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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1895)
VOL XXX. ALBANYaORKGONa FRIDAY, JANUARY 15. 181K Catered at the rest Bee at Albany. Or., at Beeaad.Class Hall Kallrii TITM BXTTISCrablUher aa rroBrfetarsi SO 24 for Infants " Caatwria teao veQ adapted to chiKbaa that rettHnmeed it aa superior to any prescription V ta ta axs." . IL X. Aasaxr, SL D., ' UI S Oxford St, 3rxxjd5Ti,N.T. . na we of 'Casteri ti so unrvarsal aad ft at rrta so Well kaowaiaat It seema a work rsjereragaUoa to endorse U, Fewarstae ' HQrat tamiUea no do aot koep Castoria K taaTeacli." ; ,-. - Cvzioa Alajtrvx, D. IX. KewYorkCSty. Taa CJcrrara Best Work PRINTING - 2EIESO - - Office Stationery A Specialty Give us your Patronage. j. I Insist on p SM Mt AHD HAWER SOPAI packa in K . Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, 7 tc versay acknowledged purest .in tbe world. - ' S ' -' - - K. Hade only by CHURCH t CO., Rev York. 2 Sold ay trscars cm j wliere. if ViastejAaaaHaawrBgokatnlaabbBKisM-FKEB. The Oregon Land Co With its at vne Gray Slock, comer Libert and State street, branch cfice in Portlaeif flTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Jit Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr a re small caah payment lone timo on balance. Write for particulas. FORTMILLER S IRING Undertakers -:- and - Embalmers. ' C TE KEEP constantly on hand a full line of metalic. clotn and wood caskets and VV coffins. Also burial tubes -and -which will be sold at The JLoweat EMBALMING and the proper HO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLE - - OREGON NEW P Af YS r0RB lS N0W yoLI' 0F MRST-CLASS FUBNITUBE, CONSISTI.0 :IV1 of bed room sets, chsirr, lennges, ate., which I will sell at BOTTOM &LBAWY CIGAR .FACTORY .. afOSHPU, ?????? Ph'jy pen , 1 1 a rei n m aoa l obi k.r mri tiraniatti. Ak for It, tefUHjtaju a it. LbiAti. inptaia wrapper. Adctiw WT Pss,fg IU stt 1 MtM itvef rrwWUwt.auwWw UVWAQ ff MlKt AXUjAINfLr, UrUgglllA. and Children. CaatorlacorelOoUe, Ooajbpatkin, Sour Stcwca, Warrhosa, Eructation, EUIa TTormj, gives deep, aad vvomotea dl Eestioo, Without tnjurlouineloQttta. "For rovsral Tears I have rvcommaatbs your 'Oeztaria,' and shall always continue W do so as It has tavaxiahly jroiuced boueflcla results." Eowra F. Pakdk:, M. Uith Eest ecd Tt, New Turk City Coxtaxt, rr Xcaaav Snuntr, Kaw Tor Cm Promptnes lJLi - BOOK ILEY OREGON. BEWARE of imitation trade marks and labels. ! and is uni- suits, in broadcloth, atln,cashmere, e'e, Living Profit. care of the dead a specialty. UPN1TUR PRICES. Thos. Brink I Proprietor. knlnM, hott Manhood. KtMhtiw lliJtSSJzEZ yf puwsr la Generates Organs of either sax canted itHltrrora, exeesslTa tue ot tobaceo. ortnm or stlS- rS,J:S?S."0S 1 J!Wfc. Can ke carried la ft Mt s wriClsBM arassVrmllBr9 ra sw - eu. aia v. 1 tik; no othpr. Wrtt fnrffww Mu.-.l u7J 7 .JxlX U V CO.. MAtwmoTerapleTciii THTJESDAT MR SCOTT INTERVIEWED. Representative Scott was interviewed by the Salem Post at follows: The Post received a very pleasant call tins morning from lion J li Njott repre eentative-elect from Linn county, whose postifllce address is Tangent. Mr Scott is one ol the well-to-do' farmers of Linn county and is a republican to the back bonp. He made his canvass at the last election on the fight for the abolition of all useless commissions and a general re duction in state expenses. Mr Scott is yet undecided on the senatorial question That is, he does not care to commit him self. But it is generally given out that seuator uoipu will barely receive the support o( one member ol the Linn coun ty delegation, there being live membora altogether. Mr Scott, when asked what his position would be on the commission question, stated that he was etuptiatical ty in favor of abolishing all the commis sions that are not absolutelv necessary. lie thinks that the time has come when the expenses of this slate must be re duced to conform to the income of the farmers and property-owners. He does not believe in being too close-fisted with our public institutions, but be wants to see that tbey are run on just as econom ical a plan aa is consistent with the times. Mr Scott will not have anv pet tneaa nri to advocate and will be able to devote his entire attention to the interest of the state at large. . He said, when asked who was his favorite candidate lor speaker of the house, that he bad not decided pos itively who be would support, but Uiat he bad no objection to- Hon Chas li Moo res of Salem, and that he was of the opinion that this centleosan would re ceive the support ot the bouse lor this position. Mr i-cott returns tomorrow to spend the balance of the week with his family. and will return to Salem next Monday to remain until alter legislature adjourns tie will make bis headquarters at tbe residence of Mr W T Barrows, who lives just northwest of the East Saiein school, be being au old acquaintance ot Mr Scott. Broad tires will oe Ibe sa vat ton of Oregon roads. Tnos Mulkey, a pioneer of Lane coint has been sent to the asylum. The Pacific Insurance Union is said to be on tbe vegs of dSsfoiution. The sooner the beiter. Three or fourgtrlt with positions to do general tousework. .Anyone aiihing iielp should ca 1 and secure names. The lots to the New York banks bv the fc.ealiag of their own officers