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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
SltfTO fifthly liMl . ' -JWJ )k. Aw. if VOL XXXI. Entered eft tte "'col Hc llnaay. r. eecsad't'laiia Mali Matirti ALHVNY QC?JMH)N. PIMDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1896 r. r: SVTT rakllaaer frsri t--'i.".W" 1 m s 4 s for Infants and Children. -Caatorla issowell adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any prescription Asowntome." H. A. Abcbkr, M. D., Ill So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y. "The nse of 'Castcrla' is so universal and ft merits so veil known that it sercns a work f supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent famfflea who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." C'WrfTB. ILtBXYa, D. D NewTorkCttTv Tax Cektacb. Oommst, 77 31umu Streh; Nr Yoax Cm. Caitoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote B- gestioa,v 'Without Injurious medication. "For several years I hare recommended 'Castorta,' and shall always continue to do so, cs it has invariably produced beneficial results.' Eownf1. Passes, X.D-, ' 125th Street and 7th Aveu, New York. Ctty. THOMAS BRINK, Ml Muds of furniture and bedding, and it you want tli8 mos" complete flour safe, he has them and his nrces the lowest ALBAf.Y, OREGON Belles m ONE GIVES RELIEF. t-Sm , jf - - - . lt r;''ff1-: -Yae" KEEP constantlv on hand a full line of metallic, tlolS an tekete and coffins AUo burial robes and Baits, in broadcloth, satin. eaiiui whuu ri I be notaju The l.ol f-vfng PrtltA. EMBALMING J " proper care of 'he dead a special'y. TEHrLK fV jit'-- - SM-T1 tW CSEGO. HO EXTRA CHARGE FOH HHAESE OR SERVICE. ALBAP4Y CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. lrijrielor Evidenced by the fact that there were mors of ihm sold in 5 than any other make. Be sure to see sample before purchasing your 96 wheel. - MABK BY INDIANA BICYCLE cO. IXDIA-VAPOLIS, 1SD Hodges and Goff, Hma nrh ffMMitwdnm9 cuH!f. verraanecUy sB. - . .-.i..-r of BrUa fDK uo&t, evil dreaaia, Unpoieocir ami nr. tloe Uueaae canard by uuufuumn oronwi. CoutalnecoopiaMw. UaaorveMal Easily carried In mtpoctet. a per do: i w if dli i l haak. acfl! !iti imtpwer. wfta tinionlmia ana ForUemAibor. J. A.CUUiUti.anaDy buwm .- Star bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts C0H8AD MEYE8 PRCPHin03. ALBANY TRAD1KG CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KWDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de li very. Telephone o. 51 Cor. 2nd and Mair. 6ta. - - Dealer la - Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned 31 eats, Queensware, Vegetables, Cigars, Splcee, Tea, Etc. THURSDAY COUNTY COURT. (J. N. Duncan, oounty judf(e; t U. WUwi andJ.W. Pugh, Oommiauonera., Bill of A. R. McDonald for $500 dam ages was disallowed. Bert Gather resigned as supervisor of dist 51 and 0 II Whitney was appointed; F M Kizer of dist 36, Vm A Lane ap pointed Tax of Gabriel Long levied in 189 and 8td, ordered cancelled. "The following road supervisors weie appointed: Dist 1, 1 N Brothertou ; dist 21, M Gor man ; diet 33, Wm J Lackey ; dist 48, J B Davis, dist 49, J J Sawyer: dist 3, G F Harold. A bill for 500 damages has been pre sented by A R McDonald on account ot n accident on a county bridge. Boundary line of road district 10, was ordered changed. J. J. Sawyer was appointed sui ervisor ot diet 4. In application of A. F. Goach for coun ty road, Thoe Hunkers, Alfred Goin and John Smallnion appointed viewers, to meet at Shelburn Feb. 26. In application of 0. E. Echet et al, for county road. C P Hasaler, John Van dorfy and Frank Gaines appointed view ers. Certificate of tax sale of O II Wheeler for 1892 ordered transferred to A M Mjckey for $49. Certificate of tax sale of Frank Blair for 1S91 ordered transferred to llallie Jamea for 12.9l . The followiug bills were allowed ; Salary bills J A McFeron . . , iN iNeeduan) J X Duncan...... DF Hardmaa PG Morris .. A Rutherford FMKednehl , QErrotst John Usher .. 1'uor account : . Aid Mrs Clark Cox family Kenworthy family Alberts family OT Lubker Alma Vail Mrs Sarah Hines Robert Gillock Orin Watson Powers Family Mr and Mrs Iiarnarj Jos Lewis Irs U F Junker Henry Myers las Larew H F Mcllwain, aid poor V Merer, aid John uocran W C Farley, digging grave for Lovd Montgon-ery C Jackson, acct roads C Coolev & Co., roads DaleleUU A Everett, roads Oregon agt Alex McEimsey .... Uregon agt f.dwani UcKoen Jotin tox N Millard, roada Geo D Barnard, books LGotheb, jau V hraaci, deputy sheria W E Potter, road supervisor GeConnt, " Mary E la via, acct poor Electric Light Co Stewart & Sox Hardware Oo,roads Drawing jury diet 12 Geo E Fish, 0 H and jail B F Crow, board J Cochran H L Laseell, road supervisor F M Hazen " " ili G W Hardwick, indigent sol dier G F Harold, road sup M F Taylor aid W tndham DrR A Jayne, coroner, sect in quest Cochran, killed above Crawfordsville O P Dannala, mads T F Miller and W E Arnold, re- paiiTDg bridsv Drawing jury for dUt 7.. .... . ncurj u i uct imiu ruu. ......... Parker Broe, acct poor r ortmiiier & lmng.acct poor. . . . Mary E Davie,aid Cay wood A wf. li 1'rUI, aid Karriittit laiuny. . . rirde & Tyler, roads O W Watts, printing Drawing jury dist 2 Oregon agt John Doe Y li Biivea, acct roads W C Miller, " " Myers & Iliggins Tbos Monteiih, incidental C L Morris, depot y sheriff W E Chandler, depnty ahenn . . Dr G W Maston, acct poor $ S W Moore, deputy sheriff w l. Chandler, depot sneim .... Oregon agt Alex McKinney Hamaborg luaiher (Jo Oregon agt J D Wigle Oregon agt M Parker J A Jones, roads Gloss & Pradhomme, books Santiam Lumber C, lumber. . . . J M Keeney, deputy sheriff Conn 4 McCheaney, building scaffold Oregon Tel Co B A