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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
a n hi : H.B 1 lx tU l. 'sr 1 MTsxm in in in iii 11 iii i S4 mi ui hi ii in itim ii r m ik u 11 n m it! 1, I J l. I. Ui ILL I JJU U ill lil Ii! VOL XXXIV Catered at the Peat at Ukaij. r. as len-tlua Hall Hatter i ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDA, OCTOBER 28.1893 W r JUTTISC ialWfcer rrFrtrr NO 12 O O C) O O CI O O O C) C) O o ) O O o o CI o o o C) CI CI CI CI CI o CI ,o CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI :CI CI CI 'CI CI CI CI o CI CI CI CI CI CI O O CI CI O CI O o CI CI CI O CI CI CI CI The Pace Commhaon. In considering: terms of Peace, it is of vital im- 'CI pcttance to remember that the largest piece and I? the best piece of really good chewing tobacco 1 75m in the world is the I¢ piece of 0 jiajl CI CI CI CI ;CI CI II Any discussion of pieces or comparison f brands can only result in the award of every rhbn to r C I CI CI CI CI CI CI America and to Battle Ax. Try it to-day. Pemember Ge name. v wfeeo jen buy again. WWW W Viy. CT BUGGY, HACK, 1 i Carriage and Canopy Tops made to order at prices that will compete with eastern I rices. Repairing tops solicited. Have the largest stock of harness, saddles and sad dlery hardware in the valH valley. Toinlinson & Dubruille THE ALBANY BOYS OrF. airs. d. . raraom, mis morning re ceived letter from a friend ia San Fran- Cisco, a former Albany lady, in which he gives an account of the. leaving of the Albany boys on the steamer Senator for Manila. From it we get the following: Oct. 17,1893-Have just couie home from bidding Arthur and the other boys good bye. They left about 3 o'clock this after noon. They teemed pleased to hae Mr. H edges and ne loa n to, see thtcu iff. Tbty were in floe spirits. There was I a crowd present. We never left the duck until tbev were oat of sntht. When the things were received IJpuiS ip ra:h one a lunch separate, as 1 thongut it would be better. Poor Frank Walsh is very sick with erysipelas. I had J im Blackbnru no aud see if be could get in to see Frank, but they wouldn't let him in, nor any one in that ward except their paret ts 1 think rrank belongs to the Maccabees of Al bany. Please let them know about him. Have the lodge here go and see if thry can get in aud see bim. I beard that they don't treat the soldiers a bit good. it made me sick to see our bovs nnt . ...... . aown tn a data; bote in the steamer, it la a swet box. Jim Black barn was wild when he saw that he bad to go to. But they will mate the beet of it, and they are better prepared than the other Ore gon boya were. Besides they don't have tongnt. Arthur locked so well, ititt as fat as he can be. Yon oocht to nave seen the girls bidding him goodbve. ou von d nave laughed, thntigb your heart would have ached. Don't lieu God will brinu mm hack to yon safe. From the Criterion. Ed Myers returned last Saturday from a two months' visit to his old home at Monmouth, Ohio. Arthur Hard? and Charlie Donaca have arranged the old Advance office to suit the needs of a photograph gallery, and will try their hand at making pic tures. Harlev Crandall and Ben Dodee. brakemen on the S. P. have exchanged runs and Harley now "Sundays" at Sat- nn ana ran at Albany. Geo. McCurdy. who for the mat seven years has worked for the paper mill com pany, nas quit their employ and will move on the Tillman farm near Rock Hill. Wash" Phillip, the beet natured man in all Scio. waa doing business in his citv Saturdav. Mr. Phillina recent ly got a fail in hia mill that came near laying him np for the winter. ew steel raila are beine laid from Tallman to this place. The rails are nearly all down and will add much to the condition of the track. Several of our alliens are working with the gang. Walter J. Simonde. accompanied bv his wife, left Monday evening for Friend, Nebraska, where tbev go to make their future home. Mr. Sunonds has been a resident of this county for the past ten yean, and Mrs. Simonds since childhood. Grant Lindler and Bert Cather left yesterday for the headwaters of Sooth Crabtree creek, in search of a fine quart ledge that they discovered several years ago. The boys are satisfied that the ledge ia a rich one. M. W. Wilkins returned from Portland the last of the week, and now assures the people that as soon as the right of wav can be widened to sixty feet the rails will be pot down and trains commence run ning between this place and Waterloo. P. T. Long and family returned the last of the week from Moscow Wsah- ington, where they have been for the past ui teen months. Tbev are at pres ent living in their town property in the east part of the city. They will move on their farm north of town within a few weeks Mr. Long savs eastern Washington ia all riirht for money-mak ing, but he prefers the climate of the valley. C1IESTEKFIELD1N tOWN. rhe Noted Palmist Stops Over Ilia Wa y to San Francisco. on REMOVAL NOTICE. Paocs Pbomotxd. By a recent order of the secretary of agriculture B S Fague local weather forecaster for Portland and vicinity, has dropped the "local" from hia title and is now general fore caster for this district. There are but four general stations in the U 8-Wasbington City,8sn Francisco Chicago and Portland. The other three stations have been filled by general fore casters, bnt nntil now the station here has been fiiled bv a local forecaster. This change took place yesterday, and Weare now located in the Masonic l&tt&JST&Sl . i . w-4 I lorecaicer." 1 em pie a nwest room 01 tne rro LKMr-?n?'who b- Tn "endin " . I the national rnnymtion of weather fore- rtinn RlnL- ci rorirf rlinnrnn IhP nrtritnr1 Icastersat Omaha writes that be expects UCiai WTwijuuiiSvi. to arrive at home Friday morning.-Tel- flour. We are making an extra et-rrmm fort to please the buying public and to that end have greatly increased all lines. