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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
i J if i VOLXXXII1 ALBANY OREGON, FR1DA1. MARC H 4, 1898. Catered rS tke Post 0e at Mk-any. S)r. as Second-Class Hall Nauru r ;r ItmiC FabllaHer east rraprlelar 31 ULJU 1 y II I ti'ifin I IW r VgetaUcPreparatioRfar As similating thcroodandRcguia Gng the Stomachs andBowels of I i RomotesDicstion,Checrrul- ticss and Kest.con tains neither Opnnn,Morpbine nor Mberat IVot Narcotic. mtx.Satnt aH WrmStt Km i'JtTiLj Apafect Remedy for.oriinA- tion.Sour Stotnach.Diairhoea.j vonns,Oon.viiIstons.Fevcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tax Simile Signature of ttew york. !5F? to"'-" 1M .1 : EXACT COPY OF VRAPPEH. THE OPENING DAY OF The Second IS January 4, 1898. The colleg9 ha3 strengthened its com mercial work very much, so that now it has become a . Business equal to any in the state. This is 8 now. Come and f ecure a branches o." a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, Scenic in w THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE '4 acr"- "". v -WMkaV tT ttm I roan ar "!.M-TTj-t R. C NKHOt. wiMinii. ,ja-.... rf -r-l 1 HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. He has added Bahv Buggies to h s stock. J ust call in and you will CANDY CATHARTIC M -a-Ia-ala-HtfBj ' a a 25c 50c --gSl',M- --xe-am - . AID a- W I. IONEEHI. SEE THAT THE WFAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- T3 ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBT CaateU U mt d la ana-cho kotilat ah. Ta is act aold la balk, Dost allow auras to sail lSjot i anything alia on tho plea ar proaiss that H is "just aa rood" and "win answer mrn . 3?oaa." -Sea that joc get 0-A-8-I-0-W-4. SglSt of . - " - a College was not so in the tjast. It thorough training in all President Albany College yamrjUl ar. e WORI.D' OF THE ;DEWVERw RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. FROM THE NORTHWEST EAST -TO ALL POINTS CcocijI Atas & K. HOOPER, C P. St T. An. jc njKiUiHo, okz. PDrvEJt.coLO. find that his prices s je the ATX DRUGGISTS CONSTIPATIOK Y CIGAR FACTORY lroprlel-r LEBANON. W. J. Biihop has traded bia farm on Hamilton creek for a farm in Montana. Mr B is hop and family expect to leave about the first of May for their new home. "Uncle Jake" Kees ia slill very feeble and has to keep a man to wait on him all of the time. He is aa helpless ai a small child, hardly having any use of bis lower limbs. Hon. M. A. Miller received a letter from W J Brvan a few days ago. Mr Bryan wrote that he honed the reform parties in Oregon would unite in the camp hign this year. Mr and Mrs W A Sanders intend to leave in a few week for Nebraska, to visit relatives. Thev will return bv wsy of California. J X Woister. of Newport, will have charge of Mr Sanders' jewelry store during nis absence. Mrs Emma Hesly.wife of Oscar Healy, died yesterday, at 4 p. m., at her home three miles south of thiacitv, aged 32 years aud 9 months. Mrs Healy was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dan Sim-ins. The teachers' institute held in this city on the lSih and 19th proved a pleas ant and prod table mealing The lee ture of the evening of the 18th was well received by the targe audience that beard it. i tie speaker. Hon O r Thompson, is not a professional lecturer, but he presented the subject, "Turkey and Her reopie, Irom too standpoint of one who. as minister to that country, closely ob served the country, bar people and their manners and customs. Judged from a standpoint of knowledge rained, the lee ture was an able one, and justly merited the favorable comments it received. The Third Round. Tuesday night Monroe Ward and Pete Montgomery bad toe tbird round in a pugilistic contest begun several years ago The first round wss won bv Pete, the second one by Monroe, and the third was about a draw. About H o.clock at night ird was in a saloon. anticinatinePete'a arrival,aod as the latter was intending to go way thought he would give him a part tng whipping, aa the story goes Mont gomery arrived, and the tbird round be gan without any Both men wept down behind tbe stove and close to it. ' A witness stepped np and turned the hot water on them from the tank that always stands on the top of tbe stove. It terminated the contest im mediately, leaving tbe men about even. There have been wild reports about knives being need and even that one of the men was dead. It is also reported that they had another b'gbt oalsiieof the saloon in which Ward was subbed but it is difficult to get tbe facts for cer tain aa there is evidently a desire not to let them get out. Montgomery is said to have gone tenth. Lebanon Populists. From the Express: Last Friday evening a meeticgof pop nliais was held in this city for the purpose of omaniaipg a club. 1. L Jones, of Oakrille, and Coonty Cierk O. 3. Montague made abott but in teresting "addresses. A club was then organised, and tbe following resolutions were introduced : Resolved, we, tbe populist club as rembled, do reaffirm onr-fai'.h in tbe Omaha platform, believing it to be tbe only sore road to liberty. Resolved, that we do not favor fusion on any other platform. Tbe advisability of adopting such res olutions was warmly discussed, but they wete finally adopted. ; The resolutions can hardly be consid ered as the official views of tbe populist i voters in this locality. Tbe attendance at the meeting was not very large, owing to tbe fact that Hon. D. P. Thompson lectured in Lebmon tbe same evening, and many populists attended bia lecture. "Middle of the rosd" populists, by their radical