during tie past lo years naa amounted to with in a few dollars of $5,500,000. At the bicycle rahie last nleht J B Howard and I M Turner each threw aj and secured the bicj ce. Turner bought Howard's interest for 925. Ten tear, ago Leo Stock of Cunraliis had $100 10 pa on sccuuit of a - forged iedorsement of a check. He has just re ceived f 150 trum the lather of the forger in lu.l payment. This is no Ume fur county ".i jkloa. Lit n counT, practical. Is a tract ot land bout fort br forty miles, the eastern half of the county being mountaiauaua. snd is none too U'g. 6 coo people, the present popu auon Is none loo trnar, in fact '00 few to support a county govern ment as h should be Eamtcra counties are .uca larger in population, and di vision ts rjtciy ranted a:. The Sugar Pine Mi.l and Fixture Co, of ihic ha-cite ted the following c(6 cert : Directors Geo Wr liochg.ed!cr. Ed ward Zeiss, C VV Scars, J E Browa, V B Vlcmteuh 1 hee directirs hae elected he following offic-r: Pre,j?nt. O B Moniri h; vice preUent, EJwarJ Zss; ecfe'ary, C W Sears. Fobtcsa'.elv Lite. Licgley, the track-walker on the Southern Pacific railroad from this point to Walker's station, baa had several close nils and exciiicg incidents, but one stormy night txrat a week ago he met wi.n aa acci dent on tbe long trestle near JuJkins point tbat was a little ckwer aud came nearer proving disastrous tbaa any of the others. He bad started back on the last half of bis ran and was. when be had reached this point, running rather j slow, as tbe rails were slippery and a heavy wind was blowing. When about 30 feet out on tbe trestle the wind blew j tbe bud wheel of his velocipade off tbe track, 00 the outside of' tbe rail, thosj throwing him off the trestle backwards. with tbe machine to lollow. As be fell be grabbed tbe rail with one hand and at tbe same time tbe handle of tbe ma chine caught one of bis feet, thus leav ing rusi partly across one rail and almost unable to help bimself, with bis red ligbtoutand the train due in few momtnte. By almost superhuman effort be managed to extricate bimself after a time and proceeded on bis way to Eu gene. By a fortunate chance tbe train was late that night or be might not bave fared so fortunate. Eugene Uuard. A Pbettt Debb SroBT. From tbe ' hills and dales of tbe beautiful Pleasant Hill section of eouotrv cornea a deer story tbat, were it not for tbe undoubted veracity of those who have told it, would be considered rather "fishy. " On i the bills adjacent to that section of country tbe bounds occasionally get on tbe trail of a deer; and their deep baying is heard from the distance while some times across tittle valUyscan be seen the race for life or death cn the mountain sides. Very rarely, however, do the deer, even when Lard pressed, venture into the settled part ol the country. 1 in Otto, who lives in that part of the coun ty, one day last week heard the bounds chasing a deer over on the hills from bis place. A little while alterward be beard a racket in bis wood shed and the netant later tbe deer rame leaping into is kitchen, Inghlened, end trembling from head to foot. To effect its capture was of course an easy matter, and it was done immediately. F M Willing, president of the board of trade, yesterday received a letter- from Major John A Poet, ol the united Mates ongineer corps, stating that be will come up to this city today and will be met here by the snag boat Corvaliis, and will proceed down the river to make a per sonal examination of the tame. He makes the examination personally and in a careful manner so he may know tbe exact needs of the river. Eugene Reg ister. One river pilot knows more in adiy about what ia wanted than 1'os and bis whole corps could learn in a year iu m amaii boat. 1 here naa been too much of this monkey business. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are cuised by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of Bad I have for some time been a sufferer from a severs blood trouble, for which I took many remedies that did me no good. I have Blood now taken four bottles of ... . g JSfJgM withtliemostwanderful results fT!7ga Am enjoying tbe best health 1 ever knew, bave gained twenty pounds and my friends say they never saw mejs wed. I am ifW" (yrexamcnt MntlngOfflce, Wuhiagtoa. D. C. Our Treatise on Bleed and Skin Disease mailed free to any address. Broadhesd (famestown) dross good stylish, well flashed, serviceable, cheap at 8 E Young's, A LIVE SAUNDERS ITEM. Tbe Corvaliis Times publishes the fol lowing very interesting Item about Sauu dera secured by a Times man in Spokane. It will be read with renewed interest lleeaid; "Mne years of life in my 'cabin' with nothing to relieve the mo notonous routine ot duty but a tireless longing for liberty has taken about all of the snap and vigor out ot me, and it win be months beiore 1 recover It, it J recover it ever. I have, I assure you learned a lessen bv the experience. 