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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1898)
T T A ill iy si 1 I VOL XXXIII ALBANY ORKGON, ERIDAY, MARCH II, 1898. Catered aft tkc Post ernes at albany. r. at Ittiid-tlm Mali Hallri r r ITTI5 rabllsher as Frsprletor . 32 ii fi if. III, v X AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT Tr THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD C ASTORIA," AND ' PITCHER'S CASTORIA;' AS OUR TRADE MARK. ; It DR. "SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Jlyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and doc? r.z:j . on every bear the facsimile sir.-.turj cf CJ&&fsMc&K wrapper. This is the original - Pi .'CHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct Vie wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bowl t r ?- on the and has the signature cf C&7&&&: wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Corpany cf which Chas. E. Fletcher is .President. '-. - ; i March8,lS97. Do Hot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life c f your child by accepting ;a cheap substitute which so:::o daiggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even ha docs not know. i rm tt" j tt tt t. 1 i xm juuu iou nave Always iwugnr DtAHO I fit Ati-OIWHLt SlUNAIUHfc. CF Insist on Having Tho Kind That Never Failed You. vmc ckmtauii cow, rr mvrnm tckt, mv tmi TV, LEBANON. From the Express : ' Mia J G Boyle las Thursday visited friends in Albany. While in that city she purchased a new bicycle. Wm. Frank, Jas. Blscklaw and Finn Hansard left, this week for Walla Walla, Wash. They expect to find employment in that locality. Rev. Dr. Skipworth had the misfort une to fall in his woodshed and break his arm below the elbow, on Monday. Dr. Booth set the bone. The sufferer is do ing well. Aiex Farrieh am! John Roberts left Monday for Klondike. They will remain mere indefinitely, tbe time to be deter mined by tbe success that crowns their efforts. If there is any gold in Alaska. these meu will likely get some of it. Mrs. Ida Foster, of Portland, presi oeot ot toe Keoexan assembly, made a fraternal visit to the Lebanon Rebehah lodge Friday evening. Mrs. Foster is a pleasant speaker, and entertained the members with an interesting lecture. Deputy County Clerk R. B. Montague spent last Wednesday night with iriends in Lebanon. Robt. is spoken of as a can didate for county clerk on the democrat ic ticset. He would make a good clerk It is said by those who were r resent and were sober, at the dance given in Union hall in this city last week, that it was tbe moet disgraceful affsir that ever occurred in Lebanon. Our informant says that nearly all the boys present af ter iu o ciock-were arunk. mere nave been several arrests, t.nd warrants have been issued for cne or two of the boys who left town. -. WHEAT. Chicago 106:. New York 10l4'c San Francisco M.Gc Liverpool S-20 lower. Albany 66c THE OPENING DAY - OF The Second Term - January.4, 1893. The is colles9 has strengthened its com- imarciat work very much, so that now it has become a Business College equal to any in the state. Th'u was cot so in the rjast is 8 now. Come and secure a thorough branches o.' a liberal education. - Alban', Oregon, training in President Albany College A iter the Dollar. G rover Hedrick write to Cor vail is from Skagway : Every one' here is for the almightv dollar. You Jiave to pay for everything you get. On tbe 17th of this month we expect to move into Schmidt a property, where we shall have no rent to pay Schmidt bought out tbe party who bad his place rented and took possession to day. He had to pay $200 to get them out. He claims to have been offered $2, S00 for his property, but refuted, asking 13,500. All property is very high here. nd rente ta the busmen portion of town range from $50 to 300 per month and the buildings are all occupied. -'It takes a fortune to set a foothold here. Every man, however, aeeme to be doing some business. There is no reason why they should n)t maks money for they give nothing away. Cigars are 25 cents apiece and a very poor article at that. Wbisky is 25 cent per glass, and I think it is made here. I haven't been in a saloon, but you can tee inside of tnem from tbe street. They are always full. More than half the people here are eatnolers, and moat of the games are sure-tning gamea. Yesterday three men were brought in from the pass dead. They bad been frosen to death. My ad vice to everyone who intends to come to Alaska is to stay at heme till the weath er gets better. I f -I is I OtWi 1 PVIAR HPRAOTlCAli 5 , XLc ' . . IS. ft OasUSlTT (-",V skrrthand? iffir The State Contest in Oratory. This year tbe citizens of Albany will entertain large delegations from nine colleges of Oregon. On Friday, March 11. lue diaerent delegations wtil arrive on the incoming train and boats. Io the evening at the opera bouse, nine or ators will deliver orations. Excellent music to be interrpereed. Tbe Aiban a- leociation will award a twenty dollar medal to the winning orator. It may be several years before our citizens can again hear such a contest, fopnlar prices. -Remember toe date. THAT AX TO GRIND. Editoh Democrat. My attention has been called to Mr. Sender's article in the Dimocbat under the heading "They all Have an Ax to Grind." I did not think the article needed a reply, but being requested by some other members of tbe O. F. R.A. to reply I shall do so. Mr. Senders is no doubt honeet in his opinion that all have an ax to grind and we admire his honesty in so readily ad mitting that