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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
- VOL XXXIV Enter cfi tke Font OHee at tlfeaaT. Or. lni4-tliu Mali Raiuti ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11.1898 f r KITTISC PablUbcr as Frtlt- NO 14 1 1 cccoocooocococccooocccooo f 1 u The Lion'j Share zz CI I' of China may fee held Si T the Lion's share of the J! isheld by CI CI CI Cl CI Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl O Cl I. ' m km far fa WW ' The quality of Battle Ax is not questioned. If you chew tobacco you cannot buy a better, more satisfying and economical chewing tobacco than Battle Ax. You can prove this for yourself if you will buy the large 10-cent piece and try ft. There's a wonderful difference in quality as well as in quantity over common kinds. Try it to-day. Pemember the name jy when you buy again. cccccccoocoocccocccooccco T&iiumt mom ns I OCT BUGGY, Carriage and made to order will compete rices. Repairing tops solicited. Have the largest stock of harness, saddles and sad dlery hardware in the Yal- valley. Tomlinson Preparing For the Battle vV here snail itbe.on? Cerainlv w th-s t preparation can be h3. A oany College has claims in this d;tection that c!t for closer investigation. A Full College Training 0 f course the best tbio. jiat Albany also effer a - ip-l-- Normal Course, and a sinew college Co-rthir,g inferior to none in tnesu. Oorr condeoce .lavited. 1 term open Sepi CO, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President Constip ation. 1 . - an'a-B all Ui horromol tscrvni. r m.w ktdntrraand Tbe reason nutTrr-n aro not cured br V, ,11.,, roarat .poRlren and m onry returned II six tK.i does not cfleel a pwniaratMtwus- 5iaOk - tut 15.00, br mall. Bend for rKK ALBANY OIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie Lately. He hai oan of the finest stocks of,Furni turo in the valley. He has added BaTiv Buccies to h s atock. Jut call in and you Oregon Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Jill L'hBaD Lifflic For , DheapHeat Fop ')heap Powe" fcr Correspondence DR. F. B 40AJHS. Pros. - -"-T o CI o a CI a CI CI CI o CI CI CI CI CI CI C) CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI. o o o o o a o o down by England, but sale of chewing tobacco Bat HACK, Canopy Tops at prces that with eastern & Dubriiille MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENC Thta mat VMStaM VUaluar,tpracrip- ttonet a 'immoo French plirte4aii, will qnlcklrwsoo of aW I aw Toas or davK ol toe geuei'muve organs, suck as lo alanlwoa. Iraomnl. Pains In tbe Baclt.&emlnu i.mloM. nerrcmn mnuv, timniM. TTnAinMii la Mrnr. Exhaottiiic Dnlisb Vrlcorl '! U stops all lossw by dmy or pht aynutark tnenrtnaryotvansof aUlmpoOUMV impowwT. n ' Dociors Is benuw irtnety per eset J!JJr:P circular ana iwunoo mtm. Yen-bay & Masoc, Albany Proprietor. store will find that his prices are the OWEST- ttoch House and Eot8l P.hiirr.h. PnnSR aim HQlBI "al Anything anl Everytliing Solicited. A, H. FEEERKSSS, SEC. THTJBS3DAY The War With Spain. Editok Democrat : It lias been constantly asserted, that the democrats forced McKinley into a war with Spain, before we were ready and then would not support a bill to raise revenue for the support and main tainance of the same. Now let us inves tigate and see what the facts are : On the 24th of March Senator Thurs ton, an administration republican, naid: "The time for action has comu, aud has come now ; every hours delay only adds another chapter to the awful story of misery and death," ami bear this dis tinguished senator from Nebraska furth er: ,-Mr. President, against tho inter vention of the U. S. in this holv cause, there is but one voice of dissent. That voice is the voice of the money chang ers." Mr. T. also said: "1 do not ac cent my patriotism from Wall t." , War was finally secured by all kinds ; of prodding along. And now the demo crats are accused of having denied the administration money for the support and maintainance ot the war. Vow - hat are the facts. In May, according; to the Secretary of the Treasury, we bad an available cash balance 220000,0U0. The republicans said we must have f 000,000,- wi in doimis ana certificates: we must have foOO.000 in war revenue each tlav hat would that make? The war tax is now bringing in over $500,000 uer dav. or in rouua ngures flia.UUU.UUO a year pi ua saj.uuu.uuu wnich would make in round numbers $400,000,000 and add the ouu,wj,wu ot proposed bonds and we would have $1,000,000,000. Against that proposition was almost a solid democratic vote, and today there is a solid demo cratic party, aud in my bumble opinion .ney are wining to meet tneir opponents in high and honorable debate, aud leave it to the intelligent American people as to whether they were rutht or wrong. According to republican tin urea, thete was no necessity for issuing a dollar ot bonds. So fur the war has cost S150.- 000,000. More than that amount will be raised in less than a year, under the war revenue bill alone, in the face of these facts, I challenge any man in America to show a just cause for the issuing of bonds by the last session of contrives. Not only did the democrats vote against bonds, but they voted in favor of an in come tax. But from the republican side of the bouse, came about 200 woes and the income tax was defeated; and upon that proposition the democratic party is willing to leave it to their fellow country men, as to who was rinht or wrone. Time baa thoroughly vindicated that the position of the democratic party on the war was eminently correct. me democrats said yea to income tax and no to bonds. The republicans said no to income tax and vea to bonds. Voters which do voo prefer? $300,000,000 of vera finally anlil to ran lor ten years at 3 per cent, "inter est alone will amount to $30,000,000 or about one half toe cost of the war. Here we have $2b0,OOO,OOO of indebtedness that will have to be paid by the producer of wealth