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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1895)
.... . . ffl la r i n r i VOL XXXI. a tar 4 at tka rest OMee a Albany. Or. Becaad-Class Hall Mallcri ALBANY Ofl&GON, FRIDA . NOVEMBER 1, 1895. V. r pCTTISS, raklUkcr sad ITrsarlalsrCSa" r ? r i r t b f ? i for Infants Catorialssowadaro children that t recommend it aa superior to any prescrtpMon aowntomo." H. A. Aacsn, X. D., 1U Bo. Oxford SC. BrookSja, V. T. MThe naa of 'Castoria ia as ralnm and At merits aa id knows that It seams a work af snperarogatiootoendoraait. lavaiatha fciUnifBot fssaOfes who do Bat suns Cat Hit within easy roach." Casus aUasra, a. a, Hw York Ctty. Tn Cnrr tra University af Oregon--.. 1895-1896. Tae University of Oreiron. Ennn (Wr r.. .:.- ...... 10 SSifc"' Bachelor rYf T Vi'.fy t&ree baccalaureate degrees, t7ur of itad wif 'Scle1Ce.Qi BcWor of Letters with corresponding orleil'?' . llo wing shorter coarsea are also offered: An English Wi? 'V?0 year? 10 bJMlne8 diploma and in three years to the title S tte d ,nV&DCed ""J8 -d"" of normal schools teaoing the dSS ff of redgogy ; a Uiree wears coarse in civil engineering leading fftt 0f. Clyl .enSu,eer : waraa of two years for teachers of physical edu- auon leading to a diploma and the UUe director of physical education The tefT -T cttAr&? a" ' of ten dollars whicS is war hTivanc SwtaJSi?1'- Stud?nta LoWiDlJ diplomas from the pabUcechools and uTost eita'tt- nutted to the preparatory department witW JtseBt woris. PRmTISTG - Office Stationery ft Specialty Give us y oar Patronage. SMI GRtf The Buffet Oarffloute. M8rtfrJEW THE r Shortest and Quickest Iiine BETWEE2T pacific coast pcmrs, ST. PAUL HID TflEEAST, Croest-s both the Cascade aal the Rocky afoontaiBS in DAYLIGHT, affording paesec gers aa opportmuty of viewing the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AS Two trains daily fr m PorUaad; ona at 11 a. tm , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. m.. via O. R. Jk N. and Spokaoo. Rubs raprvh eqaipmeat, cansimin of dining can, bnf fe- library can. pilaco and opboistcrd tourists sleeping cars- The buffet library car are marvels of degaaee aad comfort, enntaining bath room, barber shop, easy chair,tc. THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steaawhips. "NorthwesT and Northland, leave Dolotb every Monday and Friday for the "r oo,' Uakinac Island, Detroit, Oereland aad Buffalo in connection with the Gnat Northern Raiway. have your tickets read via the NORTHERN STE4MBHIP COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride fee from the beat and dost For tickets and general information call on or address R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., A. R. C. DENNTSTON, C. P. & T. A. C12 Front St, BeatOe, Wash. 122 td St., Portland 0 Thi ithi wheel that nn illnret Inf'Beari.ig the Cycling Aatnoritr of Amer .i mi, i9s vr th fnllowinir Mihuii'i Cvdi Ertibition. " Ofit admire! aid tk! of hieo grsd bicrcts in to- world today. Want a bicjele ustrate 1 Cttalog.18 fe. Ikoii4 Bictci, Co, Indianapolis. Indiana. U. a A. E E. GoM.exc!uve agent for Albany If A ly!T P - ONE GIVES3RELIEP. ALPASMY OSCAR FACTORY J. .TOSPlIe and Children. Castoria porta OoUo, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhcsa, Eructation, EDs Worms, gtvas stop, and promotes dl WIt6ogtaJojtoQgedloatlon. "Jbe several year 1 haw recommended 'Oastoria, and shall always eontinoe to do an, as i haa invariably prodnoed hsnrtHal Eown F. Pakdks, X. D ataStreataadTtfcAvwNewTorkCKy. Cofcrurr . TT Hsbjux Nsw Toax Cat. E Yoqd, Women's Chris- Promptness LEY CHEC0& ERICA title: "Tn handsome Model ohown a It i the Wuvbrot SoctcnR aad Is lbs Monmonth, Or. A training school foi teachers. ichers. Complete eight grade training partment and strong Professional ana dei Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teach in any county in the state without further examination. Board and Lodging, hooks and tu ition. ilSO Der vear. rVoajt'ifnl and healthful location no saloons. There is a gooddemand for well trained teachers : there is an over-enpply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cceenuny sent on application. Address J.A. Wash PL. Campbell. BecreUrr Presiden 4 V 6 A - Proprietor, THTJRST3AT Inspecting Orchards. The following n les passed by the state board ol horticulturalUts will be of in terest to all fruit raisers : Rule 14. Thirty cents an hour.iuelud nig time of leaving home, inspection and returning home of inspector, and othtr expenses. When nursery dock, trees, or plants are found to be infected peats, 50 per cent will be added. On all fruits the inspection fee shall be (1 on any sum up to $35, and $2 on any sum over that amount, and $5 for car load lots, in spectors must be paid in all cases before a certificate is granted. Rule 15. During September or Octo ber of each year, all nursery stock, trees w piauis grown ior sale by any person within the state, shall be inaneAwit h the comroieuoner of the board or a dep uty. hen the stock, trees or plants are louna worthy of a certificate of free dom from injurious insects or diseases. the inspecting offfcer sha&be compelled to disinfect by fumiioa with hydrocy- ama aow gas an apufe trees, or other stock grown on apple roots, after lifting me same ana oeiore aeiivering to pur cna-ier or carriers, and in caae fumiga tion is neglected certificates shall be void All persons are prohibited from carrying any such nursery stock, trees or plants irom any point wiuiin the state to any other point within or without the state, until they have been inspected. All such shipments must be accompanied by the certificate of the inspecting otficer or an authenticated copy. The fee for