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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1895)
kX ALBWYORWON llll DAY OCTOKER35 1895 ,.,mn.,i:,. . , .MT3 y I j' for Infants cactoria isso en adopted to chOdran that irecommend it aa superior toany pracripUoa TOwntome," H. A. Abchxb, H. D., Ill Sa Oxford St., Brooklyn, K T. '"The ass of Castoria' b ao nnrraraal and ft merits at veil known that It seems a work t supererogation to endorse It Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy roach." ClSTOH sUstct, D. D New York City. University wf Oregon 1895-1896. TaVM oer wik ,!,:,!0n&' L j. . . moir uu Bachelor of Arte. BSSr f wan Jhe fUowin8 wiurse leaaini; in two vearti to h graduate in English; tSSSSS "Si iTZZ'SS of P: three yeSourse in civil SrinwertL 2d nf ation leading to a diploma and the title "uciiui uuiuiuKuipiomasirom me public schools and thneo ' "V:L re aumiuea eJam!,naV?D- Thoee ring information should address the Dean, N. L. Narregan, Ww.r. ueanain,ornltw' address Jalton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. Best Work PRINTING JOB - - SOOB Office Stationery Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. mm ALSAFiY The Buffet GarJRoute. Be, Shoitcst and Quickest Line -BETWEEN- PACIFIC COAST POINTS, ST. PAUL A!JD THE EAST, Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording pastes gere aa oppofunity of viewing the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERICA Two trains daily fr mi Porlan-I; one at 11 a. ni , via SeaHle. and one at 8:5o p. m. via 0. E. & N. and Spokano, R'ina to per b sqaipmeut, cencisiins: of dining can, buf te' library cars, palace and uphn)terl toari-ti sleeping e&ss. The buffet library carr are marvels of elegance and comfort containing bath room, barber shop, easy cbairs.etc f THE MAGNIFICENT Twin stearashipfl. "N'orthwefit" an-I "Northland, ' leare Dalatb erery Monday and Friday for the "foo." Making Island, Detrot, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection with the Great Northern Rai'way. have your tickets read via the NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride fee from the beat and dust For tickets and seneral information call on or address R C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A.. A.. B. C. nENNISTON, G. P. k T. A. 61 i Front St, Seattle, Wash. , 122 id St., Po-tLwl 0 This U the wheel thit wai illora'eJ lnJMBesrinjr the Cycling AatnoHtr of Amer a "Jiurv 25ti. 18)5. over th following titles "Tne handsome Model Shown a ' recent Stti n 0cl3 Ethibition " U is the Wvmly ScCachkb an i Is tba ost admired aid U'kal of hiirh grad-i bievdw id iht world today. Want a bicycle anratel Culogn f'es. loi' Bictcl Co. Indianapolis, Indiana, U. S.A. E E. GoFt.exclosive aifent for Albany I " 9r-w- - P ONE GIVESiRELIEF. ALBANY OiCSAR FACTORY J. JOfeEPli. Proprietor, -.mawg , i r. virt iuuii m.iut. i nieacsi 01 an ra jucavening rower. ia.ics. u . o. oov i ivcpon i jew nine uiru iru! and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DiarriiCBa, Eructation, XUls Worms, gives sleep, and promotes U- Bastion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years I oars recommended "Castoria, and shall always continue) to do so, aa It has invariably produced beneficial results." Sown F. Pakdeb, X. IX, 125th Street and nh Ato, New York City. Tarn Qorraca Cqmpakt, T7 H uaaar Btbxxt, Nrw Yoax Cm. to all stu heat "gat in the dormitory for HDBD. lOUni? Women ro nr..ll ...:.. "EE. nreate de- offered : ATSSSg dtor of pTysVcal eVucai education. The advance to tne preparatory department without nardingthe preparatory detriment Euiene. P 7 aePartmnt u.U.Uiapman, President, or J J ' 01 J' J" Prom tnessi liwawja 1 ORECOrj. -THE- Monmouth, Or. A training school for ' teachers. Complete eight grade training department and strong Professional ana Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teaco in any county in the state without farther examination, ' Board and Lodging, books andtu ition. 150 ter vear. Beautiful and healthful location no saloons. There is a mwldemand for well train. i teacii"- there is an over-supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address J.A. WJ!i FL. Campbell. Secretary ! Prebiden A-iS!- HyT ' ' I THTJRSTDAY J. R. Stockman Found Guilty. I More Improvement, Less Re J Tape. The Independence West Sido and the Albany Democrat mildly attack Senator Mitchell because he will not promise to secure appropriations for Willamette river improvements without the recom mendation of the government engineers. They Bay that more baa been spent iu surveys than in improvements. The Democrat believes that any river pilot can inform the government of the neces sary work to be done, and that the sur veying business is all "rot." Gasette. The Democrat has never taken Sena tor Mitchell to task tor the useless sur veys; but the government. It is the government's style to bind everything nn in mi tare, it in a Tvuitira fat that: the necessary improvement on the river so that it would be navigable continually could be made at once, as ever? old pilot auuws jusi wnere mey are neeoea. College Notes. Albany Collrge will be well represent- J ed at the Y. M. C. A. convention in 8a-, lem. Mr. Bert Wight went down today noon and several others will follow to morrow. The'coilege Oratorical Association met yesterday to consider business relating to the state association. Several students are talking about en tering the local contest next February. Albany ought to get the medal at Port- iana mis year. To make the elocution pupils laueh say "iiocninvar." The college has many eurioe. "One is a test tube 15 c c in length and c c in internal diameter. Somebody wants to know about that Campus Improvement Association. Ask Pres. Lee. We are told that in comparing the cat- alogues of the Oregon colleges Albany; u iue oest