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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1894)
"I cmocrat VOL XXX. ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1S94 watered at the rit a Aire at Albany. Or, at Drroml-t l Hall Mallei : .TITE a SI rTIXt.. P. blither, aad lrsprlelsr Kiahts ft W.L. Douglas S3 SHOE NO SQUEAIUNCl. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH ENAMELLED CALT POLICE. 3 Soles. 2.i- BOYiSCHOOLSHOEa. LADIES- SENOrORCATAUMUC W-L-DOUGLAS , BROCKTON. MASS. Voti can mtc wonff fcr purcbaalsg W. l irons in BB4 ftarcrtuea tnoea in tue worm, ana guarantee t rui the value by stamping the name nd price on the bottom, which on protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every wnere ai lower prices lor me value given man any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by THE l . E-BLAIN CLOTHINGtCO mm GOLLSBIATS II8TIT0T! ALBANY, OREGON lSttl, 18Q2 ' Term "pearr: Kepcmer tit: A ft I oorpe of instructca, ...MSICAL, SCiEKTIFIC UTERART COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES, i. -arses ol study Brrangod t dm all grcdea of student Hf"ai iHauctmntt eftttd t udi n rom abroad. bibust -vsaiT t- ice i Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Mac a. for Infants Caoterta is to well adapted to children thl mcommfd it an superior tony praecripUoa vowu t." HI Aaeanr, JL D., lit Sex Oxford ,, SroakTjTV, K. Y. I of 'rsutcria Li as u-iresrsal and a mortis so uilllii ti t It iriamt s Trrrr I fiperarogaUon to endorse it. Fsw are the astfatpBt eTTpia who do not keep Castoria . Vu oasjr roach." CacvosHas-nx, Sew York City. Tbs Oorrara Vet The Oregon Land Co -. Vi:n its h.-mt office at - - - OBii&O 9" t v? f locU, corpey JU-jeriy nd 3Ute street, branch office in Portlaiu MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract near Salem Will sell 6, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cah payment long tim? onj balance or par tic u las. FORTHILLEB Undertakers and ' 1 I TZ KtEP conslsnllvcn I art) a full line of n-ctallc, tlolh r.l veed ritkett ai W coffins. Also buiial lobes and suits, in brcadclolh, ,f ! n ir, It which will be old at The Lowest r.vlug I'roHl. EMBALMING and the r"l'ercare of the dead a specialty m EXTRA. CH ARC! FOR (ALBAJMY - - MASONIC As Many Pounds or a Dollar, and every thing in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls vttbe corner of Second and Ferry sti setf . Call thero our groceries and crockery ware. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, froprletor. MANHOC& vct pocket. S1 per box. fdraniists. Ack for it. take aJsVtaar' R ,irr u wriim iduviim bo rur. ar i-iuni iu piaiu wrappv r. Addreu ro. ssiain Arban'.Ors..byJ. A. OL'MlslMU "A old a thehUla"ad j never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. b i m m o at Liver Rerru- Better l.itor ia the only Liver ad luuticy jediciue tc which you can pi; your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing direciiy on the Liver n d Kid neva. Try it Sold by aU or in Fowde adi uitoa teiv n lan Pills Jill t 1 t:!". TVe t. "I lur e . Wv J!.. . Mr. nesl i.lf trl SON V.I. -! H tC l o CI. M ON TAN VB Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon and Children. Castoria era : Colic, OoajMpaHon, Son SuhlaA, Inarrhoca, EroctatioB. Kills Worm, gives slaep, an gatlaVj Without Injurious spdk&ia I "For "-rend rears I have ree anmeasU your ' OKVaria,- and shall alwn. I rooOnue u I do so as It has invariably irox-ed besaflcia I results. Envrs F. Pabdbe. 2L P.. Til m Mmi ( I . Tasj Taiafy I CoaraxT, 77 Xraaav grajnrr. Xrsr Toaa CRT. & MING Embalmer. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE - - OREGOI of Sugar. else as cheap, as at any store New Store. RESTORED; -. i.ltVE L-muaii'-ud locui a.l iicrtiiusdlssaass.sueli so Weak Memory, Lossof " Power. Uesdaclie. WaUelulueu. 1-uetMaiiliuoil.Niiiijlly Kuil.nloos. Ne ness.atl aralnsand luh. c,r attwer' i'nneruovt-,r, . ,.i ..,. u. ...... - byoTcrexertloii.ynutlirafrrars, oxcen.ive ue ui tnUucc opium orsttar ula iu. which lead to Intlrmltr.Consamptlun or inuuHr. I an be carried In for V6, by null preiiul.i v. itn SJ order w no other. Wrltaforfrt. itnev Hold be ' MUVK JKEU C" i Honk ssnt ft "mpia.Ci .a ,u. iiriuurtlxj. aadbr UODOEh IU-. Dolph Make a Si-kech. Harvey Scott delivered an address at the slate fair in Salem the other evenina. Senator Dolph was also called out. The Iniependent touches him up in this style: After, he resumed his speech. Senator Dolph who was present, was introduced in another, long, windy and fulsome speech. The old gentleman promptly came to the front and delivered himself of a drearv, old-fashioned, and meaningless tirade against everybody and everything but Senator Dolph. He had also the extreme ly bad taste to introduce politics to the attention of his listeners, of various kinds of political faith, but who were here lor a common purpose, and that purpose not to be insulted. In a very short time, the audience bo thinned out that the peaker nad to direct his talk to the few who occupied the band stand with him, and who wer J railed in so that it was impossible for them to make their escape. He had those poor fellows just where he wanted them, and he took ad vantage of h is opportunity. Mr Dolph is a tall man, who present a picture of no intellectual force whatever. He has! well as his best man appeared in fall about as much expression a the netri- ! drew, and the bext lady in a pale blue fled woman on exhibition in a email ; silk. The .ing service, gracefully per canvass tent on the outside. He would I formed, added to the beauty of ih cere have made a good