inspection of nursery stock trees or plants, and issuing a certificate therefore, shall be 3 and actual ex penses per day, and must be paid before uie ceninaie is graniea. Dedicated .o Julias and Elizabeth Ullie, if you cannot weep, Taste of this, and then you can; Jnlius, if yoor heart goes' thump, Taste of this and be a man. If papa and mamma faint. Let them taste this onion sweet ; If brother and sisters droop, This will put them on their feet. If the minister lacks strength. Here it is in very truth ; All who taste of this rank rift Will receive the strength of youth. This, the cure for all life's ills. , I shall send to vou, mv loves, Hoping that you'll ever be Happy as two turtle doves. Compliments and congratulations of H s O . Albany, Oregon. The above accompanied a fine strong onion preaeniea to una nappy couple, residing near Attanv. noon their wed ding day, the 2nd inst. Among far more beautiful and costly giftstbis oni n lust ily holds its placeand to friends calling . i-. i i - - i ... upon iub oriuat pair it is enown wiin ine utmost gravity. II. c. Potatodom. Beautiful weather, with everybody busy. Some though are ready for rain. Will Rhodes is running his dryer this week with a full force drying apples by the wholesale. Will Thompson and Paul Perry have a contract cutting wood for Mr. Spellinger. Samnel Crooks is out wi.h his engine and saw, making the fir fly for those that hire their wood ecu George Eirchet and family returned last Sunday from a weeks visit in Mar ion and Clackamas counties. Elmer Groshang is helping Mr. Jones with his fall work. Dud Kamey and Fred Yaheneling at tended the Richardson sale nearScio last Saturday, they report a big crowd with prices high. Joeii. F. M. Parsons, of the Albany prairie, ill leave in a few days for Paulina to re side. Miss Etta Beamer. the talented vo calist with Her Aamold is a former pupil of ProL Parvin. Solomon Woods and nephew, of Wil low Creek, Crook county, were in the city yesterday. Herman Bnrrell. lu well known sport ing man of Portland, has gone with his pack ot bounds to .bastern Oregon to hunt bear. J. E. Barnett, the lunch counter man. was called to Albany last night on ac count of the illness of bis brother, W. A. Barnett. fealem Journal. Mrs. Hollenbcck, recently fn Albany, one of Eugene's leading music teachers and vocalists will probably assist in an Albany recital in a few weeks. A pleasant social event was a party given last evening by Mrs. Ed Redeker to several newly married couples. Cro- kinole was the leature ol the evening. A delicious lunch was also served. Herbert Satchwell, formerly of Ash land and a bmber of Ray Batch well of the Pacific Postal office here, was mar ried at hhedds. Linn county, Oct. 6th, to Miss ellie Pugh ot that place. Mr. Satchwell is b. P. station agent at bbedds. Mis Ashland mends will extend congrat ulations. A8biana xiaings. State Treasurer Metschan, Postmaster Stites of Albany and K. Scott of Milwau kee passed through the valley, en route to Lakeview, one day last week. The two latter go in the interest ol Uie 1. U, O. F.. while Mr. Metacban will conduct the dedicatory exercises of the new Ma- skinic temple. Jacksonville limes. The Decree of Honor held a delightful social and meeting at the hall last even ing. During the evening the child ol Mr. and Sirs. w. xi. Warner was cnxis- tened and preegtited with a handsome silver cup, Mr iereck delivering the presentation speech. Hereaiter all new children of members ol the order, i'. is said will be presented with silver cups. Walter K. Tavlor and Miss Christina Lenger were married yestetday morning ing at 10 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. II. J S&ercber cfhciating. The wedding was a auiet affair, only the relatives and im mediate menus oi tue contracting panics beinir present. Alter the ceremony midday breakfast was served and the I happy couple left on the morning train I for their future home near Shedd, in Linn county. Corvallts uazette, Bicycle Races A local bicycle meet will be held on the college track: tomor row evening beginning at 3:30 o'clock I The races will lie as follows with the value of the prizes, given by our buci- nessmen: 1st. 1 mile, st prize, f i.uu; 2nd prize, 12.00. 2nd, mile, 1st prize. 12.50; 2nd prize. $1.50. 3rd K mile. 1st prize. S2.50: 2nd prize, S1.0U. 4th. Boys ?i mile, 1st prize, f 1.50: 2nd prize, $1 00. An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged, but win be refunded to all riders who finish in the races. 15 years , is the limit in the boys race. All the races be will Class A, and among Linn county riders. Formally Inspected. F. Co., and the hospital corps of the 2rd regiment were formally inspected last night by Lient. Col. Jackson, of the U. S. A , Col. B. B. Tuttle, adjutant general of Uregon, Maior Sidney Collins and Col. Yoran. ITbert was a good turn - out and a large audience. J,very men escaped without awratch. The two companies are well eouipoed and are a credit to the O. N. G. The inspection was followed by a short ball. Hop HousB BCBNKD. The hop houte! of Mr. L. W. Pomeroy was burned to the ground Tuesday night, with the entire, bopcropoiiiir. romeroy. AnenonwHs .lan madfl li hiirn an flilinmiTlff hfiirn. Nn' i insurance. There is a lire bug in the Forks who needs to be behind V bars. Washington. ' Wasiiisgtox, D. C., Oct.20. Special ' to the Albas v DrmocraT.) Secretary Smith, of the interior department, in de nying a motion for review of deprrtmei Ul decision of July 18, 1896, in the cano ot John T Srmnlding againnt the North- i em racinc Railroad Compaiiv from tlm Vancouver laud district, e'stabliHhea a rule lor a number ot suNenuent decisions involving land along the line oLthe rail