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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1895)
cm o rat. If I had a Bon who would smoke cigar ettes, I'd instill bim With thoughts of the evils the habit begets, And I'd fill him 'With dread of it all. How to flee Irom its nets I would drill him. And if that did no good, without any regrets, I would kill him. L. A. W. Bulletin. It will be a great relief when the pub lie is premitted to hear something besides Corbett. Fitzsimrcons and Durrant. It is about time we had a change. Speaking of national parks, the Globe Democrat remarks that the Yellow t one National Park is one of the greatest nat ural wonders, and much has been done to make the trip through it comfortable and enjoyable. But according to the re port of the superidtendent, the number of visitors is decreasing instead of in creasing. In 1890, it was nearly 4000 ; in 1893, it was 8078 ; last year it was 1633 ; and this rear up to July 25, it was only 423. And yet the travel to Europe grows larger every year, while this and other interesting regions of our own country are neglected. 1 he Salem Journal is exceedingly sar castic It says on the subject of that $100,000: Another batch of bills by law yers and other leeches of the co potation are now stacked up, of nearly $100,000. Whalley as referee, who got a $4,060 slice first cut, now wants a tid-bit of $500 more. Give it to him Mr. Referee 1 Only, keep enough for yourself 1 Whalley was a past referee. Woodcock is no referee. The political pets and favorites must all bepaid. The several referees, receivers and ther lawyers will take the $100,000 the road sold fo: It will take a relief bill by the legislature and several fat jobs of a political charac ter to pay all these fellows. AttemtpsatWit. First Chicago Alderman: "Did you catch the chairman's eye?" Second Chicago Alderman : "No ; only the point of bis jaw." Detroit Tribune. Bixby: "What idiots girls are when they imitate men!" Marie (flattered) ; "Do you think so? That proves how ' excellent the imitation is' Truta. "I am moving today because I could not pay the rent." "That's first rate. Iam moving for the same- reason. Let's change quarters." Fliegende Blaetler. "Green tea or black, miss?" inquired the shopman, in a sort of medico- beside manner. I don't think it matters," said the girl ; "missus is color blind." Fort Worth Gazette. New office boy :"A man called here to thrash you a few minutes ago." "What did you say to him?" Boy: "I told him I was very sorry you weren't in. Lon don Judy. Burnley: "What you eburch people need is more tolerance in your religion." Goodley: "I fancy we don't need it any more than you need religion in your tol erance." Detroit Free Press. Teacher: "Can anyone explain how the world is divided?" Willie (with very important air): "Between them that's got it and them that wonld like to have it ""Harper's Bound Table. Baby Ethel: What was I cryinic about, msEma, when 1 went to sleep?" Mam ma: "Because I wouldn't let vou have your new dolL" Baby Ethel : "Oh, yes Boo-hoo! boo-hoo!' Harper's Bazar. "Are you very boey ?' "No, sir. What can we do for you?" "1 notice that the advertisement in the window says yon have 10.000 overcoats ior sale. Can try them on?" Fliegende Blaetter. Washington Letter. From our rvulr Correspondent. Washington, Oct. 21st,1895. On to Atlanta! The distinguished party, including the Treeident, his en tire Cabinet and most of the ladies of the Cabinet families, which left here tonight on a special train for Atlanta, carried no bauners, braes bands or other implements of war, bat their arrival will be haiied with much more delight by the citizens of Georgia's metropolis than wasan ither party which visited the sime city something like thirty-one years ago, amid the roar of cannons, the raW tling of drnme, the blare of trumpets and waving of,flags. Mrs. Cleveland did not go. She was too good a mother to leave the baby, and it was deemed in judicious for eo young a miss to mate sujh a long railroad journey. Secretary Oiney had a long conference today with the wifa of ex-Consul Waller, who was sentenced to twenty years in prison by a French Court-martial for his alleged in terference with French military opera tions in Madagascar. Mrs. Waller, who oulv reached Washington this morning, from Madagascar, via France, told the secretary the whole story from her side After the interview she expressed her self as being perfectly satisfied that the administration was doing, and would continue to do everything that it could properly do for the relief of her husband. It is really amusing to hear the fears expressed by some of the republican sen ators, that they will be compelled, when cougress meets to reorganize the Senate and taite charge of the committees, thus .becoming responsible for legislation without the majority to pas it. Fray, who is going to compel them to assume Bach responsibility? Surely not the democrat", who are probably willing, although not anxious, to allow things to remain as they are; nor the populists, unless they can make a deal for their own benefit If there., is any compelling it wiil be done by republicans. In order to keep the fine gun-making plant at the Washington Navy Yard in operation, it lias been decided to make the three-inch 'field gnri", which are needed for the Navy there. About one hundred of these guns will be made. The Navy Department had authority to have then? made by contract, but when the I'M? were received it was found that they could be made by the government just an cheep or cheaper, and the keep ing together of the akilled force of me chanics which are employed in the gov ernment gun shop turned the scales in favor of having the work done