language course in tne State. . A certain normal senior wants to know the difference between benziue and tur pentine. Prof. D.T. At whatcoint des this tangent cut the Hyperbola. stately Junior here they touch. A certain classical senior is determined to get a degree this year if it is only a B.S.D. , A beautiful piece of sandstone was given to the college geological cabinet lately by G. W. Morris. W. H. Hartless and J. M. Stewatt were elected counciimen at Corvallis this week to nil vacancies. Mrs. W. X. Alexander, of Polk Coun ty, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. , aicramurry. Tbe ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church expect to give a Brownie entertainment about Nov. 1st. Mr. K as par Yandran's excursion iartv to tbe 1'orJand exposition today was made op of Efty or sixty prominent citizens. Tbe Albany Woolen Mills Co. has been awarded the first premium at tbe Portland expoaiticn lor the het exhibit of borne made goods. Linn county u decidedly in the front this year. Art T wineham. who can2bi for Pendleton when the learne was manitainbd with team from Pendleton. La Grande and Baker Ci:y. has been rigned as reserved player for tne LK-iro.l club Uunn Ice season of 1S96. Twinehan has been with tbe St. Lonis Browns aonng the season just eone Pendleton E- 0. Considerable diatu faction is ex Dressed si Medford over the result of tbe assessor's census which g-ves Medford a population of only 1400. A special mee.'ing of tbe board cf trade has been called to take stetx toward having a correct enumeration of the population. At the ad joornmeot raeetintr of te direct ors of the Salem Building and Loan As sociation held at lOo.dock yeterday morn ing the following loans were made: $300 at & months interest in ad ranee and S75 at 70 months' interest in advance. Some r665 were paid on withdrawn slock. StatMmaa Georve Appleyard. a miner from Ne vada, has just returned from the San tiam mines. He gives a giowing de scription of the rich ore being taken out there. It indicates the fi net prospect in the North West today. There is already enough in sight to speak for a mining excitement that will rival Cripple Creek. Mr. D. D. Prettvman. for many years a resident of Marion county, but now living with his son at East Scio, Linn county, is visiting Portland. Mr. Pret is one of the early pioneers of Oregon, coming to the state in 1847, and living in those days near Mount Tabor, and it was be who first named that knoll, called it Ameican batte. Scio Pres Rev. W. F. Cowden.of Tacoma. Wash ington, general evangelist of the North west, Prof. Tvree, principal of the puplic schools of Albany. Key. A. D. Scamn. of Junction, president of the district con vention, and Key. J. B. Lisler.of Albany, corresponding secretary of the state board, were arrivals btre today ana will take part in the district convention of the Christian church which convenes in this city tonight and will be in session the remainder oi the week. fcugene Onara. As the Man about Town passed the Congregational parsonage about eight o'clock last night a crowd of people were unceremoniously breaking into it; but instead of taking anything oat they seemed to be taking a storehouse full of things in, in fact nearly everything in tne eating line, ana as well a plump purse. It was a genuine old fashioned donation party for Kev. and Vrs. Poling, one that proved a happy event. Us Liked Oregon. Some few years ago a Mr. Davenport, of English birth, lived in Oregon, and while here accumu lated considerable wealth. He after wards returned to England , but always cherished the memory of tbe state in which he made his fortune, and when he died left-a will, among other things in it, bequeathing to the Episcopal churches of Oregon, he being a devotee of that de nomination, the sum oi lo.uuu, as a fund. tne income ot which is to be applied in buying ornaments lor the various fc-Dn copal churches of this state. St. Mary's Episcopal church in this city has already received its apportionment, consitting ol two vases ana a handwrought brass, worth about $60, which were forwarded by Hon. Richard Thornton, of Portland. one of the trustees of the fund. Eugene uuara. " "The Burglar" was presented at the oyrra house last night to a good sized audience, nome remarkably tine acting was witnessed, every member of the troupe being a star in the part presented Mr. Moore, as the burglar, and Mrs, Moore, as Alice, the wife, were particu larly good. Little Gertrude Carlisle, as fcrdilha did the best child acting and sing ing ever presented on an Albany stage, Bbe is a marvel, and adds to her accom plishments a cultivated voice, as clear and as sweet as one ever hears. The Shasta Limitkd which will begin running between San Francisco and Portland next Monday will make the round trip every five days. It will have five cars, three Pullmans and two tour- sts. Time will be gained mostly by the lew stops made. Probably the only stops which will be made by the Shasta Limitei between Portland and San Fran cisco are Salem, Albany, Eugene, Rose- burg, Asblannd, Dunsmuir, Redding KeU UJutt, juaryvute ana ttacramento. A Tbamp Killed. A man was thrown off the freight train at New Era yester day by a brakeman. It was just as the train crossed Beaver creek, and he fell HO feet, on tbe stones below, lying there all Tuesday night. His na-ne was at. W. Moore, bee. Jfeebles was conductor of the train, - He died last night. It was reported today that the train men were arrested at Oregon City this forenoon for The Journal gives the following par ticulars: The biggest legal battle of the year is being fought in Judge Burnett's court over the question whether a mill manaeer can be held responsible for larmer s zwueit, interest is enormous among the farmers and business men. There is a great wrong practiced some