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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
i I i 4 iiiliiMiiiMlliil 'VS VOL XXXIV Eater at th Fst at tlfcaay. r. as l-l Hall Mallei ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, 31 AY 5.1899 STTTIvtl 4 fetisher rreprleta HO 39 t 1 f y 1 1 "1 If J I I I 11 .fS. AHlmA'V IE F i m r V r 0 1 I n AetabtePreparationfor As similating teToodandReSuia ling iheStonachs flndJBowels of RxmotesDigesHon.ChrcrfuI- iiess and liest.con tains nelUw OjBuoHMorphine not firnral IfOT NARCOTIC. UlaJW- aW li ill Jii1' A perfect Remedy forCoistlB- tion, SourtomactuDiarrttoca. tVonns .Convulsions Jevenshr oesssndLossor Sixer Tat Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. pi jiflSTfilHIA Ladies of Albany: Call and investigate prices and ' styes of Mrs Curl's elegant Trimmed hats before purchasing elsewhere Prices reduced. At the Millinery Cat . FLOOR COVERINGS. F ULLT DOUBLE tha sroourt eTer before shown by up, consisting of Carpet,' Art Sqosre. Co-tsge Art (a new and attractive goods) Mai tibge, L'noleum and Oil Cloth. We are also well supplied with Lace Cnrtaina, Portiera. Shade and kindred goods. Piece good in Curtain material and covering. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. nlasonic Temple Bldg, Albany, Or. mam 109 Per la a recent hatching contest la which there baica mas l'JO per east, la ISoa PETALVFtlA rr- INCeJBATCRS. J 3 tew This machine has beea demonstrated to be as now .b eUuWpeitectiooBa can be attained. The regulation of neat. air and in-su.- hae tora prown pertect. tee our new ega; tray and oUier 'umroeenjew. Via as tot awe sy C ID. BATKe. Alban. Or. oiesua ruultij F.rm 151 S.mrlei can be ieen at F. a. L IT'S JUST! LIKE THIS We have machines la s'ock ss low as., $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox "SEW" 2Q Years in W I tbe Oldest Furniture Dealer line oi furniture and Bedding bim a can. na aoeso t intend to 1 ua Forlnfanis and CMMren. The Kind You ilavo Always Bough! " Bears the Signature of In Usb For Over Thirty Years Cent. Hatched. orerSDO trials taw wuu a-eteat. vaategue Kaa. jf i y X V 1 Power' Poultry Dpot, Albany. A good article is worm more a poor one. EVER ONE KNOWS THAT.. , ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. will outwear a dosen cbesp on?, therefore chesper in the end. for Machines that Business. in tbe city in be keeps a complete and u you want ood goods cheap give be unaer soiaj THURSDAY Real Estate Sales. A O Aver to Babtist Church, La. comb email tract of land $ John. H Wallace to H A Irvine, tract of land 11 wS Josephine Whedbee V Cassie Burr ' S lot Lebanon ' Mark Mulburt to W B llimh ison 5 acre 11 w 4 . Sarah Templeton to Alpha Temple ton 45.47 acres J P Garter to Win Roosett, undi- vided, h' of pioe land 14 w 4. . . SAnustoSM Garland, 2 lot Lebanon Francis Horner to Stephen Pow ell 44.48 acre R C Miller to S M Garland, 2 lot ' Lebanon J W McMullin to W J Gilbert 30 acres near Lebanon J G Rucker to Geo Sou la 100 acres J Lanning to B A and M J Staf ford, 6 ft nrip blk 111 ... . J P Galbraith to Cha Younger 2. 65 acres ad joining Alhanv U. S. to O. & O. K. R. Co. aeveral tracts under act of 1866 , so 3500 200 I 700 4o5 500 3250 3200 i 100 ' 1500 i S00 .... Catherine Coohrau by Sheriff to Olive Templeton fLM acre J L Oowan to Bank of California.. X lot bt 33 also order of Court anddeed aimed bv Mrs Cowan- Lebanon to J M Burtenchaw, vaca tion of certain tract of land. L Flinn to Emma Curran, 1 lot block 54, Albany 3 lots block 7 H 3rd ad. part of block 123 li s ad.. lot 23 Maston Waverty fruit farm and 25 acre 11 w 3 133 J W Blain et al to D Barrett 3 lota, 6th and Washington arteeU Albany K00 - ' Birthday Celebration. 84th .. ' , , . Mr Mary W ert celebrated her Mth birthday April IS at her residence in Tangent. j rand ma is very active for one ot her age, and ia always at work. Uer hands are never idle in daylight bonrs. Me enjoy company, especially with whom she can recall old menus her earlier days. The dinner was fit for a kin, r od a gooi time waa enjoyed by all. Those present following close to Grand mas age were: Grandma Junkins, Grand ma Miller and Grandpa Lnper. Others present besides children. Rev Allen, Mrs C J Lnper, Mrs W W Powell Mrs J E Jenks, D W Brewer. The Queen of Home. Honor the dear old mother. Time has scattered snowy flakes on her brows, plowed deep fur rows on her cheeks, but is the not sweet and beautiful now? The line are thin and shrunken, but those are the hp which have kissed many a hot tear from the childish cheeks, and they are the sweetest lips in the world. The eye is dim, yet it glows with the soft radiance that can never fade. Ah, yea, she is a dear old mother. The sands of life are nearly ran out. but feeble as she is. she will eo further. and do more for you than any other on earth. - Lova her tender! v and cheer her de clining years with holy devotion. u. li. L. Mrs. Lee Welch has returned from Satan Mr, and Mrs. Ed Brown and son have been in Stayton'on a visit. . Prof. Peenr former! of Sodaville. ha been elected leader of the Mora brats band. Mrs. A. C. La T ton letorned to Port land this noon after a vis t of several days with Albany friends J.J. Daly, of Dallas, was In the citv last evening on bit way home from Salem. ue tnink his client, ilagers, will get a new trial. Mr. Pollock is packing hi good pre paratory to moving to function, where Mr. wrner will be associated with bim