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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1894)
Wk mntwt W"ly Democrat. $1.75 PC" year n advance, fi.oo at end of year. BUY JEWEL STOVES AND RANGES OF MATHEWS & WASHBURN Mad at Dbbt. The Pendleton E Oil getting very angry on this subject of debt and does up the giant in this terrific, cyclonic style, and ever body who reads should immediately liquidate: Debt is the canker that rusts the soul of industry. It is the channel through which ihe elave pays tribute to the master. It is the soil in which Shylocks grow, on which knaves feed and fools multiply. Coun tries or persons run In debt in proportion to their ignorance, stupidity or reckless ness. "Neither a lender nor a borrower be,'' said Shakespeare, and Shakespeare knew what he was talking about. The hard time of today are due to debt, to the habit of trying to get rich by going in deb'.. When debts are being made values of everything increase rapidlv and when they are being liquidated values of everything fall rapidly. Debt is ihe gambler's device, the thief's hope, the knaves's tool, the manipulator's imple ment, al'. at the expense of the holiest, courageous man who works for the loe of it, whose i-ork produces weal-h and whose efforts are for tetter conditions, better times, better men. LooKUio at Astoria. Thes Astoria railroad items are getting to be sort of fanny. The local papers have to say something, o they get off things even like this: Southern Pacific people are interested in Astoria just at present I hey are making no noise nor talk ro any sub.idy committee, but the- are d"ing considerable investigating. It i. not at all likely that the citizen of inisntv will waste any time with the Soul hern out fit, as old Huntington like the rest of the railroad bi!ss, had them rustling lor two hundred thousand dollars Iwd or three 5 ears ago, and when it was raised he went back ou them. If the Southern or Union wants to come to Astoria let them come and pay their way in. When Dosb Hon GeoT Myers, who takes a great interest in perpetuating the fishing industry, says an Oregon City paper, suggests "that when the Oregon Citv fiah way is completed, fish ing ought to be prohibited on the upper Willamette and its tribntaries for at least five years. This would be para mount o artificial propagation, for the tub, undisturbed in their spawning crounds. will multinlv verv raridlv '' There is no more reason why fishing - should be stopped above the falls for five years than below. No one up the river would favor such a move. Bicyclb Thief Akbested. Chief of 'Police H P Minto arrived up from Port land on last night's Caiifornu express hav ing in his official enstodr S Baxter, the party who is alleged to have stolen Fred Beak's $135 bicycle in August last A warrant was issued for him at the time but it took some good dstecti ve wore to locate him but this was finally accomplished by Chief Minto. He wis known to be in Van couver, Wash, and in order to make process effective, it was necessary to decoy him to the Oregon side of the Columbia river. This the chief succeeded in doing yesterday and Baxter now languishes in the oountv u .a M akried. On Sept 16, 1894, in Shedd, at the M E Parsonage, by Rv S L Lee. Mr Walter Millhollen and Miss Ernie M Berthold both ef Linn county. The mother of the bride was in the city today and complained that her daughter was less than fifteen years of age where the affidavit stated that she was over eight een. She was considerably aggressive about it; but it is probable the bappy couple will be allowed to continue :n peace. It will not be very long when the San tiam Mining District will be the center of attraction on the Pacific Coast, and the mines of California, Montana and Idaho will not be in the same class. This is not a Falb prediction ; but is based on facts. Kead the article which appears elsewhere. It has a very healthy ring. Last Friday while in Albany the bouse ! of O L Rees. beyond the Calapooia, was entered by burglars and a large quantity - of eatables taken, such as honey, canned fruit, ginger bread, etc- Ths man was - seen Uygo towards the honse by a neigh- Moreno ceald be identified. 530 pupils are enrolled in tr.e Pendton schools. Speaking of th i schools tbe E 0 uys; The school board had aelected Mis Carrie Royal as Drapers asitant.but Miss Royal bad engaged to teach in Hley, Linn county, aod another will be named by the boarl toon. Justice Freeksen this afternoon held the man who broke into thi O P depot to await tbe action oi the grand jury, tbe bond being fixed at $150, in default of which he was remanded to jail. Soke and Daughter He Can't Live Bald inv friends and neighbors. I bad Pepsi 10 years; physicians and Changs ol climate did not help me. But Hood's Sarsapa- Mood's Sarsa- 1 I, parUla rUla did me more food than an the doctoring. I can now est, sleep and and work, llvdanahter retires also had distress and rhaamatlsm. Hood's Sar aaparUla mads bar stout, wall and healthy. B. F. O. Bon, Falrriew, Kansas. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Bold by aU druggist. The Peninsnlar Stove, Cook and Heating, the Best on Earthy For Sale by Stewart & Sox Hardware Co J FRCD YATES, B. 7. O. ATTOBNBT -A.T IL.A.-W- Rooins 25 and 26, Strahan Block, Albany, Oregon MAY BE A GREAT MINE. Extensive Developement to Be Car ried On In Linn County. The following from the Sunday Orego nian will be appreciated by our citizens Seuerally . It means a good deal for Al any : Mr W B Lawler, of Salt Lake City, a mining operator of high reputation, is at the Perkins, having arrived Yesterday after a vistt of several weeks in London and l'atis in connection with the forma tion of an international syndicate for the extensive operation of Orgon mining property. Mr Lawler was in Oregon last May, ac companied by "Hank'' Smith, the well known Comstock superintendent, and Mr Jesse Fox, a civil engineer of Salt Lake City, and spent tome time investi gating the merits of Quartsville, third mining district, Linn county. As a re sult of the investigation made, the Red Bull and White Bull gold mines, with their extensions known as the Bold Back and Gold Finch gold ciaims, the Oold Bug, Golden Eagle, Golden Crown and Red Bear claims were bonded and the particB left for tbe east to arrange for their purchase. Mr Horace L Hot eh kiss, a New York capitalist, and one of the promoters of tbe Nicaraguan canal; Mr J F Medina, founder of the Nicaraguan bank of Cen tral Ameria, and minister to France and Italy from that country; the boudoir brothers, Paris hankers, and his Eastern capitalists are associated wit'" Mr Lawler in the formation of the syndidate. During the visit of Mr Smith to the property he made an expert ieport that is regarded as highly favorable, and the fereigu investors have seen ed the ser vices o Mr A Rickard, a well-known mining expert and mineralogist, also to examine the various claims If he is as well impressed with tbe property as was Mr Smith, active operations will begin at once, it being proposed to expend a large sum of