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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1898)
wiJw 1EJ1 VOL XXXIV Eatered at the Feat me at Albany. )r. as Bccead-riasa Halt Matlrri ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4.1898 V r BCTTIMG raklUker aa rrerUr NO 13 r 'J-. C C) O O o o O o O O c CI o o C) o o c o ) o CI o 11 o o o () o () Vj o O o o O C) ) O O o () O O li a 40h Ji arWk aWk a"akt Jnv .alnv o 1 O o o o o o o o c o o o o C) CI o o CI o o o o O CI CI CI CI CI O CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI, CI CI CI i s THTJEST3A XT DECIDEDLY CLOSE. Bullet Just Misses Head. Mr. Riley's Anot5icr Spanish Victory I 1 1 He's captured Battle Ax. You may be disappointed in war, in politics, or in business, but you will never be disappointed PLUG It is the one chewing tobacco in the world that is atways the same good chew and the largest piece at the lowest price. Try it to-day. Remember the name Vnpn vnii Km 9in At . - , i . auoui o ociock yesterday evening there was a very close call to a tragedy in this city. The following are the facts as told on the witness stand in theexam ination of the defendant before Justice Freerksen this forenoon. Several men went to the barn of Mr. Peter Hi ley near his residenc in the third ward for the purpose of having a rooster fight, among them being Harry 15arr and W illiam Emerick, Jr. About the same II- y;- . . wine uir. xuiey arnvea Dome with, a horse and took "it to the barn, taking off ms coat to go 10 wort, placing H just in side of the barn. Emerick was commit ing a nuisance on it when Mr. Riley re quested him to quit and asked him to get out of the barn. Bar r came forward and said he wouldn't dare order him off the place and treat him in that way. Mr. Riley stepped un in a gentlemanly wi and taking hold of his shoulder requested him also to get off the place, when Barr quickly pullet! a revolver and level. ing it at Mr. Rilev's head pulled the gsr, and the ball sped tast his head and i very close going probably just past the ' corner of the barn, they were on the out side. Mr. Kiley stated that he thought he was hit at first and it felt almost if tne ban nad gone in his ear. He then jumped inside the barn as Barr again leveled the revolver. The men with him then induced him to leave and he went oat oi the lot, but started back nearly half way across the lot. declaring... 1 1 1 -1 l . .... . .7. wuuiu kui mm oeiore ne lett. ami & nr l. : . . . uuu names, fie was induced to strut though and came np street with two of the young men. Mr. Kilev's testimony was verihed by three of the men w ho witnessed the affair. At this point, bv his attorney, thn de fendant waived examination and was held byJustice Freerksen under $4500 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. Being enable to get bail the defendent was taken to jail. CIRCUIT COURT. U. BUKNKTT. JlIHiF Cornelius Cos. DKFARTMRMT NO. 1. W. J. Turner agt juugnieni ny delanlt. Oregon agt W. White.two indictments. Sentenced to one yenr in penitentiary in each case. State of Oregon ngt M. T. McGrath. rite defendant was brought into court W ednesdny eveninp.plead not guilty and his trial was set for Tuesday. .Nov. 1, at 1 p. m. Oregon agt 11. A. Sanders, suffering minor to remain in saloon. Plead not not guilty. Will be tried after McGralh case. The grand jury adjourned Wednesdnv v.c.iiiiK. juoge tjurnett ordered iurv j From Sergeant Stellmacher. Manila, r. I. Sept. 21, 1898. Editor Democrat, Dear Sir: Since my last letter to your paper, soverul months ago, the war rrob- lem has practically been solved, l'eace is now the word, troop in all probability have been recalled from Cuba and many of thorn mustered out of the service. Manila and the l'liiiippines is the prob lem before our people today, the solving of which will take .the com bi net I intellects of our ablest statesmen. Shall we as a nation depart from our former policy H,amlJi,Tt n MT1.ay t0 conaider. ' and traditions and enter npon a scheme it is suppsed.the ease of the state against , ....::.:.. . . Harrv liarr. Court adjourned until Tuesday, Nov sarr r" "i firry 1 1 ii n rr n miiHWHii w BUGGY, HACK, Carriage and Canopy Tops made to order at pr ces that will compete with eastern rices. Repairing tops solicited. Have the largest stock oil harness, saddles and sad dlery hardware in the val valley. Tomlinson & Bubriiille REMOVAL NOTIC We are now located in the Masonic Temple and West room of the Fro man Block, everythingon theground flour. We are making an extra ef fort to please the buying public and to that end have greatly increased all lines. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. r I (V. B, - mm T "CUPIDEHS" ' Tii T t Veumtmhlm VUmlumrAbmmrvmctio tloo of a luuw Freoeh pbrcfatn,wUl qutcklj cur tou ol .11 nrr- MAflllOOD RESTORED ' tlfln Af m Frnntfll ri 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 will nutr-k 1 i or IM BeiMrnttiv. orxmii. i- r... In ih. U i-.l frmu. PlmplM. UdAumot to Mmtj, xbaoMln Dnina, Vartoore). "d Lebanon. From the Criterion : President Lee, of the Albany College, will preach at the First Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Mr. S. W. Soule, who recently pur chased the Rocker farm at Lacomb. ar rived this morning from Waseca, Minn., nis oia noine, witn bis family and also the family of his son. Will Donaca left yesterday for Port bind, where be goes to work in a whole sale house. Mrs. Somers will take his place as clerk in Donaca's store. Mrs. E. L. Power, on Monday last, sold the "Ladies Bazaar," including both the stork and good will of the firm to Frank Miller of this city. J. A. Howell, a member of Linn tent. No. 7, K. O. T. M., of this place, this week received his fifth annual disability payment of $300. This makes liaOO he has received on his policy, and speaks well for the Maccabees as an insurance rder. John Atkison has sold the Lower Soda ranch to J. P. Hahn. the Sweet Home merchant. Oar informant savs that Mr. Atkinson will start a steam grist mill at bweet Home and that Mr. Hahn will move on the ranch and run it