in business. The furneral of W. T. RaJHr'was held at Portland this afternoon and was un der tne auspices of the Masons, of which be waa a member. "Mis Kate Marinan. who is attend ins the Normal school at Monmouth pre paratory to teaching, spent several day in the city returning to Monmouth this morning. A number of Albany people wonl? like to bear Prof. McAl isterol Eugene deliver D's lecture on tneran. A lecture before th students of Albsnycollege is in order, ey tnts lormer Albany young man. CapU Geortre Weastsat of the Salva tion Army, a former Albany young man, waa in the city this no in on his way to Corvalli where he will be stationed for awhile. He has been gone from Albsnv three years, having been at different places from Spokane to Marsh field. Mr. M. Senders has filed his resigna tion as councilman from Second ward. and it will be presented to tbe council at tne next meeting, -Mr. tenders ha made an efficient councilman. He de clares that he has had enough of the business. Being city councilman is thankless job. Mrs Nelson and daughter, Mirs Maud Mkkle, and eon, after a few days visit in the city the guest ot Mrs Nelson's Drotner-in-iaw Air UUver Buabnell left this noon for their home at Spokane. They have been to San Francisco on a visit with Clarence Buslinell, who holds a good position with N Clark & Co. aj bookkeeper. C E Barrows, owner of "Del Norte," the guidelese pacer, came down Irom waua walla yesterday and purchased from J J Shull a white mare, for a run ning mate for "Del Xtorte." The two together will look very, attractive, one coal black, the other snow white. Pen dleton E. O. Always have everybody but yours!' stand by home instil a lions, fuel uding the newspapers. At the Armory. The Jessie Shirlev Co attain uleaaed a good sizedaudience at the armory last night in their artistic presentation of the dramatization of Ouida's famous Moths," a society drama of much spir it. Miss Sbirly is an actress of much talent, and her support is so general! strong that there is no place for fault finding. The company is last becoming popular with Albany people on account of their conaientiotu work and earnest endeavor to please, notwithstanding the stage defects under wbica tney lauor. lonight there will be a chance to laugh and grow fat. The play will be the "Happy Pair" to open with, louow et bv "The Child of tbe ltegiment," I drama worth witnessing, and one full of cujuymentiroBS Beginning to euu. xuero : . i T . - I nt.-- Bhouia be a lull house. Native Sons or Oregon. A cabin of Native Sons of Oregon will be organized Saturday evening at tbe G. A. R. hall in the 29th Inst, at 7 :30 o'clock p m. All those who have signed the peti tion to become a, member of the cabin win piease no present at tbe time men tioned ; and all those who have not signed the petition, but who desire to be admitted to the organization, will please report at ranter croe. store previous to . i r , . . . time oi meeting. By ordcr.of the grand organizer. A Salem man who is fighting the tax ordinance recently passed by that city gives as some of the reasons that it is in restraint of trade, and is a class legisla tion. Viereck'i Sugar Bowl Parlors for ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars OUR BOYS AT MALABON. a. it. ii an today receiveii a copy or the Freedom, of Manila, of March K, one day leas Uian a month iu (each ing here, in which the following strong praise is given the Oregon regiment : Grand WotIc of the Oregons. In the batth; of Valabon on Saturday, marin jjtn, the becond Oregon rejfi meat U. S. V. to. k an active and lead' ing part, and disnlayed courage, vahir ami endurance of the highest order. For years to come the work of this regi ment last Saturday will be pointed out 75 a a.n example of wnat can be aruieveu ' by volunteers. No veterna of Welliug 250 ; ton or Napoleon or Grant could have j done better. No one can possibly con 50 ceive the heroic bravery of the Second Oregon on this orcaaaion unless be has walked over the lttld fluid: over the inmrpFCt trenches, one after another; through tlie UtiukeU and jungle; over open stntohe where lor 50rt yards the i ooys iace.1 a vteady raio ot bulieu; and UP t the tiiittl iiiBtirgent line which Con8ictet really of a fort with stone loop hull. This is not exaggeration. It is I not half the truth. The whole truth j concerning the wotk of this regiment '' not be written. No one saw it all, , and description t of those rushe through i field where the air was fairly charged j with pulsing lead would hardly be be- neve! w Uf was the regiment not 'amuhilated? God only know. There is an old saying that it takes a ton of . lead to kill a soldier. The natives are ihenomenally poor marksmen. This fact and a favoring providence saved the Oregons.