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Prof. Grant Chesterfield, New York's eminent palmist arrived in town on the noon train today fiotn Seattle and will remain in Albany a few days in order to to give the citixens of this city an oppor tunity to test hia ability in the line of palm reading. Ptof. Chesterfield is on his way to San Francisco. Among the mny noted personsges whoe palms Prof. Ciiesterfield has read are the most distinguished of either hemisphere. Baron Carl Dee Prell of Munich, Havana lonodiea "the ureal Greek," Win. . Gladstone, Sarah Bernhardt. Kuima Caloe, Lillian Runeell. Senator C. K. Davis.of Minnesota: Hon. T. T Geer, ol Oregon; Robt. G. Inger sjII, Wm. J. Brvao, Uev. T. Oe Witt Talmae, Prof. Wm. Crooks, F U.S., the late Mrs. John Urew and ecores of others. It is said that during Chesterfield's S'av to eattle. iia narlors ere con tanlly Mm ngnd. fully 000 people hay ing a-sd through them to have thei palms read. It is said by examining your palm he 'ells yon the condition of your health, what your disease is and whether or not you can be cured, if you will travel, if you will soon make a change m your business conditions, if your domestic life is or will be happy, if you win be lortunate in your love anairs. or in other word he tells yon I be com plete ato'y of yonr life ss told bv the language of the band His fee asked for s life read'mr is 11.00. Tbe rooms are at the St. Charies hotel. f rol. Chesiertield announced that during bis short stsy he wou'd gie readings evening s between 7 and 9 p. m.. Mr Southard ia confined la hia home with neart riieeate. Mr. C.A. Inealls. of Boston, brother ol the senator, wast in the city today, Mrs Hoffman of Corvallisf is in the city tne guest of Mr. D. P. il arson. O. F. Paxton, Wallace McCammant and Graham Olas are being prominent ly mentioned for the vacant seat of Jos eph btmon. Dr. O.B. Reece, the well-known pre senter of canes to prominent men. waa in toe city today accompanied by Dr. Starr. Mrs. C.H.Charlton left today for Hep- pner, Morrow county, to join ber hus band. Attorney CM. Chariton who has located in that city. Statesman. Dr. I.N Wood. V. 8.. aad wife have rented tbe Tate property in 1st ward .and are moving to Albany to reside. Tbey have been living in Corvallis and other places several 5 ears. Dr. Watts. of Lafayette has so far Ire- covered from bis injuries received in the railroad accident as to be out on 'bis crutches a Utile wbi!e each day. Ihe T. B. J. R. Geddes. r resident of RoJaville College, was in Eugene today. He will move hia family to this city to give his children tbe benefit of a university edu cation. Eugene Guard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clod feller return ed from their bridal trip yesterday and viiuea at rroi loroet s for awhile be fore leaving in the eveninc witb a load of goods for tbeir borne near Monmouth. Walter Lindsev haa returned from San Farncisco. where he went with the Second Oregon volunteers. He reports that Frank Walsh ia sick in the hospital, and is thought to be pest recovery with Bright's disease as the malady. One of tbe Pendleton boya stole into the hos pital against orders that 00 one ehoukl see the ratient, and talked with Walsh. Pendletc n E. O. Appeal to Women. Hon. John Kruse died in Clackamas county yeaterday. - The Salem hog can't be seen in the same lot with the Portland hog. The. Salem steel bridge ia closed to traffic while the ssmo is being replank ed. Ida Mack, tie tro'i.-r of McKnight Bros, of this couuty won the mile trot at The Dalles yesterday. There a-e fourteen morphine fiends in the city jail at Ponlai.d. This is a very snail proportion of tbe number in that city of morphine. Tfinm are said to be seveuty five in Albany alone. The Linn roun'v representatives in the siate legislature will receive the fol lowing for tbeir twenty days work for the etate: Henator Clem 16US0, Sena tor Kelie7 163.10, Uepremntaiive Jones $73.20. Palmer ,70.50, Wbitnty $08.40. Receipts at the Seattle assay office and San Francisco mint 01 this season's out put of Klondike gold are $,(100,000. The former olllces have taken in $4,400,000 and San Francisco $:t.eOO,O0p. llesides this it is eatimated $.Kk),OU0 vs sent to Philadelphia, Denver and Helena. Janitor J. II. Howard and hia aids are putting the building in preventable con ditions after the uproar, and it is prob able the equipment in the senate and" houe.dek and furniture, will be allow ed to remain as srmnged for the last as sembly, hut it will be polished anew and aept in prime order for the January "meet." .Statesman. Judge liuniett in tlte case of the state against P. 11. D'Arcy, ct al., charged with tampering with election ballots, set aside the indictment, on the grounds that when one of the graud jury was drawn there were not thirty one names in ; the box as required by law. The case will come up again before the next graua jury. PEIDAT RACK ROM THE EAST. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marshall if this city and Mr. and Mrs. L. Foley, of Leba non, returned this noon from their trip to the Masonic conclave at Pittsburg. Dr. Foley says he had rather live up on tbe San iam than at Pstteburg, f.r on the Santiam yon get good air, and in fact ia very glad to eft back in the ben state in the union. Pittsburg, though, it a big rustling manufacturing city, and the. eueeta there were trwued royaliy. Thin party were back at asbington ana out er eastern cities and saw all tne t ibla worth seeing. They stopped at Chicago and left there tusl before tbe open'ng ol tbe jubilee in weather that made their heart and bones a-ha.When tliev reach ed Omaha it was in the very midVt of the great bltxaard so extensively advertised in tbe papers, and though they enjoyed tbe exhibit ot tle exposition they were verv glad to get away from such weather as they were having, unknown in tbit country, and felt like chrenog when they struck the Willamette val ley. Portland. The exposition will close next Satur day. It has been a great success. The attendance in the public schools is over 10,000, the highest in the history of the city. Rattery B ia being mustered oat. It costs dog owners $2,700 this year for the privilege of keeping their canines. The license receipts for the past quart er were $W,000. A desperate effort is being made to in terpret the new charter. 