himself. A Cut on i'iicycles. Word just received from the east set tles the matter that any one wanting to rkla a bicycle txt yar will nut be de tained by high prices. All of the big factories are beginning to cat, and ai a sample we give below the prices put oat by the Pope Mfg. Co. on their new ma chines for 1899, to begin Nov. 1, 1S98: Columbia chain less, $75.00; Colombia chain, $50.00; Columbia tandem, $75.00; Harttord. $3o.0u; ulette, $2.00. Another Telephone Li . Don, Xa- poleon Davis, a Portland capitalist, who was for many years a resident of Salem, and at one time president of the First alional liank of this cilv, has spent the past few days here looking over the ground relative to bringing the lines of the Columbia Telephone Company to this citv, and establishing a local ex change here, with lines to all the stir- rounding towns and cities This com pany has several thousand telephones in use in Portland, and, being backed by ample capital, is desirous of spreading out and enlarging its system. balem Statesman. Deputy U.S. Marshal IQeorge Humph rey is in the city. Editor Kirkpatrirk of Lebanon was in city to-day examining the California iruit machinery. judge w.s. .McFad.len and W. E. 1 atea two oi Corvallis' best lawvers were in me city today. rerry Wright's boy is a girl, tleod. vina are worm more than bova anyway bo all the girls declare. " ansa uenevievn M;. i... er place in the schools of llarrisburg to ww r enmeion ecnools. License has been issued for the marri' age oi tAlward McCane and Florence xiieviueener, both of Linn county. Jirs. vapt. fcimpson, of Corvallis, will romi, in ino . a. son-ices tomorrow uiKuu iue servn-es will be followed by Alt nu l flllr.iu.. L 1 , ... , . i.veryuouy come. J. i'uncan, of Albany, who has jut niadea tour of the Eastern sutes, visited mo iiarents nere on hi r..dln. i . . v.iu lt -.-iurner uor. of statesman. Ol ' rr m. . T v. went to Salem today, -here W bite will Ppead two ears in the state penitentmrv. Mr. J. P. Turner and wifra n...n. gers to Albany yesterday to be preeent 1tb?.t1r,,of McOraih, who sl.ot and killed their son m-ar summer. Eugene Guard. The Pendleion Tribune r t. -r.ii. int.sav8: "A. n iwi.. t : admitted to the bar. hasselecU-d Pendle ton as his Piace ot resident - ;n i gin here Uie practicejof law." A very pleannt birthday ttH V, yrtor:,.v evening at the home of ti. r. Mernil in linnnr r ii, ..t..i oi iiarry and tddy. which are two days nmn risraii a, . v wiug uau wayoetween. nneniast heard from Frank Wire 1-1 Sick in tlin XI :i- x - , , , jr. . Muum. lwtrdaya telefrram wm miveil bv IT ire BlVinr that hi a.n ...,.u discharged and seal home by tbe first T a chorch tomorrow night bv IVof. Martin dale to the senior class of the public schools on ;'Sight Seeing in Weetminis- . iuuuga ior tne pupils oi the school evervltrklv sill K there will be no admission fee. On Thursday of xt n..v Simons.of Soda'ville niAlk..f t f John Clelan of this city, was at least 104 years old. It is said some of hr rhil.t- ren gi ve the age as 107 years. 104 makes her the oldest of any person in Oregon, and one of th ,n 1 1. States. " F. E. Allen and B. M. n nn. ed on Tuesday from the SanUam mines, where they found the Albany mill run ning in charge of Mr. Read and four or hve otber men. Itwillberun this win ter on an economical plan. Proviincna """a, being tckea b Mr. Iwlcr who will be back from Kait Ik ly next week. There was no snow either at the summit or the mioea. George Harris and eon and W. E. GU lett returned last nis?ht from eral months trip through south eastern yregon. grapnicaiiy told by Mr. Harri m several letters tliat have appeared in the columns of the DaMoruTand elicit ed a great deal of interest on account of their spicy character and portrayal of life. They succeeded in getting Bill back allrirht- V!.il iw. .i;.i considerabk marble work at Silver'Lake, As Excellent Display. The display of California machinery for patting fruit in the proper shape for the market, at the depot this forenoon was greatly ap preciated by over one hundred farmers who called to see it. There is some iioe machinery for this purpose and it is easily demonstrated that it pays to have tbe best. rrot. tmorv femith, of tbe b P. was along to explain matters, which be does in a very nice manner, never osing his exnilibrium. New Schooi Paper. So. of the Linn County School Journal, A. H. McDonald county school superintendent, editor and proprietor, is out. It consists of 16 pages of well gotten up matter. It will undoubtedly be a valuable assistant in the school work of the county. Cotutlpation. 1 1 .top. all low by Uy or ofcbl Ptmnn anlrk. Btm ol diKbuse, wlucb If notch ml IfmOn to BpmnatorrtHM and 0 armor arTER allUt.borroniotlinpotMcr. CBriDKtclm limn UtailJtt, Uie rlTrlDKKE trnctlMl uid rnwrm inll weak onrua. Th. rftwfl offeim aro not onrwl by iMrton la braum ntnrty pr eunt ars trooWc4 with tl. CUFIDK.NK l thronlj known r-mMr to cure without an orx-raUon. tun uwlmonl- (runriu, im- ifir.a nr moner rtornwo it mx box, doe. noiaaecla ponnaiMafcwica, KrS.ou.b7 mlL feend for mi circular o4 tenlmoiiiaab P. O. Boi Bo TrtuKSmx, CL forSoUby Fofthay k Maaoo, Albany. la. sHurn Preparing For the Battle of Life Where shall it be uon3? Certainly where the bet preparation can bs bad. oany College has claims in this direction that call for closer investigation. A Full College Training r of cuunie the bst tbio,. 3at Albany also effers a sanerior Normal Coarse, and a ine College Coarae that ia inferior to noue in tbe state. Correspondence Jinvited , II term open Sept 20, 1898. Strictlv business i Wallace Howe Lee, A, M., President CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGE, George R. Wirtz, f)iicctoi. Asiieted by Mi-s Cor A. Wirtz, and others. Branches Taught-Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Culture,.' bigut bmging, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History, Counterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments. French the jeweler. Crescent Hicrdp, iJopkina Brothers, agent. Bt BicyUe for te money Will Stark, jewelers. "Trilby" leads, others follow Stewart & Sox Hardware Co's. A doc. first class photos, best finish, only 50 cents at Miss Long's. Seed rye for prIp. Call at the Albany Nursery or at tbe store of C. E. Brownell. Crescent bicycle at Hopkins Brother tor only czu, s.w, and V). 