-ras it did other regiment from destruction. The insurgent with repeating Mau- ert mrew torrent of leaden tiaii at our lines at random-some bullets mast find Col Summers should l proud of bt regiment; (be Ugbto Army (Jorp should be proud of this record; and the ncol teoole of the mt i.t. ni rwn can w-.rds titm. ik fMlr Peoi.le of Orecon. vour sons have this dav i.roved thai their i.Va ih.t shed at Tt ormopvlae ai:d Banker' H Ul the bood of heroes. lo. I in charee of Lieut Phtllina. is the lucky company of the regiment. This company I ought it way to the north to a river, a distance of nearly two miles, It bad iis share of the work of thr dav and the only casualty was the wound receiwd by Corp. Gantonbein. The Colonel complimented the bovs upon their superabundant of gooi luck. Lacomb Educational Insti tute. Teachers, parents and ail others who sre interested in the work of the public schools are cordially Invited to attend an educational meeting at Lacomb, Linn coanty. May 5 and 6. The following has been arranged for the occasion. Friday, May 5, forenoon sefsion. Organ itattoo. Benefits of Educational Institutes. Afternoon seesion. History, disease ion introduced bv Mrs Ethe Deormore. PntrioUsm, discussion introduced by , C. Hardin. Ortbogrphy. discussion introduced bv Miss Ida Miller. Evening session. The Ideal School Board, discussion in troduced by Supt. A. 8. McDonald. ocal music, discussion lntruduced by Chas. L. Raines. Saturday, May 6, forenoon session. Reading:, discussion introduced bv Cha. Newland . Geography, discussion introduced by i . - - School Management, discussion intro duced by W . A. Cree Penmanship, discussion introduced by Miss Biitleen Johnson. Afternoon session. Primary Arithmetic, discuss ion intro duced by Wm Leever. Scbooi Literature, discussion intro duced hy ProL Martindale. Pbysiology.discosaion introdu'xd by Miss Hattie Cox. Mental Arithmetic discussion intro duced by Prof. Edundaon. A Race in the Mud. As the result of considerable banter ing Grant Froman and Denver Hackle man indulged in a bicycle race last eve ning from in front of the gun store to the Oak creek .bridge, a distance of about two ami a half mile snd back through the mud, and it was muddy last mght for certain, rroman run into some gravel in the city and lost about two hundred yards, which be was unable to retrain, and Hackleman readied tbe store after a muddy ride to the bridge ahead covered with glory and mud. When tbe men reached the store thev were a sdcC' tacle. The race was purely for fun', snd there was plenty of it tfai morning when the men cleaned tbeir bicycle. nivevoOsm leensiclu gnppe or a uaru cuiu. ivu msy be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly tome of the chil dren sre Just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast st you should? Hss not your old trouble left your blood full of Impurities? And Isn't this the resson you keen so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Toko O I It will remove all Impuri ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of Immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her by removing sll tbe products of dlsesse from your blood. If your bowels are not Just right, Ayer's Pills will make them so. Send for cur book on Diet In Consti pation. v -STi Vfrlfm to tne Door or. W. have the axcluilv aenrteM of torn, ot tbe moat .mlnantrhynl. elan, ta the United Hiet.i. Writ. t tay and recolv. a prompt Ml", wlUunit emu AMI M.DB.J.O. ATER, 4m V irirm. Lebanon. From the Criterion, Mtts Stella BurdicU, went to Albany Monday, where she ul work for several weeks. t Mr. and &r. R. y. Montague, of Al bany, vwited Mr. Montague's pareuts in this city Sunday. J. A. Finch, one of Albany's rising young attorneys, was in this city Satur- uy vii h-kbi uusiness. It is reported that there will he a ball game in this city Saturday between the heme team and the Albany boys. If. Whcdbee and family left lasf night for Stillwater, Oklahoma, where tbey will make tbeir future home. Dr. I M. Smilh. of Mnrn tu.n elected a member of the city counc il of mat piacu. i ne doctor la a son of J. It. Smith, our genial postmaster. The people of Tsllnian and vicinitv met at the school home last 8umlav anil organized tution Sundav school. Oiii- cera were elee!et as follows: Superin tendent, Oilson ; assistant super- intenUi."trtii, Marks: secretarv and treasuror, Adelbert Trulove: librarian. 1 errin lerhune: ornanist. Miss Adella Trulove; assistant organist. Miss irvme. Next Monday will tie Dewey day. Remember tomorrow night. Remember tomorrow night. aletn bowlers are han-.r havin.. .1. feated The Dail. s l y 27 f-oiuis. h-re ar eight O. N. O. com oan i. s or ganized in Oregon snd diilhog. The Chicago quartet reur,e.!e.l loten ereores in Salem, t twelve in Atbanv. Reports from Umatilla count are that the wheat yield will tie very 'light. The Monroe colony has issued a nro- pectus w hich can be secured for a 2 cent stamp. A girl at Lacomb writes fur a niaro !.. do general housework, where she can also learn. Eugene People are tr-inar to i) Loanon excelsior mill, and are wuung to put up Jl.OUO for iu Ho ! all ve rood neople come ve to the i lectfre. Jlr. Uummett knows wiiere of ti.e ulent of the compaoy were disptty he speaks. He is going to tell u things 'ed in a marked manner. ThepUytsfml he has seen. Eugene people are having a ted hot pro argument on capital punishment and cn, more pro than con. Some one left an advertisement of a spring wagon Itr sale, at Uis office with out leaving his name, the reo,uett being to call at the Dswoaur dice. There have been two or three answers to iu Portland wants the OrM.n lr. ail landed at that ctty wben tliey return home. The boys will want to 1m l at tbeir own homes iust at fast as ueiihl after they reaf o the coast. l eeterday was tbe ekhlieth anniver sary of the foundation of American OU1 eilowahip. There are over 1 OtW onri Odd Fellow in tLe World. The Euser.e Guard aav the nar lat the Eugene, is saving tie people of Eu gene at least S31,' Trcent on freight and people there are therefore jubilant. U. L. Ailen in the Pacific Muaical Time aays he