1 1 will prob ably cause no end to the litigation over its provisions, some of which are very obscure, and perhaps intended to be. 1 -i "eUPIDCNf Thla mt aat V tabl. Z . . rrm-k mKTBriui. will aalcklr car too ol mil Br- 7n or rti mmrm ol U imerMT. onmua, am aa LoMManbnM, iiwimnte.Palnaltl Back, Seminal CmlMtooa. Kcrrooa vmnj. Flnralta. tJaaiaaa Marry, ExhanaUiw imuna, "fic 1 aitd tlDaUoa. itaioy ail lomrm pyoay or . , . SCroitC aao AFTER ia. o. J Lumpnu. '.Tf? K,r BilorVaaaclrculMaDdl -.TOi. atBDICIS C4, P. a Box SW, Ban Cat. JbrBaUt Fosbay t Masoo, Albany. A Naw Ikocbtrt. Mr. A. Brownell today shipped to Fresno, Calif., twenty one bale of mots, gathered around Gates, to a big nursery there to be nsed in shipping fruit trees, on account 01 its moist holding qualities it is the beet thing in the world for Ibis purpose. Tbe bales weighed irom lau to l i pounds. Tbey attracted considerable attention on account of being something new. the story was soon started that tbe moss waa a new kind of hay raised specially for A D Barker's cow. but investigation reveal I ed the real facts. Aji Edccatioxal Talk. On Friday evening, Oct. 28, at the f. E. church Prof. J. M. Martindale. superintendent of the public schools will deliver an ad drees to the senior class on Westminster Abbey. This will be public and free so I that all desiring may hear it. and there is little doubt that there will be a full house. Prof. Martindale last summer i was in London several days and paid particular attention to tbe wonderful Westminster Abbey, with its historical 1 surroundings. Piwring For the Battle of Life irV here shall itbebon?? Certainly where the best preparation can bs bad. A nany College has claims in this direction that .call for closer investigation. A Full College Training nf (vnirM the best thinjr. But Albany also effers a superior Normal Coarse, and a sinsa College Courae that is inferior to none in tbe state. Correspondence '.invited. II term open Sept 20, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A, M., President Akother Hypnotist. Dr. J. Ulrich Wurster, the jeweler, haa for the past week been practicing hypnotism, and has succeeded in hypnotizing several of the young men of the town, beverai of our prominent buzineas men have wit nessed these exhibitions of his skill and nrnniinnca it irennine hvpnotism. We understand that be intends giving a pub lic entertainment in tne near luture. Lebanon Criterion. Editor Democrat: In order to effectually arrest tbe whole sale slaughter of bird life for decorative purposes, we most write, ladies, and aa one, abandon everything that baa any resemblance to a bird corpse. Even hen's feathers dyed keep np tbe fashion, and that it is we wished changed. Bat by, many will ask, ahodd we net bay those birds in tbe market and wear them, since tbey are already killed? This ia a very common and cheap argument. which I have beard times and again nd in nine cases out of ten, serves to hath a tronbled conscience. Christian woman, for every bird and wing yoa buy, or after your example ia bought by others this year, another bird haa to be killed next year, to supply the market, and von are guilty of it torture and death. And if any manufactured I buds are worn, it is not at all through consideration for the birds, bnt because tbey are getting so scarce ; but even tbey set tbe same example to othsrs as very few know tbem to be manufactured birds. The bird race is almost extinct in some states, and this need not sorpnsens. when we learn irom well authenticated fact, that about five million birds are annually required to fill the demand for tbe ornamentation 01 tbe bats of Ameri can women.and that in the year 1891 one party alone killed 130,000 birds in lor ids, in one season. Those who try to appeal to yonr ten der mercies, by stating that thousands of poor people gain tbeir livelihood in the preparation 01 meee articles ior tue market, deceive tnemseives as wen yon. As soon as this tra tne win cease, mey will seek ainertnt employment, or wooia vou frequent tbe use 01 liquor or tobacco to keep up the traffic, juat becanse there are many poor families deriving their onlv means of support from the prepara tion of tbemT lm them all nnd a more honorable employment, as indeed tbey most in times to come, when tbe better iudament of tbe people will have Im proved the condition of thing, to which time we are siowiy out surety arming, lo the conclusion let me quote Ueiin Thaxter: '-And how refreshing is the sisht of the bird less bonnet. Tbe lace beneath seems to possess a gentiecaarm She might have bad birds, this woman heaven knows: but she has them not therefore she mnst wear within, things infinitely precious, namely, good tense ffood taste, eood feeling. Does any wo man imagine tbe witnerea corpse curea with arsenic) wnicn sue loves to carry about, are beautiful T Not so, tbe birds lost tbeir beauty with their lives " 11. M. Oakville. Mr. Charles Patliaon gore to Portland today to visit the Mechanics fair, tn the invitation 01 btndebaker Itro ol sontn Bend. Indiana. Mr. Pattison'a expens es wiil be paid by the Studebaker. Mr. r. is sixty years old txit is able Id do 1 good days work on the farm. He has been in Oregon 49 years and is one among the okieet pioneers and he is tbe owner of one of tiie first wagons that Clem Sludebaker made in hia factory at South Bend. Fierce