there. While I do not krow that Senator Sherman has chosen this time for the publication of his recollections during forty years in office with the special idea of Injuring one Benj. Harrison, there are leasons which squint that way. Bor instance, Mr. Shermnn charges in his book, without any ifs, ands. or buls, that Mr. Harrison's nomination for the presi dency in 1883 was brought about by a corrupt bargain with one man who con trolled the New York delegation. Esauimaux women never scold. That is the place for some Oregonians then. Recently a Kentucky coup'e walked thirty miles to get married. frothicg in that to boast of. The United States and England will not do any fighting over Alaska. In the first place this is not a fighting era. That third term cry again bobs up; but it is only agitated for political ef fect. There is nothing in it. An exchange save that "while the President has been catching fish bis ad ministration has been catching .' The Portland exposition has been a great success this year. Linn count,, did her share toward making it worth seeing. $800,000 was paid out in wages on the new Astor residence in New York City. That is the way tor millionaires to spend money. Three Sau Francisco newspapers have subscribed $21,000 for the National Re publican Convention. The newspaper business must pay in the Golden City. iccording to John Sherman's new book there must be a big batch of rascals a- mong the political leaders of this great and glorious country. John is undoubt edly right. Robert Goelet ia contemplating the erection of a $3,000,000 cottage at New port That ia good. It will furnish em ployment to hundreds of men and help keep the money in circulation. A small caee was being tried in Walla Walla a few days ago when one lawyer called the other a liar, thief, scoandrel, criminal and soward. The other lawyer returned the complinents of the day by calling his opponent a self confessed per jurer, etc Such fellows need to have the Oregon Bar Association camped on their track. Wannamakers son recently spent $20, 000 for a dinner and Mrs. W. K. Van- derbilt $30,000 for a party, while a Cen tral Point man is in jail for stealing 32 cents worth of flour to keep his family from starving. Ah exchange thinks that ia unfair, so it is in one sense ; but all the same it seems sort of pleasant to see the Vanderbilts keep their money in circa lation. An exchange says all the honey married life is condensed into the honey moon. Only true in some cases. There are many couplet married for years wboee happiness far exceeds that of the honey moon period, tnenitis merely an ex periment, a gushing era, and the more gush the shorter the honeymoon. There have been honey moons that lasted lifetime. These public mediuov.slic exhibitions are the worst fakes out considered as the work of spirits, for everybody knows that as clever as they are they are mere tricks. If presented as a clever exhibi tion without any claim to the assistance of spirits then they are just as legitimate as any legerdemain show. Depend eo it if spirits ever appear they do sot make fools of themselves, and are not in the show busines. In the special election held in the Tenth Congressional District of Georgia the other day. Major fJiack. Democrat, was elected over Tom Watson, Pnpuliet, by 1,602 votes. At the regular eleclioa in November last Major Black was declared elected, but as therb were charges of fraud, he agreed to resign and run it over again. In this election he declared squarely for the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1. Experts report that it is impossible to send a telegraphic dispatch through the Hoosac tunnel, four and one half miles from North Adams, Mass. It has been tried with all kind of wires, and with a cable such as is used under the ocean, bat in vain. The telegraph wires in conse quence of this curious condition, have been carred over the surrounding moun tains. A earful exploration has been made, but no magnetic or other ore has been found to interfere wi'.b a transmut- sion of a message. An Alaska paper says that Boise City, Idaho, lays claim to being the only town in the world whose streets are sprinkled with boiling water and whose houses are supplied with hot water from never falling boiling springs, says the Alaska Mining Record, Boise City can revel in her heat, we do not wish to rob her ot a single breeze, for we Alaskans love our icebergs that float continually before us and strand on the beach in front of our doors. Our never failing glaciers fur nish ns with the rarest of old ice for our morning cock tails, our noon lemonades and our evening ice creams in which cooling luxuries we North polites revel. Our friends in Boise City when they are completely boil ad out are cordially in vited to come to Alaska and cool off. At Baltimore. Editor Democrat: , Several new features have bet n intro duced at the Baltimore convention just held by the "National Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union." One is the stereoptican pictures of far off lands, b.ingin? near the places to be entered into by the monster petition. The thresh olds and doorways of palaces and parlia ments acoss which it will be carried, to gether with seme of the people of the old orient King Hbama, for his fame, who has entreated with tears that the ''fire water" shall not be brought to his peo ple on the West African coast, "to make them mad '' Some of the scenes of pres ent day enactment have been depicted; such as the hunted Armenian writhing under the heel of the fiendish Mussul man. And Miss Helen Potter by ber wonderful impersonation, will have brought to life again the greatest tem perance orator the world has ever known John B. Uough. There will have been