remarks against anion, just be fore the club was organised, caused sev eral ponulieU who favored uoion 10 re fore to join the club. Even with that in its favor, tbe anti-union movement was by no -means unanimous, aome of the members of toe club strongly opposing it, sod others not voting on either side Lasb's Nsw C.H. The bMs for the new Court house at Eugene were opened yeate-dayas follows: PugbaUray, Salem $o3.000: L. N Konev. Eocene 49.7S5: J B Brdiges, Pirt and 52'499; WT Camp beii.bugene 5o,7W; t F Hutcbme.balem M.940; Thomas Mann.Portland 50,990; The total coat of the new court house, estimated, wit', be, without furnishing, about as follows: Foundation $9,000. Present bid f 19.785! Heating, wiriDg etc (estimated) $3,000 ; Architect fees, 5 per cent (estimated) $3,200; Superintendent (esdmated) $750; Total $67,735. Grx Accident Dr. Davis wss callei suddenly to tbe country this afternoon to attend a man who had been accident ly shot, how seriously and who the man ia could not be learned . fudge Barton was in Salem yesterday. G. S. Achison was in Portland yester day. J W. Cusick was a visitor to Portland yesterday. Jl W. 6. Lawler left yesterday on bia trip to Salt Lake city. It is reported that Mr. AI. Boenicke when drowned 00 the Clara Nevada, had $1200 with bim which he bad collec ted in okagway for J. D. Meyer a Co. Rev. W. V. McGee a former pas tot of ibe Cumberland Presbyterian church in this city, now bas charge of a church in Arroyo Grande, Calif. Mrs. R. K. Montgomery, ol Ash'and, a former resident in tbe Pass, was a pas senger on Tuesday evening's train going to Albany for a visit. Grants Pass Courier. Mr . J. Skuse and W. Barriage of Jones ville, Wis, bave been in the city several days, looking over tne country. They left today for Syracuse precinct to visit tbeir former friends and neighbors, Mr, and Mrs. T. Winkley. Speaking of the instate at Lebanon the Express says: The audience waadelight ed with tbe vocal duets by Mr. aod Mrs Sherman Thompson, rf Oak Creek. Both bave rare musical ability and were twice encored by the delighted audience. The Fort Wrangle Journal has the fol lowing to say of a Lebanon youmz man : nenry omi.o.oi jDeoanon.uregon.caueu ' 1 .1 I this week and ordered tbe paper sent to his former nome. nenry is a rattling good boy, and will make it in Alaska sme. Several of the leading lawyers of tbe valley were before Judge Hewitt yester day afternoon in tbe trial of a case in chambers, Tbey were Til. Ford, who would like to eo to congreai.N L Batler and J J Daly, of Polk county and W H Ramsey, of Yamhill county. VIA Moat Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, liurnliig, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is instantly relieved by a warm bath with CcTicuaA SoAr, single application of Cuticura (oint ment), the great skin cure, and a full dose of Ccticuka Bbsolvekt, greatest of blood jurttlers and humor sores. Hcmkcdibs speedily, permanently, and economically core, when all else fails. hmi Dsva An Cimr. Co-., Sal Pmp., Bottoa. ST" Uam la C Sntj sua ud BtosS Hunt,' Ira. PIMPLY FACES "t8TS&3rSB& w BATTLE OF WELL SPRINGS. Ac Interesting Semicentennial Anniversary tor Two of Our Citizens. Editor Democrat. Fifty years ago today, on Feb. 24,1848, occurred the principal battle of tbe Cay use Indian war, at Well Springs, in what is now known as Gilliam county, in Eastern Oregon. Quite a -number of people from this county were engsged in that campaign, and two of our promi nent citisens were severely wounded at this battle. One of them, Mr. N. G. McDonald, although shot through the lungs, recovered, and resided near Scio. in this county, until tbe time of his death, which occurred only a few years ago. The other, Mr. Jason Wheeler, is now a prominent citizen of Albany, and being still hale and hearty, will no doubt very much enjoy tbe congratula tions of bis many friends as he celebrates today, along with Mr. Aahby Pearce, another comrade, this fiftieth anniver sary of the historical skirmish above re ferred to. The horrible massacre of Dr. Whit man and his associates by the Caj ue Indians occurred on Nov. 29, 1S47. As soon as tbe news reached the Willamette vallev the provisional governor, Aber netby. called for volunteers to suppress the uprising, which waa supposed to be general all through tbe upoer Colombia country By January 9th about 500 mounted men were mustered into ser vice at Portland, and nnJer tbe com' mand of Col Gilliam started np the Col uirbia for Whitman mission. Ammu nition, etippliee, and an old cannon, borrowed from tbe Hudson Bay Com pany, were sent up the river in batteauz, wcile the command went np by Una. swimming their horses across ttie Col ombia twice before reaching Tbe Dalles This place was made the base of their applies, and a stockade a a erected for detente. About to weeks were eoetit nere, ana in tne meantime several scout iog parties were sent out. Ouita a nam ber of skirmishes occurred witn the In dians, incipaily w moos and Teniooa Trn men. An nl tK.m n mI p..k .wwl were ambashed, killed and scalped within two or three ml'ea of Tbe Dalles, while herding horses. . v. . u U. U H U. V HVmWVW, Alter getting this camn in rood inane. and preing into service several emi grant wagons.the command started on ap u vAuumun, email oaoas 01 Indians were occasionally seen and some skir- mianmg occurred, out no serious oddo- ii ion vas envoantered until tneir ar rival at Well Springs Tbev arrived there on the evening of Feb 23rd and camped, spent tbe night without an alarm, and on t:.e next morning broke camp aod startel on their way. Not