Mem. Dr. W. H. Booth receiv. ed last week a letter from his brother Joel, at Manila, which contained a pho- toirraDh of 'Joel and a Eugene boy. show- ne them in their lieht duk uniforms. They make a fierce looking pair, girded about as thev are with cartridge belts, pistols and knives, besides having with them the regular army rifle. Lebanon tin tenon. A Pbebidbnt Elected, The board of trustees of the Sodaville college held a two days and one night session last week and elected E. G. Peery preaident of tbe college, vice J. R. Geddea resigned. Mr. Peery has not accepted as yet, and prob ably wi'i not. ne is teaching in eastern Uregon. criterion. HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie It is not often that tbe sameeet of men pass two appropriation bins, nnt that will be done in Oregon. No. 1 has just been passed, a big one too, and No. 2 will be attended to in January or February, and it wilt be made as big aa possible, for that la the spirit of the majority. In conformity with its agreement with city council, the Benton Road Club is placing sign boards on the walks upon which bicyclists are prohibited from rid ing. The club has extended nearly 120 for lumber for the Bigns and the wording thereon. Corvallis Union. Too Big Pill. Eauw. Get. 21. Tbe Governor filed the appropriation bill this morning with out his signature. Silver Lack Mosctsest. In the S. F. Examiner of Sunday, October, 16, ap peared a picture of the large sarcophagus monument erected at Silver Lake, Ore gon, by relatives and friends, to the men ory of those who lost their lives in the fire at SUver Lake. Decern ber 2. IS5H The picture gives plainly the name carved on two sides. A short history of the ter rible holocaust accompanies the article. The monument weighs 10 tons and aits on a base of native stone from the mount ains of Lake county. The monument proper is constructed of Vermont marble and was hauled on wagons from this city to Silver Lake. W. W. Martin of this city idthe builder of the monument which will stand through the ages a credit to bia skill, and as a token to the memory of the unfortunates whose names the mon ument carries. Euirene Guard. Ueo. Harris of this city help pot it in place Pmupi'iNECt Rios. Mm. Capt. Heath and Mrs. Lieut. Young each received chest of curios from their husbands in Manila Tueeday. There are sabeis, short swords and spear beads enough in the lot to arm a company. Aiauer nties, an air min and a few smaller firearms, to gether with a good supply of animnni lion for the Mauser, goes to mate up 1 nrettv fair arsenal for two lonely women Besides there are numerous other and amalltir articles, such as sandals, cart' ridge belt, trays, and a large flag secured in tbe capture ot Manila, but not the official flae which our boys assisted lowering. These things have been placed on exhibition at Rogers Bros., so that all niav see them. McMinnville T. K. Al bany people receiving rolica should dis- rlav them in a puuuc piuce so mat an may see them. A Doi-bi.k Wbudiko. At Halsey last Wednesday evening there waa an event of much interest, the marriage of Mr, Roy Keency and Alice Stevenson, and Mr. Daniel Standish and Miss Dora Hayes. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Diiniol Hayes, l Rev. Inane Peart, of Corvallis. May hey all live long and prosper. W. T. Baker of Salem is in the city Will Emerick jr. has returned from Portland. L. E. Hamilton was in Portland yes terday on business. Prof. I fol brook, the hypnotist, is in In dependence this week. The Girls Militia Club at tbe W.C. T- U. hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 o clock. Mr.G. C. Pilger, an experienced Ton sorial Artist, lias accepted a position at ierick'a Barber bhop. Private Jack and several comrades re turned this noon from Portland, where tbey were mustered out yesterday. The Magazine Club will hold its initial meeting for tho year with Mrs. Percy A. Voun tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Ito:i. T. J. Buford. Indian atrent at the Mleu, was m the city this noon on his way home from a trip down the road. Lieutenants Geary andDen&ler former ly of the U. A. ., who are witb their resjx-ctive regiments in Porto Rico, have been appointed captains. Johnny Ward, who has been awav from the refoi m school several months during good behavior, returned to the school this noon, an employe coming op alter rum, Johnny meeting bun at the train with Chief of Police Lee as chaper- one. Tbe S nicer correspondent of the 8cio News says that Marion Burkhart has, finished sowing his 125 acre of summer fallow. Marion is one of the most exten sive farmers of this locality, is an estim able citixen and an all round, bully good fellow. Cabins of Native Sons of Oreeon are being organized in the state. One will be instituted in Sabm tomorrow night, and it is prolable organizers ill be in Albany. This county haa the oldest na tive son in the (state, and Mayor Burk hart ts not far behind. The editors are strictly in tbe swim. Judge E. D. Stratford, editor of the Plaindealer has been appointed a com missioner to go to Alaska to assist in sd justing the old Russian land claims. He a ill leave soon to aeeume bis duties. I. C. Moaher, who haa been attending the Washington fairs, went through here this week on his way borne to Independ ence. Mr. Mosher beeidee winning first money in the two-year-old stake for trot ters, also took first prize in the show ring with bia tao-'t-ar-old cult Egypt. Rur al Spirit. A letter to Victor Moees from his fath er, contains Use very unwelcome intelli gence that Mrs. Moses had the misfor tune to fall down tbe steps leading to tbe door of the church in Independence, last Sundsy-sustaining an injury to her spine tmoi me ri.cci 01 wnicn ane nas since been con lined to her bed. Corvallis Union. Mr. L. Wimberly, one of the propriet ors of the Roeeburg Review, and