0 B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sore and bog the aoti rat tinware at Uopkin Bros, will las1, a lifetime. We have decided to continue making tbe OL cent photos, ixing rnoto Vo, For calcium carbide go to the office of Oregon uas Lagnt xieaiing ot rower io A fine lot of new coot stoves am ranges at Stewart & Sox's. Prices cheap er than ever. Bring tbe babies and get a doz. of those cute little Diamond photos, only do cents at miss oxing's. Don't buy an "Airtight" stove unti you see the "IJickorv" and "Trilby' aept oy Btewan a cox. "Trilby" the most popular heating stove on tne market at Me wart & box Hardware Co's. Goto Venck s shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every customer. w nen you want a cnotce sttai, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry jroaera. lie seeps tne oest. nia. H. R. and ). K Roera office. n! residence in dohI office building. Special attention given to aiseases ot women. , The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company s market, just dawn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. ' Soothing, healing, cleansing, lie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is tbe implacable ene ray of sores, burns and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles, You may rely upou it, J. A. Cumming, agent, Is Ilea Degenerate. Speaking of the arrest of Will H. Don aca, the Sweet Home postmaster, the Telegram says : Nothing COUld be elicited frnnt tho cused beyond a confession that he knew tne money was gone. But how it went he refuses to disclose. Mr. Roberts re gards the young man as a moral dxnn. erate, who cannot realize the enormity of ura uuue inu uie stain it win leave on his name during the rest of bis life. On ine inp to mis city Uonaca would occas ionly chat in an unnaturally merry man ner with bis friends. Thea he would lapse into a brown study. The impression is that he did not squander the result of his theft, and that on his trial some unexpected disclosure win ue maue. A Cute Way. (From the ?rinevi!!s Review.) Some two or three weeks atro nn r J Crow was taken before Judce Willa an.l an examination of his sanity mailo. udge Wills refused to commit him to the insane asylum. Last Saturday he took possession of the quarters o'. Evans on Mainstreetaod held the ollicers of the law at bay with a lanre hntht-r L-nif,. consultation was held and a novel manner wa resortl to cfT.ct his cat- turc. The brass hun t u hmi and laced on the corner at tne brick store. ot lieingable to with stand Lha mimic he left bis quarters for the street to hear the music leavimr his knife behind. When he left tbe buildin? he wasnounr.. ed upon by the officers and taken before juage Wills and was com mi ted to the insane asylum, where he should have been long ago. of colonization and aquisition of terri tory? Shall we undertake a policy which has no precedent in our national history, it one it is Canada, and of what benefit has that been to usT It is true we now hae the Hawaiian group, the benefits and advantages of which time can only tell, to my knowl edge this was merely an experiment. But shall we, incMeji.YJ-ttado one step follow it up by others and Start oat in.tlie game of grab and extending of our boundriesT a Inch seems to be the result of all such moves. If we take the Philippines, this will necoosarily be fol lowed by tho Carolines, next the La- drones, then I suppose we will take Uie Canaries and all the other stray islands in the Pacific and Atlantic. It is all very well and wise for some of these one borne editors to tit in their of fice and editorial cha:rs and write artic les sanctioning the retaining of the Philippines, a move which will benefit the masses at large not one bit, but may beneht a tew individually. I only wiah that those who are advocating such a move, will come i.ere and hold them. and live on army rations such as we have been living on ouring the past months. Should the I'nited States see fit to cast aside ah her former traditions and do the very thin the European nations intimated we.were going to war for "the extension of our boundaries," we will need a navy triple the number we now possess and an army of not leas than one hundred thousand men. so as to t prepared to be plunged into the tuieriett oi war at any time. Oar standing army before the mat now ended war with pain was not filled to the required number of twenty five thousand men. bo how ran we hoie to be able to raise a standing army to such a number aa will be neceary? Many of our people are complaining of the exhorbitant rates of taxai'on. What a ill be the result if they are compelled to pay perhaps three times the present taxes? If we increase our army to the number it will be obliga tory. If we take the Philippines and other islands taxes are sure to be heavier and more of a burden on our people. England may boat that Uie sun never sets on her possesions, but let us also remember that Uie son never sets on the misery and despair that has resulted Irora her policies of aggrandizement. We, as a naUon, have gone forward steadily from the time of our birth, and have been the envy of all nations. For over one hundred years we have of fered an ideal g-jup and home for all peo ple, vrir temtonea are not lullr culti vated and colonized. There is atxU room for all comers, so let us concentrate our efforts and policies so as to get our own grand country fully develeped, not start out and acquire more when we hare no use for it. For what does cot add too. takes away. All these things should be nrrtattviOMiatderctX aAd pooderu! -r neiore attempting any such utxleiiat! ijr. Let the outer nations continue U.ttr policies of acquisition and acquiring of territory, let tbrm have a stand ins army and navv, triple the strenUi of our own, and shed rivers of