a j ageant of states, when each state will have spoken its own motto, and scng its own eong to its own music. This is but the beginning of the W. C. i V., '"yet today Mies W'illard says." it is a'great Saint Catherine wheel-window blazing upon the facade of the nine teenth rentnrv. J" fi-r'ipncVions reach O it to v-'i ciii. i A iiaiiuii ou the face ot the globe and upon its tracery throb, not tbe dUmembered body of a Saint Catherine, but the throbbing hearts of near half a million women, set there Jd a sacrament of love for "God, and Home and K very Land." - An interesting law case has been sprung at Ashland, Wis,, in which the widow of a laboring- man died of.typhoidfever, has sued the waterworks company for dam ages, alleging that defendants permitted the wr.ter to become pelluted. In a Quandary. The Salem Post figures on a very im portant matter before the people, in the following manner, perhaps defective In some respects, but interesting: The state board of land commission eisare in a quandary. The interest on loans from the school fund is largely in default. Consequently, the schools are deprived of the necessary funds to go on for the full year. That creates a clamor from the school districts for more money The board dislikes to close mortgages on hard-working and frugal citizens, sell their hornet and set them out in the world penniless. This would raise a storm politically, which the board would not like to face. Besides that, as in the present financial stringency of money, much of the property would not sell for cash, and the state would be compelled to purchase it. This would not relieve the school fund at present, and the board would have much unproductive proper ty scattered over the state. This would entail expense. But what can be done? Teachers complain that they now do not get enough to pay for the work they do Clearly then, we cannot much relieve the situation by a farther reduction of salaries of teachers. Will the people stand a heavier tax rate? Hardly possible with wheat at 40 cents, wool at 10 cents, hops at 5 cents and dressed pork at 4' cents. Must we then cut off a few weeks more from the school years? Surely not. . Not one of these alternatives seem practicable. And if present prices prevail one or the oth er muat be adopted sooner or later. With shrinking volume of money, wages and prices must shrink also. Mort gages must eventually be foreclosed; debtors must be deprived of their homes , and the land become the possessions of men who were sagacious enough not to depend on industry and production for their fortunes, but on the increasing purchasing power of money axd the ab sorption of interest. For this there is no final remedy but an increase of money in actual circulation. Otherwise the board tray in mercy put off the day of collection a while yet Bat the inevit able must come sooner or later. And when it does come the problem will be as difficult of solution and as cruel as now. The only way to maintain the gold standard and keep gold in this eountry ; is to reduce the volume of currency, re duce bank credits and bring down prices and wages. The attempt to maintain' the gold standard by selling bonds and buying gold, wih the exception of keep ing in that way a larger volume of gold permanently here, is ntter folly ; and any one who believes the gill standard can bo maintained in that way i un6t to have charge of the finances of the country. There is, I repeat, absolutely but one way to keep gold here or to maintain the gold standard, and that is to cut down prices to fit the sUndarJ, or, in other words, accept the results of gold as the pricing instiomeut. We may temporarily borrow gold, but we cannot buy gold and keep it as ours except by . . . ' '"',, paytn font dearlv with oar com modi- ties as other countries pay . Do we shrink from the consequences conMHjcences of this policy, or ask where labor will go, or where property will go, or where the debtor will stand, or what will be the consequences to mortgaged property, or to insurance and trust companies that depend on this class of securities? The answer is, the time to think of tbese things is befor it is determined to go to t'ie gold basis. All I am saying is that we cannot at once go there and at the same time stay away. We cannot make gold alone the pricing inslrumentand at the same time, by legislation or leg erdemain, by credit bubbles, by tariffs, or by confidence in somethicg impossi ble maintain a range of prices inconsist ent with that standard. A. I- Warner in Sun. 10,(XX is certainly a very liberal al lowance for Salem's population. Th. assessor should not be hit ou that pro- position. In an article in the Journal Mr. Coffey says: The history of the cen sus of 1890 explains tbe apparent decrease in Salem's population. Tbe fact ia no official report of Salem was made by Mr. Porter. The population of tbe city has been credited with 10,422 and which ap pears in Cram's Universal Atlas, is on official. The enumerators for lS'JO made acanvaas of the city and would have reported tbe population at about 8000. A contention arose a to the boundary lines and another canvass was made, but it was never recognized by Porter. By some means the figures 10,422 got into tbe atlases. Had be included 6al;m in his report, tbe present population of 8alem 1J.261, would have shown about be same increase over five years ago as does tbe county. Tbe Oregonian sets down on the school teacher who brutally whipped a pupil while in anger, even though the teacher was tried and discharged. That is cor rect. He ought to be criticised. Chil dren aie children, and the teacher who can't govern them without brutality should lie shipped. It is foolish though to have them arrested. An