he has one, and that tbe first object of his ordinance is to protect the larger insurance agents by freezing out the smaller ones. Mr Senders says that there are more than twenty agents in Albanv while there is not a living in t for more than three and that he is of the opinion that insurance agents are en titled to live as well as people engaged in other pursuits. One would naturally infer, however, that he thinks only tbe largor agents are entitled to livj. If Mr Senders will corsult our citizen who are engaged 4n other pursuits we think that be will and that every doctor, lawyer, merchant, meenanic or laborer will testi fy tbat there are entirely too mauy en gaged in his pursuit, but we do not think be will find tbat all wish laws passed which will Ussen competition by crush ing out the smaller ones. The books and business of the" O. F. R. A are open to tbe inspection of every member and every three months there is a comraitteo appointed to examine them. We are very ranch surprised that an insurance man so well informed as Mr Senders, ahould mke the asser tion that no trust exists when the report of every policy he issues mutt be sent to this trust lor examination. II be thinks tbat no trust exists, let him issue a pol icy at a rate a few cents lees than author ized by this trust and see what the result will be. Then ajain be ask if there is anything back of this association. In reply we will say that (or our part we wonld rather have a warrant against Linn county than a claim against .any stock company. We would ratber have it be cause tbe county has always paid its war rants without having to be sued for it. and because it is backed by about 6.000 property owners. For tbe same reason we would rather have a certificate as collateral in tbe Oregon Fire Relief As sociation than in any stock company. First, because it bas always adjusted its, loesea equitably and paid them without having to be sued Second, because it is backad by about 6,000 property own ers, making it stronger than any stock, company. Third, oecause lean know the exact condition ot the association at any time, as I cannot know tbe condi tion of a stock company. Mr Senders states there is nothing to hinder us from sending our application lor membership nd insurance to tbe O F R A, but this is another case where he judge that association by tbe stock companies be repreeente and thinks that this associa tion will do business in just as carets a manner as his stock companiee. and insure property without a carernl exam ination, but this they will not do, arfd it is owicg to their careful method tbat their luea ratio bas never amounted to one-teeth of tbe rates of his insurance trust. Now If Mr Sender's ordinance baa the desired effect ot excluding mutual in surance and thereby compelling our citi zens to patronize bis trust, it may en able him to get the living he thinks he is entitled to, but it would be much cheaper for our citix-oa to place him up a pension oi two or three thousand dol lars a year and obvain tbeir iaso ranee through the O. F. R. A. where the as sess men ta have not averaged one tenth of the rate of hi true Ijxcols Htxsiss. WHEAT. Chicago 104 ?4'c. New York 101c. Liverpool 3 10c bightr. Albany COc. . Wall street weak. I .i Tne State Contest.- One of tbe coming attractions, Ha the State Contest, which will be held in our city on Friday evening, March 11th, in the Opera House at 7 :30 p. m. There will be nine contestants, each striving to cover, not only htmself.but bis alma ma ter with glory and victory. Beekjea the orations there will be special features in tbe music, by the orchestra and a male quartet. Every one is especially invited to come sod wear our coilrge colors, or ange and black, and help tbe students make this contest, onbicU will be re membered for years to come, as the best that ever has been or ever will b hold in our state. And to do tbu we ned the help ot our citizens. . The winftj orator will be the hippy possessor of sr fi oUl medal, wbi-h hope to see remain in our city. The aduiistion is within the reach of all, being only 15 and i") cents. Remember date, March 11th, 1898. College Notes (lit Res ttripto Eo f n Los Angclea Letter. Botlits Heights, We have had one of the tere one ever beheld and people aay here it bas not been so dry lor neven or eigbt years as it is this winter, stork will euf fer for want of feed it it continues to dry and crops will not amount to mod if it djea not rain. F. Co. KKADT. &t a meeting of F. Co.. Wa hv had several wttia to nsnkin held lat Tuesday evening a vote was is if this waa a good otace for a ooor man taken on authorziog Capt. Phillips to to get into work. Los Angelee is full of noiuy uovernor i-ora mi sue company idle men who cannot get work, and we was ready to offer their services to the I kril not a J vice any one to come here for country in case of war with bpain ikbat purp-ue. A working man here is no bvery member voted yes but three. Theymore thought of than a brute. One baa ' I . I i r i i . i t ; . io luruiBii uis own uisaei,uu ois gruu Mr. Lee Payne liss reentered the Com nieicial department after an absence of eight weeks. Earle Younger, of Waterloo, entered the Intermediate department this week. We are sorry to have to record the de parture ot Mr. W. A. Terhune, of Ta'.l man, who is cailel away from school work to the more vigorous duties cf farm life. Mr. Cayton Speer is very sick at bis boarding place, Mrs. Baltimore's, ot ty phoid fever. Pneumonia seems to have sit in, and he is in a very critical condi tion. Mies