money in tbe election of buildings, and in development Mr J use Fox is expected to reach here from Salt Late City 111 a fe days, and Mr Sin th, who now superintends the Bullion 3eck mines of Timic district, Utah, will also return to Oregon and proceed to the mines. Mi Sni:ll,, in h.s rtno.t ciiiicrniiii: i . , ? sic unur;, cava, i of 30! ? ears' experience, 1 have never found or examined a pruposi ion which I can more heart i y or earnestly recommend and indorse to capital, as I understand, the terras of purchase price. I he prob abilities of a great mine being opened in this lode under proper development, I consider as near a certainty as is ever fouud in mining. I was surprised, after my examination, to find such a pioperty over looked by the mining men cf the Pacific coast; bnl it has been held for 30 years by those who never endeavored, either to develop it or call the attention of mining men to it. simply doing their assessment work at tbe easiest points, without any effort in the direction of development. "The ore found in these veins is es sentially free milling. A large propor tion of the value is found in tbe shape of free gold, the remainder in a gold sul -phuret, which can be economically saved for a smelting product.' An Encounter. George and Frank Stimpson were out towards Lebanon yesterday in the war against the Celestials, when they met with a live experience. At Tall man they boarded the car preparatory to starting for Albany, when a man named Riddle stepped in the middle of the track with a gun, and ordered George Stimpson to stop Instead of doing so Mr Stimpson jumped from the car. knocked the gun aside and began defending him self in a very muscular manner. He was getting the best of Riddle when that man managed to hit him a bard btow in tbe back of his head with tbe gun. laying him out for a moment, and ending the contest for Ihe lime. Mr j Stimpson also had one of his bands bruised some. Several people witnessed I theasssult. Another version is that something broke on the band car, when it was be- ing fixed with something token from a hand car on a Oat car. when a dison'e arose with the section foreman who was present, resulting in a pugilistic contest ending tit Mr Stimpson 's being hit on the head with a rock. L M Curl went to Salem and tbe iair this noon. Mr Arthur Porier is home from a rev months sojourn at tbe Bay. Miss Pauline May, of Harriaburg, is in tbe city visiting ilbany friends. Billy Mack, the bat ber, went to Salem this noon to work for Meyers a week T a U a a 1 pastorate of tbe Oakv.lle church and ! will go east to reside in November. Miss lna Robertson left on Saturday for tbe east in the interest of ibe Waits- burg academy ,to be gon several months. Beva Little and Acheson we. t to Seattle and Spokane to day to attend meetings of tbe Presbytery ami Synod of the U P church. W E Ortol, of McMitoville is in the city for tbe purpose of attending tbe OrteNParker wedding on Wednesday evening. Mr Ltaac Banta came over from the Bay today. He reports his gold machines M working in a satisfactory manner, and that the miners are making from 3 to $5 a day. Mias Jane Morris returned to Salem Saturday to be ready for the opening of tbe schools of that city. She was ac companied by Miss Helen Crawford. John H Mitchell, of Washington, is in Portland. Mr Mitchell will be remem bered as the man ejected to tbe U S senate from the state of Oregon several years ago. Pres Marshall and Fred Veal rode Columbia bicycles from Waterloo to Al bany yesterday in 1 hour aod 30 minutes, the fastest trip on record. The distance is given as 21 miles. Mr Frank Hastings came down from tbs mines today. He has been doing some placer mining as well as developing bis claim there. He brought a f2 nugget as and evidence of the fact that there is gold there. Real faith nevei grow weak by bal ing to wait. Sufferer lakh r Hood' Sarsaparilla for chronic complaint should be patient and the result will be satisfac tory. Hood's Cares. Hood Fill act eaMly, yet and efficiently, on the liver and I5t. pi ompt'y bjweis. How Abe Voob Eyes. Prof A Stark, of Will & Stark, is now prepa td to ex amine scientifically and accurately by tbe latest impoved methods of modern science all wbo desire to have their eyes tested. Prof Stark has recently graduat ed from tbe Opthalmic College at Chica go, and is thoroughly equipped for the delicate and important work of fitting tbe eyes so as to be relieved of strain and the vision assisted. Do von need classes? Call on Prof Stark and learn about your eyes. Do your old glasses lire you? Call and secure some that will rest you and help your eyesight- School Shoes Mr s ock of shoes ia medium and cheap grilles wa never Det ter. I have added some new line and invite Inspection. Every pair guaranteed and will be repaired free of charge if they tip or are Imperfect in any way. s r. icuko Knit Umdeweak. My stock Is com plete In fine, medium and cheap grade. The belt va'.ue I have ever nad for the price. S E Youno. The Steam Laundry t a home instUu tlon. It Is a good one. It does bette work than Is done at the waihee house In the long run it U cheaper than the washee house. The money paid to the Steam Laundry is spent In Albany among white people. Oo you patronize the Steam Laundry ? Grapes, peaches, pear, applet, prunes plum, water and musk melon, tomato berrif, tweet potatoe,&c at Parker Broth ers. Try Tinkle If you graph. want a good photc- Late silver sword Stark. cortage pins at WW Wheat is vj cents a bushel In Pendleton, 42 centscontlnues to be paid for wheat at Stay ton. Linn Engine Co No 2 will elect o.Iicers tonight. A uiatsop countv man has six fig trees loaded with figs. 1 he Ladles aid society will meet with Mrs DrKelley tomorrow afternoon Owens has recti nominated for congress in Kentucky against Breckenrldge. It was a mora! contest and a bad record wai crushed. , A Portland rr.ans'ole $5 and was senten ced to bo days In jail. A woman stole $5 iiom 111c man ana got SIX A pebuiiar world this. The S P pay car was at the depot thl nton. The employes are given just about a minute in which to receive their money, and It may be depended upon are on hand before the car stops. More than one fourth of all the real es tate mortgages of the Uulted Slates, in 1890, according to t'ie census return, were on property in the state of New York. The mortgages of Washingten amounted to $45,078,449, against a total of $14,918, 437 in Oregon. E H Rhodes of Jeff,ron is shipping several car loads of prunes. He Is buying all that is offered him allittle more than 50 cent per bushel, besides giving work to son- e 3.5 of our young people, the money for which is much needed just now. Cor Journal. A man named lirivlgfarmer, and four other men riding wt'h him, fell through a :udd cieek Midge, and twenty feer, and neltl er man nor norses were much hurt. Why Ihe biidge broke down U a mystery, though the name of the man whodroe tne team may of had some thing to do with it Portland Welcome. Senator C K Davis, in an interview Sat urday said. "The American people can not hoi p producing. 