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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1894)
About Wool. The San Franciaco Examl.isr has been interviewing dealers in woo! and woolens to ascertain what effect the new tariff law will haro on their business. Harry E. Wise of Christy, Wise & Co. says: "The effects of the bill have been eicel lent and they will be better. H has al ready been demonstrated that the cry that free wool would ruin things is merely a crude political lid. In the past sixty days wool in the grease on free stock has ad -vanced fronill to 3 cent a pound, depend ing particularly on the staple. This ad vance applies to the territory wools of Ore gon, Idaho, Nevada, Montana and Utah The increased demand at better prices is directly attributable to two reasons: First; he great manufacturers feel sure that woo ae long ago reached bo'.tom and that it is bound to advance; second, the settlement of the tariff puts business on a definite basis- Foreign wools cannot ruin us, for the re.ison that even tho advanced price on territory wools is lower than foreign good8 can ever compete with. Then another point to be remembered is that there is now an increased demand for foreign wools, a demand so brisk that it has already sent up the price abroad. Eastern manufact urers engaged upon the more popular fabric into which foreign wools are woolen are be hini in their orders and many are running over time to compete the order. So, yon see, the foreign wools have not hurt us and they will not. In fact, in spite of an in creased price of foreign wools, the ad vances on territory wools exceed them I think that the hindwritins on the wall is plain. As ihe bill develops in its opera tion its full advantages will be enjoyed more and more on this ccaat and through out ihe country: "By next year there may be a slight drop in the price, incident to the return of Um market to its normal condition, but the olumo ot business is certain to be g' ater from this time on than it has ever been, and hough the earnings may be a smaller percentage of the whole, yet the gross wi'l be greater than in the past. Our Bos on house advised us that there is the strongest kind of a feeling in the mar ket, and that the firms that have lately made enormous purchases are the most suc cessful in the United States. Gna house lately bought 1.500,000 pounds of Mon tana wool and 500,000 pounds of Eastern Oregon o-t a largely increased scoured btsis, following heavy Ans'raUan par chases "The price of clothing, however, will not go higher, because great competition will put it down. In fact, there is only a few pounds of wool even in a fine, heavy suit of clothes. On a $50 suit the wool . costs about 14. The protective tariff, how ever, redounded to the benefit of manufac turers, and enabled them to keep up prices. I believe that untaxed wool will establish the industries dependent upon it on a stable and nourishing basis ins ire to consumers bettcrjand cheaper clothing, and create an increasing demand for American wool. The good effects of the bill are far-reaching already, aad we have only begun to rea is, them." J. O. Hoffman o( the firm of Hoffman, Alexander Y Co., manufacturers and im porters of clothing and proprietors of the Oregon Woolen Mills in Salem, bo has been making a thorough study of the tariff on wool zrft the effect of it removal says of the Wilton bill: "Congress has at last done the country some good by admitting wool free good that will be felt not only by the manufac turer but by the consumer, inasmuch as wool is now about as cheap as cotton, and instead of potting shoddy material in clothirc the best Imported wool will be mixed with American wool, and the re sult wiil be a much better class of goods for the same price now paid for an inferior article. This will naturally create com pnition and will have the effect of estab lishing new houses all O'er the United States." How Much Truth. A correspondent of the Democrat waLtso know how much truth there i In the tate ment made by McKin'ey in a speech in the late canvas in Maine concerning the new tar'fT iaw, '.ha', "There is some protection in it tut mostly for the south." There is no truth in the statemant whatever, and It wou'd be very discreditable to McKinley's iatcliigsjaca 'o say that be did not know his statement was false when he made it. There are ten articles pioduced in tbe north on the dutiable Hast where there Is one produced In the south placed on that lit, McKinley makes cu.nplaint that in the new law even inrrac i placed on the dutiable list, but ne seems to forget that he, himself, la his notorious bill, put a duty on that article mote than twice a high a the duty in the new bill. Aim. .it A New York Daily, Tba' Deaio.-rallc wonder, The New York Weekly World, has just changed its weekly into a twice a week pacer, and you can now get frit Iwj p ipss a week for the sime old price $t .00 a yesr. Talaak of it! The new bom New York ritit a, your door fresh every thiee dajs 134 pai("r year. We hav; mide arrangements ly which we cm furni.h hl prper and .te twice week New York World all for only I2.40 a yetr. litre i? your oppoitunity to get your own local paper and TI.e New York wci Id twice every wrek at x rsordinatl'y low late. As fat :is heard from, tue populirt of Arkai fiw have not carried a aing'e counly in thg itiile. At tbe election last Monday the showing they made was In Ne vada county, the home of Repreienta'ive whtre tbey captured a few local offices. The majority ot tbs state demo cratic ticket will undoub'edly exceed that of two years ago. The democrats have re gtrined u nu-r.lier of counties. Emtnett, republ'can. will lead