of this country, when there was no occasion for it. If the county court of this county was to create a debt to te paid by its people without an occasion would not the peoole be indiznant. and justly too? M. A. Mille. Lebanon, ov. 2, '93. Oafcvllle. Mr. Kurtx, of Salem, is visiting with H. M. Stone. , St. John and Wade are busy drying apples, tbey dry from 40 to 69 boxes every day , Judge Barton's dog (Coxey) didn't go to Albany, but true to his name he nays with the common people. Me don t like talented men and will not be interviewed by a reporter. We admire him at a dis tance. We visited our friend Mills' at his borne in Tangent last week. Mr. M. has a nice residence and on his lot be has nice variety of fruit. At present his grapes are at their best and tliev are good for we took a sample of them. Mr. Mills is an invalid and has been in Cal ifornia for her health which lias been improved some, but she likes Oregon better than any place she has been. The ancient custom of tearing down iens carrying away gates and other acts, more or less criminal, on the night of Oct. 31st has been laid) aside by the young people of this city and instead they go in hacks from bouse to bouse and serenade the people. The Chicago letter in the Democrat Iasttweek was all right and we admire the style and safely say that there was no immitation ot eitber ol the learned men whom be mentioned, his style is that of a banker or insurance agent. Which is it M.7 Mr. . O. MiUer, of Portland, made ns a pleasant rail last week. Mr. M. trav els by wheel and bis expences are light. Mr. Warren Koberts, ot langent, was in ou town last week, lie visited w ith A. Y. Smith at the store. Some hobos done this part of the coun- ty last week with eye glasses and watches. They claimed that the goods were found by them, but "tbey were right new and bright." We think tbey had sent east for their goods and were ashamed to tell it. The goods were of a very cheap variety. "Don't buy goods ot such fel!os if they do sell cheap for their wares are dear at last." W e mean the goods (not the hoboes) were "right new and bright." Lirn.1 Rohb Ben. Lebanon. From tho Criterion. Z. H. Rudd, tbe abstractor of Albany, spent Sunday in this city. Frank Prindle. from rofSil. Ore., has located in this place, and has opened up a jewelry and repair shop in me ivice building. Died, at the home of A M Avers, three miles north of Lebanon, on Monday, Oct 31, 1898, Miss Sadie Jenkins, aged about 16 years. Miss Jenkins parents reside at Lacomb. Thoa. E. McKmi-ht left Monday for a trip to Folk county, lie went to make arrangements to teach there this winter A A Lees last week sold his farm con sisting of 130 acres, situated just west of town to M. Donelly. The price paid was E. G. Merwin, representing Sanborn- Ferris Map uo., spent several days In this city last week making a row fire map for this place, tie will also make new maps torurownsvnieana cio, nav ing left for the former place Monday. Justice G.Lovelee. of this place has ttSEEX I?'..?!. 7n r sides it will bring a very desirable class ol business before tbe Judge. - . . . . . a, Likes Albany. From the Pendleton E. O. Tbe East Oregoctan is in receipt of a letter from W. B. Henderson, dated at Albany, Oct. 31, in which tie says . 'The trio from Pilot Rock to this place was made in 11 days, via Heppner. fos sil, Rock Creek and Antelope. Tbe road f-i ii. arsttM nrtlnn nl ttiA iv was I very rough, but the scene-y was beauti 1 - .. Tl.1. I. . J.ff... ent world here in the Willamette valley. 1 11 1 ail iuuk bl'V auutv. au.v m uiuoi- The rains have been sufficient to make wVOToo"? SSSat."SS own of about 8000 persons." Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for bis home in the ikies. Rut early to bed and a Little Early Riser, tho pill that makes me longer and better and wiser, I. A. cummlng, agent. OREGON AGT. McGKATIl. The Dsmocrai closed its report of the McGrath trial yesterday with the testi mony of the defendant. The next witness was Dr. Mackey who testified that he did not consider the de fendant of scund mind mentally. In rebuttal the prosecution called Harvey Suminerville, Net ton, Ben and McQralh, who testified that oung Tur ner had uot visited the home of the Mc Grains for from two to five months Mrs. McUralh testified that there had never been any intimate relationship ; between her aud the deceased, that sh bad simply treated him as she did ht r own hoys and as sh would like to hatu them treated if away from home. Harvey Suuimerville and A. Sorimrate testified as to the ranity of the defend ant at the time of the uiimlar, which closed tne testimony. me case for the uie was then atily Presented b Jurine Whitney and lor the defendant ry Mr. Wyatt, when lOiirt adjouri d lor supper. At 7 o dock upon the convening of rour- Mr Weatherloid closed the case for the dxiendan. in an eloquent aruu- mii i and Mr. Hayden for the state Jtnlue Burnett chanced the jnry at to the lnw in a plain and very comprehen aive oiaoner so ihat when thev retired at 9 ::" p. in. ihey knew what their duty was as lu'vi"' n. The court room wa full of it ersted spectators at the time ana aanng me arguments ol the coun sel. the counsel for the defense Gled sev eral objections to the charge. The jury deliberated over the case all night, some of them for awhile banning out for tuiiider in lb second degree. About fix o'ciock this morning thev greed upon a verdict and the court and attorneys interested were calle I louelhf r, the prisoner brought in and the verdict announced : "Guilty as charged in the indictment," hicb is murder in the first tli-itre with only ooe peus.'y, hinging lv me neck until dead. The defendant look tl-e verdict with his usual cool nets. The conn set b o'clock tomorrow nx.rn. tng lor sntencinr the prisoner. An effort will be made to get a new trial. Foot Ball. Tb Albanr College eleven will go to Corvallisntxt Saturday to play the O. A. C, it is said with the test