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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
Washington Letter. One The Blory that NauBen whs at the North pole, the Dkmocbat predicts will proYd a great canard. From cur regular Correspondent. Washington, Feb. 10th, 1896. of - the best speeches, from a strictly democratic point of view, made daring ihe debate on the free coinage substitute for the House bond bill, which closed today, was by Representative Bartlett, of Ga., and it wasn't a long speech, either. Mr. Bartlett is a silver man, but he made it distinctly under stood that he was above all other things a democrat in his own words, "I want to say that whetter in the majority or ininnritv. vhernver the democratic flair floats, there will be my standard." He was still more emphatic when Mr. Skin ner, of N.C., asked him would be sup port a gold candidate on a gald platform, if the Chicago convention should put forth such. "I will," replied Mr. Bart lett. "vote for any man whom the ma jority oi the democrats nominate in con' vention." Senator Frye was unanimously elected president pro tern of the senate, and re publican caucus has nominated the other officers, but inasmuch as there is a doubt of their ability to elect them, they have not decided when they will make the attempt. Although the republicans have not yet secured a majority in the senate, they have already begun to fill the in cabator with extravagant schemes, to be batched out by the aid of future legis lation . One of these schemes was pro posed to the republican senatorial caucus by that eminent grab bag states man, George Fill-me-up Hoar, of Mass., whose cherub-like countenance never beams quite so dazzlingly aa when be sees a new opportunity to run his band into the National Treasury. His new scheme provides that the U. S. Govern ment, which already pays senators a salary of 85,000 a year, mileage to and from their homes a clean pick up to those who ride on passes, and most of them do allows them a liberal amount for stationary etc., and hires a clerk for each of them, ehall furnish every senator with a valet, no, beg pardon, messenger - ; r. TT : 1 V. Ftn- all IS wnai fwusiur nine imliu, uui , valet is Drobablv what he meant. -'same proposition more needlessly extravagan was never proposed to either branch of Congress, but the republican caucus to it eerionsly enough to appoint Sinato.-a Allison, Elkins and Chandler a ommittee to consider it and report to the next caucus. President Cleveland did not make any recommendation when he 6entthe report of the Nicaragua Canal Commission to congress, bat the unfavorable nature o' that report, concerning the (building of the canal under existing plans, makes it wall nigh certain that no bill authoris ing the guarantee of bonds to be issued by the present Canal Company can be come a law. The anti-prizefighting bill, putting a heavy penalty upon tbose who engage in fistic contests for money in any of the territories or in the District of Columbia, give the country an excellent idea of how easilv and how Quickly Congress can act when so disposed. This bill went through the house and senate without a dissenting vote and was promptly signed by the President all within lorty-eignt hours. , The results of the bidding for those bonds are in the main satisfactory to the srlminUtratinn hnt there are eood reas ons for the belief that President Cieve land and Secretary Carlisle very reluct - antly awaided any portion of the bonds to the Morgan syndicate; but, inasmuch as the subscriptions in excess of the bid of that syndicate only took about two thirds of the 'issue, there was nothing else that could be fairly done but to award the others to that syndicate. Al though more than three fourths of the bonds have been awarded to Xew i'ork bidders that does not mean that so large s percentage of the bond as that will go there. Bidders from all sections of the country forwarded their bids through their financial correspondent in New York. Wherever they go and whatever becomes of them it is hoped that these will be ihe last bonds ever issued by the U. S. in a time of peace. President Cleveland spent Satnrday down the rotomac, snooting ducks, so another wave of abuse of him may be expected from the usual sources. The Russian bear is pouncing down upon Corea. Will the little Jap dare tackle the monster. It has already cost $00,000,000 to at tempt to suppress the insurrection that has placed Cuba almost in a con dition of bankruptcy. The Fitzsimmons-Maher affair has proven as great a tisco as that of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons combination. Ail Smoke. There will probably be no fight and should not be any. Governor Win. P. Lord receives Ml a month lor inspecting the State peniten tiary, a sinecure. A sample of Portland politics is beir g displayed in the removal of the board ol fire commissioners. Secretary Morton is without a single defender. A man is bard up when some one will not stand up for him. With the thermometer at 48 degrees below zero in some places in the East, ic Oregon we have been going around in the sunshine without out overcoats. When the U. S. gets that 100,0.0,OX) of gold in the treasury, then the public will again begin to see a depletion.rc eulting in a few months in the limit being reached, and lowered, and another bond issue discussed, forming a regular circle. An exchange says that if the North pole ever is found it will be with Eng land'a mark already upon it. As the North pole is directly north of the TJ. S. it