where in the milling business, and it. should be lerretted to the bottom in these trials, as not less than about six or eight nundred thousand busnels ot wheat have been got away with in six or eight years. witnesses examined up to noon today are A. B. Barrett, J. W. Gusick, John Berthune, "bookkeeper in Sam Young's store, win i,yon. assistant bookkeeper in the mill, was also an important wit ness todv. The court mom is crowded ! wi,n spectators and the lawyers for the ' defense in making a verv close legal battle for the client. W. K. tiilyeu, the Albany lawyer, is taking notes of the testimony as he rep resents other parties who had wheat in the mill. Lvon was recalled. B. V. Worlen, W. L. Vance, J. R. Baltimore, were also nut on tne stand lor the state. The delend ant, J. K. btockman went on the stan. ana uniea that the receipt was ever issued by him, or with his knowledge or uy n is consent or auuionty. tiih con eluded the case to the turv. The case went to the jury on argument Attorney Sommera of Albany, opened the case for the stat, DiatrLt Attorney Mcuain rioceu the case lor the state. lor the defense, Tiimon rord closing. Alter oemgout nearly two hours the jury in the Stockman case brousht in verdict of guilty. Mr Stockman wilt be sentenced at 9 o'clock next Monday, The Statesman says: Mr. Stockman appeared considerably agitxted at the result of the trial, doubt feels that justice would have been measuted out to him equally as well br i zens oi uis own county. xneoeiendant is a well-known resi dent of Albany and has alwavs born- the reputation of being a careful and honest business man. lie is about 57 yeans old and his family have numerous acquaint- ! VVH if, CWC1U, His attorneys will next Monday morn ing move for a new trial and. should it not be granted, will ask for a stay of exe cution pending an appeal to the supreme court. The penalty for the crime of which Mr. Stockman is convicted is a tine in any sum not exceeding $5,000 or imprison ment in the state penitentiary not ex ceeding five years, or both. Op sains People's Eyes. Mr. Louis Ye rick, of this city is the exclusive agent for Linn, Lane, Marion and. Clatsop coantiee for Whites hair grower. The manner in which it is ex citing bald beads may be gleaned from the folldwing from the ?a!em Journal : W. G. Westacott, the Salem retaar antenr, of state-wide reputation, bad his hair cot wi'b clippers yesterday at the H. George Mere, s hairdresing parlors, So9 Commercial street. There would be nothing remarkable a'oouj this matter, but lor the fact that this; gentleman has not had any hair to clip on the larger part of his well rounded cranium, where he has been absolutely bald for a dosen years the clippers found a fine growth ol the genuine thing, and as Chimmie Mo Fadden would say "dat man will have hair to burn." A quizzing reporter went to borinar for oil not hair oil but to learn in the in terest of bald beaded humanity bow it was done. How was hair made to grow where none grew before. One of Mr. Meyer's talented friseurs was working on a rather glossy cranium and of this process) air. JJeyer has the exclusive agency (or Salem. Tbe treatment con sists of a took, a grower, a patent brash and a soap, all known as Ir. White's hair growing system. Of coarse Mr. Meyer's Xpert manipulators do tbeir part in a skillful manner to attain these wonderful results. Inquiry shows that nineteen Salemites are taking the treat ment. It is absolutely a new discovery. It strikes at the root of the hirsute evil baldness by striking at tbe roots of the hair, that lie buried deep under several layers of skin. If there are any roots left it is only a question of a few weks' work to sprout them. This grower or hair manure will start hair that has lain dormant for twenty pars. This seems miraculous but as the men who have tried it are alive and aa the growth of hair is visible o tbe naked eve there is nothing miraculous about it. It is sim ply a scien tide discovery and Mr Mey ers has demonstrated its success. In Albany Mr. . Yerick has in a very emphatic manner proven its merit. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent ottice, Wash ngton, D. C. J Bonner, Tiburon, Cal., reciprocating valve; J Boyd, Concord, Cal., cultiva tor; M A Ciennam, San Fraucisco, Cal, metal catting and folding machine; H aw, ban r rancisco, (Jal, tbill-coapling; It uny, Orawstordsvule, Ure, dumping wagon; Ur Harris, San t rancisco, Cal, book holder: H H tabbing A C P Harris. San Francisco, Ok I, safety-guard for car- heeis. u A retterson, contention. Ore, current-motor; J J "Pratt, Yuba City, Cal, truck; F M Qoinn, Astoria, Ore, fire-escape; W A Turne, San Fran cisco, Ual, station-indicator; U wetzel, Millers, Ore, farm-gate; U M Williams, Los Angeles, Cal, adjustable ferret (or saddletree. A Bw K at i xo CiRcrrr. A racing cir cuit baa been formed for the northwest with a central committe consisting oi Van De Lashmutt, M. W isdom, Chas, Woods, A. U. Ryan and Sam Jones. The following places will probably he on the circuit: The Dalles, Pendleton, La Grande, Raker City, Walla Walla, Day- ton, Colfax, Lewiston, Moscow, Spokane, takima, lacotna and victoria, lor tne upper country, and Hillsboro, McMinn ville. Independence. Albany, Eugene, Salem, Portland and Vancouver for the lower or southern circuit. Anxcal Election. Wednesday at Portland the Oregon Pharmaceutical As sociation held an annual election of of fleers with tbe following result: K. W. Moses, of Crawfordsvillo, president; N J. Crane. Astoria, first vice-nresident : J H. Simpson, Amity, second vice-presi dent; a. K.uckertnan, romand, third vice-president; A.W.Allen, Portland permanent secretary; taman Byerly rortiand, treasurer. Not lone aso there came a man nearly three score yeais of age to the college asking admission lor one of his pupils who at that