eleven the college has ever had. and though of conive they do not expect to be eqaal to tne farmers tbey intend making a strug gle that will interest tha boys at Corval- is. ids line up ot the Albany eleven ill be as folio Powe'l center, Butler left guard. Kns- sel left tackle. Whitney left end. Dickin on right guard. Husk rigbt tackle Hart sock right end. Ramp at. beck. Weal ti er lord left half back, Snyder right half hack, bmick full back. Sub. Beeen. Bupisrt. Page and Tway. Excursion to the game. Leave at 12:50, return at 8 p.m. Koundtrip&O cents. Ilcir Dr. Bcardtdey. By invitation of President Lee of Al-Ken- bany College, Dr. Beardaley. o! tucky, will lecture in the college chapel tomorrow night, on The 1'biloeopby ol Kight Living, llits is a line lecture, re ceiving p-aise from everybody wherever delivered, in the Doctor's splendid style, and our citizens should not miss hearing it. A Corvau.1i Kick. Foor Corvailts men hired a livery rig and went to Al bany last week for the purchase of out fits of clothing. So far as can be learned no inquiry was made by them as to the prices and stocks in Corvallis clothing establishments. It is doubtful if there are in Oregon culaide of Portland, cloth- ine stores that carr more varied and complete stocks and offer goods at as low prices as do those in Corvallis, a fact that makes queer the art of those Cor- vauisites who went to Albany to buy. I he limes. Doesn't Look Well. An article from the uregonian's Washington correspond ent makes it look as if there will be an other fight in congress over an appro priation in the civil sundry bill at the next session for the Yaquina improve ment. Though $400,000 is named there is a string to it oi a cuimer 10 iduksw that it is a very doubtful thing, some thing to be seriously regretted. At the same time there is a chance, and an ex tra effort should be made to influence congress in the right direction. The trouble is that the engineer is against the Bay. J. If. Wilson who has been expering ex-County Clerk B. F. Jones' books at Toledo made bis report to the county conrt today. His findings show that the county owes Mr. Jones $330.4: Yesterday notice was received by Ev (JE Snyder f bis election to the editor's chair on the Sunday School Tidings a paper published monthly in Portland and of com iderable circulation in the Sunday schools of Portland and the vic inity. Kev-JSnvaer win probablv accept tne worx. as it win not mienere witu his other work as preebyterial and Sun day school missionary. telegram. 'I anient. Mr.Q. S. Simpson',! moving his things to Dayton. Wast .. to reside. 1 here has been several that have mnve-1 away from bete this fall M'. Wm. Morgan and wild, of Italsey were visiting In Tangent yesterday at Mr. E B. Couey's. Bev. P. A. Moses delivered a sermon iu the M. E. church fouth on last Sun day evening. Tbe Farmers Warehou) Co it thin- nine: three car loads of wheat per day out ot tuflir elevator. Mr Warren Roberts left today on th Portlsnd local for Eastern Oregon to permanently locate. He is an industri ous young man and should do well r. Coney, of near Oakvills, father of Mr. K. B. Couey, of Tangent, is moving his family to Sodaville to reside thi winter. It will not be long until the entire apple crop will all be dried np and a fair price is already guarranteed lor superior dneJ applet. Yocho Amirii'a. Laundry Notice. Having taken charge of the Albany Steam Laundry 1 am prepared to do first dais work, employing only experienced oeip. Aiuaunury worarent to my place will receive my promot attention and be laubdiied in a superior manner. U.M. Curl. Catarrh in the bead is cured bv Hood's Sartaparilla which eradicates from tbe blood tne scrofulous taints that cause it, toothing and rebuilding tbe deiicate and deceased organs. Hood's Pills are (he only pills to take 'itli flood s tsarsaparilla. Cure all liviv il.s. Any prescription wriuen bv anv physician on any blank in either metric or apothicarles weight can be promptly anu BuviBiactonaiy uiiea at our store. "Uocs quality count with you?" IIUKKHA8T & Luc, TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For rates, folders and full information call on or address If. F. Murium,, Agent Albany. The trial of R. Sanders, indicted for suffering minors to loiter around his s:i loon, occupied the time of the court this forenoon. Jury: Hamtiol King, Frank leeper, J. It. Douglas, W. D. Jenks, H, Hamilton, John Mayheld, Joile I'earl, Win. Kibelnn, i, W. J'.uikliurt, Henry Sprenger, Chas. Davis and John Mat lock. Verdict, not guilty. lu the two cases of the Stute agt Harry Barr, indicted for a-wuilt with a danger ous weap-n and carrying concealed weap ons, the defendant changed his plea and plead guilty. He will be sentenced at 9 a. in. tomorrow. Oregon agtlra Blodget, Deduction. Dis missed by Un-trict attorney. Oregon agt T. D. Hoggs, larceny of sheep, dismissed by district attorney. Mrs M. B. Iteeve has reMirne l from a trip east to her former home . Dr. Chapman, of the t tate university, lectured In Ha'sey recently on tUe l'hii ippine question. Mrs. M G. Morris, of Albany, who has been a guet at the borne of Mr. and irs. t. t .UiMnney lor some lime, bat gone tu Tamer for a visit before re turning home. Sa'em Journal. Hon Ci C Blakely left last night for Pendleton to attend a family munum that ia to 'be held this evening at the home of his brother. Sheriff BUkely of Umatilla county. The Dalles T.M. Dr. Foley is authority for the state ment that it takes as much to nav for sirloin steak in a New York restaurant at ii does in Oregon to buy a two vear old steer. Oiterion. Edwin Uliotles, ho presibed over tlie Jefferson Jews during its brief career, now wields a cleaver in a butcher shop at Cottage lirove. Ex. Good for Rhodes. May he get his pay more promptly tha n he did in the paper field. Mr. John Harder has sold his farm near thi city to Mr. ham liodinc, ho has taken chargoof it. On account of ill health, Mr. Harder