70,000,000 people and for sixteen months 70,000.000 people hav been economizing. But matters have readied a point where peopie must buy. This will have a ndency to im prove bus. ness condition aid hasten pns- pailt), 1 think ttie buslie s of the coun- ) ry i I aojust 1 self 10 h 1 p'ovisians oi he new turff bill.' D Sobolka has reached Per diet on on a bicycle on a long tour of the US. He left HartPeH, Alabama, on July 13, atd I Will M litis l.v UilV itf I '..lif .-iu It a trill . aiu.. ; f ' . w - miuufii -. . i J ill itn n ccs n, Joe Tyler i now employed lor West A Richards to run their me.t market in eT l ar-, while these gentlemen are ' :raversing tne country buying cattle, by which to supply their patrons. Salem Independent. Miss Mary Gray, a t-n year old gill, rode a bicycle from Halsey to Harris burg last Saturday in an hour and a quar ter which i good time for a Ult'e girl. The dittance is ten miles and no stops for rest were made. Halsey News. Lawrence Harris left for Ann Arbor, Mich., en this morning's local train, whee he intends taking a coarse in law in tbe college at that place. Lather Fisher will join him at Portland tomor row morning and they will proceed east ward :ogether, Mr Fisher also intending to take a coarse at tbe same college. Eugene Guard. TRAGEDY AT UARRISBURG. A Boy Kills A Girl With A Stick. Saturday evening an unfortunate affair occurred at Uarrisburg near a bop yard, one that resulted fatally, where 10 per haps a hundred similar cases nothing more serious than a child's quarrel would have transpired. A Brownlee boy aged fourteen, was curing a small tree down, when a girl named Itoee. of i Cottage Grore came np and a dispute j him his salary. The matter will be carried arose about the tree, not a "very serious j to the supreme court." Reports from dif one, though the boy be ram e angered, ferent parts of tbe state indicate that a and picking np a stick threw it swiitlv batch of bogs were e'ected to office last at tbe girl, wbo lowered bei bead, and, ' Jam . Sheriffs and oanty clerks not only instead of dodging it, received the blow want the fat salaries; but are reaching out just behind one of her ears in a fatal 'fcr the whole business. Tbe law is un POt She fell 10 the ground and died j n alter. Tbe affair caused general j regret, as the result was simply an dent, and was not intended bv the boy. I- Coroner Jayne ca'Ied a coroners jury.!. which found in accordance with tbe j " fact The boy was token into custody ana win oe given an examination iq. ; morrow. It is probable be will oe held 'or manslaughter, " r ' Brownsville Happenings. Prof R K Michener and wife arrived in this place from Albany. Wednesday and nave commenced boose keeping. M iss Lillian Wyman. of Albany, has been visiting in this place for the past two ire lu. The --irowosville public schools will commence another vears work nex Men !vmn"n? The institutions of learning in this city have always been among tbe I best in the iilaniette Valley and we hope : that the good name gained in the paat will be retained and added to in the future. There are now five teachers employed and it will probably be necessary to secure an other one at least part of the ensuing year. A number of our sport loving young men went to Lebanon Sunday to witness a foot race between Myers, of Scio. and Lewis, of Lebanon. The former was an easy winner. A race was matched and ran between Ed Lance, of this place, and Cary. of Scio. Lance proving to be much tie swifter man The members of tbe Christian are worcina very diligently to Church Kciare means with which to erect a new church. A site baa been secured near tbe bridge in North Brownsville and that denomination fully expect to have a nice edifice upon it within a s'jort time. There is a large amount of sickness in and about Brownsville this fall, mostly among children, and is doe to the too tree indulgence in green fruits. Mr and Mrs 8 B Tycer had tbe "misfor tune to lose their little daughter last Thurs day. It was buried Friday. Ralph Knr.pp has returned from Wash ington and Li working in the Times office. Tho Kay, formerly superintendent of the woolen mills here, but njw of the Salem mills, has been visiting mends in this place the past week. The Baptist Church, which has been without a pastor for tbe pat year will elect one next Saturday. Rev C C Sparry . well known throughout the entire country, and who has for many years preached here, will probably Ije the mao. There t men Catarrh in this seeticn of the couatry than ill ether ni.-eano jrot infreiner. and uni t! ttiu last few year -xt! to be incurable. Mr a great many yinnnloclon pro nounced it a local lu 1 1 1 . ascribed local renvditr. ami by constantly falinir to core with local tr'Vtiiirnl. m i .'l it incUTaMe. Bri SMS h3 proven calarih to rv constitutional disease, aadj require constitutional treatment. Hall's CWTtt Cure, manoraciurea by P.J. Chncy &.O,. 'i !..-', n. Ohio. I the only consult' ! " if r in ' market. It I taken internal!.;- in dor 'i -ni lOdn to a tapoon ful. It actdi;eeil7 t'ie li:'oJ and mucous surface ot S or.o hundred dollar (or utfi ' owe. Bond for a-. 1. .. . es, p..;. - . io Toledo, 0. JtsTBsld by Drut;;,::..,:. 750. Mr W Gilford Nushpropo-e to resume giving leison on ths pianoforte, in Albany on Thurday afternoon. and Friday morn ing of cac1 week. He will be found at Ihe redden :e of Mr Willis Nash, corner of Fourth and Montgomery streets, where terms can be ascertained and arrange ments made. Mr W Glfford Nash ha recently returned from a course of nearly four vears study at Lelpzle.Germsny : one vear in the conservatory, and Ihe rett of the time a a private pupil of Herr Pro feasor Krue. Bath at VierecU jutting parlors. shaving aod hair Or- Price' Cream Biking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. A fine large stove for sale, inquire at Verick's Barber shop. Save monev by buying your school shoes of Klein & Dubrullle, a they keep them In repair free of charge. Buv vour school (hoe of Klein A Du- ! bruille as thev keep them In good repair free of charge. Toklne for the bl lod. Take Toklne liver pill. Hot bath at Verick's shaving parlor. Hot Baths and warm rooms at Verick's shaving pat lor. Bartlett pear at the Port Office grocery Choice Crawford peach by the boa at the Post Office grocery. TUESD AT2T A Model Hop Yahd. We doubt if thore is a hop yard on the Pacific coast that equals the yield of the Wm Neis yard, on the bank or the Willamette river a short distance above Springfield. There are 28 acres planted in hops, and on Saturday night, after only nine days picking, 350 bales wen1 ready for shipment. It is ex pected to finish Tuesday with at least 380 bales. The bales will average 200 pounds each, n totiil of 76,000 pounds, or 2700 pot. in Is to the acre. Last year this yard averaged 2850 pounds to the acre. Mr Neis has the yard under thorough cultiva tion, sprays and strips all leaves and run ners from the body of the vines. He has not been troubled with lice or mould, and his hops oro first class in every particu'ar. The yard is equipped with