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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1898)
OPINION OF EDITORS. . I on the election ol both Roosevelt and Pointed Sayings of Thinking Men. v.n Wyes. Some ot them go so far as I to give tbe exact figures, rre-election From the Kogene Guard . This world hat not progressed to that stage when the lion and the lamb can He down together without the lamb be ing inside the lion. A Peace Jabilee is In progress at Philadelphia, and while columns of newspaper reports are devot ed to our war troubles with Spain, and the dash between France and England, a few inches of space sutQree to tell what the peace delegates are saying and doing . Nearly 1900 year hare passed since the Star oi Bethlehem btouulit 'Seace on earth, good will to men," yet never before have such warlike preparations been in urogress, and such death deal ing implement of war been devised and put in operation. It eeems that the ra tions can have peace only by fighting (or it From the La Grande Chronicle. A true republic resting for its anther ity to govern upon the consent ol the governed cannot rule vassal people nor Indulge in the glory of toreign dominion. If the Philippines are not fit for self government, we do not want them in our system. It they are, let them set up for themselves. Our safety is in remain ing as we are the United States of Am ericaand that only in minding our own business and letting others work out their salvation in their ow a way. From the Salem Journal. The Uregonian is having one spell after another because as it says, Gover nor Tanner, of Illinois is violating the constitution. Strange be looks to die tant lands to UnJ such small errors. Right here in Oregon only fifty miles from Portland, legislators fairly tall over one another to get to vote for laws that are unconstitutional . Even a man who recently took official oath to support that same constitution, and was elected to the highest office the people of Oregon bad to give away descended from a high seat to cbarrpion the passage of sccb a law. It looks like the unconstitutional acta of some people and the silver planks in many etate platforms will yet cause it to do something desperate : From the Ptndlelon E. O. There ia talk ol the etate granting a bounty of f 1 a ton to sugar beet growers, Probably if this is done the grower will receive one dollar lees a ton for his beets the benefit ot the bounty going to those who make the sugar. The bounty sys tem is a dangerooa one. If the bwet ea ger industry can be established with bounty it can be ettablisbed without one. Paternalism never did anything for industry and enterprise. Specula tion and manupilalion invariably receive its favors. Paternalism has the voice of Jacob bat tbe hand Eau. It takes from tne many lo jtive to tbe low. it nses government as an implement to rewar those who ars least eutitlvd to tbe fruits of labor. From the Pendlttou E. O. Six car loads of cigarettes have been hipped to Manila. Tbe 'cigaret'e babit a not a befammoniiion io nee atiaint-t the Philippine islanders who persist in tanning things to suit themselves. From the Jacksonville Tiojts It is a good sign that tbe mannfactnier are dircarsing tbe Nicarmagua can at pro ject; because tbe mors thoroughly that undertaking is understood the mote friends it will bave. Tbe results of tbe war witb Spain and tbe acquisition of Hawap renders sncb a waterway absol utely indispensable. From tbe Roeeburg Review. Tuts decision of the highest tribunal of the land settles fsrever the constitution' auiry oi tbe Uregon morgage tax law, re pealed four years ago, a point that waa aver raised by tbe opponent of tbe law This law waa one of the best ever placed upon tba statute book of the state and ii ebonld be re-ecacted. Iu no other way can tbe foreign loan companies doing business here, and enjoying the protec tion of our laws, be teached and justly taxed. It was through the iofiaenceof these monied concerns tbst the law waa repealed by the legislature. From tbe Statesman If there could be some way to seperate (Le people with wheels in their beads on wheels from tbe careful and consider ate bicyclists, and make the former take the middle of the road or send teem to the insane asylum for insane and wheel beaded ; then tbe latter might be given the free nse of tbe side walks. But we ness tbe innocent will havo to suffer with tbe guilty, and all wheels be sent to the middle of tbe streets.whetber mount ed by careful people or tho.-e whose up jM-r bertns are not ma Je op right and idUil and lunatics of tl.e various kinds, sues, sexes, colors and previous condi tions. Curious Facts. Bicycles are now largely used in p'ace cf horses on cattle rancher. Tbe average of wrecks in the Baltic sea ia one every day throughout the year Kipling was given bis bis odd Christ ian name because it was that of tbe Eng lish village where hia father first met bis mother, Mary McDonald. The bapa bird of India has the durioos babit of fastening to its pest with moistclay. On a dark night such a nest taight be taken for an lettric street lamp. Greek and Rjinan doors invariable opto outwai; a person posning out Dt the hou?- WdS tfaxrelom obliged to knock on lte door before upiaiog it, to avid a collision w I'll a passer by. Lake Mora', in Switzerland has the curious propeity of turning red every n years, owing to tbe presence of cer iCmmi i(jnanic jj!ku' which ar- o mihi. ii 'i! an 'otbr lal-e ia the wo-M X. r( a b- lrd i ha iors t lie ot , i,or ,. -n O . u ii n. v.a-ifc ' net acount'y .aiher, aud the tatlier of uiotber was JNew cwhI beaver. 1 he Spring Valley waUsrwurks, a cor VT4' lou supplying tbe city of 8aa Frau isco tvitb water, recently executed a wortiiace in favor of tbe Un ).. Trust Co. s eecurrtt fors loan of H,OJO,000. The tnnr gxge deed carries a little more than worth o revecue sttrrps Bkvas's fgaD Ktore. E. L. Bryan has locatd in the 11 ill block were be will deal in flour, hay, feed, pptatoes, mill stuff, oilcake and grass an4 garden seeds. He will treat everybody airl Try dim. We buy, se"l and store grain, We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat, Patent and term, flours, The Majnolla Mil a. . Your grocer kesps it. The Magnolia Flour. In New York state the papers figure J figures are great liars. 