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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1896)
c . 3? 1 ' i in i tl vol, XXXI Entered if. Cfci C-c4 a .Bee a tlteaajr. Or. rcBi- lkK Mult Rmitu AUIANTV 0(ff.M10N:-PI?.l DA FKBIiUAItY . !.) . r ftCrTI rnklUktr m.Jfrirflrt Iifii r ji Pocket Knives I and We will Bend FREE either a large 2-nlada Pocket Knife with stag handle, OB, pair of 7-inch fall Kiokel Scissors Both ChuBtad to b bss SuiUj it i. For. TonwtU ftnrt r- e-ryon tuldaneb lonuba, - " and two ooupau. insida ah 4 oauo. twg at BLACfCWELL'S GENUINE DURHAEV3 TOBACCO. BLACKTELL'S BCKHAJI TOBACCO CO., SUSHAX, I. a Buy a ba? of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. Albany Furniture ft A ft ' Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon FORTHILLER & IRVING KEEP cons-la nil Oil hand a full lice of metailt., riolh and wood caskets and coffn Also burial robes aud saiu, in broadeiotb. satin, cassemere which iri 1 be sold a The Lowest Living PreUi EM8A!rAING nd the propercare of hi dead a specialty. TEStLE - NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR OLD COMPANY, IN NEW QUARTERS. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co. Are paw in their large and well arranged ttore on the north side of Second street, where they have the best of everything in their line to meet the public uemauu. Superior stoves. Tinware, shelf kinds, blacksmiths work for wagons. flasury's mixed paints. The leading Columbia Bicycles. Grass and garden seeds, all kinds. Studebaker wagons and buggies. Plows and other agricultural im plements, guns and ammunition. Evidenced by the fact that there were make. re sure to see sample before purciiasing your ws wlieel INDIANA BICYCLE CO. IKOIAkafous. ikd C ALBAIMY CIGAR FACTORY J. .lOM'd'll. l'r-pi li!oi- wmmmw RiMdtVal I Anansla I i. iu U.I..I nal. JM i-a. BolU. PtrtSJ I HiM IIMi in , i iniii ii hi m e For sale a Albany ,Qreg..bTl. A- CUAUiiism. ani br HOIHtKB M4vah,AXU. Prugg'M. THOMAS BRINK' I All I and H you r lit he ALBANY, R-l-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF, ii.A Scissors Fill 40 Coupons; J " : or, row 3 Coupons mad 40 cents. Co., Incorporated. www mm HEAHSE OR SERVICE. hardware of all implements, wood pigbet of igh QrBde mora ofthm sold in '1-5 than any other of thorn sold in '1-5 than I ing your '96 wheel . Hodges and Goff, ' AenU. 'km sVamsjwamedrTjref quickly, vermanenUy all iiuadacb, Wakoiia, V l"Uy. Mgbtir Kmlt eril dreaias. lBDOtt?ncr and wavtlnir 3iJeajM9 caused br youUipUcrror or txewrt. CoiTta4unootatea, Uaaerr tral aad tlo4 bllder lAaket the pn)a a nil pti nj ft rrnr and pi am p. Easily rrled In Ttpocknt. VI pprboxj A fnr J$5. BTinaltpra onli. uri th a vrriLUn mutranUe ormfmrefnndtL Write tin. free sVok sen led pia'n wr!rwr, with uHmontli ami stsnillniT. K'n rkinM frtr irt i Itirt4nn a 1tntm rtt 4mttftm ty SllfSHS. 'Storacat ai.i,iit.o.(BMSSJt SSSSS.VSMS S kinds of furniture bedding, and it 111 wanii zae mos complete flour safe, has them and his prces the lowest. OREGON. ."vf4. 4 Ji i'iUitU I v TECTJRSTJAY v THE POPULISTS. w xr sione'r. y commit- The "contest for county clerk was he. tween C. B Montague, W. F. Hammer and G L Shaw. Several ballots followed. Mr Shaw withdrew when the ballot stood 46 for Montague, 46 for Hammer and 6 blank, one more than the delega tion. The chairman declared Mr. Mont ague nominated. A terrilhc storm fol lowed, only stopped by Mr Hammer's forbearing spirit. A S McDonald A L Boyle, A Wheeler and Geo L Southerland were the contest ants for recorder, the former winning. Fortiheriff, M 0 Uaines, T J Fotlis, J R Bucknum and J A Finch were named. The contest narrowed own to a light be tween Gaines and Follis, the gains of the lor tut r lauding him ahead. For treasurer J v Wilson, the man nearly killed by the thresher accident across the river two rears aro. a . rin,.l for life, and D L Curl were the contest- i ants, a speech by J M Marks brouxht W ilstn in ahead by a big majority. For assessor J K Owenbv, 1 J 'Wyatt, C M Downing and J R tiurknum were named, preference being claimed for each on account of locality. J R Hai-kn i.u of Harrisburg wa nominatel. Another siieech by J M Marks sent Mr Bucknum to the front on the home stretch ,f the second ballot by 3 vot. The convention here adjourned for supper, meeting at 7 o'clock bl) Titus. Geo C Wilson, of Sci.t, Mrs J J Browm, Brownsville; llichmond Wheeler, of AIrauy, were uamed for school superintendent It took two bal lon to nominal Mr. Wheeler, who received 73 votes out of 9S. B F Ramp nominated E TT Fisher for surveyor. This was olijttted to in a live manner, as Mr Fishr is a republican. This was w ithdrawn and Geo Whiuomb was nominated by acclamation. W B Gibson, of Sweet Home and Dr A G Prill, of Sodaville, were named ior jorvner. Dr Prill w as nominated on the first tutliot 50 to 42. Delegates to state convention B F Ramp, J A McBride, J J Bear.1, Thos Thompson, P M Holt, J Clem, J F Hen drix, John brvant, G V Hardin, C D Stein, J S South' T L Dueger. 51 Down ing, a u 1-rin, J l, uiii.K k Humphrey. B F Childs. W R Wvaf. :peeche were called for ami made In B Montague. Geo D B.trton. T M Uunkers, W M Rolterts. M O vaines. A McDonald, O L Sutherland. B F Ramp, C S Harnish Asa Lewellvu. C H Dalrymple, J Cleai, C 1) Stein and C C tlogue. A vote of thanks was extended C D Stein for his fairness and bis bnnestr as hairman, and to the secretaries aud tellers. Jnry List. Following is therlist of jurymen drawn fcr the term of court convening in Al bany March 9. J E Boeaeraan, frrmer, Harrisburg. A I Crandall, mechanic, Lebanon. A J Jen ks.