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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
k 3 The civilization of tbia age calls peace. Than is no credit in war. for There are 167,454 members of labor organizations in the United States.abont one hnndreth of the voters. Now, tome one lays the Maine was a very poor vessel anyway poorly construct ed and easily blown np . Next. Some of the first wto shout tbt loudest for war would be the first to hire substitutes if it Came to the pinch. A. Pendleton gitl wrote her lover "Dearest on earth heaven only knows how mv heart screams for you." She belongs in Boston. If Spain in three years can not make a showing against a handfull of people on an island like Cuba it is not very probable that she would do much in a war with the United Slates. Spaniards in authority declare posi t vely that there is no net work of mine, in Havanna harbor, and this is probably fact. While as a peoble they may be ' low enough for anything, yet it is a fact that they are In no condition for laying many mines. agreement on bimetallism clause get in to the party 7 The men who manipula ted this did so to save the votes of . the republican party. They knew the av erage man was not trying to find a way out of the party, but to find excuses to stay in. They found the recipe for the apparently impossible thieg ie a weak p omiae to secure what they knew they ould not secure namely, international agreetneut for the free coinage of silver Tbey knew . they . couldn i and they wouldn't try to secure it. Now, they say you voted for the plank to main laiu the gold standard if an enort to so cmen na'ional agreement should fail 1 1 liaa tai ed and now you must support the gold eiandard because you promised to. gelfieh inttreets appeal in the name of mace and the established order to prevent reformers from accomplished ends. And they say the producers of the earth are to be filched and robbed of their own consent because they have piled ud a gigantic debt, payable to themselves in tne things of the earth they control. This is what the great financial powers that control the legist' tion of the world are trying to do. The Republican platform of 1892 de dared toi the coinage of gold and silver as a' matter of tradition and interest. TIS LOVE THAT HAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND." Some people think money it a create! power than love. Oh I What a mistake I See how the great money kings are con trolled by the little boy Cupid I See how the great soldiers and men of power are twisted around his little fingers I A woman's most nrecloue possession ii the capacity for awakening pure and noble love. More potent than wit or intellect U the womanly capacity for happy wifehood and motherhood. A woman who is weak or diseased in the special organism of her sex is deprived of the power and prestige which naturally be long to her. Such troubles are not a ne cessity. Perfect health and strength of the feminine organism is insured by propet care and the aids afforded by enlightened medical science. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription cures all weaknesses and diseases of woman's special organism. For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. No other physician has had a more extensive practice or greater success in the treatment ot women's diseases, no owcx each perfect and scientific remedy for these ailments has ever been devised. It has re stored health, strength and womanly power to tens of thousands of women. Women who would understand the'? own Mr. Corbett baa not ingratiated him- ell into the good will of the people by bis Washington campaign for the aena torahip, and if he were to appear before the people for the office on a test vote be would receive an endorsement so small aa to bewilder him.' (From the Detroit Free Press.) "Boys'said the school-teacher "who ean tell me George Washington's motto?' Several bands went up. "Philip Peraskie, you may tell ." "When in donbt tell the truth." The republicans do not intend to give the offices to the free eilver repub licans who have flopped from free silver to single gold standard. They thins , they are not entitled to aa much as the died-inV-he-wooi gold standard man, at least that is what baa been remarked by members of the party. It is an in teresting fact thai some of the former free silver republicans are now the bit' , terest and most sarcastic aingle gold standard. Tbey teem to think that tber have aot to do eetkething to show that they are really in earnest. powers and possimuties snouia reaa uocior Pierce's thousand - twure illustrated book. "The People's Common Sens Medical Adviser." It is the most interesting and enlightening book of the kind ever pub lished. A paper - bound copy will be sent absolutely free to any one sending at one cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address, World's Disoensary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. For a handsome cloth-bound copy send 31 stamp. BB. WBTffS 0H8I0H OF THE NEW DISCOVERY MEDICINE. t-Itev war a if which Wafl trdtitinfiAl in 1832 was betrodox in 1S96? It ii true L"S3.