cavalier in the dayajmony. After the words had bet n said of Charles I of England, and he made a that made the happy couple man and great mieiaae m noi naving Dee a born in tha era, for in that event we believe his nam- would have Wen handed down to pos eritv He don' If long to this age. Gi's AcciDaHT. Lane county has let up for a few da a on stand ups and is now star'ing in pretty lively on ita crop ot gun accidents. The Guard tells of an other: A shooting accident occurred at Meadow poetoffice, about 90 miles west of here on the Siaslaw river, last Sondav, Two boys, Justin Phillips and Ralph Nichols, had gone oat shooting with a 44 calibre self-cocking revolver. From the meagre account appears '.hat Phillios was holding the revolver, when by a jme means it was discharged ; that Nichols was standing directly in front of him and the ball entered his leg, and striking the hone, so that it came back and lodged in one of Philips' lees. Lane county is certainly the champion gun accident location in the state of Ore- I gon. f. n I wiSTUf.-ine height ol the 1 highest peak of the Three Sisters, the anow capped mountains to the east of us, has several times been roughly esti- mai-a, ana aneroid t-aroiueters have been used, bnt varied widely. The height has been variodslv estimated all the way from 8.000 to 12 000 feet above the level of the sea. When Prof Me Aiister went to the summit of the high est peak last snmmer he too. with him a mercurial barometer for the parpoe of obtaining the true height, the Prat mercurial barometr ever iaen on the mountain. He found the height to be 10.0SS feet Register. Stats Kaib. The 2 :45 bicycle race was won hv Will Shinn ni .ilem f I,. - second" ; Sears was 4th. Time 2 :4-V Tn'e one-fourth mile race was won bv H. B. Hewitt, Kahoock second, Morphv 3rd, Sean 6th. Dr. Wricht was at Iba end Time, 34 eeconds. The three mile cap was won by Hewitt, K. A. Miller second. Sears did not enter this contest. Jack the Ripper won the 2:40 race in three straight heats, best time 2:31.. Mowitxa won the runn-ns race in 1:49m which makes an Oregon record by an Urvgon horse. Normande won the 11-16. race and Vulcan the I5 hurdle in 2;08'4' breaking the Pacific Coast record. Where la He. A dispatch from Burns reads: Much concern is being ex pressed as to the whereabouts of William Harvey, who left here two montha ago with a light wagon for Albany. No news of him has been received since his ar rival there.except that his team has been ia waiting several weeks to bring htm back. Mrs Parkes. of Tacoma, is in the cit the guet of her parents Mr and Mrs Ewert. Married, at the Presbyterian parsonage James Keeton and Jane Vineyard both of Crawfsrdsville, Kev E R Prirhard of ficiating. H B Kacry returned last night from Upper Soda on bis Wcycle, having made the trip in a day. Mr and Mrs A H Martin went to Salem today toa'tend the funeral of Mr Martins sister, Mrs Jane Miller, whe died there yesterday. Mr Wallace Baldwin, commander of the soldiers home was in the city ibis noon on hia way to Benton county for an ouiing Prof VcKee, a former teacher in the Albany college, now manager of the Occident of San Francisco wae in Albany tbit noon on his way home by way of Portland and a Pacific steamer. Mrs Geo F Craw, having improved a little, was removed yesterday from So daville to Albany, where abe is now at M.- Prank Craw's residence in that city. Mr Craw came home on laat night's train Guard. A weddiDg suggests others, and the Man about Town can cover the fingers of both hands with marriage ceremonies that will probably occur inside a year, and are now so far aluug as to indicate engagements. Senator Dolph spent this forenojn in Albany, while on bis way to the bay. He ia going to eee what bis constituents need. We hope he will keen is optics on the Willamette also and help to give as a navigable stream twelve months in a year. Mr Dolph was acco npanied to the Bay by Hon 0 N Denny, L E Blaln, G F Simpson, J R 'yatt, N H Allen, B J Ilopking and I) B Monteitb. There will be a m-etlnif of the teacher. of the Albany public schools at the central scnotl house on Saturdar at one o'clock. Prof Tyree requritt all the teachers to be present. About fifty neisons emibvcd St a hop yard near Salem struck for 50 cents per box, the first of the week. They didr.'t get it, and were replaced by persons will ing to accept 40 cents. Messrs E H Collls and W S Love, of Portland, arrived here Saturday. I hey are out on a two weeks vacation and ex pect to cover 500 miles of territory . They are walking, doubtless for their health, and from here expect to cross the moun tains 10 Frlnel!le and a roundabout route back home. Reels cr. Probiblv uireesl- ed by the tra;np of McAmant anJ Ross. Messrs Stone r.r.d Bonner.reprt tenting a syndicate of Montana contractor, who re Investigating mailers with a view to purchasing the Oregon Pacific and extend' tng h eastward were In Albany yetterday and went to the Frcn' to look over the field. A double head would be proper for an item use tins, but our citizens are tired of double headed railroad Items and are walling for action. Real faith nevei grows weak by hai lng to wait. Sufferers Latin? Hood's Sarsaparllla for chronic complaints should be patient and the result will be satisfac tory. Hood's Cures. Hoods Pills act easily, yet piomptty anu emcicnuy. on me i.ver and bowels 25c. Peculiar to Itself. Hood's Sxrssptrilla Is peculiar to itself, in a strictly medicinal sense, in three im portant paitlculars, viz: firs', in the com bination of remedial agents used; second, In the proportion In which ibey are mixed; third, In the