road in that section. The secretary holds that "at Poatland, Oregon, the Northern Pacific has two grants, the first for the line eastward, under the act of 18oJ, and the second northward, under the joint resolution of 1870, and, so far as the lim its of the grant east ot said city overlaps the subequent grant, the latter must fail ; aud, as the road at such point east ward is unconstructea, ana the grant therefor forfeited by the act of Septem ber 29, 181K), the lands so released from said grant, do not inure to the later grant, but are subject to disposal under the provisions of the forfeiture act." In disposing of the motion the secre tary says : "As it has already been !terniiaed by the V. S. sifpreme court in rfte - ese-f ' the U. S. versus the Northern 'Pacific R. R. company that the grant for the portion of the railroad between Portland and Puget Sound was made by the joint resolution of 1S70 and that the company did not take by relation as of the act of July 2, 1864, 1 can sae no reason to re view Uie previous decision of thu de partment in the case under considera tion, and the same is accordingly adher ed to and the company's motion denied." The secretary also rendered decisions in the following from Washirirtoa and vregon : . Washington Henry Gun stone versus xsoruiern Pacific, Olympia district. Mo tion bv romnanv tn tlinii nldintif? appeal, granted'. His application for reinstatement of homestead entry dis missed. Northern Pacific versus David H. Lyen, North Yakima district. Com missioner decision affirmed. Ithxi Commuted homestead application is to accepted. Roland Tillotson versos Henrv J Sniv- eley. orth 1 ak una district. Decision affirmed. Sniveler's final nro.f to be accepted upon payment of land office fees. Albeit Say lor versus Tobias Beckner, i-orth Yakima district. Decision affirm ed, trior's contest against Beckner'a umoer culture entry dismissed. Northern Pacific versus Franklin W. taugn, alia Walla district. Decision affirmed. aughan's entry for land to land intact. Northern Pacific versus Henry Burn- am. Walla Walla dirt net. Decision af firmed. Bur nam a entry for land to stand intact. Oregon State of Orecon and Henrv Miller versus Joseph P. Garred. Burn dutnet, decision affirmed. State fails to prove land to be "swamp and overflow ed" and contest is dismissed. Hannah Peters versus Annstead F Davis. Rosebure district- Hvcuiian mod ified. Mrs Peters as guardian is to be allowed ninety days in which to make final proof. John Kay versos Orcson Central Rail road Company, Oregon City district. Decision affirmed. Kav's amplication to enter lana rejected lor conflict with, the grant of the railroad company. Jirs t, a. t-pencr has been appointed postmistress at Pine, Union county, in place of Joseph Bragg, resigned, and W. Chessman at Springfield. Lane coun ty, in place of G H. Yewincton. resum ed. The poetotfice at Rosa. Linn oouatr has been discontined. The mail a ill hereafter be token to LarwooJ. Allan it. Slacso.x. Probate Record. Accounts filed in estates ot Loren B. Hale et al, minors, William J. Thomp son et al minors, final; Mary A. Hard- man. Final accounting in esli-te of Sarah Ave re 11 set for Dec 2. In estate of Jare E. Carter, the ad' ministrator was cited to show cause on on Nov. 9. Final settlement in estate of Jae. Crab- tree, set for Dec 2. In estate of Jas. G. Eaton. B. Borten- shaw was appointed administrator. Bond yOOU. H. H. Kirk appointed gnardian of Lora Wilson et al. Bond 1300. The Post says SJetn is to bare a new opera houte. TheU. O. andO A. O foot ball toam ill play a practii-e irarue ot foot ball at Eugene next Saturday. Mies Susie Walker, of Fall Cit-rk, Unt county, has been arretted for lncen. n gave birth to a girl batty in June, toe lath er now in ml, being an uncle ol Him Wa;ker. P- M. Downing a former captain of the Stanford la tball eleven bus ln engaged to coach the O A. C-'f and the? eipect to sweep things. All members of the Dot II .are reques ted to be prevent at the regular meeting on Wednesday evening. Basinets of im portance. By order ot U. of If. A messenger from Abea arrived in Cot- ram early yesterday morning bringing word that JonnnieCortier had met ith an accident while fronting Digger hill, The wagon which Mr. Currier was driving bad overturned and thrown bim down the mountainside, and in the fall it was be lieved he bad saxtaiiied a fracture of the vertebra. Gazette. CiRCtrr Cocbt. New cases : Thos Brandon agt J C Cox, to recover money. J W bways agt Joun Rontt et al, re covery of money. C C Crandall agt Linn County Agri cultural Association, to recover money. This suit is brought to recover 22o lor work on the track at the fair ground a couple years ago just before the races. Dr. J. D. Shaw, of the state insane asvlnm. fell throueh a trestle of the mo tor line last night near the asylum and broke one of his legs. Ellsworth Cameron, the well-known snrinter.of Corvallis. and Miss Eva lliatt were united in marriage at the Portland Exposition Monday night. The noted Doug Hamilton was splitting the atmoKDhere at Firxt and Urodslbin streets this afternoon. He says about the same things be did ten years ago, aod in the same o'jstrei erous way. Mr. F. P. Caviness and wife arrived in Albany from Umatilla county this week and are visiting Albany friends. unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which is al most unfortunate. Its best use is before you tear consumption ; when you begin to get thin, weak. run down ; then is the pru dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo phosphites, will bring back nlnmnnoea rt tl-ioco wlirt , , . have lOSt It, ana maKe gtrenirtn wnere raw COU- ... - . iivcx vvuuiu mca uuiutii. U 1 Soon & Bowhi, Giumisu, Msw