1 made a fatal mistake when I allowed myself to be drawn into that affair at Albany. It was a luckless hour when I followed the custom of my nativs state and carried a weapon about my person baiuod helping me, 1 will never so long as 1 live carry another. "I intend to remain in bookane, if I can. J. have fl'-D lelt ot tbe fiau that friends contributed to start me again in life, and if I can enter a law cmce, or establish myself in law practice I shall remain here for the present at least." That portion nf Saunders pardon pro hibiting his return to Oregon la galling to him, and there is do doubt but that be hopes tbat Governor Lord may be prevailed upon to remove . me state ment that be intends to marry and re turn to Texas is without foundation. In fact Saunders freely allowed the infer ence that the affair with Mies Minnie Allison, who teaches school near Boise, Idaho, bad been broken off. Mattie Allison. caundsrs says, ts married and now lives near Butte, Montana. Saunders recounted tbe incident of bis memorable escape from tbe Albany jail, and said : "All I had to do was to make my escape from my cell, for a "friend' witb a pick bad dug out a bole la tbe brick wall. I started to squeeze my way through and ran against roils of o:d wagon tire that bad been .laid be tween the layers of bricks. Of course. I couldn't get out. and tbe "friend" out side bad to go borne after toots to aaw off tbe rods. W hen I got out of the bole, it was broad daylight and smoke was ris ing froci many of tbe chimneye in the town. When my partner went to go out of tbe bo'e ia the wall tbe "friend" out side grabbed bis feet to pull him out and thinking tbe sheriff bad hold ot him yelled lustily, and I bad to choke him into silence. Once out, we made our way cautiously to tbe river bank belcw tbe lerry w here a boat was to bave been waiting but when we arrived, to cur dis may, no boat waa there. -Behind us, the city waa fast wakening into activity, on ca a drenching rain was falling, and in Iront of us flowed tbe n illameite. There was nothing to do but swiin, and witb our clothes rolled np and tied to our shoulders we seam tbe river and enter ed the bushes where for two days we staved. On tbe second night we left oar idiog place and a tew hours later lay down in a warm bed in tbe boute ot an other friend near Wells station. e were there w hen Constable Bark ban with a porse ef men rode up to be booee and made inquiries about u. aud then left, s topping lo tack oa tie barn a no tice of $2,liM reward for our capture. dead or alive. We remained there nearly two weeks, and if I bad been well rid ol my traveling companion I would have slaved there. I was in Corral. a two nighta during tbe two weeVa I slopped with, this "friend." Brownsville Happenings. For the past few days this city Las been "enjoying" genuine Oregon weath er, first a shower, then a ecow flake, then a freeaeup and last, but not least, a mile from boiomoo. Mrs Ir Cox and daughter Mar.e went to Portland Monday morning to secure medical' treatment for the la'.ter's eyes. Brownsville is now in a genuine patch ot clover. After being off Irom the civ ilized world, as regards a gool mail and raveiing service, ahe now acda herself once more installed in a respectable sort of a manner, breathing metropolitan air and walking on 31gb stilts. Tbe traiu arrives here at 7 p m and leaves at 9 am. Thanks to 8 P Co. If the people ct Brownsville do not be come converted this winter it certainly a-ill not be tbe fauit of tbe nunteters. Two revivals are now in full blast ; one in the M E church, tbeotber in tbe First Presbyterian. Tbe audiences are large, but aa vet little good has been accom- pasbed. Thieves are still among tbe living. Joba Byno killed a bog tbe firtt of tbe week and hang tbe bams and shoulders out side tbe bous. bene green eyed monster, who liked bog better than be did right, stole two bams and left Mr Kyao to mourn over tneir -antimery departure." Geo Drinkard has moved into bis new residence. County division is tbe sols topic of dis- cuesin in tbeee parte now-a days. Last Monday evening a grand maes meeting was beld in tbe opera bouse is tbis city for the purpose ot discussing the feasi bility of tbe above subject. A large amount of enthusiasm was manifested and now a number of petitions are being circulated to secure signers praying trtat couniy be divided. Ilia meeting witb great approval as tbe present state of af fairs is very inconvenient as well as ex pensive, since the sheriff does not go round and collect taxes any more, ana Albany is way off in one comer of the county all tbe people in the upper county are unanimous in their desire that the county be made two. Elias Hale has been quite sick for sometime past. Ellsworth Cameion. the winner of the recent Trine-Cameron foot race, is in tbe city the guest of bis brother J M Limtr- oa A. Hon V P Elmore w cnt to Salem today to look on. Miss Clara Cohen is visiting friends in Portland. Miss Bessie Merrill returned tbis noon from a trip to Portland. G AV Kendrick returned this noon from a trip to Colorado. Hon S A Dawson went to Sakm today to arrange for thj convening of the next legislature. W It Bilycu, one of Albany's, good- natured democratic lawyers, was in Salem yesterday. Salem Statesman. Mrs Amsnda Kester left today for Walla Walla, where she will visit several months witb ber sister, Mrs lloon. Mrs I W Berry yesteiday evening showed ber genuine democratic blood by giving a social dinner in. honor of the 82nd anniversary of ben Jackson's vic tory at the battle of Mew Orleans. Among the distinguished ' guests were Governor Pennoyer, Attorney-General Chambialn, Sup. and Mrs Geo o JJon n Ing. Journal. And Ao.n't Be. Scnsior Aliey, ef Lane county, passed through Albany this noon from a trip to Salem. "Been starting the legislature have you?'1 is id a Democrat man. "Yes, everything Is all fixed.'' 