will be in order for this country to put forward the Monroe doctrine with persistency. Anybody can find plenty of reasons for criticisms the democratic party, but only occasionally a man who has posed as a democrat for tbirtv years and whom that party had repeatedly honor ed, flops over suddenly and becomes a republican, as ex-State benator Cogswell claims to have done. People will think , in spite of bis protests, that be will soon be asking for an office at the hands of the republicans. Portland Welcome. The United States does things rapidly euough w.ien it gets on its muscle. The anti-prize lighting bilk passed both houses and was signed by the president in forty eight hours from its introduction. Napoleon Davis, who tecently Ktorced from the East says: About the only ad' vantage I noticed in the hard times was in the greatly reduced price of clothing The people appear to be satisfied with the so-called Wilson tariff law, eo far as it relates to ordinary grades of clothing I heard nothing in favor of tne restora tion of the duties on clothing, as provid ed by th McKinley law, except from a few manufacturers in that line if trade. This and other indications in me direction suggested the tnougnt that the tariff will not attract much at tention in the next presidential cam pa;gn, but that the struggle will be over the financial question. John P. Harmens, a tramp, 60 years old, who by his own confession recovered over $20,000 which was hidden by the train-robbers a year ago. is locked up in the iailin Saciamento. For months he has been living in San Francisco on the fat of the land from proceeds of the money stolen trom the Oregon express by Brady and Browning. The prisoner has turned over to the police $2000,which he had in the German Savings bank in San Francisco. $5900 in securities, a diamond ring and a diamond collar but ton. Uarraens found the money under a clump of Lushes near Sacramento, where it had been burled by the robbers It is known that the robbers obtained over $ 50,000 from Wells-Fargo, but Har- mens did not find all of the plunder. Be says he obtained only 20,000, but it is believed these figures are under rather than over the exact amount. This con elusion is based on the fact that when Brady confessed and took the officers to the place where the money was buried, only $0000 was found. Harmens bad evidently Uken the rest of it before the officers arrived. Ex. Gold, Gold, Gold. State Salaries. The MadDg. The list of salaries of some of the cm' ployes of the state at Salem is a very in teresting one.and offers some mtereBung reading between the lines, without com ment. Here are those of a couple; be sides the salaries each person receiving his board and lodging: Penitentiary A H Gilbert, superintendent ? H Brophy, warden L O Sherwood, assistant arden. . B K Meredith, clerk E B Philbrook. physician DD Dickey, commissary Thomas King, engineer D J Cooper, farmer T W Kicbes, turnSey A D Leedv. rbapel auard J A Foland, shop guard John stapieion, snop Buaru H r .into, sbopguara J Hamilton, watchman George Jackson.watchman J J Coffey, watchman H C Tarpley, watchman J Janes-guard H Goodell, guard J Arbogaat, guard J DGregoire, guard J T Talent, guard C F Loose, guard D J Ferrel, guad William P Lord, inspector TELEGRAPHIC. A Wife Mardered. Mahbukibi.d, Or., Fob. 18 This com munity was thrown into a fevet of excite ment this afternoon when it was learned that Carl Albright had shot down bis wife in cold blood. Albright hud been very cruel to his wife for a number of years, and his treatment became so bitter a week ago that she left him and instituted divorce proceedings. Albright did his utmost to get her to return, and yesterday said that he would talk no longer, but would kill her. Today, after Mrs Albright returned from doing a day's washing for the family of John Preuxs, in South Marsbtield, be made good bis threat. A Child Baraed. Jacksonville. Or.. Feb. 18. Little Ruth Peter, 4 years old, who resides in Jacksonville with her grandmother, Mrs Newbery, met with a painful accident this evening. hie her grandmother was absent from the house a taw moments, she openel the stove door and, in attempting to burn some papnrs, her clothing caugbt fire. Before it could be extinguished, her face and one band were badly burned. She will live. A Terrible aDlaloa. Newcastle, Colo., Feb. IS An explo sion occurred at the V ulcan mine at II :2t) this mominir which wan the most dixas trous in the hixtory of this camp. Tonight dozens of homes in the little city are deso late, mmirninjr for some loved one, father. husband, brother or son, who this morning left home with not a thought of danger or the awful death that so survly awaited thetn. and are now lying lifeless at tbe bottom of the ulcan stops. All business is practi cally suspended. About OO will die A Joint alaalaB. 1-ohdon, Feb. 18. The arbitration de bate in tlit commons yesterday and tbe proposal of the Times' correspondent in the United States, George W Snialley, that Great Britain should appoint a coniuiisaion of its own consisting of two members, which hould work in conjunction with two Americans as a new Venezuela commission, not to fix the boundary, but to asceita'u the facts and report to their governments, are the leading subjects for editorial com ment this afternoon. Mr. Cady Agalat. MtMViiis, Feb. 18. An aft: moon paper says that Mrs Cody, who disappramHrutn the home of her parents in Tacouia.Wasb., about two weeks ago, and for whom ber husband, Arthur 11 Co ly, a Chicago attor ney, has offered a largs reward, is thought to be iu Men. phis, and detectives are look ing for her. Hill in .1 Col. F. C. Pierce Was Made a Well Man by Paine's Celery Compound. life -Sm C-y?X'X&Z& ilsS.iCf mm V--... v.