blood over their pos sessions. But Jet us continue our former policy and not depart from it, and tbe Great God of Uie universe will shower blessings npon as in the future as be has Magic and Music, I At the Armory tomorrow . night, under 1... ..t f T1 I .1 I . t i nut)iwi ui t,vuwva mugo, ior tuv benefit of tbe Orphan's Home, an enter tainment, magic and masic, will be giv en, of which a Portland paper sayi: The initial performance It. this city of the Crisman Musical Specialty Company wa. cbaracterized by more thao tbe usual measures ot success, even (or such a popular organization . High-priced operas and drsmaa at the b-g theaters frequently furnish less than half of tbe entertainment produced by this company for half the price of the much vaunted tars and staresses. For instance. Harrv Orisman's iucrirle- i ry and powers of magic are manifested lor bait an tionr in a truly wonderful way. He is certainly a roaster in bis line. The Glenn Sisters, the spirited and vivacioos Pearl and Ruby, modest, bit confident, wholly pleased tbe large audi ence with their grac-lol dancing, their pantomimic p ays, their artistic tan boorinieg and their charming vocaliza tion. Mrs. Leila Otisman, the popular so prano, enchanted the audience with her extraordinary powers as a soloist. Many a prima donna, with suoerior stage op portuuitiee, would aceooot the rich full ness of hr voice a fortune in itself Tbe musical glass performance is uuique and very entertaining. From the o,eoiog to the closing num ber the performance especially delighted a crowded houseful of people who unite uvepvatirg great success lor tbe Scto. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Chrisman Specialty Company in its toar of Oregon sod Washington. Seats on sale at Bnrkbart & Lee'a. Admiseion 15. 25 and 35 cents. Mrs.E.E. Parrish returned today from a trip to Portland. Mr. George W. Dodder, formerly of this city is now running a tailor shop in Jkaaaaa uy. Editor Phelps, of the Scio News, one of th- beet gotten up papers in the valley, w u lire titT touay. Lev. I isher a former pastor of the evangelical church ol this city arrived iu .iiuany mis noon. Mrs. K. C. Neat, wife of tbe county re corder is lying dangerously ill at her Dome in this city. Mrs. G. M. Whitney went to Albany thiriorenoon to visit her son, J. R Whit ney. Eugene Guard. QMrasra. Bob Johnson ami Davidaon.two tenlon county prune men were in the city today with a big shipment from Granger which they were sending off. Tbe nsmee of Georse E. Chamberlain and W. D. Fen ton are being considered in Portland for state senator to succeed Joe Simon. Mr. Chamberlain would represent the people. Everybody will be welcome at tbe betnr at tbe M. E. church tonight by Prof MarUndaleof the public ecnools. Tbe subject, "Weeimioster Abbe)" is a very interesting and entertaining coe. A. C. Woodcock, the well-known En re lawyer, has been retained by tbe father of tbe murdertd young iaa to assist tbe prosecut'on in the McGratb murder trial to be begun next Tuesday afternccn. C. B. Winn rvtnrned last erennr from bis trip east after a very pleasant exper ience in which be taw all there was to in the big east, visiting many of tbe pr-mioetit cities including New York. Mr. and Mr Harry Walk ins left Mo MinnviiU on Monday to ak a new lo cation. Mrs. Waiktos will visit at Sa lem and M on month, while Mr. Wattin looks over Washington, and peroaps Idaho. fceporter" Mr. Jaotes Cburca anl cade returned Ibia morning from Alaea, where they took cp a ranch, and went on to Oregon City, with their covered landau. They left Uie ranch and will go backCaftert. Jamee wore a red bandanna and was as fat as a sea lion. Some of tbe latest price ;a Dawson are as follows : Batter 12.50 per pound ; S. Charles cream, (1 per can ; potatoes and onions. 65 eenta nr nnnruf ttajtf IS in the paau We have a great country ? cents to (1 and 11.50 per pound, accord- From the News: Beoj. Munkera returned the first of the week from Albany, where he had been visiting his brother, Sheriff I . A. Munk ers, for a few days. L. W. Richardson has discontinued tbe meat business, and has fitted bis place of business up for a confectionery store. He has increased his stock in this line and now h is a good assortment of goods of the confectionary variety on the helves. Whilensinga curling iron last Satur day Miss Myrtle Calavan had the mis fortune to drop tne hot iron in such a manner that it le'l across thn r,nnil ,.t ner ngnt eye, badly burning it. Tbe services of ir. frill were needed to ease the pain, and, by skillful treatment, tbe sight ot the eye was saved, although the eye was badly burned. R. D. Calavan was in Scio this werk winding up his business aflaira and pre paring to make his borne permanently ia '. aays mat the livery bust' ness in which he has purchased a half in tereet is very good with Mattering pre. pecta for improvement. Some time ago C. N. Vouog.of. this city couipoMW a march and two step, which be atyled the Maccabee Mareb.and woeo uu compieieu it, ue sent it east a a ni known music arranger, and the first vi iuo wees ue received the piece ar raugoa ior tne piano and also for full inmiary cana. Accompanying tbe ma sic as a letter from the stranger com pli- u.nung air. xoung very highly upon the composition of the piece. Mr. Young - h-" w leou iue music to a pub lishing house and nave it panted in mu sic form for botl piano and band. Charlie is one of our most popular young ujsa aua aii are congratulating him upon u wram aa a masic composer, and uuiDiior nim Hi nmner mwc i in uuv aua ior nta success in that tine. and let us develop it before looking for otner neios. If we retain our former policy'and tra ditions, and bring our own land to a higher state of pertection. we will be able to withstand Uie combined armies of tbe world; Uiere is no army in existence that could land on our shores and march two hundred miles inland, for they would be completely annihilated. So let us beware, and consider well tbe step before taking it.for when once taken there will be no opportunity of with drawing it. 1 am poeitive