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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1894)
fmorrat VOL XXX. ALBANY.ORKGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1894 sintered at Ike rest ee at Albany. Or., as leyesad-riass Mali Mullen STITES at ftCTTIftC, Fahtlsfeers- aad Proprietors; S O i Mate Eipts Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease 3 Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. Send 3 2-cent stunn to A. P. OrdwaT A Co. Bottcu. Mm., for hot wdtaaq work FORTMILLER Undertakers and WE KhEP constantly cn I ard a full line cf mctalic, clotn ar.d wood casket ai coffins. Also burial lohi and suits, in ttcadclolh, llr,fpHiruf.c. which will be old at The) Lowest luring Profit. EMBALMING nd the proper care of the dead a specialty. WO EXTRA, CPA RCtt FOR ALBANY - - MASONIC As Many Founds of Sugar. r a Dollar, and every thing else as cheap, as at any store fin Albany, at Julius GradwoWs New Store. tthe corner of Second and Ferry street?. Call there vour groceries and crockery ware. Albany College Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894. Send to Rev E N Cojdit , President, for particulars. NEW : PUFN1TURE, Mt SrORE iS NOW FULL OF FI1ST-CLAH3 FURNITURE, CONSISTING of bed room sets, chairs, lounges, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Stationery ft Specially Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY, - OREGON. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, MnMUtriH ness.all drains audluM by or exertion, youthful -ri uianUi which lead to la rent pocket, at per rut pocket, at per laWlTTalll AtilW 5lve a written guarantee to eure r rurir.t, tl . m ruuisU. Ask for it. take no other. Write. f-r tn. i .edi. Fq; sale In Albany .Ore "As oM m tho hills" and never excell ed. " Triod ancF proven" ia the verdict o f millions. S i ra m o n s Liver Regu lator ia the only Liver Mitl Kidney jcdicine to which you can pia your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tivo, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid Better Th an Pills neys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder t'j lie taken dry or madeintoa ten, Tl.e King of Unr at c-JIcnea. ' I Uava u-uhI ! -Mtiunons I.twr Keen-Into- si nt ran n,iM l iitiously say it Is Ota kiuv t ml tl T uit lU ines, I consider it a ni. i-' -si 'n itxelf. Uko. W. JACK- V;n-li.;. VVafchiuCtOD.. t: I'VEBV PACKAGE- r II S RtR.op to red o t k IRVING Embalmers. HEARSE OR SERVICE;, TEMPLE - - OREGOf Proprietor, DCfiTADCnt seibs fuaraul-wd tucuraa.i iierrauadlseaMa.sucii ss Itol Mi Taorr.Loasof wer. Headache. Wmklulni.ItManlioia.Nlliiljr Kaillons, Ne' of power! iOenrti?e)run of either aexea7IL HI. VMUiral.rMM .1MU.I1H lis.- ..: I , . I. . ... .tl.,.. InttrniHr.ConvunjptloD or In-anltr. t'ah be earriod la box, a for box, a for as, by mall pryftini. v VS order we uruasisU. Ask for It, take no other. 1t?..rfn. .eJieal Book nentSSS In plain wrapper. Address aaUlTaaaUtBtW..' .rouicTenpie,MBI ire .br J. A. CCatllUlO and by UNDOES KrI'aii V-MIi. iriuirtfRT ney. Hold by f" nsaae ' THURSDAY COUNTY COURT. (J. N, Dnucan, county judge; J II. Waters and J. W. Push, I'omiuiastoners.) Petition of A T Hull et al for county road heard and viewers appointed. The members of the Court have been conferring during the day with a repre sentative of a Minneapolis house in refer ence to a new interior for the county jail. A first class jail with six steel cells can be secured for about $5000. No action hoa yet been taken, and it is probable thi t on account of hard times nothing will be done at the present time, though it will have to be done eventwjly. In the matter of the road (petitioned for by A T Hill, the petition wan withdrawn, the petitioner paying tin' expenses. This has caused considerable feeling in the n'ighliorhood of Crawfortlsville. A thorough examination of the roof of the court bouse was made by the Court and two experts, to ascertain where several leaks are. without finding the places. BUI of D F Hard aim, recorder for l"0. salary, allowed. Petition of Mark Curtis et al for bridge across Muddy dismissed1. 1c the matter of claim for damages by Wm St John on acconnt of accident oa road the same was disallowed. The time for completing the assessment roll was extended to October 15. Bond of J A McFeron as tax collector was apj roved. Bills Allowed. O P Coehow, aid Haila 5.00 G C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark 0.00 Ladies Aid Society, aid poor 30.00 WE Savage, aid Cox 10.00 O F Crawford, aid Mrs Roberta 8 00 B White, aid Percila and Sea worthy 10.00 RC Kemp, aid 5.00 Elizabeth Osborn, aid 6 00 Saran Mines, aid ... .5.00 John Usher, janitor 35-00 Matere Taylor, aid X2.00 Oliver Chesney, aid 7.00 P M Smith, aid O Wast in .00 Bernard family, aid 2.00 Santiam Lumber Co 1.27 A R Rutherford, Co f?upt 68 00 R E Mbhenor, ex teachers 18.00 Elizabeth Carothets, ex teachers 284 F M Adams, bounty 2,00 Oregon agt Henry Jackson 18J3 Dr JL Hill, ex insane S.00 Dr W i' Gioeon, acct poor S.00 G W Harris, preliminary 2.75 Wm Neely. wood 31.80 F C Morgan, roads 20.55 P U Morris, treasurer M.