-Vv-'K'-j. nvCW'K';s WtmgkMLL -If T. 7 s ,3l,'S If yon want a sure relief for limbs, use aa AH coc k's Porous Piaster Bear IN Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita tions is as good aa the genuine. The Naked Truth. can't be argued away. It's too visible tneacar recognition. The one truth that will not down is the luminous fact that we lead in wall paper. Our stock shows more new designs than can be seen anywhere else, and every deeign is not only new but pleasing, artistic and attractive. Wall paper is designed to decorate and adorn, and for that reason we've included all the handsomest de signs produced this season in our dis play. J. A Camming, Notice for Publication Lxd Ovwic at Oheoo Crrr. Or. February 10th, . No'ice is herev given that ihe fallow ing named pettier ba fiiei nice of bU in ternum to m ike fiml prot in support of D's cuim, anu mai saw proof win be rraae before tbe r?giter and receiver at Oregon L.ity, Oregon, on April zzna, layti, viz: John Haley. II E N'o. lOSCid for tbe E X of J W tMol8WJ and lot 3 of Sec IX lp I0SK5 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove bit cocti toons residence open and cultivation of. said land, viz: J C Pratt, Mathew F Co'ovin, John Dlpy and J B Comley, all of Green Bain, Oga. KOBsar A a a, Keguter. Notice Lass for Publication 125 100 100 ltlO 75 CO 75 75 40 i General Fasseoger Agent H. C. Town- send of the Missouri Pacific is In receipt ot an interesting 'etter from Cripple Creek, the gr;at goid ramp ol Colorado. The letter was writtea bv one of Mr. Tnvnsends passenger agents, wilhout any idea that it would be puolished, and it describes the situation in a singularly graphic way. Some extracts are given herewith : , "This town eclipses anything I have ever seen. Creeds and Leadvil'.e, in their boomiest days, were ntver a mark er. 'Old timers' say the days ol '19 and the California gold excitement were quite similar. Beds are at a premium. I sleep tcnight on a cot and furnish my own blankets at tbe tune of 12 per night, with the snow coming io through the pap r wall . Every train is crowded, and the Coroner gets about 30 6t;Sa' every ' morning pneumonia, Three variety theaters and poor whisky help the coffin ! trade to the limit. "I wish vou could stand it to come here, if onlv foraday, to see what magics . i . , , ., . , - . Washisgtos. Fob. li. The agricnl- 1 the word 'gold' can work . Etery pros- J yftillXiM biu lbc ,, . pect hole seems to have Wen touched o( tat house today. A great deal f A Terrible Bluiirr Troy, X. Y., Feb. 17. a small boy, carelessly throwing a match into a pile ot oily waste, a mass ot names aau .km gins and women fremied with fright, fighting for life as the hot flame cbaa-d them with hungry tongues.was the beginning of a Sre tonight which consumed thousands of dol lars' worth of property and caused tbe de struction of many live. It was in Stelt beimer & Cos shirt waist factory. lasBrxcwIs Mratbre4. Havana. Feb. 17. Antonio Maoeo is fairly within the province of Havana and east of the Batabano trocba, and if he has not ioined forces with tiomet be is in rvi- tion to do so when be pteases. Larg forces of insurgents are alio within reach of Matantaa province, where they are over running the country and doing much dam age. Tbe wbereabcoU of Maximo tiomn is not known, as be bat not led an aggreasivo movements for some tiiu aeems to hare lapsed into a condiuoa uf teeming apathy. Xmt a nfisf(er. At the door of every newspaper office might be posted Ihe general order Kuli ! Tbe busiest concerns in the busiest streets aie sluggards compared with these cewrgathering hives where human fingers and brains are matched to keep op with machinerv. The brunt of this fatiguing mental strain' unavoidable in gettinc out of the big city dai!is. for eximple, the Chica go Evening Journal, falls on i'a bos:- ness manager in tne caee ot this oldet daily in Illinois, Colonel Frederick C. Pierce. ColonM Pierce is cne of lh busiest men in Chicago, a city of early and late workers. Brain workers in every pro fetsion will thank Colonel Pierce for the following statement recently made by him : "For several years I have been Iron- two weeks in ay life. This sick bead- ache baa been very annoying. I have taken a number uf different citdicine which have been used and recom mend ed by others, but not nntil I took Paini's celerv corn pound did I find any relief. "This season I took one bottle and was not troubled wHS headache for at leant six months. Since that time I hav kept the medicin in the office and nsed it (iccasionallv.and have not ben troubled with headache since. 