Alice Clara Moses, of Oakland, California, has again taken charge of the elocution work, and all this week bas been enrolling students. It is the inten tion of the college to build up this de partment to more than it former etfic lency. M ins Moses has proven herself to oe very ao:e m tier line, and will r-e very helpful to the students in their work. Tbe student are very busy ptasning for tbe earning oratorical coosect next week Nine college will mtei fur a $20 gold medal. Tbe College is under quite a little expense in entertaining the visi ors, and will welcome a full house and large door receipt siarch 11. Ks e al.y a 'tract ire miie will be rendered alone worth tbe priceof ad jiisioo. Tbe college have selected their prize speak ers, and a close coolest is expected Let your college colors be disr laved. Getting Things Ready. j Lieut. Potter, who has charge ol the ' preliminary work at Yaquina, and Msj. I Polhemus, who hss heretofore had a great deal to do with the work already uone mere were in tne city this noon on their way to Portland from the Bay, where they had been to make arrange ments for receiving bids lor the Im provement of the jetties. Plans and specifications will be drawn op and the contract Jet. Actual work will begin when an appropriation for it Is included in the sundry civil bill which Congress man Tongue thinks will be at tbe pres et t session of the legis'ature, if not then at the next session. The importance of this work to Western Oregon is leading everj lodr to hope that the necestary appropriation to carry on tbe work wi'l be mftde, ao that improvements may be made ua contemplated when the bill pro viding I r the continuing contract was passed. Mr. Kelicyat Skugwny. A letter received by an Albany friend today from W, E. Kelley, tell ot his trip to Skagway. an incident of which was the taking on board, Mr. A. Boenicke, of this city .and the wreck ot the Clara Nev ada with Mr. Boenicke on board. Mr. Kelley reported plenty ot carpentry work to do at 50 cent an hour, but there was not work more than halt of the time on account ol the scarcity of lumber, which waaS)to50athouaand. Tbe Ramps, Moon, White, Lears,Acbeoni and otbeis were at New Albany together. There was tots ol snow and plenty of cold. Mr. Kelley sent a copy of the Skagwa " p.oneer paper ot tne place, o reoruaryy 18. being No. 19. and isu weekly at 10 cents a copy. It waa full o advertisements, the miu of ih. .t.;i. DkMocaATand contained including the wrecking of the Clara Sev ada, most of which is already familiar to the Democbat reader. It failed th ugb entirely to contain anything about the prevalent sickness and the reported hard ship there. A Drummer's Stickle. Royal ssakss tbs tsed pars, wholsssai sad 41 POWDER Absolute! Pure I . . bany tomorrow i Feb. 25. "93. U u not thought I iovelieet wm fqaaniniity of sSj ryamf)iU $h Scenic jne World !- m i i 1 " 1 1 " DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE NORTHWEST EAST TO ALL POINTS RCNKHOUGcunJ Arns K. HOOPER, G. P. ft T. A. PI Vililn SurOTLAND.OSX PENVZX. COLO. - HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie Store meant business too. Tbe Modern Woodmen of America will I organize a lodge in Albanv on March 20 with about twenty bve chirter members . Mr. Harry Schlosser is home frm foruand. Judge Flinn waa in Portland yesterday on business. Judge Burnett, ot Corvallia, wa at tending to business in Albany today' Mr. Bam May of Harricburg, bas suffi ciently recovered to be up, though not well yet. J. M. Somere, tbe lawyer.ia in the city, and no withstanding contrary report ex pects to make Albany his home. Chief of Police Lee went to Portland this morning on business Mr. John Jones is acting chief during his absence. Judge Whitney and Bon J. S. Smith will speak in Harrisburg next Tuesday tternoon, also in several other places during tbe coming weeks. Mrs. Tbos. Brink and son Dart left yesterday noon for Cottage Grove to make Rev. M. O. Brink a visit and think ing it will benefit the sops health. Rev. Shangle, P. E., and wife, of Cor- vallie, Rev. I). O. McFarland, of Junct ion, and E. R. Skipwortb, of Eugene, are in the city on business connected with the M. E. Church South James Dixon, ft pioneer of the- bay country, went over to Albany to meet a representative of Currin A Hale, lestee of bis rock quarry at Elk City. This quarry supplied the rock need in the Ust work done on tho laquina bar. and readjustment of the lease is desirable in view of the prospect of further improve ment ol tbe bar. limes. Rev. Rogers, pastor of the Congrega tional church of this city for several months several years ago. is now a reel dent of Buffalo, N . Y.. where be is pas tor of oneof the Congregational churches ue was married a year or two ago. word nas just oeen received by an Albany mend that a boy has come at Kev Rogers Lome. is towed at him a it be were a brute A ranch hand see a dogs life when be works on a ranch. This is no place lor a worring man like it is in Oregon. I would lather work in Oregon on a farm than here A person can tramp their legs off io Ibis part of the country and cannot nod employment. Tbey have employment offices in the city, wbereotie has to pay from one to two dollars to get tbem a job and tben perhaps, one ha to go sixty or seventy mile to hunt ii up and then run chance of getting it. They have a .nice climate and that s all they have got. We have been here long en ough to see tbat a laboring man don't itnd any how. Bern is so nigh mat a person cannot afford to rent just a bouse for one family. Mrs. Minnie