-V S Needhsni. tutlarv lui.t'Ji J N Duncan, salary 100.00 Aipuine tiros, acct jail i'JS Santiam Lumber Co 14-43 E N McCaw, lumber U.50 Dr J W Cole, med ex 4.00 H J .lanpil. Btatinnar I 65 J D Borkhart, aid A Inert. ...... 7.30 aid ti L.t vo C W Watts, printing 42.86 Marv K havis. rare nnnr 1000 J B Tillotson, bridges. ......... I5O.OO W r Deaktns. as assessor 273.00 E T Fisher, acct poor 3.00 E T Fisher, as surveyor 13.50 J A McFeron, salary 166.65 J A McFeron, board prisoners. . 99.25 J a Mcreron, acct ja;l 5.45 Down in 1? Bros, lumber 80 .u Fortmiller A Irving, acct poor.. I5.0n Gill A Caiavan, acct roads 7.0 15 M fave. incident s .S 72 oO I M kwm III ..I J J M urpberr supreme court fees . - 22.50 torgon agt reter inance . at J lameron, lumber 20. si F M Redfieid. deputy clerk 83.35 D L Hardman. office ex 6.30 H Baker, aid Vail family 10 00 A b Mrllwain. aid A Cubit .M P R Kelley. fee 5.00 Lee Brown, acct roads 39 30 Jackson ic Coon, acct roads 5.50 O. Propst. deputy sheriff 66.66 T W Curren, lumber 10.9S Weston. Iygert & Co. books 14.-V' Oregcn act Robert Forcn 4.20 J C Hardin, acct roads 0.00 J W Pugb. as commissioner 15.00 John Waters, as commissioner .... 29.S0 The Aamohl Concert. Following is tha program for the con cert at the Y M C A hall tonight. 1. Male quartette, selected. 2. Reverie, Vieux temps. 3. Solo. t Miss Farrefl. 4. Grand Concerto in ( minor, Vieux I 5. Duett, by the Misses Custer. 6 Fantasie for Violin. Aamold. 7. Male quartette, selected. 8. Yankee Doodle, with variation Vieux temps. Admission, 25 cents. Bar Paiker Bros, grocers. Now cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Fliao Block, 5 rat class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cigai at J abas Joseph's, 1 ''. ronise home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ja'ia Josepb, L.O. T. M's Attextioh. We are here by called to show our sympathy for our be loved sister, Carrie M Straaey, by attend ing the funeral of her youngest child at 3 p m, Sunday. Nellie H Lambsox, L. C. A a aPsatavaa (Sarsaparsllap S.P. SJUTn, ot Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ajrer'a fears a p aril la, lie writes: " For eight years, I was, most of tha time, a great sufferer from const!?' tlon, kidney trouble, and Indices, tlon, so that my constitution scorned u be completely broken down. I was Induced to try Ayer's Barsaparilln, act took nearly seven bottles, with sue;, excellent results that my stomach bowels, and kidneys are In perfect eoi ditton, and, in all their functions, a, regular as clock-work. At the tins , I began taking Ayer's SaKaparilla, Say weight was only 129 pounds ; I now cart brag of 159 pounds, and was sever In to good health. If you could see me be fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of 3mapari'l to be the best in the market tOuJay." Ayer's 8arsapar.Ha Prepared by Or. J. 0. Ajer k Co., Lowell, sUrff Cures others, will cure you fAoTHERS av CLEAR I Q (LONgI IskinJ Jm urel U S BBJJ j' KcNTAlI m b I strong! energyIJB- nerves! r Prof Lee returned this noon fiom Seattle. Miss Aikin, o( Philomath, is visiting Albany friends. Leiutenant Dentler, of the O A C, rat in the city today. K W Fisher, of Sodaville, was doing Albany today. License was issued today for the marriage of Henry Beard and Annie Brewster. Hon W Condon and Herbert Condon will soon go to California to look up a location for the practice of their pro fession, the law. Kugene Guard, Miss Llnnie Ramsy has resigned her position in the public schools. A suc cessor for the 4th grade of the Central school building has not yet been elected. Mies Clara Condon it. in San Francisco attending the Golden Gate kindergarten school, and Miss Fannie, her sister, is in the same city in attendance noon the Hopkins art institute. Kugene liuard. Mrs A W Phelps. -f Kugene, ha de serted her husband with three children, went to Portland with a young man named Weir. She loft two children for her husband; but he declares that be will also have the other two. He was working in a hop yard at Harrisborg at the time of the escapade. The prune Industry It gradually get ting a good start In Oregor.. Norris Hum phrey, of Lane county expects lo havs 50,000 pounds. Clarence Pooler, sentenced lo ihe peni tenitary for five tears, after serving two years, was p-rdoncd vestercay by Gov ernor P. A ran was in Albany yesterday with a crate of strawbcirles. Pretty good for Sep'tmber. Viol B J Hawthorne is buliding s cot tage at Sea! Rocks, and Frof 'traub will ertct a cottage at Nye creek doting the winter. Kugene Goard. Th; attorney general of the United States has declrtcd that a member of the national guard of any state can be com pelled to do military duty in ay other stale, and be called 01 lor mi itaty duty by the presidcrt the same as a soldier of the tegular stmy. This qucttiati was considerably discussed during the recent tieup. The SanFranclico Esamlner says, ; 'We have heard different violinists of different times, but for ocauty of tone Aamold ei cseds anything we have ever rteaid." Albany people wiil have an opportunity, of heating this world teoowned musician. Thursday night at 8,33 p m assisted by Albany's best musical talent. Be aure to b-jy jour