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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
r t; JV)h A, I- I 1 1 ni II If I. 131 111 III II II jsrr jil Jul l s J ill y iai i 5" VOL XXX, ALBANYeORkGON, FB1DAY. JANUARY 5. 1895. latere at tbe eee at Atbaay. Sr., Mall Katlcri. TlTCa 4 HCTTJSC.rablUher sail rr.rfel.r; NO THTJESDAY THE POETS LAST LAY. FEIDAT I W. L. Douola: - p. v; 9 I ' F 1 r .. . I . r JT 1 . 9 L f for Infant? and Children. -CMterUiBkowaUadaiitsdtodilUMaaua rewjnurwnd it agsuparter teasy prasoripttai V tot m." IL A. Aacarxri, VL D., 1H So. Orford St, Brooklyn, ZT. Y. Th. was of ObaUria it so ualvarsal and SB ST lit! in Tr Ml Vnmrn i Tilt tt innim i ml iXMreroeatioa to endora. It, Fswarath. ' IfStgJtf! tuqiliea who 6a not keep Caxtoria f in rtach." uiuaaunOLM, j KeT YorkCUy. Best Work PRlSrTIim JOB - 3Pi2ES CKAlTT,- - BOOK Office? Stationery Give us y oar ALOAHY The Oregon With iti home uk Cray Sock, comer Liberty and M p AKES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre small cash payment for particulas. Undertakers ' ' w TV. irrFPnnlinlWin hand a full line F0RT1ILLER coffins. Also burial lobea and aulta, In broadciom. -aiin,cannirrc, ct, which will be aold at The UwnI Lltln PrWti. EMBALMING ProPcr cai the dead a apecialtr. no EXTRA CHARGE FOB I1EARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLE - - OREGON AS Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thingelse as cheap, as at any store in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls at the corner of rSecond and Ferry your grocfcries and crockery ware. NEW yT Y STORE tS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLAS8 FURNITURE. CONSISTS LVlef bed room tU. cbiirf, lounges, BOTTOM &LBANY CIGAR FACTORY 4. JOSEPH. F-1ANHOQD BTovrexenioit,iitirwrc.i,."J uianta. which lf.n1 m nam. , TV At ; 4 rive uruggimi. Ana fur it. jufcaaau In plalu wrapper. Addreu EJS V a E l.VmT' i TiATn n iTLT far sale la Aibany.Ore., by J. A. 4 CaatoriaeoivsOolKOeubpaaaiV . Boar Stonsoa, tUrrt(M, Eructation, EOla VforM, fires slsej, airi rrostivtca dt gwitton. s5 J"" ' t ' WltHoutlnJwioaaiQrfkctlwi. ' '" S-"-'V"p":j."" "To "witjml faa Aavo rocommsnd your 0JorlV and shall always eccfcmu. u do m al t baa lavwriabr produced honefVta resulta. Emm F. Pumb, X. IS&.rct aa h Av, Jfw York CUy Taa CsrrAca Ooaw-Ajrr, tT Xnut Sraaxr, Kaw You Citt. Promptness A Specialty Patronage. LEY OREGON. Jand Co office at Slate atreet, branch office lis PortlaacjC acre lots at $50 to $bO pr -loDg tino on balance. Wrilc IRVING and - Embalmers. . - m i t 1 of metallC ClOltl IMWOOOCUKHimi . - . New Store. sti sets. ' Call there for P UPNITUR. etc., -wbkk I will sell t PRICES. Tbos. final. froprietoiv RESTORED! Z&ntVJTZSSZ vrr-- -:--" .iuu.uu.iuu w.iu; InsanltT. Can be earrled biwio. w maas oraeri .... u uv vmm thatts order tmka nnmho. !........- r.T-; rr: J. d Ska siur. Bold br rn.fl . CUlUUM(jS.aud by UOIM1JS8 MxFAUUlXD. Uruggi.t. . Mr Downie. of Lyons, w8 in the city today. JDSchaft, the old-time commercial tourist, of Portland, is in the city. Mr Seman Meyers has rented the room next door west of LYerrick'a and will move his lunch counter into it this week. Col Frank J Parker.of the Walla Walla Statesman and Deputy U S Marshal, jumped off the Portland train this noon as if shot from a cannon and rushed for the Corvallis train Mr L Underwood, the Corva'.lis photographer, fs in the city. Mrs L Bilyeu, of Eugene, is in the city the guest of her father lion R A. Irvine. Tndge Dunsan and Mrs Win Vance went to Salem today to attend the funer al of their nephew, Treasurer Brown. Doug Hamilton, of Scio precinct was in the city today. He is solid against division. He doesn't want to pay 22 mills taxes when tbey are only 15 now and will probably be less this year. Mrs C W Ayera went down to Salem on Thursday evening's train where she may get a position as committee clerk daring the legislative session. She bar the clerical ability to fill such a place ac ceptably. Ashland Tidings. S H Friendly, mayor of Eugene, passed through Albany yesterday. Mr Friendly is the heaviest advertiser in Eugene and keeps it up at all times,.n fact advertises biggest in dull times when it is needed most. Count Commissioner Pogh, of Shed J, came to the city today to sit at the coun ty court. This morning he received two letters, be read one of them anl being busy about something put the other in bis pocket and read it after he got to Albany. It was from Judg Duncan and told him not to come down today. Last Friday a yonng lady left Toronto, Canada, for Corvallis, intending to make Uiis city her future home. Sbe will be met at the Portland depot tonight by Mr Wra Bernhardt, the popular machinist at the carriage factory and well, you know the rest. On arriving in Corvallis they will register "Mr and Mrs Wm Bernhardt." Corvallis Gazette. The Kindergarten