110 new members were recently ad mitted into the. grange at Corvallia in one day, which is said to brake the re- com id txe united States, The grange is evidently on a solid basis in our sister county . One good thing about the big fall elec tiun even if in an off year is that the people heai so O'ueb about prosperity that a good many people beam to think that they are proBpen-ns whether they are or not. Tui Is nothing like keep ing nponv'i. spirits. Oregon Is now the greatest wool pro ducing stale in the anion. Our output this year will be the largest. This is something to be proud of as a state. The industry is one that puts in circu lation a large amount of money, and will mean prosperity with only fair prices for those ensaced in the business. As the sessions of the peace commis sion ars private it is a good idea not to believe very much you bear that comes from the commission. The big yellow journals in order to get ahead ot their contemporaries do- some tail guessing. and that is ail it amounts to. Anybody can guess. A person asked to join a cburrh by a certain man said it was in her mind to tell him be bad tetter pay his debts betore he asked people to join churches. It is a fact that the masses have little faith in tbe Christianity cf the people who are not cartful to pay their current debts. Cnristian oeoDle ehould be exemplary ia sncb matters- The elections through tbe east neat rueeday will be watched with great in tereet. Through tbe east tbe tight is about as hard a one as daring the presK dential year on account of the et'aggte over the aecurica of a uiai-iritv in the lower bouse of congress. Now republ: can, tbe prospects are jery good (or this being changed so that the renate will be republican and the liwer bouae democratic. The sooner tbe peace commission gels through tne better it wid be !or tl e country. A large number of soldiers ho eolis'td for two years tr da ing the ar would like to get home. It Uocle Ssm actually needs fighters be can get all be wisbes just as leng as !e desires Ibtm. Tbe blood that runs in the veins of Americans is patriotic, bat when they have done their work they leel as it they would like to return to their dutiee,exieit oommisaion officers drawing f it aal eries, who would like to bave the whole army become a permanent thing. Perhaps the most amusing instance of tba ludicrous effects of wrong punctua tion is afforded ia the follow it g descrip tion of the jubilee proceasioa which ap peared in an eat Angl.c weekly parer: "Next came Lord Roberts rid'og. On a gray Arab steed wearing a scarlet aal form covered with meda.s and hia bead, a field marshal's bat witbp!uaies iu bis band, the baron of a fild marshai on hia rigid features, a smile of pleasure as he acknowledges tbe thundering cheers of tbe erowd.'- Kansas City (Mo )onr nal. In some Chicago store windows. "Every dollars equal to two in the wear you'll get." Your exact fit you'll find it here. Not the lowest priced clothes that would mean the poorest qualities but the best values, and money back if not satisfied. At this price yon can afford to lay in a big 'apply. Tbe shirt that is woth evr cert of a dollar. Tbe shirt that all Chicago is talking a bout. The gold staosrd repahliean N Y. Sua says: It was notable that the most en tbusiastic cheers at the Tammany ratific ation meeting on Tuesday nigM were provoked by a chance mention of the name of Bryan by former Go ernor Campbell, of Ohio. Tbey lasted for nearly two mtnntes.overwbelming every thing t lee, and were succeeded by a rail tor"three cheers for our next president to which the respond was likewise gen ertl and boitrons. Very few are aware of the origin of the word "deadhead, "which is so frequently nsed in connection witb theatrical rep resentations. It I as follows: Many years ago the principal avenue of a town passed close 10 tbe entrance of & road leading to tbe cemetery. As the cemet ery bad been laid ont some time prey ions to ths construction of the road, it was arraoged that all funeral processions should be allowed to pass along the lat ter free of toll. On day, as a well known physician who was driving along this road stopped to pay his toll, lie observed to the keeper ."Considering the benevol ent character of oar profession, I think you ought to let us pass free of charge." "," raid'.be gatekeeper,"we can't afford that; you seed too many d .-adhrads thronn ss it is." The story traveed around th country, and tbe word "deadhead"as evenUiaMy applied to those who obtained free adadseioa O the theater. Exchange. The most righteous decision the su preme court ha re ud red is toat agaiott tbe great ra lioad trust., ft was very timely, as the great trust actapus bad a tout gotten the government under con trol until tLi" had almost become a gov ernnientby trust, Competifon Is the line of trade, and whenever it ia throi ld trade is like aa engine wi'hout a txul r. This decision will make tbe other trusts tiemble in their boot-, for .' tioiifc ti-neral UrigK t.&s the sand nf .-v.Mt a Si- Jersev inoequito. he will wv ttiat ihe law is oW-rved and that the iiiuiist ous truntu t. tne country that have beu rohhtng Uie jieoi'In for years are dissolved aad irade ajyowed to pro ceed in its uaiura1 bannele and the Deo-I'l-get the benefit of competition in tiii ) age of rastle. The field is a big one for at this time t bet a ars one hundred and fifty ia trus s in the United States with a cnoub h-.i capital of aver two billion and a quai4erdillrs, ranging np to $160 ,000 Aw and covering jdl dijda of industry, such aoal, baibed air", bis cuits, bolts, loiters, bran-, broom, buc)t wheat, button, cartrida-, gare(', eel luloid, rondensd lultk, crockery, uaU lery, dressed beef, envelope, flour, fijr, glove, gossamer rubier, harrow, harvest er, ftfjn and steel, lead, leather, lime, linseed aH, .locomotive, lumber, marble, maicti, oatmeaU, paint, paper hag, paper, pork, powder, rubber, Standard Oil, starch, steel, sugar, tobacco, trunk, type, wall paper, window glass, wire, etc,' Washington Letttr. (From Ouo Regul rGormpomlant.) Washington