seven drying floors, and the hops are saved whilo in S roper condition. This year he dried from M) 10 620 boxes daily. Mr Neis will ship 100 bales to Portland Tuesday. Eugene Guard. Tiik Harrisbuiu Cask. Mr L M Curl went to Uarrisburg this noon to prosecute the Rrownlee boy who caused the death of the Ross girl, lie plead not guilty and his examination was to take place IM afternoon. It is reported that the Boss girl had whipped the boy before hand, ami a young man from there pays he heard the girl swear frequently. There is quite n sentiment that not verv much can ever be done with him. The father of the Brown lee boy was murdered at Junction City, instead of Brownsville, by H A brums, who was convicted and sent to the penitentiary, fterwards being pardoned. Bicycle Races Charles Searr , of this city, was entered in the two mile handicap ana one-half mile bic rle races to take place in Salem today. The other entries were Chester Murphy, C Winters, R H Miller, and Wih Babcock. of Salem, Dr ieorge Wright, of McMinnville, C L Howe, M J Lee and H B Hewitt, of Port land, Ray Parker. Southern Or.-gon's fast est rider, of 'dedford Hewitt stands the ; ben eliancc of winning in most of hieraoes of the week j The half mile contest today was a warm ; one from the skirt It was soon apparent j th-.t it lay between Charles Sears of this city and Hewitt of Portland. The Albany man proved to have tbe speed and paril the line jut ahead of Hewitt in 1 :1 mile novice was won bv a Salem m . The man. 1 lie two mile open was won by Hewitt, who was a little too much for Sears at that dis tance Rorbkd W im.u is Albaxv. A N Locke lire four miles north of Corvallis and with bis family spent last Thursday in Albany, When he arrived home a senVtle i sacque. belonging to his wife, a pair of i pants, hat. jumper and other things that I ought to have been inside the house were ! goe. and about the rooms were evidences that someone had ransacked the premises . j Search showed that the kitchen door that t had been securely locked was unlocked- A watermelon was also misting from the kitchen table, and out on tbe railroad track the remains of it were found. The thitf used a skeleton key on the kitchen door and undoubtedly made bis way north on the railroad. The value of the stolen property was about $25. Mr Locke was in town Friday morning, swore out a warrant and the sheriff went in pursuit, but the thief eluded capture Time. u to bk i F.-TEU. B.iamatn rails Express: County Clerk Leavitt is goinv to j I'-" .an ...w i : tr Ml tm - - i . I - I r - - isiature, and the result will be of interest to every county in the state. He collected i5i.,o for fees daring July and August and declined to pay the came over to tbe treasurer, claiming he was entitled to the ! fees, whereupon ihe court refused to allow doobtedly a failure c far. and will continue to be unless county court display great back bone. . . w . ''f V. J" T down from Myrtle Creek taking in the T He reports .mite an exciting time ii waen wawoop cium a five-Doint bock through town. Kd IVnn J icott and Maine Gabbert tried their pro- fkiency in the gunning art on tbe poor , thing. Tbey fired thirty five shot at it awl never touched a hair. It seemed to be ; making an examination into the fruit bus iness for it went through John Hall's dryer All effort to effect it capture proved fruitless and the buck now roams the woods and tells his family of the adventuresome trip he took to find out the proper way to core prunes and that the Myrtle i leek crack , shots are not able to score a bull's eye. or a duck either. 1 laiudeaier. A BrsAWAY Match. The Democrat vestenlav mentioned the marriage of Walter Milhollen and E. M. Berthold, and the fact that the brides mother was considerably grieved over tbe matter, j not yet being 15 years of age, where the ! affidavit of Wm. Douglas, declares her to be over 18 vears of age. Last evening , Mrs. tierthol'l swore out a warrant in Justice Harris' court for the arrest of both Douglas and Milhollen, but neither can be- found, and no such person as Wm Douglas is from the neighborhood be- 1 : t .. ik., I ,i. la... . Sies:"'- They .ecured the animaland irta Ax Accident. Kd Zeyss Jr., while running a piece of lumber through the Slaner made a false moove and got one nger on the left hand under the planer knife severing the finger, necewitating a second amputation at first joint. Mr. Mag ton attended him, dressed the linger and sent him home ior a rest. Th Modern Beauty Thrive on good food snd sunih'.ne, with plenty of exerd' in the open air. Her form glow with health snd her face bloom with it beauty. If her ytem need the cleanting ac ion of a laxative remedy, he uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup ot Fig. See my novel. ie in men fine hoe. S E Toi-ng. Millinery. Mrs E E ParrUli I now praprletor of the mlliincry tore formerly run by Mr Bllyeu. She ha puicttased one of the largest and finest stock of millinei y noods, diiect from Ihe eat ever brought to Albany .and at prepared to give our citizens the bet in the millinery line. Mrs Parnsh haa secured the service of a competent trimmer from Portland . . 1 Psrrish repoits the stock a new one, the old stock having been removed, and hence can offer the very latest styles. Money To Loan. 1 have mousy to lo,.n on good farm land In Linn and Be.iton counties in sum njt over $3000. No delay in fur nishing the coin. Call on Cu Burkharl, Albany, uregon. Also money 10 loan on city property in any amount. A (iROCKR With "SaNn" Will nr t put it Into hi sugar, but rather Into bis bulnes principle. Try Parkt r Bros for the bet grocerle. freibest pioduce and leading baked good. They have the popular approval. Don't scold your wife ; but get your grocerle where they can be depended upon. (Jet bak id good that are well put to gether and properly baked. Parker Bros treat you well the year round. Its time tl ave your photo made now. See the new sample at Tinkles and have one made. See thoie elegant Montello Cabinets at $2.50 per doz at Tinkles, the very bet finish. DrG W Maston, physician and urgson. Calls answered promptly in city or country. Will & Stark keep up with the timesin the latet atyle of jewelry. Vou will not ml it if you call on them for anything In the jewelry line. The bot!roMt node in the oity t Com ad rt jyer a. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s Pair Highest Medal and Diatom- THE HIGHEST AWARD. Royal Baking Powder in Strength and Value 20 Per Cent, above Its Nearest Competitor. The Royal Baking Powder hiis the en viable record of having received the highest award for articles of its class greatest strength, purest ingredients, most jierfect ly combined wherever exhibited in com petition with others. In the exhibitions of former years, at the Centennial, at Paris, Vienna and at the various State and Indus trial fairs, where it has been exhibited, judges have invariably awarded the Royal Baking Powder the wgnsst honors. At the recent World Fair the examina tion tor the baking powder awards were made by the experts of the chemical divis ion of the Agricultual Departmental Wash ingion. The official report of the tests of the baking powders which were made by this department for the rpecific purpose of ascertaining which was the best, and which has been made publi shows the leavening strength cf the Royal to be 100 cubic inches of carbonic gas per ounce of powder. Of the cream of tartar baking powders exhib te J at tne Fair, the next highest in strength thus tested contained but 133 cubic inches of leavening gas. The other powdc-rs gave an average of 111. The Royal therefore, was found of 20 par cent greater leavening strength than its nearest competitor, aad 44 per cent above the average of all tho other tests. Its superiority in other respects, however, in the quality of the food it makes as to fineness, delicacy and wholesonioness, could not be measured by figures. It is thare high qualities, known and ap preciated by the women of the country for so many years, that have caused the safes of the Koyal Baking Powder, as shown by statistics, to exceed the sales of all other baking powders combined. Mr R E Hibler, the Scio merchant, wai in the city today. Hon J K Weathcrford and wife weie at the State fair yesterday. Mr Wren Ross has returned from h is trir to the i iddo Hills. Hen W Kirk Price, of Tolo, Jackson countv. was in the city today on bis way to the State fair. The Mrs Hopkins went to Salem this noon to attend the state fair and visit rela tive. and friends for a week. Mr Q B Skinner left today for Nebraska, where a daughter is lyinc dangerously ill with the consumption. Rev S K Meminger, of McMinnville. is in the city on his way to the annual con ference at F.ugene, which meets . tomorrow. James Kenneth of Albany, and Miss Clara Trauna. of Spokane Falls, were mar ried in Dallaw last Saturday, September . fnilependeno.' hnterprise. Prof II H White ha been employed to , about nine yean ago is to be pardoned bi tch the Tan (rent school for tbe next six i Gov Pennoyer. savinir ereat nreasnni bad teach tbe 1 an gent school tor tne next six months. The Irof is one of the most suc cessful teachers of the county. Mis Mary Cumliff, who thought of or ganizing a class in elocution here, has been engaged as instructor in elocution and del- ' I swre in tne Albany college. lor "jjc COIU- ug year. CortilSii Times. A telephone message receive, I from Sodaville today state that Mrs Geo F Craw is now unconscious and hourly growirg weaker. Her life i despaired of. MrCaw is at ber bedside giving ber every attention i possible. Eugene Guard. Hon H H Gilfrey. reading clerk at tbe U S Senate, who on account of his great posnLrit-; and ability has held the position "Kn several administrations. r,i.fe.i Albany last night lor Lane county on a visit with hi father Mr J M Nolan. Cervailis live merchant, on hi way to m Albany this noon Salem, to make arrangement with tbe Kay Woo ion mill for the manufacture ef O A C uniform, the control for which Mr Nolan again secured against considerable compe tition. The concert tonight at the Presbyterian Church should oe given a full noose. Prof Wood is not only an expert violinist, but be is a gentleman deserving the support of the pubic He ha teen identiSed with the coast since I'SSt, when be was first in Albany. The Sovereign Grand Ladge f O O F met a'. Chattanooga Tennessee yesterday. "The" Albany (fecial Club mill have a special meeting 00 Wednesday evening Sty. tS, 1S94, oy order of president. The City Battling Compans has nought out ihe Albany Soda Work and wi hereafter conduct tbe business ot both. The barn of G W Vernon, near Scio wat burned a few nigbl ago. It wa supposed 10 be ioctndiary. On Sept to tbe time expires when the government will prti.t addressed env or after that date all return addresses will have to be secured of the job printers of tne couatry . I'm Kcstfall does not believe the 11 ei war nevra, which reron ,hat the C' were whipped. He say the paper ile, and we'll tee. Woman tuffragc meetings are held weekly in Portlatd, ihe latt one at the of Mrs Ab'gti! Scoit Dunlway. Among tbe attcr.dt.u I Mrt 0 N Denr v. Tbe R R Commissioners pitted through ! lbany last nigV for the California Sine, and will intpect tne road on thaw, return. Two Corvallis girls were in Albany Sunday on a tide, when tncii horse ran away, giving t.err. rot a very ' rIUnM hf r:tu:ned home On the 'h of OctoUr the Albany Social Club will give their first annual ball at their ball in the Baltimore block. The Salem orchestra h been secured for the ocalon. A tower I beliie built in London that wi!'. be lCO feet hikh,i?s felt big-tier than the E10el tower. Wait until the United State begin building theli. An exciting bear hunt wa cn caged n br a threshing crew near A'.c ll week. It was alter ward learned that the brute was a pet which had strayed away from the ho-ic of its owner near Silverlon. appeal. Linn Engine Co No 2 held its annual election lat night, resulting a follow: 'ft V Rowelt. president; N M Newport, ec- retarv ; Wm hand, financial eeretary ; J H Howard, treasurer; .lame Shle.ds, foreman ;J H Stewart, 1st asttotant; A skarr. 2nd assistant. Goiemor Pennoyer yesterday pardoned Ftank J Wll-on, who wa en'etccd from Linn county March 24,1892, for the crime of burglary for the term ol five years. His pardon wa recommended by the dis trict attorney who tried the ce CV Snow, of Baker city, wa also pardoned. fJUr Adam the painless demWl not being able to do near all work nrnted to hi j oErc has concluded to employ aisittance rlw?htrh m-tll enable him lo rin mnrr wnra Palnte filling and extrcting I what the people want. The fruit dryer just conttr-jctcd on the Finley place by H M S.ore wa used for the firt time Friday evening, when about 75 bushel of prune were dried. It work was extremely atif iclory . Drying begins In full blast Monday on the petite prunes. The Italian are not cot quiet ready for drying. limes. Wants It smashed. Last year 20,000 bushels of wheat were hauled bv teamsters from the Tangent warehouse to Albany for shipment over me r. non A Hlevina who operated itio warenouse at that time was in town Friday, and relates the rail road asked four cents for carrying the grain to Albany, wnne mo steamfters made monev out of the job nt 2'4. These fiirures show now faithfully the commission dances when the railroad company ptillsthe string and Mr .Blevins believes with the great majority that the machine that evolve such a travesty on equitable freioht rates snouid M Miiiwi 1 na mill Times. 0OD WANTED, n. nnmbar of 001 d of wo or tody Br wanted at this omoe on rarvits intend log 'o turniah deliver it sasti Albany Market. Wnewt.8 Oats, I6o Hour, 8.90 Butter, 18o. Kggs, 12e.. Tatnl. 