an Indian bad been in sight until this time. oat now tney commenced to appear in every direction until finally tbe troops -rere completely surrounded. Tne com mand ws immediately hailed and plac ed in poaition of defease. Tbe soldiers were not allowed to bezio the battle on til Gen. Joel H- Palmer, the Indian com missioner, bad first tried to treat with the Indiana. It waa hard to restrain the troops, for the horrible atrocities practiced by tbe Indians at the Whit man mission were yet fresh in their minds, and they could not forget tbe killing and scalping of their two com rades a few days before Under a white flag a pow wow was bcld . It waa found that tbe Indians were Cavujea. nru!cr tbe leadership of three of their chiefs leuowuawk. Telau ka-lkt and Tarn- sukey. After the pow-wow bad lasted almost an boor, young chief came gal lopiog down toward tbe line on bis cay use. Armed with rifle, pistol and knife, he raced op and down ttie line in trout of tbe soldiers, shooting in English and "chinook" threats and defiance. He swore a: them and told them tne Indi ana bad selected this place for a battle, and that not a single "Bostun-maa" should ever reach tbe Umatilla river alive. He said they bad made medicine be night before, and that now tbe bal lets of the soldi rs would have no effect upon any Indian, and that be atonid swadow sny ballet that waa shot at tim. j He raced clear down tbe front ot the line, not thirty yards away, and then ack,and then wheeled and started down again, ati'l swenne and threatening It aa all Col. Oiliiam could do to restrain bis men. Old "Bill Mestov Smith," who died near Lebanon a few years ago.was beside tbe colonel, and several limes be raised in bis stirrups, drew a bead on tbe cbief. and begged to be allowed 'o furnish the lead lor tbe fellow to swallow As the In fian came don tbe I ne tbe tbird time a dog ran out and barked at him, and he palled his pistol and shot at him. Jost at this time two or three shots rang out, aod tbe Indian threw himself slightly backward and quivered. His borse stop ped, and a maa from Polk county, going by the came of "Blubbermouth" Smitb. ran out and jerked bim from bia borse and bad him seal ped before an v one con Id interfere. One rifle ball bad bit tbe In dian just between the nose and mouth and passed through bia bead he bad not swallowed it. This opened the battle whhh lasted un til sundown. The lodians.although out numbering the whites ten to one, would oot charge, but availing themselves of Vy kind ot cover, would work their way gas close aa possible and then keep np a steady Ore until dislodged At one time tbe Indians massed at a point a lit le out of range ol the rifles, so the troop anlim- bered an old six pounder and scattered them in thort order. Tbey bad no regu lar cannon balls, but bad prepared aomt by cutting on sections 01 wagon tire and bending it forward aod back nutil it bad assumed something like tbe right shape. No Indians were killed by these missies. but tba number that were scared to death by the unearthly uclf,ciued by their passage throueh tbe air, has never been recorded. Later in the day the different companies would sally out whenever tbey could locate a considerable band of 1d- ians, but they never succeeded in bring ing about a ngbt at close quarters. in one ot these maneuvers Uapt. Max on'i company got about a mile away an 1 the moans surrounded tbenn Maxon ordered his men down into a bssin or sand hollow for defense As they rode down into the basin, Whee'er's borse be came unmanageable and could not be stopped until be ran clear acrors and np tbe other side. By this time the Indians were gathering in faat.and just as Wheel er reached the top lie saw one racing along parallel with tbe rim of tbe basin and anout atxty yards away. Our hero had time to turn bis borse aod get away, but be thought be would Drtt kill the In dian and then retreu, so he commenced st once to dismount hoping in that way to make a safer shot. Tbe Indian, how ever, as he passed by, threw himself on the opposite side 01 bis borse and sbot withont dismounting. The bullet struck Wheeler tn the lower part ol the right thigh lust aa he was throwing his lei over the cantril of tbe saddle. He fel to tbe ground, but getting ap, bung on to bis saddle with one band, and guiding bis borse with the other, by hopping along on one leg made his wsy back down Into tbe basin and joined bis company. It is wound proved to be a very severe one. Tbe ball first struck the wooden handle of his heavy Indian riding whip, driving splioters into his thigh, and then passed on through bis leg and lodged under the skin on the opposite side. His comrade placed bia blankets on the ground In the center of the basin, and he laid there an interested spectator of the fight until they were relieved by reinforcements coming from the main body of the troops. N. G. McDonald waa shot in this same battle very soon after it commenced. He was on tbe skirmish line away out in front of tbe troops when be received a rifle ball in his left breast. It passed through one lung and lodgedjust under tha all in nur thA har.khnnA. It waaaniv posed that be could not survive, and the tnougnt 01 losing mm causea a meiing 01 sadness to pervade the whole company. I for be waa at brave as a lion and a gen .eral favorite. Being blessed with a mag nificent constitution, be finally recovered sd lived to a ripe old age, loved, bon ored and respected by all who knew him. Altbiugh the fighting lasted all the dsy none of the whites were killed, but quite a number were wounded. The loss among tbe Indians