process by which the active curative properties of the preparation air secured These thre; Important mate Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar in lis medicinal merit, as It accomplishes curet hitherto unknown. But It it not what we siy but what Hood's Sarsaparilla dost, that tells the story. What Mood's Saattparilla has done for others it reason fir confidence that it Is the medicine for you. TUB OltTtL 1'AKKKlt WKODINO. Mr Will one), of Mr.Minnville, and Miss Nina Parker, of Albany Weie united in marriage, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs K A Parker, in Aloany, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 19, 1804, at S o'clock. On leaving McMinnville for Albany, Mr Ortel found in the street a horse shoe. Picking it up as an omen of good luck he brought it to this city. It was gilded and made the clapper of a beautiful bridal bell of white roses aud dahlias, which was hung at the west end of Mr Parker parlors, over a bower of foliage. Beneath the bell a very impressive cere mony was performed by Rev ERPrirh ard. The bridal party entered the room to the strain of Mendelssonu's wedding march executed by Prof W H Lee, the bride on the arm of her father, and the groom with Mrs Parker, Mr Ed quinn acting aa best man and Mies Artie Hus ton as best lady. The bride looked beau tiful and received many compliments on her appearance. She was dressed in a lovely brocaded cream Sbadame silk. with veil and natural orange bloseoum i sent from California l he groom, aa wife cougra'ulations followed. Aneven- imc full of euggt-tive occurrences was pa reed by the large company of guests present, on- of the nv at st) ish ever congregated in onr city, noticeable for "asiy weddiug costnmee worn by hand some young women. It was an elite wedding event in the history of Albany. A delicious lunch was served and was greallv enjoyed. A feature of it was a ring caae, the ring to fall !o the lot of the young lady to be married during the coming year. Miss Artie Huston drew the piece of cake that held tha ominone jewelry Another test was a boquet thrown at random among the young ladies. Miss Minnie MrKarland was struck and received many on dilatory congratulations on her good fortune. Music and a turn or two at dancing , varied the time of the evening. Over one hundred and fifty invitations had been sent oat to the friends ot the popular couple, going to numerous friends here and relatives and friends in other places. UQ WIUliWIl miuriicu m ft. . The company dispersed at II o .lock. .,! man or ihr narlv airaiu met at the denot this noon anJ Did the worthy couple God-speed on their bridal trip to Seattle, from which they will return and settle at McMinnville where the groom is book keeper for K U Wade & Co. The display of wedding presents waa large and elegant, and were greatly ad mired. W give a list of them, which will also indicate many of the guests of the evening: EAParker-Clo.k. Mrs K A Parker Knitted bed spread and shams. J B Ortel tSS in gold. Mrs Flora Clifton Silver not bowl. Jessie Clifton Silver olive fork Mrs E B Thomas Hand woiked rug Dr J W Thomas-Silver roup ladle. Mr and Mrs W il Parker I pr damask towels. Mr and Mrs Virgil Paiker-Silver berry Jtsh Mrs Martin Combing cape. Mr and Mrs W Huston Silver salt and pepper vervice. E L Quinn I set silver knives and forks, 1 set silver table spoons, 1 set silver lea spoons. Mrs R A and Nooa Irvine Silver gravy spoon. Mr and Mrs T J Stites Silver coop ladle. Mr and Mrs W A Croxton Silver water pitcher. Ur and Mrs E La Korreat, Mrs C O Barnes Silver salid bowl. Mr and Mrs H J Sower Silver cake disb. Mr and Mrs F H Pfeiffer-Silver berry spoon - Mr and Mrs T M Monteitb Silver pie anife. Mr and Mrs W M Rals'on-Silver set fruit knives. Mr and Mrs Will Parker Bird aad cage. Rev and Mrs E R Prhhard Pickle dish and book. Mr and Mrs F F Nutting Rose jar. Zulu Winn Lunch cloth. Emma Pftiffer doz silver batter dishes. Anna Babbington Silver enp and saucer. Olga Hewitt Silver gravy spoon Birdie Day Silver boquet bolder. Libbie Caro'hers Souvenir spoon Mary Bland Point lace doily. Rose Train Hop pillow. Allen Chamois sofa pillow. Rose Shielaod i dox af er dinner cops. Hattie Ball Ethel Redfield, Maud and Minnie Van Horn -t dox after dinner cops. Pearl Vance, Nina Galbraith. W B Peacock, W L Lyon silver bread dish. Mr and Mrs W S Hobba 1 pr towels, 1 picture throw. Misses Eva Cowan, Anna Flini, Hattie Galbraith, Lyda Galbraith, nna and Sophia Hook, Velle Irving. Lena Mar kha'.l, F'o'a aud Vesta Macon, Alice Porter, Alma Puiffer, Grace L Piper, Eva L Simpson. I.ora Vance Lamp. C B Winn, h M Morton. J A Cam ming, t. V cusick tatnily bible. W J Galbraith Boox of poems, "He- mans. Read, I'eacock & Co Table c'.o.h and napkins. Miss Aiita Arrick English bisque pitcher. Ir and Miss K.IH8 Hand painted vase. Anderson Cannon, F II Powers, J R Whitney Hand painted placque H fc, .'arsons Carving set. Miss L A Woodin -Mush st. O C and Minnie Mc Far land -Salad fork and spoon- J-.d and (iussie Hlodgett Silver egg cups. J E Brown Silver rose jar. F V Spencer Silver berry spoon. II L, Walden Silver sugar shaker. Joe H Ralston Silver card receiver. J A Wilson Silver cake knife. J R Wyatt Silver picket cat tor. An original poem addressed to the bride and printed on a cream colored satin banner waa sent by an aunt, May Bell Sperling, of Helena, Montana, and waa a beautiful tribute for such an occas ion, one that will always be prized, as well as being a literary production of merit. We will give it in full. You are going away from your child hood's home, From the harbor serene and calm, Where