in my opinion that if our nation takes such a step, fifty years hence ske will curse the day that she threw her former policies and tradi tion to the winds, and started upon an experiment. History is filled with warn ings to nations who hava an inaatiable greed for gain, and the terrible and last ing consequences that have resulted from such indulgence. So. in conclusion, I will say, let us con sider well and not depart from a certain ty to an experiment, which may have disastrous results. Let us be content to retain what we now possess and America shall indeed he the land of the free and the borne of the brave. C. STEiAWACitta, Manila P. I., Co. I SndjOr. Vol. pis No I The C. of 0. and.lndiansof Cbemawa win play football at Eugene on No vein ber 6. Claud Branton wts indicted at yesterday for the murder of John A Linn on June id last. The payment of stain wnrrnntji fin the oiu accounts will not be paid until Nov, i, as it will take sometime to figure the interest. len carloads of 210.30 Bounds of prunes were sold at Corvallis Isst Satui oay ior the net price of 3 cents. Among tne sellers were N. Needham and Stone x rvurtz. o. Xi. UrniHbV. sunerintonilnnt tt kA federal forest reserves, has returned from his post and reports the work ranging the forests a decided siiccem. huni. in acres of timber having been burned this year against several hundred in proceed ing seasons. Salem Journal. ine writer while below ili- n,.- via who has just returned from Dawson city. Mr. Davis went with Win. Rudio with 100 head of beefjcatUe. Mr. Rudio got bis cattle to Dawson City in fine shape and slaughtered thn uhnfu i.t gold them out at wholesale at from 60 to fi5 cents a pound, realizing over 15,000 net from his investment. Mr. Davis left The Dalles last Tuesday with Brown and Pelton's cattlo. Alex says he doesn't want any thing more to do with Dawson but they have "Bcalda" of gold there. In evidence of which he has a lot of fine specimens. Prinevillo Review. Foa the SoLhUKS. A fine lot of pres ents far the Albany toys was made up in Albsnv yesterday and shipped this morn ing to i'ortlsQd where they will be sent itb a big shipment from there to Man ila, (or the Oregon bays Christmas pres ents, to t he. r their hearts in that far off country. Tliere was about a thousand pounds in all, made up in ten pound package, and consisting of ev.rything oeeiratiie ami that couhl be shipped un der the rules. Among the other things the Dkmik rat man saw a tin of creamery butter sealed in a can made lor the pur pose, me sender declaring hat be ctidu I believe they had any decent batter there. As thn packages will reach there in the hottett time of the tear it is not exactly certain ho w that butter will loos, but it can at leant he drank. The collections were made in Albsnv bv the Reserve Corps, wljo are entitled to credit lor the interest t aken and tbe hard work done for this very laudable purpose. A mer ry Christjuaa to all of the Albany dots at Manila or on their way and may tbey soon be 'home to at leastehoot fire crack ers with, us. I'lsii Commissioner. II. D. McGuire was today appointed by Govwrnor Lord as fish commissioner under It s new law. Mr. McGuire is the choice of tbe fifh men of tbe stste. lie intorms a Journal representative that be will have no less than three deputies to appoint, and that one will be named for the Willame'.te and San tiam region. Salem Journal. Wantkd a Bounty. a man with a beat scalp and a timber wolf scalp came doe n from t'ie front on theC. & E. yes tec-day and called on the county clerk with them for a bounty.but asthiscoun iv mva i. hnnntv onlv on cavotes. 12 60. it was im possible to figure either into the law, though It was thought a wolf came pi etty close to the cayote family and was worse a animal n possiuie. ing to Ue cut ; moose steaks, from f 1 to ii.oo per pound. Senator Daly, of Beotoo county, was in tbe city today on bit way to Portland, where as chairman of tbe committee on Uie revision of tbe school laws he will assist in ibia Important work. He was accompanied by George Denbam wbo will act aa clerk ! tbe committee. Dr. Beardsley, of Kentucky, has coo eented to lecture in ibis citv on Friday night of next week, particulars of which will hereafter be given . Tbe D-tor t si ce oil r gave the lecture, "Tbe Philosophy ot Rifht Living" in Corvallis, and Uie papers there speak in remarkably Ut tering terms of Uie splendid address. Mr. A Belvins of Tangent, who recent ly relumed from a Inn thmmrh autarn Oregon and Idaho, was in tl.e city today. tie bad a very enjoyable time seeing that part ot the United States, lie was in La Grande and ti ought it was display ing a good deal of life. Tl.e sugar factory is attracting considerable attention for that part of the state. ugene Clark, tbe typewriter doctor Ing be in the city until tomorrow mora- to. Mr. Clark guarantees all his work tr one year, and any one wanting any bing attended to will receive prompt at tenUon by writing him at room 30, Eld red go block, Salem. Oregon where he will be for probably two month longer. Tbe Statesman says : Mr. E. P. Mc Cornack, president of the First National bank, and Miss Edna Moody, daughter of ex-Governor and Mrs. Z. F. Moodv, will be united in marriage this evening at the residence of the latter. They will depart on tbe 8:25 sotithbonnd express tor a bridal toar in California. Mr. Mo Cornack is a Lane county boy being a brother to Postmaster McUornack. Hallows'im. Tonight will be Hal owe' en, a name that brings terror into he b esrts of many. Arrangements have already been made for its observance In Albany. It will be well to anchor your gates with a rock quarry, to pat your stray wagons under your bed and have special policeman at each corner of your lot. Among other things tbe posts at the corners of the school lot are to be taken up so that it will be easier to enter, tbe wagon ol tbe man who leaves It out nights is to be transferred somewhere else and he will be mcky if be gets it, several signs are to be changed. Really It will he well to sit out on your front porch tonight with a shot