social !at evening at the residence of Dr G W Maaton was well attended and was an event of much interest. A program was rendered jxs secsMg much merit. Misses Edith Smick and aud Hulbort ware heard in a well rendered piano duet. Prof Lee ex ecuted a piano so'o with hie usual skill; Mr Waiha Nash showed that he bad a reliable and expressive touch on the piano; Miss Maud Huiburt sang sweetly ; Mrs Smick gave a reading- that pleased; Mrs E W Langdon with ber customary power tang suitably for the occasion ; Miss Brouner read a Kindergarten selec tion on children's stories that made Triends for the Kindergarten. A con versazione conducted by Mrs Lee proved a good feature and was of such interest that while only a short time was in tended an hour was aoent, one full of instruction. Those present besides those mentioned above we;e Mrs Prof Yonng, Mrs Nash, Rev Smick, Lewis Smick, Mr and Mrs II C Watson, Hon L Montanye, Mr and Mrs Hart. Mias Adda Hart, Mrs U W Simpson, Mrs A S Hart,Mr Syfers, Mrs Mai ton. Miss Cannon, MUa Mary Montanye, Mrs Wm Fortmiller, Pro! Lee, Mrs Strainey, Mr Fred Emmett, Mies Price and the Man about Ton. - For Cutting Timbsr George W Humphrey, depuiv United States mar hal, yeterdy arrested Mr Pcnalngton at hia borne on the river road about six mile north of Eugene fur cutting timber on goTernrient land. Pennington had been hauling Un brk to the the tannery hi this city, and Ms alleged that while do ing co he cut timber on government land injhe Cedar Flat neighborhood. Pen nington claims that he filed on a claim there and cut the Umber on that Und, and when the time came be proved up on the claim. He was released Ust night on his own recognizance, and is to aopcar before United states committoner wauoo looaj (or a hearing. Register. Ciuxeit JfESTDso. At the cream ery meeting held yesterday aiternoen about forty fanners were present. Jame Hunter was elected chairman ana sj u Shaw secretary. A strong opinion pre vailed that a creamery was wanteu, at least was an institution worth investigat ing. Edward Loony, II L, Laselle, K P Payne. C II Walker and G L Beece were appointed a committee to ascertain the number of cows to furnish milk and the cost of the plant, Thomas Froman, H Bryant and X H Allen on grounds and location, and H Bryant, ft P -Payne and C L Shaw to prepare articles of incorpor ation. The meeting adjourned until Wednesday, Jan 23 at 1 :3U p m. The Congregational church was crowd ed last night, the lecture room as well aa the main auditorium oe:ng miea wan an attentive congregation. The pastor talk was based upon the earnest cry of the jailer who said : "What must 1 do to be saved." The spirits power was manifest throughout the congregation. Services again tonight and throughout the week . A warm welcome is extended to all. "Chasci Crs." Xay:Xay: Not if you nase the trip east via the Union Pa cific System. No change to Chicago and but one change e New York, Boston. Philadelphia and other eastern cities. Time three and one half days to Chicago and four and one half days to Aew lone. Ccbrss & Mokixith, Agents Union Pacific R R, Albany, Or. Those. Pimples Are teU-tale tymptoms that your blood in mitt rinhi UMof imnurititM. eausina lugguih und unsightly complexion. A few bottles of 8. 8, 8. vnll rtmort , all foreign andimpurt matter, eleanui Vie Hood fAorouiiJHj, and give a clear and ran complexion. It is most effect-, val, ana entirely harmless. Cl.M. Haton, 13 Lsarel Street, Phtla., say: ! "1 have had for years humor in my blood which made me dread to ahaTe, as unall boils or pimples would be cut, thus causing ahavins; to be a great annoyance. A Iter taking three bottles my lace is an ciear ana smuoin u it should be appetite splendid, aleeo well and feet like running a foot nee ail t or the use of S. S. S. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC COtlaata, Gs CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf ARE THE BEST grown in Virginia, and are . - ABSOLUTELY PURE 4 The eagle arose from his high rocky ost With wild strange longings awake in his breast, And circled he up, ever higher and bl.h er, With passionate hope and a burning ' desire To rise to the realms of the red luring sun. Upward and onward, with strong, steady flight. With faithful exertion, and eye on the light. He flew, till exhausted, discouraged and weak, He sank again down to bis own barren peak. With ambition vanished, and task not yet done, And naught but . despair and blasted . hope won. . . The pcet arose, for a strong ardent glow Was filliog his mind with thoughts that would now Into the paseionate, wonderful realm, Where music with joy the soul does o'er whelm: Hia mind was enraptured, aud beauty did fill His heart to o'er flowing with beauti ful things; And strove he to rise, ou the in tuts broad wings. To vent bis emotions so lofty and deep, In words and expressions