knows of no belter place than AiiKtny for the state band Uxira- ment and nrges the binds to prompt action a time flies. What is Albany doing. Tuesday night some one entered the artnoty and cat up about worth of oaudsome wardrobe belonging to the Shirley tv- Several year ago Uiere was cutier in u.e same place. Money is so scarce nowadays but you can get tbe most for your tuoeey by 1.t- id our ptclore made at Tickle A l'aa soo's opposite Pott iffie Stamp s ze '28 for Zi cents. Call and see tbem . Tao girls who were unable ta eat in In the thesther free are said to be suspect ed of having cut the dresses of the act ress, toe other night, though there is direct proof in the matter. The Dmocxat doesn't know now who tbey sre. The Kellv-Booth Co.. which has been buying up so much property in Ine county is now locking tow'srds Linn county and vesterdav returned from Berry where thev made arrangement to buy the mill now owned by J. W. Cussckofthis citv. Tbe big companv ill operate in an extent! ve manner and ill prove a great factor in the future lumber bosines of western Oregon. Attempted Rape. Aentlemsn from tbs bend, beyond Millers, this afternoon, tell of an at tempt at rape there that was causing a good deal of excitement. The person charged with the vu George Karney, a young man about 20 and tbe girl, tbe seven yesr o'.d dsughter of Gen. Buigett. Mrs Burgett heard 'he cries of ber daughter in sn o'd boildiog snd tuebljff in discovered tt e situation, but young karney bsd broken through the rear of tbe building snd fled. There was no arrest. Instead Mr. Burgett gave the young men a certain length ot time to get oot of the community. Mr. and Mrs. V. K Fronk weie in Portland yesterday. Judge McFadden of Corvalli. as in the city today, Lawyers vea:herford and Keily ere in Saleoi yesurday alternoon. Mrs. Gant ot Philomath is in the city the guestof Judge; Powell and lamily. Mis Bessie. Butkart returned this soon from a visit with Portland Iricnds. .The Trlrgrsm says Mr. L. Senders, of lbsoy, is vi.lting be' niece Mine Send is at 32i Salomon street, Portland. Lieut. L. L. Pickens, who recently re turned from Manila, remains st Presi dio, Calif., and ic Is said will not go to bis home in Uregon City for rome time. Mrs. M. M. Gibson, ot San FtancLco. is in the citv tbe guest ol ber daughter Mrs. P. A. loung. After a visit hereof several weeks she will go east to be with her aged mother. Mrs. W.8. Peterr, of Oakland. Calif arrived in Albany yesierdsy on a visit with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth B'ain, biotheraaod sisters and many friends. She will remain several week. Prof H H Whip?, with nis familv. lef Tuesday for Portland, where he will have bis headquarters lor the summer. He will travel in Ibe interests of an educa tional house Wasco News, P J Smiley, Albsny's Job printer came over with tne Linn county delegation Friday. Smiley is str ckly up to d.te in the "art preservative" In a'l its artis tic features snd has a lob plant second to noue in the state. Newport News. Dr. A. J. Hulllnger, who was recently in Lebanon, has opened parlors in Port land which he calls tbe Golden Medal Dental Parlors, and ho advertises that be has a national reputation on account of bis successes. He is at least an ad vertiser and rustler aod will be heard from. W. A. Klmsey has relumed frrm a trip to Northern California, where he left everything about dried up, there having been practically no rain for a month or two. As soon as be got this side of the Siskiyou he found plenty of water. i Will Not Hang. Ihe sentence ol j JU Ulbermao. who was to bsve been hanged In Roseburg to morrow for the murder of J N Casteel, bis mining partner, near Myrtle Creek, last year, las been commuted to life imprisonment. Last evening Govenor beer seut a telegram to Sheriff Stephens of Douglas county, advising him of tlfllJAa I 0REG0NIAN IN ALBANY. iue UrorfOtiian bss made arrange menta to change its method of doing bn iness in Albany. A new system is be ing futuguaratvi! by the nig Portland daily in towns of this size and Import ance. Heretofore the papers bsve been sold to tbe even is at so tnnch per copy and i hey have retailed them at a profit. Tbe Mregonian has regulated tb price and comiuc. oi tbe agents and had tbem re port Pie names and addieeses of sub- ecrilietf. K. A . Parker bhd the agency in Alba ny (oi a number of year.. Since his re tireu.i nt from active business on account of ill health, his sons have mado collect ions, cu. from their store. Tbey have bought Uregonians from the publisher j at whole sale and they have sold them to subscribers at retail, just as they l ave handled other goods in their store. Thcji tregonian hss decided to estab lish a branch olUce in Albany and em ploy a man who shall devote bis whole lime to their business interwata. Through their representative, the Oregon ian 411 do business direct with the people. The carrieis will work for tbeOrvgonian and be nuder the direction of the loc.l mana ger. W B Wallace, formerly of the circula tion department of ihe gpokf smsn-lie-view snd Chronicle, has been appointed Albany agent of tbe Oregonian. He came toth city with hi father and mother who 'ocated here some two u.oull.g ao. The Oregonian branch of ffce will 1 in one side of Ihe palatial jewelry e'ore of F M Fitocb. opposite the Poet Office. The new system of de livery will begin Monday May 1. An Evening of Comedy. lt eveoing at the armory tbe Shirley