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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if- allowed to ran over months. Single copies 6c. Weekly, 11.25 In advance; f 1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $2 00 for third and proceeding yearn, when not paid in advanoe. Club of five new subscriber! at$5.0O. There Are Others. Bat none so good for the money as Broadhead dress (roods. They have the weight, they have the wear, they have the finish of goods which cost much mors money. Almost two thousand yards in spring styles jnst placed on sale by. S E Young & Son. Albany, Oregon. IN MEMORY OF FRANCES WILLARD 7 - ': m'SLIJV l ADLRWEAU ....New Creations Dainty and Well Made at The Ladies Bazaar. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. jvco3srx)-A.-3r JUNEAU LETTER. Near Jcszau, Sunday .Feb. 20, 9S. Mr. F. P. Natting, Dear Sir: Thinking perhaps a few lines would interest the readers of the Democrat, send the followiag: -- - Welett Portland Sunday night the 13th, loaded down with passenger, freight, horses, dogs, donkeys, and other things too numerous to mention. Noth ing of interest occurred on onr way to Astoria. We 'eft ont at abont 11 a m on the 14th. When about 4 or5 miles over the bar if was discovered that one of the coal bankers of the Oregon was on fire. The ship pnt back to Astoria, where the fire was extinguished. We left out again on tte 16th, passed ont over the bar, which was very rough. everyone was sick for IS hoars, making the passage to the straits of Foci, smooth water again, every one on deck, beautiful scenery and fine weather. On the 17th more sea- ., n 01U080 IVUgU HHWI UnU 1UI P sound. On the 18th we passed the wrecked Corona.' Tais morning ehi is still hanging onto the rocks. Passed the Elder on her return trip and many other small vessels. i On the 19th we arrived at Wran ,el at 7 a. m ., very stormy and coid; here the Albany boys left us, Messrs. Knox, 'Chambers and Gibson. Wrangel looks to be a vary lively place. There are many new houses being constructed and itpiomisesto be one of the liveliest places in Alaska. Met Henry Williams at Wrangel, and learnd of the blowing up of the Clara Nevada, which I have no doubt you know of ere this. Left Wrangel about 9 a. m., awfat rough and did chilling winds., nearlv all sick, very few down to supper, terrible stormy night, oar vessel does not make more than two miles an hour. Awoke about 3 a.m. Sunday morning, found ourselves out of bed with the ves sel at an angle of 25 degrees aid fast aground about three hundred yards from shore, an awful gale blowing. I -clawed my way around from starboard to port side, where a good many passen gers had huddled for safety, everyone expecting her to tip over every miuute. There we remained until 10 a. m., when the tide put us on an even keel We bad a lunch, a tug came over from Juneau and tried to pull as off, but could not make it. The tide went out again at abovt 4 this afternoon. I and several others got put ashore on Douglas Island. The vessel is on on even keel and will -probably be gotten off after she dis charges part of her cargo. The captain -of the Oregon says last night was the worst night he ever saw in Al iskan -waters and said be expected us to go ashore at any time. Two degrees belo .zero and blowing a gale, many of her passengers would be glad to be back in Webfoot and are regretting that they ever left. As to myself I am very th an k f al to be on land again and if I get work will stay Here. Monday evening Feb. the 21st at Jun eau, Alaska. The Oregon got off safe at 2 p. m. and all bands happy. Al Boeu icke was blown np on tbe Clara Nevada This is said to be positive -No bodies have been recovered and perhaps never will be. The advice offered here is for all people to stay at borne. There will be nothing to do for six weeks Many people are dying in Skagway from spinal menen- eitis and many have been frozen to -death. You's truly I'.f.sry Rooras. A larsre audience gathered at the M. E, church at 4 o'clock vesterday afternoon to pay their respects to the memory of 1 1. a la.;n 1? Willarx?, late president of the National and tha Worlds W. O. T. U. foremost In temperance, philanthropy, education and Christianity. Mrs. U. W. bears, president or the lo cal union, presided. The program was opened by the sing inn of the doxology. Rev. O. R. Steven son gave a scripture reading 146 and 46 Psalms, and Rev. H. L. Read offered sraver. Mrs. Sears read a short sketch of the life of Miss Wiliard. She was born on Sept. 28, 1839, at Churchill, N. Y., and from that time her wonderful life was sketched to its fiual act, when death overtook her on Feb. 18. Tbe congregation sang Rock of Ages. Rev Dr. Wire spoke of Miss Willard's character as a christian. He had known her personally being associated with her in hef student life, and was a member ot the same cbnrch with Miss Wiliard for eight years, in Evanston, III. The trib te was a fine one for her worth as a christian, and the development of her character into that ot a queenly christ like woman, whose influence has been felt under all flags and all skies. President W. H. Lee spoke of the edu cational work of Miss Wiliard. She graduated in 1859 from the N. W. Col lege of Evanetin. She taught sixteen years in thirteen different institutions, first in the public sbools.then in an acad emy, and then in several colleges and seminaries until 1874 when she ceased uaching,but her educational work never ceased until bet death. A song by tbe audience followed. Mrs. Henrietta Brown read a paper on Miss Willard's work as president of the W. O. T. U., for Qod and Home aud Hu manity, the chief work of her life. Her , Uve for humanity induced her to em bark in the cause of temperance in the W. O. T. U. Organized in 1878 the served :or five years as thesecretary and then was elected president, a position she filled with nnparalled ability until her death. Her great executive ability i suited in a complete organisation and the introduction of many departments for me furtherance ot the work, sne was a national leader. Miss - Wiliard was in Albany in 18S3 delivering several ad dresses here. She was the guest of Mr and Mrs. L. E. Blain, which is a gem in their memory a casket. Tbe W. C T. U. has revolutionized social customs Amongotber things Miss Wiliard labored for the working men. Tbe result of her worx