'I have recommended it to a nomber of my friend, who bare been benefited as 1 have. For a person wb is disposed to constipation, it is unquestionably one of the bet medicines that there is oa tbe market today. Yours rerectfo!lv, "F. C. Pierce. ' llosinesi Manager Chicago Evening Journal." a black cloud is no sorer enl'y core headaches unless it goes to' the teal of the trouble. That great nerve and brain restorer. Paine's ce'efT eomponod, does get rid of them and leaves no chance for their return, be cause the deep-seated cause tbe weak ened nervous system at lat is supplied with the lood it has so sad y leil tbe need tf, Tbe best phjcicWns in every city in tn-s coootrv prri' lames ,enM Jq, awarded the pla'na. compeund, where a rapid building op of j -j-bi summons u puptihd m tbe A tbe system is imp-riive. ab mu 'uti( orator in cases of nervocs exhaustion, sleeplessness and a poor state of tbe blood it is the mainstay of tbe able! practitioners throughout tbe United SUtes. A mere gltcce at the faces of weak, nervous, run down persons who nave i ognn wok tin sjrriCTv ui icu-j SUMMONS In Ihe Circuit Court for Li Cevnty, State mi Oregon: Clara I Mumford. plain'iff. vs Lemuel S Mumford, defendant, IX THE NAME OF TH2 STATE OF Oregon : You are heaeby required to ap pear and answer the cxnrplaiot of the above named plaintiS in the aboe ent't'ed ennrt now on 6-e ith the c'-erk of aid mnrL on or before the first day of the rg n!ar terra thereof, to -wit: Monday, the 5rt day of Mrch, WA, it being a cav of the regalar term ot mua court, a"a you we hereby notified that if you fail to appear uai make answer to a'd complaint, as nemo required, tbe p!a'nti9 will apply to tne above entitle 1 court for tbe relief as prated for in her cmjp aiot on S!e herein, to-wii: for a decree cf said court d'taolv mvtbe bonds of mtriraony n?w existing Mcmi claintiff and defo-dint above nasHd, and that the care, custody and can trot of the minor cbt'o. t-'ha C. ilam Office at Oup.oos Citt. Oa. February 10,68f6. Not.xi is hereby given that tbe follow. tng named settler bat filed notice of his in tention to make, final proot in support cf bis clain, and that eaid proof wi!l be made be'ore tre regiatur and r-ceiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on April lyrb. viz: EUley C Cae. H E Xo. 1074 for tbe S 'A olSW'X and E 'A of 8 W - ot fcc 12 TplOSH5E- He names the fol owing witneaaes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation o', said land, viz: Orin Jodl, F T May born. Ja--ob Opp'egar. all of Detroit Orrgon. and C I) Saiith. of Berry, Oregon - Robebt A Miller, KegiHer. Notice for Publication. Lasd Office at Oarocs Citt. C, February 10, iS96. Kotfce i hereby given that the foilow p.r named aettlet has B'el notice of bis iotention to mak final prxf in upp.jrt of bis claim, and ttat sli r-roof wul be made before tbe register aid riceiver at Oregon City, Or, April 17 h. 13, viz: Claude I Smith, ti K lr,'v)l rtne HJW1 x and S W H of H ot ec 11 and t XofSEofS ipl0SB5E. Be name the toilowlng wi'ns to prove b's ontinooas ratdeoce optt and cultivation of, said land, viz: R C Caw. tirin I odd. both of Detroit, Ur i i Majboro, ct Ekrry Or-, Jaco Opphysr, of Detroit, Or. uoeaar a. ja'u.EE. r. -i er . bt DaiLT Lehocat by order of tbiHon H H Hewitt, jadgi of said court, duly made in chamber at Albany, Oregon on the 27th day of January. IVJb- Weathe&fcbd aV Wtatt Attomeys for p'ain'iff bled wih sick headache, caused by con- j of an approaching storm than persistant stipation; other ie I have always been , heaiachrs are of dangemns drbihty. in perfect health, and never skc but for There is one specific that can perman- indication ' d:e, shows bow rapid is tne nonnst effect of Paine a celery com poo no. i;og There are thoosands npon thousands well today because they need Paine's I c0ery compound. tjOi with AiadJin s lamp. COj Vay dht at grass roots,' Everything and in conse- It is. is , criticism f Secretary Mortnn wa indulged 1 i - 1 . L . : , . 1 i : . : . 1 , ... . ? ,n T, - -. 1 on Saturday, not one arose to bu defense, i ;tl?enceer,oue x. ... . , M Pe:4r80a ked if thw. were not) ''Kol-1. Lots on the principal streets are : .on,. memUr. democratic populist or re j 6 finding a ready sale at f s.iMl per lut, and 50 j thscorntrs, are out of sight. My f'iend, Wimburd. paid I2S.O0O for a single cor- Ail i . .... Jq' lot with notning on it, and toda? is j 40 ', offered foO.CCO. The town is growirg; IV t IIUiUMi A-I IV as, sas mm. n -a ! . .-..- . m . J via swuu vu sissiaut astaa iimiu mv f -an-t va ! i minutt, h aiteroooa. It i now Jt?S-; 1 nite! m-t iyr Fntijiv.aati "Back" Canoeilr s . . . . . . . .1 i AT ALBANY AND LEBANON. publican, who would raise a voice in bis l defente. Il'.s ajueUoa was greeted with a chorus of "noes" from ail side of the , bouse ; All of our two immense stocks of new and seasonable! goods, except Buttericks Patterns, WILL BE GREATLY KOTISE OF CHAKQi OFKAML In the county court of Linn county SU-eof Oregon. Application havicg Vei made in the by Frai.k Enzwper ge for change of same from Frank Enien tpergrr, to the name of Frak Sperger. Now therefore, Notice U hereby given to all person whom it may concern, that said application will be beard and deter mined tv said courts on Monday the 2nd day of March, A. D-. 1S95, at the court house in the cirv of Albany, Linn county. : ttreean. at tr hour of I o'd-ick ia the i afternoon of said day, and to then and ! there appear and show cause .1 any exist. why taio petition tbould net be granted a fraTf for. . i ) IX re by ordr of the Hon J S star, Duncan, judge of the countj I t court of the State ol Oresron. forthecoorji of Lien. ith the seal of said court a5LxeJ, bis 10th day of Jan. A'et: N NEEPHaM. da. P GlLBRAlTD. b-FH F.EDFIEUD. A-r or Pc itioner. Ueputy. Notice for Puolication LiaoOnci at O3os Citt. Oa. Fetrtury lOb im. Notice i hereby given that 'he fo low ing namd settler has l-d noti of his intentKpn to make Snil priof in support of hia claim, and that said prf will be maie before the register and receiver at Orego City Or., on Af n'- t ti. tiz: 1 red- enc 1 SUybora; a t. V), J tor tts s ft ot the X W i aad K of S Sec U. Tp 10 S E 5 E. H barn's tie toHowut wttnesaea to prove his coutiasous rendence npon and cuiriTatioa of, said land, viz: KilerCCaae. Jnn