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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1895)
r 1 TTTl V VOL XXXI.- ; u,mh,w. ..,.. .n... .,.,,, LBAjfJ r.rmrr,, .. MM5 ! wi.... ,.. , . . , ; THTTB3T3AY CIRCUIT COURT. for Infants - Catoc1louadape tochQ&watfcat I noomxaeod K a aaparlor tossy pmerfetio Wtom&" H. A. Awcm, X. D., Ul 6a Oxford ft Bnoidra, K. T. "The at of Ckatotta k so wilwl kA " "v--rnThHliiwn in i -t auprcroetioa to enJorwtt. TwwaiwttS BtfelliawB famOiea wbo do not keep Cawteria vttameaar reach.'' . CuaoaXUartx,IX Dl, I BewYerkCrtr. tn Os-tAtm 'I?" w. JOB I J n? i Sislmsmjf A Specially Give us ar a a 1 AU ONB aiVBS RELIEF. JJaiyersit; regKi I805-I89G. The University of Oron Eopm, Orefon, oCws fro tuition to !1 stodnti Toag men can obUin board, todpag, boat and light in the dormitory for J2.50 p weefe. Jm faramh their ova linaa. Tonne womoa aro prorided with Zf VKJt'ftemtee at f3.00 per week. Yoaag wom.n deairinx board should MOreea ttou John Straub, Kugese, Oregon; or 8eeretary Tonng Women'i Chris toan Association, Ewrnr. The Uaiwraity offers thio baoca1anreat degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science aad Bachelor of Letters with corresponding ourses of stndy. The following shorter coorsvs are aim offered: An English ouree leading in two years to a bvmneas diploma and ia tlurw yean to the title iriduate in English ; aa adduced cosree for frada&tef of norm.1 schools leading a b? I pedasjogy ; three yaars coarse i civil engineering leading the degree of vil engineer ; a eovrsa of two yean for teachers of physical edu atton leadicg to a diploma and the tiUe director of physical education. The University charges an mcidwha! fee at to doUars whkh ia payaoie ia advance y aU students. gtndenta holdizw dipJomaa from th. pnblic schools and those aTmg hers certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department Lould addrees the Dean, K. L. Narregan, EuVeuiT For catalogues and information address U. H. Chapmaa, President, or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eurene, Oregon. . , . ., The Buiet CarRoute. THE Jhortest and Quickest Line BETWEEN PACIFIC SCIT8, ST- fftSL' AHD TfiS'SAST, Croeaes boh the Cascade aad the Rocky Mountains ia DAYLIGHT, affording panes r pors tut opportunity viewing ths GKAUDEST SCETTERY IN AMERICA Two trains daily ffum FonSaa4; oe i j. ana opoKase, am sopsro eqaipment, esasuiang or awing ears, bol if library cars, palace and apbolstend toariiU sleeping ears. . The buffet library carf ore vi vipmx hi anmm, cniun:ng oacn room, oaroer snop, easy cBairs,eu. THE MACraiFIOIT Twin Kteamabips, "KorthweSf ed "Northlaad, ' lea Dulqtb every Monday and tnday for the "00 Mafcmac 1kb4, Detroit, OeTelaad snd Buffalo in connection with tie Great Northern Railway. Have roar tickets read via the NORTHERK 8TE4MSU1P COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride free from (he neat and dust Far ucKets and general intsrniat caii on or R. C. STEVENS. V. P. A.. 612 Front Et , Ssattle, VTmH. mis t tue whnel that was illustrated a , "January 189,. eTr the following title: "The naadoau"t Mo.l Shown a e receai Nition.i Oris fSfkibfttow." U is the Wavbult 8oe.wfrn ail U tha out admire! and talk! of hws srads bicycle in 'be world today, Who a bie'e nut rated Catalogue f-ee. 'Ihdian Bictclb Co. Indianapolis, Indiana, U. 8. A E E. GfF. exclusive agent far Afbeay life :,drl I.'-SJ" -1 . ALPAWY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH- .Proprietor, ant Children. CtI cure. Colic, Constipation, Soar Stomach, DUrrtuM, Eructation, Km. Warm. (Ira. alarp, ud promotes dl TTOhoat Bjjurfoqs medication. "Toe several years I ham recommended 'Oiatorte, and hH always continue to do Bo, M H ha Invariably produced hwoWlciat iMtk, . ., Txnrat F. Fimu, X. P., U6th stmt and Tttt i5tw York CRjr. Ccwmjtv, 77 Xcmjux Dub, Kaw Tow Ore T3wwvww VSJJLljU UUOOO Patronage; 11 a. n . vi Seattie. aad one at 8:55 p. m.. address j 5 A. B. C. HENMSTON, C. P. k T. A. 122 td fit., Portland 0 lrrI"Dat1aas the Cycling Atit iorir. of Amer Monmouth, Or. A training school foi teachers. Complete eight grade training department and strong Professional and Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teach in any county in the state without farther examination. Board aad Lodging, books and tu ition, tlfiO per year. Beautiful and healthful location bo saloons. There is a Ijooddemaad for well trained teachers ; there is an over-sspply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address JJL Wamh PL. Campbell. Gecretarr Preaideo THE ISOM TRIAL. A jury w8 secured in the case of the statu againnt John Jsoin last evening, a follows: K C Roberts, Lebanon, SI thore, Scio. J H Glass. Crawford., ville J A Richardson, Scio, E C Russell, Sweet uome, 1 rox.urawiordsviue, V W Rich ardson, Jordan, J A Stephens, Ilalser. VV P Kirk, Brownsville, Jos Drinkard, Halsey, D 0 Weddle, Sweet Home, A L uompton, hcio. The trial of Mr. Isom was irotten un der headway by the testimony of John R Stockman, the first witness called. last evening. The witness testified that Mr. Isom was familiar with the work mgs of the mill, and was at the mill daily. During 1894 the receipts went to pay running expenses, and tor wbeat and lor Mr. lsoros dxbta. Darin e the oortor ation he drew out, about (4000 on his personal account. In 1893 there was a shortage in the mill of between 20,000 ana su.vw Dusneis. upon the tormina of the corporation Mr. Isom held 800 shares of stock, Mr. Pfeiffer one and the witness oim. jir. isom . was elected president, Mr. Heiffer vice-president and the witness secretary, h. also acted ia the capacity of manager. Mr. Barrett stored wbeat in tne mill and the receipt was eiveu during his absence. This morning upon the convening of tne court tne nrst witness caued was J-J. D. Barrett, the complaining witness, who tesuned to storage ot ms wneat at the Red Crown Mills. That there wss in all about 3900. part f which had been carried over from last year. Phat the wbeat was taken out