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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1895)
F. P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prop. When Ihe English sparrow bawk it dying toward itt dinner it cleave space at the speed of 15a mile aa hour. The great pelican could no Spread Its wing in a hall bedroom. It often meas -ures 15 feet from tip to tip. A fatal fall from a great height i; said to be painless, as unconsciousness precedes the crash of concussion. Dry snuffs ax prepared from tobacco that has been subject "to a high temperature be fore the Uf 18 ground. Talk about your silver dollar getting the Daily Democrat four months. This is big: but look at this: A silver dollar runs the state legislature just 20 seconds. While the editor of the Sheridan Sun is attending to his duties as a state represen- taliva the "devil" and a Methodist preach er are running his paper. A curious com bination. A Lexow committee would have Us hands full in San Francisco, even in Portland. When it comes to Municipal rot the Pa cific coast will hold its own with any sec tion of country. , The Oregonlan did some wonderful work for Senator Dolph. Will it repeat the doses when-Senator Mitchell comes smil ing into the arena two yean hence. This is intended for a joke. An interesting thing about the silver dol lar is that it buys one hundred cents worth of Albany merchandise, and will secure the Daily Democrat, by mail, four months in advance. Retrenchment is the order of the day' from Albany, New York, to Albany,Oregon where the Daily Democrat may be secur ed for 10 cents a week delivered or 25 cents per month by mail. It is estimated that the annual consump tion of butter is aboct $10 per capita, That means $40,000 or $50,000 a year in Albany alone. A poin'er in reference to creamir-es. They are bavin? a aect and sharp time of it up in Idaho electing a U S Senator. It is now about 20 to 16 in favor of Sweet, with the populists stroeg enonah to have a mountain of fan. Albany continues the grand city of the valley. When the clouds - of depression rise the out look for this city in the Will amette at the cross roads of the Southern Pacific, and Oregon Pacific, rich in its en vironments, cew tested mines and blessed by a wholesonkd people, will bs second to none. ." Pennoi er has one friend. The Astoria Budget rays: "The Oregocian" should have the decency to let up oa its abuse of Governor Pennoyer, now that he is oat of office. Still, the people don't expect much from an old hog but a grunt, or an old dog, but a whine." A large European demand for American horse is reported. An agent from Scot land is hers with orders to buy 2500 head and one from Belgium intends, to secure 23,000 head, which he is looking for in both Eastern and Western markets. They ar taking al classes, but want good indi viduals of good breeding. ' The Japs continue to pull the Celestials by the nose. They knock, the chips off their shoulders at will. One hundred Americans could drive ' ten thousand Celes tials through the tea fields of China. The Japs seem to think they could face tha world; bat they could not cope against American va'or and genicg. . The Japs are just about half way between the Amer icans and Celestials. " People don't pay much attention about whom they elect to represent ifaem in the State Legislature. Had it been known that some of them would try to divide op Lien count?, they would have been snow ed under roof deep- It will be a good idea in the future for the people to find out how candidates stand on so important matter, one that affects " one of the very best counties in the state to the depths of its interests. A Helena correspondent for the Anacon da S'andard is authority for the statement that oue legislator committed himself to twenty-'-wo girls who want committee clerkships. That is tantamount to saying there are at least twenty-two female byp notizers at the capital seeking office. Great Scott,' and not a single Joseph reported among the men. Inter-Mountain. Edward Bok in tho Cosmopolitan gays the young man wants short sermons and he will go where he can get ihem.and says the Episcopal church has added wonder fully to its membership on account of its ten'y minute sermons. When one has listened twenty or thirty minutes to a ser mon, one is refreshed, but thirty-five or forty minutes is wearisome fo the common every day sort of a fellow. Condensation is the program nowadays, and the Demo crat will seek to follow this idea in its editorial ealumns. . . . . . Tl e people of Oregon have both eyes on ihe present State legislature. 1 hey are ' going to be heard if there is . any msnkay business. They wanl economy in ' the clerkship business, action in the disso lution of the Rilr a'l Commission, and 01 Iwr commission, etcetera. The repuhli. cans of Oregon have a grave-responsibility on their hand. W I' they serve the p?o. plr. fr not. P10I ably not, There wi 1 be :he UMtal sinecure of clerkship,' tbout as mi-ly commit for,i a ever, and jUg; i,e sauie o'd story of back scratching on ap propriations; o that when Ibe IrgUlature adjourns look out. Of all ihe ridiculous cusb 111s in the Oregon S-ate Legislature about the worst is that of making the Stale pay for five newspaper for each legislator, a total cost or over 500 fcr something .that is prac'ic ally a personal matter. ' . - - Leg'sl-iiors who get 83 a d.ty and can 1 vo for go!d bugs should pay for" their own pupers. Anil then every last one of them wiit go ho, ne with a waste basket in hand and penknife in pocket. ' Wonder if they don't feel cheap some times. Make No Mistake. " QBv dispelling the symptoms so olten mistaken for Consumption. Soma Abie has brocght gladness to mtny a house hold. 11 Its prompt nse for brewing up the co d hat too often develops into ' that fatal di-tea, thousands can be saved from an un imely grave You mite no mistake bj kerpln; a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. California Cat-R cure i equally effective In eradicating . all waccs of Nasal Catarrh. B h of these wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by Foshay Si Mason 50 and f I a package, 3 for $3.50. , Brace Up. ; Brace up. Put some electricity into your fibers; raise your head, chin up. Don't bend to the ground as if your last frind were gone because times are hard. Why.tha: Is