Kellogg, gnard Aiontomery W H Looney, road sap Bridge at Sawyers mill P J Smiley, printing Train & Whitney, printing D F Hardman, acct recorder Mrs M Baomgart, acct poor ETTFisher K H G rover, roads J M Waters, roads M Waters, commissi jner M Ponlsen, janitor J W Pugn. commissioner & . i . i i . a aicreron, uoara prieuoera. . . " " office expense J C Davis, stock inspector H Moyer, com n lor poor L txlgar, roads Sloper dt Lofin Bros Adjourned. TAX LEVIES. The w'ork of extending the tax levy on the assessment roll of 1896 is in progress, Mr, J. A. Wilton doing the work, one of very many figures, made complex by ti e special school and city levies in ad dition to the county levy of 15 mills. The roll, though, will not be burdened this year by the Albany levy, which will be made under the new charter by the re corder, and the tax collected by the mar shal. Kollowhff are the levies in mills: County 15 11' anon Halsey Scio 8odailte School District. 6 8 12 16 29.... 86 41 43 44 1 52 67 63 74 7d 76 85 91 95 101 112 121 .4H .6 ..6 ..2?a- ..7 . 1 .3 ::!'- .3 ..I ..1 ..3 ..14 ..IS -.2 ..4 2. ..8 ..5 ..I ..3.1 14 WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to please you. If every thing is not O. K. kindly let us know We are not selling at cost but at moder ate profits. We can furnitdi you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips POWEB A TOMLI.NBOX. 166 65 166 65 100 00 160 00 83 35 50 00 83 S5 66 65 10 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 8 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 75 2 55 5 00 3 45 1 5 3 80 23 45 84 05 11 40 1 50 57 00 6 00 8 40 42 00 34 00 10 00 23 50 6 10 4 00 4 50 8 70 52 00 34 00 10 00 61 00 9 00 J. T. Crooks, of GoMendnle, Wash., has been in the city. Mr. Reason McConnell, of Kings Val ley, has been in the city. W.J. Ribelan, of HaUey was in the city yesterday atid today on busint-vs. Deputy U. S. Marshal George Hum phrey came up from Portland this noon. E. D. Cusick returned from Portland todav accompanied by his nephew, the young son of Mr. Ted Piper. Z2 The accomplished assistant superin tendent, Mr. McGatre, of the S. P. U spending the afternoon in Albany. Mr. John Butterworth, the O C. & E. mail agent on the eastern route baa just recovered from a several weeks illne, and next week will begin his duties for Uncle Sm . A dispatch from Portland last evening stated that the operation for appendicitis had been performed upon Mr. Ed Quiun by Dr. Davis and others, that it was suc cessful and that he w as doing well, a fart his host of Albany fritnds will rejoice ia learning. Homer Craven, who has just retired from nine years uvrvioe with J. J. Dal ry tuple A Co., of this city, will leave to day for Seauie, where he will take some immediate steps toward tl.eopentnj of a wholesale imported worsted goods e!ab lishment. It is understood tiia father, Z. Craven, of this city, who has had con siderable experience in such business, will be one of the partners of th new concern, and in view of this project the removal of the familv tolbalriij in the near fntura is probable. Statesman. At the borne of Dr. and Mrs. Amos last eveoing a delightful surprise prty was S'ven, in honor of their eon Willie's 20tu rthday. The friends present were Dr. and Mrs. Amos and son, Willie, Mrw Lou and Gra.'e Try on, Samanlha and Lena Curl. Alice. Sheltoo. Grace and Pearl Livingston, Mertie Maxwell, Joe Trvon, George Curl. Robbie brown John Johnson. Clyde Bryant, Grandma and Mrs. Litingston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown. Mr. Heffron and son Tiuimas, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens. An eU-ant lunch was served. 4 85 3 25 3 00 3 00 36 00 10 95 15 00 IS 00 10 20 4 00 31 00 7 00 7 10 10 00 1 95 4 2C 8 00 6 30 Public School Notes. There has been ten rases of corporal punishment during the terra of five months. All things equal, the better the teach tr the less caea of punishment, but there are times we believe when it acta as a wholesome restraint. The boys and girls of the High school are as euihusiaslic a clots of pupils as any one could wish to see. The motto is More knowledge, higher and purer lives. The enrollment is 42. Good for first vear. The class average of the A class, High school, was RJt. We require a general average of 75 per cent or over.for promotion. Out of over 500 pupils who were promoted to higher classes this last term 4U1 ot these made a standing of ovtr 80 per cent. We feel proud of this as very few places require the same degree of proficiency as the Al bany Public Schools. Below we give the names and averAse standing in scholar ship of those uupils who paiewd from the Hlh grade to the 9(h or first Hivh school year: Myrtle .Maxwell, 8-: Kdilh Howell, 93; Vernon Ramp, 83; Anna Willis. 82; Harrv Cameron, 83; Lorotu Stewart, 86; Clarence Buahnell, 89; Harrv Craa ford. 86: Mida McCVjy. 91: Harry Sch!o-r. 8i; Hattie Olson, M; r.Uit-1 Ik-utlev. 89: Anna Marshall. 93: James Bryant. 84. ClM average. 8"i4'. r tout the Albany Public School Now, just out today. A Pioneer of IS17. L. M. WiieeW died Last mgh Feb. 5, 1896, of chronic diarrhoea. lacking 2 davs of being 70 years of age. He w as horn in New York Stale on Fcbruarv 7, I&M,and came to Oregon in lSi?,reaciiig here at bis maturity, and residing here contin ually ein. He was brother of Hon. Jason heeler, of this citv and was highlv esteemed. One of Linn countt'e earliest pioneers he is entitled to be kept in uie memory ol br ctttxens for the part h played in building tip this county, lie leaves a wife and five children. A Conundrum for Pioneers. KJjor DttmoctlJ: In looking ever sone old papers a few days ao I came acroM a copv ot the poll route ot a general e.eruon held in Al bany, Uregon Territory, June 7, 1S56. It is lotererting to look it o-er and see the politic of the old tetller al that time, for the poll book show, as at that lime the viva voce y?