gun. Tbe Mitchell and Neeland boys who recenly left Albany for eastern Oregon bv Uie Lebanon wagon road, returned borne last night by carriage having been met coming home. Tbey got as fares the summit, when the hardships were too much for them and they began re- retracmg their steps, wet and tired out, Mr. btrainey met them near Uie toll gate. Hops have now been sold lor as 17 cents. at high Wheat Las dropped a cent and is now 52 cents. W. N. Miller and James F. Powell are "building a steam launch which will be run on tbe Willamette. It will hold -eight or ten people and can run at any time. Aa Ubiquitous Editor. Due Oregon editor ought to get along. According he Mc Minn villa T. R., A. V. R.Snyder Df the Transcript , is au ubiquitous fel low in the office line. He holds an office under tbe U. S. government at a salary of $.100 a year, is assistant chief clerk of the house of the Oregon legislature at gS a day, is recorder of the city of McMlnn ville at $20 a month, and we suggest that the county ought to give him an of fice alto The owl SODDerai lha Rateatinn Arm. barracks tonight. Go acd find out for yourselves. Officers and memhera of AlKanv n;m No. 2, are requested to he nmant at 7 o cloi a sharp this Friday evening at L. O. T. M. hall, rerola? meet in. U.K. In response to a lebwrem U, t r Graham last evening aeot Uie monev for bis tonAogut ia the hosp tal atrSan Fran Cisco to return to Alkany. sod he will probably be home next Monday morn A diaaatrous conflairralinn nwnmJ - Drain Wednesday eveninr deatrovln several thouaanl dollars worth of prop erty, including: Kent & Bridge, large store of hard are and general merchan- aise, tne store was built one year ago. Mrs. McCIaran's millinery store and boarding house, Samuel Jaoee' iewelrv sto?, Mr. Moon's general merchandise store. Hon. J T. Endrea' diellinf wn. pied by Mr. Lowe. The fire unad in tbe McClarao borne from tome unknown cause. Tbe eat i mates for tha innrorement rJ Oregon rivers and harbors, made by Gen. vi iisoo, chief ot engineers, for the eojt ng year are aa follows: OonnilMriwe Oregon, ttO.OOO; Coo bay and harbor region, f 100,000; Sioalaw river, $30.00C; Yaquinabar. $40,000: Tillamook hay. $25,000; canal at Caaeade, Columbia T. $100,000: Columbia and fvtwer Willamette river, below Portland ilSO.. 000: ColU'iibia river, below Tonvne Point, Or.. $40,000; gauging Colombia tver,$!000. Dr. McAllister Guilty. From tbe EageneGnard's circuit court proceedings : 1CK. Slate Orecin vs. E. A. MeA!- letert practicing medicine Without 2i eeut. . Arraigned and took day to plead to indict menu L. Btlyeo retained to de fend. Motion to set aside indicti.ient ov mtu led. Wed needs y Uie defendant eoiered plea of not guilty by his attor ney, nr. McAllister appeared in court this morning and entered a nlea of emit v. The court set next Tuesday mornitg at o'clock for sentence. (Dr. McAl'urter intorms tbe Guard that be has practiced bis profession for thirty years without a lieena, six year of the time being in Eugene, and that he thought that the lengi h of time which be na been eogaged in the practice excused him from being comielied to procure a license. He will toon make preparations procuring authrity to practice. Religious errlccs. Christian Chorch. corr-er Jackron and 5th streets. Servirei at 1 1 a. m. and JO p. m. bv the pastor Rev C M Laoe. Morning theme, "Tbe Rich Man's Sin" Evening topic, "A Return to First Prin ciples." b . at 10 a. u., l t S C E at 30 p. m. Everybody cordially invited to all these services. Special musical programs in charge of Prof. Wirtx, at both services. Presbyterian Church: Moraine ser vice at 10 -JS, subject of Uie sermon, "Children of God,' 8 S at 11 :45. C E at 8:30, Evering service at 7:30, subject of toe eennoo. "ihe Mtcket Uate" tbe second of the series following tbe ouUioe ol rugrtms frog tea. A cordial invita tion is extended to all to atteod all tbe services. Unite J Preebrterian church : Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. S 8 at 2 :30. Jr. Endeavor at 3:30, Sr. Endeavor at 8:30. Subject ol morning sermon. it la Uood for Us to be Here." Even ing, "Wanted A Man." The Liri'i Supper will be observed after tbe morn ing sermon. All member should be present. All are cordially invited to at tend these services. There will be preaching services at tbe Cumberland Presbyterian church morn ing and evening. S Sat 10 a. m., Jr. endeavor at 2 p m, er. Endeavor at 6 :30 p m. Com and worship with us. The H. E. cborch was filled last even ing to overflowing with an interested au dience of school children and our citiKeos generally deairine to hear tbe new su perintendent of oar tchooli tell about Westminster Abbey, tbe most historical place in the world. Previous to the address there was tinging of "America." "Cuba, the Pearl of tbe Ocean." anotner song, an invoca tion by Rev. MeKillop and a song by sixteen girls, ia which Uie pupil of the tao schools look psrt. Prof. Martiodale opened bis addrtts by referenve to England at tbe home of history, but west of the Atlantic are i eared nations thst will funisb history for the future. Prof. Martindale oa bis recent trip to England was much struck with the historical place, tbe old castle on one skis and the famous Thames on the other. Even now the people have tbe eld taehiooed stylo of dress, tbe f rince Albert coat and tbe high silk bat. ludicatiog their station. In London be wa most struck with Piecadil'o street. Hut w eeuiinater Abbey, clove to tbe famous London tower ajd Buckingham iwiacM me noine or the queen, is tbe cen ter of attraction. Here are tbe tombs ol tbe famous men of the world, men wbo have made history In war, government and literature. Among tbe thousands of wnnus mere, ne reterred particularly to those of William Pitt, the friend of amenca, Macauley, the historian, Wordsworth, the poet, W. E. Gladstone, wDoee tomo had been placed there only ten days before bis visit. Ben Joohaon. tbe poet, Walter Scott. Livingstone, tbe explorer, rjeracnel, the astronomer, Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, wbo saw Uie apple fall, Joba Wesley, the father of Methodism, tbe Duke of Weiling-oo, who whipped Napoleoo, Southey. Eng. 