time resided at r lorence, in Lane county. Upon examination the boy was found worthy and well Qualified ana was au y aamittea. Alter an nec essary arrangements were made for the , ..... . - boy, that faitblnl teacher, with cane in one hand and satchel in the other, start ed to Albany atoot ' in order that he might catch tbe train he desired. All this for a student. Gazette. A New Bbick. Mr. Henry Broilers 1 clearing the ground on bis rsroDertv ad joining tne wooa brick on Kecond Btreet, for a brick meat market, one story 22x100 feet, including a smoke house in the rear. When completed Mr. Broders win move into tne new building. Big Chrysanthemum h. Mrs Ream of this city, has nome elegant chrysan themums at her home on Third street. Some "Mrs E. G. Hills" are six inches in diameter. The largest chrysanthe mum on record was 13 inches ;the largest ever reported to the Democrat from Al bany was 0 inches, raised by J. U. Ir - j e arc liore to pie hi yoa. It every tiling is nvt O. K. k i dly let ' us know We are not selling at cost but at modi-r ate prontf. we w turnisii you any thing in tho harness line at lowest pricei See outline of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips POWEB & ToMLl.t.MOX. Technicalities Not Allowed. The court's rulings throughout the triaj were againtt technicalities ot the de fense, and the instructions to the jury were strong in upholding the law. The theories of the defense, that tbe receipt given by Lyon was not authorized by Stockman, and that t-e was entirely Ig norant of what he is indicted of havine criminal ciiowlediie of. were all saeot aside and the jury could do no otherwise than find a verdict as charged. $tock nmn is a man b years old, has a family, and has alwavs borne a eood n nutation His crime was only carelessness, but uicrv na ore a ro inucii oi u mat con viction for complicity in the diaapiiear- anoe of wheat are going to be more easily obtained in the luture. But Stockman's at tor net s are not through. Tne time set tot sentence is next Monday at b a. m a lien they will make the customary mo tion to set aside the verdict, which thev do not expect will be allowed, though they wilt make the argument and cite authorities, t he iwnalty provided is a nne of not more than, ".O0U. nor more than live years imprisonment or both, at discretion of the court. Tbe ii.-u-no w ill carry to the supreme court ami it in more than like.y Stockmau w ill get off in some way or other. II he is convicted other convictions will foKow in Linn and other c Minties. Journal. Twj foot race at the fair urounJ to-raor row afternoon: Cameton v Given; Met calf v Cook. Tb latest fad with the bore it tbe"dVv- ils telegraph" u-ade lout i f bait of an Kn l h walnut. A Salvation Armv man was around 1 1- J collecting money for work in the s-um of the bif cities. A birth notice indicate that there will be music in Lebanon. It mads: Horn, on Oct. 13 to the wife of JAi Drum a son. Mr. Ed Schmeer has pnrchamd the restaurant outfit in tbe strahan Uock.fcr ner ly known a tbe iKj'rajnic re;urnt, and win hereafter no it. Jesse Mover ha brouithl ruit for divorce against her bun band H. U. Mover, a prom inent citut a of urowturille. Caus, der ation. Andenoa Caoooa and Luther Elkias bare torn ed partnership ana will open law in tne t o t uxoe block . I bete no plane like Alasy after ail. Sctertl cf tbe lv in the tbird ward have been in tbe babtt of earn log- rerclrers. danfrerons for rTen men. Last evening ttarehal use captured tnem and took away one of tbe weapon. Tbe Scio Pres ei re a hut on cal sketch of Lbs new wra-xl bouse at that citv. It bas cot $675 iododina a" . walk. fences, etc Scio people are jj;ir prou of it. lr II. A- LMoeosvr. of tbi ots txo or three years ago rerei red a $!juOpna from tbe San I'ranciaeo Esatctner treiuni 1t. eaterdav be receid n axxkunt i.f u a deed to 10 acret r4 laid in Gila valley. Ar izona. Tbe editor. II Y. Kirkpatrick. wt is riwttng ia ta-'ifcrois, wrtes that tbecicn- try about Ireano l froaoina beoeaUi a wealth of fruit. Tee da; are dry, hot and iloaty. California be tninr i a grrat -tate. but cannot c.Mipare with tbe beauti ful Willamette valley. Lebanon E,pret. There are six prisoners in the county iail awaiting tbe action of tbe grand jwy: . U Bolin, for tellins; liquor without a ikeoae. Johnson, for getting money on draft nnder false pretence. ilium for sUl bins' Black at Waterloo. Warner an 4 Murphy, the two traoip who had tbe hgbt with tbs Albany police, and Mr. Hannah. AtpresraL the citv realiv ou'v f from iiquor license, the smallest ia it history The saloon men claim that their profit are materially lessoned by tbe im portation into tbe ctt and neiirhbt.rbood of illicit liquor, npCra which therr i no tax paid, and i- sold at a ridiculously low price. Lebanon txpre Tbe following hop f rower of f bis vicin ty snlJ tbeir hop this week to Captain i'ope. of i'ortlaod: Evan. Hmik, Vanj, Hardin, Cadwalader, Wither. Kirk. May field and Powell. The purchases aga re s-ate nearly 400 bale, fbe price paid were 35 and b cent 1 tie bop we being ihippeii direct to London. Lebanon Ad- ranee. Tbe 6rt student to entu and pav bi matriralation fee in the new medi-l col lege of Willamette Unirersiry was Hogb 11. rhotnpmo of this city, well known a tbe accnm)lihed btokkeeper. Mr. Thomp son ba been reading lueiicine some time and was about to go eat to complete Lis Indies and graduate, but the opening of a finely equipped coiteue at home obviate such a ciecentily. Statesman. F. G. Burkhart has moved on his farm at Plain view, where he will hereafter re side. Miss Bertha Ellis returned last meht from Portland, where she bad been to sing in Prof. Nash's musicale. Ex-State Senator Carson, of Portland, and his son-in-law, II. It. Miller, were on the noon train bound for Eugene. W. B. Barr, of this city, has