tickets early to attend Ad-, mlvsWn, 3$ cents The Sudgett.of At'-oria, of another woman with grit ; Mrs iUy Jen of Nrha'.cm is a women of lots of grit, vc say ihe leut. Sh had no team or horse to ride, so she too a lunch in her pocket aa4 walked from Mlihaw aka o Olney in one day, and to this city the next day. The lay says sh's a Ut ile might foot sore, ''but the could, do bstter than thai If he waa nusheet " Aamold to night. School opened at Grants Pass Monday whh 365 pupils. A shoofng gaiVy his be:n o,-l opposite the Russ House. Oont fail to siteod Ihe musical concert tt W C T C ha'il 10 night. Asrr.o'd us master. Admission Is but J5 emu 10 night at the Aamold entertainment to nlarht at W C T D hall . Toe desks for the new school house arrived to day ar-d will b paced la po sition ready for use on Sep 17. All p'aySng cards have to be s'amped under the new law Dealers having a .tcck on hand will have to secure stamps. Salem greeted He:r Asmotd with an immense audience Use night. Let Al bany do 'ikewise. WCT U hall t 3 to nigh. Sevex Mors t s .n Scsxks Mr Q fj Stewart received today trom lawyer Aikin, of Dallaa. seven large pictures of scenes around Fish Lake, recently taken by Mr Aikin and the first ever taken . They display the picturesque scene of that region with excellent effect, pre senting views not surpassed anvwlere in the Cascades. They are: One of the Upper McKenzie falls, one of the lower falls, one of Fish Lake, two of Clear Lak, on of which presents the Three Sisters in the rear In a manner that cap tures the eye: one of the lava beds, and one of the recent Grier party at their tent. 01 wnicn .Mr Stewart was a member, which shows in a striking: wav how a mountain party look when Jnst home from a Ashing trip cn the Lake. The views will make anyone who see them, wish to visit tht Fish Lake country. SractXATWo is Stamp. It is evident from the following from the Salem In -dependent that there is to be a big premium on Columbia postage stamps : A few month ago we mentioned in the Independent that Patton Bros had bought up a large stock of unused Col li mt. an stamps for speculation from the Kugtneand Spokane pos'.offices. Yes terday they received an offer from a stamp dealer in 'Frisco o $141 for 43 one dollar values, which was declined at once. This would net a profit to Patton Bros of t!tS on an investment of 48. The one dollar Columbian stamps are now selling fast in the east for five dollar. Fob tub Wiixajibtt. Among the ap propriation contained in the river and harbor bill passed by congress Is the fol lowing: For improving the Willamette river above Portland, $23,000, of which $8,000 or so much thereof as may be nec essary, shall be used at Corvaliis, and 97,000 may, at the discretion of the sec retary ot war, be used in the removal of obstructions in the Yamhill river up to It cMinnville. Thus it is apparent that $13,000 can be used in improving the river ia the form of building wing dams, scraping bars. etc. If the money is ju diciously expended the river will become navigable to Corvaliis the whole year. Arrca Good Dogs. W t Bur: el I, o( Portland, who, by tbe way, ia a great hunter, mm. tin i-taltAtdav mnA in nstn.r.- any with Roy snd Elmer Re Iter, took a mint wirougn toe country, ne reiorneti hotne today, taking with him one of El mer Habor's doss, for which ha naid Recently this same gentleman DUrdiaSeJ two l-ar linn nl .Inlm lonm 01 nicicnzifttiriaifc,paytngf loO tor them. r 1 n ' , , ... , , , - .an.. . . . xuiunuer. Air nurren st in iioany recently hunting with this city's Jobu lsom. May Shoot. W W Brook, secretary of the Salem Rod and Gun club, ia in correspondence with the officer of the Mascot club at Albany in the matter of arranging for a shooting contest at the state fair. It is understood that th fair board will appropriate a few dollars as a prize providing the club take sufficient interest in the contest to justi fy tbe offer. -Statesman. r.oEAsrvi Tub Union Facikii:. All repairs are now completed and the The Union Pacific trains are running through without chenge, leaving Portlsnd dally at 7 o'clock i m, carrying Pullman and lout 1st sleepers re:lfning chair cars etc. Cheapest and shortest route to all points east. For rates and Informstlon call upon Ci khan A Montki fit. Local Agents. When Baby was sick, we gave, her Cantoris. When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung: to Castorla, WUeu sho hod Children, she gave them Castorla Bath at' Vierecks havioJ and Tatting parlors. hair tr. Price's Cream Baking Powder a Pure Qrapo Ctaass of Tartar Pistasr. i Wakt Mii.kAK.-Now that they are elected the clicriflg of tin- state are trying to ring in mileals and ull I'm extra fees possible in sdditioi to their xalary. 