what does It. Brace up. Face the music, do battle with the fiend of depression and he wilt be conquered. What cannot a man do who wills it; what cancot the members of a com muni' y do who put their shoulders to the . wheel and with a unanimous shout push forward; what can not the people of a nation do if ther will it . Tha Democrat editor is an optimist from his bump of nope to Ihe bottom of his feet. He belleves'things will look up, though slow ly; he wi'l believe this if the depression last five years. He will look for good times when another year rolls around. . ; B.ace up. Qait growling. Time are a grist deal better than some let on, but they ate bad enough. People have so gotten la tie habit of looking long ftced and telling their neighbois times are "aful hard,' that the disease has permeated the world. Brace up. Or you will sink. A well man, If he wills it, may sink into disease. A sick man, if he wills it, may rise from his couch into health. Theie is nothing like the little pill of will to make the blood course with rythmic thump in ones veins. Brace up. Sow is when the world needs braced up men. AJi around are people trying to mass us believe the world is going to ruia cross lota, and that soon we win troout like the twinkling of a star. Same time . we will, bit not now. Mark 'it. not until several aes have passed. Brace up. It is needed in business that - yon meet , the emergencies. Perhaps you are one of those, who, in that era of boom, put your j money into the stream in order to be in the swim, covered yourself with mortgages, and are cow reaping the whirlwind. If S3 it ia indeed hard to brace np; but make the effort until your limbs ache and the cell of your longs crackle. Brace up. Let Albany peop'e heed the admoni tion. Albany is all right. Oit the best move on yoa know how, not the boom day move; but one with returning confidence. and let a sentiment of brotherhood induce every man to act on the forward increment plan, in a manner justified by the times, but ahead and not backward. There are silver linings to all the crouds, anl some day the sua will shine out and we will step oa the the Oregon Pacific overland for Balse City or Chicago with the old time vigor. American Railways. The report of the statistician cf the Inter-State Commerce Commission, who. by the way, IsProt Henry C Adams of Michigan University, contains some can ons facts and figures. It is shown, far example, that 101,000,000 more people rode on the cars last year than in 1890, but the average journey was not quite so long. In 1890 the average passenger rode 24.06 miles, in I891 24.18, in 1392 23.82 and in 189323 97 miles. One can nbtlerstand why the average number ot tons hauled on a freight train should not vary a great deal year after year, for the railroad managers control that, but it is remarkab'e that the average length of the journey taken by 593,560,612 people for that is the number of the pas sengers carried last year should be so reg ular. And another equally singular fact is that the average number of passenger on each train was exactly the same in 1891 1S92 ana" 1893, and it was 42, although the passenger-train mileage increased from 285,575,804 to 335,618,770. In New England the average number of passengers in each train was 61 ; in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 46; in the South Atlantic S'ates, 40; in the Gulf States, 30; in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, 31; in Illinois, Wisconsin. Iowa and Minnesota, 41; In Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas, 35; in Kansas and Colorado, 34; in Texas and New Mex ico, 34, and on the Pacific Slope, 54. In New Eogtand the average length of the jonrney of each passenger . was 15.48 miles; in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 17.29; in the South A' Untie States, 31.86; in the Gulf States, 87.48; in Illinois, Wisconsin. Iowa and Minnesota, 28.23; in Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana and the -Dakotas, 76.89; in Kansas and Colorado, 64.47; in Texas and New Mexi co, 50.59, and on the Pacific Slope, 35.02 Another curious feature is the even bal ance in the proportion of the ea'nings from the several sources from which the income of the railway is derived. In 1891 the passenger earnings of all the roads in the United States were 25.64 percent of the whole, in 1892 they were 24.48 per cent, and in 1893 they were 24.70 per cent. In 1891 the freight earnings were 57.17 percent, in 1892 they were 68.24 per cent, and in 1893 67 92 per cent of the whole. The earnings from express in 1891 were 1 97 per cent of the - whole; in 1892, 1.89 per cent, and in 1893 1.93 per cent. The total revenues of all the railways In toe United states from passengers ws 1301,491,816; revenue from carrying mails was 128,445,053; revenue from carrying ex press was $23,631,394, makicg with other earnings incident to the passenger service income of $360,024,041, or 29.49 per cent of total earnings from operation. The revenue from carrying freight during the year was $829,053,861, which, with other earnings arising on account of freight ser vice, gives a total of $832,902,205, or 68.23 per cent of total earnings from operation. Recently the assistant treasurer of the United S'aies at New York city has turn ed into the Postoffice Department fund the sum of 1,300,000, which has been accu mulal'ng ' in the sub treasury during the last thirty years from the funds paid to the monej-order posioffices for remittances which have never been claimed. Old money orders are presented at the Post office Department almost every day, but the amount of the nnpaid money-order fund increases constantly, and there is no likeli hood that any part of the 1,JOO,000 will be claimed by its owners. In fact, every j ear from $50,000 to $100,000 is added to Ibe fund, which represents carelessness or neglect. A land contest in Oklahoma has been decided in a novel manner. The claim was occupied by two settlers, a man and a woman, and both declared that tie would fight for it till death. The man fell ill and h: fierf e fcm.ile opponent, fofter-ed int0 e;iu::.e wctUai,nuvd oyhts iiffl'ction, went to his shaatyand nursed him back to health. By this time they had decided (0 divide the claim between them and then Cupid appeared on the scene in the midsi of a bl'zzard snd they went to n mioia'er