bnen ap pointed deputy U. S. mineral surveyor and will operate in tho Sanliam mines. L. Brounstein. formerly an employe of this place lut now a business man of Albany, was in tho city today. Salem journal. Bloss, the famous half back of the O, . C. three years a go, was in A litany ye. terday. He is now a soldier at ancou ver. Mr. Luthir F.ikin's returned to Albity last night alter an extensive trip over tho r. W. without finding a tatisfactoiy placo in which to locate. Hon. E. Holer, of the Salem Journal, was in Albany this noon on his way to Oorvallis to lecture before the O. A. O. on English literature. A letter from Mrs. Walter Hobbs, at Camden, Maine, received by Mr. Virgd Parker, announces that her husband is rtpidly failing and can live a only short lime. They recently went irom Aioany there on account of Mr. Hobbs health. the doctors approve of Scott's Emulsion. For whom? For men and women who are weak, when thev should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for all who get no nourish ment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is j ,. . t., -Vi f Ivo evangelistic work in Eugene. The dent, air; rono, oioeattie; tnird vice COd-llVer OU WltU tne nn-iat ouardsays: Uev.J.B. Lister of Albany president, Capt, W. A. Kimball, of Port taStC taken OUt. 'preached an interesting sermon last land; secretary, Mr. McClure, of the . . . evening. At the close of the service At- University ot Oregon. ' seats and 11.00 :torne Ijftrk mym nnited with th psWa .,.- ,11s, Prita,ds.r ' arivr a miwnh . n va-k church - , Dr. Pile Cream kin rowdcr . THAT TURPENTINE Editor Democrat : The daily papers of Albany have con tained editorial notices of the factory for the manufacture of esxeiitial oils, propos ed to be liM-ntMl in A 1 1 ia n v I will Kriuf. jy place (he facts before those interested in home industries, leavinir the final lo cation to them. It is not hu experiment that is proposed to be made. The offer is to bring a lactorv that is now in oue-. ation and can and baa turned out the best quality of the products proposed to be manufactured in A 1 bany . One thous and dollars is now invested in it. but iu present location and canacitv is not equal to the pressing demands Ur the manufactured articles. No bonus is asked, or would be accepted. Those who put money in it should be stork and interested in its success. It is desir- auie lo add to llio rjreatnt lnvmutnont t-tjw, and with that capita! turpentine can bo turned out at the rate of 17 bar rels per week, and the demand for the other products that have been mention ed in the papers can be supplied. The demand for turpentine and nil of peper mint is without limit and thy can be manu!a:tureu in this valley with less expense than anywhere else to the Unit ed Slates, because the raw materials for their production has been found by two years ooservation in their handling to tw richer in tubttaiice and ranker in qual- i'-V with less cultivation than is required elsewhere, ith the capital asked for in stock, to00 of which is to be used in additional machinery and the erection of a suitable building, and StoOOto be paid out for raw material, ou barrels a week can be manuhtetnrcd into 17 barren of turpen line and tbe remainder into rosin and rosin oil, both of which are a readily solii the turpentine. Very little ad ditional expense is required to eouin for o'oit ariicie proposed to be manufac tured, fr ihe mai bincry for them is now at hand. Humid this Mock be taken in Albany VJ would have to be wuar- anteed. to be paid as soon as the hou is -rctd and the remainder in install ments, a raw material is delivered at tbe factory. Within six weeks from this late AIlany could be ahippine the man ufactured product in Urge and profitable quantities. 1 be matter has been left in my hands for the pre-nt and if Albany should not feel disposed to accept tbe offer I am asked to iterview per mis in Salem who have expreel a desire to have it eo there. Albany is the preferable location on account nf superior shipping facilities. and special accessability to the raw ma terial. Immediate profit to the invewtera ran be had without extensive adrerti iog, for turpentine is in general Use, and a bat we gt on tbi eot is shipped Irom the lr-J:nju. It is hoped some expression riil be made by the enterprising men of .-iiiiany wiinoot uciar. J. L. Hill Sudden Death. H aijsbv. Oct. 17. A messenger arriv ed in Halsey today, about noon, stating that Samuel Daw. an old and well known restdent of Lake Crek. who has always lived alone, bad been found bv a neighbor in, he thought, a dir.g condi tion. Dr. Miehener hurried to the bed side I Kit when be arrived the old man bad been dead about two boar. From circumstance surrounding the case Dr. 11 ic!iener thought it desirable to send for the corcner, which he did on his re turn to Halacy. Mr. Daw has lived in this county many vears and was consid ered well to do. With the exception of a sister, who lives ia Benton county be had no Lnown relative. The coroner's iniuest will no doubt make known the raue of his death, par ticulars of which will be sent later. iiAitay Tkxtok. A Poart-aso Scnr. Under the bead ing "tsbxdy Keal Lstate Transaction," theOregoniansays: Yesterday a Judge .Md.inu s court, a suit ol Sirs. Sarah Smith vs. W. E. and Ella Mcpherson, to annul a real estate trade, was tried be fore the court, and was decided in favor of Mrs. Smith. Her complaint was that she deeded to the Mcpherson one-half of lot 1 and 2, block SSI, Aiken's addi- j tion, Eaet Portland, for a 10-acre farm in 1-enton cunty. mortgaged to J.S. St rat- too f.r ViOO, Mrs. Smith stated that W. h. McPherson agreed to pay off the (SOU mortgage when it became doe, and to injure that he would do so save her his note for foOO, serai ed by a mortgage on Aiken s property. Mie charged that trattuo