wss not known as tbey carried off all their dead and wound ed. Ool. Gilliam camptd on the field that night without water, and tbe-e was no sleep for any one aa signal fires were burning on the bluffs all around them. However, the next morning the' com mand went forward and was oot molest ed, although the Indians swarmed on the bills, t.t a safe distance, on both sides, dating tbe wLole dsy In about tbiee davs the troops arrived at tbe Whitman la about three Station. Here the wounded received the best attention that could be rendered ,aud aa soon aa they were able to move were sent back to the Dailes under escort, aod from there down the Columbia and up tbe Willamette to their homes. This battle does not gain its Importance from tbe number of those killed and wounded on that day. For several months tbe Uayuses baJ been making a great effort to combine all the tribes east of tba Cascades in a war of extermina tion against all the whites in tbe north west not connected with tbe Hudson Bsy Company. They bad held councils, and "made medicine" until tbey firmly be lieved the bullets of the whites would have no effect upon them whatever. This had been preached faithfully tube other tribes by the medicine meo, aod when the troops arrived at Well Springs tbe test wai to be made. Had the Indians been successful in this first battle tbe federa tion of tbe different tribes would have been consummated immediately, and what the result would have been no ous can even conjecture. Fifty years bare now passed since Ibis memorable campaign ol tbe Oregon Ride men, under Col Gi.liam, and it ia a aad commentary upon the justice meted out by our general goveromeat to ber citizens that these men Hive never received one cent lor their services. C. H. Stcwakt Albany, Feb. 24. 1S93. E'llIID.A.-Y- REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for the Dkmocbat, for the week ending February 23, 1S98. Maurice Goodman.toJoaepb Good man, uod S ot S E i S ft T II. I. w 40 acres t $ O&CRRCotoJH Geddes, S E U. Sec 5, T 10 4 E 40 acres 200 tleory Keys aod wile to Rev Jas Thompson, lots 1,2 3 and 4 b!k 10 Bronsvil!e COO I N Griffin and wf to J P Crabtree T 10. I. W 20 acres J L Hill to Emma J Blaio, lots 4, 9. o acd 7 bik 1 11 ills ad Soda ville 40 Wm Ralston to O'Neil Brue A Pet erson, small tract adjoiuiog Leb anon 475 J E StewartAwf to E E iiammack T 11.2 w 30 acres 400 J C Irvine et aL. to Tbeodoma K 1 atea. and 1-6 T 12. 4 w IMaes 290 C H Laughead and wf ta Albany li L Association. S j lot 1 bi 2 Uackleman's 2-d ad to Albanv. . 950 2070 Sarah 1 Smith 4c bueband to Frank Fnsby, iota 3 & 4 T 13 4 w A Brandon A wf to Isaac Wbealdon etr.l ttustees, small tract T 12 3w W L Taylor and wf to E T and C II Needles, lile interest in tot 13 bt fl.Harrisburg .... II A Davis A w( to Harritbura' Water Power Co, right of way. . R Cartwright Awt 1 tlarrisbjrg Encampment I O O F. lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, aad 8 to block 3, Shoot ing ad to liarriabarff. 10 462 C J if owe. to George Howe Sr, lots 7. 8. 9, 10, II, 12 tn block 15 Gal braitbs Sod ad to North Browns ville fOO ,423 J M Mansfield et ai by sheriff, to Jesse Hewitt. T 15. 4. 50 aea WS Thorn ps- astgoee. to F H Pfeiffer, lots 1. 2, 3 and 4 Uxk I lots 3, 4, t and 6 block 7 .all of U 3 Fairdale ad Albanv L A Mom et W E Yalee.uoJ ! II 01 Sou acre T 14 1 w Store Burglarlcd. Tbe store of B. K. Ramp was broken into last n.g'it and burglarized. Tbe haol, though, was not a large one. Aa eo'rance waa effected by prying open a window In tbe rear of tbe store. The money drawer was broken into aod abo.11 a dollar in good money, a trade dollar and a piece of counterfeit mooey taken A little safe owned by s ton of Mr Ramrt, waa broken to piece and about $2 50 taken. No groceries wee Uken that could be discovered, though a ftl ss jar waa filied with kerosene and eft sundiog. LLst of Patent.. Granted to Oregon and Washington inventors laat week. Reported bv O A Snow A Co. patent attorneys. Wash Ingtcn, D. C. J Anderson. Walla Walla. Wacb. car rving apparatus; I, W Bowman, Walls walla. Waeb. sash bolJer: F J Bovle Tacoma, automatic fishing reel; A S Fowler, She! loo. Wash, rolling pin: F li tieatb, Tacoma. w aah. dredging ex cava tor; 8 Q Saunders, New Bridge, Uregon. spring gear. or copy of any patent send 10 cents In postage slim pe with date of thin paper wua enowa jo., Washington, iu. DIED. BILYE J. At Scio, Or.. Fsb. 20, 1838,tl cystitis and obstruction of the bow els, Riley Bi'.yea, eldest son of Wm. and Catherine Bilyen, age sv yrs. 1 montbs and 22 cays. DUNN. On Wedneaclav evening.Febru arv 23. 1898. at his home in Albany, 01 tvnhoid fever. Mr. B B Dunn, at tbe age of 23 years. The deceased wss a resident of Browns ville. for a oood manv rears, coming to Albany two or three years ago. He join ed tbe A. O. U. W several months ago and waa In toed atanding He leaves rife, arhn haa the avmoalhy of man Tbe remains will be tsken to Browusvil tonicht. for burial, the funeral eervio being held in that city tomorrow. ucnerai uet)IHty and Loss of Flesh Scott's Emulsion tas been the ..ArA remedy for nearly aUarter of a century. Physicians gAdilv admit that they obtain re ;ults from it that they cannot pet rom any other flesh-forming tood, There are many other prepara tions on the market that pretend to do what SCOTT'S EMULSION foes, hut they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian tod-ltver Ui mA.: Into a delightful cream, skill fully blended with the Hypophos phites ot Lime and Soda, which are sucn vaiusoic limit, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks tht wasting tendency, and the fatient almost immediate' y commences to put on flesh and gain a strength which surprises tliem. Bt ur you Set SCOTT9 Emukion. Sea that th w and fith u on th wrapper. , joe. and $i.oo, all druggbta, SCOTT BOWMS. ClwBiam, Mew York. WHEAT. Chicago 103 Me, New York 99 JBc, Sao Fiancisco 84c. Liverpool 1c lower. Albanny C7c. Pcrne Cochran In Trouble." Attorney Webster Holmes went to W oodburn on the afternoon train ihr. , " wilt appear as acting prosecuting at (orney against r. A . Uoctiran, who bas been arrested for threatening to kill A. 8. Aoterson, one of the publishers of the Wood burn Independent. Several weeks ago C -cbran was arrested for making in decent proposals to a certain lady, waa held t await tbe action of the grand jury. In a subsequent issue of his paper, Mr. Aoterson has an article in which he dij cusseJ the serious nature of tbe charge against Cochran, and suggested that should his conviction be secured, that he should be properly punished.. When tbe grsnd jur investigate! the matter it re ported a "not true" bill against Cocluao snd he was discharged. Wednesdsy Cochran met Auterson on the street and demanded that he retract tbe statements made through tbe col umns of bia paper but Aoterson refuted to give bim any satiafaction whereupon be (Cochran) threatened to kill him (Au terson.) Cochran will bt represented in the case this afternoon by Attorney F. G. Ebv, of W oodburn Journal. Cue h ran formerly resided in Lion coonty. Cochran was held under $500 bonds to keep 1 he peace. A Thumb Jerked Off. Mr. Charlea Burkbart. residing near this city, met witn a very peculiar ac cident last eveniog. He wss bitching a muie wnen tbe thumb ot hi right band gui caoani in a loop, and at tbe same urns tbe mu.e jumped and tan, jerking ft . at. 1. . I i . a iuuuju cumpirieiT oil, amputating juai oeiow tne joint. Tbe piece was picked ap Irom tbe ground. Mr. Burk bart alter ea ing his supper came to tbe city and Dr. V allace dressed the wound For Yaq vina. Washington state that set iog secretary ol -ar bas fo-warded, turouga tne treasor department an es- umaie c&iung lor iio.uuu lor carrying uui mc coniraci ior mproring 1 aqmna harbor At the time tbe other eatimates ere made for continuing tbe contract by tbe war depart Jient, tbe Yaqoina contract naa oeen auiuortxed. Kepre seniauve Tongue will try to get this ap propriation in uie. preseut sundry civil bill, but Chairman Cannon wtU tight it cecaose be ciaime tber wul be time eooagb to appropriate next session. reo. 24 hecietary Gage sent to the boos sn estimate of an appropriation of Stou.ovw to improve 1 equina bay. Joa Kl Brre a Stok J. Klein. one of tbe oaon experienced men in tbe boot and eboe business today in tbe Pa- cias oonti ei, baa put chased tba entire lock 01 tbe fendieton Boot and Shoe Co. lis commenced moving tbe goods todav from the store at the corner of Court aod Cottonwood streets to the new trick store nest to C A. Reese's Cigar Storu. on Main street, and will be ready for busi ness on Saturday, lb --.n. In addition to tbe stock purchased from tbe Pendle ton Boot a ad Sboe Co . Mr, Klein has purchased a large stock of goods of tbe latest styles in ladies' and men's shoes. -K. O Ntstry Taaas Ou. Uncle Johnnv Crabtree and Melinda Crabtree. tbe fa t her aod mother ol Newton aad James Crabtree, woo live near Scio, were mar ried jiat 70 years ago Washington's birteosy, last Taeeday. Uncle Jobnnt passed awsy several years aro at the rine old ae of 92, be waa bora ia 1S0O. Mra. Crabtree is alill living, and wiin her aoo atpea at present, fche is oioe'.y years -!. hearty and strong for o-e of her age. Tbe fam ly consisted of 15 children. Five were born ia Virginia, five in Missouri and five in Oregon. Two of the boys. ewtoo aad -fame) were born on a raft. as the party came down tbe Columbia river oc tbeir way to tbts country. Presv. Harry Mioto aod Jamee Calver, have gone is Ajtki. Mi Ore McFarUod left today for f r borne in Calif. 3d rs. E. L. Power and son. of Leba non, have beea in tbe city on a visit ilh Albany friends. Mrs. Burr Sioan. ot Moomoolh. re- la red to ber borne this morning after a vtnt with Albany friends. L. IL McMaban wilt lectare at Har- sburg tomorrow night on "Oar State Goeeromeot " Hs is (aid to be a red ool speaker. Eagene muaicisns are booming am bitious, and will prevent Pinafore in month or so The cast is alreadv bo ng arranged. Prof. Heeler will be Ralph Backttraw, It. S. Drake, Capt. uorcorao; Uivde rogle, gir Joeeph for ter;.K Glen, Dick Deadeye; Miss Mella Darrts, Josephine; Miss Louise loran, Hebe. Little Buttercup baa not yet been selected. Wheat 11 70 cen's in Corral. is. Lieutenant Peary tbe arHie explorer will lecture in Portland next laeaday ntwht. Mr Archie Monierbaj sold a balf interest in his lunch coontrr to Abe McKillop, expeit in tbe business. A couple of meu have beea setting around tbe ci'y ordinance requiring a li cense to peddle by trading music rack', sucds, Ac, tor old gold jewelry On the afternooa of the intercollegiate oratorical contest in this city there will be a game ot indoor oaae ball between At bany and Lugene at tbe opera houae. Tbe county court of Lane county reater- day alternoon let the contract for building the new court houae st that city to L. N. Koney, a Eugene roan, the lowest bidder who forninbed bonds in tbe smount of tbe ltd. $49,785. In iew of the poaribi'ity of war with Spain the fact bis been brought np thai tbere i n.i romance in going to war witn out let-in? a wife behind, to draw a pen non in cue of death. One is wanted im mediately by a