Miss Cora Benedick, one of the compositors on the paper, were united in marriage Wednesday evening. Miss Benedick thus ceases to be a Benedick while Mr. Wimberly become one, permitting a typographical error. We are justified in extending them our lest wishes. May their hearts always beat as one. Miss Maud Hoffman. wboe mother is visiting Albany friends, is playing tn the Ureal Roby.' at Drnry Lane, in Lon don, where she haa been well received. The Modern society gives an extended notice of her, describing minutely her four different coetutne in the plar, dos ing with. "Bet Mias Hoffman is 'at ber lovleliest in an evening gown ti white satin veiled with point d'eeprit w hich is all glittering witb a shower of silver pail lettes. Tbe clinging skirt is bordered with three little frills each edged witb a line of silver, while the elbow sleevee, too, are finished with aliver-edged fnlla and tied in with narrow black velvet ribbon. Some Malmaison carnations are fattened at the waist, and two or tbree of the lovely pink Bowers are caught in the hair w ith a knot of black velvet. Scio. I From the News : Depty Sheriff G. W. Morrow is loaded with 1&3 tax warrants, and is serving them right and left. Wm. Baker.wboee farm is near Kings ton, baa lost two horses within the past month by having tbem shot, supposedly ! bySiunters. William Mar killed three fine otters on Saturday of but week, in the creek lie low town. There were six of the animals together, bnt three were fortunate en ough to escape with their lives. Airs, treo 1 himps received a letter from ber brother Samuel Worrel, who is at Manilla, the first of the week, and in closed in the letter was a handsome bite silk handkerchief, which waa made at Manila. Mayor W. A. Ewing. Geo. Phillips. Peter McDonald and Geo. Coffey left yesterday for a coui-le of weeka bunting and hsbing tnp to the lahatts country. 31 r. and Mrs. J. 11. Daniels, of Salem, were in Scio a couple of davg last wek. having come up to attend the reception to Mr. and Jlrs. t . . Johnson hut xnday evening. R.jw Baku tba food para, wbolaaoflM aod daUctoaa. Is t3 PGYQER Absolutely Pur wyrai awww prrwm ev. w Lebanon. From Express-Advance. J. C. Bi'yen is serving tax executions in this v-rinity to the nnmber of over one hundred for "JO taxes. Mrs. Jsne Moit. of Albany. 1 visiting ber son, Frank Moist, and family. Rev. Smick, of Albany, wjll preach in the Presbyterian church next r-aobath. Hon. D. M.Jones, of Sodaville, made as a pleasant call on Wednetday. He didn't like legi.Utiv work very well, and don't care for a second term . All tbe pi noes in this vicinity, amounting to about four car loads, were sold this wees to Lang & Co.. of Port land for 3. Z'i, and 3,',' rents per poood, according to nioalnv. Tbe tale waa made by Bach A Buhl. ' E. Keeb'er and H. Y. Kirkpatrick have engae1 ibir crop ol apple to 8. N. Meeie A Co., of AlVaoy. Tbey are to receive one cent per poomi, de ivered at tbe depot in th e city. Steele & Co want to buy more good ahippiag appiee. G. M Strong, of Portland, a special agent of Ihe Union tntral Insurance Co.. viaitej Lenanoo this werk for the pnrpote of paying J. Si. Stakes' natur ed policy in that ro.nnuay. Mr. Storkes carried a poller of t:ojJ lor twenty-four year, paving 3i i'J per vear. and -e- Ceivedi066. Resolution of Sympathy. Whereas, Death has ajain entered our midst and removed from Alpha Temple No. I R. S., a Li-hly esteemed situr, Mary H. Allen, Kksolveb. That in herdeatti oar Tem ple has lost a worthy member, and ber children a loving mother. We trust that ber generous deeds, and the inrlaence of her blameless life will ever live in the memory of those who knew her, and be it further Resolves. That the sympathy of our Temple be extended to tiie fcsiilr in thi sad hour, and we reeotniut-nd'thern to the Heavenly Fatber from ibm alone true consolation can come. Resolved, That these redolutiocs be pread upon tbe records if Alpha Tem ple, and a copv be sent under seal of the Temple to t'ic family, also a copy 1 lumisnea uie cuv papers ior publication, and our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days. Mjkt J. Ktiu, ' I.rtA H AlOHT, M A.!E Moe. A Cincinnati firm writes the CtQfQ ! crat: "Why not let us ah!p you subject Lately. He has one of the finest utocka of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Bahv Buggies to h 8 stock. Just call in and you will find that hia prices are the LOWEST to approval, a trial order of our ceiebrat ed Guggenbeiraer rye, seven years old, delivered tu plain boxes, with no marks to Indicate contents, at orfiy f 3 per gal ton." o thank you, we1 don't drink. Iu t It tn Vtiranm Mcsic Miss Milarea Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. 'Residence Fifth street, opposite U Pcbuicb. E. 0. Blanks, Lewisrille, Texas, writes that one box ot De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth 150.00 to bim. It cured his pile of ten yeara standing. It also curet eczoma, skin diseaaesSand obstinate sires. At J. A. wuraming. t Thousands of person have been cured o piles by using De Witt's Uuni Hulve. It beam promptly aad cure eczema and al skin diseaRM. It gives immediate relief. At J A. tummings. m m m "I think DeWitt sSalv is befinMpre paiation on the market for piles." Ss writes John C. Dunn, of Wheeling. W. Va. Try it and you will thick the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. At J. A. Cummings. A Eugene Guard reporter saw at Horn & Pttiue's store a very rare hybrid. mounted in that city. It was killed by A. X. waiaer, oi uoiiage urove, ani is a cross between the Golden and China pheusants. The bird plainly shows the marks of loth types of the pheasant fam ily and is beautiful in plumage. Some Portland prices as reported to lo cal dealers are : Eggs 22 to '22 V. ducks $4 to ". per dozen, geese $5 pur dozen, turkeys 12 to 12)ic veal 7c,' pork 6S;c, butter, fancy