had, she afterwards learned. commenced suit in the court in Benton county to foreclose hi mortgage, and that McPherson, in drawing the mort gage on the Aiken's addition secure bis squu note, only mentioned tee numbers of tbe lou.and not of the block. and the mortage was worthies. Jud Mcttiiin decided that the McPherson deed back to Mrs. Smith her property in in 1 I : . : , .r J . l Aifci u a nu-iiuuu, aim jirs. c-aiim sur render all her her right to the 10 acres in Ik-nton county. In to-day Oregonian McPherson pub lishes a card denying that that there was any fraud or that he was to blame, giv ing that as the position of the court, and staling tbat tbe decision of the court was as MUsfactory to him as to the plaintiff, as the property in litigation is practical ly worthless. The defendant recently rvsi.l-d in Al bany. To Be a Ghsat Crrr. Upon being in terviewed in San Frencioo, Mr A. B. Hammond said: "Just imagine, ships hare now to go to Tacoma to load Co lumbia river grain, lumber and salmon. etc., making a detour of fully six hun dred miles, but when our road is built they will lie in the harbor of Astoria in stead and do the loading there. We will have side tracks running from all the canneries and lumber camps direct to our main line, and the salmon canner will have through car service so as to avoid breaking bulk as he has to do now His goods will reach, therefore, the mar kets iu better shape and reflect more credit on his establishment, besides the saving of money and time he will enjoy, Henry Villard in his wisdom pointed oil to me more than ten years ago thai s toria, the oldest town in the northwest, win also be the greatest city ot tbat re gion in the future, and his prophecy is now aoout to become true A Good Dekr Story. a correspond' ent of the Eugene Guard from Alsea writes as follows: Miss MamieOglesby a successful vi on -school r.iarm. while spending her - tea .ion at her home on tall Creek, had ,utte an adventure with a deer a few dnvs aito. A hound chased a spue buck into the crtek near the Ug lesby home. Her father being atwent, Mire Mamie and her little sister Grace went forth to attack the buck bare handed. She seized him by the horn with one hand and by tbe nose with tbe other and held him un'il Grace could bring a rope with which she tied him to a tree until lier lather camo and killed liini. What chance has an unruly uichin wun such a school mistress as tins. Heliographs Uskd.--Heliographs were used for the first time, iu this section, on Thumlay last, by W . Griswold, ol the topograhiical survey, and County Sur veyor uathcart. rue lormer wag sta tioned on the Gould trail, on the west fork of North Coos river, and tbe latter had a position on Yoakam hill, back of Newport. The distance, 20 miles, being too lar to perm't the signal nagx being seen with telescopes, heliographs were resorted to, and by the aid of the sun flashes the point were "fixed." Coos way news. , I Rev. Lister of this city is doing effect- T7vN MO.Mh AND AbKOAl) Wheat 40 cent. Conn & I In ton for groceries. Bis bargains. m watches at French's See the new Matt Pbotoes at Tinkles. Trilby waicb guards at French's jewelry st re. Tbe be-t freh groceries and produce at Conn It riost..n'. Good treatment at Onn and , (1 union, and their guxi are tbe best. Big reduction ii p.kes Ihe next ninety aayt at xinkie tne photographer-. Some elegant diMne in crockery ware at low prices at Conn and Htaton. If you want a good shine call on leu (he Bon Shoe Shiner at Yeri :ki barber sbop. Ladies shoe a specially. Farmer, if yoa hav yoor pictorr ma 'e it will pay you tiree 1 inkle and get b price A larire and choice stock of jewesry, ver ware. ec. Jot receied at ill and Stark. Phot! Photos! Photos! any size, shape or cjIot at trices fro bo cent to at tinkles. Its a big aitake if TJU think Tinkle doe not mase tbe best and cheapest pbo to Some fine freh venison jnt ieceied tin tvenicg at Ed. Schmeers market on ElUwonh Street. The mot elegant line of stot nary ever bronirht to AtKuiv at t ill and Stark. In several beautiful figure Dr. II E and Oliwe K. Beer office in post oce block. Kevideoce corner 5th and Caiapooia st. Albany Or. Ihe Pavtoo ccmpany played three nights in Newport, presenting Trilby the hut night, and doing a good bounes All who ea!tirvA chrysanthemums are requestei to make an exhibit at tbe fair to be held sooa at tbe X. at. U. A, room. At the examination in Portland tbi a week Ur. Arch B'ackborn of Brownsville wa granted a pharoacu-t' diploma. All accounts doe Hodze and McFar!and op to Oct 8. are doe and owing O- C. Me- r aria nil. and abru'd be paid to turn at occe. Charles Mclminon. of Fing Valley Bfntoo county w bad f 15 for learinjr bis muW out a!l nighi wilto-jt food or drink G W. riaipson. of Albany, baa opened store on Main Stnct. aad christened tbe same, the ' Ancuoo Store ororavule Time. A supply ol PrearTTaiitve h just been cetved by Kod.v at Mcfariand. It wiiw milk. Those wnj have len waiUsg for it will tike notice To rewtute gray Lair tl its natural colo as ia yoaih.ctoae it to grow abasdast and strong, there is bo betler preparaLUa than tlili s Uur Keoeaer. jtamoid. the great Norwegian violinist. wni eppear Saturday Bight in Vie Opera Uouse. He i ably asauted by a piaaUt and him Etta B-aaniur vocalist. Miss Helen Crawford elocution class meets on Moo Jay. Tuesday. Tborsday aod r nLy cf each week at bet reideoce. lor. Sth and Elewctth. A couple yonng mea this afternoon did as rnncn "Wowing" as Corbea and Fiu ummoas for fully ao hoar and only got in owe strike apiece. Tbty were fall ot wbi key. Meat cheaper than ever at the Albany Dresoed Beef Cos shop, corner of Second and Ellawortn sTreeta. -Bill" Eenck will coottDoe to slice tbe best meat to be obtained for yoa. Speaking of Miss Reamer, who sings at the A moid coooert to-Bight.the ladepeiia- eoas