without bis consent; that he examined the bins afterwards and they were practically emptv. William L. Lyon was called and teeti tied: Was assistant bookkeeper of the Red Crown Mills for seven or eight months: that he made out the receipt as assistant bookkeeper, to E. D. Barrett ana delivered it to his ion, at th time Mr. Stockman was in Portland. In April Barrett had stored in all 39001 bushels in the mill. ! Upon cross examination he said his name is spelled Lv.n. and is suraed to the receipt, L-yo-n. A aeries of questions were asked for the object of ascertaining by whose author, ity he issued the receipts. Ad objections to them were sustained. He was permitted to answer, though. that he had been hired to work at the mill by Mr. Stockman, and to specify his duties as assistant bookkeeper. ( uunng tne absence ot Mr. btockman in a large majority of cases we waited un til Mr. Stockman's return: but iesoed some wheat receipts, but was not in the nana 01 issuing warehouse receipts; but issued load receipts as wheat came. Had no authority to issue warehouse receipts. Mr. Isom never gave him any authority to issue receipts. Mr. Barrett wanted the this receipt while Mr. Stockman was gone and he finally issaed it. ine receipt was formally objecteed to because it was signed Lvon, while the indictment read Lyons, that it was in definite, that defendant had nothing to do with issuing it, or authorizing it to be issued, or that he had any knowledge of its being issued, that defendant had ao authority to issue . any receipts, or bad any control or management of it, that eviJeace did not show that the wheat! was stored,' or that Barrett was the oaner, that there was no evidence that ! the Red Crown Roller mills was a cor poration ; that the name Barrett in tbe receipt is spelled dinerenttr from the Barrett in the indictment. The object ion was overrated. John R. Baltimore testified to being t Red Crown mills last spring with E. D. Barren 10 examine voe ums in muia. He found tbem empty, examined all of the bins. After bis return from tbe east Mr. Isom said in a conversation that he was president of the company. John Bethuot, the bead miller in the Red Crown mills last spring testified that after Sept. 18, 1894, the bins were first empty in Jnne.isua. in Lec, there was, according to his judgment, about 15,000 bushels in the bins- About the 1st of March there was only 800 or 900 busbsls in tbe bins. 'When Mr. Isom left for the east in January there 1 . ... f . . ' mm - was aoout sw Dusneis in iw9 Dins, ils 1st of March there was 60 or 70 bushels. Before going east the only remarks made by Mr. Isom were, "boys look out for yourselves." This was ordered stricken out. N.J. Sinnak, testified : VYae working in mill from April 1894 to Feb. 1, 1896, working on night shift. ;Boardd at Isoms. Had conversation with Mrs. Isom, in pnsence of Mr. Isom, in Decern- I If. . r 1 V 1 V Der, vt, in which aars. uam mj u7 mill was not running and it was stated because not enough wbeat for stock pur poses, tbat is for grinding. Think there was 800 or 900 bushels in mill in Jaau- Tred Grimmer, a miller at tha mills last fall and spring, was working for Red Crown Roller mills. Testified substantially ast last witnesses, as to amount of wheat, tbongbt 400 or 600 bushels in January, might nava been more. That was lost before Mr. Isom went east. H. R. Powell, Geo. F. Borkhart and B. V. Worten testified. Tbe Droeacutton rested, and John Isom was called on his own behalf for tha de fense. He admitted being president of the Red Crown Roller Mills at tbe tint of the shortaoe. bat had nothing to do with tbe every day running of the mill. did not know how much wbeat there w at anv time or whether there waa any. and had nothing whatever to do with tha causinx of tbe shorts ire. The snairs ot tbe mill were run by others. He kept no track ol the receipt or use ot the wbeat, and when be went East in Janu ary did not know tbe condition or give any instructions in reierenos to the wheat. John Isom Jr.. and Frank Wood were called to trove that E. 'D. Barrett had said he bad sold his wheat to Stockman, but tbe evidence wao tot admitted. John Bertbune, head miller, testified in reference to seeing in bins, it being difficult except with good light. Mr. Stockman was manager and controlled the business, no one else that be knew of. He attended to hiring of hands and all the business. Took all orders from Mr. Stockman. Defendant never gave me any orders. a if w . t- it,. .m tified substantially the same as Mr. Ber- thune as to the manaeement ot tne mm. Was one of the men wbo did not get all of my pay. Knew nothing of the mill records on the subject ot management Geo. WYounar testified tbat John K, Stockman claimed to manage the mills and took orders from him ia running warehouse at Plainvie-w. Don't think Isom ever inquired into the business, thoucht Stockman was the main man Jason Wheeler testified to being ac quainted with John Isom 43 years. His renutation for honesty and intwity was always good. There has been talk about the recent trouble. J. C. Powell tsstifUd that ha had been acauainted with Mr. John Isom 35 years. llis reputation was gooa. nau ueara talk since failure of mill : but .men said ... ... , i Isoin was honest. H. R. Powell testified : Have known defendant 42 years. His reputation was cood. Have heard it questioned some since failure. Dr.J.L. Hill testified: Have known defendant about 33 years. "lli reputa tion for honesty has been good. Ha heard a areat many say be had been wrongfully dealt with. Think have heard only two or three question his rep utation. -.The defense rested, the lawyers pre sented tbe case .to the jury, and Judge Burnett made his charge, tbe Jury tak ing the case about press time. ' Dr. G. W. Maaton, ptiyician and snr geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. Hereafter all goods purchased of Julius Gradwhol will m delivered free ot charge, No one will b allowed to undersell nun, Andrew Holslur vs Robert 8m!th, re covery of money. Jury trial. Verdict for defendant. ' Oregon vs las G Boutin, selling Honor without fine of $250 and stand day for $2 until paid. i.