that never wou'd sleep. -Bat soon was appalled, bv the difficult way, That almost impassable, before him did lay, Like the eagle, be sank, with over come will, And ever his song, and his longings were still. Eooaa Lsaor Lcwta. At Salem. EJ?or Dntcrat: Tbe legislative assembly of Oregon has met and is organised and ready for bus iness. There seems to be a strong indication on the part of a large majority of the representatives for a sweeping reduction of the expenses of the state. There baa been a few unnecessary in vestigating committees lopped off, and I think many more wilt meet tbe same fate. Tbe senatorial question is the all at sorbing topic at the present time- Sen ator Dolph is on band with bis followeii which are not few, and all tne presriae which possibly can be is brought to bear upon any whom they I bink can in any way be influenced to support their pet. When on the other hand the opposition to tbe Portland click are getting in their work and tbey are not lew. Dolph It meeting with more opposition than he bad any ida of. He has no easy job cn his hands. The sudden death of R G Brown, tbe treasurer of tbis county baa cast a gloom over the entire city as ha was a man re ipected by al. and had many friends in Linn coubty as well as here. s The legislature will likely adjourn to morrow to attend the funeral ceremonies of Ex-Gox Shade ick. I find there is a large majority of the people in favor of a senator w bo la vers the free coinage of silver consequently those who stand off from the Portland ring will have tbe strongest backing. Benton county has made a tax levy of 15.S mills. Tbe county court, to have cet this af- ternoon, adjourned until Monaliy. The new steamer Elmore lil be the river eboai the first of February. said to be tbe lightest draft of any ol the river boats, Jap Minto. of Salem, has bren appoint ed countv treasurer of Marion county to succeed k G Brown. It is a cold day when the Minto dont get something from the public At the last meeting of tbe cHv council. of Corvallis, Weatherford & Wyatt. of this city, were allowed f too atiorreys tee In the Water Work case, which has been fettled. Grand family matinee Saturday, Jan tS at the opera house of Mils, the bit of the season. Clever acting, catching music, dancing, bright specialties, etc, etc. Price reserved seats 35 aid 59, children under a year accompanied by parents reserved seats 35c Curtain rise promptly at 2 'clock. Seats now on sale st usual place. A bill appropriating 140.000 for tbe ex- pense ot tne legislature was passed. Tbe bonse resolution urging tne con struction of tba N'lcaraugQa canal was concurred is. Jobsf on offered a resolution providipg committee to name number ot clerks and tbeir per diem. An appropriate resolution on Ex Gov Cbadwtcb was pas red. Among the new bills were: Abolish ing railroad commission; IHwson pro- iding lor payment ot certain taxes due state; prohibiting tbe catching of salmon in fish wheels; requiring banks to report quarterly to secretary of state ; regulat ing interest and usury: relating to assessment and taxation. in the noose U L Parmenler was ap pointed doorkeeper, J A Peckhstn mail ingelerk, and M Ensenburg upstairs doorkeeper. A resolution asked conerewe to secure the forfeiture of all unearned lands. The senate enteied and Governor Lord was formally inaugurated, after Governor Pennoyer'e retiring meeeage, a statistical affair. Chief Justice Beam administered tbe oath of office. Both houses were adjourned early In respect ot Ex-Governor Chadwick. A republican caucus resulted in Dolph receiving 40. Fulton. 12: Tongue, 11; Lowell. 4 : Lord. 2; Herman. 2 : Story. 1. 40 votes will be required to elect. Tbe minority did not agree to stand by the caucus, but Dolpu will get tbe extra six all right. m m m WcDOIIfQ) IVtTAVlOICS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. gyHuTLaT. Karl' C over Rooi.the great blood pur ifier give freshness and clearness to the complexion and cure constipation, 35a, oc, 1. 00. roUtay A Mason Agents. Shlloh's cure Is sold on a guarartee. It cuies Incipient Consumption. It h the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 5S,50C,Andgi.oo. rothay Mason agents Dr G W Msston. physician and surgeon Calls answered, promptly In cur or country. " Tut Latest News is that Julius Grad wohl is doing business in his new ouart era, the old Post Office and Odd Fellow's building and Upora House, and to give an introduction to his new store, be will soli tne following goods lor net cost only. 1 box full weight Savon soao 85 eta. 2 oxes French sardinei 25 cts. Oysters 10 cU r can, Arbmcla and M coffee 25 cts S,r a all otn ir goou soiu as low as; any ass on tuu ns. "You Abi All Riqht If you take your washing to the Albany steam Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something is the matter of von. How can you go to Chinese establishment