your mother's heart was ai anchor sure, And ber love a healine balm: Where your father's hands here quelled the waves On life's tempestuous sea. As in olden times the Savior calmed The waves of Galilee. And soon new lersoni your heart will learn, With tenderest pleasure rife, And tweet new musij will be set To the changing words of life ; And lips that breathe of a sacred love Shall call you all their own, And the heart that beats for you alone Become your happy throne. Yon are going away from your girlhood's Home, From your mother's fond embrace; No matter how long the years may be None ever can rill your place, She'll wake when the early dawnin" comes, And wait for vour greeting kiss. Alas I how sadly your loving arms, Her yearning heart will miss. You are going away, and your feet wil tread New walka in the vale f life, And that fair brow aa a crtwn shall wear, The tender name of wife. God grant that sorrow may never pain That innocent girl Ish breast j That the heart you have chosen may IE ' J" 1 ' M"M-M M- Smajimmmtm m-m i ..aflijB&V ever prove A haven of pears and rest. That father and mother, and biothers dear, And sister so kind and true, May bear an angel's whisper steal Throuph the sad, sad word, adieu! And Nina, darling, may b. easing rare Still follow you as a wife, And sweet new music be set to all The changing woids of life If EIDAT Seal UunTEns Rktibs. The sealing schooner Louis Olsen has returned from her cruiee off the Japan coast, nnu the six Lin coin county boys who were aboard have completed a dangerous voyage. The boys wera Ura uopeuuiu, nuie and ?ewt Gun I km-. Frank Lewis, Zenas Davis and W G Emery. Guilliaius waa master of the schooner and tue other bovg were hunters, 'the Guilliams' boys and Davis arrived hut Saturday. The Olsen bud a very suc cessful trip this season, taking in all 1.301 skins. Of these Or 1 V 'tan j took 300, be ink high man on the vessel. Newt. Guil liams followed next, with a score of 250 skini.and the other boys about 200 each. For these the hunters received t5 each, making the eight months voyage very profitable to even the lowest hunter. The boya nnite in saying that the season just past was the rougheat Any of them bad ever seen So rough was the weather that for day at a time the boats could not be lowered. Newt truilliarus and Emery got lost from the vessel in a fog on April 19, and were picked up by the PrnelcDe. on which vesst l they were" compelled to stay four weeks before they could be returned to tteir own veseel The Olsen Lad her sains contracted for 9! 5 each, which wa" a very fortunate thing for the owners aa skin have gone down to $S.50 now an the markets. Toledo Leader Rode a Bobrowu- Wheel. Young Shipp who has won three rceda., has shown that he hat in him the qualities that are neceasary to make a successful bicyclist. He has displayed the most extraordinary staying: qualities of any young nun who has yet taken part in the races. It it but a few month- since be took his first rule on a wheel. He owns none himself. He is a poor boy wbu has to work bard for a living ad is not abk to raise the money to buy lamaelf a wheel. Watt Sbipp has been bard at work trying tc earn himself a liv ing while others whom be is destined to outstrip, have been constantly practicing upon their own bicycles, and preparing themselves for contexts. Considering the .mall amount of practice be baa had. the races that he has run and toe victories he has -on the last few dajt. has astonished everybody and made the people of Salem fees proud of ber boy. We thins it would now be a graceful act on the part of the citiiens of Salem, at.d the young men par ticularly. to start a sabscnptioa and ue "nt young Sbipp with the very bnt wheel that can be found in the market Salem IncVpecdent. Lebaxox. Mis Hattie Warner wil have chargv of the Primary and Grammar, ieiartment at Santiam Academy The tuition is V'.OO per term. M A Miller acid oier Wl &miiJ of brimstone to the hop growers of this vicinity. He sold it at a lower rjnoe than any other firm in the valley This ia a good showing for a Lebanon dru store. 1 he city oounctl ant the citiartu BWJ- erally are disc-anting the ')ueUon of i.-cd ing Use city and ouying toe electric light plant and water system, before bonds can be issued, the lesmlature nil have to tuts an enabling act and the citizens will hare to vote on the quesiioau bat the preposition eeni to ue quite popa'ar among the peo ple, and the city concil may deride t tae the preliminary step in the matter. Ad vance- . Mr G M Westfall this week sold a half interest in his liverv slat ie and alsr- a half inteiest in hu share of the stock to Mr i'enick. CoundenU.m was tX? We are glad Mr Peaick baa decided to locate r-ermanestly in our city. Express. Tut Fajb. Acr-artling t oar exchanges the pnntipal thing at the stale fair are the races. The exhibit at a whole are un doubtedly not complete, though some in dividual exhibits are superior. in tae bicycle races veaterdav v ait Shipp won the first race in 2:19".: the second one, a handicap was won by C G Nurphy in 2:3... Soeakinir of the contest the Indet'eMdent says : All seven entered made a good start and nothing of conse quence occurred until the half was reached b'-u Sears took the lead and it-ii-r- 4 everyone with the idea that he would le the winner. W fc, n the three-quarter rjoie wbs reached Hewitt came trp and took the lead cn the home stretch with Month v hugging hu hind tire.the latter winning by i axes rm r,e. In the horse race the two vjtir old trot for north west horses was won bv Velvet te. owred by John A Crawfor-I. of this cny. in three straight heats; best time '2MH j the 2:20 trot was won by Maud Patches, do- nag tr.e ai t mm m s-nl . m 0M derby was won by Wyana iti .' 