Jaaa. jas iooroe, a:i of Detro;t, Or and Caad D Mnith, of Berry, Orej-i- Robeit A Millek, negiRer. $1,536 There 125 50 100 50 Editor Ekmocrat: I have been lately struck with the following simile t the license of the sa loon. '-We should co more licenee it than we would stick a government stamp on tbe nose of a mad dog and torn him loose in the street and forbid people not to kill bim. We would not do tbat thing; we wou!d cry "Mad dog!' aid pour a volley of shot into him as he ran and all up and down this land, by pro hibftiDg enactments, we should cry after this business. O, thou beast of poison tooth de spoiler, debaucber, debaser, devourer, murderer, down with thee!" and call npon all good citizens everywhere to pour into him the hottest shot of des truction and death. L. Total monthly payroll Total number on payroll, 25. are now 400 convicts in tbe prison, or 16 for every officer or employe. Reform school RJ Hendricks, superintendent...! Mis R J Hendiicks, matron F H Kinsey, engineer J D Robb, teacher Mrs J D Robb, atet. housekeeper.. T J Boford.farmer MrsTJ Buiord, laundress and cottage-keeper G I Stab), family manager Mrs G I Stab!, charge of dining - room and dairy F M Miles, farm officer - Mrs F M Miles, housekeeper and nurse T C Soaw, w dcbopplng.road and fence officer John W King, farm officer William Martin, nightwatch G (iroseen bather, shoemaker Miss Emily Staiger, tailoresa MibS Eva Lee, teacher L C Henderson, head cook Mrs McKinnon, cook ELPAso.Feb.n.-TbeEtfhtwasonand: KCUUVvCU Ii rKIWC. CVCI V UICCC Will Ufc Ilitil IWVA and I se churches and schools io course ; of constrnclion. TLe postorBce swamped completely. The poetoffice in- baa agreed to pot for Maber 1XJ aldi- j spector told me tonight that there was Hio"' 'l'," bi I" b riT i . , ., . . to fiirht that day. Julian made e-ery pfwi- oo way to goes the average daily inquiry , b!e COXtasf( aod Snail torned the wbo for mail ; that they were delivering mail matter over to a committee of five, all of for not less than 25,000 people, and that ! whom era Io be named by Connelly. , tbey bad over 80 sacks of mail untouched as yet. They bop to get straightened out by next week. Tbe quantities of household goods coming in are s'mp'y 1 fell la The SMirk. ?ai.em, Or , Feb. 17 Laura IWnoeU. aged ?, fell into tbe mill ditch this after mie emlearotiDif to save her sWl. down in plain figures. We have made arrangements to CLOSE OUT OUR BUSINESS ENTIRELY, !And desire to do so as soon as possible. The earlier you. After floating down the rapid currool about; . .. A a. !ll L T"!-. -v t- rf -f aoim .h ... rd ,r tt.l.mTir- n tha Kattot IMP OCCfl f T TTI PnlS Will lltT. I LCI MIS V1 till. 1U tn h nn thft move for here and Nevada. nUr ......-. t4 ,nj .mini .n.. raa a,aar enormous. All Southern Colorado sems 50! 33 40 30 30 35 30 30 33 30 30 35 41 25 Utah, California and tbe North est conn- tioo. lie try ate adding to the population daily. Last month the local sales of the F. right. and careful atten- cbiid was reaMta!ed, and i ail i r t.ia. C. C R. R. office here were f 11.S70, and , ioroxto. tvit li ihe aignai cUsoe the Mid-and Terminal Railway, j tS. ailes were f ?,73j. On freuht earnings Dalura l U-ioir tlow to: Ottawa 3J. MontreaJ 24, roronulS, jeijec 24, Hali ! fax 4. An English paper taken by an Albany man has fhe following idfa of American justice: From America comes the s'ory of a ju'.'gf wlio diiichaiged a prisoner af te tie had Iippu convicted by a jury. Ihe iL'teiligeut Am rican public have ccme to the ctn'clusioa that the pricouer hypnotind tie judye and i!kd bim to reverse Ui" ii. ci?in o' the jury. As a of (act, it is v-rv easy to hypno tise an American judiie. The procedure it as follows: If you have a case pending you go and ere thrf jud;, or send a trust ed friend to him After diecueing the crse as a delicate preliminary, you men' t'ufl casually tne case in wuicti tou are interested, and the judge assures you. with tears io his eyes, that, though the .American Kale seems to scream, justice ehall be done. You shake him heartily by the hand, and in a voice bui-ky with emotion eay: "See, here, judge, you mast come across a lot of cases denerving charity in the course of your duties, and I should very much like yn to distribute a thousand dollars for me." "My frier,d' replies the jadge, "you are right, b'gofch.' But its a darned funny thing that your opponent gave me just the amoui.t for the poor only an hour ago. I think, though, tbat I could easily find deserving cases for even another two thousand dollars '' You get a;i assurance that no more money will be accepted for distri bution until your case is concluded, pay over two thousand dollars, and jas tice is hypnotised. Total monthly payroll... $808 The total number of officers is 19, and the number of boys in the school 122, making an average of 6 8-19 boys to each officer. In tbe insane asylum the list could not ba obtained; bat thert are about 125,with a payroll of $5,003. At tbe dea! mute school there are 13 officers and employes to 62 pupils, mak ing an average of 4 3-10 pupils to each officer. The superintendent receives 1100 a month down to S15 for the 'sun dress. Total salaries, 1525. The number of officers and employes at the blind school id 11, aud the num ber of pupils 2'i, making 2 3-11 pupils tc each oSBser. Total ealariea, 13.1. Tbe people foot the bills. When one considers the number of naid offi :ers to the persons it s!io3 a j b on the fa;-e of it and will make the a7erag) person hot at such management. there ia no telling how la-ge the amount would be. as an idea, tbe agent of the Midland Terminal Railway at Victor was checked out today (be is going mio ing and his daily uncollected bills amounted to over $20,000. This, of coarse, included ore shipments, etc. I simply quote these figures so you can see how much of a hunle t'.U new mm - itg district has gotten on itself in three years time. I am trying to secure a sample of ore from Mr. Stratum's mine for our St. Louis office, but the specimen hunter has apparently exhausted the patience of the mine owners, to it is really a diffi cult matter to get any specimens worth having. ''Excuse pencil ; no ink to be had.