Walker and daughter, ol Forest Grove. Washington Co.. Or., a daughter and grand-daughter of Mr. and sirs. Lovall aicKnighten. who live near Tangent, were bere and made us a short visit. be is down here for tbe benefit ot ber health, and intends going back to Oregon oy tbe first of April There are hundreds ot people come here lor tne benefit of thei health. Tbe land around bere looks like it would be awful bard to work, and tbe wheat fields are covered with ground squirrels. Thete is not much farming country close to Los Angeles. IOC HQ AMkBICA Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. " He has added Babv Buggies to h s stock. Just call in and you wiil find that his prices are the LOWEST Ream returned yesterd ay from a togene James Barger. a well-koown Diooeer of Lane county, died at Coborg Wedoesdsy night at the age ot 65 year. The Oregon delegation have recom mended W. if. Fraier for p m. at Roee borg. which insure bis nomination. Hon. Tolbert Carter is writing some pioueer article for th Oregon In ion of Corvallia. He wa here and know what be is talking about. Mrs. D. Howard, of Albany, who ha been tbe goeet ot Mesdame James and W 11. Hoffman, in thiscriy. returned home on todays 10 0 local. Guard. Prof Ware, of Chicago whe recently bad chatge of the presentation of the cant la Queen Esther io MeMia-riH, will now present the cantata in CvrvaiU asaiste-l oy local taieoU, N j General Booth, on of tbe t faraoa 1 I men of the world will p tnmugh Al- moming for Portland. the tact will disturb the cquaoiraity of sffatr at an. .-' Mr. W. R. Blain hat bought a lot ad joining tbe residence oi D. J. L. Hilt. Me has also porcbsJ a be use of 1 . . Beolley, which he wi!l move upon tbe property and reside in, having a home ol. titsowo. Col C. B. Montague and wife went to Oorvalii this noon, where iLe former will lecture tonight before tbe students cf the college on Shakespeare, a subject he is well capable of handling io a man ner tbat will please and inttroct, Io it notice ot the meeting at tbe Presbyterian thorch in Rceeburg the Plaindealer aay: The weather being pleasant, a fair audience was in their places to greet their old friend and pas tor. Rev. W A Ssaick, now of Allsny, Or., who in hi hi happy manner deliv ered on ot hi forcible and earnest ser mons. Dr. Will F. Galbraith. forroerlv ot this city, is now located at LeUod. Idaho, bere be is doing an excellent business and gaining the confidence of the people. The DeuocaAT baa seen a letter from a gentleman at Weippe. in which be state tnat in twenty-tire year be nao never bad work so well and conscttnliousiy done as by Dr. Galbraith. A.Goldscbmidt, a traveling man in tbe employ of C 11 Meyer A Bros., manu facturer ot hats and caps at No. 23 and :W S insoma street, San Francisco, famil iarly known as "Little Goldie." and on of ths best-known commercial men on tbe Pacific coast, ended bi troubles with s SS-calioer tix-shooter at tbe Esmond hotel in thiscit at an early boor this morning. That the suicide wa deliber ate I evidenced by the position in which the bod mm found Uukisehmidt had drawn hi chair facing a mirror, and taken aim while loosing in the glass. The bullet entered the right temple. j uivuu tun stun, tnu emerges Mbove the left ear. being afterwards picked np sn the flwr. The pistol wa still tightly clulcheJ in tbe right hand whe a the S'liride wa dissevered. Tbe decased resided with his family, com sung of a wife and two children, aged 6 and 10 years, at tne Hesperian bsarding-Loaee, on Seventeenth and Morrison streets, but by reason cf bi av ocation waa sel-tocn home. The deceased was about 50 years of age.and until about two year sga, when he went on tbe road on commission, com manded a big salary. It ia said tbst bis inability to do ths business be expected sod tbe fear of toting bis position drovs him to commit lbs rath act, Telegram SOCIAL AND PERSONAL One of the Rumors. . It wa rnmorsd is Portland today and repealed in Albany this afternoon that Senator Proctor, special tovoy. had been fkssinaie4 in U-vana. It caused coo- tderabie excitement, lor it : rue. 11 would tnesn the precipitation of affair at once. Further inquiry revealed toe tact that it wa undoubtedly a canard, and that there sas nothing in it. Matter are in vers totlr misabie condition and it will ot take morb to set things going The ubiic is enthusiastically anti-Spain, and any would tike to see hpaia thrashed itbout any further preliminaries. The conservative, element, tcoogn, are in fa vor of proceeding carefully and legally. Back from kagway. William T. Steven returned last even ins Irom tikagway, where be went sever al weeks ago. He reports everything overdone. Mr. Stevens i an old ea'er, and baa been through many hardships, but bs got enough of Skagway. Ths re port of ickn there are not exagger ated. There a-e many men there who cannot get work to do. and are under going great hardships in order- to live at ail. Of tbe Albany men Becker i car pentering, Ac hi son has become a real es tate speculator. Watt i over at Lake Bennett, the Ramps and Moon are work ing when tbey can get it to do, and Geo. Anderson was about ready to start for home. Mr. C. H. Laoghead returned this noon from a visit in Salem. Farmer WF. Moist is iu tbe city to day and many other farmer. Judge Wolverton and Mis Edna Pries came np from Salem this noon. L. A Wiley is spoken of s a candidate for county school superintendent. Leb anon Advanr Rev. J. A Spear, of the Warm Springs.! agency arrived in Albany last evening uAl w at iue Deoeiue oi nts son