ini'ead of to the land office and entered in to a matrimonial compact by whic'i racti got the whole of it. , . The White House corner atoj was I rid in 1792. hd the bui dlng was tint occupied by John Adartn. - Valedictory. At announced in yesterday's issue I have severed my connection with the Democrat after a period of more than twelve years as editor and part owner. With many regrets I part company with the old staunch friends who have so generously, in all these years, contributed their liberal support to the paper as advertisers and subscribers. In conducting the editorial columns I have always sought to impress the public mind In the direction of a better and broader citizenship, to elevate the morals and char acter of those who have from day to day, and from week to week, been readers of these columns' I tru-.t I am not at vari ance with the truth when I express the be lief that the efforts thus put forth have not been fruitless ones. The newspaper is of far reaching influence, and a powerful ed ucator of the minds of tnen.' The respon sibility of conducting a newspaper Is far weightier than most people may ordinarily imagine. Morally the responsibili'y is of the nature of a public trust, and it is a matter of grave importance that the editor should faithfully perform bis trust. How well I have performed the trust committed to. my bands is left to the people to judge. In bidding goodbye to the thousands of men, women, and children who have been regular readers of this paper, I earnestly express the hope that all may continue their liberal support to the Democrat as such a paper is indlspenslble to the prog ress, prosperity, and well being of the people of the field In which it circulates. For the present, and may be for all tims to come, I bid all Su editorial adieu. T. J. Stites. Curious Facts. la Portugal a married lady cancot legally publish literary work without her husband's consent. The elephant is commonly supposed to be a slow, clumsy animal, bat, when excited or frightened, can attain a speed of twenty milts aa bonr.and can aeep it up for half a da. The chameleon's eyes are siluattd in bony sockets prcjecliog from the head. By this contrivance the animal can see in any direc tion w'.thout the slightest movement save of lh eve. The habit of turning sound three or faor times before lying down has survived la the domestic deg from his savage ancestry . It then served to break down the grass ard maxe a bed. A man in Bremen has invented a kiad of "oil bombs'' for calming the waves,' which can be fired a short distance. There are small holes in them, allowing the oil to ma out ia about an hour. .. The alligator never leaves fresh water hile the crccodile frequently travels long d -stances bv sea. It has been seen 1 000 mites from land.and it, is possible that these sea-gotng crocodiles have given rise to sea- serpent stories. Probably the very largest fire-iasoraace policy in existence, or ever written, is that covering the property of the Santa Fe R til- way Company. It was issued by the rbue nix Fire of London, England, ia in amount 1 1 7, 000, co J, and fakes a premium of $170.- 000 to carry. Birch waited loag far a full recognj 100 t a cabinet wood. Within the pas year it has ruaie rreat strides ia the favor of manufacturers of furniture and finish, looks now as if it were to take the place of cherry in a large ay. No nan hern ar.d comparatively cheap wond can be utilized tor Hght-cjlorrd finish so well as blr.h. "Did yoa ever anice the fact," asks observing correspondent, "that tie who walks on ihe shadv aide cf the street and takes off his hat to cod his hea l on hot day is, nine times out of leo.bald head ed, while the mm with a shock of hair enough to make a window brutb never thinks of removing his Ls. whatever lie temperature msy be. Treated birch," says a Philadelphia builder'beromes mshogany of rare beauty and 'soaked' nnple goes into all "ebony pianos now. So cleverlv is the 'fake' wood 'weighted' that nothing short of borings wilt prove the deception. Maple mahogany soaked though to a depth of foar inches, and will polish even better thaa the gena ne wood. The Atlantic steamers, which most make the voyage now In seven days or unler.buro from two hundred to three hundred tons of coal daily, making this item of expense over I1500 every twenty-foor hours. The Cat bria burns twelve tons of coal per hour, and oa every vessel of her size the journals sod bearioes of the machinery require 130 gal Ions of lnbricatirg oil per day. Worse than Ilcre. 1 Tliia clerkship st-al business seems to universal. It is not confined to Oregon and Washington. California is having dose beside which that o! Oregon is a mere speck. The Examiner says: Tbe prodigal distribution of clerkships and other positions among the needy horde that has followed the legislators to Sacra men to is nothing less (ban a scandal. The actual needs of ths Legislature in the way clerks, dooi keepers snd watchmen hav been exceeded thrice sver already, snd the end is n?t yet. Ytst. rcxy Senator McAllister expressed the fetling of the people of the State ou! side of Sacrameoto when he hotly denounc ed the extravaganne that bad run cp Ihe contingent list of thu Srna'e to $7:9 a day agaiast 1 he $269 that sufficed for tbe Srnate of 1SS0. There is no more legislation be fore the Legislature te day than there was before that of fifteen years ago. On the contrary there is less. Yet tbe expenses are already three times tbit of the old Leg islature and piss evf n those of some of the extravagant bodies that have roused the In dignation of the people 10 so Liiy'i a pitch io later years. The assemb'y Is raining a ran with the Senate. The necessary attaches were sp poin'ed on January 8th, and they are now doing such' work as is h:lng dooe. Yet on the 9'.h twenty-eight more a t'Ches were named, on the i6 h forty-three more were provided for, snd yesterday tho Assemble voted to put thirty seven more on the lis'. It is notorious that these appiiiin.eots are not needed by the State. There is no servfee that these appointees wi'.l or on perform for the people. Yet tl.e uumbc s of the Legis'ature hive voted almost unan imously U psy them tl e peoplet money. Toe vote on the last j b found only nine teen nitmbers opposed fo the grab o fifty srven who f tvored it. fire Men Killed. , Sti'bgw, Ky., Jan. 