- "7 bimetallism was traditional. Another thing : the men who connive and scheme to advance and secure the gold standard are the same men who are interested in monopolies. When you fight the gold standard yon figbtall the trusts. In 1SS4 the Republican party declared anathema on trusts and combinations in restrain1 of trade. When tbey abandoned bimet allism they took up the trusts. Why did they do this? The trusts who made the platform could scarcely be expected to include in it a ringing denunciation of themselves. . Under the management of Mark Banna, in the campaign of 1S96 the party bad a fund, six times as great as in any other campaign, and in one sense they got less tor their money. I have known Mr. McKiniey for several years, but with all his titles to public office be is a man amably weak in th presence ot those close to him to the point of ahaence of firmness. But if he were the strongest man in the world he would find himself as unable to aithstand the forces that e'ecled him aa the strong t swimmer fighting for life in the bor ing awiri of the Niagara. The promise of the St. Louis convention to try to re sure an international bime:alhe agree' ment was never intended to be observed by the moneyed forces that wrote it and nominated Mr. McKiniey. IN A Remarkably Successful Remedy for Dyspepsia. I-.uIvstion and Stomach Troubles. TELEGRAPHIC The Investigation Kby West, March L-The second day's session here of the court of inquiry into the liwt of the battle-ship Maine began about 10 o'clock today, "home who confidentially declared a week ago that the court had already found that the veasol was intentionally blown np have modified this convictiin, ana tor tne moat part admit that such reports have been based largely on speculation. Aaataer Dividend Spokane, March, 1 The Le Roi Min ning Compuny declared another 950.000 dividend tonight. This makes 1800.000 paid on dividends by the company. Pay ment on dividenda baa been suspended for the past two months, aa the company was building a $100,000 smelter at North port. Waal rawer Trnc Dalles. March. 1. The conven tion of the Pacific Northweat Woolsiowera Association, which opened today In Tbe Dalles, ia the Brat of the kind ever held in thia section of the country, and the sheepmen have shown their interest by at tending in large numbers. Prominent wooiKTOwers from all over tte Northwest are among the delegates . Another Cat Probable Chicago, March 1. Tbe Canadian Pa- cino road is contemplating another aenaa- tional cut in North Pacific coast rates. When next it appliea the knife, it will if reports are true, take an additional cut of $10 off tbe rate. It ia understood thia cut ia te be made aa soon aa ibe American roada actually put into force over their tinea tbe reduced rates it made in tbe first p'oce, - II Means War Wasrimotoh. March 1. The main in terest of tbe day in connection with the aiaine inquiry - centered in a statement made by Secretary Lonur. following tbe cabinet meeting, that in his pereosal opin ion any official participation by tne span iah government in tbe blowing up of the Maine was now practically liiniinated from tbe situation. Ibis statement was not of a formal or official character. Tb load Will Washington. March, 1, The bouse today entered upon the consideration of the Loud bill relating a second-class mail matter. The bill is identical with the bill paaaed by the last coogrtse, but Loud, its author, gave notice of an amendment per mitting the transmission at pound rates, of sample copies np to 10 per cent ot the bona bde circulation ot the newspapers or removes MISFITS. The facta about Alaska show it to be a I deatn trap of the worst kind. Wbii everything possible is done to keep th truth from the public ia tbe interest 01 the rapacious transportation companies enough ia leaking out to make it plain that there are horrors there that abould make every person a committee of one to dissuade people fram going to that country. There ia plenty of gold in th United States in decent places without going to a country that offers nothing but the go'd that is there. From the Toledo Bee. Yes, Johnny run along and get your gun. Polish up yonr armor. Pace yonr haversack. Pnt on yonr bullet-proof chest-protector and a few porus plasters. Oat your coma trimmed for marching, Load your canteen to the very neck Kiss your sweetheart gaodbye and re port instanter, if not sooner, at the Blade office. For the Toledo B!ade has declared war. Spain must came off the perch. Bo get ready below there 1 Draw the draw bridge! Let fall the porticnllis! Close tbe windows and shut all the doors ! Hoist the poop-deck to tbe top gallant fib jabber! Ship tbe rubber and maae fast the anchor to the bur ricane hatchway ! Beef tbe roof, haul off tbe belaying pin, but let tbe flying jiblet stay ! ' Now, every man to his hitching-post! Let not a dastard dock or dodge! Tbe Blade has declared war so Johnny get yonr gun. Mr. Slauson on t he Sit uaiiun . Special diepacb to the Post-Intelligencer Washihotox, 25. It is not easy to describe tbe state of intense excitement prevailing in thia and ether cit:ee along tbe Atlantic aeaboard tcday. Officials of the government are the ouly people who try to keep cool or who make any a uetnt-t to disguise the boiling indigna tion which they feel as thn facta develop concerning the explosion that sent to tbe bottom ef Havana harbor one of onr fineet battle-ehips and caused the lose of 250 brave American seamen. This cooloeea of administration folks ia but a necessity of their position. It is tbe careful, elear headed discretion that fotms the most imoottaot factor in the face of an Impending e isis. With tbe probability of war near at baod President McKiniey and bis adviaers stand as the representatives of a nation which must take no step inconsistent with the power and dignity of the great est republic of tbe earth. The daily suppression of newt, which ia now admitted, will net last much longer.