Enterprise say: She powsa a dura- ing aianoer a by tee exceiienos of her stBcime. hhe is a song bird of whom Ore gon tan may feel prood. Tbe firt lod of miBimr machinery ar rired today addres-l to UcFariaoe Sc Co. of luravef , tbe shippers ia care of W. B. Lawier. u ber oars will foUo. ine boiler, an immense piece of iron u a coa- piciooi part of tbe load Forests fires have been raging around Gat!, causing coniderabie Iom. The boose ol Mr. Hsdgea baa been borned. also tbe barn of Mr. Matbeay and a large a mount of fen of I Km Smith. Dr. Whites New Hair-growing System for sale by Loo Wreck, Albany, Or. Sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton - Ma rion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. Box 421, Albany, Or. for free pamphlet on Baldness and Scalp Troubles Alva MosWr. the youmr man who had his arm amputated is impioring rapid. y now. He exprtssav a desire to obtain a place to work for bit board and go 10 school, as suoa a h s arm nea A laud able ambition Guard, This is the young man hurt while ileal Lag a ride on the S. P. The Oregon bar association baa been in session ia Portland. Judge Bethnger was elected pre. idect, lodge Carey scretary. Judge Hewitt i vice president from Ibis district. It i aa interesting fart that not one of the I roposed law recommended acd urged by tbe aoction last year was pas sed by tbe last legislature Crators Fijcd. Herman Robe, who is teaching school near Jas. R.Templeton'a farm, made a curious find on Mr. Tem pleton's ranch last Saturday. It was nothing more or lei than a portion ot an elephant's tusk, a tooth, other particles of bones, an Indian's knife made of flint. and an Indian spear. There can be no doubt as to these bones being those of an elephant, and from the tact that the Red man s weapons were fouud, it seems to indicate the fact that wav back in some prehistoric day this monstrous animal swallowed a savage, from the effects of which he soon succumbed. Had tbe in' dian escaped he wculd never have leit his implements of war. Brownsville Times. A H abd Tins of It. A hack .load of students from the Albany College bad a varied experience r rtday night last over in "Potatodow." Their college yell did not seem to be appreciated by the people of that section. Thev found the school mistress, though : but by that time it had become so dark they could not hit the right road and in some way wandered over to this city, where after a? fruitless search tor candies to light them on their homeward way they made another start, this time on the right road. Jefferson Review. To-nioht. August Aauiold plaved last night at Oorvallis to one of the biggest houses ot the season, giving a fine con cert, ion ict at the Albanv opera house, Mr. Aamoldison the program for five selections, Masourka and Nocturne, Chopin, Hailing Dance, Gypsy Legends, Sarasate, and ankee Doodle with var iations. Mia Beamer, the talented vo calist, will sing "Waiting," "Serenade," " Ben Hur," and "Echo Song." Paor. Ln PaaarDtirr. The twelfth annual convention of the Y. M. O A. of the northwest has been in session in Sa lem this week. Tbe following officers wrera elected: President. Prof. W. II. Lee. of Albany : first vice president. John H. Albert, of Salem ; second vice pres tjp-aar PURE SOCIAL AND PfcKSONAl I Mr. J. P. Galbraith m in Boeebnrg yesterday. Bishop Gross, of Portland, is in the city and will spend Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Martin and grand son went to Salem today on a visit. Mrs. Henderson, of Oakland, Or., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Slitee, in this city. Mr. J. VV. Bentlev. one of Independ ence's boot and shoe merchants, is in the city on a visit with bis family. j E. W. Mes. president of the stabs board of pharmacy, was in the citv to- i a .f . .. 1 uayon uis way nome irom r on Land. A little daughter of Attorney Wright, of Albany, arrived in the city Thursday evening, and is now the guest of ber grand parents. Brownsville Times. Mr. Will Burkhart, a reliable and pop ular young man, baa parcbased O. C. -.. i Jicrarianu s interest in the business ot j Hodge Sc. McFarland. and tbe firm will I , I lit-r-alter be Hodges At Burkhart. .iuiis viij wrui auviiauu 10 dry, where ehe will enter the leading i business college, tbe Portland Business : College. Sbe deserves to succeed in her j efforts to obtain a good business edoca- j tion. " J On Wednesday night of this week B.j M. Robertson aril family entartainvl some of the yonng tnarrietf people of his class and church, aod on Friday night a company of single people. Both occas ions were eajoyable affairs greatly ap preciated by all attending. This week S. A. Hulin purchased the fine residence nnd property of Geo. May hew, on Moore street. Mr. nulin is making some changes and others is - fix in the residence, which, when completed will be one of the coziest cottages in our thriving little city. Harrisburg Review. E. W. Had ley and family leave today for California. They go 'nrstto Santa Barbara, bat may locate in some other part of the state. A carload of their household effects Ml on yeeterdav'a O. C.A E. to take the S. P. overland freight for California. Their residence in this city has been boarded np. and for tbe present will remain unoccupied. Times. A social event of much interest was an afternoon tea given by Mrs. E. W. Lang don yesterday to fifty or sixty lady friends. All the appointments were neatly and smoothly carried oat, con- ferring credit oa those who entertained. atr. L4nrdoa was assisted in receiving iy ir. jotio Aitbouse, 3ir. ur. Jjaston. Mrs. N. J. I lea ton aod Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, while Mrs. E. D. Cusick, and Muvea Bertha Ei'is, Flora Ma son aod Edna Alien attended to the ser vice of a delicious tea. Mrs. Baxter's Lecture. Mrs. Baxter, a national lecturer of the W. C. T. U., direct from the Wiliard home in Chicago, spoke last night at the M. E. church to a good sized audience, mostly women. Mrs. Baxter is a pleas ing speaker, with a good presence. She delivered an np to date lecture, in a manner that forves her remarks into tbe minds of her bearers. Like all temper ance lecturers of the present day she hit all the old parties some lira raps. She made light ot tbe spread eagle statements of such demagogues aa Tom Reed that it was the unsettled state of the tariff that had caused hard times it wis not, it was strong drink. 