22. About 11:30 onight an explosion occurred at the mines of the Tradeswater colliery. Five kegs of powder exploded inside the mines killing nve men a ad two males and cav ing the mines in on them, About 75 men are now at work digging tho men from the debris. They have reached the mules, and they are horribly mutil ated. Money iu Ltwn. t have money to loan on good 'farm land In Ltnn and He.ilon counties in ums not over 3000. Mo delays in fur nishing the coin. Call on 0 G Burkhar'., Mbany, Oregon. Also money to loan 011 dtv prrpcrtyfin any amount on long tlm at s low rateoE i.iieiest. TWO MORE THAN NEEDED. Dolph Being Swallowed Whole. Capital, SALEU.Or. Jan. 26nd, 2:40 p 111 This is the day of days in legislature of Oregon for it is today that witnesses the election of U S Senator. In the upper house this morning Senators lirownell placed in nomination Dolph and mado a very able address in behalf of his man. He viewed his past life, his ability, his integ rity and moral upwrightness and occupied half an hours time ana about ten sheets of tpye written manuscript in the telling senators and spectators why his mau should go in. His eloquence bad a salutary effect for Dolnh secured 19 votes out ef a nnnsihiA 30 and Hare and Dennett secured together the remaining eleven. Senators Houston. Holt, Cogswell, But ler. Beckley, King, McAlister, Roily, Smith of Clatsop, Smith of Sherman and Van Deburg voted against the gold stnndiird man, could not be persuaded or bluffed into doing other be. Several of the sen ators who upon arrival at the senate were counted Capon by the opposition, cast their votes for Dolph when the critical moment arrived. Comment on their actions is considered unnecessary by the silver men. In the lower house today the speaker announced the chairman and members of the different standing committees. The selection gives a very general satisfaction and displays a vast amount of painstaking stud von sneak er Moores part. The election of U S Senator made a special order of business for 2 p m and at 1 :45 the large assembly hall is crowced upstairs and down. First ballot House. Dolph 29; Judge F ar,oore. zs: Lord. 1 : w. 11. 11 are 7. Joint ballot tomorrow. Lacks One Vote. VAFfTOL, OAXKM, ur, Jan so, o p m Both house met in joint convention at 12 o'clock today to ballot for U S Senator. The large assembly hall was packed to the doors who spectators. several vtt strong speeches made by anti-Dolph men cod were received with cnews. uoipn speeches met with groans and hisses by spectators. Owing to illness of one member it only required 4o votes to elect of which Dolph received 44. Just lacking one. Will ballot again tomorrow at 12 o'clock. cUUot resulted as follows Dolph. 44: Haw, 10: Lord. 5; Geo II Will iams, 1; Moore, 17; Herman, 4; Ujonett, A Lane County Gun Accident. Ecgxxk, Or, Jan 21. Ed Poill, 17 years old. a strident of the University, living in Springfield, while coming over j this morning shot himself in the right 1, making a bad flesh wound. Be had the revolver in the right coat pocket, and while studying bis lessons be on- eoncioualy polled toe trigger the ball! entered bis teg just beloar the groin. penetrating the Bean downwards about 10 inches and setting slothes on fire, lie went to a boat near and a doctor was sent for, who extracted the ballet. Xue box factory U awn red. the ma chinery already arriving. MISFITS. Aa usual the Smiths are in it There are six ia the state legislature Uon l tell vonr tronctee l.sre: we have enoogh of oar own," is a sign be hind a Portland hotel bar. Mercury. The Salem Frt gives the editor ot that city the following bard bid: Gov Fletcher of the Editorial staff of the Poet speaks tonight at Uowelt Prairie on "Common Sense." Newspaper men of Salem will do well to attend. x -Superintendent Mc Kirov bat not yet taken bis chair. Hecannotgive up ire-polling. Ua looks mor like any thing else than professor of literature. Poet This is unkind, for a a matter of fact Mr UcKlroy baa very much the appearance of a professor and is certain ly a gentleman, though nt runs thin; into politics too much. Normal schools cost the burdened tax payers of this state for ls3 9 the biz am of tol,3o2.7'. -Not another dollar ought to be appropriated for them. They also are Ma schools maintained at favored points at the expense of all the taxpayers 01 :e state. As we are guiltv we have to oublisb the following from the Times: The Willamette valley papers, whenever the S P overland train from the sooth pass es late, gives "heavy snoas ia the Siski you s'' as the cause. Neither toows nor storms has delayed trains in the f-iski- yoos id any of the recent brief blockade or delays there has been no lack of snow on the biskiyoos so far this winter bat the storms and enows that have blockaded trains have been sooth of these mountains. faase Mrlefcca. SuASoiiii, Jan. 22. The Japanese movement on Wei-Hai-Wei has caused a panic in Ticn-Tsin and Teking. Tbe Chinese peace envoys have been ordered to expedite the negotiations with the Japanese government. Japanese cruis ers are watching both channels at Wei-Hai-Wei. The attack upon the strong hold may be delayed a week. The siege trains move slowly, the roads being cov ered with snow. Long Siege of Dangerous Illness Left In Lew Condltlon-Clven Health and Strength by Hood's Saraaparilla. "C. I. Hood ft Ov Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I bars been through a terrible siege ot illness, and owe my present health to Hood's SarsapariUa. First, I was taken alck with measles, and oa the eighth day the doctor said I bad bronchitis following that complaint. In a short time lung fever developed, and I was ia a serious condition for quits a while. When I began to get a little better, my friends thought that U I ever got up I would bars Consumption, I had such t terrible cough and threw off twice my weight leoctlnoedlnaveryweakaadlow condition; my weight falling from 115, before I was taken stele, to CS pounds. Then in January, 1883, 1 bad an attack of the grip, and was con fined to my room ten weeks. After this attack I was still very weak and did not gain health at all until I began to take Hood's SarsapariUa. I had no appetite for anything, and was sick at my stomach continually and had a bad taste ia my mouth. Boms friends who were taking Hood's SarsapariUa begged me to try It. jly parents bad despaired of anything doing sis good, bat began to give me the medicine, and before I had taken ons bottle there was such A Change'for the Better - that they were glad to have me continue. Tbs second bottle did for me What no medicine had ever dona. It gave me strength sand brought my general health up to where It was two weeks Hood'sCures Before I was taken with the measles. I nave now nlshed my third bottle, and feel strong and well. I shall always thank to Hood's Sarsa pariUa." E. Irkxa Harris, Irving, Orsgon. Hood's Pills are prompt and efOetent, yet Basy in action. Sold by alt drarglata. SSe. HU E. Irena Jlarrlm Irving, Oregon. Fought for Life DBAPECZO A Deadlock. Olvmpu, jan. 22.