- It reezes up nights, or the night clerks drink it. I don't know which.'' BIIO ADES. On Monday night.Feb. 17 18K5, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II B. rio ides, a son. Unclj Saf is going to net down on prize fighting with both fee, that is the way Uncle Sam does things. Perhaps some dsy Uncle Sam wtd turn his atler t on to Mr. Alcohol who is knocking out tlO.OOO a yea'. During theytar 1594 the total number of banks and other financial institutions fo ced into liquidation ws 98, and the liabilities were $18,028,&0. This was tbe year following the crush of 1S93. Ia I '95, (prosperity rolling towards us ali the time,) the failures were 140 in number, and the amount of liabilities $23,624,018. An increase of about 50 per cent in number and nearly SO per cent in the amount involved. There is prosperity i'h a vngearn.e. It would seem as if a great trade and financial journal li'ae Bradaireeta' ought to understand that Ihe only way to biing back permanent prosperity is by iiivfng tbe producer fair prices for what he has to sell. It :annot be done by compelling him to part ith his product for less and less money ali the time. Fair prices csn nly be insured by a money supply that keeps pace with the thintcs to be bought and pold Of this fundamental truth Bradjtrcete' seems to have no conception. It appears to think that prosperity can be created by the government' borrowing icold and loading the people down with more and mote debt in order to keep certain amount of a certain kind of money locked up in the treasnrv a process which not only compels the government to furnish the very gold which it borrows, but ac tually obligates it to' pay out more gold than it takes in . Hitch, howev.-r, is th "sound finance" for wlucii nearly U of our great dailies and trade journals are so vehemently shrieking. National R metalist. exeat sale will be to everyone alike, STRICTLY CASH. Don't ask us to credit you, as we cannot do it. ; member the place and call early. READ, PEACOCK & j IXECUTBIX K0T1CE. ! Xo-ice is b-rebv c4vea that letters t- I Um-otrt bare been duiy tssa'd to tbe undersigned in the matter of tbe . e of t K Cbeadle. deceased, oy tne coaatj icocrt of Linn coootT. Oren- All t.r I sons bavin? claims egalist said ar hereby notiaeJ to present the sanw to h 5 ondrrtteDed at the UwoSce of M ttasj A Hackieman within six months f ib si,steoU"tnk. lUted Dec U. 1S35 xtb A: 5aclemax. or Executrix. V E Cheadle, BlROtK E t CuiKJt. iTHi E CHAADUt, Exeoat Re- BORN ml Mauy a boy starts out in life with tbe firm determination of conquering tbe world. He means to achieve success and wealth and fame. His inten tions are good, and Ilia wll , J If he has tbe bodily strength to carry bim through, hii efforts will be crowned with achievement. Bod ily strength and health are bisrreat- est capital. Without them be can hope for nothing. How many young men and yountr women are cut off just when the future seems brftrhtest and fullest of promise ! They are taken away by the disease which causes over one -sixth of all the deaths in the world the disease which doctors call con sumption. Consumption baa been consid ered incurable, and the medical profession has never made a greater mistake than this. There is absolutely no reason in the world why consumption should be fatal why it should be even serious. It is a disease of the blood, and can be cured absolutely and always by purifying and enriching the blood. The only exception to this is the case where the disease has been neglected and improperly treated until it is stronger than tbe body until the body has become so weak as to have lost the ability to recu perate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery will cure 98 per cent of all cases of consumption if used according to direc tions. It also cures all lineerinir couarhs. bronchial and throat affections. There is no reason why tbe child of consunip live parents need ever have consump tion if its blood and lungs are strength ened by the proper use of the " Discor. ery." All who have any reason to fear consumption, should read the chanters on that disease in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. This great medical work of loo9 pages, profusely illustrated, baa reached a sale of over 680,000 copies. It will be sent free of charge on receipt of 71 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, 663 Main Street. BuOalo, N. y. forte Callly. Lsio Statios, Feb. 16. Tba Farter ! murder case wtct to tbe jury at 10 o'clock j last night, and at 9 o'clock tuis morning the jury announced that tbey were read to report. Tbe court was convened, and i the prisoner brought into court. Judge j Eaain read the vcrditi, which was: J A I rll flV "We find the defendant guilty as cbarg- j r1 -' J ed in tbe indictment, viz., murder io the hrst detrree. Kelsay Porter killed Uema-1 min Mache, bis wife and 17-year-old son, I - - r Benjamin, in fine Valley, I nion county, ' .