1 he Kugene Guard says: Sheriff Johnson, on Friday, informed tbe commiskioners court that he would expect mileage while travel ing on duty in tbe county, ami wanted to know if the court would allow such a claim. Tbe court was unanimous that he was not entitled to such miktsgo, hut took the matter i nder advisement. Slu-riff John son stated that the f miner of Ihe new salary bill contemplated that the sheriffs, inside tbe oountte. should receive mileage He also stated fiat a test case of the ques tion would be soon made. It was undoubt edly the intentiati f the law that the sheriff should pay hi own expenses. For Uiis reason in a number of distant counties he is allowed SSOO extra salary to cover the greater difficulty is getting around. A Letts rao Rav. Hiix. A letter from Rev G W Hill at Sui Fu to Mr H F Merrill of this city was received this morn ing. It was dated Jul 12th. aad was 55 days on tbe way . A po4 mark at Yoko hama, was afHw Rev Hill wrote that he was spending his lime mostly in study, learning the Chinese language pre paratory to bis life's work. IV thermom eter was 95 to 100 without much change nights, and his little boy was running around bare tooted with little 00 in order so keep cool. He bad just read in the Democrat the nominations for the June election and was greatly interested in some made as well as in local matters generally A Comparison. A Benton county msn hss received s letter from a friend in Iowa that says, "'every thiag oa my fatm is burned up by the drouth. I have finish -ed digging an acre and a half of potatoes, off of which, I got three bushels ell told There are many people her illy prepered for the long and cold wit.'er thai it com ing." 38 cent wheat and a shottencd crop In Oregon is bad enough, bnt in compari son with the Iowa picture Oregon farmers are in the hayday of proSf-Uy.- Timet. A few days ago when in Alb my by in vitation of the contractor, Gimber A Tralnor, we Inspected the new school house, now nesting completion. This is a much more sttowy.and we should say a more expensive butiditg than the old one, yet the cost is bat li tl more ihan one half what was paid for the old one. The work on ihe new house is fit at class In every particular, snd reflex's credit up on tbe contractors and al the cltv.ScIo Press. The 0 P Saut. At Corvaliis yesterday afternoon Judge Fullerton set Oct 20 as the day for fixing the O P sale. He was assured that there will be bidders. Tbe limit will probably be M,000 without any nsstrk UOttt. Mr Nash, though, aasurred the court the interests of the laborers would b m tected in the a.'e. Tbe sale will probably take rlace in Iievember. A Temporary Removal. J W Oasick A Co will hereafter be found in the Oreeon Bank building antii their new brick is ready for occupancy. All patrons are requested to call there during their temporary c ecu pane v of tbt p see. iM'jncy To Loan. j have rao... v to lotio-i good fsrm land In Hon sod Be Hon counties in .urns not over $ooo. No delay in fur nishing tbe coin. Call on C G Bnrkhart, Albany, Oregon. Also moaes to loan on city property ii ary amount. Notice to Farmers. Having reatnj the Magnolia Mills and warehouse we are prepared to store K- Wsi bushels of wheat and oars. We also have a nm class chopper in tbe bouse aad are maaing special inducements ttoruge. Ste us before making secure arran ge t 'os storing. Geo F Sixmos G W mvii-.. lt is the iuty of everyone, whether a home or traveling for pleasure or butir to evuip himself with remedies which will keep up strength and prevent illnets. and cure such ills as si e liable lo come upon sU In everyday lite. For insta-te. Hood's Sa-taparllia as a general look, and to keep "wm pure ipii less iianie to absorb the germs of disease, will be well nl. Inva'uable Chaitpe of drinklug tun often causes serious trouble. esDeciallt if one has v-en used 10 spring water in the t-ounirv. r.rom s tew drops to a teaspoon fu! of Hood's Sarsspsrlils In a tumbler of w"'r wi.l present the waiea having anv injurioas effect. Hood Vegetable PIKf. ss s cathartic. cause no discomfort, no disturbance, no los ot sleep, but assist the digestive organs so that satisfactory results ate effected In a perfectly natural and regular manner. Burs Wool axd I.R.UX Mr A Senders announces to tbe public U-at he is in the nid to bay wool, grain, hides, potatoes. att - on him at his headquarters at the store of M Steraburg. comer First and wioauaioin sums. Albany. Wlteei rravrlta-. Whither on 'pleasure b;n or business ke on every trip a battle of Syrup o Figs, as It acts most ple.santlv and el fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels preventing levers, uesdaches and other forms of sickness. For sale In 50c and $1 bottles by sll leading druggists Manu factured by the Cetilowla Fig Svrup Co onlv. Old you know finest photos, see get his prizes. that Tinkle made the the new samples snd Or. Price's Cream Baking ?owder World's Pair Highest Meoai aad Dtotoo J C Littler, Dentist, is giving the public as near painless dentistry as anyone. L't . 1 . m iTcyeaia practice in Aioany means mat i.itticr tne dentist ts here to stsv. That tired feeling; whlcii is so com-nnn and so overpowering. Is entirely driven off ly liooc's !arsaparl la, the best blood punucr. ik-uu,! oaisapanu overcomes weakness Hood's Fills are the best after-dinner iui 1., uigreuuu, cure nciusche. 