exchange accuses some of its con temporaries of using their shears and passing off tbe product for the original matter. Depend upon it tbe readers of a paper soon learn whether matter is ori ginal, doctored or sciesorinktumed. After all, some of the greatest works are compilations. Spain has been put to desperate extrem ities to rais money to "carry on ber efforts to suppress tbe present Cuban rebellion. A moderate estimate placet the expenses of Spain on this score at $50,000,000 and the insurrection seems to be stronger now than it was when the first Spanish troops were sent to over come it. Atlanta Journal. A man should be as eareful to fulfill a Scent obligation as a 500 one. Tbie should be particularly true of men in public offic; and right here, it may be said that men should be kept out of public office not strict in money obliga tions. Nine out of ten people will say ay to that. An exchange seems to think it rather inconsistent for the governors of Texas and Arkansas to top prisfjiiting while the governor of Oregon care ully reads offootball games without any effort to stop them. :. The Holmes trial has begun in Phila delphia and it can be smelt clear across tbe continent .Tke that and the Durrant teierrtnd the country" verily is affected. Well who' raid Bob Corsimmons and Jim Fitzbett were going to fight, anj way? Can't a newspaper controversy be kept up a year or two withsnt blows? De troit Journal. .....' MISFITS. A local femalo minstrel troupo is soon to exhibit at Yreka, Calif. Charlev Mckel, of tho Jacksonville Times probably pays tho most tuxes of any uregon minor inurviuuuuy, ueing assessed at $10,225. Pol phis "onto" his job. lie publicly favors a recognition of tho Cuban instir- gents. Now Mr. Mitchell speak out. What's the matter of having Mr. Her mann inw&tigate the Calapooia. Doesn't that need improving? In the city election in December there are no more important officers to be elected than the three councilmen. Keep this fact in your minds, and don't nom inate n en just to fill in with. The Reliance foot ball team of Oak land, Calif., will play the Multnomahs at Portland next Saturday. Tho Mult nomah's will not score, ruey will ie jerked all over the ikld. Score about 30 to u. The Salem Statesman i on the trail of the count'' Assessor. The receipts of Assessor Coffey for 1894 were $8,318,74, and for 1895 up to Oct. 1, $7,900.50. It is thought the total will be $10,000. In 1S90 the cost was only $ 2,ww. Some time ago Miss Belle Hammond sued Cassius Barlow, well known through the valley, for $25,00 for breach of promise. Last week the suit was settled by the payment of $1,600. Probably as cheap as bo deserved. The Post gives Salem a hard bit as follows : "Albany is making an effort U start a turpentine, rosin and oil factory. Every town is trvinsr to do something for itself but Salem. The only thine that Salem does successfully is to keep the price ot wheat down." There are some very loud reports about big strikes in the Santiam nunc. While exaggerated some there is enough to them to indicate that there is some thing very rich there. The Dkmocbat "predicts it will be one of the richest camps in the, U. S. Why not. Speaking of the Salem hog the Journal i says: the hot is not a pleaant animal to contemplate . sometime. But if you study him rightly, get on the riuht side of him. arouse lus independence, his T-, - , " "-r is thrown on hii own resources, you can-1 innlv nti-tlitiAA Al t-,i tirwtrt whAn h.k not be p but admire the porker lie is not a daisy or a geranium, but he is an aaimal ot the get-there variety, and every ) .ujr8t 14 the Chine, newspapers out time he gets there on Lis own feet he j liotM a :i,tw b, wbi,.h chin'4 'propwej compels respect. ta reward Germany. France an Kaswa ! fjr their intervention aaiot japo . OA tramp applied at the residence of j Rev. Mr. Alley last evening for some thing to eat. Mrs. Alley informed his trampship that she would reward him Mm ;. . ; 1.0 -...!. i .k k;- hands .n f After ttm heitnev hecompli-d and was liberally fed. VJn he left he stole th bar of sn. This is ih rt tin. rmr et.o .nr ,.t s ontbreak of trouble. All is aow qtiiet. and Poor Taeorua. She is now a sad ex-jlberiUjcnsaie confident there will be no ample of boom days. Even tbe Ledger j trouble PoUic entinient appears to be says tbe following from Jeremiah fit, orernbelaiinz in favfr of crashing out any her case : attempt at intimidation at ths very outlet. How doth tbe city sit solitary, that was full Of people! 4 rteallar Case. How is she become as a widow! V ...., . She that was great among the nations. I .. OHS- Ck!: -J V Beace, of and princes among the provinces, how is , ( , tribuUrv She weepeth sore in' the night, and her .. tears are on her cheek. mnnrs!l Ian .h h3lh nnn. A jcomtort her. All her friends have dealt t readier- ousiy with her. They are become ber enemies. Ttie follow ing from an exchange, is a f nil.i t too short for pricting over 4.000, somewhat exaggerated experience of all f ba!kls. newspaper men, as well as men in other . businesses: Lat week a man slipped ? se rmw. up to us and said he would pay us every i Ciik'agi. t. 21. Private telegranis cent he owed as if he lived until 5at!ir-; were received in ti.i cdy this evea;nrf day night. We presume the man died. ' from Una Uradt and Juhan. saying that Another man said be would pay us in a ' the ight will r-oiuvij come ol I"hurt.Ur. day or two as sure as he were born. - Braday a s it will be pnie. f v a siJe Query : IiJ the man be or mere he never ' bet of .V,W or ?U).'X and that Fu;m bornt Another man said he would set- ' mon-t will put rp his roaney as .xn a h tie as sure as shootm?. We are lead to the concturion that shooting is not very certain. Another