Uarber, populist, by two to one. Chairman Armstrong, of the deniocraic state central committee, stated that the entire vote of the tta'e will carce'y exceed 105,000. Two year ago ISO, 000 votes were tast. The atate demo cratic t'eket will have about 2.,000 ma jority The drlrat place in Ihe world is said to bi part ol Kgypt between Ihe two lower fall cf the Nile. Rain has rever been known to fall there, and the natives do no", b-lieve travelers when to!d that water fa'. f.nm the ky. I) K litre1 1, the chemitts. recin'zing that ozoie, Ihe natural purifier of Mie air, I proljced in nature by bilstm feet the pine, fir, larch od eucalyp'ui urgri th a (nchtree be planted and cherished ol fsims, and In towns and vl!lsges. Retnenibet this i. the oyster season and that .Schrnetr keep them constantly on ban Is op;orlt; the Revere House. Why Farmers arc Feeding Wheut. Donn Piatt used to say that on the farms of Ohio it costs a dollar to raise a bushel of wheat, but that the republican tariff system of discrimination against farm products would bring the telling price down to fifty certs a bushel. The prediction has been justified. Furtbcr than that the farmers have discovered that it costs more to raite wheat than It will bring in the market and that it can be sold only at a loss. They have gone to feeding it to stock, while saving their corn and oats to sell The extent to which wheat is being fed in Ohio ii surprising when the facts are known. A Van Wert dealer says that many farmers of that section are feeding heat and selling oats. A Jamestown dealer reports that farmers in that sec tion ' secure the best results in feeding to hogs by crushing the berry of the wheat and casting it over a good grade of clover hay previously cut and dampened for the Dumose." A Columbus shipping firm makes this statement: The wheat we are shipping to New England is nearly all used for feeding purposes, and we have forwarded over 250 carloads so far this month, in our twenty year's experience in the grain business in Ohio this is the first time we have ever shipped wheat to New England for feeding. Farmers who have given the matter careful study claim that bushel of wheat will go as far as and a half bushels of corn. Reports to the same effect come from all sections of the country. Wheat has been degraded until, for the time being at least, it is not marketable. No part of the responsibility for this can be traced to the new tariff or to the long period of dcubt as to what the new tariff would be. Wheat is not effected by tariff except indirectly. I's price is regu'ated at Liverpool and for thirty years the farmers of America have been selling wheat at free trade -ml buying all they consumed at the enor mously enhanced prices of a republican robber tariff. They have suffered the full results of the two iniquities. Foreign countries, whose products have been unfairly and iiupo i U.aHy discrimi nated against by cur government, have e taliated bv descriminating against our wheat, a large part of which must find sale abroad if sold at all. England turned the plains of Idaho into wheat fields, Rus sia plowed np and sowed the valleys of the Baltic, and as a result the farmers of America, must feed their wheat to the I hogs, sell it at a loss, or let it rot in the granaries. But a better condition is com ing. The new tariff is fair to all inter ests. Wheat For Stock. Tbs Bureau of Animal Industry, a b-anch of the United States Department of Agri culture, has been investigating the valoe of heat as a food for animals. Wheat formerly sold at too sad three time as mu:h per bushel as corn, tut the latter Is now on tap and has been fcr ?omc lime, snd it aouldb:a goxJ deal more H grain wercldbythepoundhere.r.i. some coui.tries,there being four mocepounia of wheat than corn to the bushel . Tha result of these Investigations ahows that it is mote profi-able ui feed wheat, and particularly the porer qjlr.its, to stock than U i :o sell it- "We may -afely con clude, says Dr Salmon.chief o the bur. a-:. 'that the screenings and ImpeHeit mheat hou! J be fe-i and only the best wteat pat upon the msikel." The chemical analyses made by the bu rsas shows that wbest contains practically Ihe same amount of protein per 100 pounds as oat, and that both wheat rand oats have 30 per cen: more than corn. Wheat has, however, only about half as much fatty matter as corn and oats. In carbohydrate' wheat ranks above oats, but below corn. The fat in Ihe animal 1 produced from protein as well as from the fatty substance Protein also help to build up tbe 'albumin oid tissues, of which the muscles are the piomincn. part. The carbohydra:e sustain the heat of the, body, and if they are net present in aufficicnt qaantido.thi deficietcy must be supplied from the fa'. Wheat ia particularly adapted for growing animal on account of its abundance or pro - tein, which supplies the material fo- bsjildin-j up the muscles, tendca and other album noid itracter. It is also gooi fattening food. Ia fact, the cscmical investigations show that it I b:tter for both fattening and growing animals than corn, bat Dr Salmon Is not willing to concede so much. "Corn, be says, "comet nearer being an ideai grain far fattening animal in thts coua'.ry than 1 indicated by tbe chemists' Uoe.,, He tninksthat such animals d: not need as much protein as is contained in the German standard, the one 00 which this report ia based. Equal Darts of wheat and corn are recommended for fattening animal. This j mixture would be better than either gr -ini alone. ''For growing animals corn is plain ly not so suitable a wheat or oats.'' Wben wheat and corn are the same price per bushel it i preferable to feed wheat and sell