c-tiip toy appeared to a big bouse in an j entertainment of comedy, opt-niog with aiarre A Happy fair," obicn created mm h amuwiient, and foiloioc with a "Child of tbe Keg!aent," a nausicl ro- . . . .... Af I . . t V - . . t : of numcroua incident. Mi as Shirley shone as Josephine, and it is doubtful jl any one rei ever met with more popular favor here, la all the parts in which tbe hat appeared. Tonithl th lemons "Un der Two flm" will be preeeaied, dratcal laiioo of one of Ouiia's novel, a very entertaining drama. To-morrow afternoon fjere will be a matinee at wbh.h "Lost for a Day" will be given, wben the admiaaioo will be only Id ceoti for cbildieo and tO real for other, with no reserved seats Probate Record. In estate oi Henry and Wiimerry Bar meeteroitU adit'td to probaie. In ventories filed. In eatate of Clsta Height it.teo.tory filed. Value of property f 102 1.62. In estate aod guardianship of Zeno Bichard.Utb actrouot fileJ. Hearing of peuttoo for sale of proper ty ie estate Jl John Harder set for Msy I Cuatioo isaoed. Io estate of E'ir-e Ruvbaogb report ot sale of personal property Sled. Io eute of Richard Fry inventory filed aod petition for sale of real proper-trio estate of Henry Beamer 11113. 7 paid clerk by order of court. I o estate of Nancy Giibere inventory Cifd. Fical account filed in estate of E B Patterson In estate of Eiiel Parker petition foe sale ot accounts granted . In estate of C P Kntghteo petition for sae of real property. Io estate ofurrao A Monteithpertoo al property ordered sold. la osiate of Abbie L'phsra, Mrs Up batn appointed administratrix, and .guardian appointed for heir. leal accouot filed in estate of M Pat ton In estate cf Jolia Kendall, Mary Will i am appointed administratrix. Bond 5,000. Also in the estate of J M William and Miranda L Williams. In case o' Farmers' Ins. Co. g. I ma aionteith, admr., notice of appeal filled rioal account filled in estate ol Anna Murray. In estate ot A Bettlemeir inventory fil led and pereoosl property ordeied sold. In estate of Deborah Ewiog prrsonal property ordered told. Maj. Ellis' Hospital. Tbe Manila Freedom of the Sth of March tells of the part i laved bv Maj. Ellis and bis corps in the tattle of Mala- bon, as follow: At Brigade headquarter, Major tins, -nd Uregon olunteers, tbe Brigade Sorgeoe, with hit able aod con neons stafl of atsUtmeote held forth, and here tbe wounded, both American snd Insurgent, were given everv possible care and com f ert a thev were brought in from different part or the line ot bat tle. Major Ellis's hospital waa on tbe firing line, in the shade ol some bamboo, and h noble efforts were seconded bv the ever ready and pleasant assistant Surg.-on Carpenter of the Oiympia who generously volunteered his services. And there ss tbey sod tbeir wiluog as sistants tenderly rated lor tbe wounded Mauser bullets witb tbeir nasty "ping were freq leatlv beard snd most uncom fortably near at that Here and there aod yonder wete sweat beg rimmed sol diers, resting a lew moments in lb shade. there on col whrre wounded bovs of Old Glory whose injuries had been dress ed and who were waiting fcr the next train to tske them into Manila, and there on a raised stretcher, under tbe surgeon's knife wss a young fellow with I'ght eyes and bair, and face burnt with tbe sun and streaked with powder smoke, sad whose rich brrgue told plainer 'ban words that either be or bis nearest ol an cestore csme from the bappy Isle of the sham-rock. And as the surgeon ruttnd sewed snd bandaged bis wounded limb, he smoked snd smiled and talked in the most unconcerned way. And when tbe bullet was extracted and he remarked with a satisfied grin that one drop oi that sood Irish blood that had stained the white bandages waa worth more than a whoie regiment ol Filinuioe there vas no one present but that approved ot the sentiment witb ad bis besrt. Scio. From the News Mrs. Fred Veal and little daughter, ot Albany, spent Sunday ta Seto.the guests of ber brother, Albert uoie, and tatniiy Last Monday A . R. and Wm. Mc Donald purchased the buttermilk nut put of the creamery for the year, the price being 10 cents per hundred pounds, Died, in this city, Sunday, April 23 IS'-W, Maude, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Uvrus, aged 10 years, 1 month snd lSdsyt. E. T. Bogart, of La r wood, waa in Scio Friday last, anu paid this office a sub stantial call. M. Bogart has about completed arrangements for operating r.ia mill above Larwood, nown as toe Pitchford n.UI. Io preparing their report of tbe im ports of tbe different towns in this coun ty to present to the board of government engineers who were appointtd to look into tbe matter of completing tbe work at Yaqnina, the committee at Albany placed the imports of Sci Lyons and Shelburnat $75,000, while as a matter) Tbe Jefferson Bicycle club hate de ol laot Sclo's importations alone wontd elded to tsst tbe bicycle tax law, and more than cover this amount, to aav j nothing of the amount of grain, flour the ! and other products which are shipped List of Patents. Granted to Northwest Inventors this week. ' Hepuried by C A rtnow A Co. Paten, Attorney, Washington D. C. L K Hocg, Parkland. Wash.. Wind. mill, O Itoberts Newport, Oregon, for merly of Altanv. Wind wheel. I W Smith, Portland, Oreg., Kolding lantern 1 M Suman, Riverside, Cal., Water CI. ter. - ror copy of any of the above patents end 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to O A Snow A Co., Washington, 1. C. Come to the College Chapel tonight and learn more about Switzerland in one hear than ton have learned be fere io all your life. A man ia-t from lawjn citv save that a mill hv ridnttr ifr tm i,-. 