15c a oj. i alk in iiiK.Vf; out when you come to facts every body knows thst Crswford A Paxton take better photographs than any other gsllery in Oregon and at as low prices ss the lowest. Frst stree'. adjoining masonic 1111. Railroad Notice, "i Poun.Asn, Oregon. Aug. 4, 1894. "Travelers must not forget that tho O. R. A N. lino is thoroughly repaired and all trnins are running wittiout trans fer or delay. Through service to Omaha , Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, free reclining obair cars, upholstered tourist HlcoperH and motlern day coaches. Call on O. R. A N. agent licfortt pur chasing tickets, or address W. II. litirl btirt, goneral passenger agent, PorUand, Oregtm." Take Notice. After this date, we, the undersigned, agree to saw oak v odd for Mi tents and fir, ash and maple, for 40 cents per ord. July 10th. Geo. Achk&on Wm. Nebeev. J. N. Combs. If you want a ttoe smoke o til for Joseph s whit labor cigars. Price's Cre&m Baking Powder Most Perfect Mrvda. FRIDAY ROYAL Always -"a-- -ei The Royal Wherever Exhibited. The official examination made under the directidn of the Chemical Divisiofldf tfw V. S. Agricultural Department shows that of the baking powders tested the Royal is the purest, most perfectly compounded and 20 per cent, higher in leav ening: strength than any competitor exhibited at the Worlds Columbian Fair. dm 35 Hf "Z-;at it A B Paitcn was doing Corvaliis yester day. Mr Clay Meyer and sister are in th ctrr on tbeir way to Arizona for the benefit of Mr Meyers health. Mr Charles Kennedy, no a- with the O R N Co. Vietsreea Portland and The Dallas, came op front f oniand last night. Mr Fre.1 Mueller, of Albany, came to day and is the puest of Mrs Philip Weber '.'crva'lts Informer .'crva'lts Informer ' i-Wrje 1 Urey. who has been working at Newport dorins tbe tnotmer. ret-woeT to his home ia Albany yesterday. Mis Abbie Wright, of Corvaliis, a former popular and efficient teacher in the Albany w hoofs, sras in the dry today. Mis Krancis Harris, of Portland. Ka. been in the city the (rwt of Mr L Seeder, being on her way home from a visit in Cor- hmmp r. of the .upreme , iench I. Incoming one of the best known figures at tho state capital. He boards at tl tH vt illametle. aiem loarnai. Herr Augt Aantold's cocceit last nitrht at the WCTl Hall was well attend-.! Herr Aamold" manipulation of the violin was appreciated He was well assisted by !acal talent. Mrs A I. Lamb sad Mrs faff man of .anv. were in the city. Ther are both cSicers in the lodge c-f Pythiaa Stlers and -.: :r. :.: I (men .. Etta Inile hist Corvaliis iuformer. Grant Froman. tf Kroman Bros.. Al taoy, accom rani o.l bv Mr Ihsujond. wa in the city retenlay. He bad lost his dog. and having rad an ad in the lnfornver. knew where to find him. Corvaliis In former The account of the family of the sister of Ptaggs. published several issues ago in TeJephons-Kogiater has caused tonsid a comment. Mr John Rhodes, of this city, informvii us the other diy that while ran last fail be vuited a aunt having a family of 'JM persons. It consisted of 15 sons and daughters, ssl grantlchildren. 103 great-grandchildren and H great great gnmlchtldren.- McMinnviiie T. K. Mr Vt ilbur Cornell, a printer well known in Portland, galea) and other places in 1 re ft ron. has been in Alaska for many months, engaged in mining He has recently gone tip t-e 1 alEou river, to the ormwet lex- rtcorr. In that remote rt-gtoo a newspaper is a rare luxurv. Mr Cornell says that a copy of the iregonian. which in some way got into tbe camp, was read ana reread and passed from man t man so mocn that it anally dropped to pieee Oregonian . Mr Cornell is well known by old residents of Al bany. Wheat 3Slt cents. A i cent slam r on every pack of plat ing cards. It costs 65 a line 10 run an advertise ment once in Comfort. Clatsop coun'v has already orJered levy ol 1 1 mills for counts purposes for the coming year. The contract (or new ceils for the Ben ton county tall has becnJet to the Pau'v Jail Co of St Louis, at $J, 910. In niar.v places, and some in Aibanv water melons are being so'd by the pound. 1 K cents a pound being In? prevailing price. A horde of tramps came in on the over land last night, bound for the south. The blind bsggsge and nearly all the trucks were covered, ihev stepped on at Al bany, but have been mad: to move on as fast as possible. Dr O E Smith and W T Merchant kHU ed about 200 quail while oa their hunting trip on North Ccos river recently. Tbev returned home Tuesdsy with their fami !. Marshfield Sin. Dr Smith is a former Albany man. Very few deer have been killed around r ish Lake this season . Last week though Mr Abe Hackleman, who had not been hunting for twenty years, killed two. and his sop Frank one. They are beginning to run some but arc skittlth Somewhat Padded The Oregonlsns interview with e-i.hcntl Scolt on raising hoes excited considerable interest. Mr (iconic Piper was the reporter who did the work on Mr Scott. Mr Scott's ideas on the value of putting wheat into hogs and of the advisability of a packing es tablishment were as advanced by him Otherwise there was considerable) padding. That about his experimenting in pork raising and about farmers wstchlng him pour wheat to the hogt. was all In George's fertile brain. Mr Scott lives In Albany and docs not raise hoss at all. He is simply a buyer and seller of hogs, sheep etc. Oregon Carriauks The carriage fac tory is building 20 vehicles for exhibition lit the state fair. U rent care is being taken in their construction and when completed wi lbe tho dsrfatuest lot of rigs tho work ever turned out, and when installed in their places on the fair grounds will bo a luting ili-iil. iv of what Oregon can do in carriage building. Seven other vehicles are also be- inir built for exhibition at the fair at la kiina, Washington. Five road wagons for tho Birurer sewing machine company are in process of construction at the fattory. One has been slumioil to Walla Walla and an other is nearly ready to go to San Fran ci8co.