-ta of votjtsg was in vogne. Sow for ihe conundrum. How many of the cn:.-ni of AUvany today participated in that election T Some of you old pioneers answer. " Ttu.Jt ANOTHER GOLD DISCOVERY. About two weeks ago Wm.' Slater, of Lebanon, discovered gold in the little creek opposite Lower Soda Springs, about one hundred yards above the soda springs owned by iiuorge ueisendorfer. In about four hours work be took out two and a half ounces of dust of splendid quality. Last season Mr. Slater was np mere ana wanting a orinx at tne springs ne pi jxea up an oyster can irom the bed of the creek, and in raising it out noticed small particles of gold in it. He bad no time to spend in prospecting, but going oacx atjout two weeks ago be located a pocket with very little work. Rich beds of mineral are known to exist in the Quartsviile district and also farther south at Blue Rive.-, and this discovery connects the two and shows that the mineral belt ii continuous between the two dist'ii t mentioned. The mill at the Lawler gold mines starts np next Monday, and if the results of its opera tion are anything at all equal to the ex pectations of its owners, we predict that Linn county will have within her bor ders, inside of twelvemonths, the largest mining campi jn the northwest. Bio Damaok Scit. An InLereatintr damage suit has been begun by W. H. roil against Dr. L. W. Brown, both of Eugene. Following is the Dlaintiff'acanae of action : That on September 18,1895, defendant unlawfully assaulted and heat piaintm over me bead with a heavy club. From the effects of said beating plaintiff was stunned and his scalp was cut open to the skull in various places, arareirau ing about 24 inches in length and from one-fourth to three- quarter of an inch in width. That from the effects of said wounds plaintiff suffered ereatlv in hod and mind to his damage in the earn of f)000. That by reason of the beating of plaintiff by the defendant plaintiff was compelled to incnr expenses for medical service. That such expenses are of the reasonable value of S75. therefore plaintiff demands judgment againet de fendant for 1 be sum of $"5075 and for cjett and disbuieements of action." r-na Recoevbxd. The friends of Mrs. Ethel Eaterbrook will be pleased to bear tht she has returned from Portland completely restored to health. When she left home lor treatment in the Port land Hospital she was in aticU a desper ate condition that ber friends and phys ician, feared she could not survive the surgical operation which was necesary to save her life and the sorgeon in Port land could give her little incouraeetnent as to the success of the operation. Bat with her tuual ptnek she chose to take what little chance there was and as a re sult she is now comparatively a well wo man. 1 ne operation winch consisted in removing a large abceta from the abdo men. wai one of the moat ddficait and dangeroQi ever done in Portland and ber recover is due to lb excellent care she received in the hospital. Yaquina News. WaxttoKxow. Aresder wants to know all about wby theO. C. A E. is not as eswed in Albany. That's jumping at cooclorijna. As a matter of tact li.e rovl ba generally been atMeaaed and was en til the last year of the Hows muue. tuenl, and Uie city will get its share of Ihe $10,000 a warwded Lioncoanty bv U.e referee, the exact amount beinc i.i9.68. The amewment of the city will begin the Irt 01 March and the road bed and rolUnr stock of Uie O. C. A E. will be avseed Uie lame as other property. It w ill not be ielt out. ALBANY lil! everything ibat is kept in a , aood variety and gro eery stare. High est pHce paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE XNCOIOItA.THI Baltimore Block. Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete line ot UNDERTAKING The attendance at the ta!e oniverity I 320, tte freshman claat nQml.-in 1 13 1 be Spy of Gttyborg i to le prec!d the lat of this month under Uie uitce of theG. A. K. Katie Putnam will play in Engine Fri day night-, bat not ia AiUoy, as lie opeia boute wa taken. Tii reouUk-aa coasreMtonaj convention will meet in AlUtnv April 7 and the tl convention in Portland Aprii 9. Tne secretary of tiw Y. M. C. A Us sca'ptor of cooudcraose geota. A aanipl of bis work u a verv nt at soap bnr, which may be set n in C. E Browneil s. A tramp printer has bev-n contia doT X; I the v alter helping himelf to Hang in 2 00 ptinuoff office. Thj lioebur ani Eu- g gene papers bare scored him. 9 65 Net returns fur JJ by a TtlUmock 23 45 farmer to the creamery for a period of one a u vear was nactlv '0 or over (36 Per w 30 75 1 The cah paid out aaring the year around 47 05 1 Ulamook lor milk averages aboat I 'jO.tW. 6 12 32 50 7 32 22 30 23 00 6 30 2 00 27 50 52 75 12 35 3 50 6 50 3 00 6 00 5 00 12 25 13 40 6 50 9 00 145 82 21 80 6 25 15 00 3 00 1 20 A;is icTotuar. r. company waa aain victorious lat ou'at defeat ing Ihe woo!en mill bov 21 10 10. The ides were. F. Co Sieiiinakw. ruller. Hnl' hurt. Nixon. Phillip. Wetl.rook. S:ew- art. Torner. Wvolens IWntWy, iil and Frank Welch. Uilwoti. Tail. Cham hers, Kiley.Blacktrara. The umpire was the Man about Tew ri, ho 1 plating a special a rue e on Uie chaotic powttton of indoor bate bail urrpire, end ing with a poem eclitied. Vuii shan't umpire for me any more. If anr onetavs Albar.v ia iuiet ak thm to viit First street from 7:30 le 8 o'clock at night when the Salvauon Aroiv, Uml's Regular Army ard the Adelpht Miwion are all holding forth at ence. Odd Fcuowt's Frsxttu The faaeral oi U.e Uie John Settle will he conducted by Uie Odd Fellows oi Lebanoc. Satur day at 2 o'clock. All members who can are requested to be at the S. P. depot pmmp'.ly al 8 :30 o'clock Saturday morn- ing to iro u MDiBoa w in w un at) rrfhts of a pioneer Odd Fellow as it -. ' sen as pioneer ousen. Sis is Thb srataxT to be conaidered this evening at the United Presbyterian church. Services will begin fifteen min utes earlier than osoal to enable those who desire to attend the oratorical con test and Dr. Grant's lecture. Bible reading at 3 p. rn. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GoVt Report mm sir The advance avvnt of "Locie Joh SDrnodv'' u in the citv arranciog for the appearance of the troop here oa the 13th instant. The Da!W Mountaineer. Jot received, speaks in hub term of tretr per formance tn that city. The pv p'e of Portland detnanded that the Yellow none Lecture by lr Giant should be repeated thfTc. and if given there again last Friday evening And u to be repeated strain, so Albany need mt fear aatoiumrve!oubeuiy. Ttaoe who do not go. will go about ru iurninjj At the opera houe Friday night. A imisMon 25 cents- ALBANY Red Crown Milling Co la now under the manacemen Eo ward Goins, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E, D. Barrett and Samuel E. Youug,whe are now prepared to furnish sacks bad Receive Wh?at in all its branches. EMBALMING aapecialty lleBidnce eomer 3rd andCal8;ooia . on storage, and will pay market price for the same. R. M. II. ELLIS, the bi't;li rr K T7 Le Ub Beascn T VVyiVl L gether! Is it not bet ter to buy yonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, oty at a reliable store wnere viiey uev nly the Best material why of course i .1 . il.dnan.1, mtA Tnl'' never get it by eating anything lrom 00 store. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vakdykb. Proprieto Ahead os Popltkt. The Jacobeon A Co. poultrv car. containing 300 chickens and few 'ducks and geese, waa attached to the eonth'bound freight train this mnmimr at this citv and started on its return lo San Francisco. On account of having arranged for a lot of the fowl kind at places up the va'ley, Mr. KaU, the company's agent, was corapenea u start the car out of tbis city only partly loaded. At tangent ne win um on ou dozen, at Haleey 60 dozen, at Harris burg 150 dozen, at J unction iuu dozen and at Eugene 170 dozen. The poultry receiv ed here Mr. Katz says is far ahead of that purchased in the southern part of the state in the matter 01 quality and breed, and be expects to be in this sec tion attain about 1 aays uence ior a lot more of the feathery tribe. The pres ent indications are that a car of such live stock can be shipped out of Salem every ten days. The car that lelt this morning will reacn Ban crancisco Satur day morning. Statesman. O 2xd St. H. Broders is now in his new and nt-at brick, where he will keen a large and choice stock of meats of all kinds. Give him a call. Tna Y. W. C. A. The working of ihe Y. W. C. A. are not generally known. but they are practically in the same line as the work 01 the v. at. u. A. in ai hanv College there ii an o-gpinization of Y. W. C. A. with an enrolled member ship of nearly every christian young woman in school, and having lor its great object the development of Chrut ian character in its members and the oronecution of active christian work, par ticularly among the young women of the inat'tutioD. Tbis organisation has now been in existence about three years, and those, who have watched it from its birth, feel that it has been the means of a steady spiritual growth among the col leva voumr women. Weekly praver- meetmzs are held on Thursday al 12:30 o'clock, which are well attended and full of interest. That the christian aesocia- tiouaand the christian intluenee of Al bany College are a benelit lo our city there can be no doubt, and it is hoped that the nubhe. recocnizinz this, will not fail to attend the entertainment and social to be aiven in the society hall the college on Friday eveoing. Feb 14th bv the Y. W. C. A. A KOod program will be rendered. And a general good time is anticipated. Come prepared to invent 'mate the Valentine 1. O. A small admission fee of ten cents will be charged College Notes. The air is full of "utet." The oratorical contest this evening promises to be as exciting scene. It has been lh custom ibis to read from tl.e Psalms in chapel, begin ning with the first, reading one each ay. 1 he Vlst was read this morning. All friends ot the college arc requested to wear their "college co ors ' this even ing at the conleil. The colors are "Or ange and Black." The primary tlcpartment gave a very pretty recitation in chapel Ihis morning. Oairsg to the necessary length of the nnirrani this evening uie contest win begin al Some spelling: "reckonpence, 'yn- tillic" and "intelechial." What u 55 cent is Salem One oil be delivery learns took a lively pin this morntBf. scattering a few good. George Ribeiaa, a son ol W. J. Rtortin, baa bought a half interest ia Cases barber khop. Mr. Ribelao is an eipert workman and a popular yoonir man. Blair Forward died at his h"eoe. eiirbt mile eaat of Salem Wednesday. Be wi HHTiff of Marion county fmtn I'rSZ to 1SS4. and was widely known. He left a widow and four children. One of I be 6et pieces of work ever got ten oat in Portland ia that of the Portland public schools ilfiKtraied. just iaraed by Ihe American Tyre Founders Co).X. Brand matiajrr. It contains the pictures of ail lbs tearbera, school building and a full list Of acbO-ara. At an adkoroed term f the circuit court held jeeterxUy claimants against the Orefon lVfc purchase money were given until the VMa mt. to h e obiecuooa to Referee W oodesck's report, and " ednea- dav the 25th wa tiled as Ihe