- The president baa positively stated to several gentlemen in congress that be will make public the facts aa soon aa tbe final report of the board of inquiry is made. Positive Information that the Maine was blown np by a submarine mine or torpedo is even now not lacsinc, bat is not official. The government may no declare war upon tte reports of news paper correspondents, however well they may be satisfied of their' troth. Tbe Eastern prese teems with a vast Mr. Towne on the Gold Standard. amount of sensationalism, but corres pondents now in Havana known to be absolutely reliable agree as to all tbe main facts. No otbsr topic was discussed at the cabinet meeting today. The possibilit ies of war were thoroughly canvassed ; plan, of attack and defense were sug gested . At times tbe talk was not alto gether calm and dispassionate; but the decision reached was so. . When the government learns that tbe Maine was blown np not as the re sult of an accident, 8pain will be im mediately called to account. An abso lute disclaimer of intention on the part of the (Spanish government must ' be fol lowed by the payment of a heavy indem nity, not only to the government, but to the families of the dead seamen. This must be done promptly. Tbe amonnt of tbe indemnity to he de cided upon has not been settled. (Sug gestions range from $2,000,000 to $5,000.- 000. 8pain will be given a short time to consider tbe demands of the United States just loog enough for this coun'ry to'compleU necessary war preparations- if Spain accedes to our demand, the relations between the two countries will remain as tbey were prior to the Maioe disacter." If Spain - refuses, a ceseage will be taj ; to congress by the president, which will be' followed within twenty- four houra by a declaration of war by c.:4r"-j, i-iu 1 lie authorization of a bond isiiM pi-.vj.1e the nwertary funds to C-u'TKon, T.'iO preutdmil is waiting, Coisrre- la ".uVo2. Tbe country moat wait, t-jj. tit, nicest heads in congress agrpfc that .ni- policy will prove the beat for the nation, whether tbe final out come lie peace or war. Ai law B. Slacson, Dr Worth, ia commenting on recent discoveries in medicine said: There ia none which is certain to be to valuable and far reaching in benefit as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, tne new ttoanacb remedy ; I say far reaching, because peo ple little reahae bow important a sound stomach and vigorous digestion ia to every man. woman and child. Indigestion is the starting point of consumption, heart disease, Bright't disease, diabetes, nervous prostration, liver troubles ; wbv is this so? Simply because every nerve, muscle and tiasae in our bodies it created and nourished Irom tbe food we eat. If that fool reason of a weak stomach, compelled to lie lor hours, a sour, fermenting: mass of half digested food, it poisons the blood and nervous system, creates gas wnicn distends the stomach and bowels caus ing pressure on tbe heart, lungs and other organs and seriously impeding their action. He save further, the point to iliroct at tention is not the nerves, nor heart, nor Inngs nor kidneys, but tbe stomach, the first cause of alt the mischief. Tbe remedy to nse for indigestion and weak stomachs ia not toorecatbartic,but a remedy which will digest the lood. increase the flow of gastric juice, absorb the gasees, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets will accomplish exactly thia result in any case of stomach trouble, because these tablets are composed of the ditr tive acids, aseptic pepeia, Golden Seal and Cismnth, pleasant to taste, and not being a patent medicine, can be used by anyone with perfect safety, I believe Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure any form of indigestion and stomach trouble except cancer of stomach. Full aixe packages of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets are sold by druggists at 50c. A book on stomach diseases together with thousands of testimonials will be sent by addressing Stuart Ob , Marshall, alien. Hon. Chas. A Towne, of Dulutb, Minn., who will soon he in Oregon, has been speaking in San Francisco. In an address there he said : - Net many days ago we celebrated the life ' and service of Washington. Tbe man who now occupies that mighty place in tbe presidential chair delivered an address. The President - recited Washington's remarks on preserving the credit. We are not so much concerned " in increasing the facilities for getting in to debt's we are for increasing tbe chances for securing a return for boneat labor, and of giving tbe people an op pertnnitv, individually and collective ly, 0 getting oat of debt. Washington left os an injunction of the peril that lies against the lile of a nation in tbe excess of psrty spirit. I was a repnbli CAn all my life. I was born a republican. I advocated ita principles aa a boy. I went into public life a young man, and I wanted to stay there, but ncfortnnate ' ly from that atand point in' 1896 tbe cru cial point in a great question was reach ed. I was then ia . harmony with my party on that proposition. Tonight I stand as I did then, and I leave it to you to say who has changed. ,.