--Times. Tho Union l'acitic has ordered its cm nlnvna not. t .1 take any putt in politico. If it is wrong for It K men it is for other peo iayn Ths Steam Liundry is a home inst tu tlon. It Is a eood one. It does bette work than is done at the washee l ouse In the Ion run it is cheaper ihn the washes house. The money paid to the Steam Laundry 1 spent in Albany among white people. Ho you patronise the Steami-aundry? mmmmm -v s Highest Award has always been given Baking Powder ROY At ESKIMO FOWDCa CO ,'10C WALL ST., NEW-YOft. I SAT17EDAX As Istkrjwtiso Career- Mr Pete Henstey. the hermit of the Cascades, spent last night in Albany. The career of Mr Hentley is an icterefting one. When a yocng man be was wasting away with con sumption, the youngest of fourteen child -dren. 80 he came west aad located in this county. Bis nature was ascetic, so he settled alone at Lower Soda but twor-le be gen gathering around him. and be sold out aad went farther into tbe Cascades, locat ing in Canyon Crrk. which he left when be to have neigboors. a few yean ago locating at hit pr-.ent home ten miles from Pub lake, thirty yards from the sarreyed line of the O P. where daring the winter without a neighbor within ten mik be is STOP ailed by as much as seven feet of now. He tn;i- far a living, now not so lUKH.iirn . . - ,-ir v - .- i.i.L-s- ir .-V 1 Many f nr for whi h he received over S10UO in cash, lie las twentv three vootie to hunt for and covers a large territory in his wamlerings. At one tin:e years ago al ter esse of his changes be bad over in geld. A business man of this city, then boy. OC McFariand. belied him pst it in a lSt tr-.i-- : ; .- part ::r- ! r p :v land. He was n?c eearu from for over six rears and it wa lKorttt w 1. innnUmt for ht money: but he again resumed bis life in the Cascades. bile gone among other adventures be rode lOOo miles down the Mississippi in a -kiff. His monev dis- appnared. some of it in la-1 leans never re paid, bat be makes a living all right aad independent and cjotented. Me u a ooafirmed bacne'or: but reads lore stiries and says he trarried titty cosip es last year. Mr Ifertslet rv!;irr.-: bOM HUI raltt! with John Shea, in a new Stodebaker wa gon and behind a span of males. GsoatiE MoRF.uoi st. Sii.rr treovge Morehoose. a former employe on the Al bany Fleet tic lights, was shot in Port 'and yesterday morning. W S Smith, a grocer at tt?l East Stark street after havLug his tore berirlariaed arranced a gun at his rear door so that it would go off upen the door being opened. During tbe night Morehouse opened tbe door as a bargiar and was shot dead, his body being frxtnd aside tbe store in th? morning. This ends aa unsuccessful life. Morehouse had many opportunities to make something of him self; but be tcame d;Mpa!ed and went downward. He was marr.ed in Aibanv: at his wife was obliged to leave him. He left Albany, and returned on two cr three lvinr around the electric light boose almost in rags, and depending trpoa tbe charity of his former companions for a 1 nog. it is said he did considerable petty thieving nights. He finally settled down at f orUand wbere his parents reside, and as ran be learned lived in a verv uncertain way. Morehouse was .1 generous hearted fellow, and was well Iik m when as best side was out : hot the wrong side prevailed, and be went to pieces Died. On September 1st. 18SM, in San Francisco, Mrs 1 H Miller, nee Miss Lulu Price, of heart dLeae. without any warn ing, wtule at her daily Household duties, at the age of '24 vears, 4 months and I day. The remains of the deceased were taken to Portland and buried cn Y ednesday of this week. Mrs Miller was a sister of Mr tan Price, of this city, and resided here four or five year? until a few vears ago. She was a young woman of excellent char acter and leaves nisr.v who will mourn her death. )u Sept T. IStVt, in Albany, of inflamma tion of the bowels the tao year old of Mr and Mrs A Straney. son The funeral services will take place to morrow at 3 p m at the famiiv residence cor of 2nd and R R street. A tiRowisti Isiustry. iTunes gradually coining to tho front in Oregon . One South I'nnxiua farmer made last rear fcl.AQO clear of expenses, on ten acres' tl prunes. Another, on three acres, cleared $850. with prunes at 5S; ceuts p:r pound In this part ot the vaiiev several prune orchards are liepinnmg to bear and more trees are being tet t-tit e-vry year, ten acres means a fine income for any man. A Bkiixik Growi. The attention of the County I'ourls of and Marion counties hould at once U given to tne oriace nere across tbt Mntiam. 