viayton,wno ua oeen If lot dangerously nl a th home of Mrs. Baltimore. Rev. Tho. P. Bovd and familv have removeu irotn rortiand to Lo Angeles, Cel., where Rev. Byd will serve a pas tor ot a Methodist church. Rev. Boyd wa once pastor of Jbe Lebanon church. A Corralli man who beard Col. G. B. Montagns'a 'ectare on cbskesbeare in tbat city last evening before tbe O. A. C aay it was a very talented effort. I a a literary treat, acd many compli uicuia were paid it. Mrs. Jb. Blodgett, of Albanv. wb ha been tbe goest of Mr. Van Wila for a we-k or two, returned to ber home Aioany yesterday Miss Mary Cnn din who was reported to hive returned home is stiP in town as Mr. Wilsons guest, snd ws are happy to make the cor rection. Eugene Register. Roe Hibler is boms from Portland, where Mr. Hibler is in St. Vincents. Hospital. Last Fri lav Mrs HihUx- nn. derwent a severe surgical operation She went through it in remarkably good way asd now there is every hope that sbs will bs able t come home in a f- weeks, an that ahe will be nerfeet well again. Scio Press. Mr-. Jo. Webber, of Pxtland, came p this noon on a visit with Alhnv friends, and i tbe guest cf Mrs. O. Barnes. Mr. Webler. who wm recently in lbs hospital ha sufficient! recovered to be on the bridge min Three of tbe son. Joe. John and Allie are now io San Francisco, one is in Crook county sod tbe others in Portland all doing well. There is no old Albanv family in wnom ocrci linens are more interested and it is a pleasure to know of tneir prosperity. On March 4ih Mr. W. W. Havler. wno has peen cashier of tbe First Xa- lioikaJi bank, of this city, for nine years, til cease to hll tbat nosiUoa an v loreer. Mr. Hawky notified the director come Urns ago that bs had been offered a bet ter position snd would like t be released from his present position He my go to Baker City and embark in bonnes. Mr. Ed Masterson. wno bs been in Montana for ths last year and wbo waa formerly bookkeeper in tbe bank, wi.l take no the the dotis of cashier. Independence Enterprise. F. Co' mask ball st the otter noose last e renin wa attended br a good many dancers and a big gallenr of spec tators. There were about fifty maskers, and many novel and handsome costume wets seen. There were Japs and Celes tials, sky sweepers, jockevs, downs, etc Tbe judges, Dr Ellis, J. A. Camming and L. Viereck awarded tbe prize for the nest sustained lady character to Mr. M. Senders, wbo represented the Queen of Hearts, and the best ustatnei gentle man character to Fred Weaicerford. a close. Mis Clevenger wa said to be remarkably good a a Chinese girl and two Japanese voong ladies attracted a good deal of attention Mis Wheeler represented the Daiit Denocsat in a very creditable manner, having a pretty costume, and concocting herself in an sssy acd graceful manner. WHEAT. Chicago 105c. Juiy90c. New York 100 Ban Francisco 83.4c Albany 65c. HOME AND ABROAD Crescent 3ieycle, Hopkins Brothers, agent. Beit BicyUe for lue money. Will It. Stark, jewe'era. 2 poiiods of cracker for 15c at T O Sharer's Mr McKinley baa been president one year and one day. Ladies long watch chains at tow prices at r ranch's Jewelry store. White House Java t Mocha coffee the fane-t in the laud at F. E. Alien t Co. Tbe estate of the Irte J. R. Bryon. of Corvallia, baa been inventoried at $17,789. There are about a dozes candidate for director of the Salem school district, and ujo e eciion win pe a vtry not one 7 judge rullertos states positively tLat he Fwill not be a candidate for indre nf ttw. secona nutria, rners is too much to do J30O reward has been offered for th preuensioa of tbe men wbo burglarized the store ol Hyde & Tyler at Harrisburg re cently. F. E. Allen A Co have taken the agencs or ineatearM bicycles tneyarenigfa grade ucciiuuiqb price is very icw. Call at tore ana see samples. Viereck' Shaving and Hair Cutti n Parlor. Shaving 10 ct Hair Cutting 1$ Shampooing 10ds. Clean towei to everv - Lieut Poller, who ha ehvge o te preliminary work of the Yaquina improve ment i a six foot sixer and weigh about 300 pounds- He ought to be able to do a big job. Children and adul's tortured by burnt, scalds, injuries, eczema or akin disease may secure instant relief by osimr De itf Witch Hzal Saint Tt i.ih. r: i - i . . . t ue icmeuj. j. A. humming. r Rebecca SeeW. who is fit rears . t i . . . . w ounuav walked trom ber borne Ta Astobia Railxoao Ineteen and one-halt miles of track are yet to be laid on tbe grade of tbe A. U K. K., says the Astoria News. Superintendent ilcOui-e, wbo bas beeu at the front for a few days past, returned yesterday, and states that be lore the expiration oi a month Astoria and Portland will be con nected by bands of steel By Saturday next tbe tracklayers will teach West port, being witbin three miles of tbat place at present, A large force of men is enesg ed at each end, while a third force bas been pjt to work laving ties midway between the completed portions ot the road. Toe D.ily Pendleton EOUjust ten jearsofage. It is a force in E O. Gov Lord i a veter in uaioa sol lir but doe no receive a pension- His deafnets woold entitle bim to one. But he says as long as be is able to make his own living he will not apply for one S ilem Journal. Walla Walla advertised to resme bids lor strict lighting. Tbe lowest was tbe following: joni CorlUk, of PortUnJ three-jer contract, 50 lights, I7;evr 50 Hgbis, o ao. r ive year contract, on uguis, IS 50: over SO light. ?5 A man in Portland ccnimitted suicide beraiiM Vie afraid ha would lOfS BIS position, on account of business beiog nacr. If all msn