1 fan from Dawsoa to lakagway for ti'O. The lect ore in tbe College Chapel to night will be interen;ng and well attend ed. Cbmo w ith all the rest oi the people. It will only coal you 25 cents. The Mieouri house pateed finally the aenataati-lrut bill TheaenaU pased a hill taxing stores which sell morn thaa o e cIjss of goods from XX) tu $"00 f w earh class more than one, as set out in the bill. The Saturday evening train which will leave Portland during the summer every Satxrday evening and g directlv to Newport without change of cars will be called the "Tidal Wave." Rev Dunran Wallace has accepted tbe of tbe 'Mineral Springs Col lege at Sodaville. and will take charge at iue PMinningoiine next school year. He is well spoken of . Notwithstanding the resolutions of the grange! the O. A. C. continuee to give bail in the college buildings aod one will b held, next Saturday night in the armory hall. It is to be a swell affair. Tne Portland Telegram is going to give a pisno to tbe most popular Port land teacher aod is receiving vole. These contests as a rule .signify nothing snd are generally farces Last WedcesJay Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Cox were riding cp a hilt near Mill City, sitting io the back seat wben the rat tipped over and both were thrown out. They were considerably itsjored, Mr. Cox quite seriously. It is said thefbig Monroe colony eheme about which so much has been said wlil fad through. Next Monday is the day on which f 10.000 is to be put up, and a Eugene papar says it is tne general be l ef it will not be paid. Geo L Hatchin, who recently came to Portiaod o start a big daily, in.tead will pablish a weekly, tbe Northwest Herald, which is to be made an artirtic affair, displaying tbe resources and won derful scenery of the Northaest. Mr. Crawfatd will erect the new A O. L. W. l.ail nuder hi own supervis ion. Yesterday ta let the contract to the Sao tiam Lumber Co. , h r the lum ber. He wiM aio improve the two store ij the block, one cf ahit 1 as already been rented. The l.a!l will be twenty feet to thereilisg, the maiu room being about feet. Gov. Geer is becomtcg about as odl r.d cratkv aa Governor Peooover was. Tbey wuUl make a very good team. SA URDAY RELIGIOUS. Cnited Preepttetian. Morning Wor ship at 10:30. t-ut ject of Strmon, "A Thrilling Experience." Ol-ervaoce of the Lord s rpr slter tbe morn eg sermon, babuath Xboo, al li:to. job tor at 3:30. Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Evening worship at t :.'. Subject ol termcn, "Man ot more value tbao a Sheep." Ad are cordtal.y invited to a t tend these service. Service at St Peters EpUropal church at 7-30 PM. Eveoing prayer and ser- nos. Dr.O H Murphy, Rector. Preebvterian. Morning worship at 10:30. Evening worship at 730 ab bath School at II :45 Junior Kodeavor t3:3tf. Senior Endeavor at 6. SO. Sub ject of morning sersnoo: E erral Life add Idci Subject of etcnicg sermon An object Letton of Nsglect. A rcrdial invttattoo to attend ail the service is ex tended to all. Congrationsl. Services as usual at 1 M and 7 .SO P M. Subject of morning termon, H bat is in toe name, Ubrtstian. Mir ject for evening sermon Mark bam s poem, Tbe roan with tbe Hoe. Sunday Scbooi at li:15. Ail not attending else where ste cordially invited t the above services. Service at tbe P.aptitt church. Preach ing by Rev. John Parr, morning and evening. C' services as usua.. In the account given in the Dckixbut yesterday of ihe change of management of the Oregonian io Albany it referred to tbe business bribg run bv Parker Bros. s a part of their reguiar business and n lb time way. As a matter oi tact, he bo si nets has been run by K. a. Par ker, Parker Broe. merely attending to it ounog h s ii loess without recompense at all, fcoy Parker doing the collecting in the same wsv. Mr. farter bas bad charge of the businees for sixteen years, giving universal satisfaction not only with Albaoy people but as wen witb the Oregonian people, of mhoa the mana ger, Mr. Pit lock, is a personal friend. W F Brock, superintendent of agencies of tbe Oregonian, wben asked for further explanatiou regarding the change ot agents in Albany said: "It is simply occasioned by our adopting a different evstem of reaching our customers We shall no linger sell tbe vaper to agents at so much per copy. The young man whom we place here is paid a salary to put in all his time for us. This i-uts us closer to the subscriber and gives us bet ter control of tn carriers. "As for Mr. E. A. Parker, who has been teiving us here under our former syVem, I speak tbe highest words ol piaise. He is held in great esteem by tbe publishers of the Oregonian. We regret tbst bis health does nt permit him to perform the active service which we now require in Albany. "During bis absence Irom tbe city and during his detention by illness Irom the streets, his rons have generously looked after the handling of the papers for him. Both Mr. Parker and the sons tor him have been accural and businesslike in their corieipondeuce snd relations witb us." Tennessee Gatherings. Txs.v, April 27, im Mr. C- H. Cox and family of "Happv Rnmt" have lmated in thia vicintv and now occupy the residence recently va cated