will gain force during the coming years Can anyone fill her place? No. Miss Wiliard 'a work as a philantrophist was well presented, by Kev. Konaid Sic Killop. Her life was a labor of love for fallen men and women, spending it to elevate them no matter how low they bad fallen, fighting social impurity as well as intern peiance. The Presbvterian choir cam: "Lead Kindly Light" A - letter was tead from Mrs. Nacissa White Kinnev, and the meeting closed with prayer and benedic tion by Rev. J. L. Jones. WHEAT. .?!" WHEAT. -Chicago 105 Kc ' New York 100 ,j'c. ' San Francisco 84o. Liverpool 0 lower. Albany 66c. Chicago 104 4'c New York 100 ?,'c Saa Ftanciaco 84c. Liverpool JgC h'ghcr. Albany 66c. No Yaquina Improvement. By a vote of 76 to 36 congress on Sat- nrdav decided not to include tbe sum of $150,000 or any Bum in the river and harbor bill for ' the Yaquina improve ment. This will be generally regretted. You can lead a horse to water bat voa can't make him drink without you wish. Corbett Disposed O.'. Washington, Feb. 28, S p. m. The final vote on seating W. H. Corbett as U. 8 senator for Oregon, was taken, re sulting in an emphatic defeat by the vole of 50 to 19. OaKviIle. , West Oakyille was aroused one morn aft i 7 ,ne iarin 0( "re. Mr, caught afire from the stove pipe, but bv the timely assistance of Will Morgan the PU. lr.r ... uo politicians are beginning to lav - kJ- ij" uu w are g ad to bean id.e spectator. We were in Albany fast M ondav where VA mar in a! .1 I i. " -. auMu ui uur Ulll iri Anin a twt OthersW.W .Crawford. h ..m seen McK. lately, not since we gave him ' mju wuers we are. rar. v. a. waaaaava ha m-!i? .all i,:- . . . " UIB arm nua move to AIDanv. he dnnt lib. to go over the road so often. A. l.hmuh 111 rAannninf aI V n uu.. jiu, ue luanas tne(Uovj We have heard it rnmnrm! !! Hen Sociar'will be given soon.the next thing will lie "chicken Die" as tlit la .11 that an antiaualed pulUt ia mwvi trr 1-1. . . 1 - o - . Mr. Elmaiian Smith, of frlAr visikioK irieuus nere last week. Mr. Charles Bamford. whn h.. KsAn dangerously ill, has sufficiently recovered to have been out doors. Mr. James Allen of Waltervilla Lane county made us a call last Thursday. Some or our farme.-s will sow spring wheat this week already commenced making garden. Menssrs J. S Smith and A Ta. were visiting friends here last Saturday vening the latter was on official busi neis. . LiTTi.c Rose Brn. The Albany Men Won. was Deputy U. 8 Marshal J. A. Wilson spent Sudday in Albany. r Messrs. Brown and Cavender, of the Brownsville Times, were in tbe city to day. Mr. F. L. Such, owner of in the city looking after his interests here. The name of Mrs. Bennake appears in the list of passengers of the Elder to sail this week for tbe north. Mrs. J. A. Speer, of tbe Warm Springs Agency, is in the city attending her son, Clayton, ill with typnoid fever. Dr. J. A. McEnight, of Tacona, is in tbe city and county visiting nil brothers and othf r relatives. Mrs. Hyatt, of Lyons, mother of Mrs. George Stjmson, ot this city, is reputed 1 dangerously $ without prospect of recov ery. Rev. C C. Poling, of Portland, came np this noon and is the guest of his bro ther, D. V. Poling, of theftongregalkmal church. - Mrs. Frank O'Brien is slowly recover ing from a dangerooa illness resulting from tbe birth of a child, now dead, last Friday. Miss. Pratt of Seattle, is in ti,e city the guest of Mrs. E. D. Cusick. Miss. Pratt is a niece of Miss Selkirk,tbe vocal ist, who greatly pleased an Albany audi ence several year ago. A. W. Charlton. ex-sheriB o! Lake county, and E. E.Emerson arrived here Tuesday afternoon with a four horse ont fit on theii- vr the K!o-Jike country. Prineviile Journal. The folloaiog supreme court decision was handed down yesterday. R. F. Jones, respondent, vs. U. G. Hale U al., appellants, from Lincoln county ; J. C. Fullerlon, judge; reversed and complaint dismisied. Opinion by Beam, J. This is a suit broogUt to have declared void a deed from plaintiff of certain lands in Lincoln county to the defendant cor. poration, the Toledo Coat Company, on the ground that such corporation was not a competent grantee to receive title; or, failing in this to have the sheriff of Linco.n county enjoined from executing to defendant U. G Hale a deed to such lands in purchase thereof made by him at sale under a decree foreclosing a mortage thereon In bis favor, executed by the defendant corporation, on tn ground that M. Hale, one of the directors and president of the company, was. In fact, tbe real mortgagee and purchaser t such sale. It appears that B. F. Jonea,C. B. Croa- no, M. Hale, L. E. Blain and Colonel anClt ve.baving each become th m nr of an individual one-fifth of a tract of land in Lincoln county, desired to form a corporation for the purpose of miuimr Dm coat on the land. Articles of incorpora uon were duly executed. acknoledffil in triplicate and filed, and thereupon the prornoteie, assuming to be stockholders, held a meeting, adopted by-laws, elected officers and directors, and ever since have exeicised tbe functions of a corporation. Tbe tenants in common of the land con veyed it to the corporation, and each re ceived a share of stock of the par value of $o000. Each of the ptomotere held an office in the corporation. About a month later, the corporation borrowed of th defendant, M. Hale. $3400, and secured its payment by a mortgage upon the land of the corporation The mortgage was, however, made to TJ. G Hale, a son of M. Hale. The mortgage was afterward foreclosed, and U. U. Hale became the purchaser The ppinion of tbe court holda that the members of tbe corporation, having par ticipated in its organization and business. are not in a position to deny its corpor ate existence or its power to bold land ; also that in tbe absence of fraud, a loan to tbe corporation by one of its officers is not void. .Alum, baking powder is almost as strong as Schilling's Best. Yes, and prussic acid 13 stronger than vinegar. m Tennessee Gatherings. Tbnnbsskb, Feb. 28, 1898. Klondike, Klondyke, Clondyke, Clon dyquicitis reigns supreme We are in formed that a couple ot Tennesseana are being grub staked for Klondyke. Several cases of sickness are reported. Bert Blacklaw, who has been going to school at Sodaville, has returned home to remain. Wm Fronk and Jas Blacklaw leave for Walla Walla, Wash., today. We wish them success in their new locsltty. f ho E McKnight successfully passed the teacher's examination which was held at Albany. Several of our citizens expect to attend the intercollegiate contest at Albanv. as our champion, Sherman Wallace, will oe one ot tbe contestants. Last evening's literary was an inter eating meeting. An amendment to the constitution which had been reported carried, was contested bv the opposing memoers, on me grounds that it took a HOME AND ABPOAD. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL - Senator Johnson, olScio, was in tfie ity today. Mr. John Fox is .seriously ill at his home in this city. Miss Margaret Geisendorfer, district president of the Epworth League. I " I I I T. III - I . CI I I preacaea in jrownsviiieias.ouiiuay, i f General William Booth, the famous! leaoer of the Salvation Army, will pass through Albany next Saturday morning for Portland. Miss Mary Cundiff. Albany's accom plished elocutionists, is visiting in En gene, the guest of Mrs. Van Wilson. Eugene Register. . Mr. Kau, of San Francisco, is In the city, and has taken charge of i he O'Brien stock of goods for tbe creditors. He will dispose of the goods in a lu aip it possible. Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Turner left todsy for Missouri on a visit with relatives there, expecting to be gone about two months Tbe Dkmocrat predicts that they will be more Wehfuot than ever on their return. Miss Alice Moses, of Oakland, Calif . arrived in Albany this m uniog and will teach in the college for three months, in the mean time visiting with ber many friends here. Miss Moses has been quite successful in ber elocutionary work. two-thirds vote to amend the constitu-K Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young and daushJ tion, whereas tbe official vote lacked onenter, and Miss Sarah Altbouse leturned ot a two-thirds. The debate upon thij this morning from San Francisco, char was continued and very interesting.beini alt but Mr. Young have been for two very "warm" at times. A reconsideral months on a visit the guesta of Dr. Gib tion of the vote was at last ordered. and son, of the First U. P. church, the latter the amendment was overwhelmingly de- having joined thm a couple cf weeks go. tested Ihe honor of being winner ot the de- hate was conferred upon McDoughton. of Spicer. Following will be the subject for discussiod next Saturday evening. Resolved that laws should be made to restrict foreign immigration." The battleship Maine has been blown up; the proud old rock ot the Atlantic lies a battered, demolished wreek at the bottom ot Havana harbor. Who did it? It was the revengeful act of the coward ly Spaniard. Shall we gag at the insult and swallow tbe contents? No! We should not cousult our present tears but the patriotism which providence Kit from the dear old forefathers. We now stand confronted with a crisis which means that two hundred loyal. Ameri cans were sent to an nntimelv death. into the deptba of a waterr crave, with the Mainejis a casket; by the hand of an atsastin. My dear sir, every soul in this commooity thrills with the impulse ot ihe awful fact. Is the sacred banner of freedom which Washington bought with blood, to be held aloft for a target ot the Havana guns, as "our duty to Spain?" America's duty to Spain ia to give her one of the soundest thrashings that was ever administered to a nation. If Spain cannot marshal a few revolu tionists on the island of Cuba, how in the name of God can she wallop 70,000, 000 of the bravest souls that every walk ed the Itce of Ibe earth. McK. A Fight for Life. Irving. Ore.. Feb. 18. 1898. Mrs. E. Irona Witcarson cf this place, after pas sing through a siege ot serious illness which left ber weak and debilitated, be gan taking Hood ' Sarsaparilla. This medicine gave ber strength and brought np ber general health to where it was before she was taken sick. HarrisbunK Burglary. Monday morning about 3:30 o.clock Hyde & Tyler's hardware sto-e at Har risburg was entered br burglars and robbed of about $60. The burglars ef fected an entrance by breaking open the front door of the store, the tools for the purpose being taken from the b'ack smith shop ot Mr. Parker. About $i0 worth of cutlery was tsken and the tilt was rob bed of $3 in small change. An attempt was made to blow open the cafe, a bole being drilled in tbe same and powder and fase being inserted for tbe purpuee. but owing to the fact that tbe powder used was only common gun powder, the burglars failed to accomplish their pur pose. After leaving the store they broke into the saloon of H. B. Tracy and broke open tbe till but failed to secure any money. Tbe entrance to tbe saloon was effected by breaking a large window in the rear of tbe building. It is supposed that the rebbery was tbe work of local talent as several "attempts have been made to rab tbe saloon of late. Register Warr EuKraiar. H. Taylor Hill is in Portland gathering information as to tbe cost and working expenses of an elec tric light plant for this city. Mr Hill, some tme ago, applied to the council for franchise bat tbe council deierrwd act ion till it bad information as to the prices intended to be charged for lights. The council will, of course, grant a franchise when it is satisfied tbst tbe interest ol the citizens are properly protected. W understand M r. Hilt calculates to use tbe power at the flouring mill for generating the electricity. Prineviile J out oal. A Chkip Licbt. The Oregoa Gas Light, Heating and Power Co , of this city, is now pushing us ooMnews ana have introduced a nutauar oi ugnta hich give excellent raUsfacUJO, besides being remarkably cheap. The officors of the company are Dr. Adams, president and A. U. Freerksen secretary, who will be gtad to show tbe light to interested par. lea. A Caooc Co. Tai- S A. Mealy baa made a conditional trade with Belknap A Moore for thair drug store, tbe consider ation being a band of S30O bead of sheep. Mr Moore left here Wednesday lor uie John Day, accompanied by Mr. Mealey, to inspect the sheep, and, if tbe trade is completed, to bare tbem turned over to him. rnneviL journal. Tbe New York Journal Jaa discovered that four Spaniards were paid $10,000 for blowing up the Maine and that several Havanna merchants were implicated in the awful crime. Jadgt Piper has brought a suit against the cit of Spokane, for $20,000 damage canned by falling at that