Oct.24lh,1898. The republican hoses are hot after tbe republican ollice holders in Wash ington, both voters and non-voters. Tbe voters were all given to understand that it they do not go home and vote they will be blacklisted, and to remove their last excuse, the republican con gressional committee ie cffei ing to tar nish them with transportation when they say they are unable to pay it for themselves. But this transportation is not to be a gift l''v ry voter who avails himself of the committee's is told that he must make a voluntary contri button, within a given time to the com mittee, of an amount equal to the coat of his railroad ticket, or take the conse quences. Uos Quay's roan Is reading Utters to Waehiugtou to bulldoze tbe Pennsylvanian office holders into not only going home to vote but contribut ing $13 esch to the campaign fund. In this letter asking for the money he says, ''unless a vigorous and aggressive cam paign is waged, we may lose throe or four districts " Unless the reports made to ea-representati ?e Kerr, secre taiy ol the democratic congressional campaign committee, are wrooii, ih t Dablicaoa will lose those conerei n,l districts in Pennsylvania, regardless ol what sort of a campaign thy wage, ami they stand to lose many districts iu other states as wall. Youug "Jim" Blaine, who by the grace of pull holds a captain's commission in the volunteer eervlce, has gall if be has nothing else, the whole country knows that be was ordered home from Manila, whither be went as a staff officer.becauee he wa fonder cf intoxicants than of duty, and the opinion has been f ran sly expressed by officers that be ought to be eonrt martialed and dishonorably di missed from the army in the interest of j discipline. That bring the situation, it was thought thatfavw - - of the rank est kind was shown ui the war de partment ordered tnat Capt. Jamee G .... , otaioB anouiu w noborauiy uiBcuar because there was "no further need for I his service," and thafJim' would jump at the chance of being let down so easily. Not be. As soon as be arrived in Wash ington, be succeeded in having tbe order of the war department held no until he i-nnl.t mmmi Mr Slctw inlew anil t.w In liav it manvB ra reir. u e mm j m a ..-v.... ..1:"""".:. T.l. ".lippioe debt aahaa been sint for the whether Mr McKinlev wiil consent to bis remainina in tbe army. Col. Ike Hill, a ho. long connection with tbe bouse baa made his judgment . . . , M aood on congressional politic, said ' w'e bave gut the republicans sure, . -i nubniDK suor. ui m uitractv l u eave them. Wby, I believe we will gain four conyreesmen oo state." light in tbe presiderfs Col. ll,..ay.,h.t Gen. (irokvenor's recent ofi r to m rmvt 510 000 toat tbe democrats would not gain aj congressional a.sirict in Ohio was only a bluff, and that be wdl gladly under take to make Gen. Grosveoor a present of $1030, it be will put up the money to bark bis offer. Mr. McKinley knows the correct thing when he tees it, svm if he doesn't always do it. Ho is said U bave done some very rigorous kicking about tbe astern political tour that BosaQnona has arrauged for bim, beg-nn;ng witb his appearance at the Philadelphia Peace Jubilee ceremonies and extending to New York Citj and pj-s.bly Boston. It is creditable to Mr. McKioley that be sbonld have kicked at being used for ! such a purpose, but the credit be will ! will droo to zero 1! da mikH idi I . I tnp iier au, aod u is ibe noirstftnoiDK ' i a nasi.ins7 .nn irtftL lit win ik win that tie will stow that he dare not refuse lo do what rianna directs him to do, even wben be knows it is net rut.t From the Kansas City Star. A valuable bint is offered to tbe Chicago- Virden Coal Company by tbe people of Waco, Tex. Eveo mitarmra, who went Loji Wichita to Waco to fill tha pUres ol toe triking moiormen, were fi led wi'.b good thiegbv the citizens of Waco, were giv-a money to pay their fare back to Wic ji'a, and were so touch ed by tl.e gatierotts treatment they re ceived that they left tbe next day after her arrived. All 'he trcoble and blood shed at Virden might have been averted it the strikers there bad led t'ie Alabama negroes on chicken and catfish and win ter watermelons and paid ibeir fare back to Btngbampton. From tba Kansas City Timer. Tbe recommendation of tbe War Dep artment tnat tbe United btst-ct spend a few million of dollars in rsilsay construe tion in Cuba to provide ths island with transportation lor military purposes does not look like Caba for Cubans, Sec retary Aider's plan Icoxs too much like a acbeme tospod money for political ad vantages No duuht a few millions of Government money ronM be made to do the Admioere'ratirn eabstantial service by turning over the coo f traction of tbe roads to tbe ermy contractors. A Wild and Wooly Town. Froat the La Graude Chronicle: Jesse Mil'er, a cowtioy from the Star key vicinity, cam- to La Grande Sunday ia search of adventure. He found it. Riding a gaiif caparisoned steed, dressed in the latest co 'oy style, leather leg gins wi'b loi'g flings and wide slezican sombrero, he attracted the antetion ot a citizen in the suburbs who was trying io drive a refractory cow home. Millar volunteered to help and commenced lo shoot his revolver at the row. After fir ing a few volleys, he lassoed the cow and lied the other end of t ie lariat to his saddle. His hree then kicked both rider and saddle ft and ran away. Mil ler i ext proceeded tire a few volleys at his fheing horse, but uas eventually ar rested by the ciry marshal and kept in copfinemenl until this morning. Gilletif'epper biox B'uing at . Ilil f(l Lb S Call and see ourTriloy air tight stotes, hxawaBT.A box, iiaanwaBk Co. If )c want a good and clesi nyktf huy tiara uJo by our Al hany vitar mtU'i vr Prii'eof .tary Soap, weighs 20 ounces, and if tiiyfi grade, for sale by C. E. Hbowmxi.i.. HORN. HOGL'JE.T-.On Nov l.toMr. and Mrg, (J.C. Hogi'ie, g,irt!, All doing well. MARK I El. MEDIN PALMER. On Saturday evening, October 28, at the. home of the Vride'i parents, Hon. and Mrs. H. M. l'ahner, .oI'Kiverpide, near this city, Lv Itev. Hi Li Reed. Mr. Charles Medin, .chief engineer of the Albany J Fire Department, and MLss Neva Pal-j luer, an