in close business onartcrs were to do likewise the coronr would have tbe biggest income ot any man in the com munity TVm new fliilr Roaebiiri Review ha a rjoMnshla KuiinHi rule, it SiiTSt All nniiro. nf ont.rtiintnixiii to which au ad mission tee is charged will be printed At reannnihle rae. No su-h notices will be inserted free. L"Mg notices will he charg ad forat natrtilur nln. unlfW. lh ki(lg9 carries a r ular card in me neview a u- veitising column. There are over $5,000,000 on deposit in the first National Bank ot Portland. The Corvallis Salvation Army band went to Poitland this morning on tbe river to meet General Booth next SatuHay. Mr. G. W. Harris claims tbe only manzanita tree in Albany, It is now in ibloom and presents a pretty appearance. Tbe republican county convention has ! oeen called to meet at tbe court house in Albany on April 6, at 10 a. m. There will be liv delegates in attendance. CANDY . CATHARTIC 25c 50c - -y;"" m'iF1 ALL DRUGGISTS ulAOEt HOBflOSS A New ScPEBiKTKSutsT. The "Kay woolen mill, of Salem, is to have a new superintendent says the Telegram. Tbe person to have charge ia Samuel iJurrana, of Boston, who ia now in the city, on hi arav there, ancomnamed bv hi lamllv. Mr. Burrans is a man of wide experience in tbat line ot business, having been con nected with ths Riverside woolen mills of Northbridge, a suburban manufactur ing town of Boston years, He was delighted try. and said it was jump frjm tbe black dise. Wasting in Children It Pain. William Hammerslr. of Drew valley. Lake county, has a coo tract with several prominent sheepmen of Lake county, whereby he is to receive Irom each signer ol tbe contract tbe sum of 2o cents for each corote, cat or cougar killed oy nim in the vicinity ot Draws gap, esy tbe Lakeview Examiner. By lbi arrangement he average f 2.50 for each scalp. In less than thrss month Mr llammersly ha taken th scalp ol S coyote and cat and one cougar. It would seem tbat tbe business of killing these animal is paying one, as Ham- mrrsiy nas realized nearly I -AW from tbe scrips taken in a brief space of time. Lira is Skaowav. Eugene Register A Utter received this afternoon trom Cass Matlock slate tbat bi father bas invested in a lot io Skagway 50x100 feet with two sheds on. Tuey are living in one abed, and tent the other for s5 a week. Tbey are also renting tome ground space 18x24, to a fellow who bas erected a tent, for 112.50 a week. Cat says that if aoyone ia intending to so up there to get work tbey bad better give it np, as wuri nw-arvo anu living ia very uijo Is Benton Co. Five prominent farm' era of this county were in town one day this week looking tor men, to work on tbeir farms. It is positive there are more men looking for help as these men were encountered accidentally The weather ia favorable for sowing spring grain, and the farmers are putting in every acre they can, bo lliav we may expect a larger crop of grain this year than ever before. U on. ran r, nvrTCOtDC iti almost all C4SCI bv the use of Scotfs Emulsion cf ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY Joseph iropriet-ir Itching, Irritated, tcalr. cruaud Bcalps, dry, tbla, and falling Hair, elesnssd, pnrtnsd, sod beiati Sed by warm ihampoos wltb Ctmcva Soar, and oeeulonal dreulnw of Cdtiouba( purest of emolllsBU, ta grateM skta earsa. EtiGlIFSl Treatment will produce a clean, kesltby seslp with luxuriant, lustrous hair, when all Us falls. Sold throughout the verta. forrssDsusAssCas. Cos p., doi. Props., Bofttoa. sr-'-iiew ta yradirn Lvxuteat Hlr," milled tm. SKINS ON FIRE ZzJ:?Ziz!r , ik a nuinuer oi rl.I iw Uil Arid tne nypopno with ths conn- ... . Tim, and Soda. Whi! lust like taking a r"t,v ".TZiT-i.. lf:-. unknown to para- it is A scicnuiw; c The Comixo Ball Gams. Albany will present a strong team of young men for the game of base ball with fcugens on the 11th at 4 p. m. Howard will catch, Htellmaker pitch, Wire, Wiley and Cu sick will protect the bases, Westbrook 1. . . 4 . Az mmliirl slt in n -v. oil i tne most wmvawww - Utcncc, in SCOTT'S EMULSION ,f !. rnt nnlV DAUtablC DUI It IS and Ramp will do the shortstop set and .,,AV dieested and made ready Wtatherfordwillbeinthe fle'd, Reach UttJ3ZY. ,Wlnn tW the Weatberford I manager. The club ta a W , ;r"T7 Y ' ,tr nnn.nn.!, T, , II I I tie m. It IS ftlSO COmbtnCO With cost 10 and 15 cents to' see the same. I - the hvoophosphites, which " i r supply a food not only lor Our wrFSk trie tissues of the body, but In the lif&'Jr foe the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. SCOTT'S ' Emulsion. Ses thit tht man and fish era on ih wrapper. All druggists ; 50c end fi.oo, SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. New York. An Ohio exchange shrieks: ship Is sunk and our flag trails dust oi the ocean." How We Say It. Coughs cured for a quarter, no cure, no quarter, we are Belling Iota of our White Pine cough syrup with tar, because it is just what we say it is, gires quick relief and is highlv recomend ed to cure a deep seated cough, Burkhart & Lee, Druggists m rubber bco's. on foot. Sne expects xo return borne Brownsville. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the linn County Abstract Company, for the Dmtocaar, for the week ending March Srd, 1898. X B Po lard A husband to J N Brown, lot 6 bl 3 Hackteman's Srd add to Albany t R Johns, by admr, to Tbos Jobs C II. 3, w20 seres, snd email tract in ths city of Albany R John, by admr. to E B Penlend and H C Davis, T 13. 