city while at tending tee fruit exhibit :ast fall, tbe re sult ot a defective sidewalk. People never lose their interest i a Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Saturday night a large audience congregated at tbe opera bouse . to see Lew Johnson's company present it A Cixb at Crabtbes. A free silver cluD was organized at Crabtree on Feb. H, with Frank Crabtree as president, F. M. Smith, J. H. Peery, W. W. San ders and W. J. Crabtree as vice presi dents, Henry Cyrus as secretary and S. O. Wallace and E. Margason as assist ants. Resolutions were passed fivoring tbe election of free silver men to offic, opposed to gold monomeUlism. demand ing the restoration of bimetalism at tbe present ratio, opposing the retirement of greenbacks, the issuing of P'Perby The company was met with a hearty ap- llUURl USUiD lllWl.Bi UWIU) LAJUUO .1. I plgQg,. lilt, univ vi vcaw, isiuiiug iu, uvuun tax, the abolition of trusts, the arbitra tion of disputes between capital and la bor ,of one set of free silver candidates at tbe coming election ana opposing govern meat by injunction. Two Bay Mks. Deputy TJ. S. Marshal George Humphrey came over from the'. bay this noon, having been there prosecute two men for selling liquor Indians. Tbe men were Frank Priel and Jim Stafford. They were examine at Toledo last Saturday and both wei discharged. An important wheat deal was consum mated a few days aga at McMinnville by which 20.000 bushels changed hands at 72 cents per bushel, net. MB HenJrick, of Amity, being tbe purchaser. The wheat la stored in tbe Wheatland warehouse, tbe Willamette. Tbe wheat belonged pool of farmers. Ma. Drives was Mad. Tbe Eager board says: Uur ministerial and seoa tonal friend. Kev. i. v. lmver. came to town this forenoon aod foolishly drove bis wagon in tbe rear of the business houses just sou.h of the court house square, where quite an amount of mud has been hauled off tbe street and de posited. In trying to pull through the same a tug broke and the gentleman lost bis temper, and as a last resort be was compelled to nnload his wagon to puil out ot the mud. in a short lime he bad a large crowd, and he gave one of his regular street lecture. He condemned tbe county and city officials first, then gave Attorneys Skipworth, Woodcock and Biirea some blessings; then told what he did not do at Salem, ending up by saying that Joe Simon was worse than a Southern Pacific train robber. He re served his "debate" with Ingersoli for bis next, also bis trip with Moody aod bankey. rbeat ltoaD k As Oakvillb Club. At Oakville Lis Saturday night a free silver club was or ganized with John Bell as president and W. H. Millhollen as secretary. Thirty two signed tbe roll. Another meeting will be held next Saturday night, when anion will be discussed. Some people think it is a fat thing suing railroads, and that a jury ia sure to go against me raiiroaa aoout every time. Ixt'asee. In eight case in San Fran- ciec against the S P. the company lost onlv one case and tbe judgment was on 1 1500. The Market street Car Co lost onlv one case in thirteen. Tbe Market street Co paid only $5,000 on $325,000 damages demanded and tbe 8. P. only 500 on $200,000 sued for. Lvery case was decided by a jury. -Mr Jumna K. Godfrey, will be a csn H'ii!at mi the democratic or union ticket for the oosition of state printer. He ia one of the best printers in Oregon and an excellent entleman w&o wooia nu ine office in the interest of the people. It ii with regret w e learn that R Myers, one of our most highly respec ted residents, who is under treatment at Albanv for a stomach trouble, is not iraprov;nn Hosts of friends hope for a favorable report soon. Jefferson Re-' view. : Tab-bn Licbhbes. The following in surance amenta have taken out licenses. caving the 160 fee for the remainder of the -vear nnder the new ordinance: H r . Merrill. M. Senders u. n. uuranari and J. M. Ralston. At least two others will take out licenses this evening or tc-f morrow. There is a cberrf tree ia full blooaa;n the yvrd of E. W. Langdon. 'llf1 r. Eastburn oi tbe rived in Albany this 1 saa, and will make f me. i ... - . . I : R J A Weaver hat tbe agency for th Phoe nix and Golden Eagle bicycle, which will ; sell tor 160 and $05 respectively, two ex cellent bicycles. Notice to ih Public Beware of Snide Barbers who try to tell yoa Hahr Tooic who do not know bee Irom ball leet auout jot r tcaip. i ' bad 23 yean experience and know theie are loor distinct kinds of scalp troubles. 1 will furnish free ot charge a formula best raited to your particular case, which you can get filled at any drug store tor 5 or 10 cents. Consultation fre. Louis YlEXBCE. Mr. Moffitt, of the B tard of Under writers of the Pacifis coast, Is rerating the city. M ist rates will be made lower than at present, though there will then be a small per cent added on ac count of tbe recent ordinance. It it stated that the completed rate will be as small if not smaller than at present where there have been no change of con ditions. From the Rural X. W. : Rev. M. C. Wire. D. D . pastor of the M. E. church of Albany, Oregon. owni a fine fruit farm near New berg in this state. In rending in a renewal of his subscription he writes: "I have been an interested reader dur ing the jear. I have taken much inter eat tor several years in fruit culture, mora especially that ot tbe Willamette valley. You succeed admirably in mak ing a paper which is not only very inter esting but very profitable at well." Simonton'a Corccrt Band Notes. The excellent band under the Crescent liicycle, , , . . .. Hopkins Brothers, agents. . Best Bicycle fo toe money. Will & Stark, jewelers. pounds of crackers for 15c at T 0 cunver s. i White House Java ft Mocha coffee the finest in the laud at F. E. Alien Co. Jh Waterloo woolen mills bavs jost re- voiveu ou .wo pounds Of wool, and will annn iput in eigot new looms me annual school meeting will be held I1CXL moiHIAV PUAntnnal 7tu aI. A.b m. L. the reports wilt be read. Maj Comp'on, of the ex-rallroad com- mission, will lecture in Eugene on March ua me uauieoi Uett)sburg. F. E. Allen & Co bave taken the agencv for Ihe Stearns bicycle They are high grade "ucciiauutne price is very lew. Call at store and soe samples. French leads tbe proration when it comes to price on watehes and clocks. We do not tell a waicb or clock that will not stmd a Outclass guarantee. , . Viereck's