12 to 16c. Pork ham.Uto 16:, slioulders,9;tol(Kx de. 11 to isc. Hey. baled, 1 7, Vo atoea, t(K, Apples ,.40 Wuo He Is. fha man arrested and held to await the action of tbe grand jury for breaking into the 0 P depot, proves to have ueen a resiuent or uregon for nt least six years. His name is A D Avetton. Several years ago an Albany lawyer settled up an mmuf lor nun inc indications are now that he has been in his present b-jsiness for some time. On the Monday in the after noon when the u V depot whs first robljed a man was caught going through the house of hugene I isher.of Millers, lie was asked why tie did sues tilings and remarked that it was his business. Mr Fis'jer went to the jail today end recognized Averton as the man. An examination ot Averton discov ered a book with quite a number of settings to stones inside, a fact that makes its own suggestion. 'Ihe prisoners bonds are $1 50, and he states that he bos friends in Salem who wih go on them so he can secure his liberty. A Ti; Stoby. Here is a true story, one from life. It is full of ro.nunce, and at the same time is somewhat of an eye opuwr. About three months ago a party traveling by wagon through Ashland, says the Tidings, included a young man aged IS years. A similar party, traveling north ward, included a girl 15 years of age. They met in n camp near town, were smitten mutually and were married. The young couple remained here and the campers went their respective ways. Within a few weeks love's young dream was o'er. The young man turned out to be a brute, abus ed and maltreated bis wife and then left the country, abandoning her to the Bestiea of the community. Some people herckind ly gave her a home until she received last week money enough to pay her railroad fare to Moscow, Idaho, where ber relatives now are. She started for that place Satur day evening. PaoK Wood's Coxceht. A pleased a alienee greeted Prof Woods concert at Hm t resbyterian Church lost evening. Tbe f'rof was heard in several selections show ing his genius on the violin. A duet by Prof Wood, on the violin and Louis Blake ly. cn the piano, the Poet and Pleasant o enure, was a musical treat. Mr Blakely in several piano solos disp ayed a talent that speaks for a bright future. He has a true touch, splendiuaction and excellent expression and executes in a popular way. He u only 20 years of age, resides at tugene, where he has been studying medi cine for a year. He will travel with Prof v cod during tbe winter. This was his first appearance. They were well support ed by load talent. Miss Lilly Farrell. Mrs Lee and Mrs Nutting being heard in vocal solos and Misses Farrell and Van Horn in a duet W W ' j Aoais. To-iay s Ore- gonian contains a long article in which it declares that it is probable W W Saunders, who murdered Charles Campbell in Albany been brought to bear on the Governor, and intimating that Attorney General Chain - certain, wno wa prosecuting attorney at the time may sign the petition. A resume of the incident of tbe murder is rivr .Ui t ;i: s . as ,. . ' J lunar w ail otu II m . n . o uu uty. 11 u uted tnat Miss Minnie Allison, to whom Saunders wa engaged, and ber sister Mattie. now married, reside in Montana. Ihe matter will be watched with great interest by Albany peopie. AGcx CcciD-.xr.-ln the nailers cf stand up an gun accidents Lane rounty con'iB3eu kec? up It record Toe Guard tell of another guo ep'.sod;: Last evening about tuojoara a Dick Ma shall wa tiding horseback on hi way to hi home about five mile beliw Eu gene on the river road, he was bit bv a couple cf stray tn?d hct from a gun in the hand of Geo San(K!ers. a yoasx man about xo year of age, who wat shooting a pheasant. I." McKennv was clted and extracted one !aot Irotn M irahai' p-eca. The other 'hot ruck an e,re ar d ' -r J ucl r the note probably destroy to' tbe c reslght of one eve. Bu.o Ton. Our caucus generally wish to bear him on his advent here the 1st or'Jndcf October, f be Loai.ville Time says: Blind Tom gave another of hi won derful performances at lederkranx Hall lat night before a large audience. It i the event of a life time to bear och a tcar velously girad person. Although eotirely untutored. Blind Tom plays almost fanit leasiy the most difficult work of the mas ters. and can repeat on toe piano anything played for him once. Hi performance not only served to interest, but also to still fur tner mystify. He is a deeply interesting character. iud every one should aee aad near him. No Jloiu. pAnoon NfWa. Governor Pennoyer, through hi private secrctaay.Mr Munley. yesterday placed the following rule in loroe at tbe rapitol: "i nder iiti or to; j;,,' eoZ i must report to each lesrUlattve aaawnbly all ! casr of reprieve, communications and pard a. 1 'wing to the pertuteit arfS raa licicu representations, no report hereafter, of such coses, other tbn that provided by law. will be made from tbe executive office. ' The live paper ot Salem will undoubtedly I give the new nevertheless. Tut BbOWXLEK BoT DfSCHA&0ED. Tbe examination of the Brownlee boy created great interest in Havtricborg yes terday afternoon. Justice Howell" court being packed. ' L M Curl appeared for the state and Hon J K Wcatherford tor the defense. The evidence nhowed tJkt tje Rem girl first threw a stick at tbe boy as well a to have hit him with a whip be sides whipping a five year old boy. Tbe Brownie bey is only eleven years of ave and only did what most any boy would have done. The sympathy of Harrisburg people wa almost universally with the defendant, and his by tbe Justice gave great satisfaction. Bto Frkigiit Biix. Mr ESichel arrived home from Virginia Wednesday evening. ft Uiljson anil E ti raves have also returnct . Of the 225 head of horses shipped east by these gentlemen and J H Crooks, all but 44 bad been mid when they started home Mr Crooks and his son will remain at South Boston, Va.. until these are sold. A fair market was met with. The cost of trans portation from Huntington. Or., to Lynch- burg, Va.. wa t 32.05. Prinesville Review. State Fair. in the half mite bicycle race yesterday Charles Sears of this city came in first, Hewitt, second; Pay Parker. 3rd, and Dr George Wright was next to the last. Watt Shipp, of Salem, won the mile race instead of Hewitt; Hewitt 2nd : Sears who with Howe, had the least handi cap, was 6th. Shipp. who won bad the greatest cano:tc;ip. o yam, lime ;:;!. Montana won tne z:i trot, r lora u. a Linn county horse wa distanced. A Itwood won the 2:25 pacing race, best time, 2:26. Biooest Devil Fish. Mr. Clias Bailev on his wav ut to the beach last Wednesday . discovered a monster devil tish stranded on the beach about five miles below Bandon. Its longest tentacle measured 14 net in width, giving me- motutcr a spread of 52 feet. It is be lieved to bv the largest specimen of the species ever found on the Pacific coast. tianuon nocom. Declared IssAjiK. Mi Frank Isabel a brother In law of Mr Laed, rts ding a few mil touth of Albany.wa brough to ihe city, and, upon examination was committed to the asylum, where he wa taken by Mr Latsell. Isabel i about forty five year of age, i single ana ha been outol his heaJ tor auovi a year He I ha:mle. Look out for Mr Ahby fall stock of millinery Seethe new "Aureole" phot a: -tnK e. WILL a STARK, the jewelers. Highest Honors DPRICE'S Tkt oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. --No Anuaonta; No Almtt. Used in Millioas of Homes 40 Years the Standard HOME AND ABROAD Ladies cheao shoes. Good wesrers and very neat. Atrt