corn, says tbe report, because wheat is 7 per cent heavier 1 er bushel than corn: b cause.weigh'for welght,ii is an equally good grain for fattening animal and a better one for growing animals; and, thirdly, "bcaue there is much less value in fertilizing ele ments removed from the farm in corn than In wheat." When tbe change from com or oats lo wheat is made It shouH !: a gradua. one. The wheat ihoulJ he mixed with some grain o which the animals is acauV.omeJ. These prccauticn are erpee'ally neces sity wben wheat is fed 'o horses, as Ihey are paitlcularly liab'e to colic and other in ternal disturbances. The best f.rm in which !o feed wheat is a co.rte meal. If to fine it becomes pae'y and C'lheras to the teeth and gums and is no: teadity masticated, ' In the tor n of a coarse meal it is relished by ail animals andjls in a condition too be attacked ' y '.be digestive processes whether thoroughly masticated or not. "These recommendations apply lo all anim.s except sheep. Bleltr reults have been obtained from whole than from ground wheat when ted o sheep . AtUvCstiful Indiana farmer and stock ralaersajs: "1 have not sold a bushel of wheat for four years-. I feed it all on ti c farm. I rotsle my stock, fattening cattle in the S7iing, when the pasture is abun dant; hogs in the summer and fall, when they lake on the most lard, snd la e lambs during the winter, when they can always be bought cheap, and they nibble strsw in stead of yn-wlnp on' !. '00 s in my pa ture land. I a wavs fatten my s ock on wheat, and from considsr it from 10 lo 40 per cent cheaper than corn. Wheat h worth 80 cents per bushel on ths farm for feeding.' The laces of the As or family are valued at 53jo,roo, and of the Vanderbilts at $500,000. The Pope's lace treasures aie said to be worth $75.00 j,:Iioc of the Queen of England and thoae of the -Pr.'n cess of Wales $250,000. O your way home stop at the Pest Office grocery and get one of those delici ous water melons. Of Politics. Senator Manderson and Prof Hill of the Chicago University appear in print not by agreement to urge that the tariff be taken out of politics. They must mean that potectlon should be taken out of politics. Taxation cannot be taken out. since it is the main question of governments. Protection can bo taken out only by separating it from revenue. Protection should be expelled from poli tics. It should never have entered pollilcs But how did It get In and who put it in? It was not put In by free traders and it did not blow in bv chance. It was lobbied In by persons who soujht special f jvors, and was made a party policy by politician who saw the valuj of gcttng the support of men with money to spend. There are two ways of taking protection out of politics One is to make public tax ation for public revenue only. That would expel l.entliely and end the uncertainty . Ihe other way is to separate taxation from protection and let the lat'er be judged once for all by the people. In tvher words.give bounties by direct appropila'ion and collect revenue to meet the epensi. If protection Is necessary to preserve wages and pros perity, let the people sav so and pay out of the public treasury what they think Is necessary; let thorn know what they pay to each iarius'ry. It is dishonest to mix taxation and pro tection. It i Immoral to to: protection re main in politics. Take it out. The uncertainty of tariff tinkering is bad lor business and a lobbied tariff is against public morals. Take it out. Curious Facts. The paper t'.o -kit. now being manufac tured in ti 'many me said o be a great preventive ol colds. A b.itibt tellow sky i unsct pusges wind; j pile cl.t, e ;o.angeor copper cMo d, b I an- i aa. Rojc F-l ... i fi ua to prac tically p.' auam to tbe p.opirsionol ves sels f-i . .mm r.lal purpose. "Til- ivc. .gt- an ulfi e product ol Chia and ,..n Is xjo,ooi,cOo, oo Of the United States only pounds, I bat 165,000,000 piund. Sione masons dl probably get a better Idea of the immense siie of the Great Pyra- said whea they learn lhai it consists of 89- ! , 020, 000 cubic lee! . The largest "logar." or swaj log atone is iat Peainis, Siciiv. V weigbs about 313 ions, and is so nicely balanced that a man can eas'ly pat it In o matron. At a depth of one thooaso- fee, from the surface, af Ithaca, X V, there, if a solid stratum of rock salt of an cacdleat quality, j namrly three i.uadred fre. thick. According to some recent slat sic on the ' cost of living, an Englishman s.vcis.on aa averse. feSa vear fo. ioA, a.nchm. 7. a Gjrmao U3 SpaaJaasJ 3j an Ila"- ian (24. an i Kuu an $23. Ut m-rai. the En-li-btna can uo pounds a year, it , . ,c..chlt S;, tha Cern.n 6. Se I-.lUn 26 and !S Ru tin '1 . Of breaJ. the K02- 26 and tSe Ru un 51. Of bread, ihe Eg- Itshmtn conramoi tr pounds, the French- man 540, the G::man 56 j.the Spaniard 4S0, the Ita-ian i and ihe Russian 63j. Ex-Governor Tlaiated, cf Maine, viewing tbe reaolt of 'he election paper, the New Age, say in . S rvart: 1 "Thirty thousand Maine Liemoc-als did not tro the rtnila liat M .ndav t'.rjt .iitaatia- faction eaisUamon, democrat, because of, tue uejTertieuieu course puueu y uk Democratic State Committee; first, with n,-. Nit, nt fawtai K cer, and. socond wttb regard to tbe conduct of the campaign. MenwbobadfunushedtApAlroMmremiMtted Jo fM thfrc character, brains asd money to the party 1 found their withes disregarded, and in , many cases appointments were made which ' were obnoxious to the democratic party of I tbe localities in which the office was located. i "Then tbe committees assessment of , $10 on elery jocratic aspirant fori ( . cae. to gran', a1 hearing; even a reversal in numerous In stances of tbe action of local committees ; 