Shaving aud Hair Cutti n Parlor. Shaving 10 cts Utir Cutting 15 Shampooing lOotn. Clean ioel tnmm customer. French the Jewler Seth Thomas watches and clocks, tbe bt hi u.r woriu. i oey cost you no more than tboe cf inferior make. Georje's minttrolo ami nnl..;i. dents' drew a good sized anl appreciate Bodieiicw last eveningat tbe opera house. iney gire a good minstrel performance, With somn nlllliiaa LTbe Willamette bote at Salem baa been ripened with J. Conner a manager, after K 0ii,iniprjrea u is on of be nnett hotel buildings in Oregon. t-bildren and adults tortured by burnt, tldt. injuries, eczema or skia diseasti may secure instant relief bv using De- w itt s Witch H-zel Salve It it the great Pile remedy. J. A.Cummirigs. FM French the-Jeweler it railroad watch lospector and ran will c his regulator absolutely correct, with Lick observatory time, which ia standard time, ani nsed by the railroad companies. The Dkmocbat has received a oory of ihemioing edition, of the Searchlight, pobluhtd at Redding. Calif It U splen didly gotten up and displays in a credit a!e manner the resources of the mining district of Northern California. Tbe Eugene Guard repoft some excel lent work done by the government boat uoder Capt. Hatch, the work being in charge of Maj. Freeman, in tbe illam ette, this side of that city. Eugene people CX -Oct to hare mmlr nw-r -,;. V Lebanon's new paper. Tbe Lebanon Pri terion. anratmv.1 in.l. ;it. iv a. direc-Jj Brown at editor. Tbe reason ri r-m (r "rT - Likewise a fine stock of dothingtiie season at the store of the ...BLAIN CLOTHING GO... torshipof Mr. Simon to of I his city, bids the starting of tbe paper it the wantof repuoiican naner at thai it v n.. c . issue treats tte people fairly . , j At ie meetings of fcraagelist Miller, at Corvalli , mere have been over on buatred ton versions. He seems to bare stirred things to tbe center. Some raid be ta led too loud aod other that be caused peon's to laugh toe much, but be teems to have ?curta uie result desired all tbe same. fair very 030, because of tbe excellent talent of it nineteen member, to sur pass for excellency of music, any other band ia tbe state. This band, composed of our most excellent young gentlemen, should receive tbe financial assistance of our bosiness men. A good band is a great source of pleasure, and Is as well often appropriately useful to the citizens of a city. A Citixen. So come ye Albanians, listen onto me, Hearken to my tory and you will all agree. That Simonton' Concert Band make music rich and rare. A the tones frMn nineteen piece comes floaticg on the air. peo- Tbe music it delightful and all the pi say That the band has a splendid president in Harry Conoway, The vice president, Carl Rmkin, to other part has gone. But tbe treasorer, Ivan Marks, ran be depended on. C. M Butler, ia secretary, and write a plendid band, ' He blows lb baritone finely iu Simon ton' Concert Band ; M Gray is collector and will pass tbe bat around. Cone Albany's business tceu, d i some thing lor tbe town. Contributed by O. W. W. We are glad to welcome two more as members, namely Mr. J. Cooo and Wayne Bridgeford. Our coorert will ae second to none Music and ton. In tbe tore rart oi tbeae note a citixen give bis views concerning tbe welfare of the band ; we hope for thw cooperation, of all citizens. Then look out for anisic Uoax. The Yaquina Improvement. Tbe war department ia going ahead with praparauoos for the improvement of the Yaquina harbor aod will receive bids and let tbe contract for the work on lb a same. Then there will be no further proceed ore until a sum i includ ed ia the appropriation bill for tbe p0 rpeC It i to bo boped congre doe this, though it bas already refused to do I so until toe estimate bave been made and contract let. Th continuing coo tract provided for tbe project, but tbe actual work, except the arrangement for it, cannot be done uiui there is an actual appropriation, and thi congre has to make ia tbe regular bill. Probate Record. DIED. HOBSOS. Charlev Hobsoo. son of Mr. and air. Tf . t . Hooson. uiea at nia home near Knox Butte, Feb. 19. He bad bad cough for about six months which resulted in tbe dreadful disease, consumption He leave a fa ther, mothe-, three brother and a sitter ' ... a it a a to mourn bis loss, tie was luiuwea io bis last resting place, Sunday, the 20th, bv a concourse ol relatives ana irienas. Rev. Wire, of Albany, spoke a few words of sympathy for tbe bereaved tamiiy. We with to extend our trace re thanks to our many friends for their kindness through our son sickness. 1 R. AXD AIRS. C . r . UOBSOX. McKEE .On Sunday .February 27, 1898, the 4 vear old lulite.- ol air. and Mrs. Charles MctCee. in the Third ward. Ia estate of C. P Koinblen. inventory filed Personal property tllM '2, real property $3033.82. . Total $6223 St. In esUte of U W. Hawkins. Robert Brown was appointed executor of will. Value ot eatate $57 60. In estate ot William Hunter, final set tlement set for April 4. Gotlieb Schenfele was admitted to cit- Uensbip. In estate of Albert Baits, final account was approved. In estate of J. R. Swank. Mary E. Swank was appointed administrator. Leave to sue granted. Appraisers appointed. Ia esUte of Jane E. Carter, report ot ale of real pronertv filed Bid ot F M. Kedtield ol raised 10 per cent, ana expenses of new sale, by James L- lr vine. - ' Alhany'a Factories. Tbe Oregon ian f-day has an excellent wrtteopby sir K. A. llarru, recently in the cily, of Albany's manufacturing inieretis, t im it toe woolen mill with an output oi iv,uaj a montn, and em- ptojrtog sixty-bve bands. The chair Lsctory of K. V eal x boo, . which sends out thirty dillerent patterns of chairs to all part of the X. W , employing 15 and 20 men. Tb Sugar Piae Milt and Fix tar Co manufacturer of sash, doors, blind. bank and office fi xiorea and chair, employing 15 or SO band. The Siali sm Lumber Company. The Albany Farmer Oompaav, now 27 year oi g. Tbe Portland flour mill, one of seven large mills run by tbe company in Ore goo. ki l bating a capacity ol O.IXW berre a day, ibt one of 2UO barrels, Alba: Steam Laundry, with wlvw bi Th laundry ha the largest botpita raangSaoa the coast, Albany Iron Works i'.a 12 to 32 hand. A lam btrwwerv. tannery and mattress factory, lao elec tric light aod water p'aau. Al oaay is a bustling city. Oregon Weather Service Summary. Station, Albaoy, Or. Month ! Fattmtry, Etcrataoa abort W.l, 2U ft. Meaa temperatara, 45,75 Maximum toaperatara, 63; data, 12 h- Miaiaiam tesBpcratare, 31; date, 2. Maaa al mttuaam teaiDwraiare, 53.53. Mom of auaimam Unperatair; 39.9t. If amber tima maxima a teanparatar 90 it abovt, 0. Number tames aioiaaaai ttaptnttrs 52 xricw, i .. Ji amber umi minimum temptratar 40 dsgrew or below, 1$. lota prrapitaUoo. T.05 raettea. tiraU( prscsplUtHMi la 24 coaaceetiva boars, aod date. 1 .49. C Ji No. of clr dy. 2 N of pa. t!y clmd day, 3. Na. of cloadv dava. 23. S amber o days a hveh .01 or mora ot piYciprtatioa (all, 15 Number davi oa which .04 r aoor of prtciptoatiow f.ll, 15. Dataa of light frost, Sad. Uatt of kilting frost. Date oo which saow fell. 0. Datetoa which bail UU, IGth. ftr o wbkh aleat fell, 0. Data of thunder storm. 