has gone to the Portland hospital for treatment. C. E. iUurows. the owner of Del None the guideless pacer, passed up the road Monday evening He reports Dei Sorte to be in great favor, surpassing himself atTbelMllcs last week. Barrows re fusal $.1,000 for the horse; but envs he will sell for $o0oU McMinnville t. li. The Albany bovs are well represents! in the McMinnville College foot ball team. Following are the eleven : Brum hack, center; Pardman, left guard ; HopQeld, left tackle; Yanetta. left end ; Neal, right guard ; Brown, rigi.t tackle; L. Thompson, Cap., right end; It. Thomiwon, lelt half back;U. Adams, right half back ; Pilkington, full back. W. Lair Hill, formerly a prominent member of the legal fraternity ot this state, and compiler of HiU Annotated Code of Oregon, but alio Las been a resident of California for a number of years,arrived in Portland Saturday even ing from Harney county, where he baa been attending to some law busine. He renewed his acquaintance with a number of old friend," says the Oregon -Un, "and went out 10 Forwst Grove sun- day to visit friends there, and will r.rob- uiy leave overland fur his home in Ala meda Monday evening." Mr. Hill is a brother of our D. J. L. Hill. PRIDAT TO KE II ANGLO BY THE NECK. On Friday. I cccmbcr IG. 15S. When the case of the stale against M. T. Mciirath a railed this mcrninc tbe matter of a motion for a new trial wat tnbmitted as a matter ot form to tbe court wiitiMit argument, mid tbe cnurt gave tne aeieodast aaul November "& 'o file a bill of ex'eptioot. The defendant wat tbea asked to arte and receive ibe ttsteoc of the court for the punishment of the crime lor which be bad been found guilty by a jury. tie aid so ;n a very cool manner, th same that hat generally characterised s conduct since the bewinnina? of tbe trial, except for a few moments abiie oo the stand. Jodee Burnett then by virtue of the oihority vested him. the !ndirtoeot bv tbe grand jury and tbe trial and con viction by a jury ordered him re maeded lo the Cuuntv jail uotil a day ap pointed, then to t isken lo the yard of he jail and be barred by the cerk until dead, "And may Ood have merer on your tool," alto that judgment accord ing ti custom be entered against tbe defendant tfor the cotts and ditbarse- medts of tne action. The court room wat full of spectator. W F Harrow Dcid W. F. Barrows died Wednesday night of paralysis at the age of 75 years, at bis borne near Sublimity. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn bit depart ure lor the better world, lie was a pio neer of l&j3, coming across the plaint in an ox team. O' hit daughters two are married. M' E. Howard ol Kaieni. and Mrs. A . C. Morgan of Douglas. Morrow couotv, and two are at borne. Misses Alice end EUa. Tbe sons are C E Barrowe of Independ ence, F M Barrows of Ssltn. and A C Barrows at tbe home. The funeral will take place from the borne Friday at 10 o'clock. Mr Barrows wat attacked bv paral- sit about a year aao and bas never lul- recovered balem Journal. Mr. Barrows mas a resident of Hit county for a tod man v years livir g near Shedd. Manila letter. Several Manila letters were recti vr J this morning. They contained the in formation that with all Ihe tickneea there the Aluauy boys were at the writ ing all writ. Among other things the 2nd leviment had nrgaoixed a Y M C A, the lirst in Manila. Albany was honored v hav ing the first president, Sergeant Frank O Stellmacher. V.' Elkins, ot Dallas, secre tary. Chaplain U.lbert isore ol the ex- ccntive committee. The lirat meeting was held on r-ept. 2i wi'h C Stell macher as leader, the topic beisg the regular Christ iat Ei.deavor topic. Among those known lire J J UDOth is down lor Nov. 23. Lecture To Night By I). A. Keaideley, D. D. in Albany College Chl. Subject, "Philosophy of Right Liv tog." Opinions ol the prefs: Dallas News : "A rare trert." Houston Poet : "this is one of ir. Beardsley's hest and moet popular lec tures It will do good as wen as amuse." Corvallis Gazette: "As interesting. entertaining and instructive a lecture as has eve' been given tbe students aud cit izens of this place." Corvallis Times: "In lofty expression and elegante of diction Dr. Beardsley's discussion has been rarely if ever equaled id Corvallis. For he raneflt of Co .lege library. Adinissoip, 2c. All pupils in schools 10c. Uctiire begins at 8 o'clock. No tickets. Go with Tin Kickers. Our citizens will be offered a tine opportunity tomor row to make an excursion trip to Cor vallis, besides seeing a live game of f ot ball. The train will leave at 12:50 o'. cloca and return at 8 o'clock. Bound triponly 60 cents. Thursday night Albany Engine Co. No. 1 did the gracious act to the newly married chief engineer, though not a member of that company, by presenting him wttn an eiegantiamp. tie return ed the compliment by treating the boys to a uoe supper. IIARRK BARR'S SENTENCE. Judge Burnett's Sensible Talk to the Pi Isorer. The sentence of Harry Barr for the hooting at I'eter Riley on October 28, just misting his head, attracted a good deal of attention. Tbe district attorney, upon request, made a statement of the case, the defendant having ptead guilty, and Judge Burnett then passed sentence, prefacing it with route very solid advice to the prisoner that caused many damp ened eyes in the court ro-uj. He said substantially: "1 would call the attention of Ihe de fendant to the man who has Jjst left the court loom, sentenced to be hanged for givintr up to his pssaiont. Tbe defend ant my well call a halt, for it is by tbe merest chance that he Is not on tbe tame road. It is a good place right here for him to turn around, for the case shows that he hat gone down bill a good wayt. 1 speak 10 rii not from a tbeoloaical standpoint, but frorn that of a pract cal man who has been knocked about con siderably by the world. Young man, there is plenty of time fcr jou to retrace your steps. 