hoped to goto tbe devil if he did not pay us in three days. ImIsuh. Haven't seen him since; suppose be has gone, but trust he has not hoped in vain. ! Nw Yoas. ivt. &. Newa baa r ac h Qui'e a number said they would see us :ed here of a revolution ia Hsytt Pres tamorrow. They have been stricken I ident HippoKte, it is sid. has retired to blind or else tomorrow has not come. ! his palare at Port Au Prince, eherehs- One man said he would pav as soon as j he got some moner. That man would not lie so of course he has not had a cent , when he overthrew Legitime, since." j Commercial houses iu New York which do busmees with tiayti have been ex pecting this outbreak for several week. Dr. Whites Xew Hair-growing System j ,w bki. s.ii.. fr main 1, I V. 1. IuT . I r. Sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Ma rion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. Box 421, Alhany.Or. for free pamphlet on Baldness and Scalo Troubles Louis Yiereck baa secured tte sole riebt of Linn, Marion and fientnn Co. for tbe sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Partie desiring treatment will do well to consult bim at bis place of business or address box 421, Albany, Lino Co., Or. Meat cheaper than aver at the Albany Drewed Beef Co's shop, corner of Second and Ellswortn street. "Bill" Kaerick will continue to slice the best meat to be obtained for you. If you want a Rood and dean smoke buy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factory. BORX TRIiEB.Ori Sunday, October 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Arch Trites, near Albany, a son. DIED. LYTTOJf. On Sunday, Oct. 27, 1893, in Albany, the 7-year-old son of Mr. Lyt ton, of the third ward. A Gentle Corrective hat you need when your r becomes inactive. It's t you iret when yon take Pierce's Pleasant Pellets; re free from the violence and the griping- that come with the ordinary pill. The best medical authorities agree that in regulating the bowels mild methods are pref erable. For every de rangement of the liver, stomach and bowels, thce tiny, sue-ar coated pi!! are most rfftctive. Th?y go about their woik In an easy and natural way, and their good lasts. One ned, they are always In fa vor. Being; composed of the choicest, eoutea. trated vegetable ex tracts, they cost eases more than other puis found in the market, yet from forty to forty four are put up in aach w M sealed glass viai. as sold through dnifnrista, at the price of the cheaper made pills. " Pleasant Pellets " core biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costive ness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, ordys pepsia, windy belchlngs, "heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up la sealed glass vials, there fore always fresh and reliable. Whether as a laxative, or in larger doses, as a gently acting but searching cathartic, these littla " Pellets " are nnequaled. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieva th! distress arising from over-eating, noth ing equals one of these little "Pellets." They are tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules. Any child readily takes them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It may be belter or the dealer, because of paying hira a better profit, but hi ia not the one who needs help. . A free sample (4 to 7 doses) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt ef name and address on postal card. Address World's Dispensary Mbdicaj. Association', Buffalo, N. V. . u wm m TELEGRAPHIC. He Deserved It. TYum, Tex., Oct. 29. Mrs. Leonard Bdl, the 18-year-old wife of a farmer, who j had been visiting her mother, started to! walk home, half a mile, last evening. On the way she passed a gin, where men were working, boon afterward her mutilated body was found a quarter of a mile from her home at the side of the road. There was evidence of a, terrible struggle, the body being almost nude. The fiend, after awuilting her, cut bet throat from ear to enr and completely disemboweled her. A negro, Ilecry Uilliard, was captured with the use of blood hounds. He confessed the crime, and in the presence of 7000 people was burned alive. Promptly Eieelrocated. Dannemoba. N. Y . Oct. 29. "today for the second time in tje history of this state, two murderers paid the penalty of their crimes the same day fiaa before the fame set of witnesses. Ueorge 11 Smith, who murdered old l'hilip Hicbtueyer, at Albany, und Charles E. Davis, who out raged and killed 6-yeai-old Maggie Shan non, at Cokoes, were killed in the electric chair at Clinton prison, being the 23 lh and 29th subjects of electrical execution. These were also examples of quick justice, bctb being convicted the third week in Septem ber. A Bl Trt. Chicago, Oct. 29. A local paper says: The storage battery patents of this coun try have passed into the control of a trust. The trust s name is the Electric Storage Uattery Company. Its capital is put at jiu,uwjiw. lis Headquarters are in l'nil i adelphia. W. W. Uibbs.ol tint trust fame.' is its president. The backer of the trust is the iiienw-hlluns-1 erkes combination. Uaeiilton Disston, the saw manufacturer. is heavily interested. Tuts combination controls the patents of the United States, Iwti Warlike. St. Petkbsbcbo, Oct. 29. The Nova Yreraya publishes a dispatch from ladi vov'tock, sayioir that the Kritish squadron of warships in the waters of the tar East have been concentrated at Fob Chin, and adds: 'Great Britain is zealously seekinr pretext for declaring war upon China, in or-Vr to counteract the successes of Russia and restore her shattered prestige in the Pacific." Cblaa aad K la OsbMb. tMnna fi t K1 T .-.. , t k. -I .I. meIlt msde bv the Grannie todav th.t . (.