4. Hioit Wat Robbixg . Lace county stops its gun accidents a few moments for some more tUndnp. The Guard says: Two or three more hold-ups arc reported from Springfield. Two wagon loads of dif ferent families of hen pickers -rete M-'.tl up near tbat place last Monday evening ar.d j roouea ot trwir hard earnimrs. It u also reported that an attempt was made to held up the mail carrier but failed on account of the gentleman teaching for his gun- It seems to ui that these amateur hiirhwav- men ought to be easily captured by the of cra, If tine vigilance was iiwhI TheCoi-sty Jail. At least four dif ferent firms are presenting plans and arc ready to present ngures for a new interior to the county jail. Inrltrc Duncan and the county commi-sioners. as well as all others who have investigated the matter at all. realise the necessity of action in this matter at on early date in order to make the jail safe, and it is probable bids will be received liefore manv months tor the im provement. Judge Ihir-can and Commis sioner Pugh who were at McMinnville and Tacoma were well pleated with the Mc Minnville jail. The one at Tacoma would not be suitable for Linn county. Farm Holse Bcrn-bp. The farm houte cf Mr F P De Yam y between Jef ferson and Stlo was burned on Wednes dey morning. There had been no fire In the house since the night previous. The family were away at the lime. The contents of a couple of rooms weie saved by a coaple of young men . The houte was Insured In theSnnlntursnce company for $$oo. Blind Tom. An eastern paper says: After an nlisenco of about ten years from this city, the musical phenomenon Blind Tom was greeted with much enthusiasm by a large audience at Association Hall last night. So much hod been said ami written at various times about Blind Tom and his gifts and eccentricities that it would be altogether superfluous to write about him as one with whom the public were not familiar. His eccentricities he still retains, as was evident last night from his behavior on tlw platform, his remark able powers of mimicry, and his retentive musical memory are still unimpaired , Tita Rkfobm School Bots Walter L Duncan was brought to the state reform school yesterday from Linn county. His age is 14 years and he win, committed for incorrigibility. This makes ninety-four boys now at that institution and 14'J under its jurisdiction. The boys will come to the state fair today, being conveyed there by six of the state's wagons . '1 hey will be dressed in the regulation uniform and wilt be marched about the grounds and pavilion in double column. Statesman. A Bbewbr Assigns. Robt Schweibold, tbe Newport brewer, has made an assign ment to John Stimpson in favor of his creditors. Hia assets are to, 800 2:1 and are composod of real estate of tho value of ! $4,000, personal property f 1 ,.r00 and notes " J : r .OOO OO ryil... l:..l-:i:.:- amount to about $1,200. Fredrick Kern,' of Portland, is the heaviest creditor, hold ing an indebtedness of 1800 and interest j for one year, I 1 S-cVTTJRJD-x- Mr- Cal Burkhart and ton returned this noon troru a trip to Portland. Mrs K L Thompson aad son. Lea L, an in toe cny iot a lew days stay. Licae nas been i'eaed for the marriage of B B Ihmn and Uiuie Foote. Mr Morrison returned from the Bar yes terday. leering it alrnost deserted K W Acnison returned yesterxlav froa a bo.:nej trip to Coos and Carry coanties. Mr Ed Barnes, the W U operator re turned last nigbt from a vacation trip to the soond. Mr Doynes Turner, of ? end let on. joined his wife in this city today on a visit with friends here. Mrs S'arcisKa White Kinney, presidect of the State W V T I". will be in albanv next Monday and will lecture in Lebanon in theeveiiiiig.t Prof Moses aad family, of Tangent, has moved into the Cheshire bouse. Ue will bate charge of the pohlic school here this winter. Sodaville Review . Trjf W A McGhee. of .tS'tsar. has ac cepvd the position of principal of the Oak land. r. poblic scbbol. The IVf is to be ejongratulated on bis good fortune. Mrs ti F Crawford, of Aibanv. cmnve ver on We!nesday train aad is now iiiting Ber daughter the ldy who has bad Of in training for the past 22 years. -Scio Press. Mt Henincsjon and Mr H C Fronk. i cf Albany, mother and sister-in-law of Mrsi t I tooJnian. who hare been vLitinr al Mrs Gcodman't for a few days, ret arced home today. IiMlepeodent Iji'erpnse. A tartr of I'nited Workmen and mem bers of tit- Degree of Honor visited the lodge at Albany last niaht. The part v coo- aifted of Jesse Spencer. M Schmidt. Mrand Mrs R Huston. J A Canthorn. Misses Maud Cauthorn. Addie Sc'tunidt. Emma Camp- leu. neien iioigate. cvie Averv. mis Welker. Mrs Alex Ompbeil.Mrs Helm and Mrs Qanm Wallace. After lodge the Al bany members again surprised the Cor- vaitwites with an intt'.atioc to a (umptnoas banquet Corvallia Timet. Mr Fred Burkhart. thousti widera':4y stiffeoeO up and hru'-ed by the acident at the Frotnaa crossing is getting along well. ue gives a timenent version oi the accident from that of the Sreman. and states that instead of stopping a boat fifty leet trom the track he did Dot 'top until in front of the engine when be tried to torn the horses around and off the track : bat it was too late, and sxys the hors.