers. and hi mother died April :6th, aged 81. R. A. McCullv save such aord a'i- faction as principal of tbe public school at Condon, Gilliam coonty, durim: the past winter, thtl he has been re e ected to fid tbe same position during the next rchool year at an increased salary. He will ao:n .ay a viit to his folki near Lebanon. conservatory, who has been pleasantly heard seveial times in Eugene, played Liszt's "Murmuring Winds." Miss Brownell Is a musician of more than average talent and lays feelingly." Fourteen or fifteen Albany bicyclists rode to Halsey yesterday afternoon, a distance of about forty miles, making tha entire trip In about four hours riding. I Mil'er & Stewart have been improving their bicycle repair shop snd Good health, inwardly, of the kidneys, liver and bowels, is sure to come if Hood's $at saparilla promptly used. This secures a fair ouUide, and a consequent vigor in the frame, with tbe glow of health on the cheek, good Appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood Catarrh I have had no return of tbe catarrh which troubled me for years, since Hood's Barsaparllla cured me." Maa. Job Mastis, Washington St., Ogdeniburg, N. Y DySDeDSla " Complicated with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for years , with dyspepsia, with severe pains. Hood's Barsaparllla made me strong and hearty, 1 J. B. Emxbto, Main Street, Auburn, Me. About June 15. That is when Mr. Julius Gradwohl will move into his new trick, on Second and Ferry street, where be prrposes to do business in the interest of the I living pub'ic. In the meantime he will give batatas in crockery, hardware, grocer ies, oil and paint and oilier things kept bv him. as he will ai'.erwarus. Call on him for crockery, groceries, od. paints, etc. Mr. liradwohl alfO writes insur ance in some first class companies. Do ( not do businers without calling on him. Tinkle t Dawoa, the leading photog raphers of A Ibany are now making tbe fine; up to date enameled cb net pho to for l 50 per doren, opposite J O. Call and see samples. Do you Eat tunnRcs? Then c. I at f. 11. 1 tenter's, lie al ways litti them as well as other fruits in season. Call on F.lI.l'fcifTcr At all times. Make bis store your headquarters if you want the best confectionary. Ice cream , soda water and fruits In the city. His Ions experience In th Albany enables him to meet the wants ol the people. COO Kings. A greater variety of friendship, en gageuieni and weuuing rings never was shown in Albany than those displayed in French's sbow windo v. We invite everyone to stop and inspect them- They are direct fiom the factory, bought for cnih, and we sell then on a very chse margin. a 1 Fren.lies waU'h and ring house. There is no ice cream in Albany so good as that of K. 11. rteiher. If vou wish to take the lea f, ride a Cleveland. For sale by McFeron A Tom lineon. - w For choice groceries at rensonab'e rates, 'ee McFeron A Tomlinson. Hul. nihMM Km. Ilia V. - n. tr,.n. Golden Medical Discovery and 6 of hia 'Fa- probably have the finest repair SDd SUp- coly tathartls to ton. ltHooJ'.BfMipTlllV. ' 8 p. m. roriu Prescnptioa aim am .umc.y wu. , ply store in tbe valley. . See our new rockers and chairs. The finest ever seen in the city. We close at Albanv Fvbnitvm Co. HAXyfaVEHI haul a big V iryTxjL. II load up I sSzZr3& you grease I NfejfSe ' the agoa I 1 wheels with. I J'KICAAxIi Brim I Oeta box and lsara why It's th tint sreass vr put on an site. I Bold vsrywnm. Mads by V J STANDAKD Oil, CO. Hrt);titl--"u. It is net according to bo- man nature it pas a tax law that wrl be satisfactory. Bnt it was the best thing the committee on Id devise, under the circumstance, lob used as a letn-pt-rary measure, to tide the city over an- ti somethlcg more eaiidactory could be j obraiotc. j His Honor, the Mayor, bas seen Ct to; ve.o the ordinance,' on the general i grrmcds, that it is coejoal, dteeriminat- ing, and unconstitutional, notwithstaod- i ing the opinion of the ciiy attorney to th contrary. 