(!icilU 0I h in Uwity says the alarming dUpaU.h of U,e Tin, from Hon Koog. .ii;-,, .1- 1 ' , r..;. in R,,-,:, .i.i. i ' . ..... , lte anaai jacis, uie news seems rM,t;rniea todv fmm t r to be j u K. Morrwoo. who recently traveled 1 i,ru,h ,;,.. ,w The I Safe slnke. Wallace, Idaho. Oet, 28 If there was aj imrauoo on me pan at ine members ' "e miner s u vi miur s umun 10 unve our. miners ! ,h Hunter mine Sun.Uy ereoin. it ! BPPJ b the prompt ac um of Uorernor MctonoeJI, in ordering be BiihUa 1 prepare to more at a ClO- ue. and the annitinrv,mnl that he would declare martial law at tbe first wprenie c-arv vir gTDut lb ap- ; plica '.n-n to remc-rs the r..(er em'jm of ' d" bid- i ,o:- , " -' P"5"1 .mnMwoers "M rrowratlT la UKnnag E Male iiiatr.-Tii-r to lu emblem. A n artiwal ' t3,n ' 'be supreme court, where .the :! t- araued and decided Wed ; te-l.iT. SbMjtd toe court cosLua the de cixion of ,'udjfe Iteach, there rosy be no i election November 5. tzr tie time then reaches Jtot Tinys Juuin say the fik-ht i:l positively cooie o? in private to Hot Swings Ibursda. , is guarded by fie army, which he ; brought down Irom the north witu bim Iospos. Oct 1 The situation in the mining market is canning miKb anxiety Tnere was a further sharp fail today 10 most of tbe shares, and several firms are knovit to be in trouble, it is doubtful if assiftance to tide over payday will be ob tainable in vi'W of today's decrease in pncea The mining market closed with a more cteerful tone and at better prices. lsaseae rrajces. Lost-os, Oct 2-i-Tbe Times Lhi morn ing has an article on tbe Nicaraguaa canal from a corrwpoudent lately there, bo says it is the project cannot be carri, d t!ii-ot!h as a private undertaking, but that it niiit be under the auspices of some strong government, which, without doubt, must l the United Mates, lie is con vinced tbe cost will be nearer 30.000 000 than '.000.000. It is useless to suppose, he add, that the government of the states of l'enir.,1 America will be able to sopply tbe tkeee-aary labor. The laborers, he thiuks w all undoubtedly be r.eroes, the Vet !i-ies negro Ulior being far superior to the 1 hioese. ' Mare rufal aatake. LiTTiJt Rock, Oct. 27. Constable A'leo P. Djtis, of Hot Spring, pave out infor mation todaj , which leads those who talk ed wit j I nn to believe that Corbett and lilzjtiit l.i-ins will fiht in private not fr from Hot Springs, one day about the lnttr part of this week. Lat Friday morni; g Corbett was supplied with oewspspers con taining inlitimiions thit he was about to ?uit the stale to avoid a meeting witb itzHmmons. After perusing the papers, it is related that he fractured the adjacent ozone with pouderouH stripes and vowed be would stay in (idrl.ind county end make mincemeat, metaphorically speaking, of Julian's man. He at once pitched into the work of training. jut s if be really was to light October 31. The Darraat faa. cUs FiiAacrac-o. Oct 27 It is settled that Attorney Kugene Deuprey will make the closing argument for his client in tbe Durrant case. He i getting stronger every day, and, although still a very sick man, he is better than bn was when he made his last appearance in court. Tuesday after noon he will be accompanied by his nurse, and he wi'l speuk to the jury as long as his strength will allow. t Hli statn. Chicago, Oct. 27. Luke Michijpin was swept by a brrtic gale tcday. During the alternoon, from 1 fo 3 o'clock, the wind blew off the west bhore nt the rate of 44 miles an bour. Small craft had a bad time in the sea, which suddenly rolled up. The gale was stronger nlong the east shore, where all kinds of shipping have a rough time. t he rnbaa War. Havana, Oct. 27. Lieutenant of Volun teers Berne, with a detachment of 20troups, surprised nn insurgent band at Aeeu,jat the farm of Luisa, killing five of them, and taking three ri ll-is. The prison at Santa Clara is overflowing, and 20 persons confined there has been re leased, A number of incendiaries who were also amonor tbe prisoners have been sent to Cienfuegos. A Prompt Saltan. London, Oct. 27 The Constantinople correspondent of the Times says: A threat ening placard was posted in the palace re cently, addressed to the sultan. An inqui ry incriminated 14 members of the imperial household. All of them were executed the same day within the precincts of YUix. Thus the sulUn'i mind was relieved of a very great weight. SLEEP OR DEATH. For Years Ir. BiirsMi Pate's Celery C0130M Maie Him fell SojQ Publisher of Two Great German Papers. Can flow Work Fourteen Honrs Every Day. Sleeps Soundly and Peacefully Every Night He Lives. Sleep is one of the things that cannot oe jui ou irom nigui i- nigm. The punishment lor sleeplessness is worse than pain. It means a shattered mind. It often happens that a sudden stress of work or anxiety robs one of the night's rest, me eneci is soon apparent in me languor, headaches and listlesaness that ensue. If rapid and abundant mean are em ployed to repair the exhausted parts the nerves retain their elasticity. But if an unnatural privation of sleep is carried beyond the stretching power of the brain the whole nervous system becomes un done, and prostration results. Thousands of men struggling under great responsibilities or tedious work, anxious, overworked mothers and wives, shoD srirls who are forced to stand on their feet all day long, have little diffi xb. kax araoiiuw. enltv in couvincins tlieir friends of the remarkable power of Paine's celery com pounlto restore their energy, renew their vigor, and make them girong and well. Here is a letter from Mr. Max Borg beim the well known president and man ager of the Cincinnati Freie Press Com pany. Mr. Iiurgbeim writes: "The following statement may be of interest. I have been suffrring from sleeplesnes, insomnia, for