11 neeus lightening badly anil there are seveial holes worn through the planking, it is very dangerous. The 01 idge n-?eds entirelv new planking. and if not at tend ;d to soon may cast the countries several hundied dollars.aml soiue- botly's life. Stayton Times. Kcliptttw Services. There will hi preachinir toniorrow morn ing and evening at the hpiscopal church at tlie corner Lvon and Mxth streets. I'nited Prestivt?rian: Services at II a m and 7 :30 p m, subject of morning di&comse llio First Promise, eiening. Vlnacles. S S '2:30, Christian Kndeavor t :.. leu are invitetl to worship with us. The fourth and last quarterly meeting for this eontVrvnoe year will be hold at the M. K. church toniorrow. I,ove Feast at 9:30 a. m. and preaching at 10 :30 a. m., to be followed by the ad mitiistration of the sacrament of the 1 .unl's supper. Preaching at 7 :4o r. m. The quarterly conference will conveuo this evening at 7 -.45. Rev. John Parsons D. D. the presiding elder of the district will be present and oihciate at all theso services. All tlie other services of the Sabbath will be a usual. All are cordially invited to attend these service.". J. T. Abbett, pastor. WlDUINO NVITAVIOWS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. Leads. SOCIAL ASD PERSONAL. Fi-Sberif Jackson, of Halaey, is ia the city. Hon O P Cosfcew, of Brownsville, was in the city today. Mr Claud MansfieM returned today from a trip to hi hot aea-issgs beyond 1 dacha. Mrs D Hofaart Magee of Graagenlle Idaho, is visiting for a week with Mrs I) ii James. Gov elect Lord was ia AJaaay this on his way to Sales rqsa a tw osoara at Seal atecfta. Hon L Rilyeu. of Eugene, west to tbe riar this noon to joia hi- f aaiii y whs hare Keen there a moots. Dr Ball, use dentist, caaa up frass Port- lastd this boob aad will spend several days viaxting Ashaay friesnk. J W Bail has filed has bond as eoUertor of "axioms at Yaqarna aad wiil takeoharire at tne otbee m a rhort tzma. The estate of "Doc" Hamlaorger. tbe Tjaaaser woo died in Aibanv a few dars ago. was appraised at 820,000. W A Hnmphrey. of the W U office. Port- Uad. is in the city to give Mr Barnes of the Albany office a vararioa. Mr C S Whltzcore. for angles of Albany. but who vent to Penasrlyaaua some years ago has returned to Oregon and has been Tisiung in loseao. caiiea on as laarxiay the first time we hate ?een him since VS. Yaquina Post. Mrs McGhee. who has !"en nsitin? her 3iu-i. Mrs 1 H McNel. in this city. left t Mondav for AHnnr where ahe will visit with friends a few da vs. then retorn tu her home at Grangeville' Idaho. Lin colu Countv Leader. Tbe item ia this toper last evontng re ferring o the Pvthian Sisters, should have been the Ladies of the Maccabees, and Mrs Lamb was accompanied by Mrs Lampeoa and not Mrs off man . Dr J W Ransom aad party passed throagL Lebanon Wednesday on thetr retorn froni a bunt at Moose Lake. They killed an efk weighing 1300 lbs. and five deer. Tbe elk's horns attracted n niikuliki Ua,ntiti as they passed through this city. Express. J M Ropert is on his way from New York City to San Fnncisco. by way of Al bany. He walks from 25 to mile a day. He wiil probably be in this city the last of October. A wager of S5C00 that be will reach Saa Francisco by Dec 1st is up. leav ing without a cent and earning all bis monev. Mis KdeU Callowav daughter of Mr and Mrs James G Calloway formerly of Browns ville, died ia Philomath on Wednesday Sept 5th of pneumonia, aged 19 years. 1 month aad IS dars. Msss Calloway was an exceedingly amiable young lady, and was dearly beloved by all who knew her. Her parents, brother and sister, have the heart felt sympathv of her many relatives and friends in this county. There ate at present 15 conductors and their crews running oat of Rosebarg says the Review. Their runs ate as follows: On the north-bound overland. Conductors Huff, Fernel and Tynan; on the south-bound overland, Cond ictors Kearney and Jamie son: on the local. Conductors Wilson. Young and Conser: on the north-bound freight. Conductors Andrews and Wall; on tbe south-bound freight. Conductors Elder. Itnnsbrough and Moms, t has Happersett is in charge of the train while Yol-iey is running the work train. HOME AND ABROAD A fine large stove tor sale, inquire at V crick's Barbershop. to to 2o cents apiece paid for empty oil cans a: A B Melt wains. Now rustle. Remember this Is the oyster season and that Ed Schmeer keeps them constantly on hands oppo He the Revere House. Save rr.oi.ev bv buying your schcoi shoes of Klein & bubrulUe, as they keep them in repair free of charge. Bu.v vour school hoes of K'etn & Du brutlle as thev keep them In good repair free of cl.arge. The Wm Cochran property In and around Brownsville, was sold at sheriff's sate today a-d bought in hy the p'aUuiffs W T Cochran el al at $9,000. The warehouse at Brownsville caught rite the engine yesterday, and would have burned but for prompt action by several men wno saw it in time. li Andrews and A Umphrey intend opening up a new store this fall. They will occupy the store Read, Peacock & Co have. Express. There is to be a foot