member ofF. Co. For particular! call on tne 1st sergeant. Fred Shellon, son of Lee Sbelton, living on Thomas creek above Scio wss pretty seriously burt last lueaday tie was r turning home at noon from work where be had been chopping wooo and when passing an old snag by the trail hs hit it a sharp blow with an ax that he carried in hi hand. In some unaccountable way he was caught by tba snag as it fell and thrown to tt'S gro"ad bv ttie iro tailing on nis hand. Uis cries soon brongbt help and be waa found to be seriously hurt his leg and body bruised badly, scio Newt. Alba Haywooo Shot.. Iu view of Al ba Haywood's recent visit to Albany, tbe followiogdispatch from Longvtow, Texas, will be read with interest: Losovisw, Tex., Feb. 25 Alba Hay wood, manager of the Haywood opera company, and T. P. Pegus, manager of the theater here, quarreled last night over the admission of Pegua' famil, to the theater. Blows followed, and Hay wood began to shoot. Pegus also drew his revolver snd began firing.both empty ing their pistols. Both ate believed to be mortally wounded. Dkcipsdly Clobk. Through the care less handling ol a 22 caliber rifle in tbe bandsof some person unknown, last Tues day about nocn, Master iienrv aicuoweu received a slight scalp wound. The bul let pasted through bis bat and lodged just under the scalp, from where it was removed.. McDowell was standing on the south side of tbe river near the bridge ! and the shot came from across tbe river .. . .i t i i. in tne direction ot tne planing mm. T imes. aaakaa tea food para, -nl itrHrlrss. FDVDEFl Absolutely Pur ffwn mimm nmrrm .. mm SA.TTJHDA-V SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Lieut. Geary, of the O A C wss in the city lodsy, R. L Carrol of Berrv. waa in ihm city toda . J. M. Soroe-e. the lawyer, has retired irom tbe Republican, and is now pract icing law in Marion county. The Rev. J H Longbottom will preach in tbe Cumberljnd Presbyterian church iu Albany at 7:30 Monday, Feb. 28th. Mr. R. M. Caldwell, of Lebanon, and Mies Campbell, Balaton, Polk county, were recently married at tba latter ri . - t . . . --, "c7 uave me oest wisiies ol manv mends. Miss Bertha Ellis, instructor iv vocal music at the college, in chapel Thursday morning rendered most charmingly r'Tbe S " Version liudeni lEx-f Tbe Star Spangled Banner." Tte di- ereioo waa highly appreciated bv the odents and others. Corralli Times. Postmaster Johnson, of Corwaliia ft as in tbe city today on his wav homa from San Francisco, where he bad been to look for a boat fw tbe Alaska trade. Every old tub that coufd be keot on the watw, thoogb, had been Uken, painted up ana eoi nonn. aoa there was noth ing left for tbe Corvallia men, Mr. C. O. Jones, who bsa been run nmg a racket store in Brownsville sever al months, is in tbe city on his wsy to L'aioo, where be will ope bis racket store. Laat ereoinp Mr Jones was "far prised" by several of his friends and a very enjoyable Lime was bad, tames and genersl sociability reigning intil a late boar. HOME AND ABPOAD. Uede Tom's Cain at tbe op-r fcoo-e tc nigtit. Will A Stark, kwe'ers. 2 po.iodi of S hater "a crackers for 15-. at TO J D. Mxanof Uoimouth. basb-gaa ratting a oiapaoy to fight Sp ua White Hoaas Jara a- alnrk. iv. one tn us iaa at r . t. Ailej A Co. - H. Clement, a hoJe! rwi n. arrested in Eojreae y-t'erd oa tie charge Moafe ( hritto. a small ton in f k cade.ia WabiBgton.kaseea swept nearly --j j m u mxm maw araiajiLoe. Iararan jt ratea LiM Pntl.. I j Seattle aad Skagway have beea iocnaard 5J per cent sitoe tne accident to tbe Oara evaca. Tbe admiatioa to imrsa mini. ti becoly 50cimU. He .erred aeau at Burk bart & Lee'a without extra rliam tt.; A - M .HK , drta 25 cents. fbe fatig -eaaoi. nrerima tn Lm k.. begwa aad win ta-4 for about a-reo weeks. 11 will te obteeved la tha Cmihrfw rlpiscopal cLorcbe F. E. Allen A Co hat taken fk an f or t he Steanu btcyrlee rhey are high grade wheels aad tbe price u vers l w. Call at etore and ace urcpW. F'ench leads tbe procettioa when it cornea to pnca 00 oirb-s aad do- ks. We do not aell a watch or clock that will not atiai a fust da gfsraatee. AuEoet Fiarber ivnt tn P,ltn Toesiay to bring ap tbe Haltie Beile a7i toa ateamer rereoHv rnartered to rrtT bat Peoria t toe Cnalh. mills. Tune. Mererk'a Shatinu and Hair di'ri Parlora. Sbaving 10ta H air Cnttinu 15 Skampoviag 10cu. Clean to aria ta everr eoaiotner. Freacb tbe Jeweier ia beadciaartera tiw Seth Thomas watches and docks, tbe best m toe world, itey cost you no more than tboe of inferior make. Children and soul's fortnred bv hnrna. scalds, mjone. ecxema or skia diseases may aerore instart relief by naing De- Itt s n Itcb II SM Salve It ia th treat Pile remedy. J. A. Cummipft. F M t reach tbe leweler ia railroad watch inspector snd yon will slwss find bis regulator abtoluteir correct, with Lick observatory time, which is aanJari time, an- atea cy me railroad companies. Mrs. Cordelia Remolds bas sued Lane coonty for $1500 lamages caneed by as accident on account of a drfect in a bridge near Elmira. in which Mrs Kevoolds had an arm broken and was otherwise badly injured. 1 oere will be a big time at Liatnn. Idaho.on Mar.