1 is too late for Mr. Mc tira.h but not for too. In passinc sen tence the court consider your yoath and that no life was laksn, and gives jou a chance, a merciful one, to do better. Tbe law it tender of those under it confines, and hence the conrt makea this a fine, with the hope that you will turn about and make a man of yourself. Tbe only way is to turn righ around and go the other way. The judgmeol i tnat you pay a fine of $150 or be imprisoned for not excei ding 75 days in tbe county jail on tbe first cnarge, and f 10 fine or not exceeding five days nnprieoonient on tbe second charge. The prisoner arose and alter stan ling a moment said to tbe judge: "I desire to thank you jud.e. lor your leniency in I this case, aud 1 think I aonreeiale roar advice." Mr. acd Mrs. T. L. Dmrg-.r. of Inde pendence, have been viiiling Albany relatives and friends. r red Freeman, a well known Indian ai Ciirmawa, bat heen appointed tailor at the I'uyallop Indian school at Tat urns, at fkX) a year. Mrs. Nettie Monteith next week will move her confectionray store to the store next door to F. E. Allen A Co. in order to get more room. V H Wamer, T B Wiltismton anj William Peacock, ol Fsirmi.unt pteciott, Benion county, bare been summoned at jurymen for the circuit coqrt which wilt cooveoe in Corvailts on Nov. H. Seth McAUsler, wno has been qntte ill to the East telegraphed last evening from Otklacd, Cat., that be is Much better and that be would come borne witoooi delay. Eugene Ooard. Hrnry Failing, tbe well known Port land capitalist and president of tbe V. of O. board of rwetils. it reported quite low with Brigbt't disease and heart trouble. Uaard. Evangelist E. A. Holdridge, has reached ibis city and it tbe go eel of Mrs. A . M. Thorn peon , tor uer ol Ca pi tol and Union street. Mr. lio'dndg will be gin a teriee of revival laeelingt at Prts nyterian cborcb Sunday morning which will last for some time Salem J out nsl Mr. J. V. Grimoi, of Harritborg M thit morning oa the overland, for old Mtceoari, wbicu he left in never bavins: been back there. He will he cone several weeks, and may be depended 0- on tor a good time. Corva'.Iis Union : Dr. Thompson wM begin a coarse of abort sermons for on cUv eveniogt oo the snbiect. "Bible Teacbingt ia Nature." Tne first will be siven cext Monday evening oo le topic. "Tbe Fading Leaf." If students ill bring note-books they can get fame facta that will be of value to them. F. X. PeGobtn died near Brooks on October 2$ at the very adanced age of 101 years, 10 monlhs and .) datrs. lieOobin came to Oregon in 1817 lor the Hudson Bay Company and was the last of that famous band of men. His career was an eventful one, though the last years of his life were very quietly spent at his home in) Marion county. A son Joseph Lte itobin resides near Scfo in this county. .Htv Morris's Experience. Frwm tbe Scio Newt: J. S. 'Morr.s hat received Utter L-rm hi c'acjbter.OHie, from Jonn Day relating her experience daring the In dian scare in that section last week She, in company wlb two other airls, were alone at ber boarding boose when a mes senger came bv and iott them nl the In dian trouble, and the three girls immed iately started for tbe nearest neighbor ooe and a half miles avay, and wbea tbey arrived there tbey only lound one woman, tbe men ail being away. Tbey all remained over night aod th follow ing morning Ollie went li tbe school house, but only three small children came to school, aod tbe directors cams and dismissed school and tbe started on loot for John Day, 16 mi lei distant, but had only gone about a mile when sbe cat overtaken by her consto with a bog gy who too ber into town, tier school it right in the neighborhood where toe Indians were making he most toe, and tbinga were pretty ahaky for a few days. Peculiar Industry. Finn tbe Grants Pass Courier: Last Saturday afternoon was pay day at the Pacific pine needle factory for the needles the children picked aod deliver ed during the wek. The scene was an attractive one. there Wing at least 125 children ot all sites on ihe platform at one lime awaiting their turn to be paid off. Mr. and Mrs. Cords have adopted the plan of sivina the cnildren a check boo a which will contain the amounts de livered during the weer that earn one mar keep an account of the amount for which be will expect pay on Saturday. The children may deliver In small quan tities each day and bava them weighed at 6 o'clock of later. Mr. and Mrs. Cords are very kind to tbe children and they are very anxious that the little fellows may make a few dimes, otheriee it would be much lets trouble to have them delivered by the wagon load, heveral tons wire weighed and paid for last Sat urday and the children went home happy. Indian War. The Chicago Journal bas compiled tbe f jiloaing incomplete list of Indian wars n tbe United States since 1831 : Date. War. 1831-32 Black Hawk 183.V42 Second Seminole... o5-6 Oregon 18VI-69 California 1861 New Mexici 1st; 3 CheyXjnnet and Arapa- hoes Northwest expedition. 1865 Districts of the plains. 18Ho California and Oregon. 1S05 Kiowa 186l Repoblican river 1865 Northwest territory.. . 1873 Apache 1873 Vodoc 1867-77 Northern Cheeiinea and Sionx Cost. 2.0"0,000 40.000,000 I,880,Wt 4:t9.620 709,433 40.000.000 1,894,190 13.470.457 1,553 816 100,713 30,173 2,415.168 637,0i;0 S99.857 1, S94.S11 931,329 656,636 34,209 2,000,000 1877 Nex Perce 1878 Bannock war 1878 79 Northern Oheyenoes 1890-01 Sioux Total. 110,755,758 Dkclarkd I.NSANk. Yesterday Mrs. Gatis, ot Ltbanon, was declared insane bv Dra. Foley and Trimble, and was taken to the asylum. The cants given w a mental worry and letnale complaint she titty years ot age. Scio. From tbe Newt: John E. Cyrus, who has been in Washington for some t'.me past, return ed to Kcio, this week. Prof. W. Elsworlh Jennings, of Brownsville, whs in Bcio this eek, and delivered a lecture on Cuba, at the city hall last night. J. X. Morris left Scio Tuesday for Southern Orejfpnj to im gone some time. He will probshly vteit the p-iocipsl points in northern California before his return. Ilarnish, the Alhanv Photogiapfier, will teat the Kciu gailerv. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, N..v 12, 13. and 14. Walter Ifvde. ton of Ir. and Mrs E. U. Hyde, left Monday evening for Jer oine, Arizona, where hie brother Oscar, is now located. He tors in reared of employ meut. rrof. Wm Miller let Wednesday for Arlington, near hicb plsce lie has se cured a scnool Mr. Milier is one of eheiburns most popular young men. J. A. Bilyeu, Albert Baiidail and M. Calavsn so d their hops on Thursday of last week, receiving H'g'ctnts per pound. Tney bad SM hales. e were shown this week a copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune, printed July '", 186. Tbe paper it the property of Mrs. W. A. Broughton, and contains a ipHMi deal of interesting raling matter. Liucotns new call for troop and the 'a;t that "Jim" Lane bad taken the fisl.i acre givea large "scare hads." It is a lao page paper, nine columns wide. The pa pur wou.d make a valuab e addition lo collection of curios. License Las been issued foMhe marri age of Waller C. Sronb anl Nellie Cu ti mings. The big prune deal rerortd at Corval lis hat fallen through. Porter Brothers ' it is i ported by Corvallis papers back ing out. A branch of the Aetna Ravings and Trurt Co. has. been organized f n Corval lis ami John E. Holirate a president and Victor Mote as secretary. TheCbemawa Indian and V. :l O will play foot ia'l l Eurene tomorrow afteroooii. The lodiast according to the DaMoctATS horoscope will be defeated about 2 lo 6 pernapt 0. W. H. Kinaer.of Thoa?f t, has shipped over ;to0 currtt of wood ti Albany in lhe( Utt i months. There have been over S30 cords of chair wooii shipped during the Si me time, by tevera! different part ies. ' Ir. Kitchen vent ont Fri lay to see bis eight typhoid fever patients in tlx Tay l home, fesx of those atmcted have recovered, bni the remaining two, Mas ler John and Mis Laura require con- si ant medical attention aod advice. buy ton Mali. The senate enrolling force had twelve clerks three times as many as the house. And yet the f jur clerks in tbe boose enrolled nine more bills than the twelve clerks in the senate ! Tbe chair man of the enrolling commitee in the senate should l.a ashamed t.i meet his constituents face to face. Courier. QRCUIT CXJURT. Tbe bnsinees of the depjrtaieot was cic-d np as lo low t : A l.eeUr aitTtee agt. J A McFer on. M'-tion for new trial denied. Judg ment for defendant. Bill of exceptions to ! fl-eJ before lec. 1. W A McClain t tbe Oregon A East ern R RCo and tbe Corvallis A Eastern K tL Co. Iiemurer to complaint sus tained. Action dismissed as to tbe Cor vailia A Eastern R R Co and continued as to tbe other defendant. The only fetort eft i for the phttntifT to ret jodi ment against the old rcwd and then pro ceed in eqniir asitt the new onipany. Coo rt aJ -on r nev! . Brow its vilic From tbe Time. RevCC Sperry has b-eo quite ill dnrieg the past few dajs, bet is report ed better today. T S Hliehurv took pT"seioo of hit newly acquired prooertv ihe Hotel ! Pillsbory Monday, And baa rloseJ toe' same ior two week, while the taintert and paperiiangers are making ccco im proveaents. The new eitv hie tele ordinate was broken three limes during the past week, those who did tbe breaking plead ing guilty to the act before the ritv re corder and receiviog a fine of S3 aod coats. Mr. Henry Archibal I arrived in the city Wednesday from North port, Vh.. where be bat neen engaged in business since leaving here about two vears ago. Mr Archibald bas disposed cf his inter' eets in orthort and it now reeking a business location elsewhere. List ot P&tcnts. Granted to Pacific states inventor thia week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co.. patent attorneys, Washington, D. C M Brilliant, San Franc'sco. Cal, fold ing sofa-bed; U M Bri'tan, San Fran cisco, Cal. rope grip and prope'ii,ng de vice; L W Dexter, San Joee, Cal, mail holder and starter; B F Ellis, Berkeley. Cai, construction of tobea and cylinders; K L Huffman, Santa Aoa.Cal, check-row corn-planter; W C Kelthly, San Fran cisco, Cal, insulator and ha tier for elec tric railways; t C Mabory, San Jote. Cal. Grass-catcher for "awn-mowers; F L Marteoette, Ctico, Cal, Carbureter; J W T Morris, Summerltn J. Cal. door knob attachment sod lock; J W Pstte, Hoeneme. Cal, wave-uio.or: M L Rnpp, Fresno, Cal, tray-tornr; J Shepttd, Aptoe. Cal, automatic et-n-k-feeding de vice; J U L Tuck. San Francltco, Cal. appaiatus for tokening acd txcavating frcxen earth. For copy of any patent send 10 cents in pnetaee sumps with date of thi paper to O A Snow & Co.. asbtngton, DC. Wl'.ICome to Albany. From tbe Oiegon Poultry Journal : I D Mulkey. of Amity. Ore., the Bar ted Rock breeder, made us a pleasant call this month and tells ot he will be at the Albany show with his best, and go there to win. J V Houck, of Jefferson, who made the tine Baried Rock exhibit at the fair came down and uroppeu in ior a siwti time. Mr ii has finished drying tils large prune crop and bat settled right down to business in the poultry yard. He tells us he will at the Atbanv state show put up one or the tioeH exhibits of Rocks ever tho n in the state and is ready to "buck" any competition that can he scared up. While the editor was at the Newbnrg fair he found the fanciers were all in tending to send their birds to tne Al bany show. We convsrsed peisonaHv with J L Hoskioe, L G Newlic and Mr C F Butler, who have not exhibited tor three years, and lie will send birds to Albany. And Messrs itoekins and .ew- lin wilt send theirs, and tell us a latge exhibit will go to Albany from Yamhill county. A roBTi'OKSB Sucasii. Mr W J Smith ol this county has left at tbe Dxmwrat otilce a genuine Pi rtogese squash . The seed was first brought to Oregon six years ago py Antone Vey, of Umatilla, who afterwards gave Mr Smith some of them, which be planted last spring. The squash is thought to be best for stock purposes. This one may be seen at this office. Benton County Sale reported by the Times : E. F. Sox and wile to Mary E. Congill, 10 acres 7 miles northeast of Corvallis, 300. warn. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powdm are the greatest rocaacert to health oi the present diy. j liasarea,awos(. PHILOSOPHY OF RIGHT LIVING. A goal lecture is a very important thing in a community and is worthy of notice. None better has ever teeo de livered in Albany than the one delivered last eight by Dr. A. I). Beardsley of Kentucky, on the subject at the bead ot tbit article. Though before 'tudenta .n the col'ee chapel, only a few students were preeent, thus missing not only a treat but something that would haye dooe them good the rest of their lives. The lecture it full of ceaia with suffi cient spice for keeping the audience in good humor. No one could bear it with out being better and wiser. Not attempt- ng to give a synopsis even we simp! give a lew ol the tliotgnts presented; splendidly illustrated by anectioiee. 1 fin is an age ay miracles, l he tight- niuz has Ix-eo ha-neel and even a church orgai. can be run by loacbiog a buttco. When a boy it cost 25 cents to send a letter, ibat went very slowly. Now a man in London can telegraph to a man n New Yors and he gets the message three noura before it is sent- Then fare! wat at the rate cf about 2 miles an boor, now one becomes in patient at Ijriy miles an boor. feudally, a lew years sgo, tbe o d maid ore cork screws srd was contpicnooe. now there are do old maids Sbe wisely marries not at all than poorly. Once Ibe sermon ran into sixteenthly aod the prevailing theme was ihe wrath of God. Now life ia perpetual and we enter tbe new world as we eave this. He w.lo thinks beet ltvt bt- Not riches but good thoognts make happiness. Poverty stricken Denmark's king's family Lave furnished the wives ot tbe Prince of Wales and tbe former Ccr of Russia and George of Greece. Oar aseociat-oDS beget oar thoughts, hence the importance ci good aesocia lions. We are a part of all we meet, quoted from Tennyson. Better be a pauper and fed like a prince than a prince and feel lite a pau per. Our closest associations are our books, and for a few cents we can bave as good ones as the i ic het or most exalted per son in tbe world. Tbe fower of associa tion with books was i!ius;rt-d in ibe lives of Martin LitJetoo o: Texas. Mrs. Bo melt, tne author of Lime Lord Foot leruy. who picked while hare looted in order to get money to buy tbe poalage stamps to send ber Crst story to the, Cnar!otte Bronte, Vic tor Hoco and ottiets. Tri'by was char acterised at the meet rente' out book of the age. not fit to read. Mo charac ters are destroyed bv reading bad book! and literature than by any other means. They tear down and destroy, wh'le good bookt build op, and no ooe can get an advantage over ihe reader of them. The importance of independent thought was emphacixed. It is a dis crace to have a brain in thackies. Wealth is a good thing rightly cel, but it is not essential to the greatest nroeoeriir and hai.riness. Tbe lecture was closed with a personal einerience in the line of boebtiality in Texas that was very impressive and bsauii'uliy told. Religious services. There w HI be preaching at tbe Cum- beilsnd Presbyterian church Sunday by Rev E A Hams, morning and evening. . M. E. church: Preaching at 10:50 a m by the pastor. A 7:30 the Rev. It. bea'diley. of Kentucky will preach. All should bear this able divine. S S at 2:30, Jraud Intermediate Leagues at 3:30, Epwortb League at 6:30. M C Wiix, Pastor. Christian rhnrch.eoraer Jackson and J ark son streets, t-ervices at 11 a m aoa" 7:30 pm bv Rev C M Lace. Morning s bject, "Philip aod the Ethiopian;" evening topic, Ihe New Command ment." Prof. Wirtx, musical director. Preshyier'an church: Mowing ser vices at 10:30, sohjri of the sermon, "Tbe Outlook of Faith." S S at ll:o. v E at 6:30, evening service at 7 :Stf, sub ieefTne Vailey of Humiliation" A cordial invitatioo is extended to all lo at tend all the services of the church. United Presbyterian : I "reaching rer- vicea at 1 1 a m and 7 :3d p m. Moraing subject. "The Lord is my Shepherd,' evenimr. "Jealousy " SS at 2:30, Jr Eodeavor at 3 :30, Sr Endeavor at 6:30. All are cordia'ty invited 13 attend toes? services. A kodcl Letter. The folio sing letter was leceived by agsage Agent Barker tMi week, it model of poorspeliiog. July the 30 1S9S. Mr aceot at au'.bney deare sir i come loo ycure deepoo last nit and I concluded too com too balsey as ii was neare wbeare i wantoo gow and i did knot have time loo see you t left 2 basket booth the same rind one larger then tbe eother i have the checks an biciele iwill send the number of tbe checks SStt) 1556 5256 and you can send thim too baieey on tbe next tran it is my bage too. Yours truley Lxtt.wos rRexss. The prone growers of this vicinity who sold their prunes to Lang A Co., of Portland, received the following prioe: W. G. Bartley, Sg cents per paund; Kirkpatrick & Coney, 3c; D. W. Uardin,:3'c; J.Ssewart, 2Vc. The urm claimed that some of t he pruur s were cot dried hard enough, but we think the real reason tbey refused to pay the prices agreed upon is, there was a drop in tbe market about the time the prunes were shipped. Mr. Bartley re ceived the top price because his prunes reached Portlaud before the maiket fell. E. A. Arrangements have been made for a iwmanetit rector for the Episcopal church in this city. The services of two voting men have been secured for the Corvallis and Albany parishes. Both will reside in Corvallis. Times. A Corvallis chinaman rode his bicycle on a forbidden sidewalk he had teen the Melican men ride on right along, and he was immediately arrested and bned. About seventy-five Albany people went to Corvallis to play and see the toot ball game. Tbe Indians, of Gbeui- awa passed op tbe road for Eugene. The soouer a cough or cold is cured wth out harm to the sufferer the better. Lin gering colds are deneewnt. Hacking j COUgh i UlSU'OrSlllg V'UD iHiUUto WUfcU 1 Cure quickly curee it. Why tuffer henl such a cough cure is within reach? It ia j pleasant to the taste. J . A. Cutumitrg, ageut. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Roy Eect'ey came up from Salem noon. Apron Strings ac the, Met bodiet cimrch in liecember. Miss Helen Crawford of the O.A.C. ia visiting in the city. David Kent it buying potatoes iu the country with headquarters in Albany. a.r iiiram raraer. oi l.iwn is ill with erysepilas with fx1 Projects cr recovery, Mrs. 1. M. Inrine yesterday a'l rnoon gave a tea to her Itieuds thai was great--fy enjoyed. Prof. Gtddes, who recently resigned as president of the Sodaville col egr has gone to bis ranch at Berry. Hon. Lair Hill, of Oakland, Calif., who has been visiting with bis brother r'r. Hill, left lart night on the overland for home. Prof. E. C. Peery, principal of the Moro public school, who bas been elect ed president of SodavilieCoiIege, wiil re main at Moro nniil bis contract exnirr. Expreat-Ad vacce. Otto Martin is working with a thresh ing crew in Idaho. SLd writes to hL giend'ather, J K Charlton, that the) are working rieht along notwithstanding that there ia six inches of eoow on tbe ground Lebanon E A. Mrs. Gay Omens visited old time friend in Newport several dsye last week and thoroughly en ioved them. Hie returned Saturday and to-day her hus band and herself departed for thtir home in Albany. Mr. Owen's hcaith having improved rapidly while here. Toledo Leader. Miss Olive Pairimore returned this morning from California, wnere the has been several months mosi f t the time tr a gneet of Rev. and Mrs. Meivm V ii- Hams at Visalia. She also vitiied witti Dr. Chamberlin and family iu tbe.r tew borne at franta Roa . Part of the family are boresick for Albany, and why moulds'! tbey be. Mies Baltimore had a tine time and besides ber visits in those cities did San Francisco inciouinz the mint. A quiet wedding' wss solemnized on the evening of Friday the 2-i in't., at the residence of John Wsdtlie at Foster. The contracting parties were James Wilson, formerly of Portland, and Mi RoseWadtlie. The bride was dr?red in a wbiie trown with an exqusite veil, and was attended bv b-r skaters, 3Usrs Emma aud Anrie Wadilie. Tbe bride groom bad K K Baxter, of Portland, and Fred Wadtlie as beet mn. The ceremony was perfo-ir by Rev. Louis M Anderson o! the Jeffersos Evaczeiicai ct-orch. After tbe ctre nooy waa over the guest, who weie principally the re'a tivee of Ihe contracting parties and a few immediate friends, set down aod did ampie -uuee to a tomptuooi supper. Mr and Mrs Wilson will at present re- tide in Leoaaoo E A. H03IE ANU AB?OAD Wheat 53 cent. Some of Ihe Erst Oregon snear bas just reajhed ihe capital city. Took it a long time, at it bas cueulate-1 in Alsacr eeveral weeks. Campbell A Walker today r fused 17i cents tier pound for their 135 bales cf bope. Ibis is tne oc!y nnsoid let ot Is'! hops in Laneconnty. Ocard. Mr. Bvron M it'.oy bas rented rtr s over the store cf J A Weaver and next week will open h-s Telescope ::.ce there with a joo plant, new type, pi eases etc. and co a general newspaper ant too J bssnsese. The Eiixabeih Coaser estate today s0' soldihroogh its finace:al aent, T G f Hendricks, the two-Jr brisk block on the corner of Ninth and akr tn? J Mrs. Wesle Shannon ia the purchase f and raid for tte property t-'Q. 1 1nSfw-i ou:io:n was erected atotii loer years -ago. Claud Eractcn was convicted of cnr der in the first degree yesterday -t Eo gens the jury being ou: a liujt? over aa hour. A:':er being taken back o the jail he jumped on Depaty Sherif Day and tried to wrest his p:stol from hm ; only by the assistance of bher.tT Withers waa be subdued. Be decaires be would have killed W ithers, Iay acd Green if be had got the pistol. Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid.' act ing under the provisions of the general appropration but passed at the recent special session ot tne legislature, has lei a contract lor the repainarg cf the stat house roof. L. Ricke!'., nkntwaichman at tbe capitoi, -cnred ti:e work at the sum of $1,100 and bas a force oi six men busily em ployed on this much-needed improvement! States mac. Tbe treasurer of the United States, Hon. Eliis H. Roberts, has submitted to tbe secretary of the treasury tee annual report on tbe transactions and iccditioa ol tbe treasury for tbe pan sci(l year. The net ordinary reveaces ot t.'je gov ern meat were i'jo,l.oo, an sncieaae of $57,597,630 over those of the previous year, while tbe net ordinary eroecses were $3 ?6S.5S2. an increase of 77, 54,123. The resulting dedcincy of 3n- 047.247 exceeds that of tte preceedicg year by $ 19.9M,?. In ife receipts are included J64.751.533 paid in:o the treas ury oo account of the sa!e i f the l mon Paciac and Eauas Pacific railroads. HE nCLUD'CE CF SYSUP CF EOS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fia Srscr Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing; the true and original remedy. As the Pennine Syrup of Figs is mannf aetured. by the CiuroRSiA. Fio Strcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding- the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The hi?h standing- of the Caij forkia. Fie Srurp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating; or weaken ing' them, and it does not jrripe nor nauseate. In order to fret its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SIRUP CO. ax ritAJXciseo, est, 1TMT11XE. Kr- KIW XOHX it-w. FOR SALE. A farm of 50 acres, leve land, all under fence. 30 acres in cultivation, 1 acre orchard, good brn. fair box-bone, good water; .H' mile from Waterloo, 2 miles from Sodaville, 5 miles from Lebanon, Linn countv. Ore., on county road. If bought soon fSOOwil ny it, David Rick, prop. OREGON YIAYI COMPANY, Cor.XMorrison & Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregon 7 9