-s did not become luiuaaageabie. The Albany Building and Loan assoc iation mee'.tio night. The property o: the Mjrt'e Creek Min ing Co it to be told at ther'tTssale. The Eiffel lower Is to be moved from Patit lo Baltimore at a cost of f $00100. A tmin load of home seekers itit Omaha on WeJneed.y for Oregon and more will fo.low. The Lincoln Coa tr Leader it hilarious ever the tuspenston of the Corvaltis In former. Several boxes of ttrawberriet were on sa c this morning at an Albany grocery store.and this is -September The highest recorded pi Ice ever paid for a horse It i?o ,000; for a co $30,000 ;(or a ram,; for a dog $4,000; and for a chicken fijo. About 2 o'clock this morning a man raised a window at Oscar Oannal 1 house for the purpose ot entering: but Mr Dan-(in nets heard the burglar and f lightened him away. Probab v the sani: man attemvt ed to break Into Trltes A Millcit livery stable. Collector Rlackman hguret out that there are 300 000 packs of playing cards in the North West that will have to he stamped. Depu'ict will go over the field to se tha: the law It enforced. The tax roll of Douglas county hat only jutt been placed In the hands of the coun ty clerk to make tbe delinquent roll. With rM.U a few exceptions the counties of the ittte are being very r:as mable and lenient thtt year. A car load of stone from Pioneer pasted over the O P the other day to Albany. Il It from F G Hoffman, of tl.e Suntet quatry, and is to ne used as bases for tombttonei In monudicn'sl work. Cor vallia Times. S H Friendly received telegram today from Salem, Albany, Independence anil Drain, wanting to purchase brimstone. He only hat a few barrels on hand and will keep the tame at home for the use of our local nop men. Is It said that the Portland market It entirely bare of this article. Eugene Guard. A special committee ol the d'y counc appointed to ascertain cost for counsel In water bond cate, reported that Weather ford and Wyatt of Albany, would carry the cute through the circuit and supreme courts for ft. The police judge was authorized lo cmp'oy them. Corvallit Times. Probally a typographical error as to the pi Ice. A Lasd Contejt. Several lu.uiths ago the Dkmockat wrote an item about tho taking up bv Charles and Martin 'flicker of a part of tho farm of George M Clark near Iracomb, which Mr CI.u k purchased from the 0 & C R R Co. The case is be ing contested liefore County Clerk Need- ham. It is liable to last a long tune, as a day and n half has already been taken up on one witness. Cam kr Removed. Yesterday Dr M t -ton removed 11 large skin cancer from the left Hide of the forehead of Mr Ixuit, father of Mrs D P Mason. The ugly growth had been troubling him for three years. ' 1 ilUMUlf H Lrrvur. ucii'r lurry itini urr iuk no end of pain . Mr Loat is very happy over the result of the operation, Or- Prica'a cnam Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. No Baking Powder Exhibited at the World s Columbian Fair Tested So High At the U. 5. Oov't Examination For Strength, Purity and Uniformity As the Royal. The official report shows ROYAL BAKING POWDER chemically pure and yielding 160 cubic inches of leavening gas per ounce of pow der, which was greatly in excess of all others and more than 40 per cent, above the average. Royal is the favorite in every kitchen and has a larger sale than all others combined. Mrs N'elsob's Statemsst. A few weeks ago the Democrat published ai item from a Portland taper a boa: a former Albany Udv. The following from the Telegram is a continuation of it : Mrs A G Nelson, who some two months ago caused the arrest of her Lashand, Horatio Nelson, on a charg f isduiterr. of which he was acquitted, bat just come oat of the hospital where she ha been ve-v ill. She called at the Tetearam office today to refute certain allegations made a-. atnt her b- Nelson, sarins: 'The statement nrade by Nel-on mat 1 mm Keen niarriet six times is post lively fai My first hatband is dead, and n airneii ni unie- is Don- my next wis A HarenporL who. soan after .1 ..- . ;'.) have me mardere-l lor this offense he was in jail b're six months 1 first met Mr Nelson at my mother's home in Iowa, He knew all my hi.orv before cur marriage which took place in Vancouver in M:y. 1V3 '' Mr Xe ...,n hat been a resident of this citv 13 yeari. and is a devout ninnlws of the First Bapti-: ctarch He- friends here arc amenj- the most respectable peo pie. all of whom voath for ber trsAal ilness and irreprcachsbie cfjracter. In Albany, where she it also wel known, her acquaint ances speak sj her in the highest terms. Sebekadeo. -The coiiej? boyt and girU were out in fall force but evening serenad ing their frbnds The phomores were particnlarir conspicriou with a banner bearing their name, eapprd with a skull and rrs0 ces. the siroll so arranged that the lower jaw aLJ be raised and lowered al will preeEtiors (rrave like appearance. The Man about Town bad just re: 1 red when teetr voices m melodious strains onn led and bonnded aaton? the trees of his front yard. The eerecade ended with the follow ing remarks made in a very imps-essive and emphatic manner: Burma laka. Burma laka. Bow, wow. wow. Ching a laka. tiling a laka. Chow, chow, drew, Burma Laka. Burma laka, H ho are we. We are the boys of aJhfnW. KapaacM Bot at the Faix. A ffsjod - 4 . 1 1 : ) : r . , 1 , ., ta3Z. .? vum isata ui t c iscru to i-riu X ii.r fair yesterday and watched for the sevyral Aibanv bots ia tbe Reform school parade The Journal tells about it as follows: At 1 1 :30 the state reform school boys marched into the grounds i a frvnt of tbe grand stan 1. A dram corps composed of the boys led the nearly one hundred voting men iu charge of Frank H Bryant, the engineer of the build ing, and Supt R J Hendricks, la their neat grav umtorni? inev prraented a j splendid appearance, and won -neat credit tor the institution hy their conduct. Ihei 1 . I.. : , . . . 