'and s favorite Poet. Tennvson. Bnrna. Chaucer, tbe father of English poets. M il on, Shakespeare, whom be believes wrote only about half credited to him, Elizabeth. Watt. Wolf. Andre tha tern. aalem chamber with it righteous people, and the carnation chair with it (tone upon ebirb Jacob 1H hi bead when be w tne vision . Tbe address wa one fall of interest and it i to be booed this very successful entertainment be followed by others, at it suggest an excellent idea ia connec tion with tbe work of the eehooia. Tbe entertainment ekamf arith a avi. by tbe high school anartet. Miaaea How. ard, Cline, Brenner and Stewart and benedtctioo oy Dr. Wire. director Curt preatded in a pleasing manner. SOCI4L AND) PERSONAL' Rr aaakaa tb foa para, --' -1-1 iltlirln FQTDZR Absolutely Puro amat aaaaaa emasra iw.. aeewtaa. HOME AND ABPOAD. Wheat 52 cent. ; J. B. Hughes, of The Dalles, has bees iu toe city. Rev. Cane wert to Corvallia today to prcatcu tomorrow. Fee, aa Albany cook twenty year aro. came otct irota uie Day tbl noon. Prof. Robb, of tb Shedd schools, wa ia tbe city today aceomnsmied hia tamily. Aa epidemic of diphtheria ia rennrted at Cottage Grove by the Eugene papers. I be Sew Woman ia anon to he nra. en led in Lebanon, with prominent ladie of the Presbyterian church as representative of Uie leadicg states. J. M. Ralston ia havimr tha Inmh bauled and will soon commence the ere tioo of a new store building on his lot op polite the bank. Boyle & Harden have oeeo given the contract. Lebanon E. A. G. W. Aldricb. deceased .carried fj 000 life insurance ia the Washington Co-nn. erative Life Insurance Association. His heir have received $937.70. which is all tbey will receive on tbe policy. Leban on E. A. Ia tbeir reply to the answer of tbe Se em Journal '.he plaintiffs. Messrs Bine. bam and Da via accuse the Journal edi tors of not displaying sufficieot energy. Well, for a fact there is not a more ener getic paper anywhere than tbe Journal. Mr. Willi Vic" it o brought out from Alsea, Wednesday, Mr Lough bottom, who i suffering with a mild form of in sanity. She wa examined by Dr. Lee, before County Judge Woolward Thurs day morning, and was taken to the stv- Inm at hm bv EbenS Rickard. Cor- Talua Union. The E net ne Guard tells a notato a tne that would not be believed outside of Uie cute. It say Alfred Blanton to tbe city with a load of 25 bushels of feerlee potatoee. ot which there wa not a potato that weighed leea than 24 oouads, and some weighed a high a 10 pound, and that be bad 250 bushels more of joet aoeb potatoes. Tbe merer of Tbe Dalle baa vetoed tbe ordinance recently passed there for a eoatraet with Uie electric light com pany of that citv fir lizhta at $10.50 a a month on the following two grounds : ' Firt, That tbe light provided for wiii not give satisfaction or do justice to all parts o( the citv desiring lizbta. Second. That tbe finance of Uie city do not jus tify tbe council in Bakipg the contract. Tbe city will therefore have to go it ia in Uie dark, which no city can afford to do. Brownsville F. M. Brown has succeeded I. D. viae resigned as recorder, and J. Ir-E. I Mr. Graham Glass jr., recently men-1 thus out. Dr. S. E. Josephi has been nominated by the republican central committee of Multnomah county, ior state senator to succeed Joseph Simon. The others are I tioned for state senator to succeed Joe i . .,. . i , '"V, , . .! Simon was in the city this noon. hisA armyeaat ISSSSffS SK i The W tTT playing football """""tow afternoon, at 2: JO, with Miss Lida Galbruith. Wagoner, J. C. Veanutn resign!, as councilman. Sunday night an attempt was made ta rob the 8. P. safe. The Eagle Woolen Mill Co. have a new boiler. O. A. Home has bought a balf interest In the hardware firm of E. A. Evant & Son. Nate Standish and JoJe Moore have arrived from the Blue River mines. The new ten stamp mill will toon start up with several Brownsville men employed. The teoih anniversary of tbe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Stan ard was cele brated lait Monday. To-Night. At tbe Armory tonight the Chrisman Musical and Magical Specialty Co. will give one ot tbeir pleasing enter tainments, porular wherever they have been given. , iue press ot ths state speak highly of them. Tbe entertainment will be given undJer tbe auspice of the Re becca for tbe benefit of the Orphan, Home. Admission only 15, 25 and 35 cents Reserved seats on sale at Burkbart & Lee's. Mark Hulburt the well known Clvdes- dale dealer and breeder of this city, has purchased "Robin Hood" of E.R. Case. This horse is one of the finest bred trav elers in the state. The price paid for the tame waa $80.00. Hot Stofv Here it good news for everybody. Uncle Billy Wright It in the city with some ef the fine-t horse radish ever tasted, more tropical than ever. When becomes around have your glass ready, and get some to help your digestion. Two initations at the Maccabee temple tonight. Let all memders attend. The three noon trains were all ahead of time today. Mr. Julius Gradwohl informs tbe Dzm- ocrat that tbe price of lagar has dropn-d one halt cent and be thinks it w " do wo still further. Mrs. E. H. Henderson, of Oakland, ia in Uie city the reset of ber aiatee Mra T. J. SUtes, George Foley, of Oreeoa Citv. he mne to Albany altera Tint with FA. Horran. of this city. Journal. Attorney C E Hawkins did legal bus- lsnees in Albany Monday and Tuesday. Hawker" is a rustler ami doe a nirat business. Toledo Leader. Mr. and Mn. Biiraard who hay kwi here on a visit tbe cueeta oi their broth er M r, D. BuMardretaraed to tbeir osbm in atiseoan today.; Krof . Wirtx will hava charm ot tha special musical program! at the Christ ian church tomorrow morning and evening. Joba Scan land, wbo has been serving a three-year term ia tbe penitentiary on ine cnarge c: eooaterteiupg. returned home this morning. Hi time waa con siderably shortened by credit marks for good behavior. Lebanon E. A. Dr. J. F. Wallace, of this citv. recent ly performed aa operation for apnendi