acconiplixtied popular young lady. The wedding was private relatives and a few intimate fricnda being present, and was conducted in a very nice manner. Mr. and Mrs. M din are a worthy young couple who will have the best wishes of many friends. MISFITS. The Albany Democrat without Us col umn ot uiiolit items ia not the Democrat. journal. An omission of the misfits always causes a kick from some quarter. The drop in the price of sugar of halt cent is due to tbe fight that has been heonn aeainst the trust by the Arbucg- leu, who will not do the business in any half way. Tbsy are in lor a nmsit tight, and cannot be bought off. No wheat at all has been loaded at Astoria for foreign ports, an exchange declares, and yet on paper Astoria is a irrenl wub maracw iiov vol.. " m it - I . . I. K ... ..... U71U . ever be, with Portland in the way. One of the schools in Portland has been named after D. P. Thompson. An honor worth having and deserveJ by Mr Thompson, for he hs been the friend of the rortland schools. The Salem Journal is now very decid edly ahead on its fight with its stock holders of another party. It seems to be a political affair. As such the union party is very much on top. A great come down 'a reported in Sa lem. Attorney general Id'eman recent ly got down so low as to try a case in justice court, a state fair case. Think of ti.Hi kind of conduct on the part ot the attorney general of the state of Oregon. Judge Hauiiltou permits no foolishness in his court, and along that line he is go ing to save the taxpayers of Lane coun ty several hundred dollars. He sits down hard n ibe attorneys, but even they ad mit that te is right in the decisions. Judge Hamilton is meeting with the ap proval ol tbe people, on the bench. He baa tire in bis eve and what he says must go Kngene Register. Judge Hamilton was the union candidate and the Kegis tet opposed bis lection A strong legal firm in Salem that is rising into prominence is that of Brown, W'rightmac and Myers, consisting of an attorney of ten years practice, fo-merly ot Uillaboro, the receut sheriff ot Marion county, ard the former state ten a tor of Linn coanty, wbotu a local paper boasts ii.!!,...!. .u kl..U il,.U.U r"l- -LTl attorney . thns having a prestige UWr tbe other lawyers. The Journal very pointedly asks if tbe state fair is a local enterprise to be sup ported by local subscriptions. If tbe1 fair succeeds tbe whole state most make ' I it a eucceas. and yet it car. not he a a c ' i. . - . , . "XL .J l provenn-nis an.l permanent Utu-rruenM ' '"h f TlU was also setorth that the United! ! poor way to build anything np i, noonaniaiit; aboit tbem. and t nrair av an liiisrs iniininv n r risw at 11 an . - .ii . , they get oidy a small support. i There are d.fferent way. ot becomiug - . ' noted Med. Mr. C E Sawver, editor ol the Pendleton Tribon. wa. in PorUand with! a carrl inHic.fin. that h. ... a r-Uliva cl ths, f.mon. Tom S.wver r..;t bv j Mark Train. Tu.t f , right, make every- ' ining count, it haa to be done in tbe w uono "" p 1 " . . X . .. i v aavssm. (awt isciit-si mjq j baa been in Salem winding up the affairs of tbe defunct railroad commission. As the affairs have been run down for some time we hope this is a mistake. Aa a matter of fact we are not certain that tbe commission had any affairs that amount ed to much.excjeut to the uumiaknera. . .... I here were a good maoy cbargea ol lo - cation of business booses in Albany last night if one were to judge by tba sign ii,!. a-atirl tmnnil ihii ffnitfninv that were acatterd around this morning. I.7auf.h':f Wh!f.v the ralaticoee. that Vtbltney A Newport had located in onog's warehouse, that Mr. Kiuthaid bad aone with hia teed and chicken baioe to K. L. Keoton'a grro- k. . na MK ta.u,v.An a- . ! wasj aa aw?lrFaav'9 fl HB" i pie. ad I'imoolii man oana a hpo- : 11a uifr on uis itodi nnrrn. mil m mn tionee red hot for L'ncls Bam. Hal owe eo is now over lor a year. Albany got ner snare, tour nigniattraignt. The November number ol Frank Lee- lie's Monthly contains a fine art'd. on tne oeveiopment oi loot oau in trie L n- ited States, giving a history ot the game Among the pictures shown is one of Wataoo ol Ya e, shoain the first canvas jacket, and a l.ot bsl p'ayer as he looie-i about twenty eara ago. at that time Wetaoo being captain of the Vale team. Tne oirture is of particular inter- est to the Mao about Town frtm tbe fact! that Bob Watson ia a cousin of tbe Dn ocaar man, itb whom be spent the spring and summer of 'To. Besides be ing captain of tbe loot ball eleven one yaarvHiiig Wa'eon was tbe citsmpion middle weight hoxer.snd catcher of ih college baeo ball nine. He is now in tha railroad business filling sn important position. An unfeeling exchange intimates that if Senator Driver's flag bill had passed it would bave been a big tbing fur the American Bunting trutt. The story is told that a mountain post master in Colorado wrote thus to the postmaster genera : snr j wjn to no tify you that on next wensdav thin ofiis will be abet aa i am gone a bare hunt. You kin fire me if vou see fit but i'll give you a pinter that i'm the oanly man in the nayborhood that can rede and rite. Tha Albany Dkmocbat, in announcing that Lawrence Helm bad embarked in lueoairy Business, got into a niix-np wuu au uuiiusr nouce and the result reads as follows: He called his relatives and friends to his bedside and bid them all goodbye and Lawrence Helm, who lelt Uorvaliis three years ago has recently emrjaraeu in the dairy business at Weatherford, Texas, urged them to meet htm in the better world and then peacefully passed away. Cor va Ilia limes. ' The Welcome: Mr. Oglo, of Clacka mas county, ia tbe one honest and con scientious man of the legislature elected in 1896. Having been tendered his mileage and per diem in full for 40 days, he refuses all but mileage and five days' pay, which he correctly says is all that indue him under the constitution. Thus he sacrifices about 10, but he retains a good many times $M0 worth of honesty and self-approbatiou. Mr. Ogle is rank ed as a populist, but whatever his poli tics he is the kind of a man tbe people auouiu ueuguL iu nonor. Some time ago Attorney Pipes filed a bill against the county for $750 for ser vices in the Landia-Jones cases. Our board of county commissioners told bim he had over-estimated the value of hia services, and the court said further that when the board received his receipt in full, he should receive $260; otherwise he must sue.