-vmoni,CTi committed st one State of Oregon vs 0 L Reed, giving spirituous liquor to a minor. Plead guilty and w is fined $50. . Not a true bill was found in tha case of A. Blaker. held for the grand iurv on account of a shortage in the Shedd ware house. In the matter of assignment of Louis Viereck. Final account alio we i and assignee discharged. Nettie I Weaver vs Joshua P Hahn. Plaintiff takes non suit. A Wheeler vs J A McFeron. danisms. Continued. Russell A Co vs W II Mills ' Contin ued. L MsFarland vs J W Johnson, eject tment. Jadgment for defendment on nonsuit. Adjourned until Monday at 9 a. m. gsahd jrar's axpoa-r. : Wi, the erand iurv for the countv of Linn, for the October term. 1895. of tbe circuit court, having disposed of all bus-' iness nreeented to ns. would most re spectfully report that we have visited the various countv offices of said coontv and find the business of the different omces well kept and the officers obliging and courteous. We find the vault con nected with the clerk's and recorder's offices insufficient to bold the records of the county and that there is consider able extra wear on the books of record for the want of room. We would re spectfully recommend that the county court take steps to increase the capacity of the vaults. We further recommend that the closets in tbe jail be removed and substitute a tank closet, also the closet at the court house be removed and a trough system be substituted. we nave visited the county itl and find the prisoners well attended. e would ask to be dischareed from further attendance upon court. Albany, ur., ov. 1, 1895. M. C Giix, foreman, G. W. Prou. IX. F. V. Haxutox, T. O Hofkixs, C. F. Moist. B. A. PoiSDtiTea, Fsasik CaasTasJc. A true bill was brought in the case of Mrs. Hannah, with an indictment for murder in the first degree. EmmaO Hannah, appeared at one o'clock in person and with her attorneys Weatherford A Wyatt, she will plead to morrow at v a. m. The shooting of Mrs Charlotte Hiatt ornrrad on Sopt. 28, at Jordan, the sob stance of tbe farts of which have been res. It ia probable her trial will not take ace at this term of court. In the case of Whitcomb arrested be yond Sweet Home on a -count of a hig trouble, not a true bill was found. In tbe case of Oscar Williams "Not a true bill" was returned by the grand ury. This was tbe young man arrested kr assaalung another yuung man st the horn, of R. R. Humphrey in Waterloo. When tbe case ef the state of Oregon against Emma G iH1"?5, Indicted lor the murder of Mrs Lottie Hiatt, waa called the defer dant appeared with a bouquet in hands and neatly dressed in black. She appeared rather nervous but not excited. Upon being called to plead her attorney. Mr. Weatherford. respond ed for her, "not guilty." An adjourn ment was asked for until tbe next term of court; but was denied, and Monday, November 2o, at 1 p. m. was set tor tbe trial of tbe case. The jury in the IsomTcaso were oat all night, not coming ia until about 10 clock this forenoon. They were unable agree, and were dischareed. The ury on final ballot stood 3 for conviction and 10 for acqoitol. On tha first ballot tbe vote waa fiva for conviction and seven lor acquitaL Three ot tbe five finally voted for acauital ; but two, E. C. Russell of Sw Home and S. I. Shore, ol Scio, held oat for conviction antil the final vote of disagreement. In the rasa ot the Mate agt J. l Keed, ndicted for selling liquor without a li cense the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty attar being oat only a few mo ments. The grand jurv at press time had not reported on the rase of A. Blaker. It waa also considering another case, it was thought another phase of a hqnor case up the Santiam. la ma ease oi ids otaiaairiu. t. ateea, hsdicUd for selling malt liquors seven fury mn were drawn wbea the court ad journed st noon. Upon convening court at 1 o'clock the case was dismissed on motion of prosecuting attorney. Dr. Wyatt. of Lyons, who was recent ly paralysed, came to Albany today for treatment. Mr. Fred Fortmiller. of Portland, was in the city tods to ettaod tha Lyon and Gal braith wedding. A little boy rams to tha home of Mr. and Mrs. J as Crouch Tuesday afternoon. Oct. Z9 aad met with a hearty welcome. Mr. William Vance arrived home vesterday and Miss Lora today from their tnp to California aad Colorado. Tbey came by way of Portland. Tbe yoanc people's societisa of the eitv aava a social last night at th ar- morv. Games ware plavcd and a lunch of apples and cuts partaken of. A big crowd attended. The Camden. Maine Herald pays a beautiful tribute to Walter Hobbs, re cently of tbrs city, wbo died at that place on Oct. 19. Tbe DxaoauT will publish it tomorrow. Messrs Case A Pease, recently of Cor- vallis. have moved their oetfit to this city and will open up a barber shot in tbe iron i room oi cvarvcruu f nimirou ? real estate office ia a few davs Tbey will shave for 10 rents and cut hair for 15 cents. Eutrene Guard. Mr. Case is brother of tbe Albany barber of the same name. J. L. Scott, the vooular drummer, is taking bis family to Oakland, California, to spend tbe winter. Tbey went to C res- well today to visit with relatives and tonight will leave for their new home, Tbey will probably return here next spring to reside ana in tne meantime Mr. bcott will retain bis headquarters in fcugene. oaera. The Knights snd ladies of the Mecca' bees tendered Dr. aad Mrs. J. L. Hill reception lest evening in honor of their silver wedding occurring then Tbe occasion wet a nappy one in every respect. Tbe members of tbe lodges ex- pressed tneir appreciation oi tne neroes - .... ... ... ol tbe occasion by presenting mem wiin a beautiful silver fruit dish and spoon, Mr. J.B. van winkle, the commander made a speech for tbe occasion, one full of eloquence and feeling. During the evening a program was presented con- sisting of a solo by