- farmer, Tangent. J M Miller, farmer, Halsey. A T McCully, Farmer, Lebanon. W C Cooley, merchant, Brownsville. ' Frank Nickerson, lumberman, Leba non. J B Gornett, farmer, Shedd. Henry Freesksen, farmer, Shedd- D II Bodine, farmer, Albany. A S Stone, farmer, Oakville. W A Sharp, farmer, Albany. Ubbe Peter, farmer, Albany. Geo Stanard, f vrmer. Brownsville. J F Davis, farmer, Harrisburg. A J McClure, farmer. Sweet Home. W G McDonald, farmer, Scio. J W Gaines, farmer, Scio. Robert Carey, farmer, Scio. Geo Cochran, farmer, Tangent. A S Blevins, farmer. Tangent. Grant Bellinger, farmer, "Waterloo. Chas Everett, farmer, Orleans. W E Potter, farmer, Fox Valley. Edward O'Neil, manufacturer i Leba non. R H Liggett, farmer. Tangent. W B Morganson, farmer. Shed 1. Geo. W Hochstedler. manufactarer. Albany. Si A Miller, druggist, Lebanon. Alex Kirk, farmer, HalsK'y. G W Phillips, manufacturer, 8cio. John H. Goins, moved to Albany. We aid not learn what business be intends to follow there. Scio Press. Amos Strong, the well known Salem restaurant man and miner, was in Al bany this noon on his war home from l aqaina. A. B. Hammond arrived this noon and went to the front on the O C. A E. the train being beld from this morning ontil the arrival ol the ooon trains. The Salem Statesman announces the engagement of Carey F. Martin, private secretary of Secretary Kincaid, and Miss uavenpon, daughter ol T. . leaven port. Dr. G. Maston. of Albany, came I over Tuesday morning, being called to 1 consult with Dr. Hyde, on the case of I ueorge nanis, wno is oangerousiy sick at his borne, about live miles south-e&it of Ibis city. Scio Press. Geo.. Settle returned Tuesday from Lebanon where he bad been to attend the funeral of his father, who died at that place, Thursday last, at the age of eighty-eight He has in bis possession a piece of rope about lour inches long winch was cut from the rope that bung Murderer Loyd Monlgomerv at Albany on the dlst ult lloseburg Review A eoid cure institute has Ixwn startel Eugene. The law firm of Erjson, Yates and Yates of Ccrvallis, has be -a dissolved. J F.ed Yates is now alone Instead of the first entertainment, as tie ijpwt mid. ytsterday. the Woodmen snter- Uinnv nt next Saturday will be the tim annivers try of the vvoodmen in Albany Axe win tuie in Albany oi that day 1 nere are three mutual fire associations in Oregon: The Lower Columbia Fire Re lief Association, Hop Growers' Fire Relief Association of butteville anc toe Oreeoo Fire Relief Association of McUionville f be latter, of which O. H. Irvine is pred dent is over a year and a half old and baa never bad a loss. Ifrnmirsare correct. Goldeodale bios fair to become tte Denver of the Northwest. Rumor has it that a rich gold txarinsr quartz ledtre ha bD dis covered within four miles ! thtt citv which apparently has no limit The ledge is said to have been traced a (Usance of lisaiutoDave been traced a uicance 011 four miles, and recent assays from the rock snow $50. to the ton in irold. Ex. BbsOhh-deus Got Six YaAiu. The last of the county-road time-check for gers was disposed of in the criminal court today when the court denied lien Childers a new trial and sentenced him to aiz vears in the nenitentiarv. Chil- , - v . T Urn i derswillbe sent to join bis old friend, Tln.. f. liaA "lltllfl nllnw.1 m. A.OVlU V" ' " I ! IIIIIGU UUl from this state about the time the scheme to pass bogus warrants on the county fell through. He was finally lo cated at San Euis Obispo, Gal., and was returned to Portland on a requisition is sued upon the governor of California. Childers has been a school teacher, pro fessional gambler ann pretty much ev erything else in the line of occupations He was convicted of assisting Gee iu making the forgeries, and as he is an ex ix;rt penman, he is supposed to have done most of the writing. Telegram. Tbe Dxmocbat hereby charges up an old account to pront ana loss. Farm Loans. I have a limited amount of mone to loan on good farm lauds in Linn ana ad joining county. On very favorable harms. Interest payable .annuallY, , Call pr 'writs the amount. l.baye , ft?r, loaning will soon be gone. - , ,: . :. .; . ,v: . 0,6, , Bqrkhat, Albany Oregon.; Cream Baking fowdc. wnrUt sPsb HlzbtMeUataod Olotr-V ASTORIA TOWARDS ALBANY. In,,, , T . ..t. .. I Under the.quadruple head, "Theother roid, to be started before the Goble is fished, Hammond will reap the benefit . oI Corey's work, the matter to bo kept quiet till they are ready for action." thft Astoria Budget cays: The Budget Ito fore, stated that the railroad thronnh the Nehalem valley would be under way be fore the Astoria and Goble road was fin ished. Some thought the assertion was premature and without foundation of fact. But according to pretty reliable in formation furnished the Budget by a gentleman who knows what be is talk ing about, the statesment was about correct. i It is evident that there is a good un derstanding between Mr. Hammond and Corey Bros., who are now doing the con tract work on the first ten miles and who will do the balance of the clearing and grading between this point and lioble, ami that the thousands of dollars ex pended on the Goss rond will be turned over for a certain consideration Ibis matter hrt not yet Iteen gii-en to the public and w ill noilouht I deiiietl by Mr. 11 iiiiMiniid ml ussot ialt . but before many inonths roll by the readers of this this paper will have learned that it knows what it i talking altout. - , ipptfll in South Africji. A. Appell, a representative of a large hardware firm in the east, anj who bus ! recently returned from a trip in South Africa, gave a Salem reporter a short summary of the nature of the country and people in an interview today. "Many poo;.' ," a ,i