'Dolph is elected Senator, 1 suppose "No, and won't be' "What!" "Yes. dead sure ol it." An Accident. Yesterday the twenty months old baby of Charles Lafollott fell from a hih chair, dislocating the shoulder aud breaking the arm through the elbow. The accident is an unusual one for a child of tbat age. Dr Moston set the broken bones and it is boped be will get well with out a crippled eiuow. Money to Loan. We are prepared to make loans on good mprovra larrns in sums to suit, of from 2,000 tJ 510,000. CUBHAN &;M0NTAITII. r. Price's Cream UMng f' ndfe A Pure Qrsoe Cream of Tartar F ; . . FBIDAY ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT. ' Mrs A J Aiphine, of this city, was on her way across the bridge to the tlover dala school house, whsre she teaches, when she was assaulted by a man ntmed Frank Marsball.a former resident of Salnm . Ti, man passed along ahead of Mrs Alphir.n at Hnst, then siowevt up and followed her, nuaiiy w&iKing ngainsi ner ana to lowing- her from one side to the other of the bridge, taking nud of her shoulders. Then Mrs Aiphine showed the right kind of spirit ami brose nor umiipdla up on his head, febe returned to Albwy, found her husband, woo swore cut a complaint, and Marshal Lee arrest od the man. The fellow bad on other occasions bung around tbe school house some, though he denied thii. He was examined before Justice Freerksen ana nnea e-v. in uemuu 01 wnicn be was committed to Jail. 1 be offense u oae de serving a severe punishment. LteTor Patekt granted to Pacific states Inventors this week. Reported by 0 A Snow & Co, solicitors of American and foreign patent, opp U S Patent Of fice. WaabingtorrtC. M V Arm iron?, Los ATrirelea. Cal. bi cycle canopy; H Bailey, WUIamina. Ore., baling press: P.K Cool, Sacramento, Cat, carburetor; 14 Fischer, San Franctsce. Cal, metallic bung: J r orrest. Medical Lake. wash bicycle; C S Hardy, San I'leo, Cal, refrigerator-car: C R Pethin. San Fran cisco, Cal, blackboard-eraser: M Y. I'eUr ton, Igo, Cal. combined Sour scoap and sieve; J V Raymond, San Franciico. Cal, starting aparat'ia tor gas-engine; a Kopp, Ban Prnnriaro. Cal. roaAinir furnance: I 1 i'abin & W Hampton, San Francisco. Cal, leiepiione indicating apparatus; j Mite. Saleni, Ore, label rnanipuhtting device; i Wade, San Dieeo, Cal, clothea-drier; H Weber, North Temescal, Cal. ootiuz ap- para'us; G W Wi-, Warner Lake, Ore. vehicle-brake. Let it Rem ah. A correspondent from ilarrisbarz in the Herald sas: Linn is a grand, good count v. the third in wealth and peculation in the state, and let it re main so." That ia tbe idea, exactly. ShaJ we be at tbe bead of tbe list, with the prospect of going up a number or haii we dropdown to the bottom. Every loyal resident of the county should not btsittte to take a prompt and emphatic position on this question. Our represenUttivee. elected to serve tbe people should show their metal aad oxdoubtedly will. There is not a single good nsuoo in favor of division. It U not far to Albany from any of the differ ent inhabited parte, no mountains divide ut. tney are on our eastern border and play little part ia the county government. It is prouacie toe question wui not be sertoosiv eonwlered I T the next legislature at nil. Old Linn, one and inseparable! A Low Lavr. Today the stale board. composed ot governor, treasurer and secre tary A state made tbe annual levy of state taxes ol only tew etils. This inclades f WJ for state mtiiUa. 1 50.0 JO for S ale I ruvewity. which until were raited by special taxes. Tbe total levy of three mills is tbe lowest seen ia many years. Tbe board estimates that 3 mills on tbe state valuation as equalised will produce fill. WO. To lots is to be added as available foods a rarpltts of annsed appropriation of lSi aad I M, heretofore let led, of about "217,(). and misceiianeoas receipts of I "9 and estimated receipt of about fI) making a total of &H3.003. which, ad- ded lo the prewut levy will produce OOO. This sum is beiuned to 1 enough o oeiray ail tae expenses of 1S.5. .oornal. It rant be anv too lew, aad if Linn county will do as well our people will have noth ing to com 1 Jain of. lf2-lS95. Soch u the record of F H Hammer, fleaeral CommUsion Merchant. 'l5an! I1T Davis St. SanFrocico. Ia the exigencies coanet-ted with tbe Prodoce market, there are but few Looms in the state of California.wbo count vacb a record. Being members ot ! San Frantisca Pro duce Kichinge and the Ma Francitca Kx cbange, the fcsre Uw best faciUtie for baadiing ail kinds of rodoe. grain, apples, bides. v ool, poultry and especially poultry and fruit. One ctf tbe features of tbis bouse is a desire foe correpcdH regard ing any kind of battce telaiiog to the best way to market produce, etc. Wnte them and yoa will keep posted. A New DErarrcac ProeUstel k Lamb propose making thing interesting ia Al bany the coming year. Tfcey will give our citizens a inetropuatan store, and will add a feature lo ctean amateur sport not en joyed here before. Tbey bave leased tbe public square in front of tbe court house and will pat upon it a bicycle track, a lawn tennis court, and convenient seats for watching the different gam , the land stand will be moved to