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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
V 7 fiiZfJ in VOL XXXI ALBANY OSlEvOON. Kill DA V. FEBRUARY 21, l9G it? F.ntrrcJcC tae Ccui tlca a ttbaajr. r. r. r- MDTTIHC raklUher Prprllri Becsad-t Ia Mail Hailm .L..lUHUiilllj for Infants and Children. Castoria Is so ureO adapted to children that t recommend it as superior to any prescription atown to me." H. A. Aacmn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, BrooHii, N. T. MThe use of Castorta b so universal and ft merits so well known that it seraas a work f supererogation to endorse it. l ow are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CiKLQS IUbtxx, D. D., New York CSty. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, EDs Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication, "For several years I bars recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced hsntsVlsl results." Eowut F. Pardee, X. Dn 125th Street and 7th Ave, New York CSty. THTTBST3AT WONDERFUL CRATER LAKE. Hon. U. B. Watson, of Ashland, de livered a lecture before the Advancement Ctub of Eugene, on Crater Lake that was very comprehensive. Here are some of his statements: "Crater Lake was discovered by a par ty of prospectors in 1853, who were so impressed with its striking features thai they called it Myrtle Lake, Blue Lake and Lake Majesty. 'Crater Lake is situated directly on the summit of the Cascade ranee, about 25 miles almost north of Fort Klamath. THE GIRL IN JAIL. An Uncle Tells Who She Is., Lank Co., On., Fun. 9, 181)8. Rlitor Democrat : From the columns of your pnpur I see in regard to two persons, a man and a girl, which are being maintained, on account of lewd co-habi'ation and by letters written to ineby my son, V. llolcomb, residing in Boise City, Idaho, whicn she has written to him about the affair at Alhanv, I know for certain that it is my niece, Nellie Holcomb, 15 years oh! the 2nd day of April, 1S95. Hhe was sent to me by her parents from Boise to WE WAST YOURTttADE. We are hero to please you. If every thing is not O. K. kii.dly let us know We are not selling t cost but at moder ato profit?. We can furnish you any thing in the harness line Bt lowest prices Se j outline of 1 20 and 25 cent whi a Power tt Tomlinson. uy soundings made during the survey I f . f. i... i hi the water was found to he over 2000 feet I mi,. ;.i. . , , '' vj wgu uii nuu nvojdJ . J uil - Th Centaus Company, 77 Murray Strut, New Tor Cmr. THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the mosj complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, 0REG0& Dealer ia . deep, and its surface 6251 feet above the level o. the sea. izard Island is a vol canic cone, within the crater, and has an altitude of 815 feet above the water level of the lake. Llao rock rises 2010 fet above the water. Heliotrope station is 19ttd feet h'gh, Shagg rock riBes 21 15 feet and Dutton Cliff 2109 feet above the water level of the lake. These are some of the most prominent points rising al most perpendicularly from the water's edge. "Mt Laughlin is near at hand and rises 91 15 feet above ocean level, while the highst point on the bank of the lake is 8M76 feet above toe level of the ocean. The crater ia oblong in shape, and has it direction from northeast to southwest. It is six by seven miles in extent and contains 42 "square miles a little more than a township of land, or about 25,000 acres. You can drop more than 25,000 city blocks of 200 feet square side by side, in it. "Again Crater Lake has a feature that is peculiar to itself, i e, it is everywhere surrounded by gigantic walls, nowhere less than 1000 'ieet and in places reach ing an altitude above the water ot more than 2000 feet: S37o feet above the level of the ocean, three-foui ths of the height of Mt. Hood : within 1000 feet ot the al- titu-te of Mt St. Helens, and 2000 feet higher than the summit of Mt. Washington." ONE GIVES RELIEF. aio and she stav til spring, 1395, then she ran off up the river, aad I got her back again. After staying away 3 weeks she stayed with me until August, 1805; then she went up the river to work out, then she went on to Eugene abou- I)eovmier. Her father wrote to me when sin left ti.e and told me to try and it her into the reform school. Her fm Iters name is Mr. Chas Ilolconih, i'-oise City, Idaho. G. 1I;U."WB. Teachers Examination. The examination of te.tih ;rs for cer tificates begun in the college building yosterday afternoon with the following W - r ma-m - Hodges and Goff, Evidenced by the fact that there were mora of ihm sold in '95 than any other make. Be sure to see sample before purchasing your '96 wheel. MATB BT INDIANA BICYCLE uO. isdiasapous, isd C ' Agents'. tat 3.1.1. taaVl. atssllssYZ. '1. 5 sforsalu ia Albaaf ,Oreff-,by J. . fi5 it; ri-Mis as. Weu 2rec'r, iu of Hrsvio !Vtrer, iXlliJ ioncaUii, W&tve? Lm Vitality, NttfhUy Eail sioiii, crt! tlrvams, tm potency enl wavniiuc cUatimat! csnawj by yo-jJA'l rrm c-r wcc. CcaiainatocfcAe. U serve toale ami blood utsiSer. iSakwt he pclepd ptjnTVtrnBrrfUid plan? p. Easily -srrte? !a wrt pocket. 1 rr box; S t .r By mmiLpn pX. tkcpriUiran:QrinyiTilt4L Writ ntufW raeiltsl hank. aeMed D''.rt wrsnwr. frith t?rtlmontls mrnt T9Tif '- 5tefltfir. fCo chart f-rr--mrtt atirm. RnrttrBGf imit FORTMILLER & IRYING KEEP constantly oa band a fall line of mctailiv. rloih and rood caskets and coffin Alo burial robes and suits, in broadcloth, salin, caste mere which vi I be sold at The Lowest l.,v(Dg Frfil EMBALMING anJ the proper care of 'hi dead a specialty. MAS05IC TEMl'LK Misses Helen Crawford and Jane Mor ns, came up from aletn this noon. Archbishoo Gross came no from Port land th:s noon and is the guest of Father Metaver. Mr. Gus Currie. of Portland, waj in Albany this noon on his way home from Corvallis. W.