date fo bear ing ot jecticna to the confirmation of the report Corvalhs Gaarue. THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. A large audience waa present Ian t night to bear the students orate. The program opened with a piano duet, The Jolly Blacksmith," by Misses Smick add Alderson. The three orations to decide who should represent the college in the state oratorical contest were then pronounced, as followa : 'Justice in Oar Social System" It Arthur W. Foshay, '96. Sow there is a spirit of unrest. Many of the present evils are produced by moving from place to place. Jusuceis that in accordance with law, the divine law. Individual success comes from effort. Progress would be impossible without work, and the reward will be proportionate to the labor expended. It also requires that It be of like kind. Men who spend their time and labor in matters of little im portance cannot expect to reap much Many men obtain that for which they labor. Application produces such a re sult. The abuse lies in the fact that some men will not work. The remedy is not in obstruction but in construction. "The Monroe Doctrine Our Foreign Relatione," by Albert W . Wight. 'I he speaker gave a history of the origin of the Monroe doctrine, V and over years ago. It has remained as oar unwritten Law of foreign policy. The U. K. is not a dom ineering nation, but she deemi it her right to resent any foreign nation inter fering with our interests. The Sbylocks of loreign nations need to be restricted ID tli ei r operations here, foreign I ni ls i era lion should be restricted. Church and state should be kept separate, and the naUon needs to be vigilant lest a Samson topple over the pillar of our na Uon. The speaker pronounced England an enemy of Uie U. S , and hence should be closely watched in her encroachments. When we consider her attitude .ward the U. S. since ihe days of the Pilgrim fathers we realize that the cannot be considered oar friend, and we must be foruaed to meet emergencies. Oar 1 oaucal Abuses, by Jos. Stern berg. The poople must have an active interval in our politics in order that our coartry mi y succeed. There are in our political parties leatures that may prote disastrious if nut checked. Now brib ery plsys an important part in oar elec- Uons among Uie leaders, and the people blindly tollow. e have more hungry politicians than honest politicians, and we are aiSicled with calamity bowler. Why will parties l led by self appoint ed leaders. Calamity hosiers cause a lack of confidence. Public virtue de- pen is upon private virtue. The great- eat caiee ol our political evils is ne glect. There most be a continual watch- luiness on the part ol our ciucens. 10 ran our government it must be attended to. Our country cries aloud for reform, that is what 1 needed. Our people should read both sides and onr suns should do I heir own thinking. They do nut bsve to vote as their fathers. Al) three were welt presented, and each contained many points of merit.1 They were ail timely. tbourbUnL op-to dale orations : but it See mid to the Dem- ocaaT man, who likes to give his opinion in such matters, even though conflicting with Ihe jodM. mat Uie orauoa on "Political Abases," judging from sit of Uie five point, oratorical excellence, or iginality, subject mailer, style ol pre sentation and delivery, was the superior. and should have had an a re rare of aboat W. A very deserving, hard-working your.p rnn, though, received the honors, and he will represent the col i eye well. A song by a quartet, aleesr Axers ana Landed and Misses Alderson, Smick and Uulburt I l lowed. After an address bv Dr. Roland Grant the result was announced bv Vice-presi dent Howland, as follows: Bert W irht. 1st. average 91.CM ; Jos. S' era berg, is1, ; A. . t uehar, ST. The judges were Rev. E. J. Thomp son. D. V.. of Corvailis : S. M. Oar land, of Lebanon, and Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, of Albany. Real Estate Sales. Edward Looney to E T Looney 60.82 acres. $3400 Wm A Lane to John Bentham,144 acres 1850 W R Kirk to Jos Biggs, 2 lots Brownsville. 800 John Wither to Jos Butler, 10.81 seres 12 w 2 378 U S to Wm Loofborrow, 40 acres 11 wl patent FioretUM Miller to J V Miller. 40 acres J W Miller to JO Black law J Wither to Clara Cheadle, 2 acrs 12 w 2 CB Stone to Robert Andrews, I block Halsey H A Powell to Edward Looney, 60 62 acres II w S L N Allen to Martha J Allen 163. 39 acres 12 w 4 John Baum to J P Hertz, 130 acrs 9w I.... M Hyde to Chas D Rates. 69 82 acres 11 w4.... Constant Guerne to John Jacob Am, 1 acre 12 w 2 C Goerne to Eras Arn, piece land in Lebanon Hettie Titus to M 8 Titos, 95 aers M H Titus to M S Titns, 162 acres Newt Crabtree to D Harsborg, 20 acres 10 w 1 White Bnll Gold and Siver Min ing Co to Lawlers Gold Mining Co, limited 5.25 acres Santiam mines Robert Mnith to Marth Smith, 113 acres 12 w 4 Henry Keys to Mrs N J Warmoth 10 acres Hsmsbarg Brownsville B A L A lo C H Els Wick, 8 loU Brownsville A Rand to N J Warmoth., 76 acres Marauds Keenry to Job Simon, 160 acres 14 w 3 Waterloo D Co to Alfred H Freerk sen,4!ots Samuel Nixon to J H Walker, 35. 04 acres J II Walker to WiU Palp Co, 35.04 acres 13 w 5 Chas B Looney to E W Looney, 340 acres, being all of the A S Looney farm J R Cart wright to O P Hyde and W L Tyler, 2 lots Harrisburg. . . J L Cameron to M J Cameron acre 10 w 2 New Time Card. Following is th) new time card of t i Albany Street Bail way : lie ear will ia ve corner ot irst an- Washington streets as follow; 4:20 a- m. for morning overland train 8:00 " " lieUnon train. 11:85 ' '" Yaqnina train. 12rfK) noon, train iroing south. 12:35 d. m.. Rottenm-ir train nnrth Wan.' and west bound Yaqoina train. 