citis on tbe aioe year old eon of 8. C. tierkwttb ot .lebanoo. assisted bv Dr. Lam hereon. The boy is doing well Tbe Bastard brothers, of Albany. spent a few day at the beach last week. Tbey were accompanied by M. Bastard of Deer Park, III., a third brother who was visiting with them and it was tbe nrn time ne naa ever eeen tbe ocean. Newport Newt. At a recent meeting of tbe senior class of the O. A.O. tbe fvltowiog were elected officers for the coming year : Lyle Law rence, president; Harry Beard, vice president; James Van Gross, aecretarv aad Hubert Ucoggioa treasurer. Jay Van Cleve departed oa the steam er Navarayesterdav for Saa Francisco to visit his brother, Bert, who is employed by a phonograph company in that citv. lorrauia limes. Mum Martha Hoffman leave Monday to )oin uer daughter Maud in London, England, and does not expect to return for years if at all. Enroute. she visits friends in Washington City for four weeks. Corvallis Times. Jar. Hem low, a gentleman o: many year experience ia canning fish, meats. vegetable and fruit, ia in this city try ing to interest oor citizens in tbe protect ot saving our fruit and vegetable by canning Uie same Corvallis Gazette. Mr. Hemlow was recently in Albany Tbe infant son ol Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Mansfield died at their borne in Tbe Dalies Thursday evening. The child wa aged about lour month, it not wa strong child, but it's death will prove a neavy sorrow to it parent, wbo nav the sympathy of many friend in this city. Register. A Spokane paper says: At the last regular meeting of tbe Woman Chris tian Temperance Union, held at Uie resi dence of Mrs. Bolster on Adam treet, a beauUful framed picture of tbe late Fiancee Willard waa preentedto the or ganization by Mia Lilly Robertson. ITbe picture is now at the residence of Mr. Bolster, where the meetings ol the local w . u. i . u . are new. Mr. Homer Davenport, tbe world'a greatest caricaturist, has arrived in San Francisco where be will have charge of the pictorial work ia the campaign be tween McGuire and Gage for governor. I his is good ihe plot ore of Edgrea have been coarse and ditgutting to every one with aoy sense of propriety, and it may be stated that Mr. Davenport will never stoop to tne tame style of work Taylor McHargue. wbo has crossed the plain 20Umee,and who left this city about six week ago for Miaaoun.return ed to Brownsville Monday evening. The ii- ,.., i . enow uegan laiiing a nine too eariv in Missouri to suit Mr. McHargue, and he made haste for Oregon, the land of sunshine and big red apple. Browns ville Timet, Tbe Grata Vallev Journal gives the fo! lowing account ot an accident to two former Albany people. "While on tbe wav to see a patient. Wednesday after noon, Dr. and Mrs. Coie met with a ser ious accident. One ol tbe horses stum bled and broke tbe neck yoke strap, let ting tbe tongue on tbe ground. This frightened the horse and they started in to kick and run, turning the buggy up side down, throwing both occupants out. Mrs. Cole has every bad ankle, probably traciared, ana a prainea back, while Ur. Cole ceme out with a badly sprained wrist ana a gooa tuaxing up. On Wednesday morning at tbe Catho lic rectory occurred the marriage of Jos Steele and Mise Julia Hecker, Father Jureck performing Uie ceremony. Mr, Steele was formerly a Polk county boy. but during tbe past few year he has been engaged in farming near Walla Walla. Tbe bride it a daughter of Joe. Hecker, the well-known plotter of Soap creek precinct, immediately alter the A DxMoss Chiu Tbe DeMoea Fam ily Quartet, kxown throughout the civil ized world a "The Lyric Bard ot Amer ica" played to a chilling frost from Cbil coot Paea at the Steward. La Grande ia Uie native town of Uie DeMoat family and tbe performance wa ose oi tbe meet mentariori that ha ever been given here, but tbe management, or rather Uie local gentleman who bad the matter in charge,believed be could make the thins; ceserai wMtKmt tbe aeual neweparer advertising and tbe remit wasaa might be expected. La Grande Chronicle. A A i rr M 1 ft.' i.-' TEE EXCQJUCGE CF STiTP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination. Teat also to the care and skill with which, it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CaxiroBSiA Flo Srxcp Co. oely, and we wish to impress upon aXlhe importance of purchasing; the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CauroRxia. Fie Stxtp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding tha worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The nigh standing of the Caxi VOKSIA Fia Stkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of tha excellence of its remedy. It is tar ia advaseo of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating- or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. sax ratajicxac, rax avanmixa. Kr. mtwru.av. We Have Moved ! Iota the Baltimore building where we will be glad to welcome the patronage oi all people wishing a good quality of goods at low prices. SEE OUR BARGAINS: 15 lb, best cane granulated sugar. .$1.00 7 Ibe. beat cream Rolled oats "fresh" .25 2 1 lb. pack Arm & Hammer soda . .15 6 can sardine mustard sauce..... .25 6 cana American sardines in oil .25 1 lb. nice Mocha and Java coffee.. (Try this coffee.) .20 1 gallon best vinegar .15 2 packages mixed bird teed 15 5 cant Columbia river salmon 25 1 2 lb. package Our Mothers' mush .10 6 la. " " " .25 We have a good line ot salt and smoked meats consisting of Hams. Pick Nick Hamt, Side meat, Salmon Bellies. Her rings. Pig Feet, eta. We are going to ell them, come and see for yourself. Freah Bread every day. Bran, Shorts and Chop Feed at pricee to suit tbe times, Ccme and set our price on Feed. Msgnolia Flour, Graham and Germ meal for ta'e. Just received fresh Cranberries, Date and Fig. Sea our new prise baking powder in show window. Batter and egg i wanted, cash or trade. Albany Trading Co. . R. X. M03RIS, Manager. wedding ceremony the bridal couple took I D 0 1 4. 2 rv JXrrr the train for their Eastern Washington Dttl I 1 mOlC JtJlUcK orne. Corv allit Timet.