many years, and although I have tried almost every thing to get cured, consulting the bet pbvsicians, and even going several limes to Europe, everything was in vain. I did not have a night's rest for al most six year, that is to say, I could oot sleep for two hours in sticeeion in a sing'.e night ; you can easily imagine what the effect on me bad bee-n. After spending a fortune in tryicg lor relief I bad given op almwt all liope.aad when 1 first read about Paine's ceiery compound I did not have niach faith in anvthine. But after having used so many remedies and consulted eo many pKy-1 eicians in this country and aomsvi I felt j like giving the compound a trial. The i result was was truly wonderful. j "The very first night about six mr.ibs ago that 1 tried Paine's celery compound j vou can i marine my k-y when I found j j lhat 1 hJ tix Lours ia euecwion. i , iine u,,i I j4ati not been I for so manv vears. I contir bleated w ith inued the use for over three months with tbe same hsppv result, and although I was fearful leat the malady would come bark on me, I can now say that although I have not taken the compound for months I do sleep every night peacefully and without interruption. Yoi can easily imagine what this means for a man who works fourteen hours every day in tbe year aad has charge of two large newspapers. I con sider my cae a most remarkable one and I should be giad if this statement should be tbe means of helping others who have suffered like I in the same un told agonies, and for this reason I give you full perruiacsion to make use of this statement in any way you choose. The eagle soars a!-". ft oDcemore; Again the campaign cry Is echoing from shore lo shore : "You lie!" "You lie!" "Yob lie!" Eastern P.x. Speaking of combination tber is none greater than gold and silver. Give ot bi-metalism. Lady 8 hoi to Douglas has returned to the stage. Certainly; you can't keep a duck out of water. . Th Armenians continue to be slaugh tered. The civilised countries of tbe world should interfere and stop the butchery. If Russia and China combine against the laps, tbe little fellovs will have to hunt thsir boles, or else secure a strong aily. That Ohio man's Heoffer, not Hofer. Tribune will please iteni. name is epelled Tbe Pendleton conect its recent The following is from an Eastern pa per: "Young Durrant admits that the lawyers are making him tired." Sure enough. Senator Chandler of New Hampshire says war between the U. 8. and England is inevitable. The senator is talking "through bis hat." AVe have to buy gro ceries, produce and breadstuffs constant ly, not once a month but every day. These are what we'live on. It is a matter in which we should PROPOSITION That Pays take pains, for a good deal of life's hap piness depends on having Rood groceries, Fresh produce And well baked goods. A long experience has taught Albany people that they can depend on what they buy of l'nrkcr Brothers. CiiKArxH Than Kvkk. Photos hav been cheap, but now they are cheaper be cause material is cheaper. Now is the time to have photos made. See Tinxles new styles in $1.50 photos. Use Dawson's furniture polish. For Pills and Plasters Dawson For the best Drugs Dawson's. " inkle for your photos. Try Tinkle tor Photos. Here are mentioned a goods just received Outing flannels for wrappers. Ladies macintoshes in blue and black and best style. 68 inch Boucle cloaking, 60 inch biack Astrachan, fine goods for capes. 30 inch novelty wool suiting. See our goods and buy a good thing when you see it. Read. Peacock & Go. FORTMILLER & IRVING WE Kfc.Pcontantlyon hand a full line of .nets ic. Collins. 4ao burial robe and suits, in 'r-.adci t.lch aril I t sold at Tli EMBALMING and fewest Living Prflls. ' l.e :-rtver care of the dead a epecial'y. 2Hso.ic TEXi'LE 80 EXTRA CHARGE FOB EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OREGON " The Latest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resocrces, Industries, Commerce, Business, Agriculture. Foreeta, Mines, Fruit. Fisheries), Ianufai turee, and Transportation Facilities of the Great Pacific Northwest. Fine Music. Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on all Transportation Lines. ADMISSION Single Admission 25c Chihlrcn Under 12 Yearn lOc Season Tickets 3.0O E.C.M ASTEN, S ccrcta ry NEW : : : FURNITURE. t SUKK itMlWtl'H Of K1EST oi on roos" ooaej, mi BOTTOM . . ... a a htusl A A' J- A- Ci . V 2 A Speedy Cure is urgently demant'ed in case of a born, a cut. or a bruie. That means tea mat have an effective remedy always ready to use in caw cf a bum. Its a fact proved a bundrud times over, that as a care for cuts, burns anj brnites, there's nothing so god. speedy and effective as Armstrong's Osr btotic .-airs- Don't mass tbe tnbtakeof ever beinsr without it. or of butir-g youi medicines at any ethei than tSsmmiag's Pharmacy. Only the best medicines are good enough and you get only the best row u. j run i kg. ALBANY FDBKITDRE 01) hwcopo tdilinwre Clock, - - Albany. Ore. FURNITURE complete line cf OERTAKIXtt in all its branches EMBALMING a specialty Residence corner 3rd and Calsror-is ALBANY Red Crown Hilling Co Is now under the managemen Fa ward Coins, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.who are now prvpared to furnish sacks and Receive Wheat cn storage, and will pay the highes market price for the same. VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. H EADQU ARTERS FOR fiV. Whites jTCAvn lqtt (lCACl. A head of hair or no pay. Cures al diseases ot the scalp Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Raxors Honed and Set and Put in Or dcr on Short Notice. A Startuno icovkry. Baldness cured or no pay. Dr White's Great Discovery ia for sale at.Louis Yiereck 'a barbea shop. It