creamery, 60 to 65c, dairy 45 to 60c, store Z0 to 35c, oats 30 to 38c, game, pheasants $3, quail $1.50 per dozen. The bottom is said to be knocked out of prices ist Dawson, so that whiskey is only 25 cents a drink, lumber is only f (5 to $50 as a sample. Thorn is said to ba enough provisions there tq lust at least two years, bo that Senator McBride will not need to be concerned ior sometime, in fuel until hit term of office is ended. J. C. Saltmarsh aud A. N. Reed left Monday for Umatilla county, where they have leased a six-hundred-acre whest iarm. Their families will remain here for the present. The beet sugar factory at Laiirande it is said will put in circuial o;t about $200,' 000 a year in that vicinity. The DeVaney bovs are shippihg a car load of chair wood weekly to the Sugar Pine Chair Factory at Albany. Thomas Lor. .ews. The Stanford university eleven yester day were defeated at foot ball by a team from the olst Iowa, tbe brat defeat on their own grounds in six years. The state normal school at Ashland advertises for $125 to furnish instruction board, lodging and booki for one school year, or for $12.50 per month if by the month. A prominent farmer of near Forest Grove asserts that he mademoremoney off ten acres of prunes this year than he did from 200 acres of wheat. The $15,000 appropriated for the Oma- na exposition, it is saiu, win go vt pay conditional subscriptions made through out the state. Perhaps it is this fact that caused ita being included in the bin. The Asliand Tiding savs that Joe Si mon is one ot the heaviest tax payers in Astiand precinct, Ashland should im mediately begin working for a public building. In a prize fight at Oiuaua this week Andv Dunont murdered Billv Walker by hitting him too hard a blow. He has very proerly been arrested for murder, and should be hanged. The Albany Evaporating Co and other prune growers around Albany soldabont seven carloads of prunes to Lang & Co., of Portland, and a shipment of tho same has already been begun. J. II. Miller's livery stable at Junction waa attached yesterday forenoon by Dep uty "Steriff II. J. Day on a judgment in favor of Knapn. Barrel & Co. .of Portland, tor $220. The matter wili probably be settled in a day or two. A Salem paper says the new 6 per cent rate will not apply to loans made by the school land commissioners. That a spec ial law in existence fixes the rate at s percent, and that it will obtain in j this case. The regular meeting of the Building and Loan Association will be held to night. A proposition will be considered from the Butte, Mon., association to take the business of the local association. All stockholders should be present, t ills. From tLe Time. His IGO-acre farm, four mile noith of Corvallis hat been told bv Ed Thaver to A. r. Luther. The purchase price was $2,975. Mrs. J. Fred Yates is visiting rela tives in San Francisco. She expects to be gone several months. Al Johnson has disposed of the Occi dental saloon to Sell midt.Se Bmnk. pro prietors of the Occidental hotel. The transfer waa niaae Wedm-seay. A recent letter from Mrs. F. A. Helm at Weatherford, Texa. says that every cloud that appears in the' Heavens, no matter now small, is accompanied with lightning, and that affifea are $3 a buih- eL Corvallis if to have a new mercantile establishment. It is to l located on the Sorbin corner, opposite the Occidental. 1 he proprietor is to be V4 . 1". JLatierty. ho with his fanuiv recently arrived from Trenton, Missouri, formerly referr ed to in these columns. In connection witb tbe establishment Mrs. L&fTerty will conduct a needlework art depart ment. The payment ol state wet rart'a will be gin next Monday. Over a miiiitU dol lars wtd be pot in circulation. Tbe state legislature did one good thing. It protected on r e k , the finest anitna! in our forest, for ten years, and bn tbe Un year are op they should be given another leate of life. Dame rumor is naing the names ot sev eral l-aiem gentlemen prominent in n nancial circles in connection witb the early establishment at the Capital CtT of a solid private bank. Among those who are said to have blocks of stock in the vsntare are Tilmon Ford. W m Waldo, W. M. Kaiser and perhaps M . B. Hobeon and Phil Meuchao. Senti nel. In conversation with T. G. Hendricks today he incidentally remarked that be arrived in the Willamette vaUer at Pleas ant Hill, Lane county, fifty years ago yesterday. He well remembers that day and savs it was lite taeae oat e.sunsiiuiv SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ' J. A. Perry, of this county, has moved to Medf jrd to locate. Miss Merrill came up from Portland accompanied by ber nephew Eddie Mer rill, who has been there tor several months. Mrs. Dr. IIendi-k returned this morning from teveral weeks spent in 5ao Francisco and ia tbe guest if her daugh ter, airs. Davis. Mr. Guy Owen and wife, of Albany, are visiting at Lncle Hop's during the I convalescence of his sou. Thev will re ; main for some time yet. Toledo Leader. j Licenses have lieen issued for the i marriage of John II. Coney, of Albany, 'and Miss Martha Hoi man, of Scio, and j ieorire Wimiotn and Ida Milboilen, of uakvil e. MV. T. S. Pil!bury and family l ave again returrd to Brownnville to rrside, after trying places elehere,wrii-b have not proven ralitdactory to them.