- Manhattan island is today an English province. With here and there a few notable exceptions, the business in New York is alien in origin and sympa thy. It was 00 Manhattan island I am speaking the truth and in tbe offices of the Associated Banka of New York that the platform of the St Louis con vention of 1896 was written . One Tbos C Piatt, came from New York with the platform plank on money in bis pocket all written, with the exception of these six words, "which we pledge ourselves to promote," referring to international bimetallism. A United States Senator had tbat inserted so "be eould stay in the party." That platform was the first in the his tory of tbe United States that was pleg e I to the goid standard. Now a signifi cant fact is that the gold standard has never received nor dared to challenge tbe votte of the people of a single coun try is tbe world. It is singular that this gld standard, and which is claimed to be tbe orthodox tt iog, was never placed bafore the vote; of the people. The campaign of 1896 a as fought on an am biguity. As aoon as tbat is remover), in the next campaign the people of the United States will show by tbe deluge of patriotic votes that they are for tbe mon ey tf the constitution, gold, silver, and greenbacks. ; It is a sad commentary that the great party brought into, being by tbe fight to preserve tbe Union should say that tbe people of this nation cannot govern itself. Now, if tbe gold stand ard ia wrong, tne people say it is : and f not why did that weak international ivhit Dr A E Salter Says. Bvrr.t, S " Y (lenta Fron ray Strictlv Business. French the jeweler. Try BchJl lint's Best tea aad basins a4r. The Best Crackers ia town at C E Brow noil's. Baths at Viereck's shaving and bair catting parlors. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 perd"aca aauongsgauery. C B Winn, cut tick etagent. Tickets w aa points in tbe east. Crawford t Hannah for nhntnirrarha trice irom i to vu per dozen. B rare and see the antt rut tinware at Uopkia Bros, will Ian', a lifetime. Try our pop corn ; it never fails fo pop. t BEOWXSU. Take the OC4E cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Tours uay. Razrs l.on-d. set and out in first cl orler at Viereca s shaving and hair cut ting parlors. .... . . . . . nnen yon want a cooice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry arooers. tie seeps tne Deal. DiS. H. K. and U. K. IWra offices and residence in post office building. Special attention given to uueases ot women. Don't annoy others by vourcooffhinir.and ruk your life by aegUcting a cold. One "inuie iougn uur cures congbs. colds. crjup, gnppe and all throat rang troubles. J- A. untaming. Tbe best meats of all kinds and mwt treatment at .tbe Albtny Dressed Beef Company a market, just diwa Second arreet. Good weisrht and oromot attend tion. - Wboopinzcouirb la the most distressing malady; but its duration can be cot short by the nse of the Minute Couch Cure. which la also tbe beat known remedy for croup and all lung aad broncial troubles. J. A. Camming. What pleasure ia there in lif with a hmaA. ache, constipation and biliousness? Thous ands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by nsinir De Witt's little Kaitr Risers famous littlw nil's i A, C'unminir. H F Memll buys City, County an School warrants. . Office In Damocia building. " TO CURE A COLO IN ONEIDAT. Tav LiuWt B.'intQitnine Tablets AH O Ui.-iHt rifu 1 1 tie at 11 y llf It fall Cure 25o. C ASTORIA For Iafants and Children. si milt 4fatsre at periodicals- Thia amendment much oppoailion to tbe bill. a Kmss AS 7 War hixotok. Feb. 28. At the close of the office noura s tslegram came to the navy department from Admiral Sicard at Key West in the following terms. "n-ey Wet. reo. iotne secretary of the navy, Washington: Coort ot inqoiry will commease seas on at Key west today. They must resume snion at Havana to re ceive reports from divers, alter further work on tbe wreck. mcabd. The important feature of this is ute dec laration that the coort will return to Ha vana, it sets at rest tne rumors max nave bees current for daya paat, that Ibe court was not to return to Havana, for tbe rea son tbat it had dUcovered tbe cause ot tbe sinking of tbe Mai ie. whkh was act an accident aad tbat tbey consequently bad no further bosieesa in Havana. Una im portant deduction from tbe message was that tne report ot tne court ot inquiry can scarcely be expected for several weeks to come. Frasa Skagway' Naxaixo. B O Feb. 23. The steamer Oregon arrived here ibis afternoon from skagway and Urea. Abe bad a aumvr of passenger who were returning tone disgusted with Alaska. Bjfare tbe Ore gon left Sktgay 17 dewibs from cerebro. spinal meningitis had been reported in 24 hours. Among tbe dead, tbe only names ascer tained were B Austraader. of Port lead Or. . MoolellOj of Dee Moioe. la. Jones Hiswbacber. of Astoria, Or a child named Achiaoa of Albany Or. and a boy named Anderson. XaKlveraad Hatfcer ail WasnniOTOx, Feb. S3. Itcaa be sta ted positively bo river aad harbor bill will be reportsd at thia seasioa of coneress. Tbe house kadera are opposed to more river and harbor bills, aad the friends of tbe bill 00 tbe committee believe it will be better to wait aatil tbe ahort tessioa after lbs congressional election next fall. Iswauacats Wetea le V ", Havasa. Feb. S3. La Locha puhties thia evening aa official dirptvtch giving aa account of a battle ta tbe pronnee of Puer to Principe, ia which the insurgents are said to have lost 11 killed aad wounded. According to tbe dispatch tne battle took place Feb. IS and 19, ia and near the Saata Inez and Mincjo bills. Ms AbsMUms Sax FrAXcuco, Feb. S3. Tbe Chron icle aaya: Governor Bod 1 baa informed bia friends tbat in view of tbe retirement of Senator White, he will be a candidate for tbe Un ited States senate, provided the neat legis lature is democratic. Tsm taveMlsaaiBa Cssl Key West, Feb: i7. Tbe lighthouse! lender. Mangrove, bearing the meair of tbe court of iaqoiry, arrived from Ha vanna at 7 o'clock thia morning. The coort will resume its session in tbe (Toiled States district courtroom ia tbe Federal buildinsT at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and will probably return to Havana Wed nesday. Ke'lowing ia a late etorj : In an o'd warehouse at Santa Catalina. 