0 Aaroraa, 0 Prevaihag dirfvt oa ot wird. South. CG eraKBaar. Vntcntoer UaatfTtr. 1 Bntciess TioQseis ! Mm Fit and Workmanship Perfect. 1 Tbe Appearance without the Cost , ' 1 aaar im tmc woato. m roa a urrow. 1 tbt a eaia. . . roa a air. Some Choice Novelties in Men's and Boy's Suits, Hats and Caps and Furnishings, V THE PRICES Will be Satisfactory. WHEAT. Chicago 106c. New York lOIfg'c. Saa Francisco 81 c. Liverpool 8-10 higher. Dar.xaESf Sqcaw. Deputy Unitsxl Stata Marshai Humphrey returned this morning from Newport,. Yaquina Bay, where he went last Thursday to arrest James Stafford and Frank friest, against whom information had been lodged charging th crime of selling liquor to Indians. Tbe officer found one of hi men tbe night of bis arrival and tbe other tbe nest cay. The examination was commenced before United Stat Commissioner S. G. Irvin, Friday, and was not concluded till yesterday. A larga number of witness were exam ined, and while tbe fact was established that the two squaw, who gave the in formation leading to tbe arreau.had been glorious drunk, tbe UbiteJ Slates torn miasioner refused to believe tbem when they said that tbe liquor waa famished them by Stafford and Priest. The de tradanu were accordingly discharged. Tfclegram. GIVEN AWAY FREE engine labeled -AT, m la 1VI Bto Ewotita. Two immense passed through Albany today Astoria A Columbia K. R Tbey were Mogul, three wheeler, of five feet, coal consumer, standing bigb, according to the modern engine. Tbe duet attracted I considerable attention at tbe depot thi ' noon, and received many compliments for their imposing appearance. Th CHursaa Docroa io this city etv ba only sell tbt medicine. He also declare that be waa never in basi nets io Portland, and probably waa not, It teem that under bi way' ot doing buaioea it ia a difficult thing to prov t bat be violate toe 'aw ciiwaiirs ......Gash Store In order to introdor Codaby Diamord C - aoap I will commence Monday, Feb 28tb, and continue to March 21t, I8S0, to give away free of charge Codaby' Dia mond C laundry soap . It ia tbe beat Savon made, one bar will oat laet two o any other aoap and will be given oat free a follows: With 5 gallon best Pearl oil 80c 1 bar soap free " 20 jU good runtlm (4 $H0 I " ' " one 20, 25 or 30 cent broom - 1 every sack best floor 2 " " - oo lb Japaa tea 25 cent 1 - " every pr bwiea, men or cfcild ahoaa bar soap tree -" rvery tl worth of Axbocki or Lioa eeffee 2 ban soap free Read the soap wrappers and sea the iarg preminm list with every 23, SO. 75 or f 1 00 sale of aoap Rex chawing gam gives free, sale positively close March 21. The relief expeditioo to tbe Kkmdik ha been abandoned It wa found to be ouPteesaaty, something the DavocsAT and many others kacw at th lima it aa ordered. It a tba worst f Jol move. mnt of tbe preswnt day, and conferred eo credit oa tb m.n ho aecured it. Ba Balu There win be a live time in the opera Loose on Friday afternoon, March 11. beginning at 4 o'click. when tb Eugene and Albany boys meet at tbe opera boose in tb fast game 01 taooov base bail. Too will with to see it. 15 cent for tLa two front row ia the gl rry, and 10 cent for anything else. Tbe Sew cat Attbtorof Will k Stark levrclrv " roa will get Ue fact, sad Fact fiai a ftoe stock of goods to selett from. It is ap todaio ad iccSode the best line of watcbe and dorks and all kind oi jewelry. Their 1 lae of ttlvea ware is extra and tbey have many aovettie that will pse. 1 REE 1 ! Until March 31st., 1898, we will give fre to cui customers the Famous" Paintings of the "World Now U your time to secure them. OECHT & MHSIB j Must Have Room for New Goods at The Fair. Great clearance ea'e until March 1st on Cbisa, Lam pa and Decorated Ware. J. A. Weaver. T. 0. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Secoad St, oppoaite, Dsmocxat office Wiu coaataatly kaep oa haad a good steel of grocwiea. freak prdnca aatd fnxits which wi;l be aotd at Uing price. EW ADVERTISEMENTS T70R SALE. Sw Bariock t pewnter A I 'w LarspaT Ornar. VT. B.Gilson'a barber shoo hereafter will be tb np town office for tb Albany Steam Laaa dav. PackaseewiU ba called for and delivered promptly when left io bis care. M. D. ?aiujr, Prop. It 1 reported from Skagway thai tbe number who went down on the Clara Nevada was 63. Tba boat or rather cotiin. , is now in four fathoms of water. A diver who went down learned that tbe disaster i Tbe remains were buried yesterday at- was caused by tbe explosion ot the boiler. Is ihe time "when yoa should take a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, give yoof good appetite, sound sleep, steady nerves and perfect digestion. That scrofulous taint, that skin trou ble, that liver dif sawpts llculty,that bilious 1 Vlylw tendcnc' tha1 tired feeling, an all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Givi this medicine a fair trial and yoa will realize Its positive merit. It is not what we say, but what the people who are cured say, which prove that y y & mj sz Sarsaparillatpi- C. I. HOOO S lOWeil, Juaaa. A brother of Mr Douglas garden, arrived morning from Kansas Linn county his borne While at wo'k across the river thi morning Jotin (Joins was bit by a falling poie ana Knocked senseless lor awuiie tie was obliged to quit work and come to Atoany. Mr. Henry Taylor received a teleerai today from his wife at Portland an nouncing tbe death of his father Mr. W. B. Taylor at that city at 8:20 o'clock this morning. lie had been ill for some time. Grandmaster Workman McFsdden met with the A. O. U. W. and Degree of Honor last evening. Tbe occasion was made a special one, and was a great success. Alter some lodge work a one banquet was spread and enjoyed. The Intercolleeiate Athletic Associa tion of Oreeon. have elected tbe follow ing officers for this year: 1. li. Van Winkle of Willamette, brotter of 4.H Van Winkle of this citr. president: W. M. Smith, of Monmouth, vice president; L. Scott, of Eugene, secretary: F. A. Ed wards, of Corvallis, treasurer. lernoon, the funeral being held at the C. church. 