- A few day since the re ceipt arrived, the warrant drawn and the matter settled. During the first work on the case Mr. Pipes was paid $ 200. and, with the last payment, received $460 for his services. It was amply sufficient, Toledo Leader. FINAL ACCCUfiTj Notice it heirov given that the under signed has tiled its bn?l Hccouot with the cierk of the County Coort ot Linn County Oreiron, in the matter of the ette of Hut ry Beauier. deceased, and the Court ha fixed the 6tb day of December, 1898. at th hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said dar as th time for hearing objections thereto, if any ' there be. Any and all persons bavins- rh- jections to aio acconiit will hie the same I with the Clerk of sttiU Court on or' hdh,r Sill uuin. . , ,, - . - Dated Octooer 18, 1898. LUTHBE WniTR, Executor of the lait fill end testament of Henrv Beamer, deceased. Kkllv & Uuhl, Attorneys for executor. TELEGRAPHIC. Peace Hatlses I Lonhon, Nov. 2. The Paris corres pondent ot the Daily Telegraph says : Thn (liaacrreoment between the Amer ican and Knanish race commissioners, which, under ordinary circumstances 1 might have causea warm. u7"k""M r.uropo, 18 naruiy nuuuw, w i aeuoua IIir. . I am assured, that a rupture on In- i , rr ' i day is improbable. Spain w ill endeavor ty arguments ana appeals, to ei wuai- ever concessions are possiuie, iiui bub will not risk a rcnemal of hostilities. Ms More Vellaw Fever bASTiACO, Nov. 1. General I-eonard governor of the military depart ment olSantiago, tho state ment that there baa not Deen a case oi yellow fever in Santiago city during the last 60 days, and that the ordinary sick ness durinir tlie same ou uas nan uwu 90 ner cent less than was usual at this season ot tne year, in view oi mo ici. that a irreat many people nave become frightened by nctitioustaics oi lever on Wood asks that hereafter all applicants i to the various societies lor aid be re-1 (erred to him. IH Be No War Losdon.Nov 1. William Hayes Fisher one cf the junior lords of the treasury, member of parliament for Fulbam aad a ministerial whip, speaking in London this evening, said he had Been diapatch ea which enabled him to assert that the French covernment had decided to re call the Marchand expedition from Fasliodo. I era liar Verdict Socth Besp. Wash.. Nov. 1. After be ins oat Ion than an hour, the jury in case of S F Lockwood, ex-county treasur er, charged with embexiling county funds, yesterday brought in a verdict of not guilty. A shortage of l&VK) waa clearly provwt, and the defendent could not lay the blame on any one else, but tbe verdict was a foregone conclusion. KaTtcmllra riaaed SkAT-rut, Nov. 1. Navigation on the Upper Yukon river between Dawson and ana tue lakes nas cioseu lor tne season, ion mil mo 1 1 1 ( i oi'n a ii.i. winter quarters. Thirty Klondikers who left Ihiwaon Oct 10, on the steamer Flora arrived today, la's Paalltoa Losttox, Nov. 2. The Berlin corres pondent of the Standard says : Kuwia haa declined to support France in the rsitnuua anair, icaring mat s reopeuiog of the Kfivotian oueation would inter - - . - " , a . jfere with her tremendous task in china. The rhlllpplar Paris, Oct 31. At a meeting of the I peace commission today the Americans presented a aril ten expression of the of .lh,L .l!,1":.10 e U'e "B"'up . n '"fT m,nX rt lhe . . I imippine ueix which nau icb incur - , ret bv pain for the furtherance of mil-1 i - , . . -. . ) i . i . - .kL". " H"K" -... JZZ . . , . Taw WrecM aa4 WasnnoTOK, Oct. 31. A cablejfram i receiveu rt uie navy uepartment u.w f -!f "ii"",., oLi . . V. . . i. and Iowa. The bat Ueehir will ston tt i lUhia for a few days. repientiiiin ibeir bunkers from tbe Abammda and . vimv, ieuu ' kiicti yt J Aius re they are to take part in the great demonstration on November 15. to ccuv : memorate tbe anniversary of the birth ! , , , of U.e republic of Brazil. j There m a good deal of gosh over tbe j sicwaawa ! cavy boys as well as soldiers wherever MasAOra. Oct 31. After four dars oflrK0 Tbe following is part of a letter i public dtscu-Hn, the Niraraa cooVrecs has anaomoosly approved of the arw i ! meet t rovisionally male between Pnesi- j ; dent Zeta va and the American tontraoj j tors and engineers, E F Cragin an 1 Ed. aithoriting tbe construction of aa ! l inlcroceanic canai and empowering the I I rrocraiocianes to neoiiate with tbe Maritim. cTnll j - ' 1 ; Uk j t Msoato. Oct 31. The Dfl'l tllalt tliC ? j ?pubh peace ramuiMonif. ftt rrj .1 - t aUM US at 1 .Ttlifcari tVUUI UIWTfVU era lor itie oiolat cesioa Ir tbe tn i un i niitDMM tfmtin nnmi f tt ctbi surprise in MiUnJ. TU foDgrt ) let-un? prevails mat the government i enouia protest energetically against what is regarded as a violation of the spirit of luc P"" r f Nov.TbTnaUv Maui this , i . . . i , morning pablishea no news regarding I Kngiatxi'a war t'rejiarations. explaining u, wience ia du to a letu r frwra Use wr asaing it not to puWwb "any i thin that would be useful to a passible enemy." The lailv Mail ronnrms tbe -fT'" uneiamplcd activity at the i rencl1 dockyards "ST rar sjaaiis Sas Faaxctsru, Oct. 51. Tbe trans port steamers i'ennsvlvania, I'oebla and Newort will prohal.'ir gvt away for Ma nila this week. The Pennsylvania will carry the Fifty first Iowa reviment. and will doubtless get away on Thursday. Heaaa s f. aa S aV at Naw York, Oct. ao.-Chaoney M De pew, having made a study of the decis ion by tbe supreme court on the Joint Trafllc Association cats, gives bia opin ion aa follows : "The derision of the su preme court of the LniUl Slates necewsi Utea the dissolution of the Joint Traffic Association, as at present constituted. Broadly stated, the decision means that there shall be no association among rail roads by which they will have any agreement in regard to rales.either the mainiaince of rates or the prevention of rate cutting, or discriminations against wuaa snippers in favor of etronir ones or against small localities and those along h.b unes in iavor ol tbe great teroiina cities." A S'ssBsalaatswee IU Paris, Oct. 30. 