with a ttrst-clsss steam laundry in tbe city. Don't do it Be all right by quitting ft. Suppose you do make a few cents; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany steam laundry. - Captain Sweeney. USA. San Diego tai say: "snnorrs uatarrn Kemedy the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c. I Y Bentley will repair children's shoe sfter school and have them ready (for the nexi oay. "$600,0001" Tluf. is a large amount of m racy, more than I ever expert to have in my posse, ion, uoless I can find a rich widow who Ima almnt US')!! flil'.l. which the WOliiil 1 willing to give in ezebange for n i in-Unil. j lint mere we not mnnv i ui'u k1MiI 0, widows "lying- around lwe." and tlm proxpects of my becoming the pawesior of such a sum are not very encouraging. Well, what interest have tbe render of tbe Dxmik-bat in your catching a rich widow? Perhaps some one auks. None whatever, unless the caU-l- would be tbe meMis of bringing $600,000 into Albany; but 1 think 1 can iell how that ura of money can be put into circulation in the town and the surrounding country. wish it to be dis'Joclly undenCood, how ever, at the outset, that 1 am not a populist and do not believe in "fiat money " I want none but the genuine stuff. Well, how shall we get it? I will tell you how others have done it- Down in Humboldt county, California, there is some as beau tiful and fertile land as can be found any place on the Pacific Coast. ' When 1 lived in Areata 85 rears aero, i saw potatoes, not like those that the Irishman said be raised, "many often weighed a pound," but oce of which weighed' 6 curerfsi 1 U.- ex celleucy of Humboldt potatoes is known in all parts of tbe slate, and they command a ready sale. - lint still tbey did not bring much money into tbe county. The market was fluctuating, and the farmers did sot become rich. Eight years ago, when i made a visit in Areata, they were apparent ly no more prosperous than they e in 10. Recently a change has taken pla . 8o 1 learned last week from . one of my Arata correspondent t. He say: "The bottom (the beautiful prairie oa V m west of tbe town) has become a great dairy country, there being two creameries to hanale the milk and a third about to ce erected. This has made the farming community prosper ous. Last year over fuOO.OuO came into tbe county from butbr alone.''. ' Now, if this can oe done in Humboldt Co, Cat. why not in Lion Co, Oregon ? 1 can see but one reason why it raioot, the want or commence and push, tuts is tbe private opinion of one who cannot eat A I bany butter but thinks be nool l, if a good creamery was established. A UOOD t ABMCR STOlLED.' Cast or Characters for Aunt Di cab's Husking Bee at the opera bouse Monday evening. Ian 21st: i nue jiuus. air rxi luougeu. Aunt Peggy. Miss Mildred 3urmet. Thomas Jefferson, Mr Carlton Sox. Scipio, Mr Marvin Turner. Josiab. tbe nervous old bachelor. Can Overman. HeUer. the fu."T old maid. Miss Minnie McFarland. I hide from Boston, Mr Usmmer. Maggie, Mrs Tbos Overman. Little lord 1'auntleroy. Mr Cba Soars MoUy, MLw Laura Vacte. Jew Peddler. Mr lirowa. Ah Sin. Mr Wm GalbTailb. Patrick O'Brien. Mr Frank ElWins. KiUy Mafcmy. Mi Lillian i Anvil. Incorriinble small br.v. Mader Kenneth Freok. Invited gwtU to heD eMertain the linking Ike, aonlie. Mi C O Lee, Mr Langtoo, Mrs Nutting. The Cajb Settued. Deputy Sheriff Moore, of Sweet Home, tame to Albanv hut night ith Mis India Howes.dAUghter of George W Howes, ordered prudcred on a write of habeas corpus. Tbis is the case here Mr Howes refused to allow bis dangfater to marry Mr E C Kuweit and locked ber up. Mr Uoe bu tsule ar rangement to move to Miwoori to (orate. The milter was settled by Mi Bowes a- rreewg 10 go 10 7f issoan wtia ner parents or one year, an 1 then if she desires mar come to Oregon and marry the man of ber choice. be returned borne and tbe mar riage license will remain of no use for at least one year. The Lebanon Express tars: Mrs V. K Chandler ga-e a nieaAeot lea party I set Wednesday eveutns. st ber residence in this city, in honor of ber itcrin-Uw, Mr w 1 Read of Albany who is visiting ber. Tbe foil jwingladies were prviat : Madams, niwiiKW!. rwcj, Aoam. ineauie. cum, Peebler. Carman and Mm Fannie Griggs. Messrs Carman, Montague, Chandler and Dr CbeadSe got around in time to set a (bar in the elegant supper bat was not considered in the party, a it wa a regular ladies party. All present reported a most delightful evening. A Bad Snowiso. A railroad efficial told a business man of Pendleton a day two ago that during 15M 500 ear of meat ! shipped into the Northwest from tbe East, the value of each car being estimated at an average of $2300. A considerable amount of this rceat is produced in the Northwest, sold to Eastern market and reshipped West in tbe form of packing house products. K J Wilier, wboee busi ness in the