- H. Barnett hs sold his lunch counter and will go to Soutneru Californ ia lor his uealtn. Mr. Clarence Sloan, who recently bad such a serious experience in the Willam ette has gone to urawfordsville to reside, accompanied by -Mrs. Moan. A partv was given Tuesday night in honor of the birthday of Mr. B. K. Pur dom. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by a large circle of friends. Mr. J. A. Zimmerman, who was in the city today reports selling his tw years crops of wheat for 55 cents. He might hare so.d it at one time for s cents. Since selling it has dropped one cent. Miss Eup'temta Sillers, sister to Mrs. tetter, Jack and Bob Sillers, arrived eeterdav noon from Nebraska and gave them a surprise. She will make them a five or six months visit. Mr. and Mrs. Eckley lelatives, also arrived from Uiat state. II. A. Barr, of the Fairmount cutlery factory, and T. Howard.of Pleasant Hill, left this morning for Portland, and with a company of others will leave Saturday for J nneau, Alaska. Mr. Barr, in com pany with a uartv cf tour others, will go from Juneau to the bead water of the Yukon, a distance of about 750 miles, wneae they wiil engage in mining. Mr. Barr goea in the employ of a company and will Jemain until next September, and pesibly ail next winter. Eugene Guard. A pleasant birthday surprise party was held in honor of B. Y. Purdom at his home in this city, Feb. lltb, cards and social converse was the order of the evening, after which a delicious luucn was served. Those present were .Messrs and Mines Westfall, J. Mcilargae, Kamp, Jones, L eneck, Lindg.en, Wood, Klien, l)r. and Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Susan uniim, Mrs. Jane Smead, Mrs. ljizie Barker, Mrs. roadie Taylor, Miteea Emma Smead, Maggie Barker, Li Tie McHargue, txlitn Uhifwell, Ulara Warner, JLena Kiefer, Anna Felier, Lncv Haves, Messrs Lou Galbraith, H. '-Valdron, d Frank, Jack Gibson, Carl Kiefer, Gray, A. Pur dom, J. McHargue, Dan Shaw, August Sbaw, Mr. and Mrs Purdom. F10 EXTilA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SEBVICE. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .r, joss:iii. Fire Insurance! vierecks in attendance: Tkkms Appujaxt Post Owice Tai-uiit Delia Bilveu Jefferson 0 Maud lUWtt Halsey 2', WACalder Brownsville 14 Ollie Cummings H i y 2'. Blanche Collins ll.iiwv 17 Amy Colllins Aitiany Arthur Cree Lcomh 0 Susan Craft Waterloo 0 L W Chapin Brownsville hO O R Diniddie " 1" Etlie lo ninif Lacomb 27 EdwardS Evans llalsev 0 A T Grugrett Tangent 19 Annie Hawkins Albany 23 Mrs G Hannibal " 5 Fannie Hamilton HoHey 3 C E Hiett Tang(nt 0 M rs M E Jackso:i BruwusviUe K Robert W King Holley 3 WPMulkey ' Meha'ma 12 Lizzie McLeoad Brownsville H Alice A Porter Alhanv 3 Lulu Powell " 6 Annie M Parker Salem . Geo P'atl Halsey 0 Chas Powell Tanitent 0 C V Ross Lebanon 0 A Hie Robertson Stay ton 5 Jas A Smith Bro'wnsville 0 Annin Sorensen Harrisburg lt Ennis Stuart Albany 7 LelaCSwan Cra(ordsvi!le 0 Emma Tivey Ivebanon 0 Jennie Timberlake Mehatna .f9 Mrs N Tunnison Sjdaville SO Cora P Vann Tangent h Tessie Wedd.e Saeet Home 0 Teresa Wilson Corvallis 3 Total 3S. Tise oldest is 43 years of age. lheyounset 17. They were educated in 16 diSfcrent states frni Florida to Oreg in. Milling Matte.-. The Lawler mill startitd up last Mon day morning a anticipated. The first day was devoted to the machinery more than to the amount of ore ran t'irougli. It run well. The result will not be known for some time, but there is little question. "The most remarkable example of the prodigality with which nature has de posited her riches ever wn was at the Virtue mine rear Baker Citv, which is owned by G. W. Gravfon, of San Fran cisco. It consists of a single lab of gold that had been reduced to bullion by na ture herarli, and which weighed in at i.OOO. It required no handling, but was saipped direct to the mint at Saa Francisco, and ws there registered as bullion. In two dave and a half ore that yielded the o ner 11,000 was taken out of the miue and shiped as high grade, while the mill every month a clean-up of f JO.OOO which goes to Mr. Grayson's credit. Ex. Prohibition Club Mc.tini; There ill be a meeiing of Li.m Coun ty Prohibition Club in Albany on Satur day, Feb. 22. 1SW. at 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house. This in to be the first annual nut-tin ; cf the club and all pro hibitionists and persons interested in the suppression of the evils of the liqunr teailic are earnestly requested to attend. At the same time and place the Linn County Central Prohibition Committee iilmtjct to corsider the question of calling a county convention. In tl.e evening fiere sill be a meeting lobe addressed by able speakers In the inter est of the cause of temperance. Every body H invited. T. P. Hacklemas. J. C. Baowx, l'reti li-nt and Chair- Secretary, man of committee INSURE YOUR PROPERTY -r-with f In the Old Hartford, the New York Un derwriters Asrencv or any one of the reli able old line companies he reprewnts. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business wib b promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OH, HAVING ANDHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR- January's Record. The month of January, lSNi, as un usually warm. Every section of the state had a marked excess in temperature. In the central portion of the Willamette valley, and in the southern counties, the mean temperature was the highest on record. At Pe.ndie:cn and Baker City the temperature was 8 degrees above the normal. The phenomenal mild nests of the temperature over the ahoie state has not heretofore been recordd. Thete have been occurrences of a single day having higher maximum temjurrature than were recorded this month ; tut at few stations has the mean temperature been higher than ft was this month. There wa an entire abseuse of any se vere cold. It was due more to the ab sence of cold weather than to market hci:, :L-it the mean temperature is so IllXll. "lhe precipitation was in excels of the normal amount, except in the north western portion of the stale, where it was slightly deficient. The heavies: rainfall is reported from Bandon, where 1S.49 inches (ell. Over 12 inches feliine the coast counties and about 8 inches feil in the valleys between the Coast and Cascade range?, except south ot the Cow Creek mountains, where it rapidly de creased to 4 inches at Ashland.' This latter was, however, an excess ot nearly ooe inch. To the east of the Cascades, the precipitation was irora 1 to 2 inches in lhi northeastern counties and slightly over 3 mcbera in the other counties. The warm month of January has ad vances fruit buds. Race in Portlaud have put forth new wood, some of which have grown from 2 to 8 inches d'iring the month. Material injury will result to fruit budo. ahmil.l tlm m-xrni mtliKr were filed today in the county clerk's office I continue. The warm weather ha been of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill Co.. the I favorable to agricultural operations. object being, as stated, to increase me cap- B. S. pAia g. ital stock uttbe company from ioi Forecast Director. 1UU,J0. fort. Ex-Sheriff H. A.Smith is back in As- tstria and tprpral Alhanv men have re .virnl statements from him in reference to I Probate Record 189 J taxes, one man receiving a claim tor taxs be is certain he paid before uus. I la estate of Horace II Hunt, bond of Tbe chips will fly on Satorcay of next I guardian filed. week. The committee of arrangeme-iunaye i ln o (jA;e aiuJ Emily Hln nd placed an orde' for 250 airs to be ned in I of OTiarj;.,, file(i. In Kuardiaoship of Geo. N. Drfnkard, Gnal account hied, airoVv-d guard ian discharged. In person and estate of Hush Nicker son.W 11 t ioltra was appointed guardian Bond, f2000. Approved. In guardianship of Archie C Wilam, Little George Spcrger Dead. Word was received last evening bring ing the sad news of the death of little George Sperger, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serger, the former being theaccommodating S. P. conductor on the Lebanon branch. The father is at present op a lay off for the purpose of taking his little one to San Francisco to le operated on for tumor of the stomach. On the 7th of this month the operation was performed. The tumor being very large the child could not stand the shock and after lingering 3(1 hours he passed away. George was an extremely bright child, large of his age and very active. He was a child one would notice among a thousand, possessing an active and intelligent countenance. The friends of the family have waU-hed the growth of the tumor hoping all the while it would cease Pi grow and consol ing tneiiiMtlves with the idea that the child would outgrow it, until it becan.u apparent that same definite action mu t j taken. During the past year the t.i titer has taken him to Portlaud several times for examination; but the doctors were not able to airree and so desirimt to give him the benefit of the most skilled physicians and nurses they went with him to San Francisco. The news was re ceived by the Albany friends and neigh- uors witn nearly ttie same sorrow that would have occurred had he been an own child and the parents have the heartlelt sympathy of all their friends. Those who do not know the family personally will remember seeing a gentleman on a safety with a little boy dressed in blue fitting on a patent seat in front of That was Frank Si.erger and his little boy George. The body will not be brought back at present, but will be embalmed and placed in a suitable vault until the family are located permanently. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report New Time Card, ABfiLiDTEZ.Y PURE There fre 103 applican's fo- tacoer cer tificates in the examination at Krgn. Charges Fiester, th wife n urderer of Grant's Pas, is lyinir in a comatose con ai'ion. and will probably never get well enough to be banged, but will die in a few weeks. Supplemental articles of incorporation the parade and during the entertainment. the Woodmen will be beard irom. UncJe losh Sururebv was presented last oitrbt to a larze audience in a highly satis factory manner. Tbe troop is first class in its style of performance, and give some thing lively from tbe risiu-j to ire tailing The O. P. some time airo surveyed o line bT1 account hlod and approved. 1 Vc t, I XT 0 1T 1 I fnr a branch lino from Kir on ton to Stavton. I In guardianship of John and Geo fc 1lllt;b Jsw -Hcijj. I dUfanceof onand a half milea. It hs I McNeil, inventory filed; personal prop- been intimated that the company will build this branch to Stayton in the spring and then in tbe near future continue on to salem. 1 lie citizens of Salem should work for this. Cor. Statesman. Prof. Martin, lite wizard, was u the city toil ay. The Advance fays that ex-Sheriff L. C. Rice is quite sick. Mr. 1-. C. Young, the artift, came up from Salem this n"xn. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ixwh-r returned home fnni Sairnt II. ss njon. S. I. liaise is to o;--n a hew general merchandise store in Woodburn in a few day. John Guins and wife, of Kcio, have been in Hie cily this week gue of tb latters parents Rev. Dr. G wynne wul p.each in tlie Presbyterian church next j-unday morn ing and evening. Chas. V. Gallowiy, a on of Judge Galloway, wa s-!ecteJ to represent Mc M inn vilie College in the orator;cal con test. Dave Foyw, of AHany, forttieriy of this place was greeting old friend in this section the past fear day. -Gervais Sfar. A leJp year prty tit he'.d !a -t Wel nelav in lU-ckers uali. It was a happy event, the youn n-.en of the third ward receiving invitatiuns from tbe young iadi-s (tarttcularly I fins iu good humor. The evening was spent in many games, and ice cream an J cake were served. St VaVntiae day. l'enIl-ton want t-e fi,- mm" tourna- mi-nt this jcir. Two cb'u'kcn pie cppn and a c&llege enteruuumeut tonight. Astoria's city prtsooeri are f.-d fr H' xtit a meal, Aluany's irt cents lhe chna Spracby Compiny plaved in Lianoa af'.er their nt r:ainment in Albany. An elite liowling alley bt b. opened in S ik'oi, iadie as well as gentieuK-n ' playing, lew ta a 6ae game. Mr. Wiil Pfciffer lt a dog. advertifed for it. and found it the neat day; J it pays to advertine. P. S. "Ib.' dog was dead. Hob. D, I Thompson, who recently returned fro't. Mexico. ha prepared a lec ture on country, and airea ly has ane or two engagement. Andrew Henline and Otto Burson tbe buy butilars of Stavton, were, yesterday. coinmi"sl to thu tte reform school by Judge Burnett at Sslem. A ttiecial car will leave Corvallis ;t 7 o'ciocK Pimoirow night i.h a large dele gation tf A. O I. W to attend the r- pUun at tbe op;ra h-.uw. Kighhcn traveling men ate sopper lo- Bttber in McMmnville recently- llie-e traveling iii "J pit a good deal of money in circulation. It would be slim pickiug fot hotels but f'r lhm. F.-ank Abram Powell of Corvallir. will lecturw at the opera house in ton city tn The V. W.C. A. Social. The follow iog is the program foi the Y. W. C. A . social aud entertain jient at Albany college, Friday evening, Feb. H. IiiKirutr.ental dtiet. Mitres AKlerson and Smick. Drama "Cousin Frank." Cast of Characters. Cousin Frank . . . ML Aden Three pretty spinster maids: Eiud Raymond G S Courtright May Raymond E E Torbet Genevieve Raymond Y C Hackleman Mrj Tborne (a voting matren) Z M Cro by Vocal solo, tr. L. M. Akers "Pathetic" duet, J. V. Irvine aud W. E. Stewart. Reading, Miss Maude Crosby. tiuilar solo, Vkla Masloo. Recitation, Ariene Train. Voca! solo, Mr. A. W. Lundell. Recitation, Muw Eva Simpson. Instrumental aolo, Mies Marguerite Hopkins. Address, Miss Ethel E. RedSeld, Pres. Y. W. C. A. Only ten cents adm:s:on will be rharged Come and inve-tigate the Valentine P. O. aud have votir fortune told. Scio. S.-io a anteil a creainey. It a as no sooner spoken of than it at once look tangible shape and the required bonus raided. A commcnication from Mr. Caterlin, oar creamery man, ctaiea that he will be here on the IV.h of this month, preum ab'y to commence operations looking to he building of the creamry. Mrs. Ed Goins and sister, Mrs. Scott, of CorvaiSis, came over from Albany on Monday. Mr. Goins is now able to be over at the mill ocxrasionallv.and is prac tically over bis late severe spell of eick ne. It is reported that our new school butidirg or at lcat uaie of the pupils at tending school, have become infected with body vermin. We hope the report is untrue. If true, steps should be taken at once, to rid the building and children of what must be caused by gross tiitiit-ness. Mr. G. W. McKoighl, one f the en terprising young farmers and sUwkmen, of Tallman, wbj in this city lait Wednes day, and viHed the Press family, tteorv U an aspirant for tbe nomination of sheriff on the republican ticket and, if nominated would be a hard man to de feat. In fact from a populit standpoint we would rather Hit republican would nominate anyone eise. Press. Lchanon. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL U. 8. Marshal Grady was in ths city today on business. Mrs. Frank Ix-wis and "laughter, of are in the citv.the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Adams. Rev O B. Whitmore, G. W. M. ol the A. O. U. W. will lecture in the 0ra house next Tuesday evening iu the iu teresta of the L'nited Artizans. Mrs. W. W. Williams is visiting in Albany this week, tbe guest of her danghterand son-in-law, Mrs. D. V. and Ilev. Mr. Poling. Independence En terprise. W. B. Lawyer will leave for the mines, where he will reman seveialdavs. With the first clean unit is reported that he will make a trip to London in the interest of the syndicate. We see Rev. J. B. Lister has returned from Eastern Oregon. He eavs he en joyed the trip, hail a most enjoyable meeting at enterprise, wlitre twenty per sons united with the church. Independ ence tnlerprise. Mr. G. B. Iodd. of Oakville. was in the city today Though over eighty years of age Mr. Dodd is as spry as n boy. A year or two ago, after ljem rozen and starved out of Dakota he came to Oregon to start in life. C. W. Sears and wife. W. A. Barnett. wife and five children. Samuel Worrell and C. E. Walden, will leave tomorrow- morning for San Francisco by way of the Elmore and an I). K.iN, steamer, the fare being an lv o.o0. Mr. and Mrs. Sears will go on a trip, Mr. Barnett and amily to locate on so ount of the formers leaith, Mr. Worrell with an eve to get ting into busine&s and Mr. the same, perhaps continuing bis journey to South America or South Africa. the oixjE v's iry-j.L. A large and well pleased audience at tended tbe social acd entertainment given by the Y. W. C. A. of the college in t he so iety and adjoining rooms, last evening. The bright young ladies of the association displayed marked talent in their management of the evening's en tertainment. A program choice in every detail was presented. Muses Alderson and Smick touched the piano skillfully. A taking litl.e