8enor Montero Rioa. president of tlie Spanish peace commis sion, is in, uiis causes some doubt this evening as to whether there will be a joint seesion of tbe commission tomor row. satiety la Madrid Ixisnos, Oct 80 The Madrid corres pondent of the Standard aaya : There is much anxiety in Madrid aa to the result of Monday's joint sitting of tuo peace commission, inasmuch aa Spain accepted the Cuban articles of the protocol only on condition of a mibee iue nt agreement being arrived at in tlie Philippine question, she will resist any infringement of her rights in tbe Philip pines without compensation. g Terr VI here Bat trsaa Lost this, Oct SO.-During a severe storm lost night a small area, a bo 'it half a mile s.iuare, around Denmark hill, Catuberwell, London, was visited by a cyclone. Cabs were overturned, windows doors, lamp-posts, trees and chimneys were blown down, and a number of bouses were unroofed. The contents of numerous hawkers' stalls were carried hundreds of yards iu uie air oy tue winu. A lairae Catch 8ah Fkakcikco, Oct 30. The steamer Portland arrived here today from St, Michaels, bringing news of the arctic whaling fleet. Tbe catch up to October 10 was one of the largest on record, rep resenting in round numbers about II.- 000,000. Of the enormous catch, 123 k Whales were taken by the vessels of the Pacific ;steam Whaling Company, eight by veesela owned by itothblum St Co., a ud six by the William Bay Hot Company, Frsparlag far War London, Oct 30. There has been the greatest activity at Duvoupor, the site of the largest arsenal in Great Britain, and two of the linos t drvdocks in the world. The government is asseui tiling an emer gency squadron, which it is understood, win go wuiuraiter. The Trilby stove, ths Irfst in the mar ket, at Stewart A Sox Hardware Co's. Mchic M Ii iss Mildrca nurnieeter Jl IU. piano or oriran. ovate ui the t mason touyu and techniuup. Kesiuenca 'iftb street, opposite U P cbuich. Excellent Graham Wafers at 0. . Bhownsll's. Strlctlv business French the jeweler. Crescent Hicycle, Hopkins brothers, agent. Hewt Bicycle for tue uoi.ey Will ft Stark, jewelers. "Trilby" leads, others follow Stewart i Sox Hardware Cos. A doz. first class photos, best finitb. only ou cents at Miss lxng'a. Seed rye for sale. Call at the Albany N ursery or at the store of C. E. Brownell. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers tor only zu, f M, &i and VjO. C H Winn, cut ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the anti rut tinware at Uopkin Bioh, will lits.a UVtiuie. We have duelled to continne making tne ot vent photos. Long rnoto (Jo. For calcium carbide go to the office of Oregon Uas Light Heating & Power Co. A nne lot ol new cook stoves an. ranges at Stewart & Sox's. Prices chea. er than ever. Bring tbe babies and get a dos. of those cute little Diamond photos. only ou cents at hiss JUong's. JUon't buy an "Airtight" stove nnti you see the '"Hickorv" anJ "Trilby kept oy Stewart x box. "Trilby" the most popular beating stove on tne market at btewart & box Hardware Co's. The Long Photo Co. ia the leading gallery of Albany. Every photo roadel there is a gem of tr' Call and see fori yourselves Go to Verick's shaving and hair cut ting parlors tor first class work. Hot I i and cold baths. Clean towels to every customer. wben you want a choice s'eak, a nice I roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry JrOilen. lie keeps tbe beat. Dis. H. E. and U. K fkn offices aoc" residence to post office builiiitig. HpeciaJ I attention given to diseases ot women. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beet ' iv.. .'. market, jutt djwn Second , and prompt aUad ion. Sootnina, balieg. c'tantin?, l Witt's Witch Hum) Smite is the implacable ene my of sores, barns and wounds. It never fat's to cure Piles, You may rely upou it. j. a. uummtng, ageau Coast! patios prevents tbe bidy from rid ing itself cf waste matt, r. De Witt's Lit-j tie fcarly Risers will remove tbe trouble) 1 n '" L. . eauva "".a iiraiiSK.urj, Utlloatoe, Ir- act re Lirar and clear the coajplei'"' hmail, suev coated, don't gripe or c tutossa. J . A. Comifiiag, agent. How's rhis? We offer One Hundred I ilUrs Re ward for aay case of Caiarru tiiat can not be cured tv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.CliE.NEY ACo.,Proi rope., edo, O. lolexlo, ki v. j rw ZTSLXLYli We, tbe nnderstcmed, bave knowh F. years, and be- ij. lieve him perfectly honorable ia all basi- ! - " . . J . T . dm tnnjtartiflnr and tinancLiiir a rile to c. out any obTiiionade U newt transactions, ana nnenaauy aoie j their firm. Wawr A Taxai, Wholesale DmsSlf, Toledo O , Wauwso, Krjtjr A Miivw, Wbole- j " wi,?.!f ' i " viu vmc auioi iumu.r 1. d Ml. i. rA mnA . tuueous eurtaoe'of Use system. Price j 75c rr bottle. Wi by ail Druggist. X tfvvl UJUD UH $ irw. ; Hail's family fills am best. from L. V. Hisb, in the re.iving hoa- pjui ml JC,W York, to bis parents in Aab- u i ; ,.:,,. , . . There is a lady and her daughter that f me 10 nM! once in a while and bring Crl,l se edablea. They live in Brooklyn. I go up to see them once in while. Tbe voun'g Udy is tbe bveUeet player on tu tano I ever heard. I al- must imagine I am in a dream wben she attlat Ar.m n k( fl,a iann 1 sawiH w-swaal J v xoti a descripiion ol how she fookft. . . .... . I tDOUQ 911 DAS CX.l ft stC K TsSaf stOd b&tT I m nix grmoWal form. When hex i it., x - . ( diaiuonJ ihrowin ooi rariof Or. ue a!o wears sparklers ia her ears which become her immensely. Her fa- , tUer U a toUcoobn and ia always very Kind to me. I bave taken dinner witb them lour times now and have just re ceived an invitation to come over again Wednesday. Now, dear sister, don't think I am love-eick or in love after bave riven you each an account ot beautiful girl. he iTonght me Una pa per inai i am writing on. IguessUiisu wby 1 am writing so much. 1 bad a de licious supper this evening. I won bother ji'U telling what it was, bat finished off with mustard pie and cheese witti cream puns. K3TIC CftfPCmHEKT Notice i hereby given that by order o tbe court of Linn coaoty. Or., du'y made aad entered of record, the acaersia-oed has been duly appointee administrator of the estate ot blixabet b Aadtrsoa, deceased All pei-sc n havire; claims anlost said es tate are hereby a 3 itaed and required to pre sent tbe same witb tbe proper root bera, to the undersigned, wilt-in months from the date hereof, at Aibr.y, Or. J. W. NUKKso3t, Adtn'r WEVTHKRe-oRO a WtaTT. Attorneys for AdminUtrator. T OK SALE. A larm of 50 acres, level I land, a I under fence. 