200 jards from where the Maine waa moored, some diving aparatoa bad been hidden, aad frm this base two divers bad worked by night and filled tbe torpedo holes of the Maine with dynamite cartridges ennected with a battery to tbe land, by which the car tridges were eip'odel. rdeted ' Ahead Philadelphia. Feb. 27. League inl and navy-yard literally swarmed with vis a tori today, ia consequence of tbe report from WaahiasTton that the cruisers Col umbia and Minneapolis tbe double turre'ed manitor If iantonomofa, and the ram Kat ahdin bad been ordered to go into com mission, with dispatch. A Baker City ASalr Bakes Cnr, Feb. 27. At 5:30 this morning, Wm. Fierce, alias "Hobo Jack', while playing billiards with another drunreo nan, got in a quarrel with the latter and struck him with a cue on the head. Tbe attacked man tried to dodge and Pierce threw the tne at him, missing aim and hitting Frank Caldwell, a peace ful miner, who waa sleeping in a chai. with tbe butt end of the cue junt above tbe left temple, fracturing tae skull. He will probably die. Sawalards Rtarvtas London, Feb. 27. Tbo Madrid coires pondent of tbe Times ssya: There is an appaling scarcity of food is many provinces of 8 pain. The price of wheat is naprecedentedly high Bread riots are dailt occurrences at hala-nanca, and it is feared martial law will be pro claimed. Spain rreparlac Ats Fkrrol, Spain, Feb. 27. Tbe work of naval construction and armament is be ing pushed by tbe government with tbe greatest activity at tbe arsenals and dockyards. Senator McBride voted against seating II. W. Oorbett. Some people will not ike that, but really it was a feather in the Senator's cap and will suit the masses. J. B. Eddv has retired from the Roee- burg Plaindealer, being succeeded by K. Stratford. Mr. Eddv can now devote all his time to the arduous duties of the ex railroad commission. The Victoria B. C. Times says that Washington was a aim pi winded Vir ginia farmer, and that he came more perilously near being densely stupid tnan any great man whose name history has preserved. We will wsger theie are long ears on the man wbo wrote tnat, and tbat becomes more perilously near beirnr a donkey than any man who ever wrote lor a newspaper. Some people cannot read between t!ie lines. They talk as if the government were marshalling tbe nsvy into line in order to fight Spain. Uncle Sam is not on the fight except at en extreme meas ure. This big showing is being made in order at tbe proper time to be able to dictate a little to Spain, and but lor it the United Stairs would be in no posi. tion for a satitfuctory settlement of the troub'e. F.x.Renstor Edmunds, in discussing tbe Maine matter as affected by interna tional law, said : "Above all 11 seems to me tbat American chivalry detnauds that we exercise our fineet and niceat sense of honor and dignity, and impute nothing evil to the government 01 opain unless tbe most incontrovertible lacs demonstrate such a necessity. Our own government is not witbout precedent of her own making in the matter, that of the Mafia riots in Louisiana." A Southern Oregon woman who Sad lived unhappily with a bnaband who was alleged to be more or less of a rake, bad a suit for divorce instituted to mer ry a man who had a Rogue river cl-im. While the suit pended the worthless husband waa killed uo in Montana by a railroad corporation not intentional, of ) course ! Sbe dismissed the divorce case j and commenced suit ayainat the railroad all in tbe same day, through the men gation of a bright Portland laa yer, who will attempt to convince a .noniana jury that a valuable member of society has been taken away by the wretched negli gence of a great corporation How bles sings brighten aa they take their Jliirht. Ex. wwi- it . -. a,...., , ,Ltk r-:T ,,' .i Pure, Peerless j ASSIGNEE'S j KOTICE OF FINAL SETUtMtili 1 Notice ia hereby given, that the under gned, assignee of the eafate of EJ W H nghby, Insol-ent debtor baa filed in tbe Ircult conrt of tbe state of Oregon for the county of Linn, Department Number Isro bis final account aa assignee of said i n t ter, and the aaid final accoont will be beard and parsed upon by said court a tne regular March term thereof, to be holden at the court house In Albany, Linn coun iy, Oregon, on tbe 4th day ot April 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p ni o : aaid day. All persona iateraated in aid in solvent eataie are berebv notified to make any oHectiona they have to te allowance 1 of said final acconnt on or before tbe. aaid nnORTHERfl By PACIFIC R, R, Mr Woodford, you are riiut, tbe land of Columbus and tbe land discovered by Columbus should never take np arms sgainat each other. Besides. civilisation, i humanity and Christianity demand Ibat there shall be no war. The 1ct that j Spain bee bee j low eooc?h in the scale of humanity to have carried on a cruel war against Cuba, for several year, is not atone sufficient excuse lor tbe U. S to declare war. Tbe preeent trouble over the Maine is ooe that abould be set tled if Spain is at all reaonble,nd the Democrat would like to see it done ! in such a wav as to dispoeeof tbe Cuban i 1 . : 1 - 1 . t ,1 . . 