1 da not wish to enter into j any constitutional diecoMion on tbe ub- ."OO if. but I wiil say. that if his ll-oor v-orrect m hi cooclnsioo. he council i had better repeal some ordinanrej that are now in eiiect, and which are being enforced. It is certainly very unjust to1 make If inters and wbo earn their living by tbe saeat ot their brjw, pay a license tax in order to b permittei to earn such living, and say that bankers, hotel keepers, brewer, merchants, and other wbo ate working ta capital.eball not, and cannot be made to pay a small tax to the city. for the pro tection tney receive tuereirt-rn. I remember very distinctly an ordin ance that was parsed last year, tbat was unequal, and that was discriminat ion,! refer loth Umn insurance attents, and which was admitted by the council- ! man ho introduced it, to be intended ' to drive small agent out ol the bnsiness. and give those who made specialty of the business a monopoly of tne same. When that measure was prevented to His Honor to be signed, there wa nothing said about its being unequal, disrrimin- mig, or inconstitutiooa ; but it went 'hrough a flick a butter. A compar ison i made in the meetaire, tbat tbe or dinance taxes a watchermaker, and not a blacksmith, lhe obje:t of the coir mil We waa to tax capital, and not labor, and for that 'ea son they exempted blacksmiths, painterr, carpenters, brick laver. and such trades from the provision of the ordinance, and put it on such trade, line ol busines, and profession a did not have laoor lor the predominating element. In conclusion I will say that I would have been very willing to act out the re mainder of tbe term ot my otftce, if any provision could bavs bco made to meet the expenses of carrying on the tity gov arnment; but I do not believe it is right to say that we have the power lo tax la bor, and not the power to tax capital. ;It i capital that receives tbe most protect ion Irom the laws, and it shout J be will ing to pay its proportion of the burden of taxation lor such protection. 1 do not think it is right to tax a team- ster, and drayman, and men turn round and say it is unequal, diecriminating.ahd unconstitutional to tax a brewery ,a bank, a hotel, or a merchant. Thtt may be all right, but it is not according to my code ol et hies. The resignation ol Councilman Senders renders it.itnposHbl" lo pas the ordin ance over the veto of the Mavor, and as there is no oilier source of revenue tbat I am aware of, by which we can raise money to meet the accrued and accruing indebtedness o: tuscity, i nave deemed it bet V) resign my position as a mem ber of the council; hoping that you in your w isdom may be able to tind some oueto lake my place, alio may be abl to accomplish what I have not. I believe that tbe true cittxfcna of tbe city of Albany rre willing to be taxed, if so permitted, miner than to have the city rest under od'um of having lis war rants hawked on the streets at a dis ccunt. 1 believe that the ordinance passed by the council as legal, and con stitutional, and this exercise nt the veto power cut the city off from s II other sources ol revenue, than that which It now enjoys, and which cannot be en larged without and amendment to the charter. I therefore, as before stated, leave it to some one betterqualitied than myself to devise some way ot tiding tbe city over until some way can be devised of meeting its obligations. 1 desire to reiurn the members of the council, and nli the city otlicers my sin cere tnanks for the kind and courteous treatment I have at all times received from all, siuce I have been a member ot the council. Very respectfully your, - J. P. Gauuuith. and Miranda William with William a administratrix. Id of J R Templeton admitted to probate, vaire of estate a boat 12.100. In estate cf D B Monteith peutioa to tetl personal property granted. In estate of Mary "J Miller inventory filed. in estate of Jontthan Waseom, Jona than Burkbart and C V Moist appointed administrators. Bond for Mt.OO hied. Albany .Mm ket Wheat 4.S -eat. F-gg II orc(. Butter 10 to li ceo!. Potatoes 75 ceau. Hams 10 fnts. Sides S cents. 