22 REPORT OF THE or rum No bo-lie bave been found. There ia said to be over 1100.000 in sold dust on board. The loss of the Clata vaia is certainly discreditable. COXDITIOSl IRST NATIONAL BANK, j AT ALBANY, IS THE STATE OF OREOOX At lot dost of btniness,F(bruar7 18th, 1883. Beaaarces I Loans and dlacoanta. . f, 78. 140 28 OvardrafU.sscursi and unaacuiwi ......- B,0M IM U. a Bonds to securt clrculaUoo. ... S0.0o0.0ti Premiums on U Shoot , .. Slocka. aKurttaa,atc 8.-67.M) Barkio noose. lunmme. and oitsm.... lb.oau.uu Other real eatat and mortaacat owi.ed ...... Du from National nankalnol rneuria anut ;&.Mft.s Du Irom But. Banks and banker S0.618 76 One Irom approved resenr. airent.. la.tf25.81 Checks and other caah Itema . . 178.76 Notes ot other Kailonal Banka... . no.OP Fractional paper currency, nickels aod cent 225.01 LivrtL Moxrr RMiavs!i But, vu: Sped. ...... . 89,274.60 IrfOXat teixlcr noMe . . . w.w Bedemptlon fond with U. 8. TreaaurerCfls. , per oral ol circulation. 900.00 Total. ..;S,e64.84 Uabllllle s Oanltal stock paid In.. surplus xuiKi.. unil Undivided profile, leas eiptnsc and taxes paid....... m...m. lw I National Hank nutee ouUUndlng....M..MM. Robert tamous arctic explor- r, iil lecture io Portland in a few days. There are a gocd many cases of tykl pboid fever in tbe city. Thisl susiiesU tbe irreatest care over tbe Ldu to other National Banks " .... .. TV. . ... . I. 1 I aannarv nnnflitinna nr nnn'a aurrnnnamirs. m o mu . . ,11 h to. Arinbm yindlvidual dopoaita nvs aaa vuv nairs VUV ua M 1 nnr A Long Creek dispatch lays that (?eer(Ti ismin 1ia nn nail al tit nlantifnl in that. wir B 1 Vv tLis year. Over 70 head were counted in oneband near biDgbam springs a lew days I Total.. r.nce, but owing to its being tba closed sea son of course none of them were killed. A band of 35 el were also seen near Susan ville tbe first of tbe week. . iu.ouq oo cine. No-To-Bae for rifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, make weak men suoDg, blood pure. We, II, ail druggist. Ii . Oille euro Liver Ills? easy t ilOOU S PIUS take, easy to operate. 2Sc. There aefms to be a general misappre hension in reference to tbe refusal of con gress to appropriate $160,000 for Yaauina. It is now claimed that when the contract is let, tbe work will proceed anyway and pro visions male for tbe payment of it. Tbe amount required though will undoubtdely ve to be in the appropriation bill. subject to cbeck.. Demand certincatasol deposit.. Tube oertincatea ol depoalt CertlBcd chetks.. Cashier's chack ootstandiug . S.141.62 1S.HA0.00 6.B4S.09 1IU.I s eu.e6.S7 .w Masquerade l ow. A masaoetade ball will be sivr n Frl dav. March 4. bv company F, Sec. Kegt This is to pe the last and most noiea so cial event of the season. We have tbe names now of over fifty who sie going to masque and still there are others. A prize will be given lor me best suetaim a character. Tb best ot music and a good time is assured, i-verybody is go- ing. cpectatora luc, resvrveu scats toe ball tickets 75c. Don't forget the date eb. 25 UoamTTEa. The evil reports coming from Skagway do not seem to slop people from going there, every steamer taking all the pas sengers tbey can uoiu. Hnmc Urst. The World atttnvards. Out (food grccei ies for your family, vonn & Uu ton keep the best, which thev toll at the lowest uoeiiuie prices, rresu vrKeiauie and fruit according to tbe season, always on band. A fine line of crockery. In Olden Times People overlooked the important of per manently beneficial effect aad were aatia GeJ with transient action; but now that it i generally known that vrupot Fis will permaoeBtiy overcome babttual constipa lion, well-informed people will not buy c-tber laiative. which act for a lime, but ooaiiy injure me system. Boy tbe genu ine, maae oy toe unutomia r ig byrup Co. Just Acroas the Way. At F II rfeiffer s vou can set the beat Coasit and tCattern oysters to be found. ue aiso seep trie best line of coBfection ary in tbe city. Call on bim for the beat of eventhinaia ni line. I'icasc insist upon navtnavonr ore script Ion filled according to the doctor or oeis, and guard again! substitution. We make a speciality in compounding pres cription, using pure, tresh drag to every one. uur price are in accordance with tbs times. Try os and be convinced. 11 urbhar x Lae Drowguta. TBE PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries aod Baked Goods bat Parker Broa- Everybody kuows where their place ia. Tbey keep a freeb stock of rrorerisa. oreduoe and baked good, of all kinds, sell at reasonable pricea and treat tneir customers weii, au adka. Yoa mav rearet some step voa take in life but none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a rreU thing to be well fed. Par ker Broa keen eood erocerie. A loaf of bread ia not mocn out yoa want it well made. Try Parker Broa. Bent Teeacr. Sit aad Kaeee Tear Ufa a. Te Quit tobacco caail aad forever, be m aeuc tall ot lae. nerre aad vlror. take No-Tw- Bac. IM amoder worker, toat autkes weak I strong. AU drugaiMa, oc orl. tureruaran- Ind Booklet and naapia rresv smren Starli&c Remedy Oo, Cbicaco or Kew York. for sale cheap at Btara Co"a store. Legal Blanks we bave 'em Smukt AT COST Mens and Boys Clothing. No shoddy GOODS Beducel trices on otter lines until earth ICtli. si heat straw $4 U0 per ton spnaa; To do geaeral bosewrk. a girl wtabea a place. Call at toe mideace of L. to. Jioeach. T7 OR SALE ram Cider Facrorv. f uf- I h equipped for twsiaeca. Will be aotd at a low price- Adcreaa POBoxO. Corvailis, Ore. TXTOOD FOR SALE. Ash Y Jf dry aad green. aad ir Al Sattjo. CESAR POSTS F R SALE if yoa are thiakingof doing aay feoang aad want good cedar post write to Orin Jadd Detroit re. ST LUIS RAKET STORji SHINGLE atACHIXEY WiMED.