York. oc sad tt.oo Oregon News From WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Wo are here to please yon. If every thing is n.A O. K. kindly let us know We are not selling at cost but at moder ato profits. We can f'irnith you any thing in ths h ir;itiaj li i" at lowest prices See otirjine of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips PoWtJJ & TOMLISBOM. FEIDAY Albany Gets the Credit. Among the conspicuous display; at the exposition is that of Albany W o lun Mill goods. In a writeup for Mover & Co. the Telegram says : hftOnly preuiinm awarded to any ex nioitor-at ine present exponiuon wan award -hI to Mover & Co. upon real merit ltieir Albany units were the tint on the Pacific Coast to offer Oregon-made goods in the eastern markets.and created a demand for them on the merits of the goods, resulting in the Unit! States government granting to Meson. Mover k Co. exclusive contracts for the Indian department, also for blankets used in the United Mates army. ISesides this recognition ot merit, our home National Guard of Oregon has been equipped witn uniforms uid blankets made and furnished bv the firm. The same may be said of the Oregon Soldiers home. Other evidences of appreciation of Mover A Co' a manufacturing estab lishment are the handsome nniiorru of the Portland Military band, and of the local Dislriut Telegraph office. The money paid to them remains at home, employing in their factory, in connection with their store at the corner of Third and Oak streets, 47 hands, and carry on their pay-rolls 76 penKina at their Albany mill-, Linn county, OTgon. Mr. A. J. McClure, of Saeet Home, was in Uie city today. Manager Stone, of the O. C. & E was in Eugene yesterday. Mr. Arthur Foshay went to Eugene to day to attend the young people's con vention of the tiaptist cuurcii. Mr. Uindoian left Tuesday for his ranch at Camp Polk, where he w til spend the winter. Lebanon Advance. Mis. Otto Lee, of Salem, came op on the noon train and w ill remain over Sun day, Mr. Lee will come on tomorrow night s overland. J. E. Adcock, the jeweler, formerly of Lebanon, afterwards of Albany, then ol Independence, is now in business in Salem. a John Akin returned to this place lart Tuesday evening, and will carry the mail this winter on the Siietx-foledo route, of which route he is the contrac tor. Leader. Pro'f. Heritage and Winklev of Uie Conservatory ol Moic of Willamette University, arrived on the noon train and will give a popular enteitainment at the M. L. church tonight accord-'ug to the program published. Mr. Jack Leonard, a former retidr,t ol Albany, now of Portland, where he is employed on the bridge gang of the S. was in the city today. Air. Leonard comtemplaticg making Albany his headquarters. Mrs. E. Holgate arid daaghtr, Mies Helen, left Saturday last for Portland where they will visit with relative. To morrow Miss Helen exiwcts to leave for Joseph, Wallowa county, w here she has accepted a position as teacher tn a pr vale school. vorvallia oazetlc. Mr. Day it visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ansorge, in this city. he just came down from .vbelton.WMh..' but will hereafter reside in Albany where Mr. Day is engaged in Uie practice of law. Lebanon Ad vance. J. M. Marks has been in this section this week, selling nursery stork. Mr. Marks is now a stockholder of Uie Test Nursery Company and has been ap pointed general agent of the company. This firm goarantccs all its trees. Leb anon Advance. 1 I. W. Dickinson, who was oat here from South Dakota a couple of months ago, returned last week witb bis family, consisting of wife and three sons. They are well pleased with this country and have come to star. Mr. Dickinson and sons will soon open a meat market. Let anon Advance. Miss Sara N. Brown, professor of ora tory and dramatic expression at Willam ette University, returned by the late train Wednesday night from Bangor, Maine, whiluer she was caned two tnrnths ago on account of the illness of her mother. She was met at the depot by a delegation of Willamette students, w'ho gave her a haarty welcome home and a routing college veil to assure her that "Old WillanHite' was dose by. Statesman. The Press gublisLesa in tuisof S io' new schcoi building. An apple and prt-.oe brandy distillery baa been ttiuttd 2 milei from tute- c. Among Miss Eva Simpson's recitations at the recital in Eugene tcnitht wi:l be The Chariot Race.' The enrollment in the Lclanon school is 233, the attendance I'M inn. t. Unborn died on vxt .4. in Lebanon at ths advanced age of &3 yean Tbe Lebanon Express says the defence in the Hannah case will probably be insanity Several obliging citizens have told tbe Democrat how to write up a fight that occured early this morning. If a l toe ad vice was givuj tbe Man about Town would be running from brooms and rocks and bta bimkeif. An effort has been made to exe'mle. the Drain Normal, Newburg and McWinville schools from the annual oratorical contests on the ground that they are nut colleges; but it has tail!. 1 he Oregonian today published anu-n- ber of sunrems court decuions reiider.