E Youvo'g. My first Invoice of Lsdies coals and Jacket has arrived. S E Young Tne tax lely in New York City Is 17.9 mills, over double ihat cf Albany, on a high aessment, Pagiie in ids crop upon says seeding haibeen begun In Linn county on sum mer fallow. The soliciting committee will call on subscribe' to the band und for tcftlr sub scription ihe last of thin week; so thai work may be begun on the structure, which be errt 1 ted cn the corner of the fquase oprosite 1- Vcrrick's residence. At the pirdic school Hfi were enrolled ytsleidsy, ..:, attendance i"J y I about 400. This U sorrewhat short of the opening day last year. The attendance of the younger fchola's is up to the aver age but shtrt wuh the older oies. Eu gene Guard. In ihe Unlveiklty 70 new students hsd enroded The president of the southern Pacific, Mr Huntington, is In Oregon, Jim Hid of the Great Northern, nas been here.ihe Oregon Pacific is going to have sonr.e railroads. She has had no rogress, compared to the i-opies of ihe ne-a era of her development now dawning, Salem Sutrsman. Ho? pl.kers re scirce, and In a good many places it lias been impossible to get enough pickers. 40 cents a box wg paid at first; out this has been increased to 50 cents, no' withstanding the low price of hops. Win re are the men who have cecn claiming there wan nothing to do. Mr lionet Farw II fits brtrun a suit against ihe oant y e'erk to resualn tne collection cf certain fees in as a test case of ihe new law. It will be ar gued before the coming Chcult cocrt ar.d betaken to the Supreme court The j next state legislature should make tha !w soplsin any one can understand It. Baker Ci'v De rr.ocrarc tay; "It is state.: Mr Jck i quire ha purchased the White in :he Dolly Vardln mines, giving her entire ownership of the prop erty. The constderatioi- is said la be ! 000, 710,000 caidow-i, bilatice fn notes. Tbe ten tamp mill on the mine is ready toi operation and will betarted shortly,'' wis squire w lor.-nerlv Mr Walker ol Staver & Warier, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs Merrill returned to her home in Port land to day. Mrs Tim Wandel and son ent to Eu gene today for a week's visit. Miss Writman went to CcrvalHs this i . , , ? - noon on a week's vuit with friends Mis Franine la;.', r. of Eugene, has been visiting friends here for some time. Mr A D B.-asfkid, cf Seal Book, and Dr Ktch. of Toledo, wa in the city today. The Misee Ha-ding, of Mt Angel, two of Marion county': most accomplished young ladies who bave been the guest of Mr Houck. returned home today- Mr Otey Vtcodwcrth has a tjar skin; Larked tip on bis barn, which be brought with him from tbe mountains. Ir Lein- enger aad C w Watts, of the party are ex pected home tonight. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Fact or Fiction about Two lair Awari. Great A rewsparr jagraph denounces as ' false"' toe claim of a baking powder com pany to an award at tbe World's Fair. Whom can it mean I Certainly not Dr Price's. Why? Be cause, a the rwrd show. Ir Price' ex- j bibited. compel ! and received the highest ' award, both at Chicago aad tbe t aiifornxa Midwinter Fair. Tl e award in California included Gold Medal Tbe official examin- j en pronounced it tbe ttronaest. the purest, j the most wholesome aad efficient of a. I the I baking powders. Its title to confidence is ' uc-iaestioned Can it be tbe manufacturer of a New j York powder, fictitiously labelled abso-1 lately pure'" wbo are making false" . ciaims? That w-uld be strange indeed, in- ' aamuch a tbey were not even 1 niaStale 11 il i in the awards. Was it A mm -mis in the New York 1 powder that prevented its mixer from competing.- If not what? On The Ssiuthern Boundary. Sept . 17th. li'-M. Tbe recent bervy rain have laid the dust and cleared away the smoke and greatly re joiced the heart of toe farmers. Bamaa ai at .Ka aiofcw . rmr ' f H 3t!'nd'ns :. !" .. , .,, i i...v (iL.r a:: i ..-if-;- ,-iuua wu r na have moved to Eu ene where they will at ad school tki winter. Mr Charles crimes eutertaiaei her mend with a lawn nartv on mnintr re cently, in honor of Miss Nellie Thomas. who has since gone to Portland to school Stealing watermelon has beea quite the rage with the bey lately, and to a much greater extent, "the rage with the owners of tbe melons. Messrs Morris, of Sales. Sabin of Har- nsburg. r uber and another dealer of Lo- gene, were all in tins vicinity baying cattle last weet. There was a dance at Hyde's hop honse one evening lat week which we under stand broke up in a row owing to the sup ply of beer. Mr and Mrs Herman have a new daugh ter, their twelfth child. Two men killed a bear on Vest Point one day recently. The wrought iron range agents are can vassing in this m'igbborhooii at present. J ill : r iu are seining rew ranges. Mrs Allinirhatn. on and daughter will go to Lower Soda this week for a short va cation. Mr and Mrs I! R Holt expect to go to Sodaville in a few days to spend a week or ten days. Mrs Hoffman and children have returned to Eugene to spend the winter. Mr B:banon burned a lot of his oaU while trying to burn the straw around his threshing floor, perhaps Oregonians are not the only ones who have to learn after all. Oakvillc. Mr W J Barton ha ihe on tract for painting the school house. Mr B il a first class painter. Prof Smith has a larsv school and there is a daily increase m number. We visited the now residence of Mr David Shearer on Church street, the build ing is not yet completed. Mrs S showed us through and described tlie plan. We wen? impressed with one part oi tne plan, that is abundance of light and ventilation. We congratulate Mr Sharer for being the owner ot tne BBflsx anisnexi noose in .- ville. Mr Ceo barton is busy budding, how ever he will stop long enough to go to the state horse trot. We visited the office of Dr W B Hamil ton, found Due at home busily engjiged reading in the latest work on surgery. Doc is clever ami accommodating; lie snoweu us his large stock of surgical tools and knows bow to use them, he also has medi cine for every ailment known to humanity. D A Wade and family went to Newport last week. The sound of the wood saw is heanl in the land, "Don't monkey with the buz saw.1' Ripo tomatoes at Smith's corner of Church and State streets. Amicvs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powci Awarded Cold Mulal Midwinter Klr. San Punch, v W or Id's Fair A GOOD CITIZEN. Oakville, Or., September 18, 1894. The resignation of Rev A M Ac bison as pastor of the United Presbyterian church of this place will leave a vacancy in this com munity which will be hard to fill. Mr Achison came to Oregon immediately after grrd nation from college and seminary and has since remained here continuously tor a period of eighteen years. Here he has spf nt the morning of his life and here he has put forth his best efforts to build aphis i a ireh. and in the interest of his peopie. Homo men pursue their chosen calling for fame, others for money, while others do their work for works sake; to this class certainly belong the ncblest men found in the public