wholesale trade place him in a position to make authoritative statements in to is regard, est imates that out of $oQ0, C10 worth of provisions purchased by trad ers in Pendleton during a year. fT5,0Oo. cr one-fourth of the total amount, is paid to California for 4oduc that could be p'o duced in this state. Tribune. A QctSR Fixd. J Bitter, the well 1 . , ... . .. a nown onicner, tell of boding some strange things in a cow' stomach tbe otner oay among tbe ibing found were several staples and a number ot hinle nails, besides a small gold chain, the latter evidently belonged to a breast pin, ana wuai na oecome ot the pin itself is unknown. Mr fciUer nurchased the cow from rank Benson, but the latter denies that be has been in the habit of fading hie cow on goid chains, nails and the l;ke. As yet the owner of the chain ha not bwn found. Uoaeburg Plaindeaier . A Lite Pt.acc Last Tuesday was quiet day at the post offije, probably the quieiew, uay 01 uio weee, and yet ass per sons oj acuiai count called at the general delivery alone, many people calling for several outers, several hundred were in Al.. il A at , . . me oiuue iu uie private twxc. ibis gives somewhat of an idea of the life of the post Vekt Prompt. The Lebanon Express says that last Monday. G W ivies. I oral agent in this city for tbe Royal insurance company, received a cuecx. on the Albany bank for SGOU from bis com nan v. in full yment of the amount insured of tbe resi lence 01 nr e cwing. ini i a verr prompt payment, as it had only been five days since tbe building had burned. TH cats lCAt. The Tlf.le SUter and their splendid support arrived In Albanv thl noon from lorvallii and will olav Frou Frou to ntght.followed by "My Un cle's Will." To morrow afternoon there will be a treat at the matinee, and in the evening M'Lls. The endoisement of this campany la general. Paralytic Stroke. Yesterday morn ing Mr Walter Hobbs, residing across tbe river, near Thornton lake was taken with a paralytic stroke, affecting one side of his body. Dr Hill was sent for and attended bim. Mr Hobbs is lying in a critical con dition. At tub Congrkgationat, Church. The serylce at the Congregational church last night ws one of Interest snd quite a number remained for the after meeting. The pastor piesched from the words of Pilot; "What shall l do then with Jesus who I called Christr" Service again to night, - ' . An Absolute Cure. The Original Ablsttne Ointment is onlv put up In large two ounce Un boxes, and li an absolute cure for old tore, bums, wound, chapped hand snd all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kind of pile. Ask for the Original Abietlne Ointment, fold by f osliav Si Mason at S cent per box, by mail 3p cent. Pianos and Organs. Save small deal ers and agents commissions by buying from the Wiley B Allen Co. direct. In quire at H J Jones book store for prices and n tor mat ion. ; TTHE Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest baking pow der made. It has received the highest award at the U. S. Gov't official inves tigation, and at all the Great Inter national Expositions and World's Fairs wherever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest, most wholesome breadcake and pastry. More economical than any other leaven ing agent. . 1 yi t BIG FIRE AT HALSEY. 20.0O0 Worth of Propcrtv Dc trtroyed Thl Morning. The city ef Halsey was visited this morning by the biggest in lis history. About 1 o'clock flames were discovered iaing from the Urge frame store building owned by T J Utack. occupied as a general merchandise store, by Stafford At Garrett, on the main street of the city. When dis covered tbey were under such head sray that almost even thins- was buraerf in tba sfora. and very little was patten out of the ad joining store occupied by Mr Clyde McCoy a a drug store, loe telephone apparatus wmm uua iivw mi siove jus in time aaa a very few other thing were saved. Tbe ftaow-t tpn-ad smxw lb alley to the frame warehouse oSoe, formerly occupied as an agricultural warehouse, and owned by T J Black, then nearly empty. It w also entirely consumed . By hard work cn the part of the citiwns who formed a bocket Uiirsde the tumc were cooSoed to these building. Koontx A Power, opposite McCoy's, the other general merchandue tore of the city, wa uninjured. Tbe fire was undoubtedly incendiary, according to tte report given tie Democwat. Just ho it started or i't where, could hardly be told from tbe big bead war obtained. I ce iosseM were about a foUows: T J Black, on boildine. perhaps $2,000: Staf ford k Garrett, II5.U.0, insurance 13,000; Ci?de McCoy. tlH. insurance f 1000; and probably f SW to the owner of the drug More building, a company consisting of Mr Mioy and otoers. As nearly as can be learned Stafford tt Garrett carried 3 000 insurance in tbe Northwest and 16.000 in the Liverpool. London A' Globe: Clyde McCor 1 1.0.0 