-d at Washington given in yesterdays ukm- ockat. lbe Ukmocrat was me nr pa per in the state to give them. In ths list riven in the Demociiat yew terday Linn county's c'aim for taxes against I' I) I '-. wna .man unit I l)VI This was published by the Times. The correct figures aw 110,050. So-ne differ ence. We Stasd OonRiwrED. The Albany Democrat in writing up the murder of Mm. Lotti J. lliatt. stated that she picked hops at the J.J. Hannah hop yards this season and that while there save Mrs. Hannah cause to be ii-alons ol her husband and Mra. Hiatt. This state ment is wholly untrue and should bo corrected, as Mra. Hiatt picked hops at M. V. Bilvou s vnrtl fins year and no where else. Scio Press. The following was signed by 156 people around Jordan and Scio. who knew Mrs. Hiatt well: Whereas there is ami has been reports in emulation, derogatory to the character and reputation of Mrs, Lottie J. Hiatt. now deceased, thnt we believe to be utterly (alee and circulated to slander her good name and poisoning to the minds of the poople; therefore.we. the undersigned certify that we navt known the said Lottie J. Hiatt for a con aiderable length of time and that we be lieve her to have been strictly virtuous and an upright woman in every respect. Tbe 0 C. and E. have sold the small engine No. 60 the Jacksonville railroad company and it will leave tonight on the freight, ll will be a serviceble engine on that road, though not suitable for heavy grades. Dr. Price's cream taking Powdei , AwsaM Gold ZtiA MUricw Fate. a tmdMta, Linn's Exhibit. Compiled bytik Sao Pkesh. Rye nearly nine feet tall. Beets weighing 17 lbs each. Seventeen varieties of grapes. Quinces weighing 1? lbs each. A hazel switch lo inches round. Radishes weighing la Ibi each. A Itartlett pear weighing 1 pound 100 varieties of aoples and pears. 128 timothy straws from one seed. Peaches 12 inches in circumference. r igs equal to those grown in Califor nia. YegeUh!'. s never before raised in Ore gon. Gooseberries three incites in circum ference. Gravenstein apples 13! inches in cir- curaiurence. 3V7S grains of wheat from a single kernal. Chestnuts and persimmons equal to eastern growth. A collection of the best grain the sun ever shone upon. Mineral paint the best on earth, anJ we have enough to supply the worlu. A Hybrid pear, a cross between a Bartlett and W inter Nellis, the first ever grown. Pieplant six inches around, forty inch es in length ; a leal being 16 S- feel in cir etimffrence. Eight varieties .f onions, some meas uring nearly 20 inches round and none raised on beaver 1 .nd. The first collection of medicinal plants ever made tn Uregon and asm Dies of utild extracts made front each. Corn 16 feet in height and the lowest ears so high that no man at the exposi tion can hang his hat upon them. I. bit of Patents. tranted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A to., solicitors of American and Foreign pau-nis, otp. v. is. ratent onice. vnti ngton, D. O. II T Atkinson. Oakland. Cal. street car brake ; L L Belt vs, Berkeley, Cal, sash fastener: J T Bibb, T acorn a. Wash. automatic sack tiling and seUng n chine; J A Campbell, Asotin, Waeh, saw set ; C Hoffman, Spokane, felly expander ; C A Lord, San Francisco, trolley rope ana poie controller; L. t. Miller, Los An geles, curwnt pumping machine; TT Kainfurd, T acorn a, gang-band sawmill r N per, Los Angeles, pulveruing mtu;rr lapuemiom. Ncoiia. t al. m sharwning tool : D S Van Slvke. Loa An- geies, triple track satetr railway: W atkins, San r rancisco, safety guard for railway cars; A w ilhams, Seattle, elec trical gold and silver extractor. A TcsaiBLt 2xrusat. Alva Cheno- aiih, a younsr man of Hubbard, met wirb a terrible experience Wednesday ntht. The Post savs: He attended the Congregational prayer meeting at Hub- li d erly in the evening, and after wards went to hi room. Not feeling well he decided to take a walk, aad went down the railroad track. He urt that while walking be became aware, of Uie approach of the overland which goes through Hubbard wiUiout stopping, when he felt very dicrv and fainted before he con Id get oat of the way, after which he rememberer! nothing. W ben found be was lying beside the track -enseles,with his k-fl leg completely severed just be low the knee, lie bad been struck by the overland. He was immediately taken to his room, where the niangics limb was drerwed and bandage.1. He is in a precarious condition and will have a hard time to pull throcsh. Ovkb Gcs. Cha Cook was tried at Scio this we k on the charge of stealing gun from C. W. Walker in the Jordan valley in July lwJt.W'uiie be had the gao it was not proven that he took it, and be was discharged. The Press safs: At the conclusion Justice Jarnigan ordered the gun Use stolen property turned over to the defendant, his attorney, Jae. A. UUvea was observed talking very earnestly to him- At the conclusion of the conversation. Uie ran was in the poe- seion of the aforesaid attorney, and the l"t seen ol him, was when he was wend ing hi way Marion countyward supposed to be in quest of Chinese pheasants. Scratux Corar Dcneioss. W. S. Thorn psoo, defendant and appellant, t ; II. James, respondent; ordered U'at appellant havr until December IS to serve and file brief in the matter of bier lions to Thompson's final accoant . i and that James have 30 days thereafter; to serve and file his brief, and appellant ave 30 lavs thereafter to serve and file replv. J. P. Laurent, et al, respondents, vs E". J. Lanning, etal, appellants; rr- lered same at in proceeding case. W. H. Atnsted et al, respondent, vsJ. A. McFeron, appellant; same order. Bio Ptos. Scott A Berry today booght four pigs of Dick Anderson, of Plain view, that weighed 13Sti pounds, an avenge of Slrt1; pounds. As thev were only eight months old Uie eixe is immense, perhaps ttie largest ever ie ported in Linn county. Will some one beat it. S-eVTTJUlD-eV A GUN ACCIDENT. A CKjsvc Call to Death. Out on Garrett Long's farm, near Phil omath, late last Wednesday evening there happened a gunning accident. Oscar, the 21 vear-old-son of Mr. Long, bad been out for halt an hoar, bunting pheasants, and was lust returning home. W hile bunting in a snot where birds were expected o fly np.he had carried bis gun. a Winchester suoigun, cocsea, and had is supposed, to lower the hammer. As he neared a grape arbor on the premises, he reached for a bunch of grapes, and at the same moment the gun slipped from his other hand and fell to the ground, mere was a report, ana young Ixng staggered ba-k. The charge of bird shot bad entered his body at the pit ot his stomach. Passing npward, it had struck bis breast bone and glanced outward, and passing on npward in its flight, had cut a hole in bis hat. 