1 :Q5 p. m., O. C. k, k, train, east loui.u 4:00 " Lebanon train. 11.35 " Ov rland train going south. 4:00 Orphan's Home. The car will alsemeet all inconnDir train on both the Southern PaciSe and O E. railroad. C. G. BcRanasr. Secret m 300 900 110 850 19001 600 1 1800 700 1000 600 1 250 9000 4000 1500 200 1200 2000 VJ0 150 eoO SIMMOMSX VREGULAT03 GOOD FGB EVERYBODY Almost rerybody fakes some laxative rnedidne to cleans: the system and keep the blood pure. The v. ho take SIMMONS LIVER RtGtXATC! Uiquid or powsler) get all the cf a rr.iij and pleasant laxative and tcnic ptirifies the blood and strengthens trie whole system. - Araf more than this: SUMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR reguiatM the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, 2nd hen the Liver is ia rood condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biiiousnef s, iadigesoon, Sick Headacbe and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feefinj These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the aver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, trv SMUIONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. IT'LIKBT PACKAGE'S Has the Z Stamp In red on wrappeav J. H. ZeOin Jfc Cnw FbOaw Fav 101 Burned near Brownsville. Wonderful Sights. SATTJEDA. Physician And Surgecn. Albany, " Oregon Treats the diseases of the eye and ear. Spectacles accurately nttea. - 1 1EO E Fli-.R " - THB PLUMBER Tin roofiing and plmr.bintr. the opera house. Opposite TARY WOOL) FOR SALE Big fir, LJ by. small fir. ash, maple, oak and balm, B, M . ttVSTOH VO rVO TRADE 1 II 2-1 for residence in Albany ImvA IP. lota with fair home, iustoutr side the city limits, in good location, good land, good orchard, to iraco tor rcsiuence in suitable location in Aiuany.j G . W. Maiton THE GREAT smu CURE Works wonders in cur ing torturing, disfigur ing diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, and es pecially baby humours. I cirnrnt Biwvmas ni o!d BitotiH m wmU. rith r.Nwv a si.Losw. Punu loi . s Tcsia. Cow., M ri. Swiaa. U. a. a. "Tub AsoisTuto or ths Smbit" was the subject of the discourse at the United Presbyterian church last evening. The line of thought followed closely upon the subject preceeding it, "The Sealing of the Spirit," and was a lurthcr develop ing of the attributes and work of the Hoi v Snint. and the nrivileaes and mm sibilitles open to Christiana who shall by faith receive the Spirit and res, upon the promise ot Christ "that he shall dwell with you and cliall be in you." The au dience was good and a deep impresxion seemed to have been made upon the listeners. The lecture room was crodwed yesterday afternoon to hear the Bible reading, which was a very comprehen sive reading on"Acquaintance with God." All services at the usual hour today. Everybody made heartily welcome. A Salem Case. Otto Blosser, Thomas Mcnary, Herman upendaii and Henry isiosser were arrested Tuesday, upon warrants issued from Justice W. S. Hurst of Aurora nrecinct. chanted with unlawfully breaking into a dwelling bouse with intent to steal- They gnve the required bonds in the euro of $250 each and were released, bending anpear- V.-1-. .1... 1 ..., P,a ttar uui m, giauu , ,i.,,a Southern is the outgrowth of a dispute which arose f over the leasing of certain premises, and I "terest of tJ6: the arrest will simply result in deciding who had the right of possession. Mc Nary was acting in the capacity of an llicer temporarily. Statesman. Ker. Louis Metayer was in Po.lland yeeterdav Mr. Earl Ila-e. of Salem, was in the city this noon on his way to Harrifburg. Miss Edna Price came on from Salem this noon, and ia Uie guest of Vr. G. W Maston. Peter Reuttner. of Albarfy, is builJing a new aonroach to the bridge acro the river al Ibis place. Lebanon Advauce. Mrs. Coalt and Mrs. J. M. Sotners, oi Albanv. visited Mrs. W. B. Donaca a lew days last week Lebanon Advance. W. W. Crawford, of Tallman, who was in the citv vesierdav. recently killed a Berkshire nog that weineu ow pounus. Mrs. Marshall returned to her home in Monday. Tlio ladv had N visiiing her sister, Mrs. L. toley. Leb anon fcxpress. C. B Montague will deliver an address tomorrow at Scio iu the interest ot the Ponuliats. the tlrst gun of the season in Linn county. Miss Edna Mackey. ol Harrisburg, is mak'ng her Albany Irienda rejoice by her presence in the city for a few days. She is tne gueeb ui otino o w w,. A letter received by Dr. Davis today from Mr. Ed Qutnn, uioo whom an oneration was recently performed in I'ortlhtid. suted thai no was im proving very fast. A. W. Blackbnrn. son of Ex Judge Blackburn, of Linn county, is in the city inr the Unit time in 22 years. He lived here for about a year in 1874. Eugene Guard. The Junior League of the M. E. church gave a pleasant social at the church Wed nesday evening, a program of magic lantern views, recitation, songs and games were enjoyeu oy aooui unv i the juniors. J. L. Mitchell, well bnown here as or ganiaer for the II. F. B.O.,is now deputy supreme commander of the K. O. T. M. om.i ia travalinir in the interest of that order. He has been at aiciuinnviiie ior the past few days. M. ti. v w n. A. of Albanv College w;ll niiia an nnrtainment and sociable on Friday evening. A good program will be rendered and various forms of amuse mnr. will ba introduced. A small ad mission of ten cents will be charged. p,ni T.M left this noon for Eugene, where he will attend the oratorical con test, in which he la one 01 uie judges There are five contestants He will go tiio SOCIAL AND PfcRSONAL Miss Elsie Georse has returned borne after a vear spent in Oakland, Calit. Mr Knwi Rolieim haa returned from a soda water trip to Southern Oregon, and will start out again aiooaay