-ew 1 ear s aay. ine trajre-jy was itit ' , resultof.row between neighbor. iAIhfinv Pi 1 rn ftl 1 r Oi I nCOrDOrateU. ! Losdo. Feb. 16 The Times will print a d 1 fitch from Kobe, Japan, which says j news 110m teom. Coiva, proves that Ku- eia made a remarkable coud the night of i February 10. I but nigbt 200 Kus.ian mu rines, with a tse.d gun, were Id !.-U at Chemulpo and marched Io -ul. Tbe Kinir secre lv lett the D-lace f ir th Ku- aian legation, whence bo procUmxM hi miouu-rs gui.ty of treason 1 wj f tie miaiaters were uireoted aii l -x.-uleJ and tbe other flrtl. A U.rrlble arcide at Lo.MJ.JS. Feb. 10. A nninW of l.r.rri- ble accidents occurred al a fire tail this morning in a tenement houae 11 1 Xo. 7 Church stro?t, Hoho, b-hiod Ihe i'aiace theater ot varieties. Five children and four adult were burned to death O. e man jumped from a window and w,g'im paled upon th riiltnir of a (mice. Ha wan reiuovci to a botiut in a dying onditiou. This Week la r.sir. WasniSGTOS. Fob. 16. The r.r,.wt. are for a buny wek in thjwnate: but out side of the fact that Davis will f (-a Mn -day io support of Ihe Monroe doctrine, and mat the appropriation lulls whicj have been reported will 1 Uken up and prob ably dinposed of, no definite forecaxt of the proceedings can be given. Davis' speech is expected to be a stronir. Wind p.r.. sion of the views of the more advanced ad vocates ot tue Monroe doctrine. Mrs. Lease Bellas rreachtag. Wicuita. Kan.. Feb. 1G. T.hL.v Lease rnle her debut into tho ministry. She preached her in.tiul sermon and con- lucted her hrst public exercises in tha (An tral Christian church before an audience that extended out into tbe middle of the avenue. The wiving toniirht is that every body in Wichita was preaont except the preacher's docile anJ practical huoband, who urai uuwu wwn cariy in uie morning, swept out his diug store and did a pros perous business wbiie his eloquent wife was preaching. bnuld Be Mauled. Chicaoo, Feb. 10. James J. Corbett to night at tho Haymarket theater announced from the stage at the end of the first act that if the toaher-Filasiramons fight takes place, he will return to tba ring and wreot the championship from the winner. The announcement was loudly applauded. CO., Lebanon. ? Notice for Publication ! Land toe a Own City. Oregon - I Febraary 10. l ?9rj- i Xotica ta hereb eiven that the fodoar- in aamed te-t fx Ha filed notice of his i in'ention to make tnal proof 1 support f ' hit claim, and that said proof will be made i before tbe register and receiver at Ore j gon Ci'v. Oregon. Arnl 22 d, vix: I Henry Soens. U F. K337 tor the lot 4, Sc 1, lotsI.S, S Sec i Tp 10 S K 4 t4st- We name the following witnesses t prove his continuous residenc upon and cn"-tiy tion of. said land, via: Maibew F Co'ovin. John Haley. J B Conaley. T P Medill, all cf Gret-n Basin. Oregon. KostKT A Miuxb. Register. Notice for Publication. Lasd Office at Oeeoox Citt Or Fe-KO-rrlO. 1-S6. Xotice m her-bv eivea that tbe foi Sow ing-named setUer has filed notice of hi is butim to make final proot in laJpt-r of his claim, and that said proof ui be ma before the register and receiver at Oresron City, Or. on April i-h. !?;. vrx: Una JudLPreDS o.7?fcr the a a ot K E i. W H cf the S E Sc 12 aBd X W i of X E i of Sec 13, Tp 10 SEi E. He a me the foik-win witne to vrove b contiguous npon and ctifitc eA, said land, viz: Riley C Case. E s H eon. borh of Detroit, Orgoa. Cliud E Smi'i. of Bay, Orvsoa. Lather C Ive of Det:t Oregon. Robekt A M iller, Rtzister. SUMMONS. tkf Ci-iU Ccurt tMf CT CovK'f 01' Lin Stat o!0-cn j Henry Lyon. vs W B Tarr an E J 0Cm-r.o-, co-pi'tncrs doing t;,'.i nnJ'rt'f Crm narr-eanj s- le of O'Connor & B rr FialniiJ. IVfeM'auti Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon Dj not forgot when you want the best full roller ilour, to go to II. F. Wcllwain's cash store. Stsyton. Snow Flake, Jeffer son and Standard Mills. Try Tinkle tor Photos. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awardsd Cold Madal MUwtnlar Fala. Han Francisco. REMEMBER Klein, Dubruille & Co. Will be in Albany only about 30 days more. Hundreds have bought their shoes for summer at this closing out sale. If you need anything in foot wear NOW is the Time to Get IT at FAC TORY PRICES. j To K J O'Connor one of tbe abc ve r-a- ed d,fenJant. j IS THE XAMK OF 111 E STATE OF j On son, you are hereby 'etjuiredto appear and answer tbe onrpU'n! tiied aiinst you 1 in the abov entitled action on or before 1 tbe first day of the next regular eru of , tbeabov entitled court next follow ira; I the expiration of tbe publication cf ibis I mm mens, to-wit: on tb 9'b day of March ! 1SS6. and' If jou fail o ar,e a ht-rein . rp-uiied. the "p'aintiff will tke jui meat ' against yon tor tbe rc"et demanded in hi c-uiip'aint. to-wit: for judgment of tte above en'iilcd ctmrt acin: ycu fwrthe sum of -2"i7 and intetest thereon at tbe rate often per cent per annum, from tbe 27tbdaypf September. A- l. 1S93. and for tbe "fuit"er sum ot fck) a at'omeys fes hereic. and for the costs and disburse ments of this action to be aed. This service of summons Is made by publication bv order of Hon H II Hewitt, ju ige of said court, adc st chambers in tbe city of Albany, on tbe aild day of Dec 1895. WbitsstA- XitwroRT. Atvs for 1'Uintiff fl Natico for Publication Land Office at OreponCify, Or- February 10, 1896. Notice is hereby iven that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to maka final proof in support of bis claim, and that s.