- A secoad band oatfitfbr coakiBa; shisglea, tbe cutting proceca bv steaming ontfitwith horse power arfara- nwant- llUluJimM R BlXbV. fll. Albany, Oregon, j crcoa co or. WAITED TRCSTWOS THY Af tiTe genUeraea or laaw to travel tor retpoaaiDie. eetaouaoea boom u Oreiroa. Monthly 65.00 aad exproee. Poaiuoa steady. rtoiereBce. r-acweeaeu-addreased sramped eavetepe. TaelXaiiBr- oa Company. Dept. Y uncago. Foe a d. That Case Bros havs returned to their old stand by P. O and are turn' ing out tbe best work for th least money, Our pricea are bair catling, 15c, shaving 1UC or Ibreo sharing check tor 25c Kjs or honed and set for .15c. Opposition is the life of trade so if you want to keep price what tbey are putronixs our shop and we wilt stay with you un il Gabriel blows hi norn. Yours for the leader of eastern prices. Cask Duos, J W lientljy, the pioneer boot and shoe man, doe h rat-class work cheap, uall on him, list north of the Democrat office. NO CURENO PAY. That la th ar. all rira .ela'a w'l I OltOVETSTASTKLESI CBILL TS1C for Malaria. Chills aod Fever. It 11 aJmolr Iron and Qulnln lot taateleaal r,rm. Ctalldtea .ov u aau.H orsiw i to bit'er. nauseating Tonlcr Prio. 50c Beawtv la Blew Deep. n... nMiu a rWa skin. - Xo beauty without it. Caafareta. Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tbe laiy liver and driving all im purities from tbe body. Begin tday to banish pimpies, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilieaa complexion by taking I am-a ret. beauty tor ten cents, au arug- gial, satutf action guaranteed, 10c,Sjc,50c Wear anxious to do a little good ia thi world and can think of ao pleaaanter or b-.ter wv to do it than Sj recommending One Minnt Cough Ca. a a prerentiv. of pneumonia, consumption and other aer. ion lung trouble that fol'.ow neg'ected cold J A Camming .Ob,0'.J Stat or Ohioo, Couirnr or Lorn, : I, K W Lasodox, Cashier ol th aboie sd bank do aolemnljr iwear that tbs above statement Is trn to th. bast of my knowledge end belief. E W LAKODON, Oaahhw. Subscribed and swom to before me this 28th day of February, 18B8. PERCY R KgLLT, (L. a) Notarr Public for Oregon Coaaaur Attest s L. FIjINN. BBVOUNO VDirootors. t-AUOOUWIN.I Letter List. Following is the list of letter remaining in tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, March 2, 1898. Persons calling for tbeae letters must give toe date on wuicn they were advertised. Anderson. W P Adeline, Beth (3) Barton, Raymond Bryant, The Widow Bruckman, Lilly Dougbton, MrsFS Glass, 8am aB .uaaa a ISVlfS. JordD,Mster TolberlTadtman, Nathan Klng.Mattie wiids.Mrsuu T.J. Stitks.PM Kelley. Miss E Liles.Min Clara Livingston, Iota- McKenzie, N R Mimson, S L McCullough, W A utterson, utto eimllb, U JM A thrill -of tormr ia .xpe'ienoed whan a brassy cough of croup aonnd through th nnuse at oigns our ui teiTor snoo c nan ge to relief after On Minute Cough Cur ba bean aaministered Bat and r ale or ohildreu I A Camming How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are selling lots of our white fine cougn gyrup witn tar. because it i lust what we say it is. gie quiet relief and is bigblv recomendt ed to cure a deep seated cough, Uurkhart dc Lee, UruggUts SEEDS We put np o r own garden seeds, They are all Northern grown seed Tbey ara absolutely true to name Tt ey are fresh all grown in 1S97, The package are full weight. Price, two papers for a nkirel, We also bave tbem in bulk. SnwAar & Sox Harswark C OliYer Plows-s6i Prices HOTKIXS BROS . Agents, Albany, Ore. on. Cosing oa: Crxkery aod Glassware at cost, C E Bkowssll. After vear of antold aoff-iiog from pile, R W Pnraall of Kmtaerville,fa, wa cured by asin'g a aingle boa of l Witt Witch Haxl "Sal tklB ttisesses uon a ecaema. raah. DimD'aa aad obs'-inate seres are read ilv cure! bv this tamois remsdy J A Cumming Music Miss Milarca Burmestet teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Residence Viith street, opposite U P cbuich. "Oliver gave the world tbe chilled plow" And it na saved more money to the fanner of America than any other, implement ever produced. oeouine uuwr chilled are tbe best oa earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happi ness oa the farm, and the dealer who sell it knows he is handling the best. Look out for imoiuatione and touch nothing but the genuina goods, mad enly by Oliver Chilled plow work. South Bead, lad- U. 8. A. WaNtED-uprighta: d rAi i tt ful gentiemca or ladies to travel for reapoaaible, eabti.tea noose ia vregoa. MoBthly $65.00 aad expease. Pontioa steady Reference. Enclose sett addreea ed stamped envetcpe. The Domiaioa eompaay, Dept. K. Chicago. TOST. Saturday night, Feb 12, either . tm 1st or Lvoa treet or oa the way to tb Depot or oa Ferry street or ia tbeG A. R Hall a alligator sua dasp purse con taining a twenty ok liar piece and seven rive dollar goia piew wmtnirai. two cent piece dated 1S65 and a one dollar areea bac aad a oi.i ot aie coBaoning mw owner same . Anyone hading please re- tara to the Democrat aad g ample reward Or Adams fv-i-fw - CusickBl Painless work a specialty. J. C UfTLE&'S i ia. Yard Uttler. Assi-ttant. Ground Floor Dntl Office. Broada!bi. St Albany, Or. The office that doe high grade printing n good stock, for the price ot the other ind. Smiley, the printer. jNo-To-Bao Tor titty Cent. Ouaranteed tobacco habit eure, Biakes woes, men airou. blood aurt. Wo. IL All druggiAt. TnC.IIHF. A C LD lNON DAY Taka Lar.tive Brmo Ouinin Tablet. All drusUt refund tbe money if It fail o Cure. 25o. Try niv U t sifting at lUo. Extra quality U. L. Urowneli. Ed orate Toor llowela With Caacarata. Candy Cathartic, euro cooatlnatloa loreTor. 1U0,BM. t amariic, cure cooatipauon lorerer. II C. C. C. tall. drugKtau ret undjuoaey. Are perfection in the art of cycle build- ing. They still bave the G A J Clincher Tire, Tbe most resilient and beet tire made. These wneei are trictiv ap to date in finish, workmanship and price. Samples are shown by Geo.E. Fisu, Pvrry, bU TREASURER'S KQ1 ICE HO-9 Notice is bereoy givn that funds ai oa hand tc iy city wsrranta Nos 3b7 to 416 Inclusive ot tbe issa of IS97 In tereeton id rrn will ceaee i h tie data of this notice Albany Or. I-. 3, l&x E A. PaRKKk. City Tieaanrer MPANI LINN CO- ABSTf ACT C Albany, Oregon. Offices, Bant of Oregon building. Only set of abstract of Linn County To Car Constipation Voiwvetv Take Cascareta Candv Catbartlo. 10c ortSa It C C. C tall W euro, drugg uu refund aionca. ln . . a 1 . . . GIRL WANTED To do house workl Wnpte set ot map. ana pusu. at Harrioborg, Call at Democrat office. ' Cbartea reaaocab.