Julius Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Warnock, ot Josephine Co. Ore., are visiting friends and rela tives here, and expect to locate in this immediate vicinity. Prof. R. W. Swink and wife, O I. Swink and "lsilley" Mcfherson were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Sniuk last Sunday. Mr. F. W. Furgison and famil?, of Hamiltou Creek, have located in tenn. A considerable nuober of "new" scholars are attending school this spring The 7th Annual Pienio is beginning to loom up in the distance. (Wstcb for date "Little Roes Bud.") John Fionk, Geo. Davis, Jim Black law, T P and O D McKnight were in Albany recently. McK i lor tbe purpose have engaged tbe see vices ol Hon. J. K. W eatherford of this city. It 1 said tiooel. the law is uncotitUa fViakes the food mofe mstti 9trm HOME AND ABROAD. the Aistbiome is now pulling snags between ucrvai is and Harnsborg The brick is on the ground for the new lleifter sample rooms on Second street. A very pretty piece of srtistie work is a screen at tbe Albaoy Furniture Co' store pointed by Mrs. W. W. Rowe'.l. J M Olberman, the Koseburg murder er, was taken through Albany this morn ing ror tne stsie peciieauary. where he is to spend the remainder of his life. Chief Of Police Ie baa received a letter from Essinchin. B. C- stating that Rev. E. A. Harris and Edna Lear are there living as husband and wife, sbat Harris is working as a book-keeper in a store. Be sore snd read the special eewine machine advertisement In another eoi- u jib ; never in th history oi Albany wse was there Soali a chance to ret the beat machine at such low price. The "cut" price for sewing machines at E U Wilt's mnsie store are for 20 days only. Do not delay to get yon a aew n.a- cnine and yoo will do your friend a fa yor if you will til ttvem of the special sale; they may not see this notice. A year ago tomorrow the Albany boys left this city tor Portland preparatory to being mastered into tbe if. 8. service as volunteer, It wa not known then whether tbey would go to the Philip-; pin or Cobs, or be kept as a defetse for the coast. Mine Host Grot of the Depot hotel at Atbland is now permitted to serve lunch to 8. P. passengers who eschew I railroad dining cars from economical or other standpoints. There has been con siderable complaint from this dace of travelers since the inauguration of the dining car service at the inability to se cure even lunches st the trains her, which this wiii relieve. At the same time it will not interfere with tbe bosi oe-s of the dining car which are said to be proving quite a tocce. Ashland Tiding. The Rosebarg Review had the picture of the scaffold. J M Olberman, the mur derer, who was to be stretched from it, tbe abenn who was to euinr the ban. tbedirtrict attorney wSo secured the conviction eiwi the Jn.T. .1 . conviction and the Judge who aemenced the murderer, already for tbe account of the hanging, which did not come off on account of a commutation of Olbersaan'e But tbe Review wss equal to tee occas on sod turned tbem to gcod ac couot jo a pte write np. A Delayed Telegram. Dr Foley has emp'oed Attorney Gar land to bring pneeediogs agaiest the Western Union Teieg-apb company for damages to toe amount of (100." The eircamstaoce oi the caa are as follow : U fcmtlb. ot Taiiman, has been quite toe a weeg or more, and tbe nr. has beea al tending him, in fact has been' hi familv physician or a good many years, i e day morning at :S Mr. Smith had a tekgiam sens to the Dr., telling him to come down and see him. i he agent at ibis place gave tbetefegrsin to M r Perry, drive of the Sodaville hack, with a request to Je'iver i:, bat he for got to do so, aod took H borne witc him and did not deliver it until te came beea in tbe afternoon about 4 -JSQ o'clock. In the afternoon some of Mr Smith's folk sent another telegram to the Dr. telling him not to come, and that they had se cured another physician. The Dr. could cot noderstsnd this until be seit to the telegraph offke at.d leaned tbst a farmer message bsd beea snt bim in tbe morn ing. I he Dr. estimates tbe loss of such a gcod patron to be ICO snd will deavor to make tbe wealhty corporation pay it: a i amount. Lebanon fci. A. Under Two Flags This famous play was pr-ected last nigtt by tbe Shirley Ccmpany to a large sodience in a very phasing manner. There is a wide scope for drrmstic talent of a high order and it wss accepted by tbe members of the company. The Shir. lev company have tnaJd friends in Al bany during the week, who appreciate tbetr xorui as anirs. This alt moon tbe comedy "Lost for a Day" was being presented, and tonight a very .uccewful wees engagement will close witb "Divorced." There prom "ires to be a crowded bouse at this closing en gagement ol tbe company. Dkcidbolt Bap. There are enough cbargee against Bert Burkbart, son of Frank pcrkhart, to send bim to the re form school for life. L'ere are some ot them : tbe theft of some hose from Fred Dawson, which he sold; the theft j of Lyle Prusbaw'a bicycle which he was aboot to sell when discovered; the cut ting of the wardrobe of the Jeeeie Shir ley Co , which be confessed to. An at tempt wss made to find him last even ing but he bad tied . He should be sent to tbe reform school. , Several other matters have been laid at young Burkbart 's feet, among others tbe stealing ot several rings irom to residence of H. C. Haranees several months ago. The ring wen returned and the theft acknowledged. The dome and weather vane of the