-tid pioof wtl b' un.d lio'ore tbe reRistr at-d receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on April 2-Jnd. ljtjlfi. viz : Mathew F Colovtn, H E No- lo9"JO. for tbe h'ts t and 2 Sec 18 Tp 10 S K 5 E and X K l4 of X E K Sec 13 Tp 10 S It 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence n pon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John ll-iley. Oenry Soesen, John Oaley, J B Cornier .all of ttreeu Huln, Oregon. IionsRT A Miu.ea. Register. ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hore'iy trtve n that the annual meet'ng of the stnckbuldert of th Albany Building Association wilt be held at store of I (iradwohl. in Albany, on Monday, Match Kith, 1896, at 7:30 p m for the elec tion cf directors, and such other bus'ness V&s may come before the meeting. Hate l reb 101b, ISUti W C TwasDAut, F P Ni'TTtxa, Preside t. Stcretarr. RECM-CL0M & EASTERN ZEsw -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at "Yaqnina Bar with tne ?an Francisco and Yautna Bay bteajn shipCompany SieaisWii "Farali" A 1 and first class in every respect 1 Sails trom Yaquina tor San F-ancisco about every 8 days. Tassenper accxmmrlations 'ansnrpase ed. Shortest route let ween the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albary or points weatf San Francisco Caws- Ptkrac.i w Cabis round trip good 60 days. . . l-0 For Sailing Pays apply to H. I- VAUKX,Agt, CBAS. CLARK.Supt Albany, Or. OorvaUis, O Edwis Stons, manager, Corvaliia, Or. PrcTO' THROUGH TiLKETS to the EAST via tbe Union Pacific System. Through Pallmn Palace aleeper Tourist sleepers and New Reolinin Chair Cars TiAILY FOBTLAXli TO CUICAGO. Trains heated by and cars linbt- ed by intsch Light. Time to Chicago 3 days, time to Sew Y'ork 4. days, which Is many hours quicker than all competitors. - For rates, time tables and full infor mation, apply to Ccrbkm s Moktutu, agenu, Albany, Or. 0 R W Baztok. C E Bbowh, Gen'l Agent, Diet Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. Notice for Publication Lasd Offick at Oexgos Cri x. Cm January 2D. Xotice is cereby given that the follow ing named iettier haa S;ed n it'ee ot bis in teotiin to mane prf ia sapport of tia claim, and that sid p-'oof wtll be mads bfore the coan'y e'era of Lbb Co. at Aibanr. Oresrn, on M sren ll.l5jJ.Tii: Chx-ie v Caikia.H E So, T;T4 for the X i cf X W t4 S EJ X l4 and X EJ'of S v, i.& c3wTpi3SE2 Be name tbe folioarin? itaes to prcrre Ms continu qq resiae-ce npon anl cn'tivation of .said land, t:x: John!. Ste'd-jvert. toh of 'oter. Orercn. ad John Soiu'U. 0 iver Rasell. borh of Seet are. 0.-i gon. KoBEav Mii-sn. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Offick at Okegox Citt. Orejos- Janoary 24 b. 1SS6 Notice i he'oy giv-n that tr-e fo k icgcam ed settier has ri'ed notice ol bi intention to make Saal pwof in suppoit cf his claim, and ihat id proof wUi be made before' he regt?r and receiver at Oregon City, Oreeon. March lOtn, rix: Simpson Pearson. H E No. 1174) for tbe X4SEJiSEijSEicfSec n.and X E U' X E of &?c SO fp iO S R 6 E. lie Barnes the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence npon and cultivation cf, sa'd land, vii: Wil im Kreasei. James B $:rarcs. J C Mackey. L C lve, all cf Detrc4 Mi' ion coun'y, Oreeon Robje bt A. Viixee., Register. BLFEBtFS SALE. No: ice fe hereby given that the under signed, the duly appointed. quahSed and e referee, appointed bj tee circoit eourt 01 tbe county of Linn and s'ate of Oregon, in the unit wherein N.-y J Gi bees and W EG'thens, Ler husband, Y R Oartett and Etber Gauw:t hi wife. Jamea H Gar rett and Mary E Osrre't hi wife ere pai-it:ff and Maud M Wagnoa Frances M Wjjm and F if Garre!t e-e doteoi to -U the rewl estate belonging to the plaintiffs and de fendants jo ntly aad ceibd in th de cree of said court: no trifore. I will on the 2i!t d.iy of March. liS. at the court boue door in the city ot Albany, Linn county. Oregon, at the hoar of one o'clock p m of sad dav, in pursuance of said d'eree and order, sell at public auction to the h:gbt b'dder. all of the right, tit and in erftt of the plaintiffs and defend ants above named in and to te fo lowing dicribed real estate, rowif: Conencinr Jt the southeast corner of a certain tract of land owned by Caleo I'avia in he X E quarter of section 19, In tp 13, S R4 west, running tnence east 2.16 chains, thence south 2 chains, thence south 81 degrees E 7.54 ch tins, thence south 4.3 i cain s, thence S Ti cJegreea west 2.50 chain, thence south 47 degrees west 7.70 (h-iins, thence west 2.63 chains, thence north 13.50 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 9.26 acres, in Lli'n county. Or egon. Also lots 5 and 6 of section IS. in tp 13, S R 4 W Benton county, Oregon, and lots 2 and 3 of section 19 in tp i3, S K 4 west, situated In L'nrt county. JOregon. containing in ail 151.78 acres more or ies. Terms ot sale cash in band on day of sale. il-VRTis Payse, Referee. tXECUICRS NOTICE. Kot.ce is heebv girentbat t' euuJer signed has been by the coun'y ccurt o Linn county. Oretron. dulv appointed ex ecu tor of the last will and tewtsnent an es'aie ot F M Garrett, deceased. A persons having claims asatnt said est sre hereby required to present the sarn July verttied to the undersigned a: his res idence at Peiria, L'nn cuntv. Orcon witbtn sit months from this date. This the 18th day of Decemler. IS95. Y E GlTHK.NS, ExecutcT of te last will and estate of f J jarrett. d-cased. VTHKRFOm & WtATT, Atts for eiecu-'or. T) icycle. A new bicycle. 1 i 1 Jball beTins', nneumatie tireo. or girl, fcr sale cheap, omce. inch wheel. for bov Call at Democrat