'Al though the charge of shot cut through to the abdominal cavity, none ol ineni en tered. The wound will do no more than to leave the young man t ith a sore spot lor a couple ol weeks, as the gun leu, young Long dodged backward a move ment Uiat undoubtedly saved his uie, as Dr. Loggan, the attending surgeon, savs that a variation of half an inch in the course of the charge of shot, would have produced death. Uorvaina limes. Was a Mcsu al Trkai. Our citlsens were given a high class concert at the M. E. church last night by Profs. Heritage and Winkler, of the W illamette Conserv atory of Music. That conservatory is certainly fortunate in securing men of such talent in their lines at its head. The soloctions rendered vocally and in- st rmiicntally were of a high order. Prof Heritage was heard in seven selections, being warmly encored. He haa a high bass of splendid quality, backed bv a presence that commands confidence. His thoroughly cultivated voice reached without effort into all parts of the large room and into the hearts of his bearers. Prof. Winkler, a graduate ot the Leipsic conservatory is as pleasing a pianist si the Da.MooHAT has ever heard, and not only pleasing but correct. He leave no notos half struck, from tho lowest to the loudest, and yet perforins with remark able ease the most d'ulioult composition. Where many pianists merely pound the keys and make a noise, Prof. Winkler puts sncli expression and feeling into his work as to bring a classical selection down into the soul of one having no mu sical capacity. Ilia rendition ot Bee thoven's Sonata Pathetique in response to an encore was particularly a masterly effort. Tho Dkmochat considers Prof. Winkler Oregon'! best pianist. Highest of all in Leavening SOCIAL AND PfcKSONAl Ben Jones, county clerk of Lincoln county, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Peck, who has been dreta making in Albany went to Toledo today to reside. ucense has been issued for the mar- riage of Enry E. Howell and Fannie L . . i. isni, moiormin on we naiem friembitnA7"nvn','"U7, " T'"'"B X,. " 7" ,. their golden wedding at Ashland a few '57 davs aim. Mr. Hill ia 7." and his i rife 74. ( Thev are pioneers of '49. A concert ia to be ven at the O. A . fi. chapel In Corvallis on Friday night of next week. One ol the attractions will be a recitation by Mua Mamie CandifT.I ot tuis city, i ue concert is to be lor the 1 . . . . , . I - I . i.d . utirem1iu.luwiiira. Three ladies ol W est 1 aqmna, one day this week, went hockelberrying and sue- ceeded in gathering 40 quarts of the IuslIous fruit, lhe fru t u reported aa 3uite plentiful in tbe mountain. Tole o Post. Postmaster W. H. B nnk goes to Salem tonight to attend the funeral of his ven erable faUier, Harrison Brunk. Mr. Brunk, Sr.. was one of Oregon's most respected pioneers, coming in 1848. He was in his 81th year and voted for Gen, Jackson for president. Ashland Record. Prof. Heritage, of the Willamette Con servatory of Music, is a former neighbor and mend of Key.j. 1. Abbett, and an old teacher of Mr. John Robon of this city. Albany people will now appreciate wner Mr. Kobeoa secured his start as a vocalist. Geo. C. Standard haa been sorely af flicted with rheumatism this week. At times) it is impossible fur him to get around at all. In response to a telesrram message rrgarutng nis ronaiuoo. aire S ia nard returned from Eugene yeeir day. Brownsville Time. The W R. C. of Lebanon paid the Al bany W. R. C. visit last evening. They were tendered a reception, one featore being an elegant lunch. The visitors were Miss Saiunarah. president. Mmes Miller, Crusoe, Crandall, Reed, Salt- marsh, Hyde, fctewart aod Boater. H. J. C. Avsrill, one of Uie oldest and moat highly respected citizens of this county, ts able to walk to tbe city, and this morning made oar sanctum a pleas ant call. He ia thinking of going to Cai- nornia lo ept-n-J lt winter, tie will go in company with Win. Cochran, another ale and hearty pioneer. Browniruie Times. Mr. and Mra. A Uie Thorn won are at CoSloti, California. The place ia some distance southeast ol Loa AngeMs, aad is a resort for people offering with Inns; ailments. Dr. Thompson who accom panied his son thither, arrived home yesterday morning. He wms with A Uie ve days at lolton, and anya the yoang urn roughed l-?s in that time than ha was wont to cough in half a day. before he left Corvallia. Corvalha Times. Tbe Eugene Register speaks ot Miss Eva Simpson's reciting in that city last night as follows: Mis Eva Sim peon, of San Francisro.the beautiful aad accomp lished elocution Ut, next apeared and re cited "A Sister's Scheme. Miss Simp son, though a strancer here, won the au dience the moment she appeared, and her rendition of tbe clever selection was one of tbe most pleasing and well re ceived numbers on tbe program. Miss Mmpsen again appeared and recited The Utianot Kave, and held the lane audience spell bound with her eloquence, aa she recited this most interesting se lection. An Oakville Serenade. The Oakville Tin Can Brigade reorgan ized on Uie evening of Oct. 24th with 13 charter members. The object ot this association is to give a joyous welcome to all who are stoning in the matrimon ial boat. After the society was organised and equipped with instruments (the mem bers are allowed to tarnish any kind of