0T tne one or two wn0 DarJ cowtitoted Ihemrelves a 'court of last resort,' when it suited their wishes; tbe selfishness mani fested in taking tbe best officsyn the state by almost the entire committee, earn other therefor, and using w'UlCb they bad arrogated i comrd geif indorsement ; democrats who asked recognition at tbe j 0f the Adminis ratlon; the total in- j efficiency shown in making no effort to j harmoni .h tha ttltandnnment of all political oik by the corr.mitUe from the day of President Cleveland's election, and tbe devotbn of its time and energy to securing Federal posi ions for its own members and personal friends all these contributed to make trie honest principled adherents of tbe democratic party in Maine at first restless and finally disgusted with the party management Tbe boneit rank end file of tbe democratic party can not stand everything, and they find no other way of letting the par'y leaders know their fee ings than by s'aying at borne on election day." Ivory i not obtained from the elephant alooe, as tbe majority of people imagine. The great canine tee1 b of tbe hippopotamus furnish an ivory which i harder and whiter han the elepliiint. and leas prone t-turu e low; among tbe Northern na tion ti.e tu-ks of ihe walrus have 'ong bren used us a source of ivory; and tbe 'pnally trt i-t.- i iusk of tbe narwhal, the ear bor-ea of whales and the teeth of the sperm whale aUo furnish good ivory. Tbe tutks of tbe elephant, which are a pair of upper ii.t i ' teeth, are prized nioro highly than those of other animals on account of lbeir size and shape. The African specie of elephants re said lo possess Ibe large and finest tusks, some weighing 160 pounds. However, authorities on the sub ject state that ten'y to fifty pounds is a good weight Both ibe male and female African elephant are furniahed with largi tusks, while in the Indian spscie, although all thoae of the male attain the grea'est size, they are by no means a large as the African species, European horsemen have to be very care ful in their rambks over Chinese p'air.s This is especially the case in scampering over the Pakhoi p'uin cn a li'tle native pony which ia about an suiefoo cd as a donkey. Tbe cause Is easily accounted for. Tbe natives dig boles fcr lizards, which are dried and exported as a tonic, or in the form of "lizard wine." A sharp look on, therefore, has to be made for these holes even on the path, or elae tho eques trian will come 10 grief, as many do in consequence of the ruts In Rotten Row. Selah vVlnfield.who died at Wayne,Mich on tne 27:11 Inst, enlisted In Ihe was of I812 and rerved a-itil it clo'-e. He was b'vn in Sussex county, N Y, January 30, 179a. His grandfather lived to the age of 106. MISFITS. One more stretch and some horse will go a mile In 2 minutes in harness. A Portland woman, on 14th street runs a saloon, being her own barkeeper ; she does her own housework and takes care of a baby besides. Several salesmen are going through the valley selling steel ranges, and, it is to be regretted, getting a good many buyers. They can undoubtedly do better among our home merchants who spend their money at home and are identified with our local interests. Farmers should look before leaping. There is one problem that we have never been able to solve, and that is why wheat only brings 35 cents in the market here, and at Albany the price paid is .; cents. In fact, wheat commands higher price at every other point In the Willamette valley than It does in this city. Will someone give us a reason? -Salem Independent. A slow city. Salem is proud to have more kinder gartens than any city on the Pacific coast, as well as more colleges and churches. Journal. What about San rrannsco. l-oa Angeles, Sacramento, an Jose, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and sev eral other racitic Coast cities, ihe Journal seems to like to talk just to hear itself. It is reported that the Southern Pacific company will bring in large bills for the transportation of troops during the re cent strike, who were dispatched to points where they were needed to pro tect the railway company's property. It is also reported that the company will bring a bill against the United States for the transportation of t'le United States deputy marshals on their trains durintr tbe strike. Kugee Guard. Probably only a report, though there is no telling what a rai road company will do. The government engineer will soon maVe a survey of the Willamette for the purpose of providing for permanent improvement. Our City t oan-il should consult with him in reference to the betterment ol t!i river ' at th:s city .part ieuUrly above the i. tdge. An exchancv savt: He is always on the 1 ether aide of the iu-tion; he constant!? i i gpo ob, dark side of t objwiions; ; he sJwHVs ee tbe'ftn i,im. The e; ru ahead in him ne is constantly waiUnj; for rjumimiifiu iuu ui, oui nvTtr iun uu i 'anything; he is like a wet blanket to ail I ( aUvametnent aau enterprise; ne is a sorry "?an to listen to in such as ths present times; be never pays lib parson, tbe printer the merchant: keep him at arm's luro rron him entirely, it were s better to make mi.