4, w 39 A R John by admr, to R D Snell, lot 5 and 8 bl 16, Hacklemaa' Srd add to Albany Minnie BUyeu A bobandto Jno R Pearl, part lot 1 and 2 bi . X Brownsville Ira Hawley and wf so Lena Stock well. T H, 3, w 50 acres II V Biiyen A wt to J J Barnes, T10. l.w 53 acres Wm (Jlvmer Awt to Silas William Til. 2. wlacre... F G Haycraft A wf to J C CawooA T 13. 1. E 111.70 seres Ira Uawiev 4 wf to Lena Stock well. T 14. 3, w 50 acres U V BUyeo A wf to J J Barnes. T 10. I. w 53 acres Wm Clvmer Awf to Silas Williams Tll.S.wlacre F G Haycraft A wf to J C Cawood T 13. 1. E 112 acres John Colver to Lottie Waller, T 9 S. E 12 acres M E Conch A husband to J R Douglas. T 10. 2. w 21 acres J R Douglas A wf to E T Douglas, T 10. 3 w 21 acres David MversJ McCordet al.TIO 1 w 195 acres F M Girard to A W Gordon, small tract in a ii. i, w,. .... H A Paris A wf to EE Davis, T 14 4. w 1312 seres . .. H A Dsvis A w t to V L Ds via, T 15 4, w 10792cre... S R Temple ton to A M Templeton et al T 14. 2. w T M Wiuen A wf to Mary Waters, lots 3 4 4 bl 32 Waterloo A tieisler A wf to John Bitner, T 12. 1.w2 acres Wm Shepherd et al to T F Smitn et al. trustees, T is, i,3 acres New Store Albany TradingCo I. 1. Tlorria, Manager. Are now located in tbe building for merly occupied by Grabau. ARobson machinery building and will be pleased to meet all ourold customers a well as new ones We will continue ee'lintf goud on a cash basis and take rasjixB's raorocz st a catb price. We can save yon from 5 to 20 per cent on groceries. Come and see ns. . 1 ik Boston Mills Floor $ Battle Ax tobacco 16 oz nine 2 ps Arbnckles coffee, ernd to ordr 2 ps Lion " 2 ps Royal Java " can peeled tomatoes lb can Sweet Brier tomatoes cal Stndrd oil, bring yoor can-... lb cartoon crackers, full wehrht. 10s pk Rising gun eiove oolirh 8-20 os bar Ba'lle Ax boss . 3 can spices, yon mar select 3 can cove oysters 7 lbs best rolled oats 5 do clothes pins ' 1 lb 50e Spider Leg tea 1 lb 50 cent Gunpowder tea.. I lb Lion brand wa 5ice sweet corn fed bacon I gallon 40 test vinegar, have yen tried it, bring your jug "... 8 lbs best beans 1 pk gran mas mush We also have bran, shorts ctiop feed tor sale. Remember tbe place, Graham bullri ng Cor. 1st and Baker Sts. CO 25 2-5 25 25 23 10 K5 20 On 25 25 2-V 25 05 30 30 35 10 15 . 25 10 and 4Ponr Fans "For Sale Ik. lUu D . . . . I I math .AiZZZl ZfTi ura?an lV rBU?- I The followi-g desirable farm, at for mmU. were muddv aod ctickv. and isi om nlaMlt "... . . r, . . J- ah. M dowst to th, topTof ' her LfaTl o- CGrkrTUar 01. 905 5S00 70 1009 S30 400 830 400 100 300 300 eooo 100 10 10 particalars: 1. f acres, en -ans west of Halaey, is the D L C of D W Alliachaar, ia See 35. T 13, SKi W W M. 35acraare earsd asd sadsr caitiraltoe, ta ramaiadec bnag eevered with small Utsber. Maddy Ctsek tarcsgh the prooerty. There is small orchard. Price $1300. 2- SO mcrx .ie aaiie S of Brownsville, ia the DLCof Seaiael Jjhasw. ia ties 11. T 14, R 5, W W ii. Alt eirarod bad 65 acre ander cnfttvaTicm, all feaced, ns bsildiigi. Fric$1300 3. 255'aens. to mi'e 3 of B-swv ri'le, i- xm 13 and t4, T 14, 8 R 3. W W M. 120 aer a mtm ulabl aad tbe balasee is heat sailed f tt pssrage. 75 acre ar odor crop, is all leased, has a good asp ply of water, goad beildiags and firird Piioe 3250. 4. 7S0 aera, six milea eaat of Lebasoa, ia Sots 13 and 16. T 12, S R 1, W W M. Tfais is a very fjoi stock fans, of wkieh aboat 100 sma ars tfllaVe. It is weU wmtereti. all fesced aad aaa acme far aildiags. Prise $3500. ' OUR CAPACITY Is Untqualcd In the Valley. OUR WORK -Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our price? areralways the In west, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer soco 200 S7 20! HE1..PRK WORLD From the Times: Mr. A. D. Barker, of Albanv. anent last night in this city in the interest of ths United V) orkman order. This otScc acknowledges a pleasant call. Mrs. l ed Koes and Mrs. Geo. Bennett departed Monday for Stockton. Cal here Mr. tfennett is st work in a woo't 1 mill Mr. Koe ha secure a iob in the same mill and will soon go also. Droggm J. F. Vuoner departed Wed nesday at Boston, Mass.. w bere he will visit with relative and Iriends for about t so months. It baa been about 35 year since Mr. Venner last via. ted tbe baunla of bi boyhood. A gentleman by the name of Stewart, ho recently came to Corvallia from Minnesota,! a purchased the Croft farm, just north of ibis citv. paying in the neighborhood of 15,000 lot tbe place. Some members of tbe hoodlum cowd took three street lamps out ot Uieir globes Sunday evening and threw them into tne mill race and river, besides smaahing one street lnp One lamp was found in the race and one about a quarter of a mile from the bridge, ia the river; tne tbird baa no been recovered. Such work calls for a term in the county jail. How It Happened. U S to P Hibbard. SWfi Sec 21. T 10, 4.E 160 acres L C Censer A wf to Mary A Tbom sa, 1 of 80 acres T 12, 2, w H P Confer A wf to Marv A Thom as, l- of S) acres T 12,2, w A Murderer Arrested. I Thricr-a-"Wetk Edition 200 2001 Frcm tbe Eugene Register: Recently an old man named Nelson was assaulted bv two tramps on a freight train south ot Roeeburg. Tbe old man a not on ot tbe train d untie th night and crawled com distance to a bouse, I wbee he wa found the next- morning near! v dead, but be was able to give a eood deecriution of hi assailants- . . . -a . a - a . lie bad oeen struct; over ue neaa wiu a couplin pin A search resulted in two being arrested for the crime at Roeeburg. Their clothe were covered with blood and they answered tbe description given bv Xeleon. After being arrested Black v" got away Irom the omcera. and