Mrs. Lamberson. duet by Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Sears, instru mental music by Ravage and Young violin and guitar, a recitation bv Mrs Craw and a solo by Mrs. Lee. A deli cions lunch was served, vt. and Mrs, Hilt were given a complete surprise, ntt knowing of the nstnre ot tne gathering before then. Elklns Johnston Wedding. The following account ot the wedding, refenvd to yesterday, is fiven by one of the guests: The marriage of Miss Mary E. John ston, of Neff's Mills, Pennsylvania, te Mr. O. W. Elkins, of this airy, which occurred at the reeidenee of Key. and Mrs. 6. X. Meminger, in Ashland, Or. Wednesday at 1 :30 p. m., was a pleasant event. The parlors were tastefully dec orated, a beautiful wedding bell made ot white chrysanthemums waa appropri ately suspended over the eouple and over the bell the significant inscription "Omnia Vincit Amor." Alter tbe eere- J mony congratulations were extended, a sumptuous dinner was announced, and heartily enjoyed by all the guests pre ent. tne nappy coupie received n;anv useful and handoome presents. Showers tf rieA fnIlnti;M,i thftm as thfv tnriLr departure n the 5 p. m trnin for Al- iimiv. Liieir luiiirts iif"iit- air. piiu iim. Elkins will bo "at home" Nov. 6tli. Lyon Gttlbrai.b 1 Wedding. Tbe residence of Mr. Joseph P. Gal braith was the scene of a very happy oc casion in is morning, a. a tew invited guests gathered to witness the marriage ot Miss Nina to Mr. William L. Lvon, of Pullman, Wash. Tbe knot was tied by lis, in a very beautiful and impressive manner. President W. II. Lee presided, at the piano, playing Mendelssohn's fa mous and ever new wedding "march, as the couple marched slowjy int the par lors and various faroWkf' snJ popular airs softly, like ''UomeTweei Ilome" during the progress of the ceremonv.and "He. Gone and Married, Yum, Vum" at the close. ' A delightful wedding breakfast, both ample and toothsome, closed the exercis es, alter which the guests viewed the many gifts and departed leaving their beet wishes for a long aad happy life to the newly married couple. The loviie I guests were : Messrs. and Maies. W. L. Vance, T l.. Wallace, W a I'eacock. T. M. Won- teith, W. H. Lee, Wm. Fortmiller, C. E. urownell, y. u. McCu"agli, of San lia faet.Oal, Rev. and Mrs. D. V. Poling, nev. and Mrs. K. J. Thompson, Uov, and Mrs. W m. Gay, of Lafareite, pre. Misses Lime Parrott, Roseburg, Leono Kay, Salem. Mary Mclntvre, Oregon Cfly, Lora Vance, Ilattie 'llackleman, Flora and Vesta Mason, Sarah (eiiv, Carrie Layton.II atUe Bsll, Lillian Mc Hargne, Olga Hewitt, Ethel Kedfield, Mae Pollock, Elisabeth C'arro; hers, Min nie McParlaad and MesSrs. Fred Fort miller. G. K. Chamberlain, li. K Tow- II, A R. Ruthertord aad Ir F. I. Ball, of Portland. i College Notes. Jiny made a mistake and tie Ed- al" is studying pbvstcs It is currently reported that e ero- d.lpbian society is going to have a 'hen' party without any boys arouud to 'peck.' Tbe junior class is "wrathy, they claim to be superior to tbe soph's. TheVenior to the contrary .notwithstanding. Every body knows the have mora brains to the square inch than any other c!aa in me college. Tbe art department, under he man agement of Mrs. Young is in a (1 Hirish tcg condition. A certain hirher class man savs that a Sentence in law niigbt have beeu ex- prestod orally. A WostMsarrt, Bov. A lov iriohe- trotter is coming toward Albany. He was at Roseburg ; yesterday and the Plain dealer says : Richard Vincent .the wot Id renowned gloUs-trotter, generally knoan as the "Morning Star," a name given bim on shipboard on hie first trio aero the Atlantic because lie alwavs laid in bed till noon, ia at the Van Hoaten to day. He is on bis way to New York to pr.otisb a book which he has wnlen during his trip around the workl.wiUiout en so much as a nickel in his pur-?. He started from New York about two reaps ago at tbe a ,4 hi 1 years, and bar visited nearly every country on the la of the globe, always traveling fim-cla and potting up at firswlaaa hotels. To accomplish this he has bad to draw ex tensively on bis immaculate gall and al ways carry his nerve at half-cock. But he has made the rifHe. and number among his frieoda nearly all the crow n d beads of tbe countries be has visited, be. sides hand reds of less imporant person ages, such a steamship and railroad magnate, who furnished bim transpor tations oa application, and all managers of first-clase hotels whom be favored w ith bis patronage. He carries a scrap-book in which are passed th. presa notice he has received (and tbev are iecson). and the autographs of tbe various goem- meat omcials whom he called upon while on his travels. He speaks eight lan guages more or ke fluently, ami in the use of so many different Umiroes baa ac quired a decided foreign accent, which makes it a little difficult to believe that he ia what heclaims to be a native born American of A merican parentage. For a boy of 14 he has seen considerable ot tbe world and bis book will probably be worth the reading. Bama Deor It. Thorn w. a. the man arrested recently on account ot the bo gus checks on the McMinnville bank giv en J. w. Bently and Mrs. Ashby nearly two years ago. who was discharged be cause 'the prosecuting attornev did not wish to put the county to tbe expense oi bringing witnesses herefrom Yamhill county, is in the citv, and is threatening to sue tbe city of Albany for damages for false imprisonment. The best thing Mr. Thompson can do will be to drop the matter, else the state will push tbe check case airauist him wltatever it eosts. All fob Orboox. An exclianee says : 1 Last Thursday a long train ot cove-red wagons came slowly into Union from the sooth. There were 11 wsvons in 'the train, and each one seemed to be filled ith people, ranging ia ago from the little dimpled babe on the mother's breast to tbe hoary-haired grandfather, approaching tbe sunset of bis earthly day. Thev: were from the soot h western part of Nebraska, and had come all tbe way to Uregon la the waoons. Un one of tbe wagon-tops were tbe words : "All for Oregon." w lien ask. d whither tbey were going thev said tbey intended l stop In Grande Ronde. Te R'-r WT.