rars at Waterloo Sunday, Sea 16, between Frank Lewi-, of thU city, snd a Mr Myers, of Scio, tot 540 a side says the Lebanon Evpress. There will be a two days meeting at PvOria embracing next Saturday and Sun. Jay. Itasket alnner on Sunday. All air i ivi'cd lo attend. A P Moses Pas tor. The signs of the times in Oregon point to a large increase of our population, Oregon has the best record ot any State In the Union just now tor crops, climate and absence of casualties. Those persons who stick to their property now and hold on, will be able to sell to good abrantage in a t ear or so. West Sloe. Tub LkTsM Nbws is that Julius tirad A'oul i. 11. ing business in his new quart ers the old Post Office and Odd Fellow building and Opera House, and to give an introduction to his new store, he will tiell tlie following goods for net coat only. 1 box full weight Savon soap 84 ets. 2 boxes French sardines 25 els. Oysters 10 ets M.Mn A rlvim l. and M caffae 25 ets ah. I and all other troods sold as low a any I house on this coast. W. L . Douglas 4 CUAr IS TMt SI5T. aftsl ij nV fa MUEAKINb 5. CORDOVAN , FRDKH& E.oaatEiifri CALF extua riKE. 2ABorsScft::j:HOES, LADIES- . . nA VO tl 75 3j:Tri0HCr , SEND FSB CATALOG1-'- W-L-OOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. Yew esa save aaaaev Sir snrrbasias t . L. anthi !Sha, Becassse, we are tbe largest manufacturer of advertised shoes in the world, and rusramte the value by staminas the name a- n p-ice no tie bottom, which protects t a . prices and the suddlcmas's pro ( rsfcn equal custom work in style, e y as i WSwrtsttr qnalitiea. Wc have th-. -zi tAd every where st lower prices for the rjlne Kven t aa any other make Take mo substitute. If yews dealer cannot supply yon, we can. Sold by THE t . E'BLAI CLOTHING C ELECTRIC BEl BEST LS? aUGKiK raatansuilauaui wit .law a.LaLj itruiis oarrast stavcsseai. a. dr ..lf, tssawrr nsnnu r:.-et-.u ta.sTcc:.eea,svFme. Seat Sir m..rax rvnjaa. nuaLmU, na, f laia. l;AJDErv EIjIJC'l' s r- CO ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the atder igaed administrator of the estate of A P Nye dee eased has fifed bis fica' aeenwat with the clerk if the eoan'y court foe L ea county, Oregon, and the court kmm lixtl M or day tbe 3rd day of Septe freer, IS$t. at ths hoar of 10 o'ci ci a ra for the h-ariag of obisrtisas if -ay to said acconnt and for tbe settlement of said estate. Thin Jn'y 36 1S94. Hrvki G Svi. AdatBistrnto.- cf the estate of 1 P N; e. de tl , Wbjitbjtjc Foaij Wiarr att v. foradsar rHkng and extracting of teeth whhont pain a pecialtv. f NEW jg&sLIFE ran rssn jc zzt Lonsot Basin sad Hern Power-. Lsatt Qna rweas. Biasu bossea: Kvil Dreaars: lawk of CarJadenee: MerruBsusns, lasssatade: all Drains: Lose of Pswwea'tteGeasaratrre Oraasa in ejthar mx. ramwtn ny ovesaeitacc, lewtaic, uttiea, I li ii mi i n tae or Tooaoea. upra i wharJi leads .o Miae-T. rs- and DamnV By mail SO a bos: ki hr n ituntt sssianriM' tc- cere or rsth&ssl rtrnsf.. i ass to J A Cummin g. sole agen:. Albary. aa uuM. arrsnm sax. TX. I Lit HKllN K " att,aia. GIG AS A PREVEfcTTVE : i; nan h nasal I p jr tea. m S fcaw. be Sa. . M a i ... J A Cumming. sole sgent. A hxny. OR. FtUX LE BRUM 5 STEEL BID PEHKYiYlL PIUS sawtawariauatand oely FKlNOH. sefeand re bable enre on tb- markxt. Price J; seat b .aaiL UecBiDcKjJdonLr hj J A Cutr.rr.irg, sole agent. Albany, id's Brortier!. rSK-S atwiarBW : -. Vc;4 1 THE ARS0LD CHEMICAL CO. ISI. Western Mess;. CHICAGO. Sold by all druggie's. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executrix of the last will and ttament of Wititaw H Henderson deceased ate ot Linn county Oregon. All parties having claims against said estate are notified to present them duly verified to the said executrix st her residence two miles south east of Holley, Linn county Oregon within tlx mouths from the dale hereof. June Is, iSoa. Phoebu Ann Hfnokkson Executr lf Ar TED ..A. PI ES to -o writing at I ? home. Pay 115 CO to taS.OO per week 'end self addresvd stamped envelop forrepTl. MaRER FON ONE. geenarl msueger, S2t reatbem Chicago. HI .OShAV a MASON trsouiau assaa,- M Diiistsaml Booksellers, tt t ts for John B. Alder's pablles 'tors t'ieh we nell at publtaker prleaw w - -atstavadder' LBAJY. KK- ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send foi Catalogue Addreso, REV. E. S.CO" Albant selling Lightning Plau-t and pit elry, watches, tableaarr, house has goods needing 1 ia.i perience;no capital 110 ta!altia agents are mak'ng $2.5 ac'a. osttton. Addres. li K. Jit 10 Co mbus, Onio. M r. Dr, k-sstiersiosi i Tha Nosed Clairvoyant -& Lite aV-vW 1. u ' hats, ami ean be touaJ at ber rsssaaana. urc j J B Cotupll s. aha tells amat all tmht ij I BrsaoDt au4 tutor.; I business. You can t ana tutor.; mru btowomb, ansans lrwnmans nsartreni otu !ead lis Is JbM "a rsr. nsat 3T tir. e- rr.iw.n eaa w.srir r. i. -. -j. tr .uho. i-...i--i , st y. rwswt l.i JrwSiHat Wwi.ui.i--. w M stn . onm ux a mil, tea s- a, orCTSwfaSl li.saS. wM rww mitt ., Simnww. Tl iiiiSi a.nrrf,ttiijr tmTmm w-wSkm aar aa akt Ikiat. aa MtmmmWm. shim, ag nBBlSBnm-Ccf!c' Biock L snnr. at ii hi ii inw aaaar nBaaaaannnr JJsJSiS11 A Brae Bj lftsSakci.'tl a