an instrument that wiU make a noise) they proceeded to Uie residence of M. A. b hong h on w ood street, where a r.rst c!ss program was rendered. The first thing in order was a piece ol instrumen tal music no Uie Develine (pronounced devil-in) and there is as much Satan in this small instrument aa can be pat into anything of the same size; this was M to ed by a quartet on shotguns by W. miLb and epenc ttroenong, ana arter the auartet a solo ot tin cane, cow bells and ban saws was performed by tbe hole society. After this program. which was well performed, Mr. Sbough invited tbe company in and introduced them to his brother Vf ill Shough and his newly married wife. After enjoying the com pany of Mr. and Mrs. Sbongh for an hour, in which several members of tbe bneade made short speeches and wished them a happy journev through life, the brigade adjourned, ext:: 1 h s was reported to ns by one ot toe brigade; we con Id hear the music and can vouch for the truthfulness ot our informant. Amictb. Mitchell, Lewis ft Stavcr Co. We are pleased to inform oar readers that the old established company ot Mitchell, Lewis ft Staver Co. are moving their goods to more commodious quarters in the Goltra building, formerly occupied bv K.. B. ft Co. They have Wit op a large trada here in AlUny and no doubt feel the necessity ol showing on tneir large and well established line of imple ments in a better and larser building. They are handling the only complete line ol agricultural implements in ine northwest, hence tho farmers and others can do better by patronising their lineot goods than any other smaller dealers They alwavs aim to please their custo mers, w hich has been their secret oi suc cess. " Thi Bicycle Races yesterday evenins were somewhat tame. A good s?se crowd attended and appreciated Uie fact. ooa won ine one miio ana iwo-iuirus mile races, Biddle, Pollock and Wealh erford were contestants. The boys race was won by Robert Hunt. Roy Parker second Clarence Craw third and Hugh Patterson fourth. The race was given to Parker as Hunt was declared to be over fifteen. Judges and timekeepers, F. M. French, Chas t?ars, P. J. Smiley and A. Freerksen. Exhibition runs were made by Brnce Burnett, o! Corvallis, and Arthur W ood. Will CoMrxTB.-Tho!i. Monteith, ex- postmaster at Albany bat now trawling lor a Portland shut factory, San rran-l dnced, pleasing to the tano and ac cisco glove factory, and a Su Louis cloth- cepUble to the ttoatich. rromrt in L! uw', LST i? he will Bhortly handle the Albany Wool - en mill eoola that he might be in a p.- ition to compete with the Salem repre - Ing. Competition is what we want; Uie oapitol city mills have no opposition in Una locality at present, and it is pre- eumed neighboring towns are in a like conditioB.-lUrrisburg Review. ' Too Close for Compost. Ben Huut, who lives near Eddyville, had raUier a close call from a rifle ball. As he was passing along Uie highway some parties in the hills commenced ehooting.and the first Uiing Ben knew a ball from a win- cuenier, ijobbioit, nrui iud kiwuuu u - twoan his feaL-Yaonint Poet. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rw it BOMB AND ABROAD WbtetMosata, Q Cou ft Huston (or groceriaa. Ths best fresh rrooerias and produce at uoaa at fcf ostuw's. Trv u mt tlm Cm rmrA tuil. . jdera at Scbuiu Bros, asarkot. I Choice sugar cured hams aad bacon si gbultz Bros market. j Nickls watches at Fienth's jewsiry tcre, W " -o dress mads by Mrs. a.Ua J hea you wiat good, pure, iara ! a,u - I Good treatunt at Coaa and fiusftcna. "a "Jlr iTou arrisa umn. Take advaatacr of the big redaction in , us rfm. ot ebvtos at Xtekiea. 1 ; Pbvtoaall sizes aad at tea going at ;rvy reduced p lues, at Tiakiea. J a.tue elegant d.ime im crockery ware i:w w tors at t awa aa J wuxoat French, the jeefr, has 500 pin toh- toas meuated wtta silver, al iu cents each. The teams of OUo baeamis aad Mr Wniteside ran away ysterdy afternoon ia a mild Slad af a Way. The chrysanthemum akaw to be gives under the aoaptcee of the Ladies Auxiliary proaie. w be the evral ox im season. Aceoriina- t oar exchanges the ?tate fesunace Cjapaay of Saltm is bringing large nemnerot anus on preoasai aotes. If you wadI agwd shine call on les tbe Bom Shoe Shiner at Yeruks bather shop. Ladies shoe a specially. A large aad ehoke stock of j-w-lry. til verware. ec. Jot received at vili an J Stark.. No matter what othsn sj. Tinkle will make photos chewa as aayuae aad guarantee the bast work Ths mt elagaal line of ataary ever brought to Albany at A ill adaurke. ia several baa aural E-urt- Dra li K. aad Oiivw C Beers ofSces ia post o4u block. sisaiiVaca cesser 5tfa sad Calapoota at. aVibaay J. Alt econats doe Hodges aad MeFariaad op te Ut 8, are das astd owing O. C. 16c ariaad. aad aasai il he paid to Sua at oace. Don't forcet the cliickca ote isoner at tbe VT. C T- U. Haii Wednesday Uct- 30, gives by the ladaM of the Sm M. E. Church. If the Lair has bsea otale U cr . v a nai- aralcctora bai j iuavis ia twiMsh of casei, by uao iiail's Hair Raowar, why ul it nut ia year iassr A eatpit of PtSsSM aiias) has j jat been received by UV- ft McftarUod. It prswjvsa milk. These wao haws baa wainag fov it will take aotiew The big boiler f tie n ut U ca the way tHsses Gata al Qjirtiviiie. It has already oasna varj aearvg djwn bi ts a casyoa. lhe. A. C. footU-'l eleven, with their traiarr Hr U-iwmibg, and a large follow ing of frivads west K Logeste todAy, where aodeehtediy a very casae ram was beta? Flayed uus ariaraooo. -Miss Helen Crawfords' elocutirn cUa meets on Monday. Taeiay. TcurxUy ani Friday of each waek at hex rtideace. Cor. 5th ani Flow-art. Tbe ladies of the First Prwbrtariaa church will give a Hrowaie e&,rtua2Mt st the opera