30 acres :.n cultivation. 1 acre orchard, good barn. fair box-boa., gord wattr; .S mile from Waterloo, 2 miles from Sodaville, 5 miles from Lebanon, Lion coaoty. Ore., oa coaoty road. II bought soon fSJO wil ny it. David Rica, prop. CITATION fatnaCot'NTy CoraT or thb Statk or Uksoox, roa Lisa Countt la tbe matter of the estate of Robert Johns, deceased. lo Tboaat Johns, Francis Johns, Wil ham Johns, ths eliildr-n of Martha Beck Is deceased, the children of Mary Madiford be children of Thomas Johns, deceased and bechildieo of Richard Johns, deceased, n l all others known aad uoknown interest d in said estate, greeting: N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in tae County Court of the State ot Oregon, (or tbe County of Linn, at tbe court room thereof, at Albany, la said county, on Saturday the.Sth day of Novem ber. 1SJ3. at 10 o clock ia tbe forenoon of that day, then and thereto show cause, if any exist, why an order of litis court should not issue directing ine sale ot toe following described real property belonging to said estate, lowit: tea-inning at a point 41.10 chains East and 73 links Noitb of the Southwest corner ot tbe donation and claim of Geo. Cline and wife. Notification No. 1612 aad claim No. 84, in Township 11, South of Range i nest ot tbe w tllaniette Meridian, Ore iron, and running tbenre North 35 deirrees. 30 minutes Kant 19.66 chains; thence North 67 de rees and 30 minutes East 9.20 chains; thence North 51 degree and 16 minute bast 23 chains; thnce West 53.60 chains to the center of tbe main channel of Calipooia creek) tbnoe op said cteek fol lowing tbe meanders thereof to a point due North of the place of beKinning: thence South 32.14 chains to the place ot begin ning, containing 60.28 acres, saving anc1 excepting one half acre heretofore deeded tou. tl llaiuht. lying on tne lalipooia creek, and also excepting therefrom 6 acres heretofore deeded to H. F. and Mark Hulhurti atid also 3. 40 acres hereto fore deeded to Elisa 8. Starbuck.said above described property be onuiug to said estate. containing 61.38 acres lying and being in Lino County, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. Geo. D Barton, Jodge of the Ccunty Court of tbe State of Oregon, th 8.) for the county ot Linn, with 1 t ne Sea! of said Court affJ xed, this 6th day of September, A. D..1B98. . Attest: f ' Frank Crabtbs, Clerk, By F. M. Rkdfibld, Deputy. Palmistry or Astrology of bands Uught.'.n p stairs, st H2-2nd street until Nov 5th. Private hta?d readings 26 cents. DOING GREAT WORK. Use of Paine's Celery Compound the Philadelphia!! W, C. A. Tbe masmifieent building at tbe eornsrfwhat ia worse, overworry.bave been re ef Eighteenth and Arch streets, FUila- stored to perfect health by Paine 'a celery deJpcta.ia a monument that tells what a .com pound, that its record in tba Pbibv g rest charity m tne Woman's Christian delpbia home baa been duplicated in Association of the Quaker City. every large city ia U?e anion. Grateful Tbe saperioteo dent of tbe W. C. A. testimonials of ibis character have been home la tbe accomplished wajiui whose published time and again ia thee cot portrait ia printed here, Mies (Catherine ami, and it is a fatt that no other reoa Kenoedv. What she baa done and what jedy baa received a bondretb of the bear she ia do. eg for tba benefit of other wo- jty blessings laat tba managers of public men commands tba htghatt respect and admiration. In all other institutions of this kind mora alteau m is gtyen every year to poaad, in tbe most lntelngejat, careloi teaching tbe la wa of health and right llv-jbomee, and among tbe most tbooghtfol ing, physics lly as well as moral) y. Tba portions ot every community, haa grown health ot communities ia mora and more up by just tfcts sort of personal gnaran frequently a subject ot attention from j lee, by word of mooth, fmm persans cletgymaa sod teachers. An ailingnermade strong and well to others needing vons man or womsa finds it mora difS-exatly tbe kind ot iuvigoration and tuo- calllo be bopelui and cbeerlul and ood thus well one. Writing o tba Wells A Ricbardaonj In time of great mental strain, wben rvimna&v. wha am iha fwnnrieLors of the other remedies oolv medd'e aad muddle. most wonderful of all remediee for the'faine's celery compound feeds the hard- cure of all diseases Usatanfs from tne impairment of tha aervooa system, Paioe's celery compoatii,MiM Keaosdy, in the coarse of her teller . reternng lo tba use of Paine'a celery compound among tba members of tba W. C. A., ears tnat "tbosw who bave been taking It feel greatly benefitted, and desire to eon- tiane tba nas of it. N many women tua down in nealtn by ovar work, or "THE Cbildrens Rubber?, .2": yer pair. Misses I adies Mens P. S. Shotsnd Undersar'and liosery. For bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. ( fMu Silver plate Oat wean." Tie ' trade mark 184.7 Rogers Bros." oa spoons, forks, etc., is a guar antee of quality the world over, TJ prefix 1847 insures the gea uine Rogers quality. Wh en you hearreoDlo talk ing about fine gaharies, etc. remember that has the larcest Jens in town, and consequently can make pictures of btbies quicker than any other gallery. Also his west light will permit la ter work of evenirps than any otner place. A great many other advantaeea which you must try n order real ize. The Big, Popular Gallery, First Street Albany K. O. T. M. every Saturday eveninfi at X. O. T. hail. Vtsttinir Nntebta inviled. W. A. Ooi, Commander. C"MRL WANTED. To assist in een Teral housework, one who can aleen at home preferred. Apply at the college boarding club 5th and Broadalbin. J VR RENT. 11 o se until March' 1st for only $10. Call on U W Harris. Combination Barber Shop, lean shavinghaircutting, or aham- poo. Kice clean porcelain Daws. vaear navaua cigars. institutions have openly accorded to fame a celery compound . Tne widespread use ol Paine a mg up that Paine'a ce'.ery compound gives. -pressed nerves f Pine:s celery com poond puiSea tbe blood of all bad humors, and cores tbe many ailments ;rom toiaiamuar casaa j A wast proportion of all diseases are preventable Paioe's celery compound u universally prescribed by medical men to atop tbe order of progress of disorders. -doe to poor Hood and t-ealy noaruited nerves. I FAIR." .3Ce " .S5c " .50c - J. A. Weaver. AT 1SILL & ST UK'S. Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks, Rings and many Novelties Wholesale ft Retail DHUGBISTo AND B35E51USL sXBaKV, ORSGOK Pare Dross and tbe finest and La-tea Stock of Stationary and Books In the Market. LA DI KRojarTeiTcleai theccn pleura . it acts on the blood, stomscb ivt and kidneys and its a ttreoitttenins tonic tbrUie wlilo system. ..Majfaolia Eloaaotns cures all kinds of dica3se pecul .ar to -voman. K Bruckmaa. General agea FOUND. A pair of spectacles, near the Combination Barber Shop. Call for tbem at the Democrat office. EXECUTRIX KOTICE Notice i hereby siven that ths nnder ligoed has been doty arpointed executrix oi the estate of Matthiaa L. latton. de raw, -j w w-imj vourt oi una voon ty, Oregon. All persona having claim against saia estate are Hereby notia-d and required to preeeut the same to me with the proper vouchers at tbe law office of VV. K. Bilyeu, in Alhaay, Orenon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 21st day of tietober. 1S9S. Emh.t Pattos. TREASURER'S NOUCE KO 4 Notice is hereby given that funds ais on hand tc pay city warrants Kos 504 to Inclusive ol the issue of 1S8T. tn tereet on said warrants wiil cease with the date ot thia notice. Albany Or. Oct 31 ,1898. K. A. P asm. Treatrust jsss .--. H . . aaaa '"Miiimii fii in uss- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TEAMS OR 5105EY WANTED I , , jve good oat and wheat atraw, P1. ? tbe city, for tale, wheat at 3.00 and oats at $4.00 per ton. Farther, if any teamster will do me good plowing for biled straw I will allows tbem $1.25 par acre. Alvix J. Cahotbem. Notice. Whereas ,my wife, Francis E. Hind man, left me without just cause, do not trust her on my account, as 1 will not be responsible for any debts she may con tract after tnia date. i. M. W. Hi.TbKA. ANTED. To rent 150 or 200 acres v of pasture Pfeiffer, AlUny. land. Address F. Ii. CASH PAID. For poultry of all kinds at the old stand at Bhedd. F. G. Powkb. BOARDERS. Several more at Mr . A. Parkers wanted. FOB SALE. 40 acres of railroad land 6 miles from Scio, partly cultivated. Price for contract, $100. 'i he new and slu:;u hand store W. L. Bi-oustsin. Proprietor. DEALER in all kinds of new and sec ond band goods, furniture, stoves, Un- and hardware, etc Goods booebt. sold, exchanged. Highest cash price far bides. pelts and furs. All kinds ot juna Dougnt. rarnan iock,dxi to tseam a. HFERT BIC1CU MA1IH5 4ND I HORSE SHOEING. Second t-treet between Ferry and Broadalbin Street. MILLER A STEW ARr. Prof. A. STARK Of v ttt v fcutta. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago O-thabni OoHege. Ia prepared to eszjnwe seieati&cai and aocorately, by tbe latest aad impro! sjetbod of motiera science, any who dt tire to bare utaz eyes uxaeu. Cuaica Uiock ALvaaT.uaaso. HONG WAH TOXG CO., Second St sear Lyon street. Albany, oeiis jtit neee medicine, Chinee rice. Chinese tea and nit oil. flonev to Loan. We bave a block of $40,000 to loan oa, good farms ia Ltna aad adjoining count ies. II yaw have good security and perteel title, we caa faniuh yon the coin wilaoaf. ieiay, aa we maae oar own eia-jatosio4 "ecority. Call or as or write S. N. 5rssiaa- v Albany, Orageai H. F. nerrill lnsuraace aad Coilectioa Agent Koce) to loan, warrants bought OSce ia the DaxocaAT boildiar- LINN CO- ABSTRACT CGMPANi OScea, BaaK of Oregon ttaildtaa. On'y set of Abstracts of Lisa Ccaary . Complete set of maps aad p-ats ABHIKISTRATGS-S KOTICE To all persmts interested in the estate cf W iliiam kinder. dceaed: All persons in teres td ia tbe estate of William Kinder, ecaased, are hereby ao tiSed that tbe ondtrsigaed elevator of said estate has filed tia ftsal aecocat ttiereia ia the Cooaty Court of Lien county, Oregoa, aad that said cocrt ba set Monday the 5th day of December, 1SSS, at, the bear oil o'clock p. q., of said day, aa tke. tine of bearing aad settiinc all obecieaw to said accooDt. therefore ail persona interest ed ban air otjectioa to said afcovat are here by notified aad req-wed to ie tbe same in said cocrt va i betore said above men tioned date. Dated U.U Sskday of O-c-ber. W. B. KtSDUL. Ex ecu toe of said evute. GOOD INSURANCE OB HONE. If yon srant nothing for voor money ret Belief," but it yon ant "EeMls mm? have your property Lasnred by tba lead ins; agent of Albany, in companies that bave bea in business for years, and that nave money to bark their obligations. Yon cannot get a cood article of say kind for nothing, and when too want in surance get "Insuraiice" and not "Re lief." M. SENDERS. "Insurance, Hay, Grain aad Wool h Julius WW Gradwohl 3 s Dealer in - g Hardware, Crockery, tilass- y ware, Groceries and a.1 (roods T kept is country stores. a kept is country stores. : WILL 2 SELL GOODS jf FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. 3 Country produce and eggs taken in exebaaga for gooous. giiuuiiumcimuiiu Junius OliYer Plows se? Mca j:0iS.-l: 3R0., Ageats, aJjfcuy, Oregoa viiver gav toe wosHI tne chilled plow And Una saveu oiorw a.MBy to the laruier of America than any other iair,leuienl ever proaucea Uenuine Oliver chilled are tbe best ea earth. Tbe Oliver is a promoter of bappi ness on tbe farm, and the dealer who sella it knows fce is handling tbe best. Look out f'jr imm'tationa and touch nothing bo the aenuine goods, made caly fce' Oliys Chilled plow works. South Beed.1i d t & A. STREET RAILWAY KOTICE. The motor on tbe Albany Street Railwai will connect prompty with all trains to ar" trom tne aepot, aay and nigbt.; Special trips wilt be made at sped rates. R. Moorx,, Conduct or.