cures all diseases of the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair or no; pay. Louis Yiereck, Tonaoriai A rtt few of the new Child rens eider 1 all colors. down cloaks. Double width felt. Cbildrena toques and hoods. Staple shades in velvet. More ribbons. More kid gloves. run in i wood caskets and den n t p.ea im r. - www OHEbOJ HEARSE 03 SERVICE 0PEHS..... Oct 51b For ExhiMt Space apply at the Exposition Building to C. II. HUNT, Superintendent. - C1JLSS FCRX!TJ!RK V i -fJil.SG wh-ca I i. sr. I i-RICES. Tli os. Brink tisllsatr kaatMtktiCsVU r,Fnfi--SsTsUd itc sstTlfaaA tTwMrsniT. f. t- i t ALBAUY LNSUEAEE 1GMCY Dealers In Insurance, Wheat and Oats. W nave bad move tboroah trainisg u. an tM Drxncses ot tosuruxe uian an stberareot in Albany, and can ir.v? oc more gensce inturaaee tor y?ur eioost tain any other agent in the city. Lhstaict agents for the Son. of L t.doa. establish 1T10 A. D . Phoenix, ot Lon don. A l.. 17S2 aad ToIH,t:.' U New Ycrfc. tbe only cvMSpa-sy ue-uinga c urn r ami 1 aiii-c it. SENDEU?, i C.. Mw. Cheap WkkI SawiDg. Owing to hard tiroes J. X. Coombs will saw vood chrer thai ever. Mixed wood twice In Itt 35 m s ; oak grah, tice. 4. cea: cb 1.1 to 30 ccaU: shic'e cor Is 40 s-nf : 1 cord, 25 cents. Orders left t . r. Wortey's grocerr s'ore "ill receive prsiapt attention. AT R. M.ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE i a full assortment of food for man and se-vt; also oil meal, grass seed, limejiair. cement and fertilisers, also Wilbur "a Seed Meal, a sure remedy for tbe ailments of booes and cows. All CHEAP FOR CASH. ff if T? Let Us Reasen To- VViVl 11. gether! Is it uot bet ter to buy vonr Bread, Pies, Bolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where ther use only the Beet material why of course i is -you dont want dyspepsia and you, never get it v eating anvtbing Irom 00 store. " U. S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. VaxBTtt. Proprieto 350 Pairs Boots. Kline, Dubruille Co., sold last .fall and winter, 350 pairs of boots on a warrant and they are proud to say not cue pan came back. They carry the same boots this year and have ou hand a very large stock. Also all kind of shoes. rDetrchil dren school shoes are the very best. Their ladies tine shoes are the 6net and up to itate on style. They are toe only exclusive boot and shoe store in Albany. Uivthem a call. Prof. A. STARK Of Will t Stark, Optical Spccialis. Graduate of the Chicago Opthalm College, I am prepared to examine scientific and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block, Albaht, Oiusoas. '8 prroJt TiOOGH MS to the EAST via the Dolon Pacific System. Throuah Pullman Palace s'eeper Tourist sleepers and New Retiinin Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heated t, and cars light- d hy fin tech Light. 1;- to Chicago i dar. tune to Sew York 414 davs, which U many hours nicker than ail competitors. r or rates, time tables and lull lnlor- matici, apply to CCiiau ft MoirrerTH. asrente. Albany. Or. O E W Barrow. C 5 Eow, Oen'l Agent. Diet Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. I) RECOM CENTRAL 5 EASTERN TMlVliSMl I nuw - m MS .! S! m W BAIITC Connectirig at Yauina Ba with toe San Francisco and Yaqnina Bay Steam ship Company Steail "Faiii" Al and first class in every respect J Bails Irom Yaqnina tor Saa P-ancLSCO about every 8 days. Passenser accommodations 'nnsarpa ed. Shortest route between tbe Wiuam ette Valley and CaUornia. Fare from Albasy or points westt' San Francisco Cams 12J Stzekagb .00 Cabts round trip good 60 day-. . 1S.0 For Sailing Days apply to H. L. tt"AUs,Aj?t. Ch vs. Albany, r. - Corvaiiis, O Edwis Sron, manager. Corraiiis, Or. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Barns, Caked & Inflamed Udder. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Mi Cattle Ailments, Ml Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments. Penetrates Musck. Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scat cf Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mostaos I iniarrat coeqaart Pais, JUkes flui or Eeast weQ 1?; 1" Tn ara- eeiiaarv Be )OT3oaicr ts the most wenderfui diseorerr of tbe suea. It has been en KirMt bvtl-e men of Eurore and a-aertt-a. Nsaa Js yoreijr vege- iah'. Has'rsn st-v-a frwirinfiss ef she dis. rharga ta SO Jars. Cures LOST . CeosKwisian, DasXnco, sauans,Kerv oqi trrilcbiss ef lis eyes and other puts. Strenctbens, lavtitcrates and tones th eniiiermem. Hadraa rms rblllT. Vervonsness. EmtssloBS. aaddeveiopn aad npXvms weak oiaca Fains Is ibe tee. ' kssri TK. d a v r I&HB90D aitblShpeS s,nteklv. Ovf j,eoo -ptTste eitAtrsraaeets. fiematnrenesa Brteans usroteni-f ta the erst staro. It ts a sy mptcen of seminal weakrosa ndbamnnesv It eaa be stopped ia SSdajs bythe use of Budyan. The new "j-ovwrT vas Bad y the Sneetafc Istsof ttc eW teams MsSsea UsSkai IsjtlHrt. ll is the strosK-cet vitaiiser Bad. rt vary powerful, but bannlna. ftrid l Sl OO a pscs ajpsora paekwees fur (S CO'plaln sealed boxes) Written roanu.tee triwutbracara. If yea boy six bcxesacd are ik entiiriy fored,sU non will be mat m yon free of all ebances. fcendf elrru'srsand t stimouials. AddtSSS HIDSOX MEDIC Al. 1N8T1TVTK. Jonettosi titoektCn, HarhieS Sc KlllaSca &saFTsaelHa.Cal. x ADMINISTRATCR'S K0TIC. Notice is hereby (riv' that undersiraed administrator of the estate tf Japer Crab tree, deceased, has fiKd bis Anal account IB the euny court of Linn county, Or egon, with the clerk thereof, and the court haaExedthe 2nd nay of of 1395 at tbe km,- at 1 o'eloek n. a.sf said day. for hearing objections to said account, if any. and for the settling of sid esta'e. Ibis the 21t dJ of Otfeber 1S95, Newtos Crabtxex, WKATHUBrOEO t TATT. i4mrtr. Attys for Admrtr. mi fill I 1 1 1 " t