Mr. Apia-ll, ' idi-u'.iia! Johannes- I ..... I . - t . uurg is on in so.i oast, but h.ioU nt tae case, as it is 1,100 miles inland, and is reached by rmiroads iixmi Caj Town j bum iwirgua nay. I trav. i.t in a two- v vai v n II 111 lo Hicil 1118 U-- ' ual conveyance of that country, lien ; u l,...l..l ... ... .. .. .1.1... .. , . . ' . av iroui me raiiruaoa. ine cnmaie : a rounuatKiut coi-rse and a: figures sreAt of l!ie country is very much like Oregon ' ! in advance of w hat ihev should le. the only difference l-ing a hs precipi- j ' That the load ill ln built is evideno latiou. The populatioii cd J !iai;ii-- ,-d by the favt Hint iu all tbt uiounliii burg is about riO.OOO, about half beirg ' iai-ws w h re oppo-ilion luiciit have natives. There is a curfew ordinance ' been espwf d, iron is already 1 d, and all natives mustretire tothrir homes sme bavin U-n bauk-d in bv mulr at9o'clot k. The buildings in the citivs teams Thrr was an object in ih:s. as are as Sue as are to tw found in the or- ! mav lie im:Min..-l. I: i trv enough to dmar-r American city of the same et. ! get a ritfiit-oi-wav through an open 1 ha most of the buulx-r nooit is fbippe-I iununtry, Lot diiRcuit in narrow pa.M from Tacobia, Wash , to Delegoa Bay, through tuountain raiiK.-s, where other which is about 280 miles from Johannes- line have alreaslv a footing. This line burg, and is the nearest sea-port town, j aid be contruc!e.l as soon at xnl.k-, A railroad has recently U-en comple ed j and in a fear iort months the whistle between the bay and the city. of the engines wid 1 beard in Astoria. Mr. Apitell was in tbe o untrv from I When competed. Astoria w ill haws a oi April to September, traveling iluit ; conunuousiy, ana atway in the war mentioned. He exhibited a wy com prehensive map of the couatrv. and in teresting photographs He reports he province ol .Nalai as beiug the onlv real ly warm place he was in, and that trop ical fiuils in abundance are raided there. Near! a:l the wbat consumed is im ported from the United State and Aus tralia, To illustrate the nature of '.he negroes of that country he said a's greatest ambition is to earn enoueh to enable him to buy six oxen, which be exchanges for a wife, time does all the work. Mr. Appell predicted a very rrjperouB future for toe soathern par- of the con- j tineot, and thinks it a gl place for young men to emigrate to. Cclchrttcd the 32nJ Annivcisarv. 1 47 The 32nd anniversary of the omnia- tion of the order of KniebUi of Pythias was celebrated uy the Ait any oUe in their castle last bish dred were present an atite evening. The ibout one hindrel a tout sixty inemters of the Ratbbone Sisters. A program of merit was great ly appreciated. It was as follows: Music by Albany Mandolin C-Iob. Recitation by Miss Ida Maxwell. ocai soio bv Mrs. K-v. McKee, Address by Hon. H. II. Hewitt. by H S.j .i? bv Quartet of voun? ladies. . 'lia tii bone Siters,'by Mrs. N If. Allen, ocal solo by Rev. II. V. Polit.g, Sone by male Quartet. Messrs I'olinsr. Leinenger, Lnndell and Akers. Recitation by Miss Helen Crawford. A duet by Messrs Lnndell and Akers. After the proa ram a fine renast was served and sociability ruled. Brownsville Ore might reasonably hsve exoecled to hear th boiling of the political pots before this, but everything in this vicin ity seems about normal, posiblv a tew individual pulses are running a little high. t. Alut two hun- patrons, Advance, d spent an enjoy-1 n. , v.ii lo!ge now nnmbvrs j t.. m;., ...i i.;i. CI, - WW! ... 2 "I III. aAiu..j The plav being prepared bv the pupil ' ? ? , ,m ,0 w raMl in coia of the North Brownsville school is about i ,T ,x aTmia account cf l he ready for ihe sUge. 1 ru-v. Snvder recently doted a very in terestinir and profitable meet-mr in the 1 irst Presbyterian church, and now another one is in prounss at the l;an it icuurcn Tlie Woodmen of the World are mak ing preparations for the romirg titer tainment in Albany !-aturdav. A grand ime is anticipated. Miss Dora Evans, the vouna ladv who was badly burned some two weeks ao, is now on the mend and her many friends sincerely hope she mav soon lie among the ones at school. If any of our eastern stab 8 cau loast of better wca'her llia:i this. I believe I should think twice U-lure 1 traded places with tbeui, uregon 1 the ohey -o:mtry in the world, tirain is growing rapidly, Howers are in bloom and trees buddinit forth, in fact everything is all we could desire. Thb Exact Time. A display of Wood men's raraphenalia, axes, chips, and a la inch dry Iir log, at Hodges A utirx hart's, has attracted general attention. Great interest has lieen taken '.a the length of time it will take the fastest chopper to cut a like log in two at the contest Saturday night, and guesses are being recorded, displaying how little or how much people know about such things. In order to relieve all anxiety on the subject the liemocbat will give the coming record away. The fastest chopper will sever his loj in just five minutes and 8 seoonds. Wants To Dkbate. C. S. Harnish of Scio, has issued the following challenge: I hereby challenge any resident of Linn . 1. 