1 ' question euureij ; uui uy ait ninoi ifn us not rush into a devasiatinz war if by honorable men is it can be prevented. I At Salem last Saturday Dr. J. F- Coop ! er was fined l0 for practicing witbout a IT I I W tfl . S I 5?i miPinrarifHfPf,ry- :. ., " ' JN - r M LARGER TttArl tVBp f , day for the bearing and passing 00 tn same by aaid court Dated January e, ic-w E R SalPWOBTH, Y fc feXOWJBASS, Atty for Assignee Aar.frnee 01 esia insolvent etste ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE ' OF FIKAL SETTUMtRI. Nntiee is hereby aiven that the under signed assignee of the bans of Oregon, an Insolvent corporation. na ui uaj in the circuit court or tne state 01 wwsom for Linn count v. his final account aa aucb assignee and that aaid account will be kMrH and named on by aaid court In tbe nvt hntiM nl Linn count v in the ciicnit nturf mnm thereof on tte 14i dv of March, 139S, at the boar ot 1 o cioca p. an., or aa soon thereafter aa tbe fcuaineaa of said court will permit. Dated at Albany, Oon. Feb 12. 98 D V JAMES, Aalgnee of the Bank of Oregon. Puilman Sleeping tJara, Elegant Dinteg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Carp t Fanl Minceapolia Dulutb rargo, TO Grand Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKE S. TO Tbieago fTaabington Philadelphia Sew York Soeton and al Point East aad Sontb Through tfckdts to Japan and Ch as, vis Tacomaaad Northern Pacific ateamsbit. Co., aa American lice- For information, time cards, naps and tickets call on or write C G Bnrkhart agiBt, Albany, Or. A D Charlto". t Gen Faae act , ortland. C- 8 jg. Weighing Things The value ol our groceries deperde 00 Lree things. How much you get for your money, bow good it is when you get it, sad the price yoa pay for a bat yon get. We bare coffees tbat will sat isfy tbe appetite snd the pocket bork Staple goods at leas than staple price. Price ia the inducement wblch balances nnalitv and ouantitv when it comes to f j groceries. Our Pride of Japan tea SUUMOXS In IM Circuit Ccjrt of Out Slate 0 Crrjon fat the County of Lam Elisabeth Davis, plaintiff vs John Davit, defendant. To Joba Da7ia, tb alove named defend ant. . IN TIIfE XAME Or THE STATE UK Oregon, yon are heteby required appear and answer tbe ccmplaint of th above pla'a'-iff. ia tha atov entitled Ccart, now n h'e with the eler'a ot aaid Coort, 00 or before the first Car "t vb next regular term M C&art. shien taid seat regular term as said Coart begto o M -MM a jr. tne isui day of March, 1SSS, at th Ccurt Hoase h ntt ri Aintnv. una i.rav. vks- A,..! v tn ara hercbv notined that if yoa fail to appear aad answer said comp1aat rf niaiouff aa herein rcasired a deer ot said Coort will b taken again yoa for tb nlirnrated for ta DUiottfTs said eorapuuat, to- wit : A docre dissolving toe noooa . 1 a! run 00 row existing bet wees oa and said plainaff . and for tbe eosts and dis bonemenucf uid estt. This aammoaa ia served by pobiicatioe ia cT4Tt BttiBTa DeascEir L six sasceaaive sreeka. io parraanoe of an order nude by the Hoa. H H- Hew tt, jdg of said court, mimAm im th rite of A bsov. 1 OM Coaaty, Orejoe, o th 2a.b da ot j anasr-. w. A'Ursey for Hamtiff. TO THE EAST eivaaraacMotca or 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT 0REC0M NORTHERN SHORT LIKE VIA baa license. A Chinese doctor is said to be doing a big butine in Albany, and be is no doubt a quack of the worst or Jet. He is reported to be tbe asm man who was fined in Portiand for doing business with rot a license, and be onght to be treated the same wav here. Tbe Jefferson Ke- view pointedly says: It is rumored that the Albany China doctor has several of our citizens for patients. Some report al most miraculous care, while others say be ia a humbug. Yon take your choictr. It is a matter of little interest to the writer, but we would be pleased lo have ) tbat humbug styled tbe state medical i board inform os why a reputable hys- j ician must have a licease to practice j medicine while this China rooster is oot i required to secure one. quality which smeeponc's with tbe pr'ce. Yours tor the best groceries, F. E. ALLEN & CO. - souuoxs. Im tie Circuit Court State of Oregon, for Lin de- 5POKANE HtKXEAPCUS ST. PAUL CHICAGO ALT LAKE DcKYEB 4SB KASSAS CUT Wall Faper. carpets, Lineolbum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, ' tssa arfwTy JrH Referring to a Linn county case tbe ! Prineville Journal says: i tp.,J.s.,. This verdict finding a man partially j nraiVUIO insane and then binding him over to keep j BeuQing. tne peace ta oniy equaiiea ny a etory j y tnat was carreot among tne nrst seiner, i of a scene in tbe first court ever held to tbe territory of Orvgoo. The name ' ot three absent jurors having been called, ; tbe judge said, "Mr. Sheriff, go to the, door and call Alt-ears. Smith, Jenkins ' , . and Jones to come into court " Tb j till Oil sheriff went to the door, as requested, i and called out, "Smith. Jenkins and Jones, Smith, Jenkins and Jones, miib, ; Jenkins and Jones, come into court." ; Keurning to tbe court room, the jndgej said. "Call ooe at a lime. Mr. Sheriff."! " Tbe sheriff returned to tbe door sod ! called out, "One at a time, one at a time, one at a time, come into court lie- turning to the court room the iodg smilinginaly said. "You've fixed It now. M r. Sheriff," and the sheriff, tnUtaking tbe judges meaning, went to lite "door a third time and called out. "We've fixej ; it without you. we've fixed it aiiboutj you, we've fixed it without yoa." Portier3, Pillovvs 'ture Frames. Linon Warp Matting, Oil Pain tin gs, and Undertaking ALBANY FURNITURE CO. : Ongoa Gas Light Heating and Power Company. Cheap Light for Cheap Heat For Chiap Poxe- Pop Iharcli Lc:: aid EcieI Church. Eoie and Hotel injtMng aid ETeiitMug R Cunningham, who j isl arrive in ' Seattle from Copper river, i I : "It ia a shame," aaid Cunningham, "for all these people to go op there as they are doing now. They had better ! learn something from those who bavef been there rather than go over Ihe same f ground others have traveled. Our party I bad a terrible time. The cold was ic-t w - teoee, and nine of the party bad their ' COrreSDOnderiCe SOIlCltCd. feet ears sndbeeka froaen. eo that some ! wpuuuwilW, aUlIW-l IWVi. DR. P E.1S1K.PIBL . 