-h l.wbtnthe Net Perce In dians are to receive a semi-annual payment rrom tee government, wbin in tbe aggro ra amcunta to tSO.000. Not bnty are the Indian looking forward to the event, but dozens of white men are preparing to calcb some or tne nit by lucre Irom tbe nnsus peeling si waa bet. The Burglars Were Here. Albany bad its sbar of burglaries last night, probably towards morning. The front door of tbe saloon of Peter Sch leaser was pried open by tbe lock being torn off and 5 cents in motley and several bunches of cigarettes taken. The front door of tbe Albanv Trading store was pried open and about $1 nd four cans ot oysters stolen, Tbe CAE odice and the feed store t N . Sjuthard were entered in about the same way. by prying open the front dooie, but nothing was secured in either ptace. ine work was aadoubte ilv that of some cf the tramps hanging around tbe city. Bakbows Will Res It. The McMinn ville Speed Association track, which re cently passed into private hands, is to be put in shspe again by E. C. Barrows, of Albany, who baa leased it for three years ssys the Oregon ian. When Mr. Barrows CBUJO ueru iai tail ne prougm wita mm an exceptionally good.lotof horset.which he baa been driving all winter. Among tbe lot is Del Norte, wbo looks big and strong, and can pace a running-horse gait. Besides the big pacer, Mr. Bar- row haa other hoorfn.1 atnrk Hn 8 . Doctor wight. Roi kwood. Lindell and " - otbera. The track is p onounceU by horsemen to be the fastest iu Oregon. CoMrnOK Rsadv. General If. B. the Compson, late brigadier general ol uregon National uutrd, today sent the following me-eage to the Oregon delega' lion in congrers : "in the evvnt of wsr with Hpain 1 request you to tender mv services to tbe president. I agree to fur nisli two regiments of infantry, one reg iment of cavalry, snd a battery of artil lery, to be called the "Oregon Brigade." Mr. C P Burshar . now at Tacoma, has sent the Democrat a list of 212 prom inent pioneers, made out fmm memory, who bave diea Hnon 1856 Tbe men aud women were builders np of Linn county, and there are many among them who bare played important parts in the affaire of tbe state, and some nationally. Ao-Teivae rr Fitcy Casta. Guaranteed lobaeco habit cure, make woak Sten strong, bleuc. our. Me. It. AU druggma Royal Wail WHEAT. Chicago 1C2 New York 93c. San Francisco S4c. Liverpool a. lower. Albany 66c. A Dawson Letter. An interesting acd instructive letter has been written from Dawson by Ssm Ensley, a brother-in-law of Martin Payne, of this city, mailed December 11. He had arrived about a month before after a hazardoos trip taking about a montb from Lake Bennett. There were twelve in tbe party and they bad a good pilot, hence sbH the Whit Horse and rive Finger rspids safely, though many were lost in making the effort. The snow, or rather frost, for it is simply an accumulation of frost, was 12 inches deep, and tbe thermometer rang ed for two weeks from 26 to 60 b-lo sero. He thought it waa tbe place to make money if one bad a good outfit. Wages were $i.25 per hoir in tbe mines, but with meals $3 50 tbete was nothing left. Flour was $30 to $70 per esck, beef $1.50 per pound, provisions from $1 to $6 per pound. Once matches gold for $1 apiece. Ensley had two good claims, one on Eon lev creek, t went miiam (w. ri... - - --j vu. m-mwwt named after him.on which in two weeks lov otner claims bad been located Dawson is a live town, bat is not naa aa reponea. in I act it is the most peaceable and quiet mining town he ever saw. At lierly A Go's be eaw 16 tnn f goia oast ready lor shipment when tbe nver opens. People there are Dleased and rfiaimat There ia no danger of starvation, hundreds ol dog teams aro going out bring in supplies. to oi or ,o mile back there is plenty of moose; cariboo, bear and wolves, bat not mucn near. itneens II tbere would bring $?5, turkeys $75. eggs $61 a dozen. Hay it 23 cents a pound. Horse teams get sou a day, a dog Uam of lour or five aoga is worm IIoOU and have been sold at that. Coal oil ia $40 a gallon and whiskey $40 to $50. Tbere are varioas ways of making for tunes tbere besides mining. One will oe gardening A man with a few milk cows and horses and two or three dozen nens coo la make a fortune in a short ume. in ere u plenty of timber near oy. bpruee is tne only saw timber. It averages 8 to l inches. Logs are worth ou a ujoaaand. cord wood $30 to $35 a cord, but be and others are tbere to hunt gold. He would not advise any one as to go ing there, cna way or tbe other. An outfit should consist principally of flour paeon and beans, and shoo id be packed u unci estcas vita names on tne pack' ages Bring plenty of German socks and wit boots, have two good far robes tor bedding, better than blankets, fur clothing u tbe thing for winter. He coold not advise aa to the roato. One's me toougb was at stake all tbe way A Musical. Tbe c lass of pnpils of Mies Hela Gil bert and Mrs. Arcb Hsmmer last even ing at tbe residence of Mr. Arcb Ham mer gave a recital, that disputed the ex cetlect instruction? received, and which was greatly en toyed bvs number of in tit- eJ guests. Tte folliwing program waa rendered : Duet, "Electris Flash Galon." G vr. deler Linnie Kinney and Ruth Monta gue. "Cake aad Cream Maxourka. Feat- more Allie Marshall. J?v and Froli; Galoy," Uniliaai Os car Baumgart. Tno, "serenade," Leslie Misses Elva Wbealdon, Bessie Hammer and' Leooi France. 