Mra. Remolds, daughter and Miss F.diih Elder, after a visit with Uie for mer's sister Mrs. Virgil Parker, return ed to their home at Yaquina today. F E. Pattock and wife who recently returned to Oregon from a trip to Wis pnnain werw in the city today. Mrs. Pattock and Mrs. C. O. Lee are sisters m, Anna Williams completed a of school in the McOor- ,a-k diatrict last Wednesday, and re turned to her home in Albany this morn ing. Brownsville Times. xt rvnunoie. of Kutrene. and miss Warner, of the Dram .Normal scnooi, f.,rn,rlv of Albany, will give a concert in Eugene on aiarcn am. wobibr j ea.1 talent, under the auspices 01 the Congregational church. Rev. W. E. Copeland went to Albany The PxxocaAr man baa jnst returned from a trip to Yellowstone Paik, made last evening in company with Dr. Roland Grant and a good eased sndience. Noth ing ever presented an audience brought one closer to Uie reality than Dr. Grant's scenes, being true to nature even in the eolorinz and effect- Wonderful Yellow stone Park, w here one comes so closely in contact with the very bowels of the earth. The world offers only one Yel lowstone Park and Uie government shoo Id nurse it and keep it for the world. Nearly one hundred maeninceni views were presented, general and minute, madly rushing streams, distant geysers, geysers at your feet, varied colored pools, accumulaUous of ages, dead gevser, pop ping boles, live geysers, mad geysers, ail Linos of geysers, but none alike, some intermittent every minute, some waiting for hours, some for days, some ior years, hotboilingeggcookingaffairs; hot water at voor lelt hand, cold at your right; one color here, another from the same water there; how nature revels capriciously in Yellowstone Park, it is impossioie 10 describe all the things seen, as one cannot make note in the dark. A few humorous scenes were interspersed. IT. Miss Dora Evans, aged about 17, eldest daughter of E. A- Evans, was seriously burned this morning, at 5 o'clock. She was bov nre paring Uie morning meal. when in some manner her clothing cmogfat fire and baraed rapidly, and al most in an instant her hair was ablaze. I She naturally began screaming and ran out of doors, patting her head in a tab of water. Her lather beard ber cries, and came to her rescue jnst as the on fort o- nate young lady was entering me noose. He instantly tore her asonder, and bv so doing snatched her from the ve-y jaws of death. Her waist, back, hands and chin were badly barned, and other in lanes at diaereat places upon Iter body were sustained, in tits en deavor to save his dangbter, Mr. Evans' haiuts werw hadlv blistered, and it will be some lime before be can have fall use of them, especially the right hand. The barn is not necessarur latai, ana tne only danger is in in&ammatioa of the in testines. A strange uucg 01 me acci dent is tbat abe does not know bow hercloth:ng csoght fire. Sbe says she did not enter Uie sitting room in which . " . . . , j i was a laree nre in me nrvpiacc. uu is wholly ignorant as to Uie cause of the sSair. Brownrvilie Times. Tax Albavt. The steamer Albany went nn to CorvaUlis this week: but it ariii not he ran at Dresent. The Times I ears : The Albany ia Uie second boat of I Uie name that has navigated the Wil-1 l.tnoft Th firni Alhanv was boJit all ranemah in 1868. bv the People Trans-1 porta tioo Com pn y and ber dimensions were somewhat less than the Albany down at the dock. She operated on the Willamette until January, 1S75, when h sank at tlis month of Uie Long Tom. She was in command of Captain ickers, 1 who met his death a month later from I Uie effects of exposure. At the rime she I was wrecked, a portion of the old boat drifted down to Buena ista where it re-1 mained on an uvland for several years. 1 in the.nrin of 1861 the Albany made eighteen consecutive trips between Ore-1 gun City and Eugene, clearing from $300 1 lo J1.8JU per trip. rhe gTealest arl er on the market for aueaaes of the LiTer.Kidneysaad Con it i pat ion. Pleasant to take by old or young. No piping. The root of the liverine plant is exten sively used is Norway tot the care of Piles Sold by aU first class dreggista Wholesale a mcfartgrea, ANCHOR S CHEMICAL CO, Lebanon. Or MMJlYUiOOR cmpiMeiy cum nea are fc upry praKS tor Loe jTTwswv, sraoa cet and moei sae ecsstol csre for sea wal weakness asd aostvtsar lam ta BBedkwl srieace. Aa scream ot Utis Bsa 4rrmi sUiwis, in boc a form, wili rrt crwjtes and proofs, will be era t ta saf- rertnc mem (sealed) frm. Fll asamty ryi I , - e : i ' msJ 1 ' 1 ,1 . i A nan ioaSciT V7. P. MorphJ bas fihl a nit in the conmv court againH T. W. Gorman, of Yaquica. for damages for false imprisonment. It will oe rememoerea k. XI . imnu had llr. Vomer arrested as an abscondiog debtw. and had him in- NmntHl in the county iail for a period of 1 7 tfttir For this Mr. Murphy wants AmM in tne sum of $5fX). Hu attor- - ,l ,1 . .f ,. , . n 1 nevs art 1 . c. i,ui McFadcen. Toledo leader. W. 3 Dixd. John Settle died at his home in Lebanon on Thursday ,Feb.6th,at the age of S3 years. He was a pioneer of 1846, . lnewtMl in Linn ronntv in 1347. He a member of the O. F. of thia city, humorous scenes were iniererrsed lj. erhap(l the oldest Odd Fellow in V01 D" .,i,l"'l",kUfc TOU I Oregon, having been a member 40 years. in 111s leiiowBwrac I . . r.i terlinir worth. tVUIUt k-'J lUWiww vs w-v - - given ERIE UEOICAL C0BUFFAL0,N.Y. Money to Loan. I have the fV.Jowing sums of money to loan on good Real or Personal Security: $2,000, 1,000, 1,000, foOO. 1400. J. 31. rvAl-MV. SnTATlOX WANDED.