drama -Cousn rrank was presented. Misses Crwrtright, Tor bet and Hackleman faking the three leading pans tithe Misses Raymond, living in a lodge, with fine conceptions of the character. They lngej for a man. and were in cctak s over the ap- prusciiing vitii ol toann rrank, wt.o alroghtbv Mrs Thorn, Miss Maud Crwly, who proved to be a young lady after a I, to their diar.toictment. Mis.4 vianiie Allen was Cousin rrank. Miss Margaente Hopkins between the scenes wa heard in a tvautifuUT rendered pi ano aolo: Mesrs Parvin, Akers and Lun dell and Miss Aldetxm presented ao'ia - tette song well rendered ; Miss id : Maston pteased the audience with a gnitsr solo with accompaniment by Miss AUIerson: one of the beet things on the program wa a calliope duet by J. C. Ir vine and Ed Stewart; Mis Maud C.'Ofby read a toboggan story; Miss Eva M tup- son with her rare tairnt and great re recited the story of the judgment day that came to two hovs. and an insistent encore resulted in "Little Boy Blue " Miss Ethel Redfield, president, presided itn her usual grace. A tortune letting establishment was sell managed by three gypsies, Miwes Ina McCullurh and .Mamie Allen and .Mr Ityde t;ryant.and a postothce for valentine in another corner. A grand march and games took up the well sient lime of tbe evening. What St John Is. Albany, February 14, t6. Editor Democht: I notice the following in today's Dexo- ct: r.x-Coverr.or t. John is now reported to be a pop alirt." The report is A lieaa ot hair or no pay. Cures al diseases of tbe scalp Address Box 121 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Kazors Honed and bet and Put in Us der on Short Notice, erty, $1333.33 In estate of W P receipts filed. Smith, distributive Alvyaya Very Smiley Good printing ! Done r-ufckly. The Printer. ALBANY Red Ciown Milling Go Is now under the tuanagemen Eo vriu Goind, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Yanctt E D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young,wh are now prepared to furnish sacks and A a Slrraiej Upholsterer : Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy aiattrmse renf ated acd made over. Fornitnre of every descilption and lab carriages re -upholstered and vanished. n.'.io uito ii th P. 0.. or cill at 7 t,rnt. brftw wn Furry an I lirjidalbio, A bany. Or. tu..:i ' :i t t.uiA in ;u mn. anm versa Hr tjELKKitATlos. Laurel . n, c; Vai.hin I ""ft" iviniiu- 01 i ymiau, ui a. Company baa decided to enforce the ordin ance requiring a license iee ior p.'u auug, wbica it claims governs tbe company in ih ira.nita cilv. The sewing machine company will ptobab'y make a teat cae of tbe matter Remember the hhect and rn:ow case i ..., t,,r ,i, ;n ,,.,,.i ball tomorrow night, ihis is one of tte I to followei by a gotf Rnij iJtw.nJ pretUest dances vou ev saw oeamiiui i .i.iPh !! KmVhis of Pvti.ia..i ,i,..i. oos'umes and cheap. All it wi'l cost for I amiUe including all sojourning knights bany, will celabrate the anniversary of tne order, at their uastie Hail in this I city ou the evening of Feb 19th. 18!H(, Grand Chancellor E. P, Geary, of Med' lord, uregon, and other prominent mem bcra of the order from other lodges, w ill no iu amjuuauce. An interesting pro B F. Parsons, the optician, rod his wheel from Brownsville to Lrbanon on Wednesday. He sxva he bad to walk only about two miles. The Anchor . Chemical Co. shipped 100 gallons of lavenns to their agency in Muaoort. G M. Wetfail lias sold bis half inter est in the lrbanon livcrv and feed stables to George I lire. Mr. Westfall has been in this business in our town for about seven veais. and his retirement is regret ted bv a large r umber of customers and friends. Advance. Postmaster Stitea and Mr. and Mrs.. Cusick came out from Albany Saturday to attend Mr. Settles funeral Express- Following is the new tims card of tH Albany Street Railway: The car will leave corner of First an Washington streets as follows: 4:20 a. ra. for morning overland train MO - " lrbanon train. 115 ' ' Yafpiina train. -12.-00 noon, train going south, j 12:3.5 p. m., Rowburg train north bour. i ana west oouna laqmna tram. 1 AS p. to., O. C. ic E. train, east bonnd . 4rfl0 Lebanon train. 11.35 " Ovrland train going soctb. ,4) " Orphan's Home. The car will alsemeet all incoming train on both the Southern PaciSc and O C. & E. railroad. C. G. Bckkhart, fecretai SIMMONSV reguutor7 IIOMF. AND ABROAD Shoes a specialty at St Lois Kaket, George's birthday one weea from today. Call and settle with Klein 4 Dubruiile by February 15 and save conts- Jeg the lo is bootblack at the Combina ; tion barker shop, tifct a shine. 14k gold 6'led rinfe- at French'- j -we.ry j store f 0:. i Adnibsion ti?e f ir '.'k; lecture lorii:.t at 1 opera b'-ui HearW. H C-jlviir. ii. i. W. tonight at 8 o'clock. Balding Bros, k l o.'u lt lf y-Js -p-A ! silk 5cta at II. '. Mcllwaiu's cah ctore j Another 'of of Fedora baU ju-t arrjvd( tolay at tbe Raket tor Tlie bfat $2 00 shoe in city, sliop made, I at St Lois Raket st.jr. j Outing flannels and ginghams ui flaiet '. tor. Blumbeig block. J lluy o-ir thread at ii F. M Ilwaiu's caab s ore U spool bet threid 25 ct. I Eggs Ij tt. tuUr 2-ictsa roll, i.atchr ham, 10 cU. Lacon S eta at P O-lvn's. j 3 papers lfrt red tip matches at H. F. Mcllwaiu's cai-h sUfte for 5 cts j You can get genuine bargains in gH j watcfie i at French's jewelry ston, (on the ; corwr ) J Tim's are hard, still people have niaJe tecaue they are made at pnees to su.t the timet at Tijklt's. Sten's kid boots. adde seam and war ranted water proof at f 1 75 at H. F. Mc- li-..;. u . , . . ' . . . . your system ts ia Al condition, and that Com; out and hej-W II olvtg Crmd will only be when the Liver is kkrt active. Maater Workmen at tne open, boose. I Try a Liver Remedy once and note the Every body welcome . difference. But take only SIMMONS The Farmer and Merchants Ioaraw ; LIVER REGULATOR it is SIMMONS t'ompany have hroujrhr terl soils in! LIVER REGt'LATOR which makes the ordr to etle op the butio difference. Take it in powder or in liquii Ad members of f e AOL. W. are re- aheaJy prepared, or make a tea jf the 'iureltomt at 'he riera hoa-e at 8 PO'ar; D'ltiaKeSIMMONsLfV'ERPGU- o'cixii bnight. By order of the ia. W. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver Regulator dont forget ta take it The Liver gets sluggish during th; Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings oa Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps ft property at work, whenyour system will be free from poison and the whole bodv invigorated. i ou get a iu. isisx is LAW 11 when not correct. He is now as ne lias been since 1M a prohibitionist, a member of the Nasiootl committee of that parly and is speaking continually i' its interest. He favored a unite! eStort ot tlie Ke.orm parties upon Uie "Stalen Island basis of union," but as ret that has not been consummated, f he prohibition party of this country are nS prepared o sacritice the work of 25 years to any party that does not express itself upon the greatest nf tlie day. The reason Uiat we Kft the two old nirties years aco was liecoueether dared not and would not do anything to abol ish the evils of the liquor traffic. We are not now ready to enter a party that refuses to speak out on this duestion lor (ear of the influence that might be ex erted against it if it did so. t soman io. Some people are naturally hard to please Jat the kind of oitcajers Tinkle likes to bare, as be never fails to give satisfaction, i Keep jo-ir ye on the Ladies Bazaar for pnog novelties. Tfcey will have the best iine of thirt waisUever brought to Albany, i Platinctypes are the mn fashionable photos made now. the are th rage at Crarford and Paxtons and the d-j gal-1-ne. Toe ia-liei -f theCbniaa church acd Baptist cburch eac b gave ruof ul cbitk en (ie cuppvrs lact evening, w:I pitron iiL A special train i I leiv. A'lj.ny at 6 o'cl ck tcnight fcr Cofy,!i fcsd retarn to bricgover the A- O C ddtyatioc from that plao The report that Will iurk, jeaelers. werecontemplaliig moving from Albany is a'eolutely without foundation. They are doing a good boeiness and intend to remain penuaneatly. Popolit primaries are t- be held today in this count t. Tbe con(mtVn will be bela oa Feb. 19 with Sf7 delegates, an early campasfn being the order. Mrs. Uiit-Kh .Vick? ras brcoah: suit ayaiiit llajih Nickesja for the par tiuod 'at tee Nu.kfwo-3 pmpertT onder ite reoet-t jadgment of tne ctrcail e.rt A l-all was given at tte opera L:-uie fast evecicit with ma-ie oy Trout man ' orvirt tra Tbe heet and ptlkw part wm oniit ttd. A pfejuant time is reported A land of Urcp. D hcries. in transit to Krctacky, a few days ago. says the Hailey. U'aho, f ime. were tak-a from the cars at --ho-h aad tte animals oid for hO cects apiece. Mr. Julias Gradwhol wishes to infean the jtblic tbat bereafter his bosiness will be condarted in the opera hoax store, the O. F. building store being used as a sam ple ream for goods. Another woaan. one Bell Clarke, wss put in tbe cayaboone lat night. She has bn sojourning snth some tramps across th ner. Tbe next hoat to fort Land wiu take botn of them dowa tbe river. A sreeial train from Lorrallis arrives tere at 7 oViock with a driesraaon of A. O 1". W to attend tbe lecture cf W. H Colvig , G. M. W. at tise opera hoa, also ieletniies and members irom Lrnoo. Brosrasville. Hsisev. leffersor, Scio, Lyons, Mill City and other pcc. LATOR. You'll tad the RED Z on every package. Lock for it. J. H. ZeiUn & Cx, Pniladelpnia, Fa. FAILING MANHOOD Gfcttrol &zi Ksnraas DttiiSy. T-sJowo! cf Eoir sci Mil. 1. l3is ot Errors cr Escem ia Gii r iUuooj faity ftsaewL How tt nra sa-j 6trengtben Weak. Lr.-fevic-ed Porticcs cf Body. A"oo!T:tety c laf iiDr Boc&e Treaaaei t. Beneta i a a dir. teatify Ircia S) Imiim rA FniKm Coantncsk Send for Dwcriprive Boos, ex piaaauoa and proofs, maiicd tscaUedj tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H. Y. List of Patents. Feb. i, and 27, under the so-pia-s of the A. 1. A. bubjectn, "JefUitUm." "Komaiii-ira in America. 'Vn tu I in s n veri.u-1 Romanism." No admissftn f -e. Ky order ti president. Tcie Pkmotft man spread himself bv wealing a manxanita blossom this after- Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Heported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, oprt. L . . Talent oltice, aan ngton, I. C. S L Coboon. San Francisco, sheep shears; F F Foster, Snohomish, Mash, overshoe-retainer; G S Fonts, San Jose, Cal, elevator power wheel; J Oregory, Seattle. Wash, self-extinguishing lamp; K W Hammon. Davisville, t,"l, device for convertimz motion :T W Hetnemann, jo Amtelos, Ual. plaster; A Jounson, Oakland. Cal. attachment for can-mak noon taken Irom a Imsli in tho vnr.l ol I imr machines : L, ll IX'ioe. Ninjiiw, vai. ti. W. Harris. Not a person who saw it I strap machine; A J MalBbary, KeeUley, Ual, grain arm attacnmeni ior k"S tilows: J M Miller. acaviue. t ai, mo- FOSHAY k MASOB. Uliolesaie A Retail DRUGGISTS AND B00K8EL' ER ALUANY, OBEOON. I'ure frugs andthe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Boons in the Market. All it wi'l cost for costume is Sets for washing at AiDany i and tneir amiiieg, are cordially invited steam munury. epectaiors ioc s. i The banquet will be prepared bv and tickets 7.VU, Hirst class uiu.ic. ""i I under the direction and supervision of dance of the season. 