in the Sun. . The Legislature., la the wnate the follow ins were among the new bills : By Butler, providing for legislative clerks to be appointed by the governor; by Yanderburg-, providing for a constitutional convention; by Dawson, amending the code in reference to ceiia quent taxe; McGinn, providing for county oScial newspaper; by Yanderoo'g, repeal ing military an4 unireraty ta; by Daw tow, de Suing tbe words land and real property; by Hcllung, abolishing private In the house tb follow i eg were tbe mors important bills introduced: By Moore, repeating railroad commission; by Huffman, to enable sheriffs to collect mile age; by Young, repealing gold and silver provision of law on taxes; appropriating money for graded school at Lakeview; Moorbead, providing for verdict ' of nine jurors m civil action; Hi lie-gas providing that marriage shall not take place within three years of divorce; Baker providing for 10 cents per line first insertion and S'j subeequent insertion of legal notices; Tate requiring criminal actions to be brought in peonct where committed; by Daly, providing for punishment ot carrying on a rhivari; by Yate. providing for footpath of four f-et on public highway. Both bouse adjourned uolu Monday at 1 o'clock. Dr J W Watt will preach in Lebanon next Sunday. Mr and Mr Van Wilson aetit lo Eugene today to visit with Rev and Mr ilson. Judge R Slrahan is now a member of the firm of Dolph, Mallory & imon. of Portland, having retired fnra the law firm which is now W bailey & Pipes. Mr Hammond, of Bonne. & Hammond. was in Albany this noon on bu way to Corvallis, where the O P confirmation u to come up tomorrow. There is a strong feeling that tbe sale will be confirmed, and tbat tbe f j0,0(X) will fail to be deposited. Building dc Loan sstociailon meeting to morrow night. Mite social at ;he residence of Mr af F Rhoades, First ar.d Main streets, tonight. The total tax levy of Wasco county to it mid, about 7 more than I.lnn will be. In the Senatorial caucas at Salem It 1 reported that Dawson and Templeton voted for Dolan and Johnson, Scott and Smith sgsinst him. Tbe Advance pepetratrs the following: An Albany boardet founds nickel In his hath the other day, and on reporting it to the landed, the rep'led : "OH, that's U right, I put it there; I thought I'd give you Utile change tn your diet" fr w a. l.i AsaIaVKJ thehUls-aad never exceli od. Trifta and proven" is the verdict of million. Simmons Liver Regu wr lalor ia tho hip r "onl y L"er JD Oil Li md Kiducy jactiicino tc which you' can pi. 1 your faith for ft euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, , act ing Jirectiy on the Liver and Kid- Than Pills uev3. 'fry it So! d -by nil Druggissla in Liquid, or in rowde? to be taken dry or mado intoa tea. The King of Liver HcIIoIbm. "I iiiivo usud vmirHlmmonr Liver Reins. lato-Miit cum eoiiMTlenllouHly any It Is the kincnrnll 11 VT Ineil IflueM. 1 medicine c'.ost 'o llwlf. Uso, W, jAOk- 1 ouiiftuier ii w I W-.T L'uoouim WaahlugUin, aa-SYEBY rACKAOK-t U. .- ". real sms wi ROVAi, lAKltta POWSCM CO, 'OS WALL tT, NEW-VORK. SOCIAL AND PfcRSONAL. You Can Here Keep Track of Tour Friends. Judge Wolverton came up from ftalem uus norm. Mr J A Groat left tl;i noon for Arhiand. where be will assume charge of the Depot Hotel on Menday morning. Osborne Daw left on the noon train to day bound for Roseburg where be wilt enter the employ of C Niece in the candy nunuiActanng bonnesa. Tbe Epworth Learae gave a verr eciov- aUe social last evening at the residence of Mr E A Parker A choice ui c 2 1 am wa rendered and a fine lunch served. Mrs Dr Beudrex went to Aibanr Mon day morning to be in attendance npon her daughter. Mr w h uns. who is in very poor health. Uarruburg K;view. L W Deroe. cf Elk CiU. was in town Mooday. lookinir after Elk bridze. at present tied ip at Toledo, having floated down to thii punt 00 high water ust Ssi- ojcay night. 1 aqutna l om. It wa rnmrted that E C Russell lao j Miss India Howes, mention of whom nude in the Dkmk-av vesterdiy. married in Lebanon last evening. If so tbe old gentleman was gloriously left. A telephone communicatioo with Lebanon, though, failed to con 5rm the fact. It was not known whether ibry were married or not. n Several Albany me indodin? Jodre lina and Wallis Nash went to Corvallis today to attend the O P confirmation. Mr Nash did not take along bis 130.000- Tbe parties be rrprewoted bad rerorted that sufScieBt time had ot been gives them to cosmmmate arrangesient to make the purchase. UO.ML AND ABROAD A Mixture to be Taken Doses. In Small OU st Ktrin & Dnbt flV and inquire for 1 heir bargain shoe. In order to make room for prior good winter bnots win be sold at cost br Klein & Oubruille. Mr John Fox is baring ti st?re occu pied by Parker B.