-Mr. B.F. Rajjp to day showed the DaorAT tone prunes Sued aad put op ia the Urapqua valley hat are remarlahly fine. People desiring to ae bow prunes Might to be boted snd pat up for the market should call at Mr fUmp's store. Below is a list of premiums for lbs bis sbmaothemnm snow to come off in a re wseks. Best white, yellow, red and pink. 1st pre Ttium fl .00 2nd 50 ctn. He-t nmerf variety 1st prsminm 1.00 2nd 75cts. Bet variety cut flowen. 1st premium f 1 00 2nd Octa. A souvenir tor tbe moat artit'icai- ly arrranged T. M. '. A. emblem will be gt nn. Dr. Afplund was fined 500. GoUff easy. Host men gel tne penitentiary tor a like o eoce. A Black stooe club is to be organised in Albany tonight w n me rorowtng mem bers: I. A. Finch. C. E. Hawk-ni. W. C. Cwmnbell. Ned Carbon. A. I hum. Al r rrerrsen, io. unnec. jo. i rigut ana 1. Y.Tait, all law stadeuts. Tbe Linn county exhibit at tr.c enpot.v tion will bJ pictured in nest Sunday's big Oregoniaa edition together with a big wnteup Parties wishing no send copies .ant can do so iree by leavidg their nataes with S. N. Steele. If any of our Oregonian friends have ever seen better weather t'.ian October bas given ns w would be pleased to Boar from them. Eastern people would imagine this to be spring time, whea compared with their snowstorms snd blisaards. Uiss Radie Cohen came up from Port land this noon. Mr. William Ralston left today on a trip to Olex. where his son Lonner re sides and where he owns property. I wss taffrrinM with stomach trouble. sad procured a bottls of Hood's Stirs pa stil, it aeipeo. me ao mucn mac l use l for every ailment.' , It, K. Simpson, ooneberry, Ore. :, , ; , Hood's Pills curs aU liver ills. VVE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to please yon.r If every Ibiiig is not O. K. kit dly let us kne We are not selling at coat but st moder ate iro(lls. We can furiiuh you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips Power A Tomli40. Walter Sawyer Hobrm. In the death of Mr. Walter Smr modus, a great frnei lias fallen upon i large circle of friends. He died In (Jam. den, Saturday, Oct. 19th, at the age of uiiriv-iour years and a lew months. He wss the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C, r. Hobbs. who have lived for the last lee years in New lork, but are among tbe old and most highly respected fami lies of this place Mr. Hobbs having iwa-u one oi utmuMi i nonorea and suc- ces-lul business men. He was also a brother of 5Ir George Hoblie, prominent in business circles of New York. In bis young manhood Walter S., was engaged in the shoo business in Boston, being associated with tbe well known house of Putnam A Jenkins. Here he remained lor six year, aad then became traveling salesman for a large boot and shoe firm of the same city, and traveled extens ively in the south snd aeeu Tie contin ued in this employ for another six years, ant resigned his position in order te make a heme for biouielt in the far west. sVfcn yeart he bought a ranch near the enterprising and growing city of Albany, O.vgon. He began work at once. setting out fruit tree, with bis own hands, and succeeded in making a beau tiful and attractive p'aee of residence. In September, 1H93, be was married to Miss ttcorgia daughter of Mrs. Sarah Haskell, a young ladv of many accoro- plishmeuts and highest worth, a teacher in the public schools of our twn. and tbey immediately went to their home in the et. Here, as everywhere, he sur rounded himself with many friends. PoMH-aung a frank aud generous nature he waa drservedlv and uniform! v nwo. lar ; friendly to all, he was tbe friend of all. and hi absence will be sadly lelt wherever h was known. Sometime in Jaauary last, he was taken sick, and af ter a lew months, came east to the home ot hU lnytiool. t.opina that tbe chaos would be benencial and lead to recoverv. All was done iliat could be done, noth ing that kve could prompt ami means supply was wsnting. But the end came at last, and eurroooded by wife, mother aud father, be quietly and painlsly tell to sleep, "blessed sleep, From which none ever waka to weep." Tbe fnneral services occurred on Tues- dsy afternoon, from the residence ot Mrs Haskell, and were very largely attended ; thev were conducted by Rev. Fred M. Preble pastor of tit. Baptist church, as sisted by Rev. L. D. Evans pastor of tbe Ctogrcgationat church, and Rev. Henry Jones, reCor of St. Thomas' Episcopal church. The floral tributee were nara- erocj and beaaufti, expressive of the very great esteem fa which the yoang man was beld. To the wife, to the father and mother, to the brother, and to the many friends, tbe heart-felt sympathy of all ia extended. Camden, Maine, Herald. Brownst tile. Mrs. J. P. Cooky, who has been sick for the past two years, took her depar ture Sunday for Arixooa, where she hopes to be 'benefitted by the change of climate. During her absence her mother, Mrs. Cole, of Port land, will remain al tbe family residence in this city. Brownsville's public schools are both in at-seton now and the six teachers have their hands fall with their pupils, and more to follow socn. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Blackburn, who came to this city some two veers ago have moved to Albany. Mr. Blackburn was in the drug business here for some time and made many frieoda. We sin cerely regret to lose them from oar city. Rev. J. W. Spangler, pastor of the M. E. church in this city, is quite ill at the parsonage, but hopes to be out again soon. Halloween nurht reac :ed Brownsville again this year and tbe small boy reach ed the neighbor s gate souieuuiee tne neighbor reached the boy. Wm Christencen ia having the Knapp property, recently parcbased by bim, re paired and placed in a neat condition. Two revivals are in progress in this citv now and are lanrely attended by au dicoces wbc attention is evidence of ao small degree of interest. O. P. Coshow. formerly of Brownsville and Albany, was in this place Sunday evening aud gave an interevting talk oa his recent trip to ftaitimore, wnere te went as a delegate to Hue national . Y. P. U. vouveulion o( the Baptist s:iu.xi. L. L. Sav. the popular cashier of the Bank of Brownsville, made a business trip to Portland last week It was raining tbia afternoon. Frank Bros, of Portland have failed fur about 1 120.00O. John Wertfail's son in-law wbo went to China two year ago will be back ia Albany in a few dart It bas been atated lint out a dioa of raia fell during October. Mr. Brigg's repert, though show tbat one-temh ot an incH tell If. F. HoUenback. at one time a red dect of Alb-iny h leased the opera ho at Eugene and will maiiAe it tne coming year. Wilson and K.tch a bave t-.e oi tract for patting ia a drainage system at the Uvpbana Home, an lmprovemsni that win add greatly to tbat institution On account of a marked increare of bu sines in tbe city &:elimaer lire nave been obliged to add another wagon to their delivery business, and now run five. Be sura and see Uncle Sam awd tbe Bauy Brownie at tbe opera bouse rrulay eve Nov 1st. Ticket for nie at Hodges and McFarland. admission 20 cents. Rexerved seats 25 centa. Children 10 cents A r ciat will follow, with refreshment. Tha Stat University and the Willam ette Univendty football teams will meet ia (Salem tomorrow The Democrat pre dicts that tbe S. U.'s will win with a safe mnurin. The B acks' one Club ref riydto yesterday was ortmaiaed with U. b. Hawkins as nreaident. Ciiriton Sox vice president, and Josenli E. Wright se-retary '1 he club prontL to ba active in Ifurd studies this winter. ' The citizens of Albany hsve subscribed tl&'O toward etablith a a turjentine fao torv in that citv.and st lr Lamberson totako chrce of ths eiiieriseKad rondact it. i ue lr. reus u insi tost is ikw rara cientcKntd toeittablixh the en'erprise ia Albany, although he could do well if he bad that amount to add to hi plant ia this place, snd he will not sccept the pro nosition. Then. too. he cannot afford to leave bis practice and business in this cty, Advance A BrsiNKSB Chang A. J. Johnson has bought ot Edward Uoine his one half interest in the Sci Roller Mills. Tbe new firm will be Johnson A Phillips, a strong firm. Mr. Goins will put a' I bis energies into his Albany business. The Spotane Review says the Livei pojl market justifies 4 cfei'ita more fjr wbeat than is being paid in the west. north- Highest of all in Learcsicg was Psi DEATH OF DR. IRVINE. Albania Pioneer Minister After a Long Iltneea. Dies. Iter S. G. Irvine. D. D . d; .t. a . V w- -a. uw home in this city, last evening, Oct. 31 1895, at 7:45 o'clock after sui iHmj-a of over three years, at the age of m years, 2 months and 17 days. Linu county thus loses her pioneer minister, the Willam ette valley loies one ihntiflw4 ,:.k ,t. - IUC apboilding, tbe world loses oo of iu. noblest roea it is ever ones lot to some ia contact with. Dr. Irvine's was a hieh character, fullv roundwd. Ha . christian in every fibre, and for over 40 years preached the gospel atraignt. His iua wm oeneaiction to those under its influence, and his name will be a anoao ment for vears in th. hi.tnev n christian mmistry of Oreeoo. ir. Irvine waa bora in WootUir. Ohio. In 1815 he mlniinl ima ti - " New Athena. Ohio, aad ia I860 IrZZ th theological seminary at Cannon bur? fenn., being licensed to preach on July 9, .'in owing m ine ministry over 4d years. Uanng the summer of 1851 be preached in New York City and received an argent call to remain there but he chcee to come to Oregon as a missionary and made the trip bv water reaching here in the fa I, preaching bis firsr ser mon in Albany Nov. 16, 1851. in tlie building now owaed by J. A. fJpham on , Water street. He bes-an the pastorate of tbe Oak ville church Nov. 20. .852. ' preaching at Albanv Mrt of tbe time, he- gianina: bis duties mm nertnanent nutnr of the Albany United Presbyterian church in June 1S57. prearhins' at Al bany and Oakville on til 1874. ihronrh rain and sunshine, always meetinc his appointments. In that year be assomed the pastorate of toe Albanv chun-h.chuh he filled actively until Amruat 18lr2.whea ; he preached h's last sermon ia the church, being taken ill ia that month. ) and never recovering sufficiently to again 1 myfimmi 1U uie puiIHl ; OUV SUIUCienUy V. pay two visits to the church dorinx the J meeting of the general assembly in May, iev . lsonez ins illness bis life was a continual sermon to these fortunate ia seeing the christian fortitude, the won derful patience and the beauty of his character. In 1878 Dr. Irvine was ac corded the highest honor in tbe church. tnat of Moderator of the beneral as sembly. He was married twice. Be side a loving, faithful wife the deceased teares six children, Mrs. W. U. Gastoo. of Tacoma. Mrs. C. H. Stewart. and Miss Elisabeth Irvine, ot Albany, aad O. H. Irvine, of McMinnville, bv his first wife. aad J. Ciera and 8. Elliot Irvine by his second wife. Tbe funeral sei skes will occnr at the church Monday afternoon at o'clock. A Bear Story. Near the Braitoabosh oa th O. C. A E. R. R. live Mr. and Mrs. Neil McRae. Tbey are an estimable elderly couple oi Irish extraction aad live alone. Last Wednesday evweine they heard a noise ia the shed adjoining their house, and seeii.g the cat and chickens run, M rs. McRae remarked that there moit be something to scare them and opened the titenen door and saw a big mack bear ia the wood shed, ia tbe act of raising upon his hind legs as if for attack. She ecreamed and slammed the door ennt. Mr. McRae laid aside bis rape aad sot bis gnu. bat the bear had disappeared when tbe door was strain opened. It is supptwed that tbe extreme! v dry weath er made the uear seek the river tor water. Sowb Maatos Tax Parses. A. Bash is Marion ceontys heaviest Individual tax payer. He is assess id at 1 ,. Mr Bosh worth over tl.0M.00B hie claimed. Til Ford pays th moot taxea of any Salem lawyer, oa 129,63, Jo-lew noise second, panac a rcaa.'U. rx. State FYiater Baker mad hay wbea th ran shone and is assssatd at $18,900, which means that he ia worth Frohahtv MO.Osw. JH Albert pars en 35.836. Breymen Bme, oa 40.432. Jack Bar nett oa 5.S79, Fete fArcv oa f.45. G I Downing. 