1 the wives of all kniehts in the citv. This Arrangements are being made for a game I invitation is published by order of the of bate ball between tbe i . M. L. A , oi 1 committee on arrangement, Salem, and r. Co.. ot this city, ootn m- vincil.ln in thmr resrxjetive cities. Per haps February 20th will be the date. It will be known tomorrow, ir ine game comes off. the onera house nailery will be packed. DISFIGURING HUMOURS Pmttitsd bj SUAP Receive va nnT v. V skis' v on Btorage, and will pay the high market price for the same. slisM isfcJrV.4i All 1 Ws ft im 1 EV ln k I avails. Cuei. V Block An Eaki.v Hop Contkart. Hod con tracts on future crops are beginning to mate tueir appearance at the county clerk's office. Yesterday one covering a period of three years was tilled. It is Between u.i. uower oi nuverlon pre cinct and the Pacific Hop Co. oi Seattle. By its terms Mr. Urower is to furnish the company 15.000 pounds of hops raised by him during each of the years 1896, 18U7 and 189-S, they to be delivered on board the cars at SUverton. The price he is to teceive is 6, 7, and 8 cents. respectively. On the first of September of each year he will be entitled to re ceive an advance of 3,'i cents if he de sires. Statesman. knew what it was. lowph Dunlop, the puhlUlier of the Chi caif 1'iFpatch, has been sentenced to a two yeirit," term in the penitentiary aa'l lo piy a tii.c ot s.ocy lor publishing and rirvuliv tii'U throuib the mails indecmt matter. Tbe Stewart & Sox Hanlware Company are moving into their new quarters in the big brick opiKwite tbe post othoe Ibis is one of the lirire$t hardware store rocins in the valley, and is well artanged for the busini-ss. Rev. J. K. Snvder. who lo!ivred the Erayer at tlw hanging of Ixyd Montgoaiery as been bavwx a very suocewful revival since at Urown-ville, us areoult 43. inclul ing Orville Montgomery, unitinir with tbe cliurcli nna uoout, zo contempiaiinir ine move. Last week Wednesday W. L. Gardner and Wells Cooper left homo and started out into the wide world. They had fciS and their destination was AriMini We learn ed that (bird aer sailed for California the mentum engine; W ance,tirass vai:ey, Cal. minine pump: S II Shelley, Berry eea, Cal. In it-splitting machine, Oinx.os Rgav. Jas. M.leMo8S, of the famous He Moss family oi musicians is in Woodbum, and alter being in tue bis cities of the world says that upon the Pacific coast, without a doubt the entire family will spend the greater part of their lives, because we. one and all have decided tltat. for climate ana a per manent happy home, within the bounds ot mo state oi ureiton is ine oesi iw tion. e have the climate ana son.iiB" fruit, beautiful flowers, ereat timber, de lightful scenery, and wonderful dalle cascades, comes, lava beds and craters. Hawe brush and swamp land, hot springs n)i v-aii.r nml ran in fact select any specie of soil or climate in the bounds ot ..... . i.n.,..K nAiinnl attttM vim ran c. ... ,o .1,11 i Pri. "".R'.V-Vf "" " V .7 v V; o i a ii Hd the desired location Several Albany I - T.a l'a,m$,iin Tho real nronortv elongingto the estate of Hamilton, Job A Co.. was sold in Corrallis w ednesday. Tbe Graham drug store property went to Banker Woo-fcock, for li. in bank building and fixtures were main by M. S. Woodcock for theHrst a tional bank at 1 10,000. The Caulhorn warehouse was sold to J. M. UranUer lm far iS25. for the 31-60 owned by the bans : the otheC 29-60 is owned by iti,K nf Sxl.m. 1 roiiertv in Job's and Kilkins' additions lrougbt 1605. w. M. Ladd. of l'ortlan.l, was the principal purchaser. Asa Aiexanuer lwnnrht the five-acre tract below Cor vallis for 20 an acre, and R. K Gilson IvrnK'ht the laiver tract. containins about 13 acres, lor an acre, ine saie oi the rest of the ptoperty was then pos-- oniMl until the tirst day of April, 1!WS. A little over its.UUU waa reaiixeu irom the sale. Wast it Mopiiiep. Weatherford A Wvaitof A.banv hare filed with the clrVk of the court an application to have the nport of Referee Woodcock Wiative to Unio n county taxes moauim. iue nnnml r'liin of UliColn COUHtV OU ac count of O. P. taxes waa .275.93, and was reduced bv Referee W ooUooct in his findings to $15,tMl 93, the reason as signed being that taxes for the same .mnnnt Inr the same rear was claimed hp Ronton county. The documents filed by Law vers Wealhert'ord and WyaU n .irM ti'ii the ennrt modify tbe report of the referee by allowing 'th taxes of Lincoln county, for instead oi aisai- lowing said taxes. The motion sets lorm that the referee erred tn disallowing both the taxes of Benton and Lincoln untie in 1S92. Arguments on ine motion will be heard at the adjourned term on the 23:h. Times. 20 i Want a Xkw P. O.. A pei'Jon sign- f. bv a lsnre number of residents ol the third ward has been signed and sent to Washington, askinir for a rostoflice at the store of J. II. Wallace in Eastern Albany. vcuiii men have started out on much less ' than Is MKwmr of Has McKehchkr. An interestimr nrocram. consistinit ot prayer service, sonirs. and addresses by Revs. Snvder and Sperrv and Mrs. lv. 11. Urover. was rendered at the K. of V ball Wednesday afternoon, under tbe auspices of the A. O. V. W in memory of the late I). B. McKcrcher. The finan cier's chair, made vacant by Mr. Me- Kercher'a death, was neatly draped and In a conspicuous place was a placard bearing the inscription, "In memory of Brother l.B.McKtrcher,tinancieroi in ley Lodce, No. 41, A. O. U. W. Died Nov 19, 1S)5. A largo crowd was present, and the services throughout were a nt ting tribute to the memory of the noble Paniel B. Mchercher. Brownsville Times. What to Do with Frankie Rico is a great queery with the city oliicials. There is talk of trying to send her to the asy lum ; but she is not insane. She simply ry, Or Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty Cuticura Soap purifies and beautifies the skin, scalp, and hair by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Inflamed, Irritated, Sluggisb, or Overworked Pores. 