-o painted and bright ened generally in the interior. lohn Shaw, a txM race trainer, was arrested isst nighi lor being drunk and disorder) and sentenced to three day In the calaboose. Probate Record. Ia estate ef Olney Frr. petition for order of sale of real property bled. Ia estate of A V tiaroutte. bond of SI 200 Sled. In estate of N Meyers, inventory Sled Real property $C0O la estate of B W Hamilton final hearing set fur March 5. In estate Tof Jonathan Xeedham admin istrator discharged and bondsmen exwjer a ted. In estate of Owen Bear, distributive re ceipt filed. Ia estate of Mary Ualloway .report of sale of peraonal property approved . In estate of A B Mcilwain wilt filed for probate. Provides for equal distribution of nmnertv to threw children II F Mcil wain. Mr W H Raymond and Mr Mckj Monteith, excepting cafe to M i upon cer- Lain navment to sister and personal re membra rices to each. Appoints H i Mc ilwain and Strauder Iroman executors. Bond., ttt.OOO. Religious Serivces. United Presbrterian church: Services conducted by the pastor at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. S S 2:30; C E 60. Strangers al ways welcome. A full house nd an interesting service again at the Congregational church last night. Services at 11 and 7 :S0 tomorrow and throughout the entire week. Dr Clapp telephoned today that he will be present on Monday and remain all week. Everybody is invited. A 0 services tonight. Y M C A meeting: We expect to secure Dr F 11 li wynne for the Y M O A meeting Sabbath afternoon at tuetr rooms at 4 p iu. Excellent music both vocal and instrument al. We hope Dr Gwvnn. will take entire charge of the service. Alt men are invited aaR asg Paiker Bros, grocer. Unw eroam ehee. jut i eeeived at CoaraJ aleyar. P J Smiley job printer, Flino Block," do Srst class work. Sinok theoslehrated Havana filled $ sent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Falroniaa bom. industry by smoking the celebrated whit. Ulnr cigar, maaafaotarwd ey la'ia Jo.Mr.. Not A California Bear. Anybody can catch a cold thl of weather. Th- 'rouble Is to let go. Use the rran who caught the boar. We advise our readers to pu'chase ot Fojhar & Ma son a bottle of Santa Able, the California King of Consumption. Asthma, fiVonch't I, Cough and Croup Cures, and keep It handy. 'Ti pleating to the taste and death to the above complaint. Sold at 50 cen!s snd $t a bott.e or t f r ti to California Cat R-Cure gives Immediate relief. The catarrhal virus I soon dla placed by Its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six mouth treatment si sent ay mail ")r. Price' Cream Baking f do 4 tSars Oo. Cswaws t Tartar f Karl' Clover Kojt will purify your lood. clear yov.r complexion, regula'e our oowei auri make your head s a bell. sc. 50c, and' $i.o clear 3'-: 3: a. 3" frrsxxii I For Nebraska. Mr H If Palmer and ' IT. VJT V T; rt It.;. nnntT tn fnrwur Nebraska mea and they know the eonditioa of affairs there UMtougfaiy. People in Western Kebraska nndoubtedjy need all the assistance tbey can secure. 60 Messrs; Lewis end Palmer are getting mp a ear load j ef Hour and fruit t tend back. They de serve tbe anri stance of aU. Different ar ticle will be tagged in the following manner: "From our abundance we give unto thee." 1 From Albany, Oregon. Giver Jan. 1895. Artids The Willamette Vat- lev. Otegon. Albany is locaUd in the center of the far famed Willamette valley, which is the garden spot of America, it has aa equable climate; cold Uizrards are un known. No drouth, hail or hot wind in swtamer. Tbe best fruit country oa the cesstinent; abundance of fine timber, min eral wealth and fishing. Real es'at low and ao boom in prices. Oregon is the place to make a sure and easy living. Fo. Gawk Warbex.C W Watts, of this eiiv. has il least one newspaper nut- ling for aim fur tbe position cf game ward ed. The Jefferson Rerier says: C W Watt, of albanT. is at Salem rastling for Che appoaotjatcnt cf game warden. If this posiuan is a ssoecar-. it should be abolish- - ed, bat ia, a be ie, a game warden wno wsi conscseafiousiy peiimm ms amy a badly needed. And would be worth tnasrr times the amount of his salary, then Walts should be appointed. Be has what hould be tte trtaart "noil' of anyone in tbe suite forlhe place, 1 c the faithfc! discharge cf has duties as deputy game wardea for the pa 2 year, ana it wa by hia individual effarXa that justice wa meied cwt t snanr srioiators of the game law Tie Renew .afeoeate Watts' ap pointment fur the reasoo that st want a warden who will a that tbe law is en forced, and the past work of Mr Wa&s proves that be will do this. BocaT a Hote Mr J A Grois, af this citr has bees reported fb base bought tne Depot Hotel bojoaeas at Ashland senrai times in tbe last year or two. Soasfollow ing from the Record read more like bus-' Pef,: ureas lotuy oewgut uh rurnt- rare, uanf. gooa wui. cic oc uae Lpu hotel from H D Parker far oGlO and will take pocsesaioa this week with bis wife.' Tbe building