1. H. F&1EEISS5, ZIQ. such s manner tbat tbey stuck there as j if from natural growth. At tbe time I j left, February 2nd, tbey were still nurt- I ing their froxen parts, and their suffer- 1 ings were simply indescribable. j "Ultii ia nn man livin. n-Krx l.M i the cold wind tbat prevails in that conn, try. 1 don't care how well he may be bnndled up. Nine of oir parly started out one day to cross a glacier, but we failed in tbe attempt, and we had to slay out all night and came near freezing to death. pernor." jwieit. tfa'neu in observing the ffiV : yoar Shlhh' Cure in cases of ad ' ; 'Vmrtiatlon, I. am prepared f1 . i ri rma'kt'Me tiemed) t. -r nV. to my at ten ti . . .u:y -vd many frm Cr,-i,. -:,r. . Kjii . by Voby & Ma 2 '., Laundry Nursci- Laundry patrons wno want fi'st class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly Ave of i he best hand ironers on the coast for rhirts, dresses, and t-lnrt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for snv of these articles. Catarrh - Cured, A clear head rbo weet breaih secured with ' Sbiloh's Cs arrh BuraeJys aold f fosia & Mason Tbe (Vrvallia Salvation Albany last niaht. Army attacked ISONK DAY. n a ii ita i Tailet TO CURE A COLD 411 Dr:igKtita rt'it 1 1 fit m i iy If it tall oCme 25:). arl'a Clover" ft Tei. , r Conatipa. tion it 'a I h fbn: and if after uting it you don't says .return the pacae and get your money . - Sld by Foahar & Mason If you want ft koo4 and clcst moke buy cig-.trs maJs by our Al bany ciitar luctorv. Lei every bod come to tne Star Bakery nd get ar -sea of fresh bread for fl.te cash. .' , O Msvss. Albany Market. Wheat 8 eent. Oat 28. Egg W cents. . Butter 15 to 22 cents. -Potatoes 26 cent. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh tbat Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of snell and completely deranse tbe whole system when entering it through tbe mu com surface, oucn articles snoaid never be naed except on prescnptiODS from reput able physicians, aa tne damage they will do ia tea fold to tbe good you can poaaibly derive from. tlall'a Catarrh Cure, maau factored by F J Cheney & Co, Toledo.Ohio, contains no mercury, aad is taken intern allv. actintr directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sore you get tbe genuine. It is taken interualiy, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J Cceney ft Co. Testimonials fret. Sold by draw tb, price 75c per bottle Hulls Family Pilla are the beat. The Mercury gives the Tribune Ihe fol lowing affectionate hug: The Morning Tribune which waa start ed as a business enterprise in March, 1895, baa apparently outlived ita useful ness and is on a rapid decline. The route agent advertised in tbe Oregonian last Sunday to sell his claim for $31)0 and guarantee the routes to pay $ 100 a month, i When the in Dune waa uenerea into the Beld it was a tree stiver democratic Mitchell paper. An agent of Ihe Stand ard Oil Company ingratiated himself in to tbe institution and sot control. The result is that be ruined tbe Metropolian printing office and bas made the paper gold republican. - Charles Lord bas been putting up lor tne expenfea since tne Mitchell men withdrew from it. It is in the bands of grafters and will be rnn in the interest of the Oregonian after the next election. The fight is on Joe Simon and the Oregonian is a subterfuge Tbe circulation of the paper is steadily decreasing until it is now no longer en titled to be classed as a legiumaie newspa per. Tnere are three little thing which' d nor work than any other thrai I tt tbinfta created they are th ant, tn b and DeWieta Llttl Early Eisera, ti a t being the fsmona little pill for ttcn eo i and liver traublas I A Camming CU an Printing, we rro dcin? it. ,.; v &MILIT. Scemc liNE World Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Ot 1 tcli Ing, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp bumora la bistantly relieved by a warm bath with Cuticura Soap, a aingle application of Cuticura (oint-' ment), the great akin cure, and a full tloso of Cuticora Resolvent, greatest of blood partners and humor sure. tSctira RsKKDiss speedily, permanently, and economically cure, when all else fails, ynrrss roa Awn Cns. Co.,slri.SoHa. SWllov W Can (w akla sad BKMl Uuiaw," uk PIMPLY FACES 7 (flsSs It :DENVERa"" RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE ww .v, aa 1 soa NORTHWEST EAST Violet Ford, piniff vs Milton Ford, defendant. To MUton Ford the above named feadant. IS THE SAME CF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoa are hereby reoui-ed toap pear and aarer the compUint cf tbe Dlaintiff herein tn tbe axrve entitled co-rt. now on nte la in cmce ot toe tia m court, on cr before the first day ol ttvs regular March term of said court, it being Monday. March tbe 19th. 19; and yoa are hereby further aotisei that in cr M annei, r.