913.A3.V, Thee Kay Worn Mill, so.ooa. Anton EJeia. t7.eil. Gov. Lord, 15.400, U. J . Senator McBride oa PS.7S5. The pofwit have rnven the rec ord only throasrh the M'a. Urraa Savtias. tate Laaa Aaat DavenBort has PMurawd frn Kia lHb throngh the apper Santiam rvsjioa,rber ne wee una we to find anv land tbat could be had for the state outside th limits of the Cascade reserve, so ae will he forced to wait antil a stria on either of the railroad is thrown open, which doubt lees will occur soon after conrreee meets. Mr. Dawn port says the indica tions ail are that the Oregoa (antral A Eastern railroad extension will pim ewd next snrinff aa earl v a nnriible. New ties and timbers are brine gotten oat in great nam hers and there is an air of thrift, progress and hopefulness among me people an a long me line. ctaiesman. Mr. and Mrs. V. L loong came an from Salem yesterday with a p ot .wr. loung s art collection. On Wedneedav. October 34J. about fiftv members of the Jnnior Society o the Albany Baptist church met at the home oi ansa vena renmngton, weir lormei apenntendent, for a surprise social, as she is about leaving tbem to he absent during the winter. Thev wanted to show their appreciation ot ner work for tbem. and concealed their plans so well that tt was a surprise in the fullest sense. They passed a merry evening wait music, games, and a "Tootn-ptrfc." luocn at tne dose Immense Little B.-ownics. Vnl williatandine a heavv rain laat night there was a big crowd'et the opera nouse to iijv oniwum in umr an tic. Nothing more laughable was ever presented ia Albany. The Brownies f roved a cyclone of fnn. Tbe were anny in appearance, and had been well trained by Miss Vandersol. of Salem. They appeared ia eight scmea during the program, ist, arriving; then a school seen in which th yoang man abont town got a good thrashing for turning somersets serves the room : then a sink ing school, a bedlam of discord,; a trip throngh Chinatown ; ki e making in Brownie style, in which Mack the bar ber got an adv. in on tb finished kite; a leap frog scene full of leaps and tum bles ; a foot ball game ending in one of the players being carried off on a stretch er and the grand march and ball in which fantastic figure tripped fantastic toes regardless of time. Interspersed was a well rendered piano dost by Misses AMerson and Smick.a recitation," Brown ies Ride, rendered with excellent effect by Arlene Train, a bass solo by Mr. Lnd dell, a splendidly rendered recitation, arcme ivan. ry Mrs. neater, erect- Ution by M IBs Vandersol, presented with power ana elocutionary jadgment, a vocal sl sweetly snag by Mis Aldevwon and music by Palmer's orchestra. This is a family of plavers lesiding a few miles from Albany, assisted by Riley Hulburt, who furnished some fine music for the occasion, very creditable to tbe young men and women in tbe orchestra. The entertainment closed with refreahmeuts ami aocialibility. Power. Ltt U. S. Gov't Report GUN A3ID RETOLVER A Live Affair Across the River. A very live affair eccurred between Al bany and Wells yesterday evening. Here is the history as told tne Denocsat. Barnard Mocker several months ago re sided iu Califoraia. He was engaged to a daughter of Wm Rile. Sam Barnett, a nephew of Riles saews to Lave been jealous, ami in spite wrote some very own and False letters to Mr. Hecker about bis future wite. Mr. Hecker came to Oregoa to be married about two months ago. He gave Baraett 24 hour ia which to leave axicT Barnett left, bat returned a few days age, and as well a yoa r ;t-r brother came here from the eaau Ia ti meaatime Mr. flecker aad Miss Btlee bad beea married. Bamett w: agaia ordered to teave, aad promised to do so, rmt did aot, lesterdar Mr. Bites was shown the lettera, aad was greatly raceosed. He incensed. He took Barnett to task for il' nd bowed one of the hHtera to young They drew a revolver, accord ing to Mr. Kile's version and made buu give op th others. Tbe Barnetta then went to John Tomihuos'a, where they were boarding, followed by Mr. Riles, who tried to ret a gun, bat they would not give him one; then he went home two miles away, got a shot gua aaJ came back. He found Mr. Uecker and the younger Baraett ia a fierce fight over the affair Just then Sam BaraeU, who had been hidt? the bara came out aud cred in tbe air, he said to frighten Uerker a ay. Kile saw bun, and bred at turn twice; but failed to hit him. Tbe Barnetts then agreed to eave.pweked their things, were brought to Albany aad left on th over laud, rem said be proposed to come tack, tat the younger bo:L'er de clared ha wvMiid never return. SOs. I At. AND tESSONAL J ads Hewitt win take chare of de- " . 11 "j Pru fcitul Monday. Col. Georve TeleXer-returned to Albanv last night after aa absence of several weeks. Hon. M. A. Miller and family, of Leb anon, were in the city today on their way Dome from rortiand. All young men are invited to the Y. M. C. A. roums at 4 p m tomorrow. Rev. Abbett will address tbe meeting. Captains Roberta aad Bozart of tL FaraDoB, came ever from the Bay this none, moraine the next train. Mra. Geo. C. Will ia acain about after having been laid op with a sprained ankl tor soaie rirae. Salem Journal. Mr-ano Mrs. McHarsue. of Browns ville last Tae!ay cetebrated their 51sa anni weary ef tfeeis- wedJia aa veat worts cuenaaag. Pr. Cox. recent! of Browavi!Se. lias located in Chicago aad bas hi office in a 15 story block. Quite a change from fats Oregon office. Mr. H. M. BeaH. receiver of tbe Linn National Bank, return! this coon frou tnp to baa i rancisoo, coming on the Faralloo, which arrived as tbe Bay ye ever day. Mrss Fern Svrahao. of Atlanta, Ga.. came up bom Portland last evening oa a vot wito Aibacy tneads betore joiniug her mother in ner Docs at Auajua, Georgia. Tbe