house. Friday eve ar. Nov 1st. Come everybody aad bnankae chil dren. The Shasta basiled sonde its first trip southward this aBoraiaa? at I o'clock, load ed down with pesetas in. There war tea cars. 4 of the in weagrs i canse atrecgh i from Seattle n Tacoma with oat aay change. Meat cheaper than ever at the Albany Drewed Beef Oe's chop, coraer af Uecosd ad Eltrsrortn stmts. -BiU" Eaenck will coetutoe to slice the best aseet to be obtained for Tba ladiaa Amdlavy mat at the T. M. C- A. tooaM yeaterday at I; 30 n. an. Aa interacting program was carried out Har riet Beecber htowe betas; oaoted. kfrs. Thrab read a very interestae tepcrt af the ocnvveUoa which met at asissa. A Leo AstrrraTCD. Wyatt, wboresidee mat Thnraton. aasthe rab- jeft of runaway accident yesterday forenoon, which cost him the lose- of a leg. It appears that he waa hauling some lumber nev th Thontoa raw mill when his team became frightened and beyond control dashed away. He jumped from tbe wagon bat fell eo that one of the wheels passed over his left leg. crossing the pones in the ten ankle to a ielly and breaking the two hones in the leg above that joint. Dr. L. W. Brown, of this city, aad Dr. B. F. Rnsell, oi Thurston, were called and upon a thor oogh examination thev- were convinced beyond doubt that amputation was neces sary to save the tran s tile. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Dr. Brown, assisted by Dr. ltuell. amputated the leg between the ankle and knee. Tbe nniortnnat man rallied nicely after Uie operation and will undoubtedly recover. Eugene buara. CncAPaa Tbax Etx. Photes fcae been cheap, bat now they are cheaper be cause material is cheaper. Now is the time to hava photos made. See Tins les eew styles in M-60 photos Dr. G- W. Maston, rbyvKian aad r pron, Albany Ur. Caiwaaswerea prompt ly in aty er country. Both the method and WaTte 'when Syrop of Figs it taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and nets cently vot prompUy on the Kidnevm. Liver and BowtIr, cleanses the eys- tcra effectually, dipcls eolds, head aches and lexers and enrcs htbttntl "P. ? ' ra omy remedy OI its kratt e-rer pro- ' t tion and tnly Waefeial in ha 1 ocU, prepare4 only from the most heal thy and airmwble Ba wrhkHces, its , many excellent qnalrties commend it W , V -Jl UW " popular remedy known. oyrxtp of Figs ia for aale to B0 cent bottles by all lending 4reg gi!rl8i Any reliable rwt vhe ' may not have it on had will pe- ..-i . . . v ca Pmjwy f 7 wishes to try it. Do not fteeept any , substitute. 111 ryjtVJ rtl CrT'fO F.I VAUf (yi7i74 tIJ MftVr WA , nm amm utimnnr aa fiffia.IT- . Worthy Your CcnSJcnce. Xbe success of Hood's Sarsnpariila in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may mannect iteeii is vouched ior by thousand who were severely afflicted t jr this prevalent dUea?, but who now re joice over a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilu. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the gl tad of the neck, or break out in dread fol run ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the m neons membratif , it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consumption. Come it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all dis eases, imparo blood, Uie system is clar ified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to tbe body. KiBwyratads3sj GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some brxat've medicine to cleanse toe system and keep tho btoo i pare. Those who take SUUIONS Liver REGULATOR (Bquii or powiatf trrt a'l tha hr.sfi? nf m mil -I itnA laxanve and tonk that purifies the blood ana somginpis uie wnoia systeni. Ana more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU- I 1TAO .,!. H, I K.. I, - --w... and healthy, and when the Liver is ia rood coad:t$on you fisd yourself free from Malaria. Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated fteiir.g. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. fovj dietMn and tnmStnm frnm ctA troubles wi'i only be had whan tbe livar propeny at wcra ll imuDiaa wita any ctf 1hm rnmri.irt. f- (is anke I tvtrr. . , . . . . REGULATOl?. Tbe IrS orLIvar M cincs, and Better than Puis. T-EVERT F ACXLA GE-te Haa tb Z fitaa sp im red an winycr. J. H. ZssUlnt at Co-Pt-a- pit, Star Baker) or atrwaslalblm ssl Ftra-t wSISASfSaLYEB, FSCPBILIGS. e-aaiesl rraUls (ustd Heal wllsvaa-iaure. (iieKaware, rlsl rrnlU. Veget-hlea. aw1 Clfxr -gr tle-, -' Tew, Ai E4 v-rjflii-g that is kept in a afod variv end pro eery stare. High est price paid for ALL KISDcOF PEODUPE Go To Hopkins' Bros. Successors o fiapp Barrell & Go To Bjy Your Qenuino dims mm mr. A!1 Extras sold elsewhere in Albany fcr same are counterfeit. ConseiYatory ot licsic ALBANY COLLEGE, Z. M. Parvin, Musical Director, form try of Wiliamette University, will have charge ot this department of Albany College. Course to graduation in tha important branches of a mtisical educa tion. . Newest and beet methods adopted. Best mn.ic rooms for Conservatory in the state. Tuition low tor grade work. School begins Sept. 11th. Send for areolar and catalogue. Ad dress, Frof. W. H. Lee, A.M.. President. Albanv, or till Sent. 9th, Z. Ji. Pavi-, Musical Director, Salem ALBABY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KtNDS. Cheat seed for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone Xo. J 1. R. X. orri. Mgv Cor. 2nd and Main Sts OREGON.'jLEBAHOIi SANTIAH ACADEMY A preparatory school for alt colleges ou Uie coast. Normal department g.-aduates receive state and life diploma. Music, srt, bookkeeping. For catalogue a-Ulre, S. A. Kaxplb, A. M., Trincipal JOSEPH .T SMITH Office at Miller & Turner's stable. Al ba, ay, Or, Besidence fith and Montgoai-ry. tsxrxcoi zsoaa A.