-The republican caucus to nominate a candidate for Unit ed htatwi senator reconvened this even ing, and, after taking 12 ballots without agreement, adjourned sine die. This moans that the prominent candidates, Levi Ankney, John L. Wilson, John . Allen and John S. McMillan each failed to secure the requisite 41 votes to nomi nate, and that tho fight will now be thrown into tho legislature, with every probability of a reiitition of tho dead lock of two years ago. Will Ke Itt II. Portland, Jan. 22. Paul Jones, the globe-trotter, was duo to arrive in Port land last night, but he did not come. iioubtieaaliu wm be here today. Jones has been On tha Snnml far n imintutr cf days, and Portland is a part of his itin erary on his way back to Itoston, Mass., wuurv ue in to arrive by rebruary 12, in order to win a wager cf $-'iO00. Paul Jones, otherwise Euiil C. Pfeiffer, a lloe ton nowspajer and magazine writer, started on a trip around the world. It was on a wager of ')000 tliat a man could start absolutely naked and travel around uie giowj, and in that tune make foOOO gross. Big Wheal fttstpsassU. IIifi-NEB, Or., Jan. 22. There lias been a total of 820 carloads of wheat shipped from the Willow Creek breach tlua season. The wheat season is prac tically over, not mora than 15 per cent remaining in the farmers bands, the greater portion of w hich will be used for feed and seed. rgarlttas ttsewsa. Sacbavkstu, Jan. 22. George C. Per kins was thoaen United States senator to succeed himself for the unexpired term of the late Lcland Stanford, by the legia- houses met separately. In the assembly the first ballot sufficed to give Perkins one more rote than the necessary major ity. Tsslear la Brkl;a. Bkookltv, Jan. 21. Violence and bloodshed, constitutes the record of the eighth day of the electric street-car oper atives' strike. Three militiamen are in the hoepitals with broken heeds: two having suffered at the hands of riotous men and women, while the third was the victim of his own carelessness, hav ing fallen out cf a second-story window. A score of more policemen are suffering from bullet wounds or contusions of the head and bodr, disabling them for the time being. To what extt nt the strikers nave suffered cannot be conjectured. Will B A4vaar4 Ciuoiuo, Jan. 21. All the Western roads have now recorded Utt-ir votes on the question of advancing tho one-way anil round-trip rates to the Pacific coast, and Uie vote is unuiistakablv for the raise, which w ill take effect February 15. The matter was prac'jeaily decided some days ago, but there wen a few lines which were slow getting in their vote. and the matter was not considered as finally settled until thi-y had been beard from. . aaSTertBC la siestlwrh. New Yeas, Jan. 21. A special from Carter City. Kr.,sjys that in proportion to its population there is perliape no spot in this country where mon want and ruflfring exist than along the vallcrs of eruuri aim uuiiug nwu, in mat coun ty. The valleys of both streams are nar row snd the suit pour. The hillsides are so steep they cannot I farmed. Thcv produce little vegetation, and grating is not possible. About 25 have died. vstu i T4&r. SaauMexro, Jan. 21. The California legislature w ill rut separately tomorrow for a Cnited Hat senator. " The most prominent candidate before the legisla ture, which is strongly republican, are Perkins. Uie present incumbent, and M. II. Ie Young, of t'an Francisco, proprie tor of the an FranriscoChronirle. Con gressman Lowers and Jacob Neff Isave a'o bee a mentioned as possibilities. BV!llermte Stanlrr Wau-A Walla, Wash., Jan. 21. Be tween 11 and 12 o'clock, iodav, at Uie! rui.ruitar 1 , j-fTJ Jioyt K1I4CU Convict Ueurjrc Keif by striking him on Uie head with an ax. The men were at work excavating pita in Uie bnckvarvl at the same time. Keif was in one and Hoyt another .abont 50 feet away. While Uie work wsa going on ilovt uicked on an ax lying on tlie embankment and dc- tiueratelv wulsiol to the pit where Kelt was working, and, without warning, hit him. A MMra4 BVriarra'. rtxDLEVos, Or., Jan. 21. Charles S. j Jackson, receiver cf Uie National Kank J of Tend k-ton, has received auUioritv from j Uie controller of the currency to declare a dividend ot 23 per cent on the proved j claims of the clueed bank. Tbe bank j suspended May 10. 139J. A etcl Saak. Locwvinjt, Jan. 20. The Cincinnati k New Orleans Iacket line's steamer itate of Missouri waa sunk in the Ohio nver just below Alton, Ind., Saturday evening, just after 6 o'clock, and it is be lieved at least 10 lives were lost. The vessel struck a rock and ripped the star board side-open from end to end. In tees Uian five minutes she was a complete wreck. Nearly everybody jumped into the river and made for the shore, some hundred yards away. She had on board 20 passengers and a crew of between 73 and 0. .Murt of the crew were negroes. So far as can be told, no pa tigers were lost. One man rescued four passengers on a mule, which swam aialiore. The passengers were all ticketed through to ."cw Orleans, 1 ke Balle B)taaler. BiTTB, Jan. 20. John Sloan, sr., the 55 th victim of tbe explosion, died last nigbt. Lty his death, his wife is left en tirely alone, two sons, John and Ixi.ttrc- men, having been instanUy killed by Uie first explosion. Con. ft. Clair, anoUier victim, is very low ana is not expected to survive the night. George Devov, a cigarmaker, the 56th victim, died at 3 o clock this morning. Three more fu nerals of victims were held in Butte to day, and one more body was shipped away. There are four more in the hos pitals who can scarcely recover. Terjr Serteas. Brooklyn, Jain. 20. There is a )ossi bility