it seem bas just teen recaptured at uoc tae lirove. t-bentl tiarnea states tnat v uuey will undoubtedly bang though be claims that the blow that killed Xenon was dealt by "Blacky" and that he Whitey) was standing so nsar tbat tus Dtooa spurted on hi clothe. It tbe Cubans keen 00 whipping the Spaniards on the islaii'l il will net be r eo essary for tbe Uuitrd Slate to declare war Ibev won't have any Poaniards kit to fight. After years of nntold saQViing from piles. B W Parsell ml Knitoertvtllr.Ka, was cored ry using a sinslo hoi of Dm Witt's Wttoh Uasei Salt Skin disessas inch as rcaema, rsah, pimp'ea and obstinate acrss ars read ily curst by this famots iemJy J A Cummmg IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Teat For One Dollar rwj'lshrvery atarrmatc Say exrrC Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of The ra Tou World is first among all "weekly"- papers in sise, frequency of poblicaboa aad the freshness, aceoracy and variety ol its cot-tents. It his all ths merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a doilai weekly, its potincai news u prom pc.con rlete, accarate and itc partial as all its read ers will testify. It is against the monopo lies aad tor the people It prints tbe news otau tne worsa. Hiv ing special ccsiespondence from all ins portaat news poinU on tbe globe. It ha jrilliaat illostratioaa. etcnea by gnat anthers, a capital numor page, complete markets, departmetits fr the hoosehoid and women' work aad other special de partments. We offer this uaeaealed newspaper an l the DutocBAT togetheron vear for C41 A thrill nf teTo.- is axpo'ienood when a brassy couh of cmop sounds through the house at m,.hl But th terror on ehan gs to relief alter On Minute 2oufch Core has leio 1 dministared tixt and ha r nless or ohil lrt J A Cummiog Spring Humors, boiU' pimples, sores anu an eruptions are promptly cured by Hood's Saniaparitla, which thoroughly purines (be blood eradicating every trace ot scrofula. Here is a ne ven-ion from Tsrorra rf tbe wrecking cf the Clara Nevada: Pilot Hardipg. f the steamer Rosalie, has examined tiieCUra Nevada wreck He is con v nee. I iliat she caught fire astern, and run on EUlndge reef to save the li vis of ail .n. board. While the crew and paNenirer were fihtiug the flames the boiler hiirt, killing manv and bnwing o-ln-rs overboard. The tern of the steamer is burned and char red. Thelorwsrd partis intsc. The boilers were blown outside of the hut', thamselvM vrntiii wr lv. nl Th. ers are in 30 la bom ot ice water, and j OJiT5 ISKJOIrTO can never lie recovere.1. The hull can tWr. tK motl and vosnlta wben oermisea 11 ik now anown at tsagwav c f ,-. ;aW(,nt that the Nevada had a but 50 passenger. 8JfP ?f 'S V1'? making th lo of life 80 or 90, instead nd refreshing to the taste, ana acta of 50 to 00, as at fir supposed. eently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- Social Irum. The O. A. C. will , feera and cures habitttal prubably run especial train to Aluany on .. c r tc:-, :q .v the Uth. Fol' consUpatoon. Sjrop of Figs is the the College As:iation convention: A. only remedy OI its auna ever pro Stiropson, D. Stovall. Mis Fiuley, F ducod, ploasing to the taste and ao- cu warns, miss tun, k. turgee. uid- T,tabla to the Btomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, its many exoellent qualities commend it t n XT' I. ,a f 1? W SUt SHU JiaTW uiauv w aav aw Iron a Wircarson cf this piso, after pas- popular remedy known. Illness IBS GREATEST BCOI CP THS 1GS! SJiocId U il Ererj Eomt ui USaij. mwimMwm 1 wrttsni br KiaM Beau Williaaa al,,iar 'Umi K-rnimm w, -. - Br. Kw. . H. Sam. ti l,'-"Vw r aei live mi. yt - " 1 K'r . Chicas 111-: Krr- Timc Farrar. IXf-. laaa al CaaMrtari. VMlwctmrj. t t i.K - FTaaa III.: wwt. rM!. ' rkuaa. Loadoa. I.M . R. B. 8. Haaanaar. l (Uai Bptu Ckartk. J Jjartt t ri i it VV.1 WitwS CaaK. tsotua. Me.: Be. riaak fifsraSr uSCrii rSi-iM twwJ CScw aa taaia. a. 1 , . Inmt naMv uo.1. . t , V TTi. isiaaocY. Sa VilkiuM. D IXJ BiwoU ol mm ii mr. ' . Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick ache, biliousness and all liver ills, 25 cents. bead Price 5?Trtford"n.:KT J. (. UO.. SJoaa W o4 lttj.aa Obon-k. LooJoa. t a I - , I r Th. K. wit in Um. its aalgaa. (Mi, aau nan. 5PP fulVta tllaaSra. l atrtt Sola A llt vdttM. lull .-"""T' tjt 1 ia Hn . "!. utaBM . rT.Z "Tfar ala aa all kookaaotw aad r -i'ft4f gf Nnaw tatortaauoa. writ HtMi O. "A raOlwaac. Jii aad 3H Xoaraa Suaaa. Causasa. Uliaoaa la Mrs die and Miss Lswrence A Fight for Life aintr thronoh a siece of serious illness SvTUTI of FltTS IS lor S&16 W which left her weak and debilitatod, be- oeni bottles by all leading drng medicine gave her strength and brought up her general health to where It wa before she was taken sick. mmninminimmiiiinit PRINTING 3 Fosseesing pre-eminently per- zS feet profit producing possi- ; bilities, produced promptly at 3, bMlLEY'S r3 2 Clean Pr.ntery . ZL . . . i' . c- i w r ar w ma gists. Any reiiauw uruggi sdo . mjm A 11JL- miv not nave it on nana wui pw cure it promptly for any one who eTery Saturdvy evening at K. O. T. M. wisnea to try iw xntuvhrnaxtntmuij i nan. . - ibii'uk vum" TOCUREACOLu 1NONK DAY Taks Lxxatlvs Brora Qulutns Tablet I TO CURE A 0LD INON DAY Take Laxative Broma (juiniee tablet. All Drugglsu ls'uod ths money if it fall All druggist refund the money it It fail t Hnn or... o Curs. 25o. substitute. cAumm m syru? cq. icwnku V. A. Uox, Commander. " ' No-To-B to Fitly Coats. RnaraalMd tobacco habit oore, makes weak auiasuong. Uood pure. We.!. All Orucaiata. t V