- Browns ville 'iime. G. T. Cox and J. II. Collins returned nii.t from Dawson, where tbey went last January. Mr. Co!!ia wan taken ill, hence their return. They did not strike it though. Hon. J. 51. Soroere, who waa promi nent wten the stale legislature met in January, WJ7, also bad a plateia the re cent legislature at the same wape, being eierk of the food and d-iiry producia com An exchange says: "Lieutenant Mil ton F. Davis, was'married at Highland Park, 111., last Satoriay, to Sties Bes&ie Ailked Hall. Lieutenant Davis wus ap pointed a cadet to West Point from Polk county in lsso." Thie ia Iwvis'a etcund marriage. Sir. Charles EichIer,of Soda one time a resident of Albany, aho for ma: y jra brought sod water to Albany tot sale, has developed irto a fuil fieiged teacher oi German and baa a claa of twenty.ix. Albany people wiil hope for the aucces of Prof. Eichler in bia nes c:!ig. Mra. Campbell is circulating a petition to teeu re tbe discharge of hereon Will-I lam C. Campbell from the army, be hav ing enlirted in the regiment from Ann j Arbor, Mich., where be wa attending cOilege. tie it now ill and needs lo get j away, besides Mrs. Campbell is now aline and needs him at home with her. Prof. Wirtz and wife, who recently ar rival from the eat to Like cbarse of tbe musical department of the Albany Col lege, are members of tiie Christian church, and lat nht the Professor tooc formal control of the Christian church choir, drilling that body for both tomorrow morning and evening service. Special musical program under direction of Prof. Wirt will hereafter be rendered each Lord's day at the Christian church. Tbe Linn county claras in tf;e legisla ture wer: In tbe senate: M-esM. B. Hoou-ilh,engmsccd bias-Daly chairman, at $3 a diy ; slis L. M. Wjman.revssisn of laws, Ke'ier chiiraiao. at ioadav: Mrs. E. L. Irvine. ways and means, Tay- iorcna;rman, atHaday. In tbe bouse: J. A. PoaeU.bor.icnlUue.Stewatt chair man, at $3 a day: J. M Somen, food and dairy, Thompson chairman, t $3 r day. The G. A. R. las: gave tbeit first social of the teison. a: tneir ball U waa an aorpici'raa opn.t.gcf the win ter's entertainment at thrir ball, and was greatly enjoyed by a goJ e:xd audi ence. A novel eotenaii,a,rni was pre texted. Il consisted of ou.e ce'retion from a gramapbone, by a gentleman from Salem, a camp scene in w fetch fonr of the veterans wvie discovered playing game of high, low. jack and the game, evitation on "hard linn'1 by deusoc Kay, a mathematical con'ert' be: ween Juhn of Mexico and Pnf. Totbet, in ahich the FrofescLr displayed marsed skill in rapid computation,' a dnet by Misses Livingstone and Worreil, sc much ccjoyed that tbey were called out a second time and sang "Tired," w hicb was not a fact, and toe sitht of ban i tricks or wunderfal mysteries of Prof. Wonderful. Mr. Ri:ev. in which consid erable skill was displayed and some were mystefied. Th frofessor followed it with a couple of song that carta red the boys in the rear o the hall. Hard tack and coflee fodowd aid the entertain meet cloned with a fret ton c-f ociaml:t at HOME AND ABHOAD. Wheat 52 cents. "Trilby" lcada. others follow Stewart & Sox Hardware Co's. A doz. first clas photo?, bet finish, only 50 cents at Mica Long's. Seed rye for saie. Call at tiie Albany Nursery or at the store of C. E. Brownell. We have decided to continue making the 5C cent phutos. Long Photo Co. 1 or calcium carbide go to the office of Orezon Gas Ligat Heating & Power Co. A fine lot of new cook stove an.; ranges at Stewart & Sox's. Price cheai--er than ever. Bring the btbie and g"t a doz. of thore cute little Diamond photos, oniy 50 cents at Mies lying's. Djn'tbayan '-Airtizht" stov nntf von the 'Hickory" and "Trilby" kept by Stewart & Sox. "Trilby" the most popular heatins stwe on the market at Stewart & Sox Hardware Co's. s Go to Veriek's sbav'.ng and hair cut ting parlors Ar rjt ciaaa w orfc. Dot, aadeold baths. Citu towels to evrry customer. Tbe best meat of all kin? nd K"d treatment at tae Albaav Dre! B-f Company's market, latt d ws errm't treet. (jooi weight and pwrapt ion. ilfrnd Letter From Dr. FUN mm SlsJIiV tee ummcB cf siirp cf figs is due not only to the originality an I simplicity of the combicatkni, but also to tbe care and aldU with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caxrrosxu. Fis Sracr Co. only, aad we vri&h to impress upon ail the importance of pnrchasinjr the true and original remedy. As the ffencine Syrcp of Flg-s is manufactured ty tbe Cauxcssia Fis Stecp Co. only, a know led pe of that fact will assist one in avoiding- the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tbe high standing- of the Caxi rosxiA Fis Srtcp Co. with, the medi cal profession, and tbe satlsf&ctiaa which tbe free nine Synrp of Figs bas given to millions of famTT. makes the name of tie Com cany a paarantw of tbe excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on tbe kidneys, lirer and bowels withoct irritating' or weaien ing them, and it does not gripe nor narrseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember tie name of toe Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a T-kstrucm. cm. UCBvixuE, K. arw towc jlt. WE WANT MORE sTRADE and in order to get it will give the following induce ments for net cash: The VT. K. C. of this city have received a letter from Major Ellis, surgeon of the Oregon regiment, in response to one written them inquiring ag to the need of the Albany boys, lie reported that in the matter of clothing they are better supplied there. In the matterof ea tablet canned fruits and jellies would be ac ceptable, also extract of beef, canned o Ti ter? ana tea clams, etc., particularly lor the nrk. At that Ume there was net a treat deal of sickness, and there had been onlv six deaths in the Oreson reciment. uere bad been the of t vphotd fever among the uieaee. Tne monev sent from Portland and others for delicacies bad all been crent. The Albany bort who had been sick were Annus Cirabam, with a continued ferver reeembline tv- phoid. then convalescent, and Hansen crick. ire and Han.sll of.whcrn were improving. Dr. t-I.ia had haa quite a se vere attacfc ot pnenmoma, but on ept. X the date of tiie letter, was nearly well. tie reportea tbe men generally anxious to go home, as there was to be no more fighting. A great thing there is to secure the burst and most correct thing in duck suits, lieclosea fv saving that all ot them go down regularly to the banks oi t'asig ana weep tor other worlds to con quer. p:Ktf. 05 1 CO 4 40c and 0-. 