-takes Uaae yen are two positive, rather than be a noboiy. be-1 caose vou have no oouragp. no get op and; get. i-isten not to him for he is the negv . tive man and don't lead newspapers. Ths Salem Independent gives toe follow-1 lnS -7 h" cnt 01 the afflur w,uch " n '' "TTri endbigbni: hunday night about 10 o clock Ceorge and 1 rank Stimpson. brothers, were coming from Lebanon to lbany on a railroad tricycle, and as they arrived at a point about t-vo miles from Albany, while running slowly, two men ! to hat. They stopped and a resistance was made by ueorge.wno is dnver ot the wen rargo expresn wagon, cf Albany, where- 1 ITTt, cf cue of the teen, laying open the scalp and baring the saull. For the time be was ! i r tho n tlw. -.!' rendered unconscious and the i.rotner being pinioned th robbers v ent through them. but they failed to secure tbe booty a '. passers-by were hailed by Frank, who came to tbe rescue. The bantlita ned.and tiu-ugh : , . a 1 1 1 a 1 uatc vt La., i. iiwiv, at as .U. . I., TV . I ?i man was brought to Albany and relieved ujuuk. t utr, .1. ,u "ii. a ur " udli.i by Lt Maston . The wound i a bad one: 001 mI umpson Wl.1 SOOO oe AOOUl again. A Temporary Removal. - J VV 0 Jjick & Co will hereafter oe ,?oJ ia e Oregon Bank building until auring thflr temporary cccupancy o! that place. Notice to Farmers. afru,f.V ne " swHonary: no K0k!weii their oM inen.t at the . .. ..r .1 : . jrtaavu ailt-at mw Having renUd tbe Magnolia Mills and j it and it soon became heavy and dull, warehouse we are prepared to store 100000 j The Northwestern receipts, while smal bushels of wheat and oat. We also have . ler than some of Saturday's rumors, had j a nrst ctrjts chopper in tbe boose and ar tuMiiiaj airuaa uiiiuiTtueuu 11 kvjjt storage. See us before making arrange menu for storing . Geo F Siwrsox. G W Smrsox. The Latest News is that Julius Grad 1 box full wcieht Savon soap K cf. 2 boxes French sardines 25 cts. Oysters 10 cts per can. Aliunde and M coffee 25 cts t, and all other goods sold a low as any nouse on this coast J 0140. GaaowoiiL informs us lha his branch store or. Second street wt'l be open from tbl dav on in regular form of b-jttnesa. The same will be a cash store. Come and try and satisfy yourtclvcs that the cash system is the only true one In hualne. If you take hieailtLe vou will never have anr hard lime. J (jRADWvtlL. Q Wkuoino xvitaviohs. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Goldet.J Common every day. Caas"KatlLKV. A I'ro.blu Befeat. London, Sept. 18. Ping Yang, Corea, A difttatch from says ; Everv hour adds to the crushing character of the Chinese defeat. The total Chinese loss is now said to 1 over 17,000 killed, wounded and prisoners. The Chinese prisoners not wounded number H,."'00. It is probable the nunilier will be increased the next few days by prisoncnt being constantly brought in by the Jap anese cavalry. Besides General Tho Fonk Fai, commander-in-chief of the Manchurian army, who only surrendered when badly wounded, the Japanese captured Generals Tmi I'aokWoi, Wei JSayu how t.nit and BM Kin lnu, prac tically all the effective Chinese prisoners are to bo sent to Japan in batches of 1000 m Japimese transports. Another Eaganemrat. Shanghai. Sept. 18. A naval engage ment has taken place off the mouth of the Yalu river, where a Chinese squadron was covering the landing of a large force. The landing was affected, but in the meantime the Jnpanes fleet attacked the squadron. In the fighting that followed the Chin-jse ironclad Chin Yuen was sunk by the fire of the attacking fleet. The Yong Wei, belonging to the Chinese squadron, in attempting to get out of the range ot fire, and in maneuvering for a position, was run aground. Another Chinese ship is also reported to have been sunk. The Japanese arc also reported to have sustained a heavy loss,i three ot ttieir vessels nave been stink by the fire from the Chinese. Atlrntpled Rubbery. Gorin, Mo., Sept. 18. Four masked men attempted to hold up the express on the Santa Fe, near here, early this morning. The railroad officials had got wind of the plot and had put 12 strongly armed guards on the train. When the engineer was signaled he slowed down. One of the bandits shot at him, strikinp him in the breast, severely wounding ; him. The guards on the train then opened fire on the bandits, who fled to tlie woods. Two of the ban dits have been captured, one of them being fatally wounded. indorsing wonl 18 lomg business in hif new quart- r. r 1 or the r.1,1 fw i)ffi. an.l v.ilr-. placing the deadly revolver to tbe power bniIdi . Hni ,,i i head, blew out his brain. Tle 10 themselves 10 : an introtlnrtinn in .: now 1,0 will i oreurmi on me stuewats. on tl.e 1.. t ..n ti.a. f,ii..,. ,., side of Yamhill etreet, alwut wj L(vuj ' uu' 1 a va v tuiiv nnix kijvafi ivi alt a v ' v . Terr 1 ' MiU.vtu.K. N. J.. Sent. 1R. strolling tlio wood near thin city Yester day morning Kmil Klawcter and two companions dared each other to eat poke- i.-riicB. a ney ate nearly two quart 8 of the poisonous fruit. When they started lor their homes Klaweter became un conscious. Another bov then dronned. Klaweter .lied lfnr a .lru-lnr The other boy swelled until he was three nines ins natural size, lie died in ter riblo agony. John SchwarU, the last of the unfortunate trio, died in a short time. The graltttb tt'ie Msssas. Boston, Sept. 18. The most distin guished Masonic body in the United States, the supremo council of the graud idspeetor-general of the thirty-three de gree Scottish Kite, went into convention at Masonic hall this forenoon at 10 o'clock. Urahg Commander Henry L. Palmer, of Milwaukee, delivered' an eloquent address. After tho appoint ment of committees the convention ad journed until tomorrow. Nai Candidal. Auusv.N. Y., Sept. 18. Governor Flower announced today that he is not a candidate for reuomination. Ho made known his determination after a long in terview with Senators Hill and Mur phy. Governor Flower said: "I am convinced my nomination would not be so likely to command the full vote of the party as would the nomination of some other democrat, and I am two de sirous of iiartv success to be a candidate under these circumstance.'' a Big Majeal.jr. Gbort.rows, Sept. 17. The demo-, cratic committee announces the otticial vote as follows : Owens 1829 Breckinridge ., 645 Settle 146 Owens plurality 1184 Desha Breckinridge and several of his j friends went before the county coui : niittec ami protested against the 'vote of ; every precinct in the couuty. The com- niittec refused to consider the protest. t Bis Bobbery Kaasctrvo, Sept. 17. Miss Nettie Hook, aged 30, and her brother John, 24 years, of Iivaltoa, Sierra county, were arrested today on a charge of grand larceny, for stealing $5114 from Charles Perrv, 70 vcars of ae, a fanner of BaW raville. The old man has been Ihe prisoner's friend since their childhood, .