1 . . I "un.t' w aubate tl,e owing proposi tion: "Resolved, that the unlimited coinage of silver will bene lit tbe United States." I to atlirm, and the accepting party to deny. Debate to take place in the city hall in Scio, and to occupy at least three consecutive nights. I arlies accenting the challenge, to no'.ify me in writing, at least ten days prior to time wished l Hank "!U u to the debate I Dkskkteo. Mr. Grant Kinney, who loft Alriantf aovuru 1 u 1 s u n liua luu n heard from. lie is now jn Southern' Uiilitornia. llis launly are here nearly destitute. The Democrat is informed that Mrs. Kinney has received a letter from him telling ber that he would not return and that substantially sho would nave to look out lor herself and children. Mrs. Kinney is a worthy woman and de serves the friendship of all in her unfort unate situation. CONDOCTOB Ki-bton'b Bckolar. A burglar entered the bouse of Conductor Dave Huston in Portland yesterday morning. -The conductor used his re volver and hit tbe burglar in his arm as he Jumped from the window, , Mrs, Huston joined in the affair, and . sjiot t iti nurgiar lour wines as, he , tied down the atreeto.n, ar,,; .... .., ' Mr. W. F. Ilainmerj who wasdefeated. for the nomination for countv clerk vea. i terday.made friends by bis manly course ft prevehtmg a big-rowiiy withdrawing, V bugh :the voto had been ilkynt, WE WANT VOUR TriAIHS. . We aro Utjro lo loi you. If eve.y thing is not O. K. kindly tet us know We are not soiling at coit LiH at moder ate profits. Wo can litrnish yon any thing in the harness line at lowest prices see on-line ot i'u ana zo cent whips POWKR &. TOUUNHOM, AU Right on Paper. The following from tlieSalt Lake Her aid, is at least interesting, and the (x rat liopes will prove true : Running i-oiitli from l"riadown the coast it a short line, wjt:--i w receutly by A. B Ti.iiiiii iiid. who is raid to bavu tiehiiid hiiu f .ie linn of 1 1 B. CUrflin & Co.. of NeYork, for the Bum of (53,0jtt. It is called the Seashore roal. It is proposed now toexteud this line eastward as far as O-itario, eoniiect ing with the Short Line aud cutting out Portland with her Oregon Railroad and Navigation. This new line penetrates the richest oriioii of Centra! Oregon, a region where there are no railroads at preswnt The country is rich in valuable luulier. and is a mineral and attticuStu ral country coinb:rnd. F-ast of torvalli ihc line pa&M-e near Baker v ity, win-re there are Mime rivh mines lion. Hcoe J liranr, and other Sail Lake tuirties being heavily- intt re-ted there. The building of Hi's line wilt oiieii up a new held lor Hie smelters tin. aii.t J ttttt Ul 1 lie lJiU Ol IbiS M-ctlOll linn t-iiM auiountif ,t timtjt-r which ikjw comes in reel rouic to the ctast l.v the wiv of the Short Line and the Oregon Central A Eastern and mill have a competing line wi;b the Southern Pacific. Lebanon. Miss Ixvia ScvMl of Alhanr is vlsilins Miss Lelia Westfal!. MissGeorgu of Albany vie: ted over Sunday with Mrs. W, t. Chandler. At the peor-ie's oartv orimarv. Salur- ho from t!iS joay, nti j.siier was nominate! ior jua jticeof l ho peace and G. W. Taylor lor 1 constable ot the two Lelanon prtxtnets. C. H. Yehrs. the cn-amery man. has moved from Sodavle precinct to a place between Brownsville and HaUw-v, w here he will Xiulsntie the crwmierr lysines. Mr- Vur hone.1, ei.ierprSs;Dg and enenwtse man. at.rtl in Kim mil tit nr- I lrii this cunininite mid'Aina nn'-ia m lo.. Hi new U.-.- .-o u ,.nii,i .! for a creamery, and be wid doubt- He do well there, for both hitneelf and wa lb gact tin week. S. II. Myers, of this citv, has in his jns.-ion a copy of a a j r j.r.nled in Ik!on in 1770. It is needie to ar that it does not look very much like a fioston paper of today. Last Friday ai Attorney Garland was r turning from Albany, he attempted to aiiitht from the Ira n at the Hodire una. erty wtiio the train was in motion. Its made a misstep and went rolling on the ground and rooting in the mod As a result he has ben wearing considerable court piaster on bis upper hp tbis week and carrying a rather stiff arm. Ex prrs. ib? New woman social annoonc-! 1 1 be ifivn bf lb Y. P. S C. E. of the Preb- tmac cburcb next Welody evecir.jr. hat leen postponed. An electric light plant is msarft in t lb l-s-,'r trn es, under rbrg of Waiter Holm. n. of Salem. That hat a nerns.i netit look to it. Mrs. I. F. Craig wlio recently received ... . . .. . . . . . . .... -' "T- nr a t ii 1 1 m . . &i " ""PO ot lot ot Ainina v " . w. i ns piirrnr wi-re San Fnniii."0 parties end the considera tion was tl5,O0. S. E. Cra:g is in EagnMie for thi pnrpons oi suninsr a creamery. All tH? smaiier p!as .ire nis talkintr creamery, the suc- cess of the Alhunv creamery having at tractcl uenern! attention. One wt I reach Salem in tinw Charles M Kep. oi Kon-d Grove, claims that Nspo'eon I a vi rv.rttracteil to rv him 9 005 for the F.rt Grov bank and some j other property, and Mr. Keep nw t rin I suit to compel Mr. Davit to "punele" and carry out In agreement.--Ex. Ridinc fir a n.Ktor during lal weeV.Cos 11 trnar.1 role trom l-oil t Ar!ini.-n, bO nule, in six horns. Th first iH mil to Condon, he r vle in one hnr. f hre be trot a chanip of horK-. and finisV.e-1 tbo re maining rodiMi in five boon Over rough, mountainout roals. aftsr dark Ex. Dr J. L Hill r.veit-f.1 rtcrlar frvm ie. II. LamlKon, R. K. of Albany HiT No. 2 Ladies of the Maccatxvs a ch-ck for f 2W0.00 in settlement of his claim n tho beneficiary of Mary P Hill. TM makes 1 1.OT0 cominir Ipfo Albany within a year trom claims allowed to the orders cf tbs P. O T. M. and L. O. T. M. all paid witmn six weeit alter trnng claims. Tlw law firm of Brvson, Yates & Yales has ceased. The gentlemen have disilveil partnership by mutual consent. M 1 ales will be associated together. wbHu .luilga Hryson will prurlice alone The dissolution wan an nmicab'e one their larirs amonnt of contbetinz chentnirs rsndennir it necc sary. They will continue to occupy tneir precnt omce. iorvatus ttaMtie Mr. Watt Monteith, of Portland, is visiting Albany frwnds. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young returned this noon from a trip to Portland. J. W. Wilson, representing tbe S. B. Medical Co., of Dofur, Oregon, was in the city today. Miss Rosa Mtftd, of Portland, is in tbe city the guest of Dr. Adams, a former Dakota friend. j Prof. J. E. iove has resigned his pos ition in tbo Drain c.rmnl school, and Iihb accented tho nrincipalship of Can- yonvi.lo school. Tho Democrat hears of only one per son being mentioned for recorder on the democratic ticket, Hon. J. P. Galbraith, of this city. A more efficient man could not lie secured for tho position. Clarence Avcrv. formerly of Corvailis. is Chancellor Commander of the consol idated K. of P. lodge in Portland, and the Oregon Senator says he hns lieeti frequently spoken of as the best C. 0. on the coast. A. B. Hammond, instead of leaving for the front yesterday as it was intended was obliged to waif until today: The train was again held for him and he with Several friends left at 12-.S0 for 'Detroit. Mr. llitntmond Is reported to have stated thttt'a project was edfttettrrilabid for the erection- of 'a' big1 faw lull 1 in' Albany, which it is to be hoped is eottsammatBd. It is also generally desired to sue t,hqroad extended into aturn; Oregon, in fact that is dosired ahead ot all oihor things.": ! " ."k,-t!- '.wi . f. 1. Real Estate Sales. John O Mickalson to Jos Mick- alson, 120 acres, Jw 1 $ 1000 Bolin to Nancy J McMeeken, 100 acres, 14 w 4 300 Agnes Logan to Cail Krucger, 147 acres. 10 US " 2(100 J A McFeron to Alvira Mackey, . tax deed to 200 acres of 0 11 Wheejer S8 Harry M Rogers to Mrs Emma Unburn, 1-10 of lot 4, bl 4, Al bany : I D 8 to H M Pennington and wife, 650 acres.... Patent Jas P Crabtree to Wm B Donaca, 5.57 acres, 10 w l 25 J A Richardson to J A and Martha A South. 90 acres, 11 wl 2100 Caroline Shelton to J A Richard son, B.Iili acres, Scio 2X) Emma A Keene to S A McCall, 41H.::t5acrc3, 9E1 5000 G Jl D.wjgt to G M Wesifall, 210.8" acres, 13 w 4 3000 G M Westfall to G II Dodte, 50x170 feel and of 62x170 feet. Lebanon .'XX 0 J W Glililand to J J GilliUbd, . 143' sorts, 13 K 1 1 L!wis A Scott Ut Columbia Junes, 170.55 acres, 12 w 3 IJoOO I W Xewcmnb to II L Neacomb 1 lot, Tangent.... 5 S ius)n to T M Zoosmau, 1 lot. B's ad to Albany 1 J A McFeron to Nancy M Clark, tax deed to 47 acres fl.75 Susan Martin to Elizabeth Zimiiis, 40 acres, 14 w 2 oOO II Bryant to Melissa A Burkhart. lot 5. bl 15, it's 3rd ad 300 Alonxo tirant to R. A. Rampy trustee. 200 acres. 1 j w 4 '. 3400 Oregon to W lla.inltou. 13..VS acres, 10 w 1 27.12 A Miner Opinion. Toe McMinnville T. R. siys: A miner now in this city who has wotkinl in the Q'larlxville. mines within the oaotsix niH.ttis give it a his opinion that the li-l'ift. when lull developed by the ICiigiisii syndii-ate no working' a 20 itiiil. will tie the best ravinj m jn- uitf district in the northwest. Tte ore is tilth grade and etsity imlie.1 and the t.t:iiig are siisceptt' l- rt-fbictiort bv thesyanide proivs. Tt mineral U-h exU-u l irom Moiaiia to Ulicuaa and as yet has twen but litt'e boieCted. On nearly every biliM It. a irol pan pr s-(i-t can Ik obtainwi. An Albany com- iny 1 as a 10 stamp mill about a tn. aljove the property of the syndicate and white it lias not been in olecranon for some time past Ihe discovery that the cyanide procestt can be used on the ore has in laced the proprietors to fsrdicr develop their holdings. . The ore of the district is not uniform in milling proper- tie, toe uecompoel quarts being touod in patches m the ledge; a majority of it is ooevr decotn oooj and toe ore can be called free milling. It asavs from to (WO a ton and to the miner's knowledge a tcpoouful of go d was ob tained from washing a pan of the ie?o-n- poM ore witnoot urn mtiuogtt. im camp in bis opinion, is the tet place in the northwest for a prospector as it has been opened by the capiia!itf in a way that gs vw surety of the sale of a gol proewrct when founL He is very ea thussastic ovrr the tutare of th district and will spend the summer prof peeling it. Sivibji. OaJHTioxs There is likvlv to be a spirited contest overUie confirm ation of Referee Woodcock's report next Tuday. when Judge Futlerton will .it in special session to hear arguments pro and con of the several attorneys inter ested. Ohiections to the report have been flJd b-sun and Booth, as attor neys for 'm. M. Hoag. Geo. . Coe, trus'ee. T. E. Hogg and VV. II. Bums. etal; Jobnon A Huiford and Snow A forinurancecom(an!es. who claim prionty of paymeot on their re ceiver's certificates; and L. Fiinn for D. B Montetth, John A.Crawford. W. L. Yance, First National Bank of Allwny, and L. Fiinn. Wilson and Itufford aik tor confirmation ol that portion of the re port relating to Benton county's lax claim. J. N. Dancan, attorney for Linn county's tax claim, and John Burnett and E. E. Wilson, representing tbeciaim of School Dirt. No. S, also ask that the report be confirmed Wealberford & Wyatt ask to Lave the report modified so as to ailow Lincoln county 3.33l claimed as taxes for the year 1S92. Ga xeite. 