43 and pleasant. lie was a barefoot boy o ten rears of a. ibere were lew set tiers in Lane county then, and very lew of tboee wbo saw that pleasant ay e- main to eniov the snnahine with Mr. Uesdricka. fcugene board. Junrtim Times: The licenee ct the ouly.saloon in Lebanon having rxpired and trie council rvlinnn toeraut a new one, the proprietor disposed cf tbi honors and will now sell only temptr acce drinks. Ti e only saloon in Harris burg wili undergo the same change Novrmber. The two villages above mentioned ail! now ba watched with some interest ss to whether their mora will be improved and new churcbe built or whether tbe towns wiil decay and become burdened with moea. Great is Dkl Nobte. At The Dalles vrsterday Del Norte, the Linn county horse, the greatest guideless pacer in the world, paced a mile in 1 :02 1-5, a re markable performance. The eastern tracks are said to be faster than the tracks of the Northwest, hence when Del Norte goes east be may be expected to do even better than this. DiV g x:s. coh Plaids ! yd. Calico ia 10 to 20 vd. rurrev Keu in 10 lo S " Uood workici shirt. , Overalls, heavy - B'ack a-on overalls. . ... . - Bine " ' 50 CEOcxaiss. 15 lb. gracnlated n-.gnr 1 0 10c pa. Rising jua stave f olish OS 3 raas Kvid ovsters 23 T In. good roile.1 oate -1 5 lb. bucket liest lard Bacon fr.oa c to K.'sC IUU, Bran. Siho-ti aid Cnp feed. Butter an-1 evrs taken in exchange. '.All paia for tsutter and eap. Abany Trading Go. K. N. MORRIS, Manager. Baltimore Block. Api-i.fh Wanted. A good shipping apples. few'car loads o Call on S.NSte yourselves lUjcctcd .Mca's Pay. As considerable inquiry has been made in Albany we give the following from the Salem Journal: The law paused by the l -gislatuto pro viding for the payment ot $1.60 per dav to persons who attempted to enlist wit the soldiers who went to Manila from Oregon, probably ouly includes those persona who were memners or mamia companies before they enlisted or volun teered for the United States terviee. It will not include persons who attempted to enlist in the two batteries nor persons who attempted to enlist with the Oregon recruits who went to San Francisco later than the first shipment. Tne law reads plainly and only gives pay to rejected militiamen or Oregon National Guards, men. Adjutani tieoeral Tuttle will be required to furnish the secretary of Btate a list of all those rejected militiamen and their time, and they will then get paid. In Crook Cocxty. Mr. A. B. "Weddle writes from Prineville to J. J. Davis of this county that there had been no rain there and no prospect of rain. Stock is very poor and some isdyiugonthe range. Some people have to haul water from the Ochoco, which makes the outlook very poor. The Long Photo Co. ia the leading gallery ot Albany. Every photo made there ia agent of art. Call and see for Religious 5crvicii. Christian church, corner Jackson and Fifth. Services morning at 11 and even ing at :o0 bv Kcv. C. M. Lane. Morn ing topic : "Utxl 8 Power to Transform Men. " Lvenmg theme: '"Christ's Esti- mate o. Christianity." Preaching in the M. E. cMirch south Sunday mornim? by Past w W. J. Penton, at nignt oy vr. n. a. ueardslev. Baptist church. The pastor having re turned from the annual convention oi t he ! denomination will preach in the morn ing, ivev. r. U. Sullivan, of Oakland, t-i., win 8 peat m tbe evening. Presbyterian church: Morning service at 10:30, S. S. at 11:45, C. E. at 6:30, Lvening service at 7 :30. A verv cordial invitation is extended to all to attend ail the services. United Presbyterian church : services at tbe regular hours, preaching at 11 a. m. and :30 p. ro. Subject ot morning sermon, "No talvation hxeept Through Christ, evening, "iheUriMS ol a Saul S. S. at 2::0, Junior Kndeavor at 3:30, Senior Endeavor at 6 :S0 A cordial in vitation is extended to all to attend these service. M. K church: Pieching by the pas toral 10:.fta. m. and i :. p. m. Sun day school at 2 .::0 p. ru. followed by the Junior and Intermediate Leannea. " En worth League at 6:30 p. m. Everybody weicouie. m. u. iss, pasior. Large Cattle Sale. OUR CAPACITY i I' acquaint! In the Valley. Is UnsurpAAsiM In Oregon. have the best; stix'k u s!ect from and our prices no Rlwavs the lowest, quality SMILEY, ". The Printer NEW a'lE-zzhj HIM WORLD Mr. W. A, Lane and family, of Harris burg, who have beens(ending soma time at Silver Lake, returned home last Fri day. Mr. Lane and hi a brother, Andrew Lane, wno died about two years ago, were partners in the stock butiness, and the trip waa made for the purpose ot settling op the estate. 11ST head of stork cattle " ere pn'd m ?20 !, and 200 head of beef cattle were sold to an Eastern buyer at a good figure. Mr. Lane bought SO head of young heifers acrofs the mountains with wlicb he will stock one ot hia farms in Linn county. wr. une reports it nines ot snow on Thrice-a-TVetk KIiti IS Pages a Week . . . . . 156 Papers a Vei For One Dollar PwiUe4yery atteraaeajexirtSaat The Thrice-a- Week EditionofTaaMBw Your World is first among ait "weekly' papers in sise, frequency of publication and the frehi., accuracy and variety ol its cot t?nts. lthisttUthe m-rits of a great 6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, eu.n plete, accurate and impurtial as all its read era will testify. It is against the monopo lies and tor the people. It prints the new of all the world. hv ing special correepondeiiee froia all im portant news points on tbe globe. It haa Brilliant illdstratiena. stories by great authors, a capital hnmor page, complet markets, departments fjr the household and women's work and other special de- Ul RUUV QB1 I , . i . . . ' Dai v mutt w, . u.e mountains oinaepmoi i- iccoes. W e offer this nneqoaled newspaper an uuara tbe DuiocaAT togetherone veat tot t' 08