-mil uliin he tratlicr un his li'Vi. ftavimht 8nd came to this citv last week, intend- im? to . to i.ik:i lie Drought tiiem brother and sister su-amer, but when he reached Smttlc he ailVoYen-1 mat lie BM ien robbed, as there was coin in his trunk. He re- turned to Uiis citv and reported his loss lo the i.Uoe. Itetrctive Gibson ar- rented the pair and recovered I70). which thev had deposited in Wells, r ar?o A to I -auk m the woman 8 name. WaviusouN. r-j t. 17. A telegram has been received at the Japanese iea- I tion. announcing a general engagement 1 1 et ween the Japanese and CMMM forces . l: v 1 it .1. northwctern frontier of Core, on the Ta-Tong river, resulted ir. a decisive vic- iory for the Japanese. The officials of ,W , ,ion sUlte lhat u fim ! :Y :...m Z .: l: rr I. 9 the brst in Northern Corea, concerning which there have been so manv rumors. Aa Ki. . ... Idaho, Sept IT. John Todd a saloon-keoper, ehot and instantly killed K.U n Bradley in his sadoua t- day during; an altercation. Todd used; ' , double-larreled shoUrun. firing loth Todd is ,n ,aU. Aa klsusesssaf elae l'cuiv.O. T. N.-p:. 17. A evclone : pisecd through Jennings and Mingo, ' east of here, and b!e SO bouses to I atoms. A young lady and two children ; were killed and several people injured. , I Several houses caught tire at Mingo, and ' - .,i a tvuuaa,.uuu .-..- n v. . Bj Withdraw m omaii t. Sept. 17. Arrangements were cluaKM tutUV tv tbe Western v itl:-lra n (Vtober 1. ror tiiiw Years j the Union Pacific lias been compelled to neat tue cutxiittuti uppuuuon ut un ,K,1Ilnd- Ul Uuriin"n 1,1,1 lho Kl Tar Hkral War Let t nit .-. ert. :.. A .licn-ajse ol ept. 17. A decrease 1,360.000 bushels in the amount of wheat '. and flower on ocean raxasage started the wheat market a little higher than it j clotMxl on Saturday afternoon. The! , led to the expectaUons tliat were suffi cicnut iiraiv i. ur ivantli taciors. Startler a ad ftwteaak . Pobtlasd, Sept, 16. It was about I sM o'clock this afternoon when John W. j ! Stengele, a well-known young civil en- : , gineer, shot and killed Mrs. Mabel Gal- : vin. of Worcester, Mm., who had been ' id then, j his own 1 tragedy 1 south'- j 100 feet wcet of Thirteenth street. Three shot ; I were fired in quick suocesion. and the i 1 man and woman fell side by side n the ! latveiuent. Stengele died instantly, and ; his victim gave onlv one or two gasp after the arrival of several bystanders who witnessed the shooting. Unre quited love prompted the double crime. Baa l Ufcc Paper w.aej . Yokohama. Sept. 2. Business in Corea is much disordered, owing to the scarcity of silver and a sudden lack of confidence in Japanese paper moner, which has hitherto circulated to virtually at par. The airencies of the Japanese national banks have tried ever means to arreet the decline of paper, which now stands at 40 per cent discount, but thus far their efforts have been in vain. The depreciation betran with the whole c...- ... . ....... 1 . v, v ij.t-i. ti.t. it?-, al.. rt n.: M.t ..fa departure who exchanged large quantities of for silver, which they carry home notes with them. The reaury Bxatealltlaa. St. Johns, N. F.. Sept. l.". The l'e.irv main and auxiliary expeditions, with all well on board, arrived today fr.mi j Falcon harbor, which thev left August 28. Peary, wfth Lee and Henson as volunteers, remained at thelieadnuurters at Falcon harlxjr to complete the ex plorations next season. On the trip they surveyed and mapped a hitherto unknown coast line to Melville bay fcr loO miles. Messrs. l'cary and I-ce are the first white men to se;, locate and measure the historic iron meteorite near Cape York, which tbey will bring home next veaf. Cue I Waco, Tex.. Sept. 16. At Gatesville, the terminus of the C'otten Belt, today, a fatal street duel t.xk place between J. L. tioodman, editor of the People's Voice, and 11. (i. Armstrong, editor of the Star, both weeklv natnera. I Tho duel mm out of a personal controversy in the papers over the Ed. Cash lynching a few months ago. Goodman was shot throug h the heart and Armstrong through the bowels. J. . Ttceman, a bystander, was fatally wounded in tho neck by a stray shot. Horaclblrr Killed. Brain, Or. Sept. 111. Word has just beed received that a homicide was com mitted in the south end of the country, known as the Wild Horse Country, the 2.1 inst. The report is that n man, giv ing his name as (lilhooley. shot and in stantly killed a man by the name of Uaudaloupe, who was attempting to steal a span of horses from the former. A ireat Bare. Exii, O. T. Sept. 15 Tho first anni versary of the oponing of the Cherokee strip was celebrated todav by all the dis tinguished persona of Oklahoma. The feature of the occassion was an exact re production of the original race for the townsite, the prite to tho winner being a lot valued at $2000. Five thousand people participated in tho race, but the real contests was between 4000 horse men, including Indians and TOwboys, It was a most wonderful race. Trie prise lot was reached simultaneously by a Cherokee Indian