tbe ce- 'er of tbe grounds. Eveaines this will become a center ef attraction for tbe best grade of amateur sport. I.i their store they will carry all kinds cf sporting goods, with wa gons and agricultural implements in the rear. Wait a Bot Dip. Oa Christmas d-.y Ralph Fuber "s son. of Sodaville, received a t'hriitmas present of a toy air gun. Young Fisher pointed the gun at Mr West in sport, and when the latter ordered him to put it down the boy said it was not loaded, and to prove his statement pulled the trig- gevr. cn was nil uy a uouuie o suoi in the left cheek, the shot passing in about . halt inch when its torce was stopped gainst a tooth, inflicting a painful wound. Dr Prill cut tbe shot out. Corvaliis Ga rette. Fresh Did It. The Advance ia giving the history of tbe counterfeit case at 1 eb- anon gives Charles Fresh the credit of starting the movement for the arrest of Davemert. He was assisted bv A F Stowe, as agent of the government and went under tbe instructions of tbe U S Detective Harris, of San Francisco. Pretending to be a confederate Fresh took counterfeit money from Davenport and pretended to pass it, and thus secured his evidence. Friday snd if turdiv rain and River, to.6 lect. Parlies wishing Ice Cream In anv quan lity gie Mrs Vlereck's a call. Cor 3rd and BroadsiDin suxei. never exceli cl. '"Triea and proven" is the verdict 0 f millions. " Simmons Liver Regu lator ia the V only Liver jLjCffOf w Kidney rBcdicino lo wliich you can pm your faith for a euro.. A Than Pills mild laxa tive, aud purely stablo, veg-act- ing directly on the Liver and Kid uet3. 'Try it Sdd by ail Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to ba taken dry ormadeintoa te. The King of Liver Medicines. 1 havo used yourHlmmonr Liver Reir Into and can conscientiously say It ts the king of all llvsr mediulnes, I consider It a medicine chest in itself. tiao. W. Java 1'ucoma, Washington. ., " mg-SWBX PACKAQK-S ag tic T'aaip 1 red oa wrapsMos Better T HE ROYAL I A other brands ' 5- .w. v viMliJMUllHlj M shown by both the U. S. and Canadian Government Reports. The other baking powders contain from 20 to 80 per cent less leavening gas than the ROYAL. So the ROYAL, even should it cost more than the others, would be much the cheaper. In addition to this the superior flavor, sweetness, wholesome ness and delicacy of the food raised by ROYAL BAKING POWDER would make any difference in cost insignificant - Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report TO Mr Frank Power, secretary of the Salem Water Works, was in the city today. License was Lamed todav for the mar- of H C Biljeu aad VVUima Calaan. of Jordan, Mr J L Fuller, of the Raval tnnraiw Co. is in the city on bis way to Lebanon to adjust the loss in a recent fire. Wr Walter if KLhum will Uar. .t Monday for Salt Lake Citr. where ha will spend the winter with his wife, son and daughter. SI rs Burge and sob Frvddie. of the Coe val lis tamace W oris, rvturns! hnai tn. day after a visit in Albany. Mrs Borge was a former neighbor of Mr J A Camming. I rem reliable soorcea it ia kur-nml that Mr P Kab was ia Albany tbis week visit ing his "folks." Should these visits be come more frequent due notice will be given. At rrc-wnt. tbey occur only tri weekly. Con allu Uaxette. Slias Mamie Condiff. cf this citr. Las made arrangements lo go to Saleta and take elorutionry lesxms under f'ref Mrs lirowB of Willamette L'bivernty, pro nounced one cf It. a best lutructors ca the c xut. M is Cur.di J esrects to remain cn- der ber imtructioej fur about three months. A t4ej-act third ward affair waa a birth day f arty on Jaa 9th ty the rraptls ia Mi' Dirwi Marsbals iwni in the new school, given to aitss Jessie Cos, at tbe residence of ber father, ia hoaor of her llth birthday. There were seventy six jrwetst. The Helena Independent tays: Mist Alice Cbesshtr. of Lebanoo. Ore., was mar ried to O U LawrttKe, of tbia Citv. at ? o'clock yesterday evening. Jan 2, by Ber K U brace, at M faul as t. church. I acre were present at the wedding- a number of Salvation Army friecds. Mr susd Mrs lawrenre will mak (aeir home ia Heiesa. Tbe bride is a daughWr of J W Cbea4iir of SxLavil!. t-i has tbe best wLaes of raanv frieni in Lebanoa aad vicinity. A diratch from Bostoa veterday states that the Amerkaa board of foreign mis sioos has decid! to grant tbe nqoest of one of their missionaries, who knows the languxge and le country aliout IVu Batw pass, to be permifed to asit in tbe search lor tbe mining round-tbe-worid bkydut. Frank Lent, supposed to bare been kt csr kilted in Turkey. Every person alcfeg the route wbo ts;et the daring yocng birvdist aill watch wi'Ji interest tbe rSud made to find him. Mr Cbbe Tetera shipptd fa herd of wine to Portland this morning by river. A gar.g of moonshiners is said to be workmg In the foothills near Sweet florae. The freight rs.e O" hir bctaeen Abanv acd Fort.aad has been rrducvd to $t 40 per loo. The officers of Organs Encampment No 5 1 O O F of tbst city wilt be installed this evening. All memuers are requested to attend. Preachis- ai St Pauls M Church South Sundsv nam, Sabbath School 10 a m, prvachl.ig 7 ;jo p m. l C McFar. laed, paster. THE ALBANY KINDERGARTEN. An axiom of the Kindergartet is: "We leara by djir.g." A community can only learn the advanlajfev of tha KiattenrarbHi by bavins it in its midst. aa Francisco bad had free Kindergartens for a number of years, and yet makng them, in some sort, a political question (!!) they ert fooght out of tbe Public school for a kms period, la tbe face of the testimony of the Chief of Police such a fight coo id not be maintained for ever. It was this: "That out of 9000 Kindergarten graduates only three have ever been committed for a crim inal offense. ' A well known child-worker giv-a the fol lowing, eight' points with regard to this training: 1 1 he tkinttercarten develores the three fold nature of tbe child. ! Its object is the formation of diame ter by means of an r arm onions develop ment of tbe body, mind and soul. 3 This 1 accomplished by means of ulav childlike, wcrk, and constant exercise in right iloinjr. . ..