Epworth Leago of the M. X charch tendered Mr. aad Mrs. CoUias Elkins a reosptioa last snrvaiag at the church. It waa a happy event. Geo- nia cotigratsiatieos were abowered up on la popular eoapie. A delicious laacu was ses ed denag th eveairif. A farpris party waa tendered Lee Payae bias, eveauaz at tb boss of 'a arwota, at the corwer of Ferry and 4Ah Svesi hoars were speat ta a 1 vwly man Bar, greatly e joyed by the follow ing who were prases : Edith Kao lin, Edna Frocaaa, Meed Frasnea. Laura DaaaeJa. Hatua Olsea, rouslw Pauer eaa, Grace Payae, Fraaki Paya, Ciai terinl, ctewo uamioo, vtui Merle, Otto Ctabtraa, Kotwrt Coort- wright, Yaraoa Ismp aa La raya. Dr. Beer rweeotly aiala a tHtnasea trip to Wasoa eoaaty, hie Istaiet boave. White there be waa aaaaa sertooaiy ul with appaodicuoa, tssd Dr. Mrs. Bears at ooc seat for, leaviag tor tnere the middt ot tb week. Tbe weeco News ways: lr. H. K. Boer is ronSwed to his bed at the reside- ei Mr. T. C Brock, with ao attack at appeatdicitie. He baa th very beat of art wo I sataad aac aad it ia expected tbat be will eooa be able to retara to bis bom at Albany. Dr. GeisendofTer, of Arlington, was in tlie city Tbareaay auendin oa Dr. H.E. Beers. Dr. Mrs. Beers, ot Albany, came np yesterday to attend on her hosuaud vr. jteers. Wiu. CLoaa. Through res sect for th emorr at Dr. Irria ta tmaiaesa boesee af lb city will close Moaday al ternoou dariag ta faeeral senrices, maay ot tbem already having expressed a dewir to do so. Th faaeral eermon will he arwached by Rev. T. J.Wusoa of Fagea who will b assisted by ethers ia the service. From 1 to 1 o'ekak J he remainsj will lie in state at ta church where they mav be viewed. .WLKi'MW m J?9 laV aL. Both the metaod acd remits whoa Syrup of Fig ia taken, it is pkasest and refreshing to the taste, aad acta Sntij yet promptly a tie Eidnrya, ver and Bovrela. cleaase ta rvs- tern effettaalty, dispels coMs, head aches and fevers and care habitual constipation. Syrup of Fig ia th only remedy of ita kind ever pro. daoed, pleasing to the taste saa t cp table to the caTsnacIi. prompt ia ita action and traly eaefcial fat its effects, premywl ealy f ren tha most healthy and ogreaabie sabeiaBcea, its many excellent qmlitiea ooBUBead it to all and have maae! it the Brest popular remedy tnewn. ," Prnip of Fitn is for sale in 60 ecnt bottles T all leciis? elroo. jisis. yvnv reaiaww arnjjiB is may set bave it oa haA will pa- cura it promptlw far aay obm wac witbeatotry it. Da not aaieptary snbstitate. CJtUFVZSIJI m STSUP CO. Urn FKltCltCQ. CC musriut, n. -umn Sf .a If .-v N"w Time Card. fjllosung u thi aim tlmsciri fj,h AHjany Strer-t Railway: be far will ieairv corner of First and WanhiftKton ttrwts as followii: : 4:ij a. m. frutrniogovgtland tntia. H: 1 , " " leUnon train. , 1 1 :-'" ' " YiiijTia i trnin. 120 noon, t-am going nontb. 125 p. m., Hon-vUT-e train n.Ttb bunua sod wtt boood Yaquioa train. - 1 -tw p. m V. U U. train, east lj-:d. 40 Lebaeon train. 11-35 " Overland traia goieg toutb. 4M - Orpbaa's Home. Tbe cur will ak meet al incomimr trains on both tbe Southern PaciSc aad O C. A E. railroad. C-G. Burxbabt, Secretary GOOD FOB EVERYBODY Almo evervhodv tWea anma I.v-;. medictne to cleanse ths system and keep th biood pure. Those who ttka SlMJHONS IJVFB ff PflJt A TfB r'itrilt , A get aU the benefits ef a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies th blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: Sl.vLstOMS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates tb Liver, keep ft actjva and healthy, and when th Lfvsr is la gooa condinon yoa find yourself free froaa Malaria. Biliousness, ladigsspon. Sick- Headafhe and Czifi aflna ant ri.4 ( that vera out aad dsbiatatad fea9na These are ail caused by a sluggish Lirar. troubles will only be had whan the livsr Is property at work- If troubled with anw of these compliinta, try SfJLHONS LVE5? Regulator. Tha tdng ot Lhrsr Modf dso, and Bettsr taaa Kls. Eaa ta Z Sunp ia red oat wrapper. . u. zeuixt as Jol, FbXlav, (a. llin JEMAEl 1SISCY Dealers i a Insin-anca, Wheat and Oats. TT Hare had mere tbor'Migh truiaiag ia all the bnacba of iaacrabce this any ether ageat in Albasy. aad caa giTe yoa awre geaaise iasarance f--r your macsy tasa aay other agssot i th eiy. District agesib; for the Sea. of La tcs. setaboxbei 1 iiO A. D . roeaix. of Lca ea, A LK, 1782 aad "Ccauiitst." of V . .... . se im. Tne owiy eootcaaj iiiis; a ar?rv r him t'otjev. i. sCNDEltS, li Co.. Mi-r--. sp Wfiod Saslig. rfwi: j to hard time J. N. Coocabs will saw wood cha-uer than ever Mined wood twice ta two, 35 cew's; oA gran, twice. . ram-.: ewce ia two oO ccs': tBe err is 40 sewf: ord, 25 cents. Urder seft t W. T, Womt i ger? s'ore us reccivw Bvempt atteouuo. no. m mami fo SttowrWaal a4 waSy V SCH. nVuil iw-aMHMBj.-M. filca tXu b BWA wait wai h J. A Cummiag. ik-tcl. All-uy CD. KOBSCTSO.i'S STCSE is a fall aerUoent of kol for can acd b, it aiuil ikmI. imti tevL liui.balr. ermect aad fertUiaT. alio Wilbur's ind Meat, a nrw reme-Jy for tne a-im?c. . Ilhl COWS- All CCEAP FOR CASH. TT Lt Ta Reasca To VV J 11 XL cether I Is it not lt- tr tn huv tout Bread. Pie. Rolls, C&kes, ate, at a reliable store where they use arr tbe Best material why oi course i avvou dont want dyspepsia and you t eever get it by eating any tl.isg from oa tore. 1. . iArv i . Be Ellsworth and Lyon mt M. C D. Vaxdtkb. Proprieto Prof! A. ST AH K. Of V iU 4 Stark. Optical SpciallN Gradrate vt the Cbicsico Opsbalm " College. 1 am prepiued to examine sc:eU')Ut and accurately, by tbe latent asd isiprovf d methods ef BMdnin science, a&jf w&a de sire te bave their eyes tested. Cnsick Block, Axaaxt. Okksoh. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. ALBANY Red Crown Hilling- Co la now tinder the mansgemen Ea ward Goins, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vane E. IX Barrett and Samuel E. Toung,wb are bow prepared to furnish sacks aad RecsiveIWh?at on storage, and ; will pay . the highea market price for the same. P J . ., J J asaaaaaaSr''