1 1 00.000,000 of the peoples mocev had been spent in a year lor intoxicating liquor, enough to make hard times. Tbat would make a wa k of silver dollars three feet wide from the Atlantic to the Pacific. She was not fighting the saloon atone, tor tbe law le galised them, and tbe people elected the men who made the laws. It will take the ballot box to settle the business. Her illustration of the gorernmeiits partner ship by receiving $1.10 a gallon on IS cents worth of wh.skey was pointed. Tbe reason tbe revenue was not raised on beer was because it was the "p"Or man's beverage;' really because the English syndicate said no. The poor man is the one being humbugged by politicians. Even now McKinlev is down touth shak ing hands with the negroes for tbeir votes. Sbe was American, and it tbe immigrant coming to this country doesn't love it best she would have him retained at double quick time. 1830,000,000 a vear for bread and $100,000,000 for li quor suggests bard times. Though fooled now tbe laboring man will not always l footed and he will eventually show his power. Her peroration was "np with the home down with the saloon." Mrs. Baxter travels about 30,000 miles a year and has for ten years, hence hear ing her, with her many incident and apt like taking a journey. It Means Business. An extra freight train was started out of Portland yesterday to clean np the business along the Southern Pacific. The freight bas accumulated so fast that the regular trains though running with as high as over 30 cars to the train, have been unable to keep it out of the wav, This is in big contrast to a year ago,when a freight train was run every other day. and a email one at that. ow tbe daily freight is double length and can't do the business. 1ms T peaks in loud tones Iot itself and shows that there is lots ot bus iness going on through the valley. Both the method and results -when Syrup of Figa ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, bead aches and fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is- for sale in SO cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist "who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F13 SYZUP CO. tAH nutoaco, cl iowmu. tr. mm roue, tit rr ft Fjlloirin! ths n-sw tlmi erJ Albany Street Railway : '. be car will leave coti'ct of First n:.d Washington street a follow: 4 -30 a. m. for morning overland train. 8 .-CO " " Lebanon train. 11:35 " Yaqiina train. 12.-00 noon, train going south. 12 Jo p. m., Hofharg traiu iit-rtb b uua and west bound Yaqoina train. 1 p. m., O. C. to E. train, cast f-ou d, 4KW Lebanon train. 1 1 -35 ' Overland train going sccth. 44JQ Orphan's Home. The car will nine meet all incotnin? trains ' E. railroad. C. O. BcRKHAar. Secretary SIM MOM S VREGULATOR? J Evader, did yon ever take Snocoxs Liver Reg citato r, the "Knto op LtvEB MxDicrxES?" Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a sloegiah or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Begulator is better thajt Fixxa. It does not gripe, nor weaken, bnt greatly refrrsbes and strengthens. Every package has tbe Bed Z tamp on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilia & Co., Philad.euhia. RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day Ills of humanity. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS. Cheat seed for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone Ko. 1. R. X. orris, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Main Sts. OREGON, LEBANON SAHHAH ACADEMY. A preparatory scLtol for all coUeseson the coast. Kormal depart HH-nt g.-aj nates receive state and life diploma. Mreic, srt, bookkeeping, for catakagoe addres, A. Kasdix, A. M., Principal. .AD i ic sxrv t.. m m FEHSY13U IU uvthporvuss aad nly E"SCB. aafoaodiw aahkacwr cs lik- narkc t-tw XaO; scat by J. A- Cmaniing, K)igenf. Albscy ALBANY COLLEGE, WEXTY-XISTH TEAK.) T HE COLLEGE ATILL OPEX SET- tember II, 1S93, ucier favoralle aav pice. Keenlar CoHesriate and Aca demic instruction The Comraert j! work will be given specisl attention tnis vear. Such younsr men and voung la dies as are looking forward to a business career should not venture it without lav ing a good foundation with us Tbe College will also establish a CWserva tory of Music, under the ahle an 1 effi cient mauagtuent of Prof. Z. M.Parvin. Lnusntal facilities oRereJ lor student? desiring to become proficient in music The Primary Department will receite especial care. Inionuation cheerfuUy given. WALLACE H. LEE, Prcsidet't &ai ) IqU A q mw?t!v Vi T! Tis . r i ti FOSHAY k MASON. UaaIsU A netavlt DRUGGISTS AXD B00KSEL1 ERS ALBANY. OEKGOS. Pure Drills and the Finest and Iirjrt Stock of Stationary and Hkh in the Market. rfWA 17 Let 7s Kcasrn To VWiVl L getlier! Is it not bet ter to buy vour Bread, Pies, Kol!s,Cakes etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best materialwhy of course i is you dont want dyspepsia and yon, never tret it Hy eating ron cm store. U.S. BAKEHY. , Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. O. D. Vandtcs. Prrprieto WANTED-AN IDEAS0. BUitX OX, Patent Attoreoya, WaaiuuitoD, la. 'or llSJU prias Ollex. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wsrld's Fair Hlbst Modal as4 Oipatana. t si iHanw nil m 1 i iii iii i n