'Angelas Bella." (muekal sketch) Dora Shea Been Beam. Duet, "The Two Dolls." Gabriel Tes ta Conn aod Martha Montague (TranKtiption) 'Mesas Lover of My Son I t ioerde'.er M iee Maud Froman. Reading, Selected M ie Eva Simpson Tbe Syiphide," Rath ban Mian Elva Wbealdon. Solo "He was a Prince." Lynes Miss Dda Elkina. "Queen of Hearts Polka. Lege Mies Errna Watts. Quartet, '-Sunrise," hite Mies El- bins, Mrs. Hammer,' Messrs Hammer and Littler. fa) "PoUmaise." Beeth p von-Borwtr lb) -With Song and Mirth" Bonn Miss Tbereeee Baamgart, Some Skaj-wray Facta. W. H. Williams, of Sweet Home, ar rival nome Saturday from Alaska. He waa away S months, and is very glad to get back. He found employment as a pecker over tbe kagway trail, and be thinks this is tbe best route to tbe mines Mr. W. received 35 cents per pound for packing over tbe trail, but recently the country bas filled no with men - seeking emslotment. and tbe prise tor packing oas Deoa ran uowu u wou ier wuuu At this price a man will just aoout make living expense, ibe trail ia lined wiu provision and parts of outfit which have beea cast aside by weary gold seekers. Mr W. bought property at Sksgway, winch he sold for fifty cents on the dollar, tie says tnax recently disease a kind of nneumoata baa beea raging there, with fatal results. In one day just before be left fourteen men died witn una disease, ine papers ot the place say nothing about tuia. Ad vance. How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no tare, no quarter, we are sening low ot oar nit no cougn tovrup wiui tar tnanj it ia iost what we say it is. gtes quick relief and is hignU recomead ed to cn a deep seated cougn, Borabart & Lee, Druggist j OJCTJD UIJTOYO ., ., T Vm ! Bo-h tie method and rwtilta -lwffl Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant and rofrf-shin7 to the taste, and acta . wnUTYetprompUyontJieEidiiey ; y . ' a,. ,!. the) avsv LlVCr Blld liOWelS, Cleanse-lUrO BySK v aav . Tl S .. "S ' I 1 J tem CUec.uauy, aispeta cotua, ucau- aches and fevers and cares habitual j constipation. Syrup of tgs is toe only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the Btomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most nonnlar remodv known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist bo may not bave it on band will pro- j Cure promptly or my -w wishes to try U. Do not accept any subetitute. ia nuKOCo. ci. tumtm.. New Store Albany TradingCo R. W. Morria, Jfanager. Are now located in tbe building for merly occupied by Grabau. A Robsoa machinery building and will ue pleased to meet all our old customer aa well as new ones Ws will edntinue se'Iing go At on a easb basis and take rakvea'a FBOCCCS at a csb price. We can save yon from 5 to 20 per cent on groceries. Come and see as. 1 sk Boston Mills Flour i Battle Ax tobacco 16 oz plug 2 pa A rbuckle coffee, grnd to ordr 2 pa Lion " 2 ps Royal Java 3 cans peeled tomatoes 3 lb can Saeet Brier tomatoes.... 5 sal Stndrd oil.bring your can ... 3 lb cartoon crackers, lull weight. lOe pk Rising Sun stove; polish 6-20 ox bars Belle Ax soap .... . 3 cans spices, you may select 3 cans cove oysters I 90 25 25 25 25 25 10 SS 20 0) 25 25 25 25 05 30 30 35 10 15 25 10 and 7 lbs test rolled oats........ 5 doz clothes pins 1 lb 5fe Spider Leg tea 1 lb 50 cent Gunpowder tea I lb Lion brand lea "ice sweet corn fed bacon .... 1 fallow 40 teat vinegar, have you tried it, bring your jug 8 lbs best beans.. 1 pk gran mas mash We also bave bran, shorts chop teed for sale. Remember tbe place, Graham build ing Cor. let and Baker Sta. THE Is tbe baat and yet simplest type wiite man of Adored, the contamination of tii investor art. An expert steaograpna after using -nsay michiiea, says. "I coa tidex the Yost Writing Machine far anper- or our 1 bave vet ased ' Caii at tba Dxhocxat office and tee one of the type writer thai bat to hate a perfect align ment. All Typewriter tappliefl ortlaed. r. P. Xtmrnio. AgeoL m I I Li. HEW m WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk Edition 18. Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Ycai For One Dollar ssiaiSssssStvery AlacnaieaYay sxcetst Saaaal The Tbrice-a- W eek Editkm of Th aw Tosjc Woaxs is tint amoeg all "-reekly- Daners in size, treioency ct mbucatioB asd tbe freahaeM. acruracr ad -rarietyoi its co tuts. It tea ail tbe merit of a great $6 daily at tbe price of a dollar weekly. Itt poiiticaJ news is protnpt.ewa piete. saxarateaad impartial as ail its rend. ers will tesufy. It ia against tbe monopo lies aad tor the people It prists tbe aew of all the world bat ing special eorrewotrieoce from ail im pnrtant sew? points oe tbe globe. It haa jriiliant lUastrauooc atones oy great authors, a capital aatwor page, complete rokrta, dVpa'tiaenrg ,'3r tbe Itost-eooid aad srooien's work aad other pedal de partments We offer this uneqaaled wewvpaper aad the Dxmocxat togetheron rear for $ GO OUR CAPACITY Is Cntqualed In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Pnnte' Clubbing Rates. Tbe San Francisco Weekly Examiner text vear will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent- tng tor fou a mnui, yjav . c u $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get the Examiner and Wbsxxt DxaocmAT tor ws oo a year, tno the Daiit DkaocsAT by mail for $L25,by earner $5.75. in advance. The Daatc csat will order only on combination pay aent ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekty oaeoftne nest paper ta the United State, aod tbe Democrat paid ia advance , fat only $1 75. 8A YEARS KXPkRiCNK. TRADI MARKS. OCSICNS, COPVRICHTS Ao. At.-- etrn saatrti and dtarl-ie la America. Wa hata a Paieota wtfn tanwuh Muaa A Co. raoai-l tMOtal aot ea la tea SCIENTIFIC JIMt-R.SAN, aaattfullT lliastrateti. Iara-a ctreeBUKM el in wtMttie I j-eJ.,teraiaar tLMtl- m.ili. IkeiiB oonwaana UAa Vjua riN I'a.feSTs aanttraa. Avaamaa MUNN A CO., g. , rwaeriii rjaimuo procurfd, EUGENE W. JOHNSON. oTic tor anil Atp Palest Cause lilt Vnrk t-. Waaiac;ai. S llHKAPKnTPOWEB CateatatnaTrvla MHoMJaaaaIlPf OSS OUKOWlcuu'1". - . . K fiiiii(k pLflntiiw-'patfiA - - AI-ohlet-aowt.O huu,- witn eon ot na.i " uui taMbia aoaiuctoa aeat naa. C. A. SNOV & CO. I lt S 0- -xwt Omec, avsyaa wusnsns, w. v.. i aavsr (mm