1 r . t . I rn.wa cauitin on aicxnr ai tue lace aixm t - r. . . : ' 1 ...11: 1 ;li -m. , . 1 .T eigni in sstHtSBWoai rrriri. iiieotry. next j revolved in balf-mocns an cirries, boloing the atte-fttion of tbe large audience in the gram 1 stand. Thev evolved in all forms and finally went off in single bio. tapering j down from youcg men full grown to ten i vear olds A ther gave tbe salutes the ', thousands cheered again and again. All the bovs ocduciod themselves in a gentle manly manner that was creditable to the state and to tbe management. Dkcidedlt Bold. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock Mrs Schott and son Johnny arrived in (own from Stayton to visit the fair, and having a young horse that was .unused to street e.irs they concluded to stop Simpsons addition and so left their ; buggv at the barn of S Beck, and put the horse in a neighbor s ham near of. Some time last night a thief stole the buggy, and then went and appropriated for his use a roan mart- tour years old. telonging to Chas Bouillurd. teen went over to a Mr Shedick aad got 3 harness, and lit out for parts unknown. This is one of tbe boldest robberies committed fir some time, but it is safe to say the thief or t! ieves strait be ap- reuem.ed soon and br'iiehf tj justice. palem Independent. Wast it Bad. J R Markley returned from Prineville Sunday evening by private conveyance, lie star s that the people ot Irook county are very anxi -us tor ;in early extension of the Oreaion IV.cihc. and if it could be marie now, residents of that sec tion would give the company a gooa ileal of assistance. I'beie was a time when ex tensive stock raisers of thtt locality wore opposed to any enterprise hat : I eV velop the ccuntiy and increase t e popula tion, but that time has pas--id and they are now unanimous in wi lung for some plan that will afford a favorable and less e pensive outlet for their commerce, tnan vi The Dalles.- Gaxx-tte. Alioitt 8 o'clock last evening tiro was discovered in the rear of the tailor shop of W. R. Graham. A couple ol men dis covered it ami uroaking in the it .r soon nut it out. It nrobnblv caught 'rom a drying lamp. Uusar and .Minwil Hit the fluty of eveyonf, whether a home or,; for piea.urr: or buh es to evulp himself vflth remedies whlea ui I keep up strength and prevent i!liies.s, end cure such Ills a-at e lisbV to coir.r upon all In evt-rydav life. For instavce. Hood's Sarsaparilla at a genetal tonic, and to keep the blood pure and lets liable to absorb the germs of dlseate, will be well nigh invaluable. Chanpe of drinking watcf often causes serious trouble, e-,eci ill c one hat v:en used 10 spring water in (h counirv. Krom a few diops to a teaspoon ful of Hood's Saittptrllla in a tumbler o water wld pre-ent the walea having any Injurious effect. Hood's Vegetable Plpr, as a cathartic, cause no discomfort, no dltturbance, no lost of sleep, but assist the digestive organs so thai satisfactory results aie effected in a perfectly nrtural and regular manner. r. Prica'a Cream Saking Powder A Paws Qftne Crsani ot Tartar Ptrwdar. """s"ti jsep& !'3ssr tot WALL ST., MEW-VOIUL SOCIAL AS1 PERSONAL. Andrew Kahn. the weT-known Japanese merchant of Portland, was ia the city yes terday. Mr Merrill Fish arrived ia Albany this forenoon from Portland, having coaoe on "a haejeJa, President E N Condit will preach in the C P Church in the r-rt-rning. Xo services in the evening. Mr Roes HumDhrev. of Watextaa re- ... . '.-.t - i? Irom 3Wem- 1 OT ! " '"""''"'- urn-e 1 rrnett. : 1 rvaissa lain i. J I1" today from the Mate fair. Be waa Wred oat rrom the bk-y-Je races on account j 01 having ran for taone on one oveasion. ' Miss Julia M Tatl.r. cf PhBoroatb. one 1 of the most s-oe-fui tear hem of Benton coan'y, began a three m x.tb term of school near Sbedds. Linn roonty. last Monday rnornin;. Gaaette Charles Andersoa reinrned frot-u the SL:e j fair today He reports Charlie Sean as j having been ill since Wednesday morning. two much so to 00 anytarng en relive in ate bicycle rases. Rev ; W Gibony. of Oregon City has let the contract for a seven room cottage to the lowest bidder. There were eight bid ders, and the Courier gives the list, the (owes: beirg $569. the highest tSI5. Mr Sith Mc Aiister and a friend, of Eu gene, were in Albany yetterday on bicycles, on their way to Salem having made the tnn in three boors and a half, probably the fastest yet traveled between the two cities. The LOT M' will give an Auction Social at the young meat Social Clab rooms Toesday evening. Sept 25th- A short program will be re-dered and lunch served by the "Lady Macca'-ees.'' All are cordially invited to attend. Mr Gat Carrie, of Portland, was in the cit t today on his way borne from a trip to Lebanon an'. Eugene, Mr Ctrrrie is now cianager of the Portland Carriage Works, having retired from the real estate bosi ness. He report basinets generally as be ing greatly improved in that city. Last evening the Democrat ruhlilhed . an item about the failure of Robert Swei- I bold, the Newport brewer. Thi morning I a cenueaaan called at the oflve. and. pint mg at the item said ' DaL- me. ' Mr Swei- I x a . a. . - - fanul-r a also in the cxty Mr Brags', advance agent for .Gen. Lw Wallace, author of Ben Hot and the Prince of India, among the moat popuiacof Amer can lerturer. was in the city today secur ing a gaarranty cf for Mr Wallace's appearance here in about two weeks. This will be the lecture treat of the year. Ex-sapreme Judge Strahan and his law partner M L Pipes were on todays train ' south. Mr Pipes goeto Visalia as attor- cey in a suit between two factions of tbe 1 - . 