of federal troops being asked for, in view of the interference -with roads which carry tho mails. Members of the First artillery, United States army, sta tioned at Fort Hamilton, who have been away from the post on leave, were noti fied last night to report for duty at once, as all leaves of absence aro cancelled. This is a precautionary measure taken by the commanding oilieer, so that his men will bo ready for any emergency that may arise. Destroyed ay EartMaalie. London, Jan. 20. Tho Times has a dispatch from Teheran, capital of Persia, stating that the town of Kuchan, in the province of Khorasan, which was de stroyed by an earthquake 14 months ago, and which was subsequently rebuilt, was again destroyed by an earthquake shock Thursday last. There w as, as on tho previous occasion, great loss of life. A Baker Clly Aliercatltw. Barer City, Jan. 20. This afternoon an altercation took place in the St. Law rence resiaurant.ixMween the proprietor, Mr Adams, and Frank Bhinn. While Adams was eiectiniz Shinn from the house, the two clinched and fell. In tho ! melee bliinn bit off a portion of Adams' nose. Later bhinn was locked tin in the county jail. More War JSewa. ftU. Shanghai, Jan. 20. It is reported here on good authority that a part of the Jap anese fleet is bombarding Teng Chow, a short distance from Che Footo tho west. No detai.'s have vet been received. The British warshin Daphne and the Ameiican warship Yorktown are in the vicinity of Teng Ohow. Ladles wt.o oetire to order a De'sarte Corset or waist, or self adjusting corset from Mrs Talt, may leave ordtra l;h Mrs Howind o;i Broadalbin St between snd ar.d 3rd Sts. Rhuma.isra, Neuralgia, ST JACOBS OIL SESTETS, T7Z&X3, 'J?tt2Z2JZ'3?. 1 as. si. Strea, RIDERS! XaWa (ha a lata ta kava II aoae. W will pat 1S9S "O. J." ellaearr Urea with wood ar aleel (eopprr alaiedl rtsaa mm roar "ola wheel for. ...... SIT.SO Wa Will hav e a full line of RAM BLERS to ihow you in due time. Overman A Scara. a. nine. w. n.DiKDiKcnr. d. a. jamk ALBANY FDMTOBE CO., mCOFORATlTD Calliraorc Blotk, - Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING specialty. Residence er 3rd and Ca-sr-ooia FIRE INSURANCE Insure j-our property wilt Joseph V- Talt ir. The OldHartford THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, D or ono o f the ollitr reliable fid line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of tins given for payment on faru insurance. All business plac ed witL him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN BALTIMORE Block, Albany, r Star Baker j CarRraatfeifcla a4 Ural t COKEAD fUEYEB. flCPEIITCP. mm rretta, Wmmmwrnrtt Orle- Frwlla. Tskaece, . CeBee, Causae Msxa. Qsaeasvart Tecetatkle. Cigars pie. Test, Kte mmi. taat St kaat la a ftmm vartasj aaa tmnmj aton Haast wrtrt ansa pate I 4M.L KINDS OP PRODUCE ALBANY COLLEGE. Next term 0h?ds Jan. 2, 1 895. NEW CLASSES organised in Colleg. orroal. Commercial, IVparatory and preparatory L epartraaits. Address F. G. YOUNG, . President. ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN tilVE you more genuine Insur ance for a fi.oo than any oilier agent in Albany. Any rjhocl-boy who can control pre miums to the amount of f 300 annually can rciie the agency for an imurancc Co., for tuat reason do not think that every man who writes Insurance policies Is sn "insurance man.' Insure in the SUN. PHOENIX, LON DON, MANCHESTER, and NORWICH UNION of England,or CONTINENTAL of Ne York ant) have something- for yo;:r money m cae of honest loss. Notes taken on ar:r Insarance. M fc RNDERst, M'gr. Valley adjuster for the gun fns office of London, UighesCpriceripalJ for all kinds of grain. DISSOLUTION NOTICE The s partnership batwr en k VeV. F Vail ana 8 LWir?iton ha b ien ditto vail. VL and r Veal will continue tha bailie. a. D.ted January 12, 1S95. . littler & Collins, DENTISTS. Good work a ipeclalty. ALBANY. OREGON.! YtaNTED.-A gentleman with two V T cnuuren living ou a farm ceaire to secure tbe services ot a nclddle age lady aa housekeeper. Jnqni re at effke Sciatica, Dagkacha. THE 1895 With . A J." CIlMcfctvr Tire, nrw doBble-loclilaw m r mlrrt (rapper platen) rims LISAM THE WOHLD la peril, llaalaeaa.treasla saS bra a If. 1M03 prlrea l-all Miodrla (mS ar alrrl rlas -SIOO IHU5 prlera o. 7. M, U. tt'. Ca.. MS Mrs prlera Wo. 4'm. ' aa H'a, leaaactrS alrel rlaaa. ....... . 13 1895 IDEALS 9 SH-laea. with 0. J." oa h! ar alrrl rlraa . ., -. aoa Harper'8 Weekly. IN 1895. Harper's Weekly is a pictorial history ot the Urres. It presents every Import ant event promptly, accurately, and ex haustively in lUosiratloo and descrip'Jve text of tr.e highest order. Tbe manner In which, during 1S9. U has treated trie Chicago Railway Strikes and the Chlno-Jaoanese War, and the amount of light it was able to throw ea Korea the Instant attention was directed to that little-known country, are exampl of its almost boundless resources. J atlas Ralph, the distinguished writer and cor respondent, has been sent to tv seat of war. and there joined by C D WekJon, th well-known American artist, now for many years a resident of Japan, who has been engaged to co-operate witH Ur Ralph In sending to Harper's Weekly ex clusive Information and illustration. Duriosr lSo everr vital question will be discussed with rigor and without prri udice in the editorial columns, and also in special articles bv tbe b'ehest author! ties in each department, l'ortralu of the men ard women who are making history. and powerful atd caustic political car toons, will continue to be characteristic features. "Ibis Busy World, with iu keen anJ kindly comment on the-lesser doings of the day, wiil rema'n a tegriat department. Fiction. There will be two powerful seHait, both bandaome'r Illustrated Trx Red Cockade, a sUrring romance of '. WJ en days by Stanley J Whtvroan. aud a novel of New York, entitled The Son of His Falt er, by Brander Matthew eial novelettes, and many short ttcrVt br popular writer. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the whh the Number for each year. Wbeo n Weraly hegta facaarv of tint ia m- tiooej, subacrtp lions will begio with tbe Number current at the time of rc;lpt of rdcr. Cloth curt, for bledlnf. ft. 00 eacH by mail, poaspaid. Title-page ana1 lode sent cn applica-.toa. Haaa . Oxaoi r Dna, ta awa ia M KOTtM ana aas Sa e aiUMoataasanraneMcrasHacra I msm PMiopiciu. "tt tear: HtapK-S UACXZtSK.. HKS WEEKLT.... HARjrta-s eaxvk BABTCR'S TOt JtO rEOM-E raur tlx ta a: tdtanSbcr ia tat Taaa Kasaa. AJdreis HARPER A BROTHERS, POBj9JYClir THROUGH TILKETS to the EAST via the Dcion Pacific System. Throneh Pullman Palace aleepera Tooriat sleepers and New Reclining Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heated by steam and cars light ed br Pintsrh Liaht. Tim to Chlcaeo 3l dav. time to Sew York 4H day, which is many honra anicker than all core petitors. For rates, time table and fall infor mation. sddIv to Crania i ifosTSiTB, agenU, Albany, Or. Or R W Barrox. C K Baows, Gen'l Aeent. Dist Pass Ait 135 Third St, Portland, Or. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETI -G- Notice is hereby giren to he leiral voters of School District 5'o 5, nt Lien county, Plate of Oregon, that a special school meeting of tha said District will be held at Central School 1 loose on the 26th day of Jan 1S95. at 7 o'clock p na, for the following objects: tor the pur pose of levy ioir a tax to support schools for the ensninir year. lated this 14th day of Jan, 1S33. A K Bloom, Chairman Board ot Directors. F K Allkw. Drsttlerk. NOTICE Notice ia hereby given that I have the funda on hand and will pay all connty warn mtii stamped previous to Nov 5, 1894, interest on the vanie closing at this date, the 5th day of Jan . , 185)5. . i. U. MORRIS. County Treasurer. Get your MEAT at . IRA. TURNERS, Ferry street, between First and Second. The heat meats ot all kinds at lowest prices always on hand, as a trial will convince you. Here Is Your Chance. Oood Burbai.k potatoes delivered fo any part of the city for 15 cts per bu Also if any man wants to work In a grub patch on Mackiemar.'e place near town tor me ci 15 cts per hour and take potatoes for pay, come on with grubbing hoe. Address me by postal card, or otherwise. . AlVlH j UROTHISS. imr ANTED. A widow lacy desires a ff placatowr I kin a private family. Call at this ofuoe. .SSI - tl Notice for Publication TJ 8 Ina Offlae, Oregon City, Or Dae 18, 1894. Koties is horsby given that the follow. lng naned aettlar baa QUd notice of his intention to make final proof ia support of bis claim, and tnai said proof will bs mads before County Clark of Lien Co, at AU baov.Or, o Fab 12, 1895, via. Joseeh O Gibson U E No 10947 for the lots 1, 2 and 7 ree is sad n tv J ot H w cf See 17 110 3, K4J!. Ala names tbs following ltaasaes So prove bis eontloooos residence upon and eoltlvaaoa of, said land, vie: E J, of Gates, Or, W H McOosal, J II Mct'oana. VV'm VI McBrida. all of Mioto, Or E A If ILK EE, - BgjUr . Notice for Publication U 8 Lat .Ornce Oaauox Cmr, Oa Dm iR. l 94. Aotica ts hereby givao that tho following named settler baa (tied Botios of his ia tcotion to make lisal proof ia asnoort of bis cla in, and that said proof will bo mado nelcr tbe ixranly Clerk of Una Co at Al bany, Or, 4 Feb 9tb, 1895. via: Joha A Blataeh H E No 10S74 for tba N i of N W x aou .i ?i oi n r, j oco t i 14 a, a a r. ne Barnes ue followicr wltnrsias to prove bis ooptiaaoos residence anoa and csltivatioo of, said la ad. via: G at Geis- codoifsr. rHer8cblosaef, H F Haibott, H v nchaltc, all ot Albany, Or. HUBBT A KILLER, Kegtator Koties for Publication US Lairp Ornce, Oarcoa Citt, Or Dw27, ISM Notic ia fcerebv civan that tbe follow iog ramed sUlr baa Glad ootica ot his ta- taation to rssis final proof ia aacport of bis claim, sod that said or oof will he made oeior me cxanty dark of Utom Co, at Al bany, Oresoe. a Fab 16, 1895 vrat i E YaomsMt, H E No 6243 for the SEJf 8ce 22 Tp 11 j R I R U naaMS ha fallow tng w.tnt to prove bis cootinaoas rest ft . n m n nnm .mI Milt.liM j.f miA ta.J via: G A Dowaiag, W L Wallaoe. W 6 Ctark, all f Lacomb, Orvgta, Carks Uowolng, cf Suytoa. Or. ROEEET A MILLER. Register S5.00 totic.oo PES DAY at setting Lightning Plater and platlcp j e.ry, waicne. tanieware, etc. very noute nas goods needing riatiag. 1.0 ex perience ; no capital; no talking. Some agents are reak'os tic tisy. Permanent oUon. Addresa H K & Co, Co rn bus, Onto. EXECtfTOa'S KCTICE Aotlos t feareby grvea that the anccr aigsadhas teo daly sppraBted by tbe Coqotv Cosrt of Lias count?. Orecoa. a saaeator of tba last wul and teatasoant of X C llicrf. deeeawd. Ail parsocs haviaa rb-aa agaiast aaid aatata are hareby aotib 'd to p-earat tbe aama ta taa asdairaed at Sao, Una eoaaty. Or, dalr verified at by law raqairad witbia all moats frcxa the aata ol tba) aotiee. Paled this 12:u dar of Jacatry. U93. Jrrrassos Istbls, Ebcator. Wratberfori Wjatt, AUys ftr Eiecwtor. CSTABLInED .1SCS FH Hammer. Wmlt Itzzmm lertiist, 215 and 217 Davia SL Cor. Comosemal, Sax FajLSCtsco, Cau We pay the highest market price for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, nuies. wool ana gen eral prouuec. It wili pay yon to write as and keep post ed. liberal advances made oa comurements. Pin Francisco Produce Each. Member: -j ( San Francisco Fruit Esdiaiige. T CAXttEKFOBD A ICY ATT at La. Win aracUe la al eaorta at Sh Saacnl maali'M va ta aniins ta aralrtr atatacalactMaa. OrtKs-h ta FJaa Mar 7 R BIILTEU kiurmj at La kaa BaBidw la (Tiiarary. aaaaaaaaaaaall potatm. iM aaraav. aJaaa- M OS1UIE w HACKLKHAH, - AlUmejs at Law. Albaxj, Gregon. UP (IT C0LLE6JAT? IISTITDM ALBANY. OREGON A f- 1 eorpa of teatrocSra, .JiSICAL, SCIEKTinC UTIEAIT C0MttECIALAX3 KSSHAL CLASSES. toorwea 01 ndy trrangad - maar U psi,ea 01 atndanta. Sftdm raa-acraarai ecras araaVa STOCKHOLDERS WFET1KG Nottoa is hereby given that th asanal vs -tiog of ths ttooV Holder of the Alba v Baitding and Loaa Aaaociattoa wilt be held oa Fnaay. Fab 15. 1S35 at the hoar ol 7 JO p m of aaid day, in tbs Bank of Oregon baiMiog ia Albany, Liaa eoaaty, Orra, for tba parpoa of ehctiag bibs direetam and three aaditor to asrvs for th term of oo year Beit ensuing bom aaid mtalirrt, and aatil fhait tacccaaon are alec ted aad qaaliSed and to Waa -act sack otkr ba i aaaa as atay ooats batore the ccjalioB Doae by nrder of sM ssaoeiatioa thia ISth day of January, 1S93. C B Wit x, Tl Bavavr. Seecu ry . Vicj Prwid a . ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. Notice it hereby eivea to all whom it may sonearq that tha nndeniened M P Frait, ha biea r ppoioted admin'jtrator of the eaUte of D V Miehael, deceased late of Una eoaaty, Oregon, by the Hoaxahl; County Conrt of th state ot Oregov, for Linn connty. and that b bas filed bU bor.d as och adrriBL-trator and th tame baa beaa approved by said court. All (rsoa having elainia agaitat said attat hereby noti fied od reoaind to prwnat th aana ta th andetstnd at th cfiic of Whitney & j Aawport ia Albany, Crecoo, or at his rt neoea abr.ot six miles south Of Brawrsviile, Oregon, properly verified within ix months from th date of this ootica. And all per S.W ladebtcd taMitt eutat ara reqoired to rntke imnediat pay meat of th ton to tre ncdertigoed. Dtted at Allaov, Ortroo, Jaa 10. 1S95. M P FKCIT. AdrniniatiaVr Whitn.v Newpcr!, Attya. for Ada. HfcLP WANTED! WANTEP. AcTiva. Bonk t CiKtf ats or Laky to travel rrtertirg ttitb lithed. r!iabl hocs. alav J63 mnetol and lrar!ing x-i, with, ltcrrtr sji'el. Kne'ose itf-leie andaiif addresta sUmpeJ edvel'P" THE DOMlNI 'N 317 O nah Baildioir, Chiotgo. IlOKStLE. Some no 1 fencing t a f ' I per thoiiHn I, an I aoina oak crab wood at f 2.50 a cord. M SlSMu. it.T as the tront.. Star. cjrt3sqcaltiavaurcf4. ictuajr ontlaatin two boaoa or aavolhw brar.u. No Sactni b boat. MTG EX TH SJii t IS 8, FOR RALE BT DEAUR9 OEXTJUIXT. It FromTerminai or f rumor Po-iuU lh Mm Pacific : HaBroaP la Ihe llsseae laker To a3 Points EAST ail SOUTH It ! the niSISO CAR ROUTE. It rasMB Tbrwgl VKftTIB't ' Kt IBtlM KVERt DAT aaa Vm t ST. PADL and CHICAGO NO CHANGE OF CARS. icposd of Kaifix Can Unssrpuwi illaaa Drawiu IteaSIeepsri CI Latttt Eqsicacst TOURIST SliEPIHS CARS. itr.f.: eitbi jortrsjtel and la ri'ti imissiIi ii ar b r'b free silft'iU'iid fr ail far s of rirator ... Sr4S I Ji UAitH. ad ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 Cmiim Liai caniestiaitli Usintemipte. 8erriC3. Pnllmaa sleeper reasrratioos cat. fe scored fa advsoostbroagb any agaot of tba road. rH ROUGH TICKETS to wad front si, oointa faa Asnsaiea En gland and oropa can bs porehsaart as aay UekatofSos of tbis oonrpacr Full lcfrmatlofi eonoarning r-te,tlma trains, rootos and otbar Jat-ula for tsbad oa appiieaeoa to any agaat, ay A D CrIARLTOS, . a.atiatant Gaearai Ps sngor Agant, So 121 r-rat St. cor. Waafaingtos). Portlaad. Oi aso C -t Xt'.K. I its' ra. KQT1CE OF F1XAL SETTLEUE1T Koike fa hereby given that the aadci algned, ad.nlnUtra'or wills thr will an nexed, cf Joseph Sotnoaerviile decaased has filed bis final account of aaid estate ia the offic of the eoonty clerk of Liaa connty, Oragon, and the coenty jodgre of said coon'y has fixed the 71b dar of January, 1995. at I o'clock in tbe after toon of aaid day as Ibe time for hearing and sealing said estate and in hear and determine any objections that may be filed against tbe approval of said acroast. T E GaiMia. Admr. J J Whitney. Att'v for Adset. suaaoxs. a (as OntrCcmrtafOnt State 1" Orrgtm for tie Ccwmlf f Lin -. Witisam Kimbaagb tsdDW BnsaWagh, eopattatcra aaderta 6rsa aama of Ram baagbASaa.- Plaiatia. vs K 6 Fry. Iiettm&act. To N B Fry. tba aba na-aed defeadaat, la tie nam af the state cf Oregon yen are hereby reqoirai ta apt car and sawn tba eowpbCBl of plaiatiff ta tka atom catitJad actios, and aoc on 61 ia the bv esrjtlad eoart aa ar befor tbe first Monday, the 7th day of Jaaavy, 1S95. to said day betagta day ef tba tegajar toa af amid eaaxt tor amid atoath ia tbi aoosty aad ia case yoa snail Uii to appear aad answer, tt plaia bffjwidtake jadgmeat agaimt yoa tit a - m. I? H U rim vitk iatenat tbereoa ta lika coin at tea per ccat per aa aaa treat Jataary 17tk, IS90, aad fcr the f art her saoi af tea dollars a tea oeabU sttoray fee. tad their eotta aad diaear aenU of thu- aibca to be taxed. Tk! tanimons ia carved by pLbasataoa by order cf Htm i N Daaeaa jarife cf aaid eoaa-y.whicn crow beats date So S, 1S34 lated No 6. li. Hostastk St Hu xixwaa, Atty fee aaiaUifx. EAST AND SOU7H THE SHASTA KOUTE OF THi. Southern Pacific Co. baraa Tutaa Man FDrtaai Hair, ma'AX.I. Ii tli-. a.1 L arises aa La I tS a a I4S r a I La a4i ar Afeova trains stop a. all statioaa from Pari anl to .!binv ainiv. also Taa- cwaWSbid i.Haisey.HarristKirs;, Jaactjon Civ. lrrloit. Etgaae an l all stations tram Rowbarg to SLSniand loctoaa. sssaans sis b rortaaa A -e SMtralL aibaav LvlMa aSaa far la' "i I T S taatscx axaaca. ajMaalbr - Albaty arlieaiaa t Itt a I At teaea LaltaSaa n I Lv Albaay At j S tr Sra lAr Labaaaa tl PQliUAff BSFFU SLEEPESS. jft Dinine Cars on Ogdsn Rocto SECOHO-CUSS SlEtPiNS CARS Attaaaaa SaaU Tmraaca Trmtaa STaw Jaa aMvUiaa. 11111 raatTLasa at csrsis am oxamaastv (axwa fat nj k" 1 antad Caralna Arltt Lt I li tas Ar tnnus aaav rKzcsatSsaaar. HSralLv ror4aa4 WcVlaaTH: Arl 11 US as ti raAr Tt.XOT14la. TiclsetM oallvataS la tba Cta Bana a k atlatasS a owr ntaa traa C tvaak.AraS Albany. KOlHlt . a f . BOO w al u r . aa rrtHa4 OratvR SUMK3XS. is tie CimtU Court for Litm Commtf.Slai Oregon. Ia equity. D A Bochaer, tpnatee, plaintiff v Char- lott S Cotea aad Streael Brmoger, de- fcodanta To Samael Btaaiar of the abov Bmad dfoadaaU: Ton ar ter-v rcqairad ta a pair oa th nth dy of M area, 1S95. that o eg the fi st day of the Marh term of aid court, to anawtr tha eomplaiat bld against y oa in th abov entitfed caste, aad . if yoa fail to answer tor want thararf, th. plaintiff will apply ta th court f r th ra 1m damaaded ia tho ocbi plaint aarvsnv tow'.; i.t: For a jadgatent agaiaat Charlo't Sf Cooes, for the torn of Ei$ht Handrad and Twwaty-fiv (S25.00) Dollar, Ug:br with intaroat thereon at th rat ( taa per cant par annaaa from tho Sib day a Fahrt ary, 1S93. aad the lorth-r aaoi o On Hoedrsd ($100) DolUn aa attorrey fees ia this suit, and for th cost acd uu--burtemeota of this to.t. Sod: Xhat tha tul drc-e mar b naad for th sal of ths lot d jsenbod ia th eoaa plaint, towit: Lot on (I) in block twoaty thras (23) in tba city of Albany, Una ooanty, Oregon, in th tMim provided by law. and that lh proceed rj said sat b aeptid to th pvymoot of the s mount da plaiotiff, ard that said Cnarlotta S Cohen and oamael Btatioger, aad all pcraoaa elaia iog by, throng b or noder thea., f ubttquaat to th cxtcotioa of the mortgage saed Poa 10 tha eamplaiDt, nay be barred asd torvr foreelvaad ef alt right or cqaity of redtmptioo in said pramtHt, aod for tac other and foifher rlwf a U tbia aoart suy saera meet snd eqnitable. This amta.ont ts pablisied uy order nf Hob H U Hewitt Jndjieol Deptrtment No S, of said eonii. aaad apoa th 30tb day of October, 1894. GxABiir.SiLvxsioira, MctraT & Bacwa Attoraays for plain uX V