-To do gener al house work. Leave word at Uis otfice. TfirSI) A little rls can this r ftl el tK tltULVii- nfruv. A tog. He was buried today under the auspices of I the Albany lodge. RiTiiiB SrBSGB, Will some natural ist explain the lollowing irom tnei Rrownsvil e Times: This weec m. Kobe left at this othce a knot which was I taken from a standing balm tree, teven- feet from the earth, that shows signs of petrification. The tree, except! this knot, was green, ana mas iuis por-i linn, so hiirh from mother earth, should 1 . 1 v-- I uiniv. seems aimoet impuseioie. in in this knot, and in other portions ofl the limbs, is a stony substance that ren- ders sawing an impossibility. II there are any who can explain in is to tne sat- X ,f ANAGEK FJR LINN COCNTY IV 1 Mrs. George Dickinson bas ben mane manager of Linn county for the Yia vi Company of San r rancisco. She car ries a roll line of their celebrated treat- 1 Kent. Office at residence east side dread -albin Street betwten 2nd and Sd 0ce hours from 9 a. m. to s p. n- (wetinn of those interested, we shall be today, and will act as one of the judges 1 to hear from them, at th oratorical contest between students . at that nlace this evening, lomoi row 1 . . , m V.T. and re- ANJLD fcSi.-m 1WUOV1W.UI f?:;?f': ST- a" :.tKtT Some recent death of Hon. J. T- Crooks IllttlU UYCI kJ'VIalvaswj ww-.w. - REPAID BICYCLES -Fiar.k ticx ey repairs bicjele prmiptiy and in a first class manner, breaks, punrtnred tires etc fixed crrecttv. At shop jnst west of Y. M, C A- hJi- LOST. A Gordon tetter bird drr black. A liberal reward wil- be paid for it. sat return, tor partKnura inquire ai Will Pfeiffer's cigar and confeciocery store at Use Revere House. 1 1 WANTED Several trusl worthy VV tlemea or ladies to v v rut. w VY tran-uent nature of the many phys- the the lWta..waaaj triAnliAniail t ha fik.rt that hsa uiiHUiAo .sjvtv I wa-sasa at mAinhnr if lhA mntitntmnai con tm Xtntn ITr-Irt has sold About 91 fltfs? T .o acres, being his fine farm adjoining the J jg now withl the sute legislature, for I j,-! mj which vanish before proper ef- fair ground, to Mr. cnas. I. leach member to receive a pocket knife. I fortagnUeeffortspleasaeaw- Ietroit, Mien. ir. "'"""", Mr. Crooks kept his consuntly in his rirhUy directed. iDers is in.l.wnf Mr. Frad W. Blumberg and I artmar. mkil it i.j:.-i)i tlist m muv tonus of u wr- - - - . , - s I I IrVrVSC IVI aavwws V "a V V wa w aaav Lnn auvnivuav w will soon move here to reside on u t u worn mCti 0M 8jde was off, sickness are not due to any actum a- . . - ,1-1 :" 1 i:,; ii;.l 1 . m. eanstiDatea contir- son Mr. S. T. Crooks today showed the tion of the system, which the Pu knite in tne ajsmocrat omce ana it win 1 lamiiy iwaww, -.r,A. 1. Wont n inlafMl no Til I lw romOTM. IHM v HJ 77 " B " I -J . j.i for gen- travel ia established. the state of Orecon . . . i C- I . . i vwriaiua bobbb. ojfci.ii , w riirinni3SS OOlTaGS ISiesdy position. encke reference and eeif VJIUU1 lr3 wwa a aww The Dom-nioo Com better understanding of the I nanv. Third Floor. Omaha btdg . Chica go. k Southern Oregon in r. Price's cream uaKing ,'osJ. Awsrdad CoU MU1 ltldwlsw Plr tUa If' ukimo. Uso Dawson's furniture polish lace. He has made a specialty oi taucy ' i. :n n rnnsulerable atteo- tion to this industry. iuy valuable additions to . Albany society . fr. A ' J Rhaw. of Spokane, Sasb., haa been elected secretary of the U. S. senate, a deserved compliment, air. Shaw whs ior four years postmaster ot Spokane. He was a brother student ana lellow memoer tn bi,wu v,-., -Rochester. New York, of the editor of the DanocKAt, about sixteen years ago, and is a man of sterling wortu regsru less ot politics. Wonderful are Ihe cures accomplished hoKnoil'a Saraaoarilla and yet it is only ITnnd'a Saisaparilla. the one pure blood puntier, makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Pills have won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy action. Try Tinkle tor Photos. For Prescriptions Dawson's. ly', r;, mionaof iamiliee, and ia 1 rem j vitrr,i- bv all A Trunk's Expkbjsscs. Sixteen I"' .""ri v..i,v ttivneflcial months ago in going to Alaska lion. O. T Porter lost a trunk with valuable papers in it. It was traced, and after a loug time learned that it had been put en a Japan steamer. Todsy Mr. Porter was informed that it bad arrived in Portland, and it wil . J linltll. Its KOTISE OF CHANCE CF NAME. In the county court of Linn county State of Oregon. . Appl'Citlou Having oeen roaue iu bv Frank EnseBsper- ger for change of name from Frank Etiirn tperger, to be name of Fra-ik Sperger remedy whicb promotes ternal t , p, whom it may roocern. that cleanliness, .wS PP"-"C ' "ZZ.T onrans on wnicn n new. i mined oy saia wni - J " alflmportant, in order to get its bene- , Mchf x. D., 1S9J, at the court .iv..-.... rt when Wl rr- , ' . ,. .;t.Af A kin,. Lnn onntr. soon be in Albany, after a long trip and -haae.that you bavethe genuine article, t tbehourof I o'clock in the oonsiderable trouble to the owner. I WMch Is manufactured by the v-sjikhtmw i .j- -d day, and to then and Fig Syrup Co. only, mw "J appear and show caus u any exis:. inlOTfexnentof good healOt. why .dpetiUon should twt be granted a and the system XjTrfeidll" T?) TVne by o-d-r of .be Hon J N Uvesc other remedieaarenotroeded. I ( Duncan, judte of Ihe county no wru-iu .. . r A Strkxt FIobt. A Very lively fight J occurred last evening before dark, on I First street near Lyon. The parties faced I each other, and without many prelimi naries began striking from the shoulders. For a moment it was fierce and the blood I flowed freelv. Friends interfered audi neace was restored, but the bad blood I engendered undoubtedly continues. The I contestants were two boys six or seven I yean of age. i" KtandH highest and is most largely Jos P aubraith ised and gives nKt general satudacUon. A'ty for Petitld by F M Eepfikijh nrr. wepuiy.