17 Vi 8. A large audience witnessed the game of base ball last n ght at tbe opera boose between the Y". M. C A. club of Saiem and F. Company of Al ienor. It was hot from tbe start. The Albany bevs plaved a plucky bard game, but were unequal to tbe occasion. Ches ter Marphy in the box and Joe Evans lie bind the bit area remarkably strong bat tery, well backed. Murphy made 5 of talents 17 without an out. roller ana Stellmaker did good battery work for Al bany. Wm. Welch umpired for Albany nd W. C. Paige for Salem, both impar tially, only one dispute arising during 1 ... r .. fal ti.ftf iKa i-alem club tlefeated the O. N. G. cmb of I he Capital Citv Welnesdav night 2S to 8. the score did not make a bad showing. Following is tbe result by innings: Salem 0 6 2 1 5 0 o O X l, Aihanv 1 2 -0 -0 2 0 3 0 0 S A Neic.hbohlv Arraia. It. Arnold and E. it . Beman are neighbors in the third ward On account of some chick ens and other things bad feeling has pre vailed between Mr. Herman and Mrs. Beeman, culminating in trouble last Tuesday. Mr. Arnold had a complaint sworn out in Recorder Henton s court for the arrest of Mrs. Beeman. The case was being tried this afternoon at press time before a large audience, with J. J. W hitney a counsel for the citv and Ke. ley A Curl for for the defendant. M r. Arnold swore that on tbe occasion refer red to the defendant called him "a d d low thief, rascal, etc." and the defend -ent in turn declared thai tho prosecut ing witness spoke pretty emphatically. Result not reached at pr 81 time. Tn Web is Bxtso Wisflrs about Mc- Kensie the man in jail ior lewd cohabi tation. Capt. Humphrey, deputy pros ecuting attorney, has received, a letter from the father" of Ella llolcomb, tbe vic tim of McKensie. statins that she was born in April I8.S0, that she was never in California and was never married. The man is lioble to no up f r perjury as well as lewd cohabitation, and it looks now as if he will not get any more years than he deserves. ' Hot I the lather ana uncie 01 the irirl. will probably bo hero when court meets. The big prize fight came off this after noon in Mexico. Fiusimmons knocked Matter completely out in ons round. J. W. Rentlev at bis old stand in tho Cnsick block. Bools and shoes made or repaired well and csrefuby. - DISTRESSING DISEASES OP TUB SKIN Instantly Relieved . . aB - i j5peedlfy j Cured by 1 v BFmniT-Ciai-aArwsirr. Warm baths wHhCiwwwa Bat, wmtH applt- Mllww of ODTioeaAfoiaunMHuMl mlM daw ( OmrioDaa RasutiTaMr (Uwmw biooi mUir 'i. ... :..L..:'. -1.1 Jit'.k'i..'t i moia uraHnw m? vimiu. i.fiiiMi .! f. " - vaua a casw. V0r- raw, mw, . . V" f -v iwiwa .a,. .tZm .1 111 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GCTv't Report ii w cy kSJJJ SATUEDa BUILDING AND LOAN. The seventh annual meeting of the Albany Building and Loan As-wciation was held last evening. Secretary Winn delivered hit annual report w hich show ed the foi. owing ; CASH rECKIVkU. Cash on hand hit t ftatetnent. .$ Reed fr m due,-,. iote e-t ei.-tram-eand exjne f, fines and tax Ren;s , lepu)-it accuUvideiid 6' 00 Total'. -ylH.i2 21 t lv-0 00 . b! 31 . 327" 50 . 201 20 75 10 IX' 10 ." 12 50 3 ' 7 . 534 21 OlMtdKKUi NTS, Ixians W ithdrawttts ,, Exette. acct ..... Loan Liens and recording deed Foreclosure !-e Insurance Tax Road tax Foreclosure .... Remrdiflg Je-d I4-, Ciits,-tc Total paid out Balance on Land . . . . III 349 .Vi 2 ;i The following shows the No. of serie. No. of shares, amount in dollar paid pr share, tot.i aniu'int p. id. the gain ior the M'rie, tne jjin for ea-b share, and the present v:ur of I i..krc: IS'172 SH SS7 CO 14: 19 .132 3& 372 .512 2 I ft , 40 r fy-J - ,i 2ti.V2 00 1 5 to 7 i 1 1 !2 i 20 fti 3 2H 7:'j 2ultii lC7 22 i 47 110 47 4 I ft fifl 1311 IO 6"SJ -C.U 24 H3 24 2Uli l 131 1 lJ LMifW 2100 l'f '.;!'! 75 f j 1W2 W, 72 (of ( 6 ti'.U ) Tit 93 7H I125 224! (Oi 24 -.01 ?tlll 2T 76 27 1274 fc7;20 57i fcH .'.7 54 2 IK 2i 20 4 8 4 4' , : 2-i 2-t H IS C. 57 248 .'6jl3 4: 292 15! 10 13' 49 40 40 13 - 7 44 S3 44 17i4 26 I 4 4- 22 44 12 i-6 001 3 20; 15 2.' The as:s are as follows : Cssh on band I.'ians on real estate IHs from memls rs on lxk Real estate . Fixtures, etc Personal notes 82 71 . 74.0 i . 3.020 42 . 5,740 5V us co 241 41 13 I.- nncame-1 interest, tic. Net asse's 7313 64 In tweir payments the valne f the 1st serirs iacn-afccl from 13 to 132. SS. makiog $27 24 or 2.27 for each tl. This iil u:cras in the next year, in dicating that the 1st series wi!i mature in a little over two years, perhap t.o and a ha if. between nine aud fn yiar in ait, a fine showing considering tl.-; f ct liiat the bard l;a-s tsa af!ectd the buitie the same as that of ethers. This will be c-iai lo the matunty of the Frankiin Ao:;ation ot Portland, which crarred in a prosperous time. Toe follow ing dsria.-tors were elected : Dr. J. P. Wai.ace. H. Bryant, E. W. Ijinsden, D. P. Wtf , J. S. Iuncan,A. I'.. Woodin. C. B. W ion. S S. Train, A. M. Hammer. The board elected otficeis as follows: President, S. S. Train: vice president, II. Bryant; treaurer, E. W. Langdon ; secretary, C. B. Winn ; finance committee. Ir. i'. P. Wallace, H. Bry ant. A. ii. Woodin ; attorney, J. N. iHin can. A Covptvros's Lir. The following from the Asn'aml Tidtntrs gives an in teres ting phase in the life of an S V. railroad conductor: The dismissal cf Conductors n.H. Jamieton ar.d Jack Andrews from the service of tbe Is. P hss been considerably discussed in rail road circles the past week. Tbe Kansas City suretv company which furnishes bonds for ail tbe S. P. conductors is said to be the cause of the tronble, with which tbe railroid company itself is not inter ested. The surety cumpanv is an arbi trary cold blooticu asMciation and one of its 'spotters checked op Jamreons train and reported two fares from Rot burg and one from Phoenix to Ashland short- The suretv corn ranr withdrew from bis bond ami of course the railroad company could not retain accord it. to its rules a conductor wik could not fur nish bonds, although Jamieson's numer ous fneuds maintain that if he were given a bearing be could easily vindicate hitmeil. Conductor Andrews was oe- s irons of retiring from railroading, any way, and the loss of his position will not inconvenience turn it is satd. A Fast Cuojteb. A local contest was held in Brownsville to decide who should represent the Woodtnen in the ron'et at Albany tonight. . L.. iiyde won on 15 inch log severing it in S min., 45 seconds. Speaking of the