4 a So... 1, Sic. UwikU. Ixmiem. rmtM Dmvo a Cssm. Coir., S4 tiep BaMas, V. B. A. has been drinking to excess and using morphine. It is reported that she was the woman mixed up with Carrie Brad ley in the Portland scrape several years ago; but this is not so. Her name was Pvburn. It is probable she will m I h nllnwiwl 'in so if she leaves the city to A ConvALUH Bill. A bill that atari. ' remain away. She was in tho calaboose led some of the brethren at the council this afternoon. meeting Monday night was one pre sented by ex-Chief of Police Taylor, for 147, claimed to be due on back salary. Taylor bases his claim upon the fact that the city reduced his salary by resolution asylum, while working on the farm took instead of by ordinance. The claimant . iivantaLe of the situation and ran away. believes tho reduction by resolution was I Ho was captured last night by Deputy As Khcapkd Insane Man. Several days ago a patient named Ralston, com mitted from Grants Pass to tho insane Tub Samr Greenwood. Here is anoth er item from the Walla Walla States man about a tormer Albany photogra pher: W.H.Greenwood, who has been lying in jail since Saturday night in a vain effort to get an attorney, was be fore Justice hagan this afternoon on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. He hud a witness subpoenaed to prove that he was not drunk at the time of his arrest, but the witness said that he did nni bnnw whether the defendant was Hmnlr nr not. Justice Eauan fined the prisoner in default of which he will , miB8lonor, R, F. Cardwell spend two nays longer iu iw wood made a vehement protest against so heavy a tine, saying Uiat it was ex cessive ior a crippled old man to pay. TiitPorrusTSor Lani county met yes terday at Eugene and had a red hot time, before adjournment about ten delegates headed by J. . Anns, ot tbe isroad Axe, withdrawing in anirer. A. S. Patterson was permanent chairman. A big tight was Lad over a motion to adjourn to a future date. It was defeated. It was anti-fusion 61 to 33. The following now inations were made : State senator, Lev Goer; representatives, Rev. A.D. Skaggs, M- D. Land is and A. M. Sweeney; Lorn " Did Not Fioht. The priae fight oe tween Fitrsimmons and Maher which it was expected would come off today at El i.... 1.1 nn matariulirn. Romethlnir w as the matter of one of the men's eyes. 1 liable, sure it may occur in a few days, 'ine other 1 Do Not Despair because you have tried many medicines and nave failed receive benefit. Remember that Hood' Sarsaparilla cures when ail others fall to do any good whatever Hood's Pills are the best family c.ith artio and liver medicine. HarMea, re' illeeal. and that he is iit itlf tf ftftfs nap 1 Uttnc iff w V. nhsndlorof Lebanon, and ... . . . i"-' - . 1 t, mav v.enr in a lew uas moon until same was reduced by ordi- brought to Albany, where an employe 01 .nnounced for tomorrow and nnuiw. ino mu was reierred to tho ti- the asyiuin came anu tooa mm w - - . Monday, nance committee.-Gatte. Balem on the I o'clock train. closing on aionaay. The greatest sel'er oa the ciarVet for liseaees of tbe Liver, Kidneys nu Con stipation. Plea&aat to take by old cr yooiig. No rriping. The rt cf th Liverinep'jr.t is exten sively used in Norway fo the core of Piles Sold by all Erst ciasa drcjIs Wholesale aAnufactsres. ANCHOR SCHEi! ICAL CO. Lebanon. Or DOLiskRS PER riONTH iH YOWw OWN LOCALTT7 maoe easily aad hoMrably. witbet can, al. during yoer spare hoars. Any mil oman, bo v. or gi 1 1 cai 00 lie worx n-c without exjerieoie. TalkilUC cecessary. nothing 1 Ke it ior mor ; .niiking ever orPjeo he f or i vur wor.ei r .wavs prosjvT. :c n. arning the boUev. We t-ach yvl lv . nisbt "low -' :Pe-riI from the fir' .lOUr JOIl Cjn EBSl" mil S-Jiwil r cusa to Toopelf. We start yea. furnu everything nete4 U carry cn the be et snccessfo: f, and guarantee J asainst failure If yon ut follow m simple, plain lustrwttiJnsL Readt.' " yoo are !n need of ready money, av wnt to bsot an anons 11x0 uess i- is- . isiness bef ors the 'imiv-. send u y- u-.trcss. and we w tu n - 1 tou feut giving you all tac paiuciuar CO., Cox ACQ. Best rice in tbe market at II. F. Mc Ilwain's cash store, 6 cts per lb- Gladness Comes X7ith a better nnderstandintr of the V transient nature of the many phys ical ilia which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant e fforts piirhtlv directed. There ia comfort in the knowledge that so many forma of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, wnicn ine pieasau family laxative, iSyrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That ia w hy it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene Bcial effects, to note when you pur-cha.tbatyouht!V. which is ninuuitetureu iy ic v....-. Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep utable druggists. , ... If in the enjoyment of good heattn. and the system ia regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may "be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the beat, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. Star Biikory Cor. Kror-dalbin and First Sts C3KSA0 MEYEI?, PSCPSIET03- . IXsiet la Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats. Qucvnswarc, Vegetables, Cigars, Spices, Tea, Etc evervthine that is kept in good variety and gro eery store. High est price pud for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WarM's Fair Hlghst Msdaf as4 Wptsasa.