6n-o'd'r6 cent. YOQH 1MB. Is oni at order U ye-J tsre tie iiair caacseraud ea tfeU c-rt- Yoa ca Secured wtl&Mt th? si-1 of C1oid!. Bias Hi cr Qu!n!o. TJy ans ralaersis ltd are apt to polsoa lb fclacd. W hr not tAi j-oor n i Us ainwdy Urya i.i of pnj-Se eorei by arDII.H HI DVax ku enntd 0,m oi rs an4 It will rs:. too. BfDTAS Ss the greatest TUi,:- rrmeir ot tie watery and wiU rclitTs mii tti foUow:et sysaptortj : a I Style 364-. j . Our leading Dollar Corttet. New Style. Ixiw Bust. Short Hips.: Lace trimmed too and bottom, with aide Steel. . Made from fine eattec-n. Very genteel. ' Ingth Long, five hooks. Colors White, Drab, Black, Pink and ! Blue. . - , . Sizes IS to 30. . , . ? -Trice, $1.00. ' ' ' Ladies Waht. These waists bsve not only tbe featnre peculiar to waists, but they also have the style and grace of a perfectly-modeled corset. They are the moat hfghly perfected of this class of garments. Length Long. Color white, drab and black. Sizes 18 to 30. Trice 11.00. W. B. STEVENS & CO. Agents for W C C Corset. Who Puts the Prices Down ? Until MAY 1 1 w-Ul Sfcil jroo-l at Who'esale'prices plus 10 percent. I w ill not charge's profit of over 10 percent for any goods in my etoek. It w large and aa stylish, as elegant, as desirable, as hih , grade aa one need aek, and ia offered at the small profit of 10 PER CENT. WHY WHY WHY pay 23 to 100 ur more per eent profit when 10"per cent will I ay it; or for example py 1 1X30 to flo.00 for a suit f 1 1.00 will buy. waste money. My cost mark is:Howand Rice. 1 2 3 45 C" 78 9 0 Th: wa square offer. without anreservation. Who puts the prices down ? W. K BL AIN. "He puts the prices down." AT H F MclLWAIN'S CASH STORE. 6 pr. Mens Hock lord Rib Top Socks 16 ox. Ting Mar Tobssc) 16" " Battle Ax Tobacco IX lb. Bert Grsnclated t$ogar peksr ArMinrl or Lion coffee ."." "... Portland Roast coffee, per paper 6 It Arm Hsmoer Soda ibdkj I'l ids Cabot M Mtwlin """" It 5o Mens and Women Fine Shoe., per pair.. .. V, .. 40 .. 35 .. 1 CO .. ?i .. 1 15 .. 1 0 . . 1 75 H. F. Mcllvvain's Cash Store. Farm produce wanted. f:1 RIDTtX ni b a4 ot mil drtgt"- I) eecu Jr pmxktf. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: ! L BILIOTT8 HEADACHE- Keiicvl r HUOTAN. as. jAtnnjiCBOF THE ETES. MUD YAN wU cause the rrl lu.aess to dirrr ai the normal tIy color mum. . COATED TONGUE. FOETID BREATH. HUOYAN rul dear Use lo&tue anl make the breath j ure t4 s-et. 6. TESDEBKKS3 AKD PAIX lit THE STOMACH. DUE TO IKDIQES TIOK. HUOYAN wiU clear tte stomach ol th. eiocM ot tti. reUere the psla and caass the too lo t. pcrieeUy AigrttrA. . EN LAHO E31 E JfT OF THE LIVES. HUOYAN teweo th. wnUon and iw due. she lirer to its normal sixe- It IDT AN" wiil cor ' shore TWtp to ml B4 make yoa we,L lx not te.r locrer. Go to your dnifxist at one. and pro curs a par jre ot HCDVAX for SO cents or pka for ti. It your draacist doe wot keep It, send direct to. to. BrDTAX REM EDY COMPANY. rranctsco, California. II you ar not satisfied with the eSecu, re tan, tha emptr HIDVAX box and ww will return your money. Remember that yon can consult tea ItVDTAX DOCTORS rSIE. CU and the doctors, ton may call and e. them, or write, as you dir AddruM HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cor. Stscktsa, MsrM s.4 Ellis Sts, 8. FrancisM, Cat. At The Bazaar. Special Offering of Washable Waists 49cts Each 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 11, 12, 13 Good assortment of Tasteful Patterns. L. E. & H- J. Hamiltoiiw BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS at the BLAIN CLOTHING CO'S. CLOTHING for men, youths and boys, A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Slylish HATS and CAPS formen and boy Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality and low prices