1 t. ai 1 r . . . . r United Brethren church. Tne suits, bv the way. are arising in various parts of the I'nited States, due to a split in the general confwBte of that church. Ashland Tid ings. The lefferson Review compliments the new Albany school house as follows: The new $13,000 school bouse in East Albany is now completed. The contractors were G amber & Tiainor. It is one of tbe ti.iest school booses in the valley, and the work is first class throughout." reflecting great credit on tbe contractors Jefferson needs such a school building badly. Dr J F Hendrix. of Hamsburg. the sage of the popu'ist party, author of one of the best works extant on the money question and manager and treasurer of the state ex ecutive committee of the people's party, is arranging to spend tbe winter.accompanied by his wife, in Ashland, fhe populists are awaiting his coming with pleasure. Ashland Record. A farewell reception was tendered Mrs E X Condit, and Mrs Judge Wolverton, by the ladies of the Fiesbyterian Church, yesterday afternoon at tbe residence of J M Irving. Mrs Condit will soon go to Lm Angeles and Mrs Wolverton to Salem, and both wi',1 take with them the univeisal good will of our citizens among whom they hive resided most of their lives. ' During the afternoon Mrs Langdon was heard iu a vocal solo and Misses Margtierete Hopkins am! Maud Crcsby on the piano litnu-siKeed to cute QltiOUS Atlacfisao vmou. "small BUe, Unn-. Good Is Essential to f HEALTH Blood You cannot hope to be tcIIS If yoo are I BOILS, ULCERS or PIMPLsES, SORES W nil ill I ta taut. A taw hoi-le. rj S. S. S. will ?thv roughly cleanse tha tyttem. remove aU aro-3 rour hem uruios ana Dtuia you ujh At manner m 1 aie CLEARED AWAY br iH use. it is th best blood remiy on raitl.. i nousanos wtw aa. uMd it say so. " Mv hkMl waaSaaIv Ihi veyir.Nirh Cct tnt whole -ri-f rT if iinhl iliilfmlml coaitast :.utv.c I't-CtlW, BOtJOfm CM HST. Bftj f-.--f.s-. wvttjf-t at TVarn 1 .wsx . 1 acre ta aj.i JOI'N C.ftVVIH.Iyte.Ci 8c i' realise on blood arid ski rtiieawi mailed i rte SWIFT SrBGBFK ).,AtUntj.rji. A B C ftnold's BTQQQ-Seierg. Srdeadld csnu liitml far Saeftns ar Skk Upeeitd or taomiKw nftiMBift. min Eiha aMSsaat. uoqi. hjjn.j THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. wettem Are nut, CHICA00. Sold by all druggHts. it vour BLOOD I5IMPUB& Touted wita I -lirfaiaSS. Messrs. 8. C. Wetxs a Co.. LeBoy, Oe.ttlesei I haTetrifrdrainydiflerent kint& of medicine without, receiving any benefit, zod had given up all hopes of soyeorsor eve re lief . I waa troubled with constipation for Teats until I was a tota! wreck. Fioailzjfjaa into rhenms'um and other trf-rhKttA ktW been eoawaed to the house (was in bed for eirht ooiuha, for two years. I h-re ben niinsrjTnr Kiat a Curra Boor Te. sod Sid that it ha done me more good than anything I hav ever tried. Yon are perfectly at liberty to use my Mass) as a teatimoaial. aa I am gtad to know that I have been the means of reltcTi-.g others. T-iui;v , jars. v. r SVsl NOTICE. riiaco-v Cm, Or,, ing 8, 134. Notice is hereby given that tbe approved pun ot fliruey ot iown-oip 12 Sooth. Kange 3 East has been received f.o&i the Surveyor General of Oregon, and on Octobeb 10. 1S&L I at 9 o'clock a m of said day. said plat will ! be filed in this office and the lar.d therein I embraced wid be mbject to entry on and after said date Tp9R6Ewill be sah I iect to entry on October 6. at 9 am, and I TV. OP ? t - ft a . 1. - . f, ft. 1. VD KKMJUtt 11 3 a U3 . Robrrt A Muu. Register. Peteb PAtftET. BeceiveT. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders, Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, .Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mustang Linucer.: conouers Paki, Makes flan or Beast wefl again. ex. r. 1 mm ssm isz mm nusmt is sold onder positive writtea ctasrantae. by antlMnssd aanu only, to core Weak Memory: Loss of Brain ami Nsns IVaiei. Lost at s - J. Qfucsmi : KsjM Loews; Evil Drearos; Lack ot t.ocHre-ie. : r--. Lasasnaas; all J Law of rower of tha liaera;;r-. trv ted hv orc--iertjTftm Tsattl re Ess ot Tfihaecu. Opium or Lirtaor. wrricfi leada Mirr. a-sd Death. Kj -n.L 1 -1 bci; tax for Ji; writtsa a-oarastee to cow or Saiasie ptsckniee. cor.-aioirg s re days' t with full instracti-iats. la terns. Ofc otily soitl to .o- re SSSI SS J A Cumming, sole agent, kJHasry. LE BRQH S wmmwwmu,mtmwmamimlmm ac-v vvas-swal irMw- N-.atie 5 w aartBfxrr . mwmmmmm j w tfkfu I 1 mr Wa, hmm S-c f. LAD1E DR. FELIX L GtJN'S sim hid wiml Firs are the original and only . .K..v'M, rsife -,nd raw Uahleeare on the Pri . : bj nail GenRiiM sold only by J A Comming tole gt r.i Ai- y. llflSIV! 1 otc- fo'-tco is her v ai i fond on haasl warri-itt tinr v t Ictarej on the s . th 6 h dsv of S n , tSS. G Mo ts ' -a. l. T f Caveats sad Trade-Marks hta.s .-4, snlsll Pat ent b-taaess conducted tut mockstc revs Our drnt r is Ceecrsrrt u. S. flltur Orr it and wa can iecrire pal rnt in ksa uiuc lasa lasss irfo-rts ttti'a Wavhiivgton. Send nixlel, diawu-R or phot"., e-ita neenp- .1 W - . .. . i .,,Ml.kU rw nn, 11, Our iej not lue tu! r Was is senrred. a PaMPMirr, nowwuw iniwa, cost of sr -ue in the IT. S aai . jicit- comuxs test tree address. G.A.SNOW&CO, Oee. FSTtlTT Qrr uma-raM B FOSHA s ! .( t . tneuiau aaa srifc- Irsggistsand Bookseilfi k . gei ta for John B. Alder 'a panlVr to s lob wa sell at pi-hliafcer'a rrlsa- v j latlsRaarlriBl' 1MAMY, f NEW rnrnf tayw l etsiwAty to tM wmt h r '" " "'" '.aa-af-hM iwRpw am rdifMAM M or PSSV,a-eUa waS n AH AS A PffcySfeTlVE sasssR'w acty 1 itasiasjal aag -r : W. ut&tamit LsBlaWilsTrll SKwisHHsliftReVBtoBtl