service of tbe time. They are stimulated by a higher incentive than ap plause or worldly gain, a desire to make others better and nobler, a desire to better the condition of those around them. Large ly through tbe influence of Mr Achison has me membership or tne Willamette church been increased to twice its original num ber; a mission has been established at Shedd and good substantial chnrch build ings bave been pot up at each of the above named places; church homes that would be creditable in far richer communities than these. Though he may go away the work he has done will live on. For from under the influence of his work have gone out, and will continue to go out vouncr men and i women to fill all tbe higher paths and walks i of life; people who will wield an influence wherever they may go for troth and right. Mr Achison has always been identified with all tboe movements that have built up the educational and chnrch interests of this neighborhood, and today no better com munity can be found in the state. He will leave a bort of friends in the church and out of it who wish him unbounded success in bis undertaking wherever he may go. May be be spared to bis family and his friends for the work which has.been pointed out for him to do, which he has thus far so nobly performed, till be shall receive the plandit the greatest which a father can be stow upon one of his children "Well done good and faithful servant." The word faithful here is rightly used, for it is the faithful service that must win the valid P""8 As OrrsiPKR. FINE CLOTHING TO ORDER. Fit Guaranteed. We have just received our New Sample for tbe coming Fall and Winter . Season from the large aad well known Tailoring establishments of M Born & Co., ; J Soloman Si Co., Hart A Oberadorf, aad Ken worth & Co , four of the Largest : Tailoring Establitbmens in tbe east, and " cordially invite yon to inspect them Tt , : : - . . ,, , c Tbe line is exceptionally large and fine. ! aod ail goods will be made op in tbe beet manner and verr latest ttyles, and at j pric with which no local tailor can i compete rrr gcaxajstebo. We shouid be pleased tc recti. e your erder for any garn enta that yon may need be it Suit, Fants, or Overcoat and hoping you wi l favor as with an ; early call, we remain. tours respectively, A. B. Mcfxwanr. HIGH LIVING, if you keep at it, is apt to tell upon the liver. The tilings to prevent this are Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Take one of these little Pellets for a correc tive or gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic. They're the smallest, easiest to take, pleasant est and most natural in the way they act They do permanent I good. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Head- ; iache, and all derangements of ' the liver, stomach, and bowels, are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're guaranteed to give satislaction in everv case. MU.-U'.UUll Ul CICIY UK. VII your money is returned. The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak ers offer $500 reward for an incurable case. , , . H r MERRILL. INSURANCE AND BROKER MONEY Albany, Or. and county warrants bought acd City od. C MOOS, eppotite Ru hcuse. tkor, J feed, baJ, thorta, Gnr meal, Gra- ! bucawbea. rj door, hay, oats. straT, potatc, etc. J1EO E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tin rootling and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite FOR BARGAINS I rtai ette a Ur e or ciU ob lamsaW CvJwslI ft Co Jefleiaoo. v ATS--Highest market price paid for V oats by at Senoers, Albany, ur. T70DND. A ladies hand bag, probably X dropped from a wagon, in this city. Call at Democrat office for the same. BICYCLE Ifr sale eheap. Inquire at DkmocraTv tflee. TCSTRaY- A Hack mulov three vear I at old heif.-r. sotuewt'ere in tbe Oak (.'reek bottom, near Ihe Ocwden place. Any information win le rladlv rrcolted at Shu.u Bros Meet Marks! . J ANTED. A girl to do general V v nouse wot m a small tamilv. ror further particular aply to this office. POULTRY MARKET AU hinds cf game, nh, poultry, el crabs, cyktets, etc. Opposite Raver Hou so. EpScbmik. H C Watson Luther Kikins. WATSON & ELKINS ATTOKN BYS XASSff. Office First National Bank building Bu tints intiuittti to is will rve prompt and careful attention. WALLIS NASH, ATTORITatX AT LAW WD1 practice ia all the court of the state. Office First Nat'l Bank building.Albony Oregon. WANTED. -A Livery stable at once, a fine corner lot will b given to any person who builds and operate a atablu fr this purpose. Address Stable, In oa re of Albany Dexoosut. . u nip m ueax watch-aba wkI twtue. sua oateU, &Mli &Un Beaa. asc.eratUk. I KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and imprOTemcet tends to personal enjoyment a rightly used. The many, who live n 1 ter than others and etjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products V the needs of physical being, will at! the value to health of the pare liquid laxative principle embraced in the remedy, Syrup cf Figs. Its excellencr! is due to ita presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and 'fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of tbe medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it perfectly free from every objectionable substanee. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gist in SO cent Dottiest, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. 0. R. & N. GO. E. MoNEILL, Eexiver. TO THE EAST GirCS IHE CHOICE OT TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY low rates to all Eastern .oitie- OCEAN STE f EE LEAVE POETI AD EVERY 5 PATS SAN FRANCISCO For fall drtail calx on oe aasBsotas: m H HCELBUET. Gcs'l Pass. Aoast FOETLAND, OR. r.;T Zi-T Take My Advice, and look out for your hea'th. Prtveo-' 1 ior is better lhan cite, but cures depend largely 00 bavins; prescriptions correctly compounded and prepared of absolutely fresh and pure drug. Our prescription department is unsu passed in this couatry, praised by all local physicians and esteem ed by the pub'.ic. We carry af -di line of the standard ren-.edies and medicines and be hundred and oce little preparations that are needed, at the most reasonable prices. J aClTUIHiC, Oiegon Pacific Mui CH A c lACi. K reel vet Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. CVcnaeOswwwk cmcir V;era Tv quia aad Saa Fr-isc. ails Ftby SOU-, Hirrh S, IS Si. ad 51, ro tiarr?. Homer sals Ibth Mar hi , mi d STta. The Company reenxTcs tb- rtgnt n vange sailing dates without notice. For freight and pas5nr rtes tpp'J to any ageat. Chart J Dirdns. S.n C.vo f c8 Karkt SI San Francisco Cat h:l Km hi. titM'Kt Cr;ja Is not cotnplc-ta without ra ideal POMPLEXIDII POZZONIS Combines every element of! beauty and parity. It is beauti-1 fying, soothing, healing, hedth ful, and harmless, and when Ml,tfv I'o.l 5c liciKl A mi"l delicate and desirable protection to tbe face in this climate. www Insist tspsn saving ths genuine. IT tS FOR SALE EVBYWHR. J. 2kf. aitS'I'OjY. INSURANCE AND MONEi BROKER. Countv Warrants Bought an Sold. Olte,Mastin Block, Albany Ortgoi. y . a. - - 1 1 3