affair tbe "limes says: Mr. McFarland was time keeper, and while he was intently g ax ing into a face of a high-priced watch, it it stopped short. Another gold watch was Landed him and no sooner bad be cast his eve upon its face than it, too. stopped. That Henry McFarland. who prides hirotel! as being the handsomest man in the city should stop a watch, seems phenomenal, and needs an ex planation. Not Grnvrr. The c-ise asainst Mrs K. W. Beeman, arrested on complaint of H. Arnold and tried before Recorder Henton. was finished last night about 6 o'clock and nt 10 todav Recorder Henton rendered his decision finding the defend ant "not guilty." Mrs. Beeman swore that she did not use the word d d, and several neighbors did not hear the expres sion though they heard tbe other words. .Mr. and Mrs. Arnoni each swore itiai the word was used. The Recorder de cided on the preponderance of testimony The case attracted considerable atten tion. Osw a Few P.vski. The teacher's examination held in Albany last week resulted in one, Miss Amy Collins, of this citv.secitrine a first grade, one, Mrs. Jackson, of Brownsville, a second grade, and six third grades, 29 either failing to advance or to pas. State certificates will be granted the following if the re-l port is conSrmed by tlu state boards! customarily is done: Misses Ma rv Wil liams, Ollie Baltimore and Nellie Colby, of Albany, Miss Carrio Eoval of Halsey, and Mr. George Howe, of Brownsville. New Time Card. Following is the new tinu car! of tb Allinnv Street Railway: the car will leave . corner 01 tun anc Washington streets as follows: 4:20 a. ra. for morning overland train 8:00 " " lbanoo train. 11:35 " ' Yaquina train. 12:00 noon, tram going south. 12:35 p. 111., Rosebnrg train north boun and west bound Yaquina train. on both the .Southern. Pacific audM.C E.riulroad. .Mi: 1.1 .,C0 BoRaHJkRT. 1.-05 p.m, U. V. H fc. train, easA lKna. cbas, that you have the 'genuine 'rf Goins, K.H." Alien, WnuL. Vance, 4.HMI " Iba nan train. which is mannPK-tured by t he tuorwia TUrrett and Samuel E; Toung.Who 1.S5 Ovrland train going south. . Fig tsyrup Cx. only, and sold by sdirep- l E. D. Barrett ana lmuea 1 ou g, . ' t)rpbatv's Home. 5 ut able druggists, . are now prepared to sell thfc Dcst The car will aUeuicet all incomingtrains It in tho enjoyment of goM health, - - ik ;,. . ,i. v .; - ,. 1. .Secretary i.'' ' w . .-"j, i.r-. ut. rrica s cream uaiuns iwu World's Fair Highest Award.. fTi B mm sPbwdeE SOCIAL AND HKRSONAL ' County Assessor Deakins has leturtied from Cali form ia greatly improved in j health. " Hon.T.J. Black, of the U.S. cugtomJ d!fMy Portland, was in the city this nocn ' oH his way to Haleey. Dr. John Gei-ndorfer, cf Arl.rnfton, is in the city,. He was recently falb-n on by a horfe, and is somewhat uii'ler the weather. President W. C. Ha-a ! y, of Wi:ioi ett Univelity, came up fro a - e ibis noon with his ax and h . . - ;.. contest lonigin in practice 1 s choppet a 15 inch piece of .-'-n iir ! lees than iiiiunU.-. I'rr br v ;i i. j at leart twice as long, THK MAMHA WAHtV.7oS TU. j Th-re was a large lEathering. at ti.e Martha Washi gi.n lea at ti.e ariioryj last evening, given liv the .;.-!i- t t-.e Congn.'gali'ijiul churcl.. It uas a jj:c cess in rvery particular. Th Wa-iiirr- tooian cXJtrai.-ters ere all wed reprsei.t ed creating much interest in ilse.r pit; t ing makeup. Tt program was pio nouncefl good. The o?iart-t san 'Jior-; and More;" George and Martha Weai.- in).'ton, f. J. Smiley and Garr, leaitl a grand march, followed bv :d-nio-t the entire audience. Mu Liliie Crawford rw-iled Briar R'-Mr and Mis He'en Crawford "The Bell- of Enderby," U.tii with hue eiic t. Iwuttn .s a iviiig by the jiiart-t. The lkyc C.nb pre sented a lan-e'-Tiie Colonal "AswiirUy," and reieivej man.- rouipHmeuts. !Sx"iaM ity ami a choice repait followed ' The Fres-io, Caiif. Morning Republi can, ot 1-eb. lo, ronlams the JOuOHing account of a weddim; in that citv. iu w bich the bride is a so-t-r of Mr. George f. AcinTM.n, oi this city, ai d at one time a resident of Albany: 'liap;iily Mar ried At tiie resiiienor ri .. A. Coney on Unshmton Ave. Ie ""o.-rsi Rue and Mi- Miniiie A. too-) er..- marritd at 9 o'clock la-t evening. J t-'sn o&ciatitig. A uimr of lrieni ami relatives were prei-eiit. itie br:tfe receive-J several iw - iUtKa! presents. Her bright, genial jdisoo:liou has on forlier many friends. an-i ;ney o I'l le lolii to give ber up were it not tbal she is to remain w ltti ns for the present. We all join in wishintr I tttem a bapt-v Kiamev ti.rcmeu lite. Linn county Inends oi the bnde will join in the good w isht-s. WooJmca Tonight. The Woodmen wut begin choppicif" al 6:30 tonight when they w ill meet the special Corvaliis train, at 7 o'clock the river boa. will arrive with visitors from ; Salem and other places. With other Woimeu already in llie city the pro sesmon will match to the ball, receive souvenir axes and then march to the oocra hoae at S o clock, when the pro-1 (gram heretofore paMssneU will be pre sented. Oreat interect is taken in this, pirticniarly tlie chopping ccntet,j between cbontn from r.wene. liims 1 mrz. Brownsvjiie. Haifev, Corvailis. Stay ton, Manoc. haU-m, Independence,! Monmouth, Da-lias and Euesa Vista, j After tbe exercises the metni.