and Parks, a Kansas cowboy. FOR WEAR FOR LOOKS For all around satisfaction Nothing equals our superb suits Manufactured of OREGON WOOLENS COME -AJSTJD SEE THEM- FOR BOYS SCHOOL SUITS 4aJl Hsssstaissaissga 'sKWngTiY.L'i : itaHaf THE L E 8LAIM CLOTHING CO. FLINN BLOCK. As Many Founds of Sugar. or a Dollar, and every in Albany, at thing Julius Gradwohls Nfiw Storp. vt the corner of oecoud and o ur groceries and crockery Albany Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894 Send to Rev E N Coadit , President, for particulars. NEW : FURNITURE, 4,Y SrORE iSNOWFUU. OF FIRST-CLASS FURXITUKE. CONSISTING L X of bed room act. obair, leong, -., abico I will tell at BOTTOM Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes Man or Beast well ALB MY OREGON. else as cheap, as at any store XI V IX WVVl V Ferrv sb set'. Call there ware. College PRICES. Thos. Brink. aiLACKBURN & S0MERS ATTOENEY8 AT LA."W, All legal matters will receive prompt at tention. Office, First National Bank building, up stjur. S?":isssassTsCUe5ck 8,01 Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. WOOD fr aale at hard time oak, ash. maple, pic, tir. prioaa CO Ho.. vs. Notice for Publication U S La.p v fries, at OasooM City, Or August 13. 1894. Notice is here'iy given that the following naaied settler ha tiled notice of rtis inteu- --- - 1. . u t a . m .. tiuu tu umrv tiaa. proui to support ot nts claim and that said proof will be mad befom County CU. of Lion onnnty, at Albany, Oregon, on October 10. 1894, via: lames X Campbell. It E No. 7823, for the W t4 of aeotion 28, Tp 10 S K 1 E Ha names tbe following witnesses to prove hia oont naona residence upoa and cultivation of said land, vis: J Uutobins. of Lai wood, Or; James C raft, of Larwood, Or; K Grigs, of Jt.diD, Or ; O Moatgomsry, o! Jordan, Or. K a Miliar, Register. Notice for Publication U 8 LasD Orrica, Orroos Citt, Or. August, IS, 1S94. Notice ia hereby given that the following named vettler has tiled notice of hi inten tion to make final proof ia tuppr rt of hi claim, aid that said proof will be made before t'ouuty Clerk of Linn comity, at Albany, Oregon, no October 10, 1894, via: James Craft, H E No. 7153, for the S E i of eeotioa 32 Tp 10 S R I Ji. Ha name the following witnesses to prove hia eont'n ucus residence upon aad cultivation -f said land, via: J Hutchins, of Larwood, Or; Junta N Campbell,! Jordan, Or; V. Griggs, of Jordan, Or; Prank Wain, of Lsrstood, Or. i RAMilrrk, Register. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valle points via the Oregon and Sonthern Pacif c railroads sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about the fol lowing dates .From San Fran cisco on Wednesday April I at 6 pm. From Yaquina on next Tuesday, J 11 Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San FrancUco: Cabin, $12; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good for 30 days, $18. 'has 1 HcirDBr, Son k Co, Agents. No 2 toMarket street, San rrarciirx Star Bakerj 4orRr .ttda.blo and Firat M CONRAD fEYlP, FF.CPRIEICFt . 4 tru .la, ''"aSSSVSf, . .til ft all. "uair. ' titer ianf He . Vft tat birr l'iata sp lee Teat. List.. w ikqu. Utat at Witt m a pH ? assies in h i atara. Baa aaarkat pric peas Sue- M L. KINDS OK PRODUCE Street Railway Time Card The ear wi ; leave ecn.rT of First and W ashington street at follows: 740 a m for Lebanor-. train. b.l5 " " Orohan" Borne. 1 1 750 " '' Kooj train going north 12:15 p m for noon train going south. I " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphans Uome. 4 ft ft n at 9:55 " Overland train fcirc-ro For Orphan's Home on &nnd?y car leave at 2 Jo, y:io and 4 .30 p m The car art 11 also meet all inc trains on the Oregon Pacific ratlroa C G BrKKHAKT b. n. bide. w. n. rrsmscEB. r. b. jake ALBANY FDBWTBBE CO.. rco Saitiswtre Nock, - - AlkiT, 6re. FURNITUR E complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its braxachek. EMBALMING aialty. 1 KMc er3td andCaiapooU ! U S BAKERY. Fresh Br ad Irerj B j. Piss, Gabg, etc Special orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Propriety i Notice for Publication TJ S Land Office, Owsoc City. Or July 31, ISM SoUce ia hereby pi vac tba: in fonpii- j anca with tho pioviaioBa of the act ot J Congress of Jane 3. 1STS east alia. An act for tbe sale of I'rnbec lands ia tne Mater i of California, Or.oo. Srrada and Wash j iiagion Tarrrtory" aa extend J to all tbe pub: c land state by act of Annual 4. 1891. Collins W Klklna, of Albany, count v ; of Linn state of Oragon. has this day fi d in this office bis sworn statement So 29r j forth parch ase of tbe Njrtbares K of ejection No. 13 is townhip no. 10 8 range No a East, and vial offer proof to show that the lard ouiai is more valuable for ita limber orrtor than for agrtcuitt. ral purposes.and to esublish hia claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of .his office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuc sday the 17th day of Nov, 1S94. He names as witnesses: Jos Wnltney and C B Winn, ot Albanv, L W Laughead of Hal stead, C H Laughead. of Yaqmna City, Oregon. Any and all persons c'alming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of Nov ember, 1S04. Robert A Miller. Register , Notice for Publication. TJ S Land office at Oregon City Or. Sept t, 1894. Not tee la here' y given that the fo low ing named settler baa filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, aad that said proof will be made before the County Cerk of Linn Ooonty, at Albany, Oregon on October J0, 184. via. William B Savage II K No 8142. for the Iota 4 and S ia the 8H Sse S5.T IS 8 R 1 W. He names the following f I to sates to prove his contin nous lwaidaaoe upon and cultivaviou of said land, via: W F DeaJuna, Albany, Or. O H South, Laoomb, Or. D B Deakina, Albany, Or, James A Tucker, Leoonib, Or. ROBEET A MILLKK Register To make ths hair grow a natural color Srevent balda'sStand keep the scalp healhty tail's Hair Benewer was invented, and has proved Itself successful. Hood's Pill are purely vegetable, and do not purge pain or gripe. Sold bv all dregghts. That tired feeling which I o common and to overpowering, is entirely driven off bv Hoot.' Sartaparila, the heat blood purifier. Hood, Saiaaparllla overcome weakness Hood's Pilt are tbe best after-dinner pill, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c a boa. The fact that Hood's Sarsapanlla. once airly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volume for Its excellence and medicinal merit. Hood's Sartaparilla 1 Nature's 00 worker. Hood's Pill become the favorite cathartic with every one who trie them ace. Red Grown Roller Hills. ( net rporated) Boat floor tor family and bakers tie BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. K. O. T. M meats everv Saturday even ne In K. O. T. MHaU. Visiting Knight- levitad to attend. A L Lamb, Com. Dr H E Beers. Or O. K Bern Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women. lion's 10 to n A M, i to 4 and 7 to 8 P 14. Offices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and EUwcrth. Wwfi ft EK FORD A HAW I A.IS- mmmm at ? .late. SpwaalatMOtion iri; aaatatoasstloas. orKIC! liUc. ana practice in au .( the mum n to matters In vrotri m In tbe niae Uedr w r-r ft BltLTEO Attorney at lw MM HH Amr in ;tacrj. von ",r '. as te .. z . iom roevofl on mi -- rablaterm. AlDanr, all th-v,.iru A ten u sfrsstsl iMlnrlia aastaseaasai mettenU prelate Ost.-KTt doer 10 JV Albeay. 0sr D.I f. v J at I t 1 f I I, l! matters art J rels awssss. t. oil ftUom-t Tempta. aleaay, O CC4ICK .t CBlSaBM of aiiiasT, oJ50o. acss rtnasruiaHT DstAFTi oe s Ssji tr aoo and PorUaJva, oresr-o LAAS MO SET oa tnprowa UCKTfK COLLMCV sarenre Ahwu auitieet to COLXXCTlOSS mad ,.b fct in" OTTBaUCST mid sa uma 4aaMsf B ASK : s ;t, scto, oaBao'". . i Men. a i Jew J- WH1TX Attorney at Law. Uksai ' e. ov iv. i: eft HM Kt;l4. AiDmeysftt Lsw. Albanj, Oregon. D ft. J. I. II Li- Bareaesas asd tmg orncr co rer-T twa, aihaT. Orerawi T. CIACKET, M.D.. aal 5 lie". Oafcarjaaans . earaae iat. satd Cn'isiiii as. IRST SI ATKa.f-A l BASI or axbas t, oasaos rEA-SACTS a CK3TESALbaakls aCCOCKTS KUTZ aaiesact to giGKT SXCHAStiK aaa W" KewTark,Su OWeaar til T - CO-LCCTIOati VO a U jrV t-si NOTICE. ? Vrsgox City. Ore. Abbt , 1394. I Notice U herebv given that the approved ! plat of sorbey of township 12 Sostth. Raaga : East has been received fiem tie Sorreyer , General of Uregon. and on October 10, 1894, at 9 o'clock a m of said day. said rhat will be filed in this office aatd the land therein aaasneasl aril 'e m ajsaj -1 Jatln m and after aid date. Tp9B6Ewili be sab ject to entry on October 6. at 9 a m, and Tp 9 B 5 E caa October 23. at 9 a m. Bobrrt A Muxeb. Register. Peter Paqcrt. Beoeiver. mmmi notice j Notice is herebv given to all whom it ' cay concern that 1 havi been duly ap I pointed execntrtv. of the last will and ea j tale of litcrsael Cro sant, deceased, by the ! Co-ant v Court of Linn coontr, Oregon, I 'herei-- re all persons having claims against ' said estate are hereby notified and re i quired to present ihe same to me at the j oace of W R Bf iyea in tte city of Albaay , ! Jregort, with the vouchers vrrtliin six j months from the date thereof. I Dated j ur.e 15, IS94. Elii 1 CRoisaxr. W. R. Bilyec, Executrix. At:ornev f jr Ercutria. AlbanylnsaiatGe Agency We have had over seven years exper ience in the Home office and local insur ance business, and can guarantee Insurance written by us to be properly looked after. The following is a partial list of compulse represented by us: Foreign North British & Mercantile, Norwich Union, Phoenix, London, Man chester, Guardan, San, Caledonian, Lon don & I.accash!:e. American Continental of New York-, Westchester of New Youk. TheCoasi nental of New York and Manchester of England, write farm buginesataking, ssaaaa. for the premium, with ample time rot payment. We respectfully solicit anj good business. Office opposite Id post. ' M SENDERS EXECUTRIX NQliCE. Notice is hereby given that the andr- sigaad ha this day beea daly appointed executrix at the Uat will and testament of Sophia Van Wind: Brager. deoeased, by j the Coont) Court of Lin. county, Oregoo. I All persors having claims again! tajd I deceased are required to present them to,. the anderaigned at Fertland, Oregon, or to, Weatherfortt A Wvatt attorney at Albany within arte anastha from this date. This 21t day of June, iS94. M'.NSIK BRC6Raa, EiftSti ix of th last will of Sophia Van W indie Biagger, deceased BIOS WANTED- Sealed braa will be received np tn IS p at Wedcesday the 13th fur the haeliag of sacked oats ftocn O P aide track to Vauce'a brick building opposite Schmeer livery (table. Bid to be at the rate per ton. EE McKitNSv & Co. Albaoj, Or, Sepl 8th, 1894. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testament of Wlllian H Henderson deceased ate of Linn county Oregon. All parties having claims against said ettate are notified to present hem duly verified to the ald executrix t her residence two mile outh eat of Hoi ley. Linn counly Oregon within tix months from the dale hereof. June Is, 1S94. PuoxBt Ann Hkxdrrson Execotr BIDS WANTED. For digt;ieg a we!! o ion, and a aidewal around the Madison atrrat ackool houst n'ock in the Third Ward Bid received by the stibae.tber tot- dre day froaa data. Aibaev. Sept 15. F K At its, Clark of D t 5. jr. tY toe's Httstt PtrfCCt MAttaV ; C r ...jii,,, 1. VIA aSswaaS , s, CTOCSG