court boose were taken down today. For veara Alhanv reoule have beon able to tell in which direction the wind was from this vane. How will we know now, The otner vanes are unreliable. Some Benton coanty sale are : L Jordan and wife to Saah A Schitfler, acres near Albany; $10. Mary J It hitbv and husband to B W Harris 50 acres west of Albany ; $630. Next Monday being Dewey day the! Band will show there apprecition of the! fa,t in th. .ranin. kv aivinff ntlhKe I concert playing all the patriotic airs known by them. Ot 600 cords ot fir wood to be furnish ed the college this season by John A. Shaw, of Mill City, 144 cords have been delivered at tbe CAE depot in Corral lis. Times. Mrs A S McDonald, of Albany, wasl the guest of her parents near this citv over last Sunday. She came over to at-1 tend the 70tb anniversary of her father, I Mr A btanard Browesville Tiuie. Bert Chandler, of Co. C, Or, Vol.. who died at Manila April 5 cf erysipelas. was a son ol Mr. Chandler, ol Holley, io this county, and was a former student under County superintendent McDonald. CASTOR I A For Jit&sts and Children. His Kind Yea Haw AIwsjs BasgM Bears the Biputareof TC NIGHT AND TO NIGHT MOR ROW And each day and night during this week I you can get at any drugeift's Kerne's Hal sain for the Throat and Ludsts. acknowUl edged to be the most successful remedy ever sold fcr Coughs, Croup. Bronchitis, Aath-1 lua and Consumption. Get a bottle to-J day and keep it always in the boose, so) WSattl SMS da ikVar AlV IWvlll (a t ASMta. TvMii! ! 1 A deftibus and vvfiolesomc eat.jr.eo.. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dr. E. E. Cable, of McGinn ville, was In the city today. E C Rogers returned this noon from a trip to Brownsville. Mrs. F. Eggert, of Portiaod, formerly of)A)boy, is recovering Irom a serioas illness. . Perry Conn was in Salem yesterday on business witb tbe bicycle and sewing machine store there. 8 F. Bilyeu left for Albany Monday, having sold his shop to Geo McCauloo Be will go to work io tbe Case shop at Albany, while Geo. will go on witb tbe work in our city. Toledo Leader. Mrs Attorney General Blackburn went to Brownavill today on a visit to remain while Mr Blackburn u at Pendleton on the session of the Supreme Court for Saetero Oregon. A surgical deration was performed upon Mrs. Dr. Littler, who has been ill lor some time, bv Drs. W innard. Davis and Wallace and the report this after noon is a favorable one. Eugene D. White. Grand Secretary tbe Native Sons of Oregon arrived io Al bany this noon and will organize a lodge of Native Son of Oregon at the G A K Hail tonight wity th rty or forty mem bers. Tbe entertainmect at the college last night was a fine affair. Not only were tbe picture of Swim scenery very enjoy able but tbe talk of Mr DnmmtU was instructive and cf a pleasing order. The U. S. engineers sect to Honolulu several mootba ago, have returned to San Francisco and will be mustered oat on May 6. Among -them is Frank Kitchen of this eity, who will be only loo glad io oe home again. Prof. W E Simontoo, oni of Albaoy' meat enthusiastic musicians went to Portland oa the morning train to see and bear tbe faaaoce Boston ians. at tbeir matinee) this afternoon and closing en gagement tonight. Geo. Finiey. of Craw'ordtvil'e. west to Portland Moo dav tc meet some East ern capitalist woo are visiting Oregon (o. the purpose of porthasicz timber .7 "hiI '. d'Zrrt. fJ valuable t-act to different parte landa. air r tnley baa an option on sev- ol the state. BrownsTiile Time. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of tbe vreil known remedy. Srsrr op Fies, ma n of actnred bv the CaxtroRxiA. Fi SrsxT Co.. fUwstrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative aad presenting' them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the svsiem. It is the one perfect atrengthenintr laxa tive, c'eao&iajr the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevera gently yet promotzy and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently, its perfect rreedom trots every objectionable quality and sub stance, and. its acting on the kidnevs, liver and bowels, without weakening; or irritating" them, make ii the ideal laxative. In the process of manofactur-.Dg fin are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic. plants, by a method knoiva to the California Fib Strut Co. ociv. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tbe fall name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. LOPTSVXIXX, KT. WB"W TO C W. T. Foe sale by all Oragguta. Price 5fc per bottle. SPECIAL SALE of- In order to make room for nearly a Car load ol Pianos I On the way We will make special prices on our machines (-Qf tne ne.XI iWentV UaVS. I Machines that sell in other towns for $60.00 we will offer for $36.50; "Drop bead" machine for VSZ 50. These machines are the huhest grade on the market, comprising. The n odd s standard and light running NEW HOME, The old reliabio DOMESTIC and other machines. Now la th time to get the biggest bar gain ever ottered in Albany. Every machine we sell is Jolly warranted The New Home Uyacfjne is acknowledged by all impartial sewing machine men to be the best family ma. chire on the market for over ten years. I H yon need a machine no w is your op portunity to buy casap at EU Will's Music Store. m lis Sewing : ana tobacco cotnmunitatioo. from kere each y eat. !a5aiv&3e. Sam pis bottls tr?" vu vsua vuwav i vwa wiia saw vmsa .. i