-ers adl tneir lamutes wiit pi ue .! wreo at 10.30a i-an-ioet wi;l ! spread lor 140 at one tabSe. and sea's for others, ciar- inz whtch the Manloiin wul p!ay. Ttsts will t eiveu with Mayor Btirk-I hart ii loaft n,au-r. Peck o Waa. Frank Abram Fowell tbe mot eloquent speaker on the Pacific Ooat will deliver a series of f re lectares in the Albany opera bouse three nights. commencing Monday, February 24, on the following subjects: 3ionday nizht. "Jesuitism:" Tae.Iav night. Romanim in America; wecneMay nieht. "Protesunttm vs Romanism. tiiven under tbe auspice of tbe A. P. A. fcvervbody coruiaiiv invue:. uioies pecialiv. "Come and bear Mr. Poweil,he is an able and eloquent speaker. By or der of president. Baowsavrujc. Seldon Warner so far recovered trom tbe sad condition ill which be was found last Fnday morn-1 im?. a to be awe 10 return to aicMj. M rs. amcr came not om Albany jaoo. day and remained with her busband un til Wednesday, w ben sue accompanied blm to their home in the county seat. Harvev Burrell. Watt Monteitb, of Portland, and John I?ui, of Albany, will arrive in the city this evenin, aod wbl soend a few ays iu this ncinity. shooting snipe. Gecr?e McKnsght, one of tbe republi can candidates for sheriff, was in the citv last Saturday. Mr. McKnight has Wn all thro-j.'h tbe southern part Ol the countv. looking after his political chances. Time?. 0it of Weakness comes s rtmrtb when tbe blood has been puritied. enriched I and Titaiued. tbe appetite restored ani I tv-s.em built up fcy Hood s fcarsapa-l rilla HooJ's Pills core ninsea, sick bea'- ache, tudigesUon, biliousness. All dra gists. i?c. O 2so Sr. h. Broders is no In his new and nat brick, where he will keep a lanre and choice stock of meats of au kinds. Oive bim a call. m Mrsic Miss Mildrci Barmester teacher of piano or organ. System the .uason loucu mu irvumuiiv. i,rc,v.v ...... F.fth street, opposite L P chmch. I Gladness Comes With si better understanding of the transient nature of the manv phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in tho knowleUgo that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but satnpiy to a ocasuoaicu wo tion of tho system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup ot t igs. prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, aud is everywhere esteemed so highly br all Who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fao" that rt is ms one remedy which promotes m cleanliness, without aeon organs on wbrch tt acta. It Is therefore all important, in oivvr to f ai ooe- ficial ViTcets. V oto wnen you and tho system'ls regular, then laxa tivs or other remouieti .n.. I n..:i to note when you Pur;Tnnw If afflicted witu any actual aisea, w 1 mmmmuM to the most skillfut .v...,. ai.. ekvlit liaye-thbest.nnd W physicians, rau; -";,v 1 'rn symnof , Fiiw sunda higbe&AApd vh most largely " wsodandgivesmof' eralsatbdaction. I.lsit f Patents. Granted to Paciiic States inventors this week. R-iirted by C. A. f-now Co., sjlic:itors of American and I or-is;rt patents, opp. t. , i'att-v.l o .ii-, Vs.i ngton, D. C. J W lieckwith. Ga'r, Car. tr.-i.i; hame boric; If Bi.l., San trati.i l-. "(,'al, i igarette-rnxebine ; V." Booth, j.o. Angeles, Cai, oil-'onrner f-w-l-jcoritiv ; J V .Cover, Everett, Wash, ca.hU -!!- S Crump, SpfAane, WtaU, producitiv molds for cape-makirig t';ac ir.ts; Eide, San Francisco, ( al, steam engine'--alve; W Forward, San Diego, Car, pro pulsion of lioals ; H H Gasr.Los A9,- Cal, nail-setting hammer and iricar.-: for charging same widi nails; J L Meaid, Crockett, Cab, -cobtroiling n,ei for engines; T G K-ad,Lot Angeles, Cal. fifth-wheel ; .0 H Thomas, Socora, Cal, or!-wasber; W S l.onr.g', IrdrU:rg, Cal, pr&ning imt l-Ci'-rf. VREGUiATOR THE BEST SPRING FilEDICINE is Simmons liver regllator dont forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like 211 nature, and the system becomes choked Dp by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and tne whole body invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOODwher your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SiMMONS Liver peculator it is Simmons Liver rbgulator wfesA difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; battake SIMMONS LrVER REGU LATOR, Yon'U find the RED Z on every package. Look for it. J. H. ?ii" & Cxx, Philadelphia, Pa. IP, if .cmiag; rhe rrvatest R-l er on tb Biajirt fo: iUeases of the Livsr,KiJn;ysnJ Cco- tt pa tion. Pleasant to take by aid c-r jra. No rripme. Tbe root cf tbs Livenne plint is exies - vlv Ged in Norway h ihe core of Piles & ii... . 2 :-i Wnolcsale iiinufactnres, ANCR'.'R S CHEMICAL Lt. Lebanon. Oi ! I Ai 4. r,- erw rntf tscirsr-oa. We idnsc, ii ratsc'ij! -nw eti aarr Oail outoasuup v.ieJStf J rS ot K31C in tke airos-c t-iht aat fcoe. Aiiirea. ! CA.SNCW&G04 QaK-kry.TasrwacatT, FiTcr Cared. r.xr 00s ot Sts w-ha sutler ucrvcw5iies mental ircrry, artsris ct the biajs." are bnt jartaj tbe piai:y ci eaily excesses V5o tims, reclaira ypor aiasbood, reseaia Tear Tigr. Doat despair. Seid tf explanation and prootS. Mailed (seaiw tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO.,EuffaIo1N.Y. Hon DOLi-mRS in Youm Own Locaut? cae easily and honorabSy.withcatca?; during vocr siare hours. Any waj - oiuan, boy, or gi 1 4 ca.i tio the work lwi .v without cxjfricu..e. Talking Ptv teccssary. Kothitu Lk It for mor wakuigcvcrotSrav! boforj. Ourworvei' wavs prosi'T- -Vo 13 " T,5teJ f ATKins the bu-i-e-s- We teach y i niht how rtJ -cec-.! from ttie Mr-' lour Yon can rr.ake a trial wlhont eT peu to yourself. We st art yon, ronit evcrvthiua ueo!et t carry on the bu- bcjs" iriccessfc: ?. and guarantee J S against failure if yon --ut follow '.? simple, plain iustrtxiioiis. Ceadw. you ere In necl of rcai'.y money, sv. wnt to kBo.v all aaout the best rayi easiness befors the public, send us V1 audress, and we will n:l you a d- eiitglvlngyoaaUihei'.-ujcti-ar . -.RUE& CO., Cox 400 Aufiusta, Mal"; ALBANY Red Crown Milliug C under vthe niahagenient of Ed FLOUR s- At market at rcasonau. ratis. Highest cash price taid for wheat. gIMMONSV i mm LI "I ;4 .1.1 i.i