-t anssrer said compKiot, the plain 12 srttl apply to the j oorttor toe leue oemanoea inwit : A decree of tse above cour anauU tag, settinsT aade aad holding for naught Ue botdaof matrimony hretafore exist ing between tbe plaintiff and defendant sad that they be forever divorced. That plaintiffs name be changed from Violet Ford to thatot Violet McNamca, ber ma idea name, and sbe hve bar cost and oUbarsemenis of this suit to be taxed. Thh summon ispobhsaedby order cf Hon a H Hewitt, judge of aaid eonrt,made at chambers ia Albany. Oregon, oa the 12th day of Janur'. 1. L H Mostaste t Sos. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Lowest Rate3 to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days SAN FiiAiiGiSGO Steamers monthly from Port land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, Ihe Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. iu con nection with O R and X Far tall iafoncaiioa call Ccaaas tl Mowtctth, Aib.njr. Ol aa annaasa: W H HCBI.BOKT. tiui'tPaa -Aa. PaaUad Ot. DISSCLOTIOri CF PARTKEBSH1 Sotke la hereby given that tbe copart aerhip fornterly ea sciag beteea tbe un deivigned.C H Laugbead A Vf m FWckinger pirfer at Albany, under the style or firm of Albany Frail Cot this day die solved by mutual consent aad tbat tbe said basioeaa wi'l be earned on ay tne said C H Lauurhead alone bo iHre eSve all account and pay aU de ta tf toe late copartt ership. Dated this 31st of January. C H LacoHaun. Wm FursisGK. SIOCXSCLCLE EaEaiKC. Notice I hereby gvea that there will be a meeting of ibe socknofeTS of the Odd FeUosr Hail Bailing A90ciion. held In the Odd IV.lowi Library ia Al baay Offm, oa Monday the 7th day of March, te-9. at '-be hour f 2 o'clock p m of said day. far tbe purpose of e ect iog teva d reciors to serve for tbe en suing year, and to transact any other bosiaes that may come before said meeting' bated tbia 2nd day of Feb, 15 E a Pabjckk, J Josaira, Secretary. fresivJea tXECUTC&'S NOTICE To all the creditors an 1 persona Inter ested ia the estate Kebecca Smith, de ceased, you are he eby noli bed that 1 have been do?y appointed execntor of said estate bv the countycot'rt ol Una county, Ore eon. therefore, all persona having claims against aid estate are hjrebytootiSed and rvqutred to present tbe same to m with the parr vouchers, at the law office of W R Bilyea in Albany, Linn coun'y, Oregon, thin stt months from tne date nervot. Dated tbia 1st day ol Januay, IS 9a. Samvkl Rkapf.r, Executor TO ALL POINTS R-CMCHOUCmnJ Arm S. Tf. HOOPER. CP.aT.A. i vr n SL.rcatTLAND.oiix ctKvt.cota '.; d ' JJ PORTmimOR EL .Li 1:: o d a dt r'rj n u i iii r- i r iiMix (KEG0. TEXTUAL & EASIER? B. R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaqtima Bay with the San Francisco Sl Ya&iua Ba? STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ffaila fram Taouina every S days foe San Francisco, OoosBay.Rumboidt Bay. FassS6xb AccowoDATiosr UsscarAaaxx Shortest route between the vViEam atte Valley and Caliiomia. Fare horn A'.bany and poinU west tc Baa Francisco Casts.......'.. - TXB-G Bound trip good for 60 days. - To Coo Bay Cabin jinwije . To Humboldt Bav ana Tort Urtoro. kbin I peerage - . soe ....oc ...IIjOC 6 00 8 00 River DiTbion. Steamer "Albany" betweea Portland jnd Corvallis. throozb withoat lay-over. Leaves Cor raila 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays. Thnrsdaysand Sundays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street dock:. 6KJC s, so. Motsdavs Wedaeedavsand Frida;s. Envrrs Stosx, J C Mi-n Manager Scot River Ihv IIaiiitaii uniH'i tv llin (iv iinilf asvf m a tiuiit T Af White, Yellow, Crimson. Will nalce a m.t;nt:icxrr.s li-.-.tje, txautifal tliaue f Jr :.? . clui iii ivil. sunt lloutiiix i'i"k;:r 1,-irdy. plant wul irovluce taousan' i i . ... of for Coa-tn fioweta. I'hree pUnis, one eat a coiur, Only 40 Cer.tG. Delivered, Freo upon Application: : ...VICICS... - CARDEfl AND FLORAL ...GUIDE... TITU XCSV .1M.VS CATAfCOCrS anil li'C latile.' (Jcriiencr mad Adrtaer :': RAILROAD Suenio Line cf tha IqtII TTi flfHon t. Sslt T "iVp. A.BSJ W SMaaa, TO All Points last S; Saifbeu ' Pullman Palace sleeping c&is Pullman tourist cvs Free reclining chair cars - Are Tun through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment fm0: Fastest time. For rat?s of fare and all in formation call on your near est ticket agent or address R C Nichol, E B Duffy, Genl Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washinston St, Portland WX X.A, VjS . Vv - -a- v Denver, Colorado. r cut v ccNHiiuimc ?t: immcTifWM fand irt tUMt iiw fiat:tiiui mit tuui tn nMiijiirhianiiri rwa 1iVfsM vlfitii tr4 llfe -l !UU llt Wife Kkinrt Mnt Hrod. Vy tlhMrattotat fukia iMfurav laMvrvl niaU f Sffi fnta, iSaVKur Muni. Iilmrau lcvn!aaA. iiKro Imp Ij'.f irtu iKtiiil. la hlVtfc AI. VttlUilvetleafl Cet Uv Usfft fi?ta cvMtiteijr HwCai wtLh twawi h itwlnilstwsa Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner .ext year will give to its subscribers a f 10.000 residence in San Francisco rent, ing for $60 a mouth, a I3.S90 U. S. bond.a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. Yoa can get the Examiner and Wkkklt Dkmoceat for $2 50 a year. wi. h JAMES VICKS SONS, trL ci,ofle m v " carrier $5.1 5, ta advance. The Dxmo- rtocnester, im. i CJUT order only on comc-ination pay- (JbrUKju-) UC15 EaiE3, st LOUIS KEPUBUC, semi-weekly - Tb Famoaa Garieaisj authority. Jon of the heat papers ia the United h a Ttrittui mm of mftwrnMioa uw riam v.. I Males, aim tne l 'in OCR at paid in advance , m.Mm mt Fruita .ih! bo. u rto. ,n4 cwr ftr ilMa ! fnt onlv Cl uo-Mnmltv, Tin rnc af vir lliuris Nfom.t ; " M.r.ii u. ia nil, vwit, twt rr i ro, m ruriA'd a ay tuntuBi. aoAi'. lara tbia ruaa wlik la twm-u aiMais sMUis we trial. W t IM al aocs la . YICK PUBUSH1HG CO., Rochester, l Bc--t work.loweat price, that's us. Saiuv, the Printer.