belong! to the S P. Gross is tbe well gntwn and popular hotel man. Albany. Sir and Mr Parker will mve to Saa Franciaco. Tbr Tnnu Sisters played last night to a good sSsed am lence which thev pleat ed from beginning to end. '-My Uncle's Will, a comedy, wa presented, followed by the play of Froa Frou, one that brings out the best talent of a troup. It was presented with excellent effect. Tbe troop is one of the bast in their One of pes tormasace ever ia the city.. One of the beat exhibitions of eenoUoaal acting ever seea here was that of Essie aad Min nie at the end of the third act. They were enthusiastically called tctore th; curtain. The support is ail viong. - A matinee was befog given this afternoon aad ta-nignt M'Lis will be presented. ErrrKaxv Opposed. A rejnoarfxance eras being industiocsly circulated about town yesterday opposing tbe proposed div-' ision of Linn county. The people heica boota are bitterly opposed to the soovernent agitated by the peopM ol southeastern por tion of the county. During the first half hour 63 names were secured. Hamsburg Review. Tbe truth is. only a few people really want divisioavea among those wbo signed pennons. And those wbo do axe working against tbeir pest interests. AT. sVlca Crwcdsi Ca&fag ffwvnler Host Pwrfcct ivbwla. Bshr was sick, v. fjrm An- Chwtaris. ska ww a OsOd, an. cried tr Castorls, sb. Vsoaaa. SDss, ah. ctnag V Caawsia. Wsttai aw. kad C&Udrwa, saw gavs tiwca Cwssorfa ft, KNOWLEDGE . Brings comfort and improremeiit aik tends to personal enjoyment wk-s rightly used. The many, who live b tr than ethers and eu joy life more, wu less exptnditure, by more promp-A adapting the world's best product u the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquM laxative principle embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling celda. headache and fevers and permanently caring constipation. It has riven satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, liver and Bowel without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable aubstance. Syrup of Figs is for tale by all drug gists ia 60 cent bottles, but it it man ufactured by the California Fig Byrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. k" ilia "W s 53'SHOErrr THE REST, roa A KINS. 9. COEDOVAN. rSC AIMMSCUC9 Vif. A2f9 Fine ZaliiKjxjpsi 3.BP3UCE$0LE5. -CXTKA riNC- i'l.'SESVS'SCni srvo f'X eaTMCeae Ovar On. KilUow PtopU wtmx thm W. L. IXrag'as $3 & $4 Shces AO our aboes are equally satisfactory Tawy gtv. tb. swat vsJ lor tfc. n.ey. Tbey s.wsi cwstsas shots km Mytm e Ht. Tbsir wswrlag ejwwlities srs nrrssSKl. Tb. nrteec sr. wallwi. slssnii wa sAw Frwsr Si to Sj mmwtd w wthcr s.fcts. If w.w tenia cumnA sopply yaw vecu. bold by THEt.EELAIN CLOTHINQ CO 9UC(a As sgneable laxative sndKrcrg tarn, totihy tfraftm or teat tymail. gaafe aaa tXXCper pwckaee fewapkatraa. TTss ffa The Fsverita TX!t r..ll lAw U.VJ fortbeleet sand Hrrsth.sar. Foskty t Maaoi, Ages.1. Mexican j Mustang Liniment . tor ' Barns. .' ' . Caked & Inflamed Udders. Kles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running: Sores, Inllamrnations. SUff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago Scalds, Blisters, ' Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, iIembrane and Tissue , Quiddy to the Very Seat of Pain and Oasts it in aUiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mastaag Llaumeat coaqvsert Hakes naa r Beast wrcB rgafa. A sovereign Remedy tGx& rfttDifoat Chest vi Lvnrs. StHD TOR fKmm. ABIETOFilED.aO.ral . A ZjmV' - tx b. e. iisisi niTi txs istn tsxascss? sotd ander pasiuv. writtea awaracte by sutbsrasd aswala aaiy. to nn W eak Memory; Lewaof Brsin sad Ket i. IWhi ! Manhood: cod.; all Drams: Ijossaf Puwwi of tbstieowmtave Owraas in sitber sfia. sawssif by orer-esrrtjoo, YoatMul Ernes, or rii i in Cs. of Tobweco. 0ui sw Lkisor. wlbicA lsarsi wo Misery. Owsnxptioc. Insanity and DwuA. By aaaU. tl m box; six few ti; wuA writtsa gwaimnts. to cor. or second anusy. gkmpl. paekaaw. contain ing uvda?s' WwUssvot, wnk fall insuweuun. osets. Oct saucp waiysoid tooaesi peraua by soail. J A Cummmg, sole agent, Aibanr. A B Bmcifs Biuma-Cfilsry. SlsWtlisi CttTrTsviTV for Ki HswawiewslMk, ttreiai u&umx ' rSick fei-jarrJewt apaja cr gvwtrai .van citi imior wimn. miisssa, leosat, IVtaUirsyy in(slkr AOU iry. PSjaxru- JkAsttl4W 4QtWla fo4T AkuhOJt ItlTnWwIiWl. THE ARNOLD CHESICAL CO. ISt &Wttera Avecas, CHICAGO. Srild by all druggists. LADIES PO SCSOVT DR. FCUX LC BRW3 stel pa mmm fills rstboorigisalaod only FnENCH.saf.aadr. bAblaoar. oa th. market. Friao$l.UUt sU by A tiwaaia. soil oaiy by I A Cuinnurt", sole sgent, Albany, LC IM4(1 SA i.M diiiMW ot imitinam Vtnsmrj Or. l4S . M , .WFUfMTlUe ssa s fKcvKn iiib TMtbr wtitb li,,nM li 1 1ri WT WMlt Awm. Mrf im IM CAM W ' SrWal II r Jiiirtwr' J A Cummhig; sole ajpnt, Albsr y. sV-VasWgwacaaswsawsSBTal V . - - . - ; m NE W 121S.V2I