-l 1 . I it. 1 ne rvinuenrstrcen sess .0 ueveiop ice individuality of each child. 5 It furnishes him witb the companion ship of bis equals, through whom Le gets his tint lessons in citirensbip. - 6 It affords tbe best transition from home to school life 7 It provides the bot preparation for school life. o It strives to prepare the child not on ly for time, but jr eternity, by enabling him to grow into what he can be, and what God meant him to be. With regard to tbe seventh point, the Supt of the City Schools of Boston, re ceived answers from the eighty-six pri mary teachers, (to whom he addressed ques tions) which embodied the same fact. At home in Albany, the following show the same experience: . "la my primary wcrk 1 have found that children who have been in the Kindergar ten are considerably in advance of those who enter the primvy grade without such instruction. Their perceptive powers have been quickened and they seem to be better able to express tbeuuelves. They are brighter in many ways. N. Adda Hast, Albany College. "In my experience, I have found that children having Kindergarten training be fore entering the public school, as a rule, are better able to begin the work in the public school, and have considerable ad vantage over other children, who enter school without this training. The powers of memory and attention have been trained, which is very useful in beginning their school work. - Maby Pkdowiqk. . Albany Public School. The parents arc equally appreciative, as seen by the following: "We the undersigned, wbo have bad children in Miss Drouner's Kindergarten the last two mouths, consider the training very good. We are perfectly satisGed with tho Kindergarten methods, and with Miss Brouner's way of carrying them out: Mrs W 11 Lee, Mrs F H Young, Mrs A B Mathews. Mrs V P Nutting, Mrs J J Wliitnev. Mrs S N Steele. Mrs W Fort- miller, Mrs Q W Simpson, Mrs Belle Sjfera, Mrs E W Langdou, Mrs IVY Dun can, Mrs 1) F llarduian. By the aid of the Kindergarten Associa tion of Albany, the teaching of each child costs but 10 cts a day, which surely could not be bettor bestowed. ' Miss Brouner reopens her school on if on day, Jan 13th, at 9 o'clock, in the W 0 T U ball. " Sice. Association. Cheaper. BAKING POWDER is more economical than because of its rrrntrr Yitrninrr cfronrrti, novAt aaiowo powocb co, 10s wall rrtntw-voax. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. You Can Here Kp Track of Your Friends. Hon Jel Meyers was in the city today. Mr Say, of the Brownsville Bank, was la the city this noon. Capt X B Humphrey, of Pendleton, ia on his way to fealem Mis J W White went to Oregon city this noon 10 visit ner motner. Mr O W Kendrick has sot returned from Colorado, as. reported, bat is lying iu were near ueaver. OraCopeland. Pan Hurley, Zenas lavis and Uus Uerow, of Toledo, were in the city yesterday, on their way to Victoria, where tbey will ship on a sealing cruise. Mies D D Geiseedorfer. of Albany, wbo has been elected te 11 tbe vacancy ia tbe corps of teachers of tbe tthland public echcrJi caused by the resigaition ot Miss Warner, arrived ca auesday's train from tbe north. be baa charge of the 4th and Vb grades at tbe south building. AahUnd Tidings. Prof W J ( ra.f wd. of Spring vISey, has twenty eight goals heimm? him to tm his grub Uad into a tillable shape and says they are a preStaUe success. If ytm hire a man to tlsar aa are cf bra by land, there is so raarh money oet with bo returns for a year or to. but Wr Goal chargve nothing lorioewcrs exctpt ice bvicg be makes out of it. Dallas Itetnixer. BliX Paswed. It will be reasemfcjered by our leaden that about eigfateea months ago a maa Cled oa a portion of North Browns vilSe. and tbat excitemect raa high. Later oa Kicger Herreasa introduced a bill ia the tloose of Keprmestasirns f ir the relief of our eiUseas; t. e . that O P Coshow be aathoriaed. oa the payment of two dollar and Sfty rests per acre, within six months after the apprcptiaUoa of said art, to nuke cash entry of sail land, at the La ad Uthce si Uregee City, and upon making the en try he shall deliver to each persoo rJairain to own ;mpert here, a deed.da!y executed. conveying to s-jrh persons the parcel ef land ned by him. lb ealry, wbea made, shall be trarumttted to the IComraitaioDer cf the General Land OSke. and if he is sat- tsSed tbat it ts in ccaformtty with said act, and that deeds have bees ten lred by tbe entry man to the various property boiicrs. a parent scan be issued to Mr l.6ov. By tetegrams received by W R Kirk axi O P Cosaow from Feca!ir Mitchell aad Repre sentative Hermann we leara that tke bill Kswd the senate this week aad that the eaident will approve it. Xotbwithstand ing that t his is the beat possible course that could "have been parroed t y our citiaena they will be out about $500 in coot cah. lioea. Frccasa. The Brownsnlle Times oca tains a two column article ia fir or of a division cf Linn county, one tbat will have little weight with loyal members of old, ooe of tbe banrcr counties of Orecrn The proposed ccunty wtu!d be 19 by TO auisa. aad according to tkr paper the two counties would contain ti,c fr-.llowing: aloe of property in incorporated twcs and cities north of line, f2.22l.739; KKih of line. s-i.T6.4T6; amount ia coontrv north of tine, td, 189.631 ; south of line. t2.SaO.- MJ; total amount in towns, cities and country north of line. $5.40$. 170: south of line, t3.S23.B33: total amount of taxes at 1-J mills, on towns, cities and countrr n-irth of line. t$l.l22 50: south of lie". I49.S59.02: total amouat of taxable prop erty ia Linn county. $$.732,105: total amount of taxes at 15 nuil in Lion county tl30,USl 5$. TartLixx DELOArrov. The States man says: Tbe Linn couuty delegation have a nice suite of rooms on Commercial street engaged for their ue, in which thev can meet and caucus at leisure A States man reporter dropped in or. tbem jester dav and found thw present Snator A J Johnson and Representatives T Fleming Smith and W A Templeion. Represent - ative J H Scott had gone to Portland and Nrnator S A lawtca had not yet got through shaking hands with numerous 'friends after alighting from tit 1:40 train. They are pleasant, unostentatious gentle men and will be found practical, reliable legislator?. They have no particular hobbies, but in the language of Senator Johnson, will work for the best interest! of the whole state, thereby helping their ewn county as a part of the state If eld roa thk Ubasd Jcbt. The ex amination of Frank and Luke Jennings, at Lebanon, for counterfeiting, was complet ed last night. The justicejield both men under 12000 bonds to await the action of the U S grand jury, and they were taken to Portland this morning by IVputy U S Marshal Georye Humphrey. Tbe Demo chat is informed that tbe evidence is en- tirrly insufficient to do anything with them ktipon trial oeiore a l s itirv: that the on v Evidence against Frank was a year old. he t : s - . ' , 1 , naving passeu a counterfeit, coin, wnicn ne made good upon information of tue fact. The case was stubbornly contested and will be before tbe U S court at Portland. Se.ntk.scei Commited. A gentleman who was iu the city yeiterday from Salem stated that it waa pretty reliably reported mat uie sentence ot Morgan Yvasgout bad been cpmmu'ed to four years and that of Prof Russell to eighteen months. As th governor recently has given out nothing tor publication icese livings nave to be captured on the corners. An Absolute Cure. The Origins! AbislineO'ntment it put u; in large two ounce tin boxes, and 1 an abso.ute cure for old sores, bums, wounds, chapped hands and all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask lor the Original Abletlne umtmenr. eoiu oy r oshav X Mason at 35 cents per box, by mall So centa. Or. Priae'a cream BiUag Powder WorU's Fair rushes! Award. 40 Loaves of Bread for $1.00. - Let everybody conns to ths Star Ba' ry and geo loaves of freih bread casn, - CMaYSi. HOME AND ABROAD A Mixture to be Taken Doaes. fa SnraH O'l at Klein & DubrilVs aad for their bargain shdea. kt quire Ia order to make room for sr riof coeds winter boots will be sold at cast by Xjcm Sc Dulrfui le. Base bail at the armory resiutu ass t"ia F company and the Haaplkii sms. form. ' ' Arrtagemeata are being sssaa Jjf sW door hand lawn tennia at the T l sL rTfnnikium Tbe boys of Astoria rnmse tbisaswWrsri by shooting sea-zulls with beet, shoX'i on en auuag tnesa. Reports from as far south sw Asa land show heavy rs'n and wind stiih tempera- tare averaging about 58. Nearly all the recubiiraa papers of Orrgoa are anti-Doiph. Una be be stec- ed ia the face of this fact. Relief l oeedad for some of the cf?r- er of the recent Silver Lake fcolocausf. Some of the families are reported to be tn distress. About the bardett ra:o'erm of the win ter occurred fe day. It made street car frame lively, a crowded car going to the depot at noon .making so heavy a load the car supped on ihe end of tbe track Dr Jeky'J and Mr Hvde was wreswaUd but eight to a fair sized hocse ia a falcat ed minoct. xr F tench has aa excellent company and they do this play ia a a man ner to receive t!e sppUnse ef their a-c- aoce. Harrisburg has a Sundae School whh foliowlsc oicers ; George Ilesdersoo. saperintend'ot ; f tarry Wi son, Aut Supt; Miss Jean kTcOiniel. secretarv: Mrs BemU, tn-asarer; Ethel RkUle, hurarian : S A liulin, cbortster; Miss Cecil Ramer, organ is.. Sio secret sooetes can sow boast of having an elegant txil.the equal of wfcich Is seldom fnund in similar sized towns. The celling sed wail have been decorated with paper ar.a fresco, and the wood work ith paint acd varnish b Jfeasra Hart & Danna s, Aibanr's leading (Uurirsri, which is a guarantee that the srork is well and neati done and of which taev have no reasoa ! feel aahasued. Sdo Press. Religious Serivcca. Rev G M Irwia. Sarwrintendentof Pab- lic Instroctioa ekct. amved lis Albany this noon and will preach ia the Presbyterian church totnorrow, morning aad evening. Other services as usual. United PresbrtiTiaa: Services ecndsK't- ed by tbe paster. Morning subject. "After Commission what Xext?" S S at 2i3t: C E 6 JO. Evening service at 7-Jt). 1M are welcome to our services. Services morning and evaaing ea to morrow at the Cocgregatieaat ehurca. Object at 11 o'clock, "An Iron Hearted Pnmhei." Is the avrainir. -Saanst (iomd Thisgt ia tbe Life of Saamgar ' eVsskesI each night daring next week. Dr C F C lapp will be present during a tart wf thisJ time. Mews meeting tomorrow, Jan Eth. at 4 p 111. Lev McKee will te toe ptincipwl speaker. Men and bojs will be made wel come. Lome tLri'tiaiss aad throw out tbe life line. The Weather. Saturdav and Sunday rain and slightly cooler. River at 3 p m, n.6 pros pect of a raise of 4 ft for the next as. hours F M French, dirplaymasx. Local Txacheks' Ixsmvrm. A tsssjk era local institute will be he's! skMsassW, f January 12, ISiio, at Shedd.Uask t.wj Two sessions during tha day wtti IS) fiisH On Atnniav nn-ht a lv-tni-i will bw ssissassi by Prof. Louis Baraee, oi JcfacwsSa. t 'p biect is: "Patrons' Kelatioa sw watf School." All teachers and patrosas arl cordially invited to be preaeat and sala L part in the discussions. A. K. KcTHaxroaa, Co. Sup't. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement at tends to personal enjoyment wh.v rightly used. Tie many, who live tx ter than a therm and eujoy life mere, wi less expenditure, by mere prampi . adapting the world's best products t the needs of physical being, will attest the value ta health, of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ia the remedy, Svrup ef Figs. Its excel leaca is due to ita presenting in the form atast accepUUe and pieas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of apsrfeet lax ative ; effectually cleamstig the system, dispelling colds, headaches and foveas and permanently raring censtipation. It has given satiafaation te millions and mat with the annreval af the medical nmression. because it acta on tke Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable auostaaca. SvrrjD of Fisrs is for sale by all irusr- gists in f 0 cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name ts printed oa every package, also tha name, Syrup of Figa. and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute K awe. W.L. Douglas ?3 SHOE. is the BraT. HOSQtitAS.IHa 5. CORDOVAM. fsrjh4E,iB(aiscAir I' "saw"" r wuwLtj JUU; : ""11 JE a. a . . y LAD ICS BROcrCTOM. Ma Ts esus save sss)ey fcr mrsssIss VV . L. Ussilas shM. ue masaiactarcrs at rbsca its ia tbe world. as4 raaraaizc sine bv stamps tk ..'1 M tke botwn. whic.i protects y sgaimt Ugh nsrt aad t n-.4iniaD s ptcfiu. Oarsboe-s cqsal c-asswn worfc Hi My:, cmty t'Uag mzz4 smrisr camis. Vj havr tacss s;i crv. wkere at knrrr pr.rr far tin vj!m r:vrs iv-s suv other make. Tstt st nUia: . 1 -dealer caaaot mpi-lf Jfc--, w cai 1.1! 1 THE t.E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Red Crown Roller Ms t'aeorporatcd Bast Soar Sor Lanultssd bakers ssef BEST STORAGE FACILITIES'. Mexican Mustang Liniment RusWe aaaasaJj for Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, fcrnlses and Strains, &iBiiing Sores, Wnflmsm$atictts, Hajtta t $adiUe Sores, Sciitlca, -t ' Cumbaryo, ScalffsT Siisicrs, rns3ct Bites, An Cattle Ailments, ATI Horsje Ailments, AH Sheep Aliments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrdne and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of-Pain and Ousts it in a Jirfy. Rub in VigDroiXsIy. et?J ITiirregt coociBsrt JUakaw Aaw er Beast vreil exatsv. ARE TOE "BE5T ClttARKTTE SMOKERS wko care to pay a little more thaa the cost of ordinary trade cisareres will d tie PET CIGARETTES UPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf gvowa ia Virginia, and are 'ABSOLUTELY PORE m. b. . in." i! giro ass tun totam is sntd aw3r (Kwuiva wntuw rasimEilMh by ints onir. tonisa ak M ctuckassw; Mcfat Lam; Evil Onsms: lek cf tuBBds?isw: Xervoawiesa; 1 ssi ijtade; ail Draiss: lsaof Fowwof Uw(ivssrauT Oraas ia siUtee sax. casisssl bf evr-exrtHK, Yoathiui Errwrs. or Xxossmva Cs ot Tutwceo. tHua r Lnjuor. sslnch lisiiis siiserr. Owtsaaption. liuity sea Dsata. By mail, tt a box; six toe kwita WVattsw aasswatsw ta ear ce sohutd bsm.. Sample iwtus rantuinrce liv dsjs' treaunewt. wtsa fall icstrueuoBs. S cams. One tamr -osUysuld toeaca persua la mial. J A Cumming, sole agent, Albany, j A IM" $ Erfjnio-Cslsrs. SjIM erHw assrt fcr yuu or Sic Lstwnsl xr rnl Sen!s; sfeaftir Kls. Botuaa. Gtnt. Kklacr I isaidri. Acid l5 wtk.. limis Anrtuon (or Alcufeolta su(MruuMM4 i'ru ILL 2i ttai ijL ..m-. C THE ARNOLD CHESICAL 0. ISIS. Wester .tvecae. CKiCACQL Sold by all druggists. LADIES DO I0U SSOW OR. FEUX LE BRW3 5M HSO FEPYBOTE FILLS r tl onjrtita) and ocry lt3KNCH. alaid r- tiaAMCfyv on t& market, rrtt twut oy uoatuno oi. t oaijf txf I A Cumm ing, sole gent A-tv, LEOn .sia full TTtaS SIX. Tb ninij i ?1 ' bsKos; iigsKk i eU cti fs l swai sa, if mm W iiiisaw AjssMa cf Ls ta-j r tta ry . ssbVS, rsVSttrs 9tS99 Oi slaet sir sMiubTOSjsl Bnl puiswiwaaa r.-aia-ImN U U UM stisstaaj CasAll PREVEMTTVS wysssda sn ?t ia t ptmibew taat ail ssr am wosw sail A imusi ; tas ta hbo tw f tasowar sstrtAaty latrrniim AxwucrTA J A Cummtng, sole agent, Albany. I s V sun II ssi r fla at Vry an as